#lord have mercy on me a sinner
Lord Have Mercy Upon Me, a sinner.
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Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for allowing me to be a blessing and me to be blessed by those who guide me to you and your word.
I may be rough around the edges. I am no perfect saint.
As it is said
The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And I am the foremost of sinners
1 Timothy 1:15
I know that you know my heart. How it yearns to be better. As I continue to walk in this journey of trust and devotion, though I may wish to give in at times, that my loyalty lies with you; though i may be tied up with doubts, fears, and anxieties, though I may want to abandon this time of devotion and dedication, that I will continue to have the strength to keep my trust in the Lord. I ask that I will continue to have the strength to make good choices and the strength to have the self discipline to continue this devotion of trust, loyalty, and determination.
I pray to stay focused. I pray that my relationship with the Lord is my own and no one elses.
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May I remind myself that I veil not because I think I am pious or need to be but rather because I am the opposite.
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I veil because hard times might cause my love of the Lord to waver, cause my faith to dwindle, and you have revealed to me how I can remember you are not only with me but that I need to trust the process. You have revealed to me the way I need to show MY devotion, what I need to sacrifice, what I need to abstain from in order to give honor and ask for favor in these trying times where I am begging for the Lord to guide me.
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Remind me that this is me submitting control to God in terms of what happens next. Submitting to God so that I may grow in my walk with him spiritually. I sacrifice my wants and needs in a way that is unique to me.
So that I may incorperate God into my life in a way that showcases I am a work in progress and that the Lord is doing work with me and in me ... though my mouth might betray us both.
So that I may honor him in this time in the best way I know how.
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In the thing that I am passionate about, That the veil makes it so my fashion centers the Lord in a way that can reveal a deeper truth and meaning. So that when I get ready in the morning, I am reminded of my lentant journey and my personal abstinence and sacrifice of
my pursuit for romance, not because I am ashamed but because now is not the time. I am a lover, I have so much to give and Id do so much to have a femme by my side to give my love to. But right now, my life is a mess, too many unknowns. I do not wish to harm anyone, or break any hearts.
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[Though I must add Lord, I pray for the hearts of those who anticipate my abstinence to mean perhaps something else. I pray their disappointment be minimal when they come to find my abstinence is not indefinite and not even remotely related to shame or guilt of being queer.]
my tendency to abuse alcohol. And though with other substances, I have a long way to go. I have been holding on strongly to this devotion, having now given up alcohol entirely until this chapter ends. May I move on from it being a coping mechanisms and may it return to its celebratory significance come the day of its return.
Lord, I dont know what to expect. Lord, I dont know what to do. Lord, I dont know where you are leading me to, but I know as long as I put my whole trust in you, I will not be lead astray. I pray to keep you close in my heart now and forever.
I pray for clarity. I pray that your will be revealed. Where am I to go next, Lord? I do not know. What am I to do, Lord? I do not know. I never thought the day would come to where I would love my life so much that I would actually care to see what happens next. Blessed are you most merciful. Guide me to the truth. Reveal to me where I must go next. I am anxious but I trust in you.
Heavenly Father we close with Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
I pray this in your Holy Precious glory en el nombre de el Padre, el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo
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orthodoxsoul · 1 year
Understand two thoughts, and fear them. One says,
"You are a saint," the other, "You won't be saved."
Both of these thoughts are from the enemy, and there is no truth in them. But think this way: I am a great sinner, but the Lord is merciful. He loves people very much, and He will forgive my sins. (St. Silouan the Athonite)
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jhrismath · 4 months
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geminiagentgreen · 4 months
I am once again asking for prayers for my family and I.
I don't entirely know what to say, but in general I am scared for our salvation. I want a heart that grieves sin and I want to love my Lord and God by following His commands. Instead I more than often acquiesce to sin and nothing godly is done.
My prayer life is weak, I worry that I'm living in a deception even though I know I have evidence to show otherwise...I want eyes for Jesus, I want my wife to have a heart for Jesus, I want us to live lives that are godly and not worldly and I want to boldly declare the gospel. I don't want to be a coward, though I worry I don't truly have a heart of repentance either.
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gnosisandtheosis · 13 days
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via Catholic Memes FB page
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slavicprincess1966 · 1 year
guys i fully acknowledge the fact that i literally cannot be normal about this 61 year old man. i mean what can you do. hormones go mad stupendously crazy at 16. <3
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wayofapilgrim · 2 months
pacifist, marxist, antizionist | studying power and authority | 20s
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yeslordmyking · 7 months
Genesis 3:6 — Today's Verse for Wednesday, March 6, 2024
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hi i wrote a song for crowley in a warped sort of catholic hymn style
Kyrie eleison
Sinner, repenter, o lover of mine Take what you will, I lay at your shrine Hellfire, holy water alike Bring damnation, salvation, oh peace be mine Please be mine
Nightshade nightingale Challenger of God Sea that parted, hope that failed Loveless child of the Lord
Tempter so tempted, o starmaker’s smile Give what you will, an inch for a mile Your kindness, wrath, both so alike Bring violent seduction, so beautiful, vile O beautiful guileless guile
Haloed and hallowed, o hollowed outcry Pray to the ruins of your darling sky Now lovers and allies, or foes alike We are ruined, remade, or at least we try O at least we try 
Heaven and Hell, o my Fallen divine Equal in wrath, follow close behind Mercy, damnation, twin judgements alike On your knees, your judgement will not be so blind You have never been blind
Forgive me for being blind O forgive me for being blind
Dies irae
On your knees, your judgement Is not so blind You see as they see, you feel it in kind On your knees, your judgement  Is not so blind Your damnation has made you divine Your damnation has made you divine
Please forgive me And please be mine
Kyrie eleison
Notes: There are references to old poems and hymns here, including Kyrie eleison which in Greek means Lord have Mercy, roughly, and Dies irae, an old Latin poem about the Last Judgement or Judgement Day, when God decides who is saved and who is cast into eternal flames.
The line On your knees your judgement is not so blind refers to that one shot in Season 2 Episode 3, where rather than Aziraphale who stands and judges the poor bodysnatchers, Crowley sits next to them and understands. Because he is fallen, and on his knees, his judgement isn't as blind as Heaven's.
Hellfire, holy water alike bring salvation, damnation refers to a sentiment I believe Crowley expresses about how whether Hell ends the world or Heaven, it will be ended just the same.
Now lovers and allies, or foes alike refers to their arrangement, about how either they are allies and lovers, or at the very least foes who are very, very similar at heart.
Finally, the title, Eleimon Aegovoskos, is Greek for Merciful Goatherd. Yep, this is a reference to the Job storyline. Because of how Crowley saved the goats though Heaven and Hell said to destroy them, and also because of that one Biblical story about Abraham where he is ordered to sacrifice his son, but really there is a goat waiting to be sacrificed instead. Crowley spares even the goats from needless sacrifice. Hence Merciful Goatherd, similar to how God is a merciful shepherd (I believe, I'm not sure) because Crowley's damnation has made him divine. I'm not Christian and I don't know much about this, so I'm open to corrections :")
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shapard · 5 months
Demons (Pt. 2)
Lucifer x fem!nun!reader
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A/n: Here is Part 2!!!
Mating circle, NSFW, Nudity, P in V, Smut, mention of breeding
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Part 1 < Part 2
As time passed and you grew more accustomed with your new body. You started to feel sick. 
Your body started to grow hot, and you began to sweat uncontrollable. After some days lewd thoughts made your mind spin and your abdomen clenched around nothing. 
Today you couldn’t even get out of bed. it was too hard. Your head burned through your scalp like acid. Your muscles ache every time you tried to move.
Instead of resting you start with your morning prayer. This time to Lucifer, hoping he’d come and explain what is happening with you. 
You thought sinners can't really fall sick. The pain in every part of your body proves this theory wrong. Or so you thought.
You opened one of your eyes and gazed to the sparkling noise. A golden portal opened, and Lucifer stepped into your apartment. You stood up abruptly. Your head started to spin uncontrollably. To help yourself you reached for the near wall, but it was too far.
Your stomach cramps and you almost vomit at the sudden pressure. The spinning only got worse every second. With a loud sigh you collapsed onto the floor and everything around you turned black. 
A wet towel was pressed onto your forehead, and you sigh in content. Lucifer chuckled as he watched the smile forming on your face.
Lucifer doesn’t want to admit it but when he saw you passing out, he got scared for a second.
The way your Apartment was full of those pheromones that made him go mad wasn't helping. His legs wobbled under him and he started to feel like he was on jelly.
But you are his top priority. The pheromones that escaped your body, he could survive this.
Lucifer knew this would happen. When he smelled it, you would start your heat soon. The smell was all over you. Being a hybrid has his highs and lows. 
When he got this one addictive whiff, he wanted to know how you may feel around him. He shakes his head, hoping these thoughts would escape. 
Your breathing was hard, and you clenched your thighs together to get some relief. The cold water was loosing it effects, and your vision grew hazier. 
“Oh lord what is happening with me?” You asked. It was uncomfortable how your body craved something inside of you. You never wanted to do those lewd things. Never. But you couldn’t control your mind nor body.
“You’re in heat.” Lucifer answered for you, and you looked up to him. “What is a heat?” Lucifer laid the water towel away from your forehead and dipped it into the cold-water bowl. “It’s a time in the month where you want to find a mate and breed? If I remember correctly. It’s quite common for sinner hybrids.” 
You groaned as he said breed. You felt disgusting for being turned on by the way he said it. Getting breed by him doesn’t sound that bad though. You shake your head furiously. ‘No Y/n. You’re a nun for a reason.’
You whimpered when Lucifer accidently brushed thigh. “Please.” You don’t know what came over you but the pain between your legs only grew and grew.
You needed help and maybe Lucifer could? With his magic perhaps? 
“My Lord Lucifer. Can you help me to get rid of this?” red blush creeped all over his face he turned towards you and rubbed his neck nervously. “Erm… Can you repeat that?”
Lucifer thought he wasn’t hearing correct. A hybrid nun wants his help with her heat from him. 
The pain only increased, and you breast started to swell more and more. “Help me Lucifer,” You groaned when your hole clenched around nothing, “please~.” Lucifer gulped down the knot that built in his throat. “I could help you sweetheart. But it comes with a price, are you willing to accept?” You nod furiously. You couldn’t care less about the price, this growing pain and built-up pressure needs to disappear.
If God could see what you're doing and what you're about to do with his son. God have Mercy on your soul.
Your head was cloudy and you couldn't think straight. You need something or someone. And Lucifer was there for you. Being social never was your thing, yet after years and years of only serving the Lord in the cathedral you kind of missed it.
Lucifer laid the towel back into the bowl. He crawled on top of you and stroked your waist. “It’s been a little while. So, I’m a bit rusty.” You tail swayed from excitement and your ears twitched to hear every noise he makes. The way his body pressed into yours was making your body much hotter. 
To relief some of the pain you pressed your heat onto Lucifer. Lucifers breathed hitched. He can’t believe he is doing this right now. You, the nun who served his father this long now trapped between his arms. 
Lucifer’s breathing rigged as he felt your heat vibrated against his and he lets out a brief growl. 
Lucifer watched you ever since you started to dig more information about him. He enjoyed as you started to convert to him and his beliefs. You didn’t even realize that you did. 
Your whine pulled him back at the situation that is happening. Your legs moved behind his legs, and he did nothing to stop you. With a hard press on his waist with your legs you feel his erection twitching on your clothed slit. “Fuck.” Lucifer huffed. You are driving him mad. 
He tried so hard not to fall in your warm hands. Yet the moment you stretched them out he fell right into them.
You started to hump his hips dry. Lucifer groaned as you moved onto his clothes shaft. He knows this is wrong. Using your body in such a weak state, in heat. 
He never stopped, neither did you. 
His fingers brushed down from your stomach to your pants. You sigh in content and raise your hip to meet his finger faster. When Lucifer started to circle your clit, you let out a long moan. But it wasn’t enough. No. You need him. You need his dick now and not later. 
“Lucifer.” He hummed, too stunned to speak. His body shook at the loss of control. He is losing against his wild thoughts. “I need you.” Lucifers finger rubbed at your entrance and soon enter.
Not enough. 
“No,” Lucifer stopped all he was doing and looked up to you, “I need you. I need you inside.” Lucifers eyes widen when you tug at his pants. “You’re playing with fire, darling.” Lucifer warned. But you don’t care. This pain and ache can only be fixed by him.
It’s what your mind is screaming at you, the only thought that was clear. The other part of your rational thinking was hazy. Not thinking about any consequences. 
“I don’t care, Lu.” Lucifer shuddered above you. The way you said his name was spreading a warmth in his whole body. Only fueling the fire, you started ignite. 
“Don’t you know that fire can burn you.” He stroked the strand that fell on your face back behind your ear. “Then let’s burn together.” Lucifers pants flew across the room and the rest of your clothes followed, till you two were naked.
“Are you sure?” He asked lowly in your ear, and you nod. “Destroy me.” You whispered into his ear. Lucifer breathed in heavy. He runs his shaft on your entrance up and down, coating his tip with his and your pre cum. Without any warning he entered slow, and you moaned at the sensation of being filled. 
Lucifer moved out and back in and with the next thrust he went deeper and deeper. Your whole body sang in content of finally being full.
God, you forgot how good sex is. 
Lucifers hands moved behind your head, and he pulls you into a Kiss. His thrust became more violent. His mouth left your as he explores your body with it. Bite marks and hickeys litter your body. You two switched position, your ass was in the air and your head pressed on the pillow. 
Lucifers dick was bullying in and out of you and his hand slapped against your booty cheek. A whine escaped you. Heavy breaths and skin slapping filled the apartment, and it smells like sex. Lucifers hand softly rubbed the red area on your booty cheek. The moans and groans grew on volume as you two reached your climax. 
The air was knocked out of you when Lucifer turned your body around. He wants to see your face when you two finish. 
“Bite me.” 
The sudden request flew out of your mouth like butter. Without any explanation Lucifer already knew what you mean. You want to mate completely with him.
You gasp when Lucifers teeth pierced through the skin between your shoulder and neck. For a second you only saw white. Lucifer groans your name, and you knew you two would cum any second.
Lucifer was ready to pull out, but you grabbed his hand, and he intertwined them. “Inside.” You breathed and he complies. 
You breathed in as you laid naked, exhausted, and covered in bite marks. “You’ll get me this meeting, right?” You turned around and watched how Lucifer puts on his shirt as he gazed at you with his glowing red eyes. He laughed bitterly as he buttons up his shirt. 
“Well… How can I say it correctly,” Lucifer tapped his claw on his jaw thinking about the correct sentence. “You’ll never leave me.” Frantically you sprung up. 
“What do you mean, your majesty?” Your eyes buried a hole in his head, yet Lucifer didn’t care. “We two are mated dummy. The heat will return in a few hours, maybe minutes. You can’t leave me nor can I.” 
This was a stupid Idea you two thought.
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A/n: I Apologie for not posting much! The past das were not the best and very rough🫡. Hope you enjoyed<3
btw you look stunning!
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pulpbeing · 1 year
whenever i go to church, if im not asleep i always thinkin bout fuckin my fav on the altar (this case, dottie,,)
excuse me if this seems too. you know.. sacrilege ,, (i dont know if you actually like god or forced to like big daddy up in the sky) feel free to ignore my ramblings im a crazed man
yk,, thinkin bout maybe you're a priest. n you end up with a sinner of a lover.. he gotta repent, right? just bending him over the altar, making him wet the bible with his drool and tears.. poundin into him so hard and relentlessly but your words are sooo sweet and just praises, makes him so dizzy cuz you're tuggin on his hair harshly as ya make him read the bible,, tellin him good for tryin to read even tho his babblin and his eyes are blurry from cryin,, makin him bite onto a rosary as u cum inside of him, but never stoppin until you think he's repented for his sins despite him being so fucked out and cumming so many times he can't think anymore,,, only how good your cock feels inside of him 😰😰
of course can't forget about the confession booth. favorite place to think about doing it. making him touch himself on the other side as you tell him what to do, and allll the nasty stuff u want to do to him and he's whining for you because he can't possibly finish without you :( then stuffing his mouth full of your cock, telling him to be quiet as you let others in for confessions... n he's tryiing so hard to stay quiet but ohh he just loves how you grip on his hair so harshly and bury his face down to your crotch till he could barely breathe.. choking till theres tears in his eyes and he's gripping on your thighs until your skin bruises... n when they leave, you fuck his throat and express disappointment that he's not keeping shut, but you forgive him and that you believe that he can do better! and ofc he would,, so he tries and tries again at every person that enters the booth.. not getting a taste of your release bc he keeps failing,, n he wants to sob cuz fuck he wants your cum down his throat so bad.. but its worth it, you're always very generous when u reward him when he finally does it right 💞💞
basically sweet priest that has effectively broke his mind,, makin a man like dottore worship you like a god n would get on his knees for you without any questions... thinkin mindbreaking him with really sweet praises that he now can't live without em,,,
i was raised christian, specifically pentecostal and missionary, so i don’t have much experience at all with catholic practices beyond media i’ve consumed o7 and dw. i don’t believe in the man upstairs. sacrilege is my middle name with how much gay sex shit i be thinking in a church. if he hasn’t struck me down yet, doubt he exists as i’ve been told lolol. not like i’d want my church’s version of a hypocritical god.
n e ways
if he can’t even accept your god-fearing, pure love, you doubt he can accept god into his heart for sure. he’s too greedy, always begging for more of you, of your semen, more of you folding him in half and bending him over so roughly you leave bruises on him for days. watch how he shivers in sinful delight when you tut in disappointment into his ear, calling him a “worthless whore destined to an eternity of damnation” and a “greedy, filthy sinner.” the wood of the altar is only saved by the nun’s habit you have him wear, the modest dress flipped up and held from behind to expose his greedy hole, ring of frothy white around it that exposed just how sinful he’s willing to be if he’ll defile such a place with his filthy, dirty words and sins. but… it’s better if he only sins with you, and since your god is merciful, you just have to forgive him, make him repent and beg forgiveness from the lord as you pump him full yet again, force his head back by grabbing his dyed hair and make him look at the ceiling, to the heavens above as he screams your name. looks like you have to have him repent again.
like any pastor, one must guide their sheep through all, especially when they misbehave— especially ones like dottore, who at the moment, doesn’t even deserve to have you properly continue with his guidance with how sloppy and loud he is, sinful mouth drooling and slobbering with every bob of his head, so, in his punishment, you keep him from his reward. of course, you still have a job to do, still have others to guide, so while he pouts with his lips still attached to your sex, you attend to follower after follower, your merciful god granting them all forgiveness as you do with your pitiful dottore. like all lambs, he’ll eventually learn to listen completely lest they be led astray and be devoured by the wolves— so he takes your gift, his throat bulging with how you fill him like the holy spirit does to a true believer. he takes it all as he should, eyes fluttering to a close as he basks in your forgiveness and mercy.
ah, it seems as though he sees you as his god now.
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rosiemarieyn · 5 months
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Lying Love
pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Summary: You need his sinful love to surround you while you slowly crumble into pieces.
Genre: Angst, lovers to strangers
Word count: 2.1k
Note: The feminine urge to pray and sob uncontrolably.
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You were not a religious woman, no. But at times like these sometimes you have to go out of your belief system.
We, humans, are always dependent on a higher being because we believe we cannot fathom the struggles we go through ourselves.
That is exactly what you were doing at this very gruesome moment, begging and weeping for him to come back, to the very God you left in your past.
Bringing your hands together, holding onto the little hope you had within your soul, being God's servant once again. Being what you feared the most. Dependent on someone, something- anything.
"Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner…please…bring back my dirty pleasure, The one I can't comprehend to lose, make him crave my touch once again. I need his sinful love, I can bear his sorrows if it means I'll get to spend one more minute with him. Amen."
I'm on my own, again.
Finishing your prayer, you stood up, getting ready to leave. You stopped walking and saw someone walk in through the cathedral's big wooden doors and saw him, the one you needed to guide you into the darkest pits of hell for making you his. He had the eyes that could be described as the "Gates of Heaven", a man with an ethereal beauty, here on earth to seduce his preys to commit the most unforgivable of sins.
"It has been a while, hasn't it?" hearing his honeyed voice could be described as a nice melody you hear once in a lifetime and have it engraved into the furthest corner of your brain. All the memories flooding through your brain once again.
"I can't love you any more," he spoke adoringly whilst waltzing around the room with you in his arms. "I can't live without you." was all you could say, completely mesmerised by his breathtaking adoration for you alone.
you snapped out of your daydream, staring at him with built-up rage inside you. He spoke calmly, making you understand that Thomas Shelby could not be loved, even if someone wanted to love him. He would always push them away, and in this scenario, it was you.
"I can't love you anymore,"
"I can't live with you."
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dramoor · 7 months
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~Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner~
(Ascension of the Lord Icon in the Notre Dame Institute, Jerusalem) Photo by Fr. Lawrence Lew
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nerdygaymormon · 29 days
I wrote a letter to the church leadership already, and I wanted to share the last part, because I feel like it would be appreciated.
"This brings me to my final point: that these new additions to the handbook, which embolden and encourage members to exclude, hate, or harm those who are LGBTQ+, go against the core of the gospel, which is love. Jesus said the first great commandment is to love God with everything that we have and are, and the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. These commandments are the anchor of my faith, and I strive to only ever act out of love. I believe that if you can only strive to follow the commandments of love, the other commandments aren’t even a question. But the policies and stances of the church on the allowed participation of transgender and gay members make us feel unloved and unwanted.
I find no love in the policies that exclude my transgender siblings from all the major ordinances of the gospel. I find no love in your words telling my gay siblings that they are expected to marry someone they do not love, or to not marry at all. I find no love in the church for the straight members who feel lonelier and more unwanted than ever when they discover they unwittingly married someone who is not actually attracted to them because their spouse felt pressured into it. And I find no love in the words “love the sinner, hate the sin,” because every part of me, including my attraction and potential for love toward both women and men, is God-given and divine.
One final note: I try to give others the benefit of the doubt, but if you promote and stand on these harmful policies because you fear the alienation of the queerphobic members of the church more than the emotional, physical, and mental harm you are causing the rest of us, you will one day find your olive tree producing only wild fruit. May the Lord of the Vineyard be merciful and just."
(I had to add the last part because I sometimes wonder if they have had revelation for the full integration of LGBTQ+ members, but that they're withholding it to keep other people happy.)
Thank you for sharing
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doing-something-unholy · 10 months
Im kinda into the idea of pretending to be a super strict tradcath priest and have a pretty sinner pin me down and fuck the bad attitude out of me.
I start out angry and defiant, how dare they try to touch me like that, how wicked and sinful do you have to be to lust after priests? My chastising doesn't seem to phase them, they aren't stopping their advance until I'm backed up against the altar.
They got the drop on me and cuffed me and I'm trapped with no way to stop them from putting their hands up my cassock, and I can't stop them from finding the place between my legs where my body is reacting to their touch against my will. I'm demanding they stop this at once, for the sake of their soul to repent, but now there’s a tremble in my voice and they grin at me like a shark that smells blood in the water.
Maybe they call me the sinful one, I was just so tempting they had to touch me, I'm the pretty priest that inspired lust in them. And look how I'm reacting to it, hard already and failing to keep still and bucking into their touch.
It'll end with me bent over the altar, pressed into it with a hand on my back. My pants are long gone and my cassock hiked up so they can fuck me mercilessly, each sinfully good thrust making tears fall from my eyes as I beg God to forgive me for how good it feels to be sodomized.
Maybe afterwards they should deliver the Lord's punishment themselves, and flog me, still tied to the altar with cum dripping down my thighs, while I admit that I'm a whore and beg for mercy.
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dia-souls · 2 months
Diabolik lovers Bloody Roses Novel [Chapter 04]
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Chapter 04
The sound of dripping water, chains and the echo of the wind could be heard. It was dark everywhere and nothing could be seen. With a blindfold on her face and a cloth in her mouth, it was difficult for her to breathe. Thinking about why she is here and how everything happened so fast, she tried to control her tears.
Yui was lying on the cold floor with her hands tied with chains, trying to find the monk to breathe. No one can hear her voice. No one will come to save her. Because this is an inevitable punishment and no one can escape from it. Because this is the fate that she chose herself.
As she was lying on the ground and trying to breathe, she heard the sound of someone walking. The dungeon was dark and she could not see anything. That's why she didn't understand who was approaching her.
???: Young lady, don't try to run away. It was your choice, so don't resist so much.
Yui shuddered when she heard the young man's voice. Her fear grew more and more every moment, thinking about what would happen to her. She didn't know any of these nobles. She was captured in their prison because she wanted to save her father. This is the punishment she chose himself.
???: I will take the cloth out of your mouth on the condition that you promise not to cry or shout. Because no one will come to your rescue. Everyone saw with their own eyes that this was the fate that you chose yourself.
Yui nodded her head in emphasis. She had no other choice. The young man slowly approached Yui, opened her blindfold, and took out the cloth from her mouth. Now it was easier for her to breathe. Her vision was still dark and she couldn't see the man very well, but the weak and blurry look was enough for her to realize that the man was a servant.
The servant grabbed the chain that was locked to Yui's hands and pulled it to force Yui to stand up. Yui, who was scared, had no choice but to obey. She got up and went with the servant. Whenever Yui got tired and fell behind him, he pulled the chain tight to force Yui to keep pace with him.
The servant's steps were very fast and it was difficult for Yui, who had spent the whole night with her hands and feet tied and her body aching, to move with him.
The servant took Yui out of the dungeon. Yui looked around the dungeon. It was a scary place. Many people were in chains and with wounded bodies crying and begging for mercy. But the servants beat and whipped them mercilessly. Their thin bodies showed that many of them had not eaten for a long time.
Yui had heard before that the palace prison was the most terrifying place for sinners and criminals, but she never thought that the nobles would be so cruel and treat the peasants like animals. Thinking that she was going to be punished instead of her father, she was relieved that at least her father was freed from this suffering.
Servant: Don't try to complain about the current situation. It was your choice. You were so stupid that you accepted your father's sin and now you are being punished instead of him.
Yui: Can I ask... what is going to happen to me?
Servant: I will take you to the first prince and heir to the king's throne, Lord Shu-sama. He will decide for you.
Yui shuddered upon hearing the name of the king's heir. She had never heard good rumors from him. Yui is very afraid. She seems to have lost everything. Old Hina's cries begging the soldiers not to take Yui away could be heard in her ears, bringing tears to her bright eyes.
Yui: (Hina-san... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... It's all because of my father. I can't let him be punished.)
Soldier: Someone entered the forbidden area and hunted illegally. Who is he? He must introduce himself, otherwise all the people of this village will be punished.
Villager 1: We have only one hunter in this village.
Villager 2: Where is Seiji? He has to explain his work to the soldiers.
Villager 3: Seiji has been missing for several days. Even his daughter does not know about it.
Soldier: If no one confesses, all of you will be punished.
*flashback ends*
Yui wiped her tears with her sleeve while her hands were tied. Now she just wishes that her father is well. But facing the prince and nobles is even more scary for her. For a girl who spent her whole life in the village library and read books, this incident is very scary.
After a short walk with the servant, Yui was in a large corridor. It was so long that at first it seemed to have no end.
Servant: Listen, peasant girl. You must be polite and respectful to the prince. Remember to be careful with your behavior and don't speak until he has given you permission. You have no right to beg for mercy and forgiveness for your sins.
Yui nodded her head in emphasis.
The closer they got to the prince's room, the more bitter it became. But there was a faint sound of music. It seemed to be the voice of a violin. It was very relaxing and beautiful. It made Yui forget her fear for a short while. The closer they got to the prince's room, the louder the violin sounded.
Finally they reached the prince's room and the servant stopped at the door and knocked calmly. Violin's voice stopped when he heard the sound of the door.
???: who are you?
Servant: Shu-sama, I have brought you the village criminal. The same criminal that your father ordered you to decide her fate.
???: Come in.
The servant opened the door slowly and entered the room. The prince's room was very big. Only this room was bigger than the whole hut where Yui and her father lived. Music books were in the library of the room, and there were violins and various instruments on the floor.
The young prince was standing in front of them with dignity and handsomeness while holding a violin in his hand and looking like he had been practicing. At first glance, he seemed very harsh and threatening, which made Yui's fear increase. But he was very beautiful. He had beautiful long hair and blue eyes that were as beautiful as the sky. Seeing the prince, Yui was out of breath and it was very difficult for her to speak. She was scared. She was very scared.
The servant stepped forward and pulled the chain, causing Yui to fall right in front of the prince's feet.
Seeing the prince looking down on her, Yui quickly stood up and stepped back, which made the servant get angry and kick her, and Yui fell to the ground again.
Servant: You insolent. You are standing in front of the prince. Bow quickly.
Yui, who was lying on the ground, bowed before the prince with fear and trembling, and tried to apologize to him.
Yui: My Highness... I... I'm sorry... I...
Servant: You fool, didn't I tell you not to speak without his permission?
The servant kicked Yui again. This time harder than before, which made Yui's mouth bleed. Yui could barely hold back her tears. Her body was thin and weak, she was injured and she could hardly stand up.
Shu: That's enough. Get out of here quickly.
Servant: Your Highness... I...
Shu: You have done your duty. I am going to decide the fate of this girl. You go out. I know what sentence to give this girl what she deserves.
The servant bowed to the prince and left the room at his command. After the servant left the room, the prince looked at the poor girl lying on the floor, her face covered in dirt and blood, and slowly walked towards her.
Seeing the prince approaching her, Yui tried to stand up and bow to him again. Sobbing, Yui prostrated before him and did not say a word this time. She was just trying not to cry but she couldn't. Even though a hand caressed her head, she trembled with fear. Prince grabbed Yui's chin and lifted her head, forcing her to look him in the eyes.
Shu: Don't cry.
The prince took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood that had flowed from Yui's lips. And stroked her head.
Shu: You look very young. how old are you?
Yui: ....
Shu: Hahaha don't worry you can talk. I give you permission.
Yui: I... I... I am 15... years old.
Shu: You are much younger than the one who committed the crime. Tell me, what is your crime? Aren't you the same girl who accepted her father's sin and accepted to be punished instead of him.
Yui tried to defend herself but remembered the words of the servant who told her not to try to ask the prince for forgiveness and that she should accept her crime and guilt.
Yui: I... I... I'm guilty. My father did not do anything, I am guilty. I accept any punishment... but my father is innocent.
The prince could not stop laughing. The innocence of this girl and the fact that she was trying to save her father was very cute and lovely in his opinion. He could imagine what a cruel monster the servant made of him for this girl that this girl is so afraid of him. In any case, he did not like to see this girl like this.
Shu bent down and caressed the girl's cheek gently. Shu's movements were very strange for Yui. Not being able to predict his movements scared her more.
Shu: Hmph... you are very beautiful... so I can give you any order I want. It seems that you are a valuable prey for me and I don't want to miss this chance. So my decision for you is to be my slave. Only mine.
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