theashen-fox · 6 years
Had he been younger and less jaded, Ash might have felt some sense of shock at her apparent glee over the situation. Alas, he was exposed to such attitudes where he lived. As such, in spite of his internal outrage, he kept a relatively composed demeanor, then muttered, “Pfft. If you can call whatever the hell that was ‘music.’ I’ve heard hyenas that were more melodious than that.”  This was a lie; he hadn’t heard the singing at all. However, since she had mentioned the music, he had figured he could probably get her to slip up somehow. Ash knew how it was with people like herself: arrogant, but insecure when it came to their talent being insulted.
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courtcomposer · 6 years
Suits of Sirens
//Just an interesting set of headcanons that I came up with regarding my rp verse with @sirenesmaris.
So I noticed each of the four main muses in said verse are in tune with a particular suit of cards. So I’ve gone into one of my books on mysticism (which also taught me how to read palms, btw) and looked up the exact verbiage on the card suits.
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Adagio (Queen of Diamonds): Great poets, painters and musicians; fitted for authority and determined to have it- The path for the Queen of Diamond is a hard one - so beset with difficulties and obstacles - they are continually sapped of strength as they struggle to overcome one thing after the other. Those born under this card are diligent and dependable. They are strong of character, and determined, but they must guard against hardness and domination. They have much to contend with, and much should be forgiven them.
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Sonata (Queen of Hearts): Beauty, magnetism, affection and idealism- The Queen of Heart natives are talented in some artistic line, even if it's just in their appreciation of beauty or art. They are often intense and dramatic, and can be very domineering in the family. They are also capable of deep devotion and loyalty. There is a strong streak of religion in all Queen of Hearts and they are often influenced by strong minded women. Even when we should, we don't like to find fault with the Queen of Heart; they are too loving and desirable!
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Aria (Queen of Clubs): Strong willed, practical, decisive, impatient- The Queen of Clubs are not domestic. They don't know the meaning of subservience let alone how to play the part! In addition, although seldom lacking in sympathy, they often need to learn to handle their tempers. All are natural leaders in any profession they follow. Besides their deep and sometimes obsessive urge for a personal love, the Queen of Club craves success primarily for the respect it brings. They are generous and good spenders, and prefer to make money by their own efforts.
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Forte (King of Spades): High intelligence and talent- Be it in some profound, noble role, or in some far less conspicuous expression of service, your true place is to be found in an expression of leadership. Quandaries as to what you want to do may leave you in a mire of mediocrity, drowning your frustrations in anything that will dull your awareness of your failures. Rise to the challenge, and you may bring inspired leadership as a teacher, counselor, healer, statesman or parent. Accept the opportunity spelled out symbolically in your card, and apply the essence of mastery, or personal discipline which it encompasses, and there should be no limit to what you can accomplish.
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spark-of-magic · 6 years
sirenesmaris replied to your post: {Pony Adagio} "If a leader doesn't feel a wish for...
;; oh she’s actually sincere here! believe it or not. lol. my Daj is asexual. so she gets it. she gets being fine with being single. so this wasn’t sarcastic for once.
I getcha~ I was mostly joking about how sirens are traditionally seen as creatures of lust and romance, so a siren agreeing with Twi here struck me as a little amusing. xD Personally, it seems much more interesting to see sirens who don’t use those kinds of things to draw their prey. I’m glad Daj and Twilight can agree.
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scnsetting · 6 years
{Aria} "Hey, chick. The one with the red and gold hair who called the rainbow thingy... You...You still going to that shit-tier school with the Rainboons? Or did you graduate yet?" She blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing on right in Sunset's face, not caring how rude it was.
Sunset had just snapped away from the awe of not knowing who would speak like this so directly when she saw who it was. Not someone she expected to see still around, for sure, but at least her visage explained it.
Sunset stepped back, wiping her face from any potential gum that stuck to her cheek. Expecting anything less than rudeness would be naíve: the Rainbooms did strip them from a powerful artifact, after all.
In fact, where were the other two? Were they waiting to gang up on Sunset?
“… What do you care?“
That was her knee-jerk reaction to her tone- but it didn’t progress the conversation for neither of their curiosities. So she pressed on.
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“Yes, I’m still at the school. Unlike you, I don’t have a millenium to idle about, so I can’t risk rushing things.“
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{Aria} "Dear Princess Tree Pony, today I learned... that nobody loves me. And nobody ever will. This probably because I'm the black sheep daughter of inbred gods and I'm not even sweet and good like my sister Sonata or powerful and beautiful like Adagio. I'm going to die in a ditch somewhere overdosed by some drug and rats will eat me and nobody will miss me. Signed, Aria."
Well this was heartbreaking to the Tree Pony. She decides to send a reply.
Dearest Aria,
I have received your letter and I do want to say is that you shouldn’t give up on life if you don’t feel you have a place in it. I may not know you as well as I should, but know that even if we don’t communicate as much I would still cherish you and love to help you through this difficult time.
I am always open to help those in need, and you are a poor soul that needs to be shown love and support.
I would like for you to just hang in there as much as possible, and I shall come to you. We can work our way to finding a solution that will help you live a better life.
Just know you are not alone, for I shall help support you and would love to be your friend.
Have faith dear siren... have faith.
P.S I am not really a princess, but I can probably see why some would mixed me up as one considering my magic prowess. I am a spirit of harmony and order, and not of royalty like Celestia and Luna.
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cloudhoppinggriffon · 6 years
{Adagio to Ammon, truth serum meme} "Do you want my sister Aria dead?"
The spirit had not expected this question. It left him with confused feelings, an an indecisive look in his ghostly eyes.“A thousand years ago, had you asked me that? My answer would have been ‘yes’ in a heartbeat. She destroyed my village, my lifestyle and nearly me along with it. The priesthood was ravaged and it took forever to get it back to the way it should have been.”A scowl took along his face, gritting his ‘teeth’.“It takes every fiber of my spectral being, pulling in the same direction at the same time to not snap at her, to not continue to remind her of her mistakes. She suffers for it now with her attitude towards herself, her negative outlook, forged from the experiences in her life.”
The bitter feelings shortly succumbed to a mellow calm, reflectful look. “No. I don’t want her dead. Whether it be my own nature, or the host I follow now - I don’t see her as someone I want dead. I want her to become better, but I know I can only do so much. She has to learn for herself, and she is. I just only hope she doesn’t hurt herself too much. The mare goes through enough as it is.”“Besides.. Vengence is not something as a High Priest I strive for. I would be no better than the Apophis cultists if that were the case.”
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{Aria} "I've got someone you can prank, kid." Aria suggested. "My older sister. You might've seen her around town. Big orange hair. Real stuck-up. I bet you could think of something great for her."
Spike couldn’t help but double-take when he realized who was speaking to him. “…Aria?” he asked, stunned. “Er… I didn’t realize you three had returned.”
He tilted his head and raised a brow in uncertainty. “Uh… You sure pranking Adagio is a good idea? Something tells me she won’t take it well…”
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courtcomposer · 6 years
"It's not becoming of you... Enough men will see you only for your body... Don't fuel the fire... Give them reason to stare at you and know that you are the only thing in the room worthy of their attention... Pretty looks are for little girls, and you are so much more than that... Command their will with your presence, Adagio... Let them see you for the radiant angel and wicked beast that you are... Let them fear you, adore you, and know you are their reckoning... Let them see the fire in your soul and know someday that fire will burn across oblivion... Let them stare in awe; not at your beauty, but at the force of nature you are, and at all you seek to become... As I do..."
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lxvelyladiies · 6 years
{Aria} "How do you run in those heels? What if you have to run from someone.... Or something."
“Good question, I just try my best TO run. If the heels interfere, I remove them. I’ve never had to run luckily. It’s pretty much the same with your sister Adagio and her boots.” Rarity said with a chuckle.
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ilikekxtes-blog · 6 years
{Aria} "Pfft. Nice hair, chick." she looked the other mare over. They could be relatives the way they looked. She was a darker purple than this mare and her hair wasn't quite the same shade. But the resemblance was still there. "You should wear it up." she offered, examining her hoof lazily.
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“Thanks? I grew it myself.” Starlight shot back, eyeing her up and down. It wasn’t hard to notice the similarities between the two. “I’ll think about it. I like the style as is, anyways. Can I help you?” she asked, fidgeting in place out of a feeling of awkwardness.
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