grangvr · 14 days
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willknightauthor · 4 months
How did I miss this release?? This slaps so fucking hard! Goddamn Sirusho, are you ever gonna get tired of leading the pack in Armenia?
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rai-knightshade-art · 3 years
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I've got a whiteboard with my magnet collection on it that I draw on sometimes; here are my lovecore-themed sketches!
[[Picture ID: this post contains two images, both of drawings on a whiteboard. The first shows a man (Alexander Rybak) in a three-fourths angle from behind; his face is mostly hidden by his cheek, only his nose, slightly parted lips, and the shadow of an eyelash visible. He stands in a neutral pose from what is shown, only his head and upper torso visible. He wears a warm knitted beanie-style stocking hat and a knitted cardigan, the latter of which having a band across it at mid-back indicating a large stripe in the knit (the drawing itself is black and white). His shaggy hair is hidden mostly under the cap, with a few locks at the nape of the neck and at the forehead sweeping out to be visible. Next to him, lyrics from the song "Stay" are written: "I still believe that love can cure the sorrow; maybe the world I knew is over the rainbow..." Below that, a phrase in Bokmål Norwegian is written: "God alle hjerters dag, Jeg håper den er fylt med kjærlighet." (Literally translated it should mean "Good All Hearts' Day, I hope it is filled with love.").
The second image is of the same man, now dressed in a tuxedo with a bow tie, facing the viewer but with his head tilted down and away to where it is in profile. The end of a violin is visible on his right (viewer left) shoulder, as if he's holding it up against said shoulder with the same hand. His hair is left uncovered and is quite shaggy, floating out from his forehead and temples as if he's just turned his head. His expression is downtrodden and sorrowful. Next to him, lyrics from his English translation of "Amar Pelos Dois (Heart for Two)" are written: "Dance, love, smile and you are glistening... Make me forget about our quarrels; In dreams, there are no sorrows, may I spend this dream with you?"
End ID]]
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women-of-eurovision · 3 years
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cr0ss0veronlymusic · 4 years
Sirusho - Pregomesh
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tamgdenettebya · 4 years
Sirusho - Gozal | Սիրուշո - Գօ'զալ
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balkanballad · 4 years
Sirusho, Jelena, Boaz - Time To Pray
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You can divide Armenian entries in some nice traditional sounds (which I personally love) and super cool modern vibes.
-Qele, quele, Shirusho (2008)
An incredible catchy song with a lot of ethnic vibes, with lyrics in Armenian and English. A well earned top 4 that year.
-LoveWave, Iveta Mukuchyan (2016)
I didn’t care much about this song until the live performance at Eurovision Semi-final. That day all of us were shocked seeing how an apparently random song was transformed into a masterpiece. Top 7.
-Not alone, Aram Mp3 (2014)
First time I heard about the artist name I thought it was a joke act. But then the music starts and…. OMG. One of the most beautiful and majestic songs from last years. Top 4 again.
-Anytime you need, Hayko (2007)
My fave Armenian entry. The staging had aged too bad so don’t pay so much attention to it, but the song it’s a beautiful ballad with ethnic instrumentation. Love it since 2007. Top 8.
-Jan Jan, Inga & Anush (2009)
Super catchy. Could be a perfect Tik Tok dance. Part of the lyrics are in Armenian. A song ahead of its time. Sister @bbifur and I were obsessed with this so much that year. Top 10.
Other interesting entries: 2006 Without your love by André (the debut with a lot of 00’s stuff), 2010 Apricot Stone by Eva Rivas, 2015 Face the Shadow by Genealogy (a tribute to the victims of Armenian genocide singed by descendants of refugees) and 2017 Fly with me by Artsvik (both the live and the official video are pretty awesome).
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willknightauthor · 2 years
Yesterday I shared some neo-traditional/folk revival music from Kazakhstan. Today it's Armenian ethno-pop. Armenians have gotten really good lately at incorporating their musical traditions into their pop music, and Sirusho is at the forefront. Going down the rabbit hole, I learned that, aside from the large diaspora in LA, a major reason for that is that an Armenian priest helped found ethnomusicology. He's the reason why so many of their traditional songs survived the genocide. (He's referenced in another song, that's how I learned about him.) Sirusho is also fighting against genocide denial, trying to reconnect the homeland to the diaspora, and trying to revive ancient Armenian jewelry.
Plus, her stuff slaps.
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
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alanzoide · 5 years
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Sirusho - Zoma Zoma
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sokhag · 5 years
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lianaofrome · 5 years
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