#sitcom screamo good go listen to it
steakout-05 · 9 months
headcanon: 'Everybody Loves Raymond' by Lemon Demon is about this guy whose wacky family just won't stop watching all these family sitcoms on TV because they're stuck in the 80s-90s and the song is just him listing all the shows they watch in order of what pisses him off the most, all leading up to him getting so absolutely purely unadulteratedly enraged by the mere mention of Everybody Loves Raymond that he transforms into a screaming demon. he hates it so fucking much it summons the power of the demonic
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Do you prefer trackpants or jeans when you’re going out in public? I’m a sweatpants/track pants/leggings kind of gal. I don’t even recall the last time I wore jeans, to be honest. How about when you’re just sitting at home, doing nothing? Same thing. I’m all about casual, comfy, lounge clothes all the time. Have you ever stayed in your pyjama’s all day long? Everyday. Would you ever consider growing your hair out to your waist, or longer? My hair is down to my butt. Do you watch American Idol? No. I was into the first few years, but then stopped watching it. It went through a lot of changes and it just wasn’t the same for me.
If so, Who do you like better: Danny Gokey or Adam Lambert? I was an Adam Lambert fan. If you don’t watch American Idol, why not? I just got over it and then I got into the The Voice. What’s your favourite thing to do to pass the time when you’re bored? So basically what I do everyday, which is Tumblr, surveys, TV, read, coloring, YouTube, lounging, napping... Do you like staying up late or going to sleep early? I’m always up late whether I like it or not. Is it easy for you to wake up early, or are you a late sleeper? For the past few months I’ve been getting up at 9, sometimes earlier. I don’t why. Prior to that, I often slept until late afternoon. For some reason after I got really sick end of January through most of February, my sleep schedule changed. A lot of things changed. Is there anywhere in your house that you’re scared to be alone in? No, not a particular part of the house. I just don’t like being home alone during the evening or nighttime. What are your four greatest fears in the world? Losing my loved ones, death, my health getting worse or never getting better, never doing anything with my life and just wasting away. I’m off to a great start on that one... What are your opinions on war? Do you play Rockband, Guitar Hero or Singstar? I used to play Guitar Hero. I kinda want to play now. Do you think there’s really a difference between the three? Not really. Do you ever yell at your computer when it’s frustrating you in some way? Sometimes. Or any object that isn’t cooperating. Have you ever walked into an inanimate object, such as a chair, and apologized to it? Yeah, ha. Are you scared of any animals/insects? Which ones? ALL insects. Do you get uncomfortable when people stare at you? Yes. Is your hair naturally straight, curly or wavy? Wavyish. Do you like that, or wish it was different? I wish it were just straight. What is a sound that you can’t stand? Eating sounds like slurping, sucking, smacking... *CRINGE*. Do you take a lot of surveys? Yep. If not, why did you decide to take this one? Do you like country music? Yeah, some. What about screamo? I used to. I haven’t listened to any really in quite awhile. What does your usual outfit consist of? I already explained this. Do you own a pair of converse? Yep. What about vans? Yep. What is your favourite shoe brand? Adidas. Do you like name brands, or find them to be a waste of money? With some things. Do you ever post surveys on myspace, or just take them on Bzoink? I only post them here. What are your three favourite bands? Linkin Park will always be one of ‘em. Three favourite female singers? Three favourite male singers? Are there any particular bands/artists you can’t stand? Never was a fan of Taylor Swift. Can you cook for yourself? I only make Top Ramen or something microwavable or can be put in the oven. Easy, convenient stuff. What weird things did you do as a small child? *shrug* What grade are you currently in? I’m done with school. Do you plan on going to college or university? I did. Do you know what you want to be when you get older yet? I’m almost 30 and still have no idea. :/ Who puts the most pressure on you in your life? Me. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments? I awkwardly laugh and try to make light of it, but really I’m dying inside when something embarrassing happens. Do you have a favourite actor/actress? If so, who? Alexander Skarsgard. Is there any genre of music you refuse to listen to? I wouldn’t say I refuse to, I just don’t want to. In your own opinion, what is the stupidest show on T.V right now? Most sitcoms these days. Any embarrassing/childish shows you secretly still enjoy watching? Not secretly, I still watch Rugrats, Doug, and Hey Arnold. I don’t care. Do you like little kids, or do they annoy you? I can handle them in small doses. Do you want a small or a large family when you get older? I’m not having kids. I just want dogs. Are you a good dancer? If not, do you enjoy dancing anyways? Nope. Do you listen to any bands that you don’t think a lot of people know? I don’t think so. Like who? Do you wear band t-shirts? I have a few. Why or why not? I like ‘em. Do you remember your favourite T.V show as a child? What was it? When I was like 3 and 4 I was obsessed with Barney. What are your three favourite names for a girl? Scarlett and Autumn. How about for a boy? Alexander What do you feel is your best physical feature? I only like my hair after its just been dyed and looks nice and red. And your worst? Everything. Have you ever lied to avoid getting into trouble? Yeah. If you’re still in school, do you get in trouble a lot? I never got in trouble in school. If you’re not still in school, did you get into a lot of trouble? Do you like reality shows such as Jon & Kate plus eight? Yeah, I watch a lot of reality tv. Do you enjoy reading? Yes. What is the weirdest food you have ever tried? Hmm. I can’t think of anything “weird.” I’m too picky. What are your opinions on the mother who recently had octuplets? Oh, that Octomom lady? I recently heard she’s doing well. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time? Yeah, a few months. Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself, or are you camera shy? I very rarely take pictures. What is your favourite word? *shrug*
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