#six 8 balls back to back was like getting punched in the chest 1000 times
untimelyambition · 3 months
i can’t believe fall out boy played 33 songs this show thats. an abnormal amount of songs i know they were EXHAUSTED
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Supernatural LSB: Jared Padalecki x Platonic reader ft. Jensen and Misha pt.2
And here we go with pt. 2 and boy did I enjoy writing Round 2 because I’ve got some special surprises for ya’ll in store and trust me when I say.....I wish this would actually happen should someone of the cast compete on the show against J2, this could get u a win *wink wink hint hint*. Okay now in this there is just a fight scene that Jared does with a FAKE gun that can make the actual popping sounds but you’ll see what I’m talking about but I thought I might put a warning up for gun use (AGAIN FAKE BE-BE PISTOL GUN BUT THAT’S IT!!!) Enjoy my lovelies :)
Soon it was time for Round 2.
“Welcome back to Lip Sync Battle, the War between Winchesters have gone through the roof but now it’s time for Round 2. Let’s see what Jared Padalecki did to prepare for his second piece”.  The crowd applauded and the camera came up on me and Jared and he gave a salute and soon the cameras began to show what he did to prepare for his second act.
He was in the costume department speaking to his costume designer and he said to her.
“We actually did this song on the show and I’ve seen this song on the show thanks to (n/n) but I want to try and go a different route”.
“Okay so we do have these and I can have them in a different color or is this good?”
“No, no that’s perfect now what about the hat?”
“Right here for you Jared”.
“Excellent”.  Soon Jared’s voice came over and it showed him back in his dressing room. “This might give me the win cause this is one of (y/n)’s favorite songs and when we did this on an episode, so the expression on her face in the episode is her true reaction. (Y/n) baby girl you’re good but,” he placed the cowboy hat on his head and said in with his Texan accent coming out, “There’s a new sheriff in town, and I’m takin that there belt back home”.
(Play up till 1:34 then skip to the next instrumental tune at 2:37 and basically kinda go from there)
The stage was dark and I was getting a little scared of what song he chose for his next choice but soon the familiar guitar solo came up on the speakers and I collapsed to my chair holding my hands to my mouth.  
The spotlight came on Jared in a full black cowboy attire with a six string guitar in his hand sitting in front of a fake fireplace, and he was actually strumming it as I could actually hear it playing.  There was also a fake tree with a Wanted poster with Jared’s picture on it and his reward was for $1000.
“Yes Jared!” I heard Jensen cry out. Like a true Texas cowboy getting ready for a showdown, he slowly raised his head up then raises his head, allowing the hat to only show his eyes first as he began to sync out the words.
He put the guitar down and he walked up towards his Wanted poster and ripped it off the tree before crumbling it up and tossing it towards the audience.  He then turned towards me and pointed right at me as he synced out “I’m Wanted, Dead or alive”.  He then walked across the stage and soon it jumped right to the part where the song really begins to pick up.
Soon the lights came on and dancers dressed as sheriffs came right at Jared and for the first time that I or anyone else had ever seen on LSB instead of dancing, the stage turned into an all-out stage combat.  
Jared fake-punched one guy then as another one came with a fake-punch towards Jared, he placed his hand on his chin like he had actually gotten punched before acting like he was reconnecting his jaw and then taking the man by the arm and literally flipping him over his shoulder.
I was in shock as was LL, Chrissy and Misha while Jensen was having a ball with this. It was then Jared took out his ‘gun’ and began firing one shot which made actually popping sounds and one by one each sheriff dropped to the ground.  He blew on the gun getting rid of the ‘smoke’ before syncing out as he walked towards his “steel horse” and mounted it as he kept syncing.
It soon came to the part where Jensen, Jared and I once got to actually sing this song and I couldn’t help myself but actually sing along and I even turned to see Jensen doing the same thing and then once the verse was done, Jared synced out the last few words until the song finished and the lights exploded off.
The crowd went nuts as Jared breathed heavily and the stage combaters all got up and Jared got off the horse statue and LL came up on stage and proclaimed.
“Wow!” He now stood beside Jared and said, “Chrissy, Chrissy tell me what did you think of Jared’s second performance?”
“I think we just witnessed our first Lip Sync stage combat?” The crowd applauded and Jared tipped his hat to the crowd.
“Okay let’s go to the Supernatural guest judges, Jensen, Misha your thoughts?”
“You truly embraced our Texan culture there partner, and like Dean said Bon Jovi rocks on occasion and Jared—that occasion was now!” The crowd cheered and screamed as Jared saluted to his brother.
“I have to agree with what Jensen said, I mean that was probably the best way and probably the only way to do that song and only you could’ve done that Jared, hats off to you partner” Misha tipped his fake hat to Jared and he returned the gesture.
“Alright so (y/n) what did you think did Jared do you proud?” I was speechless at this point.  Everyone laughed included Jared and I finally brought the mic up to my lips and I said.
“I want to say some kind of come-back but I can’t. Not with this song. Like seriously this is my all-time favorite Bon Jovi song and J2 know that, I first heard that song in Scooby Doo 2 and was obsessed with that song and then when we got to actually sing it in an episode that was—Jared well done, amazing job”. I then got off the VIP section and embraced him and he did the same for me.
Everyone awed at us as Jared picked me up and spun me around a few times before removing his black cowboy hat and placing it on top of my head.
“Well Jared Padalecki took us straight to the Wild West as the World’s Most Wanted cowboy, when we come back will (y/n) prove herself worthy of the belt? Followed by the decision of which Winchester wins the LSB belt, we’ll be right back”. “Wanted” came back on over the speakers as the camera came onto both Jared and I and we were both Lip syncing to the song.
After the commercial break, LL stated.
“We’re back with the final performance of the night. It’s been a Supernatural rollercoaster but now it’s time for the youngest Winchester to see what she brought with us to the table to beat her older brother”. The camera came on me and I waved and got my hands into fighting position before it went straight to my other performance.
I was in my dressing room getting ready in the same style of clothes that I have been wearing for almost 12 years of my life.  
I was now in the dance studio practicing the dancing and the choreographer was proclaiming at how well I was doing and when it was over, my entire crew applauded and I high-fived every single one of them.
It now showed me practicing on stage and I was eating a doughnut as I sat beside LL Cool J and I told him.
“Jared’s definitely gonna tap out as soon as he sees my next performance”.
“Oh is he?”
“Yep, in fact I bet he’ll probably leave the room” he then bursted out laughing as I smirked and drank up my water.  As the show would show my dancing my voice came over before filming me in my dressing room, “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, it ain’t over till I say it’s over. Jared you might as well give up honey, because this next performance will rock your world”.
(Now I just want u guys to play Jessie J’s part, then skip straight to Ariana’s part, play the first half of the chorus after Ariana’s part, then skip again to Nicki’s part and then just kinda let it play out up until the verse before the last part of the song hopefully you guys got this if not then I’ll try to put up the numbers so that ya’ll can follow along)
The lights soon went on and my song “Bang Bang” by Jessie J ft. Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj came over the speaker.  But the stage was now decked up almost exactly like the Bunker set we have back at the Vancouver set and my outfit was exactly like Natasha’s.  
For the past few seasons since about 8-9, Natasha went for a red jacket kinda similar to Emma Swan’s on Once Upon a time, jeans, black combat boots, and a simple black short sleeved t-shirt.  She also wore a silver necklace with a single ruby red gem at the center and of course the shirt allowed my anti-possession tattoo to show that stood a bit over my chest.
As I synced to the song, I went a bit crazy and shook my booty sexually trying to mock Jared then I even pulled out a replica prop of Lucille that we teased during the 200th episode.  I walked up towards a desk and I slammed the bat down twice and soon popping out dressed in a female version of Sam was a special guest star to help with the song for Ariana’s part.
Genevieve Padalecki.
Gen came around and the two of us stared Jared down and coyly wagged our finger at him in a ‘come hither’ motion.  And I swear I have never seen Jared’s face look more shocked than seeing his wife help me with my LSB.  
We continued to act like two proud sexy ladies letting the music take us, facing each other and placing a finger to our lips as we synced the shhh then we faced back towards Jared as we both gestured the bad girl line right towards Gen since she did play a demon.
Soon the chorus came and Gen and I danced together as soon coming onto the stage once again was a replica of Baby that Jensen and Misha came in on and as half the chorus was played and Nicki’s part came on, another special guest came on stage all dressed as Female Dean.
Danneel Ackles.
The crowd went insane at seeing both J2 wives up on stage with me dressed head to toe just like their husbands on the show just minus the hair since I wanted this to be a Winchester-Sister parody.  Dani, Gen and I were bouncing around, doing the fist-bump as we jumped backwards just going crazy with Nicki’s rap.
When the rap slowed, like true super models I lead followed by Gen then finally Dani down the catwalk as the three of us strutted the catwalk with our hands at our waists just strutting slowly yet powerful.  When we got down the catwalk we went crazy once again by pop-in-locking our shoulders from side to side before spinning our bodies like a clock at the spelling of Bang.
When Jessie’s solo came on, Dani and Gen went down to the ground as I took center stage and we then raced back and soon my backup dancers who were all dressed up as either demons, angels, werewolves, vampires, or any other monster that was on the show.  
So we did what we Winchesters did best, hunted them down and killed or exorcised them. Once they were take care of, we returned to Baby.
Dani and Gen up on the hood while I literally got right on top of the car and then stood up proudly as the three of us synced the song, I then slide down from the roof right between Gen and Dani on the Hood and we all turned in sync and flipped off Jared and that’s when my song ended.
The room went crazy as I slide off the rest of the Impala and Gen and Dani wrapped their arms around me and we all group hugged.
“Ladies and Gents give a round of applause to DANNEEL ACKLES AND GENEVIEVE PADALECKI!!!!” I cried into the mic.  The girls bowed as I clapped with the audience and LL came up to us and was beyond words.
“The Wayward sisters have made a comeback!” The crowd cheered as I now stood between Gen and Dani and we all turned towards Jared who was now down on the ground completely dead. We were now laughing hysterically as LL said, “Jared? Jared are you alive?”
“This is why you wouldn’t be a part of my Livin La Vida Loca act!?” proclaimed Jared. Gen smiled widely and she said.
“(Y/n) asked me first, and what can I say? I can’t say no to this face” She cupped my chin and I did my puppy dog eyes and she kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around me.
When she came on the show at season 4 when I was 12, even though my character absolutely hated her guts to no end, I ended up personally falling in love with Gen. I thought she and Jared would make a cute couple someday if they ever got married, and even when I shipped it, Jared even tried to get me to be his wing woman to try and win over Gen. Of course she rejected him till finally she agreed to go out on a date with him, then on that beautiful February day of 2010, I was invited to be one of Gen’s bridesmaids for their wedding.
Around that same time, Jensen also married Dani and the three of us girls became like sisters and soon the rest was history.  I became an aunt to each of their kids and they all called me Auntie (y/n) and pretty soon little Odette will be on her way to calling me that once she gets a little older.
“Jared I am so glad to not be in your spot right now” mentioned Jensen.
“You dodged a bullet baby, I’ll get you when we get home” proclaimed Dani.  The crowd all oohed at Dani’s burn and I fist-bumped her on a job well done.
“Alright ladies please step on up to the VIP or join your husband Mrs. Ackles whichever one you prefer”. Said LL.  I then went up to the VIP with Jared as Gen followed behind me while Dani went up to where Jensen was and we went to a final commercial break.  
I sat beside Jared and he hugged me on a job well done while he brought Gen on his lap and wrapped his arms around her and placed his head on top of her rocking her side to side.
Soon Jared and I were asked to join LL as the belt was now about to be given out and the audience would decide who was the Supernatural LSB Champion.  We were finally back and LL said.
“Welcome back to Lip Sync Battle. The night has been fierce and each of these Winchesters have fought their hardest but now it’s time for the audience to decide, Chrissy are you ready?”
“I am overly ready” she said as she held the one and only LSB belt.  She stood beside Jared first as LL said.
“Is the Lip Sync Battle Supernatural champion Jared Padalecki?” The crowd cheered and he tried to get them to scream louder.  I stood there in place feeling above all nervous of how the outcome would be, I mean don’t get me wrong I had a hell of a time, I’ve always wanted to be on this show and I love Jared to pieces but I really wanted to win this.
“Or is the Lip Sync Battle Supernatural champion (y/n) (l/n)?” For me the audience screamed even louder than Jared’s and I barely did anything.  I raised my arms up in exult as the crowd even began cheering my name.  “And the winner is….. (Y/n) (L/n)!!!” I screamed loudly and covered my mouth overcome with joy as Chrissy strapped the belt around me.
I felt tears coming down my face as I was overwhelmed with emotion right now.
“Talk to us, talk to us (y/n) how’s it feel to be the Champ?” I sniffled and tried to stop myself from crying as the audience awed at me.
“It feels….Oh my god it feel amazing but I thought I wouldn’t win this!” The audience awed again. “But first I would like to thank Jared for being quite the competitor, I had a lot of fun and thank you guys so much this means a lot to me”. I wiped my tears away as I felt Chrissy rub my shoulders and even hug me.
“Jared, even though you lost did you have a good time? How has this experience been for you?”
“It was wonderful I see now why this is (y/n)’s favorite show. I had a hell of a blast and if there was anyone I could lose to, I’m glad it was (y/n) and not Jensen”. Jensen cried out offensively as Jared came up and embraced me and even picked me up and rocked me back and forth.
Soon Jensen, Misha, Gen and Dani came down and joined us as LL took us out and my backup dancers all came out.
“(Y/n) (l/n) proved herself to be the Supernatural Champion, a big thanks to the cast of Supernatural and remember, whatever you do in life….Knock em out the box cell. Knock em out L!” “Bang, Bang” came up on the speakers again and we all were dancing along to the song until we were told that we were off air.
Later that night, Jared, Jensen, Misha, their wives and I were celebrating my victory and Jared soon called out.
“Hears to (y/n) the LSB champion”.
“To (y/n)!” They all proclaimed as their raised their glasses in the air for me and we spent the rest of the night celebrating before the guys and I were to head back to continue filming the rest of Supernatural since our Hiatus break was almost over by this time.
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