#six different post / icon / tag styles going on from over...
quick-drawn-a · 2 years
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i’m debating on remaking this blog,      someone should stop me —
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turianosauruswrex · 1 year
🎵 for all three.
Thank you!! Prepare for essays I love my girls so much
Jules McAllister is my Courier Six for all newcomers and long-time followers who may have forgotten! Yes I have other Couriers (hi Miri, hi Faye, hi Sabine). Yes Jules is the one with the massive AU. She's a 5'3" Aries menace and I cherish her so deeply. She's never made a good decision in her life.
Anyways the song I have always, always most strongly associated with her is "When You Were Young" by The Killers.
It's the religious imagery and sense of heartache. It's the man coming in that she thinks will save her-- in the song it's a romantic interest, for Jules it's Caesar, taking the place, in her mind, of the father she didn't have growing up. It's the appearance of salvation from her addiction and her depression and rage at a system that's left her behind, with smooth words that tell her she's special, she's different, she's fit to join the Legion because she's not like the other women. It's the sense in the song, and the knowing in Jules' story, that this ends poorly. It's the heartache and longing for something better, for an escape, for someone to love you, and finding all of that in exactly the wrong way, place and person.
(This is the part where I disclaim that while yes I play and cosplay Legion characters sometimes no I don't think they're right of course not oh my god writing bad guys ain't the same as agreeing with 'em aaaaaaaaaa can you tell how many times people on this hellsite have given me shit for this)
Jules ends up crucified for her efforts in the Legion's victory over New Vegas. My good friend @randamhajile and her OC Lexington took it upon themselves to a) pull her sorry ass off the cross b) try to Redeem Her (questionable results) and c) remember that massive AU I referenced? It's this one! They go on adventures and there's, like, whole fanfics for it, I've put it on my resume. The tag for your perusal!
Sylvie Caron is my new rogue I am playing in a D&D game! She is a grave digger by trade, in a world that heavily frowns upon it, as part of a group called the Tallymen. Post-mortem care, on Papatūānuku, consists of the deceased's body and spirit being taken to the River of Souls to be reincarnated-- the Tallymen disagree with this being the best course of action. They, and Sylvie in turn, believe that it's better to bury bodies far away from the river, and wouldn't hesitate to resurrect someone if asked/hired for it. It is... a bit of a taboo job.
So Sylvie's song is "Bottom of the River" by Delta Rae.
I'll admit, I don't know Sylvie extremely well yet; I just started playing her last Saturday. But the ominous atmosphere, the work-song rhythm, and the river imagery especially, with the River of Souls contrasting with the toxic River Aspic of Sylvie's home city, ring true for her.
Now Katya Fyodorova-- long-time viewers will remember her as Grief, my pandemic game scourge aasimar shadow sorcerer and the love of my life and my icon, literally, here and on Twitter. She's my estranged Russian mafia brat. My chiaroscuro hot mess. My nightmare child sweet cheese light of my life who's going to royally fuck up hers. I hold her so so gently. And then snap her like a glowstick. Long-time viewers may also recall seeing her referred to as Katya Vorakh; the name change is intentional and plot-relevant lol. I started playing her in a game right at the beginning of the pandemic that fizzled out, and me being unreasonably attached to her I continue to play her on my play-by-post Westmarches-style Discord server. She's doing great (?)! Has a cousin, a few friends, a cat, a hot goth jock elf boyfriend, aside from the fact that a devil recently tore apart her apartment and she has two nemesii and her shitty ex-patron she's just recently found out is haranguing a friend and is Fucking Vecna it's great! Don't look at the six-armed angel in the corner.
Anyways I have so, so many songs for Katya, my beloved, but the one that's hitting me hardest lately is "A House In Nebraska" by Ethel Cain.
Yes I've been listening to Preacher's Daughter on a solid loop for like two and a half months. No I'm not okay. Don't worry about it. But for Katya! For Katya, this calls back to a key part of her backstory, the sudden and violent death of her best friend Artemy Vorakh, almost ten years ago at this point in her life. She still blames herself for it-- if he wasn't her friend, he never would have been caught in the mafia crossfire that ended his life-- but at the same time... she's selfish. She's not a great person. She wouldn't change the fact that they were friends. Her mourning him has been a quieter part of herself lately, as she's sloooooowly let down her walls and let herself make friends and fall in love, but it's still very much there. Like, this is the woman who dressed in mourning blacks and a widow's veil and called herself Grief and didn't show her face for years after Artemy's death. They were never romantically involved. There's a lot, a lot to their relationship-- she thought she was in love with him for six or seven years and never said anything, he stuck with her despite how difficult she frankly is, he was the only person in her life she trusted not to manipulate her for a long, long time, and they had loose (very loose) plans to run away from Baldur's Gate together and live anonymously. (Katya would have hated this. Katya was not in love with him. Katya confused love with a whole lot of things and has been terrified, terrified to put any kind of label on how she feels re: aforementioned hot goth jock elf beyond "I'm very fond of him".)
"Family Tree" and "Ptolemaea" also make an appearance on a Katya/Grief-related playlist, but that one's a surprise tool that will help us later :)
Aough okay this took me AN HOUR thank you so so much for asking!!! It was SO fun to write!!!
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excessexorcism · 1 year
Item #25 (part II)
Okay, here we go. Brace yourselves for another round of makeup decluttering.
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In a previous post, I mentioned how I used makeup to fill a void in my life. Today, I'm delving even deeper into that realm. Let's tackle each item in order.
Starting with the palette on the top left, we have the SHEGLAM Cosmic Crystal 5-color eyeshadow range in Golden Hour. It originally cost $6.00, but I managed to snag it for $5.12 in 2021. I probably would have kept this one if it shadows didn't noticeably break. The colors were stunning, and the formula was fantastic. I particularly enjoyed wearing these shades to work. However, over the past few years, I've become aware of the problematic practices associated with SHEIN, the parent company. As a result, I have no interest in repurchasing this palette or attempting to salvage the shadows. This one can easily find its place in the landfill.
Moving on to the palette on the top right, we have the Marc Jacobs Beauty Style Eye-Con No. 7 in The Lolita 206. This one really hit my wallet hard, costing a whopping $59. I still can't believe I splurged that much on an eyeshadow palette with only 7 shades/.24 oz of product. Despite that, I used this palette extensively, incorporating it into my daily routine for quite some time. Nearly six out of the seven shades are completely used up, leaving only one remaining. I would have continued using it until the very end, but here's the catch—I've had this palette for about eight or nine years now. The makeup line doesn't even exist anymore. It originally launched in 2013, and I likely purchased it in 2014 or 2015. Nevertheless, I feel like I truly got my $59 worth out of it, and I'm ready to part ways.
Now, onto the bottom one, which I'm sure many of you who followed beauty YouTube ten years ago will recognize. It's the iconic Urban Decay Naked 2 palette. When I first discovered the beauty YouTube world, this palette was on everyone's lips. Naturally, I had to have it. It came with a $50 price tag back then. Which isn't that different than the Marc Jacobs palette, but it has .71 oz of makeup vs. Marc Jacobs .24 oz. I genuinely adored this palette, but just like the Marc Jacobs one, it has simply gone way beyond its expiration date. If I acquired this palette in 2013, that makes it a decade-old product. I haven't touched it in years due to its age, and it's time to bid it farewell. I do wish I had used it more, especially considering the photo doesn't do justice to the usage it received. But alas, it's time to let go.
Verdict: As I mentioned before, all makeup declutters are deemed as fails. I own an excessive amount of makeup, and my goal now is to use up what I already have and make minimal to zero new purchases until I truly run out of something. If you've been keeping track, I'm discarding $115 worth of makeup today. While I did derive significant use from these products, I still possess an overwhelming amount of makeup, and having an extra $115 in my pocket right now would be quite nice.
If anyone's keeping score, I've now thrown out a total of $139 worth of makeup. Even if I liked the products, I realize that I didn't truly need them in my life.
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
Shutter - Part 1
a/n: HI penny here!! so i’ve been writing a lil sumn sumn for @lxdy-starfury‘s wonderful modern blades au, and as i am nearing 7000 words (and am not nearly finished, whew), my lovely best friend told me that it would be good to start posting it piece by piece. so i hereby present part 1 of this au!! it’s not exactly like her manyyyyy AMAZING detailed hc for modern!tyril, this fic is heavily inspired by her hc and GORGEOUS artworks. i hope you enjoy it!!
warnings: none!!
word count: 2k.
summary: It begins with a photo shoot and an interview.
Tagging @anotherbeingsworld ❤❤
“You shouldn’t be excited for this.”
“You have a shoot with a hot billionaire, and I have the privilege of going along and meeting him?!” Nia squealed, nearly spilling her coffee onto the sidewalk. 
“He’s going to end up being a pompous ass.” Naexi took a sip of her own coffee, savoring the bitterness of it and cradling it close to her body to ward away the cold. “They always are.”
“You’re too cynical. I mean listen to how he sounds in this interview!” From her bag, Nia whips out a recent copy of Forbes, flipping it open to a page marked with a pastel post-it note.
“You have his interview tabbed?” she asked, but Nia had already begun reading.
“‘I believe there is no secret to success. Everything needed for success is provided given you use the tools to your advantage. I would not have gotten as far as I have today without my drive to help those in need-’”
Naexi straightened her back and deepened her voice, mocking the billionaire. “However, my daddy’s money also definitely helped. ‘Tis unfortunate that no one is born with my trust fund, hm?” Nia let loose a few giggles and turned her attention to the next page, which featured Tyril standing in gray slacks and a black sweater, hands in his pockets in an effortlessly casual pose. He had long hair that was tied back, some front pieces falling over the frames of his glasses. Barely sparing a glance at the page, Naexi rolled her eyes. “You’re too obsessed with him.”
“Who isn’t?”
“Me.” They finally reached the small New York townhouse being used for the shoot. Letting Nia walk first through the doors, Naexi drank the rest of her coffee and tossed it into a bin outside the building before following her friend inside.
Tyril shifted in his fancy shoes, nervously taking his hands out of his pockets and putting them back in. It was early in the morning, around six, but he felt wide awake. He was always nervous for these sorts of things; getting his picture taken, people prying into his private life. Yet, he still had to put on an air of normalcy and professionalism. He couldn’t help but feel like he was in the way, since he arrived thirty minutes before he was supposed to. 
“The photographer’s here, so we’re close to starting.” Tyril jumped as a makeup artist gently led him to a chair and began breaking out her tools. 
“You ready, Ty?” 
“Only if you stop calling me that, Immy.” Tyril locked eyes with Imtura, his security detail, in the mirror. She was scowling, but he knew there was no real malice behind it. “I’m...ready as I’ll ever be for these things.” He fished his phone out of his pocket and checked his emails for what seemed to be the hundredth time that morning. He was so engrossed that he didn’t hear the frantic whispers of two girls close by to the chair until Imtura spoke.
“Sorry, ladies, but who are you?”
“The photographer, and this is my assistant for the shoot.” A tall girl approached the chair and gestured to her friend, who was bright red and looking at Tyril with wide eyes. Putting on a polite smile, he gave a nod to Imtura and focused on them both. 
“Wow, it’s really you! I mean, of course it’s you, I just didn’t expect you to be so...real! Do you know what I mean?” The assistant rambled, looking expectantly at Tyril. 
“I...can’t say I do. I apologize.” He glanced towards the photographer, who seemed to be studying him with a bored expression. She didn’t stop when he locked eyes with her, and he couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. “It’s nice meeting you both.” He leaned forward slightly in his chair, hoping they understood his hint.
“Oh! I’m Nia, Nia Ellarious. This is Naexi Carsys.” The photographer gave a small wave before walking away to the large sheet of paper he was supposed to be photographed in front of. “She’s...mysterious,” Nia explained. 
“It’s quite alright, you can say she doesn’t like me.” Tyril’s lips turned up ever so slightly, his eyes following Naexi’s form as she set up her camera and helped move the chair into the frame. She was pretty in an effortless way, as cliche as it sounds. Her eyebrows furrowed as she fiddled with her camera, mouth set in a tight line as she took a few trial shots and messed with the settings after each one. Nia silently watched how the gears in his head seemed to turn as he looked at her, akin to someone looking for a specific piece to a puzzle. 
“For starters, just sit normally in the chair, to make sure the settings and lights are right for you,” Naexi instructed, looking through the viewfinder and humming at what she saw. Tyril sat stiffly, unsure of what to do with his hands or his face. 
“Like this?” He placed his hands on his knees and offered a boring face to the camera.
“Yeah…” she replied, distracted by turning and pressing little knobs and buttons on her instrument. He found himself watching her fingers and a fleeting thought of how soft her hands looked was pushed out of his brain as quickly as it had come. “Okay, loosen up a little.” Tyril glanced down at his body in confusion. 
“How so?” His shoulders were tense and his lips were pursed, the exact opposite of what she wanted from him. 
“What do you mean, just…” She let the camera fall against her chest and made a show of holding her arm up and dropping it. “Loose.”
“I--” He peered at everyone watching him and then back at Naexi, who cocked her head and raised her eyebrows. Without a word, she pulled up another chair and sat next to him. 
“I know you’ve done photoshoots before, but did Forbes not tell you to loosen up a little?” He shook his head. “Okay, guess it’s up to me then.” He tried not to flush at her obvious exasperation with him. 
“I apologize, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having my picture taken. I much prefer to be behind the scenes.” 
“Too bad you’re the face of the company. Now, look at how you’re sitting.” She gestured to his shoulders and posture, tense and rigid. “Don’t slouch, but let out some of that tension. Lean back in the chair.” She copied him, then laid back onto the chair, draping her hands in her lap. He imitated her, earning a small nod of approval. “There you go. Now, as I take pictures, make small adjustments to where your hands are, where your feet are, things like that. Don’t be afraid to move around.”
“Yes, thank you.” She stood and removed the chair and Tyril found himself at an odd loss. He suddenly noticed that there was an absence in the air next to him, no longer occupied by the smell of her lotion or the gentle swishing of her baggy pants. His heart had soared when she had given him that little ounce of praise and now, he found himself desperate for her to repeat that for him, but he didn’t know why. It bothered him to no end.
“Lean forward and clasp your hands for me.” He leaned forward and clasped his hands. “Good.” The corners of his mouth turned up. 
“Mr. Starfury, you’ve certainly been making waves for yourself in many spheres.”
“Please, call me Tyril. And...I suppose. My family certainly does have their dealings in many different games, to put it lightly.”
“Yes, your family has a range spanning across so many different industries. Where exactly do you fit in?"
"Well, I run most of my family's research facilities, focusing on scientific research into soil acidity and agriculture."
"Don't worry, we didn't only bring you here to talk business. A lot of people know you as somewhat of a fashion icon. To what do you attribute your style?"
Tyril let out a laugh, polite and respectful and just the right volume. "I like to look professional, but I would have to shine a spotlight on the numerous stylists my father has employed, ever intent on ensuring I uphold my air of authority through my attire. I'd be an utter mess without them." 
"What's an embarrassing moment for you?" 
Tyril blinked at the sudden switch of subjects. "Well, one time during a presentation, I tripped on a wire onstage in front of hundreds of people. I fell flat on my face, and even broke my glasses. It was the most humiliating moment of my life."
"Wow, that's so….human." 
"It happens to all of us, I believe. People like to forget that those they put on a pedestal can still fall."
"You're a very private person, as well."
"I am."
"Have you heard some of the rumors surrounding you?" 
"I've heard that I grew up in a cult, that I'm secretly a vampire… Each one I've heard is more interesting than the last." He waved his hand dismissively and laughed again. “My favorite is that I’m secretly an elf.”
“Do you just let them roll off your back?”
“What else can I do, really? Plus, they’re not particularly harmful. It’s better for me to focus on running the company rather than any publicity I have.”
“Let’s switch gears a little bit. You’re a man of high education, correct?”
“I suppose...I went to Oxford and have a PhD in physics.”
“And you’re twenty-five?”
Tyril smiles, knowing where this was going. “Yes, I am.”
“If you don’t mind me being so vague, how exactly do you do it? Getting such a high degree so young and then running a company on top of it...must’ve been difficult.”
Tyril stopped for a second. “Coffee. Lots of coffee. I also have many helpers who the company would fall apart without.” He stopped again, seemingly to carefully craft his next words on his tongue. “I won’t lie and say that it was easy, however I also won’t say that it was as difficult as it could’ve been. I had the best tutors and a lot of money from my family to help open doors that others couldn’t find the key for, which is why I try and give back as much as I can to those less fortunate than I.”
“Is that the main focus of your research facilities?”
“Yes, we focus on testing soil in areas hit by devastation across the world. Our main goal is to provide relief for those unable to rely on the very ground on which they stand. Many of these areas use farming as their main source of food, water, and money, so when disasters, natural or otherwise, occur, it can be truly catastrophic to these small communities. We call it the Undermount Project.” 
“How philanthropic of you.”
Tyril waved a hand again. “I could always be doing more, and I try to as much as I can.”
“And for the final question that everyone is dying to know...are you single?”
Tyril froze. “I...unfortunately don’t have time for love. So, yes, I am, uh, single.”
“Well, that concludes it! Naexi, did you get some good shots?” The interviewer stood and clapped his hands, retrieving the microphone from Tyril’s shirt. 
“When he wasn’t nervously glancing at the camera, yeah.” She flipped through the camera, missing the flush that entered Tyril’s cheeks. He never considered himself a person to impress others, yet…
Why does he feel the need to impress her?
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skyfallensoldier · 4 years
Mobile Navigation || Rules & Mun ↓
DISCLAIMER: I just want to note here at the beginning that while I am considering this RP blog to be historically based, i.e. remaining true to the time period and overall details of John Laurens' biographical information and whatnot, I do not consider myself a historically accurate blog, not entirely. Historical fiction is a well known genre of literature and many, MANY creative liberties are taken within that genre. Think of this blog like you would if you saw an Anastasia Romanov blog. She's dead, we know she didn't survive, and she's been dead a long-ass time; so has Laurens. People still have included her in many works of fiction, even after her body was identified and it was proven she did not survive her family's massacre. I saw a romance book a couple of months ago where she survived that was recently published. Historical fiction, while a controversial thing at times, is a legitimate form of literature.
You don't have to tell me if you think John isn't acting exactly like the real man himself would have, I know that. I'm not going to call John my 'perfect sunshine boy cinnamon roll' or dismiss the privilege he was raised on due to his father, I'm aware he was a real person who had his own personality, virtues and prejudices. I won't deny that while he was certainly a progressive thinking man for the time he grew up in he definitely still had racist thoughts and actions that were indicative of his upbringing. But I'm not on here to debate modern, real life politics, or get into arguments about whether he was a good abolitionist or not. At the end of the day, this is still a hobby for me, and I'm writing for fun.
Basically, don't take it too seriously. I'm a 21st century bisexual woman writing from the POV of an 18th century (likely gay) male soldier, the way I write him is obviously not going to be a perfect representation of who he was. I know he wasn't an amazing, perfect person, but I've still chosen to write a fictionalized version of him for my own entertainment. Please try to respect that; thank you.
Mun Stuff
Name: Luna Gender: Female (She/Her or They/Them) D.o.B: July 23rd, 1996 Age: 24 Nationality: Canadian Sexuality: Bisexual Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) Activity: Daily BIOGRAPHY (SORT OF)
Hello, there! You can call me Luna! I've been interested in writing ever since I first got the internet when I was 14 and discovered FanFiction.Net and now I'm an aspiring author and Roleplay enthusiast. If you include acting/talking out DnD like games with friends then I've been 'roleplaying' since the fifth grade, but I like to think there's always room for improvement. If you ever want to chat I'd love to make a new friend or plot out a roleplay, so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask or send me a private message. Just because my muse can be a jackass doesn't mean I am! I’m a huge advocate for mental health, and if you ever need someone to talk to, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out! Some of my hobbies including literature and writing (of course), digging into mythology from various cultures, practicing solitary eclectic paganism/new age spirituality, drinking tea, and collecting crystals/minerals.
Please note that for the sake of disclosure, I am considered ‘Neurodivergent’, in that I suffer from ADHD, diagnosed at about age six, and have Anxiety and Depression which are directly tied to it. This doesn’t often effect my life on here, but I sometimes have an unpredictable sleep schedule (stay up all night, sleep in late into the morning, etc). I’m usually quick to reply to threads for the most part! I work every Tuesday and Thursday from 5pm to 7pm in addition to odd jobs here and there, during which time I won’t have access to the Internet. The rest of the week I’m on and off all day basically, so you can feel free to contact me any time.
RP Style
⭐️ Please use basic spelling/grammar/punctuation when you RP with me. I'm not a drill sergeant about these kinds of things, I know that typos happen, and if you have a vision problem or such we can absolutely find a way to work around that, I also have no problem roleplaying with people whose first language is not English, so that's totally fine and I’m happy to accomodate in whatever way I can, but it does make it a little difficult to play with you if I don't know what you're trying to say. For this reason I prefer if you not use any text shorthand (lol, idk, brb, jk, etc) unless our muses are messaging each other. Using it in the tags is fine.
⭐️ I roleplay Laurens in a past-tense 3rd Person Point of View (think story-telling format), and generally I don't use icons or text formatting unless I notice my partner does, then I will try to match their style (for example if you use icons and small-text, I will try to do the same, though because formatting isn't possible on mobile, any mobile replies might take longer to be posted than if I were on my laptop). If you have any issues with how I'm writing or need me to adjust my style for any reason don't be afraid to ask.
⭐️ If you spam me with messages over and over again about something I haven't replied to, chances are I'll drop the thread. I don't mind being reminded because I know Tumblr's notifications are notoriously unreliable sometimes, and humans can forget/lose things, but if you keep poking at me after I've acknowledged you the first and second time, I won't be pleased. Things can get busy on here, or in real life, or sometimes you're just lacking muse for that particular thread, y'know? It doesn't mean I hate you and don't want to RP, I'm almost always up for plotting, but muse tends to fluctuate.
⭐️ My ‘Discord’ is available to mutuals upon request. I don't mind roleplaying on there if Tumblr is being glitchy or you're just not feeling up to formatted/heavily plotted threads, sometimes Discord is fun in that you can do immediate replies without needing the effort of putting icons and formatting into it. I also have a Kik but I never use it. I don't RP in Tumblr's IMs, that's purely for OOC interaction.
⭐️ I also occasionally stream movies/TV shows in group chats or play “in character” Cards Against Humanity game nights, Among Us, etc. If you’re interested, lemme know, I’m always looking for more people to hang out with!
I have no actual triggers that I'm aware of, although snakes do creep me out (mostly shots of them coiled up or images of their pupils), but there are some things I will not roleplay personally for comfort reasons:
⭐️ Cannibalism. You can mention it, for example I won't freak out if someone tells my muse that somebody else ate a person (he might, assuming its not a Supernatural type verse), but I won't RP him engaging in cannibalism, not even in AUs (blood-drinking vampires are fine). I'm just not sure I could stomach writing about eating people. I managed to watch Hannibal, barely, but writing about it? Nah. I can handle lots of horror, gore and disturbing content but not this. Sorry.
⭐ Incest/Pedophilia. I do not SEXUALLY ship with characters under the age of 18. John is not attracted to children, and would never consider sleeping with someone much younger than him.
⭐ I will not write anything sexual with muns who are under 18 years old, even if your muse is an adult. I'll still ROLEPLAY with you if you are under 18 but probably no younger than 16 just because things tend to get explicit on my blogs and I don't want to be accused of corrupting the youth with my foul language and weird opinions, lol. Seriously though, this blog covers a lot of dark subjects and while I’m all for minors exploring that safely through writing rather than in real life, some people aren’t comfortable with interacting with under age people for legal or personal reasons, please respect that.
⭐ Necrophilia. Just... no. Vampire threads don't count, as they're undead and not 'dead dead'.
⭐ Rape. I won't write it with you. I'm okay with mentions of rape, with rape/sexual assault survivor/recovery plots, and even with one character intervening to rescue another from an attempted sexual assault (if an attempted assault does occur, it will be thoroughly tagged and under a cut). I'm fully open to discussing rape recovery/trauma plots as those are things that happen in real life, and it can be interesting to explore how a character reacts to trauma. But anything else is a no-go, sorry!
⭐ Please be aware that I write Laurens as a gay man. However! Because of the time period, violent homophobia and social stigma, he has slept with women before and may be seen flirting with or referencing relationships with women in the past. He is still gay, and still uninterested in being with women long term, he's simply closeted to all but a few individuals. So, unless your muse is Martha Manning (who Laurens DOES love in a manner, and he always will), shipping with female characters on here most likely isn't going to happen unless it's heavily plotted/developed and part of an overall plot, and you understand that it will not be a conventional sexual relationship. I'm sorry if that disappoints you but I've read Laurens as a gay male for so long I have trouble seeing him any other way.
⭐ I will not roleplay slavery plots. This is not up for debate. Roleplaying a highly fictionalized version of a long dead real person who existed during a troubling time is one thing, but I draw the line at that. For this reason, while I'll happily play with non-white muses, muses using non white faceclaims, and crossovers with characters of all sorts, I'll have to decline playing with any muse claiming to actually be writing slavery. There’s a difference between, say, roleplaying a character like Daenerys, a fictional character who was technically a slave-bride sold by her brother, and writing actual slavery from a very real, horrible time period. Slave ownership will of course be mentioned on this blog, that's unavoidable, but just like the mention of rape may happen on this blog from time to time, it will be in reference to a past event or speaking about the subject in general, not roleplaying a scene of it. Please respect this rule, I was hesitant to make this blog at first, because I know it makes some people uncomfortable, but I won't glorify such a horrible real thing that happened to so many people.
Just a head's up, unless I develop a bunch of chemistry with a particular portrayal of a muse I'm not likely to agree to being exclusives with anyone, unless perhaps it's a very niche or divergent character that has formed a good relationship of some sort with John and I'd have trouble interacting with other versions of that muse. For major characters I just feel it would be unfair to say no to someone who I click with in every other way, solely because I have already befriended someone else writing that character.
I will, however, discuss becoming mains with someone whom I've either developed or plotted out detailed storylines/interactions with regarding our specific portrayals of our characters. This means that I tend to reply to them quickly when I'm online, or may make little gifts (moodboards, aesthetic things, mini ficlets, whatever) for them unprompted, have a verse dedicated just to them, etc. Even if it seems like we haven't done much on Tumblr, there may be a lot of off-site development on Discord or whatnot that led to us plotting out intricate stories for our muses.
Current Mains:
Alexander Hamilton - @quillborn​
⭐️ Send private messages.
⭐️ Send my character asks/starters/memes.
⭐️ Tag me in things.
⭐️ Ask to plot or ship.
⭐️ Ask for angst, fluff, etc.
⭐️ Submit things to me & my muse.
⭐️ Do crack and other ridiculous things with me!
⭐️ Like my RP threads.
⭐️ Like my personal posts.
⭐️ Comment on my personal/OOC posts (if you want to).
⭐️ Comment on my crack threads.
⭐️ Instant Message (IM) me if you'd like to talk, whether we're friends already or not!
⭐️ Send hateful messages to me about other people and especially my mutuals; doesn't count if it's about the muse and not the person playing them, however. Also, if I’ve got beef with someone for whatever reason, don’t harass them/send hate to them on my behalf, please. I don’t condone anonymous abuse, attacking others, or harassment. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself, I promise.
⭐️ Introduce yourself with ‘wanna ship?’ For one, I prefer if we’ve at least started a roleplay together, or have spoken OOC. Auto shipping doesn’t always work out and I hate promising people something only to realize there’s zero chemistry, because then I feel like I’m letting them down.
⭐️ Come into my inbox with just ‘wanna rp?’ and that’s it. Please at least have some idea of what you want to roleplay, it’s not very fun when someone approaches you to RP but then doesn’t offer up any suggestions at all. Remember, you are always free to send me memes, whether we’re mutuals or not, and hit me up for whatever plot you think might interest me! I want to hear about it!
⭐️ Spam me with "reminder" messages if I've already acknowledged you the first few times.
⭐️ Reblog my RP threads if you're not a participant in them.
⭐️ Send me anonymous OOC hate. Hate for Laurens is fine, it's just another form of roleplay.
⭐️ Kill off my character or severely injure/maim my character without permission or having plotted something involving that with me first.
⭐️ Follow me if you're a porn blog. I don't mind blogs that post NSFW content, or smut a lot, etc. I mean blogs that aren't for RP and are literally just a normal looking blog until you click on it and the header and first twenty posts are hardcore nudity and porn. I hate those things.
⭐️ Shame my ships.
⭐️ Complain about my tagging. I put my smut under a 'read more' without exception and tag them as "NSFW //" with two dashes. Things that are not necessarily graphic but still have sexual undertones go under "Suggestive //". I use these tags to avoid attracting attention from porn blogs and porn bots that track certain key words, as such I do not tag my content with "Smut" or trigger words such as "dick, oral, anal, nudity, etc", please block my NSFW and Suggestive tags if you're uncomfortable. Triggery subjects (mentions of rape, animal abuse, torture, mental illness) will be tagged under the name of said trigger with a space and two dashes, example: "Self Harm //", “Suicidal Ideation //” or "PTSD //".
⭐️ Godmod my character. If you’re not sure what is/isn’t okay, come talk to me! I don’t bite! If you’re looking for an example of god mod behavior, here: “X lunged at Laurens, taking him by surprise, and hit him square in the nose, causing blood to spurt.” It might not seem like a big deal but it means that you decided how your character’s actions affected my muse, and not only that, didn’t give him a chance to dodge or anything. Not cool.
⭐️ Ship with me without permission (sending in shippy asks is A-Ok if you're interested in exploring a ship between our muses, I'm talking about things like claiming that our muses are in a relationship without discussing it with me, referencing dates or sexual acts that never happened, etc. I ship mainly with chemistry otherwise things get boring fast.
⭐️ Assume/act like our characters know each other/are closely connected (friends/family/lovers) if we've never discussed it unless it is established in canon/history. This especially goes for original characters. I'm open to Laurens forming deep relationships with OCs obviously, but those have to be developed in character, not just assumed from the first interaction.
⭐️ Attempt to roleplay with me if you are not a roleplay blog/or if you're just trying to RP as "yourself." I don't do Character X Reader imagines stuff. I don't RP with 'fan' accounts, only RP blogs. You can still send asks so long as you're not trying to initiate an RP scenario. For example, asking Laurens what his hobbies are, asking for a blessing etc? That's fine. Spamming me with different actions "you" are talking to Laurens is weird. Stop that. I will also not RP with blogs that claim to roleplay as real life people, such as Markiplier, that's super creepy. This does NOT apply to "historical fiction" roleplay (obviously since that's what this blog is), which is considered its own genre of literature. I'm talking about the above where people will 'roleplay' as real life, currently alive people like YouTube celebrities and ship them with their friends, even if they've made it clear that they're uncomfortable with it. 
⭐️ Get angry at me for doing something you don't like if you don't even have a rules page for me to go by. It's not fair; you can't expect your partners to just read your mind and magically know how you feel. If something bothers you let me know, I’ll make a note about it so I avoid it during our interactions!
⭐️ Use me as a meme resource blog without ever interacting with me. I don't require "reblog karma" for you to follow me, partners are more than welcome to reblog from me, but if we never interact and I just occasionally see you reblog fifteen posts from my meme tag and then disappear again I'm not gonna be happy. Go to the source or to an archived blog no longer getting notifications, please!
⭐️ Reblog my Meta/Headcanons. If they're from a different blog it's fine but the ones I've personally written are for MY portrayal of Laurens. I work hard on most of my stuff and I'd prefer if you didn't reblog it, not because you aren't allowed to have the same headcanon ideas as me, but because then it ends up getting liked or reblogged by lots of other people, spamming my notifications, etc.
OCs & Multimuses
I love OCs and multi-muse blogs (I have my own multimuse sideblog over at @historyremembers, which has other 18th century characters including the Hamilton children and some OCs), so feel free to interact! That being said, please have an about page of some sort on your blog. I can't follow back blogs that have absolutely no information available regarding their character(s). I don't RP with OC children of Laurens. This is nothing personal, but I'm fairly certain he was gay in real life and prefer to play him that way, and he only had one child - who he never even got to meet - in real life, so it just wouldn't make sense to me for him to have other kids running around unless he'd adopted some. If you're a multimuse, I may not follow you back if I'm only familiar with two of your muses if you have a blog of fifteen characters, simply because I'd prefer to keep my dash clean and only have characters/fandoms I'm familiar with on it. I'll still RP with you if you have a character I'm interested in! I just might not follow back if the majority of your characters I do not know, I apologize for this.
If you’ve made it to the end of this, congrats! I know it couldn’t be easy (my ADHD brain was frustrated trying to just write all this up) but it’s necessary so there’s not misunderstandings on what I am/am not willing to RP. I won’t ask for a password since I trust most people to have the courtesy to at least skim the rules of those they want to RP with. 
Have a nice day!
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3195c · 4 years
The Dark Knight: How Heath Ledger's Joker Was Born
On the occasion of The Dark Knight’s 10th anniversary, we spoke with make-up artist John Caglione, Jr., who was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on The Dark Knight along with Conor O'Sullivan. Caglione had previously won an Oscar for his makeup on Dick Tracy back in 1991, so he came into The Dark Knight with some very relevant experience in the realm of creating grotesqueries. But when it came to birthing a new version of the Joker, the makeup artist quickly realized that he would be crossing into some new and uncomfortable terrain.
“So I read the script for The Dark Knight, and having seen the first one of Chris Nolan’s trilogy, I got the feeling it was going to be more of kind of an organic-looking thing,” Caglione explains. “It was going to be kind of real, not so comic book-y. Going in, and then talking to Chris, meeting him, it became a more realistic approach to the makeup. … What would it be if this guy slept in this makeup? You know, this psychopath. If he didn’t spruce up his makeup for two or three weeks. And, you know, he never changes his clothes in the film. … It was those kinds of organic details that really helps.” When Caglione joined the production, Ledger was already signed on to play the iconic villain. The makeup designer’s earliest meetings were with the actor, director, and costume designer Lindy Hemming, followed by Caglione creating five or six color sketches as overlays of headshots of Ledger complete with green hair, different kinds of clown makeup, scars, and so on. This was followed with some makeup tests with Ledger in London, but as the process continued, it became clear that Caglione had to abandon his artist’s instinct to get everything just right. “You know, you go into it, and you’re trying, as a makeup artist, I’m always trained to do every little detail,” he says. “And you think of a clown makeup, and for the most part they’re pretty detailed with sharp lines, but this had to be the opposite of that. It had to look very broken down, very… very lived in. So, yeah, my first few times were too perfect, so I had to kind of let my hand go. And it was hard, it was really hard to do that. And I remember the first week, the first few days on set, I would look at the makeup, and you don’t know the context of the film and the overall vision, and you’re looking at it as a makeup artist. And I’m saying, this is the worst makeup in the world here! You know? And, it was like, oh, am I doing the right thing?
“And you’re looking at all the great makeups in history,” he continues. “Not just the Joker, but Clarabell and so many other greats -- you know, Emmett Kelly. And they’re always just very accurate, very precise makeups, and then here comes this. Ahhh! But, thank God it all worked out, right?” It’s easy to forget now, but before The Dark Knight was released, the standard bearer of Joker makeups was the Jack Nicholson version from Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman. But Caglione says that as far as he can recall, that design was never really discussed when creating the Ledger Joker. In fact, even the idea of the Joker’s white face being the result of an accident -- which is clearly the case in the Burton film -- just didn’t fit in the Nolan world of Batman. “The first Batman was amazing,” says Caglione. “I love Nicholson’s makeup. And I love the whole approach that Tim Burton [took] … the comic book style of the film, it worked. Everything about that film was great. So, in the back of my mind, maybe subconsciously it was there, but no, it never came up in meetings or discussions. It was, let’s roll up our sleeves and make this thing look like a real person could have done this to themselves. … I think it was always discussed, that this was a possible -- you know, just a psychopath. A real person that just gets into this whole thing. It’s almost like a split personality. And so, yeah, it’s a madman in makeup. It’s that concept.”
Part of the “doing this to themselves” aspect of the character includes the question of those scars on either side of this Joker’s face. Of course, the film itself leaves the question of where the scars came from open to interpretation, as unknowable as the Joker’s ever-changing origin. “I always got the impression that it was self-inflicted,” says Caglione. “But it’s up to you to decide. Was he punished, was it abuse? Was it an abusive situation? It could have been [and] that just tipped him over the edge. Mutilation, self-mutilation. We never really know for sure.” Not surprisingly, Ledger himself was very involved in creating the makeup with Nolan and Caglione. Indeed, he was essential to getting the worn and cracked look of his Joker just right. “It was great with Heath, it was just a great experience,” says Caglione. “He was a great person to work with every day. It was like a dance, because certain parts of the makeup, to get those cracks and all the drippy stuff, you really need the cooperation of the actor’s facial gestures when laying down the makeup and the paint. So we had a lot of fun together on that movie.”
Achieving the desired effect essentially involved Ledger acting in the makeup chair. “He would contort his face or raise his eyebrows,” recalls Caglione. “Or I would even take one hand and kind of scrunch the corner of his eyes to create crows’ feet, you know, draw those wrinkles, and brush grays and white colors over it, and he would relax and you would get all these expressive lines and details that just come naturally. Listen, it’s an old theater trick. They were doing it in the turn of the century, the 1920s in theater. Actors would put white makeup on and scrunch their face and let it go, and then paint little brown lines. So it’s nothing that we really invented. It was a throwback to old makeup techniques.” Another throwback in the design process came in the famous interrogation scene, where things get real rough between the Caped Crusader and the Clown Prince of Crime. “So, Heath and I would always be like, gee, what could we do a little different toward the end of the sequence?” recalls Caglione. “And I remember one time we’re talking about the scene where he gets beat up by Batman. He’s in the jail cell. And at the end of the scene, he wanted to have a different look, Heath. And I was thinking about what we can do with the eyes, the black and stuff. And I went, you know, there was this great villain in the Chaplin films, he was played -- the actor was Eric Campbell, and he always played the big heavy in all the Chaplin movies. And he always had these big, black eyes that kind of had these black eyebrows. And Heath was like, well, let me see a picture. So I pulled it up, and we kind of went for that kind of look. It was a throwback to an old Chaplin villain from the silent screen days.”
According to Caglione, Christopher Nolan wasn’t the kind of director who said “I want you to do exactly this.” Instead, he would offer inspiration and guidance. Take, for example, the paintings of Francis Bacon that he brought to Ledger and Caglione early in the design process. “I think it was his way of saying, let’s blur this, let’s loosen this up,” says Caglione. “Here’s a book, look at it, and maybe you’ll find some inspiration. And it really helped, you know, we turned a corner. He didn’t have to say much, but that was the way it kind of went. And then Heath helped me to relax. The great actors help you relax so you can really bring it, and you can just try different things and feel free to do it. But that Francis Bacon painting, that day that Chris came in and plopped that down and we went through some pages… He said, yeah, maybe look at this picture, look at that picture. I think he actually had some of the pictures tagged with Post-its that he likes. Just for inspiration.” Funny enough, it was a Francis Bacon painting in the 1989 Batman that the Jack Nicholson Joker spared during his gang’s rampage in the Gotham City museum. Coincidence? Who can say? Of course, sadly Heath Ledger passed away before The Dark Knight was released. He went on to receive a posthumous Oscar for the role, but had he not died, the actor could’ve returned as the Joker. Caglione recalls Ledger talking about his ideas for the character beyond The Dark Knight.
“Yes, he did, he actually did talk to me about it,” he says. “He wanted to… start at the Arkham Asylum. And his idea -- I don’t know if he ever talked to Chris. This is just private moments in the chair with Heath, and conversations like, wouldn’t it be great to go back and see what really happened to this guy, how he became what he became? And why he just, you know, flipped out and became maniacal? And he always thought it would be great to go back to the asylum, or even before that. So it was just chit-chat in the chair. … Because I’m sure as an actor, he needs to know the origins of the character; it’s really important to him. “He was excited about the idea of going back in time, and seeing how he became the Joker. You know, the evolution of the character,” says Caglione. “It would have been cool. It would have been cool.”
Indeed, it would’ve been cool. But at least we’ll always have Heath Ledger’s amazing performance from The Dark Knight, and the unforgettable look of the character created by Christopher Nolan, John Caglione, Jr., Conor O'Sullivan, Lindy Hemming and, of course, Ledger himself.
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I will RP with both mutuals and non-mutuals! XD However, I only RP with RP blogs that have rules & about pages.
I am multi-ship and multi-verse friendly, except for The Devil’s Carnival and Panic Room: House of Secrets due to not so fun past RP experiences. Please respect this.
If you want to RP with me: All you have to do is ask. IM me if you want to plot, or send in a meme. Asks are also appreciated! Just keep in mind that I’m a selective blog and so RPing with some blogs will take priority over others.
On the subject of blogs: This blog is a sideblog to meisterkirisaki, so follows will come from there!
I am as slow as heck for replies nowadays on this blog due to me managing several other blogs (six other blogs, to be specific), so please please please be patient with me in terms of RP replies. If absolutely needed, I will need to have a limit on how many threads I can do, but we’ll see how things go. Right now, there is no thread cap.
All headcanons are mine. Please don’t steal!
I expect politeness, please. I will be polite also, but I ask that you do this in return. Rudeness will not be tolerated.
Please let me know if I am overwhelming you with asks and/or replies at any point, and I will cut them down as much as needed for your comfort. I cannot stress this enough, mainly because I *can* get overexcited with verses and/or threads our muses might have together and end up spamming you with thread-related asks or replies out of the blue. The last thing I want to do is get *you* stressed out over replies, and I apologize if I have done so.
Please note: If you ever want to stop RPing with me or you want to drop a thread or something, just send me a polite IM and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can about it. I will do the same for you. I already had cases of people dropping all interaction with me without telling me on other blogs, and I really don’t want more of them because I find it to be incredibly rude to me to leave me hanging like that. I will not be offended by such if you don’t want to RP with me—just decline politely, because rudeness sucks. If I ever come off as forceful for some reason, please tell me, and I apologize if I do—I just want to RP with all you wonderful RPers out there from different fandoms because I’m interested in RPing with your muses from those fandoms! Thanks.
Also, please keep your drama with other fellow RPers to a minimum, or you will be unfollowed and I won’t be RPing with you. We’re here to have a champion time, not make others miserable.
Also keep in mind: I have the right to refuse RPing with you for whatever reason. Please don’t take it personally.
Regarding open starters: I will occasionally respond to other RPers’ open starters. If you don’t respond to open starters that I answered in approximately a week, I’m going to assume that you don’t want to RP with me and leave it at that. Also, if you answer one of my open starters and I don’t answer it in three days to a week, assume that I don’t want to RP with you. Please don’t take this personally.
Formatting: I don’t need anyone to format their posts in a particular way, just as long as I’m able to read it. :D This also means, though that I won’t be formatting my posts in any particular way (other than cutting posts if needed or maybe having an icon or two) so although it may lack in aesthetics, I encourage you to try to take in more of the substance rather than style of the post.
When it comes to shipping: no forceshipping. I know Leon is very loveable but please don’t do any forceshipping. This may result in an automatic unfollow and me no longer RPing with you if you don’t follow this.
I will not be RPing smut on this particular blog for now, at least until I get a better grasp of my headcanons for Leon in terms of romance/sexuality. I am willing to do fade-to-black if things get heated between our muses, but that’s all that will happen if things move towards that sort of direction. Please respect this. Thank you!
I will sometimes use icons in threads, and I will always tag where i got the icons from if I reblog them from a source, so check the #icons tag.
Also regarding icons, I will RP by default without using icons in threads. when answering asks, though, I tend to answer with an icon though you don’t need to use icons.
If you’d like me to use icons for our threads, send me an IM about it before RPing with me!
Alternatively, if you like a starter call of mine where I explicitly state that I’ll be using icons in those starters, I will use icons for those threads too.
This RPer has taken the anti-hate pledge.
Please also note: If you plan to torture, kill, do anything that could be potentially scarring to my muse or to people in real life, please talk to me BEFORE we start rping any of that. Talk to me if you have any potential triggers so I can avoid having those in our RP threads. As far as I know so far, I don’t have any triggers, but I am uncomfortable with excessive visual gore (I can write about it, but I can’t stomach any photos of, for example, hearts being ripped out or dead decaying bodies). I would highly appreciate if you can tag your gore as #gore tw so I can blacklist it. Thanks!
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jaywrites101 · 5 years
Tag Game: About the Author
I was tagged by @trickster-writes you should give her a look-see if you haven’t already. Thanks =)
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: thejay101 was the name I used while gaming online, what little of that I did. Now, on Social Media, I use JayWrites101 as a brand name to unify my different accounts (even though the only two I’m active on is Twitter and Tumblr) Fun Fact: Jay. is my nome de plume or pen-name. There’s a lot of meaning packed into those four characters lol.
Zodiac: Uhhh, Capricorn, I think. I don’t put stock into zodiac signs so I keep forgetting, but I like reading posts about _____ as the signs, so I keep re-looking up what I am. XD
Height: Don’t know. I don’t measure. I’m taller than you’d think but shorter than a lot of people.
Time: rn it’s 11:11 A.M. I think I’m on U.S. Central timezone.
Favorite Band/Artist: Favorite?
Song Stuck In My Head: The Cups song, -- I can’t remember it’s proper name -- but I’m weird so I’ve also got bits of Five Rings, New Divide, Halzy’s Without Me, and the main refrain of Spectacular Spider-man interrupting at “fun” intervals. (Spec-tacularr, Spec-tacularr, Spider-man! Spec-tacularrrrr (repeats))
Last Movie I Saw: Captain Marvel. And before that Shazam. (I watched S first so I wouldn’t be quite as biased towards one or the other.) The JayReviews should be finished on Friday.
Last Thing I Googled: The correct spelling for the word “necessarily.” In my defense, that was four days ago. And I double check words a lot out of paranoia more so than proper misspellings. (I have Grammarly for that.)
Other Blogs: None, but again, I’m on all Social Media platforms except Kick. But again, again... I’m only active on this one and Twitter.
Do I Get Asks: Every once and a while. I love asks, especially about my writings, life, philosophy, or my furry little editors. =D
Why This Username: Well, I started gaming under thejay101 ‘cause Ima school ya’ ;D I’ve always been really good at games, and I’ve always been a bit (read lot) of a braggart. But with the march of the internet, that name got more and more taken by people who were not me. XD 
So I came up with JayWrites101: A Writer on Social Media. It was unique, interesting, slightly more humble and -- most importantly -- not already taken. So I spasmed my fingers across my keyboard as fast as I could to go through each of the Social Media accounts and stake my claim at the accounts before anyone else could. I even made a website under JayWrites101 so no one else can.
This way, It’s a brand name. I’m still trying to grow it. To figure out what I am and what I do, but I’m getting there slowly. =) Right now it’s just my author’s platform, but I’d like to think that someday if I get big enough and have people who share my dreams with me, it’ll grow and become a pillar of the internet.
Following: Only 667. And... Fun... Fact.... <.< I’ve only got 274 followers, but in your defense you guys and gals and everything in between are Awesome!  I love ya all and I like how much interaction we have ^.^
Thank you.
Average Amount of Sleep: 8-10 hours! I’m a long sleeper. If I get any less than that I end up groggy, slow, and it’s all I can do to go about my day on autopilot.
Fun Fact: Once while I was working at DG, I was so overworked and go so little sleep that I spent a whole workday running on autopilot and when I got home I couldn’t remember anything I did that day at work.
Bonus Fact: The day after that was my day off and I spent the entire 24hours asleep!
And my manager still wonders why I quit! <.< Whackadoodle.
Lucky Number: Ten. Let’s see if you can guess why lol XD
What am I wearing: Well, normally it’s a t-shirt and blue jeans, but today I’m being wild so it’s a t-shirt and sweatpants!
Dream Job: Making money as a playboy billionaire who made a tech company when he was six and is still making enough from interest alone to justify him never needing a job as long as he lives, but he continues to go to the office and sign paperwork so he can make even more money, buy a few yachts, tour the globe eight times over in style, and still have enough money to fund a few local social programs like “here, I’m not a dick.”
Just kidding, my dream job is doing everything I’m already doing, just getting paid for it.
Dream Trip: I’d really like to tour Europe, just once. Go to London, travel to France, see Rome, and Athens, go to Barcelona. You grow up hearing about these places and seeing them romanticized through film, but... I want to see them for myself. It’s kinda like wanting to go to Disneyland to see the unpaid actors and find the cracked, seams in the facade. I want to see the reality behind the dream.
And I want to go with friends or family. Or maybe both. I know I don’t want to go alone.
Favorite Food: Chicken Fajitas with either Fried Rice or Nachos and just simply drowning in queso cheese. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s heaven in a plate.
Instruments I Play: Um... I can read sheet music, and I can sing. Roughly that means I can sorta play all instruments badly, but none of them well.
Fun Fact: I took piano lessons as a kid, but stopped.
Bonus Fact: I still compose little tunes to go with my poetry.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Aesthetic: Combat boots and a long brown overcoat, a wisard’s staff in one hand, and a short sword in the other, a broadsword across my back and a mischevious grin on my face.
I don’t know if this is an aesthetic like your looking for, but it’s how I see myself.
Languages I speak: I badly speak English, I can read and write in Spanish, and sorta hold a conversation. (Hearing words pronounced is a challenge) I can bluff my way through Japanese (A few very important words) and various bits and tidbits across all the Latin languages that come from studying etymology. 
Most Iconic Song: If it’s theme songs you’re looking for that would be Centuries, by Fallout Boy. But if we’re talking about songs that are iconically me to me, that would be Fairly Local, by Twenty-one pilots.
Random Fact: There’s no such thing as fire or lighting. 
What we see as fire is actually a low-level plasma that’s formed from the air superheating into the fourth state of matter due to an exothermic reaction. (A chemical reaction that releases heat energy and carbon stored within the wood.)
And what we call lightning is the same phenomenon caused at a much higher intensity as invisible electricity moves through the air. The sheer friction of electricity passing electrons through the air causes the air molecules to superheat and change states into plasma. Basically, electricity is burning the air as it moves from one point to the other.
Tagging: @currentlynotreading, I have to know what your answers are lol. @bexminx @blueinkblot @pens-swords-stuff @kiramartinauthor @odd-dog @ciestess @ednaraged @thatoneaceinthecorner @siarven @prettydoddleoddle and @soul-write
I think you’re supposed to tag twenty, but you’re all my most active followers. =)
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debtstrokes-blog · 6 years
                   t  u  m  b  l  r    r  p            aesthetic
Hi. My name is Eli, and I’m here to make a rant about accessibility & tumblr rp trends.
I have been role playing on tumblr since 2010. Almost a 10 years. And I’ve watched many trends in role playing come and go. There was a time when all threads had titles, and tag tracking was simplistic and single worded. When everyone used missing e instead of X-Kit, and gif dumps were all the rage. 
There was a time when the ideal profile theme was easy to read, easy to navigate, and focused on making sure everyone and anyone who came to your profile would have no trouble viewing your content. 
As we’ve grown as a community, I’ve watched the need for us to be hyper accessible to attract other role players decline steadily. The switch from gifs to 100x100 icons was definitely a welcome change, as was the common trend of shrinking text. It made dashboards tidier, easier to scroll through, and load times for those of us with slow internet was better. 
But the trends didn’t stop there. 
I’m going to preface what comes next with I am not telling you how to run your blog. I am not saying you’re an inherently bad person for doing any of the things I’m about to talk about. I’m not saying you should change your style because anyone tells you too. 
This is me ranting about my experience as a person with visual processing issues, and how the changes in tumblr rp from accessibility to aesthetic have made role playing on tumblr difficult. 
1. Minimalism
The first major trend in aesthetic that started showing up after I took a six month hiatus a few years ago, was the minimalist profile. Spartan profiles with exceptionally tiny text with incredibly low contrast. I was looking for blogs to follow, and found that I had to highlight, copy, and paste profile information into a google doc or text file just to be able to read them. It became taxing and tiring, and I felt like the odd man out for maintaining my large, well contrasted profiles. I was still trying to rock a 14pt font and colors that didn’t induce eye strain, both for myself and anyone else who was coming to view my blog, but I noticed that people were less and less willing to interact with me. So I changed things up and adopted that minimalist style for my profiles and lo and behold... People started talking to me. I had to give up my ability to easily navigate my own rp blog in order to legitimize myself among the new playing field. I tried to maintain this for a long time, but after a while I had to stop giving a shit just so I could enjoy myself again. 
Even still, it’s hard not to feel slightly ostracized because I don’t have a tiny container profile with itty bitty text. I don’t understand why style over accessibility became such a trend. Why not both? Both used to be the norm. 
2. Hyper-Stylized Posts
FUCK. I can’t. I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan’t. With the varying text sizes from ultra tiny to full blown header sized in bold, with the ridiculous spacing between every single letter. This E.E. Cummings style, everything is varying sizes of text with no capitalization and insane amounts of purple prose feels like it’s just hiding a lack of goddamn substance. It makes me so frustrated because I will read a post. Then I’ll re-read that same post. And then re-read it again and I feel like a fucking walnut because I cannot for the life of me decipher what the hell is going on. I can’t comprehend these posts. And I know that I have visual processing issues, but my reading comprehension isn’t THIS BAD.
I want to play with people, and yanno, there are amounts of post stylizing that are still readable, like, bolding the first few words, doing a smaller text size but not the ultra tiny text sizes, using special quotations for your speech. Hell, I don’t even mind if you don’t capitalize anything. That’s all still readable, but this shit has gone way too far with some people. People who stylize so heavily that there are spaces between every single letter of your post, the text is so itty bitty I have to page zoom (which by the way makes the spaces between your letters even farther apart) to read it. I just want an UNFUCK button for these posts. 
Why? Why is the way something looks more important to you than the ability to read it for your partner? You spend all this time, meticulously formatting a post and make your writing entirely inaccessible to people with any kind of visual processing issues. 
3. Requiring post formatting of your partners 
Honestly? HONESTLY??? 
Fuck you.
I have read more than one profile (after having to zoom forever or copy and paste elsewhere just to read it) only to have to click away in disgust when I see “If you don’t do some kind of post formatting I probably won’t play with you because it screws up the uniformity of my blog” and I’ve even seen people go so far as to claim “I have OCD so I can’t handle it”. 
I have been living with OCD for 15 years, and boy lemme tell ya. Shilling your aesthetic on the backs of those with crippling mental illness is disgusting. I’m tired of it. I know there really are people on this site with OCD who do struggle with visual processing in different ways than I do, but I am pressing X to doubt everyone claiming it to justify their exclusion of anyone who doesn’t aesthetic post format actually has OCD.
Final Thoughts:
I just hate that we’ve reached a point where the look of our posts and our profiles matters more than the content and the accessibility of that content. At the end of the day, this fleeting moment of intense rage at the steady decline of accessibility in role playing on tumblr and the increase of stylized elitism will be behind me not long after I post this. Sometimes, I just need to get thoughts out of my system.
Ultimately, this rant may lose me followers, it may even lose me partners. If I’m following you, and you do aesthetic blogging, it’s likely because it’s not so extreme that I can’t read it. This post is not about you.
This post is addressing what if tumblr rp aesthetic BUT TOO MUCH.
Expending all this effort to make things “look pretty” only to alienate people, and make people with visual processing issues, or reading comprehension issues feel frustrated, is just harmful to the community. This culture has driven away some of my favorite writing partners over the years. They don’t want to be on tumblr anymore because the aesthetic over accessibility, style over substance rp culture has made this place completely unusable to them. 
So yeah. What if tumblr rp aesthetic, but too much?
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greatdrams · 6 years
The GreatDrams Review of 2018
Welcome to The GreatDrams Review of 2018, a time for me to have a swift light hearted reflection of the year that was and my personal highlights of the year.
Well what a year it has been; Donald Trump is still president, Daniel Ricciardo sacked off Red Bull to move to Renault - massive error in judgement in my view, Brexit is still as screwed up as ever, Harry and Meghan were wed, my wife and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary at the Johnnie Walker Spa F1 Grand Prix, City won the Premiership in record-breaking style, my beloved LFC are finally looking like a ruthless challenger of honours, a load of school kids were trapped then rescued from a cave in Thailand, the World Cup in Russia was one of the best I have ever watched, all manner of politicians embarrassed themselves, their offices, our government and our country and of course, The Greatest Show managed to get me addicted to its soundtrack.
Crazy to even start reflecting on most of the above, but thankfully I only need to reflect on GreatDrams, and of course what's been going on in whisky.
This year has been amongst my busiest;
285,000 + GreatDrams readers this year
65k followers across social media and email
1,300 articles now on GreatDrams (including a load scheduled for future publishing)
256 hours airborne on planes to presentations and meetings
131 hours on trains to meetings
60 trains to meetings in London
37 flights to distilleries and meetings in seven countries (Japan, China, Germany, Spain, USA, Scotland and Ireland)
23 distilleries visited across Scotland, Japan, Kentucky
11 casks bought for our independent bottling programme
9 events attended (lower than usual due to hectic consulting schedule and family life)
8 publications written for including a year long ‘residency’ writing for Whisky Magazine
5 spirits judging panels sat on
4 whisky shows and festivals attended
3 awards shortlisted for
2 award wins - Silver Medal in the Independent Bottler’s Challenge and Best Online Spirits Resource
2 GreatDrams independently bottled whiskies, Invergorden 11 Year Old & Craigellachie 11 Year Old Single Casks, available here
1 award highly commended runner up
1 squash match against Fred Laing which raised over £4,500 for charity
Countless whiskies tried, enjoyed and commented on 
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Some particular highlights for me personally have been;
Getting to visit Japan, China, Germany, NYC (x2), and Kentucky on business
Meeting so many GreatDrammers at different whisky festivals - you're all awesome
Visiting Whisky L in Shanghai
Spending time with so many icons of the whisky world including, but not limited to Dr. Bill Lumsden, Richard Patterson, John McCheyne, Georgie Bell, Fraser Campbell, Stephanie Macleod, Donald Coleville, Dr. Nick Morgan, Ewan Gunn, Billy Leighton and Brian Nation
Visiting Kentucky for the first time - wow… and managing to visit nine distilleries in three days, including a day where I just went to one!
In whisky I was fortunate to try some incredible whiskies (in the order in which I remembered them or tried them, not preference);
Johnnie Walker Ghost Reserve Port Ellen
Tullamore D.E.W. XO
Glenfiddich 40 Year Old
Fettercairn 40 Year Old
Hakushu 25 Year Old
Hibiki 35 Year Old Single Cask
Hibiki 17 Year Old
Hibiki 17 Year Old Grain Component
Hibiki 17 Year Old Mizunara Component
Hibiki 17 Year Old Sherry Component
Suntory Toki
Craigellachie Hotel 21 Year Old
Whyte & Mackay 13 Year Old
AnCnoc Peatheart
Jameson IPA
Redbreast 21 Year Old
Tullamore D. E. W. Distillery Exclusive Red Wine Finish
Roe & Co.
Teeling Brabazon 2
Bunnahabhain PX Finish
Bunnahabhain Moine Brandy Cask Finish
Dewar’s Scratched Cask 12 YO
Dewar’s White Label
Ballantine’s 21 Year Old
Ballantine’s 17 Year Old
Craigellachie 33 Year Old
Royal Brackla 21
G&M Clynelish 12 Year Old
Nikka Miyagikyo 12 Year Old Sherry & Sweet
Singleton of Dufftown Malt Masters Selection
Bushmill’s 16 Year Old
Bushmill’s 21 Year Old
The Glenlivet Captain’s Reserve
Aberlour Casg Annamh
Balcones Texas Rye
Starward 10th Anniversary
Rock Oyster 18 Year Old
Rock Oyster Cask Strength Batch 002
Yamazaki 12 Year Old
Suntory Kakubin
Asaka Six Month Mizunara Rested New Make
Chicken Cock Bourbon
Weller 12 Year Old
Wild Turkey Decades
Wilderness Trail Single Barrel
Wilderness Trail 4 Year Old Rye
Russell’s Reserve Bluegrass Tavern Barrel Select ‘Gobble Gobble Gulp’
Bluegrass Distillers Wheated Bourbon
Weller 1950’s Gold Vein
Method & Madness Hungarian Oak Finish
Glengoyne 21 Year Old 
Caperdonach 21 Year Old Peated
Along with all these stunning whiskies and a very busy year, we have seen Scotch exports up, volumes up and huge investment into new and expanding distillery operations throughout Scotland and Ireland in particular, with many new distilleries opening up in England too.
2019 looks to be another busy year with many new distilleries having spirit old enough to start releasing their first bottlings after three or more years of patience, and I'm sure a degree of nervous anticipation.
Thanks for reading, following, liking, Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming and tagging GreatDrams across the web this year, I've had a blast and it's been so lovely to help so many GreatDrammers with their whisky choices and to meet a fair few of you at events around the UK over the last twelve months.
As always, please do send me pics of your whisky exploration, or tag me in festivities so I can share with the wider GreatDrams Network and please also keep sending your feedback, questions and comments to me, I reply to every single email I get sent; [email protected].
Here's to a prosperous 2019 for one and all, have a great Christmas, New Year and see you at the next show!
The post The GreatDrams Review of 2018 appeared first on GreatDrams.
from GreatDrams http://bit.ly/2Qh3OLs Greg
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darklydescended · 7 years
behind the mirror mask
Hi. my name is _____ but you may call me SIA . I have been writing for over eighteen years of my life and roleplaying on tumblr for over six now . I am currently twenty five, have eight tattoos, no piercings, and try to be as cool of a person as i can be. I don't write on skype//kik//aim//discord or any of those fancy cellular platforms anymore unless i really get to know a writer and we click. this is my first attempt at running a multi-muse blog on here but if you have any questions please never,ever be afraid to shoot me an IM or message on here. I promise that I am literally a sweet potato. i do,however, reserve the right to refuse to roleplay with anybody i wish. if you post racial,sexually abusive material such as rape and incest, or other things like that i will unfollow you. They aren't triggers but they are skeevy to me.
This goes without saying most days yet sadly i always find myself having to make this an actual rule. You control your character and i will control mine. Simple as that.
This is an ABSOLUTELY HATE FREE ZONE. I will not tolerate anon hate or gossipping among my blog viewers or people i roleplay with. I find it salty as hell and I hate seeing people degrade others. PLEASE if you see me WRITING with somebody that you find toxic or upsetting then simply blacklist their url, as i tag every one of my threads with the person i am writing with's url. DO NOT make every other post on your blog about hate or how you find other people toxic or just generally wish to complain or smear somebody into the ground. I will not warn you. I will unfollow you without explanation. Simple as that.
While i have been against this idea in the past i feel like this is something to bring up on here . If I TRULY feel like our characters click and you are open to it then I will definitely be cool with being exclusive with you. What does this mean? I still multi ship my characters but if you would like to have me as your exclusive pietro maximoff, barnabas collins, etc; and we click well writing then i'm totally cool with that!
if you have ANY idea who the majority of my characters are - which i really hope you do - then I will consider this my warning to you. THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN MATURE AND NSFW MATERIAL. Sexual writing will only be conducted with those that are over the age of 18. no exceptions .This includes but is not limited to sex, cursing, blood, violence, assault, discrimation against mutants, and others of the like. I will tag ANYTHING you ask me to as "tw tag" so that way it WILL be picked up via a tag blocker for you. I am here to write freely but also wish for my viewers to feel comfortable when enjoying my blog.
Memes are open to be sent in by anybody whether we are mutuals or not. all that i ask is that you please SPECIFY which muse you wish for me to reply to the meme as. The memes are always open to ALL of my characters for answers and i honestly LOVE receiving memes and questions for my characters no matter how prying they may be!! send.them.to.me.
some of my muses are extremely difficult to find pictures of . yes i could go through the movies / comics / shows / etc piece by piece and screenshot and i do at some points in time but for characters such as dylan piper, gregory sackville bagg, marnie piper, michael emerson, hadley dellahoussaye, and others you will often see a different face claim then what they had in the show or movie . i try to be faithful to my characters but please understand my choice in choosing the face claims that i do .
as a general rule of thumb i tend to be pretty slow with writing starters. i am much faster at replying to things i am tagged in as well as memes. i try to be fast at replying but if i have taken well over the amount of time you feel is reasonable in replying then please feel free to nudge me on the im with a reminder. Stuff does get lost on tumblr and while i will try to keep a thread tracker on this blog i do not claim to be perfect. This rule also goes to say if you ever wish to drop a thread with me i completely understand. No harsh feelings. Just let me know. Periodically if a thread has been unreplied to for over two months but your blog is still active i will remind you of our thread via an IM. If you wish to discontinue it i will completely understand.
I enjoy writing at the very least para roleplays. This is not to say i won't post an ocassional one line opener. I enjoy writing threads with a little more meat to the bone instead of constantly writing 'she looked towards the man and smiled. "hello darling, how are you doing?" she asked coyly". that is very flat and boring to me. I am ALWAYS open to plotting out thread ideas and prefer to do so via IM or messages.
I am sorry but to keep my dash clean if you write out replies to people and do not trim your posts then i will likely unfollow you. This also goes for if you use HUGE gifs via tumblr's gif option in replies. I would prefer size 100x100 icons or smaller as well as gifs but as long as you are not using the above mentioned methods then i am completely fine. If you are replying via mobile just understand i will trim our thread when i go to reply.
Never ever ever assume our muses are in a relationship together even if they are in canon. I ship chemistry and highly dislike writing out romantic plots right off the bat without some bit of writing between our characters. please, if you ever wish to ship with one of my muses discuss it with me first. I will respect you and do the very same. Also never force ship my characters. just because you have gaga eyes for one of my playbys does not mean i am your personal sex toy. just no.
I whole heartedly welcome you to have threads with multiple characters I write.
Absolutely go for it! All I ask is that you start it in another post linking the original answer in the new post. If you cannot and you choose to reblog my ask reply, i understand. just understand i will create a new post so i can track the new thread much easier when i reply.
Memes are open to be sent in by absolutely anybody. Whether we are mutuals or not. I do not, however, accept M!A's that are sent in. My ask box outside of that is always open to everybody!
Real life blogs PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not reblog any of my posts. I like a clean dash and it fucks up my thread trackers when everybody and their brother believes they can reblog my threads. Only my roleplay partners involved in that thread may do that.
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zonevevo · 4 years
Influencer Brands To Get Your Hands On This Summer
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It’s no secret that influencers have flooded our feeds and made their ways into nearly every aspect of our virtual lives. But what some may not know of is just how many have turned their online presences into influencer brands. Clothing brands, that is.
Influencers: the perfect Instagram aesthetic, trend-setting, entrepreneurial style icons we’ve all grown to love and adore (and follow tirelessly on social media). 
With most entertaining audiences of millions, these beauty, fashion and lifestyle gurus have single-handedly taken both the fashion and social media worlds by storm with ease. The industry of bloggers and influencers has seemingly grown exponentially over recent years, and for good reason. Who wouldn’t want to make six figures styling and sharing their favorite everyday looks?
While most have stayed true to their platform’s original intent, which regularly seems to be outfit inspiration and simple boasts of luxury, a select few have incorporated a new aspect to their business: becoming a fashion house. After sharing your style for so long, it only makes sense to create a brand that offers that same style to others, right? Right. Introducing: influencer brands.
Most of these fashion mavens have luxurious taste, which is absolutely infatuating to look at and mesmerizing to scroll through. But sometimes, a personalized Dior tote isn’t always in the budget. Bummer, we know. Thankfully, most of these influencer turned fashion designers have prioritized offering greater financial and size-inclusive accessibility in their lines, making their style both affordable and wearable for any of their millions of followers wanting to represent it.
If you weren’t already aware, summer has officially begun, which means it’s time for a wardrobe revamp. Pack away your warmer clothes and break out the showier ones. If you find you’re still missing a few summer staples, we’re sure that you’ll be able to find exactly what you’re looking for in some of the influencer-founded clothing lines listed below. Most of these influencer brands are dropping their summer lines now, and you don’t want to miss all the modish pieces they have to offer.
Something Navy by Arielle Charnas
We love her style almost as much as we love watching videos of her kids, and can’t help but dream of being the stylish NYC mama she has so effortlessly become. Arielle Charnas first entered the fashion realm back in 2009, when she launched her blog Something Navy as a means to show off her favorite outfits and make a certain ex-boyfriend jealous. She proceeded to move to New York City, turn her silly old blog into a business, and hasn’t looked back since. Now, the influencer has a 1.3 million following on Instagram, and has grown her blog not only to incorporate discussion on motherhood, lifestyle, NYC life and more, but also into a namesake clothing line.
Something Navy, Charnas’ first collection with Nordstrom, hit the racks in fall of 2018 and was so successful that it crashed the website on launch day. To date, Charnas has produced a handful of lines with Nordstrom, with the final collection released last November.
As of this April, Charnas relaunched her namesake as a direct to consumer label, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. The brand has also opened for retail on Bleecker Street, where all of the magic in the West Village happens, and will be a one stop shop for all of Arielle’s style fanatics. Sequins, flared sleeves, prints, ruffles, silk sets and the most perfect pops of color make her line one worth checking out — when it comes out, of course.  
The new SN line, which was supposed to drop June 22, has been temporarily postponed due to the team’s dedication toward becoming more inclusive in their marketing. But we can assure you the collection is one to be on the lookout for. Whatever influencer brands wear this summer, make sure you show off some Something Navy.
Danielle Bernstein for Macy’s by Danielle Bernstein
She’s an influencer. She’s a badass. She’s an author. She’s a New York City boss woman. And now, she’s a fashion designer. Quite the studded resumé, huh?
Danielle Bernstein, the mastermind behind fashion blog turned multi-million dollar business and clothing brand We Wore What recently took another jab at meddling with the fashion industry beyond posting OOTDs of her trademarked edgy-feminine style, a shoe line, and clothing line named after the blog that made her famous. The result? The dreamiest of influencer brands you’ve ever laid eyes on. And yes, it’s dreamy enough that we just ended a sentence in a preposition for it.
While Bernstein has had plenty of experience in the fashion design industry, her recent collaboration with Macy’s was the first namesake collection she produced. DB launched her spring line, which was the first of four collections signed with the department store, back in March, and the summer one is set to drop on June 17. While the spring collection flaunted puff sleeves, slip skirts, patterned three piece sets, and feminine dresses, the summer one appears to be all that and more. Our excitement is at an all time high.
On launch day back in March, the designer was shocked at the line’s success, and couldn’t wait to see how the summer line — which she promised was “even better” than the spring line — would perform. By the looks of the sneak peaks on her instagram, we’re anticipating a very quick sell out. Bandana tops, poplin dresses, silk tops, sets, and (of course) more puff sleeves. What more could a girl ask for? This collection is giving us major LoveShackFancy vibes, but with subtle coloring and a whole lot of versatility, and we’re not complaining about it.
The best part? Every piece boasts a price tag under $100, and the size-inclusivity is unmatched. Keep your eyes peeled and your credit cards ready. June 17 is right around the corner.
Shop the collection here when it drops, or head to your neighborhood Macy’s.
Tan Lines by Sivan Ayla
What’s summer without chic bathing suits to style it? Influencer, fashion blogger, YouTuber, tanning enthusiast, rosé connoisseur, and lover of all things summer, Sivan Ayla is now a swimsuit fashion designer. Her Instagram, which follows a harmonious aesthetic of tans and pinks, attracts well over 300,000 followers. And her swimsuit line has only increased her impressive success.
The brainchild of Sivan, TAN + LINES offers affordable, versatile, summer destination-inspired pieces that will make you wish you never hated your tan lines. Marketed with the slogan “Tan lines are sexy,” this line is the perfect spot for your summer spending. The line is chock full of different styles of bikini tops and bottoms, all of which are versatile enough to mix and match. Because the line was inspired by the influencer’s 1-year-old daughter, TL also offers a few suits for your mini.
While it sits comfortably on the neutral end of the color spectrum, there are python snake skin options available as well. And, from the looks of the Instagram account, it appears as though the line will be experimenting with some one pieces in the near future — though we are unsure of when that is.
If you’re not feeling a bathing suit on your tan-less body just yet, perhaps you might be interested in purchasing her self-developed tanning lotion. Oops, we forgot to mention she operates another business. +LUX UNFILTERED is the influencer’s founded company that features her vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic, hydrating self-tanning cream, N°32. If you share Sivan’s belief that everyone’s a better person with a tan, this product might be the answer to your summer prayers.
TL has also branched out into the activewear department, offering a wide selection of matching biker shorts, bras, leggings, and loungewear. Moral of the story: there’s a lot this influencer has to offer, and we recommend you check it out ASAP.
Gal Meets Glam by Julia Engel
Femine, chic, whimsical, elegant. This collection is simply a summer must.
Julia Engel, AKA the dress queen, is yet another influencer who decided to turn her fashion blog into something much bigger. Engel, who now entertains well over 1 million Instagram followers, wrote her first post on style and beauty blog Gal Meets Glam way back in 2011. The blog has since grown to become a Charleston-based clothing line chock full of to-die-for prints and dresses resembling Engel’s style, which she describes as “a modern take on classic sophistication and feminine elegance.” The dress connoisseur has even been named one of Forbes’ top influencers.  
The ideation for a dress-focused clothing line began a few years after her blog took off, when Engel, recognizing a gap in the market for affordable, elegant, everyday dresses, decided to launch a collection of her own. And man, was that a great idea. The collection’s pieces feature modern takes on old-fashioned styles, most of which Engel said are silhouette renditions of 40s and 50s style dresses. From minis to midis to maxis, this line has a dress for every day of the week. And trust us, you’re going to want one for every day of the week.
Though Engel was mainly focused on creating a plethora of dresses for the everyday woman, she’s found a way to successfully incorporate sophisticated jumpsuits, dainty cardigans, and overcoats with a feminine flair into GMG’s online catalog. And we did mention how dreamy the prints are, right? Seriously, we can’t stop drooling over them.
Prints range from lemons to peaches to florals and more. And now, with the launch of her ‘Little Gal’ line, you and your mini can match for a weekend brunch out on the town. The line can be shopped for on the Gal Meets Glam website, Anthropologie, BHLDN, Nordstrom, Dillard’s, Neiman Marcus, and Stitch Fix. Oh, and did we mention GMG also partnered with Margaux to create the most sophisticated shoe line we think we’ve ever seen? Yeah, you’re going to want to check that out too.
GMG forewent launching an addition to the already stocked collection last month, but our fingers are crossed that the next launch isn’t too far away.
Song of Style for Revolve by Aimee Song
As you arrive at the profile page of Instagram influencer Aimee Song, you’re immediately greeted with a humble “5.5m” following and a bio that reads (and we quote),
Aimee Song
Impressive, no? That’s what we thought. Aimee Song, former interior design guru turned fashion icon, is easily one of the most influential influencers (how redundant!) on the market. And with her collection drop with Revolve, hers might just move up to be one of the most impressional influencer brands on the market, too.
The collection, which was affectionately named after Aimee’s fashion and lifestyle blog and path to fame, Song of Style, first dropped on Revolve’s website back in 2019.
Resembling most of the drapery that Revolve advertises, Aimee’s collection has everything you could dream of wearing. While the other brands we’ve touched on appear to have followed a generic aesthetic in their pieces, Aimee’s seems to be quite the opposite. There’s no set color palette, no ‘three products and done’ nonsense and, most importantly, no BS. Dreamy, right? Between the mini dresses, matching tweed sets, overcoats, strappy heels, wrapped skirts and sparkles throughout, we couldn’t tell if we were scrolling under Revolve’s ‘All Clothing’ tab or Aimee’s collection on its own. The brand offers everything from casual, everyday wear to runway-ready red carpet looks. If you can’t find something you love in the 150+ pieces that comprise this collection, we seriously don’t know where you will.
Though we’re 99% positive everyone who peruses the line will find something they love, Aimee helps narrow down the audience it might attract. “The Song of Style woman is bold and energetic yet also very feminine. We design what women actually want to wear. Our women appreciate beauty but also want to feel comfortable and feel like the best version of themselves,” she told Harper’s Bazaar.
But her apparel line collab with Revolve is nothing new here. What is new is the shoe line that followed this May, which, according to Aimee, completed the clothing collab. Square-toed frames, strappy pumps, textural accents (spoiler: cowhide) and nontraditional stacked-ball heels. Are you sold yet?
The prices are, as expected, similar to those found on the online luxury retailer. But, if you can get past the annoyingly high price tag, you’re in for a stylish summer.
TVF for DVF by Talia von Furstenberg
You never knew you loved three consecutive letters more than now, right? TVF — Ah, the things we would do to have that set of initials.
Diane von Furstenberg put her dent in the fashion industry way back in the 70s, when she made her namesake brand a fascination in every woman’s household. And now, nearly 50 years later, the married-into-royalty fashion connoisseur’s granddaughter, Talita Von Furstenberg, is following right along in grandma’s footsteps. And we couldn’t be more thrilled. The 21-year-old is already strides ahead of designers at her age, and we can’t wait to see the success she uncovers when the time comes for her upcoming launches to drop.
Growing up in fashion, attending runway shows and watching the behind the scenes of a hundreds-million dollar fashion house, 220k Instagram following Talita was destined to at least meddle with fashion design at some point or another. Expectedly, she did. And not only did she “meddle” with it, she killed it. Her first capsule collection for DVF launched last April, and successfully honored her grandmother’s emphasis on fashion for the delicate, elegant and glamorous woman. Upholstered buttons, to-die-for prints adorned with flowers and butterflies, and the “dreamiest assortment of sweaters, dresses and skirts” stitched together in light pinks, earthy greens and subtle lavenders. The collection is simple, and transports the wearer to a place where time moves slowly, tall Indiangrass decorates the fields, and the sunsets are always breathtaking. Talk about a daydream.
Her coming launch, which is set to drop sometime next month (per this post), has us feeling just as magical as the former, and we can’t help but dream of getting lost in daisy fields and rowing boats in hidden, lily-pad covered ponds while wearing it. Whereas her grandmother may go down in history as the mastermind behind the wrap dress, Talita may very well follow suit, but with a whimsical countryside twist to feminine garb.
The price tag is high, but any one piece from this collection will last a lifetime and will be pairable with any other item in your closet. Be on the lookout for the new TVF for DVF… Talita is confident the cardigans will be “even better” this time around.
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t-baba · 4 years
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10 Best Responsive HTML5 Sliders for Images and Text... and 3 Free Options
In this post, I'll show you some of the best free and paid HTML5 sliders. We'll see responsive text sliders, responsive image sliders with text, banner sliders and more. All built with HTML5 and CSS.
Why Use a Responsive HTML5 Sliders?
HTML5 enables users to have a better and more consistent web experience across several devices. Now that smart devices are the number one way that people access the web, your site needs to be responsive. That is, it needs to work on varying screen sizes and resolutions—from smartphone right up to a full-size computer.
A professional, responsive HTML5 and CSS slider will look great and work great on all these devices. If you have image-rich content or want to present key text in an interesting way on your website, then you just can't go wrong by using an HTML5 slider.
HTML5 Sliders on CodeCanyon
There are currently over 230 premium HTML5 based content sliders available on CodeCanyon. You can start using them on your website right away. Once you purchase a plugin, you will be eligible for free lifetime updates and 6 months of free support.
The large variety of scripts, widgets, and plugins available in the market should meet almost all your needs. You can use them to create sliders for your most popular posts, your best products or customer testimonials. They are easy to use and look great on all devices.
The Best HTML5 Sliders on CodeCanyon for 2020
Because there are such a large number of sliders out there to choose from, I've pulled together, a list of the 10 best HTML5 sliders for images and text available at CodeCanyon.
1. Ultimate 3D Carousel
If you’ve ever seen or used an actual slide carousel, you’ll appreciate the design and aesthetics of the Ultimate 3D Carousel. This carousel slider allows you to display multimedia content with a unique 3D layout that mimics the carousels of film photography days. 
There are a number of effects you can apply to your carousel style if you choose, and if you prefer a more traditional slide effect, you can also opt for that instead of the carousel style.
The carousel supports images, MP4 videos, MP3 audio, Google Maps, and more. It runs on all major browsers and uses a responsive layout with auto-scale function so that it works well on all mobile devices.
2. Simple 3D Coverflow
Simple 3D Coverflow is a fully 3D multimedia slider plugin. You can use the plugin to display multimedia content on the website in an original and catchy layout that uses 3D perspective.
You can include all kinds of content in a single slide. This includes images, videos from YouTube and Vimeo etc.
Here are some of its awesome features:
responsive image slider with text that looks great on mobiles as well as desktops
navigation support for mouse wheel and the left/right arrow keys on keyboard
ability to classify thumbnails into categories in a sldieshow
it has two skins with 9 different layouts for each of them
The plugin comes with included Revolution lightbox that can display all kinds of content like images, videos, iFrames and Google maps etc.
Make sure you go and see the live preview of this fantastic plugin.
3. Creative BS-4 Carousel Slider
This slider is ideal for anyone who is already using Bootstrap 4 on their website. The framework already provides a lot of features and capabilities. It makes sense to take advantage of this fact and create a multi-functionality slider.
This is a fully responsive HTML5 slider and has great cross-browser compatibility.
You will be getting 33 different carousels with their own set of animations. This plugin can create carousels for everything from products to testimonials and portfolio to video carousels.
The live preview of the plugin covers all these use cases so do check it out.
4. Vertical Ultimate 3D Carousel
This ultimate vertical 3D carousel offers a unique solution when it comes to sliders and carousels. Instead of presenting the carousel content horizontally, the slides are laid out vertically. This makes it a better option for mobile devices because they have more space available vertically.
The responsive HTML5 text and image slider is incredibly user friendly. It has implemented drag and swipe based navigation for desktop and mobile devices. It also lets you navigate through all the slides using a mouse wheel or with left and right keyboard keys.
It offers a bunch of parameters to control the alignment and separation of different slides in horizontal and vertical direction. There are three different skins each of which can be used with three unique layouts to create a slider.
You can see how all the skins and parameters look and work in this live preview.
5. CSS3 Cube Slider
If you’re looking for a slider with a bit of a difference, check out the CSS3 Cube Slider. This slider shows off your images in a gorgeous slider like the other sliders here, but it does with one of six cool 3D cube transition effects. 
The plugin works best in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers, but if the browser doesn’t support CSS3 then the slider falls back to the standard vertical or horizontal slide transition. The plugin is responsive and will adapt to any screen size for the user’s devices.
This is one of the best CSS sliders you will find!
6. Simple Image Slider Carousel
This simple image slider carousel actually comes with a lot of awesome layouts that you can use to showcase all your images. It's "simple" because it's easy to integrate into your own website.
It comes with quite a few important features. The responsive image slider with text layout has multiple display types to fit with all kinds of website designs. You can add lazy loading to the slider so that it only loads images when the user is about to scroll to the slider in visible area.
You can create the image playlist using either HTML markup or JSON data. There are a lot of other features such as navigation based on swipe gestures and keyboard arrow keys. You can read about all of them on the product description page.
7. HTML5 Canvas Carousel
The HTML5 Canvas Carousel gives you another great option to display your images on your website. This 3D photo gallery offers six different options for presenting your images. 
Features include touch-screen navigation support for mobile, support for PNG, JPEG and GIF image files, ability to set the carousel position, and the possibility of featuring multiple carousels on the same page of your website. 
This responsive HTML5 carousel is highly customisable, and all options can be modified inside the XML file. It is optimized for both Android and iOS mobile devices, and the download file comes with a comprehensive help file explaining all configuration tags and installation.
8. Ultimate Media Gallery
The Ultimate Media Gallery is unique among the sliders in this list, because it can display not just images but video and audio files from a number of external content sources including YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive media, Podcast, and SoundCloud.  
This highly customisable gallery is fully responsive and mobile friendly. It takes full advantage of Font Awesome Library icons, and all demo examples are included in the download package for quick and easy setup.
9. HTML5 Canvas Cover Flow
The HTML5 Canvas Cover Flow slider is a 3D photo gallery that takes its inspiration from the Mac Finder viewer of the same name. The slider has tons of features and allows you to present your images in any way you want: horizontal, vertical, oblique, etc. Alternatively, you can make use of the predefined movements and styles if preferred.
In addition, almost every aspect of the slider including colours and graphic elements can be customised to fit your site, and all the options can be easily modified from the configuration XML file, making maintaining the carousel much easier.
Optimised for mobile devices, it acts like a native app where you can touch, drag, and rotate the controls.
10. Shopping HTML5 Banners with Interactive Slider
These HTML5 banner sliders are meant to be used for creating HTML5 banner ad templates for AdWords, DoubleClick Studio, AdRoll and other ad platforms. This is the perfect plugin for people who want to create interactive ad banners to sell different products.
It is created with and fully editable in Google Web designer. You can also change the colors and background with just a few clicks.
You can create ad banners in 7 different popular sizes: 160×600, 250×250, 336×280, 300×250, 728×90, 200×200 and 300×600. See them all in action in the live preview of the plugin.
The detailed documentation include with the plugin will provide a step by step guide on how to edit the template and create your own interactive banner ads with sliders.
Free HTML5 Sliders for Images and Text
Some of the best HTML5 and CSS sliders are found on CodeCanyon. However, if you just want something simple, you can try out some of the free options first. Here are some of the most popular free HTML5 sliders for image and text.
bxSlider 4
This is a fully loaded, responsive slider built with jQuery. The slides can contain image, video or other HTML content. You can get all the bxSlider 4 files from its GitHub page.
Swiper is a free and modern responsive HTML5 slider which is designed as a mobile based touch sliders. It is usable on desktops as well. However, it does not implement keyboard and mouse based navigation.
Slick calls itself "the last carousel you'll ever need." It relies on jQuery and works in browsers as old as IE8. There are plenty of attributes to precisely control how the carousel behaves.
Tips for Using Sliders on Your Website
Here are a few tips that to keep in mind to get the most value out of any slider carousels that you use on your website.
1. Use Sliders to Showcase Important Products and Services
Sliders and carousels will take up a large portion of the user's screen when they visit your website. This makes them ideal for pitching your best product or service. Also make sure that you avoid clutter. Each slide in the carousel should focus on just one aspect of the product and do it well.
2. Include Call to Action Buttons
It is also important to include a direct call to action button somewhere on the carousel itself. If a visitor likes one of your products, they should not have to go somewhere else to make the purchase.
Other HTML5 Scripts and Templates
These 10 best responsive HTML5 sliders are by no means the only ones available at CodeCanyon. You can find HTML5 widgets, scripts, and templates of every kind!
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onlinemarketinghelp · 5 years
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How to Get Followers on Instagram: From 0 to 10k Followers https://ift.tt/2KIrOGH
When you’re just starting out with an online business, it can be exciting to imagine how you can successfully sell your product through Instagram once you have built up your follower base. But truth is, your first 10,000 Instagram followers are the hardest to get. Why? No one knows who you are yet. You’ve still got to prove yourself as a successful brand and influencer. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. If you follow this guide on how to get followers on Instagram, you could hit 10,000 Instagram followers in as little as six months.
How to Get More Followers on Instagram
#1. Join Instagram Engagement Groups 
Are you just starting to learn how to get followers on Instagram? This tactic is best for beginners. Some Instagram newbies have seen their Instagram followers increase fast. What did they do differently? They joined engagement groups.
While it can be tempting to join the biggest Instagram engagement groups, the truth is you’ll get a more targeted list of Instagram followers by sticking to your niche. You can find engagement groups for travel, beauty, fashion and more.
In these groups, you can get followers and likes from people who have shared interests. But if you’re serious about getting the attention, you should also return the favor by following fan pages for people who join the group.
I’ve had friends get 2,000 new followers in only a couple weeks using this strategy.
While it might not help with immediate sales, it helps you gain credibility early on so your Instagram page doesn’t show that you only have 38 followers. This is more of a short-term strategy for your first few weeks on Instagram, not a long-term one for getting Instagram followers.
You can learn other amazing Instagram tricks like this in our free Instagram course.
#2. Repost Others’ Content
When I was building my store’s Instagram account, my entire posting strategy revolved around reposting other people’s content. The only way to do this without getting flagged is to credit the original poster in your description, every time. Instagram has now updated their policy and you’re required to ask for permission before reposting.
When I first started, I’d take screenshots and add the pictures to my Instagram. What really helped my page take off was the Repost app. It allowed me to start reposting video content on Instagram. One of the biggest home runs I had was when I re-posted a video that amassed 52,862 views, got 1264 comments and 9,147 likes. At the time, I didn’t even have 10,000 followers so this was a big freaking deal.
Why’d I repost other people’s content instead of posting my own?
Because I knew that it was easier to repost content. Plus, my visual and video content would never be as good as someone else’s. Hey, at least I’m honest about it!
How did I know what to repost? I’d look at the numbers.
Hashtags are a great way to get new followers. I was pretty active on Instagram so I’d browse the list of hashtags I came up with and used daily to find the top performing posts that weren’t posted by other fan pages (so not my competitors) but by individual people. I’d then watch the videos and look at the pictures to see which ones I had the biggest reactions to. If I felt the urge to share someone else’s post, I knew I had to repost it onto my page. So if you’re just learning how to get followers on Instagram, this high-impact strategy is simple enough for a beginner.
#3. Get your Instagram Account Promoted on Buzzfeed 
To get that Instagram followers boost, you need to find a way to tap into a massive audience. And no one embeds Instagram posts into their content as much as Buzzfeed.
A Buzzfeed staff member wrote an article about how she grew her personal brand as an Instagram influencer. She currently has almost 6,000 followers but the article she wrote on the platform might’ve helped. Buzzfeed does have a Community section where anyone can post their own content onto their platform, though you’ll need to follow their guidelines to build trust and to get visibility.
Is Buzzfeed not right for your niche? That’s cool. You can also use a tool called HARO where you get emails three times a day filled with requests from reporters who are looking to get content and expert quotes for their stories. Most allow a website link and social links. So you can hit two birds with one stone by getting a link to your store and Instagram account.
#4. Ask Customers to Share their Photos 
When you’re just starting out, getting followers on Instagram will be a lot easier with customer photos in your feed. Why? It can help increase social proof.
If you’ve never had a customer before, reach out to influencers in your niche with under 5,000 followers. I know the number seems low but influencers with few followers on Instagram want to monetize their accounts and will be willing to take pictures with your products at a much lower rate. You can also offer them an affiliate deal where they’ll get a commission for every sale they score with their customer referral link.
If you’ve already had a couple of sales, reach out to customers and offer a free gift or cash incentive for taking quality images with the product they purchased. Offering incentives isn’t going to be your long-term strategy but for the short-term, while you try to build your brand, this can help you grow.
As more customers start seeing customer photos on your Instagram, they’ll naturally start tagging you in posts when they receive their products. If you comment on their post, repost the content and follow them you’ll likely get them to follow back. Though some will follow you after tagging you in their post on their own.
#5. Have a consistent style that hooks people in 
I know this sounds like one of those ‘blah, blah, blah’ ways to gain followers on Instagram. But it isn’t. Here’s why: people don’t follow you because of the content you’ve posted but because of what they think the future content you’ll post will be like.
Say you have a corgi fan page, every day you post cute corgi pictures and videos without fail. If Instagram users keep seeing your posts eventually they’ll realize that you always post the cutest corgi content. So they follow you with the expectation that your account will always be more of the same type of content.
Having a consistent style or theme is more than just a branding play, it’s about creating an expectation for your Instagram account that your followers or potential followers can count on. They want to see more of the same type of content, every day.
If you can deliver that consistency with every post, you’ll grow your followers on Instagram at a faster rate over time.
#6. Hashtags to Get Followers on Instagram
Many experts will tell you to only use 5 or 11 hashtags or some other arbitrary numbers. But when I was building my store’s Instagram account, I ignored their advice and ran wild with it.
I’d copy and paste a list of hashtags from my phone onto my app. Then, I’d sometimes switch it up to try different hashtags but eventually, I knew which ones usually worked best. Usually, I’d go as close to or right to the max number of hashtags possible. 30. That’s the magic number.
Truth is, you add all those hashtags in the first comment. And as your page engagement grows, no one will ever see the first comment because they’re too busy tagging their friend in your post.
Sure, when you’re starting out people might see it. But if the goal is to increase visibility, the easiest way to do it is to add more hashtags. As you gain followers, your posts will rank higher for those hashtag keywords giving you even more visibility.
If your hashtags are niche specific, you’ll increase your likelihood of being found by a relevant audience which will help you grow your followers on Instagram as well. So avoid generic hashtags like #love or #picoftheday if you’re selling fashion, for example.
#7. Use your Instagram Posts in Blog Posts 
If you have your own personal or business blog, you can embed your Instagram pictures into your blog posts.
Like this  – Don’t forget to follow Oberlo on Instagram while you’re at it.
Say you have a fashion blog, you might write a blog post about styling tips. You can choose posts from Instagram where you show pictures of your layered outfits or a trendy outfit look. You’d then go onto the Instagram website on your desktop, go to your page, click the post, click the ‘…’ icon and click Embed. Then you copy that link into your blog post’s code section.
Over time, more people will be visiting your blog and will be more likely to check out your Instagram account too.
I know that this is more of a long-term game. Especially if you’re not getting traffic today. But adding your Instagram posts right from the beginning gives you a higher chance of visibility when six months from now you really start seeing massive returns.
#8. Follow People who Like Competing Pages 
To get that Instagram followers increase you need to find people who follow brands. Who are your biggest competitors on Instagram? Write them down. Then, browse their posts to see who’s commenting on their posts. Follow them and engage with them.
Keep in mind that when choosing competitors on Instagram it’s better to go for the smaller brands. Why? Because if you were selling makeup brushes and trying to get people who comment on Sephora, there’s a good chance that they’re not the right audience despite being in a similar niche. Bigger brands tend to have more customer loyalty.
However, if you have a competitor who has 100,000 fans on their page, they may not have a loyalty to that brand.
When commenting on posts of those you follow, don’t scare them off with a sales pitch or the same comment for every person you message. If they ask a question on their post, give them an answer. Look at the types of comments others are giving and use that as a guideline for what you can comment too.
As you keep engaging and following people, you’ll start to amass a strong following of your own.
#9. Work with Influencers – How to Get Followers on Instagram
Another way to increase Instagram followers is by getting an influencer shoutout or having an influencer do an account takeover.
If an influencer has a loyal following, they can give you a shoutout that’ll result in new followers for your account and possibly a few sales.
Be sure to write up a contract that prohibits the influencer from sending fake traffic. We once worked with an influencer who gave us a shoutout and we got 2,000 fake followers on our account. It was obvious she used a bot. When you get a sudden rush of fake follower on your account you risk getting your account banned.
If you’re looking for a more effective approach to get new followers, ask the influencer you work with to do an account takeover on your Instagram Stories. That way, people will have to follow your page to view the story. You’ll need to get him or her to let their audience know a few days in advance.
#10. Host Giveaways 
If you host giveaways on Instagram and have a small audience, you might be able to get more followers. But if you host giveaways on your website and include an option to follow you on Instagram and other social networks, you’ll have a much bigger reach.
If your audience size is small you can post your giveaway in certain giveaway facebook groups or on giveaway blogs.
When I first started working in marketing, I’d reach out to giveaway blogs. I’d send them some free products in exchange for a review post. Most agreed to it for the free product though some did ask for payment as well. They’d do a product review post filled with pictures and their experiences with the product. At the end, their audience would enter to win the product under the condition that you send that customer the product. We’d get hundreds of new followers on all our social accounts. This is a great way to get new followers if you don’t have an audience. But it might not be as targeted than if you were to host a giveaway on a relevant niche blog.
If you’re just starting out, giveaways can help you get more followers on Instagram. However, if you do them too often, you might not get the right type of audience you want. If your goal is to get sales, giveaways won’t necessarily help you get more of them. Though you can try this giveaway hack to get more sales. But if you’re only looking to get Instagram followers fast, this strategy can work quite well.
#11. Partner with Another Brand
If you’re just learning how to get followers on Instagram, a tricked I learned while working on my case study was to take my own product photos. Instead of reposting other people’s content, other brands reposted one of my photos crediting me. Since the brand has nearly 300k followers I ended up getting a few new Instagram followers from their audience. I didn’t have to do any upfront work aside from taking my own photos. I didn’t even have to reach out to get new followers on Instagram. They reached out to me. And they weren’t the only brand to do so.
#12. Use Instagram Analytics Tools
Instagram analytics can give information to you about your following, but there are many free tools in the marketplace that can give you more interesting information. Things like engagement rate, new followers, Instagram unfollowers, and inactive accounts can give you insight that will shape how you get more followers on Instagram. The best Instagram analytics tools in the market right now include:
Sprout Social
All these Instagram analytics tools provide valid and highly informative information that can help you better understand your audience. This data can also highlight the right content that leads to increasing Instagram followers, which should lead to more sales for your online business.
Instagram Followers Apps
When I first started building my store’s Instagram account, I used a bot, an app to increase Instagram followers, called Instagress. It worked really well at first which allowed me to easily build up the first few thousand Instagram followers. Eventually, I stopped because I didn’t need it anymore. Unfortunately, Instagress and other apps to increase Instagram followers usually get shut down. And some people who use them can get their entire Instagram account shut down. While they can work well, the risk just isn’t worth it.
The apps to increase Instagram followers that you can use include marketing automation tools like Buffer, HubSpot, or Hootsuite.
Free Instagram follower apps include:
Followers for Instagram Discover Instagram accounts that have unfollowed you, those who haven’t followed you back and similar accounts you should be following through Followers for Instagram. This Instagram follower app is perfect to understand how to make your followers happy and what content to post in order to get more followers on Instagram. Reach out to those who unfollowed you to find out why and start to improve your Instagram follower metrics today.
Crowdfire Inactive followers are a much talked about topic within any social media platform, and Instagram is no different. Inactive Instagram followers could be spam accounts or accounts from people who no longer engage on the platform so if you are looking to grow your following and engagement level, it would be a good idea to ax your list of inactive followers. Crowdfire identifies your inactive followers, recognizes when people unfollow you, and helps you find new followers.
Get Followers Get Followers & Get Likes is a free Instagram followers app aimed at increasing both followers and likes. Providing information on hashtags and followers, this app allows you to analyze information and make great decisions that will increase Instagram followers on your account straight away.
Social Rocket Social Rocket gamifies social media engagement to motivate you to interact more. Although not a great long-term strategy this could be a great starting point. The basic premise is that every time you like someone else’s post you will gain points to exchange for followers or likes on your own posts.
Tracker for Instagram There aren’t any effective tools for Instagram unfollowing or following accounts in bulk. Tracker for Instagram gives you this option in their app. The app also provides analytics so you can analyze how followers engage with your account.
Want to become an Instagram master? Sign up for the free Instagram course taught by Instagram guru Gretta Van Riel.
How to Get Followers on Instagram According to Three Influencers
Juanika Dildy is the founder of the popular website The Ladypreneur. Her Instagram account has gained over 16.1k followers. Here’s her advice on how to gain followers on Instagram:
What’s been your secret to getting over 16k followers on Instagram?
Engagement makes the difference. It’s important that your followers know that you appreciate them just as much as they do you. For increased engagement, users should search the hashtags used to attract followers, find users that stand out, like a few pics and comment. You’ll gain the curiosity of those you’ve engaged with, they’ll follow your page, and tag their friends on your posts.
Did you use any apps to increase Instagram followers?
Initially, tools like Instagress were useful for engagement, but with the ability to target followers and sponsor content, they’re no longer needed.
What advice would you give someone who asks you how to get followers on Instagram?
Post, post, post! The more users [you have seeing] your content, the more familiar they’ll become with your brand, causing them to like, follow, and share. The more you post, the more users feel like they know you.
Imagine if you woke up at midnight to a noise in the kitchen. You run downstairs to find Oprah drinking a cup of coffee. Most people wouldn’t call the cops, why? Because they’ve seen so much of her content, they feel like they know her. Some would even feel privileged to have her in their kitchen. That’s the effect that constant content provides for influencers.
If you had to name one thing you do different than anyone else on Instagram, what would that be?
My account encourages, inspires AND informs. It influences the influencers with a brand voice that relates and educates. It attracts the “SHE-E-O” and the girl next door.
Talia Koren is the mastermind behind the ever so popular Work Week Lunch which has an astounding 114k followers and counting. We asked her what the best way to get Instagram followers is and this is what she told us:
What’s helped you grow your Instagram followers to a six figure number?
I listen to my audience and give them what they ask for. It shows that I’m invested in them and in return they give me their time and attention. Also, consistency. I show up every single day with valuable content in posts and in stories that helps them instead of just talking about myself. Lastly, I pay close attention to the changes to the platform. Using new features like story highlights and understanding the changes to the algorithm helped me grow too.
Have you used any tools to help you grow the number of followers on Instagram you have?
I don’t use any tools outside of the analytics within Instagram. They’re great! Analytics are important because they help you figure out what’s working and what’s not.
We often get asked how to get followers on Instagram, what should someone starting out focus on?
When you’re starting from 0 or less than 1,000 don’t pay attention to the follower number so much. It’s going to go up and down and it’s going to be slow. Instead focus on ways you can connect with and help others and get them talking about you.
What do you think separates your Instagram account from others out there?
Well, my account isn’t that different from many out there but I don’t post any pictures of myself. It’s not about me it’s about my audience! I also use stories as a vlogging channel which my followers love.
Gracie Parish is an Instagram influencer who grew her Instagram following to an impressive 41.3k. We asked her to share her advice on how to get followers on Instagram, here’s what she said:
What steps did you take to get over 41,000 followers on Instagram?
I take a lot of time to engage with my followers through Instagram, emails, Facebook, and Pinterest. I take time each week to respond to as many followers as I can as well as I make sure to engage with my followers on their posts as well. Through collaborations, I have been able to cross-promote with many bloggers or brands that I feel fit my brand and this has really helped grow my following.
What’s had the biggest impact on increasing your Instagram followers?
I work really hard on building authenticity on my blog to create a more authentic relationship with my followers. To do this I only promote brands and products I truly believe in. Through five years of blogging, I really realized how to pick the brands that fit my blog and style best as well as the brands that my followers enjoy seeing which has contributed to my success.
If someone asked you how to get followers on Instagram what advice would you share?
Be yourself and don’t lose confidence in yourself. Building a blog took years of hard work, and if you are able to maintain a brand and stay true to yourself, your followers will take notice of that. I would also advise someone to not get discouraged in the beginning, because it takes a lot of time and practice. No [influencer] was an overnight success.
What’s the one thing your Instagram does differently than other Instagram accounts?
One thing my instagram does differently than other accounts is I really try and give followers insight into my real life. While a lot of my content is sponsored, I really try to posts real, quality posts as well to help my followers get to know me better and give them the content they are asking to see. A lot of bloggers get caught up in the business aspect and while a blog is a business, it is important to not lose your authenticity and to stay real with your followers.
How to Get Followers on Instagram Summary
Figuring out how to get followers on Instagram is the hardest in the beginning. Once you’ve passed your first 10,000 followers you’ll need to continue using some or all of the strategies in this article to keep growing your account to 100k or even beyond one million. Don’t forget to update your profile regularly, especially your Instagram bio to include new CTAs or interesting news. At the end of the day, you’ll need to put yourself out there more than you ever have before. Maybe posting on Instagram three times a day every day of the week to help you grow your visibility. But eventually, all that hard work will pay off. And you’ll have gained an Instagram following you can be proud of.
Want to learn more Instagram hacks? Sign up for Shopify’s free Instagram course today!
How to Get Followers on Instagram Recap
#1. Join Instagram Engagement Groups 
#2. Repost Others’ Content
#3. Get your Instagram Account Promoted on Buzzfeed 
#4. Ask Customers to Share their Photos 
#5. Have a consistent style that hooks people in 
#6. Hashtags to Get Followers on Instagram
#7. Use your Instagram Posts in Blog Posts 
#8. Follow People who Like Competing Pages 
#9. Work with Influencers – How to Get Followers on Instagram
#10. Host Giveaways 
#11. Partner with Another Brand
#12. Use Instagram Analytics Tools
  How many followers on Instagram do you have right now? Comment below!
Want to Learn More?
Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram?
200+ Best Instagram Captions and Selfie Quotes for Your Photos
How to Sell on Instagram: 6 Instagram Tips That Actually Work
60 Instagram Tips You Should Know
The post How to Get Followers on Instagram: From 0 to 10k Followers appeared first on Oberlo.
from Oberlo
When you’re just starting out with an online business, it can be exciting to imagine how you can successfully sell your product through Instagram once you have built up your follower base. But truth is, your first 10,000 Instagram followers are the hardest to get. Why? No one knows who you are yet. You’ve still got to prove yourself as a successful brand and influencer. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. If you follow this guide on how to get followers on Instagram, you could hit 10,000 Instagram followers in as little as six months.
How to Get More Followers on Instagram
#1. Join Instagram Engagement Groups 
Are you just starting to learn how to get followers on Instagram? This tactic is best for beginners. Some Instagram newbies have seen their Instagram followers increase fast. What did they do differently? They joined engagement groups.
While it can be tempting to join the biggest Instagram engagement groups, the truth is you’ll get a more targeted list of Instagram followers by sticking to your niche. You can find engagement groups for travel, beauty, fashion and more.
In these groups, you can get followers and likes from people who have shared interests. But if you’re serious about getting the attention, you should also return the favor by following fan pages for people who join the group.
I’ve had friends get 2,000 new followers in only a couple weeks using this strategy.
While it might not help with immediate sales, it helps you gain credibility early on so your Instagram page doesn’t show that you only have 38 followers. This is more of a short-term strategy for your first few weeks on Instagram, not a long-term one for getting Instagram followers.
You can learn other amazing Instagram tricks like this in our free Instagram course.
#2. Repost Others’ Content
When I was building my store’s Instagram account, my entire posting strategy revolved around reposting other people’s content. The only way to do this without getting flagged is to credit the original poster in your description, every time. Instagram has now updated their policy and you’re required to ask for permission before reposting.
When I first started, I’d take screenshots and add the pictures to my Instagram. What really helped my page take off was the Repost app. It allowed me to start reposting video content on Instagram. One of the biggest home runs I had was when I re-posted a video that amassed 52,862 views, got 1264 comments and 9,147 likes. At the time, I didn’t even have 10,000 followers so this was a big freaking deal.
Why’d I repost other people’s content instead of posting my own?
Because I knew that it was easier to repost content. Plus, my visual and video content would never be as good as someone else’s. Hey, at least I’m honest about it!
How did I know what to repost? I’d look at the numbers.
Hashtags are a great way to get new followers. I was pretty active on Instagram so I’d browse the list of hashtags I came up with and used daily to find the top performing posts that weren’t posted by other fan pages (so not my competitors) but by individual people. I’d then watch the videos and look at the pictures to see which ones I had the biggest reactions to. If I felt the urge to share someone else’s post, I knew I had to repost it onto my page. So if you’re just learning how to get followers on Instagram, this high-impact strategy is simple enough for a beginner.
#3. Get your Instagram Account Promoted on Buzzfeed 
To get that Instagram followers boost, you need to find a way to tap into a massive audience. And no one embeds Instagram posts into their content as much as Buzzfeed.
A Buzzfeed staff member wrote an article about how she grew her personal brand as an Instagram influencer. She currently has almost 6,000 followers but the article she wrote on the platform might’ve helped. Buzzfeed does have a Community section where anyone can post their own content onto their platform, though you’ll need to follow their guidelines to build trust and to get visibility.
Is Buzzfeed not right for your niche? That’s cool. You can also use a tool called HARO where you get emails three times a day filled with requests from reporters who are looking to get content and expert quotes for their stories. Most allow a website link and social links. So you can hit two birds with one stone by getting a link to your store and Instagram account.
#4. Ask Customers to Share their Photos 
When you’re just starting out, getting followers on Instagram will be a lot easier with customer photos in your feed. Why? It can help increase social proof.
If you’ve never had a customer before, reach out to influencers in your niche with under 5,000 followers. I know the number seems low but influencers with few followers on Instagram want to monetize their accounts and will be willing to take pictures with your products at a much lower rate. You can also offer them an affiliate deal where they’ll get a commission for every sale they score with their customer referral link.
If you’ve already had a couple of sales, reach out to customers and offer a free gift or cash incentive for taking quality images with the product they purchased. Offering incentives isn’t going to be your long-term strategy but for the short-term, while you try to build your brand, this can help you grow.
As more customers start seeing customer photos on your Instagram, they’ll naturally start tagging you in posts when they receive their products. If you comment on their post, repost the content and follow them you’ll likely get them to follow back. Though some will follow you after tagging you in their post on their own.
#5. Have a consistent style that hooks people in 
I know this sounds like one of those ‘blah, blah, blah’ ways to gain followers on Instagram. But it isn’t. Here’s why: people don’t follow you because of the content you’ve posted but because of what they think the future content you’ll post will be like.
Say you have a corgi fan page, every day you post cute corgi pictures and videos without fail. If Instagram users keep seeing your posts eventually they’ll realize that you always post the cutest corgi content. So they follow you with the expectation that your account will always be more of the same type of content.
Having a consistent style or theme is more than just a branding play, it’s about creating an expectation for your Instagram account that your followers or potential followers can count on. They want to see more of the same type of content, every day.
If you can deliver that consistency with every post, you’ll grow your followers on Instagram at a faster rate over time.
#6. Hashtags to Get Followers on Instagram
Many experts will tell you to only use 5 or 11 hashtags or some other arbitrary numbers. But when I was building my store’s Instagram account, I ignored their advice and ran wild with it.
I’d copy and paste a list of hashtags from my phone onto my app. Then, I’d sometimes switch it up to try different hashtags but eventually, I knew which ones usually worked best. Usually, I’d go as close to or right to the max number of hashtags possible. 30. That’s the magic number.
Truth is, you add all those hashtags in the first comment. And as your page engagement grows, no one will ever see the first comment because they’re too busy tagging their friend in your post.
Sure, when you’re starting out people might see it. But if the goal is to increase visibility, the easiest way to do it is to add more hashtags. As you gain followers, your posts will rank higher for those hashtag keywords giving you even more visibility.
If your hashtags are niche specific, you’ll increase your likelihood of being found by a relevant audience which will help you grow your followers on Instagram as well. So avoid generic hashtags like #love or #picoftheday if you’re selling fashion, for example.
#7. Use your Instagram Posts in Blog Posts 
If you have your own personal or business blog, you can embed your Instagram pictures into your blog posts.
Like this  – Don’t forget to follow Oberlo on Instagram while you’re at it.
Say you have a fashion blog, you might write a blog post about styling tips. You can choose posts from Instagram where you show pictures of your layered outfits or a trendy outfit look. You’d then go onto the Instagram website on your desktop, go to your page, click the post, click the ‘…’ icon and click Embed. Then you copy that link into your blog post’s code section.
Over time, more people will be visiting your blog and will be more likely to check out your Instagram account too.
I know that this is more of a long-term game. Especially if you’re not getting traffic today. But adding your Instagram posts right from the beginning gives you a higher chance of visibility when six months from now you really start seeing massive returns.
#8. Follow People who Like Competing Pages 
To get that Instagram followers increase you need to find people who follow brands. Who are your biggest competitors on Instagram? Write them down. Then, browse their posts to see who’s commenting on their posts. Follow them and engage with them.
Keep in mind that when choosing competitors on Instagram it’s better to go for the smaller brands. Why? Because if you were selling makeup brushes and trying to get people who comment on Sephora, there’s a good chance that they’re not the right audience despite being in a similar niche. Bigger brands tend to have more customer loyalty.
However, if you have a competitor who has 100,000 fans on their page, they may not have a loyalty to that brand.
When commenting on posts of those you follow, don’t scare them off with a sales pitch or the same comment for every person you message. If they ask a question on their post, give them an answer. Look at the types of comments others are giving and use that as a guideline for what you can comment too.
As you keep engaging and following people, you’ll start to amass a strong following of your own.
#9. Work with Influencers – How to Get Followers on Instagram
Another way to increase Instagram followers is by getting an influencer shoutout or having an influencer do an account takeover.
If an influencer has a loyal following, they can give you a shoutout that’ll result in new followers for your account and possibly a few sales.
Be sure to write up a contract that prohibits the influencer from sending fake traffic. We once worked with an influencer who gave us a shoutout and we got 2,000 fake followers on our account. It was obvious she used a bot. When you get a sudden rush of fake follower on your account you risk getting your account banned.
If you’re looking for a more effective approach to get new followers, ask the influencer you work with to do an account takeover on your Instagram Stories. That way, people will have to follow your page to view the story. You’ll need to get him or her to let their audience know a few days in advance.
#10. Host Giveaways 
If you host giveaways on Instagram and have a small audience, you might be able to get more followers. But if you host giveaways on your website and include an option to follow you on Instagram and other social networks, you’ll have a much bigger reach.
If your audience size is small you can post your giveaway in certain giveaway facebook groups or on giveaway blogs.
When I first started working in marketing, I’d reach out to giveaway blogs. I’d send them some free products in exchange for a review post. Most agreed to it for the free product though some did ask for payment as well. They’d do a product review post filled with pictures and their experiences with the product. At the end, their audience would enter to win the product under the condition that you send that customer the product. We’d get hundreds of new followers on all our social accounts. This is a great way to get new followers if you don’t have an audience. But it might not be as targeted than if you were to host a giveaway on a relevant niche blog.
If you’re just starting out, giveaways can help you get more followers on Instagram. However, if you do them too often, you might not get the right type of audience you want. If your goal is to get sales, giveaways won’t necessarily help you get more of them. Though you can try this giveaway hack to get more sales. But if you’re only looking to get Instagram followers fast, this strategy can work quite well.
#11. Partner with Another Brand
If you’re just learning how to get followers on Instagram, a tricked I learned while working on my case study was to take my own product photos. Instead of reposting other people’s content, other brands reposted one of my photos crediting me. Since the brand has nearly 300k followers I ended up getting a few new Instagram followers from their audience. I didn’t have to do any upfront work aside from taking my own photos. I didn’t even have to reach out to get new followers on Instagram. They reached out to me. And they weren’t the only brand to do so.
#12. Use Instagram Analytics Tools
Instagram analytics can give information to you about your following, but there are many free tools in the marketplace that can give you more interesting information. Things like engagement rate, new followers, Instagram unfollowers, and inactive accounts can give you insight that will shape how you get more followers on Instagram. The best Instagram analytics tools in the market right now include:
Sprout Social
All these Instagram analytics tools provide valid and highly informative information that can help you better understand your audience. This data can also highlight the right content that leads to increasing Instagram followers, which should lead to more sales for your online business.
Instagram Followers Apps
When I first started building my store’s Instagram account, I used a bot, an app to increase Instagram followers, called Instagress. It worked really well at first which allowed me to easily build up the first few thousand Instagram followers. Eventually, I stopped because I didn’t need it anymore. Unfortunately, Instagress and other apps to increase Instagram followers usually get shut down. And some people who use them can get their entire Instagram account shut down. While they can work well, the risk just isn’t worth it.
The apps to increase Instagram followers that you can use include marketing automation tools like Buffer, HubSpot, or Hootsuite.
Free Instagram follower apps include:
Followers for Instagram Discover Instagram accounts that have unfollowed you, those who haven’t followed you back and similar accounts you should be following through Followers for Instagram. This Instagram follower app is perfect to understand how to make your followers happy and what content to post in order to get more followers on Instagram. Reach out to those who unfollowed you to find out why and start to improve your Instagram follower metrics today.
Crowdfire Inactive followers are a much talked about topic within any social media platform, and Instagram is no different. Inactive Instagram followers could be spam accounts or accounts from people who no longer engage on the platform so if you are looking to grow your following and engagement level, it would be a good idea to ax your list of inactive followers. Crowdfire identifies your inactive followers, recognizes when people unfollow you, and helps you find new followers.
Get Followers Get Followers & Get Likes is a free Instagram followers app aimed at increasing both followers and likes. Providing information on hashtags and followers, this app allows you to analyze information and make great decisions that will increase Instagram followers on your account straight away.
Social Rocket Social Rocket gamifies social media engagement to motivate you to interact more. Although not a great long-term strategy this could be a great starting point. The basic premise is that every time you like someone else’s post you will gain points to exchange for followers or likes on your own posts.
Tracker for Instagram There aren’t any effective tools for Instagram unfollowing or following accounts in bulk. Tracker for Instagram gives you this option in their app. The app also provides analytics so you can analyze how followers engage with your account.
Want to become an Instagram master? Sign up for the free Instagram course taught by Instagram guru Gretta Van Riel.
How to Get Followers on Instagram According to Three Influencers
Juanika Dildy is the founder of the popular website The Ladypreneur. Her Instagram account has gained over 16.1k followers. Here’s her advice on how to gain followers on Instagram:
What’s been your secret to getting over 16k followers on Instagram?
Engagement makes the difference. It’s important that your followers know that you appreciate them just as much as they do you. For increased engagement, users should search the hashtags used to attract followers, find users that stand out, like a few pics and comment. You’ll gain the curiosity of those you’ve engaged with, they’ll follow your page, and tag their friends on your posts.
Did you use any apps to increase Instagram followers?
Initially, tools like Instagress were useful for engagement, but with the ability to target followers and sponsor content, they’re no longer needed.
What advice would you give someone who asks you how to get followers on Instagram?
Post, post, post! The more users [you have seeing] your content, the more familiar they’ll become with your brand, causing them to like, follow, and share. The more you post, the more users feel like they know you.
Imagine if you woke up at midnight to a noise in the kitchen. You run downstairs to find Oprah drinking a cup of coffee. Most people wouldn’t call the cops, why? Because they’ve seen so much of her content, they feel like they know her. Some would even feel privileged to have her in their kitchen. That’s the effect that constant content provides for influencers.
If you had to name one thing you do different than anyone else on Instagram, what would that be?
My account encourages, inspires AND informs. It influences the influencers with a brand voice that relates and educates. It attracts the “SHE-E-O” and the girl next door.
Talia Koren is the mastermind behind the ever so popular Work Week Lunch which has an astounding 114k followers and counting. We asked her what the best way to get Instagram followers is and this is what she told us:
What’s helped you grow your Instagram followers to a six figure number?
I listen to my audience and give them what they ask for. It shows that I’m invested in them and in return they give me their time and attention. Also, consistency. I show up every single day with valuable content in posts and in stories that helps them instead of just talking about myself. Lastly, I pay close attention to the changes to the platform. Using new features like story highlights and understanding the changes to the algorithm helped me grow too.
Have you used any tools to help you grow the number of followers on Instagram you have?
I don’t use any tools outside of the analytics within Instagram. They’re great! Analytics are important because they help you figure out what’s working and what’s not.
We often get asked how to get followers on Instagram, what should someone starting out focus on?
When you’re starting from 0 or less than 1,000 don’t pay attention to the follower number so much. It’s going to go up and down and it’s going to be slow. Instead focus on ways you can connect with and help others and get them talking about you.
What do you think separates your Instagram account from others out there?
Well, my account isn’t that different from many out there but I don’t post any pictures of myself. It’s not about me it’s about my audience! I also use stories as a vlogging channel which my followers love.
Gracie Parish is an Instagram influencer who grew her Instagram following to an impressive 41.3k. We asked her to share her advice on how to get followers on Instagram, here’s what she said:
What steps did you take to get over 41,000 followers on Instagram?
I take a lot of time to engage with my followers through Instagram, emails, Facebook, and Pinterest. I take time each week to respond to as many followers as I can as well as I make sure to engage with my followers on their posts as well. Through collaborations, I have been able to cross-promote with many bloggers or brands that I feel fit my brand and this has really helped grow my following.
What’s had the biggest impact on increasing your Instagram followers?
I work really hard on building authenticity on my blog to create a more authentic relationship with my followers. To do this I only promote brands and products I truly believe in. Through five years of blogging, I really realized how to pick the brands that fit my blog and style best as well as the brands that my followers enjoy seeing which has contributed to my success.
If someone asked you how to get followers on Instagram what advice would you share?
Be yourself and don’t lose confidence in yourself. Building a blog took years of hard work, and if you are able to maintain a brand and stay true to yourself, your followers will take notice of that. I would also advise someone to not get discouraged in the beginning, because it takes a lot of time and practice. No [influencer] was an overnight success.
What’s the one thing your Instagram does differently than other Instagram accounts?
One thing my instagram does differently than other accounts is I really try and give followers insight into my real life. While a lot of my content is sponsored, I really try to posts real, quality posts as well to help my followers get to know me better and give them the content they are asking to see. A lot of bloggers get caught up in the business aspect and while a blog is a business, it is important to not lose your authenticity and to stay real with your followers.
How to Get Followers on Instagram Summary
Figuring out how to get followers on Instagram is the hardest in the beginning. Once you’ve passed your first 10,000 followers you’ll need to continue using some or all of the strategies in this article to keep growing your account to 100k or even beyond one million. Don’t forget to update your profile regularly, especially your Instagram bio to include new CTAs or interesting news. At the end of the day, you’ll need to put yourself out there more than you ever have before. Maybe posting on Instagram three times a day every day of the week to help you grow your visibility. But eventually, all that hard work will pay off. And you’ll have gained an Instagram following you can be proud of.
Want to learn more Instagram hacks? Sign up for Shopify’s free Instagram course today!
How to Get Followers on Instagram Recap
#1. Join Instagram Engagement Groups 
#2. Repost Others’ Content
#3. Get your Instagram Account Promoted on Buzzfeed 
#4. Ask Customers to Share their Photos 
#5. Have a consistent style that hooks people in 
#6. Hashtags to Get Followers on Instagram
#7. Use your Instagram Posts in Blog Posts 
#8. Follow People who Like Competing Pages 
#9. Work with Influencers – How to Get Followers on Instagram
#10. Host Giveaways 
#11. Partner with Another Brand
#12. Use Instagram Analytics Tools
  How many followers on Instagram do you have right now? Comment below!
Want to Learn More?
Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram?
200+ Best Instagram Captions and Selfie Quotes for Your Photos
How to Sell on Instagram: 6 Instagram Tips That Actually Work
60 Instagram Tips You Should Know
The post How to Get Followers on Instagram: From 0 to 10k Followers appeared first on Oberlo.
https://ift.tt/2VEQJi0 August 10, 2019 at 11:30PM https://ift.tt/2HRBOLE
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thepennydarling · 5 years
Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya’ll!
Preston and I have had a VERY busy…month, actually, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! Phew! Lots of work and things to do!
This is a VERY exciting Wednesday, if you didn’t know it!
My 27th birthday is next Thursday, May 23rd! And I am excited and a little nervous!
So I’ve teamed up to giveaway over $1,000 of giveaways with some of my favorite places to shop, my most requested items, and more! We’ve got Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, ModCloth, Unique Vintage, and more!
However, this is a SUPER exciting week (starting today!) with you all!
Let’s talk about the ruuuules!
Let me just sneak the boring stuff so we can get to the goods! Check me out on Instagram here!  I also have a selling Instagram page where I sell some of my old clothes/styles so that I don’t drown in my own wardrobe. I just listed a few new things – so check that out!
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All giveaways will take place on Instagram between 5/16 and 5/22.
Winners will be randomly selected & all be announced on 5/24.
You follow me, like the pic, & tag two besties to enter EACH post!
Each Instagram post is a DIFFERENT giveaway and will be listed in the description!
Follow the company who is sponsoring the giveaway! (they will be tagged!)
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Throughout the week there will be LOTS of opportunities for extra entries! Keep posted to my Instagram stories, blog posts, and Facebook for announcing opportunities!
For extra entries ANY day, like & follow All-In-One Company on Instagram and comment your fave animal emoji!
For double entries ANY day, like & follow the shops listed at the bottom of this page!
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  I’m kicking off this birthday week with a totally gorgeous tea party, hosted by Bigelow Tea!
Ya’ll know how much ya girl loves tea. I love it hot, iced, and spilled! Ha! So obvi, I knew I wanted to have a birthday tea party with Bigelow! I love to put peppermint tea bags in my water bottles for a refreshing twist, sleepytime tea for relaxing, or even sharing English Breakfast (Preston’s fave!) with him!
Check out Bigelow Tea on Social Media! You can check them out on Facebook here, and you can sip on over to the ‘gram to follow Bigelow here!
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This skirt was CUSTOM designed by the INCREDIBLE Rachel Gray of Wishes & Wardrobes to look like the style icon: MINNIE MOUSE for the Surprise Celebration in Disney! Rachel makes totally custom and Disney Inspired garments!
Check Wishes & Wardrobes out on social media!  Instagram & Etsy  (double bonus: her Insta is TOTALLY adorable!)
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse don new outfits bursting with color to commemorate 90 years of magic in celebrations across Disney Parks. Beginning in January 2019 at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., guests are invited to Get Your Ears On – A Mickey and Minnie Celebration. The special party will feature new entertainment and decor at Disneyland park, plus limited-time food and beverage offerings and festive merchandise available throughout the resort. (Richard Harbaugh/Disneyland Resort)
  Giveaway #1: All-in-One Company
The All-in-One Company is a wonderful company & is our sponsor of the week! They make custom onesies for ALL bodies & EVERY body. One of their motto’s is that no one is different, but everyone is unique!
They prove their commitment to that motto with everything from custom fabric type (I’m more of a jersey than a fleece gal), patterns, pockets, ears, tails, and a million other perfect details! The All-in-One Company utilizes custom sizing, suggested sizing (from newborn to 5XL). Preston & I already have PERFECT onesies (that we look adorable in, BTW!).
These onesies are the most Snuggletastic delight to grace the Darling household since Charlie! They’re handmade by the The All-in-One Company team in the UK! Find out more about their story here!
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  Giveaway #2: Harvey’s of California
For this giveaway, I’ll be gifting one of these adorable Toy Story bags featuring the Pizza Planet aliens! This Harvey’s of California signature seat belt bag is a total exclusive!
These little alien guys were my favorite characters in Toy Story growing up (and my mom’s too!), so when I saw that Harvey’s had a new line inspired by Disney’s Toy Story, I knew I HAD to have one (and Harvey’s gifted me a second one to giveaway!). Shop the rest of this line here, partner!
Check out Harvey’s on Social Media
Facebook Instagram
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  Giveaway #3: $200 ModCloth Gift Card
Ya’ll know that ModCloth are MY PEOPLE! ModCloth is actually what started my fashion obsession about five years ago! If I were Citizen Kane, ModCloth would be my rosebud. Ha!
ModCloth is a size inclusive, retro-inspired, & quirky clothing company is a total gem for finding about half my wardrobe! The total unique prints (both made in house & stockists of smaller boutique labels!) has something for every body from XXS-4X (or 0-30 approx.).
Check out ModCloth on social media here:
Facebook Instagram Twitter
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Giveaway #4: $150 Curvy Couture Intimates Gift Card
So I wear a 44G cup. (is that TMI? I don’t care). It’s a big freaking bra. it has provided a never-ending amount of stress in my life. My bras are ALWAYS expensive, ALWAYS in boring colors, ALWAYS marketed to ‘slim’ me, and always a little uncomfortable somewhere.
When I found Curvy Couture – all of their bras WERE UNDER $60 (a thing that has literally never once happened to me). with some even being under $50, available in a millions colors and fabric types, and with an EXTENSIVELY awesome size selection!
Bonus: I have a promo code: ABBY20 for 20% your whole order! Baller. (so theoretically you could get a new bra for like $35) Shop my dusty rose set here!
Check out Curvy Couture on Social Media: 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #5: $150 Unique Vintage Giveaway
This vintage inspired & size inclusive site is a RETRO dream! Unique Vintage has sizes XS-5x (with new size charts, if you haven’t checked it out!).
Unique Vintage has their site divided into ERA! How cool is that? They go from 1920’s-1970’s inspired clothing! I have pieces from almost every era-inspired line! Bonus: not only does Unique Vintage have adorable pieces & an exclusive label, but they also have exclusive collabs with brands like Disney, Barbie, & Pantone!
Check out Unique Vintage on Social Media
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #6: Vermont Teddy Bear Factory Hunka Love
Ya’ll know how much I lovelovelove The Professor….aka, my SIX FOOT TEDDY BEAR! He’s such a cute and spoopy addition to our home and he came all the way from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory to live with us!He’s so soft, comfy, and cute and definitely a conversation starter!
Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, in Burlington, Vermont, is a place that makes handcrafted bears with love and care in every stitch!
For this giveaway, I’ll be giving away a 4′ Big Hunka Love® Bear from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. Your new friend will be a liiiiiiittle smaller than my bear, but equally as cuddly and fun!
Check out VTB on Social Media!
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #7: $150 Avenue Gift Card
Avenue is, as ya’ll know, one of my FAVE places to shop…because I like everything! I have work out gear, shoes, bras, panties, dresses, skirts, swimsuits, blouses, faux leather jackets, graphic tees and sweatshirts, jammies, and anything else you can think of!
This plus sized company has a varied selection for all different body types! Avenue goes from size 14-32 or 14-32 and is a big range for plus sized bodies!
Bonus: I wear Avenue undies literally every single day. 10/10 would recommend for a friend!
Check out Avenue on Social Media! 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Extra Entries!
Follow any of these AMAZING shops who sent me some awesome and lovely birthday gifts from 5/16-5/23 for extra entries for any post!
  Parks & Recs Candle Set by C & E Craft Co.
Ya’ll know how much your girl is totally a Leslie Knope type. I identify with approximately 99% of her quirks, lines, and plots! So these AMAZING-Knope-approved candles set (like Little Sebastian, JJ’s Diner, & Treat Yo’ Self) are richly scented and long burning!
I got this set from C & E Craft Company out of Pennsylvania! Check them out on Etsy here, and follow them on their socials here: Facebook & Instagram
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  Recreational Pipes from MudHedz
These totally gorgeous, hand crafted, and adorable ceramic pipes from MudHedz are AMAZING. They are so perfect for some recreational needs and they are totally a show stopper! I got one for a friend a few years ago for Christmas and I’ve been obsessed ever since!
Check out MudHez here! Check out the pickle pipe here & the conch pipe here!
Follow MudHedz on Facebook & Etsy & Instagram
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  Go-Go Gryffindor Glitter Candle
I fought it for years, pretending to be a Ravenclaw, but I’m totally a Gryffindor. This House Pride Candle from Geeky Girl Scents. This candle has a hazelnut coffee scent, is speckled with gold glitter, and is long lasting and delightful!
I got this set from Geeky Girl Scents! Check them out on Etsy here, Facebook, & Twitter, & Instagram!
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  Check out these games from PlayMonster!
Preston & I lovelovelove board games and I was gifted a bunch of board games and now we can’t stop competing! Ha! (spoiler alert! I’m up!). Check out where to shop these here!
My faves are Utter Nonsense & The Game of Things! I am always laughing like a lunatic when I play these with our game group!
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  May the odds be ever in your favor!
Thank you to all of the wonderful sponsors, companies, friends, and family that are making this possible! Be sure to check out the rules, how to get extra entries, and be following me & checking me out on social media!
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  *This post is sponsored by the above listed companies with generous gifting as well! Thank you to all! However, all thoughts & opinions are my own!
If you are at all interested in doing a collab or working with me – please feel free to check out my new Contact Me! page! I also do social media consulting and photography, so please reach out! Let’s work together!
Follow me on Instagram: @thepennydarling
Like my Facebook page here!
Follow me on Twitter here!
Subscribe for updates!
If you’d like to donate to help me keep Penny Darling going – click here!
Comment for topics you would like to see me cover! Like to help my self esteem! What do you think so far? More fashion? More lifestyle? Do you like the mix?
Thank you for all that you do. You are truly extraordinary.
Love all you wonderful ladies (and gents!) out there!
How Very,
Birthday Week Giveaway Kick-Off! Check out the rules & what I'm giving away & how to get extra entries! Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya'll! Preston and I have had a VERY busy...month, actually, and it's not slowing down anytime soon!
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/4-awesomely-adventurous-ways-to-see-newport-rhode-island-2/
4 Awesomely Adventurous Ways to See Newport, Rhode Island
Even more than Providence, Newport is Rhode Island’s most iconic destination. But, that means it’s easy for visitors to fall into the tired trap of walking the same well-worn tourist attractions as everyone else. Break free, dear vagabonds!
Here are four far more interesting and adventurous ways to experience Newport, Rhode Island …
Adventurous Things to Do in Newport, Rhode Island (RI)
#1: Parasailing with Island Style Parasail (Summer season)
I’ve long had a fascination with seeing new destinations from the highest vantage point possible. Skyscrapers, helicopter rides, tall bridges — whatever. So, parasailing has always seemed like one of the best ways to experience Newport. It took a little prodding to convince Kelsey to go tandem with me. But, she’s committed to trying one new experience every year that scares her. So — up we went with Island Style Parasail.
To our surprise, the company is the only parasailing provider in all of Newport. No matter though because Kevin and Andrew (the company’s founder and ride facilitator, respectively) probably wouldn’t have any competition anyway. They’re two guys from Hawaii who seriously love what they do, and I’m convinced they could get a boat full of people excited about watching seaweed float around Newport Harbor.
If you’re going to do it, you might as well do it all the way!
Our tandem ride with them was even more awesome then we expected! They offer three experience “tiers” depending on how high you want to go: a 600-foot line, 800-foot line, and 1,000-foot line. But, if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it all the way. So, we opted for the “top floor” 1,000-foot experience which allowed us to sail roughly 500 feet over the bay. That’s higher than the support structures of the Newport Bridge!
The views are, not surprisingly, fantastic. From the height of a 50-story building, we could practically see the entire state plus some of Massachusetts and Connecticut to boot. Once you get to the top, it’s pure bliss. It’s quiet, relaxing, exhilarating and just plain beautiful.
Island Style Parasail only operates during the short summer season, and slots fill up fast. Trips leave every 90 minutes between 9 am and 6 pm daily. 1,000-foot flights are $99 per person (plus gratuity if you’re a good person), but you can score a $20 discount on the first and last flight of every day.
#2: Rail Biking with Rail Explorers (May 12 through November)
Rail biking near Newport, Rhode Island with Rail Explorers
This one isn’t technically in Newport. But, Rhode Island is so damn small, it sort of doesn’t matter, so long as you get close enough …
Rail Biking is all the rage right now. To be fair, this isn’t an “awesomely adventurous” experience in the sense that it’s a seat-of-your-pants thrill ride. But, Rhode Island’s own rail biking experience with Rail Explorers is a new and interesting way to see some lesser-visited parts of the state. If you’re unfamiliar, rail biking recalls the days of 19th-century rail workers who relied on pedal-powered vehicles to travel long distances of track. The latest incarnation is sleeker, lighter, more reliable … and a helluva lot more fun. Go it alone, with someone you (mostly) like, or bring a total of four passengers on the company’s “Cadillac” edition Quad Explorer.
The two Rhode Island tours track distinctly different sections of Aquidneck Island and beautiful Narragansett Bay:
‘The Northern Ramble’: a six-mile exploration of the historic railroad between Portsmouth and the Sakonnet River. One way tour with shuttle bus.
‘The Southern Circuit’: a six-mile round trip tour (3 miles out, 3 miles back). Bring a drink or a snack to enjoy during a 30-minute break at Bayside Station, an exclusive waterfront picnic area, before riding back to the station.
#3: Tour the Newport Mansions by Helicopter (Year-round)
The Newport Mansions Seen from a Newport Helicopter Tour
Newport’s mansions are some of the most famous “summer homes” in the country. A proper tour of the Breakers is practically required for first-time visitors, and it does provide plenty of historical perspective on the city’s history. But, the surrounding Ocean Drive is wrought with tourists, particularly during the summer.
Newport Helicopter Tour Flying Over a Sailboats in Newport, Rhode Island
If you’re looking to sidestep the throngs of out-of-towners and take an exclusive mansion tour, you need to rise above the crowds — literally. The best way to do that? A proper helicopter tour with the aptly named Newport Helicopter Tours.
The company offers a variety of options from the entry-level 12-minute tour for just USD $75 per person. But, if you’re willing to splurge, the 20-minute Sunset Island Tour is the way to go. The views are ridiculous. Or, if you’re feeling especially adventurous, take an Intro/Demo Flight where you can play helicopter pilot for almost a half-hour.
It’s worth noting the company even offers discounted helicopter tour / rail biking combo packages. So, if you’re considering both, you can save quite a bit with just one booking.
#4: Skydive Newport (Year-round, weather dependent)
Tandem Skydive with Skydive Newport in Rhode Island
Of course, if parasailing and helicopter flights aren’t disco enough for you, skydiving is the only way to fly. Skydive Newport has been launching jumps out of South County since 1999. The company specializes in tandem skydiving, so they’re an obvious choice for first-timers.
All-in rates start just north of USD $200 (with a discount for cash customers), plus a tip for your instructor. But … can you really put a price tag on sheer, unforgettable terror as you plummet to the earth at more than 100 miles per hour with a stranger strapped to your back?
What are your favorite things to do in Newport? Share with us in the comments below!
The post 4 Awesomely Adventurous Ways to See Newport, Rhode Island appeared first on Vagabondish.
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