#sizzy is rising baby!!
herestotheunknown · 6 years
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I want to find a way to help him get rid of this mark. If anyone can help, I thought it would be you.
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alec-magnvs · 7 years
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“Friends first, lovers second. Best kind of relationship.” 
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Me before the mid-season finale:
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Me during the mid-season finale:
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me after the mid-season finale:
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tim-lucy · 7 years
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You’re a catch.
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Can you hear it? It’s the sound of Sizzy gettin’ back in action!
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OK OK OK, so I watched 3x12 FINALLY and all I have to say is WOW.
The Clary and Jonathan scenes were iconic, Luke does an amazing job at making me love a character I really should hate, I lowkey am loving team evil.
Ok, now for the drumroll, the malec training scene ENDED ME, it was just so perfect, the training scene kiss is hands down my fav now, first of all WE COULD SEE IT, and oh my god I had to open a window, mamma mia. Also the way Magnus tried to play it cool after Alec told him to go to the bedroom, but then just gave up and ran is honestly a mood. Them in the bed, bitch my wig portalled all the way to Paris, ‘you miss my cat eyes’, ‘it clearly looked like you enjoyed yourself’ ‘I think I should get someone else to train me, it doesn’t help when I want to kiss my instructor every five mins’ , and not to mention Alec’s FACE, these kinky mofos I swear to god, I love my boys. Also ‘I wanna hit up this place all the kids have been twittering about’ iconic. And return of Alec ‘professing my love for my boyfriend all day everyday’ Lightwood is back and better than ever baby. That speech about making the most of life got me EMOTIONAL. ‘I’m looking into the eyes of the man I love’ BITCH SAME. But I can still see Magnus hurting over his magic loss which CRUCIFIES ME, but he seems happier, but I’m looking forward to him getting his magic back.
I’ve only had Cain for five mins and I would already kill for him I stg.
Sizzy RISE, Simon is such a good guy, even as he’s about to die he thinks of his mom and sisters, god I love him, also Izzy being there to comfort him was everything, as a book reader also, I’m so excited to see Sizzy, tho I am sad that their pushing Maia away and making her the villain, my badass babe deserves more.
I’m probably gonna keep rewatching this episode because I know there’s so much angst to come and this was such a fuzzy ep (apart from poor Simon nearly dying)
For me 3B feels so different from the other seasons, but in the best way possible, you can see how much these characters have grown and how relationships have blossomed.
Also Luke and Maryse WE STAN.
Edit: I do agree the Clace scene seemed a bit poorly executed, but hey ho. ALSO THE ALEC AND LUKE SCENE IN PARIS LOOKED SO CHOPPY IM CRYIN
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bawdy-bear · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @nervousdreamparadise
1. Name/nickname: Bear! (:
2. Zodiac sign: Libra sun, Taurus moon, Sagittarius rising.
3. Height: 5'6
4. Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
5. Last thing I googled: Synonyms for 'white' and 'trash' so my friends can call out white trash assholes on facebook and not get zuckked lol
6. Favourite musician: My 💘bff💘! He's a drummer 🥁 As for like celebrity musicians, I like Muse, Coheed and Cambria, The Pierces, MARINA, and more. It's a looong list.
7. Last song I listened to: The Pavillion (A Long Way Back) by Coheed and Cambria
8. Song stuck in my head: Bestie by Sizzy Rocket
9. Followers: A whopping 392.
10. Following: 1042!
11. Amount of sleep: I usually sleep anywhere from 10PM/12AM - 8:30AM. I dont sleep very soundly, though.
12. Lucky number: 3, 7, and 23.
13. What I’m wearing: Snake amethyst earrings, a moonstone necklace, my collar, all of my bracelets, a green dress, rainbow belt, black tights, dark grey long socks, black waterproof boots.
14. Dream job: To own the store I manage now, but also with @skellawhore having a coffee shop inside or very very very nearby.
15. Dream trip: There are so many places I long to visit! Much too many to name. What makes it perfect is having the best travel partner.
16. Favourite food: I love fish. I fucking love fish so much. Surprise, surprise.
17. Instruments: I can play the clarinet and bass clarinet. I really wanna learn how to play the bass guitar!
18. Languages: I only speak English, unfortunately. ): I know a lil baby bit of ASL, too.
19. Favourite songs: Are people really able to just choose like one or two favorite songs??? This question is overwhelming 🤯
20. Random fact(s): One time I ate an entire watermelon with a spoon in one sitting out of spite, I have a Little Mermaid tattoo on my right calf, and there is a coffee shop that sells and entire line of specialty drinks named after me💕🐻💕💋💕����💕
21. Aesthetic: I guess it's like...A good girl with a bad mouth.
@name-a-woman @skellawhore @dick-pennii @scarlet-amnesia @dumbandbubblegum @iwantasailormoonurl @serenasawesome @eyes-that-light-up @sunraybabe
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anthony-kate · 6 years
Seriously the writers have a problem with sizzy. Now in 3x15 they won't have any scenes and izzy will spend her time worrying about raphael. Seriously though. What are they thinking with all this bs decision to develop them in lightspeed while they are still hang up on their exes? Even though in izzy's case it makes no sense at all. I am sure if the shadowhunters continued the writers would actually create a triangle between simon/izzy/raphael. They are obsessed with this toxic pairing.
When someone told me about no Sizzy scenes, I actually thought they were joking. 
Like... it’s not just because I am shipping them, but even from an unbiased pov here, one would be like... are these writers for real? I mean, I know that there was hardly much Sizzy in the later books, but when you say you finally go for them after ignoring them for like 2 seasons straight even though the set-up for them was RIGHT THERE, you cannot just completely ignore them again.
Again, if you don’t like them, fine with me, whatever, but... Izzy just had a kind of relapse after the seelie realm scene and Simon drinking her blood and now we are back as if that never happened? No pay off in talking about it, bonding, growing closer? I am ??????
I am not saying that they immediately should jump each other, no, but how are you telling Sizzy fans they will finally get to see them rise, nonsense like this is their season and then ignore them as usual because you have no clue what to do with both Simon and Izzy but hey... let’s go for the possibility of Izzy being all super worried over Raphael. Which is... cool cool cool. And I don’t mean this as in the writers still being all romantic R/izzy was the shit!!! but ... have we all forgotten how Izzy talked and treated Raphael in 3x04 after the Heidi mess? That was nasty af. And now it looks like we are back in this mess?
I mean... I don’t think they fully go again with R/izzy but just... listen I am so tired to see my two babies getting treated like absolute shit because the writers are completely incompetent. Also pls, pumpkin, that shit would so happy in a possible season 4 I am............
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voidsrunes · 7 years
Me this episode: -heartbroken Simon + heartbroken izzy = sizzy comfort in one another 😍 -clace babies are rising & I love it -mr. lightwood & mr. bane pointing out that they don't share the same last name and clearly want to ! -mayrse & luke = never saw it coming but could be behind it. -love mayrse this episode 💙 -magnus and raphael truly are father&son -ruelle slayed w/ music this episode I love it 😍
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ketzwrites · 7 years
Hahaha, I am just as hyped about this as you are. lol Let the salt games begin.... 1, 3, 9, 12, 16, 22. (if it is too much, scratch something ;) )
Yeees, let’s be salty together!
Ask me Salty Questions
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Sizzy. I’m sorry, I don’t get it. I’ve written Sizzy in fics for the sole reason people seem to want them to be together, but I never got behind this pairing while reading the books and the show has yet to convince me they have anything in common besides being decent people. Not enough for me to ship it.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not over a fandom opinion per say. I mean, yeah, I’ve unfollowed clalecs when they showed their true colors, but that’s just following protocol.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
If you thought I was going to say Clary, you are one generation wrong. My answer is Jocelyn. At least the villains are explicitly crazy/evil and they are meant to be hated. Jocelyn declared her son a monster when he was a baby, never told Clary about who she really was or prepared her in any way, hooked up with her husband’s BFF and posed herself as the tragic victim of it all.I mean, when she was on the screen, Clary seemed like a reasonable person. That says a lot.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I’m okay with IzzyxDrugxRaphael, since the show framed it as a Bad Thing™ and it gave Izzy and Raphael an arc beyond the people around them. Not the most interesting or well written arc, and there is a valid critic to be made about the toxic trope it entails, but to me it was not the abomination it was received as.That said, the producers talking about them as if they were a couple was not only distasteful but downright offensive. Just full stop nope.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The lightning. If I had full liberty, I would change the main character. I would make a downworlder a main character, maybe Simon or Maia. Clary’s journey is not that interesting at all, but the universe and its allegories are. Give the voice to the oppressed and watch the appeal rise up.If I could only make a few changes, I would want better fight scenes and a better editor.
22. Popular character you hate?
Jocelyn. I don’t hate Clary, I just think she’s a wasted character.
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shadowandbones · 7 years
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I try not to post Climon pictures anymore because it triggers most of my followers but I liked this part. I like their smiles and the forehead kiss. My babies are happy and I know their time is limited so I’m just chilling enjoying it. Because my OTP’s (Sizzy and Clace) will rise soon.
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hgfanonezillion · 8 years
HPfanonezillion's Shadowhunters Fanfiction Master List
Most of these were written before the show, so they are book-canon-compliant and some may contain spoilers. There’s a lot of Malec!
The Mortal Instruments
Different (a crossover with Teen Wolf) - Malec/Sterek: While taking a trip to New York for a little fun, Stiles and Derek meet Magnus and Alec and start a new friendship. FFN/AO3
Making Up - Malec: Alec is upset at Magnus after an attempt at family togetherness ends in the warlock saying a bit too much and upsetting Robert Lightwood. Once they are home, Magnus very easily persuades Alec to forgive him in the way they both know best. FFN/AO3
The Couple That Nerd Together - Sizzy: Simon and Izzy go to a midnight premier of the new Star Wars movie and are adorable in line. FFN/AO3
Love in the Time of the Warlock Cold - Malec: Magnus is ill. Alec plays nursemaid. FFN
Sexy Distraction - Malec: When Alec starts talking about things Magnus doesn’t feel in the mood to discuss, the warlock comes up with a way to get his mind on a more interesting topic. FFN
Project Cockblock - Malec: Alec comes in from patrolling and wants to get busy with Magnus, but the finale of Project Runway is on, so the warlock is a bit reluctant. FFN
Moonlight Picnic - Clace: Clace cuddles! Jace takes Clary on a real date. FFN
Million Years Ago - Malec: "Magnus sat beside the bed and leaned close to Alec. He watched the slow, painful rise and fall of the other man’s chest.“ Inspired by the Adele song Million Years Ago. FFN/AO3
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Malec, Sizzy, Clace: A sexy, sweet holiday one shot. FFN/AO3
“I’m a Mouse, Duh!” - Malec, Sizzy, Clace: Some Halloween fun with Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus. FFN/AO3
Give Me a Happy Ending - Malec: Magnus and Alec’s happy ending as I see it. (Written long before TMI ended) FFN
The Infernal Devices
Set Your Spirit Free - Jillessa (Jem/Will/Tessa): Some Jem/Tessa/Will smut. I call them Jillessa . Not much substance, I just wanted to have some fun. FFN
River Lea - Wessa: Will and Tessa reminisce about the past and look toward the future. Inspired by the Adele song River Lea. FFN/AO3
Happy Family - Charlotte/Henry: Charlotte and Henry take a moment to be alone with their new baby. FFN
Love Over Time - Jillessa: A moment with Will and Tessa and another with Jem and Tessa. Do not read if you haven’t completed Clockwork Princess. FFN
The Dark Artifices
Just Browsing - Jemma: "Looking down, he saw that her name tag read “Emma.” Jules didn’t realize anyone could have a favorite name, but as soon as he saw it attached to her Emma became his favorite.“ FFN/AO3
Tweets and Texts - Clace, Sizzy, Malec, Jessa:  A series of silly little one shots featuring Jem and Isabelle exchanging texts and tweets and just being bros in general. AO3
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