#skaroy writes
Prompt: Date Night!
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It’s Fanfic Sunday! (Monday whoops, ran a little late because I got carried away with the writing) Prompt is Formal Event + aquarium date, suggested by an anon and the discord chat! <3 Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the read! Will try to do the other prompts next time! Read it under read more!
“I need to talk to you,” Dario whispered. Garrett made a face.
“What? I can’t hear you over this fucking music.” Dario frowned.
“I need to talk to you,” he repeated, louder. “It’s serious.”
“Now? I don’t think it’s a good time. How about we go home already so we can talk about it there?” he offered, moving from the corner of the ballroom and making his way towards the door.
Dario gripped his arms to stop him. “We can’t leave yet,” he said, and Garrett groaned.
“I don’t want to be here.”
“You think I do? But it’s my family.” Garrett huffed in frustration.
They were at a quinceanera, for one of Dario’s cousins. It was huge and loud and colorful and it was all getting on Garrett’s nerves. Why did he agree to go again? Oh yeah, Dario bribed him with food, and Garrett would do anything for free food. But he was tired and his dark collared shirt and blue vest combo were starting to feel annoying to wear. All he wanted to do now was be in his bed, in his boxers, preferably cuddling his boyfriend until he fell asleep.
The only bright side to this was seeing his boyfriend in formal wear. Dario was wearing a good-looking open black tux, with a pink vest and bowtie to match the color of his cousin’s dress. His hair was more styled and if it weren’t for the mask Dario had to wear (because the theme was some French thing), he would see how he had more makeup on him than usual. Even so, his boyfriend was a real handsome sight and gosh, he could get lost just looking at him that he almost regretted handing him over to one of the damas for the dance (almost- because there was no way he was ever going to perform such a stylish dance in front of a huge audience).
“Hey,” he called out, drawing Dario’s attention. “Come here.” Dario gave him a confused look before approaching him. Garrett grabbed him by the tie and pulled him close to press their lips together. “You look good…” he said, as they drew away.
“If that’s your way of trying to get us to go home, it’s not going to work,” said Dario, tugging at his bowtie to fix it. Garrett smiled, because his boyfriend was trying to act cool, but he could see those ears flushing. He reached forward and took Dario’s hand, interlacing their fingers. Still ever shy to public affection, Dario’s flushing got brighter, and he hid their hands between them.
“... Can we go home,” Garrett tried again.
“I still have photos to do.”
“Then can I go home?”
“You’re my ride.”
“I’ll pick you up later.”
“I want you here.” That shut Garrett up. As much as he hated these things, it really wasn’t all that bad with his boyfriend there, and he guessed it was the same for Dario.
“Okay, but I’m going to hate every minute of it.” Dario gave their hands a thankful squeeze. “ But I’m like… really tired, man...  I don’t think I can even stay awake enough for this.”
“If you make it through, we’ll go to that aquarium you like.” And boy, how Garrett’s face lit up.
“Ooh~ midnight aquarium date? You really mean that?” Dario nodded. “Okay, fine. But I’m still holding onto the food promise, too.”
“You didn’t like the food here?”
“I did, and I took so many of those cookies for us. Still want that shake, though.” Dario smiled.
Dario sat at the chambelanes’ table, watching Garrett socialize with his grandmother. Fuck. He brought Garrett here for one other reason than not wanting to go alone, and he didn’t tell him. But he couldn’t. The mood wasn’t right anymore. Garrett was on high edge from this party and the moment would be ruined. Why did he think this would be a good setting to tell him? He guessed he had hoped that he would feel confident enough. Still, there was another chance. There was their aquarium date, and he couldn’t think of anywhere more perfect to tell.
All he needed was a private moment between them. Soon, because he just can’t hold off anymore, or else it’d feel like he would never work up the courage again.
“Oh man, finally,” Garrett groaned as he parked his car in front of the aquarium. Dario sat in the passenger seat, pulling at his bowtie until it came off. Garrett whined, “Keep that on~ It looked really cute on you.”
“Just get down from the car,” huffed Dario, before shrugging off his tux jacket. “I almost had a heatstroke in this.” Garrett snickered.
“Alright, alright, just give me a sec.” Garrett unbuttoned his vest and threw it into the back seat. Then he began to undo his collared shirt until noticing Dario’s stare in his direction. “What?”
“What are you doing?”
“Taking off my clothes?” He swatted Dario’s hands away as they went to stop him. “Relax, I got a tank under here.” Dario still gave him a face but went back to taking off his pink vest. After tossing the shirt back, Garrett took a quick look around, kicked off his shoes, and began to shrug off his pants.
“For fuck’s sake, Garrett-”
“Dude, chill, there’s no one around,” Garrett huffed. “I’m not going in there with those stupid ass clothes.” He reached over his seat and dug through the scattered clothes to pull out some dark tattered jeans.
Dario took a glance in the back. “Anything for me back there?” There was a wait as Garrett was forcing his legs through the pants, before he looked at him incredulously.
“What? You just gave me shit for this.”
“I can’t go in like this if you’re looking like that.” Garrett gave a small grunt in reply and stepped out of the car to force the pants up to his hips. “How do you wear those?”
“They’re fine once they’re on,” he replied, buttoning them up. “See?” He goes to the back and grabbed his usual boots and a white hoodie. “Here,” he said, tossing the jacket to Dario. Dario caught it and looked it over.
“...This is my jacket. I’ve been looking for this,” Dario stated. Garrett put on his boots, before looking in the rearview mirror to check on his hair.
“Yeah, I stole it from you.”
“... how many of my stuff do you have?” Dario asked, turning to look through the back. Garrett tugged him back, pressing another kiss to him (and it just took Dario’s breath away).
“Babe, I like wearing your jackets, that’s all. Let it go so I can see the jellyfishes,” he said.
“Really…?” Dario whispered. Why does Garrett have such an effect on him?
“Yeah. It’s nice.” He felt his heart skip, and a surge of confidence overtook him.
“Garrett- I… need to talk to you.” Garrett pressed their lips together again to silence him.  
“Talk to me inside, okay?”
“Why would they even have it open this late?” Dario asked, as his boyfriend dragged him quickly down the hallway. “There’s like no one here.”
“For people like me,” said Garrett, stopping in front of the jellyfish exhibit. “Oh man, I could never get tired of looking at them…” An ironic thing to say since Garrett looked like he was going to fall asleep standing. Dario gave him a look before sitting on the bench nearby.
“I could say the same thing about you,” he said. He could barely make out the blush that grew on Garrett’s cheeks as the guy turned to look at him.
“...You turn into a real corny guy when no one’s around,” he replied, but in a teasing manner. Dario shrugged.
“I mean it, though.” His boyfriend kept his stare on him for a while before turning away to look at the jellyfishes again. Dario looked at them for a moment, but he couldn’t really see what attracted Garrett so much to these exhibits. They’re just…. fishes.
“Dare, come here,” he heard Garrett call, and he goes to stand next to him. Garrett wrapped their hands together, looking at him. “Look at these with me.”
“I don’t… really get it,” he said lamely. Garrett rolled his eyes.
“Just look.” He stepped closer to the exhibit between the jellyfishes. Dario followed and tried to understand, watched the colorful fishes swim around for a while…. until he got bored.  Aquariums really aren’t his thing, but he didn’t mind being here, as long as Garrett was having his fun. The guy deserved it, especially after having to be introduced to the 50+ members of the family and keeping his grandma company for half of the night (even though Garrett loved being with his grandma).
But looking over to him, watching that tired face look on with awe and excitement… He could stare forever. His boyfriend was beautiful when he was like this, especially with the blue fluorescent lights shining on him. Moments like these made him realize…
Then he remembered: he still hadn’t told him.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He couldn’t get himself to bring it up. How does he even start a conversation with this topic? Then out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a blue fish. Not just any regular one, but it was a rich blue fish with a dark face and beautiful long fins that faded into black. If he could get a closer look, he could see a hint of a red hue on it, and it was a pretty sight. It sort of reminded him of…  and he gets an idea.
“I found a fish that looks like you,” he said out loud, and to his surprise, Garrett had said it, too, face smiling up at him. Dario couldn’t help but smile back. “This one right here,” he said, pointing to the dark blue fish, “really reminds me of you.” Garrett’s smile falters, and for a second, Dario wondered if he said the wrong thing.
“Uh… this…. fish… is yours,” he said, with such hesitation, while pointing at the red and white lionfish passing by. Dario paused.
“You were going to make fun of me, weren’t you?” he said. Garrett’s head dropped.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting it,” he said back. He pointed to the Napoleon blue fish that had passed by. “I was gonna say that you looked like that.” Dario noticed the fish and couldn’t help but laugh, because it was just like Garrett, and after realizing it was okay, Garrett joined in.
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
“Garrett, it’s 2 am,” said Dario, on the bench with his back to the wall. It was late and he was tired but his boyfriend was still exploring the aquarium, albeit more obviously worn out. The guy was dragging his feet and muttering to himself, and occasionally he’d struggle to read the information on the walls before giving up and returning to Dario.
“I didn’t get to feed the manta ray,” Garrett mumbled, sitting down beside him. He leaned his head onto his shoulder, eyes almost closed but watching the exhibit across from them.
“They’re closed. I told you that twice now.” Garrett yawned, and it triggered a yawn from Dario as well. He wasn’t used to staying up this late. That was Garrett’s specialty (except on days like these were Garrett’s energy has been drained). “Aren’t you really tired by now?”
“Yeah… but I like… seeing them,” his boyfriend said quietly, on the verge of sleep. They sat there in silence for a while, and it was making Dario nervous. It was getting late, and he still hasn’t told him. He had to now before he ends up deciding to repress it again.
“...Hey, Garrett?”
“...Mm-hm?” He sounded so quiet and tired, but Dario pushed on.
“We’ve been dating for… five months now���?” He hesitated before continuing, “I… honestly never thought I would be here... like this- with you. Hell, I never thought I would even meet someone, you know?” He paused, refusing to look at his boyfriend (who seemed to be listening intensely). “It’s just that… I’ve been looking back recently… and…
“You really changed me. A lot. I know I’m still having trouble doing some things and I know I still fuck up, but… you’ve been really good to me. Like… really good and I-I… just thought-....” He groaned quietly and put his hands together, his cheeks growing warmer at his bumbling words. All he wanted to do now was to bolt out the door, because it was awkward and clumsy and nothing like how he imagined it. Nevertheless, he kept going. “My family loves you, my sister loves you, my friends love you, and… I don’t think I could imagine not being with you, and I don’t want to.” He took a deep breath.
“What I’m trying to say is that I lov-… That I...” He paused, before forcing himself to look at Garrett, because fuck it, he wasn’t going to run away. He might only ever have one chance and he had to take it-
… except that Garrett was asleep. Dario felt his ears burn in embarrassment at the fact. His boyfriend fell asleep while he was rambling to himself for who knows how long. Fucking hell.
He… couldn’t bring himself to feel upset. Instead, he let go of the breath he was holding and smiled, because maybe it wasn’t meant to be, but his sleeping boyfriend was still a cute sight to behold. Careful not to wake him, Dario stood and carried Garrett onto his back. He grabbed the legs and held them at his sides before making his way to the exit.
They were finally home and Garrett was still fast asleep. Dario took him to his room, this time in a bridal-style position. He laid him on his bed, took off the other’s shoes, and tucked him in nicely. Then he tried to walk to his own room but stopped when he felt a tug on his clothes. He looked down to see his boyfriend half-asleep, gripping his pants.
“Hey… what did you… wanted to talk to me… about…?” he murmured. Dario smiled and crouched to be eye-level with him (and those blue eyes were so tired but still trying to stay awake… for him).
“It’s nothing important. Get some sleep.” He paused, before pressing a soft kiss to the other’s nose and giving a smile. “Love you,” he whispered, and those tired blue eyes opened just a little more because they both knew it was going to be a whole new world for them.
“... Sleep with me,” Garrett muttered, and Dario did (after finally taking off all of his formal wear). He laid in the space beside his boyfriend, flat on his back and eyes to the ceiling. Arms wrapped around his bare chest and Garrett’s head was on his shoulder again. “You have one chance if you want to take it back,” he offered.
“I don’t,” Dario said firmly. Garrett hummed to himself as he cuddled his side.
“You’re such a dork.” Silence stretched between them for so long that Dario thought he fell asleep again until- “Tell me again.”
“I love you.” It should have been embarrassing, he thought, but Dario only felt more at ease. Like a weight lifted.
“I love you.”
“... again.”
“I love you.” Garrett didn’t ask anymore but had buried his face into his neck.
“Dork…” he murmured. And this time he did fall asleep. He looked so comfortable, clinging onto his side with his cold legs wrapping around his body for warmth. Dario gave a soft sigh before closing his eyes to sleep. It didn’t come easy; his boyfriend’s reaction was still imprinted into his mind. The way those eyes lit up like they just found life, and looked at him with an unspoken message that was still so loud, echoing:
‘I love you, too.’
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lmaoooo the boyfriends comic reminds me of that artist on here, skaroy (an island of bunnies ? ), who i swear used to have she/her pronouns bc i used to follow him and like ? all these gender struggles? but now they've been erased completely and its like they never knew anything ab trans people ?? but if u check their blog its the same fujo-adj. art
What do we call this annoying, inoffensive and bland art style coupled with terrible writing and the depth of those cups you piss in for drug test?
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mueritos · 4 years
NOT defending her so please don't take this as much, but you do know many gay men have ocs like that, right? It's a trope. Using that as a reason why she's fetishizing men isn't really indicative as much. Again, I fully believe she can or does fetishize gay men, but that isn't really evidence if it's a popular trope among gay and straight people. Skaroy is an example of this. He's a gay man with this trope to the point Garrett, his "owo white soft boy" is often mistaken for a girl
thats not the point. The point is that all of her hypersexualized male ocs are BROWN, and all of the innocent gay ocs are WHITE. This plays into the racist stereotype that Black/Brown men are more sexually deviant/charged than white men. Plus, she complains that people perceive her ocs as the Twink/Bara, despite the fact that that is exactly the kind of dynamic she usually draws. I know gay men draw men like that, I, a gay man, draw men like this sometimes. But when you make all of your sexually charged/demonic/villian ocs to be Black/Brown and all of the UwU soft boys White,,,that's not a good look. And personally, as a gay man, I’m wary of anyone who isn’t mlm who draws/writes mlm relationships because of the tendency of those relationship portrayals to be heavily reductionist. The racism is the main point Im trying to make though.
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happyemoqueer · 4 years
Tagged by @skaroy-sigh ty!! <3
Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts// i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup (only eyeliner and lipstick tho) // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (funny story, i won third place in a music talent show in my primary school. there were 4 contestents and one of them didn’t sing :) ) // i can cook or bake without a recipe (but only a few things and one cake)// I know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing (poorly) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks  // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship (it’s complicated ok) // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years  // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online (we don’t talk anomore but they were so much fun)
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep  // i enjoy thunderstorms (indoors only) // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean (the ocean terrifies me) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (but only if i’m cery tired)// i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food (don’t think i’ve ever had any) // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love (not soulmates or first sight if that’s what you mean) // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower (i wish but i live with my parents smh)// i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat (and he is great)
I’d like to tag: @leavemycandyalone @samioli @meekasha @gaylittlepieceofsh1t (only if you want to, obviously) Have fun <3
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mrfart69 · 5 years
tagged by: @skaroy-sigh thank u sweet sweet sweet skaroy thank u <3 <3 <3
tagging: my mutuals hello wake up @deadfruity @lookintomymouth @kaspbrak-king <3 <3 <3 
name: isabelle 
nicknames: isa - not IZZY, NOT ISABELLA none OF THAT
zodiac sign: leo sun >:) ... taurus moon :) 
height: 5′6 w/ shoes >:) 5′5 without... :( 
languages you know: english (BUT four words of german and a two-year-old’s grasp on french-canadian that i use to torture everyone around me)
nationality: canadian :) 
favorite season: fall >:) 
favorite flower: bleeding heart flowers top fav... those cute lil white n yellow ones that sprout by the side of the country roads... cherry blossoms are always kind.... trillium is my province's flower... love those guys... haven’t seen them in awhile.... :(
favorite smell: light moringa scent.... or pink rose scent (you know what i mean) >:) never object to clean linen- the smell of my sweet, sweet dog’s little tiny head when she is clean... the smell of the joy of hardwork (SWEAT) 
favorite color: green- any shade :)
favorite animal: hate them all ... SIKE. favorite animal is my dog- which one you may ask because i have three and i will tell you! my sweetest lady dog! more exotic--- squirrels. :) 
favorite fictional character: animal crossing’s Agent S... richie tozier, of course... the image of self i have constructed in my head... animal crossing’s Isabelle, because we have the same name.... Adam Groff from Sex Ed has worked his way into my heart (honest their entire cast), but not the same way those lil bitches from IT did
cats or dogs?: dog... 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: coffee baby i take that shit iced and black and cheap and tasting like shit --- i don’t drink for the flavour i drink for the pain
dream trip: me and my friends hop in a shitty van and go camping in the canadian woods baby - i take the person i am love with and we sit under the stars at night and listen to the soft lapping of the lake as everyone else sleeps back at camp. we name a constellation we create out of thin air after us and whenever i see it back home through the clouded city atmosphere i think of them and smile, even years after when we have inevitability broken apart. 
hours of sleep: on the reg... from 11 to 8.. so like nine hour (i think)... sometime (usually) less... when i am on one of my writing binges... like five hour a night if lucky... 
# of blankets: i have one but it weighs like fifty pounds and then i also have another one that weighs no more than five so i guess thats two 
blog established: this one... 2017? my main... 2012-ish i guess... yikes 
followers: on here... 49... on my main.. 121 but it got flagged for nsfw stuff for some reason so nothing i posted would show up in tags and i only do things for attention so i had to come and make a new blog so Hi thanks for everyone who has showed up and my main is @tetrissucks if ur interested but i donot use it anymore because i am bad at logging in and out of things 
random fact: i am hot and sexy and have an nine pack.  
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xwolfandbear · 5 years
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag people.
nobody tagged me, i'm just bored:)
APPEARANCE: I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair (before dying them lol)//I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair// I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily// I have freckles (i do have a few but they're hard to see THANKS TO ACNE:))// I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards.
HOBBIES AND TALENTS: I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic// I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
RELATIONSHIPS: I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years (not a best friend, but we're close) / my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
AESTHETICS: I have heard the ocean in a conch shell// I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean// I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
MISCELLANEOUS: I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiethnic // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs //
tagging: @skaroy-sigh @lea-ankala @andidontwanttheworldtoseeme @greathummuscat @chypeat @theprocrastinatingslytherin
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gavryllo · 6 years
21 questions tag meme
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’re like to get to know better. (Make a separate post!)
Tagged by: @skaroy-sigh, thank you
Nickname: people call me a mispronounced version of my last name. My gym teacher got it wrong and it stuck since like 5th grade, rip me
Zodiac: pisces
Height: either 5′5″ or 5′6″
Last movie I saw: the meg, its was actually pretty good
Last thing I googled: a picture of blastoise because I wanted to draw him lmao
Favorite Musician: Theres so many, I honestly can't name a specific one
Song stuck in my head: weekend - jesteś zajebista, I don't know why lol
Other blogs: I lurk and that's it
Do I get asks: like 10
Followers: 79
Following: 171
Amount of sleep: i try to get 8 or 9 buts it's usually 7
Lucky number: 7
What I’m wearing: a pink robe
Dream trip: hmmm, I’d like to go back to Palestine and Jordan and Dubai to see my cousins and aunts/uncles again
Favorite food: avocado toast (basic I know but it's so good)
Play an instrument: I have no musical talent at all
Favorite Song: I can't decide lmao
Random Fact: People are freaked out by the way I write. I write from the bottom up. Like S starts from the he bottom, B starts from the bottom, and the whole alphabet. Only Z I write normally, idk why
Describe yourself in asthetic things: ...a cottage in the woods with a lot of cats an a big garden, my ideal living situation 😂
Tagging: @ask-kamilah-sayeed, @kamilahsayood 
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Tending an Injury: Surprise Tangled!Au
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So like... nobody asked for this. I didn’t even ask for this. But somehow I just got... really involved in the Tangled!Au. I did some sketches of it, but I also really wanted to recreate the healing scene. So hope you enjoy! <3 The fanfic is just below the read more!
Tending an Injury - Tangled!Au
Garrett’s hair glows. His hair fucking glows.
Okay, well, to be fair, a lot of weird shit happened today. First, it was getting captured by a guy who had the longest hair he had ever seen on...well, anyone. Then there’s the fact that Garrett was much more willing to trade a crown worth millions over a nice view of some paper lanterns. And that they stumbled into a bar where a group of seemingly cold-hearted mischiefs began to dance and sing as if they were in some sort of musical (he refused to think about how he was coerced to join). Finally, he fought off a sword-wielding horse. Sword-wielding horse.
Oh, and to top it all off, there was a good chance Dario and Garrett were going to die, what with being trapped in a dark, claustrophobic cavern with rising water and nowhere to go. 
He tried desperately to find some way out. He couldn’t die here. Not now at least. But nothing was working. He pushed and shoved the cavern but it didn’t budge. He made a third attempt before a sharp pain cut through his left hand, causing him to draw back. There was a long gash in his palm and fuck, it fucking hurts, but he tried one last time to try and find their way out again.
It was too dark, nothing was changing, and there didn’t seem to be any escape route. It seemed all was lost. Panting, he turned to look at Garrett, who seemed so distraught and scared. For a moment, he felt terrible that the other was caught in this. The guy only wanted to see some stupid lanterns… He didn’t deserve to pay for Dario’s mistakes.
He guessed his face wasn’t good at hiding his emotions because Garrett tried diving in himself to find a path. It was a desperate move, and Dario couldn’t stand it. He grabbed the other’s arms and pulled him back up to the surface. “Hey,” he said quietly, hands at the other’s sides, “there’s no point. It’s pitch-black down there…” Garrett looked as if he was in denial at first, but eventually, the truth reached him. He pressed his back against the wall, apologizing to him over and over- that it was all his fault. That he should have never stepped outside. “I’m so sorry, Darren,” he whispered, his eyes swelling with tears and then delving into guilty sobs. Dario didn’t know exactly what to say. He wasn’t good at this kind of stuff.
Somehow, he ended up giving Garrett his name. His real one. That he wasn’t (sort of) Darren. But, “Dario,” he said quietly. Garrett only gave him a sad, confused look. “My real name. I just thought… someone should know.” The tears seemed to slow. The other’s face was mostly baffled, but then it softened, a small smile making its way to his face. Garrett let out a pleased hum as he wiped away his tears, before saying back,
“My hair glows when I sing.”
Dario… stared, flabbergasted. “What?” he asked, but a look of realization hit Garrett’s face, and the blonde suddenly became excited.
“My hair glows when I sing!” he gasped, and quickly, he began to sing. Dario didn’t know how to react. What was he doing? 
The water rose faster and faster until it engulfed them both, and all Dario could see was darkness. His life was over soon, he thought, but faintly, a glow began to emit. Against his better judgment, he opened his eyes, and Garrett was in front of him, his hair floating all around them but…
It was glowing. Garrett’s hair was glowing. Holy fuck.
He gasped, but quickly regretted it when he felt the sudden rush of water entered him. He covered his mouth with his hand, eyes wide to the view before him. The other didn’t waste any time looking for an exit, and even Dario followed his search, landing his eyes on the pile of rocks somewhere in the corner. Through some quick digging and pulling, they were finally able to break apart the wall of rocks, releasing the water and spilling them into the river nearby.
They lifted themselves to the ground as soon as they had the chance and collapsed onto the grass, trying to catch their breaths. 
Garrett’s first reaction was relief; a moment later he lit up with a smile and marveled, “We made it...” Dario realized that yeah, they did, but:
“Your hair glows,” was all that came out. It didn’t seem to affect Garrett at all, who didn’t spare him a glance but instead rose to his feet and faced the river.
“We’re alive!"
“Why does your hair glow?!” Dario reiterated, because no, fuck that, he wasn’t letting something like that go. The other didn’t have a care, leaning over the water and scooping up the rest of his hair still caught in the gentle stream, all while holding a pleased smile.
“...It doesn’t just glow,” Garrett finally responded. Dario could only stare back dumbfounded.
“... What?”
They stayed in that spot for the night, setting up a campfire next to the river they fell into. There wasn’t much talking as Garrett began to gather his golden locks to the find the end of them. Dario didn’t really know what to say anyways. The hair glows. That was all there was to it… except it’s not. Garrett said it can do more. How? He didn’t know what to expect from him.
Garrett asked for his hand, the one that was injured during their near drowning. Dario didn’t try to argue, merely rested it on top of the other’s awaiting one. The blond then showed hesitation, his face crunching with concern as he began to… wrap the hair locks around Dario’s injury. He suddenly looked so serious that it just... really didn’t fit him at all.
“You’re being so serious as someone who is wrapping their magic hair around me,” he commented, because how could he not? Those blue eyes peered up at him, and with a sudden jerk, wrapped the hair a little too tightly. Dario winced at the sudden pain, and Garrett held his hand in his own.
“S-sorry,” he apologized. He still looked... so worried. Dario was surprised at this. “Just don’t… freak out, okay?” Dario glanced over to his hand-covered hair, now a little worried. He tried to look back at Garrett with reassurance, but the other wasn’t stupid. Nevertheless, Garrett sighed and closed his eyes.
… and he began to sing. “Flower, gleam and glow…” His hair began to lit up once more, beginning from the top of his head. Dario watched with amazement, as Garrett’s soft melodic voice continued,
“Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse.
Bring back what once was mine.”
The glow of his locks spread across the length, with Dario’s eyes following. To a point, it was… almost pretty, the way it shined apart from the darkened night. Eventually, it reached to the locks around his hand, and Dario… could almost feel its energy. His palm was beginning to tingle, and he turned his glance to Garrett, who only continued to sing.
“Heal what has been hurt.
Change the fate’s design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine.”
The other… looked… beautiful, too. His eyes were still peacefully closed, and his hands were still securely wrapped around Dario’s, a gentle hold fit for someone who seemed so… kind-hearted and naive... but maybe not as naive as he thought. Still… to risk his life at home for some lanterns… he wondered the reason behind it. Garrett never really told him why, but maybe it was best not to ask.
The song had finished, the tingling was gone, and Garrett’s hair slowly returned to the duller blond it was before. He opened his eyes and looked at him expectantly. Dario lifted his hand and tugged the hair off.
His wound was gone. Healed as if it was never there. He tried to ignore the rising panic in him.
Okay. So glowing hair. That’s strange. Glowing hair that heals. That was fucking mad.
“Please don’t freak out!” Garrett shouted quickly, and Dario realized his mouth was open. He closed it quickly and looked to the other as confidently as he could (which wasn’t much).
“I’m not freaking out, are you freaking out, oh no, your hair is totally normal!” he tried, and Garrett gives him a look. “... except it has magical qualities that make it glow and heal!” He squeezed his palm. “That you’ve had for how long again?”
“... Uh… forever, I guess,” Garrett answered. He looked to the ground and began to run his fingers through his locks. “Ever since I was a baby, actually. People tried to cut it to take the power for themselves, but once it’s cut, it turns brown, and it doesn’t work anymore.” He sighed. “Something like me… has to be kept away. That’s why I never…I never left the…” He was struggling to get those words out. Dario frowned.
“You never left the tower,” he finished for him.Garrett nodded. “... Are you gonna go back?”  The other looked at him sternly.
“No.” Then immediately his face softened. “Maybe, I don’t know… It’s really complicated.” But he didn’t continue or elaborate, and Dario didn’t push. He didn’t really have anything to offer him, after all. 
Garrett didn’t let the silence hang over them long. He fiddled with his hair as a smile grew on his face. “So… Dario?” he teased. Dario huffed and ran his hand through his own hair, embarrassed.
“It was.. just stupid. I didn’t really like my name and I… changed it to something people wouldn’t make fun of me for.” Garrett sidled closer to the other.
“I really like your name,” he said. Dario felt his cheeks warm, caught off-guard from the innocent compliment. “Why didn’t you like it?”
He bit his lips, a bit on unsure on whether he should say. Did he really trust Garrett anyways? 
Then there was a soft touch on his hand, where the wound used to be. It was Garrett’s fingers, trailing lightly over his palm. It was… a comforting touch. He let go of the breath he was holding and continued, “I just… didn’t grow up with a lot, you know?” He looked to the ground. “My dad… I haven’t seen him since I was 12. My mom-…” He paused for a moment. “And my grandparents... were trying to be everything I needed… but I was tired of being nothing.” He withdrew a breath, his hand curling to squeeze over Garrett’s smaller one.
“...  It’s why I ran away.” The other squeezed his hand. “I wanted to do something. I wanted to help out. I wanted to… be someone. And it just… seemed like the right choice at the time.”
Garrett gave a sad smile. “... so your dream. About being home with riches? It really wasn’t you being greedy, huh?” Dario groaned.
“Listen, don’t tell anyone, okay? It would ruin me.” Garrett laughed.
“Wouldn’t want that~” He squeezed their hands again, and Dario realized their hands had been interlaced for a while. He blushed again and stood up quickly, catching Garrett by surprise.
“I should probably get some more firewood,” he coughed and began to make his way into the woods.
“... Hey,” he heard. Dario stopped and looked back. Garrett was still sitting on the log, but his eyes were pointed towards him. “You have it here,” he said, touching the middle left of his chest, “... Dario.”
“...”  Dario smiled at him. “Thank you…” Garrett returned the smile to him before he stepped off into the woods again.  
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Shelter/Cuddling Prompt: Octo!Dario Au
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After being burnt out for about a week, I was finally able to do something ; v ; /) This prompt is a mix of caught in the rain/taking shelter/cuddling prompts! Hope you enjoy under the read more and as always you’re welcome to send me more prompts from here! <3
“It’s cold in here,” Agent 3 spoke up, trying to break their uncomfortable silence. They had been trapped in the octo’s shack for quite a while. Originally, they had regrouped to plan their attack for the next Zapfish location, but it wasn’t long that they began to hear the raindrops hitting the rooftop of the wooden shelter. And before they knew it, it was raining. Hard.
Neither of them were taking it very well, Agent 3 noticed. He himself was a little tense, the sound resonating something that he had buried within himself. But for the octo, that was interesting. At first, he assumed the octo was upset about not being able to capture a Zapfish for today, but the other had been irate for a while. He seemed frustrated and angry, pacing back and forth in his living space.
“Get a blanket, I don’t care,” the other finally responded, without a pause in his movements. Agent 3 looked around the shack, spying the blanket on the floor with a couple of pillows.
“Remind me to buy you a mattress,” he muttered.
“Nothing.” Agent 3 gave a sigh, a little put off to the octo’s nasty attitude. Why was he so upset? Was it really just the rain? As if the other heard him, the octo spoke,
“I need this rain to stop.” Agent 3 looked towards the rain outside and then regretted it. It looked so heavy, and with all his anxiousness piling up, it was as if he was already drowning.
“Just give it time. It’ll go away,” he whispered, but maybe it was more as a comfort for himself than a response. The octoling groaned and pressed his back against the wall, sliding down to sit near the agent. More silence. Neither of them spoke for awhile, the sound of raindrops drowning everything else out.
...A soft shiver caught his attention and he turned to the octo, who still seemed to be tense. “... You okay?” he tried prodding.
“Peachy,” the other said back, but he was holding himself, nails digging into his arms. If anything, he seemed…. Scared? Worried? He wasn’t sure, but for such an intimidating octo, he was making himself seem quite… small. With his back hunched over and his head down.
“... Are you scared of the rain…?” he asked quietly. The octoling turned to him, a little surprised, and it only confirmed his statement. Agent 3 moved a little closer to him, before tucking his knees to his chest. “The rain bothers me, too. Not as bad as the thunderstorms, though.” The octoling turned away from him, trying to seem indifferent. “Is it because you can’t respawn?” he guessed, and the other paused.
“... We dissolve in the rain.” Agent 3 gave a soft hum. It was too easy. He knew his ally a little better than that, at least. It had to be something else.
“Okay,” he responded, playing along. It was probably better that way. Until the other felt ready to tell him.
“Why do they bother you?” he heard. He fiddled with his shoes, making no hint to answer. The octoling left him alone, and that was fine. After all, it was only fair.
They stayed that way for a while. Agent 3 wasn’t sure what to do. It didn’t look like the rain was going to stop soon, and they were both getting more and more on edge. But he wondered: what were the octo’s reasons for not liking rain? He knew his own all too well. So maybe.... just maybe... they weren’t too different after all.
The octoling was sitting so close to him. With just... a little more, they could touch. It would be a comfort, he thought. Small touches or even just a hint of someone being there was a great deal for him. It kept him grounded. Grounded from his emotions. His thoughts.
After a moment, Agent 3 huddled up to the other’s side. The octoling soldier startled to the sudden touch, and the agent realized that he had been on guard. What happened to this octo? He wished he knew, wished the other trusted him more. But it was fine, so long as he let him know he was safe.
The inkling laid his head on the other’s shoulder, noticing him tensing up to the touch. “What are you-”
“You don’t have to be alone on this, you know,” Agent 3 whispered. “... You can trust me to talk about it.” The words seem to get to him, creating a scowl on his face.
“I have nothing to say to you.” Agent 3 gave a defeated expression before wrapping his arm around the other’s, bringing them even closer. “Wha-”
“It’s cold,” Agent 3 restated. The octoling paused, before turning away, muttering.
“I told you to get the blanket.” Still. He didn’t pull away. Neither of them did. Agent 3 held onto him, closing his eyes to block out the rain. But he could hear it. Could play the memory over and over perfectly in his head. Could feel all the emotions he felt. All that was missing was the-
He flinched when the thunder sounded. Both of them did. He gripped the other’s arm tightly, shivering. They should have closed the door. Damp and humid was starting to sound better than cold and anxious.
“I wish it’d stop,” he said quietly. The other doesn’t answer him but instead rose to his feet. Agent 3 almost didn’t let go, but he had to. The octoling moved away from him, and he began to feel a small surge of panic. His chest tightened, and he held his breath,. They didn’t go far, only until the corner to grab the blanket. He sat back down with the inkling and wrapped the blanket around them both.
“Thank you,” Agent 3 said softly, but he still cuddled up close to the octoling. He needed to touch him. Needed to feel that he was there. That he didn’t leave. The other… didn’t seem to mind. Or maybe he was just indifferent again. That’s what he would have thought until he felt the light tap of the octo’s head resting above his. He felt his cheeks warm, gave a soft squeeze to the other’s arms (in case the octo was just like him). The rain was starting to feel far away, with only the warmth, touch, and (comforting) silence between them being on his mind.
He closed his eyes, his memories washing away until it was a faint picture of the octoling.
“... Hey,” he said quietly. The octoling didn’t make any movement. “I’m happy you’re here…”
There were no response, but Agent 3 liked to think that the other felt the same. That he was providing the same comfort. Soon, he drifted off to sleep, but not before feeling a soft, reassuring touch on his side.
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Mistletoe Prompt: Octo!Dario Au
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Happy fanfic Sunday! <3 I remember having a plan that I was going to do a mistletoe prompt for all the universes for Christmas. There goes that idea, LOL. So it’s late, but I still wanted to write the octo!Dario one. Hope you like! 
“This is soooo boring,” one of the octoling soldiers moaned. She and the other members of their squad were lazily sitting on the steel floor of their base. Behind them was the Zapfish, and in front, their weapons scattered across the floor. “No one is going to attack us during the squids’ dumb holiday, why did we even need to be here?” she complained, placing her knuckles on her cheeks. “Our leader didn’t have to show up.”
“I know, I stayed up all night binge watching my favorite shows in case we lose the Zapfish,” complained the other before letting out a yawn. “I was really hoping to sleep in today.”
“Why wouldn’t they attack us today?” asked the third octoling.
“You a rookie, #4?” the second asked. #4 nodded. “Today is Squidmas, and like, that’s the day all the squids stay home and do dumb things like wear ugly sweaters and wait for some stranger to break into their house.”
“...Why would they do that?”
“They’re not so bright, rookie.” The first octoling perked up from her position.
“Hey, where’s #3?” she called out.
“#3 said she was-”
“No, I’m here, I’m here!” They turned to see the last of the squad run their way. She had her hands behind her back, hidden from their view “Sorry, I went on a short scouting mission!” she explained. The octolings stared back at her.
“For what?” #1 asked.
“For these!” She pulled her hands from behind her and between her fingers was a plantlike object. “Y’know what this is?”
“A dumb plant?” #2 responded.The soldier grinned at her.
“Not just any plant! This here is a mistletoe!” She held it proudly above her head. “So apparently, the squids hang these in places and use these to kiss each other.” The soldiers made a disgusted face.
“Gross, they just kiss anybody?”
“Right? As long as two people are under it, they gotta kiss.” #3 laughed as the others made disgruntled noises.
“Why did you even look for a thing like that?” The octoling didn’t respond. Her smile only became a mischievous grin. She slowly stepped closer to the other girls, who all tensed up at the movement.
“Geez, I don’t know~ Maybe I wanna KISS YA!” The other octo soldiers cried out as they rose their feet, running from the third octo as she chased after them. “Come here, I just wanna celebrate ~Squidmas~!”
“Soldier! Quit goofing off!” #4 shouted, stopping in her tracks, “if we get seen by the enemy- ack!” #4 yelped as she was tackled by #3, who then planted a kiss on her cheek.
“No one’s coming, number three, relax!” #3 pushed the mistletoe into the octo’s hand. “Now come on, your turn!” she cried as she ran from her.
“I can’t believe I’m spending what should have been my day off like this,” groaned #2.
#1 laughed, “I don’t know, it sure beats just sitting around. Besides,” she pointed to the other octolings. “I don’t mind a smooch from those cuties.”
“... What are they doing,” said the boy octoling, watching the soldiers chase each other around from the floor above them.
“Aw, it looks like they’re having Squidmas fun,” Agent 3 replied, smiling in fondness at the sight.
“Yeah, Squidmas! You’ve never heard of it?” The octoling merely stared at him. Agent 3 sighed dreamily.
“It’s just a nice holiday about giving. You exchange presents, hang colorful lights, and sing Squidmas songs. A lot of people get the days off work so they can spend time with their family and friends.” Agent 3 gestured to the octoling holding the mistletoe. “See what they’re holding? That’s a mistletoe. If you get caught under it with someone else, you both have to kiss.” The octo soldier tilted his head, bewildered.
“What’s that?”
“...” The inkling blinked, taken by surprise. “What?”
“A kiss. What is it?” He stared at the other, trying to tell if the octo was being serious because there is no way he couldn’t- oh, he’s not joking.
“You… don’t know?” Agent 3 felt his cheeks heat up, a faint blue coloring them. “U-um, well, it’s when you press your lips to something…. Or someone.” He sunk his head into his turtleneck, flustered.
“Why?” Oh geez.
“It’s just to show… that you… like someone…. Like… like like.” The octoling stared at him before shrugging and looking back to the others.
“So are you going to snipe them off or am I going to have to go down there?” Agent 3 blinked at the sudden change in topic. When the soldier didn’t get a reply from him, he pulled out one of his burst bombs. “Alright, I guess-”
“W-wait!” He grabbed the octo’s wrist. “I was thinking… do we really have to do it today?” The octoling scoffed.
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“W-well... it’s Squidmas! You know?” 
“...I don’t think you understand the opportunity we have in front of us.” Agent 3 pulled back with a withdrawn sigh, fiddling with his jacket. “Who cares about Squidmas? If it was a big deal, you wouldn’t even be here.” The blue squid froze. Then he nodded sullenly, his tentacles drooping. 
“Yeah… you’re right,” he said quietly. The octoling rose a brow. Now that he noticed, Agent 3 wasn’t like his usual goofy self. He hadn’t been this whole day.
“Why are you acting weird? It’s like you-” The octo paused for a second, and Agent 3 avoided his eyes, sure that he figured it out. “Did you… want to spend it with me?” The squid gave an embarrassed look, before shaking his head.
“W-what? No! You’re an octoling, you don’t eve- and we’re barely even friends! H-How could I think you and I would ever-”
“So why would you want to spend it with me?” the other continued, unaffected. Agent 3 stammering, and looked to the floor. Should he tell him? He wasn’t sure. He barely really knew the octo, even with all the time they spent together, and yet…
“I… don’t really have anyone else to spend it with,” he said, reaching to rub the back of his neck. He still wasn’t looking at the octo, didn’t check for his reaction, but he was sure the other was going to scoff at him.
“... You don’t?” It was a little surprising of how quiet the octoling said those words, as if he was being careful. Except Agent 3 knows he wouldn’t care about hurting his feelings. So he risked glancing at him and… what was that he saw in his face? It was… still very indifferent (those fucking goggles). He couldn’t really pinpoint it, so he continued,
“No. Well, I mean… I have a friend…? Sort of?” The octo stared into him, and the agent cowered into his turtleneck again. “D-don’t look at me like that…”
“I… didn’t think you’d be like…” He stopped himself, and the squid’s tentacles pointed up.
“Be like… who? You?” The octo clicked his teeth.
“No.” But he didn’t say anything more. Agent 3 thought he shouldn’t push anymore, though, so he looked back at the octoling girls. They had all tired themselves out, sitting closely and chatting with each other. Occasionally, they’d laugh at something, and he felt uneasy, a knot building in his chest.
“... Fine,” he heard the other said, and he looked back at him.
“We’ll leave them alone today.” Agent 3 stared at him for a while, unsure if the other was serious. But there he was, putting his burst bombs back into his utility belt. Agent 3 smiled wide.
“So then… you wanna do Squidmas with me?” The octo stretched his neck.
“Since I got nothing else to do now…” And boy, what a reaction that got from the squid. Agent 3 jumped up and wrapped his arms around the other’s waist, grinning from ear to ear.
“I knew you weren’t totally heartless!” he cried, and the other groaned.
“I can still change my mind.” Agent 3 let go.
“No, no! Come on, just meet me at the shack. I gotta buy some stuff so we can do Squidmas right.” He gripped the octo’s hands and tugged him away from the girls “Let’s go!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying no to a free Zapfish day.”  Agent 3 laughed. “Just for today, alright? We’re coming back first thing tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah~”
“Actually I was kind of hoping we would take a longer break,” complained Agent 3 the next day, following the octoling to the end of the walkway. “I really wanted to show you the lights in Inkopolis, they’re real pretty and the-”
“I gave you Squidmas, be happy with that,” said the other. He stopped in front of the Zapfish, looking to the ink covered floor and making sure no more soldiers were going to show. “And I told you we were coming back. You’re going to make it up to me for making me miss an easy day. And for all the eggnog we drank that night.” Agent 3 grinned as he caught up with the octo.
“You liked it.”
“Almost as much as the singing.”
“You liked that too. Come on, you dig my voice, I can tell,” he teased. The octoling sighed before looking at the other, in an almost... timid way.
“You… didn’t have to get me the gift, though,” he said as he touched behind his ear, his fingers trailing over the new goggles he wore. Agent 3 grinned proudly.
“Aw, it wasn’t a big deal. I couldn’t get you the real thing but I thought you could use a pair that wasn’t dented everywhere.”
“I didn’t have many options.”
“I know. But now you do. I’m glad you liked it.” Then the other didn’t respond, merely staring up. “What’s up?” he asked, before following his gaze.
There was a mistletoe. Hanging directly above them. Agent 3 felt his cheeks warm at the sight before playing it off with a laugh. “Haha, looks like they were still having some leftover fu- !” He went silent when the octoling pressed his lips against his cheek. And kept it there for a few seconds. And for each second that passed, his heart was racing more and more. Then the other pulled back and made to grab the Zapfish, as if nothing happened. 
“Y-you…” Agent 3 stammered, his face growing incredibly warm. 
“Merry Squidmas,” said the octoling, tucking the Zapfish firmly in his arm before taking off. Agent 3 stared in the direction he left in, before touching his cheek.
“A-ah… right…,” he said quietly, before realizing. 
“W-wait, that was over yesterday! Hey!” he called, before running off to chase after him. 
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xwolfandbear · 4 years
Tagged by @yuvise​, thank you so much!! I’ve missed these tag posts so much tbh
Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
i’m over 5���5” // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (depends on the day aaa) // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles (a small amount sadly) // i paint my nails (occasionally) // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents
i play a sport (i was in a swimming club most of my life, sadly i’m too old now since we don’t have any clubs for adults and it’s too pricey and exhausting to practise on your own) // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows (depends on the genre) // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (if you count basic polish mixed forest as the wild than yeah) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (i don’t do best friends but i have two close friends like that) // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities (been before the **covid**) // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat
I’d like to tag: @skaroy-sigh @chypeat @kingawojtek​ @anon-non2​ and whoever else wants to do that, i’m too terrified to tag most of my mutuals even though i love them
0 notes
#4 - A Drunken Kiss: Original Universe!
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It’s Fanfic Sunday! This is my first time posting the original universe and aaa, it really got away with me! I think this is the longest one yet <3 Hope you all enjoy! (It’s rated PG-13-ish?) Read under read more, and thank you!
As always you’re welcomed to send more from here!
#4 Drunk Kiss
When Dario finally woke up, facing up at the ceiling, he could tell it was past noon. Which already confused the fuck out of him because he was usually up by 6 am for his daily jog. Being on the living room couch was the next thing he noticed. Then there was the breeze against his skin. ...Why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? He shifted to get up but was met with a bit of weight. He blinked, and looked down.
There was Garrett, with his head on Dario’s bare stomach. He was sound asleep, with his chest rising and lowering with every slow breath he took. He was dressed in a shirt (that had bundled up and showed off the little skin between his rib and hips) and his usual dark boxers-briefs. But what really caught his attention was his eyeliner and mascara, which were smeared from… crying?
What the hell happened? He laid back down, stared up at the ceiling again… and tried to remember.
“Alright, but I’m taking all your keys. Nobody goes anywhere until the next morning,” said Cable, putting his hand out. Kathy and Dario nodded in agreement and handed their keys over. Garrett mumbled to himself.
“We can’t stay cramped in here… what if we need more booze?” he complained.
“Keys, or no party.” Garrett huffed and turned them in. “Good. Who’s coming?”
Dario answered, “Mei, and her girlfriend, I think.”
“Jaleena and Corretta’s coming, too,” Kathy put in.
“Okay. Make sure they spend the night here.” Garrett crossed his arms.
“It’s like he’s our mother,” he muttered. Cable smiled worriedly at him.
“You’re a crying mess when you’re drunk, and Kay becomes a clutsy natural disaster." He lifted his shoulder. "I’m just concerned.” Garrett scoffed.
“And Darren?”
“Well, you’re a flirty drunk, too, he’ll give into you.”
A sudden headache interrupted him.
Dario gave a loud groan in pain, hands going up to massage his temples. He should have listened to Garrett about the water trick, fuck. He looked to the kitchen in front of them. There were probably pain pills somewhere in there. He could never remember where they were kept, though, since he hardly ever needed them.
Slowly, making sure not to disturb Garrett, he sat up. Garrett stirred in his place, arms moving to wrap around Dario’s waist. He found it a little cute, but he wouldn’t admit to that yet. Dario gripped Garrett’s arms and gently pried them off. He then lifted him enough that he could shift himself off the couch. Garrett squirmed again but eventually settled back into light sleep.
Now since that was done…
He looked around their living room. It was tidy for a place that held a small party. Cable had probably cleaned up for them (because the guy was too nice for his own good). The others weren’t here, though. Either they’ve gone back to their place already or they were in one of the empty bedrooms.
Dario shrugged. Shirt first, painkillers next.
Except his shirt was nowhere to be found. On the other couch, there were a pair of folded jean pants and leather jacket (really, Cable?) that probably belonged to Garrett, but no shirt. Dario didn’t care anymore; his headache was getting worse. He made his way to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets until he found the one with various types of medicines. He searched through the bottles and boxes until he found what he was looking for.
After he took a couple, he tried again to recollect last night...
“Are you guys really playing Mario Kart right now?” Mei called from the kitchen table, looking towards the boys on the floor.
“We take a shot for each time we lose, get hit with a blue shell, or fall off the map,” Garrett said back, but his words were slurred and his eyes were half-closed. He fumbled with the controller for a moment before shoving at Dario.
“Hey, cheater, stop..!” Dario shouted, pushing him back.
“Come on, you’ve been winning.”
“I can tell. You’re fucking plastered.”
“You’re supposed to go easy on me…”
“Because I’m dating you? It doesn’t work like that.” Garrett reached for Dario’s remote again.
“Hey..!” Dario pulled the remote up and away from his reach, but Garrett refused to let that stop him. “W-what are you- Garrett!” Dario flushed as Garrett crawled onto him and set himself on Dario’s lap. “Alright, alright! Just take the-”
“I don’t wanna play anymore,” the other whined. Uh-oh. Dario knew where this was going. “I want to cuddle my boyfriend~” At that, Garrett laid his head against Dario’s chest, and the jock merely stared ahead at their neglected game, trying not to blush any further. Though they were dating (and for quite a while), Dario was really not for public affection, especially in front of their friends (even though they don’t really care what they do). Garrett knew this, and often kept their kisses and small touches to themselves, but when drunk…. there he was, curled up on his lap and drawing circles on his chest (which was wearing a shirt at the time). “I want a kiss~” he asked next, and Dario felt his cheek burn. He couldn’t do this.
“Maybe you should call it a night,” he offered. Garrett gave him a pouty look.
“You want me to go away..?” Oh no. This wasn’t a good road he was driving on. By this time, Mei decided to join in.
“Darren, how could you be so mean to your own boyfriend?” she called out, shaking her head in playful disapproval.
“Damn,” he cursed, and he put his hands under Garrett’s arms to have him sit up. “No, it’s not that, I just-”
“Just what?” Garrett interrupted. Dario didn’t know what to say.
“I…. don’t… want.. to kiss you…?” Well, he shouldn’t have said /that/. Garrett looked absolutely devastated as if someone just told him his favorite hair gel was discontinued. Fuck. Why was Dario so stupid with words?
“You don’t want to kiss me…?” he repeated back, and oh no, Dario’s pretty sure he’s about to drunk cry. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked next, his voice growing hushed.
“N-no, no! It’s not that! I just don’t want to kiss you in front of them.” Fuck. Wrong. Garrett was definitely heartbroken now.
“Oh…” he said quietly. “I’m sorry…” Nope, nope, nope, those tears cannot be happening now. He didn’t mean it, fuck- Sober Garrett would have understood what he meant, but this wasn’t sober Garrett.
This was weeping-drunk Garrett.
“Hey, babe, whatcha doing?” Dario heard, and he turned around to find Garrett a few feet away from him.
“Oh, uh, nothing, just took something for a headache,” he answered. He couldn’t help but look his boyfriend over. The mascara was still dried out on his face (he guessed Garrett hasn’t noticed it yet) but his hair was pulled into a messy bun. His makeup was mostly gone (like his own probably), showing off the heavy under-eye bags. And there was his red shirt, with the big “17” number written in black. It looked big on Garrett, the cloth extending past his boxer-briefs, giving off the image that he was bare underneath. Dario blushed and tried to tear his eyes away but he found himself unable to. It was a... good look on him…
Then he noticed the bruised lips.
“What happened to you?” Garrett looked offended.
“Well, excuse me for not looking the way I do for you 24/7,” he snapped back at him. Dario groaned at himself for fucking up his words again.
“No, I meant, what the hell happened to your lips?” Now his boyfriend was confused. He watched as Garrett touched and prodded at the bruise, before looking back at him.
“Am I bleeding or what?”
“Dude, they’re bruised.” How could he be so dense?
“Uh, yeah, I know. You gave it to me.” Wait-
“Yeah, you did this. What, you don’t remember?” Dario shook his head. “I don’t blame you, you were pretty stupid when you got hammered.” Now he was a little confused.
“I wasn’t that drunk.”
“Uh, yeah, you were. Pretty much soon after I was.” Garrett tilted his head. “You have a hangover, dude, I’m sure that means you were a lot more than tipsy.”
“... I’m still trying to remember…” he admitted. Garrett stared at him for a moment before moving in closer. He wrapped his arms around Dario’s neck.
“Let me help you then~” he purred, before leaning in and pressing their lips together.
Then he remembered.
“Darren, you’re such a dick,” Mei said to him, as Kathy patted Garrett’s back. Garrett had joined the girls at the table and was currently crying dramatically into his arms. Dario stood nearby awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Meanwhile, Gabby was looking at the scene quite bored at Mei’s side.
“What is it with boys and not showing their feelings?” she asked, and what could Dario say to that? She was right. A kiss shouldn’t be a big deal. And yet it was. He frowned and grabbed another drink from the table.
So maybe he drank too much. Dario was actually pretty cautious with his drinking, but he just wasn’t feeling that way tonight. Even though Garrett had calmed down for a while now, there was still that bit of guilt in his stomach. He sulkily watched as his boyfriend was amused with the way Kathy painted his nails. Corretta, Kathy’s friend, was busying herself with adding some sort of lip gloss to him.  
“Okay, Gare-bear, wash them off and we can do the Sailor Moon theme next,” said Kathy. They placed the cap back in the nail polish and then rummaged through their jewelry box. After a moment, they frowned. “I don’t have the cotton balls with me.” They pulled out a bottle and placed it in Garrett’s hand. “They’re in the bathroom. Take the acetone and clean your nails there.” Garrett seemed to understand and stood from his chair to make his way there.
Dario bit his lips. Maybe he should try again, he thought.
He quickly headed into the bathroom (the door was left open) and watched for a while as Garrett was cleaning off the polish. His nose twitched from the terrible smell, but he ignored it.
“Garrett,” he called out. Garrett looked to him and gosh, even with the way the mascara had run down, he was gorgeous. Was he just now noticing this? No, he knew that. It was probably the booze.
“Hey,” Garrett said, and he was looking pretty embarrassed. It was cute. Dario staggered forward and gripped his arms. “Uh... Dare?”
“Have I told you that you look really beautiful tonight…?” he asked, unconcerned with Garrett’s confusion.
Wait, no, that’s not what he came here for. What did he wanted to do?
“Uh… no? I was bawling my eyes out like an hour ago, dude.”
“You look so beautiful…” he said again, and a blush crept to Garrett’s cheek.
“T-Thanks. Uh… are you drunk?” He probably was, because he was sure Garrett’s lips were shimmering at him. It was a good look on him, and it made him want to kiss them.
So he did. He pushed their lips together, earning a surprised gasp from his boyfriend as they stumbled back. He prolonged the kiss as much as he could, and Garrett? He tasted faintly of coconut from the lip gloss. Why didn’t he want to kiss him again? Because right now, there were nowhere else he’d rather be.
It was a moment before Garrett finally returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Dario’s neck as their lips moved together. Dario’s hands began to move, clutching at Garrett’s side before running them up his shirt. The other sighed into his lips, and he took that as a chance to enter his tongue, deepening their kiss.
“Darren~” Garrett called out, before pulling back a moment later. “I thought you didn’t want to kiss me,” he said in a hushed voice.
“I didn’t want to kiss you in front of /them/,” he said back quickly, before pressing their lips together again. “I want you all to myself,” he whispered, before taking his bottom lip between his own. He sucked. Sucked hard. Then he reached below and grabbed the bottom of Garrett’s legs, lifting him until the other was sitting on the sink. Dario drew back and admired the flushed look on his boyfriend’s face. He just can’t seem to get enough of him. He stepped back to pull off his shirt and the pleasant surprise on the other was rewarding. He grabbed the end of Garrett’s shirt and Garrett doesn’t hesitate to help him pull it off (albeit slower). With the other’s torso exposed, he swooped in to plant kisses on the jaw.
Garrett was really enjoying all this, but it didn’t go long before a sudden weight was pushing him back against the mirror. He forced himself to sit up straight, and he heard a soft mumble from the other. Dario was actually falling asleep on him. How on earth did that happen so fast?
“Whoa, hey, buddy, I think you should definitely call it a night,” Garrett laughed, pushing him back.
“Mn, don’t want to…” Dario said lowly, eyes drooping. He leaned in and pressed some lazy kisses to his cheek, which made Garrett laugh more and push him back again..
“Yeah, you’re done. You feel tired, don’t you?”
As if on cue, Dario nodded.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed…”
“How did I end up on the couch?” Dario asked.
“You knocked out on the way there so the rest of us just dragged you, and by us, I mean, mostly Gab,” Garrett answered, before laughing, “I had no idea you were such a lightweight, dude.” Dario flushed.
“I don’t… usually drink that much,” was his only defense. Garrett grinned. “Does... that hurt?”
“You’re sweet. Nah, it doesn’t.” Garrett turned back to look at their surroundings before looking back at Dario. “Think you can kiss me now?” Dario frowned.
“I’m… really sorry.”
“It’s good, man, I was just too drunk to remember at the moment.” He placed his hands on Dario’s bare sides, causing him to shiver from the cold touch. “I’m sorry, too. I would have never try to force you like that.” With that, he pressed another kiss to his lips, and Dario was more than happy to kiss back.
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#28 - Teaching the Other Something New: Octo!Dario Au!
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It’s fic Sunday! More Octo!Dario because I’m still in love with this au <3 Read under Read More! As always, you can still send prompts from here!
#28 Teaching the other something new
Dario looked around the area again.
Still no sign of the blue inkling boy.
He let out a frustrated sigh and turned back to his work. Agent 3 should have been here by now, he thought. At this rate, they won’t get enough preparation for the ambush they were planning. His eyes flickered to the burst bombs he had finished crafting. He had meant to work on them the night before, but Agent 3 had decided to stay with him instead of going home. Their night was… eventful, to say the least. Apparently, Agent 3 was a big talker, which was fine because it made up for Dario hardly talking at all. The agent talked about his city, his friends, the shops, the turf and ranked battles (that he couldn’t help but be curious about- inklings had a lot of fun with their technology, didn’t they?). He interrupted one of his stories (something about festivals?) to ask him more about the battling system. The inkling’s face broke into a grin (“So that’s what got your interest, eh?”) which made him feel slightly annoyed. Agent 3 didn’t care and talked as much as he could. Even went into details about what each weapon did.
But before Dario knew it, he had dozed off. He couldn’t help it; he was exhausted from his days of combat. The other didn’t know his effort- he had an ink tank, ink to swim in, a sniper weapon, and even transporters. There was no running, climbing, or fighting involved.
When Dario woke up in the early morning, Agent 3 was missing. He didn’t think much of it at first since he did had a commander to report back to (if that old man really counts), but the agent still hasn’t shown up yet at the meeting time, and frankly, he was getting a little concerned. Did he get captured? Did the octolings find his hideout? Did his respawn machine break?
Dario looked up to see Agent 3 running towards him. The blue inkling was holding a large bag, catching the octoling’s interest in what it could be. “Sorry I’m late,” said the inkling, panting.
“What is that?” Dario responded quickly.
“Oh, this?” There was that annoying grin on his face again. Agent 3 placed the bag on the floor. “It’s a surprise for you. Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before but you know, better late than never!” He reached in and pulled out-...
Dario stared at it for a while. What was that thing again?
Agent 3 groaned at the lack of reaction. “It’s an ink tank!” he said, before turning to show off his own. “See? It’s the thing that lets me shoot my gun.” He faced him again and tossed the ink tank and straps to Dario. “Just put it on so you can have unlimited ink, too!”
“...” Dario stared at it for a moment before he looked up at him. “What’s the point?” he asked. He didn’t mean to sound ungrateful; he’s sure Agent 3 took a big sacrifice to buy this gear. But the octoling doesn’t have any weapons, and he's sure he couldn't craft burst bombs in the heat of the mission. The inkling’s face fell a little, making him regret his words, but then perked up a second later.
“Well… that’s what the second surprise was for.” Agent 3 reached into the bag and pulled out a sniper rifle, similar to what he already owned. “I snuck these babies out to see if maybe you would like using them.” Dario was silently awestruck. The agent brought him weapons to use? He didn’t expect anything like this, especially from someone who shared the same goals as he did. He rose to his feet and approached the other, eyes on the gun.
“... Are you sure?” he asked, his hands touching the weapon.
“Yeah. I trust you.” Dario looked up in surprise. Agent 3 had a sweet smile on his face, with absolutely no hint of hesitation or regret. There were no clues whatsoever that he had doubts; this inkling really did trust him. Dario didn’t really know what to say and he felt his cheeks heating up, so he turned away quickly. He could basically feel Agent 3′s grin on him. “So which would you like to try first? There’s the E-Liter, the L-”
“I want to try your best weapon,” he said sternly, because he’d seen him use it. How simple it looked, to just sit aside and shoot from afar. If he could learn how to do that, it would save him a lot of trouble in these missions. Agent 3 handed him the E-Liter. He grabbed it, set it into position, and stared into the scope. 
It… was a lot different than he expected. Well, he wasn’t really sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t this. He scanned for a target to practice on and decided on a flying bird. There was a gasp from Agent 3, but he decided to ignore it and pulled the trigger.
He missed (and the agent sighed in relief). He wasn’t expecting much, but with how accurate the other could shoot, he had expected some sort of auto lock-on or a tracking bullet. He stared down at the gun. Was it really skill this whole time? He looked at the agent’s smiling face and found it hard to believe.
“You’ll get used to it if you keep practicing, but-” He reached behind him to pull out a burst bomb. Dario wondered for a moment if he was able to spawn them that easily now, too. “We’ll use these as targets instead.”
After a lot of practicing and getting used to hitting the thrown burst bombs, Agent 3 thought Dario should try it out on actual octolings. So they decided to revisit some areas from their previous missions.   And well…
He had a whole new appreciation for Agent 3’s sniping. He was never going to call it easy or lazy again. They had been at this for about half an hour (he guessed but it sure felt like a long time on a mission that would normally be finished under 5) and Dario still couldn’t get a proper aim. He had a lucky shot here and there, and he could definitely hit still octos, but not enough to be consistent. He did enjoy throwing those unlimited burst bombs, though, but Agent 3 insisted he continued practicing his shooting.
“Hard, isn’t it?” said the inkling, after watching Dario attempt numerous times on sniping the octoling girls below them. Dario nodded.
“How do you do it?” he asked. Agent 3 looked mischievously proud at his question and Dario wondered for a moment if maybe he had been tricked into admiring the agent.
“Here. I’ll show ya.” Agent 3 approached him and Dario stiffened. “Easy, I won’t do anything to hurt you.”
“R-reflex,” he muttered. The other went to his side and gripped the part behind the trigger. Then with his other hand, he wrapped it around Dario’s. The octoling could feel his cheeks warming up again.
“The trick is not to shoot at where they are, but where they will go,” he whispered, eyes fixed on the girls running and bouncing around. “You gotta think two steps ahead.” Dario watched Agent 3 at the corner of his eyes, how intense they were at studying the girl’s movements. He eventually got lost in that gaze, even jumped in surprise as the agent finally pulled the trigger. “Yeah! Got her!” he shouted, grinning wide. Dario avoided his gaze, flustered, and honestly, it was getting frustrating with how much this boy was affecting him. “See? Just- You okay?” Dario turned further away. “We can take a break if you need t-” A pull of the trigger, but it was another miss. 
“You gotta look to where they’re-” Another shot, another miss. He clicked his teeth and shoved the gun back to him.
“Forget it, I don’t need this,” he growled.
“W-what? Wait,” Agent 3 set the gun down quickly and ran to the bag he carried along. “I have something you can use.”
“I don’t want it.” He turned and began to walk away. He could hear the worried noises the squid was making behind him. Why was this guy trying so hard to help him? They were supposed to be enemies, weren’t they? How did the inklings even win the war if they were this nice to everyone?
Then a strong shot hit his back. He stumbled forward. Snarling his teeth, he snapped his head to face Agent 3, who gave him a look of surprise.
“I didn’t mean that. I tried to aim away from you, I swear,” Dario stormed back to him and grabbed the gun away from him. Then he pointed it at him. “W-wait-!!” He pulled the trigger. There was a big spark, a splat, and the inkling was gone.
“...” Dario waited until he heard the familiar sound of the respawn before looking at the gun in his hand. He felt it- the power that this gun had. He quite liked that feeling. He sent a few practice shots in the air and thought that yes, this was a good weapon for him.
“You like it?” he heard Agent 3 ask. He faced him, and that boy was grinning ear to ear again. “I was thinking you would. You seemed to like the blaster type, so I got you the basic one.”
“Blaster?” he asked back.
“When I stayed over, I told you about them. You looked like you wanted to try it so…,” he shrugged, “there’s more of that type but I couldn’t get them all. I just started a while ago and I don’t really have that much money on me right now.” Dario shook his head.
“No, this is fine.” He looked at his new weapon again before looking back at the agent, who was looking sheepishly pleased. “Th-thank you,” he said softly. Now the guy was even more pleased. It really didn’t take much to make him happy, did it?
“No problem!” Agent 3 smiled genuinely at him, and Dario felt whatever little left of his anger flood away at the sight. This inkling boy... was really becoming special to him, wasn’t he?
 “Come on, let’s test out your new luna blaster...!” 
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#26 - Tending an Injury: Octo!Dario Au
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It’s another Sunday, which means fic time! <3 This one got away with me a lil so hope you enjoy the read! You’re welcomed to send more prompts from here! Thank you! <3
I still don’t have a proofreader, so I’m sorry for mistakes!
#26 Tending An Injury
Maybe he punched him a little too hard.
Dario looked at the passed-out inkling in front of him. He had to say: he was honestly curious. With how easy the octarian army was falling before the agent, he expected him to be able to handle punches better. Or at least be a more experienced fighter. But no, this person was completely caught off-guard with Dario’s hand-to-hand combat and didn’t stand a chance. How could Inkopolis send a kid instead of an actual soldier? This guy had to be around the same age as the octoling himself.
Dario stepped a little closer and tapped the inkling with the tip of his foot. No response. Agent 3 was definitely out cold. He looked to the Zapfish in his arms and then back to the agent. He’d already carried him once to his base, and he’s sure it wouldn’t be marked as a coincidence twice.
Still. He couldn’t leave him here. Even if the agent couldn’t take a hit, he was still useful in taking out the octo army, something Dario can’t risk doing on his own. He looked at the charger weapon tossed aside and contemplated for a moment about stealing it. No point. He didn’t have an ink tank or the technology to make one like they did.
Dario stripped off his metal chest plate and set it on the ground. Then he strapped the Zapfish to the back. After making sure it was safe from falling, he placed the armor back on. He leaned over to grab Agent 3 under the arms, tugging him to a sitting position. Then he moved one of his hands to his back and the other under the legs and lifted. He rose to his feet and made sure he was in a proper position.
Then he walked.
Halfway through his walk, he felt a stir in his arms. His first instinct was to drop Agent 3 but decided against it. He didn’t want to get caught but he’s sure the inkling wasn’t a complete idiot.
“O-ow, my head,” Agent 3 complained, crunching his face in discomfort. One of the blue eyes opened to search for anything to focus on, before noticing Dario’s presence. He looked up at him and the octoling turned his face up further, avoiding eye contact. “I… I knew it! O-ow.” He looked at the inkling, who appeared to be awestruck even in pain. “I knew it was you!” He rolled his eyes and looked forward again. “But… why?”
“...” He tightened his hold on the agent and received a wince.
“Ow…wait, that hurts.” Agent 3 bit his lips as he squirmed into Dario’s arm. Dario hesitated at the movement. “There’s… a stinging pain,” the inkling hisses. He shifted and raised his left leg. Dario didn’t see any injury. He moved his hand to touch the outside of the leg, and there, on the thigh, a long cut laid, oozing a small amount of blue ink. He quickly moved Agent 3 onto the floor and wiped the ink on his shorts. Agent 3 stared at his wound.
“What did you do?” he asked. Dario doesn’t answer but watched as the agent began to talk to himself. “Wait, I remember… the octocopter. You were fighting me, and I think I tripped over it? No,” he turned to look at Dario, “you broke a blade from it and sliced at me. I remember it really fucking hurt, but then you hit me and that was it.” He stared him some more, almost expectantly.
“I’m not apologizing,” Dario said to him.
“Then at least help me!”
“Can’t you just resurrect or something?” Dario didn’t really understand the concept of their technology yet, but he knew that each time the inkling was splatted, he would come back good as new. Agent 3 gave him a curious look.
“Respawn. And I can’t, I need to be splatted. And since you’re going out of your way to take me back, I’m assuming you don’t have any burst bombs left.” Then a small grin formed on the inkling’s face. “Besides, I wouldn’t get to talk to you like this.” Dario was taken aback by the statement. What was that? Was it… a flirt? He felt his cheeks grow slightly warm and felt thankful for his goggles. Agent 3 seemed to be satisfied by the reaction before curling up and hissing. “Shit, ow.”
Dario moved to his side and checked the cut again. Part of the cut was hidden by the shorts (also tattered), and before he could say anything, Agent 3 lifted it up, looking at him. The octoling focused on the wound, and not the fact that this inkling was still possibly flirting with him. “I need a cloth,” he said finally. “Give me your jacket.”
“What? No,” Agent 3 responded. Dario was confused.
“This jacket looks cool on me.”
“... You can’t be serious-”
“Use something else.” Dario clicked his teeth. Then he bit into his long glove and tugged it off with his teeth. Agent 3 was staring at him again. “What?”
“Nothing.” The inkling turned away, looking a little flushed. Dario wasn’t sure what he did but was satisfied in causing the same reaction. He tugged the other one off and pressed it on the wound, earning a wince. Then he waited.
“...why are you helping me? I mean, other than the fact you’re using me to get the Zapfish.”asked Agent 3. “You didn’t have to carry me like that.” Dario considered his words for a moment but then decided not to answer. “... What’s your name?”
“What’s yours?” he asked back. Agent 3 huffed.
“Fair enough.” Dario looked underneath the cloth to check the bleeding. It had stopped. He grabbed his other glove and tied one of their ends. Making sure the ink was outside, he wrapped the cloth around Agent 3’s thigh and tied the other end together.
“How’s that?” he asked.
“Still stings but at least the bleeding’s stopped. Thanks,” the agent responded. Dario nodded at him and then went to his other side to lift him into his arms again. The other leaned his head into him and relaxed into his hold. Dario tried to pay it no mind and began to walk again.
“..We need that Zapfish back, you know…” said Agent 3.
“I could leave you here to walk,” he responded. He received a complaining noise from the inkling.
“Alright, keep it, but only for now. I’ll get it back.” Dario doesn’t respond. “This time, I won’t give you a chance to hit me.”
“We’ll see.” Agent 3 smiled at him, before clutching his head again.
“Ack, my head really hurts.”
“...You should take it easy when you get back. Probably rest for a few days.”
“Are you kidding? I’m going to respawn as soon as I get the chance and come back to kick your ass for this.” Dario felt the corner of his lips rise and turned away the best he could. Agent 3′s voice was practically giddy. “You smiled!”
“Shut up,” he said sternly, mouth back into a tight frown.
“It’s good. It means I’m getting to you.” He looked so proud of himself, too. Dario rolled his eyes before finally, they reached the sewer entrance.
“Since you’re not unconscious, you can head back on your own.” Agent 3 shifted out of his arms and got to his feet, the injured one slightly raised.
“Thanks for all this. Really.” Dario nodded and waited until he believed the inkling would be fine, and then began to head the opposite direction. As a last precaution, he turned his head to check on him and-
Agent 3 jumped off the building. Alarms in his head going off, Dario rushed over to the place he jumped off, looking below. He couldn’t see anything.Neither a trace of the inkling boy or even the end to this high of a fall. Fuck, what was the agent thinking!? He ran his hand through his tentacles, scenarios running through his head. 
A gurgling noise behind him. Dario turned quickly to find a pile of blue ink coming out of the sewer, taking the form of the blue squid. His leg was no longer hurt and any other marks of their fight were gone. Agent 3 had a big stupid smile that Dario was going to wipe off-
“I knew you cared,” was the agent’s last words before blowing a kiss and jumping back into the sewer. Dario could only stare as he did. He couldn’t really make out what to feel or think about what just happened except-
Next time, I’ll punch him even harder.
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#31 - Catching the Other Before They Fall
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Sorry for the lack of updates! My tablet’s cable is breaking and I’ve been struggling to get it to work. I’m hopefully back on schedule but a replacement will come soon ! So it’s Sunday (Happy Father’s Day!) which means fic time! <3 Hope you enjoy! You can still send prompts from here! (You can send any aus!) All writings here!
#31 Catching the other before they fall
“Listen, if you’re going to follow me, then you have to fight me, too,” Garrett spoke up, as he and his boyfriend waited in the lobby for their game to start. They were only playing regular battles today since Garrett had just bought the Custom E-liter 3K Scope for practice (he heard how useful Squid Beakons are and Kraken could never hurt as a special). He was doing okay when Dario joined his match. Since then, his games have been a little lackluster because his boyfriend (new boyfriend, they’d only been dating for about two weeks) refused to fight him. “Dating doesn’t mean letting me win.” Dario looked unfazed, focused on his gamepad where he was currently trying to beat his score in ‘Squid Racers’. Moments passed but Garrett was patient since their room was still two members short.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Dario finally responded as he paused the game. His eyes were looking away from under the helmet.
“Uh, the first time we met, you kicked my ass. Big time. Then you tried to do it again when I started ‘flirting back’.” Garrett smiled at his boyfriend flushed. He never failed to get a reaction each time he brought it up. “I don’t see why you can’t.” He gave a low whistle. “Besides, I like fighting you. It’s hot.” Dario lowered his helmet and turned away with an embarrassed expression.
“Okay,” was all he responded with.
So he learned that his boyfriend doesn’t work well with groups. That was fine, Garrett really didn’t either (which is why they were both in twin squads.) However, they weren’t focusing on the main objective and inking as much turf as they could. No, it was about the kills. Specifically on each other. And Garrett realized he had a problem.
It wasn’t about losing the game, being placed third or last, or even losing to Dario on kills that bothered him. Garrett wasn’t kidding when he said that he liked fighting Dario. Really liked fighting him. He loved the thrill of hunting down his boyfriend, finding that pretty face of his and releasing the trigger that made it disappear. He loved taking off when his spot was ambushed and finding Dario at his toes (although fuck those corner shots). His favorite kills were the part of the game where his boyfriend cornered him, only to be Krakened moments later. It always gave him a big grin when he sees Dario’s annoyed expression when he respawned.
Then after the match, they’ll talk. About their kills, their teammates, the map, or just anything until the room was full again and they’d go for another round.
One round, Garrett wasn’t doing well and it was getting him more frustrated that it usually did. Probably because the other team had a heavy lagger, being on the floor under him for one second and then killing him in the next. Then he’d been forgetting to place his beakons and his teammates would haggle him about it; they would have a huge lead, then get splatted altogether, and spend the last 30 seconds rushing back to the map while the other team regained their turf. Even his Kraken special wasn’t doing well. It was getting harder to react in time and he found himself falling off Moray Towers more often.
He blamed it on the fact that he was probably getting tired and his rush of adrenaline was fading, which was normal during his usual nights of little sleep. Dario never let up on him (which he appreciated), but it was getting increasingly obvious that his boyfriend was getting concerned for him.
Then came a round where they were backed onto their respawn. His team had obviously stopped trying (given that one member had disconnected and Garrett was hardly counting as another one) while Dario’s team were squid partying below them. His teammates eventually joined them until it was one big group. Garrett was fine with that because it meant he didn’t have to feel guilty about doing so terrible.
He stayed in his respawn and watched them play when he realized Dario wasn’t with them. He looked at the map of Moray Towers on his gamepad, and looked for any signal of him.
In the sniper camp spot of his side of the map, he noticed… his beakon? He didn’t really remember putting it there, and he was sure it wasn’t even on stable ground (probably on one of the little grates for climbing that tower? Can he even put them there? He couldn’t remember). But near it, there was an orange heart in the middle of his blue ink. He smiled because his boyfriend was such a cute dork. He stole another glance at the squid party before tapping the beakon on his map. He launched himself off and headed towards the area.
Except beakons could go on grates and it didn’t kick in that he was landing on one until he realized he had slipped through in his squid form and was falling to his death. Damn, could he be any more out of it?
He respawned and the other inklings were still going at it. He quickly looked at his map and found that his beakon was still there. Another tap and he was off. This time, he was prepared to land on his feet but what he didn’t expect was for Dario to be standing there waiting. His arms were opened and Garrett didn’t catch on until he fell right into them. Dario stumbled back a little from the force but not enough to knock them over and give Garrett another reason to hate Moray Towers.
A few seconds passed as they stayed in each other’s embrace. Neither of them moved until Garrett shoved him, cheeks colored in blue. “What the hell was that for?” he huffed.
“You fell,” was all Dario’s explanation. Then Garrett yelped as Dario grabbed his legs and changed his position to carry him bridal style.
“I wasn’t going to do that twice!” he complained. Honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal (and he liked being tended to) but Garrett was grumpy from both being tired and embarrassing himself, and Dario was being a total sweetheart.
“I know,” Dario played along. He moved to sit in front of the box covered in his ink. Garrett laid in his arms, almost pouting at him, until Dario pressed a chaste kiss on his forehead. He tried to stay ‘upset’ but it wasn’t easy when his boyfriend hardly kissed him since they dated. His lips turned up into a smile and he touched Dario’s cheek, before returning the light kiss to his cheek. Then he curled into his chest comfortably, as the chiming bell and the music signaled the 1-minute mark. 
“The heart was bigger on the left side,” Garrett grumbled a little (because he’s stubborn, but he’s pretty sure Dario was smiling). He cuddled into him and closed his eyes, listening to the breathing and heartbeat of the other squid and the distant voices of the rest of their team.
It was fun being competitive rivals, but it was nice having him as a boyfriend, too.
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#32 Caught in the Act (Octo!Dario Au)
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#32 Caught in the Act - Octo!Dario Au!
“Sooooo…. What are we?” Garrett whispered. The octoling beside him said nothing in response, merely staring ahead. Garrett looked over to him and wished the guy wasn’t wearing those stupid goggles (the dots of red doesn’t tell him what Dario is feeling). He huffed in frustration and pointed his hero charger at the lookout (an octobomber). “You can’t just ignore me forever,” he said, pulling the trigger. His shot doesn’t miss, and it fell and poofed into splatters of purple ink. He moved to get his next shot lined up as the two remaining octocopters’ attention were gathered.
“We gotta talk this out,” he prodded again, and this time, Dario did respond.
“Later.” Garrett rolled his eyes and focused back on the scene. Only one octocopter was left investigating, so he took another shot. Down it went, and again, the last octocopter approached the area. Garrett shot it down quickly and then looked to Dario.
“Okay, there’s going to be three octolings ahead and after that the Zapfish can be ours. Wait for me to refill my ink and we’ll charge in together.” He doesn’t wait for a response and sank into the ink below him. A few seconds passed before he popped out again. “Alright, let’s go-”
Dario was gone. Garrett stood to his feet and looked for him.  He really hoped he didn’t run up ahead- an octoling cry caught his ears and he groaned.
He ran forward until he found the scene of an unconscious octoling on the floor and Dario fighting the remaining two. Garrett drew out his charger again and took aim. “Won’t listen to me for more than one second,” he muttered, as he watched Dario fend them off.  While he had to admit the guy was exceptional when it came to hand to hand combat, some things would be easier if the guy learned a bit of patience.
He drew a breath as he watched them, waiting for his moment. The two octolings knocked Dario onto his back and that was when he pulled the trigger. The octoling burst into purple ink in front of Dario, and with a couple of burst bombs, the last one was splatted soon after.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Garrett asked him, offering him a hand. Dario huffed and pulled himself to his feet on his own. He doesn’t look at him and headed for the Zapfish. “Dari-”
“We’re not talking about it now.”
“So then when? You haven’t talked to me since you tried to k- !” Garrett glared as the octoling interrupted him by covering his mouth.
“D-don’t. I…” He was flushed red, and those pointed red dots were avoiding his eyes. He drew back after a moment and turned away. “It wasn’t what I was doing.” Garrett scoffed.
“Oh no?” He stepped up close to him. “So I guess you just wanted to get a closer look at my lips then?” he asked smugly.
“... The Zapfish is over-”
“Hey, forget that fucking thing for one second.” He gave a gentle tug to Dario’s arm, turning him to face him. “Do you like me?” He studied his face, but other than the slight blush on his cheeks nothing else gave way to what the octoling felt.
“You’re a squid, I can’t-”
“Because I like you.” Garrett took satisfaction with the way it shut him up. He continued, “I wanted you to kiss me yesterday.” Dario’s breath hitched, unsure of how to respond. “Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t think…” he trailed off, looking away.
“That I’d like it?” Garrett wrapped his arms around Dario’s neck, tugging him closer. “Well… then what’s your excuse now?” he asked, forming a smile.
“.... the Zapfish-” The agent groaned.
“Are you serious? Just kiss me already.” Dario hesitated, and Garrett rolled his eyes. He reached up to his tiptoes and leaned close. He felt Dario withdraw a nervous breath, but his lips only ghosted on the other’s. He kept it there for a few moments before pulling away and gazing into his partner’s face.
“W-what?” Dario stammered in confusion.
“Well, I’m not kissing you with these on.” He grinned as he showed him the goggles in his hand. The octoling blinked for a couple of seconds before realizing his mask was off. “You’re much better like this.” Garrett’s eyes scanned him. “Well, maybe with a few other things off, too,” he teased. He dropped the goggles to the ground as Dario continued to stare with his sharp brown eyes.
Garrett was about to complain again until Dario shoved him against the wall behind him and crashed their lips together. He was surprised, but he was more than happy to give in to his partner’s rough kiss. He closed his eyes as he reached up and wrapped his arms around Dario again. Dario had a tight hold on his waist as he prolonged the kiss.
“Mn, you kiss like you fight,” Garrett said quietly when they finally break.
“Hot.” He grinned at the meek look he got, and then Dario kissed him again and he was more than happy to let him. Hands pull him in closer and he could feel Dario’s firm body pressing against his as their lips continue to move. He let him have control over their kiss, in case it would be too much for him, but with the way Dario was showing no hesitation he had to fight the urge to explore him until they were off the battlefield.  
“W-Wait,” he called out, and almost regretted it as soon as the octoling pulled back. “Let’s grab the Zapfish and go finish this back at the shack, hm?” He could tell Dario was frustrated about stopping, and he loved knowing that. He pressed a soft kiss to the other’s lips (for them both to hold onto until later). He turned to face the Zapfish and-
The octoling. The one Dario had knocked out. She was standing there staring at them, with a radio in one hand and the Zapfish in the other. Her mouth was open and her cheeks were flushed, gaze unwavering from them. Garrett realized she had been standing there for quite a while. Dario covered his face in his hands, obviously reaching the same conclusion.
“U-uh…” the girl stuttered.
“Soldier? What is the status report? Is the Zapfish secured?” voiced the radio, but no one moved or spoke. Garrett looked back at Dario and then at her, before sighing and drawing out his charger.
“Geez, all he had to do was wait,” he muttered, before pulling the trigger.
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