doodlboy · 4 months
🍎and⭐️ for the drawing prompt thing?
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She's already a godess 2 me!! Akdbdks
And Milo's favorite food is papaya bc I recently tried dried pieces and they're very good! [Ignore I misspelled it on paper]
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donnieluvsthings · 1 year
side by side, this is fate
words: 6,487
characters: amy, sonic, eggman, metal sonic, tails
content: amy-centric, friendship, fate & destiny
Amy stares down at the hammer she’s still gripping like it’s a lifeline. She can feel her heart pounding, and she’s a little breathless, and…it takes her a moment to realize how hard she’s grinning.
If this is how Sonic feels every time he takes down Eggman, no wonder he seemed so eager to hunt the doctor down on Little Planet. She feels like she could do anything.
or: how Amy meets a hero, finds a hammer, and follows her destiny.
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enchantedsugden · 7 months
my robron stan brain is ticking again besties. i clicked on the robron playlist a few hours ago and I'm having a ball. i also opened one of my robron wips that i hadn't opened in months and great news; i was much further than i thought so i definitely want to prioritise finishing that soon!
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bhaalswn-arch · 8 months
" you're getting blood on the carpet. "
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blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! ( accepting !! )
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"Yeah, and?" So what? The carpet wasn't complaining, and you did not care. It's just a carpet. It can be cleaned. And yet you make it worse by just flickering your wrist and splattering more blood on the carpet. "Whoops." You say with a level of deadpanned sarcasm. "Now we got more blood on the carpet... Damn, who could've seen that coming?"
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nek-ros · 2 years
im trying to find a new username and i need it to be creature-y or like a souls game boss i need some ideas
akdjdkd id probably put "scuttling" or "beast" in there somewhere. maybe also "knight" in there,
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
hey so....what if...what if i made a oc just to smooch hanako.........
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yousignedupforthis · 4 months
Not a single one of my votes made hottest 100 skfjdkf
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generaltano · 9 days
hey that post you reblogged by kelluinox im not sure if you misread or misinterpreted it or something but it was anti-panestinian (said something along the lines of what israel is doing to palestine isn’t genocide and actually jewish people are the ones facing genocide) just wanted to let you know since based on your other posts it seems kind of. not like something i thought you would reblog skfjdkf
oh fuck i guess i just didn't see it! but that is not at all what i think is happening and palestine deserves to be free of the genocide happening! and all of the oppression they've faced for the last 75+ years!! thank you for letting me know!!!!!
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doodlboy · 16 days
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I haven't drawn this fucker in YEARS and yet he looks perfect
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80hdean · 2 years
Oh my godddd how have I not met post limit yet skfjdkf idk how all the girlies do it on the regular I’ve been blogging since 6:30am and my thumbs are tired I don’t even know how much more I have to do
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Welp, guess who accidentally gave herself food poisoning lmfao (:
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awacatin · 2 years
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Happy MAG200 anniversary!
This was my piece for a little event we had on the TMA Latino server!
We had to choose a moment we liked in the podcast n Damaris was kind enough to suggest doing Jon's sisles guacheando so here it is!! Took me ages but it's finally done ;v;👍
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bhaalswn-arch · 10 months
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kachinnate · 3 years
i feel like wrt jared’s character, there is easily the Other Side of the spectrum of people who make him haha funny memeboy bathbomb cronch but ppl just wanna Not acknowledge it
like…… cuz alright class let’s dissect WHY we hated bath bomb era jared …. he was reduced to like three characteristics/personality traits and we hated that bland surface level characterization and begged those people to grow up and have nuance bc he is More than just that
,,,and yet on the other side of it
a lot of.. Perceptions i’ll say of jared get dangerously close to making him JUST into the misunderstood gay teenager who doesn’t mean any of what he says in an act of Angsty Cognitive Dissonance…. just misunderstood just sad n queer if he could get over the internalized homophobia he’d be fine whatever whatever
which yeah depending on who you are you might agree that the latter is better than the former but when you really think about it they’re Very much so similar ! i do think — at least in FANON — that universally we all seem to agree that.. yeah dude he copes differently than evan and as such gets misconstrued and misunderstood, yeah it’s more believable that he would be gay more than anything, and yeah things are definitely not perfect in his world if you pay attention to the things that are blatantly there…… but then if that’s it, if that’s all he is, then what is his place in a story outside of shipping…. when he gets with evan or connor what else is there to him?
and it gets to the point too that people get so attached to this weird version of jared that exists in their mind that’s very much … like, somewhat musical jared but more tortured and concentrated into something specific, that anything outside of that is suddenly a massacre to his character. like fuck dude, i also love him as a character, but it’s getting to a point that i almost want to go Back to people focusing way too much on his Questionable lines and accusing him of being an asshole ????
there’s like a very very specific difference between being frustrated at an adaption!jared’s character because it seems to be made into something completely different COMPARED TO THE ORIGINAL (NOT fanon!), as in given lines or behaviors that are inconsistent with how he was on stage, and then being entirely way too upset that fanon jared isn’t like the jared on screen in a movie you already don’t want to like going Into it…. and also a character who is inherently not going to get the Most character development as is anyway given that he isn’t the main character !
#and yes i know i write almost entirely k/leinsen#but he has so much value and character outside of being alongside another character#he is not just an asshole meme guy#and he is ALSO not just a pining lovesick misunderstood guy either#this was going to be not about the movie but unfortunately people keep making me angry so i keep making posts !#and like even outside of the movie like. the whole thing w jared’s character also applies just In General skfjdkf#i’ll still tag it for the brief mention though#garbage.txt#discourse#deh movie#i’ve been so fucking angry today skfjdkf i like snapped at a meeting when i usually do not fancy speaking#anyway#no one is doing ur boy dirty#ur boy is an oc and u do not recognize the boy on screen and that’s okay#every day my qpp words certain concepts better than i can so if i seem too articulate somewhere just know i probably snatched their wording#😘#edit: and hell i’ll even be honest with you i DID used to write jared w that kind of mindset#that’s why i really loathe college daze rn bc i feel like i just write them differently now than i did then#my biggest character developments in writing evan and jared have been me making evan kinda mean in a [intentional] way#and making jared just a little meaner just cuz! there doesn’t have to be a monologue of internal thoughts after each rude thing he says!#sometimes jared can say something mean to evan and be like .. yikes lol#and move on!#evan is the one who overthinks everything endkf jared might regret being an ass but singular instances won’t keep him up at night bestie
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nek-ros · 8 months
Disabled person who uses mobility aids here . Please make horny disabled characters I'm BEGGINg yypu
ough 😳 :3 <- significantly feeling less worried i might make it too weird skfjdkf
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
ok so thinking more of moira and her bullet-to-the-head disease. beside the canon amnesia, i once mentioned that i hc that the injury was sustained by the prefrontal cortex of her silly little brain which has led to:
loss of the working memory (listening, remembering, and following directions that contain multiple steps is much harder, this means that she unknowingly skips steps when completing tasks, even basic ones or completes them in the wrong order). that time she asked yes man to repeat the steps of their plan at least 10 times and had to write them down (kept the notes in her boots so to check it when needed).
this also means she doesn't know what the word "strategy" is skfjdkf. as a courier/gun for hire/just a guy living in the mojave you would think that she would need at least a bit of strategy when fighting raiders, legion squads that decide to take a trip to an early grave etc, well no. she just jumps into action while the bullets fly and she's risking her life while her companions (mainly arcade or raul, veronica simply sticks to her side and throws punches) are having a panic attack about it. arcade has become extremely good at patching up bullet wounds
also multiple steps = bad at math. i wouldn't call her smart but somehow moira was incredibly good with math problems and complicate equations. idk a natural. the injury made this "skill' quite lacking. she can still resolve most math problems but. before= almost instantaneous resolution. now= needs more time, repeat the same passages bc she messed up smth, writes them down etc. she's pissed off about this
regulation of inhibition? fucked up. it's not only shown by her reckless behaviour but in social interactions too. for example (and in the best of cases) she has no filter when speaking, so she can come off as too blunt or mean sometimes or unable to shut up. disinhibition, impulsiveness, inappropriate answers to social interactions...thank god she's so fucking funny tho
poor judgment/self-criticism: this speaks for itself. let's say she's not the best judge of her own actions. is murder okay? sure as hell it is for her. she doesn't take the best decisions and is prone to repeat them over and over (no, she doesn't learn from her mistakes, rip to you but she's different). she got a slightly big gambling problem, but i mean, it's new vegas and also LUCK 10. good for her
unrelated but she always had hearing problems (had a hearing aid she used when needed) as a kid but the incident made it worse so now she wears it almost all the time
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