#skill centre in uk
mapileonxputellas · 8 months
Beckham II: 2 That Day
Part 2 is here!!!!!
Short one for this part but I think some context is needed before I bring us back to the present day!
Hope you enjoy! Also in this the third place game doesn't exist.
(Part 1 can be found here x)
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2nd July 2019, England vs USA, World Cup Semi-final
25th minute – 1 - 1
“This is a real battle out there isn’t it Sue?” Jonathon Pearce broadcasted to the UK, all eyes on the England team trying to defeat the US. Though they had gone behind very early on, an Ellen White leveller had brought them back onto even terms.
“It certainly is, you can see how much this means to all the players out there. None of this England team have ever experienced an occasion like this before but they seem to be carrying that emotion well.”
Out on the field it felt like an out of body experience. Before this the biggest game you’d played in would have to be a substitute appearance in an FA cup final, now you were starting the semi final at a World Cup. You were 19 and felt like the whole world was watching you.
At the start of the tournament you hadn’t been expecting to start but when Jill Scott picked up an injury in the round of 16 you’d stepped into the starting position next to Keira and never looked back. Receiving praise back at home for the level-headed game you played but still managed to bring out that touch of David Beckham in you.
It was a free-kick in the quarter-final that really brought you to the forefront of the nation. A slick ball which soared into the top corner of the net leaving their goalkeeper stranded and left everyone open-mouthed at home. You were never a nobody but now you were here to stay. Your Instagram following doubled and whenever you left the hotel in the past week the camera had never left you. The pressure was on.
“Fucking hell.” You swore coming up to take a corner for England nestled into the corner of the ground flooded with US fans.
“Nepotism trash!” “Daddy not here to hold your hand!” “Can’t even kick a ball!” “Weak!” “Spineless!”
The insults were flying in from every angle, everything was covered in the thirty seconds you had to wait to take the corner, of course your dad was mentioned but so was your appearance in the media. Newly turned 19 and yet it seemed like you were still the five-year-old girl who had her father carry her everywhere. Everyone just presumed you were an innocent little baby who couldn’t put in a tackle, you hated it.
But now was not the time to let that frustration out. Now was game time when nothing else mattered.
Your in-swinging corner found Millie on the edge of the 6-yard box but she couldn’t quite get the connection on it to trouble Naeher, instead giving her an easy catch but you could feel it coming.
The only problem is now there was now a break on. A quick release from the goalkeeper had set Lavelle free, Keira had stayed back but you couldn’t leave her one on one with Morgan in the centre.
You had one second to make a decision.
One second to work out how to stop her. You could try and get further back but you knew you had to stop it at source.
You were known for your pace so you had no trouble getting back to her but Lavelle was known for her trickery and skill.
In your head you made the best decision you could. You followed the rules you played football by and trusted your instinct.
That was where the world as you knew it slowly began to fade away.
“Oh that’s a nasty one from Beckham there and Lavelle seems seriously hurt.”
You thought it was clean, in fact you were sure of it. The contact with the ball was clear sending it flying out of play, you didn’t touch her other than her leg coming into yours as she came over the top of you and yet as she rolled around on the floor it was like the opposite had happened.
Suddenly you were surrounded by players in red, all screaming at you. “What the fuck did you do that for?” “Learn that one from your daddy did you?”
Millie came to stand in front of you, trying to block you from the players as Steph and Lucy surrounded the others at the referee.
“She didn’t touch her.” Millie defended you. “Tell your own player to stop cheating.”
You thought that would be the end of it. Tempers flared, emotions were high and you would get on with the match again. When the referee reached into her pocket you were convinced it was to calm everyone down, a booking usually helped to send a message out but when you saw it was red and it was flashed in your direction it was like time stopped.
“It’s a red card for Beckham, just like her father that name has once again come back to haunt England.” Jonathon commentated. “It’s a long way back for them here.”
You couldn’t believe what was happening. “Go and have a look yourself.” Millie shouted at the ref to overcome the noise in the stadium. “It was a clean tackle, she didn’t touch her.”
“The contact was enough to endanger the opponent. It’s reckless, dangerous and that it is a red card.”
“VAR has got to overturn this.” Sue Smith pointed out. “She’s nowhere near her opponent, it’s not even a yellow card.”
“When you make a challenge like that you bring about a decision from the ref.”
“But that’s what VAR is here for, to show the referee what actually happened. Beckham has arguably been one of the players of the tournament and yet she could be remembered for just this moment.”
It could have been minutes, it must only have been thirty seconds that you stood there. Waiting for some to tell you it had all been a big mistake. Apologies would come and you’d be able to restart the game.
Instead VAR confirmed the red card. You’d been sent off in the most important game you’d ever played in, maybe would ever play in.
This time though it felt like the impact hit you immediately, looking back it was probably the reason you hated showing any emotion now. Your teammates tried to comfort you as the tears started to come but the guilt was already too much, you couldn’t bare to be around anyone right now so pulling your shirt over your face you walked back inside. Every step towards that sideline felt like you were wading through quick sand, the boos from the US side ringing in your ear as you tried to head to the tunnel.
Before the match had begun your brother had FaceTime’d you, at the time you imagined looking up at them at the final whistle, perhaps celebrating with them. Now you couldn’t face looking where you knew they would be sat. The disappointment from yourself was too much to handle right now never mind disappointing your idol, your father.
You can vaguely remember Karen Carney coming out to meet you on the touchline, a kiss being pressed to your head and a little muttering of “keep it together” in your ear. Maybe it was for the best that everyone else was busy trying to reshuffle the pack a few sympathetic faces were thrown your way but you knew football didn’t have time for sentiment. Maybe it was also for the best that Phil didn’t even look your way, your favourite kitman met you to head back into the changing rooms with you but the rest didn’t even bat an eyelid at you.
It was only when you got inside, when you were all alone that the emotion fully came out.
The anger, the pure sadness, the hatred you felt towards yourself. It started that day and it felt then like you’d received a life sentence. A life sentence hating yourself.
“Phil, a lot happened out there today. Can you tell us your overriding emotions right now?”
“Oh I’m just proud of every dingle girl out there who competed to the very end. They gave it their all tonight and this result shouldn’t tarnish their pride in themselves or in each other. They stuck in the game when it seemed like other people threw it away.”
“We can’t shy away from Y/N Beckham, what were your thoughts?”
“As football players we know that every tackle we put in can lead to a card and she made that decision. It’s hard because I know the talent is in there but talent can’t be everything.”
“Do you think it should have been a red?”
“Like I said the referee was put in a position where she had to make the decision. We can all wish for different outcomes on the pitch but sometimes we just have to accept them.”
“How is she doing now?”
“As a team we are all very disappointed right and I think it’s the team we should be focusing on right now.”
“Fucking bullshit.” If this was your own bedroom perhaps you would have thrown the remote at the TV, instead you calmly had to just turn it off.
Maybe it wasn’t the best decision to turn on the TV when you got back to the hotel room. England had lost in the end, going 2-1 down to an Alex Morgan winner, they’d given it there everything but it just wasn’t enough.
In the two hours since the game finished you couldn’t count the number of times you’d cried. Firstly on your own, then with some of the girls, then on your own again on the bus and yet not a single word had been said. You knew you’d never be able to say sorry enough times and they knew it was no use telling you anything right now. Though you were crying it was almost as if you were blank inside, you couldn’t take in anything else right now. Your usual spot on the bus next to Keira was left vacant, instead you found a little corner and tried to kid yourself and other that you were asleep when how could you be with all the thoughts swirling in your mind.
Your phone lay switched off on the other side of the room, that interview being the first real insight you’d got into any opinions on the matter. He was right, he might not have said it outright but it was obvious he blamed you. When Phil brought you in for your first senior camp fans were concerned about favouritism but if anything it was the opposite. He had this almost saintly view of your dad and you would never be anything compared to him.
You knew he would be worried, he tried to protect you from everything growing up but now he was powerless. Yet even knowing that you couldn’t bring yourself to switch the phone on, answer any of the messages or calls you’d received before you turned it off on the couch.
It was all too much.
The plan was always for you to spend the 2 weeks you had off after the weekend in the south of France, a quaint villa in the middle of nowhere which you’d had since you were a child. This place was one of the only true places you could just be yourself. You could vividly remember the holidays there once a year being the only time you felt truly free. Your father would spend every second of the day just being a father and your mother could show you her true self, the fun and carefree woman she was away from the pressures of the public eye. This was the place where yourself, Brooklyn and Romeo would spend hours on the beach with a ball and jumpers for goalposts, where you all taught Cruz to ride a bike and Harper to swim. This place meant so much to you.
It felt wrong to tarnish this place with the thoughts you had right now.
That’s why when you touched down in London the following day instead of rushing back to your apartment to pack and meet your family at the airport, you sat, staring at the clock. Time passed, they would have waited for you to arrive and slowly realised you weren’t coming. They would probably be worried and it was for that reason only that you finally turned your phone on. The messages flooded onto your lock screens, dozens of missed calls came through but you ignored them all simply sending a message to your mum claiming you were fine and didn’t want any company right now, only one of those statements being true.
Maybe you should have expected the phone call that immediately came up from your father but they also should have expected your immediate response, decline.
You always thought you were quite strong about the media. You’d grown up with famous parents, you sadly were used to comments about every aspect of yourself from your appearance to the way you spoke. In your time at Chelsea you’d had your fair share of stick from the fans about your place in football but before this you’d proved everyone wrong.
People called you dumb, you passed all your exams and were studying part time for a degree.
People commented on your appearance, your friends and family’s comments opposed that.
United fans taunted you in an FA cup match, you stuck the ball in the top corner and celebrated right in front of them.
All those times you’d known they were wrong and could do something about it. All that media training and yet in that moment you broke the number one rule and opened Twitter.
The results were more horrendous than you ever could have imagined. Not only were there comments about your performance, but they also came for your family, your friends, yourself. The death threats were constant, every other comment on an article link were suggesting this was punishable in unimaginable ways.
Instagram though more concentrated felt worse when you checked a post from your best friend outside of football, comments were left under her post for even just being associated with your name. Taunting her, taunting you and threatening the both of you. Not only had you disappointed everyone but now you were putting those you loved in danger.
Leaving Instagram, blurry eyed and shaking like a leaf, twitter was opened once again. You couldn’t stop and the more articled you read, the more the panic started to set in. People knew where you lived from media pictures, it wouldn’t be long before they came here again. You lived in a gated community but they’d find a way in. You’d never be alone.
Your throat was closing in, it was becoming harder to breath as you panicked more. The only thing you could do was phone the only person who would understand.
“Dad…. dad I need you.”
Everyone probably thinks they have the best family but in this moment you knew yours were the best. Thirty minutes on from that phone call you were in your old family living room, curled up in blankets next to your mum and dad, eating homemade chocolate cake and listening to your sister talk you through her week. The biggest drama in which being a girl who took the last apple juice carton and left her with orange juice, which to an eight-year-old felt like the end of the world.
You hadn’t even said another word on that phone call before your dad was ordering you to pack a bag and promised he would be with you in less than ten minutes.
“Why didn’t you go to France?” Your thoughts came out. “We were meant to go.”
“Like we were ever going to leave you here alone,” Your dad chastised you. “I know you well enough to know you might not have needed us in that moment but we were always going to be there when you did.”
“I didn’t mean to do anything, I thought I made the right decision and now people are threatening me. They’re going to find me.”
“They’re not.” Your mother immediately comforted you. “I’ve watched enough football over the years to know tackles like that are made every week and they never get punished. Football is a game, you live for it but it’s a game and people sometimes forget that. You were a big reason England even got to the semi-final and people need to remember that.”
“What did your teammates say?” Brooklyn asked from the next sofa with my other brothers.
“I haven’t spoken to them.”
“What? You flew home with them this morning.”
“I can’t look at them. They’re all sad because of me, everyone knows it, they were always on the back foot because of me and now they’re going home.”
“Millie messaged me this morning.” Brooklyn said. You were of course very close to the Chelsea girls and they’d met your family more times than you could count. You remember they exchanged numbers before you went away on a summer camp one year just in case they needed to contact your family. “She asked me to look after you, they’re not upset.”
“They’ll never admit it, at least not to my face but how can I play with them again after all this.”
“They’re your friends.” Your mum implored and she was right. You were the youngest in the world cup but yourself Leah, Keira and Georgia had formed a little England squad bond. Your sensible and often shy nature balancing out their craziness.
“They’re better off without me. I need to get out of here.”
“Out of where?”
“Out of England, I can’t stay.”
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world-of-wales · 4 months
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Business investment in early childhood could unlock £45.5bn in value a year for the UK economy, according to a report by a taskforce created by the Princess of Wales.
In the report, CEOs from eight leading companies urged “businesses of all sizes across the UK, to join us and help build a healthy, happy society for everyone”.
The report by the Royal Foundation Business Taskforce for Early Childhood, set up by the princess in March 2023, said the figure included £12.2bn from equipping people with improved social and emotional skills in early childhood, £16.1bn from reducing the need to spend public funds on remedial steps for adverse childhood experiences and £17.2bn from supporting parents and caregivers of under-fives who work.
The princess, who announced in March she was undergoing preventive chemotherapy after a cancer diagnosis, was said to be “excited” by the report.
A Kensington Palace spokesperson said the release of the report should not be seen as the princess returning to work, but she has been kept fully up to date and seen the report.
Taskforce members announced new initiatives, including:
The Co-operative Group creating a specific early childhood fund as part of its unique apprenticeship levy share scheme, and committing to raise £5m over the next five years, creating more than 600 apprenticeships.
Deloitte focusing its ongoing investment in Teach First to include the early years sector for the first time, supporting 366 early years professionals in 2024.
NatWest Group extending its lending target for the childcare sector to £100m, launching an early years accreditation scheme to its staff and producing a financial toolkit for childcare providers to help them grow and succeed.
Ikea UK and Ireland expanding its contribution of support, design expertise and products for babies and young children to six new locations across the UK to help families with young children experiencing the greatest disadvantage.
The Lego Group donating 3,000 LEGO® Education Build Me “Emotions” sets, supported by training materials, to early years providers in the UK.
Christian Guy, the executive director of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, said it was a “rallying cry” to business leaders to “transform the way our country supports the vital early years”.
The princess, Guy said, “feels passionately about the transformational impact of getting this right, together with business, both for the current generation and many more to come. She is looking forward to seeing momentum grow in the coming months and years.” The work of the centre was “rolling on while she recovers”, he added.
The Royal Foundation Business Taskforce for Early ChildhoodThe taskforce – comprising CEOs from the Co-operative Group, NatWest, Unilever, Ikea, Iceland Foods, Aviva, Deloitte and Lego – identifies five areas in which businesses can make the greatest impact for children under five, the adults around them, the economy and wider society.
These are: building a culture prioritising early childhood within businesses, local communities, and wider society; helping the families facing the greatest challenges access the basic support and essentials they need; offering parents and carers greater support, resources, choice, and flexibility with their work; prioritising and nurturing social and emotional skills in young children and the adults in their lives; and supporting initiatives that increase access to quality, affordable and reliable early childhood education and care.
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in May 2024
01/05 On behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace. 🎖️
As President of the City and Guilds of London Institute, attended The Princess Royal Training Awards Alumni Skills Summit at Guildhall. 🏆
With Sir Tim As Patron of the Whitley Fund for Nature, attended the Annual Whitley Awards Ceremony at the Royal Geographical Society. 🦋
02/05 With Sir Tim Named a Great Western Railway Intercity Express Train ‘HRH The Princess Royal’ at Paddington Railway Station. 🚉
Unofficial With Sir Tim Attended day two of the Royal Windsor Horse Show. 🐎
03/05 With Sir Tim Departed the UK from Stansted Airport for Canada and arrived at Vancouver International Airport
HRH, as Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Navy (Pacific Fleet), with Sir Tim, carried out engagements in Vancouver;
Attended the Commissioning Ceremony for HMCS MAX BERNAYS at North Vancouver Burrard Drydock, before attending a Reception onboard. ⛴️ 🇨🇦
Attended a Dinner onboard HMCS MAX BERNAYS at sea. 🍽️
04/05 HRH, as Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Navy (Pacific Fleet), with Sir Tim, carried out engagements in Victoria;
Toured HMCS Max Bernays at sea. 🌊
Visited Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre at the Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt. 👪🪖
As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, visited God’s Acre Cemetery and laid a wreath at the Memorial. 🌹
Visited the Maritime Museum of British Columbia Archive. 📜⚓️
Her Royal Highness afterwards visited Fed Urban Agriculture Society Urban Farm, 395 Harbour Road. 🌾
Attended a Reception given by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (the Hon Janet Austin) at Government House. 🥂
Attended a Dinner given by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia at Government House. 🍽️
05/05 HRH, as Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Navy (Pacific Fleet), with Sir Tim, carried out engagements in Victoria;
Visited Government House Gardens. 🪴⛲️
Attended the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial Parade at the Parliament Building and laid a wreath at the Cenotaph before taking the salute at the march past of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans, Serving Personnel and Cadets. 🫡
Attended a Royal Victoria Yacht Club Youth Dinghy Regatta. 🛥️
As Patron of the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association, visited Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association. 🐎
Departed Vancouver International Airport for the United Kingdom. 🇨🇦✈️🇬🇧
06/05 Arrived at Heathrow Airport from Canada 🇨🇦✈️🇬🇧
08/05 Hosted a garden party at Buckingham Palace alongside The King and Queen, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. 🍃☀️🪴
As Patron of the Woolf Institute, attended a Reception, followed by a Dinner, to launch the Randeree End of Life Programme. 🥂🍽️
09/05 As Patron of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, visited the Headquarters at HMS Excellent in Portsmouth. ⚓️
As Patron of the Women’s Royal Naval Service Benevolent Trust, attended the Annual Presentation and Reception at the National Museum of the Royal Navy. 🏛️
As Patron of the Association of Wrens, opened the new Headquarters Building at Lanyard House, HM Naval Base. 🫡
With Sir Tim As Patron of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, visited the HMS Victory Conservation Project at HM Naval Base ⚓️
With Sir Tim As Patron of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, attended the HMS Victory Conservation Project Dinner onboard HMS Victory at HM Naval Base. ⚓️🍽️
10/05 As Patron of Catch22, visited Greater Manchester Victims’ Services at Greater Manchester Police Headquarters. 👮
Visited the East Manchester Community Boat Project at Portland Basin Museum Marina in Ashton-Under-Lyne to mark its 30th Anniversary. 🛥️🎂
11/05 unofficial With Sir Tim Went to Badminton Horse Trials to cheer on Zara Tindall in her Cross Country stage of the three day event. 🏇🏼
13/05 Visited Stonehaven Open Air Swimming Pool to mark its 90th Anniversary. 🏊‍♀️🍾🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
As Admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps and Marine Society and Sea Cadets, opened Stonehaven and District New Headquarters. ⚓️🫡 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
14/05 With Sir Tim As Patron of the United Kingdom Sailing Academy held a Founders’ Club Luncheon at St James’s Palace. ⛵️
As Chancellor of the University of London, attended the King’s Centre for Military Health Research Conference. 👩‍⚕️
With Sir Tim As Patron of the Wellington Trust, attended a Dinner onboard HMS WELLINGTON (mto mark the Ship’s Ninetieth Anniversary. ⚓️🥂
15/05 As Court Member of the Fishmongers’ Company, visited Glenarm Organic Salmon Fish Farm, off Glenarm Harbour in Ballymena. 🍣🚤
As Court Member of the Fishmongers’ Company, attended a Luncheon at Glenarm Castle. 🐟🍽️🏰
16/05 As Royal Patron of the National Coastwatch Institution, visited Bembridge Station, followed by a Reception at Brading Haven Yacht Club in Ryde, Isle of Wight. 🔍🌊
As President, Royal Yachting Association, opened the Sea View Yacht Club's Training Centre in Seaview, Isle of Wight. 🛥️
17/05 With Sir Tim Hosted the annual Not Forgotten Association garden party at Buckingham Palace. 🫖🍰☀️
20/05 unofficial Departed from RAF Brize Norton for Norway and landed at Oslo Gardermoen Airport. 🇬🇧✈️🇳🇴
21/05 As Patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, visited the Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum in Vemork, Norway. 🔨⚙️🇳🇴
As Patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, received a briefing on the sinking of DF Hydro at Mael Station in Telemark, Norway. 🏭🇳🇴
Attended a Reception given by His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway at the Residence in Oslo. 🥂🇳🇴🇬🇧
22/05 As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, visited Vestre Gravlund Cemetery and laid a wreath on the memorial. 🪦
As Patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, visited the Linge Club and attended a Reception at Akershus Fortress, Oslo. 🇳🇴🇬🇧
As Patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, visited the Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risks Insurance Association. 🪖🇳🇴
As Patron of the Anglo-Norwegian Resistance Commemoration Project, with The Crown Prince of Norway, visited the Norwegian Resistance Museum, Akershus Fortress. 🏰 🇳🇴
unofficial Departed from Oslo Gardermoen Airport and landed at RAF Brize Norton . 🇬🇧✈️🇳🇴
23/05 As Patron of the Hornet Services Sailing Club, visited the club for their 60th anniversary. ⛵️🎂
Opened the Army Sailing Association Offshore Centre in Gosport. ⛵️
With Sir Tim & Duke of Kent Held a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Royal National Lifeboat Institution's 200th anniversary. 🛟☕️
With Sir Tim Visited the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. 🌸🌺🌼💐
24/05 Opened the Admiral Lord Cochrane Room at the Royal United Services Institute in Whitehall, London. 🔐
Sometime in May unofficial Sir Tim, as Chair of Trustees, attended the Science Museum Groups annual dinner
Total official engagements for Anne in May: 53
2024 total so far: 224
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in May: 23
2024 total so far: 55
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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thewales-family · 5 months
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The Prince of Wales officially opens a new employment skills training and community outreach centre for Betel UK, a charity for people affected by homelessness and addiction, in Birmingham, England -April 25th 2024.
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cherrylng · 2 months
Great Guitarists 100 - John Frusciante, Tom Morello, Kurt Cobain, Billie Joe Armstrong, Kevin Shields, and Noel Gallagher [CROSSBEAT (November 2009)]
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John Frusciante Rolling Stone magazine has chosen John Mayer, Derek Trucks, and John Frusciante as the three greatest guitarists of our time. The three greatest guitarists of the 1960s, including Eric Clapton, were from the UK, but all three are now American. Mayer and Trucks have a wide circle of friends, including Clapton, but Frusciante is a solitary figure. He has a thriving solo career, but is a martyr to the band. He devotes all his energies to expressing himself within the collective soulmate that is Red Hot Chili Peppers. John's guitar has no clear style. He can create catchy riffs, he can play well-crafted solos, and he's good at backing vocals. He has the versatility to adapt to any situation, but he is at his strongest in the arena of Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is probably due to the inspiration provided by Flea, a bassist with a deep range, and the support of Anthony, a vocalist who can make you listen with sensitivity rather than skill. The band's tone and phrasing are free and uninhibited. This style is supported by his concentration and the technique he has developed since his teenage years. It would be rare to find a boy who woke up listening to Captain Beefheart and practising 15 hours a day to Frank Zappa and Jimi Hendrix records. -Akihiko Yamamoto
Representative albums "Blood Sugar Sex Magic" (1991), Red Hot Chili Peppers "Stadium Arcadium" (2006, pictured) "Shadows Collide with People" (2004) John Frusciante
Tom Morello Tom Morello's unique guitar playing is like that of a DJ. This is Tom Morello's trademark, but it is not his main focus. His backbone comes from hard rock. Tom was born in 1964. He got into rock with Led Zeppelin and KISS, then experienced punks like The Clash and formed his first band…… This is a typical generation. Tom followed this completely. In fact, in the midst of the heavy metal boom, he even learned to play technical guitar solos. In short, he had a very normal musical background for someone born in the 1960s. However, an encounter with the members of the band that would later form Rage Against the Machine marked a turning point for Tom. He was shocked by the hip-hop-tinged musicality that centred on Zack, and tried and tested it. As a means of countering this, he came up with the idea of replacing Public Enemy and Run DMC's DJ playing with guitars, which led to a series of unique performances. It was a kind of paradigm shift. In other words, instead of being a better guitarist than anyone else, he makes sounds that no one else can make. By changing his way of thinking 180 degrees, Tom Morello made a great leap forward as a guitarist. -Junya Shimofusa
Representative albums "Rage Against The Machine" (1992, photo) Rage Against The Machine "Evil Empire" (1996) "The Battle of Los Angeles" (1999)
Kurt Cobain Buzz Osborne, Greg Sage and Calvin Johnson. When considering Kurt Cobain's guitar style, the influence of these three cannot be ignored. Buzz, as you know, was a fellow senior member of the band and the man who introduced Kurt to the appeal of a slower, heavier sound. Greg led the Wipers in the late 70s and early 80s. Nirvana covered a couple of songs, but more than that, it's worth noting that Greg's psychedelic guitar sound is remarkably similar to Kurt's. And then there's Calvin. Kurt was strongly devoted to that spirit for a time. Kurt's lo-fi sensibility and artistry were developed while living in Olympia (Calvin's home base). Heavy, psychedelic, and lo-fi. Kurt has cleverly incorporated these three keywords of 80s American indie music to form his own style. -Junya Shimofusa
Representative albums "Bleach" (1989), Nirvana "Nevermind" (1991, photo)
Billie Joe Armstrong How many kids picked up a guitar at the sight of Billie Joe playing his battered Stratocaster? His guitar playing, with its simple combination of power chord strumming, arguably played the same role in the 90s as Johnny Ramone's. Despite being labelled as mellowcore at the time of their debut, there is not much hardcore influence in Green Day's sound, including their guitar playing. Rather, there is a strong influence from 60s British beat and 70s UK punk. After establishing his own style with 'Dookie', from 'Warning' he began to use acoustic guitars to great effect. It is interesting to note that, despite having listened to hard rock and heavy metal before punk, there is almost no trace of that influence in his music today. -Tomoo Yamaguchi
Representative albums "Dookie" (1994, photo), Green Day "Warning" (2000)
Kevin Shields After original members Dave and Tina left the band, My Bloody Valentine became a twin-vocal band with Bilinda, who joined the band midway through. On the Rage label they were still playing an anorak-like guitar sound influenced by The Jesus and Mary Chain, but after moving to Creation they quickly evolved. Kevin's noisy and inebriated guitar sound had a huge influence on the so-called 'shoegazers' that followed. While his followers used a lot of delays and reverbs, the original used almost no spatial effectors. They created "fluctuations in space and time" by holding the tremolo arm, strumming chords and applying reverse reverb. The sound, which no one had ever heard at the time, even led to numerous speculations, such as "Could he be controlling the number of tape revolutions?" -Takanori Kuroda
Representative albums "Isn't Anything" (1988) My Bloody Valentine "Loveless" (1991, photo)
Noel Gallagher Noel Gallagher is a well-known big mouth. His off-the-cuff remarks are often controversial. As the man who runs the biggest band on the UK scene, he probably has to be that bold. However, when it comes to his guitar playing, his personality is anything but bold. A fear of mistuning is evident. The guitar playing on the album, as well as live, is very collective. He never misses a note, as if he were following a musical score. Even the guitar solos, which are a guitarist's greatest showpiece, are almost exactly the same as on the album. In any case, he doesn't take any risks. In other words, you can see through his surprisingly naïve mind. In a rock world still infested with gymnastic machismo, this is a rare individuality. The band's music has the air of a big-boned, but in fact it is very sensitive. This sense of mismatch is Noel's greatest individuality. -Junya Shimofusa
Representative albums "Definitely Maybe" (1994, photo) Oasis "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?" (1995)
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May 2024: Invest in childhood to unlock £45.5bn a year, says Princess of Wales’s taskforce - The Guardian
Report from group set up by Catherine says business can improve early years and benefit all of society. Business investment in early childhood could unlock £45.5bn in value a year for the UK economy, according to a report by a taskforce created by the Princess of Wales.
In the report, CEOs from eight leading companies urged “businesses of all sizes across the UK, to join us and help build a healthy, happy society for everyone”.
The report by the Royal Foundation Business Taskforce for Early Childhood, set up by the princess in March 2023, said the figure included £12.2bn from equipping people with improved social and emotional skills in early childhood, £16.1bn from reducing the need to spend public funds on remedial steps for adverse childhood experiences and £17.2bn from supporting parents and caregivers of under-fives who work.
The princess, who announced in March she was undergoing preventive chemotherapy after a cancer diagnosis, was said to be “excited” by the report.
A Kensington Palace spokesperson said the release of the report should not be seen as the princess returning to work, but she has been kept fully up to date and seen the report.
Taskforce members announced new initiatives including:
The Co-operative Group creating a specific early childhood fund as part of its unique apprenticeship levy share scheme, and committing to raise £5m over the next five years, creating more than 600 apprenticeships.
Deloitte focusing its ongoing investment in Teach First to include the early years sector for the first time, supporting 366 early years professionals in 2024.
NatWest Group extending its lending target for the childcare sector to £100m, launching an early years accreditation scheme to its staff and producing a financial toolkit for childcare providers to help them grow and succeed.
Ikea UK and Ireland expanding its contribution of support, design expertise and products for babies and young children to six new locations across the UK to help families with young children experiencing the greatest disadvantage.
The Lego Group donating 3,000 LEGO® Education Build Me “Emotions” sets, supported by training materials, to early years providers in the UK.
Iceland Foods providing learning, awareness and support in all 1,000 Iceland and The Food Warehouse stores by featuring emoji posters at a child-friendly height – a practical tool to help customers with young children and to create a space of understanding and support in stores.
Christian Guy, the executive director of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, said it was a “rallying cry” to business leaders to “transform the way our country supports the vital early years”.
The princess, Guy said, “feels passionately about the transformational impact of getting this right, together with business, both for the current generation and many more to come. She is looking forward to seeing momentum grow in the coming months and years.” The work of the centre was “rolling on while she recovers”, he added.
The taskforce – comprising CEOs from the Co-operative Group, NatWest, Unilever, Ikea, Iceland Foods, Aviva, Deloitte and Lego – identifies five areas in which businesses can make the greatest impact for children under five, the adults around them, the economy and wider society.
These are: building a culture prioritising early childhood within businesses, local communities, and wider society; helping the families facing the greatest challenges access the basic support and essentials they need; offering parents and carers greater support, resources, choice, and flexibility with their work; prioritising and nurturing social and emotional skills in young children and the adults in their lives; and supporting initiatives that increase access to quality, affordable and reliable early childhood education and care.
The authors are not lobbying the government for changes in policy, though the report has been briefed to No 10, the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Department for Education.
The report was not meant to be prescriptive, but rather a blueprint to start the conversation and encourage companies of any size to adopt initiatives, however small, its authors said.
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em-harlsnow · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday!! (it might be thursday)
thank you to @spookygingerr @jrooc @jademickian and @mybrainismelted for the tags, sorry I’m so late!!
name: Em
time zone: GMT + 1
favourite food: sushi all the way
eye colour: hazel/brown depending on who you ask
do you have curly, wavy or straight hair?
straight, but a bit of wave
coffee or tea? tea always
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life, which is it?
this is so hard, but probably Rose - EP by The Front Bottoms
how many countries have you visited?
six (but planning for more soon)
favourite social media platform other than tumblr:
(is ao3 a social media??) probably tiktok for the edits
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal which would you choose?
a cat in a nice home so i can sleep all day
relationship status: single
did you go to college? if so what did you study?
i’m currently in university (college is smth else in the uk) and i’m studying english language
you’ve just made a letterboxd account, what are your four top films?
fight club, good will hunting, inglorious bastards and clueless
what’s one of your pet peeves?
people who REALLY self centred. like don’t ask you how you are when you ask them, don’t listen when you talk, all that. drives me nuts
what’s one of your guilty pleasures?
fanfiction and eating nutella from the jar
finally, if you could learn any skill, what would you learn?
i have had an unused guitar for the past three years which i have never picked up, so i would learn that. or maybe kickboxing
i won’t tag people because i was so late, but i hope everyone has a good evening/morning <3
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On this day... - April 2nd
On this day Led Zeppelin performed:
+ 1969 : Top Rank Suite Club in Cardiff, UK
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“The Progressive Blues Night at the Top Rank was in aid of the Biafran Relief Organisation. Unfortunately only 450 people turned up to watch and the charity event actually lost money to the tune of £100. However those who did go were treated to a technically brilliant performance. […] The show continued in the same pompous rock-god vein until How Many More Times. This 15 minute epic was meant to be the evening’s highpoint showcasing Page’s incredible guitar skills. However an engineer accidentally activated the revolving stage causing jack plugs to be wrenched from their sockets whilst others were snapped off completely. The gig ended at that precise moment.” – by Anthony Brockway
+ 1970 : Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia, USA
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“Led Zeppelin brought the frustrated Charleston rock community sweet release at the Civic Center Thursday night in a brilliant, bombastic contemporary blues recital. Everything came together. The five thousand freaks were hungry. […] Led Zeppelin took full advantage of an extended program to fully elaborate on their varied, blues-based repertoire.” – by Ray Brack, Charleston Newspaper
+ 1973 : Centre Sportif in Saint-Ouen, Paris, France
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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Rendering of F-16 in Ukrainian camouflage and markings (Image credit: Ukrainian Air Force)
Breaking: Ukraine Receives First Batch Of F-16 Fighter Jets
July 31, 2024 Military Aviation
Ukraine F-16
Sources familiar with the matter reported that a small number of aircraft has been delivered, with a U.S. official providing further confirmation.
After a long wait, it appears that Ukraine has just received the first batch of F-16s provided by the international fighter jet coalition. The news, first disclosed by Bloomberg on Jul. 31, 2024, has also been confirmed by a U.S. official to the Associated Press.
According to people familiar with the matter, who spoke under condition of anonymity with Bloomberg, the deadline for the transfer of the first F-16s was the end of this July and it has been respected, although the number of jets is small. The sources also added that it is currently unknown if the fighters will be put immediately to use or if their entry into service will require more time.
While the news immediately started making the rounds, the Associated Press was able to obtain confirmation by an unnamed U.S. official, possibly speaking under condition of anonymity, but no additional details were provided. The Ukrainian government also has not confirmed the arrival of the first Vipers in country.
Earlier this month, the United States, the Netherlands and Denmark released a joint statement mentioning that the transfer of the F-16s was underway and that they would be operational by this summer. No additional details were provided due to operational security concerns, and things are possibly going to stay that way for a while, unless photos or videos start circulating.
The preparation for the arrival
Ukraine has been preparing for months for the arrival of the U.S.-made fighter jet, which reinforce the Ukrainian Air Force and supplement the Soviet-era MiG-29s and Su-27s. Among the preparations are measures to protect the new aircraft from Russian attacks while on the ground.
The strategy being developed by the Ukrainian Air Force involves the use of underground bunkers and dispersal of the aircraft across various airstrips, making it challenging for Russian forces to target the F-16s. No information is available about the existence of underground airbase facilities in Ukraine (and their creation is not quick), hence the most likely option appears that F-16s will be recovered inside concrete shelters at existing Ukrainian air bases.
The Ukrainian Air Force has long been conducting operations from austere airfields from highway strips and improvised airfields as part of its strategy to enhance operational flexibility and resilience amid ongoing conflict. Highway strips and improvised airfields offer alternative operating locations that are less vulnerable to detection and destruction by adversary forces.
Ukrainian pilots are being trained to use these unconventional airstrips effectively for some years now to build up the skills required to take off and land on shorter runways and navigate the challenges posed by non-standard facilities. So far, highway operations have involved Ukrainian aircraft that were designed to operate from austere airfields or have a small logistical footprint, like the Su-25 or the Su-27.
While F-16s can theoretically operate from improvised airfields, including highway strips or other unprepared surfaces, there are certain things consider, like the surface condition. In fact, the F-16 requires a solid surface to prevent damage to its landing gear and other components and, moreover, the surface needs to be clean, as the F-16 is prone to Foreign Object Damage (FOD) because of the large ventral air intake.
At the moment, training of Ukrainian pilots is underway in the UK, in the U.S., in Denmark and in Romania, depending on their flying experience. A European F-16 Training Centre (EFTC) at Baza 86 Aeriana Fetesti was established to train Romanian and Ukrainian pilots, as well as other regional F-16 operators with more 18 RNLAF (Royal Netherlands Air Force) F-16s, which remain property of the Dutch government, available for this purpose.
What the F-16 can do for Ukraine
Ukrainian Air Force Command’s chief of aviation, Brigadier General Serhiy Golubtsov, explained in June what to expect by the Western fighter jet. While mentioning that the F-16 is intricately linked to the optimum performance of the Western weapons already delivered to Ukraine, he also highlighted that these aircraft are not a “panacea” for air superiority.
In fact, the General said they should not expect anything unrealistic, as it will be difficult to gain air superiority with the aircraft alone. Instead, the effort is expected to be a much larger, complex undertaking with Electronic Warfare platforms and long-range radar detection aircraft, referring to the Swedish ASC 890 Airborne Early Warning aircraft.
The versatile, multirole jet will augment and replace the Soviet-era fighters tweaked to fire the weapons donated by the West, which however encountered some difficulties. These include the JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition), AGM-88 HARM (High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile), ADM-160 MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy) and the Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG ALCM (Air-Launched Cruise Missile).
About Stefano D'Urso
Stefano D'Urso is a freelance journalist and contributor to TheAviationist based in Lecce, Italy. A graduate in Industral Engineering he's also studying to achieve a Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering. Electronic Warfare, Loitering Munitions and OSINT techniques applied to the world of military operations and current conflicts are among his areas of expertise.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
There's a challenge in UK Love Island called a Snogathon where the boys are blindfolded and have to rate the girls kissing skills (but could switch it around). While it doesn't necessarily focus on one couple, that could be an interesting way to introduce drama and be a fun write, so for any season, any point in time, write that.
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S3 | Seb/MC | 4100+ words | @crimswnred
"Islanders, it's challenge time! Time to play Snogathon. The boys'll be blindfolded as the girls take it in turns to snog each of them, doing their best to impress. Lads, prepare to have your faces well and truly shifted off, it's snogging time! #gameon #tongueswagging"
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Poppy tugged her hair behind her ear. Two weeks ago she would be probably telling you that there was no way in hell that she would be kissing random boys for imaginary points which were worth less than nothing. Being a timid introvert had always made her the weak link not only on the Island but in real life too. Her friends would always tell her she should try and put herself more "out there" and make "big decisions" without needing to think twice. That was the main reason she was on Love Island, after all.
From day one, she had chosen Camilo. He seemed the easier boy to get along with — Seb and Nicky were already coupled up, Harry reminded her too much of college fuckboys and Bill talked too much — and he showed some interest in her back. He was a nice, family-centred boy but unfortunately, his attention was divided. 
When the blonde bombshell, Iona, made her decision to pick him, Poppy wasn't surprised. Iona had made a point of showing how much she wanted to get to know him and they even had a small talk on the terrace about him. It wasn't long until she picked him and Poppy was left single.
Instead of being dumped as everyone was expecting, though, Poppy got to stay. She should graft on the other boys yet she gravitated back towards Camilo. He always said the right thing at the right time, about how he wanted to stay in a couple with her, how it didn't make a difference if they were together or not. That Iona wasn't his priority.
And Poppy tried to believe it but there was always this little whisper in the back of her mind telling her he was lying. Sweet talking. Seb told her she was being silly. Of course, Camilo would want to couple up with her, he would say. According to the older man, she was sweet like honey, fresh like a breeze and probably the only girl there who could actually build a real relationship. Except for Elladine, after all, she was basically married to Nicky.
Seb always had a way to lift up her spirits. He was as quiet as her but every time he spoke, he really had something to say. She found him incredible, fascinating, to say the least, and the more she learnt about him the more she adored him. If there was one thing to be grateful for in Love Island, it was her friendship with Seb.
"Ok, the rules are super simple," Iona said out loud while standing next to the whiteboard with the girls' names in a horizontal line and the boys' names in a vertical one. She was wearing a purple one-piece that hugged her curves and had a cut right between her breasts, the wedges she had on made her a few centimetres taller. Her body looked like a sculpture under the sun and even Poppy could admit that.
It didn't matter how much Seb or Camilo tried to convince her, there was no way someone would look at Iona and choose Poppy. Camilo was either blind or liked his girl bland and, to be honest, Poppy didn't know which option was more offensive. She had nothing on Iona. Not even her big fluffy blonde hair with pink ends that she had dyed only to look cooler was close enough to Iona's pixie cut. She outdid Poppy in every category possible.
"The girls will snog every boy," Iona kept explaining the rules, inciting a fit of giggles in the girls. "And the boys, blindfolded and with noise-cancelling headphones, will rate each kiss from 1 to 10."
"Can we keep the blindfold for later?" Camilo shouted to the void, getting nothing but some nudges from the boys around him, some masculine laughs of approval and Iona's highly flirty giggle. Oh, great.
"Calm down, now, tiger," Iona purred. "And put your headphones on!"
Poppy watched Camilo roar laughter as he adjusted his headphones before she felt the cold touch of Elladine's hand on her shoulder. She turned to her, catching a glimpse of every other girl there staring back with pitiful looks in their eyes. Poor Poppy, she could almost hear them saying, not interesting enough to keep her boy's attention for more than a week. What a shame!
"Now, the first girl, please!" Iona called, pointing at Miki.
Miki untangled herself from AJ and climbed down the stairs of the patio until she was in front of the first boy, Harry, in her ugly velvet green heels she insisted on using even after Iona had told her they were not that cute. Poppy hugged Genevieve, in a way of giving back the empathy she had just shared, but the older woman was just smiling. A wild, totally fake smile that didn't fade out. Not even when Miki was really kissing Harry.
When they parted, Harry screwed his face to a thoughtful look. "Not that firm but also a little awkward… a solid 7."
Before those ugly shoes stepped toward the next boy, Miki frowned and mouthed what seemed to Poppy like an outrageous "a seven?". She shook her head and moved to Nicky, who seemed pretty scared of the whole challenge rather than just Miki.
Both Viv and Poppy got closer to Ella as they watched her kiss Nicky's face off. It was weird, at best, and he was so obviously trying to not make any contact, with both his arms glued to the sides of his torso  — loyalty at best. 
In the end, when they broke apart, he wiped his mouth and said, "Lips too harsh and the kiss was too forceful… I'll give it a 5."
The next boy was Camilo. Poppy watched as her couple and Miki messily kissed each other and she wondered if Camilo was always that ugly of a kisser. Oh, my god, did the public think the same? What if it was some kind of a meme? She frowned at that thought before her eyes caught something else.
Seb's shoulders were shaking and he had his hand over his mouth. It took her some time to finally click. He was laughing. She couldn't say it wasn't on brand for him to be laughing. She wondered if he was laughing at the scores or if Camilo was also a loud kisser. She needed to ask him about that later.
"Messy and… moist," Camilo said when Miki pulled apart again, "I'll have to give it a 6."
Miki huffed, not even thinking before moving to Bill. This time around, though, the kiss seemed more natural, showing how well they knew each other. Their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces and Poppy guessed that was as far as romanticism could go in a challenge like this.
"Magical," Bill complimented as he let Miki's waist go. "Soft without losing the passion and tasted like mangoes. I love it. 9."
With a little squeal, Miki allowed herself to celebrate before she moved to the last boy. Seb. Poppy had to hold back a laugh as she watched them awkwardly kiss. As expected, though, their kiss lasted less than half the others.
Poppy knew the girls weren't so keen on getting to know Seb as they were with the other boys, after all, he had all that goth vibe going plus he was the oldest islander that season. Still, she never got why they saw those as anything but qualities.
"Three," Seb smirked, drawing gasps from all the girls. "Sorry, not my type of kiss." Yeah, that wouldn't make him more likeable. It was funny though.
Miki returned to her place next to the other girls, shoulders slumped. The others tried to cheer her with a shower of positive comments and justifications, like "It was just 'cause you were the first, huh!" and "You'll see, at least you weren't the last one!"
Elladine was called next and she did the same path as Miki had done. She got an 8 from Harry, a 10 from Nicky — Poppy wondered if the boys were recognizing their couples —, an 8 from Camilo and a nine from Bill. For some reason, Poppy's heart was still beating loud when she kissed Seb.
"5." He said when she stepped back. "A little weird and definitely not natural at all."
Well, that was better than three! Poppy thought as she watched Elladine only shake her head humorously and roll her eyes. She then left the lines of boys and made her way back to the girls.
The girls clapped as she returned, congratulations flooded her, even from Miki — although it seemed to be a little bit fake and jealous. They once again showered the returning girls with compliments and comments saying how hard Seb was to please. Poppy called him a brat, earning a few laughs and easing the tension between them.
AJ was next — 6, 6, 7, 8 and 6, in order — and then Genevieve — 10, 7, 8, 7 and 7, also in order —, making Poppy and Iona the only girls left. Yet, for some reason, Poppy had a feeling Iona wouldn't want to be last.
"Now the next girl," Iona said but didn't call anyone. Instead, she tiptoed to the beginning of the boy's line, trying to be as smooth as she possibly could.
She kissed Harry with all the passion she could have for someone she never looked twice. He seemed to like it, though, and, with a smile, she kissed her back. It lasted for a while before she pulled apart.
"Oh, wow," Harry commented, blushing. "Firm, confident, sexy… 9," he announced with a smile on his face.
Iona smiled back, only sparing an a-second-long look at Genevive, who had her arms crossed now. Poppy wondered if there was something happening there. It would make sense, after all, Iona was a single islander and the first bombshell, the reason for the girls to tremble and for couples to see their ruin. And, well, Harry wasn't that devoted to his couple, was he?
She moved to Nicky, and they kissed. Opposite to Harry, after a while, Nicky got stiffer, and the kiss ended soon after. She frowned, pulling back, and he awkwardly shuffled on his feet. "Sorry," he sighed, looking away even though he was blindfolded. "Hm… it was… brief… short but sweet, an 8."
And then, it was Camilo. 
She wasted no time before kissing him. Mouth open, tongue in, making Camilo almost jump in surprise but he quickly recomposed. He kissed her back with the same fury, the same passion, nearly as if he had recognized her. Hand on her waist, falling almost too perfectly.
That was when it hit Poppy.
He had recognized her. They all had. She had a tongue piercing. They all could recognise her as soon as they tasted the metal nob against them. Camilo kissed Iona passionately knowing it was her. Actually, it looked like he knew exactly what to do with her mouth and Poppy wondered if they ever had done it before. Behind her back. 
And then, they broke apart. "Exactly what I was expecting," Camilo remarked, voice dopey. "Bold, but soft at the same time. 10," he announced, at last. Oh, now Poppy was pissed.
Bill was next. He just wasn't that hard to please, to be honest, and he once again gave a 10 to their kiss with the commentary that it was good enough without being messy. The bar was low with that boy, Poppy concluded, a little more anxious now. Just imagine if she was the only one with a low score from Bill…
That's when a familiar voice invaded her mind. "You're thinking too much!"
She turned her attention to the boys again. Seb was next and Poppy's heart was beating so loud. Was that because she was mad? Was that because Iona didn't have a score lower than eight until now? 
Iona kissed Seb, clearly doing her best to impress him. Almost as in instinct, Poppy raised her thumb to her lips, biting its fingertips. Seb looked unphased — but again, when did he not? It didn't take too long for him to break the kiss.
"Not the best kiss I ever had but well, I guess we win some and lose some," he commented, making Iona scowl. "A 5, I guess."
Sebastian was a fucking bitch but Poppy would be lying if she said she didn't love it.
Iona happily made her way back to her board and took note of her score. The biggest so far with 42 points, followed by Elladine with 40 and Viv with 39. AJ was next with 33 and then Miki, with 30. Poppy just prayed she wouldn't be lower than Miki.
"And the last girl…"
Following the cue, Poppy made her way to stand in front of Harry. She had her hair tied in a ponytail, so they couldn't feel it and was wearing her plain yellow bikini, so they couldn't feel any extra texture. She was usually shorter than the other girls, but she made a point of using high heels so the boys couldn't notice the difference.
Breath in, breath out, she got closer to Harry. He was thinner than most boys and also shorter than the rest but she kinda enjoyed the small height difference. She held his face between her palms and finished that torture, her heart beating like crazy from the adrenaline rush.
She kissed Harry for the first time ever. He tasted a little like a fruit salad, a mix of all the other girl's chapsticks, but she learnt to enjoy the taste against her lips. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a little self-conscious at first, her nerves testing her abilities, but soon enough she had let herself melt into the kiss. She was enjoying herself so much, she was smiling mid-kiss,
With a peck, she broke the kiss off and took a step back. Harry was silent for a second, looking like he was thinking way too much about the score. "Can I give her a halved score?"
The girls gasped and the boys whispered between them. Poppy just realized why after Iona stated: "You need to give her between one and ten, a half is lower than one."
"No!" Harry bit his lower lip. "Sorry, I meant… Can I give her nine and a half?"
Now, the girls were the ones whispering between them. Iona frowned and caught Poppy's eye, who only had a tiny little smile playing on the corner of her lips. "I am afraid you'll have to choose between nine and ten."
Harry puckered his lips. "Fine. Yeah, no… It was really good… And I have no idea who this is…" Harry giggled like a schoolboy. "Fuck it. 10, then."
The boys clapped at the score, causing Poppy to blush, even if they couldn't see her. She moved to the next one, doing her best to not be recognised — after all, that was the whole point of the game, right? 
Poor Nick was once again stiff as a rock, looking like he wanted to be anywhere except there. Poppy held him gently and softly pressed her lips against his, trying to be as nice to him as possible. It took him some time but Nicky finally allowed himself to have a taste of her, allowing Poppy to deepen the kiss.
Nicky tasted different from the other boys. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but she actually enjoyed it and even envied Elladine for a second there before the thought escaped her mind and all she could pay attention to was the feeling of his tongue against hers. 
She pulled apart with a sigh, making him smile. "Fuck…" he whispered and she tilted her head, even if he couldn't see her. He put his chin on his palm and rested two fingers on his lower lips. "Soft lips, not too desperate… good… technique… yeah, it's a 9." He announced, so sure of it that it made her heartbeat quicken. 
Mouthing a 'thank you' he couldn't see, Poppy moved to the next boy, also known as her current couple, also known as Camilo. Suddenly, all the calm the other boys had made her feel vanished away from her body, taken away by this inexplicable fury she had burning inside. 
He had given Iona a ten. The highest score there was and, well, the chances to get lower were much, much, bigger than tying it. With a deep breath, she got closer to him. His body was the same but as she stood on her tiptoes to close the space between them, it couldn't feel worse.
It was a bit odd, to say the least. She had done that before countless times and each one of their kisses had taken her breath away but now… now she was just challenge-nervous rather than excited and the only thing she could taste on his tongue was her own regret.
God, she regretted ever picking him at first. She regretted meeting him in the bathroom. She regretted believing him when he said he wanted to be with her. She regretted choosing him for the recoupling. She regretted trying to compete with Iona for him. He wasn't worth it. None of this was worth it. 
Not her time, her best, her all. That was what she gave him and what did she receive back? A headache and many, many insecurities and trouble. Probably a bit of online exposure too but definitely not enough to justify it. Nothing would ever be enough to justify it.
With no need to think twice, Poppy cut the kiss short. Maybe not too short for the others to realise but short enough for her to make a point. They were over after that. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it coming. And as for Poppy… well, she would rather walk than spend another second with him.
"All right," he said, a humourless chuckle escaping him. He looked disappointed, a little sad even. "Yeah, definitely a great kiss… Not the best today, though. I'll have to give it a 9."
Jerk. Nine. Less than ten, that was for sure. Poppy bit her cheek as she fought the urge to turn and eye Iona, who probably had a triumphant smile. To be honest, if they wanted to couple up, Poppy wished them all the best but it was a sting to her ego nonetheless. But as Taylor Swift would say, 'the players gonna play', and Camilo was most definitely a player.
She had two boys waiting to be kissed now.
Chin high, Poppy moved to Bill. He seemed excited for another kiss, almost too excited. Deciding to leave Camilo and the Iona bullshit behind, she let a low chuckle escape her, giving up space for the positive vibes and confidence to come back.
She circled Bill's neck with her arms, capturing his lips with newfound energy she had never met before. The pain of a betrayed woman could do wonders, she guessed, as Bill's tongue explored hers in a dance of their own. 
Kissing Bill was fun. That was the best way to describe it. While Harry's first kiss was as nerve-wrecking as teenagehood kisses and Nicky's were like sweethearts kissing in the front yard after a first date, Bill's was like kissing a stranger at a college party after drinking way too much. It was freeing somehow and exactly what she needed after Camilo's disaster.
When she broke apart, Bill leaned forward for a second, denouncing how little he truly wanted to let go, but Poppy pushed him slightly back.
"I think I know who that is… I'm giving her a 10!"
The boys sniggered around him. 'Mate… I don't think that was who you think it was," Nicky commented.
But Bill only huffed. "No way, I'm sure it is."
"No, mate, it really isn't." Seb concluded.
Poppy turned to him. With the sound of the boy's laughter serving her as a soundtrack, she moved towards him. Her heart was beating so fast it could jump her chest at any given minute. She tried to reason with it for an instant. Of course, she would be nervous, she concluded. Seb was probably the hardest to please of the boys and they were friends, so it wouldn't be anything but awkward. 
However, somewhere deep down, she was aware that wasn't the whole truth.
She needed more than four points from Seb so she could beat Iona. Yet, that thought never crossed her mind as she got closer and closer to Seb. All she could think about was how inviting his lips were and how her heart was beating so fast she was certain it could stop at any given moment.
When she was about to touch him, though, she heard him whisper, softly enough to make her mistakenly think she was imagining it. "Hey Poppy, I was waiting."
For an instant it was like time had stopped. Poppy could swear no one moved while the words slowly sunk in her mind. Her eyes widened when it clicked. But, just as they had frozen it a second before, they probably fast-forwarded it soon after because next thing she knew, Seb was kissing her.
It didn't matter how they did it, though. They were kissing. Poppy's thoughts rushed inside her head and everything and nothing made sense at the same time, until there was nothing to think about anymore. Her mind was blank and Poppy let herself melt and be kissed by him.
Seb tasted like a hint of menthol cigarettes mixed with this breakfast's strawberries they had had that morning. Poppy didn't care about that. She was too busy focusing on the 'finally' feeling that was flooding over her at the moment. Absentmindedly, her fingers touched his face, entangling themselves in the hair on the back of his neck, holding his profile with her thumb.
He didn't mind the invasion of space. Instead, he welcomed it, and Poppy felt the icy tingling of his rings on the small of her back, pulling her close. Her chest was pressing against his naked torso, their bodies so close together they couldn't be told apart. If both their senses weren't too taken by each other, they would've heard the sound of the girls gasping, the whisperers that followed the great demonstration of affection.
But they didn't, so they didn't let go of each other. If she could, Poppy would kiss him forever. It was the best kiss she had ever had and it was like a surge of electricity was hitting her body over and over again. When people talked about perfect first kisses, they probably never meant something like that, in a reality show, in a challenge. But there was no other word Poppy would use to describe that kiss if not perfect.
 "Hey, you two!" Iona called them out. "You can kiss in private later, now move on! We are all watching it!"
Poppy obeyed, begrudgingly breaking their kiss with a couple of pecks, happy to find Seb with swollen lips and a dopey smile playing on them. He sighed, satisfied, happily even, and cracked his knuckles with the giddiness of a young boy. "Now, that's a kiss," he commented, chuckling. "You girls have a lot to learn from that… It's going to be a 10."
The girls clapped, the boys did too, and Poppy watched as Iona wrote down her numbers. 48. The most among all of them.
Poppy returned to the girls and all of them once again showered her with compliments. Although, this time, she didn't feel a lot of truth in them. She couldn't care less, though. Kissing Seb had left her walking on air, head in the clouds… fuck, she felt good.
'`Now, to the final score!' Iona said immediately after the boys had taken off their headphones and blindfolds."With a score of 48 points, the winner is… Poppy."
You could tell there was no excitement whatsoever in Iona's voice. That didn't stop Poppy from celebrating with the other girls, though. They cheered and jumped and hugged, and Poppy laughed, even if they were the last one.
"Poppy was the last one?" Harry questioned, eyes shimmering. "Damn…"
"Oh, wow," Bill commented. "Good job, Poppy!"
"Killed it, girl," Nicky smiled.
"What did she get?" Camilo asked.
Poppy turned to him. He didn't seem happy. No, he seemed… pissed at something. Maybe it clicked for him that she took longer on the last kiss? The thought alone made her eyes stray from Camilo to Seb and they shared a knowing look.
"A date." Iona dryly responded. "So, who you're gonna take to the terrace date, Poppy?"
She looked at each and everyone's faces. The nervous looks from the girls, the hopeful looks from the boys. Nicky's and Elladine's encouraging smiles, Camilo's annoyed frown. But it didn't matter how much she searched for other faces, she always would come back to him.
"I pick Seb."
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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The Prince of Wales met baby Harry and his parents as he officially opened a new employment skills training and community outreach centre for Betel UK, a charity for people affected by homelessness and addiction in Birmingham || 25 APRIL 2024
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detragefietser · 2 months
50341 by Ben Abel Via Flickr: The 2018 Lincoln Grand Prix in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. First run in 1956, the Lincoln Grand Prix is one of the longest continually running races on the British cycling calendar and is the closest the UK has to a French or Belgian Classic. With the route taking riders on a tough circuit over the city’s cobbles — including the notorious climb of Michaelgate — almost every big name in British cycling history has raced in and won. The last few years has seen the Women’s Elite Road Cycle Race to be added along with the long-standing male race. The event takes place over a whole weekend. As well as the main races there are also other events. Castle Criteriums: A city centre race for all abilities and ages on a course that circles Lincoln Castle. Races are for under 10s, under 12s, under14s, and under 16s (girls and boys), mens and womens (Junior - Elite). Lincoln Grand Prix Sportive: An event on the elite race circuit aimed for amateur cyclists who want to improve their skills and fitness. There are 33, 64, 80, or 100 mile courses tough hills of the Lincolnshire Wolds, tackle the closed road cobbled climb of Michaelgate before finishing in Castle Square Uphill Dash: A series of 4 rider sprint races up the infamous and gruelling Michaelgate hill, parallel to Steep Hill. Winners progress through until 4 riders’ race in the grand finale. Information Source: www.lincolngrandprix.co.uk/site/
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WIP Intro: The King of Mycenae
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[Image ID in alt text]
Being a 23-year-old PTSD survivor covered in burn scars is hard enough without lilies talking to you in the middle of the night to tell you that your life is in danger and that Faerie demands your immediate return whether you like it or not.
Genre: Adult, fantasy
POV: Multiple POVs (initially two), third-person limited for the most part
Setting: Somewhere in the UK, maybe Nottingham, England
Themes: Fate will always catch up to you but it's up to you how you respond; love is not what makes the world go round; love is not enough but that doesn't mean it should be or can be discarded; hate is the coal that powers the train of conflict; devotion, royalty, religion, politics <33
Major characters:
- Mikae Johnass (he/him): MC. 23 year old PTSD survivor in question. Works at a garden centre and runs a plant/homesteading blog that's actually pretty popular. Sells seeds from his crops on Patreon. Non-SAM aromantic, lives with best-friend-turned-qpp Dylann. Ruthless, organised, kind. Not well but it doesn't matter, does it? - Dylann McKenzie (he, they if you're feeling it - he doesn't care): Mikae's best friend, has known him since before Mikae's accident. Had been in love with Mikae from 12 but Mikae doesn't know that he's still harbouring love for him; he thinks he's gotten over it. Physics and history double major in uni. Spacey, caring, a strange beautiful creature of a man. - Aurae d'Inciense (she/her but kinda apathetic about it): Princess of the current line on the throne, the last line if her mother has anything to say about it. Devout follower of her mother the Queen, repressed beyond the definition of the word, inexperienced in the real world but diligent. Will do anything instructed in order to try and gain approval. Acolyte. Currently tasked with returning the head of the Heir thought to have been long dead. - Sloane, no last name (he/him, the gorgeous kind): Mysterious man hired by the Crown to assist Aurae in her mission given his worldly nature and experience being a contract killer. Politesse veils smugness, ruthless and skilled, dangerous, flightly, stupid flirty. Whore. Knows how to use his attractiveness to his advantage. Drives Aurae wild /neg.
No taglist yet because I don't post very often but I'm glad that I can make an intro now :)
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thewales-family · 5 months
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The Prince of Wales officially opens a new employment skills training and community outreach centre for Betel UK, a charity for people affected by homelessness and addiction, in Birmingham, England -April 25th 2024.
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eaglesnick · 6 months
Private Sector Good, Public Sector Bad? (2)
This is the second part of a look at former public services and utilities in Britain that have been privatised in the name of neoliberal economics and the mistaken belief that private enterprise is ALWAYS more efficient than publicly  run bodies.
The first privately run prison in the UK was opened in 1992 under a Conservative government and private sector involvement in Britain’s penal system has grown steadily ever since. The UK is now second only to the USA in the number of privately run prisons.
Premier Custodial Group was formed in 1992 and in 2005 was the largest private company running UK prisons. It was a joint venture between the American private prison operator Wackenhut Corrections Corporation and the British firm Serco PLC. From a turnover of £7.52 million in 1994 it had increased its revenues to £127.4m, with pre-tax profits of nearly £10m, paying out a £2m dividend to shareholders. In 2002 Wackenhut was taken over by Group 4 Falck.
In 2003 Serco gained control of Premier, estimating that Premier's
 “income over the life of its existing contracts for five prisons, one secure training centre, two immigration facilities and court escort custody and electronic monitoring services was £2bn” (Cited in Prison Reform Trust: Private Punishment :Who Profits; January 2005)
Group 4 Securicor (G4S) was a company created in 2004 when Group 4 acquired Securicor. Since these takeovers these companies have gone from strength to strength, with Serco, G4S, and GEO Group branching into immigration and other services.
In 2018, the Guardian reported that the Home Office paid these companies:
 “hundreds of millions of pounds to run the UK’s immigration removal centres, but no one knows for certain just how profitable the industry is…Commercial confidentiality agreements mean the Home Office and outsourcing companies are not obliged to publish detailed financial information about immigration detention centres in the UK.” (Guardian: 10/10/22)
In 2022, one of these companies, Sodexo was awarded a £264 million UK prison contract over a ten year period. On receiving the contract, Paul Anstey, CEO, Government, Sodexo UK & Ireland stated:
“Our vision is to provide a secure and safe environment which reduces re-offending through education, builds new skills and offers respect, equality and inclusion.” (Facilities Management Magazine: 16/08/22)
If only that were true! As long ago as 2013 Sodexo Justice Services  was facing charges of prisoner torture and degradation.
'Cruel, inhumane and degrading': Female prisoner kept segregated in 'squalid' cell for five years.”  (Independent: 21/08/2013)
In 2016 a video of naked Prisoners pretending to be dogs led to an investigation into violence and humiliation of prisoners by Sodexo. In September 2017, a female prisoner died under Sodexo care. An inquest into her death concluded:
“serious failures at Sodexo run HMP Peterborough contributed to death of Annabella Landsberg”  (Inquest: 04/04/2019)
Another prison run by Sodexo was accused of residing over a “spice” epidemic, which led to the death of a male prisoner. (Manchester Evening News) In 2018 Sodexo was again accused of neglect and systematic failures resulting in the death of yet another inmate. In 2019, a different prison run by Sodexo was accused of “systemic breaches of inmate human rights”.
In February of this year 20 prison staff resigned from the Sodexo run HMP Lowdham Grange, which was deemed so unsafe the government was forced to take it over.
The appalling levels of service cited above are not restricted to Sodexo alone. In her book “Profiting from their misery: Britain’s private prisons”, Hatty Nestor reveals that:
“outsourcing companies like G4S encourage prisoners to work 40-hour weeks, all they are paid (is)  as little as £2 an hour. Such practices amount to slave labour. Companies are profiting from prison labour, paying fewer well-trained, low staff wages. In private prisons, staff are paid 23% less than public prisons, and they also outsource security, healthcare and cheap food. Private prisons aim for a profit margin of 8-10%, which is met by cutting costs and the increased exploitation of staff and inmates.”
Given that privately run prisons pay their staff less, are more overcrowded, and employ fewer prison officers you would think they would at least be more cost effective yet this isn’t the case. The governments own figures for 2022/23 reveal that it cost £32,762 per prisoner, per year in publicly run prisons, while the cost for privately run prisons was £33,628 per prisoner. (Ministry of Justice: “Costs per place and cost per prisoner by individual prison.", 21/0324)
 What is more, the government gives 23% of its allocated budget to private companies despite the fact their prisons only house 15% of the total prison population. It seems that whichever way you measure private prison success (apart form profits for its shareholders) private prisons do far worse than those still in the public sector.
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Salisbury Autistic Care - How Housing Options Impact Quality of Life?
Empowering Autistic Individuals
Did you know that one in every 100 individuals is on the autistic spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK?
While most of the time focus is on early diagnosis and treatment, individuals on the autistic spectrum face many challenges in their day-to-day lives. This is because we are not sensitive to their needs, and our social spaces are not designed to factor in the challenges they face. That is the reason why specialised homes for autist people become all the more important. It provides them with a safe space to relax and be at ease.
In this blog, we delve into this topic further and also learn how Salisbury Autistic Care: A Sanctuary of Support for People on the Autism Spectrum is working towards making autism-friendly homes.
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Importance of the Right Housing Environment
As is true with most people, the housing environment affects an individual’s ability to thrive and lead a fulfilling life. Autistic people need to have spaces where there is no sensory overload. Be it in terms of bright colours, light, or loud noises. They thrive in spaces where there is minimum exposure to stimuli. Therefore, creating homes with muted colours, natural lighting, and sound insulation enables them to feel comfortable and at ease.
Support Services
Adults with autism may require ongoing support with their daily activities. Therefore, housing arrangements where they can find support but still have their own independence is the need of the hour. In addition to this, ensuring access to behavioural therapy, life skills training, and other services helps them cope better and gradually build self-confidence.
Inclusive Community Living
Although people with autism do not like sensory overload, meeting with new people and developing strong bonds within the community helps them thrive. It also helps reduce the stigma associated with autistic people and promotes inclusivity and understanding. Inclusive community living arrangements, such as group homes or intentional communities, offer opportunities for social interaction, support, and belonging. By fostering a sense of community and connection, these housing options can combat feelings of isolation and promote social integration for individuals with autism.
Person-centred planning
Person-centred planning prioritizes the autonomy and agency of individuals with autism by involving them, their families, and support teams in decision-making processes. This collaborative effort results in tailored plans that address the individual's unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations.
Salisbury Autistic Care
Salisbury Autistic Care - Empowering Families: The Impact of Autism Care in Salisbury. We are not just providing housing – we are nurturing spaces where individuals on the autism spectrum can truly feel at home. Through our thoughtfully curated properties, we create safe, supportive, and comfortable environments where residents can thrive. From incorporating sensory-friendly features to offering personalized support services, we prioritize the well-being and happiness of our tenants above all else. With a commitment to understanding the specific requirements of each individual, we strive to foster inclusive communities where everyone can flourish and lead fulfilling lives.
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