#skill issue L + ratio /j
paddysol · 5 months
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imagine staying on hell island on purpose and then going insane
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dinomite2 · 7 months
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L + Ratio + Your mom + you Suck Lil bro + You're gay + Cope + Mald + Seeth + Cope some more + Get better bro + Skill issue + Lil baby man + Weep
Bully this mf people /j
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zurxmxru · 9 months
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Anyway, allow me to be mushy for a bit and just say that although I couldn’t catch all her streams, I did find Mika through clips of her interacting with Niji EN members,, she was definitely a very funny, goofy, and chaotic girlie who I loved watching a lot! Her original song is an absolute banger and I hope she continues to pursue singing at some point even after Niji..
I’m sorry, originally I was gonna draw her in her final outfit but I didn’t have the motivation so I drew a small doodle of her as thanks and a goodbye. Like I’ve said before, whatever she does, wherever she goes, I’ll be there to support her the best I can ❤️❤️ I’ll definitely cope so hard after she’s gone 😭😭
anyway goodbye Mika.. L + Ratio + your dead + skill issue /j
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sphyrnaaa · 6 months
l + ratio + skill issue + lights out + ink coating + no pearl drone + no items drop + stronger jelletons + arpeggio barrage
This is harassment /j
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lipglossandsacrifice · 11 months
i can't fucking draw you no matter how hard i try and i hate you for it The mental anguish is unbearable . joke
L+Ratio+Skill Issue
(ooc: /j /lh lol, i just like writing tab as small and bastardous)
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faecelessfiend · 1 year
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@blueflare7 Lol lmao
L+ ratio + dont care + didnt ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + h0es mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re probably white + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur momdon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re a full time discordian + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + your gay + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur mom + unknown + random + biased + racially motivated + kys + ur unfunny +ratio don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe copedon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + h0es mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re probably white + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur momdon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re a full time discordian + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + your gay + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur mom + unknown + random + biased + racially motivated + kys + ur unfunny +ratio don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + so bad + so ass
/j /lh /please don't hate me /love u
It's because ur thing cool dumbass /aff
0 notes
psychologyofsex · 4 years
Relationship Red Flags: 5 Signs That a Relationship Isn’t Off to a Good Start
A question I often get asked is “what are the red flags I should watch out for in a new relationship?” While it can be hard to know early on whether a relationship is likely to stand the test of time, we do know that some factors predict greater odds of success and long-term satisfaction. 
In this post, I’ll explore five things that are likely indicators of serious problems, according to the research. However, keep in mind that, when it comes to love and relationships, there are no universal rules and principles that apply in every possible situation. Also, some of the problems we’ll discuss (like poor communication) can potentially be overcome if you’re willing to work together on them, so it ultimately depends on how you feel and what you want.
1.) Abusive behavior. If you’re with a partner who is abusive to you physically or psychologically, it’s important to get out and get help early on. While this one might sound obvious, we know that many people end up staying with abusive partners for a range of reasons (e.g. hoping they’ll change, finding justifications for the behavior, etc.), and many find it harder to leave abusive relationships the longer they’ve been in them because they become very invested in the relationship and dependent on their partner [1]. Unfortunately, many then find themselves subject to a long-term pattern of abuse that increases in severity over time. Abuse is an unequivocal relationship red flag.  
2.) Overly controlling and manipulative behavior. Another warning sign is when you’re with a partner who seems overly controlling or manipulative. These behaviors include things like controlling who you can see and what you can do, demanding access to your passwords so that they can check up on you, and trying to separate you from your family and friends. Research has shown a link between overly controlling behavior and domestic abuse [2], which suggests it could be an early sign of more serious problems down the road.
3.) Lack of communication. Study after study shows that communication is one of the biggest keys to both sexualand relationship satisfaction. A lack of communication can create a number of issues. For example, in the bedroom it means you’re less likely to get what it is that you really want from sex. Also, it means you’re going to run into a lot of difficultly resolving relationship conflicts and problems if you have a partner who just isn’t willing to talk about these things. One of the most problematic communication patterns is stonewalling, in which one partner effectively shuts down and disengages. That said, communication is a skill that can be learned, so if there are good reasons to stay in the relationship and you and your partner are willing to work on this, it may be possible to overcome. For tips on dealing with stonewalling and other problematic communication patterns, check out this article.
4.) Extreme selfishness and narcissism. Another big key to relationship success is a mutual willingness to give and take, both in and out of the bedroom. Partners who are motivated to meet each other’s needs (something known as “sexual communal strength” or “sexual communion”) and who take turns doing this tend to be more satisfied with both their sex lives and relationships [3]. So if you’re in a relationship where things are a one-way street—it’s all about your partner and never or rarely about you—that doesn’t bode well for the future. Of course, everyone can be a little selfish sometimes, so the red flag we’re talking about here refers to a persistent pattern of behavior. Related to this is narcissism, or having an overly inflated self-view. Narcissism is related to being selfish, but it’s also related to more manipulative behavior. People who have narcissistic partners tend to be less happy in their relationships [4].
5.) They make you feel bad more often than they make you feel good. One of the biggest questions to ask yourself is this: how does your partner make you feel? Do you typically feel happy, secure, and comfortable when you’re around them? Of course, every relationship has its own issues and conflicts will inevitably arise, so it’s normal to have some moments where you aren’t feeling great about yourself or about the relationship—but if you find yourself feeling bad more often than you’re feeling good, that’s a sign that it might not be the right relationship. It’s also worth noting that the ratio of positive to negative comments expressed during conflict situations is a key predictor of relationship success—specifically, couples who have 5 positive comments for every 1 negative comment are much more likely to survive. Having the right balance of positive to negative interactions is key during conflict situations, but also in the relationship more broadly.
Of course, these aren’t the only possible red flags to keep an eye out for. A severe lack of trust, extreme insecurity, a lack of respect for your boundaries, and strong jealous tendencies are also potential signs of conflict, turmoil, and other problems ahead.
What do you think? What have you found to be some of the biggest relationship red flags? Weigh in with your comments below.
Want to learn more about Sex and Psychology? Click here for previous articles or follow the blog on Facebook (facebook.com/psychologyofsex), Twitter (@JustinLehmiller), or Reddit (reddit.com/r/psychologyofsex) to receive updates. You can also follow Dr. Lehmiller on YouTube and Instagram.
[1] Rusbult, C. E., & Martz, J. M. (1995). Remaining in an abusive relationship: An investment model analysis of nonvoluntary dependence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(6), 558-571.
[2] Simmons, C. A., & Lehmann, P. (2007). Exploring the link between pet abuse and controlling behaviors in violent relationships. Journal of interpersonal violence, 22(9), 1211-1222
[3] Muise, A., & Impett, E. A. (2015). Good, giving, and game: The relationship benefits of communal sexual motivation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(2), 164-172.
[4] Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Baldi, V., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2019). Narcissism, perfectionistic self-presentation, and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: narcissism and relationship satisfaction. Self and Identity, 1-19.
Image Source: 123RF/Arnel Manalang
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Relationship Red Flags: 5 Signs That a Relationship Isn’t Off to a Good Start
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A question I often get asked is “what are the red flags I should watch out for in a new relationship?” While it can be hard to know early on whether a relationship is likely to stand the test of time, we do know that some factors predict greater odds of success and long-term satisfaction. 
In this post, I’ll explore five things that are likely indicators of serious problems, according to the research. However, keep in mind that, when it comes to love and relationships, there are no universal rules and principles that apply in every possible situation. Also, some of the problems we’ll discuss (like poor communication) can potentially be overcome if you’re willing to work together on them, so it ultimately depends on how you feel and what you want.
1.) Abusive behavior. If you’re with a partner who is abusive to you physically or psychologically, it’s important to get out and get help early on. While this one might sound obvious, we know that many people end up staying with abusive partners for a range of reasons (e.g. hoping they’ll change, finding justifications for the behavior, etc.), and many find it harder to leave abusive relationships the longer they’ve been in them because they become very invested in the relationship and dependent on their partner [1]. Unfortunately, many then find themselves subject to a long-term pattern of abuse that increases in severity over time. Abuse is an unequivocal relationship red flag.  
2.) Overly controlling and manipulative behavior. Another warning sign is when you’re with a partner who seems overly controlling or manipulative. These behaviors include things like controlling who you can see and what you can do, demanding access to your passwords so that they can check up on you, and trying to separate you from your family and friends. Research has shown a link between overly controlling behavior and domestic abuse [2], which suggests it could be an early sign of more serious problems down the road.
3.) Lack of communication. Study after study shows that communication is one of the biggest keys to both sexualand relationship satisfaction. A lack of communication can create a number of issues. For example, in the bedroom it means you’re less likely to get what it is that you really want from sex. Also, it means you’re going to run into a lot of difficultly resolving relationship conflicts and problems if you have a partner who just isn’t willing to talk about these things. One of the most problematic communication patterns is stonewalling, in which one partner effectively shuts down and disengages. That said, communication is a skill that can be learned, so if there are good reasons to stay in the relationship and you and your partner are willing to work on this, it may be possible to overcome. For tips on dealing with stonewalling and other problematic communication patterns, check out this article.
4.) Extreme selfishness and narcissism. Another big key to relationship success is a mutual willingness to give and take, both in and out of the bedroom. Partners who are motivated to meet each other’s needs (something known as “sexual communal strength” or “sexual communion”) and who take turns doing this tend to be more satisfied with both their sex lives and relationships [3]. So if you’re in a relationship where things are a one-way street—it’s all about your partner and never or rarely about you—that doesn’t bode well for the future. Of course, everyone can be a little selfish sometimes, so the red flag we’re talking about here refers to a persistent pattern of behavior. Related to this is narcissism, or having an overly inflated self-view. Narcissism is related to being selfish, but it’s also related to more manipulative behavior. People who have narcissistic partners tend to be less happy in their relationships [4].
5.) They make you feel bad more often than they make you feel good. One of the biggest questions to ask yourself is this: how does your partner make you feel? Do you typically feel happy, secure, and comfortable when you’re around them? Of course, every relationship has its own issues and conflicts will inevitably arise, so it’s normal to have some moments where you aren’t feeling great about yourself or about the relationship—but if you find yourself feeling bad more often than you’re feeling good, that’s a sign that it might not be the right relationship. It’s also worth noting that the ratio of positive to negative comments expressed during conflict situations is a key predictor of relationship success—specifically, couples who have 5 positive comments for every 1 negative comment are much more likely to survive. Having the right balance of positive to negative interactions is key during conflict situations, but also in the relationship more broadly.
Of course, these aren’t the only possible red flags to keep an eye out for. A severe lack of trust, extreme insecurity, a lack of respect for your boundaries, and strong jealous tendencies are also potential signs of conflict, turmoil, and other problems ahead.
What do you think? What have you found to be some of the biggest relationship red flags? Weigh in with your comments below.
Want to learn more about Sex and Psychology? Click here for previous articles or follow the blog on Facebook (facebook.com/psychologyofsex), Twitter (@JustinLehmiller), or Reddit (reddit.com/r/psychologyofsex) to receive updates. You can also follow Dr. Lehmiller on YouTube and Instagram.
[1] Rusbult, C. E., & Martz, J. M. (1995). Remaining in an abusive relationship: An investment model analysis of nonvoluntary dependence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(6), 558-571.
[2] Simmons, C. A., & Lehmann, P. (2007). Exploring the link between pet abuse and controlling behaviors in violent relationships. Journal of interpersonal violence, 22(9), 1211-1222
[3] Muise, A., & Impett, E. A. (2015). Good, giving, and game: The relationship benefits of communal sexual motivation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(2), 164-172.
[4] Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Baldi, V., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2019). Narcissism, perfectionistic self-presentation, and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: narcissism and relationship satisfaction. Self and Identity, 1-19.
Image Source: 123RF/Arnel Manalang
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from MeetPositives SM Feed 4 https://ift.tt/33aLihW via IFTTT
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robbiemeadow · 4 years
Relationship Red Flags: 5 Signs That a Relationship Isn’t Off to a Good Start
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A question I often get asked is “what are the red flags I should watch out for in a new relationship?” While it can be hard to know early on whether a relationship is likely to stand the test of time, we do know that some factors predict greater odds of success and long-term satisfaction. 
In this post, I’ll explore five things that are likely indicators of serious problems, according to the research. However, keep in mind that, when it comes to love and relationships, there are no universal rules and principles that apply in every possible situation. Also, some of the problems we’ll discuss (like poor communication) can potentially be overcome if you’re willing to work together on them, so it ultimately depends on how you feel and what you want.
1.) Abusive behavior. If you’re with a partner who is abusive to you physically or psychologically, it’s important to get out and get help early on. While this one might sound obvious, we know that many people end up staying with abusive partners for a range of reasons (e.g. hoping they’ll change, finding justifications for the behavior, etc.), and many find it harder to leave abusive relationships the longer they’ve been in them because they become very invested in the relationship and dependent on their partner [1]. Unfortunately, many then find themselves subject to a long-term pattern of abuse that increases in severity over time. Abuse is an unequivocal relationship red flag.  
2.) Overly controlling and manipulative behavior. Another warning sign is when you’re with a partner who seems overly controlling or manipulative. These behaviors include things like controlling who you can see and what you can do, demanding access to your passwords so that they can check up on you, and trying to separate you from your family and friends. Research has shown a link between overly controlling behavior and domestic abuse [2], which suggests it could be an early sign of more serious problems down the road.
3.) Lack of communication. Study after study shows that communication is one of the biggest keys to both sexualand relationship satisfaction. A lack of communication can create a number of issues. For example, in the bedroom it means you’re less likely to get what it is that you really want from sex. Also, it means you’re going to run into a lot of difficultly resolving relationship conflicts and problems if you have a partner who just isn’t willing to talk about these things. One of the most problematic communication patterns is stonewalling, in which one partner effectively shuts down and disengages. That said, communication is a skill that can be learned, so if there are good reasons to stay in the relationship and you and your partner are willing to work on this, it may be possible to overcome. For tips on dealing with stonewalling and other problematic communication patterns, check out this article.
4.) Extreme selfishness and narcissism. Another big key to relationship success is a mutual willingness to give and take, both in and out of the bedroom. Partners who are motivated to meet each other’s needs (something known as “sexual communal strength” or “sexual communion”) and who take turns doing this tend to be more satisfied with both their sex lives and relationships [3]. So if you’re in a relationship where things are a one-way street—it’s all about your partner and never or rarely about you—that doesn’t bode well for the future. Of course, everyone can be a little selfish sometimes, so the red flag we’re talking about here refers to a persistent pattern of behavior. Related to this is narcissism, or having an overly inflated self-view. Narcissism is related to being selfish, but it’s also related to more manipulative behavior. People who have narcissistic partners tend to be less happy in their relationships [4].
5.) They make you feel bad more often than they make you feel good. One of the biggest questions to ask yourself is this: how does your partner make you feel? Do you typically feel happy, secure, and comfortable when you’re around them? Of course, every relationship has its own issues and conflicts will inevitably arise, so it’s normal to have some moments where you aren’t feeling great about yourself or about the relationship—but if you find yourself feeling bad more often than you’re feeling good, that’s a sign that it might not be the right relationship. It’s also worth noting that the ratio of positive to negative comments expressed during conflict situations is a key predictor of relationship success—specifically, couples who have 5 positive comments for every 1 negative comment are much more likely to survive. Having the right balance of positive to negative interactions is key during conflict situations, but also in the relationship more broadly.
Of course, these aren’t the only possible red flags to keep an eye out for. A severe lack of trust, extreme insecurity, a lack of respect for your boundaries, and strong jealous tendencies are also potential signs of conflict, turmoil, and other problems ahead.
What do you think? What have you found to be some of the biggest relationship red flags? Weigh in with your comments below.
Want to learn more about Sex and Psychology? Click here for previous articles or follow the blog on Facebook (facebook.com/psychologyofsex), Twitter (@JustinLehmiller), or Reddit (reddit.com/r/psychologyofsex) to receive updates. You can also follow Dr. Lehmiller on YouTube and Instagram.
[1] Rusbult, C. E., & Martz, J. M. (1995). Remaining in an abusive relationship: An investment model analysis of nonvoluntary dependence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(6), 558-571.
[2] Simmons, C. A., & Lehmann, P. (2007). Exploring the link between pet abuse and controlling behaviors in violent relationships. Journal of interpersonal violence, 22(9), 1211-1222
[3] Muise, A., & Impett, E. A. (2015). Good, giving, and game: The relationship benefits of communal sexual motivation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(2), 164-172.
[4] Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Baldi, V., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2019). Narcissism, perfectionistic self-presentation, and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: narcissism and relationship satisfaction. Self and Identity, 1-19.
Image Source: 123RF/Arnel Manalang
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Relationships: The Importance of Being Growth-Oriented
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from Meet Positives SM Feed 5 https://ift.tt/33aLihW via IFTTT
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Nursing Officers Recruitment
Nursing Officers Recruitment
Govt of India. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Invites application for the post of Nursing Officer B No. of vacancies: 05 Pay Scale: Level-7 in the Pay Matrix For Notification Click Here For Online Click Here Educational Qualifications: (i) Graduate in Nursing Registration certificate from Nursing Council
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Nursing Officers Recruitment SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: (i) For Nursing Officers Recruitment There will be three separate Computer Based Examinations consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions, for the posts with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation & above levels. The details of subjects, marks and number of questions subject-wise will be as given below:- SELECTION PROCEDURE: (a) Nursing Officers Recruitment to Selection Posts will be made through Written Examination in Computer Based Mode consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions. (b) All candidates who register themselves in response to this advertisement by the closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the Commission as per the terms and conditions of this Notice of Examination, will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificate (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Examination. (c) Applications which have blurred/ no photographs, blurred/ no signature/ fee not received/ incomplete application/ etc. will be rejected. (d) Admission Certificates for all stages of examination will be issued online on the websites of concerned Regional/ Sub-Regional Office of the Commission. Candidates are therefore advised to regularly visit the websites of the Commission Headquarters and concerned Regional/ Sub-Regional office of the Commission under whose jurisdiction the examination centers opted by the candidate are located. (e) Candidates who apply for more than one post in the same Region/ apply for different posts in different Regions/ apply for posts of different levels (Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation and above) in the same or different Regions are „common candidates‟. Such „Common candidates‟ will be issued Admission Certificates for all posts by all Regional/ Sub-Regional Offices. (f) Common candidates must appear only once in the examination for one level of post, otherwise, their candidature shall be cancelled. If a candidate has applied for two levels of posts e.g. for Matriculation and Higher Secondary, he/ she will have to appear once for each level of examination (i.e. once for Matriculation level Post-categories and once for Higher Secondary level Post-categories). Marks obtained by such common candidates will be used by other Regional/ Sub-Regional Offices for preparing the Merit List for that level of post(s) in their respective Regional/ Sub-Regional Offices. (g) Candidates scoring less than cut-off marks as given below will not be considered for the next stage of recruitment: 18 UR : 35% OBC/ EWS : 30% Other categories : 25% (h) Depending on the number of vacancies of a particular category of post, candidates will be shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny based on the score and merit of candidates in the Computer Based Examination in the following ratio: (i) In the ratio of 1:20, for up to 5 vacancies for any category of posts. (j) In the ratio of 1:10, for more than 5 vacancies for any category of posts, subject to minimum 100. (k) The candidates who are shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny will be required to submit self attested copies of all the supporting documents in respect of Educational Qualification (EQ), Experience, Category, Age, Age-relaxation, etc. (as applicable) in hard copy along with the print out of their online application form to the respective Regional/ Sub-Regional Office(s) to which the Post-Category belongs. l) Skill Test, wherever prescribed for any How to apply: (i) Candidates will have to apply for each category of post separately and also pay fee for each category. (ii) Applications must be submitted in online mode only at the official website of SSC Headquarters i.e. https://ssc.nic.in. For detailed instructions, please refer to Annexure-IV and Annexure-V of this Notice. (iii) Last date for submission of online applications is 31-08-2019 (5.00 PM). (iv) Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days. (v) The Commission does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any Dates for submission of online applications: 06-08-2019 to 31-08-2019 Last date for receipt of application: 31-08-2019 (up to 5.00 P.M.) Last date for making online fee payment: 02-09-2019 (5.00 PM) Last date for generation of offline Challan: 02-09-2019 (5.00 PM) Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 04-09-2019 Date of Computer Based Examination: 14-10-2019 to 18-10-2019 www.mannatacademy.com SCO 112-113 Sector 34 A 4th Floor Chandigarh Pin-160022   Read the full article
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evoldir · 5 years
Fwd: Graduate position: BielefeldU.MadagascarBirdEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: BielefeldU.MadagascarBirdEvolution > Date: 5 September 2019 at 07:09:54 BST > To: [email protected] > > > 3 year PhD studentship available: Bielefeld University (Germany) and > University of Bath (UK). > > With Prof Oliver Kruger, Dr Nayden Chakarov, Prof Joe Hoffman and Prof > Tamas Szekely. > > Mating systems and parental behaviour are among the most diverse social > behaviours, and recent research suggests that the social environment > influences these behaviours. Small plovers (Charadrius spp.) exhibit > highly variable breeding systems, between and within species, making them > an ideal model system for studying the causes and consequences of sex > ratio variation. The objective of this studentship is to investigate these > fundamental issues by means of fieldwork in three plover populations in > Madagascar. The research builds on the results from previous successful > studentships working with these birds. > > We seek a bright and highly motivated student with a keen interest in > evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology. Willingness to carry out > fieldwork in a challenging tropical environment is essential for this > position. The student will search for nests, trap birds and collect > blood and other samples and record plover behaviour. In addition, they > will use molecular methods in the laboratory for sexing and the genetic > analysis of host-associated parasite communities. Previous experience > of avian field biology or any other field experience in the tropics is > very important, while experience of population genetic approaches and/or > parasitology would be beneficial. > > Fieldwork will be in a remote and pristine location in SW > Madagascar. Facilities are extremely basic, the weather can be very harsh, > and a great deal of walking and cycling are required. Opportunities > for communication with the outside world are very limited. You must be > physically fit, hard-working and meticulous, and have a proven ability > to work independently. You must have a positive attitude and an ability > to look after yourself (i.e. cook your own meals, deal with logistics > and organise your own work over extended periods). Speaking French is > advantageous, but is not a requirement. > > The overall aim of the project is to study the immuno-ecological causes > of sex ratio bias in three sympatric species of plovers with varying > mating systems at a single location in Madagascar. At which stage of the > life cycle and how do mortality differences between the sexes emerge, > and what are the demographic consequences of these differences? We > aim to experimentally manipulate parasite infections in plovers > but also to monitor populations closely to identify the proximate > causes of previously described adult sex ratio biases. In addition, > the student will test hypotheses relating to mating system evolution, > and develop demographic models to estimate key demographic properties > of natural populations. Experience of statistical modelling and/or > parasitological/immunological techniques is therefore advantageous and > more generally, strong quantitative skills are highly desirable. > > Key references > > Eberhart-Phillips, L. J., Küpper, C., Carmona-Isunza, M. C., Vincze, > O., Zefania, S., Cruz-Lopez, M., Kosztolanyi, A., Miller, T. E. X., > Barta, Z., Cuthill, I. C., Burke, T., Szekely, T., Hoffman, J. I. & > Krüger, O. (2018) Demographic causes of adult sex ratio variation and > their consequences for parental cooperation. Nature Comm. 9: 1651. > > Ancona, S., Denes, F. V., Krüger, O., Szekely, T. & > Beissinger, S. R. (2017) Estimating adult sex ratios in > nature. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 372: 20160313. > > Eberhart-Phillips, L. J., Küpper, C., Miller, T. E. X., Cruz-Lopez, M., > Maher, K., dos Remedios, N., Stoffel, M. A., Hoffman, J. I., Krüger, > O. & Szekely, T. (2017) Sex-specific early survival drives adult sex > ratio bias in snowy plovers and impacts mating system and population > growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114: E5474-E5481. > > The student will be based at the Department > of Animal Behaviour at Bielefeld University > (https://ift.tt/2MY5TP1). The > Department is the oldest of its kind in Germany and currently hosts > 7 Principal Investigators, 7 Postdocs and 15 PhD students. It offers > a stimulating international environment and an excellent research > infrastructure with access to state-of-the-art methodologies. The > working language of the Department is English. The student will also > have the opportunity to spend some time at the University of Bath > (https://ift.tt/2NSk33W) in the United > Kingdom. The project and the supervision will provide the student with an > integrative training and will prepare him/her very well for a scientific > career in behavioural ecology. > > The studentship (E13/65%) is funded by the German Science Foundation > (DFG) and is available for 3 years. Additional funding is available > for fieldwork and for attending conferences. Please send your CV, the > name of 2 referees, and a concise statement of your research interests > as a single PDF file to: [email protected].  For further > information concerning this position, please contact Oliver Krüger > ([email protected]) or Tamás Székely ([email protected]). > > Bielefeld University is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome > applications from severely handicapped people. We particularly welcome > applications from women. Given equal suitability, qualifications > and professional achievement, women will be given preference, unless > particular circumstances pertaining to a male applicant predominate. > > The deadline for applications is 30.09.2019. > > Interviews will be held soon thereafter and the position is available > as soon as possible. > > Prof. Joseph Hoffman Department of Animal Behaviour University of > Bielefeld Postfach 100131 33501 Bielefeld Germany +49 (0)521 1062711 > https://ift.tt/2MVcMkg > > Joe Hoffman > via IFTTT
0 notes
cristinajourdanqp · 6 years
How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout?
Winter is here. It’s cold outside—often cold and snowy and/or rainy enough to dissuade most people from extensive outdoor activities—and extremely warm indoors. Families are getting together, companies are throwing holiday parties, we’re eating, drinking and merry-making. Alcohol is everywhere, and many of us will be drinking more than we usually do. In fact, this time of year presides over a sharp spike in alcohol consumption.
What’s it mean for your workout?
After looking at the research, at first glance, I’m going to be honest with you: It doesn’t sound good.
But it’s also not the end of the world.
The Bad News: Alcohol’s Impact On Exercise Alcohol Dehydrates You
Alcohol is one of the worst diuretics, impairing the body’s ability to reabsorb water and increasing the amount we urinate.
Going into a workout with suboptimal hydration levels is a serious handicap.
It increases your cortisol:testosterone ratio after a session, reducing your gains and making the workout more stressful than it should be. A big part of the “workout afterglow” is the rush of testosterone; with that effect blunted and stress heightened, you’ll miss out on the sense of well-being a good workout provides.
It reduces performance during a cycling time trial, making the workout feel harder and increasing the amount of glycogen you burn.  The same thing happens when you lift; dehydration reduces performance, impairs heart rate recovery, decreases the number of reps, and makes the lifts feel harder than normal.
Dehydration also increases injury risk. Your tendons, ligaments, and other bits of connective tissue require optimal hydration to stay supple and strong. Demand too much from a dehydrated Achilles’ tendon and you may regret it.
These things are likely to happen if you fail to rehydrate after drinking and before you train. They are avoidable, provided you rehydrate with some water, salt and lime.
Alcohol Can Impair Your Body Control
Postural control degrades rapidly under the influence of alcohol. Even low-dose alcohol has an immediately negative effect on your ability to control your body through space and time. This has major ramifications for training, particularly full-body, compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, or complex skill-based training. Just as driving after drinking is dangerous, so is lifting (even the day after in many cases).
Alcohol Can Be Bad For Sleep
Alcohol might “knock you out” at the end of the night, but it does not give a restful, restorative sleep.
Alcohol starts by inhibiting melatonin secretion. Yes, when you fall asleep after alcohol, it’s not because of your usual melatonin release. It’s because alcohol is a good old fashioned muscle relaxant and sedative. With alcohol, you’re “forcing the issue,” rather than allowing your circadian clock to gently lull you off to peaceful slumber. This inhibits the growth hormone release that normally follows melatonin-induced sleep onset, so you miss out on the muscle-building, fat-burning effects of a good GH session.
Then, once your body clears the alcohol, you get the “rebound effect”—which throws your sleep cycle into immediate disarray, waking you up, leaving you scrambled and confused, and further disrupting the muscle recovery process.
To top things off, the next day you’ll often feel trashed, hungover, and exhausted. If you were planning on getting in another workout, you’ll have a more difficult time convincing yourself after a night of drinking (and, given the previous point, a more difficult time performing certain workouts as safely).
Alcohol Can Potentiate Fat Storage
If you’re exercising as part of a larger strategy to lose body fat and improve body composition, alcohol can “affect your workout” by impairing fat oxidation. When you drink alcohol, it gets precedent over the other macronutrients. Fat, carb, and protein metabolism all take a back seat to alcohol metabolism. Too many carbs and fatty acids floating around your blood might cause problems in the long term, but ethanol is truly toxic—its removal gets top priority.
This is good for your acute health, but it also means that fat and carb oxidation are suppressed, and any food you consume alongside the alcohol is more likely to be stored as body fat.
The Big Picture: Choosing Wisely
So, never drink? No.
But be smart about it.
Don’t Drink and Then Train
Almost no one is doing this, except rats in studies and guys doing pushup competitions in the alley outside the bar at 2:15 A.M. All the studies indicate that you’ll lose power, strength, endurance, and performance while increasing your risk of injury and getting subpar training effects.
Don’t Drink Every Day
Especially don’t drink to excess every day. Chronic intakes of alcohol mean you’re never quite off the sauce, and studies in alcoholics indicate that chronic drinking does impair hormonal health and reduce muscle protein synthesis.
Keep It Moderate
When you binge on alcohol (1.5 g alcohol per kg of bodyweight or more, about 9 drinks), muscle protein synthesis and the hormonal cascade related to it are blunted for several days. When you drink smaller amounts of alcohol (under 1.5 grams per kg), testosterone actually goes up.
If You’re Going To Drink, Make Sure You’ve Already Worked Out
A hard workout before you drink alcohol improves your ability to metabolize that alcohol, reduces its negative effects, and gives a psychological boost (“I earned this glass of wine”) that improves the subjective experience of drinking. However, your strength may take longer to recover if you decide to drink after a workout, especially if you’re a man. Post-workout alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to affect women’s muscle performance recovery.
If Alcohol Ruins Your Sleep, Know It Will Limit Your Training Adaptation
Either avoid drinking—that’s what I did when I found alcohol had terrible effects on my sleep—or take a few steps to improve your alcohol clearance. Start and finish drinking earlier to give your body more time to clear it out before bed. Try some or all of the hangover prevention methods I outlined here. At the very least, drink water alongside alcohol and (before bed) take some supplemental melatonin and drink salty sparkling mineral water with the juice from a couple limes.
Alcohol has the potential to destroy your gains, impair your sleep, increase your risk of injury, and dehydrate you—but only if you overdo it. Figure out what “overdo it” means for you, and avoid stepping over that line.
How do you handle exercise and alcohol? Does alcohol hurt your training? Have you changed your drinking habits for the sake of training?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Yamamoto LM, et al. Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(3):816-24.
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. The effect of dehydration on muscle metabolism and time trial performance during prolonged cycling in males. Physiol Rep. 2015;3(8)
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. Increase in skeletal-muscle glycogenolysis and perceived exertion with progressive dehydration during cycling in hydrated men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013;23(3):220-9.
Kraft JA, Green JM, Bishop PA, Richardson MT, Neggers YH, Leeper JD. Impact of dehydration on a full body resistance exercise protocol. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;109(2):259-67.
Modig F, Patel M, Magnusson M, Fransson PA. Study I: effects of 0.06% and 0.10% blood alcohol concentration on human postural control. Gait Posture. 2012;35(3):410-8.
Kakarla P, Kesireddy S, Christiaan L. Exercise training with ageing protects against ethanol induced myocardial glutathione homeostasis. Free Radic Res. 2008;42(5):428-34.
Barnes MJ, Mündel T, Stannard SR. Acute alcohol consumption aggravates the decline in muscle performance following strenuous eccentric exercise. J Sci Med Sport. 2010;13(1):189-93.
Preedy VR, Paice A, Mantle D, Dhillon AS, Palmer TN, Peters TJ. Alcoholic myopathy: biochemical mechanisms. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2001;63(3):199-205.
The post How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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fishermariawo · 6 years
How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout?
Winter is here. It’s cold outside—often cold and snowy and/or rainy enough to dissuade most people from extensive outdoor activities—and extremely warm indoors. Families are getting together, companies are throwing holiday parties, we’re eating, drinking and merry-making. Alcohol is everywhere, and many of us will be drinking more than we usually do. In fact, this time of year presides over a sharp spike in alcohol consumption.
What’s it mean for your workout?
After looking at the research, at first glance, I’m going to be honest with you: It doesn’t sound good.
But it’s also not the end of the world.
The Bad News: Alcohol’s Impact On Exercise Alcohol Dehydrates You
Alcohol is one of the worst diuretics, impairing the body’s ability to reabsorb water and increasing the amount we urinate.
Going into a workout with suboptimal hydration levels is a serious handicap.
It increases your cortisol:testosterone ratio after a session, reducing your gains and making the workout more stressful than it should be. A big part of the “workout afterglow” is the rush of testosterone; with that effect blunted and stress heightened, you’ll miss out on the sense of well-being a good workout provides.
It reduces performance during a cycling time trial, making the workout feel harder and increasing the amount of glycogen you burn.  The same thing happens when you lift; dehydration reduces performance, impairs heart rate recovery, decreases the number of reps, and makes the lifts feel harder than normal.
Dehydration also increases injury risk. Your tendons, ligaments, and other bits of connective tissue require optimal hydration to stay supple and strong. Demand too much from a dehydrated Achilles’ tendon and you may regret it.
These things are likely to happen if you fail to rehydrate after drinking and before you train. They are avoidable, provided you rehydrate with some water, salt and lime.
Alcohol Can Impair Your Body Control
Postural control degrades rapidly under the influence of alcohol. Even low-dose alcohol has an immediately negative effect on your ability to control your body through space and time. This has major ramifications for training, particularly full-body, compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, or complex skill-based training. Just as driving after drinking is dangerous, so is lifting (even the day after in many cases).
Alcohol Can Be Bad For Sleep
Alcohol might “knock you out” at the end of the night, but it does not give a restful, restorative sleep.
Alcohol starts by inhibiting melatonin secretion. Yes, when you fall asleep after alcohol, it’s not because of your usual melatonin release. It’s because alcohol is a good old fashioned muscle relaxant and sedative. With alcohol, you’re “forcing the issue,” rather than allowing your circadian clock to gently lull you off to peaceful slumber. This inhibits the growth hormone release that normally follows melatonin-induced sleep onset, so you miss out on the muscle-building, fat-burning effects of a good GH session.
Then, once your body clears the alcohol, you get the “rebound effect”—which throws your sleep cycle into immediate disarray, waking you up, leaving you scrambled and confused, and further disrupting the muscle recovery process.
To top things off, the next day you’ll often feel trashed, hungover, and exhausted. If you were planning on getting in another workout, you’ll have a more difficult time convincing yourself after a night of drinking (and, given the previous point, a more difficult time performing certain workouts as safely).
Alcohol Can Potentiate Fat Storage
If you’re exercising as part of a larger strategy to lose body fat and improve body composition, alcohol can “affect your workout” by impairing fat oxidation. When you drink alcohol, it gets precedent over the other macronutrients. Fat, carb, and protein metabolism all take a back seat to alcohol metabolism. Too many carbs and fatty acids floating around your blood might cause problems in the long term, but ethanol is truly toxic—its removal gets top priority.
This is good for your acute health, but it also means that fat and carb oxidation are suppressed, and any food you consume alongside the alcohol is more likely to be stored as body fat.
The Big Picture: Choosing Wisely
So, never drink? No.
But be smart about it.
Don’t Drink and Then Train
Almost no one is doing this, except rats in studies and guys doing pushup competitions in the alley outside the bar at 2:15 A.M. All the studies indicate that you’ll lose power, strength, endurance, and performance while increasing your risk of injury and getting subpar training effects.
Don’t Drink Every Day
Especially don’t drink to excess every day. Chronic intakes of alcohol mean you’re never quite off the sauce, and studies in alcoholics indicate that chronic drinking does impair hormonal health and reduce muscle protein synthesis.
Keep It Moderate
When you binge on alcohol (1.5 g alcohol per kg of bodyweight or more, about 9 drinks), muscle protein synthesis and the hormonal cascade related to it are blunted for several days. When you drink smaller amounts of alcohol (under 1.5 grams per kg), testosterone actually goes up.
If You’re Going To Drink, Make Sure You’ve Already Worked Out
A hard workout before you drink alcohol improves your ability to metabolize that alcohol, reduces its negative effects, and gives a psychological boost (“I earned this glass of wine”) that improves the subjective experience of drinking. However, your strength may take longer to recover if you decide to drink after a workout, especially if you’re a man. Post-workout alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to affect women’s muscle performance recovery.
If Alcohol Ruins Your Sleep, Know It Will Limit Your Training Adaptation
Either avoid drinking—that’s what I did when I found alcohol had terrible effects on my sleep—or take a few steps to improve your alcohol clearance. Start and finish drinking earlier to give your body more time to clear it out before bed. Try some or all of the hangover prevention methods I outlined here. At the very least, drink water alongside alcohol and (before bed) take some supplemental melatonin and drink salty sparkling mineral water with the juice from a couple limes.
Alcohol has the potential to destroy your gains, impair your sleep, increase your risk of injury, and dehydrate you—but only if you overdo it. Figure out what “overdo it” means for you, and avoid stepping over that line.
How do you handle exercise and alcohol? Does alcohol hurt your training? Have you changed your drinking habits for the sake of training?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Yamamoto LM, et al. Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(3):816-24.
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. The effect of dehydration on muscle metabolism and time trial performance during prolonged cycling in males. Physiol Rep. 2015;3(8)
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. Increase in skeletal-muscle glycogenolysis and perceived exertion with progressive dehydration during cycling in hydrated men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013;23(3):220-9.
Kraft JA, Green JM, Bishop PA, Richardson MT, Neggers YH, Leeper JD. Impact of dehydration on a full body resistance exercise protocol. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;109(2):259-67.
Modig F, Patel M, Magnusson M, Fransson PA. Study I: effects of 0.06% and 0.10% blood alcohol concentration on human postural control. Gait Posture. 2012;35(3):410-8.
Kakarla P, Kesireddy S, Christiaan L. Exercise training with ageing protects against ethanol induced myocardial glutathione homeostasis. Free Radic Res. 2008;42(5):428-34.
Barnes MJ, Mündel T, Stannard SR. Acute alcohol consumption aggravates the decline in muscle performance following strenuous eccentric exercise. J Sci Med Sport. 2010;13(1):189-93.
Preedy VR, Paice A, Mantle D, Dhillon AS, Palmer TN, Peters TJ. Alcoholic myopathy: biochemical mechanisms. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2001;63(3):199-205.
The post How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
0 notes
jesseneufeld · 6 years
How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout?
Winter is here. It’s cold outside—often cold and snowy and/or rainy enough to dissuade most people from extensive outdoor activities—and extremely warm indoors. Families are getting together, companies are throwing holiday parties, we’re eating, drinking and merry-making. Alcohol is everywhere, and many of us will be drinking more than we usually do. In fact, this time of year presides over a sharp spike in alcohol consumption.
What’s it mean for your workout?
After looking at the research, at first glance, I’m going to be honest with you: It doesn’t sound good.
But it’s also not the end of the world.
The Bad News: Alcohol’s Impact On Exercise
Alcohol Dehydrates You
Alcohol is one of the worst diuretics, impairing the body’s ability to reabsorb water and increasing the amount we urinate.
Going into a workout with suboptimal hydration levels is a serious handicap.
It increases your cortisol:testosterone ratio after a session, reducing your gains and making the workout more stressful than it should be. A big part of the “workout afterglow” is the rush of testosterone; with that effect blunted and stress heightened, you’ll miss out on the sense of well-being a good workout provides.
It reduces performance during a cycling time trial, making the workout feel harder and increasing the amount of glycogen you burn.  The same thing happens when you lift; dehydration reduces performance, impairs heart rate recovery, decreases the number of reps, and makes the lifts feel harder than normal.
Dehydration also increases injury risk. Your tendons, ligaments, and other bits of connective tissue require optimal hydration to stay supple and strong. Demand too much from a dehydrated Achilles’ tendon and you may regret it.
These things are likely to happen if you fail to rehydrate after drinking and before you train. They are avoidable, provided you rehydrate with some water, salt and lime.
Alcohol Can Impair Your Body Control
Postural control degrades rapidly under the influence of alcohol. Even low-dose alcohol has an immediately negative effect on your ability to control your body through space and time. This has major ramifications for training, particularly full-body, compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, or complex skill-based training. Just as driving after drinking is dangerous, so is lifting (even the day after in many cases).
Alcohol Can Be Bad For Sleep
Alcohol might “knock you out” at the end of the night, but it does not give a restful, restorative sleep.
Alcohol starts by inhibiting melatonin secretion. Yes, when you fall asleep after alcohol, it’s not because of your usual melatonin release. It’s because alcohol is a good old fashioned muscle relaxant and sedative. With alcohol, you’re “forcing the issue,” rather than allowing your circadian clock to gently lull you off to peaceful slumber. This inhibits the growth hormone release that normally follows melatonin-induced sleep onset, so you miss out on the muscle-building, fat-burning effects of a good GH session.
Then, once your body clears the alcohol, you get the “rebound effect”—which throws your sleep cycle into immediate disarray, waking you up, leaving you scrambled and confused, and further disrupting the muscle recovery process.
To top things off, the next day you’ll often feel trashed, hungover, and exhausted. If you were planning on getting in another workout, you’ll have a more difficult time convincing yourself after a night of drinking (and, given the previous point, a more difficult time performing certain workouts as safely).
Alcohol Can Potentiate Fat Storage
If you’re exercising as part of a larger strategy to lose body fat and improve body composition, alcohol can “affect your workout” by impairing fat oxidation. When you drink alcohol, it gets precedent over the other macronutrients. Fat, carb, and protein metabolism all take a back seat to alcohol metabolism. Too many carbs and fatty acids floating around your blood might cause problems in the long term, but ethanol is truly toxic—its removal gets top priority.
This is good for your acute health, but it also means that fat and carb oxidation are suppressed, and any food you consume alongside the alcohol is more likely to be stored as body fat.
The Big Picture: Choosing Wisely
So, never drink? No.
But be smart about it.
Don’t Drink and Then Train
Almost no one is doing this, except rats in studies and guys doing pushup competitions in the alley outside the bar at 2:15 A.M. All the studies indicate that you’ll lose power, strength, endurance, and performance while increasing your risk of injury and getting subpar training effects.
Don’t Drink Every Day
Especially don’t drink to excess every day. Chronic intakes of alcohol mean you’re never quite off the sauce, and studies in alcoholics indicate that chronic drinking does impair hormonal health and reduce muscle protein synthesis.
Keep It Moderate
When you binge on alcohol (1.5 g alcohol per kg of bodyweight or more, about 9 drinks), muscle protein synthesis and the hormonal cascade related to it are blunted for several days. When you drink smaller amounts of alcohol (under 1.5 grams per kg), testosterone actually goes up.
If You’re Going To Drink, Make Sure You’ve Already Worked Out
A hard workout before you drink alcohol improves your ability to metabolize that alcohol, reduces its negative effects, and gives a psychological boost (“I earned this glass of wine”) that improves the subjective experience of drinking. However, your strength may take longer to recover if you decide to drink after a workout, especially if you’re a man. Post-workout alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to affect women’s muscle performance recovery.
If Alcohol Ruins Your Sleep, Know It Will Limit Your Training Adaptation
Either avoid drinking—that’s what I did when I found alcohol had terrible effects on my sleep—or take a few steps to improve your alcohol clearance. Start and finish drinking earlier to give your body more time to clear it out before bed. Try some or all of the hangover prevention methods I outlined here. At the very least, drink water alongside alcohol and (before bed) take some supplemental melatonin and drink salty sparkling mineral water with the juice from a couple limes.
Alcohol has the potential to destroy your gains, impair your sleep, increase your risk of injury, and dehydrate you—but only if you overdo it. Figure out what “overdo it” means for you, and avoid stepping over that line.
How do you handle exercise and alcohol? Does alcohol hurt your training? Have you changed your drinking habits for the sake of training?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
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Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Yamamoto LM, et al. Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(3):816-24.
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. The effect of dehydration on muscle metabolism and time trial performance during prolonged cycling in males. Physiol Rep. 2015;3(8)
Logan-sprenger HM, Heigenhauser GJ, Jones GL, Spriet LL. Increase in skeletal-muscle glycogenolysis and perceived exertion with progressive dehydration during cycling in hydrated men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013;23(3):220-9.
Kraft JA, Green JM, Bishop PA, Richardson MT, Neggers YH, Leeper JD. Impact of dehydration on a full body resistance exercise protocol. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;109(2):259-67.
Modig F, Patel M, Magnusson M, Fransson PA. Study I: effects of 0.06% and 0.10% blood alcohol concentration on human postural control. Gait Posture. 2012;35(3):410-8.
Kakarla P, Kesireddy S, Christiaan L. Exercise training with ageing protects against ethanol induced myocardial glutathione homeostasis. Free Radic Res. 2008;42(5):428-34.
Barnes MJ, Mündel T, Stannard SR. Acute alcohol consumption aggravates the decline in muscle performance following strenuous eccentric exercise. J Sci Med Sport. 2010;13(1):189-93.
Preedy VR, Paice A, Mantle D, Dhillon AS, Palmer TN, Peters TJ. Alcoholic myopathy: biochemical mechanisms. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2001;63(3):199-205.
The post How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout? published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
0 notes
cynthiamwashington · 6 years
How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout?
Winter is here. It’s cold outside—often cold and snowy and/or rainy enough to dissuade most people from extensive outdoor activities—and extremely warm indoors. Families are getting together, companies are throwing holiday parties, we’re eating, drinking and merry-making. Alcohol is everywhere, and many of us will be drinking more than we usually do. In fact, this time of year presides over a sharp spike in alcohol consumption.
What’s it mean for your workout?
After looking at the research, at first glance, I’m going to be honest with you: It doesn’t sound good.
But it’s also not the end of the world.
The Bad News: Alcohol’s Impact On Exercise
Alcohol Dehydrates You
Alcohol is one of the worst diuretics, impairing the body’s ability to reabsorb water and increasing the amount we urinate.
Going into a workout with suboptimal hydration levels is a serious handicap.
It increases your cortisol:testosterone ratio after a session, reducing your gains and making the workout more stressful than it should be. A big part of the “workout afterglow” is the rush of testosterone; with that effect blunted and stress heightened, you’ll miss out on the sense of well-being a good workout provides.
It reduces performance during a cycling time trial, making the workout feel harder and increasing the amount of glycogen you burn.  The same thing happens when you lift; dehydration reduces performance, impairs heart rate recovery, decreases the number of reps, and makes the lifts feel harder than normal.
Dehydration also increases injury risk. Your tendons, ligaments, and other bits of connective tissue require optimal hydration to stay supple and strong. Demand too much from a dehydrated Achilles’ tendon and you may regret it.
These things are likely to happen if you fail to rehydrate after drinking and before you train. They are avoidable, provided you rehydrate with some water, salt and lime.
Alcohol Can Impair Your Body Control
Postural control degrades rapidly under the influence of alcohol. Even low-dose alcohol has an immediately negative effect on your ability to control your body through space and time. This has major ramifications for training, particularly full-body, compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, or complex skill-based training. Just as driving after drinking is dangerous, so is lifting (even the day after in many cases).
Alcohol Can Be Bad For Sleep
Alcohol might “knock you out” at the end of the night, but it does not give a restful, restorative sleep.
Alcohol starts by inhibiting melatonin secretion. Yes, when you fall asleep after alcohol, it’s not because of your usual melatonin release. It’s because alcohol is a good old fashioned muscle relaxant and sedative. With alcohol, you’re “forcing the issue,” rather than allowing your circadian clock to gently lull you off to peaceful slumber. This inhibits the growth hormone release that normally follows melatonin-induced sleep onset, so you miss out on the muscle-building, fat-burning effects of a good GH session.
Then, once your body clears the alcohol, you get the “rebound effect”—which throws your sleep cycle into immediate disarray, waking you up, leaving you scrambled and confused, and further disrupting the muscle recovery process.
To top things off, the next day you’ll often feel trashed, hungover, and exhausted. If you were planning on getting in another workout, you’ll have a more difficult time convincing yourself after a night of drinking (and, given the previous point, a more difficult time performing certain workouts as safely).
Alcohol Can Potentiate Fat Storage
If you’re exercising as part of a larger strategy to lose body fat and improve body composition, alcohol can “affect your workout” by impairing fat oxidation. When you drink alcohol, it gets precedent over the other macronutrients. Fat, carb, and protein metabolism all take a back seat to alcohol metabolism. Too many carbs and fatty acids floating around your blood might cause problems in the long term, but ethanol is truly toxic—its removal gets top priority.
This is good for your acute health, but it also means that fat and carb oxidation are suppressed, and any food you consume alongside the alcohol is more likely to be stored as body fat.
The Big Picture: Choosing Wisely
So, never drink? No.
But be smart about it.
Don’t Drink and Then Train
Almost no one is doing this, except rats in studies and guys doing pushup competitions in the alley outside the bar at 2:15 A.M. All the studies indicate that you’ll lose power, strength, endurance, and performance while increasing your risk of injury and getting subpar training effects.
Don’t Drink Every Day
Especially don’t drink to excess every day. Chronic intakes of alcohol mean you’re never quite off the sauce, and studies in alcoholics indicate that chronic drinking does impair hormonal health and reduce muscle protein synthesis.
Keep It Moderate
When you binge on alcohol (1.5 g alcohol per kg of bodyweight or more, about 9 drinks), muscle protein synthesis and the hormonal cascade related to it are blunted for several days. When you drink smaller amounts of alcohol (under 1.5 grams per kg), testosterone actually goes up.
If You’re Going To Drink, Make Sure You’ve Already Worked Out
A hard workout before you drink alcohol improves your ability to metabolize that alcohol, reduces its negative effects, and gives a psychological boost (“I earned this glass of wine”) that improves the subjective experience of drinking. However, your strength may take longer to recover if you decide to drink after a workout, especially if you’re a man. Post-workout alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to affect women’s muscle performance recovery.
If Alcohol Ruins Your Sleep, Know It Will Limit Your Training Adaptation
Either avoid drinking—that’s what I did when I found alcohol had terrible effects on my sleep—or take a few steps to improve your alcohol clearance. Start and finish drinking earlier to give your body more time to clear it out before bed. Try some or all of the hangover prevention methods I outlined here. At the very least, drink water alongside alcohol and (before bed) take some supplemental melatonin and drink salty sparkling mineral water with the juice from a couple limes.
Alcohol has the potential to destroy your gains, impair your sleep, increase your risk of injury, and dehydrate you—but only if you overdo it. Figure out what “overdo it” means for you, and avoid stepping over that line.
How do you handle exercise and alcohol? Does alcohol hurt your training? Have you changed your drinking habits for the sake of training?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
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The post How Does Alcohol Affect a Workout? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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For a lengthy period, mental and emotional problems had been typically overlooked, and this provides transformed in recent years. A Secretariat, housed in UNICEF Headquarters in New York, is well staffed with secondments from civil culture, government and UNICEF-supported experts, and consultant advisors on strategy, governance, and dimension. One in three youthful people offers experienced physical, sexual, emotional or verbal misuse in a relationship,” stated Lawyer General Healey.
The intervention could only be applied within six towns due to limited human being and monetary resources. The UK financing will become dispersed over the following four years and will concentrate on ending on-line child sexual exploitation. Among Victorian ladies antique 15-44, assault against women is certainly the leading contributor to loss of life, impairment and ill-health.
This is normally characterised by the unequal distribution of value, power, resources and opportunity between men and ladies. Three panels concentrated on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), a subject that received very little interest in the history. A geometric mean of these site-level overview measures was determined for treatment and control sites respectively, and a ratio of these means was utilized to generate a stage estimation of the modified involvement impact.
Men's newly obtained skills to deal with hostility and clash may have allowed them to reduce the utilization of violence by offering them with methods for moderating emotional reactions. Continuous monitoring was also conducted by the research and involvement teams. The CRT design allowed the assessment of variations in gendered norms and behaviors and levels of IPV between intervention and control interests at follow-up, while managing for any distinctions in these actions at baseline.
Each purchase provides frontline women closer to implementing genuine solutions for our planet. The most latest U.T. Preventive Solutions Job Force review found inadequate proof to support routine IPV screening. Individuals not in a violent relationship may discuss info with a friend and therefore raise community understanding. Every day time, in every country - wealthy and poor - millions of kids are victims of violence in their homes, colleges, and towns.
Additionally, among these guys, there was also a lower prevalence of physical and/or sexual IPV perpetration, reduced purpose to use physical IPV and improved values that ladies can refuse sex, although the differences were not really statistically significant. With 189 member countries, personnel from more 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations http://www.emgraf.pl/, the World Loan provider Group is certainly a exclusive global collaboration: five institutions operating for lasting solutions that decrease poverty and build shared success in developing countries.
Zimmerman C, Hossain M, Kiss T, Mak J, Hoey L, Weneden T, Bhatti T, Christie G, Baillot L, Watts C: Asylum-Seeking Women, Violence & Health: Results from a Pilot Study in Scotland and Belgium. The WDVP Mission declaration reiterates the partnership factor of the function connected inexorably to the commitment to get rid of domestic violence and mistreatment.
The task began with a qualitative analysis on male violence within Roma interests in Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain, regarding more than 65 Roma females and 30 experts across these countries. The new Fund made to End Assault Against Kids will provide financial support to programs that speed up action. It is certainly recognised that changing normative behaviours around IPV is definitely not a speedy procedure and it is certainly feasible that this timeframe was too short to see a large impact.
Pronyk Evening, Hargreaves Junior, Kim JC, Morison LA, Phetla G, Watts C, Busza L, Porter JD: Effect of a structural involvement for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: a group randomised trial. On the basis of the study outcomes, national and comparative research reports plus a collection of political suggestions had been written and distributed among experts and policy-makers across Europe.
The U.T. Preventive Services Job Pressure discovered insufficient evidence to support IPV screening. Washington, July 12, 2016 (PAHO/WHO) - A new Global Relationship and finance, including the Pan American Health Corporation (PAHO) and partners, looks for to end violence against kids through seven interlinked strategies. State Coalition Against Household Assault : NCADV works from the premise that violence against women and children results from the mistreatment of power on all scales, from intimate associations to societal issues like sexism, racism, and homophobia.
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