full-of-skritt · 9 months
Alright so thinking about Speratus' warband! I've got names and the beginnings of thoughts.
Tiaddan Swordstorm is the leader pretty much, he's a Guardian of some flavor and very 'standard story protagonist hero' flavor. He was the one that eventually had to confront Speratus and tell him to leave.
Variala Stormeye is your classic sneaky sniper deadeye. She builds her own guns.
The twins Sylvian Stormsinger and Ascilianus Stormdancer are a druid and a berserker. Don't know much about them yet.
And finally (besides Speratus that is) there's Fulvious Spiritstorm who is a necromancer and was probably the closest to Speratus as the two most magically inclined members of the warband.
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full-of-skritt · 7 months
A-net needs to learn that introducing a character and then killing them off for an emotional impact doesn't work as well when it's all during the same storyline you can complete in less than a day. Because they do this constantly.
And it's like "oh, neat, I think I kinda like this character...aaaaaand they're dead. Well, huh..." Is not the reaction they're going for but we don't spend enough time with the character for it to be anything else.
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
Did you know that Casino Blitz counts as 3 separate events for the sake of dailies?
Rhys: "Where did you go?" Me: "Cabeebo Bip!" Rhys: "Cabeebo Bip?" Me: "CABEEBO BIP!" Rhys: "I will join you for Cabeebo Bip."
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
Today's project at work is going to be making the rest of Speratus' old warband.
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full-of-skritt · 6 years
Shadow Abyss dye dropped dramatically in price so I finally managed to nab it and Cixxe is now the proper shadow demon that she is in her heart.
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full-of-skritt · 6 years
I really really love the Pricklepatch Choya, and their background music is amazing.
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full-of-skritt · 6 years
Okay let’s see here...
Both Vitalis and Trouble are scared of heights.  Vitalis is mostly scared of jumping off them/not being on solid ground (so gliding and flying are nightmares to him, but he’s actually very skilled at climbing), while pretty much everything about heights scares Trouble (flying, gliding, the entire Heart of Maguuma jungle, and his Springer are all nightmares).
Saorlaith uses her much more muted and natural coloration as camoflage when she’s following a mark or preparing to snipe a target.
Kesk is scared of fire, hates the feel of sand/granulated filth of any sort, and is greatly uncomfortable with being too warm.
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full-of-skritt · 6 years
I'm making characters for every class specialization. Will they all be in game? No probably not. Half of them will probably only exist here on this blog. But I'm gonna mock em up in the in game character builder stuff just because!
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