#speratus rapidstorm
full-of-skritt · 9 months
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Figuring out Speratus' egg-head. He really is the bull terrier of Charr.
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the-cooler-sidestep · 9 months
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got dragged to an art party in Gw2 with @morgacht on a whim so I had to draw some of the handsome battlecats that I got to stand next to Look Cool with!
@drakeheart - Lifebinder Ranuk
@legionnaireintraining - Shaw Lostname
@full-of-skritt - Speratus Rapidstorm
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drakeheart · 9 months
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our initial lineup and some dancing silliness!
from left to right:
Speratus Rapidstorm (@full-of-skritt)
Yamato Demonhunter (might be wrong last name, and i missed their tumblr too... :c)
Lifebinder Ranuk (me!)
Shaw Lostname (@legionnaireintraining)
Varro Hawkpaw (@the-cooler-sidestep)
apologies if i mistagged anyone, i was struggling to keep things straight through all the chaotic chat scrolling. x)
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
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drawin some spicy of Speratus and Ranuk (who is one of @drakeheart's olmakhan) and now I have writing thoughts too so I might write some emotional spicy b/c Speratus the little tsundere-ass idiot that he is has Feelings
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
Alright so thinking about Speratus' warband! I've got names and the beginnings of thoughts.
Tiaddan Swordstorm is the leader pretty much, he's a Guardian of some flavor and very 'standard story protagonist hero' flavor. He was the one that eventually had to confront Speratus and tell him to leave.
Variala Stormeye is your classic sneaky sniper deadeye. She builds her own guns.
The twins Sylvian Stormsinger and Ascilianus Stormdancer are a druid and a berserker. Don't know much about them yet.
And finally (besides Speratus that is) there's Fulvious Spiritstorm who is a necromancer and was probably the closest to Speratus as the two most magically inclined members of the warband.
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
I wanna know (unsurprisingly) about Speratus! How'd he end up choosing the path of the elementalist? Did any of that aptitude show up early? Any elemental preferences? Dislikes?
"Oh I didn't choose this path," Speratus rumbles amusedly across the table. "It chose me. I sneezed fire as a cub and the Primus of my fahrar made sure I got put into lessons real quick. They also made no secrets that my sire was known to have elemental magic as well, being a shaman in Flame Legion..." he scowls briefly, scanning your face for a reaction before continuing.
"Doesn't mean I didn't do a bit of damage while I was learning though," he adds with the slightest crack of a smile. "Toddler with the elements at his paws is a dangerous thing."
"Personally I prefer lightning magic. Falls under the aeromancy umbrella." He gestures to a small stone hovering over his forehead, which upon closer inspection you can see crackles with tiny arcs of lightning. Then he leans back in his seat. "Can't stand using fire magic, even if it was what I first used. Feels bad. And back in the legions, growing up with the knowledge of who my sire was made me very aware of the judgement of other charr whenever they saw flames under my control. Back then I didn't use it because I didn't want it to ruin my future in the legions. Now I don't use it because it's hard to control. Much harder to subdue with, much easier to kill and maim with. Only one of those results is a temporary condition for your opponent. It's best to be judicious in combat. Not everything is solved with brute force and a sure kill."
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full-of-skritt · 2 months
4, 7, 19 and 33 for any warband you'd like!
4. What is the warband's specialization?
The Storm Warband, to which my elementalist Speratus belongs, specializes in dealing with infiltrators, sappers, and spies. This has not done Speratus any favors with his innate paranoia.
7. What's their motto, goal, or motivation?
Their goal/motivation is to root out corruption or sabotage within the charr ranks, especially from non-charr allies.
19. What's the overall social dynamic in the warband like? (chill and friendly, hard and hierarchical, like family, etc.)
They're very much a military unit and while there's a bit of familial undercurrent, there's also definitely a "we're a specialized and trained force and we need to work smoothly and effectively no matter what". So when Speratus started getting more unstable and paranoid, he was "weeded out" by the more serious members. Even though most of them were worried about him as a warband member, they were also worried just as much about the detriment of his unpredictability on their missions.
33. Bonus question: TRIVIA TIME!!!
All of the survival knowledge and camping info that Speratus knows, he learned from Ascilianus Stormdancer, one of "The Twins". The only member who spoke out against sending Speratus on leave was Fulvious Spiritstorm, the warband's resident necromancer and the only other strictly magical member of the group.
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full-of-skritt · 4 years
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Made a few postcards of my tempest, Speratus, and @tiefamat‘s ranger, Ranuk, having a...vacation...in Amnoon.
Speratus doesn’t know know how to relax and enjoy himself.
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full-of-skritt · 4 years
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More of my GW2 characters!
Vitalis Gravesinger (Charr Necromancer, kinda Blood Legion?)
Thierney (Sylvari Berserker, pirate, heard Mordremoth's call + went to specifically kick his ass)
Speratus Rapidstorm (ex-Ash Legion Charr Tempest, was forced into retirement from his warband)
Cole "Of Slaw" (Sylvari Soulbeast, was scouting Maguuma for the Pact when Mordremoth woke and almost went Mordrem)
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