#skullduggery island
In your opinion, what's the darkest thing in Poptropica?
Oh... wow. You know, some people might be surprised at some of the dark stuff that's happened/implied throughout the franchise. And from such an innocent looking world too :)
I guess I'll make a list of some stuff that stands out to me:
24 Carrot Island 
The 4 children were kidnapped and brainwashed by Dr. Hare probably for months.
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Astro-Knights Island 
Mordred almost died in a crash, and had to replace half of his body with robotics. 
Mordred kidnapped the princess because he wanted to marry her. And her parents most likely thought they were never going to see her again, since they had no way of going after her.
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Counterfeit Island 
It's implied that Black Widow was gonna torture the player in order to get answers. 
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Reality TV Island/Wild Safari Island 
Villains allowed to be on reality tv… and being treated as celebrities... WHAT.
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Skullduggery Island 
Captain Crawfish probably killed a lot of people. Cause… pirate.
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Steamworks Island 
The entire backstory of this island: the people were doing experiments on plants, when the plants mutated and tried to kill them. The only way they could survive is by freezing themselves.
Captain Ziggs sacrificed himself to hold off the Plant Monsters. Mayor Crumb must be feeling pretty depressed now that she's free and forced to live without him.
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Red Dragon Island  
The Shogun being a pretty terrifying tyrant. 
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Shrink Ray Island  
POV: you're an elementary school student and your teacher's star pupil. You trust him, because he's a nice teacher. And then he goes crazy and kidnaps you.
Mr. Silva threatens to shrink CJ and the player to the point where they can't be seen by anyone, which is kinda dark honestly. 
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Blimp Adventure 
Dr. Cumulo Nimbus sets fire to the rain to all the islands. 
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Game Show Island  
Robots take over and enslave humanity. 
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Ghost Story Island  
A really depressing murder mystery/ weird love triangle story that involves several character's deaths.
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S.O.S Island  
The ship sinks and everyone inside almost dies. Also a child.
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Vampire's Curse Island  
Count Bram outlives his wife, and goes crazy. And he kidnaps a child due to insanity. 
Cactus von Garlic has killed many vampires. But not all vampires in Poptropica are evil (if Haunted House is any indication). 
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Twisted Thicket Island  
The forest creatures turning into stone. I'm not 100% sure if they're still alive in there or not...
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Poptropolis Games Island
The island sinks back into the ocean, with people still on it. Some of the ancient islanders are waterlogged (but still alive, for some reason).
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Lunar Colony Island (Book)
The PASE workers are oddly sociopathic to Glen John's situation, only caring about Glen helping them. Glen is 13 btw.
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Super Villain Island  
Zeus almost winning. He blew up the world for no reason. Also, there's something really scary about the way he blew up his own island.
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Zomberry Island  
Zombie apocalypse. 
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Virus Hunter Island  
A pandemic almost happened. 
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Monster Carnival Island 
Ringmaster Raven's backstory: Pretty messed up. 
Edgar is an orphan who ran away and joined the carnival. He put a lot of trust in the Ringmaster and seemed pretty happy… and then the Ringmaster hypnotizes him and uses him for his scheme. Pretty messed up. 
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Survival Island 
Myron Van Buren. Enough said.
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Mission Atlantis Island 
The alien was trapped underwater for years and died.
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PoptropiCon Island  
Omegon taking over the convention center, and turning the people into Hench-Bots.
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Arabian Nights Island 
Scheherazade attempted to steal the player's soul… what the heck.
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Graphic Novels
The kids almost died… several times. (A Saber tooth tiger and polar bear almost maul them, they almost fall to their deaths, they almost freeze to death, they are almost stabbed to death by Lieutenant Rogers, they almost got erased from history on the Ancient Egypt Island, they almost burned alive in a volcano eruption, etc)
The ancient Egyptians are erased from one timeline, and a bunch of people on earth died... and it's unknown if they were brought back, or what.
When Spencer Albright is murdered, Jonas is so overcome with grief that he completely loses it and becomes murderous like Octavian. Jonas is 18-20 btw.
The backstories for the main characters (Octavian is forced to let Paulla die, Mya's mom abruptly dies and she goes through depression, Oliver’s dad walks out on the family).
Octavian's fate at the end is this: he accidentally jumped through the portal before the universe he wanted to go to fully formed. Because of this, he jumped into the in-between point of universes, and was split into an infinite amount of versions of himself. Sounds complicated, but is incredibly messed up.
Mya was seriously considering leaving her own timeline, even though she would be leaving her family and friends behind. Whether or not she knew this is unknown, but if she did... kinda messed up.
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And… that's it. No more dark things that stick out to me after that. Probably because after this, they fired the writer who was responsible for most of the dark undertones in the franchise. OOPS!!! >:(
I think the darkest stuff comes from Monster Carnival, Survival, and the graphic novels.
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redshamrock56 · 6 months
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"So, yer the new pirate on these here seas?"
Purple Shadow encountered Crawfish a couple of times before she found the treasure.
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emerald194 · 1 year
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This is what I remember from Skullduggery
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oddydot · 2 years
I remember when I was a kid Skullduggery Island aways intimidated me because the trailer made it look really hard and it had a three skull difficulty rating but playing it today it was mostly just really boring and tedious. That being said I still really enjoyed the setting and thought the puzzles to get the map pieces were fun
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pawptropica · 2 years
Captain Crawfish!
Captain Crawfish is a gray tabby Siberian cat!
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screw it. skullduggery playlist
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exist101 · 2 years
The Skullduggery Crew!
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Kay, Bronze, and Juniper!
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cacaocheri · 9 months
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I cannot be the only person who accidentally conditioned myself to associate certain songs with certain games because I paired the same stimulus so many times they're now inseparable
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snoopypliot · 3 months
Who would you like to see if you guys could pick different villains to be in super villain island?
i know there are some villains that came out after super villain island that i would like to see again
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ask-nervous-heart · 2 years
Last ask from me, I swear, But..
I've heard rumors of a monster in the seas of skullduggery island.
Any clue to what that is?
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Talk like a pirate!
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lavenderevezzz · 2 years
me going on the dark web to access the og poptropica islands-
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stellarskull · 8 months
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my 10+ year old poptropica avatar
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fungus-no69 · 4 months
Tf ideas idk
Get points by rummaging around in bins, eating and stealing at night and climbing things
Gives a tail, ears, optional eye markings and (if body hair is enabled), puffy fluff on arms and legs
Lets you hiss, spit and scratch in combat
Annoy your neighbour and be a menace!! Throw trash everywhere, yowl, wash your food, throw more trash!
This tf is just shenanigans in general ngl
Would include lines about how the pc smells like wet dog or that their eyebags are... er.......... very big today.................
Gives you a dance bonus because raccoons use their tails to balance better
I have no clue how much this tf would do but its funny to me
Get points by staying underwater after you can’t breathe, grabbing shit from the smuggler’s cave and swimming in the deep sea
You get gills, slitted eyes, webbed hands and fins
Allows you to sing, similar to the harpy in some way but yours is more luring people in than communication ig?
Speaking of which you can lure people into the sea! You can (extended beep stock sound effect) them or rob them your choice
Maxes out your swimming stat for as long as you have the tf and also lets you breathe underwater for an unlimited amount of time
Freak out Mason by staying underwater for too long!
Also freak out Robin if you have a pond by laying face down!
Adds a lot of allure bc. Siren yk…
Are you a good or bad omen? Who knows!
You can get to the island after being there once via. swimming. However travelling will take upwards of 3 days depending on the amount of encounters you can get out of
Your skin is weirdly slimy ngl and extremely hot weather (>40 celcius) can dry you out causing + Stress for every continuous hour in the sun
Sirens are cool, i know theyre birds n shit as well but i personally prefer the fish version because i like fish more
You can give your pelt to your/one of your love interests!
Another tf with the ability to max swimming but no permanent breathing this time
Be warmer than normal!!! Blubber!!! Cold water reduces stress
More allure because in their human form, selkies are always referred to as being attractive
You can detect movements in the water, this means you can avoid encounters (may initiate a skullduggery check if you're already noticed)
Naps and sleep are more effective, doubled in cold conditions
Constant clothing (your fur), never be naked again! (unless you want to be)
More bite power
Interactions/encounters where unnamed npcs will attempt to take your fur, causes a struggle encounter where you can defeat the npc or, if overwhelmed by pain, another npc will save you
You get flippers, markings along arms and back (not visible), black eyes and (optional) whiskers
i really like seals
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I'm so mad about how much Poptropica has changed.
1st they get rid of all the good islands: wimpy kid, spy island, peanuts island, super power island, cryptids, etc. and they removed ep.5 of survival island (literally the final island! WTF!)
Plus, I still had a bunch of islands I didn't complete, mostly skullduggery island, poptropulus games island and reality TV island (the latter two as they relied on luck and skill)
2nd they made the hard islands easy, like literally. In mythology you no longer have to do the god/goddess quiz in order to get Aphrodite's teleporting mirror, Hercules is outside the restaurant and you no longer have to cross the river of Styx. It made me so mad because I struggled with this island, but it is still one of my favorite islands and it ties into Supervillain island (the one where you enter the dreams of all the past villains to get key items. So much fun!). Anyways, the point is I finished the island in less than hour (30 min tops) when it usually would have taken me much longer. The most annoying past is that it's still marked as level 3 difficulty when it should be 2.
3rd all the new islands they make are rubbish, absolute rubbish. Fairy tale island is dumb, jade scarab island was ok, but still could've been better.
4th they changed the menu and customization, you used to do be able to make your own character, choosing their hair color, skin tone, mouth, and name (I still have my og name on my first account, but still the fact you can't make your own name now is so sad). Anyways, the menu and character profile was so much fun, choosing your team (I was fighting squids. I think that was the name) and the little quizzes they had (like, when was the last time you got sick and what pet you had) made all the more interesting to have friends. Omg, you used to be able to have friends! Totally forgot about that!
Anyways, the most annoying thing they got rid of (mainly cause they removed the islands) was having a little icon thing in the character profile where you could see all your medallions that showed what island you had completed. I don't how to tell you how satisfying it was to see almost a full array of gold (except for the islands I never completed) and that was my favorite thing. *Sigh* if only I had taken a photo, but I was young and dumb then (barely a teenager) so I didn't think about taking a photo.
Anyways, the point is, Poptropica sucks now and it needs to bring back the good islands.
Tag or comment your favorite islands.
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jesterhat · 3 months
honestly we should have known capitalism was not for me when i had to google how to beat skullduggery island poptropica bc i could not figure out economics
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