#kay and bronze are an item
exist101 · 2 years
The Skullduggery Crew!
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Kay, Bronze, and Juniper!
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random-ykw-facts · 2 years
Fact #3
Did you know that in Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3, you can occasionally find a Y-Cola can you can kick around? If you kick the can into the trash can, your player character and their Yo-kai companions (Jibanyan and Whisper as Nate or Katie, and Usapyon as Hailey, of course) will celebrate, and you'll be rewarded an item - usually a Bronze Doll or something similar!
Additionally, the Medallium entry for Dame Dredful in Yo-kai Watch 2 states she likes to take the form of tin cans at times; funnily enough, in Yo-kai Watch 2 (unsure on in 3), sometimes when you kick the can, you'll hear a grunt, which can be assumed to be Dame Dredful in the form of the can.
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magicalbluebirdpoetry · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MARY KAY Signature Bronzing Lip Gloss Duo (FLARE/COPPER ) DISCONTINUED.
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knuts-n-bolts · 10 months
Knuts and Bolts - Item of the Hour: David Kay Metal Table top fairy - From: david kay - Now Only: $95
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 years
Paracosm Page | Phantasmagoria Masterlist | Previous Lore Post
UNMO — The most common / popular branch. There is a very big emphasis / focus on 'Yin & Yang': opposite domains paired together (ex: day & night). The main gods they worship are Sola & Nynx.
ORPHICEAN — The most lax branch. It focuses on all the Gods, in instances where their domain is relevant. For example, if there was a storm, offerings would be made to Zerlo; when going to the beach, one would pray to Alcus; etc.
TISPA — Focuses on how Time & Space affect us, therefore, Elliott & Toby are the only ones worshiped. Worshipers will either frequent the planetarium where the gods reside as a church while those further away will set up an altar for the two, with items including but not limited to: an hourglass or clock, a star map, symbol of their zodiac, symbol of their childhood, the colors bronze & navy blue.
CULT OF RAPTURE — A cult that worships The Four Horsemen, four deities prophesied to cause the apocalypse one day.
OVIRUE — They solely worship The Sheppard from Puria Mythos. As such, the primary practitioners are Puria.
Gods in Phantasmagoria are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy.
Elythia (el•ith•ia) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Toby — god of time. also referred to as Father Time.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
The Sheppard — Often 'credited' with the creation of Deapreas, she is a very prominent figure in Puria / Demon Culture. She is often depicted as a female with white hair, black goat-like horns, and red eyes (if not covered by a hood or hair). Young children are often given gifts resembling her, as she's most commonly seen as a protector.
The Bard — A singer said to document the travels of Captain Theodore Montgomery.
Theodore Cornelius Roosevelt Montgomery III — His name is often shortened to Captain Theodore Montgomery. A pirate said to come from the Kai Tou clan, his myths / stories often include his various lovers, the most notable of which being the Kraken.
COROTA — The one said to set off Rapture Day, uniting the 4 horsemen & causing the apocalypse.
The Horsemen — The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Pestilence / Conquest, Famine, Death. The 4 of them are said to bring on the apocalypse & overtake the other gods.
Sins — The 7 Sins that will act as minor deities once the Horsemen take over.
Virtues — The 7 Virtues that act as minor deities once the Horsemen take over. They counteract the Sins & are the only hope of ending the apocalypse.
An Emrit is an animal Spirit that was created by the goddess Elythia. Their job / 'purpose' is to protect a specific Zaryis — really anyone that has a Soul. Most are only a passive presence in someone's life, only uniting with them when they enter The Beyond. Other Emrits are 'Awakened' during times of need. It's up to the Emrit on how involved they wish to be in someone's life.
A Guardian of Elysium (Guardian for short) is someone who has fused with their Emrit.
Due to fusing with a Spirit, they can only live in The Beyond.
They cannot die, but do have the option of transferring all their 'energy' / power / Soul, basically(?) to someone else, who will then take on their Guardian role.
Guardians names come from Greek Mythology (any mythos really but greek is most common bc. i was a percy jackson fan lmao). The first 12 Guardians were called The Olympians, as they were all named after the original 12 Olympians from Greek Mythos (Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon, Aries, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus, Demeter, Hestia / Dionysus).
Something bad happens when fusing with your Emrit fails but long story short: you get cursed!
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robobirdie · 4 years
Chapter five: Allies for Ninja
Shortly after they agreed something came down the stairs; something small with either really sharp claws or metal footwear. To the ninjas surprise and confusion a robotic raven came hopping down the stairs and it strolled unconcerned over to the hyenoids and looked up at them. The raven had glowing golden eyes and largely looked like a normal raven though its claws and beak were clearly metal, the skin on the ankle between the scaly feet and feathery looking skin of the leg was metal and the wings showed its robotic makings. The metal of the exposed metal parts of its anatomy was a golden bronze color.
“Raven you are to help the Ninja. If they need anything or want to know something you will give it to them. You are going to help them find how to defeat Dagon and the Necromancers now you will take orders from them,” Rayyaima explained to the Raven.
“Yes Ma’am,” the Raven responded without opening its beak bowing to Rayyaima. It had a slightly metallic voice.
“Ma’am? Wait that’s a GIRL!” Jay blurted out pointing at Rayyaima surprised at this new information drawing everyone’s attention.
“What is wrong with that?” Rayyaima asked confused at the question.
“Nothing you just don’t look or sound like a girl,” Jay stated.
“True. All Hyenoids are created as male by default but I was later programmed to be female. Sure my body and voice were not changed to reflect this but seeing as we are based off hyenas then it is actually very fitting that I should have a males body if you know what I am talking about,” Rayyaima boasted making everyone rather uncomfortable till she continued, “now this raven belongs to the Dragon Guard. He is a creation of the last Scimitar folk like the Dragon of Ice is. He will help you with whatever you need. We have programmed him with a voice so he can talk to you and he should be able to connect to technology in both your and our worlds. You can simply address him as raven though for some reason he also responds to Poe, one of the Dragon Guard apparently kept calling him that and added it too his programming. I do not get what it means. Anyway why do you not try him out? Call him over, ask for something?”
At first no one was sure what to do. Kai was the first to say something saying to the raven, “so is it going to follow us or do we have to follow it.” The Raven strolled up with the weird bobbing walk of a raven to Kai, looked up at him and responded, “I follow you. Unless you want me to lead but I am not designed to lead. I am a helper I am better at following.”
“Now I would recommend you get out of here before anyone returns. Do not worry it will be a while before the guards will know you are gone. Let us just say they decided to take a nap. Boys you know what to do.” As if pleased with themselves the hyenoids began giving of a quite metallic hyena like giggling noise.
“Oops who let them have this cutlery that could unlock their braces,” Razak stated taking some forks out of a compartment in his chest and throwing them on the floor of the cell while Ed put his one hand by his forehead and seconds later a minor explosion could be heard before the one wall of the cell collapsed to reveal a tunnel behind it.
“That will take you to the sewers where you can find your way out. You will need this map to find your way out and we will give you something else, a very special scroll. I highly recommend however that you do not use this scroll until you need to and only when you are in a safe place,” Rayyaima stated as Razak gave Lloyd a rolled up paper and she gave some sort of scroll to Zane before telling him to not open it or use it unless they have to and to ask the Raven about it first before using it. It was a very dangerous but powerful item they felt the ninja should have.
“Now if I were you get going. Once they find that you are gone the necromancers will come looking for you,” Rayyaima told them.
“What about our…” Jay began but as if knowing what he was going to ask Razak cut him off, “you will get them back do not worry. We also have some special things for you to help you in our world. We want you to be prepared for what is to come after all.” With this conformation they headed into the tunnel and the raven followed.
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“Dagon had been banished to the void, a place said to be outside time and existence, by the Dragon Master, the creator of our world what is commonly called the Lost Realm, long before ancient times using a highly powerful but dangerous item called a Piece of Creation. These items come in various forms but the most common are called ‘Ancestor Scrolls’,” the raven explained from where he perched on Zane’s arm. As the ninja were heading through the sewers they were imploring the knowledge the raven had of this world to understand what they were up against. They were using glow sticks they had found in an oddly placed chest by the tunnels entrance to light their way in the dark sewers. It was clear the hyenoids had wanted them to escape.
“The Dragon Guard attempted to stop the necromancers but were lured into a trap where a ceremony was performed that freed him. Those two in the cells used an Ancestor Scroll to try and remove Dagon and the necromancers from our world. They did not understand how the items work or the consequences of their use however. These Ancestor scrolls are a type of bizarre ancient and highly powerful artefacts said to have been created from the energy that created our world, possibly all of existence. Those two had been told not to mess with things they do not understand but they let fear get the better of them,” the raven explained.
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“What are these pieces of creation?” Cole asked the raven. 
“These pieces of creation are any of a multitude of strange artefacts often scrolls though they have been documented in taking the form of articles of clothes, what appear like bones, fossils, weapons, shields or even mundane everyday items decorative trinkets and even children’s toys. No one is sure if they have a true form or if they can in some way change forms. As their name suggests they are believed to be physical manifestations of the energies of creation and destruction from the beginning of all things. Very little is known of them as it is very difficult to study or work with them. The exact numbers and manifestations of them is poorly known as they seem to exist yet not exist at the same time nor always bear the same form and as they are from outside time and space believed to be from the void the existence outside the realms they are unimaginably dangerous. What is well known is these pieces of creation are tremendously powerful. They can reveal hidden knowledge and alter reality but as a sort of balancing act they demand a price; the greater the demand you want the higher the cost. Blindness, loss of senses, missing body parts, destruction of health and even death are just some of the things these items demand. Only certain folk can use them without ill effect, though anything, no matter who or what you are, dealing with death or life will result in death. For example should you want someone dead it will take a close loved one as well and should you want someone brought back to life then you will die so they live,” the raven explained, “only the Dragon Guard and others like them, the elemental masters which are called Dragons in our world are largely immune from most effects instead the items feed off their powers temporarily draining their energy and they will be unable to use their powers for a few hours. It will kill them however if they try to use them for anything serious or to work with death; only the dragons and Oni which are also sometimes called daedra in some parts of our world seem to be able to use them without too much ill effect, except for dealing with life or death of course. Nothing is immune from that effect. Most of these items are held in a secret vault where most cannot find them that way they do not fall into the wrong hands it is unknown how those folk got a hold of one.” They came to a stop at a junction and gathered around the map Razak had given Lloyd to figure out where they were headed.
“So is every person in your world animal people?” Jay asked still a little confused about where these strange yet somehow familiar folk came from. Since they had left the dungeons the ninja had been asking the raven questions and it eagerly was giving answers. It originally had been walking beside them but seemed to have been drawn to Zane where it came to perch on his arm where it did not want to leave. Zane was okay with this; the raven reminded him of his falcon.
“The folk are human like you. Their bestial looks are commonly believed to be some sort of blessing or more commonly believed a curse created by the Dragon Master. Some think this was to force the people to see they are equal with the world around them not superior to it while others are unsure of the reason suggesting it might be a punishment for something. If it was to make the people see they are equal to everything in the world I do not think it has really worked,” the raven explained, “other than their appearance the people share nothing else with the animals they resemble. Cat-folk cannot land on their feet all the time, hyena folk cannot chew through bones or laugh at everything and ungulate folk are not hypnotized by head lights or angered by the color red. None of them can see in the dark or can understand animals. Barks and meows are just noises to them nothing more. They can see colors like you and they share the same tastes, their hearing and smell is a bit better than yours but their sense of feeling is just like yours. They’re fur however makes them more resistant to the cold than other humanoids, they can safely eat raw meat, they tend to have notable canines compared to other humanoids and have better balance and agility thanks to their beastial tales but not much else is different.” While they were talking Zane began to get the sense that something was following them. A slight sound of metal clicking seemed to be getting louder and headed towards them. When they looked behind them they could see two mismatched eyes headed towards them.
“We are not alone down here,” Pixal proclaimed noticing the figure coming towards them.
“We were tricked!” Kai exclaimed as he, Cole, Nya and Jay got ready for a fight. As the eyes got closer they saw the hyenoid Ed approaching them dragging a cart behind him and giving off a quite hyena whining noise and holding his head low.
“No I think this is something else,” Lloyd stated motioning for the others to hold back. Likely due to now sharing programming Ed came up to Zane and Pixal and seemed to be trying to communicate with them. His teeth bared, head low and ears back mimicking a fearful hyena. Possibly thanks to the drives the hyenoids gave them Zane suddenly found he was able to understand Ed some more. What sounded like a mix of hyena noises and robotic gibberish was some sort of language. In a translated form Ed was saying, “Ed bring ninja weapons and their talkies things. Ed obey superiors, Ed your subordinate, please no break Ed, I do as you say. Ed good boy, he good obedient boy.” It was clear Ed might have more than just his processor damaged. Parts of his data on communication and vocabulary might also have been damaged or corrupted by the necromancers tinkering.
“He says this is our stuff,” Zane explained as Ed bowed to them and backed away leaving them the cart. The ninja approached the cart and slowly picked back up their items which the necromancer had taken from them looking each over for possible tampering which might reveal they were being tracked by something. Everything seemed fine. There was also a small leather bound journal mixed in with the items which had a note on it that read, “Must take and read. It will help you.” The book contained notes and rules for this foreign realm for them to read so they could better work with folk from there. Knowing this would prove useful they took it.
“Well now that we’re all equipped we should get going,” Kai stated.
After navigating their way through the sewers they came to the surface through a grate close to the edge of the city. The city still seemed unaware of what was conspiring at the docks. A few of the citizens were happy to see the ninja but most kept going business as usual. By their reactions it was clear the people here had not seen the beast-folk so it was likely the necromancers were yet to reach this area of the city. To lower the risk of being found by the necromancers they hid in an alley to think of their next move.
“It won’t be long till the necromancers are terrorizing this place, these people don’t stand a chance,” Cole stated looking at the city.
“So Raven what should we do now. How can we stop these necromancers and Dagon?” Lloyd asked.
“We might want to rendezvous somewhere safer first. Our absence will likely have been noted by now so the further we are from the city the better,” Zane deduced and the raven seemed to agree with him and it responded with, “indeed. The hyenoids told me a few minutes ago that they have sent corpse birds out to search for you.”
“Corpse birds?” Nya puzzled while Jay added, “that does not sound pleasant.”
“Corpse birds are un-dead variants of the racers that can be found in the Lost Realms skies, the necromancers created them and use them as aerial spies and scouts,” the raven proclaimed.
“Racers: large leathery winged bird like reptilian creatures with serrated bills used for ripping up flesh and catching prey. They possess a long bony tail which is tipped with a stinger to inject hallucinatory venom to weaken their victims defences. Known to be quite aggressive, tenacious, cunning and very dangerous especially when hunting in packs. Because of this fact groups of Racers are called murders. That is the creature from my visions!” Zane explained suddenly finding himself drawing on the data from the drive without thinking about it. Thanks to this drive he could visualize the creatures perfectly in his mind without ever having seen them. He was starting to like what the hyenoids did to him. Of all the enemies they had ever faced these ones had been the nicest to him at least it seemed they had.
“That does not sound pleasant,” Cole exclaimed. Just as Cole finished speaking terrified screams coming from the streets drew everyone’s attention and they looked out to see two large terrifying gaunt winged creatures who looked to be half decayed fly into the area. These were the corpse birds. They came to land on the street, one of them onto a parked car landing with such force it crushed the cars roof. They began knocking things over pushing anyone who got too close or that they found to the ground and flipping cars like they were coins, showing off an unnatural strength, as they crawled about on all fours with their wings folded up. They seemed to be looking for something, probably them. After a few minutes after the creatures began searching what sounded like thunder caught everyone’s attention. The corpse birds looked up at the sky by the docks and they all watched as a reddish beam of energy shot up into the sky and began to turn it reddish with dark purple veins stretching out from a point by the docks.
“What was that!” Jay yelled while Cole stated, “That looks really bad.”
“Bad! Bad!” the Raven exclaimed flapping its wings and bouncing from foot to foot on Zanes arm.
“I don’t know but it does not look good,” Zane noted before the Raven cawed, “It has begun! The merging, the destruction, the void! Dagon has erupted a tear in the fabric of the realms a portal from here to where he came from!”
“That does not sound or look good,” Kai noted while Lloyd commented, “no it doesn’t. I things are much worse than we first thought.” They were all nervous and worried over what they were likely to be facing.
“We should go back to the monastery maybe by the time we get back Wu and Misako might be back and could help us,” Nya theorized.
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“Where is this energy coming from?” Clay wondered as he, Macy, Lance, Aaron, Axl, Ava and Robin worked and waited in the command center of the Fortrex trying to identify where a strange possibly dangerous energy was coming from. It had been shortly after sun down when the knights had been alerted by Merlok to something strange having suddenly appeared in a remote part of Knightonia. The knights had just been relaxing and enjoying their evening when they had been called to alert.
“Not sure, but we appear to be getting close,” Ava noted as she worked the computer.
“What exactly are we facing?” Macy inquired. The knights were all on edge unsure of what they could be dealing with.
“I have never seen anything like this. It feels like a tear in the fabric of reality,” Merlok proclaimed from the holographic projection of himself coming out of the round table that sat in the control room.
“A tear in reality? What does that mean?” Aaron wondered not liking the sound of it while Lance stated, “well waiting around is getting tiring I’m going to get some beauty rest call me when something comes up.”
“No you’re not; you’re going to stay here with the rest of us till we figure out what’s going on. We have to be prepared for whatever this could be,” Clay proclaimed before Merlok explained, “indeed whatever this is it is coming from an ancient and dark energy unlike anything I have ever felt before.” Aaron noted, “coming from an ancient wizard whose seen way more than we could ever think of then this is probably something very serious.”
“We’re getting close but I don’t see anything,” Robin noted as he looked through the Fortrexs exterior cameras on the ships computer.
“We’ll keep looking. We’ll just have to keep…” Macy began before they suddenly got the sensation of falling and they all began to get tumbled around in the Fortrex. The lights and computers went out before everything came to a stop.
“What was that?” Axl wondered and Aaron noted, “felt like a pretty wicked tumble, trust me I know from experience.” The knights slowly got up feeling discombobulated, stunned and confused to find the Fortrex was now largely upside down. It took them a few minutes to recover and start getting up.
“I think we may have found what we were looking for,” Ava noted using her tablet to turn the lights back on and Robin noted startled looking through his tablet, “I don’t think we’re in Knighton anymore.” He showed them the images he was getting from the Fortrexs exterior cameras. They were showing a strange Ash coated landscape of forests and grasslands dominated by various trees and large to giant strange mushrooms.
“Indeed, it seems we did more than find this tear we seem to have gone straight through it… why is everyone on the ceiling?” Merlok noted his hologram coming back on upside down from the knights view from the table which was now on the ceiling and Ava added, “it seems when we passed through this tear we must have fallen off a cliff and have come to land upside down in… where ever we are. The Fortrex has likely received some serious damages from the fall.”
“Well we should take a look outside and see if we can right the ship and maybe see if we can find anything about where we have ended up,” Clay declared.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Macy agreed. The knights made their way out of the ship leaving Ava and Robin inside with Merlok to try and determine the extent of the damages the ship had received. When they got outside they were confused, stunned and suddenly aware of something dark and unpleasant to the air. The ship was upside down having landed in a ditch at the base of a small cliff having pulled down a few trees and strange large shrooms with it. They couldn’t see anything on the top of the cliff to indicate what they had passed through to end up there.
“It stinks out here,” Axl noted as they looked around. The landscape was coated with strange plants and large fungi some of which had glowing parts. Strange leathery winged avian yet reptilian creatures were soaring above and seemed to have taken note of them starting to circle above them. The sky was dark, partially overcast and a slight red tinge haze was in the sky above. It was hard to tell what time of day it was but it looked to be evening possibly close to sunset. They guessed this by the darkness and the fact they could make out two moons starting to appear in the sky one smaller and grey white in color than the other which was a darker pale reddish and larger than the other but both hanging close to each other. In the distance to the east they could make out a mountain range partially obscured by a haze from in which a large active volcano was spewing ash its top a glow in the dim light. They appeared to be in a patchwork section of forests and ash coated grasslands. They could see no evidence of towns or occupation by any kind of people. The air was slightly unpleasant as the ash emitted hints of a sulphuric stench and the air had a warm smoky feel to it. The wind seemed to be slowly picking up starting to blow the ash around like sand. Along with these there was a strange unnerving dark and unpleasant feeling in the air the origins of which they couldn’t pinpoint but had them all on edge.
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“What is this place?” Clay wondered feeling oddly disturbed about the place as the knights stood together looking around wary for possible threats. Despite not seeing any they all got a strange unnerving feeling there was danger here.
“Don’t know but they have some pretty rad sized bugs,” Aaron noted as a wolf sized beetle came cautiously crawling towards him from under some debris. It stopped in front of him appearing to be looking them over.
“Gross, as if normal sized bugs are not nasty enough,” Lance expressed as they turned to look at the creature.
“It doesn’t seem too bad,” Axl noted as Aaron tried to call it closer to see if he could pet it.
“No don’t touch it, we know nothing about it. This creature could be dangerous,” Clay expressed as Aaron began to pet it. The creature didn’t seem bothered by the action and Aaron expressed while petting it, “it doesn’t seem dangerous.”
“Uh guys there’s more of them,” Macy noted spotting several more emerging from the ground and coming close to surround them. While Aaron wasn’t spooked by them the others were nervous.
“What do you think they’re after,” Axl wondered as the large insects got closer.
“They seem docile,” Clay noted and Macy added, “maybe they’re just curious. We might have accidently fallen on their home.”
“Hey stay back,” Lance proclaimed knocking one of the beetles which tried to climb on him away with his lance. The beetle landed on its back attempting to get up. Lances action caused the beetles to suddenly attack trying to latch onto the knights and pull them under the ground.
“Dude I don’t think you should have done that,” Aaron expressed getting up on his hover shield to escape getting bit by the beetle he had been petting. The knights attempted to fight the beetles off but they seemed un-bothered by their weapons. Any hits they made just bounced off the creatures hard shelled hides.
“Ava we’re going to need a Nexo download,” Clay commanded through their communicators as the creatures roughed them up.
“Sorry can’t do that the ships too damaged. Why what are you facing?” Ava inquired.
“Some very angry and large beetles,” Macy replied.
“They probably wouldn’t be angry if Lance hadn’t bothered them,” Axl noted to which Lance countered, “scuse me but I don’t want these things climbing on me.”
“Dudes it doesn’t matter what started the fight rate now, let’s just focus on stopping their attack before something goes wrong,” Aaron stated and both Macy and Clay agreed with him.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Ava stated as they continued to fight. While they struggled against the beetles one of the winged creatures dove down from the sky and crashed into Aaron pinning him to the ground by perching atop him its wings held out for balance. As he fought to get up the creature whipped its long tail to stab its tip through his armour into his side shocking him.
“Ow hey this winged thing can sting!” Aaron exclaimed as the creature pulled its tail stinger out.
“Get off our friend you strange winged lizard,” Clay stated driving the creature off Aaron with a blast of energy from his skills in magic. The creature was defiantly surprised by his action displaying aggressively at Clay hissing at him before flying off unbothered by the action leaving Aaron on the ground.
“Thanks,” Aaron expressed getting up and attempting to get back in the fight. He was quick however to note something felt odd distracting him.
“Is it just me or is it getting oddly hot here?” Aaron inquired starting to take parts of his armour off feeling overheated. More of the winged creatures began to dive down and attempt to attack them.
“It does feel rather hot here,” Macy agreed and Lance added, “the air is making my lungs hurt.”
“Ava we could really use some help,” Macy expressed as one of the winged creatures clamped its jaw on the handle of her mace and attempted to pry it from her hands. The creatures were overwhelming them.
“I’m trying but something is blocking the signal, I can’t find what though,” Ava explained. Clay had one of the beetles gripping his arm and he couldn’t get it off. He went to hit it with his sword but a sudden blast of energy hit the beetle in the back and it let go. Looking where the energy had come from he was surprised to see a group of strange folk come rushing over the closest dune to attack the beetles and winged reptiles. The folk were humanoid but with bestial features to their heads and hands and they had tails. All were wearing masks that covered their mouths and noses and a few had entire face masks. Two of the folk were using staffs to blast magical energy at the creatures. Five others came rushing at them to splash viles of a burning liquid at the creatures. Whatever it was irritated them and drove them away. The beetles headed underground while the winged reptiles flew off leaving the knights who were ruffed up and confused about everything around them.
“Are you okay? No one received a bite that broke skin?” one of the folks inquired as the strangers came up to them and began checking them all over.
“No they were just roughing us up,” Macy stated and Clay noted, “well one of those winged reptiles did stab Aaron with its tail.” They all looked at Aaron who was now in nothing but his underwear and helmet attacking a stump with his fists thinking it was a monster oblivious to everything around him his eyes having developed an almost strange glow to them.
“I think he’s lost it,” Lance expressed as they watched him.
“Don’t worry we can fix this,” one of the folk stated as two of the strangers walked over to restrain Aaron and the one stabbed what looked like a strange dart or needle into his side. Aaron then collapsed to sit on the ground a little dazed.
“What did you just do to him?” Clay inquired worried these strangers might not be there to help them.
“It’s just an anti-venom shot. It will keep him from dying however he’ll still be hallucinating along with some other nasty side effects for the next few hours but he’ll live. That creature that stung him has a toxic venom. Without an anti-shot he would have only 12 hours to live. We’ve never seen people like you before but I’m pretty sure the venom shot should work on your friend,” one of the folk explained and another stated handing full facial masks to each of them, “here you might want to put one of these on. An ash storm is brewing; if you’re not wearing these it could damage your lungs and senses.”
“Thank you for saving us, maybe you could help us we’re a bit lost? Where are we?” Clay inquired.
“This is the Ash Wastes in the Lost Realm,” the one folk explained. While they talked Aaron began trying to fight the two folk who were by him hallucinating that they were monsters while the two folk tried to restrain him.
“Lost realm?” Axl wondered confused and Clay postulated, “Realm? Do you mean we’re in another realm?”
“Are you not from the Lost Realm?” the one folk inquired.
“We’re from Knighton, we’ve never heard of this Lost Realm or that other realms even exist,” Macy explained and one of the folk stated, “Knighton never heard of it. I don’t know about other realms I thought they were just figments of mythology.”
“How did we get here?” Lance wondered and Clay stated, “that must have been what that energy disturbance we found was some portal between our world and this one. But how’d it get there and why was it there?”
“Wait if you’re from another realm… the Dragon Guard has fallen trying to stop the summoning of Dagon… portals to other realms just appearing…” one of the folks with the staffs began prompting one of his pals to ask, “What are you on about mate?”
“The Plane Meld, the Void Breech, the Ruination. Haven’t you ever heard of it? When the Dragons fall the boundaries between realms will fall as darkness consumes the land bringing the end of the world! Don’t you remember the old legends, the prophecy,” the folk began and his one pal noted, “yha I never cared for all that supernatural mumbo-jumbo stuff.”
“If he’s right though… you guys don’t have elemental powers do you?” the one inquired.
“Elemental powers? That would be cool,” Lance stated and Clay responded, “no, we’re knights. We do our jobs with hard work and skill. We do have Nexo powers. It is a form of magic but it’s not the same as elemental powers and we have to download them through our shields, mostly...”
“Not dragons, but you’re not from here. I think you should talk to the town council. If it’s true you’re from another realm than you need to talk to them. They have to be made aware of the dangers ahead,” the staffed folk expressed and his one pal noted, “I might not believe in that superstitious stuff but he’s right. If you’re from another realm and you had no control of getting here you could be the first victims of something bad.”
“That might be a good idea. We know nothing about where we have ended up and it will take some time to get the Fortrex up and running again,” Ava came through on their communicators and Robin added, “and that strange energy that brought us here seems to have disappeared so we might be stuck here until we can find it again.” The two had been listening in with Merlok and watching through the exterior cameras all that was going on.
“Okay we’ll come with you, but we’re not leaving our ship here,” Clay stated.
“You mean that thing you drove off the cliff?” the one folk asked.
“Yha we didn’t mean to do that. We had no clue we were going to end up in another realm. It just needs to be righted, possibly might need towing and it needs some repairs too,” Macy noted. The folk looked over their ship.
“We can help with that. A few Ash Walkers could move it with ease I bet. We’ll get them from the logging camp nearby and get you guys to town,” one of the folk stated and all his pals were in agreement.
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To find previous and later chapters look here: https://robobirdie.tumblr.com/archive
You can also find a copy of the story written here https://archiveofourown.org/works/34894561/chapters/86888878 and here https://www.wattpad.com/1087355671-ninjago-the-oni-scrolls-foreword-important-info You can also find images pertaining to the story here: https://www.deviantart.com/nerdy-hyena/gallery/72478681/story-project
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rnufharose · 5 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 1865
Trigger Warnings: Post Traumatic Stress, references to murder.
︻デ═一 ♥
"It makes no sense."
Sehun was standing in the middle of the lounge, the bright lights of Seoul illuminating the night sky through the wide window of the estate, offering a breathtaking view. He had returned from the service in Icheon, continuing to mull over the information he had received from the old ladies about the murder that had taken place.
"Why target an innocent girl and her grandmother? All I heard was praise from the townspeople," he explained to the older male up front, who hadn't turned his gaze away from the view.
He was shorter than the raven-headed male, his brown hair swept and parted, and he wore a red button-down underneath his black velvety jacket along with slacks, a gold necklace around his neck along with several rings on his fingers, a glass of scotch in his hand. He had a round face, soft cheeks, thick eyebrows, dark eyes that shone with wisdom and patience, and his thin lips were in a tight line.
"Even I'm not sure," he eventually faced Sehun, a frown on his visage. "Our enemy is ruthless. Until we find a connection between them, we can't come to any conclusions. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious."
He nodded in agreement, recalling when he witnessed the victim's granddaughter, her vibrancy sucked out of her due to the impromptu arrival of violence in her life. "Junmyeon hyung... what do we do about the girl?"
Before he could answer, Suho placed his glass on the table, pouring some more scotch before bringing the rim of the glass toward his lips, taking a slow sip, "That depends on you. If you want to leave her be, go right ahead. If not, well, you know what happens when you bring an innocent bystander into our world. If she runs away, you'll just have to live with it."
Sehun knew he had a point. Up until now, the girl had led a normal life, and she was now exposed to their world. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he brought her into it, however, he couldn't just leave her be.
He remembered how small she looked, closed off from the rest of the world as she suffered in silence, not once allowing a single tear to fall from her eyes. Sehun still wished he had approached her during the service.
"Don't worry, hyung," he assured Suho. "She won't run away... I'll keep her safe from whoever is trying to harm her. If her Halmeoni was a target, she's most likely one too."
The door creaked, a pair of hushed footsteps hitting the shiny mahogany floor. The third male approach Sehun and Suho, his light brown hair slicked with several messy strands brushing over his right temple and forehead. He had bronze skin and an alluring gaze, along with a tall nose and small full lips. He wore a black pinstriped suit with a lilac-colored button-down underneath, a deep purple ribbon tie pulling the look together.
"Kai!" Suho exclaimed, gesturing for him to come closer. "Gwenchana? Do you need anything?"
"I just came to tell you that another syndicate was spotted trying to take our imports," the second-youngest male spoke. "They'll be at the Han River again tomorrow."
"I see," the older male hummed, looking to his feet as he contemplated his next move. "I want you, Sehun-ah, and Chanyeol-ah to handle this situation tomorrow."
"If you insist," Sehun bowed for a moment, his hands tucked into the slacks of his warm taupe-colored suit. "After we handle our little mob war, I'll go back to protecting her."
︻デ═一 ♥
Haneul was meticulous, folding her clothes and placing them in her suitcase before moving onto her essential toiletries.
The house was silent, yet the crickets never stopped their nightly singing, but there was no singing of her own or the piano to accompany them this time around. She zipped her suitcase closed before standing, moving along to packing anything else she needed or items that would remain in storage.
After the service, Haneul had spent the rest of the day taking down pictures that hung on the wall, disassembling the dining table, putting the furniture and antiques on sale as she mulled over what she would do with the house.
Several cardboard boxes stood in the middle of the living room, some taped shut while others were waiting to be filled. As she sat before one box, Haneul commenced by putting the expensive silverware and plates inside, grabbing a Sharpie marker and naming each box after closing them.
She wouldn't need much once she went to Seoul. The most she could get was a single apartment just for her, and even that would prove to be expensive. For now, she would have to consider having a roommate or even living at The Magic Shop.
Tomorrow morning, the storage truck would come by to take everything before she left for Seoul, and this house will remain empty, haunted by the ghosts of a murder. Haneul exhaled and leaned back against the couch, taking one final look around the living room and moving one of the boxes to the side, traversing toward the kitchen for a glass of water.
She reached for the cupboard, extending her hand and taking a glass while turning on the faucet. Bringing the rim of the glass toward her lip, she heard a bang coming from the wooden frame of the window and she exclaimed with fright, her glass falling from her hand and shattering at her feet.
Her pulse throbbed, clutching her chest as the wind howled, causing the window to rattle, and she could hear the gunshots as they rang in her ears. The scent of blood touched her nostrils, death's chill creating goosebumps on her skin, and Haneul stumbled out of the kitchen, crouching in the corner of the living room and curling up, bringing her knees to her chest. She covered her ears, squeezing her eyes shut as she attempted to block out the sounds of the gun. Her breath hitched, and she buried her face in her knees, hoping that she would just disappear, but the terror continued to rage around her.
Once the howling quieted, she pulled her hands away from her ears, welcoming that silence that surrounded her in its fleeting comfort, more tears cascading down her cheeks.
With a sniffle, Haneul pushed herself up once again, grabbing her coat and slipping her arms through the sleeves. She took her suitcase and checked her wallet, counting her money before pulling her hoodie over her head and finding her sneakers.
She rolled the suitcase toward the front door and slipped the keys under the welcome mat, not once looking back at the house. Gripping the suitcase's handle, she pushed through the door and made her way through the open front yard, opening the gates and walking down the stone steps, the cool spring breeze blowing through the few tresses of hair that weren't covered by her hoodie.
I can't stay here.
︻デ═一 ♥
In the late hours of the night, Ilsung walked down the main street, carrying a carton with two cups of milk tea. The stores were brightly lit, the occasional car driving by while the townspeople walked through the streets, conversing with each other or with those they ran into.
He had promised Haneul he would help her pack her things before she left, but he wasn't thrilled with the prospect of her leaving.
Besides the danger that was evident in the city, there was more to it. Icheon was her home, and her most precious memories remained here, and the thought of her going far away was his biggest fear.
He recalled their time in high school, leaving America to live in Korea, where he had met her, Surin, and Minsoo. The four of them were inseparable, and they made plans to never leave each other. The innocence of adolescence was blissful in the sense that the violence of Seoul could never touch this town.
He recalled the school festivals they attended, spending long hours in Surin's mother's café, volunteering at Minsoo's family clinic, and even visiting Haneul and Soonbok's house to study. He understood that witnessing something so gruesome would make someone leave, but if she allowed them in so they could help her, Haneul could learn to forget what happened and move on eventually.
Running away would only have her live with this trauma.
Ultimately, the blonde male had found the lone street where the houses were lined, the stone steps of the gate before him. He hoped she was doing alright living alone for the night. Ilsung took a deep breath and climbed the stairs, knocking on the gate and calling toward the other side.
"Angel! It's me!" He mustered up a gentle smile. "I brought some bubble tea and I'm here to help you pack!"
There was no answer. Not the sound of the front door opening, those soft, airy footsteps, nor was the lock jingling.
"Haneul?" Ilsung tried again, placing his hand against the gate, only to find it swing open with a low creak. His brown eyes shifted along the front yard, and the lights happened to remain on. "Is she sleeping...?" He muttered. "Why would she forget to lock the gate...?"
He walked toward the front door, taking his shoes off and knocking once, but like the gate, it was already open.
"What the hell?" He questioned, walking inside and setting the bubble tea down. "Angel, you there? You okay?" He wondered as he found the living room, full of closed boxes that would head for the storage center first thing in the morning.
Again, there was no answer.
He searched the kitchen, his widening when he realized there was shattered glass on the floor. Careful not to stab his feet, Ilsung stepped out of the kitchen, walking through the bedroom corridor.
"Where are you?!" He opened the screen doors of Soonbok's room, and he found it was vacant. The last room he checked was Haneul’s, grabbing the doorknob and swinging it open.
The curtains were pulled over the window, the bedsheets were neatly folded, and her bookshelf was still full. The screen doors of her closet were open, and there was not a trace of her clothes anywhere, nor were her cosmetics and toiletries.
He went looking through the house once more, calling out to Haneul frantically, and yet again, her voice hadn't reached his ears. Falling to his knees, Ilsung planted his hands on the wooden planks of the floor, the emptiness of the house stirring anxiety within the pit of his stomach. He thought he could convince her, that maybe she would stay and forget.
That maybe she would stay for him.
However, he didn't know how desperately she wanted to be rid of that gruesome memory. In one capricious moment, the blonde male realized that it was too late.
She had run away.
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hadeschan · 5 years
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We’re sorry, this item has sold out
item # K11F29
A special Batch, a cast bronze figurine of Kumanthep (Deva Golden Boy) “Ai Kai Dek Wat Chedi”, Roon Mang Mee Sri Suk (Batch Name = Endless Wealth & Happiness), made by Wat Chedi in BE 2559  (CE 2016).  The legend says that Ai Kai was a holy spirit of 9-10 years old boy, an attendant who followed Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad on his pilgrimage. Once Luang Phu Tuad arrived at the area of today Wat Chedi, Luang Phu Tuad realized that this area is an ancient sites, and there are many treasure hidden under the ground so, Luang Phu Tuad told Ai Kai to stay here and guard the area.
BEST FOR: Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth), Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything), Maha Sanay (turns you to a Prince Charming through the eyes of women and men. Ai Kai also warns you of danger, and whispering lucky numbers. And Ai Kai can bring safety to your family while they are at home. Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you).
DIMENSION: 4.10 cm high / 1.20 cm widest / 1.20 cm thick
Ai Kai Dek Wat Chedi
Ai Kai is a wood carving statue of a 9-10 years old boy in Thai greeting Gesture at Wat Chedi, Sichon District, Nakorn Sri Dhammarat Province. The legend says that Ai Kai was a holy spirit of 9-10 years old boy, an attendant who followed Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad on his pilgrimage. Once Luang Phu Tuad arrived at the area of today Wat Chedi, Luang Phu Tuad realized that this area is an ancient sites, and there are many treasure hidden under the ground so, Luang Phu Tuad told Ai Kai to stay here and guard the area. Wat Chedi was once ancient temple abandoned for almost thousand years. The today Wat Chedi was re-constructed in BE 2500 (CE 1957).
The statue of Ai Kai was made in BE 2523-2524 (CE 1980-1981) by Phu Yai Tieng (Mr.Tieng, the Head of the Village). After Phu Yai Tieng had an illusion of a naked boy standing next to Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad and the boy said that “my name is Ai Kai, I am guarding in this area for a very long time please make my statue, then I can have a body that my spirit can stay in it.
The believers and the worshippers mentioned that Ai Kai is “Kor Daai Waai Rap” which means answer any prayers especially, Chohk Laap (bringing lucky wealth, giving lucky number) and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back….
Khata Bucha Ai Kai
Nammo Tassa Pakawato Arahato Samma Samputtassa (repeat 3 times)
i-thi i-thi Kuman Kai Chedi Ja Maha Thero Lapah Lapa Pawantumay (repeat 9 times)
Ways to ask Ai Kai for help:-
Lighting up 3 joss sticks, saying Khata and ask whatever you want.
After Ai Kai answers your prayers, just light up 1 joss stick, and you may offer the followings:-
1)Chinese sweet bean pastry, Bakpia or Hopia
2)Red sweet soda drink
3)Army or police uniform
4)Plaster cement statue of rooster
5)Kid sling shot
6)fire crackers
item # K11F29
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days  handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay
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All products used (All Mary Kay items):
Sunscreen and face primer
Undereye corrector
Beige 1 concealer
Light-medium CC screen (SPF)
Latte contour
Glazed highlighter
Raspberry Ice Lipstick
Translucent setting powder
Skindinavia finishing spray
Chromafusion eyeshadow in Moonstone, Rose gold, and Burnished bronze.
Black eyeliner
Lash love mascara
It may seem like a lot, but everything is so light weight that you can hardly tell you have anything on at all! And the best part? It stays in place. All night long. I danced my heart out and when I got in it looked as beautiful as ever. Highly recommend Mary Kay products to every woman I meet. It’s so gentle on your skin and looks fabulous.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MARY KAY Signature Bronzing Lip Gloss Duo (FLARE/COPPER ) DISCONTINUED.
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ds-threads · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cosmetics Bag with Beauty Items and Samples.
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newstfionline · 6 years
In India, a Missing Key to a Temple’s Treasure Vault Ignites a Furor
By Kai Schultz and Suhasini Raj, NY Times, July 14, 2018
PURI, India--A group of men in loincloths assembled outside a 12th-century temple on a hot April day in Puri, India, preparing to venture deep inside to a pitch-black vault where piles of gold and silver jewelry were stored under lock and key.
To enter Jagannath Temple, dedicated to an important Hindu deity, the group of 16 archaeologists, Hindu priests and government officials had to pass through metal detectors. Their skimpy loincloths were required as a security measure along with oxygen masks in case the vault, unopened for more than three decades, lacked breathable air.
Their instructions were simple: Check the structural integrity of the vault and ignore the millions of dollars’ worth of antiquities stashed inside.
Anyone who spends much time in India’s Hindu temples is accustomed to being just steps from extreme wealth. Locked away in hundreds of the country’s largest temples is a staggering amount of gold, weighing as much as 8.8 million pounds, the World Gold Council has estimated. Under current market rates, that stockpile would be worth roughly $160 billion.
But despite their abundance of ancient riches, India’s temples are often poorly managed. With security measures lacking, they can be a tantalizing target for thieves.
The April expedition did not take long. An hour after entering the temple, the men emerged, telling a crowd of waiting pilgrims that they had not needed to enter the locked vault, known as the Ratna Bhandar, because they had been able to peer inside through the bars of a metal gate.
But two months later, another explanation was leaked to local news outlets: The men had not been able to go in because the keys to the vault were missing.
The response was swift. A top temple administrator was fired. Officials with the state government of Odisha, which includes Puri, called for an investigation. Soon after, they discovered that eight pounds of gold donated by visitors was also missing from the temple’s administrative offices.
Around Odisha, suspicion quickly mounted that some of the antique jewelry in the vault had been pilfered by what a local journalist, Sandeep Sahu, called “a criminal nexus of temple officials and servitors” who had access to the keys.
The theft of riches from temples is common in India. In one of the largest such cases, a Manhattan art dealer, Subhash Kapoor, has been implicated in the theft of $100 million worth of rare antiquities from remote, unguarded temples across India.
Operation Hidden Idol, as the investigation involving Mr. Kapoor was called, found that some of the items, such as a thousand-year-old bronze statue of the elephant-headed Ganesha, ended up at the world’s leading museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mr. Kapoor is facing trial in India.
But the hive-shaped Jagannath Temple in Puri, which forms part of the pilgrimage known as Char Dham--a four-part circuit traveled by Hindus to attain salvation--is far from an easy target.
A tight-lipped committee controls who can enter, where donations of money or jewelry are stored and how that information is disseminated to the public. The strict entry rules are designed to safeguard both the temple’s status as a sacred space and the treasures it contains.
In 1984, Indira Gandhi, then prime minister, was famously denied entry because her husband was a follower of Zoroastrianism, an ancient monotheistic religion. Even today, priests guard the entrance, turning away non-Hindus and some non-Indians from sects such as Hare Krishna, which is popular in the West.
In the 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India’s independence movement, refused to enter the temple in protest against its entry restrictions, according to Ramachandra Guha, an Indian historian. The temple eventually opened its doors to some Hindus who had been barred previously, including Dalits, a lower caste. But the insular mind-set remained.
This year, the temple made headlines when India’s Supreme Court suggested changing the rule preventing non-Hindus from entering. But many recommendations were abandoned.
“There’s a very long history of absolute reactionist bigotry,” Mr. Guha said of the temple’s exclusionary policies.
Reports of internal strife have also tarnished the temple’s reputation over past decades. Managers of the temple said in the 1978 report that “misappropriation, theft, lawlessness, harassment of pilgrims and exploitation had become the order of the day.”
That same year, to encourage transparency, an inventory was made of the vault. Temple officials reported finding a hoard of nearly 500 pounds of antique silver and gold ornamental jewelry designed to adorn statues of gods.
The vault was last opened in 1985, according to R. N. Mishra, a former temple administrator, who said that he and a group of officials had retrieved some gold for maintenance work and promptly returned the key to the district treasury.
After the furor this year over the loss of the key, temple caretakers said they had found a duplicate in the record room of the local magistrate’s office. Instead of quelling anger, the apparent discovery inspired more questions: When was the duplicate key made? Was it real? And where was the original?
Mr. Mishra called the loss of the original key a “gross negligence,” saying that a duplicate had not existed when he was administrator and that he was not aware of one ever having been made. “One key, one lock,” he said.
Dibyasingha Deb, a member of Puri’s royal family and the chairman of the temple’s managing committee, said that accusations of mismanagement were unfair. He shifted blame to outsiders trying to “make us a laughingstock.”
But Pitambar Acharya, a lawyer in the Orissa High Court, the highest one in Odisha State, said he felt that temple caretakers were bluffing on what he called the “key loss hullabaloo.”
Last month, Mr. Acharya and other officials from the Bharatiya Janata Party, an opposition party in Odisha, lodged a complaint with the police against top state officials in charge of tracking temple valuables, citing their failure to inventory jewelry in the vault regularly and questioning whether a duplicate key even existed.
“There has been a clear breach of trust,” he said, relating to unanswered questions on the loss of the temple key and the supposed discovery of a duplicate.
Outside the temple, in a packed plaza where men hammered together wooden chariots to be used for a festival, anger was palpable among priests, shop owners and visitors.
“The government is hiding facts,” said Satyavaan Sahu, 31, a worker at a nearby trinket shop. “It is a disrespect. Everybody’s faith in the temple will go away.”
As the sun set in Puri, a throng of devotees climbed the temple’s broad, stone steps, where a man ushered them in by tapping their heads with two slender sticks, a transfer of the deity’s blessings.
Inside the temple, priests squatted to light oil lamps. Flanked by pillars covered in brightly colored motifs, thousands of men and women threw up their hands at the sight of a life-size statue of Lord Jagannath. Nearby, the entrance to the vault was shrouded in darkness behind metal bars.
Sonalata Das, 67, a bespectacled woman in a brown silk sari, lingered with clasped hands in front of a painting of Lord Jagannath. Asked about the missing keys, her face hardened.
“I prayed that God would completely finish off the person who has fooled around with the key for his wealth,” she said. “May he be destroyed.”
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jeremystrele · 4 years
A Colourful, Art-Filled Family Home In Balmain
A Colourful, Art-Filled Family Home In Balmain
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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The dining area of Sophie Trippe-Smith’s colourful home in Balmain! Artworks from left to right: Mark Howson, Esther Stewart, Bec Smith, and Mignon Steele. wall hanging from a recent trip to Paris. Custom table and chairs by Koskela. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Sophie’s Gubi beetle chair sitting on the edge of the living room. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Sophie in front of her favourite artworks in the house, by Mark Howson and Esther Stewart! ‘I love being surrounded by colour and beauty!’, she says! Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Sophie’s favourite view. ‘We decided to lay a ceramic tile that looks like wood in the kitchen and take it out to the garden. No one realises it’s actually a tile’ Sophie reveals! Rug from Pompon Bazar. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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A snapshot of some of Sophie’s favourite artworks, by Esther Stewart and Bec Smith. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The light-filled kitchen area. Light by Spence and Lyda. Stools by Hay. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Sophie in her lush urban garden. ‘Walking out here is serenity!’ Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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‘My happy corner!’ says Sophie. GUBI Grasshopper floor lamp. Handpainted cushions from John Robshaw (sourced by Kate Bell Design). Artwork on wall by Sharon Candy. Artwork on fireplace by Anna Mac (an artist Sophie discovered on Instagram). Special pieces and art collected on travels to Paris, Italy and the UK line the shelves. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Vintage mirror given to Sophie by an old friend. Brass vessels from The Line in LA. Small artwork by Kay Singleton Keller. Artwork on shelf by Pip Bishop. Artek Shelf. Bronze piece on shelf by Mark Howson. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The cosy, comfy living room (featuring Pepper) on an MCM couch. Artworks by Sharon Candy. Artek Bench GUBI lamp. Handpainted cushions by John Robshaw. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Gorgeous arch details in the hallway. Artwork on left by Rachael McCully Kerwick. Small side table by Muuto. Geometric artwork on walls Louise Tuckwell. Artwork on staircase Kasper Raglus Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The parents’ retreat! Custom bedhead by Kate Bell design, covered in fabric by Christopher Farr Cloth. ‘I couldn’t be happier with my wardrobe designed by Kate Bell – it was so tricky in this small space!’ Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The rooftop terrace designed by Adam Robinson Design. Chair by EMU. Table by Jardan. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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‘Our beautiful home! A true traditional terrace. We wouldn’t have it any othe way!’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Sophie Trippe-Smith and her family have lived in this 1880s Balmain terrace home since 2013. 
After a few years in the house, they decided to enhance the good bones of the property with a fresh lick of paint inside and out, and some structural renovations. The family bravely decided to live in the home throughout the renovation, which Sophie admits was challenging, but says, ‘We overcame this by having a positive happy, attitude and a “light at the end of the tunnel” feeling!’
Sophie is a born and bred Balmain enthusiast, and describes ‘walking up and down this street since I was a little girl, thinking that one day I would like to live here.’ The family initially lived just around the corner, but outgrew their small property. When this terrace came on the market, Sophie walked inside and instantly fell in love.
Her adoration of the property has only grown with the renovations, with the new garden oasis and double garage providing added sanctuary and functionality to the home. The renovations also include new joinery and lighting in all of the bedrooms. 
Sophie says she was initially slightly daunted by the renovation process, but found reassurance in the capable hands of interior designer Kate Bell and landscape designer Adam Robinson.
The home is now filled colour, personality and beloved items. Sophie explains, ‘I feel like my home’s style is always evolving. I adore eclectic, colourful interesting pieces. I don’t really like anything to match.’ Favourite treasures include the Gubi Beetle chair covered in green velvet (that no one but Sophie is allowed to sit in!) and a grasshopper floor lamp. This colour carries into the dining area, with its green leather banquette seat.
A self-described ‘art addict’, Sophie cannot choose her favourite artwork, but she loves the Esther Stewart piece in the dining room, and the neighbouring Mark Howson work. ‘They are both Melbourne artists, and seem to complement each other and just complete the house,’ she says. 
Since our original visit, Sophie has added even more art to the home, including a painting of the Australian bush by Melinda Marshman, an abstract painting by Helen Eater, a floral work on paper by Galina Munroe, a sculpture by Jane McKenzie, and a portrait of herself by Vanessa Stockard. ‘My kids are still getting used to having Mum on the wall watching their every move!’ Sophie says. 
The family are also currently in the middle of kitchen renovations, to open up this space and bring more of the outdoors in. 
The pièce de résistance of this home is the rooftop terrace, which offers views across to the Sydney CBD. The family love dining on the roof, waving goodbye to a cruise ship, and watching the sunset. Sigh – Sydney living never looked so good!
Sophie is currently establishing a new art business, after following her passion and completing an art curating course at Sotheby’s in London at the beginning of this year. Stay tuned to her Instagram for the details and launch!
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hadeschan · 3 years
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item # K16D54
RARE Roop Lor Boran, Pra Sivali Maha Larp, Luang Phor Chaeng Wat Bang Phang. A cast bronze figurine of the Wealth Fetching Pra Sivali Arahant with ancient process of casting. Pra Sivali is holding a talipot fan (a Fan of Rank means having a salary raise and career promotion), and a string of rosary (having silver and gold beads / wealth fetching). Made by Luang Phor Chaeng of Wat Bang Phang (Wat Si Rattanaram), Nonthaburi Province after BE 2484 (CE 1941).
Luang Phor Chaeng, the Abbot of Wat Bang Phang, living between BE 2428 to BE 2500. Luang Phor Chaeng was a disciple of Luang Phor Paan of Wat Bang Hia (Wat Khlong Dan), Luang Phu Kai of Choeng Len (Wat Bophit Phimuk), Luang Phu Chaai of Wat Phanan Choeng, Luang Phu Suk of Wat Pak Khlong Makham Thao, Luang Phor Paan of Wat Bang Nom Kho, Luang Phor Chong of Wat Na Tang Nok, Luang Phor Tiang of Wat Khao Rup Chang (a disciple of Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Bang Khlan), Tan Chao Ma of Wat Sam Pluem, Luang Phor Yipp of Wat Thung, and Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Tha Maprang Leuang.
Pra Sīvalī
Pra Sīvalī is a Buddhist Arahant widely venerated among Theravada Buddhists. He is the guardian saint of travel and is believed to ward off misfortune at home, such as fire or theft. His veneration predates the introduction of Theravada Buddhism into present-day Myanmar (Burma). Shin Thiwali is typically depicted standing upright and carrying a walking staff, an alms bowl and prayer beads.Born to Queen Suppavasa, Shin Thiwali is believed to have remained in his mother’s womb for seven years because of past karma.After a week in labor, Sīvalī’s mother gave birth to a precocious boy who could immediately speak. Thereafter, Buddha’s chief disciple Sariputra admitted Sīvalī into the Sangha. The Burmese believe that he is still living, that he can be invoked to come by a special incantation and that his mere invisible presence will bring them prosperity and good fortune.
BEST FOR: Pra Sivali amulet represents a bless of “Wherever you go, success, wealth & prosperity, good luck, happiness will be waiting for you there!” Pra Sivali helps bring Endless Wealth, and success in life and career. Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (it brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (it makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back, Maha Sanay (it helps turn you to Prince Charming in the eyes of women/men). Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you). And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic).
DIMENSION: 3.20 cm high / 0.90 cm wide / 0.90 cm thick
item # K16D54
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay / PromptPay International
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lookthebeautystore · 5 years
9 Rekomendasi Merek Makeup Mahal untuk Wajah Mempesona
Merek Makeup Mahal – Peralatan makeup adalah item wajib bagi wanita masa kini yang ingin tampil menarik. Jika Anda tak sayang uang atau jika berprofesi sebagai makeup artist yang ingin riasan sempurna dan tahan lama, tak ada salahnya jika Anda coba melirik deretan alat makeup mahal pilihan BP-Guide berikut ini!
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Peralatan Makeup, Salah Satu Produk Terlaris Favorit para Wanita
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Sumber gambarstylecaster.com
Wanita tidak pernah bisa lepas dari make up. Itulah mengapa penjualan alat make up tidak pernah menurun. Bahkan tren make up selalu berkembang setiap tahunnya.
Kegemaran wanita akan make up bukan tanpa alasan. Menggunakan make up dapat menambah kepercayaan diri seseorang karena mampu menutupi kekurangan yang ada di wajah. Selain itu, memulas wajah dengan menggunakan make up dapat menonjolkan kelebihan yang dimiliki seperti mempertegas mata, garis hidung, atau bibir. Menggunakan make up juga memberikan tampilan wajah yang selalu segar.
Tips Memilih Produk Makeup Sesuai Jenis Kulit
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Sumber gambarwww.skincare.com
Pada kulit berminyak, jumlah kelenjar sebum lebih banyak dan lebih aktif dalam memproduksi minyak wajah. Masalah utama pada kulit berminyak adalah munculnya jerawat. Pemilik kulit berminyak harus lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih produk make up yang tepat.
Pilih produk make up yang dilabeli dengan formula oil-free pada foundation dan pelembap untuk mengontrol kelebihan minyak di wajah. Untuk bedak, kulit berminyak lebih cocok menggunakan bedak tabur yang formulanya ringan agar pori-pori kulit wajah tidak tersumbat.
Pastikan make up yang dipakai untuk riasan pipi dan mata mengandung formula water proof agar tidak mudah luntur untuk minyak di wajah. Make up yang dapat memberikan hasil akhir matte adalah yang terbaik untuk kulit berminyak.
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Sumber gambarwww.healthline.com
Berbeda dengan kulit berminyak, kulit kering justru membutuhkan banyak kelembapan. Produk make up dengan bahan dasar air dan formula yang ringan adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menjaga kulit tetap lembap. Masalah utama kulit kering adalah kulit yang kusam bahkan mengelupas.
Pilih alas bedak yang memberikan hasil akhir dewy agar kulit terlihat lembap dan kenyal. Pemakaian bedak tidak terlalu diperlukan bagi kulit kering karena bedak justru akan menyerap kelembapan alami kulit. Untuk perawatan bibir, gunakan lip balm sebelum mengaplikasikan lipstik. Hindari lip cream dengan hasil akhir matte untuk menghindari bibir semakin kering.
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Sumber gambartheskinretreat.com.au
Beruntunglah wanita yang terlahir dengan jenis kulit normal. Kulit normal tidak banyak bermasalah dan cocok menggunakan semua jenis produk make up. Agar kulit tidak menjadi terlalu kering atau berminyak, pilih produk make up dengan kandungan formula yang bisa menyeimbangkan kadar air dan minyak di kulit.
Untuk foundation, pilih yang bertekstur krim untuk mempertahankan kekenyalan dan kelembapan kulit. Berikan sentuhan akhir loose powder yang disapukan secara ringan dengan kuas untuk hasil yang natural.
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Sumber gambarwww.salubre.com.au
Kulit sensitif harus sangat berhati-hati memilih produk apa pun. Dibandingkan dengan jenis kulit yang lainnya, kulit sensitif bereaksi 2 kali lebih cepat terhadap suatu produk. Nah, sebelum menggunakan make up tertentu, coba dulu sedikit di tangan untuk memastikan tidak ada reaksi alergi atau kemerahan yang terjadi.
Hindari juga penggunaan make up yang terlalu tebal agar kulit tidak muncul ruam merah di kulit. Saat membeli alat make up, pastikan ada label aman untuk kulit sensitif pada produknya. Sebisa mungkin pilih produk dengan sedikit kandungan bahan kimia untuk mencegah alergi atau kemerahan muncul.
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Sumber gambarwww.beautyundercover.sg
Kulit kombinasi hanya berminyak pada bagian T saja yaitu dahi, hidung dan dagu sedangkan bagian lainnya kering. Penggunaan primer sangat dibutuhkan untuk kulit kombinasi agar pori-pori tertutup dengan sempurna sehingga mampu menghasilkan riasan yang flawless.
Untuk memilih base yang tepat, perhatikan apakah kulit wajah didominasi kulit berminyak atau kulit kering. Jika lebih banyak area berminyak, pilih foundation yang tahan lama. Pilih formula foundation yang ringan dengan coverage tinggi agar Anda tidak perlu touch up berulang kali. Pada area T yang mudah berminyak, gunakan base dan foundation khusus yang mampu mengurangi produksi minyak wajah.
Berbagai Merek Makeup Mahal
1. Urban Decay
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Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 08995000171 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Hanya Disini
Sumber gambarmakeupforlife.net
Mungkin Anda sudah tak asing lagi dengan merek kosmetik asal Amerika yang sudah berdiri sejak dua puluh tahun yang lalu ini. Ya, merek makeup yang terkenal dengan palet eyeshadow-nya yang fantastis yakni Naked 2, Naked 3, dan Naked Heat ini jadi salah satu favorit wanita dan makeup artist profesional.
Bayangkan saja, meski tergolong mahal dengan harga sekitar Rp 700.000 lebih di beberapa online shop seperti JD.Id dan Tokopedia. palet eyeshadow ini tetap memiliki banyak penggemar bahkan terjual satu produk setiap menitnya di seluruh dunia.
Tidak diragukan lagi kalau Urban Decay banyak digemari mengingat produk eyeshadow-nya punya pigmentasi yang sempurna baik untuk warna matte, shimmery, atau netral.
2. Chanel
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Sumber gambarwww.penjualan.co
Merek fashion mewah Chanel memiliki lini kosmetik tersendiri dengan formula terbaik untuk memberikan riasan yang sempurna.
Salah satu produknya adalah Chanel Le Teint Ultra Tenue Ultrawear Flawless Foundation – BR22 Beige Rose yang terdiri dari 16 warna natural dan mampu memberikan full coverage yang tahan lama.
Teksturnya powdery sehingga memberikan kesan kulit tampak cerah dengan hasil akhir matte. Mudah diaplikasikan dengan brush atau langsung dengan jari.
Chanel Le Teint Ultra Tenue Ultrawear Flawless Foundation – BR22 Beige Rose dijual di Blibli dengan harga Rp 979.000.
3. Tom Ford
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Sumber gambarm.sephora.com
Desainer kenamaan asal Amerika, Thomas Carlyle Ford juga punya merek fashion dan kecantikan termasuk makeup mahal yang diberi nama sesuai dirinya yakni Tom Ford. Merek yang mengusung kemewahan dan konsep glamor dalam produknya ini punya berbagai produk kecantikan dengan kualitas yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi dan tentunya dijual dengan harga yang menguras kantong.
Traceless Foundation Stick adalah salah satu produk makeup termahal yang dimiliki oleh Tom Ford. Foundation berbentuk stik ini bisa digunakan oleh Anda yang cenderung menyukai hasil akhir yang sheer dan tidak matte. Diperkaya dengan pelembap, foundation ini cocok digunakan oleh kulit kering dan tahan lama digunakan seharian. Dapatkan produk yang memberikan hasil kulit yang berkilau dan halus layaknya satin ini di Ubuy Indonesia dengan harga sekitar Rp 1.471.626.
4. Smashbox
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Sumber gambarwww.jcpenney.com
Anda yang gemar mengoleksi lipstik tidak boleh melewatkan lipstik pallette premium dari Smashbox. Smashbox adalah merek kosmetik high end yang menawarkan produk berkualitas.
Salah satunya adalah Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick Palette yang terdiri dari 26 shade berbeda untuk melengkapi semua gaya Anda. Mengandung shea butter, vitamin C, dan vitamin E untuk melembapkan dan menutrisi kulit. Satu palet lipstik dijual dengan harga Rp 1.290.000 di Tokopedia.
5. Estee Lauder
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Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 08995000171 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Hanya Disini
  Sumber gambarwww.cosme-de.com
Estee Lauder adalah brand asal Amerika Serikat yang memproduksi barang-barang mewah seperti kosmetik, perawatan rambut, dan parfum. Kosmetik dari Estee Lauder banyak dicari oleh para wanita yang tergila-gila akan make up.
ESTEE LAUDER ~ Double Wear Nude Water Fresh Foundation SPF 30 adalah foundation cair yang ringan, melembabkan, diformulasikan dari bahan alami seperti buah apel, leci, dan semangka. Memberikan coverage medium sehingga tidak terasa berat di kulit dan oil-free, cocok untuk kulit berminyak.
Mampu bertahan hingga 24 jam, wajah tampak segar, flawless, dan tampak sehat. Tidak memicu tumbuhnya jerawat. Foundation ini dijual dengan harga Rp 150.000 untuk kemasan glass jar dan seharga Rp 190.000 untuk kemasan asli dengan ukuran 5 ml di Shopee.
6. Charlotte Tilbury
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Sumber gambarwww.cultbeauty.co.uk
Penggemar makeup pasti sudah tak asing lagi dengan brand makeup yang sering digunakan oleh makeup artist kenamaan ini. Charlotte Tilbury adalah salah satu brand kosmetik premium terbaik dari Inggris yang namanya sama dengan nama pendirinya.
Terinspirasi dari tren bohemia dan ayahnya yang merupakan seorang pelukis, Tilbury mengawali karirnya dalam bidang makeup bersama dengan desainer ternama seperti Tom Ford, Stella McCartney, dan Burberry serta beberapa seleb seperti Jennifer Lopez, Kate Moss dan Penelope Cruz..
Salah satu produk termahal yang dimiliki oleh brand ini adalah Filmstar Bronze and Glow yang merupakan produk bronzer yang dapat memberikan efek kilauan emas pada wajah. Tertarik untuk memilikinya? Produk ini dijual di Lazada dengan harga Rp 1.500.000.
7. Mary Kay
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Sumber gambarintouch.pimg.us.marykaycdn.com
Mary Kay adalah salah satu brand kosmetik asal Hollywood yang sedang digandrungi saat ini. Mary Kay Facial Highlighting Pen adalah penyempurna wajah yang mampu menutupi noda hitam, garis halus, dan kantung mata dengan maksimal. Kulit tampak cerah merata dan bercahaya.
Didesain dalam bentuk pena yang mudah untuk diaplikasikan bahkan bagi pemula sekalipun. Highlighter yang sangat mudah dibawa kemana-mana dan dapat digunakan untuk sehari-hari. Dapatkan produk ini dengan harga Rp 268.308 di website resmi Mary Kay.
8. Tarte
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Sumber gambarwww.thevault.pk
Tarte adalah salah satu produk makeup dengan harga fantastis saat ini. Berdiri sejak tahun 2000, Tarte didirikan oleh Maureen Kellys dan memiliki konsep makeup natural yang ramah lingkungan, cruelty free, tidak menyebabkan alergi dan terbuat dari bahan alami atau dengan konsep vegan. Semua produk Tarte dipastikan tidak mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti paraben, triklosan, sodium lauryl sulfat, gluten dan lainnya.
Salah satu produk Tarte yang terkenal dan banyak disukai adalah Bloom Clay Palette Eyeshadow yang mengandung lumpur amazon, yang diyakini sebagai salah satu komposisi sempurna untuk makeup yang tahan lama. Produk ini juga mengandung mineral pigmen yang dapat membuat kulit terasa lebih halus. Dapatkan palet eyeshadow cantik ini di Lazada dengan harga Rp 750.000.
9. La Prairie
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Konsultasi dan Pemesanan : 08995000171 – 08563181630 (Fast Respons) Bayar di Tempat (COD) Hanya Disini
  Sumber gambarwww.amazon.com
Bisa dibilang brand yang berdiri di Montreux, Swiss pada tahun 1930 ini adalah brand yang punya deretan makeup termahal di dunia. Mengapa mahal? Karena hampir seluruh produknya menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mewah dan tak murah seperti emas, kaviar dan lainnya.
Tengok saja salah satu produk makeup yang dirilis yakni Skin Caviar Concealer Foundation yang dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp 2.700.000 di beberapa online shop seperti Tokopedia. Concealer yang satu ini mengandung ekstrak kaviar yang memiliki manfaat untuk kulit wajah sekaligus memiliki pigmentasi warna yang dapat mengurangi noda gelap di sekitar mata atau pada bagian wajah lainnya dengan sempurna.
Coba Gunakan Alat Makeup Mahal dan Rasakan Perbedaannya!
  Menggunakan alat makeup yang berharga mahal tentu jadi salah satu impian para wanita karena tentu di balik harga yang mahal ada kualitas yang tidak bisa dibohongi. Kalau Anda ingin menjajal produk makeup yang mahal, Anda bisa membelinya langsung di konter resmi agar tidak tertipu barang palsu dan pastikan juga shade atau warna dan formulanya cocok dengan jenis kulit yang Anda miliki.
source https://lookthebeauty.id/merek-makeup-mahal-untuk-wajah-mempesona/
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MARY KAY Signature Bronzing Lip Gloss Duo (CORAL/BRONZE ) DISCONTINUED.
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