jafndaegur · 5 years
Sesskag Week: Day One
Enough to Catch Her Eye
Sesskag Week 2019 | Carnations: Fascination, distinction, love ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Sesshomaru stood on the precipice that loomed over the valley. From here, he had one of the best vantage points, just shy of the sky, overlooking the Inuyasha village. The battle with Naraku was coming to a draw, he could practically sense it’s close. Scents of miasma and ichor imposed on the outskirts of this territory and it pricked at the instincts of his inner youkai. He wanted to lash out against the damnable hanyou that sought to rule all. That was his job. Conquest was his purpose, and anyone that sought the same path needed to be vanquished. But patience and strategy required he wait—if anything, all he needed were bodies to distract Naraku. And his half-brother’s pack would serve just as such.
At least that’s what he told himself.
“Lord Sesshomaru?” The voice grasped at his hearing and nudged him away from his current train of thought.
His brow lifted. “Woman?”
“Kagome,” she, Inuyasha’s second wench, reminded while approaching. Toting along the contraption she called a ‘bicycle’, she stood beside him. He allowed this and cast a side-glance along her figure. Her body emanated fatigue and her eyes hooded slightly—she leaned forward on the metal object, the front of her shoulders brushing against an odd bunch of flowers resting in the basket of her vehicle.
Sesshomaru’s nose twitched and he stared at the colorful puffy blooms. He had never seen or smelled such flora before. He was not entirely pleased by the strange intrusion of fragrance, but he wasn’t entirely offended either. Just confused.
The girl caught his gaze and smiled gently. She put some distance between herself and the flowers. He watched with interest as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and the shy flutter in the avoidance of her glance.
“They were given to me while I was leaving,” Kagome told him, pulling away and walking down the beaten path that twisted down the side of the outcropping through the forest to the village.
“A rather straightforward courting gift,” Sesshomaru found himself saying. And by someone who is not Inuyasha.
“Courting gift?” She hid her mouth behind her hand, and he was fairly certain she was laughing at him.
He should behead her.
“Hojo is a nice guy and all, but any fascination is for the most part one-sided,” Kagome shook her head with amusement.
Sesshomaru huffed. “So you will deny another male’s advances for your unrequited fancies toward my half-brother?”
“Hey,” she shot him a look of red-faced anger that slowly seeped into a resigned simper.
He waited for her to speak—she always did.
“You know, I felt bad that I accepted these for as much as I didn’t have a say in their gifting.” Her pale fingertips caressed the fringes of fragile petals. “But when I came back, I thought I saw the glow of Kikyo’s soul-stealers for just one moment…even though I know that’s not the case anymore.”
Ah yes. The undead miko who had finally passed on: Inuyasha’s first wench.
“He’s still in mourning, y’know?” she whispered, before exhaling with a stern determination. “Me lingering around would be unfair to him. And I’m tired of waiting for that distinct and brilliant moment where our eyes will meet, and he’ll just see me. Nothing else.”
Sesshomaru hummed and picked the bouquet from the basket. “This Sesshomaru has never seen such flowers before.”
“They’re from the western mainlands, I’m not sure how far you would have to travel just to see them though.”
Rare flowers. He tilted his head thoughtfully. But not enough to catch her eye. Perhaps it was not something so simple as just the blooms winning her attention.
They both trailed into silence save for the metallic creaking and thumping of the bicycle along the rocky ground. Maybe it was the odd amiable quiet. Maybe it was the way their sights had just flickered to one another’s and met in the shelter of the night. But the Western Lord for once felt a peace. He was content with her, in her companionship.
The girl must have noticed the same thing, because she bumped his arm lightly with her shoulders.
“You should be careful when you hold those Lord Sesshomaru,” her eyes shimmered and reflected the starlight of the night wonderfully. “Those are very affection conveying flowers.”
Sesshomaru stopped. His gaze perused the fluffy blooms. The dark red pleased his sense of aesthetic, and the delicate waver and crinkle of the waxy petals made him appreciate the puffs. Their scents were soft, with a subtle perfume, nowhere near as stickily candied as some flowers. This was pure, and only he saw it the way it truly was.
“I was going to give it to Inuyasha,” Kagome hurriedly said, her face showing a quick flash of fear for the consequence of her quip. “I figured he could place them at the shrine he made for Kiky—”
“You should keep them,” Sesshomaru interjected, his voice rumbling slightly in his chest. He proffered the bunch to her instead of returning them to their previous spot. A small, near invisible grin traced its way upon his lips as he watched her large doe eyes widen in confusion. He did not wait for her response. He rather tenderly slipped the flowers into her arms.
“If not as a gift from that human male from earlier,” he continued, “then accept them as a gift from this one.”
“But,” her voice squeaked out in a meek and shaky tone. “I…I told you, these flowers are a symbol of affection…of love.”
“Hn.” He blinked slowly. 
A dust of rose swept along the bridge of her nose and highlighted the dawn-pink of her round lips. 
Breathing in the gentle tang of her hopeful scent, Sesshomaru bent down. “I know.”
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Healing Technique: Sesskag oneshot
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Kagome offers to give Sesshoumaru a massage. But she's not flirting, definitely not. Never.
Rated T
For Sesskag Week 2019 - Day 3: Flirt
Healing Technique~
Kagome noticed it without really understanding how or why. It had just caught her attention again and again.
Sesshoumaru had pulled a muscle.
Or at least, it seemed that way. Maybe the Daiyoukai's joints were stiff, or he'd recently gotten a crick in his neck, but whatever the case, it didn't change the fact that he was currently rubbing the back of his neck, again. He'd been doing so on and off for three days now. Naturally, he'd been subtle about it, not making a peep of discomfort. Deadly fingers would comb through his long hair, feigning disinterest in the group's chatter, before casually rubbing the flesh or rolling his shoulder. The briefest flash of relief warmed his eyes before they were hidden by lowered magenta lids. The sight of it always made her stomach flutter.
Rinse, lather and repeat. Kagome was sincerely tired of dog demons and their damned pride.
She stood, having had enough.
Approaching his slightly reclined position against a tree outside the hut, she met his curious, steady gaze. "Um..."
This part proved tricky. Though she considered him a friend, the demon lord had given no indication he felt the same. He visited the village for the sake of Rin and tolerated the miko's chatter or her tea offerings, but that was all. "I have this... healing technique you might be interested in." Kagome winced. It wasn't a complete lie.
"This one is not injured." He arched a perfect silver brow.
She grit her teeth. Of course. "S-still. I could really use your help by having someone to practise on. Alone."
"Hn, would your friends not suffice?"
Kagome looked at him flatly. "No. It's just for Daiyoukais."
Assessing her with an unreadable expression, thin lips curved slightly. "How specific."
He stood without another word, gesturing with a graceful motion of his hand for her to lead on. Kagome's heart suddenly went into a fluttering panic. Ah, crap. I'm really going to try and massage a killing machine, aren't I?
Awkwardly padding away from the village huts, she caught Sango's eye, who smiled encouragingly while bouncing one of her twins on her knee. Blushing, Kagome hurried up a hill. Don't get the wrong idea, Sango.
This was Sesshoumaru. The cold-blooded ally who had aided them in the last battle against Naraku, who cared for Rin and occasionally saved them- but paramount in Kagome's mind was one thought; He disliked humans.
So he'd never look at her that way. They were in no danger of misunderstanding. It was fine, totally fine.
Kagome led the way through the trees to the opening of a small, quaint cave within Inuyasha's forest. It was spacious enough for their purposes, and private, not too far away from a babbling brook. A mat had already been laid out, along with some soft materials to make it more comfortable.
Sesshoumaru shot her a look. "This was premeditated."
She sweatdropped. "Yeah, a little. But you could have said no."
"Hn," fierce golden eyes swept down her miko attire.
"Now uh, I-I just need you to take off your armour and hanjuban."
Sesshoumaru complied, flicking open the secures of his battle attire and lifting off the chest plate, before disrobing, complying suspiciously easy. Kagome felt her damned cheeks heat again and quickly turned around. "You're going along with this a lot less stubbornly than I thought you would."
"Did you think me like the half breed? Kicking up a storm over every minor thing?"
Kagome laced her fingers, thoughts turning to Inuyasha and their break up a few months ago. "No, it's just that you're quite a private person."
"Hn," his breath fanned over the back of her neck and Kagome jumped, glancing over her shoulder.
Lean, strong muscle filled her gaze. His chest appeared as built as she'd figured it would be, but the bold magenta stripes dipping low on his hips caught her eye. They drew attention to his abdomen, disappearing under the material of his pants.
Kagome drew in a breath. Certainly, a half-naked Daiyoukai was something to behold. Catching his gold eyes, which seemed to smile even as his mouth remained still, she huffed. "A-anyway!" She took a shaky step back, trying and failing not to get flustered. "Please lie down on your stomach on the mat!"
Now he seemed to pause, assessing the mat. "...This one does not like such a vulnerable position."
"You can hold your sword if it makes you feel better." She teased as payback. When he bristled, she decided to relent. "Alright, sit down instead."
This he agreed to, settling down on the mat and looking at her expectantly, back straight and muscles tense. Kagome smiled encouragingly, before approaching. He seemed to grow more alert the closer she stepped, claws twitching on his folded knees. She wondered why he seemed so...keen?
Stepping around him, she leaned down to kneel at his back, settling behind him.
Sesshoumaru glanced over his shoulder, expression slightly guarded. "What are you doing, miko?"
"My healing technique. Try to relax, and... please don't kill me," she mumbled, pushing back her sleeves. Reaching out, it took all her willpower not to back down under the heavy, intense stare he fixed her with. Kagome quickly grasped the silky silver strands of his hair and pushed them over his shoulder. "Hold this!" She squeaked, hating that they felt exquisite.
Soft palms then settled on the nape of his neck. Using the pads of her thumbs, she massaged the warm, pale skin, blushing all the while. Sesshoumaru tensed, a low growl escaping him. Kagome quickly moved to a lower area, using her fingers and causing the growl to roll into a low, rumbling noise.
Her heart thundered in her chest. Red cheeks deepened into a lush crimson. A part of her realised her mistake. This felt far too intimate between them. True she'd been held by men before, pressed up close to kidnappers. She'd been kissed by Inuyasha. Yet this was different. It felt personal. She'd never touched a man in such a way before. Why had she thought she could do this, again?
But as she kept smoothing her hands over the muscle of his back, Kagome began to feel the tense areas. Embarrassment melted into concentration. It was clear he must have been in discomfort, judging by the amount of time she had to take unwinding a bundle of tense nerves at his lower back.
She blinked, noticing goosebumps whisper over his flesh. The demon shivered.
"Are you cold?"
He straightened. "Do not be foolish."
They were silent for a time, only broken by Sesshoumaru's soft exhales or quick hisses of air he quickly smothered. Kagome became almost used to touching him, feeling the youki simmering under the surface of his skin. He felt so warm and smooth in some areas, yet hard and strong in others. Kagome could almost maybe admit that she enjoyed this strange closeness.
"Do all humans engage in this behaviour before mating?" He uttered.
Kagome squeaked, hands pausing. "E-excuse me?!"
His striped cheek turned, and he glanced at her. "Was that not the reason for demanding my presence, alone? In a secluded area. Disrobed."
"No!" She wailed, humiliated. "This isn't a ploy to seduce you! I'm massaging you. H-haven't you ever had one before?"
She'd figured such a prestigious lord would have luxuries open to him. By the look the Daiyoukai was giving her however, apparently he didn't engage with such things. It also occurred to her that she had not, in fact, clarified what they'd be doing together.
Light fingertips strayed away from his skin, curling into her palm. Kagome looked at him uncertainly, caught between embarrassment and a strange flutter in her chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...give you the wrong idea that I was flirting or something. Should I stop?"
"Do as you please," he muttered, a wry smile touching his mouth that made him appear strangely discontent.
Heat curled in her stomach. Why did he seem disappointed? So unsurprised and jaded, like he'd known from the start there was no hope of her wanting to lie with him. Her mind reeled, hands remaining frozen. Outside, the chirping of birds nesting in the trees and the bubbling water in the brook sounded so much louder.
Seeming to sense her confusion, the demon quietly continued.
"No one is permitted to touch this Sesshoumaru in such a way. Not even lovers."
"Then why allow me to?"
Sesshoumaru turned to face forward, muscles locking. She could feel the tension radiating off him in waves.
Slowly, haltingly, traitorous fingers reached out again. This time, the miko glided her hands over the hard plains of his body, careful and considerate. She took more notice of the battle scars littering his skin. She knew from experience with Inuyasha's wounds that only the most fatal and powerful blows left scars on demons bodies. The rest disappeared, mended perfectly on their skin.
And apparently, no one else had touched them. Just her. Kagome looked at the back of his head, emotion squeezing her chest.
Seeing one particularly harsh scar that curved under his shoulder blade, a mad impulse seized her. Brushing her palm over the spot, Kagome dipped down and pressed her lips gently to it.
Immediately realising what the hell she'd done- Kagome reeled back, only to have steel fingers grab her wrist.
Sesshoumaru had turned, long hair sliding forward over his shoulder to pool on the ground. The sunlight behind him caught the strands of silver and illuminated them with a soft radiant glow. Inhuman, molten eyes stared at her, gliding down to her mouth. She could practically feel the heat of his gaze slide down her skin, warming it until a fever spiked her heartbeat into overdrive. Long claws captured her chin and held it a willing hostage.
The silky baritone of his voice dipped low and pleasant. "Will you tease, and say that was a healing technique just now, cruel miko?"
Heart thundering, her throat became dry when a sharp claw smoothed over her bottom lip, thumb grazing.
"I-I just...wanted to..." she murmured, trailing off when hot breath fanned over her lashes.
A wet, lazy tongue slid over her cheek, causing the miko to jolt. "Mn...?"
"I just wanted-" shaky breath hitched, blue eyes hazing as her thighs pressed together. "To make you feel good-"
But it was a lie. Or at least partially so. Hadn't she been masquerading under a friendly face just to spend time with him because of his dry humour, sharp tongue and wonderful way of emboldening her? Hadn't she been pleased when he pulled a muscle, because it meant a reason- an excuse to be close to him. Feel that which was forbidden to touch. In reality, hadn't she been flirting? Dancing around the subject of wanting him. Her body hummed alive, wanting the thing she'd denied herself out of so many things; fear of inadequacy, rejection, and-
"Silence," he uttered, nipping her ear. "If you wish to please this one, follow through with your actions. I refuse to misunderstand you. Be clear, and bold, just as this one has seen you be before."
Kagome blushed and leaned back. She then exhaled and set her shoulders, summoning her courage. It was a small thing now, tamed by heartbreak, but she blew the dust off it and coaxed her bravery alight.
The barriers of hesitation inside her mind fell away, and leaning up, her left her in a dizzying rush as she pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat.
Strong arms caught her about the waist, and she squeaked, feeling herself be pulled flush against him.
Kagome scraped blunt nails over the very skin she'd massaged, willingly straddling the demon lord. The more they touched, the more a feeling grew to towering heights, until her body sighed with catharsis right along with his.
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chierafied · 5 years
Satiation (SKW2019d7)
Prompts:  Forget-me-not - True love + Kiss
Post Canon. CONTINUES Starvation. 4,094 words.
Kagome knew loneliness.
It had been gnawing at her for three long years, and even now, still, it found her in those dark and weak moments, sank its vicious sharp teeth deep into her.
That knowledge was why she hadn’t hesitated to offer Sesshoumaru her help, why she’d agreed to his proposal without any qualms.
He might have told her he preferred solitude, but that look in his eyes when she’d touched him – that raw yearning –contradicted that statement.
Privately, Kagome suspected that even if once Sesshoumaru would have preferred to wander Japan alone, meeting and befriending Rin had changed him.
Her travels with Inuyasha and the rest of her friends had certainly changed her; that much had become apparent during the three years she’d spent away from them after she’d been sent back to her own time and her old life.
Even when Kagome had been surrounded by her friends and family, her life had felt just a little bit mundane. Every second of every day she was aware that there was just something missing. That sense of yearning had been just as bad as the loneliness
Still, even though Kagome had agreed to help Sesshoumaru without qualms or hesitations didn’t mean she was completely free of doubts or worries.
Most of them centred around Inuyasha.
Picking up where their relationship had left off hadn’t been as smooth sailing as Kagome had thought. At first, they’d easily fallen back to their old rhythm but now, months later, there were the occasional hiccups. 
Kagome kept telling herself that was all normal, that relationships needed compromise and work put into maintaining them. 
But if Inuyasha were to learn of this agreement she’d made with Sesshoumaru – even if it was wholly innocent – he would lose his shit.
That was why, the first time they met in secret, Kagome had her own request to make.
She gazed up at him, biting her lip, and then drew in a fortifying breath.
“Would it be possible for you to transform into your true form?”
Sesshoumaru’s eyebrow rose sharply.
“Might I inquire as to why you would wish that? If this agreement discomforts you, you must tell me so. I believe I made myself clear when we last met and laid out the terms that I would not behave in any untoward manner.”
“Oh, it’s not that,” Kagome hurried to reassure him, blushing slightly. “That didn’t even cross my mind, honest. It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with you. Just a part of me feels guilty about this, because of Inuyasha.”
Sesshoumaru regarded her for a moment, silence hanging heavy around them.
“Your loyalty to the halfbreed is commendable,” he intoned at last. “Very well.”
His eyes flashed red, his face elongated; the open, stretching mouth displayed rows of sharp teeth.
Soon, he was towering before her, taking over the whole clearing.
His huge, red eyes focused on her, cruel intelligence shining in their depths.
Then, the massive beast flopped to lay down on the sun-warmed grass with a sigh.
Kagome rolled back the sleeves of her miko uniform and walked over. 
“Sorry about this,” she told him, before grabbing a fistful of the fur of his front leg.
He let out a huff, somehow even in his canine form managing to sound derisive. 
He didn’t seem at all concerned as Kagome climbed up his leg. 
A moment later, she was standing on his back, looking at the expanse of white fur stretching out before her.
“Time to get to work,” she muttered. 
Falling onto all fours, she started to pet him.
His fur was much softer than it had any right to be. 
Kagome threw herself into her task, meticulously working her way towards his shoulders, taking short breaks every now and then to rest her hands and wrists. 
It was amazing, to feel that huge powerful body below her, to feel the muscles relax, the breathing slow and deepen. His enormous fluffy tail thumped lazily against the ground.
The same calmness spread to her.
It felt peaceful. It felt right.
And when she reached his drooping ears and scratched from just the right spot, his hind leg twitched and compulsively jerked and Kagome let out a giggle.
He growled in admonishment, but that only made Kagome laugh harder.
“My hands are pretty much done,” she called out to him, after a moment. “Can we stop here for today?”
Sesshoumaru nodded, the unexpected movement almost making Kagome lose her balance.
She slid down, and by the time she’d regained her feet and straightened herself, Sesshoumaru had reverted back to his usual form, his golden eyes giving her a measured stare.
“Thank you, miko.” 
She smiled at him.
“No need to thank me. It was actually kind of fun.”
“I am… glad,” Sesshoumaru said flatly. 
“Well, I need to get going before anyone starts wondering where I got to,” Kagome said. “I’ll see you next month!”
He inclined his head at her, the old regal Sesshoumaru looking at her as if he hadn’t just been wagging his tail at her moments earlier.
Kagome stifled a grin and turned to walk back to the village.
When the next month came, Kagome'd had more time to mull over the situation. 
She had decided that Sesshoumaru’s issue might be about more than skin hunger. Perhaps, in the absence that Rin had left in his life, what Sesshoumaru truly needed was a friend.
And that was something Kagome was more than happy to provide. 
Thus, when she arrived on the clearing to meet him, she had a clear idea of what she wished to do: something innocuous and fun.
"Hi Sesshoumaru!" she greeted him cheerfully. 
He acknowledged her with a curt nod, then his youki flared and his eyes flashed red. 
"Oh no!" Kagome cried out, hurrying to him. "You don't need to transform!"
He paused. The words came out warbled since his mouth was already half a maw. 
"Are you certain?"
"Yes! Please, could you stay in your usual form this time?"
The transformation reversed and he stood before her, one eyebrow raised. "What of your arguments? Of your guilt?"
"I've had time to think," she replied, "and to make my peace. Besides, there is something I really want to do today."
"Truly? And what would that be?"
"Is it - would it be all right if I touched your hair?"
Sesshoumaru blinked. "I see no harm in that," he answered after a short moment. "Grooming is common enough a practise among packmates. And though you are not of my pack, our agreement grants you certain privileges."
Kagome clapped her hands together, beaming at him. "Great! Come on, let's sit!"
Soon, they were both seated on the ground, Sesshoumaru facing away from Kagome. Her knees were brushing against his lower back, and the length of his silver-white hair was pooled in her lap.
Silence reigned, as she trailed her fingers in the silky strands, marvelling at the sleek texture. 
It was almost unfair. She couldn’t picture Sesshoumaru ever having a bad hair day whereas her own hair had a mind of its own and all too often refused to bow to her will.
She took a moment just petting and admiring the hair, before she actually got to work, carefully starting to section the heavy wealth into three parts.
“What are you intending to do,” Sesshoumaru asked, as her fingers brushed against his scalp.
“I’m just going to braid it,” she replied.
“Is this an activity you enjoy?”
“Sure, it can be fun,” Kagome said, smiling at his back. 
“Hnn. Rin seemed taken with the hair, too.”
“Well, it’s so long and so pretty so I can see why her fingers were itching.” 
Kagome studied her handiwork, then started to braid the hair. The motions were familiar, but it took her a moment to find her rhythm; she’d never before tried braiding hair this long.
“Pretty?” Sesshoumaru intoned dryly. 
“Yes. The colour’s amazing and it’s so sleek and long and always looks perfect. Honestly, it’s very vexing,” Kagome said, her focus divided between the conversation and the strands of hair she was now meticulously weaving into a braid.
“Why would my hair be vexing?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Because it’s so much nicer than mine. If my hair was this long it would just be one terrible tangle,” Kagome grumbled. “Not to even mention things like the texture.”
Kagome nodded, her fingers moving nimbly as she moved one strand over the other. 
“I thought your hair would be smooth but it’s even silkier than I expected. I wonder if Inuyasha’s is the same.”
Silence fell.
Kagome bit her lip as she kept braiding, wondering if she’d made a mistake by mentioning Inuyasha.
Then, just before she was about to break the silence with some off-topic babble, Sesshoumaru spoke.
“Why is this something you wonder at?” he asked, his voice incredulous. “I thought you and hanyou were… together.”
“We are,” Kagome replied quickly. “It’s just… well. He hasn’t really let me touch his hair. He's not very big on casual intimacy to begin with. It’s no biggie.”
Sesshoumaru didn’t reply to that, so Kagome steered the conversation to a safer topic and lost herself in playing with the pretty silky hair.
When Sesshoumaru had made the proposal, he had only seen a convenient way to alleviate the predicament brought on by his solitary life. 
The miko had felt like a simple solution at the time, especially when with generous kindness she had offered her aid before Sesshoumaru even had a chance to ask – or demand – for it. 
He hadn’t stopped to think of the long-term consequences. Of what it really would be like to meet up with the halfbreed’s miko once a month – that overly friendly and open-hearted woman who, much like Rin, could prattle on about nonsense for hours at an end.
He hadn’t thought he’d come to know the miko or that he might actually feel comfortable in her company. 
He had merely been seeking to satisfy his baser instincts as a pack-minded creature requiring physical proximity. 
He had not really counted for the emotional bonding that would happen.
Even now, five months later, he wasn’t even sure how it had happened. 
There was something about the miko, some way she managed to disarm him, make him lower his guard. Part of that, he guessed, was the intrigue – their third time meeting had been fascinating and they had got into a long in-depth discussion during which the miko’s intelligence and education had shone through. 
That had sparked his curiosity. And the miko had always baffled him. She was such a foreign thing, even for a human female.
Sesshoumaru looked about the clearing and frowned.
The miko was late, and she usually wasn’t tardy. 
When she finally did appear at the edge of the clearing, it was obvious that something was very wrong.
Even from the distance, he could see that she was trembling; that her face seemed much paler than usual and that her eyes were red from crying, with a few errant tears still rolling down her cheeks. 
She stopped in front of him, raising her pained gaze to meet his eyes and choked out in a broken voice: “I could really use a hug right now.”
Hugs weren’t really in Sesshoumaru’s repertoire, but there was no way he could deny comfort from her, not when she had so generously offered comfort to him before.
So he nodded curtly; stood still as she stepped up to him, wound her arms around him and buried her tear-stained face into his chest – he’d stopped wearing his armour to their meetings. 
After a moment, he slowly wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him in a loose, hesitant grip. She quieted in his arms and the tears were falling again; he could scent the salt and feel the front of his kimono grow wet. 
Although this was the first time the miko had come to him, teary-eyed and in need of comfort, Sesshoumaru had a very strong guess as to what was behind her distress.
That was another unintended consequence – he knew more than he would have cared to about his half-brother’s relationship. And most of what he had heard made him scowl. 
What she had told him three months ago about Inuyasha not letting Kagome touch his hair had actually shocked him. Sesshoumaru couldn’t imagine such basic grooming practise being denied between a pair.
Had the human blood truly diluted Inuyasha’s youkai instincts to such a degree? Or was it the product, not unlike the gruffness he so liked to exude, of his harsh upbringing? Or all the tragedy from his liaison with the previous miko still plaguing on the halfbreed’s mind?
Sesshoumaru didn’t really care what the reasons were; they didn’t change the fact that what Kagome told him of Inuyasha’s behaviour sounded illogical.
The halfbreed had claimed to love his miko, but his actions were not giving proof to his words, at least according to everything he’d learnt from Kagome. 
And he saw no reason why the miko would lie about such things.
"Do you wish to talk about it?" Sesshoumaru asked once the miko felt a little calmer.
She shook her head, took a deep breath. She squeezed him and pressed closer, and then stepped back, out of his arms and stood still.
"We got into a fight," she said, the words clipped, her tone dull. "We've been getting into a lot of those lately, ever since last month."
She slanted a glance at him and sighed. "I forgot to wash up after last time. Inuyasha smelled you on me."
Sesshoumaru's lip curled. Knowing his half-brother, that couldn't have gone well.
"I tried to explain but he refused to listen. The jealousy, the arguing, it's just too much for me." 
The miko was hugging herself now, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.
"Everything just came back to me in this big flash, how things used to be when we were still hunting the jewel shards. The things I used to feel; the jealousy, the anxiety, like I just wasn't good enough…"
Sesshoumaru hated the downcast eyes, the defeated posture.  He reached out, settling his hand on her shoulder.
She looked up at him, then covered his hand with her own, wrapped her fingers around it to trap it to its place much like Sesshoumaru had done to her all those months ago. 
"I didn't realise how bad it was. I think I was too young back then to understand, had too much going on to stop and reflect. I can't go back to it. I won't."
Sesshoumaru had no words of comfort to offer. He merely squeezed her shoulder, hoping that the simple touch could alleviate her pain as much as her touch did his. 
The winter had arrived. Though there was little snow, the air was bitter cold and the wind blowing in from the sea carried a cruel bite. 
That month, they did not meet at the usual clearing. The weather was one definite deterrent for Kagome, but more importantly, they had little reason now to sneak around. 
If Inuyasha had a problem with Sesshoumaru and Kagome meeting, he’d have to deal with it on his own.
It was no longer Kagome’s concern.
She refused to get trapped into the web of jealousy again and to be made to feel like she was less. She’d put it all behind her and moved on, painful as it had been.
That was how and why Sesshoumaru was now sitting inside her hut, graciously accepting the cup of tea she’d poured him.
She grabbed her own cup and then seated herself beside him, her hip brushing against his, her shoulder making contact with his arm. 
Sesshoumaru slanted her a glance, then with a lazy flick of his wrist he draped his fur pelt around Kagome.
She burrowed into it with a happy sigh.
“This is the warmest I’ve been in days,” she told him, a smile playing on her lips. “Thank you.”
“It is of no consequence,” he said dismissively.
“So, how have you been?”
“As well as I always am,” he replied. “There hasn’t been much change in my life.”
“Well, I hope these meetings have been helping you with the skin hunger.”
He turned to her, met her eyes “They have. My instincts have quieted down considerably thanks to you.”
Kagome flashed a quick smile. “I’m glad.” She looked down at the still green surface of her tea. “It’s funny, I never really expected to get anything out of this arrangement, but it’s really been helping me, too.”
“It has?” Sesshoumaru asked, eyebrow raised.
“Sure. It’s been nice, just talking about things with you. It’s made my mind a lot clearer, helped me process things. Though I feel like I should apologise for the last time, ranting about Inuyasha the way I did. I didn’t mean to talk your ear off.”
“No apologies are necessary,” Sesshoumaru said. “It was unavoidable that the termination of your relationship would affect you. And I am very aware of the halfbreed’s shortcomings.”
Kagome sipped her tea, leaned a little closer to Sesshoumaru.
Idly, he picked up a lock of the raven hair that had brushed against his arm and rolled it between his clawed fingers.
“I do hope we can still be friends,” Kagome spoke after a while. “Inuyasha and I. After he gets over this stupid jealousy and after I have healed. I still care about him I just… can’t handle the way he made me feel about myself.”
“If you do wish to maintain a friendship with him that is your choice,” Sesshoumaru said. “In my opinion, however, you are better off without him.”
“Oh please,” Kagome said, shaking her head. “He’s your brother. The more disparaging you act towards him, the more convinced I am that you care.”
“Hnn.” He took a long sip of his tea.
“See, that right there is as good as an answer,” Kagome declared, triumphant. “I’ve got to know you pretty well over all these months, you can’t fool me.”
“Believe what you will, miko,” Sesshoumaru said – but the tone of his voice was coloured with amusement. He gave the lock of hair he’d been toying with a teasing tug before releasing it.
“Oh, I definitely will,” Kagome told him, grinning.
The air carried her scent to him, light, fresh and sweet. Sesshoumaru hastened his steps. He had been impatient the past couple of days; eager to meet with the miko.
And not because his pack instincts would have been clamouring for the touch of another. All that had quelled significantly in the past several months. 
No, the reason was something quite different. 
At some point in their arrangement, he’d come to appreciate Kagome’s company. Anticipate it.  
Ache for it. 
He reached the clearing.
She was already there, humming to herself as she crouched by a cluster of blue flowers.
A smile rose to Sesshoumaru’s lips, unbidden.
It was like a mirror image of the day their arrangement had been born.
He crossed the clearing on silent feet, then crouched beside her.
She started, surprise turning to a bright, pleased smile.
“Hi!” she greeted him.
He picked up one of the sprigs dusted with a cluster of the tiny blue flowers and tucked it behind her ear. 
Her smile warmed and brightened in response. 
Sesshoumaru straightened and offered her his hand.
The miko took it, easily twining her fingers with his, letting him help her up.
Her eyes were soft blue pools as she looked up at him and lightly touched the sprig behind her ear.
“Forget-me-nots are some of my favourite flowers. They are so cute and delicate,” she said.
“They suit you,” Sesshoumaru replied. 
Her cheeks flushed pink. 
She was still holding his hand, and was now gripping it a little tighter.
Sesshoumaru did not mind at all, she was very endearing.
"You seem cheerful today," Sesshoumaru remarked. 
"I'm just happy it's spring again," the miko replied, looking around the clearing. "I love all the flowers and it feels like a fresh start."
For a moment they stood there, side by side, hand in hand, the silence between them a thing of comfort and understanding that did not need to be filled with empty words.
"Also it's nice to see you again," she added after a while.
"It is nice seeing you as well, Kagome," he said, meaning every word. “I enjoy our conversations.”
“Me too,” she said, gifting him with a smile that filled him with warmth. "Speaking of, I'd like to hear more about youkai society."
The corners of Sesshoumaru's lips twitched. They had already touched on the topic several times in the past months, but somehow it was flattering that the miko was showing such genuine interest. 
"As you wish." 
Sesshoumaru released her hand, then sat down on the soft spring grass.
Kagome took her seat in the spot right next to him, close enough for her body to brush against his. 
Sesshoumaru looked at her. She met his gaze, expectant but undemanding.
This was something that had become familiar; her sweet scent enveloping him, her gentle presence by his side. The ease of the physical proximity that brought him more comfort than he ever could have predicted. 
It all felt right.
Kagome headed towards the clearing where, a little over a year ago, she had entered into her arrangement with Sesshoumaru.
Early on, she had resolved to befriend him.
In that, she had succeeded.
There was now a rapport between them, one she could have never imagined there to be. Month by month, they had got to know one another, open up, build something warm and wonderful.
In one regard, however, Kagome had succeeded almost too well – what she now felt towards Sesshoumaru had surpassed the bounds of friendship.
At some point over the many months her feelings had grown and shifted into something more; something larger than the two of them.
Now, with every step she took towards the clearing – towards him – her heart beat just a little bit faster, the butterflies in the pit of her stomach fluttered little more restlessly. 
She was nervous, because she had made up her mind.
Sesshoumaru's demeanour towards her had changed quite a bit from what it had been when their arrangement had started. 
It was clear he enjoyed her company, but Kagome was less sure about his feelings towards her.
Was his regard to her similar to what she felt for him? Or was she simply a friend to spend time with and appease his skin hunger? 
Today, she was going to find out.
Kagome stepped onto the clearing. 
He was already waiting and the sight of him stole her breath.
His hooded golden eyes pierced her where she stood.
Her legs trembled as she slowly crossed the clearing, making her way towards him. 
She stopped before him, looked up to meet his eyes, gathered her resolve and reached for him.
Gently, hesitantly, she cupped his face and pulled him towards her, her eyes fluttering shut.
Light as a feather, her lips brushed against his in a chaste kiss. 
Kagome’s heart was racing madly when she pulled back, her fingers quivering against his warm skin. 
Fear and hope twisted into a knot in her belly as she raised her gaze to search the depths of his golden eyes.
She couldn’t really read them; there were too many warring emotions that vanished too quickly for her to really gauge his reaction. 
As the moment stretched, Kagome bit her lip.
She looked down, feeling the threatening burn of on-coming tears. Her fingertips trailed forlorn paths down Sesshoumaru’s cheeks as she began to back away.
The moment she let go of him, he grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.
Kagome looked up, surprise flickering in her eyes.
“No more tears,” Sesshoumaru told her.
He pulled her close, caught her in a warm embrace and leaned in to place a soft kiss on her forehead.
Breath caught, heart stuttering, Kagome barely had enough time to comprehend what was happening when Sesshoumaru bent down, brushing a second, more intimate kiss on the hollow of her throat.
His hooded eyes trapped her gaze for a brief, breathless moment. 
Then, Kagome closed her eyes as Sesshoumaru claimed her lips in a sweet slow kiss.
Smiling against his lips, her heart close to bursting, Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him. 
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sesskag-week · 5 years
SessKag Week 2019
Tumblr media
WHEN: 29th of July to 4th of August
THEME: Hanakotoba
HASHTAGS:  #skw2019 &  #sesskagweek2019
Day 1: Carnation - Fascination, distinction, love
Day 2: Iris - Good news, glad tidings, loyalty
Day 3: Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust
Day 4: Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment
Day 5: Blue Bell - Grateful
Day 6: Edelweiss - Courage, Power
Day 7: Forget-me-not - True love
PROMPT LIST 2: Generic
Day 1: AU
Day 2: Humor 
Day 3: Flirt
Day 4: Drama
Day 5: Trust
Day 6: Crossover/Fusion
Day 7: Kiss
Please use the tags so we can find your works! You can use either #skw2019 or #sesskagweek2019. Remember also to use #skw2019d1-7 to indicate for which day's prompt the work is for! (e.g. #skw2019d1 for Day 1)
As you can see there are two prompt lists, one that's themed and one that ‘s more generic. You can choose a prompt from either list or if you're feeling ambitious, even combine the two! You also do not need to stick to one list of prompts. You can use a themed prompt for day 1 and change to a generic one for day 2. Whatever most inspires you to create!
All kind of fanworks are welcome: Fan fics, fan art, edits, moodboards & gifsets, playlists, podfics etc. And if you're not a creator, SessKag week is an excellent time to show appreciation to your favourite creators! You can make fic rec lists (using the day's prompt if you want) or reblog your favourite fan art or make shout out post to thank the creators you like! And of course, you can always comment on the new fanworks created for the SessKag week and/or reblog them to share with others!
If anything is unclear, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Hope to see many of you participate! 💙
- Chie / @chierafied
Banner fan art by the lovely and fantastic @sayuri-watanabe 💙
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stormielikeweather · 5 years
New Story ~ (Un)Expected Pack Growth
(Un)Expected Pack Growth
Rated T
For SessKag Week Day 2: Iris and VS*’s Birthday
Idea credit goes to VS* and Shrek
“Um, what exactly is going on here?” Kagome asked, not taking her eyes off the hoard that had suddenly appeared before them. 
Sesshomaru was tense at her side, his jaw ticking like a clock. His claws were itching for his sword. 
She saw his fingers twitch in her peripheral vision, and hissed, “You cannot slaughter hundreds of dogs!”
Glancing from his Mate to his ward and servant. Rin and Jaken ran clumsily, trying to catch up, a few paces behind. His hand left the hilt of his sword and moved to flick a strand of gleaming silver hair over his shoulder.
Kagome let go of the breath she’d been holding. Crisis averted.
“Woah.” Rin’s eyes mooned as soon as she looked ahead. “That’s a lot of dogs...”
Jaken choked on a high pitched squeal. His stuttering shout had Kagome cringing. “L-lord S-sesshomaru!”  He awkwardly twirled his staff. “I’ll take care of this filth standing in your way!”
A soft gasp accompanied Rin’s pleading gaze at her Lord.
A rogue stone popped against his thick green skull. 
“Y-yes, Lord Sesshomaru?”
“Go away.”
The color drained from the retainer’s face as he sulked. 
Rin’s shoulders relaxed. 
Bored with the situation, Sesshomaru turned on his heel and began walking in the opposite direction. His hair waving in the breeze behind him. 
Fifty paces in, and he changed the course again. 
The dogs didn’t relent.
Again, he turned. The outcome did not change. 
He took the group to the skies, and dogs appeared in trees!
Kagome winced at the sight of a little Chin clinging to the tip top of the tree behind them. The thin branch hunched over beneath the weight. She pressed her lips together, fingers curling into the fabric of her Mate’s sleeve, “Sesshomaru...” 
He didn���t look away from the blue skies before them.
“This isn’t working.”
“Ah,” He smirked, “We are seeing far less dogs now.”
“Who cares if the dogs follow us?!” Kagome snapped, rubbing her side. “We are doing this so I can walk, not cling to your side midair!”
With a sigh, he brought them back to the forest below. 
“Thanks.” She huffed, “Now, pick a direction and stick to it, you’re making me sick to my stomach.”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru glared at her and the tagalongs behind them. “These dogs are making my stomach roll as well.”
Her arms crossed over her chest, “I can tell.”
Throughout the day, Kagome found herself peering over her shoulder. The hoard of dogs followed them. Despite her Mate constantly changing direction, in spite of her objections, they still followed. 
Even more had joined the pack.
Looking like a ASPCA commercial, the rough and hungry dogs pulled at her heartstrings. 
“If someone starts singing In the Arms of an Angel I’m going to burst into tears...” She bit her lip. 
Rin seemed less cheerful and more on guard. Her curious gaze drifted from the hoard to her guardians and back again. She was wringing her hands, and pulling at her sleeves. 
Usually carefree, the little girl took pace between her Lord and Kagome, not once falling behind nor wandering off no matter what lush foliage was discovered on their journey. 
“Rin, you okay?” Kagome asked while petting the girl’s head.
Rin looked back over her shoulder again, her brows pinched. “These don’t look like wolves.”
The ragged dogs behind them ranged from mutts to pure breeds. The shocking white of Kishu and Spitz stood dirty but were easy to make out from Akita and Shiba Inu. Even tiny Chins plodded around the front of the pack.
“No, these are all dogs. They are different.”
Though still somewhat on guard, Rin visibly relaxed. Her shoulders eased. “I’ve never been around dogs before.”
Kagome laughed, “Sure you have, Sesshomaru is a dog.”
A grunt at her right made her wince. 
“Well, let me correct myself, Sesshomaru is a dog demon, which is absolutely not similar at all.” Watching him roll his eyes, she snickered. 
Rin’s eyes took in the pack with a new sense of fascination. 
Satisfied the little girl was no longer terrified, Kagome fell back in step with her ruffled Mate. 
“You’ve filled her with nonsense.”
Kagome grinned, linking their arms. As they caught the glint in each other's eyes, the night and alone time couldn’t come soon enough.
The sun sank below the horizon. Kagome stretched her aching spine and stirred the pot dangling over their fire. 
Warm hands captured her against a firm chest. On cue, she tilted her chin to look up at her Mate. “Thanks for the rabbit, it smells great.”
He looked less than pleased with his jaw set. 
“Jaken should be cooking for you. You require rest.” His fingers splayed over her rather round belly.
Kagome laughed, “Isn’t the whole point of this trip around the territory to get my body a little stressed?” A week past her due date, and walking was the only advice her midwife could give her.
“No.” He growled softly, “It is to get you to relax and release our child.”
“You say that like I’m keeping the baby prisoner.” She rolled her eyes, and patted his cheek dismissively. “In any case, I -We are fine. Go mother hen someone else for a few minutes while I finish cooking.” 
The fire her statement ignited in his eyes stirred her desire. The promise of passion. She licked her lips as he ran his claws over her jaw and neck. 
“Careful, Miko.”
The heat of his kiss filled her with aching need. Suddenly she couldn’t think of eating the rabbit stew. Her hunger ran for skin on skin and much needed privacy. 
Their kiss broke with a whimper at the right. 
“Lord Sesshomaru?” The teary eyed expression on Rin’s face pulled them both back to reality. “All the dogs look hungry...”
Kagome looked at the dogs encircling their camp. Boney sad creatures. Eyes baring pitiful souls. She swallowed hard. “Sesshomaru...do you think you could get a couple of deer or something?”
He shook his head, “I am not their guardian, and I do not wish to become it.”
“But...” His finger pressed against her plea.
Rin looked back at the hungry pups, and nodded her head in determination, “I’ll get them food.”
His brows rose, but he made no move to stop her, not even when she ordered Jaken to assist her.
“You’re really going to let her tackle the impossible?!” Kagome snapped, “There are probably a thousand dogs out there!” Her sharp, for a human, finger nail jabbed him in the chest, “It will kill her confidence.”
“Hn.” The warmth of his body left hers. His palm lingered on her very round stomach. “Do not go into labor while I am away.”
“I wouldn’t think of it.” Kagome grinned with a laugh and gave the food another turn.
He walked silently into the forest. 
Staying back, Sesshomaru watched as Rin tracked down her prey. 
“Shhh!” The little girl hissed at Jaken. His high pitched screeching ceased immediately. Large green eyes bulged at her, and he gulped. 
Rin showed initiative as she studied the prints in the soft dirt. The animal hair that clung to the leaves. 
Sesshomaru wondered if she knew exactly what kind of animal she was after.
Jaken stayed close by as the continued deeper into the thicket. 
A small clearing surrounded by wild berries laid just beyond where Rin hunkered behind a bush. 
They waited. Pride swelled in his chest. 
“This is pointle-!” Jaken’s beak closed with a hand around his mouth. 
Rin glared at him before letting go. Like a good helper, he kept quiet. His attention remained on the clearing. 
Sesshomaru heard the beast coming long before it showed itself, and somehow Rin had known it as well. The little human girl surprised him. When had she grown so intelligent? 
“Y-you expect me t-to kill t-that!?” Jaken shouted before clamming up.
“It’s just a bear.” Rin scoffed, “You can kill a bear, can’t you?”
Fear remained in his teary eyes. 
Trying a different approach, she flashed him a toothy grin, “I know you can do it, Jaken! You’re amazing!”
Practically preening, Jaken gushed, “Of course I am, stupid girl!” 
The little imp popped out of the forest. The staff of two heads shook in his hands as he raised it up toward the bear. 
With one great roar of the bear, Jaken wet himself. 
“S-save me L-lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken wailed as loud as he could. 
“Give me a break!” Rin snapped. It seemed Kagome had begun to rub off on her. 
Sesshomaru stifled a laugh as she swiped the staff from Jaken’s fingers, and aimed it at the bear.
Feet apart, shoulders squared. Rin looked back at the bear with a confident smirk. “Heads! Kill this bear!” She waited for the flames to rise up from the man’s throat, but nothing happened. 
Frowning, she shook the weapon. 
The bear grew frustrated. Growling, and snapping it’s jowls. It stood up on its back feet. 
“C’mon Rin, you can do this.” She encouraged herself as she readied another try. The staff in both hands, she pointed it forward. Her brows furrowed as she focused. Lips pressed together.
Suddenly without a word, the man’s mouth opened to a flood of flames and roasted the bear on the spot.
A small grin etched itself on Sesshomaru’s face as he turned back toward camp. 
“Nnngg...if I could just get this damn kit out!” 
He could hear his Mate grumbling from paces away.
She was straining herself, like usual. He scowled.
“Come here puppy, let me take care of the wound.” It seemed she had taken it upon herself to play healer to the hoard of dogs.
He wanted to bang his head into a tree, but above such actions, he restrained himself. 
Kagome grinned up as he entered the small space. She had a line of dogs awaiting treatment. “Welcome back! Congrats, Rin!” She tipped to the left, looking for his ward, “Where are Rin and Jaken?” 
“Rin did not require assistance. As I previously believed, she is strong.” He strolled forward, his fingers catching her chin as she stitched a cut. 
“Hold on, I’m busy.” 
“That is precisely what needs to be corrected.” 
Kagome grabbed his hand away from her face and gave it a little squeeze, “I told you, I’m fine. I want to do this. Then I will rest.”
His lips made a thin line, but he didn’t argue. “If it is what you want to do, continue.”
“I will,” She tugged his hand to get him to lean down. His lips felt warm as she kissed him, “Thanks for understanding, and trusting me to know if I’m pushing my limits.”
Pink and purple colored the sky as the sun began to set.
The sky was nearly dark when Rin popped out of the tree line before a heaving Jaken.
“Woah! Rin! A bear!?” Kagome gushed, “How did you convince Jaken to kill a bear?!”
Jaken looked like a muddy snail behind her, trudging along as he pulled the bear’s roasted corpse through the woods.
Rin beamed, “He didn’t, I did.”
“Jaken wet himself.” Sesshomaru muttered at her side, just loud enough for her to hear it. 
Kagome giggled. “I’m so proud of you Rin! Good job.”
The girl’s grin grew wider, and she swayed from side to side. 
Sesshomaru got up to pat her on the head, and she nearly exploded. 
“Thank you so much, Lord Sesshomaru!”
“Rin!” Kagome held up her hand, “Come get a high-five!”
The thickly muscled bear looked like a small mountain behind a worn out Jaken. He rested against the huge mass. 
Sesshomaru kicked him, “Jaken. You reek.” He turned his nose, “Go. Bathe. Now.”
“Y-yes, Lord Sesshomaru!”
He tripped as he ran away. His little body dropping like a log. 
“Poor Jaken.” Kagome pouted, watching him scramble away. “He really is sad to watch at times.”
“He’s good at some things though...” Rin frowned, “But I can’t think of any at the moment.” 
Kagome laughed. 
“Groveling.” Sesshomaru shook his head, “The Imp is loyal and grovels well.” 
“Aw,” Kagome reached out for his hand, pulling him closer, “That’s so sweet, you like the way he grovels.”
Rin giggled.
A soft whine began a chorus around them. Suddenly the soft sound grew louder and louder, until Sesshomaru growled. 
Rin looked from the bear to the dogs, “Why haven’t they started eating?”
Sesshomaru’s jaw set. He didn’t want to be a part of whatever was going on...
“Kagome?” She asked, realizing her Lord wouldn’t answer.”
“I don’t know...” Kagome’s eyes flashed toward her Mate. She squeezed his hand.
He looked down at Rin, and gave in. “The flesh needs opened, and they do not wish to anger us by taking food they are not privy to. It could mean death.”
“Ooooh...okay.” Rin’s brow furrowed as she took what he said into consideration. “So, I need to tell them that they can eat it?”
Her shoulders squared like she was taking down another bear, “Okay. I can do that.”
The huge horde of dogs seemed to understand she wished to speak. An Akita stood up from his position at the head, and met her half way. 
Rin bowed slightly to the dog. 
His head tilted to the side. 
She cleared her throat. “The bear is for your group.” 
Noting the dog did not move, Sesshomaru helped her out, “They do not understand you Rin.”
“Yes, My Lord!” Rin shouted back over her shoulder. “Okay.” She nodded. “I can do this.”
The dog huffed, as if to say, “Get on with it.”
Rin leaned forward, and began to bark. “Baaark, Bark, Bark...uh...Bark Baark.” 
The dog snapped it’s jowls and stalked away.
Kagome tugged on Sesshomaru’s sleeve, “What just happened?”
“Well...” Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the pack as he watched them, “Rin may have told the Alpha to go eat shit.”
“Oh!” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Uh, interspecies diplomacy seems difficult.”
“Indeed.” With a sigh, Sesshomaru ran his fingers along her cheek, “I know you wish for me to assist.”
“You know me so well.” She grinned, tilting her chin to kiss the edge of his jaw, “Will you?”
“It seems I have no choice. I wish to determine the cause of so many to follow us.” 
“It does seem unnatural that there would be this many strays.” 
His lips brushed her cheek, “I will assist.”
Such a small act still made her blush. “Thanks. -Wait,” she tilted her chin, “what are you saying?” Kagome rose a skeptical brow, “You can talk to regular dogs?”
“Don’t be so foolish, Kagome.”
She laughed, “Oh, haha! For a moment I thought -”
Sesshomaru flicked his hair over his shoulder, and narrowed his eyes at her. “Of course I can speak with them.”
“O-oh?” Kagome pressed her lips together, glancing from her Mate to the dogs, “Y-you can?” Is that a usual inuyoukai trait? “That’s um...” She furrowed her brows, “Unique.” 
He rolled his eyes, and patted her head, “Indeed.” 
Sitting by the fire, she watched him have a full conversation with the Alpha in barks, yips, and growls.
Rin held tight to his sleeve and gushed, “Wooow!”
Somehow he’d become even more of a hero in her eyes, just by barking. 
Kagome blinked at them, rubbing her stomach. “This is odd...odder than usual...” 
“What’s he saying, My Lord!?” Rin blinked up at him.
“Yes, tell us, please!” Kagome piped in. 
When Sesshomaru faced them, she could see the anger in his eyes, “Another foolish NekoYoukai shall die by my claws.”
The girls blinked. 
The only one brave enough to speak, Kagome grimaced. “Oh? Are we going on a trip?”
“No.” He growled, “I’m going alone.”
Her fingers curled into a fist, “You can’t! The baby could come at any moment!”
His jaw ticked, “Then come along if you wish, but keep that pup in you until we are through.”
“You know that’s not how it works.” She glared at him. Tired, top heavy, with a baby kicking her ribs... Not even the thick sleeping bag she sat on helped ease the discomfort. “I’m not in the mood for unreasonable requests.”
Sitting down beside her, he pulled her feet into his lap.
Eyeing him skeptically, she watched him peel off her socks. “What are you doing?”
He ran his fingers over soft swollen skin. “Lay back, and close your eyes.”  
Without a word, she did as she was told. Her head cradled against her pillow, she sighed as he massaged her feet for the first time in weeks. “This feels amazing...” She licked her dry lips as she felt the pain in her legs and feet ease. “Tell me why you need to kill a NekoYoukai.”
“The fool has cursed the humans residing in the area to banish all their pet inu.” A soft sigh fell through the quiet, “As much as I would like to decline offering them assistance, this will cause issues in our territory that cannot be allowed to go on. It must be dealt with swiftly.” He tweaked each one of her toes and she bit back soft moans. “You will not complain.” Soft warmth met her ankle. 
“S-sess....” Her hands bunched up the fabric beneath her. “I’m not staying.”
Lips kissed up to her knee, before he let go and moved to the other leg. “I will bring you home before I go.”
“Ah!” She nearly kicked him in the face as his canines grazed her skin. “Quit that. And fine.” She grumbled, “If you end up missing the birth I will never forgive you.”
Giggles erupted, and Kagome popped open an eye to catch Rin playing with the Alpha Akita. He chased her through the camp until he tapped her with his nose, and she switched places with him. They took turns playing chase long into the evening. 
“Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin asked. 
He was still rubbing Kagome’s feet even though she had fallen to slumber long ago. “What is it?”
“Well,” She wavered back and forth with her hands behind her back. “I wanted to tell my friend goodnight.”  
Ah. “Tell him,” Sesshomaru made a soft growl sound low in his throat.
“Like this?” She mimicked the sound he’d made.
He repeated himself as many times as it took for her to learn.
As he watched her bounce away to the dog, she said goodnight the perfect Inu way, and grinned madly when she received the same sound back in response. 
Pride consumed him. 
It grew and grew over the next day. As they traveled home, Rin asked him more and more questions about speaking with the dogs. 
“Oh, Lady Kagome!” Rin came running up the road, “Lady Kagome!”
Kagome paused, curious as to what had the little girl so excited. 
“Guess what!” Rin gushed.
“What?” She smiled back. 
“Akita, he said, he said,” She caught her breath and began a series of clipped barks followed by a longer one, “And that means, it means that this girl dog will have puppies soon!”
Kagome laughed, “Sounds like we are in the same boat.” 
Rin tilted her head curiously, “What does that mean?”
“It’s a saying, from my hometown, it means we are in similar situations.” 
“Ahhh!” Rin giggled, “But your baby isn’t coming yet, and her's are!”
Kagome blinked, “What do you mean they are?”
“I mean she is helping them come out right now! And soon there will be puppies!” Rin laughed excitedly before dashing back into the throng of dogs. 
Sesshomaru grumbled before she could ask, “We will make camp here. Go. Watch the birth.”
“Thank you! I knew you’d understand!” She grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him hard before quickly waddling like a cute duck in the same direction that Rin had disappeared into. 
“Lord Sesshomaru!?” Rin ran back. “I need to know how to say keep pushing, in dog!”
Sesshomaru closed his eyes and the muscle in his jaw twitched. 
Later that night, Sesshomaru sat next to his Mate as she picked at her food. 
She didn't respond to his hand on her side. Her eyes remained in the roasted vegetables as she pushed them from one side of the plate to the other. 
"Welping not what you expected?"
Slowly, her head shook back and forth. 
Claws slipped through her long black hair in soothing strokes, "Tell me what is bothering you."
She paused, glancing up at him with worry in her eyes. Just as soon as she looked at him, her eyes darted back to the plate. 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his chest. "Kagome, what could be so difficult to say?"
"It's not difficult..." Worrying her lip between her teeth, "I'm not sure what you may expect of me when the baby comes. I don't want to eat any part of it."
His laugh caught her off guard.
"What?" Pulling away she frowned at him, clueless. "Sesshomaru! Quit laughing!"
"Oh, Koi," He cooed at her. Tugging her close and nuzzling her hair, "I enjoy how simple you are."
"Simple?!" She tried to shove him away, but he only cuddled her more. 
"Did I say simple?" His hot breath curled against her ear, "I meant naive."
"Like that's any better." Her grumbles fell on deaf ears. He was paying more attention to her neck. "Sesshomaru...nng, stop it."
"You don't mean it." 
She huffed.
"Are you so worried, you can't enjoy my lips on your skin?" His canines grazed her pulse and she hissed.
"It's a very distracting concern."
His laugh hit her neck in a hot burst. "Do not fret, my koi, Inuyoukai do not ingest the after birth of our young. I would not expect you to." 
"Thank God!" As soon as the outburst left her lips her hand clapped over her mouth and her face flushed red, "No offense."
He brought his face closer. His gaze so serious it made her gulp. “You should be more worried about how we separate the umbilical cord.” 
All the color drained from her face. “What do you mean!?”
“Um, Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin popped in between them. 
“Looks like this is a conversation that must wait.” The glint in his amber eyes was downright evil, “What is it Rin?”
Kagome sucked in a breath and blinked, swallowing the urge to shake him. He had to be joking. Right? She grimaced. 
Rin winced, “I need you to help some of my new friends!” 
Sesshomaru’s brow rose, “What kind of assistance do they require that you can not give yourself?”
“Well,” Rin bit her lip, “I tried, but I’m not strong enough. And they seemed kind of annoyed. Like, baaark bark grr.”
“Your assumption is correct. What were you trying to do?”
“Well at first, they were just sort of wrestling, like this,” Rin made gestures with her hands, and suddenly Kagome’s wasn’t the only face with lack of color. “Then they were stuck and couldn’t move around without each other. It looks uncomfortable.” She clapped her hands together, eyes pleading, “Can you help?!”
“Um, Rin...” Kagome pulled her away from her guardian, whom looked like he might explode any moment.
His jaw ticked, teeth clenched. Claws balled into fists. His eyes were dark as he bit out the words, “Of course I will help them.”
A few moments later two sharp yelps rang through camp.
“That didn’t sound like helping...” Rin blinked. 
Kagome pressed her lips together, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“Lady Kagome?” Wringing her hands, Rin stared at Sesshomaru as he exited the hoard of dogs, with his face looking very similar to when Naraku had kidnapped her. “Why is Lord Sesshomaru angry?”
“Well...” Kagome winced, “What the dogs were doing probably should have been done behind some bushes.”
Her brows furrowed and her face scrunched, “Why?” She cocked a brow, “Shippo and I wrestle behind bushes and in front of bushes.”
Kagome’s eyes bulged, “Uh...Hey look, Sesshomaru is nearly here!” She patted Rin’s shoulder, “I have to go pee, but you can ask him all the questions you want. He is the dog expert afterall!”
As she darted away, she could feel his eyes burning a hole in her back.
When she returned, the conversation was already over. “That was weirdly fast...” 
Sesshomaru was sitting with his back against a tree trunk, his eyes closed, while Rin sat on a log off the side, looking slightly perplexed.
“So uh, Rin,” Kagome hesitantly asked, “Sesshomaru explained to you what was going on?”
“Oh yes!” Rin chriped, “One day, when Lord Sesshomaru says I can, I will make babies like that too with my husband. Though...” Her face scrunched, “Getting stuck looks uncomfortable, so I won’t ask for permission any time soon.”
“Oh?” Kagome blinked, looking from Sesshomaru, back to Rin. “Well, that’s good. There’s no reason to rush things.” 
Rin nodded. A light bark resounded, and the little girl brightened, “Akita wants to play!”
“Okay, have fun!” She watched her disappear into the throng before nudging her Mate’s boot with her foot. “Why does Rin think she will get stuck when she makes babies?”
One amber eye barely opened at her, “She doesn’t need to know all the specifics, just that what she saw was reproduction, and should be done in private.” 
Blue fire ignited in her eyes, “What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t tell her part and not all! She’ll be confused, and then someone might take advantage of that.”
He growled, “No one will dare take advantage of her.”
Her jaw clenched, arms crossed over her chest as she glared down at him, “She’s growing up. Soon she’ll be a beautiful young woman and she won’t want to tag along with ‘Lord Sesshomaru’ constantly, she will want to explore and you won’t be around to protect her from realistic situations.” Her nails dug into her palms, “I can’t believe you could be so naive.” 
He moved to stand, but she was already walking away.
“I’m going to get Rin. This time have a conversation with her that doesn’t leave her confused and misinformed.”
“Kagome! Wait.” He snapped, grabbing her arm, “I...”
She grinned as his eyes pleaded with her, “I’ll be there this time so if she has any questions about the feminine parts, I will explain.” She shrugged, “You know, at first this seemed really scary to talk to her about, but really who cares. She needs to know. Not too long and she will start menstruating. Might as well get it out of the way now so she’s not scared.”
“What do you mean not too long from now?!”
“Sesshomaru, come on, she’s like ten.” Kagome sighed, “You must have been really sheltered from humans growing up. Rin will be going through the change soon, maybe within the next two springs. We will need to prepare her for that, and of course what can happen if she does certain things after that change.”
He looked pale. She pressed her palm against his cheek, “What are you so worried about?”
“Rin isn’t ready to be a mother or wife.” His voice strained. 
“Well no,” Kagome shrugged, “And you shouldn’t expect her to be. Just because her body starts the process doesn’t mean she’s ready for that... Women who give birth young tend to have difficulties in giving birth. It just means her body is preparing for it, not that she’s ready. Just calm down.”
The rigidity of his muscles didn’t lessen as they moved through the hoard of dogs to find Rin. 
Amid a game of chase, it was easy to spot her. 
“Rin.” Sesshomaru’s voice sounded harsher than usual. 
Kagome squeezed his hand. 
Rin looked up at them while running, “Yes, My Lord?”
He tensed up further. 
Kagome sighed, “We need to talk to you a bit more, can you come sit with us for awhile?”
“Of course!” She bounced toward them before remembering her game companion, “Bark-bark!” 
They all settled in on Kagome’s patchy sleeping bag. 
“Want some water, Rin?” She held up the canteen. 
Rin shook her head before leaning in close to whisper in Kagome’s ear. “What’s wrong with Lord Sesshomaru?”
His hands were tensely folded over his bent knee, and he looked strained in a way she’d never seen on him before. “Sesshomaru, do you want any water?” 
He narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Okay, I’ll take that as a no then...” She bit her lip, “This will be easier if you calm down.”
“I’m calm.” He sounded nothing of the sort, but Kagome ignored it. This wasn’t about Sesshomaru, this was about Rin. 
She dove right in. “Alright Rin, we want to let you know about some changes that will be happening with your body soon.”
Her brown eyes lit up, “You mean I will turn into an Inuyoukai!?” She squealed, “I always wanted to be an Inuyoukai!”
“Um,” Kagome stifled a giggle, “No, not exactly.” She rubbed her lips together, “Your body will change and prepare to become an adult woman, and you will be capable of creating children with a partner.”
“Oh?” Rin sighed, “Lord Sesshomaru already told me about the dogs creating babies.”
“Yes.” She nodded, “He did, but humans and most high level youkai do not create babies the same way as dogs. There are different positions, and you have to get in the mood, lots of foreplay, and -” Sesshomaru’s hand clamped over her mouth.
“Rin does not need to know so many details. Just explain the female changes.” He was above begging usually, but she could see he was on the verge.
“Okay.” She grinned, peeling his hand from her mouth. 
The menstruation conversation went relatively quickly, with very few questions at the end. Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at how succinctly, and without confusion, his Mate had helped his Ward understand what would go on with her body. She seemed so much more ready for the conversation than he felt.
“So that is what the dogs were doing?” Rin asked, her big brown eyes signaling for Sesshomaru to answer.
Kagome gave him a small nudge. He blinked. “Where were we?” He whispered so only she could hear. 
“I was explaining that once she’s fertile it’s possible to have a baby with the help from a male.” She flicked his shoulder, “Pay attention.”
His eyes narrowed at her before glancing calmly over to Rin. “Yes. The male was helping the female fertilize her eggs to produce young.”
“By wrestling?” Rin laughed, “That’s silly.”
His jaw ticked, “It’s not called wrestling, it’s called fu- se- intimate relations.”
Kagome hid her giggle behind her hand. He was absolutely flushed. 
Rin straightened up, “So do dogs stay stuck until the baby comes? How come you aren’t stuck to Kagome right now?” Her eyes looked panicked as she reached for Kagome’s belly, “Is that why the baby won’t come out!?”
Kagome sputtered on a drink of water. 
“No Rin.” Sesshomaru grimaced, “They do not stay stuck until the puppies come. Do not fret, this one will come when they are ready.” 
“Are you sure?” She hugged Kagome’s stomach, her smile only returning when she felt a kick against her cheek. 
“Very sure,” Kagome rubbed her back, running her fingers through her long dark hair, “Babies cannot be told when to come, they only arrive when they are ready.”
“Mhm.” She squeezed a little more before letting go, “So, if humans and youkai like Lord Sesshomaru have babies differently than dogs, how did Lord Sesshomaru fertilize your egg?”
Kagome swallowed hard, suddenly uncomfortable. It was her turn to look pleadingly at her Mate. 
“Males have a different reproductive body part that fits inside a female’s reproductive body part. Like a secret box. The egg is only fertilized if the puzzle is solved.” 
Rin held up her hands and intertwined her fingers midair, “Like a secret box...”
“The male part solves the secret box's puzzle, by fitting into place, and releases his seed.”
Kagome’s eyes grew wide. Did he really just say seed? She pressed her lips together and wrung her hands. 
“What’s seed?”
“It fertilizes the egg.”
Rin nodded, “Okay.” 
“That’s it? Just okay? You don’t have any questions?” Kagome prodded.
She shook her head, “No, I understand. A woman’s secret box holds her egg, and Lord Sesshomaru solved your puzzle and put his seeds inside of your secret box so that your egg would be fertilized.”
“Well, it feels really really good and we weren’t really trying to-” Sesshomaru’s hand clamped over Kagome’s mouth again. 
“That’s exactly true, Rin. Now go play. If you have more questions you may ask them later.”
“Okay!” She hopped up and bowed, “Thank you Lord Sesshomaru! Thank you Lady Kagome!”
Clawing his hand from her mouth, she snapped, “What was that for?!”
“Some things she can discover on her wedding night.” He grumbled. 
She couldn't​ help but giggle. “Would it be so bad for her to know it feels good?”
“Yes.” He began rolling her sleeping bag back up, “Let her be pleasantly surprised.”
“Fine.” Holding her backpack open, she helped him shove the bag inside, “But if she asks you have to tell her honestly.”
“I won’t lie to her, but I won’t give her unnecessary details.” His arm was tense beneath her palm.
“You did a good job.” Her smile relaxed his nerves. 
He grinned, “So did you.”
“I hope we didn’t confuse her more though.” Kagome winced, “I think she got it, but did she get it?”
A warm hand rubbed her back, “There’s no way to know.”
She sighed, “If she has questions, she’ll ask.”
“Rin is intelligent enough to ask questions when something gains her curiosity.” Sesshomaru strapped her backpack to Ah Un. “Don’t worry.”
“Okay,” Nodding, while worrying her lip between her teeth, she looked back at the hoard of dogs, spotting Rin running through the throng of them. Her hand went to her stomach as the baby kicked. She rubbed the spot and looked up at her Mate. “Let’s get home, I’m tired of walking. It’s not helping the baby come.”
“Hn.” He caught her in a loose embrace, pressing their foreheads together, “Are you in pain?”
“No.” A small smile stole her lips, “I was just thinking that maybe Rin is right, and sex could help.” 
The deep rumble of his laughter caused the birds to leave the clearing, but his gaze swirled deep gold. “If after I slay the cat, you are still full with my hier, I will solve your secret box.”
Blushing, she giggled and leaned in for a kiss, “Promise?”
“Of course.” He kissed her soft and slow, and it left her needing more, something deeper, and hotter. With much less clotting. “Later.” 
One last pluck of his lips, and he had her sitting on top of Ah un. “Okay.”
In the wee hours of the morning the first Shiro gate opened wide. Sesshomaru walked through. Kagome and Rin slept atop the dragon while Jaken trudged a forest behind them with the hoard of homeless dogs.
Kagome woke up in her Mate's arms. She nuzzled against his chest, glad there was no armor between them. 
Strong arms around her, ensconced in the heat of his body, as he moved to lay her on their soft futon, she whimpered and clung to him. "Mmm, so warm. Don't go."
Soft kisses rained over her face, "I will return." 
"Don't be late." She murmured sleepily as he kissed her lips.
"I won't be." Chills settled in as his warmth left her. He pulled up the blankets.
"I won't forgive you if you're late."
"Do not doubt me." One more lingering kiss, and he left to track the pussy problem.
He made it to the inner gate before a servant came running.
"My Lord! Master Jaken, he's brought with him thousands of dogs!" 
"Feed and water the beasts." His knuckles flexed, "Soon they will be gone back from whence they came."
Once free of pack responsibilities, his Mate safely tucked away, he focused on tracking the Neko. 
The feline stench hit him near the border of his lands. 
It didn’t take long for cats to come crawling out of the forest. Merowing an Inu hate chant.
Miasma billowed. Sesshomaru’s lip curled. The deeper he delved into the area, the more hissed at him. The beasts were in the trees and covering the ground. A writhing blanket of hairy rats.
Tails waved like little snakes to and fro. 
“Ahhhhhh, finally!” A cackle erupted from the tallest tree. Power radiated off the youkai in waves. 
He leapt down, landing on his feet. Gray fur covered his entire body. His tail swished, and his ears tweaked. A grin on his feline face. 
“I’ve been waiting for you Western Dog!” He spat. His slanted eyes bulged suddenly and her coughed. 
Sesshomaru’s jaw clenched. This imbecile. He had left his pregnant Mate to deal with this pathetic fish licker. 
The choking continued until something large and round erupted from the cat’s bow shaped mouth. 
“Excuse me.” He flicked his black hair over his shoulder while plopping the ratted mass of hair on the ground. “Hairball. You can understand.”
“No.” Sesshomaru snapped. He’d let this go on long enough, “Prepare to die.” He unsheathed Bakusaiga. 
“No.” He rushed forward in a blur and swung, barely snipping a lock of the cat’s hair. 
The Neko hissed, leaping out of the way, “I haven’t even told you why I’m getting rid of you mangy dogs!”
Sesshomaru rushed forward again, keeping in motion with the cat’s constant movement. “I do not care.”
“Fine!” He screeched.
The hairball erupted in bright green light and elongated to form a massive sword. Sesshomaru’s lip curled. 
Finally the battle would begin. “Weapon or not, you will die this night.”
Swords collided. He forced the cat back. 
Feet shifted, and once more they were apart. 
Leaping from tree trunks, and kicking up into the air to slice off the other’s head. 
A tear to Sesshomaru’s billowing sleeve gave him an opening. He drove Bakusaiga through the cat’s leg and kicked back. 
He watched the limb fall with a waterfall of blood. The cat screeched. “I’ll kill you, damn dog!”
Suddenly the massive hoard of cats rose up around him. 
They morphed together with the enemy in a huge blob. 
Sesshomaru didn’t wait to find out what the beasts would become. He began slicing away bit by bit. 
A huge black cat formed, missing a tail. The Neko hung his body at the front of the faceless mass. “You think you can defeat me?!” He hissed.
Scratching the air, the beast drove toward him. 
Growling, Sesshomaru felt his youki bubbling from within. His true form emerged twice the size of the cat. He shook his head and a river of acid rained down on his enemy. 
Not relenting, he bit and gnawed. The horrid taste of cat on his tongue. 
He spat out chunks of flesh and fur. 
The battle ended in a mass of disintegrated flesh. 
Miasma dissipated from the area just as the sun began to peek up over the tree line. 
Covered in the guts of his enemy, Sesshomaru flew toward home. 
“What are you covered in?!” Kagome cried out as soon as he entered the room. “Gross!”
“Hn,” He frowned, “No welcome back, My Love? Thank you for assisting the mutts?”
She giggled behind her hand, “It’s just so unexpected, I’ve never seen you covered in anything before.”
“I was in a hurry.” He began stripping off his clothes, layer by layer. 
Her soft smile and her glistening eyes looked gorgeous in the morning sunlight. “I appreciate your efforts.” 
“Good, you will bathe with me.” 
“Hahaha, no chance.” She turned around and began making the futon, “There is no way. You smell as bad as Jaken when he peed himself.”
Was that a pout she saw? Couldn't have been. "You are a cruel Mate." 
"And you are a stinky one, now go!" She held open the door that led to their private bath."You got rid of the problem, right? So the dogs should be leaving?"
He scowled, "Do you doubt my ability to slay a pathetic cat?" 
"Of course not." She blew him a kiss, "I'm going to check on things."
The corridors were bussing with cleaning servant's. Curiously, she followed them through the Shiro and out into the gardens.
Clumps of feces littered the carefully manicured gardens. 
She spotted Rin off to the side, staring at the field. "Did you say goodbye before they left?"
Rin nodded, downtrodden. 
"You okay?" 
She pouted, "I wanted to be happy that they are going home, but I'm sad. I will miss them." Rubbing her hands over her knees, she let out a sigh, “Akita didn’t even say bye before he left.”
“The Alpha?” They had seemed awfully close. Kagome looked out at the stretch of land. The servants had almost completely cleared the area of poo piles. 
“Yes!” Rin wiped away tears threatening to fall. “He just left! I didn’t want him to go!”
“Well, Rin.” Kagome patted her back, “He probably returned to his family.”
Her little head hung on her shoulders, “Yeah.” She sniffled, “You’re right Lady Kagome.”
“Am I?” Catching sight of the Alpha hiding beneath a tree at the edge of the garden, she nudged Rin, “Look over there.”
Shaking her head, Rin sniffled again, “Please don’t try to cheer me up, Lady Kagome. Sometimes it’s good to be sad.”
“But Rin, there’s no reason to be sad.”
“Yes. There is.” She got up off the bench, and turned toward the main house.
“Rin!” Kagome grabbed the little girl’s shoulders and spun her around, “Look! Under the tree!”
The Akita had his head covered with his paws as he laid on the ground.
“Akita!” Overwhelmed with joy, Rin broke free of Kagome’s hands and rushed to her friend. 
Sesshomaru caught her around the middle, resting his palms on her belly. “What is happening?” 
“Nice you could finally join us.” Kagome lifted a lock of his long silver hair to her nose, “You smell much better.” She winked at him over her shoulder. 
He scoffed.
Cool fingers ran over his warm arms around her, “Rin was sad that the Akita left without saying bye, but he is there beneath the tree.”
“He will not be going anywhere.” Sesshomaru muttered under his breath. 
“Why?” They were all leaving, so why wouldn’t he be going?
He watched the dog and his ward begin a new game of tag in the distance. “The Akita is the only stray of the dogs that were following us. He will do as he pleases, and it seems he is pleased to remain with Rin.”
Kagome grinned up at him, “You knew all along, didn’t you?”
He nodded. 
“Aw, you’re so sweet when you want to be.” She rubbed her nose against his. 
“I can be many things when I desire to be.” The words whispered against her lips. Timing perfect, she turned in his arms to kiss him as deeply as she wanted. 
Her fingers ran over the sides of his face, into hair like silk. She couldn’t wait until it hung like a curtain over her bare skin. “Sesshomaru...” His name slid against his mouth, laced with desire. “I want you so badly.”
Strong arms captured her against his chest. His tongue made promises against her own, the day laid before them one of soft sheets and heat that would have her panting. 
He bit her lip at the threshold of their rooms. Hot breath grazed over her jaw, slowly he kissed his way along the slope of her neck, and down to her collarbone. 
“Sess...mmm,” She moaned. Pressure built up inside her. Like a rock, she felt it shift. 
He slid his tongue over her sensitive skin, his husky voice hot against her flesh, “Kagome. I’m going to devour you.”
“Ah!” She caught his shoulders. Canines nipped as his tongue curled. Her stomach felt like a knot. “Sesshomaru...” Suddenly she swallowed hard, and the sensations on her skin dimmed. A wave of pressure slammed into her abdomen. “Sesshomaru...”
“Hm?” Clueless, he continued kissing her shoulder. 
Nails dug into his arms, “Sesshomaru!” Just as she screamed his name, fluid rushed from between her legs, soaking them both and the floor below them. 
That got his attention. “Kuso.”
“Kuso.” She nodded. “Put me down, I can’t be bunched like this, it hurts.”
And hurt it did, only more so. As her feet hit the floor firm pressure delved downward. Her knees felt weak. She clung to his arm. 
“I think I need to sit down.” Her voice trembled.
Sesshomaru kept his cool, “I’ll help you.”
He guided her to the futon. As soon as she hit the mattress, she cried out, “No! No. No. No.” Using his arms as support, she pushed back into a standing position and hissed, “No sitting!”
“Okay. No sitting.” Sesshomaru held her closer, steadying her. “We will try different things until the midwife gets here.”
“The midwife is an idiot!” She cried, “Walking didn’t help at all!”
Her face buried into his chest. 
“Shh... don’t waste energy on crying.”
“I’m not!” Another contraction hit her like a ton of bricks. “I need to move, I can’t...standing still  hurts to much!”
“Okay.” He cradled her spine with his hand, and helped her sway from side to side, “Does that help?”
“Fuck. Yes.” Her nails dug into his arms as sweat dripped down her face. They swayed and swayed to nothing but the sound of the birds outside. 
She tried to breathe through the pain. Breathing had never felt so difficult. She clenched her teeth, and rested her face against his chest. 
Suddenly the Granny Midwife appeared in the room with a plethora of attendants. Clay dishes smashed in the corner of the room to ward off evil spirits.
“Sesshomaru!” Kagome snapped, “This. Is. Unnecessary.” She hissed through clenched teeth. Her legs felt weak already as contractions came quicker and quicker. 
“Shoo!” The Granny beckoned him to leave. 
Kagome growled, “If you leave I will kill them. Don’t you dare.”
The Granny huffed, “You will be the downfall of this house with your barbaric ways!”
Sesshomaru gently leaned down to kiss her sweat dampened temple, “I will not leave you. Do not worry.” 
“O-kay!” Another one and she shuddered against him, “This is all your fault!”
“Yes.” He murmured in her ear. “Yes it is.”
“We need to move to the birthing chambers.” The Granny hissed. 
  Sesshomaru helped her shuffle along the short walk to the white walled room. The clay plates continued to break in the corner. A white veiled dias rested in the center.
“This is over the top.” Kagome bit her lip as they moved deeper into the room. 
He rubbed her back, “It’s tradition.”
“Screw tradition!” She growled and shook her head. 
More pressure. She clenched her hands around his forearms like vices.  
They swayed as attendants loosened the ties of her kimono. The weight came off in layers, she felt lighter and heavier at the same time. 
Until only the outer shell remained. She stood there, bare before everyone, yet her mind was consumed by the task at hand and the strength of her partner. She focused her resolve, and bit back on a scream.
“If you are going to put our Lord in danger, you might as well take comfort in him being here.” The Granny grumbled at their side.
“Pft.” Kagome winced and laughed at the same time, “No evil spirits would be strong enough to put my Mate in danger. If evil spirits really did come, if anything- gah!” She clenched her eyes shut until the next contraction passed, “If anything, he makes it safer for me and our young.”
His lips distracted her enough to get through the next. Her belly rippled like a wave in the sea. Rock hard, and angry. Fire burned between her legs. She screamed and cried against his mouth. 
Time passed by like a blur. The shattering of pots. The heaviness of her breath. Sesshomaru whispering words of encouragement into her ear. Fingers probing her between her legs to check the baby’s position. The pain. 
Fuck. The pain. 
“Squat!” The Granny hissed. “No! Not there!” She pulled them into the veiled square of white. A soft mat awaited their baby, just as soon as she could push the little one out. 
Sesshomaru’s fingers were white as she squeezed them with both hands. Her forehead rested on his wrist as she squatted down.   
Tears ran down the sides of her face. The fire increased to a searing burn. Things were shifting inside. The baby was lower. 
“Hair!” The Granny shouted. “Silver hair!”
Sesshomaru kissed her crown. “You are doing well. Only a little further.” He spoke to her in soft tones. 
Crying, she growled up at him. “I’m never doing this again.”
“Okay, whatever you want.” 
She nodded. “This is way worse-” Her arms trembled as she pushed on command, “-than I thought -nnnng!” Her teeth clenched. The midwife didn’t give her any time to recover as she told her to push again. 
“Nearly there! Push harder!”
“I’m trying!” She screamed, baring down as hard as she could.
Sesshomaru smiled, “You are amazing, and strong.”
And suddenly the pressure released, and Kagome’s harsh breaths were accompanied by a screaming infant. 
The umbilical cord snipped by Sesshomaru’s claws after they clamped both ends. 
Eyes blurry with tears, Kagome couldn’t make out her baby aside from the tufts of silver atop the head. 
“We have a young Lord.”  
“He’s so beautiful, Kagome.” His lips felt cold on her temple. “Thank you.”
“Thank you too!” She sobbed as the baby met her arms. Skin so soft and warm, she cradled her newborn to her chest. Wiping her eyes she took in the brilliance of his face. The crescent moon that marked his little forehead. Little stripes on his face. “Open your eyes.” The newborn scrunched his face in protest.
“You already know they will be like the Father’s.” The Granny piped in.
Sesshomaru grunted behind her, “Your Lord would find blue preferable.” 
Granny’s lips pinched.
Kagome teared up again. She bit her lip. Petting her new baby’s cheek. “I can’t believe you are finally here...” More tears fell down her cheeks, “I’m so happy.”
A few days passed and Rin peered down at the new baby with wonder and excitement. “He has blue eyes!”
“Yep, Sesshomaru got his wish.” 
He smirked from his spot around the little bundle. 
“No Shikon Jewel required.” 
Kagome giggled, “Don’t bring that up!”
Akita barked at Rin’s side, sitting on guard. 
“What did he say?”
Rin looked at Sesshomaru as if she needed approval to translate, as soon as he nodded, she grinned, “He said he is glad to be one of two new additions to the pack.” 
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prettypiggykaka · 5 years
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Sesskag badges
Made by 子细胞
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sesskag · 6 years
Will there be a summer or spring week for sesskag coming up??
Thanks for the ask!
Yes, @sesskag-week is going to organise SessKag Week 2019 over the summer! 😊
We don't know yet when exactly it will be held, because there is a poll coming up next month where potential participants can choose which week would suit them the most.
If you like, you can already start following @sesskag-week or keeping an eye on #skw2019 but the actual week won't happen until some time in June, July or August.
- Admin Chie
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jafndaegur · 5 years
Sesskag Week: Day Three
Warm fire and Home
Sesskag Week 2019 | Red Tulip - Fame, charity, trust
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
Kagome’s fingers worked the thin and stale stalks with deft precision; she separated the needles and leaves of the sage from the stems. Winter was approaching soon, and she wanted to stock up on as much herbs as she could while the weather was still pleasant and benevolent enough to work. Once the rain and chill set in, her abilities to venture outdoors would be lessened significantly. So would her ability to keep herself busy. She paused and let her vision graze the horizon for one long guilty minute before she huffed and set herself to focus twice as hard to her work.
Yes, she had been hoping to see Sesshomaru’s figure on the horizon. Yes, it bothered her that he had been gone for a month now. Yes, she was worried sick. But she wouldn’t say a thing—absolutely not. She wasn’t dependent or clingy.
But she housed a tight nervousness in her stomach, a fear that she scared him away.
Scare Sesshomaru? Kagome tried to laugh. A brave youkai lord like him does not get scared. But annoyed was a different story.
She troubled her bottom lip between her teeth as she stood. Fidgeting with the basket of herbs in her grasp, Kagome told herself everything was fine. She did so with a smile and a surprisingly sweet hum. She thought about all of her favorite songs instead of the wide charity of Sesshomaru’s patience wasted on her idle chatter. She danced as she walked down the path to her hut. All the many times she talked his ears off had added up and surely he had stalked away without wanting to give her notice. Pushing back the summer-beaded curtains to her home, she tilted her head back and wondered what would be for dinner. Again, she’d be eating alon—
A jolt stopped her with a snap and she stared blankly at the sea of red tulips—bulbs, stems, and all—piled knee-high on her small floorspace. Sesshomaru stood at the center, his head bowed as he sieved through the flowers with a scrunched expression on his face. His nose twitched and she wondered if he could detect her scent amidst the overwhelming perfume and pollen. Regardless, he could see and when he caught the movement of her in the corner of his vision, he rose to full-height and gave her a slight tilt of his head. Kagome set her basket down at the front and picked her way as carefully as she could to him.
“Well, if it isn’t the famed daiyoukai. How strange to see him in a pool of flowers,” she teased, eagerly taking his hand when he offered it.
His brow lifted and he scoffed, pulling her flush against him.
A sigh built in her chest, but she refused to let it escape. If she did, then Sesshomaru would know how apprehensive she had been about him. But now, with the familiar feeling of his cool armor beneath her cheek and the sensation of his claws languidly sifting through her hair, she wondered why she had been worried. Content to snuggle into his embrace, she felt all too wiling to forget the elephant in the room—the beautifully bright and fragrant vermillion piles of elephants, actually.
But the Inu seemed to have a different agenda on his mind. He swept his arms up behind the crook of her knees. She squeaked as he drew her up. In a split second he granted her a rare toothy smile as he nuzzled the bridge of her throat
“You, little miko, are incredibly easy to decipher,” he crooned softly, brushing his nose along the crook of her neck to inhale slow and deliberate breaths.
She yelped. “How so?”
Rubbing lazy circles up her spine, Sesshomaru did not answer immediately. Instead he carried her throughout the room in slow spirals. With well-though steps, and all the elegance and grace expected from him—he wove in and out of the tulip piles, kimono sleeves fluttering. He walked for a while, his circling steps matching the soothing tracing along her. Oddly calming.
“This Sesshomaru traveled west and then north to find these blooms,” he hummed. “A merchant told me the meaning of the flowers when I happened across a meadow.”
“Did you bring back the entire meadow?”
“That is not the question you should be inquiring,” he appeared slightly offended before gifting a slight shrug. “And no.”
Kagome giggled. “Alright, then Sessh. What did the merchant tell you?”
“Still not quite the right questions,” he teased.
“Sesshomaru,” she laughed, nuzzling his cheek as her curiosity piqued. “What is the meaning of this?”
For a brief pause, Sesshomaru seemed to falter. At least that’s what it could have been interpreted as. But Kagome knew better. The flicker of his gaze beneath his lashes and this smooth unworried brow. In his own way, the daiyoukai was enjoying this moment. She knew the faint nuances of his movements that told her he was processing the information of any situation.
“Trust,” he murmured, “Trust that I will always return to you.”
He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss, to which she responded happily and readily.
With such a genuine response, he returned to her mouth with something a little hungrier and more demanding. Kagome smiled and parted her lips slightly, sighing his name with a pleased murmur. His hand had moved from her neck to cradle the back of her head while his other arm returned her legs to the floor. She stood on her own, but beside him, hands fisted gently into the cloth of his kimono while she tilted her head back a little further to give him better access. His bangs brushed against her forehead and she relished the musky scent that hovered close to his skin: all forest and open sky and long trailing roads—but also always of warm fire and home.
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chierafied · 5 years
Starvation (SKW2019d5)
Prompts:  Blue Bell - Grateful + Trust
Post Canon. 912 words.
Rin was a carefree child who was never afraid to show her affection to Sesshoumaru. 
He sat through it all – the multitude of hugs, the playing with his hair, the occasional moments she'd climbed into his lap. 
But now that Rin was older, and living in Edo under the old miko’s tutelage. Sesshoumaru didn't see her as often, and when he did go to visit her the young woman Rin was becoming was more poised and less free with her affections. 
Sesshoumaru had not even consciously noticed this or realised the consequences of his current deprivation of physical contact.
Not until one fateful afternoon.
Naturally, Inuyasha’s miko was the one to startle Sesshoumaru into realising how dire his current situation was.
She was always making friendly overtures and treating him as if they were close companions. Sesshoumaru did not understand why; he had certainly never given her any reason to assume they were anything more than uncomfortable allies. 
And to his understanding, the miko was educated and reasonably intelligent for a human, so it was mind-boggling that she could misunderstand their relationship so completely.
But then again, the miko had always defied expectations and, incredibly, had never seemed to show any fear of him.
For that, he couldn’t help giving her his respect – albeit grudgingly.
On that fateful afternoon, Sesshoumaru had happened to be in the vicinity of the village. And by sheer chance, or by the cruel prompting of jesting kami, the miko’s path had crossed his.
She was crouching down and picking up blue flowers.
For a moment, it struck him that she faintly resembled Rin, and that was why he stopped and came to stand next to her.
She started when his shadow fell over her and looked up, her eyes wide.
At the sight of him, however, the surprise and alarm faded. She flashed him a smile.
Sesshoumaru raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
The miko truly did not possess survival instinct of any sort.
“Sesshoumaru! It’s been a while.”
“Hn,” he replied, noncommittal.
That didn’t deter the miko, of course.
She stood up, clutching the flowers in her hand and continued babbling at him.
Sesshoumaru had all but tuned her out and was wondering how to get rid of the infuriating female, when it happened and he was jolted back to reality.
His nostrils flared.
His entire body had grown tense, like a bowstring pulled taut. His golden eyes were fixed on the small feminine hand lightly resting on his arm.
Under his intense scrutiny, those soft fingers twitched and Sesshoumaru reacted, moving with startling speed. 
His hand settled firmly over the diminutive one, trapping it in place before the miko had a chance to pull away.
“Sesshoumaru?” she asked again, although this time her voice was trembling and the sour scent of her nervousness permeated the air.
Sesshoumaru’s mind raced as he pondered the dilemma he was in.
The solution, he mused, staring at the miko, could in fact be fairly simple.
Although there was little incentive for the miko to agree to such a scheme.
“I’m sorry,” she said, once again beginning her babbling. “I didn’t mean to offend –”
“You have not offended me,” Sesshoumaru cut in. 
The miko spoke again, hesitant and hopeful. “Then maybe you can let me go?”
“No,” Sesshoumaru replied at once. Not when he could feel the warmth of the miko’s touch.
“Why not?” she asked, frowning at him in apparent confusion.
Deciding he had nothing to lose, Sesshoumaru chose to trust her with the truth.
“May I be frank with you, miko?”
She nodded quickly. “Sure, of course.”
“Inuyoukai typically live in packs, and although I do not possess one at the moment and prefer my solitude, certain ingrained behaviours still remain.”
The miko nodded again, this time more slowly. “That makes sense, I mean genetics dictate a lot of our lives.”
He tilted his head at her peculiar nonsensical word but ignored it. It wouldn’t do to get side-tracked right now.
“Because inuyoukai are pack-minded, it is natural to be in a close proximity with one another. Physically. And when one goes without the touch of another for an extended period of time, it will begin to have an effect.”
“Wait… I’ve heard of this! What you’re talking about sounds a lot like skin hunger. Or being starved for touch.”
Sesshoumaru blinked. He had never heard of either description before, but they felt… apt.
“I had not realised how long I had gone without contact before you touched me.”
The miko bit her lip and stared at her hand, still resting on Sesshoumaru’s arm and engulfed by his hand.
Then, she looked up at him.
“Is it bad?”
“It is nothing this Sesshoumaru cannot bear,” he replied dismissively. 
There was a limit to how much of his vulnerabilities he dared to let show at a given time.
“Is… Is there something I could do?”
Astonished, Sesshoumaru looked into the soft and sincere blue of the miko’s eyes.
Something warm and vaguely resembling gratitude welled in his chest.
He had thought he would have to try to coax the miko, perhaps threaten her; use whatever means he could to persuade her into compliance.
Instead, here she was, offering her assistance unprompted.
Kindness like that was as rare as it was remarkable.
“Indeed, there is,” Sesshoumaru said, wrapping his fingers around the miko’s hand, giving it a light squeeze. “In fact, this Sesshoumaru has a proposition to make.”
Will be continued on Day 7!
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jafndaegur · 5 years
Sesskag Week: Day Two
Ghost of Recognition
Sesskag Week 2019 | Iris: Good news, glad tidings, loyalty
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
How much time had passed since the end of Naraku’s mayhem? Sesshomaru did not know. As he approached the village, he cast a wary glance in the direction of the Bone Eater’s well. He wondered if he should check on it today. Make sure it was still intact and there. Make sure that she had not returned yet.
When the final battle had ceased and the priestess Kagome had disappeared with its stop, the small bit of hope for them that he nurtured then perished. Foolish. He had been so foolish to follow his father’s footsteps in loyalty to a human woman. He had tried. Enjoyed it even. Had noted the almost invisible freckles on her light skin, the slight curl of her inky locks—the lively dazzle in her eyes. Sesshomaru had observed, wanted, desired, and reached to touch every detail only to lose her in a flash of a second. He the great conqueror and ruler of this territory, he the magnificent daiyoukai, Sesshomaru. Yet he couldn’t even hold onto the hand of the woman he wished for. If he could not do what he wanted with all the power he had accumulated, then he wondered what the point was. It was his lust for his father’s heirlooms all over again. Except this time, Kagome was truly out of his grasp.
“My lord!”
Sesshomaru’s hearing picked up, and he caught scent of Rin before he could see her. His nostrils flared and he caught the trace of another foreign smell. It was drenched in a stench so strong he almost didn’t recognize the trace. But that faint wisp, that ghost of recognition squeezed his heart.
He met Rin at the crest of the hill.
His little ward babbled excitedly. “Good news, lord Sesshomaru! Lady Kagome has returned; lord Inuyasha went to greet her with the others. Rin came to get you!”
“Hn.” He nodded and pat her head. Forcing himself to keep his footsteps even and slow, he sauntered behind the little girl, determined to keep his expression set. Patience, he told himself with fading resolve. You’ve been patient for oh so long already. Be dignified and sane when you meet her.
The fantastic stink of flowers nipped his nose and the tempo of his pulse stuck in his throat. Had anyone known the mighty lord Sesshomaru to dither so nervously like this, then he would have lost face. But no one could know—should know. But as he and Rin moved closer to the center of the plaza, and he caught a glimpse of such a familiar figure—he sped up until he stood before her. His golden gaze just as wide as hers, and their glances equally incredulous. She wore an odd pink garment and a short blue skirt. In her hands was a single terra cotta pot with a single long-stalked flower. In his opinion, it was hideous. He hated how the folded petals nearly blocked her face, hated how the pungent smell nearly drove away her scent. He wanted to extend his hand and make sure she really was standing there in front of him.
Was Kagome really standing right there?
“Shit, just hog her up would you?” Inuyasha scoffed, his tone full of distaste and bewilderment.
Sesshomaru ignored him. “And what sort of flower have you brought me this time, little miko?” He murmured.
“An iris.” Kagome’s eyelashes flitted and there was a smile upturning those lovely lips of hers.
He took the pot away from her. “What does such a blossom mean?”
She hesitated, twisting her hands in one another, before she answered him with confidence. “Glad tidings.”
Sesshomaru nearly dropped the potted plant in his hurry to set it down before he scooped the young woman into his arms and up against his chest. She laughed radiantly, her soft hands cupping his cheeks as she leaned down to brush her nose against his. Glad tidings indeed, he chuffed. His nose grazed against the apple of her cheek and he relished each unique aroma that made up the comforting presence of this human in his embrace. She uttered his name before meeting his gaze with sharp and sure eyes; and yet she gave him the shiest peck against the corner of his mouth.
He would have laughed at the contrast if they hadn’t the audience they did. Instead, Sesshomaru pressed his lips against hers, his fangs and tongue running along the smooth supple flesh of her bottom lip before he delved into a deeper kiss—assuring himself with every taste and caress that she was there to stay.
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chierafied · 5 years
Messages (SKW2019d1)
Prompts:   Carnation - Fascination, distinction, love + AU
I wanted to do something reminiscent of CiraArana’s Diary but with a modern twist. This story is a peculiar mix of AU and Canon and will require you to suspend your disbelief please and thank you. 😅😅
It was both fun and challenging to attempt to create an entire fic in this format but I hope you enjoy it!
Also sorry for the quality, the video was too long to upload directly on Tumblr so had to host in on Youtube. Please watch in full-screen mode to see the text better! 😅
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chierafied · 5 years
Foil (SKW2019d4)
Prompt: Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment + Drama
Post-Canon. 1,658 words.
Independent sequel to a one shot I wrote for SessKag week last year called Even.
Kagome had not been looking for a romance. It had, quite frankly, been the furthest thing on her mind.
That dream had died years ago when Inuyasha had cast her aside and she’d fled Edo in a heartbroken haze that had been equal parts of hurt, anger and grief.
But after years of wandering, rumours about a new powerful and destructive force of demons and concern for the friends she’d once thought she’d never see again had lured her back to Edo.
Kagome had come prepared and had fully been expecting to meet some familiar faces.
She just hadn’t thought Sesshoumaru’s would be the first of them.
That she’d actually ended up saving his life had been another surprise.
That moment had truly seemed to capture the change her years of wandering and training had wrought, had shown how much the balance of their relationship had shifted.
Sesshoumaru had regarded her with admiration and respect.
And ever since, he’d treated her as an ally and an equal, as they planned to take down this new threat of the demon horde together.
That, Kagome supposed, had made all the difference.
Something between them had just sparked, something that had never been there before, not until now that they were on an equal footing.
It had happened quickly and unexpectedly.
Just three days after she’d saved him and they’d joined forces, they had decided to spend the afternoon sparring – a convenient excuse to test their strength against one another, something which both of them were eager to try.
It turned out they were very well matched, as long as Sesshoumaru abstained from taking advantage of his superior strength and speed. 
Their swords met with a sharp clang, sweat rolled down Kagome’s forehead and stung in her eyes and she was grinning – a wide, wild smile, brighter than any that had touched her lips in years.
She lunged, he parried, they stopped.
Then the swords fell to the ground, forgotten, as they came together in a hungry urgency.
She buried her hands into his hair, scraped her nails against his scalp while he growled and pulled her lower lip between his teeth for a brief moment before he captured her mouth in a devouring kiss.
She pressed her body against his, slid her tongue into his mouth.
He held her tighter, one hand coming to rest on her buttock.
Afterwards, they lay together, naked bodies entangled as they both fought to catch their breaths. He was lying on his back, gazing up at the cloudy sky and cradling her to his chest.
She was tracing a lazy circle on his shoulder and once she had recovered her wits and restored some air in her lungs, she propped herself up on his chest so she could meet his eyes.
“Well wasn’t that interesting,” she murmured, a smile tugging at her lips.
“A rather pleasant surprise,” Sesshoumaru agreed, raising his claw-tipped finger to softly trace the scar on her neck.
His golden eyes were hooded as he studied her, the look in them soft and warm.
And that was the moment that Kagome knew; that despite the ferocity of their sudden passion, this spark between them was not simply about lust.
This was a romance.
By a mutual agreement, the battle against the demon horde was something they did not rush into headfirst. 
Sure, there were minor skirmishes if they chanced on the destructive youkai on the road. 
But their main focus right now was in assessing and developing a strategy and making alliances and gathering forces. 
Sango and Miroku were among the first they recruited for their cause – and despite all that had happened, the painful history and the years of distance, it felt right to be fighting by their side again.
Besides, Kagome had no reason to hold on to her broken heart. Not anymore.
She glanced up and met Sesshoumaru’s gaze, the cool gold instantly turning molten.
They took their time over the next several weeks to build their approach and weigh the merits of each and every tactic. 
Miroku’s role was especially important since his particular skills were very adept at gathering intelligence, and to succeed they’d need all the information about their new enemy they could get their hands on.
And from the bits and pieces they were able to gather, one thing was starting to look clear: Something was going on besides the obvious. 
There was someone, something, who had orchestrated everything, who possibly even controlled the horde. 
To stop the horde, they’d have to take down the mastermind. 
And finally, after weeks of planning, they determined and agreed on the best approach to accomplish that.
Now that they had a proper plan with which to flush the mastermind out from wherever they were hiding, and a time frame in which to do it, a calm settled over Kagome.
It was one of Kagome’s favourite feelings – the moment of acceptance when you know the battle is inevitable and imminent, when all your prior worries and reservations fall away until the only emotion left is the determination to defeat your opponents and live another day.
Her heart was light and her smile fierce and easy, especially when Sesshoumaru’s warm hand settled on her shoulder. 
She turned and leaned into his touch, resting her head against his chest. His fingers toyed with a strand of her hair.
“What is on your mind, miko?” he asked in a low murmur.
“That I’m ready for a battle. Now that everything’s settled I just want to get it all over and done with.”
“Perhaps this Sesshoumaru can provide a distraction,” he offered, amusement colouring his voice.
“Well now,” Kagome sighed, smiling as she turned to fully face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “There’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
Tension simmered between them, hovering on a knife’s edge as Kagome rose to the tip of her toes.
The kiss started slow and languid, even though heat erupted in the pit of Kagome’s stomach the moment their lips met.
She knew well that Sesshoumaru wasn’t immune either; she could feel how much his heart was pounding, felt the tips of his claws as he clutched her tighter and closer. 
The kiss went on, a sweet long taste of bliss.
When Kagome pulled away at last, Sesshoumaru followed, briefly catching her lips for another quick taste.
Then, he leaned forward to press his forehead against hers.
They looked at each other, a little out of breath. 
They didn’t need words, that one long gaze said it all. 
Whatever would come, they would get through it together.
The scent of Kagome’s blood lingered in the air. Deep down inside, Sesshoumaru was still howling for revenge, but it was in vain – all their enemies were already dead.
He sat by her futon, gently holding her limp hand in his own and willing her to wake.
A small hand squeezed his shoulder, and Sesshoumaru spared a glance for Rin.
“I have done the best I can, the rest is up to her now,” she said softly. “Whatever jyaki was in that attack, she is already purifying and purging out of her body. The bleeding has all but stopped.”
“I wish I could kill that bastard all over again,” Sesshoumaru growled.
“I think the fall actually did more damage than the attack itself, that’s when she hit her head,” Rin said.
Then, with another comforting squeeze, she exited the hut, leaving Sesshoumaru alone with Kagome.
Helpless, he looked on as she lay there, so pale and peaceful, her shoulder-length hair fanned against the white sheets. 
In his mind, he kept replaying the battle, trying to find a flaw even when he knew they had done all they could.
They had divided their troops so that Sesshoumaru, Sango and others had focused on the mastermind, while Kagome, Miroku and the rest had taken on the horde of demons when it was summoned.
She had been magnificent, cutting through the horde with brutal efficiency, stabbing and slashing, purifying the rabid demons left and right.
Sesshoumaru had felt a swell of pride. That moment, he had truly believed Kagome to be unstoppable.
The mastermind had evidently agreed, because he had launched his next attack right at Kagome, and neither Sango or Sesshoumaru had been able to block it.
Kagome had sensed the danger too late, and been unable to fully dodge the blow. With a strangled cry, she had crumpled to the ground and Miroku and the other allies had rushed over to her aid.
Sesshoumaru had concentrated all his efforts to defeating the mastermind then, and it hadn’t taken him and Sango much longer to cut the bastard down.
With his death, the demon horde had vanished on the spot.
The victory was theirs.
But victory did not mean anything to him, not until he would be able to share it with the miko he loved and who had fought alongside him. 
Sesshoumaru wasn’t sure how long he’d sat there by her side, waiting for her to wake, until finally his body tensed in anticipation and he leaned forward.
There was a change in her breathing pattern and her heartbeat was quickening.
A moment later the slender and callused fingers twitched in his grip. Her dark lashes fluttered.
Sesshoumaru’s heart soared when finally he was looking into her blue eyes again, and a rare smile rose to his lips, unbidden.
“Kagome,” he breathed, squeezing the hand he was still holding. He leaned forward and kissed her brow, just below the bandage wrapped around her head. 
She squeezed his hand and stared at him, but she didn’t return his smile.
Her blue eyes were clouded with confusion. She was starting to frown.
“I am glad to see you awake at last,” Sesshoumaru said, tenderly tracing the scar on her neck and feeling more relieved than he ever had.
Until Kagome finally cleared her throat and spoke.
“Who are you?”
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sesskag-week · 5 years
SessKag Week 2019 Masterlist
Here are all the fanworks that were posted for SessKag week 2019. Thanks again so much to everyone who participated! 💙
Day 1: Carnation - Fascination, distinction, love OR AU
Enough to Catch Her Eye by @jafndaegur​
Messages by @chierafied​
Step Into Love by @stormielikeweather​
Day One - Carnation: Fascination, Distinction, Love by @ladygoshawk​
Prompt 134: Hanakotoba: Carnation by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
College Daze by @beautysbeast-sesskagstyle​
Day 2: Iris - Good news, glad tidings, loyalty OR Humor 
 The Affect by @chierafied​
(Un)expected Pack Growth by @stormielikeweather​
Ghost of Recognition by @jafndaegur​
Prompt 135: Hanakotoba: Iris by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA) 
Day 3:  Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust OR Flirt
Healing Technique by @mythicamagic​
Sailing to Sunset by @chierafied​
Warm Fire and Home by @jafndaegur​
Lost at Sea by @stormielikeweather​
Prompt 136: Hanakotoba: Red Tulip by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
Day 4:  Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment OR Drama
Foil by @chierafied​
Sewn Back up with a Fine Silver Thread by @jafndaegur​
Prompt 137: Hanakotoba: Red Spider Lily by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)   
Day 5:  Blue Bell - Grateful OR Trust
Starvation by @chierafied​
Prompt 138: Hanakotoba: Blue Bell by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA) 
Day 6:  Edelweiss - Power, Courage OR Crossover/Fusion 
Prompt 139: Hanakotoba: Edelweiss by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)  
CROSSOVER; InuYasha X Jang Geum’s Dream by @sesshypatrick
The Deal with the Yakuza by @chierafied
Day 7:  Forget-me-not - True love OR Kiss
Kiss by @sesshypatrick​
Prompt 140: Hanakotoba: Forget-me-not by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
Satiation by @chierafied​
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chierafied · 5 years
Sailing to Sunset (SKW2019d3)
Prompts:  Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust + Flirt
Modern AU. 2,296 words.
Shoutout to all my friends over at Discord. 😉💙
Kagome stepped down from the stage, the applause roaring in her ears as she escaped the glare of the lights.
The host of the evening was thanking her for the wonderful speech and encouraging the audience to donate for the good cause.
Kagome, meanwhile, re-entered the grand hall, nabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and retreated into a quiet corner.
Though she was a very outgoing person, she had spent most of the night talking and smiling with the other guests of this charity fundraiser and could now do with a little break.
To be honest, she felt very much out of her depth anyway. She had never been one for these kinds of fancy parties for the rich and the famous.
That she now was a part of that world felt nothing short of preposterous.
Honestly, she still felt like a little girl playacting – which thankfully, given her choice of career, she excelled at.
It had been ten years ago when a middle school play of all things had kindled her passion for acting. 
But if someone had told a fifteen-year-old Kagome that she would in ten years be one of Japan's up and coming actresses, nicknamed online and on the media as "Tokyo Sweetheart" after the first drama she had starred in... Well, fifteen-year-old Kagome would have had a hard time believing such a lofty claim.
Frankly, twenty-five-year-old Kagome was still struggling to grasp what her life had become.
Funnily enough, at fifteen years old, she had also got her first inside glimpse to the life of the rich and famous.
Their classes had been shuffled for the last year of middle school, and for the first time ever, Kagome had found herself to be in the same class with Inuyasha, the younger son of the Nishizawa family.
They had actually become very good friends so Kagome had visited Inuyasha's house – more like a palace – several times. The Nishizawa family was very wealthy, owning multiple chains of hotels.
Actually, the hotel they were in right now for the charity fundraiser was a Nishizawa hotel.
The thought had barely registered on Kagome's mind when she met the gaze of someone standing across the room from her.
Kagome froze, her champagne glass stopped halfway to her lips.
She hadn't seen him in nine long years and yet the mad butterflies she'd felt every time in the presence of the very first crush she'd ever had were back, as if she was that star-struck fifteen-year-old again.
For a moment, Kagome just stood there, staring at him and contemplating her options.
Then, she downed her champagne, squared her shoulders, and plastered a smile onto her face.
She strode across the room, ignoring her wobbly knees.
She told the stupid butterflies to calm down and tried to channel some of that effortless flirtiness that Satsuki, one of her upcoming roles, seemed to possess.
"Sesshoumaru!" she greeted him warmly as she finally reached him, inclining her head slightly. "It's been too long. You're here representing the Nishizawa, I presume?"
"Miss Higurashi," he intoned in a voice that sent delicious shivers down Kagome's spine. "Our guest of honour tonight."
Kagome's cheeks flushed – although some of that blushing was probably just from standing next to Sesshoumaru.
Damn, Inuyasha's older brother was even hotter than she remembered.
"I wouldn't go so far as that," she said, waving a dismissive hand.
Sesshoumaru's golden gaze pierced her and he raised a single eyebrow.
"You were made a representative of the Hope children's homes, were you not? That’s why you were up there just now, making a speech," Sesshoumaru said, nodding towards the stage.
"Well yes, I was very honoured to be asked to be their spokesperson. It is such a good and important cause."
"Hnn. It does not surprise me that you would devote your efforts to charitable pursuits."
“Well I hope you’re in a charitable mood too, Sesshoumaru, because the donations we receive tonight will shape these children’s lives.”
“Very well put, Miss Higurashi. I can see why they made the offer of the spokesperson’s position to you.”
Kagome grinned. “I can be persuasive, every now and then.”
“Of that, I have no doubt. After all, you managed to befriend my half-brother – and very quickly, too, as I recall.”
Kagome bit her lip, fighting another blush.
He remembered! Actually remembered! 
She hadn’t been sure before, since his behaviour had been just as typically aloof as it had always been. 
“How is Inuyasha doing?”
“Remarkably well. He recently got engaged.”
Kagome gasped. “Oh, that’s wonderful, what great news!”
“Not quite,” Sesshoumaru said wryly. “Because now my father has joined my mother in pestering me about my love life or lack thereof.”
“Oh, I very much doubt there is any lack in that area,” Kagome scoffed.
“How so?” Kagome turned to him, incredulous, and pointedly gave him a once-over from head to toe. “I mean look at you! Any girl would be happy to be on your arm.”
“It is not a matter of not receiving any offers. I just have very discriminating tastes.”
“Of course,” Kagome concurred, deflating more than a little. 
Sure, she hadn’t expected to swipe Sesshoumaru off his feet or anything, but she’d thought now she might at least have some chance. Unlike ten years ago when she’d been the girl who Sesshoumaru probably hadn’t even noticed existed.   
Although perhaps her chances right now weren’t much better; he wasn’t even looking at her. He was staring at the hall and the crowds of people, frowning slightly.
“Everything all right?” Kagome asked after a moment of hesitation.
“Quite. I was just thinking that perhaps it’s time to mingle again. Sadly, you can’t keep to yourself in these type of events.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Kagome agreed.
She had already half-turned away, convinced that Sesshoumaru had been trying to politely imply that he’d like her to leave, when a warm large hand on her bare shoulder stopped her.
Startled, Kagome turned back and saw him regarding her, his face as carefully blank as always.
Then, he offered her his arm.
“Shall we?”
Delighted, confused and giddy at the same time, Kagome set her trembling fingers on Sesshoumaru’s arm and let him lead her away.
Kagome stopped at the end of the pier and stared.
“Woah, that’s a big and fancy boat.”
“A yacht, actually,” a familiar deep voice corrected from behind.
Kagome’s heart leapt to her throat and the butterflies surged right into her stomach with gusto.
She peered over her shoulder and met the cool golden gaze.
“Sesshoumaru! Umm, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to ensure no harm comes to my property.”
“Your property?” Kagome frowned.
“Yes.” Sesshoumaru nodded and glanced pointedly at the boat.
“Oh wow, that’s yours?”
“Indeed,” Sesshoumaru replied, a rare smile touching his lips.
“Very impressive,” Kagome said. She slanted him a sly look. “Is this where you bring all the ladies?”
“Only the ones who are worthy,” he returned with a straight face. “Although I believe we established back at the charity fundraiser that there are no ladies in my life.”
Kagome gaped at him. Was he actually joking with her? 
He very much sounded like he was joking... But this was the first time Kagome had witnessed any indication of Sesshoumaru having a sense of humour.
The corners of her lips quirked.
"Well, the charity fundraiser was weeks and weeks ago. Your sad and barren love life could have well grown into full bloom by now."
Sesshoumaru chuckled, sending the silly butterflies in Kagome's stomach into a frenzy.
"Unfortunately, it has not."
Kagome's curiosity perked. "Unfortunately, is it? So there is a lady then who has caught your eye?"
Sesshoumaru met her gaze squarely, his golden eyes alight with amusement.
"How mysterious," Kagome replied, trying her best to seem calm and unaffected, even though her nerves were in full jitter and the butterflies were collectively losing their shit.
Having Sesshoumaru's undivided attention all to herself was a heady experience for sure.
Kagome decided to change the topic of conversation back to safer waters.
"So since you're here in person to play the guard dog, I presume this boat is very important to you."
"Yes, I am rather fond of my yacht. I expect you to show her the respect she deserves."
Kagome couldn't quite suppress her snort.
"Then I will. I'm surprised though that you would be willing to lend your boat for the drama shoot in the first place."
Sesshoumaru shrugged his shoulders. "I know your producer, he was one year above me in university. Besides, it's an excellent opportunity to show her off."
Kagome laughed.
"I never took you for a boat enthusiast."
"If you ask nicely, maybe I will take you out on a cruise sometime."
Kagome blushed, but her smile was bright.
"Is that a promise?"
Sesshoumaru's mouth was twisted into a half-smile. "It could be."
"Then I just might have to hold you to it," Kagome quipped, her heart racing in her chest.
Before Sesshoumaru could reply, the moment was broken; the director was calling Kagome to get onto the set so they could start filming.
Kagome flashed Sesshoumaru a bashful grin and hurried towards the boat.
She was probably already slipping into her role as Satsuki, however, since right before getting on the boat she turned back, laughter in her eyes, and called back to Sesshoumaru:
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”
Sesshoumaru’s low laughter followed her as she hopped onto the boat and got to work.
It had taken some manoeuvring, finagling, and a heap of good luck, but finally Sesshoumaru had Kagome right where he wanted her: standing at the bow of his yacht, the wind whipping her hair.
She looked radiant in the white sundress adorned with red tulips, and when she looked up and smiled at him Sesshoumaru’s breath caught in his throat.
The very first time Sesshoumaru had happened to see Kagome on screen he hadn’t recognised her.
It was only afterwards when the media started to pick up on her and her drama’s popularity and her name was broadcasted in headlines that Sesshoumaru finally made the connection to the young girl he vaguely remembered and who had once been Inuyasha’s best friend. 
But although Sesshoumaru didn’t watch much of television nor had he ever been the type to harbour crushes on celebrities, the moment he’d seen Kagome acting in that drama he’d been smitten.
He’d started to obsessively follow every series she was in, no matter how small or big of a role. He may or may not have been collecting articles and photo spreads of Kagome from various magazines. 
He had made sure Kagome would make an appearance at the charity function for Hope children’s homes, conveniently held at one of his family’s hotels. And the gods and goddesses of fortune had smiled on him when, while he had been gathering his courage to go approach the object of his admiration, she had instead come to him.
And the only reason he had lent his precious yacht to be used in the drama production was so he would have an excuse to see Kagome again.
But in the end, it had all paid out, because here they were, alone with the vast beauty of the ocean spreading all around them.
Sesshoumaru walked over to join Kagome at the railing.
When he reached her, he cupped the small of her back with his hand.
Kagome turned to him, a smile ready on her lips.
“You know I didn’t even ask nicely, but you took me out on a cruise anyway,” she said, her beautiful blue eyes alight with laughter. 
“I promised, didn’t I?” he asked, eyebrow raised.
“I guess you did,” Kagome replied, pressing closer to him.
Sesshoumaru’s heart swelled. Nothing had ever felt as right as having Kagome in his arms.
“Do you want to hear something funny,” she murmured while looking out to the sea.
He let his chin drop to rest on the top of her head. “Do tell.”
“I had this huge crush on you when I was fifteen.”
Sesshoumaru’s heart stuttered in his chest.
“Truly? How remarkable. I suppose then I have some things to confess to as well.”
“You have? What things?”
“Well, for one… I am actually the owner of the Hope children’s homes.”
Kagome turned out to stare at him, her eyes wide with astonishment. “Really? Wow. That is amazing. I would have never guessed.”
“Therefore, I was well aware that you would make an appearance at the charity fundraiser and I was most eager to meet you – because my dear Tokyo Sweetheart, I just might be your biggest fan.”
Kagome’s cheeks flushed, the adorable soft pink echoing the glow slowly spreading across the horizon as the sun began its descent.
Unable to resist any longer, Sesshoumaru gave in to his silent urge and did what he’d dreamed of doing for so long: tipping up Kagome’s chin, he bent down and claimed her lips in a slow and deliberate kiss, both lingering and thorough.
“Wow,” Kagome whispered softly when they finally pulled apart. “I might still have a crush on you.”
“That is very good news because I definitely have one on you,” Sesshoumaru returned, smirking.
Kagome smiled and leaned into his embrace.
For a moment they stayed like that, enjoying each other’s presence and the atmosphere around them.
Then, after drinking in the sea and the stretching horizon and the play of warm colours spreading across the sky, Kagome let out a giggle.
“Sesshoumaru, are we literally sailing off to the sunset right now?”
“Well, since we’re on a yacht and not a sailboat, technically…”
“Shut up and kiss me again.”
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jafndaegur · 5 years
Sesskag Week: Day Four
Sewn Back Up with a Fine Silver Thread
Sesskag Week 2019 | Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, Lost Memory, Abandonment
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
Sun fell over the hollowed crest of the horizon, light fading just as fast as the fain reminiscent fragments of sweet memories. They were becoming more and more hazy with each dusk such as this, lost amidst amber and honeyed flutters of light. In the sheltered corners of his mind, marbled recollections of a smiling woman flitted in and out faintly. She ad a pure countenance and a lively glance. She radiated with vibrance.
How long had it been since he had last seen his mate? Sesshomaru wondered, giving a faint whiff of the air to sort through the scents.
Inuyasha was on his way. Soon enough, hopefully. Should the hanyou not arrive or dally past night fall, he would be troubled to go out and find him on this moonless eve. Hopefully though, it would be worth it. Hopefully here would be news—some news, any news—on her. He had been searching for as long just because he lost control of one moment. After that, he truly knew what it felt to be torn limb from limb, disemboweled only to be sewn back up with a fine silver thread. Oh he knew abandonment well, almost as well as his moronic half-brother.
“Y’know, I can practically hear it when you think shit ‘bout me,” a gruff voice sighed with exasperation.
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and cast his vision to the side from where the hanyou came from. Nearly completely transformed, Inuyasha was almost unrecognizable with his black hair and sun leathered skin. None the less he at least offered at least a polite nod.
“I’ll take it,” Inuyasha muttered before crossing his arms and kicking at the ground with mindless sporadic movements. “You’re not going to like what I got to say Sesshomaru.”
“So far I’m in distaste of your idle prattle regardless,” he huffed. “But here we are.”
“I’m being serious.”
“Oh my, what could have spurred such a change.”
“Hey, bastard,” Inuyasha bit out before he took a deep breath and ground out his words like a pestle against a mortar. “Kouga and I found Kagome.”
Winter howled by with in snowfall, continuous for days, only to be followed by severe sleet and then frozen rains. Kohaku had sent word that while he was away, he worried the village was not as well-prepared for the oncoming storm. With him and Inuyasha gone for days’ worth of travel, the villagers had borne the brunt of it on their own. Such climate hostility had been as unexpected as it had been ferocious.
Still, both of Kagome and Sesshomaru trudged their way through the weather to try and get to the Inuyasha village.
When they arrived, or Sesshomaru said they had, eyes wide with alarm—the village had already been half-buried under mounds of snow and a thick layer of ice. Other parts were nearly washed away.
Hands bled and fingernails tore as they broke through glassy cold. Throats became raw from scream for their loved ones. By the time the bodies had been dug out and the survivors thawed, the place could hardly be called a village.
Sango and Miroku’s children had not made it, nor the grandchildren either.
Rin and her children—the ones Kohaku had worried so much about—did not warm either.
Cold and lifeless bodies shrouded in slick layers of frigid white and blue. Finger and toes black. Eyes rolled back.
Sesshomaru listened to not a word of consolation from his mate as he held his ward in his arms. Rocking her back and forth, he kept Rin’s two little ones close. He pretended that he could still hear this little family. His little family.
“Sessh,” Kagome had whispered to him; it had been a few days since they had buried everyone one. “We should go.”
“To. Where?” He had growled back.
“Home,” he had spat. “What’s the point? There’s nothing for me there if the home that was her is nonexistent.”
She had given a sad upturn of her lips, a mere watery-parody of a smile. Her image now splintered in his mind, he could only see broken flashes of it. For a long stretch of time she had sat with him. Like a stone, his miko stayed a vigilant watchman; he hoped in that time she spoke as she always did. Brilliant witty chatter, dazzling songs, and erratic stories. But the longer they stayed, the more grey her eyes turned and the more pale her skin dulled.
Inuyasha led him through a deeply wooded area, every now-and-then the faint flutter of spider lilies dotting the path like straggling drops of blood. But the sway of the breeze and the smell of the woods were all deeply familiar that Sesshomaru felt a growing gnarled mess of anxiety spear through his abdomen. The lilies wavered innocently.
Far above, a shriek trilled through the air. “Never, never, never, never,” a crow sang over the night, its song shrill and sneering. “Never to be seen again.”
The bleak faded stone of Rin’s grave came into sight first. Bit by bit other came too. The children’s. The slayer’s and the monk’s; their children. Kohaku’s. All of them withered slowly into the air like thin vespers. They circled a singular point like a ring of old samurai lords.
A small hollow—disguised as a glade—of glowing crimson spider lilies danced on thin stems. At their center, a bow and a white ribbon. Sesshomaru fell to his knees.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
Sesskag Week 2019: Days One - Carnation | Two - Iris | Three - Red Tulip | x
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chierafied · 5 years
The Affect (SKW2019d2)
Prompt:  Iris - Good news, glad tidings, loyalty + Humor
Modern AU.  1,585 Words.
This story is a sequel to my earlier one shot The Errand!
Sesshoumaru stared at the retreating form of Miss Higurashi until Rin's cheerful, slightly hoarse voice brought him back to the present.
"Pretty lady," she declared. 
Sesshoumaru tightened his grip, cradling Rin closer to his body and pulled the door shut.
"I suppose she is," he intoned, distracted as he headed back to the kitchen and the rice porridge he was cooking for Rin. 
He had not really thought about Miss Higurashi's appearance or attractiveness before – there was no room at the workplace for such unprofessional thoughts. 
Besides, he highly admired and respected Miss Higurashi. She was very good at her job, always had a friendly smile at the ready and – as she had demonstrated today by coming all the way to his house to collect his seal on the document – her work ethic was commendable.
Seeing her appear on his doorstep and stand in his kitchen had been a little startling, though. 
"Daddy's friend," Rin continued.
"That's right. "
That's what he'd told Rin earlier, before Miss Higurashi arrived.
"Can pretty lady come play?"
"No, Rin. Miss Higurashi had to go back to work." He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. "And you, young lady, are ill."
"Depends on if you're feeling better tomorrow and if Miss Higurashi has the time," Sesshoumaru said.
Of course, he wasn't even going to ask – that conversation would have been right out bizarre. 
He could picture it now, walking up to Miss Higurashi's desk and going: I wonder if you're available tonight my daughter would like you to come over to play. Right. Because that wouldn't be weird at all.
So he would avoid and dodge around the topic until Rin would forget all about it.
It couldn't take long, could it? 
Unfortunately, Rin still remembered the next day – and worse yet, babbled about the "Pretty lady visiting" to his mother. As Rin was still too ill to go to daycare, Sesshoumaru’s mother had graciously volunteered to look after her one and only grandchild, though now Sesshoumaru was regretting his choice of a babysitter. 
She appeared in his bedroom doorway while Sesshoumaru was putting on his tie, and raised a knowing eyebrow. 
"Now who is this pretty lady who paid you a visit yesterday?"
"No one," Sesshoumaru said, doing his best not to meet his mother's piercing gaze. "The faculty secretary dropped by very briefly to get my seal on some very important documents. That's all."
"I see." A meaningful pause. "And is she?"
"Is she what?" Sesshoumaru asked,  straightening his tie.
His mother huffed. "No need to use that tone, I was only asking."
"No, you weren't," Sesshoumaru replied through gritted teeth. 
His mother shrugged her shoulder. “Have a good day at work.” She turned to leave, but couldn’t resist adding over her shoulder: “And say hi to this ‘pretty lady’ for me!”
After a send-off like that, it was no wonder that Sesshoumaru was still vexed when he strolled into work. His mother had an uncanny ability to get under his skin. 
Good thing he didn’t have a class to teach today – he was thoroughly looking forward to holing up in the lab for the whole day. 
But then… An impulse nagged at the back of Sesshoumaru’s mind and his steps slowed until he turned into another direction entirely.
In no time at all, Sesshoumaru was striding towards Miss Higurashi’s desk.
The secretary looked up from her work, appearing to be just as startled to see him as he felt at the sight of her.
Seeing her, in the usual context of sitting behind her desk in the faculty office, just served to remind him how bizarre their encounter had been yesterday.
Not only had she witnessed him in what had been a far cry from his finest hour; it had been the first time he’d ever seen her outside of the workplace. Seen her at his home. 
For some reason, he felt strange about that.
“Professor!” Miss Higurashi greeted her, a slight flush rising to her cheeks even as she offered him a hesitant smile. “Can I help you with something?”
“No,” Sesshoumaru replied. He cleared his throat. “That is, I wanted to thank you again for yesterday and apologise for the inconvenience.”
He stared into the curious blue eyes, took in the dark wavy hair, soft smile and lovely complexion.
Drat it all. He’d never admit it to his mother but Rin had certainly been right – Miss Higurashi was pretty. 
“Oh, well, I was only doing my job,” Miss Higurashi said. “The important thing is that we managed to submit the paperwork on time.”
“That we did,” Sesshoumaru acknowledged, “thanks to you.”
“Really, Professor Taishou, there’s no need to thank me.” She paused briefly, then tilted her head. “I hope Miss Rin is feeling better today?”
“She is, though she’s still unwell. Her grandmother’s looking after her today,” Sesshoumaru said, unsure even as he spoke why he was offering so much information.
“I hope she gets better soon.”
“Thank you.” Sesshoumaru looked at her for a moment longer, then mentally shook himself. “Well, I should head to the lab.”
Miss Higurashi smiled at him. “And I should get back to work.”
He held his gaze while his lips twitched into an answering smile. “Indeed. Good day, Miss Higurashi.”
“Good day, Professor Taishou,” she replied, her kind voice warmer than he’d heard it before.
It had been nearly two weeks since the day Kagome’d had to run the errand and go to Professor Taishou’s house to collect his seal on the research proposal. 
And boy, had work been different since then.
Kagome wasn’t sure if it was because seeing Professor Taishou in such an unguarded moment had banished any fear she had previously felt for him, or if Professor Taishou’s manner towards her had softened so that he was treating in a more friendly way now.
Either way, there had been a change in their working relationship, significant enough that a couple of Kagome’s colleagues had commented on it or asked her about it.
Kagome had tried to not really answer any of their enquiries – she didn’t really know what was going on any better than her colleagues. 
Some balance between her and Professor Taishou had simply shifted and frankly she was happier for it.
Well, mostly happier for it, Kagome amended.
Because now that she was no longer intimidated by Professor Taishou, it had become impossible not to notice how ridiculously handsome he was.
Some days it was hard to look him in the eye when her wayward mind started regarding him in a not-quite-professional fashion. 
But it was no matter. Kagome was sure she’d get over that embarrassing awareness of Professor Taishou’s appearance soon enough.
Getting into work, Kagome decided to stop by the coffee room first. A very good decision that turned out to be, as there was cake for the grabs in the middle of the table.
“Morning, Higurashi!” her colleague wished her. “Grab a slice!”
“Morning! Don’t mind if I do,” Kagome replied. “Whose birthday is it?”
“No one’s,” her co-worker replied. “The cake is courtesy of Professor Kawata. The news just came through this morning that their research got funded.”
Something warm quivered in Kagome’s belly, as she carefully set a slice of cake on her plate. “That’s great news, I’m so glad for them!”
After a few more moments of chit-chat while Kagome enjoyed the cake, she headed into her office.
She’d sit down behind her desk, booted up her computer, sipped idly at her tea and was currently going through the morning routine of scanning through her inbox when there was a knock on her door.
“Yes?” Kagome called, distracted by the e-mail.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you, Miss Higurashi,” a deep and very familiar voice intoned.
Flustered, Kagome looked up – which didn’t help at all since the sight of Professor Taishou in her doorway only served to make her heart beat faster.
“Not at all, come on in,” she told him, hoping the smile she offered him looked natural. 
It said a lot about the effect he had on her that she didn’t notice the flowers until he was offering her the bouquet.
“What’s this?” she stammered as she automatically moved to accept the flowers, particularly admiring the vivid and regal irises.
“A poor token of my gratitude and appreciation,” Professor Taishou replied.
Appreciation? Kagome swallowed.
“Thank you, Professor Taishou. These are lovely. Though I’m still not sure what exactly I have done to earn them.”
He raised his eyebrow. “I assume you have heard the news? That our research has been granted funding?”
“Yes, I heard it just now and got the faculty e-mail.”
“Well, since you were largely responsible for turning in that funding proposal on time and with the correct dates, I believe we have you to thank.”
Kagome blushed.
“I think the credit goes to you and Professor Kawata for writing such a good proposal,” Kagome insisted.
Professor Taishou smiled.
“Perhaps, but you have my gratitude nonetheless.”
“Thank you,” she said, coaxed by his rare smile to beam right back at him.
Professor Taishou bowed his head and left.
Kagome down at the bouquet of flowers, and smiled again as she bent to inhale their sweet scent.
Soon enough she would be panicking about how her colleagues would react to this latest development… but for now, she was content to savour the moment and let her heart soar.
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