#sky dragons are part of a group of dragons that represent the wuxing five element system
dragonprincedawn · 5 months
OC Childhood Bedroom - Sota 🍃
Did a text roleplay monologue that was just me describing my Pathfinder character's childhood bedroom in excruciating detail. It was really fun to write, though, so I wanted to post it here ^^
One of my first ever creative writing exercises was describing a character's room. The items a character chooses to surround themselves with can say a lot about who they are. I hope I could accomplish something similar here.
Being back in his old room again felt as strange as it was comforting. Everything was exactly as Sota left it, and yet something had definitely changed -- He just couldn't put his finger on what.
A lattice of rafters supported the slanted thatched ceiling. Long pieces of vibrantly-patterned fabric weaved between the wooden beams, creating a colorful draped canopy that gently billowed in the breeze coming from the open windows. The windows themselves were circular, and took up two small portions of the far wall. Hanging perpendicular on the right-hand wall was Sota's hammock, which currently cradled a green and tan quilt that partially spilled onto the floor and was stuffed with down feathers. Just thinking about its airy softness was enough to make him a bit drowsy.
The wall opposite the hammock was lined with a desk and a half-bare bookshelf. Dulled blotches of paint stained the surface of the desk, and whatever pencils and brushes Sota left out before his departure had been stored away in various cups and drawers -- courtesy of Grandma Aurokki. Childhood toys acted as bookends for simply-written manuals and "how-to" books for young students. Their covers and spines remained relatively pristine despite how long Sota had owned them. His storybooks, on the other hand -- collections of classic tales in which the heroes of good always triumphed over the forces of evil -- had so many creases in their spine that their titles were nearly unreadable, and they naturally splayed open to certain pages. Sota picked out a toy from the bookshelf, a wooden carving of a tiger gifted to him by his father. He smiled, trying to remember when he had apparently chosen to paint it a bright blue with white, blocky stripes.
Painted posters advertising dance recitals and cultural performances were plastered wherever there was ample wall space, and a painted ring of alternating green triangles outlined where the room "stopped" and the roof "began". A round burgundy rug lay in the center of the wood floor and tied everything together.
Having become swallowed in a wave of childhood wonder and nostalgia, Sota plucked another wooden figure from the bookshelf -- a gold-painted dragon, closed one of his eyes, and held the toy up to his other. In this perspective, the dragon towered over everything in the room. It began to "eat" the wooden wind chimes that hug over the door with a "niam niam niam niam" that Sota of course supplied.
Thank you so much for reading! 💙
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