#dragonprincedawn originals
dragonprincedawn · 5 months
OC Childhood Bedroom - Sota 🍃
Did a text roleplay monologue that was just me describing my Pathfinder character's childhood bedroom in excruciating detail. It was really fun to write, though, so I wanted to post it here ^^
One of my first ever creative writing exercises was describing a character's room. The items a character chooses to surround themselves with can say a lot about who they are. I hope I could accomplish something similar here.
Being back in his old room again felt as strange as it was comforting. Everything was exactly as Sota left it, and yet something had definitely changed -- He just couldn't put his finger on what.
A lattice of rafters supported the slanted thatched ceiling. Long pieces of vibrantly-patterned fabric weaved between the wooden beams, creating a colorful draped canopy that gently billowed in the breeze coming from the open windows. The windows themselves were circular, and took up two small portions of the far wall. Hanging perpendicular on the right-hand wall was Sota's hammock, which currently cradled a green and tan quilt that partially spilled onto the floor and was stuffed with down feathers. Just thinking about its airy softness was enough to make him a bit drowsy.
The wall opposite the hammock was lined with a desk and a half-bare bookshelf. Dulled blotches of paint stained the surface of the desk, and whatever pencils and brushes Sota left out before his departure had been stored away in various cups and drawers -- courtesy of Grandma Aurokki. Childhood toys acted as bookends for simply-written manuals and "how-to" books for young students. Their covers and spines remained relatively pristine despite how long Sota had owned them. His storybooks, on the other hand -- collections of classic tales in which the heroes of good always triumphed over the forces of evil -- had so many creases in their spine that their titles were nearly unreadable, and they naturally splayed open to certain pages. Sota picked out a toy from the bookshelf, a wooden carving of a tiger gifted to him by his father. He smiled, trying to remember when he had apparently chosen to paint it a bright blue with white, blocky stripes.
Painted posters advertising dance recitals and cultural performances were plastered wherever there was ample wall space, and a painted ring of alternating green triangles outlined where the room "stopped" and the roof "began". A round burgundy rug lay in the center of the wood floor and tied everything together.
Having become swallowed in a wave of childhood wonder and nostalgia, Sota plucked another wooden figure from the bookshelf -- a gold-painted dragon, closed one of his eyes, and held the toy up to his other. In this perspective, the dragon towered over everything in the room. It began to "eat" the wooden wind chimes that hug over the door with a "niam niam niam niam" that Sota of course supplied.
Thank you so much for reading! 💙
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dragonprincedawn · 1 year
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Sota // Go Time
A wind-bending Strix monk for a Pathfinder 2e campaign! His fighting style blends taekwondo and dancing, hence the vivid colors, flowing wraps, and performance mask. As fierce as he looks, he acts like a golden retriever and will take care of you like a big brother.
❣❣ Not open for criticism or critique (Makes me real nervous)! Thank you for understanding! ❣❣
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dragonprincedawn · 1 year
OC Signature Dishes
A small writing exercise inspired by Genshin's Specialty Dishes; What is this character's signature dish? If they were asked to bring something to a potluck, or make a last-minute dinner for a dear friend, what's the food they would default to? The goal is to describe the flavor and texture of the dish while at the same time revealing just a bit of the character's personality.
I had a lot of fun writing these, so hopefully I'll have more soon ^^
Azael - "Special Occasion" (Honeyed Apple Tart with Peanut Butter)
A dessert specifically reserved for special occasions and jobs well done. Only the fullest, most vibrant red apples in the orchard were finely sliced and layered upon the flaky pastry with precision and care. The roasted nuttiness of the peanut base softens the tartness of the apple, and the finishing touch is a drizzle of wildflower honey with dash of sugar. Being a stranger to the kitchen, Azael had to commit a great deal of time towards putting together this deceptively simple dish. Seeing you smile as you lick honey off your fingers is their hard-earned reward.
Lyerei - Auroral Sweet Ice (Rainbow Shaved Ice)
With a whispered incantation and a simple Prestidigitation spell, a cup of mountain spring water turns into a colorful treat in the blink of an eye! The refreshingly cool flakes of ice melt onto your tongue, simulating a medley of sweet berries and other fruits. The only colors Lyerei adds are a vivid red, a deep blue, and a bright yellow. These three simple hues, when swirled together, create all the colors of the Light Bearer clan's aurora in their center.
Sota - Post Workout Pick-Me-Up (Four Seed Bread Rolls)
Fluffy, buttery bread rolls with a golden crust, cut in two and slathered with tart cherry compote. Portable and nutritious, they're the perfect snack for when you have a busy day ahead. Each family in the Blackcliff Roost has their own recipe for baking bread, and so each loaf tastes just a bit different from the one next door. But there's a particular detail that sets Sota's recipe apart from all the others - the sprinkle of sesame, flax, poppy, and sunflower seeds added just before baking that give the crisp crust a subtle, nutty flavor.
Elgimn - "Surprise Me" (Seafood Rice Balls seeped in Green Tea)
One must be extraordinarily patient to allow the fluffy rice grains to seep in green tea until they are infused with a bitingly bitter taste. But the light aroma of the rice mixed with fresh crab meat leaves a sweet aftertaste lingering on the tongue. It seems even the most battle-worn warlords cannot resist indulging in life's simple delights every once in a while...
Thank you for reading! 💙
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dragonprincedawn · 7 months
Character Bio Unlocked 🗝 Lyerei of the Light Bearer Clan
This is the first part of a small series I'm doing to help introduce the characters I frequently write about. First up is one of my DnD characters, Lyerei! This information, as well as any other character-related writing I've done in the past and will do in the future, will be consolidated on my blog here.
Legend tells of the Light Bearer clan, a stormshell of silver dragons who have mastered a sacred art: they are able to bend the aurora borealis and send it dancing across the sky. Lost travelers need only raise their voices to the sky and call for the dragons’ aid. The Light Bearers will summon the aurora, and those who are lost will be guided by its light to safety. Some lucky few, however, will find their way to the Light Bearers’ abode, where their arrival will be celebrated with a grand feast and a choir of dragonsong. Many decades have passed since that story was last on the lips of adventurers and tavern-hoppers. Ever since the clan leader, Fon'irei, disappeared on a journey into the Ten Towns, communication with the Light Bearers eventually ceased, and their name has faded into myth. Having lost their symbol of bravery and strength, the dragons could no longer bring themselves to leave their safe haven above the clouds. After all, the townsfolk could very well have had something to do with Fon'irei’s disappearance. Perhaps the people of Icewind Dale were not as warm as the Light Bearers remembered them to be? Over many long years, this seed of blame grew into a deep fear of the darkness in peoples’ hearts. But there is a spark of hope for the Light Bearers. Lyerei, the half-dragon son of Fon'irei, was found by the clan and raised as one of their own. His connection to the aurora is as strong as his father’s, which makes him the only one capable of wielding it after the Frostmaiden seized its control. Now that the Icewind Dale has been plunged into an endless winter, Lyerei is the only Light Bearer brave enough to venture into the Ten Towns in search of a way to bring back the light.
> Character Bio added to Records.
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dragonprincedawn · 5 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Do your characters have any particularly interesting fashion choices? What are they and why?👔🥻👘👗👚🛍
Oh! My first Worldbuilding Wednesday!!
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to talk about my world much, I've been so busy with other projects that it keeps slipping my mind. ^^" I'm also still conceptualizing my world's cultures, so I can't speak on any specific ways of dress right now.
That being said, I have thrown in a fun little fashion thing when designing my characters. If a character is important to my world's lore, they'll have a swirl design somewhere on their person. Sybil, one of the most famous doctors in my world's history, has a piece of jade in the shape of a spiral dangling from their hair stick. Renowned scholar Redmund keeps his hair neatly tucked into a side ponytail using an amber twist that curls into spirals at both ends, and his apprentice, Orien, boasts a swirl design on his necktie.
Why swirls? The in-lore reason is because the gods have filigree-like swirl markings that adorn their bodies. This delicate pattern upon their fur and scales has - due to its uniqueness - become a well-known symbol of the divine. Now, these characters don't don spirals because religious significance (though that could very well be true in some scenarios!). Rather, this fashion choice is more subconscious. It's fate's way of marking those destined to change the course of history for better or for worse.
Out-of-lore reason? I like the way it looks!
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dragonprincedawn · 7 months
Tag Game - Character Voice
Thank you @amaiguri for tagging me in this! I love these kinds of exercises -- I feel like dialogue is one of my weak points in writing so I'm always looking for fun ways to improve!
The goal of this exercise is to take a generic line of dialogue and rewrite it in the voice of your character. I've chosen several of my own to write for, so here's hoping they all sound distinct!
My sentence is: "This morning, the breakfast was bad."
I decided to frame the following lines as though they were responses to, as an example, asking how this morning's breakfast tasted... Or something to that effect. I hope it's an enjoyable read! Alright, enough stalling, I'll get to it ^^"
Lyerei: "Uhm! I'm sorry, I couldn't eat very much…" Azael Castien: "I hope you'll pardon the dirty plate, I wasn't hungry. Now, if you'll excuse me." Elgimn: "Disgusting. A disgrace to my taste buds, really, that chef should be punished for their ineptitude. *sigh* What a disappointing start to my day..." Thackery Bushwackit: "Hm! Hm hmm! My compliments to the chef for this morning's culinary creativity! Could have used a side of tea, though..." Pitch: *growls* "It smelled like death. We did not partake." Sota Mirkova: "It was-! Uh... Well... Not good... D'you think it's going to be like that tomorrow, too? Mm, maybe I should help them out after my morning routine." Chuchip: "Um, I didn't want to make them feel bad, so I finished everything that was on my plate. But... Now I feel kind of sick..." Ross: "That breakfast tasted like shit. I'm cooking t'morrow." Lyric: "Well, I imagine they gave it their best attempt. Bad? No, it wasn't bad... I'm certain I've had worse..." Pavio Primtail: "Oh my tail feathers... I think, perhaps, they may be in need of a bit of guidance? Yes, that's it..." Rucio Ebonshade: "Breakfast this morning was absolutely horrid. You should've been there, I would have invited you to eat with me. Ah well, perhaps tomorrow."
Hey, thanks for reading this far! I'm not really sure who else to tag for this... I suppose if any of my mutuals see this and want to give it a shot, go ahead! I'd love to see what you come up with!
Your sentence is, "You don't look good, are you okay?"
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dragonprincedawn · 1 year
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Lyerei the Light Bearer // Séance
My character for a D&D Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign that's been going on for three years now! He's a silver half-dragon sorcerer capable of controlling the aurora borealis.
There's about a two-year gap between these pieces. I think it's nice to put them side by side and see the improvement. ^^
❣❣ Not open for criticism or critique (Makes me real nervous)! Thank you for understanding! ❣❣
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dragonprincedawn · 1 year
I've started my migration back to tumblr. I was gonna try and stick it out, but the Twitter > X renaming was the last straw. I first started using Tumblr back in 2013, so it's good to be back. I'm cautiously optimistic.
I'm going to use this as an opportunity to post art and writing prompts... Just generally try to engage more in my hobbies and maybe do a bit of networking. I have a lot of characters I'd love to build upon and write about, so I'm excited to try!
Safe travels, everyone. Have a good day <3
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dragonprincedawn · 1 year
I'm really loving the new party setup UI, so here are some aesthetic screenshots of my most used Genshin teams!! (Though some aren't quite ready yet ^^")
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Not featured are Noelle, Venti, Beidou, and Tighnari... I wish we had more slots for parties so I can give them good homes.
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dragonprincedawn · 9 months
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Little is better than good food with good company ^^
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