hi-im-kaybee · 1 year
"All My Squad Mates are In My Head"
It's 0650, and I peer out off the skydeck into the vast blue sky, an orange band running across the horizon, the world a mile below my feet.
My stomach is in a knot - it's my initiation day. The day I get my wings and plug in. I've only been this nervous one other time, for the days before I got my placement finals report back. I bunch up my shirt and wring it with my hands, transferring my sweat to the fibers. I'm supposed to be in the mess hall a few decks down but I can't fathom the idea of eating breakfast right now. The cool metal of the handrail rung supports my cheek as my feet swing off the edge, boots dancing with the air. I used to do this in school, on the playground, to relax and find some peace. But it doesn't seem to be working right now.
I hear the door behind me clamor open, and turn around to see Lucy walking towards me. She was my friend in basic, and graduated a cycle before I did, so she's been plugged in for the better part of six months. I guess my worry isn't concealed too well because she approaches and smiles warmly, crouching down beside me. I return my gaze out towards the endless expanse. "The sunrise is beautiful today, yes? Not a cloud in the sky…" She only makes small talk like this when she wants to calm me down. My eyes dart towards the back of her head as she sits down beside me. The craterous jack in her skull is eerie, but it doesn't bother me too much since I had mine put in a month or so ago. I gulp in the cool air. "How does it feel, to be…" My words are staccato, shaky, and she knows exactly what I'm gonna say as she interrupts. "Plugged in?" she coos, "Hm…"
A hand finds its way to her chin, and she tosses the words around in her mind. "It's hard to pinpoint, but it's like we're all right there, in the same cockpit. We all know where we are, what we're feeling, how hungry we are…" She pokes me playfully in the gut, as it lets out a small gurgle and forces a smile on my face. "I'll admit, even I was a little nervous the first time, but now it's just… second nature. I don't even question it anymore." My eyes find themselves locked on her face, in awe. She continues. "Can I tell you something? You have to keep it a secret from the brass, though. This is for us pilot's ears only." I look around - the rest of the deck and walkway are deserted, the only sound in my ears being the drone of the million-horsepower turbojets keeping this massive skycarrier afloat, distant yet booming. I look back to her and nod.
She gazes out again, and smiles. "We can even kind of feel each other, even without the plugs. It's weak, at first, but they tell me it grows stronger the more you're in the system. They can probably even notice that I'm telling you this, right now." The only thing that escapes my lips is a soft "Woah…" and the knots in my stomach slowly unfurl to release butterflies. After a moment of absorbing it all, I ask her further. "Did they- er, did you all agree to tell me before I got plugged in today? Can they hear me right now, through you?" Her smile radiates the warmth of a hundred sunrises, and is just as beautiful. She finds her footing and stands, extending an arm to my side. "Come on, kiddo, you're gonna want some energy for the ceremony. Trust us." I take it, feeling my weight shift off my butt and onto the heavy leather soles on my feet. I smirk in return. "I guess the gruel isn't gonna eat itself, either, huh?" We share a quiet laugh together as we lock step, across the skydeck and back into the hall.
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Airbus job cuts imminent With production cuts at Airbus of around 40% coming, as indicated by the company‘s chief executive officer, unions stated that job cuts at the manufacturer are imminent. Airbus‘ CEO Guillaume Faury expects the company to deliver 40% fewer aircraft in the next two years, as airlines are dealing with the financial fallout of the corona crisis. Faury expects 2019-levels of production to return only in 2025, based on market studies and discussions with customers. Faury added that job cuts would only be announced in late-July, as the company wished to discuss the situation with its unions first. However, union representatives warn that redundancies might be imminent. Previously, it was rumored that Airbus was looking to cut as many as 10,000 jobs at its factories throughout Europe in order to preserve cash. For more of this story, tag a friend, share , comment and like ❤❤❤❤❤ my content for a chance to get more of fascinating stories in videos and photos about the industry. Follow me 👉👉👉👉@moaviations #aviation @aviators #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #airplanephotography #aviationdaily #aviationnews #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #travelgram #A380 #A350 #A320 #airplanemanufacturers #pilotpatrick #narendramodi #covid19update #airlinescrew #pilotlife #pilotschools #privatejets #followers #India #Pakistaninternationalair https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFd_ACBaGw/?igshid=e50vc5bxtygu
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Skycarrier, 1942
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fabelyn · 4 years
In Carcere Ch.38
Pairing: inahoxslaine (orangebat, inasure)
Rated: T Warnings: spoilers for series finale Chapter: 38/? (previous chapter) Word Count: 14k
Summary: At first Inaho visits out of duty and humanity. And then he finds he can’t stop going back to see Slaine Troyard.
“My Lord, they’ve arrived.”
“Good, bring them over.”
Watching his underling leave to abide by his orders, Mazuurek nearly changes his mind and follows him. It is, after all, disrespectful to not greet his guests at the landing site, or at least on the entrance to his Landing Castle.
Yet as he takes a step towards the door, he changes his mind once more and firmly seats himself on the sofa, intent on not leaving until Inaho and Rayet come to him.
It’s his own Landing Castle, and he fully trusts his own personnel.
And yet… he can’t help the fear that maybe, somehow, someone has managed to bug the room.
There is no reason for the supposition: nothing has pointed to any plans being leaked before now and he’s made a sweep of the room.
Nonetheless, Inaho Kaizuka’s visit is well known, so there is always a chance…
Mazuurek sighs and cards a hand through his hair. He knows what this is, it’s the anxiety and jumpiness of someone about to hear something life defining they won’t like. Which doesn't mean he can avoid hearing it.
He needs to finally know how Count Mikael’s L anding Castle was so brutally massacred.
The who he can at least guess at. Naturally it had to have been the UFE. Not because Mazuurek has any misconceptions about how good his fellow martian nobles are, but because they’d have done more damage by now if they could have, and the UFE would surely have been restless about what new Martian technology made such an attack possible underneath their radars. Instead all the UFE was focusing on was how martians could not be trusted to not kill each other even in times of peace. 
If his supposition was correct —all he needed was Inaho to confirm it— then the UFE would need to be put in check. Mazuurek has some ideas on it.
But first, he needed the details. How had the UFE managed to reach the Landing Castle without being noticed? How did they destroy their shields and communications?
The only way he could think was a traitor. Perhaps a martian had been promised riches and power if he murdered the Count, thus removing power from the Landing Castle and leaving it susceptible to attack? If so, it would have to be a very foolish martian to trust the UFE…
A maid comes in, interrupting his musings, bringing in a pot of freshly brewed tea and three cups. Mazuurek is glad for the interruption; his thoughts had been running in circles ever since the Landing Castle was found dead, there was no point to thinking about it.
The maid leaves, and before Mazuurek can begin to spiral again, another underling opens the door, this time bringing in Rayet and Inaho.
“My friends! Welcome!” Mazuurek springs up and goes to greet them in genuine delight. He is eternally grateful to both, likes them and trusts them; a combination he craves right now.
“Long time no see,” Rayet greets back with a smile.
“It’s good that you’re well,” says Inaho, and Mazuurek focuses on him, looking him over. Rayet had told him Inaho had been in the hospital, but whatever it was left no visible marks on any body part he could see.
Inaho understands his gaze and glances at their hide, who bows and leaves the room. “I assume we can talk unperturbed here.”
“Yes, there are no bugs,” Mazuurek says, then realizes how strange that sounds. “I mean, of course there wouldn’t be, but since you have something dire to tell me, I assume you need to be reassured. But please, you’ve just arrived, sit down and relax first.”
“Thanks,” Rayet says, already making herself comfortable. Inaho follows suit.
“So, first of all, how are you two? Rayet told me you had to be hospitalized, Inaho.”
“Yes. I was stabbed and hit on the head and suffered some minor internal damage from using the analytical machine,” Inaho replies, as tonelessly as if he were repeating the weather report.
“You… what? What happened? Who attacked you? I know I said I needed to hear some things with urgency, but if you need to go get treated elsewhere first please—”
“It’s fine. I was rescued and treated in time. I need some extended treatment for the damage done by the machine, but nothing that cannot wait visiting an old friend first.”
Mazuurek glances at Rayet, and she shrugs and nods, which he takes as reassurance. 
“I see, that’s good then. But, last time we spoke you had taken out that eye machine, why put it back? And why were you attacked?”
Inaho opens his mouth, but Rayet interjects quickly. “Actually, I think it’s best if we tell you the other thing you wanted to know first. This and that have something in common and I think it will be less shocking if we start from that first.”
Mazuurek raises an eyebrow. “Telling me the details on who murdered my fellow martians will be less shocking than who attacked Inaho?”
“Well, technically yes, because the tale of Inaho’s attack will raise a lot of questions so I think it’s easier to ease you in through the massacre.” Rayet stops and looks at Inaho. “And I’ll do the talking.”
Inaho shrugs.
Rayet nods, satisfied. “Okay, so, let’s not beat around the bush with this. Count Mikael and his entourage were murdered by orders from the UFE.”
Mazuurek sighs. “As I had surmised.”
Inaho looks at him. “Does it make you relieved to hear that?”
“Hm, not really. Whether it was done by other martian nobles or by the UFE, either option has it’s issues. Though I think the UFE… will be more problematic to deal with. Her Majesty, naturally, is unaware of it?”
“I have no reason to assume she knows,” Inaho answers.
“I’m sure she doesn’t. Still, to think the UFE wouldn’t be content with the status quo… honestly I understand that Count Mikael wasn’t treating terrans well and his occupied territory was being contested. And his disregard for Her Majesty’s orders were offensive… but I don’t like this subterfuge. If the UFE felt they had the right to reclaim the territory they should have been upfront about it, and taken the martians captive, not murder them all. That, and the secrecy means they’ll likely do this again with the next disobedient Count. If we don’t kill each other first, of course…”
“What do you mean by that?” Inaho asks.
“Possibly the other reason why the UFE won't own up to their deeds; there has been some… infighting between the nobility. People that have a past of being paranoid are pointing fingers at old enemies.”
“He said that would happen,” Rayet says quietly, towards Inaho, who nods in agreement.
“Who did?”
“A friend,” Rayet replies. “Look, if that’s the UFE’s agenda… we really don’t know. The upper echelons haven’t deigned to tell us anything other than orders of what to do, as usual. So if they’re planning another, we really won't know until they’re about to ship us out.”
“So you were involved in the murders.”
Rayet hesitates. “Mazuurek…” she begins, but falters, uncertain.
Inaho doesn’t have that issue. “Yes, we were involved in the operation. Had we refused, it would have still occurred, and we would be punished and likely not trusted to keep quiet about what we knew. Since the refusal would amount to nothing, it was better to participate and remain within their trust.”
“That and, like you said, it’s not as if we were killing innocent martians,” Rayet adds, certainty back.
Mazuurek raises a hand in appeasement. “My friends, I wasn’t intending to judge you for it, I’m sorry if it came across like that. I just need to understand how much you know. So, you were involved... please tell me how they did it.”
“Okay, please don’t get too angry but, first they managed to acquire a functioning skycarrier. Then they… threatened a martian to fly it.”
“They placed a collar on him that would permanently have incapacitated him according to the UFE’s will,” Inaho elaborates. “And then explained that even if he chose death, the UFE would simply risk using someone else to pilot it.”
So I was right that they have a martian working for them. Worse, he’s being threatened. If he had been offered rewards, we could try taking him in by offering more, but with this… only if we’re able to remove the collar.
“I see. Go on, Rayet.”
“So this martian flew on the skycarrier, got into the Landing Castle, requested a meeting with the Count and murdered him when they were alone. With his death the Landing Castle lost all power and we —that is, I and other UFE troops— were able to infiltrate and pick them off without warning.”
“Ah. Hold on. First of all, this martian would need to be able to fly the skycarrier. Then he would have had enough knowledge of Count Mikael to convince him to allow him to enter, and then further knowledge to receive a private meeting so quickly. Did this knowledge come from the martian himself or did the UFE acquire information from someone else?”
“The martian had the knowledge.”
“So the UFE’s plan relied solely on this one martian.”
“No,” Inaho explains, “The UFE’s plan without loss of terran life relied on the martian, but not the plan itself. Had the martian not been cooperative, or unable to pilot, or without that knowledge, they would still have risked sending someone. The difference would be that the moment the person had managed to reach the Landing Castle they would have detonated explosives hoping it would kill the Count or, at least, bring the martians into disarray, at which point the UFE would commence an attack while pretending to be martians.”
“Wait, what?!” Rayet jumps. “So if Sla—if that guy hadn’t accepted, we were going to send a suicide bomber?! Inaho, our friends were also training for the skycarrier ! Why wasn’t I told about this?” 
“Because I thought it was only logical that it would become a suicide mission, with little chances of success, had he refused. And since he didn’t, there was no reason to confirm if you understood what would have happened if he hadn’t.”
“... I own him, damn.”
Mazuurek watches their exchange with increasing curiosity. “This brings me to my next question: who is this martian? He can’t be a simple soldier if he had that much knowledge. I need to know.”
“Err, before we answer that, do you have any other questions? Because once we tell you, it’s going to open so many other questions.”
“Hm, I suppose, that collar that’s threatening him, can it be deactivated?”
“I wasn’t given clearance on how it was made, so I was unable to figure out how to dismantle it. If I ever acquire that information I can try to send it to you.”
Rayet nods. “Right, that’s where we stand on the collar, for now. Any other questions?”
“I understand deciding this is not on you, but do you have any indication that the UFE will do this again?”
“Nothing concrete, but we assume they will.”
“Then I really don’t have anything else to ask. Now, please tell me who this martian is.”
Rayet and Inaho glance at each other, before Rayet turns back to Mazuurek. “Actually, he isn’t a martian.”
“What? But everything you just said—”
“It was easier to explain it like that. The UFE has Slaine Troyard.”
It is so unbelievable that it takes Mazuurek a fews seconds to react, and it feels as if the ground is yanked from underneath him.
“Troyard is… alive?!”
“Yes,” Inaho answers this time. Mazuurek turns to him.
“Did you know this?”
“I was the one who brought him to the UFE.” Maybe Mazuurek’s altered state is making him confused, but he thinks Inaho actually looked… regretful as he said it. “Obviously, I was unaware that they’d use him for this. Or use him at all.”
“You handed him over without keeping tabs on what they did to him?”
“No. I handed him over and watched over his incarceration.”
“Hm, personally overseeing that your enemy never sees the light of day.” Had Inaho and Rayet just winced in unison? He must be more shaken than he realizes if he’s now outright hallucinating. “I guess I can understand that.”
Oh. “So that small town you were reassigned to… that’s where he is at?”
“Yes, though I would caution against any attempt to rescue him without meticulous planning first, the surrounding may not look like much, but the incarceration facility itself is difficult and the UFE will be alerted immediately if he’s removed.”
Mazuurek raises an eyebrow. “And why would I even consider rescuing him after what he nearly did to the terrans and his crimes against Her Ma—”
A sudden thought comes to him, and he swallows with difficulty. “Does… Her Majesty know about this?”
“If by ‘this’ you mean, that the UFE is using Slaine to attack martians,” Inaho answers, “then I assume she doesn’t, since we’ve previously established she is likely unaware they were behind it.”
“But if you mean, does she know that Slaine was being held captive, yes she damn well does,” Rayet spits out.
Rayets anger is surprising, and even more so when Inaho does not answer her with a logical justification. Surprising enough that Mazuurek manages to focus on that and calm down.
“So Her Majesty knows her enemy is in prison. Why does this upset you, Rayet?”
“Why?! Because she’s using him as a scapegoat. He’s being used and he’s still alive to suffer the consequences. I thought she, at least, was better than that! Oh, and apparently she even thinks he’s getting out one day!”
Mazuurek decides not to think about the last two sentences for now. “What of it? He is suffering the consequences of his actions. It is, I do believe, not dissimilar to his own deeds.”
“Excuse me? She’s blaming him for everything! How is that anything like Slaine trying to protect her?!”
“I find it hard to see it as protecting when he was using her image to murder terrans as a means of solidifying martian power.”
“By doing so, he was solidifying her status and removing any threat to her that wasn’t a coup d’etat.” Inaho says matter of factly. “And even a coup would be hard to come by with the martians pleased with the outcome. So in this sense, one could see how he was attempting to protect her.”
Mazuurek is slightly taken aback by Inaho’s attempt to defend Troyard’s point of view, but remembers it is just like Inaho to see the reasoning for both sides. He focuses on defending Her Majesty. “To do that, he was using someone in a disguise to look like her. In other words, Slaine Troyard was claiming the plan to attack Earth was hers. To terrans... to you it must have seemed like she was to blame for everything.”
He pauses, but neither Inaho nor Rayet retort, so Mazuurek continues.
“He used her image while she was unable to defend herself to forward his view. Her Majesty has simply returned the favor; he was using her image, now she will use his.”
“It’s not the same,” Rayet insists feebly, “He wasn’t locking her away—”
“Maybe not initially, but if she was free to leave or counter him after she woke up, she wouldn’t have needed mine and Klancain’s aid to escape and get her message across, would she?”
“But—but it was going to be for her sake! After it was done—”
“He was going forth with a massacre she never wished for and was actively against because he thought it best for her. Is that noble to you? If so, then Her Majesty’s reasons are even more so, she’s doing it to end warfare between two worlds. As for what would have happened had he succeeded… Her Majesty would have no chance to reverse the choice done in her name, whereas, as far as Her Majesty believes , Slaine will have the chance to speak his truth when he is freed.”
“You think she’d be willing to threaten her hard won peace as well as trust between planets to allow Slaine to defend himself?” Inaho finally asks.
“... Likely she’d try to strike a bargain with him—”
“What sort of bargain? Speak not against her lies and she will ship him up to a desolate island? Put him under plastic surgery and give him a new identity? Or maybe she believes by the time he is freed he will have repented so much he will willingly accept to shoulder the blame, and also assumes if she asks for forgiveness from the planets, no martian or terran would attack Slaine after his freedom?”
“... Likely the last option, probably…”
“And you think that’s the same?” Rayet demands.
Mazuurek’s deflating shoulders square up again. “Yes, actually. He would have left her to deal with the death of a whole planet . Lives that cannot be rebuilt; she would not have had to live a lie, but she would have to live with the knowledge her name opened the doors to a planet-wide massacre. It would have been at the least, just as cruel as Slaine’s end.” 
That leaves Rayet speechless.
Not so Inaho, who looks at Mazuurek for a second before taking up the debate. “For this decision to be right, you would have to assume no one but Slaine had slighted or hurt her. That no one but Slaine threatened Earth. However, others tried to assassinate her, and others were happily attacking terrans long before Slaine had any semblance of power. Yet she is willing to pretend they did nothing wrong, much less that they warranted forgiveness, as all actions were somehow mere puppet strings from Slaine’s design.”
“That’s… for the sake of peace and avoiding another martian fallout.”
“It’s not. If she wished for peace, truly, she would have blamed Count Saazbaum for most of it —as she should have— and Slaine for simply continuing his handiwork, as well as defined some light punishment so that martians understood actions against terrans would not be acceptable.
“As it is, it seems to me that it was not done in thought but in selfishness; that what pains Asseylum is not the destruction of Earth and killing of terrans, but that Slaine dared to use her name for it.”
“That's not true! You know she truly cares for terrans lives!”
“Yes, but her actions speak differently. You are correct in saying what Slaine attempted to do wasn’t good, and doing it for the sake of Asseylum is not justification to cleansing his hands of the blood he was willing to shed.” 
“Which brings me to the issues I have with Asseylum’s punishment. If Asseylum wants justice, Slaine cannot be the only one to receive the blame for every action in the war and the other martians should also be paying for their lives. If Asseylum wants to dirty her hands and pick a scapegoat to ensure peace between worlds, Count Saazbaum would be the most appropriate and ideal choice given he is already dead, and he was the mastermind behind most of it, so a simple investigation would corroborate the lie.”
“But Slaine is a terran so—”
“As far as terrans are concerned, the fact that Slaine is a terran does not alleviate martian fault in this. Slaine is terran, but he was brought up by martians, used martian technology and martian soldiers to attack Earth. Maybe martians feel less guilt by thinking of Slaine’s origin, but terrans hardly blame martians less because of it.
“Which brings me back to the point I was making. Slaine is not the best or logical scapegoat. On the contrary, any attempts to study the timeline of events should easily cast doubt in the veracity of the claim, since it requires the belief that Slaine had the power, intelligence and means to begin orchestrating everything before he was even fifteen years old. And that is hardly the only issue to be found. Another—”
“Inaho, no need,” Rayet says quickly.
“In summation, the flaws and contradictions in claiming he is the sole perpetrator of the war are a danger that could end the peace and threaten any trust terrans have in Asseylum. Afterall, it would mean she attempted to place part of the blame on terrans to protect martians.”
Mazuurek sighs, defeated. “So you have issue with her plan.”
“Not just that. Mazuurek, what Slaine did wasn’t morally correct. And also partially incorrect when it comes to logical deci—
“Not now, Inaho,” Rayets stops him again.
“Fine, focusing on morality: Slaine’s actions were not just, or upright to terrans, and it was expressly against her wishes, which he was aware of. I am not condoning his actions. However, Asseylum’s actions regarding him are equally not laudable. At best, I could accept that she is punishing him equal to the pain he attempted to cause her, by using his name to further her agenda, and locking him up forever to pay for the lives he was willing to take. However, if she refuses to acknowledge this as sheer revenge, then I cannot accept that he is locked up. Especially since I —and both of you as well— are aware that the truth is that he will never be free of that cell alive. 
“If she claims it’s mercy, or that it’s for the sake of the planets, I cannot stand by her side as it’s false. She cannot call it justice when every other martian is free, either. In light of how everyone else has lived after the war, Slaine Troyard has served more than enough sentence.”
“...I can’t imagine Her Majesty going out of her way to strike at someone for something like personal revenge,” Mazuurek eventually says weakly.
Inaho shrugs. “I can’t either. So either she is more lacking in sense than I originally thought while we were together, or she’s obtusely not acknowledging her own rage.”
“It may be a tragic combination of both,” Rayet says, looking down at her own hands. “There was nothing I could have done that was more short sighted than attempting to kill her.”
“You tried to—” Mazuurek begins and nearly jumps out of his seat, but Inaho makes a motion for him to sit down again.
“She wasn’t the only one,” he says, but doesn’t explain further, and instead starts talking as if analysing to himself. “Rayet blamed Asseylum and lashed out despite blatant knowledge that she was not the one at fault for her family’s demise. And the other person also had no reason to blame Asseylum for her own misery. I suppose if even they struggled to admit their own hatred… someone who is used to blocking out all darkness and negativity, who actively strives to be good and make others just as honorable cannot possibly understand, much less accept a desire to do harm to someone else for no reason other than revenge. Even if there’s cause for it.”
“And it’s not like she has anyone near her to tell her otherwise…” Rayet muses.
Mazuurek and Rayet look at Inaho pointedly, who frowns. “I can’t read minds, what is it?”
“Well, if anyone could talk to her and point out her mistakes… it’s you.”
“In fact, I feel this is now necessary to enquire… Why did you leave her side and simply not tell her what she was doing... wrong?” Mazuurek adds. “If you wished to ease Troyard’s sentence—”
“I defected from her side long before I—” there is a strong pause in Inaho’s words, and an ensuing smile from Rayet “—began to truly consider the fairness of his sentence. From the beginning I saw flaws in his punishment but I was not initially empathetic enough towards his plight to attempt to enforce something different with her.” 
He stops abruptly, looking far away and when he begins speaking again, it feels heavier. “Would I have more power to change Slaine’s fate now if I had not left her side then?”
“Even if you had stood by her and tried to advise her, you would have failed,” Rayet says with certainty.
“...That’s... not incorrect,” Mazuurek surprisingly joins in, though he looks pained to utter each word. “There are too many martians keen on maintaining this charade now. They’d riot before allowing such a convenient lie to fall.”
Inaho blinks again and frowns, and lifts a hand to massage his temple. “That… was actually my initial conclusion, when I left. I know it may sound like an excuse to claim this only after you two have pointed it out—”
“It’s fine,” Rayet assures him. “You’re smarter than this. As soon as this conversation is done we’re shipping you straight into the doctor’s arms. You really need it.”
Inaho sighs, but agrees. “Yes. It’s coming back to me now. Asseylum took a while to go back to Earth. At that point, she’d already delayed the war by decreeing a cease fire.” He halts, glancing at Mazuurek, maybe expecting an objection. But while Mazuurek had been uncomfortable at the word ‘delayed’, he makes no attempt to claim she fully stopped the war. Even he is too aware that so much resentment would not disappear simply because the nearly winning side chose to forfeit at the last minute.
“Not only that,” Inaho continues, “but she also made it so no martian was at fault. Many of my comrades died, Slaine was hardly the only one to blame. Yet that wasn’t all: during our brief time together, I told her my view on wars, and how to end them. They aligned themselves more with Slaine, I've since found out. Asseylum’s choice completely disregarded all that I said.
“And… by the time we met afterwards it was too late to take it back. Martians would revolt the moment they felt they would suffer for their actions, and Asseylum’s credibility and life would be at stake, if not forfeit. It was pointless to make her see how wrong her dreams were, and if it wouldn’t bring any better results… I saw no reason to risk her life.” He pauses. “I still don’t want her dead, or harmed. I cannot condone her actions, or see any intelligence in them or her current rule, but I don’t despise her. However, I care little for her credibility, save for the fact that it is tied to her safety for now.”
No one has anything to say after that. Mazuurek hides his face in his hands, back hunched, for a few minutes before letting out a long drawn out sigh and straightening up again.
“I see,” he finally says, looking steadily at Inaho. “First and foremost, thank you for once again trusting me. You knew my stance towards her Highness yet still trusted me enough to tell me your contrary views. I appreciate that. And, well, I guess I can’t hate you for your views. Let’s see… you put a lot of importance in the logical thinking and the results of one's actions. I get that. I understand the importance of that. However, I feel the heart is also vital. I’ve seen people ruled by greed and selfishness before, I want a leader that has a good heart, that truly wants to help others. I… concede that Her Highness may not have gone the smartest route. But you have to understand that she isn't as brilliant as you. She doesn’t have the knowledge or the oversight to see.” 
“She’s always been the first one in line for the throne,” Rayet interjects harshly, “how is it that she never considered studying politics and such to prepare herself to better serve her people?”
Mazuurek’s gaze is soft as he sweeps a look at them, pitying the harsh life they must have led. “What I’m going to say isn't fair, but it’s the truth. Because she’s young . She spent two formative years in a coma. She was loved and, yes, likely coddled. You two are above average in intelligence, with one of you likely a genius, and you both suffered. Suffered differently but suffered nonetheless. You had to learn to grow, you had to learn to think to protect yourselves or others. What is natural for you to do, isn’t simple for others to consider. Her Highness is well meaning, and truly a good person, but as unfair as it was, she did not have a background to force her to grow up quickly.”
“I know,” Inaho says, “That’s why I don’t hate her for her actions. What you said explains why she fails where one of us three might not have, but it doesn’t make it tolerable for me to accept. Not when she was told and saw otherwise.”
Mazuureks nods. “I understand. I accept that you cannot forget her mistakes. And I see why these mistakes are made worse by her royal background. But just as you cannot stand her much due to her actions, I cannot condemn her for actions, which I admit were not the best, when I see the heart she puts into them. I won’t fight you for not accepting her, but I will defend her where I can.”
Inaho nods and smiles slightly. “My analytical machine was never wrong when it judged people, and it seems that that trustworthy part of you hasn't changed. I don’t have any issue with your continued loyalty to her, but I won’t disregard all the flaws in her actions when talking to you. As for what you’re planning to do…”
“Ah, I’m not sure yet what I will, or can, do. I’m not like you.” Mazuurek chuckles. “I mean, my worldview just turned upside down, I’ve had to open my eyes to issues I’ve been ignoring and found out information I had never considered possible. All I know right now is the UFE cannot continue as it has, nor can the martian counts continue to do as they will while disregarding her Highness. Her, and mine, wish for peace between both worlds isn't going to work like this, but annihilation of either side isn’t an option for me. So, I’ll think of something.”
Rayet frowns. “Be careful, the UFE and the martians are tricky, backstabbing people with eyes everywhere. Don’t act out too rashly, whatever you do. We don’t want you next on the hit list, even if we recluse ourselves.”
Mazuurek chooses to ignore the stab at martians, understanding it as Rayet trying to look out for him. “Thank you, I will do my best. I can’t promise anything however, I will do what I think must be done for my objective. If that leads the UFE to attack me… I will understand even if you choose to join the attack for the sake of your loved ones. Slaine, however, I will have to shoot down.”
That has both of his guests make terrible faces.
“You don’t want him to die… it seems you both are hoping he is set free?”
Rayet glances at Inaho, and he stares back. Mazuurek can see hesitation from Rayet and, more surprisingly, also hesitation from Inaho.
“My friends, what are you keeping from me?”
It’s Inaho that answers. “There is information that we’re beholden not to tell, but we will warn you of anything that endangers you, like what we have done with the UFE. And there’s one information we haven’t said because it changes nothing and I didn’t think it was relevant.”
“Well, it’s rare for us to meet and talk freely, so even if it’s unimportant, I don’t mind hearing it.”
Inaho sighs. Rayet looks at him with pity and answers for him. “Inaho… and this is going to sound unbelievable… Inaho is in love with Slaine.”
Mazuurek blinks. He blinks again. He takes a deep breath, then grabs his cup and downs his tea in one go.
“Alright… Inaho is in love with… the boy who nearly succeeded in destroying terrans who Inaho then took down and incarcerated?”
Inaho sighs. “Yes.”
“Well… my condolences.” 
There was a pause.
“That’s... it?” Rayet demands incredulously.
“I’m not sure what else you were expecting. I don’t know Slaine Troyard at all outside his actions to have an opinion. Knowing Inaho, I’m sure this declaration doesn’t come lightly. And I can empathize with having feelings for someone when your positions are complicated.”
Rayet perks up. “Oh? So you’ve been in that situation?”
That decomposes Mazuurek momentarily. “N-No! I’m sorry, I worded that incorrectly I suppose. I meant that even if I haven’t experienced such a situation, ever , I can’t imagine it’s a good one to be in. I hoped you both, and your friends, would go on to live simple and happy lives, but if you’re smitten with Troyard… you’re in for a tumultuous time, no matter how things play out. I’m truly sorry.”
Inaho nods. “Thank you.”
“Are you not going to ask me to avoid shooting him in the unlikely scenario that the UFE targets me?”
“I don’t see the point. I know you have a duty to your people first, you won’t risk all their lives to save Slaine, no matter what he means to me; and it would be self defense if you did.”
“I appreciate that. Indeed, I will take care of my own as a priority, but since you’ve told me what to expect… I’ll try to think of a way to keep myself safe without killing him. Starting with that collar… I’ll see if I can’t find out how it was made, and then how to safely remove it.”
Inaho creases his brows lightly. “If you ask around about a device that only ever surfaced on Slaine’s neck during that operation…”
“I have a person, a… friend. He might have some leeway into UFE classified information, and I know he won’t sell me to the UFE.”
“For this friend to have enough leeway to procure how the collar was made, he has to have enough knowledge to have known what the UFE did…”
“... And didn’t tell me. Yes, I’m aware. But it seems these days all my friends keep some things away from me. I don’t blame you for what you haven’t said, and I won’t blame him for his either… if he can help us now. But I won't be able to get a hold of him too quickly, maybe in a few weeks.”
“Please be very careful, don’t let your friendship cloud your judgement.”
“I won’t. And I promise to keep your feelings a secret.”
“Too many people have found it out already, but I need to keep the information very far from the UFE’s ears.”
“Of course.”
Rayet suddenly smiles and elbows Inaho. “Hey, hey, isn’t Asseylum’s maid here? Pity we can’t tell her .”
“I don’t see why,” Inaho says, then turns back to Mazuurek. “More importantly, this needs to be repeated: whatever you choose to do with the information we gave you about the UFE, make sure you don't become the next target.”
“I will take utmost caution. Besides,” Mazuurek sighs, “if the UFE strikes again, and we know it will, they likely have a target already.”
“Count Percival. He was keeping a low profile before, but since the massacre at the Landing Castle, his underlings have been causing a commotion, insisting it’s all an UFE ploy. Although the Count has been smart enough to not outright agree with the accusations himself… he certainly hasn’t been seen punishing or forcing people to retract them.”
Inaho considers what he knows. “And Count Percival is stationed near France, which has a large terran settlement, meaning a larger audience for the allegations and an easier time spreading them. I saw no word of this in my base town, which means the UFE has managed to contain the spread of it, at least for now. Then again, it’s a small town of mostly UFE linked people, they’ll be one of the last to gossip about it.”
“Pretty much, the UFE has made a statement that they will demand reparations and should the defamation continue, they’ll open an inquiry in court.”
Rayet snorts. “You mean, in terran court? Like a martian count will give a damn about that.”
“Indeed. Initially I assumed the threat meant that they were hoping Her Highness would act, or that she would accept to enforce a judicial decision, if it came to that. And she has attempted to stop it, but it’s been ineffective so far—”
“As usual,” Rayet says under her breath, which Mazuurek pretends not to hear as he continues.
“But with the information you’ve given me, I see now that the UFE is just pretending to go through legal means, and are likely setting up for another round.”
“However, to attack the Count that has been denouncing them might be too suspicious,” Inaho muses, “unless they plan to make it look like an attempt to frame the UFE by martians. It might prove too complicated to pull off. And they can’t have the Deucalion as near as it was in the last attack—” He flinches, even this little effort has pain shooting through his head.
“Okay, enough thinking for now,” Rayet says, “like you said, maybe they aren’t going to do anything fast, or at all, to not make it too obvious.”
“No, I’m sure there is a way… but you’re right, I can’t strain myself right now. Mazuurek, if they do move against this Count, what will you do?”
“That is quite the dilemma. Unless I notice suspicious movements, I think I might not even know when they attack the Count, since I’m sure you two will be beyond communications by then, and even if you did manage to call me… it would just frame us all.”
“Does that mean you plan to warn him?”
“...But if I warn him, he will shoot Slaine down, and maybe even attack your friends too, that’s what you’re worried about, isn’t it?”
Their silence is confirmation enough.
“... I don’t know. He isn’t a good person. He would rather lay low and not fight for too much power with the other Counts so that he has more freedom to do as he will. I have heard reports he treats his people, even the martians, abysmally, and it’s why he allows them to be so aggressive towards terrans; it gives them an outlet for their anger that isn’t him. But that doesn’t mean he, and all his people, deserve to die.
“However… however if I do warn him, I will have killed Troyard, and endangered both of you and your friends. The possibility of another war breaking out will be almost certain, and I have no doubt that the fact I was the informant will leak out, which will endanger my people… and doubly endanger you both for having told me.”
Mazuurek bends over and hides his head in his hands. “I see, I will have to let him die. Knowledge without power is truly a burden.”
“We’re sorry—” Rayet begins, but he stops her.
“No, don’t be. Even if having to decide who lives or dies is painful, I’d rather make it then not know. Even if I can’t save their very next target, maybe I can do something in the long run. Or at least protect my own. I can’t imagine the burden this has been for you, to have to go along with this. Let’s share the burden, and work on it together.”
He watches them leave and when he’s finally alone, Mazuurek collapses on the nearest chair.
It was too much too fast, it was amazing what Inaho and his friends could handle it so easily, he wishes he had half their acceptance.
His worldview had been turned upside down too quickly. The UFE’s nefarious plan, Troyard’s continued existence and participations… he would never have drawn this conclusion on his own. As for the burden of knowing what might happen to his fellow martian Count in the future… he’ll have to live with it.
But he had been suspicious of the UFE, and he had always been aware that his power was not enough to save anyone away from his sight. What had hit harder was being forced to hear and acknowledge criticism of Her Majesty he could not counter.
Perhaps from the start something inside of him had known her choices were not the best, but he’d been so glad of a ruler he could trust he’d never bothered to analyse them. It had taken Inaho, someone who had gone to great lengths for Her Majesty, calling out every issue for him to be able to admit that yes, mistakes —costly, life affecting mistakes— had been made.
He’d asked Inaho why he had left her side instead trying to steer her into the right path…
Mazuurek feels guilty about it, and regretful he never had the chance to get his thoughts in order in time to apologize.
Genius he might be, Inaho was also so young, and had done so much. No one had a right to demand more of him.
Especially not Mazuurek, who is loyal to Her Majesty… and yet has been spending his time focusing on his own patch of land.
He’s visited her, though he mostly talks to Klancain. Yet he never joined in when it came to discussing the future.
Her Majesty is stuck being the image of people for two opposing planets, and Klancain is stuck trying to manage the operational side of it, and Mazuurek had never really offered much other than his continued loyalty. 
Perhaps if I am so loyal to them, I should stop focusing so much on my own land and think of what I can do to steer her towards a better path for both worlds.
UFE needs to be taken out, or at least lowered in its power and reach of the terran population, so that it has no capacity to murder and get away with it.
But the martian counts also need to be brought to heel, and obey their rulers.
Lastly, in respect of Inaho, he must avoid harming Troyard at all costs. Not just because he’s promised, but because if Inaho, who has never asked for anything selfish, loves him, Mazuurek feels it’s his duty to give him that.
He thinks back to his brief conversation with Troyard, when he was at the height of his powers. He was so young, yet so certain and implacable. Strong to hold the position he did as a terran…
Mazuurek snorts. While he cannot like Troyard, the thought of that boy in a relationship with Inaho is... hilarious. And terrifying.
But that would require Troyard to even like Inaho back. Mazuurek had been under the impression he’d loved Her Majesty, or perhaps that was just unhealthy loyalty. It’s not as if he has any recourse to know more…
Oh, but he does.
Mazuurek presses a button. “Please have the maid Eddelrittuo bring me my afternoon tea. Two cups.”
This is going to be fun, Mazuurek thinks, already laughing quietly. And while he waits for her to arrive, he’ll think of what he can do to steer the world into a better path.
Eddelrittuo tries to not shake her hand too visibly as she is finally convinced to sit down opposite Count Mazuurek and accept a cup of tea.
“Is something wrong, sir?” She asks with hesitation. She’s aware of who had just come by, but cannot fathom what they may have said to have her be brought here.
“Ah, not much. Inaho and Rayet just left. I’m sorry we didn't summon you while they were here. I hope you didn't want to say something to them?”
Was that it? She relaxes. “Not at all, it’s been too long since we’ve been acquainted, there is nothing to say. We... weren’t close.” She’d despised him for part of it, in fact.
“I see. It was nice talking to them, even if the past is sad, there’s some comfort in being able to reminisce with old friends. So much happened, that Slaine Troyard…”
Eddelrittuo tries to not to flinch at the name, or the memories. She nods silently and looks down at her drink to try and focus elsewhere.
“Speaking of which... Eddelrittuo… you were by both Inaho and Slaine’s sides for a while, were you not?”
The question is not unexpected, so Eddelrittuo warily nods.
“Both Inaho and Slaine were quite magnificent during the war, weren’t they? The war would have been over much faster even either of them hadn’t been there.”
She’s not sure where he’s going now, is he about to blame her for not harming Troyard? It doesn’t seem like him, so she just nods again.
“It makes me wonder… if circumstances were different, would they have been friends? Maybe more?”
Eddelrittuo stares at him for a bemused moment, then giggles. “More? Like lovers? Right... Thank you, sir, that was funny.”
Mazuurek smiles. “Fine, maybe I was joking about the ‘maybe more’ part, but I mean it about the friendship.”
“...I think they’d just end up fighting for Her Majesty’s hand.”
Mazuurek chuckles. “You seem very clear on them both being in love with Her Majesty. I certainly cannot speak for Troyard, but I wonder about Inaho. I have no doubt he liked her; the certainty he had that it was not her speaking to the public, and the risk he took to give back her pendant speak for themselves. And that’s just one thing he did. He liked her, but was it romantic love?”
Eddelrittuo hesitates. It’s hard to say, and the period she spent with the boy was too long ago, mired in a haze of fear, distrust, institutional racism towards terrans, and a certainty that her charge was too superior to anyone to not be immediately desired by everyone. Not to mention, the boy in question acted too strangely, and had less expressions than a robot.
Had Inaho been in love with her? She couldn’t say for certain now. Perhaps he had, or perhaps it had been her twisted, fluffy interpretation of everything. It had been too long; Eddelrittuo was no longer a young child and was embarrassed to acknowledge how badly she’d acted, and how much she lost by not truly paying attention. 
At that time, away from home and in territory she felt belonged to inferior beings, Asseylum had shone too brightly. In Eddelrittuo’s mind back then, how could any boy, especially an inferior terran one, not fall in love with her?
Mazuurek seems to understand she’s unable to truly answer and interrupts her train of thought. “No need to dwell on that. Do you really think they would never find enough ground to like each other?”
“I just can't believe it,” she squeaks out. “They were enemies. They personally fought each other!”
“Perhaps, but what if they were in a situation where they weren’t on different sides?”
She’s curious enough to reflect on it. Whereas Inaho’s feelings for Her Majesty is too much of a hazy area for Eddelrittuo to analyse, his personality in general and Slaine’s own are easier.
“Slaine was… strong. And protective, and loyal, and good at piloting, and strategizing and good at leading and manipulating. Inaho… was protective, and loyal, and good at piloting, and strategizing and…!” She realizes she’s been listing the same things and blushes. “BUT! He wasn’t that good at manipulating! And he was only a leader because people trusted his plans. And he’s cold and calculating while Slaine was emotional and followed his heart and... uh… Slaine… Slaine was much better looking.” She flushes with the confession. “That’s what I can remember!”
“Opposites attract.”
“...Does that mean that Count Mazuurek likes coldhearted and manipulative people?”
Mazuurek chokes, despite Eddelrittuo not having seen him eat anything. “No! I don't like anyone coldhearted— I mean! I don't like anyone at the moment! It’s just something that happens, sometimes. Sometimes people like people that are similar to them. But I wouldn't know either way! My point is… maybe Inaho would appreciate what Slaine has— had that he hasn’t. And while I can see why you view him as cold, he isn’t, he just doesn't show it as much, so perhaps Troyard was simply externating the same warmth Inaho has inside.”
Eddelrittuo is self aware enough to understand her judgement is too partial, yet she can’t help but frown at anyone calling Inaho ‘warm inside’. 
“All I can think of is Inaho making an thoughtless comment and Slaine trying to choke him,” she admits.
“Trying to choke him for the comment?”
“No, for his existence.”
Mazuurek laughs. “Are you perhaps not a little biased?”
“...Maybe. I apologize, I will try harder sir.”
“No need, I’m sorry I’ve put you up to this… would-be scenario without reason. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry.”
Yet, now that Eddelrittuo has been forced to think and, moreover, finally has been given an opening to speak about Slaine without needing to act like he was the villain, her thoughts are racing.
“...Hm.” It’s surprising, but an image comes clearly to Eddelrittuo’s mind. “Inaho is probably better at making plans, but Slaine would be better at thinking about how people would act. They would bicker, because Inaho has no filter and Slaine struggled to hide his own disagreement. But they would agree on a plan eventually. When it came to tell others what to do, Slaine would make an impressive speech to motivate them. Inaho would try to explain the plan but do so in a way that makes it more confusing, Slaine would probably scold him later. They’d make the plan a success. They could make ruling the planets a success.”
She pauses for breath, the thoughts she would never be able to vocalize anywhere else rushing in. “Slaine was emotional, but he’d been taught and forced to hide his feelings and be civil. He didn’t forget or forgive slights, even if he smiled at the person, he kept up a polite façade until he could pay them back.” Something she’d learned watching from the sidelines as he stabbed even his benefactor in the back. “If he couldn’t forgive Count Saazbaum, could he forgive Inaho if after shooting him down he had brought him aboard?”
“I’m sorry? Bring him aboard?”
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, was the exercise only in the scenario that they had both met before the war began?”
“Not at all, I’m just not aware of what you meant.”
“Slaine once took a skycarrier to come rescue Her Highness. We… were unaware he was on it and Inaho shot it down. It’s… one of my biggest regrets.”
“Don’t, how would you have known? Although, if that happened, I wonder how much Inaho regrets it now.”
“I don’t think he’s been told who he shot down at that time.”
“Hm, I wonder.”
“So you see, maybe Slaine would have wanted vengeance. Ah, but… but the Count had harmed Her Highness, Inaho had harmed Slaine himself…”
She shakes her head and tries to focus again. “Inaho says what he thinks, he’s rude and doesn’t consider the tone or interpretation of his words. I think Slaine would be vexed by that, like I was, because he was taught it was wrong, but he would probably secretly want to be able to be as carefree as Inaho. He… he didn’t really hate Inaho, I think? The few times he spoke of him in front of me, it felt more like resentment because of Her Majesty and his own plans but… I think he also admired his skills, too. Being able to logically think about everything while saying what he thinks freely… I don’t think Slaine would hate that. I think he would appreciate it, after all he had to deal with. And he’d agree with Inaho’s take on war, and revenge, and his ambition, and his loyalty…” she breathes out. “I suppose I could see them being friends…” 
If only he hadn’t been killed. If only Her Highness had listened and given Slaine just one chance…
Her eyes fill with tears.
It’s pointless to even think of this, because they made mistakes, because they lost their chance to have Slaine on their side, because Slaine is dead.
Yet even for a pointless exercise she could barely answer properly. What had she done with her young life, that she’d spent so much time around these two boys and barely knew them?
And now she’s hiding away, squirreled away under Mazuurek’s guidance, with years of her life misused, having gained nothing but a sense of guilt, yet barely no memories or knowledge that wasn't traumatic warfare.
Mazuurek offers her his personal handkerchief, and Eddelrittuo forgets to refuse it.
“I’m so very sorry. I shouldn’t have sprung this on you at all. Please forgive me for these pointless wonderings, especially since they touched on this.”
“It’s f-fine. It’s just… so sad. That he died. He wasn’t that bad! Really, he wasn’t!” She realizes too late what she’s saying to one of Her Highness’ staunchest supporters. “Forgive me, sir, I’m saying silly things.”
“It’s alright, I’ve heard similar opinions earlier. But I must apologize again, I never knew you were so endeared to Troyard. He seems to endear people to him quite a lot.”
“I’m thankful for the chance to be able to say something nice about him, so please pay my outburst no mind, sir. But even if there were people that liked him, it’s not as if it helped him any.” She gives him a watery smile and tries to go back to what her Count had wanted to focus on. “Maybe if they had been friends though…”
Mazuurek has no reply to that.
“You know,” Rayet says tentatively, when she’s certain they’re alone. “If it bothers you this much to have your feelings spread out… just stop the plan?”
Inaho doesn’t even consider it. “No, this has to be done. It’s not as if it’s bothersome; Slaine suggested I attempted to visibly react whenever it’s mentioned so it seems less forced that you are blurting it.”
“Uhuh, well, your acting skills are surprisingly good, then. Still, why are we doing this… thing to Mazuurek? Can’t we just tell him what we’re after?”
“No, while Mazuurek can be trusted, we can’t be sure about whoever he trusts. I don’t think he’s the sort to gossip, but this can still be used as proof later if someone doubts it. Not to mention, to explain what we’re after we'd have to reveal the possible uprising.”
“I guess. But damn, I hate this… 4D chess nonsense or whatever. You are telling people you are in love when you aren’t except you are.”
“Like I explained. Slaine suggested I go around saying this, because he thinks it’s not true.”
“And you agreed to it, you masochist.”
“You’ve said that a few times.”
“I’ll keep saying it so long as it’s true.”
“... I agreed to it because it was logically sound and nothing else would work as well.”
“However, if you are correct, the person behind this insurgence plot will be coming to you before I am back, at which point you will be asked for your position in all this. Which brings me to conclusion two: we need to decide on how you should act around this person even if we don’t know what we want yet. And I assume your opinion on Asseylum will be brought up.”
“So... figure out the best way to present myself so they think... what we want them to think?”
“I think you need to present yourself as still harboring hatred for terrans.”
Slaine nods. “Yes, which will be easy enough, given my actual situation.”
“Regardless of your actual feelings towards her, you will have to act as if you resent Asseylum.”
Slaine, surprisingly, doesn’t balk at that. “Yes, that is the best way; they won’t trust me to aid an uprising against her if I don’t. Don’t look at me like that; I’m not so frail that I’ll break over pretending to have feelings I don’t know if I have or not.”
Inaho would rather avoid he have to do it, nonetheless, the last thing he needs is the pretense forcing Slaine to analyse his feelings for Asseylum while he is miles away. Nonetheless, he knows nothing short of resentment will convince martian insurgents Slaine is on their side.
“Fine, as for the details…”
“Actually… Inaho…” Slaine fidgets, tugging at his pendant. Not a good sign.
“I’ve been thinking lately… we need to come up with something for you.”
Inaho thinks, then nods. “I suppose. You mean this mastermind may decide I’m too much of a liability going forward otherwise.”
“Exactly. Right now you’re useful since you’re helping me and Lemrina, but as their plan moves forward, having you anywhere near us might become a danger to the execution of the plan… if, that is, they assume you will be against an uprising.”
“Yes, I need an excuse that will make them believe I wouldn’t stand by Asseylum and Earth, so that they’ll rather have me live for longer to be useful to them. I doubt anything I say will convince them to trust me, but if we can trick them into thinking I would be a tool I can guarantee mine and my friends’ lives long enough to enact my own plans, whatever those will be.”
Slaine nods.
“You have a good point, do you think the leader will come to me during our time apart?” Inaho asks.
“I don’t know. Maybe they’ll decide to do it after talking to me, maybe I can drop hints of it, or we can have Lemrina report it…”
“It? So, you already have an idea of what I should do. Go on.”
“...You should pretend to be in love with Lemrina.”
Slaine manages to force out a chuckle, “Well, it was either that or pretend to be in love with me . I’m sure you think Lemrina is the better choice?”
Inaho just stares at him, and Slaine wonders if the wound to his brain is even more grievous than he thought, if Inaho isn’t thinking logically of this.
“Look, set your feelings aside here and be logical like you always are. We need them to believe you have some reason to want to help martians and oppose the UFE. I know you go to great lengths for your friends, but the people in power are going to have a hard time believing you’d risk so much and would upturn a terran government for that. Especially because that will endanger all your other friends.”
“Asseylum—” Inaho begins, but interrupts himself. “I see, people may assume I was in love with her—”
“I still wonder if you really weren’t.”
Inaho ignores his interruption. “And regardless, aiding her was in the best interest of Earth.”
Slaine feels relieved Inaho isn’t too far gone yet. “Exactly. Love is considered a stronger emotion. Claim you are in love with Lemrina and even if they are distrustful of you, they’ll want to believe it as you’re more useful alive and on their side than dead.”
“...That makes sense. It’s a stretch, but there is no other reason for me to want to go against the UFE and aid martians,” Inaho concedes. But then hesitates. “However... Slaine…”
He looks troubled. Inaho never looks troubled.
“...Yes?” Slaine asks, fee ling apprehensive i n turn.
“Do you really think Lemrina is the best option?”
“...No, no I didn’t but… I was hoping you’d have some insight to change my mind.”
“Lemrina will clearly be the figurehead they use to usurp Asseylum. As such, even if for a while, they’ll give her power for a transition.”
Slaine nods dejectly. “If you claim to be in love with her, they’ll fear you might attempt to be by her side, and would become an influence for her. Not to mention marrying her if she ever reciprocated.”
“So, you understand that the best option is…?”
Slaine flinches. “I wouldn’t say best if you can’t even spit it out. But yes, it would be better for you to pretend to be in love with... me. That will mean in their eyes you won’t be trying to reach the highest power, while ensuring you are favorable to my escaping and helping martians gain more power. But Inaho, you are going to have to pull off making people believe you’re in love with me .”
Inaho closes his eyes and massages his temples.
Slaine tries to laugh but it sounds too dry to his own ears. “See? It’s too much.”
“...Bat,” Inaho says through gritted teeth, still massaging his temples. “I am sure by your constant scathing comments that you’ve noticed that I don’t… emote as openly or regularly as one is normally expected to. I’ve been told, quite often, in fact, that I look like a cold individual even to my friends. And you think I can pull off convincing people I am in love and that it is not a ruse ?” He sighs but continues, “Then again, I can’t see any other option. However, I don’t need the analytical machine to tell me the odds that this will fail regardless of who I am… pretending to love.”
Oh, so the issue isn’t me. “Actually, if you think about it,” Slaine says, feeling brighter somehow. “The fact that you are completely unreadable does help. It means you won’t have to practice acting lovesick. And if anyone questions why they never noticed you being in love before? Just use the excuse that you were just being unreadable. We can use your actions so far as proof instead.”
“... What about my actions?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not saying I think your actions were of a romantic nature. But the line between very friendly and in love can be blurred so we can use that. All the things you have done for me, improving my living situation? Love. Fighting to give me better food, better games? Love. Coming here in the midst of a storm to protect me from a guard at the risk of your own life? Love. Oh, wow, now that I think about it, it’s really easy to misconstrue your actions.”
Inaho makes a strange noise at the back of his throat and places his head down between his hands. “I’m glad my actions can be… misconstrued as such, for this situation.”
Slaine beams. “Right? It’s almost scary. If this is how you act towards me, I wonder how you will act when...or if, I suppose... you actually fall in love.”
Inaho doesn’t answer, and Slaine decides to not push him over potential future loves, especially now that he would not be able to act on it even if he did find someone to love. “Okay, what will be a challenge is if people directly ask you why you are in love, what you see in me and so on.”
“I’ll manage that.”
Slaine is surprised with the certainty coming from Inaho. “Really? Because you will have to think of things to say. And don’t purple prose, you’ll fall flat.”
“It’s fine, I can just… fixate on physical features of yours and say I’m keen on them, like your eyes—”
“What about my eyes?”
“...They’re a unique color so it’s a feature that stands out. I guess I could say they’re… captivating.”
Slaine feels heat rising to his face and with horror realizes he’s flushing. He ducks his hand and barks out a laugh to hide it. “That’s good! The combination of looking a person in the eye and using a word like captivating would be believable if I didn’t know you better! Oh, that's it! When in doubt, just do that thing you always do.”
“What thing?”
“You know, where you look someone straight in the eye unblinkingly and say something without looking fazed. It’ll give extra credence. If you can do that while saying you love me, it should do wonders,” Slaine says and, for some reason keeps going to add, “Why don’t you test it out now?”
He realizes what he has just asked Inaho to do immediately, and tries to backtrack. “Ah! Sorry, I don’t mean to tease. I mean, I guess it would be funny to hear you say something so ridiculous… but! If you can say it to me with a straight face, we know you can say it to anyone.”
There is a long pause, and Slain has the distinct impression that Inaho is hesitant; which makes little sense, since Inaho is logic first emotions second. Before the silence can stretch too long, Inaho lets out a breath.
“You have a point,” he says, and his tone sounds almost defeated. “Let’s try it then…”
Inaho sounds so serious Slaine finds himself squaring his shoulders and sitting upright.
Inaho looks him in the eye, expression more solemn than usual. “I’m in love with Slaine.”
Slaine’s vision grows dark… and he realizes it’s because he has slammed his face into his hands. 
“...That… okay that was believable , good job but it’s just too…”
“Awkward,” he hears Inaho supply, and the word sounds so muffled Slaine wonders if he too is hiding his face.
“Yeah, that. We’ve determined you can do this so let’s uh… never do this again and pretend this didn’t happen?”
“We are in complete agreement. Now, for how you will be acting…”
The change of subject for something serious is very welcome, and Slaine immediately composes himself. “I don’t think this should change how I pretend to act towards you.”
Inaho nods. “I concur, that means you’ll distrust me and will be more willing to help the martians and not the terrans. But now, would you be aware of my feelings? My false feelings I mean.”
“I think if you had romantic intentions with all you’ve done, I’d have picked it up by now.”
“So I guess it’s better if I claim to know. I could add that I’ve been leading you on to get better arrangements, while secretly hating you and terrans.” Slaine pauses and feels the needs to add, “Fake, obviously. I haven’t been leading you on. With our friendship I mean.”
For the first time since they’ve started talking, Inaho cracks a small smile. “I know. Shall we practice you acting as such?”
“I don’t think it’s necessary. Unlike you, I had to spend a few years faking my emotions. Also unlike you, I did hate you for a while, so I think I can manage. Asseylum would be the harder part, but I’ll think back to Lemrina’s words about her and use that.”
“Fair enough, now let’s get through the details of what we’ll be saying, so that our versions are fully aligned.”
“Yes, let’s.”
Doctor Yagarai’s personal notes.
First Day of Treatment. Subject IK.
I’d been warned beforehand, but I hadn’t expected this extent of damage. It is akin to when the subject last used the analytical machine. I’m loath to use the words bad luck, but I can only concur that the concussion happened in such a way that the areas of his brain most damaged had been hit. The medical reports from his hospital stay were woefully lacking in too much detail over his concussion, and by now I fear requesting more information will be pointless and too late.
… Knowing my subject, it’s more likely that he did use —
Dr. Yagarai pauses and quickly deletes that last line. Even if this is his personal notes, for his eyes alone, there are some thoughts he cannot risk being found. He will take them up to the Deucalion’s Captain later, in person, however.
It seems the vestiges of the foregone damage are deeper than previously expected. Then again, it’s not as if the subject has been passing his time in a relaxed environment, as prescribed. 
And that jab, he plans on writing on his official reports, too.
How much, thus, is this retrocession caused by the physical harm, and how much by the stress forced on him? I’ve previously requested clearance to follow the subject closely and was denied, I don’t see that changing now, so I can only muster baseless conclusions for now.
It’s clear the best possible option would be a steady and longer treatment this time. However, I’ve been forewarned my hands are tied; I was told to increase dosage to ‘fix him’ (such a ridiculous thing to say, yet they still did) as soon as possible. Thankfully medical knowledge was on my side and I could, at the very least, come to a compromise where the subject will be given proper treatment. It won’t be for as long as I want, but it will be for enough time that the damage will be removed. However—
He stops typing again, nervously looking over his shoulder despite this being his personal room, with not even a camera in sight. He ultimately chooses to delete the last word and stop his notes there. The rest of his observations he will only personally say out loud to the Captain.
“Mazuurek! I’m happy you called,” Klancain effuses, happy to be able to say something with genuine affection for once, even if he knows this isn’t a mere courtesy call.
“I know this is earlier than our scheduled calling time…”
“Nonsense, it’s always good to hear a friendly voice.” He would normally have replied he knows it must be urgent, but he assumes Mazuurek wants to hide why he wants to talk to Klancain. 
He’s proven correct.
“Indeed, but recently I’ve felt too alone. Each day I think of the fact that martians are now killing martians and I can’t rest. Some friends have just visited, and it made me realize how important a physical meeting is between friends.”
There’s a subtle stab in there, too hidden for a third party, but too clear for Klancain himself.
Mazuurek has just told him he knows, and is vetting Klancain for the extent of his own knowledge.
“True, perhaps we should meet and talk about ways we can stop such infighting from happening again, I could do with a friendly face, too.”
And with that, he’s confirmed Mazuurek’s suspicions, no doubt.
“My dearest fiancée has too many responsibilities as it is, and she’s too much of a lady, I don’t think she’d enjoy the idle chatter of two grown men.”
“Oh, yes, I would never dream of troubling Her Majesty.”
The fact that you truly mean that statement, my friend, is why I must regretfully keep you out of the loop for as long as I can. 
“Precisely. My next opening is a few weeks from now, let’s see, how about on...”
The call ends briefly after that, though Klancain believes Mazuurek has not sworn off their friendship yet, despite having been kept away from the information on the UFE’s scheme.
Should he have denied any knowledge? It might have been for the best if he had; an inquiry on what he knows would devolve into how and the extent of his information network within the UFE. He can easily feed Mazuurek information without revealing his future plans, but he had wanted to keep their relationship as it was.
It was selfish, really. Mazuurek was better served knowing at least what the UFE had done, yet Klancain had stalled, both from wanting to enjoy the companionship without that, as well as wanting to see what Kaizuka would do.
That had paid off; it’s clear now that Kaizuka’s visit had the singular goal of telling Mazuurek what had happened, which was further proof Kaizuka was willing to aid martians, if only the ones he counted for as personal friends.
His relationship with Mazuurek may or may not take a plunge at his own lack of forthcoming, but as painful as it was, Klancain knows they hardly have a future. If he cannot get Mazuurek to defect from Asseylum, he will lose him eventually. He just wishes to prolong it as much as he can.
But now, he has a more pressing concern to focus on: who should he visit first, Mazuurek, or Slaine Troyard?
Slaine had been prepared to feel the loss of his pendant immediately.
He was distraught to find the loss wasn’t as painful as he’d expected.
Maybe it’s because he gave it up willingly; it’s not something stolen from him. And it’s not as if he sees any actual chance of Inaho not coming back eventually to hand it over. In a way, he feels as if he hasn’t lost the pendant; he has simply chosen to keep it around someone else for a while. If anything, Inaho’s serious reaction to his silly gesture had been more than he could have asked for, really, and he has been left with no regrets.
That, and ultimately he has spent too much time without the pendant, so it’s not as if the lack of it is new. 
Still, ironically its absence makes him think of it more than he did when it was around his neck. It was, after all, the last gift his father had given him, during their disastrous trip to Mars.
“Keep it with you always, I’ll tell you about it when you’re older.”
And then he didn’t get the chance. How many nights had Slaine stayed up, trying to open the pendant, hoping it had the picture of his parents or an heirloom? But it didn’t open, it didn’t have that function.
Actually… I wonder if the design itself had some meaning? A form of terran coat of arms maybe? Ah, but Inaho had it for so long, he’d have figured it out by now. Or maybe he did, but assumed I was also aware and didn’t see the point of bringing it up, it would be just like him. I’ll have to ask when he gets back.
… Then again, what would be the point? Anyone associated with the Troyard name has been either lynched by now, or changed names. His mother’s side… either way, no one was going to want to associate with him anyway.
However… family… something nags at him, a question at the very back of his mind trying to surface...
“I believe there’s a terran saying… penny for your thoughts?”
Slaine jolts, and realizes Harklight is in the cell with him, smiling.
“I see you’ve kept up your skills of silently appearing anywhere.”
Harklight’s smile widens. “I should hope so, but in this case I think it’s because you were miles away.”
“Ah, well, I was wondering about inconsequential things.”
“Even so, you can tell me.” 
Slaine is about to deny him again, but looking at Harklight is what he had needed to finally recall the question that had been buried.
“Actually, I was wondering, what happened to the Emperor?”
“What do you mean?”
“He abdicated in favor of… his granddaughter, but I didn’t hear that he had passed.”
“I heard he’s actually doing better now that the weight of ruling is no longer on him, to the point that no one expects him to die anytime soon.”
“Hm, normally I’d assume that’s a lie but… he’s already abdicated and allowed the current ruler to do as she wishes, and no one is aware of Lemrina, so it’s not as if his status changes the power on the throne.”
The problem was that Slaine needed information on aldnoah that he did not have. Some rules were clear: if whoever used their aldnoah to power a piece of technology died… the technology would lose power.
However… what became of people granted aldnoah rights if the Emperor who gave them that power died?
The Emperor was the first and only one they ever had. He was the one to grant most of their power. When his son died, so did his closest supporters, so it was hard to say if they too had lost any power he had given them.
If he had died, and the martians maintained their aldonah… it would mean they could kill the current ruler without fear. In fact, it would be wise to kill her as nothing but their own demise would remove their power in that situation.
So maybe, the former Emperor had to be alive. Yes, it could be this is why there was so much caution surrounding her ascension, and why this insurrection sorely needed Lemrina: if the former Emperor is alive when they dethrone her, he could remove martian aldnoah rights as punishment, and they’d need Lemrina.
Perhaps, in fact, this is one of the main reasons why the insurrection is being so slow and careful, with no actions yet. They could be hoping for the Emperor’s death, to further remove any hold the current ruler had over other martians.
I need to talk to Inaho about this. How much does he know about the aldnoah power exchange? More importantly, how much does the UFE know?
Oh yes, because if the UFE thought all martians would lose power at the death of their royalty...
Maybe he should feel flustered at all the questions he can’t answer, all the possibilities he can’t seek out himself. 
And yet it makes him feel somewhat alive.
“That bad, huh?” Magbaredge says somberly, then sighs. The other three people in the room, Marito, Mizusaki and Yagarai, also have grim expressions.
“Yes. I managed to stave off the higher ups and have Inaho receive treatment for the next two months, at least, to be extended if need be.”
“So why do you still look so troubled, doc?” Marito asks.
Yagarai glances around the room.
“This place is safe, possibly the safest aboard the Deucalion, as we check it for bugs regularly,” Magbaredge says, “even if I can't imagine how someone would be able to enter and bug it without our knowledge.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Marito retorts, to a glare from Mizusaki.
It’s enough reassurance to have Yagarai talking, especially as he has too much he wants to get off his chest. “A few things trouble me, actually. First, I feel that they are only paying me lip service, and if their plans require it they’ll simply cut short his treatment at will, and we know Inaho won’t —and can’t— object. But… that would mean…”
He doesn’t need to finish the sentence, as tension fills the room. Although he had been miles away when the UFE had used the Deucalion to kill off the martians, his friends had briefed him on it afterwards. If the UFE had a dire need for Inaho, it would be to do it again.
“... We knew that would never be a one time thing,” Magbaredge eventually says. “This all but confirms it. And… our hands are tied.”
Marito snorts. “We had more power when we were all alone fighting the whole of the Martian front,” he says bitterly.
“Yes, but as things stand if we go against the UFE, either we do so by admitting what they’ve done, and usher in another war, or we say nothing as to why we are disobeying them, at which point the martians will aid the UFE in putting us all down. We must survive, for the children's futures, at least.”
“You are wise as always, Captain,” Mizusaki beams, then turns to Yagarai. “You said that was your first issue?”
“Ah, yes. The other thing is Inaho Kaizuka himself. The damage is… suspicious. A concussion bad enough to result in what should have left some other lingering damage. Maybe the treatment wasn’t as effective as I imagined, but I can’t help thinking that he used his analytical machine.”
They consider it. “Kaizuka Jr. is the sort that would do that, if needs be, though that would imply there was a need. What really went down during the storm?”
“He didn’t tell me, but we were in the medical facility, which I cannot vouch for the safety of.”
“Got it, we’ll haul him up here for the usual ‘meet up with old pals’ and lock him in this room til he talks,” Marito rubs his hands with glee.
“Unless you plan on waiting more than two months for that chance, you better promise me you’ll be gentle. I will not have more stress on him if I can help it. But regardless, I will not be allowing him to leave the medical facilities for a week at least. We’ll see how he responds to treatment first and only after his condition is stable will I consider allowing him to do anything that may prove to be emotionally or mentally strenuous.”
“Yes, mum.”
He ignores the comment. “But there’s something else, too. Well, usually I’d say it’s another possibility to his having used that machine, but this being Inaho Kaizuka, I feel like it’s both. I get the impression that he wants the reports saying his mental state is fragile. I got that from our first treatment too, but I assumed it meant he wanted to bow out of further being used by the UFE.”
“The smartest move, really.”
“Yes, but that is the thing. Before, I had suggested that… given how novel the treatment is… how unique his injuries are… and how there really isn’t anyone capable of truly countering my conclusions… I suggested I could perhaps… ah… err on the side of caution and claim he could do no work at all, as any form of responsibility would harm him. He refused, he wanted to be seen as capable still, just not too capable. Since that wasn’t a lie I agreed to it.
“And now I’ve implied I can do this for him again, and I would even have more basis for this claim, but he’s refused again. He wants to keep walking this tightrope where he is well enough not to be recused but not that well. I don’t understand why.”
“We’ve had this conversation already; thanks to that massacre we know what he went on to do, who he wants to keep watch on, if you will.”
“And all thanks to Captain Magbaredge’s keen observation skills!”
Yagarai hesitates. “Yes, I recall. It’s just… I dislike coming to conclusions based on my instincts, yet… there was something in his eyes—”
“Amazing you could see anything in his expression, maybe the damage is serious.”
Marito’s comment is once again ignored. “I feel like this time it’s different, it’s not just about not being forced into work he isn’t interested in. This time it’s as if he wants to be underestimated , while remaining inside the UFE fold.”
“...If your observation is correct, it means Kaizuka Jr. is planning something. When I get a hold of him, we’ll see. Don’t worry about it, just focus on treating him and leave any possible plans of his, to me.”
“Thank you.”
In the darkness of his bunk bed, Inaho lightly touches the pendant. 
He no longer needs light; he had held it for so long, and looked at it so much, he can see its pattern just by tracing it’s grooves with his fingers.
It’s a testament to sentimentality, really. He had once used his analytical machine on it, hoping for some form of communication to Asseylum hidden inside. Of course, nothing had come of that, and all his analytical machine could tell him was that the metalwork was too old for it to give him a creation account. Still Inaho had persevered, logically assuming his machine would not be able to pick up on aldnoah, and maybe keeping it close to him at all times would prove useful. 
In the end the one result was a lingering attachment towards the item, aided by the meaning behind it and, ironically, it’s one use came by giving it away.
Now… if Inaho had been more attached to feelings, he might have refused to take it back.
But Slaine had seen the exchange as a gift, and how could Inaho deny any little show of friendliness Slaine was willing to give him?
He hated, however, that it would put him in a similar place to Asseylum. The pedestal Slaine had put her on, would insult Inaho to be given.
Yet that wasn’t the most discomforting reason he had almost refused. The main reason was that, while for Slaine the gift had a hopeful, positive meaning, to Inaho holding the pendant is a burden of guilt.
Failing to bring its rightful owner aboard the Deucalion after shooting him down, failing to ask more about Asseylum’s supposed friend, to the point he never even knew the pendant was his, failure to protect Asseylum from being shot and taken away, failure to do anything but watch Slaine live out his imprisonment. 
His head hurts. Inaho breathes in and out deeply for a while until it subsides. 
He made mistakes, he knows that. But so did everyone else. He knows that. Dwelling on that now is counterproductive. He needs recovery, and fast.
Nonetheless, the pendant is a conflicting thing. The trust and warmth he feels for being given it willingly feels as warm as the weight of the failures he cannot help but associate with it.
The faster he can return to Slaine, to hand him his pendant back personally this time, and not for any ulterior motive like with Asseylum, the faster he can be at peace with it.
-I hope everyone has been well, safe and healthy. The lockdown actually forcefully gave me the downtime I needed to force myself to finally get through to write the part that I couldn’t no matter what. The Mazuurek scene, for example, had been partially completed since I released ch37. Eddelrituo’s scene had to be reworded for reasons, but had its draft done since last year. The rest were the difficult bits to write. My creative drive was basically all stuck doing Mazuurek’s debate, and as the rest of the chapter is mostly set up… I just seemed incapable of pinning down words.
-But difficulty doesn’t mean it’s okay to take two years for a chapter. I sincerely apologize to all of you, I read all the comments and they remind me to not stop no matter what, but I know the delay has gone beyond reasonable. For those who still read this even when they’ve been following this since the start of the publishing dates, I appreciate your patience with me, I don’t deserve it. I hope i can do better in the future.
-I’ve been made aware that apparently after the last episode “to strengthen the bond between the two planets, an Aldnoah Reactor is created to give Aldnoah activation power to everyone on the planet. And the Vers Empire would be the ones to export the Aldnoah power to the Unite Earth”. Words cannot express how idiotic this is, much less its lack of feasibility. Are they saying people don't need to suck dic- I mean exchange fluids with someone with aldnoah rights and that this reactor does the trick? Even if that’s it, giving everyone the power to use aldnoah isn’t a good idea, it’s a disaster. I can’t decide if I disregard this or attempt to fix it into something sensible, if that’s possible.
-Schrodinger’s Emperor. I am conflicted about how this thing works: I was under the assumption he had to be alive, because if he died surely everyone that sucked his dic- his saliva to gain aldnoah rights would lose it. When Asseylum nearly died, it’s shown as if only the Deucalion (directly powered by her) is affected, but then again, she never handed rights to anyone… except she did. Slaine. The ultimate question is if Slaine could power the mechas because Saazbaum gave his rights, or because he still had Asseylum’s power. I’m thinking it’s the latter, as I feel as if I’m forgetting some example of him managing to power stuff up and being surprised about it. Of course, this in turn means that we have a Schrodinger’s former Emperor here: he can be dead, he can be alive, because it means power already given to a person isn’t revoked by death of the giver, only by will. But if he’s dead, and noone lost power, why have Asseylum be so powerful? She becomes in fact the last roadblock to power, so clearly just murder her. However… if he’s still alive and no one knows he can die and they still have power (because few people know Asseylum suffered cardiac arrest), then of course no one will risk it… If anyone has enough memory of the show to give me examples that confirm or deny all this, please tell me.
-Inaho and Slaine’s plot: I checked this with my beta. I reflected as much as I could (and boy did i have time for that) and sincerely continued with this plotpoint. Ultimately there is no other excuse I could think of that would be better to give a martian insurrection to convince them Inaho is not a threat but in fact willing to work on overthrowing Asseylum. A lust for power? Nope, he can have power if he just asks Asseylum. True peace? Nope, there is no guarantee this group will bring more peace to both people than Asseylum has. He has no reason to wish revenge on the UFE either. The only slightly plausible explanation would be his being in love and needing the change of government because of that.
-Protip for any writers planning to do a long fic. For the love of god, make notes. I don't mean the obvious “write down the main plot points you're planning to have” but detailed ones such as “X and Y have deep talk in ch 00” because I sure as hell did not and every single time I find myself needing to reread my own fic to try and scrounge the details of what I might have written somewhere and which, though minor, would impact if i now had the characters saying/acting contrary to the info already given. Imagine having to search through over 200k words every time. Don’t do it, keep detailed notes.
-Special thanks to my beta, who not only is forced to fix all my mistakes, hear about and debate plot points with me, but also saved story flow by literally reminding me Eddelrittuo had expressly acted as if Slaine was dead back in chapter 15, as I was about to have Mazuurek tell her Inaho is in love with Slaine in this chapter, you can likely still see the vestiges I could save of how that would have played out in the fic.
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gtdartist · 7 years
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Aaaand... a bit more work on the sky carrier. 😎😁 #bear #bears #wip #workinprogress #airship #skycarrier #neonseedstudios #clipstudioex #aircraftcarrier #retroscifi #dieselpunk #bluesky (at Paradise, Nevada)
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Jack’s VTOL aircraft, when created for himself and the military, have the capability to become invisible. It’s magitech, don’t think about it too hard unless you’re a magitech scientist. This makes them invaluable for stealth operations and for Jack going anywhere he wants without being seen. 
He essentially rips off Marvel Comic’s helicarrier concept and names his “skycarriers,” like how he ripped off IronMan’s armor suit and arc reactor (but with Vim/Vigor energy). He takes a lot of inspiration from fiction. The bullshit technology Batman has in Batman: Telltale? Jack made them not bullshit and totally real. The crazy crap in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? That also. You might call it stealing, but the thing is, all those things were CGI. He used his genius to make them plausible. Functional. Real. 
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Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has hiked airfares on special repatriation flights operating from the UAE by nearly 33 per cent with effect from tomorrow, June 22. "PIA has increased its fare from Dubai to Peshawar and Punjab to Dh1,470 for Economy class and Dh2,200 for Business class. For Karachi, PIA has hiked airfares to Dh1,270 for Economy and Dh1,900 for Business class. These new fares will be applicable from Monday, June 22," said Ahmed Amjad Ali, the Consul-General and Pakistan Consulate Dubai. Earlier, Pakistan's national carrier was charging Dh1,110 for Economy class ticket on Punjab and Peshawar route and Dh810 for Economy class to Karachi. PIA has so far operated 105 flights in cooperation with the Pakistan consulate in Dubai, repatriating 22,000 Pakistanis from the emirate. Ali said in a video message released on Sunday that around 18-20 special flights will be operated from Dubai this week till June 27. "We expect around same number (18-20) of PIA flights will be operating from Abu Dhabi as well this week. Plus, the UAE carriers will also fly flights as well. So, we expect around 22,000 will be repatriated to Pakistan this week alone," Ali told Khaleej Times in an interview on Sunday. He requested the countrymen not to purchase PIA's Dubai flight tickets from any travel agents. Since Pakistan has opened its airspace, the UAE airlines are selling their tickets through their website or travel agents. I request that for PIA's Dubai ticket no agent is authoritised.. Therefore, no one should purchase any PIA tickets for Dubai flights from agents. #aviation @aviators #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #airbusa380 #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #Dubai #business #airlines #emiratescabincrew #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #pilottraining #pilotlifestyle #pilotschools #privatejets #followers #India #narendramodi #covid19 #pakistaninuae #travelling #travel #travelphotography #travelgram #airbuslovers #A380 #A350 (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBs_Akmhkie/?igshid=1rms1r8v3ul9c
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Taking a flight during the COVID-19 pandemic? These are all the steps to keep in mind At the airport Once you've checked in and gone through security, find yourself a bathroom and thoroughly wash your hands and sanitise them. This would be an appropriate time to use the facilities so you won't need to use the ones onboard. A perfect opportunity to change your mask and gloves, take this time to swipe your carry on luggage with a sanitising wipe. Try your best to minimise consuming any food and drinks while you wait to board your flight. Shoppers, you may want to stay away from duty-free in the interest of your health. If you absolutely must shop or grab a bite, use a cashless method to pay, like a no-touch card or make online/contactless payments through your phone. #aviation #vueing #aviators #planeporn #linkedin #airlines #emiratescabincrew #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #dxb #airbuslovers #boeing #India #china #canada #covid19update #indiansinuae #indiansincanada #indiansinusa #russianpilots #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #flightattendants #aircraft #planetakeoff #planelanding #tiktok #photos (at Dubai Marina by Emaar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBX1oJnhXH5/?igshid=10zarsqx6elm7
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Taking a flight during the COVID-19 pandemic? These are all the steps to keep in mind Before you reach the airport Your journey starts the minute you step outside your home, which is why you need to be cautious much before you get to the airport. Ensure your mask is well-fitting and that you have your gloves on. In your carry on luggage, bring multiple sets of gloves and masks as you may be asked to change them before you board and deplane. Your carry-on luggage should also have a bottle of sanitiser, sanitising wipes and paper soap so you can wash your hands wherever possible and sanitise at regular intervals. Another valuable addition to your carry on will be a toilet seat sanitiser in spray form. When it comes to travelling to the airport, it is advisable to use your personal vehicle or ask a friend to drive you instead of a cab—you can't be sure that the passengers before you have been maintaining strict personal hygiene levels and if they've been vigilant enough to wipe the handles and seat after getting off. That being said, if you absolutely must rely on an Uber, ensure you wipe down the handles and the seat before you get in and after you get off; your responsibility doesn't end with keeping yourself safe, extend it to the driver and the next passengers. Another point to keep in mind is that you've already used the web check-in feature and are carrying a printed or an e-boarding pass. This will minimise touch-points and human contact at the terminal and keep your experience relatively hassle-free. You may want to cover your check-in luggage in plastic casing. Various travellers have reported the airport staff using liquid sanitiser on luggage to disinfect them, which could leave the contents of your bags to get soaked. Credit to @AlmasKhateeb #coronavirus #covid19update #indiansinuae #indiansincanada #indiansinusa #indianpilots #narendramodi #dxb #airlines #emirates #Dubai #china #america #linkedin #professionals #planeporn #fly #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #pilottraining #pilotlifestyle #pilotschools #privatejets #followers #googlesearchnews #aviation @aviators #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #DPworld (at Dubai Marina Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBXzJGYh5Xr/?igshid=59ps3cr0i8bo
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British airlines challenge UK government's 14-day quarantine rule British Airways, Ryanair and easyJet announced Friday they are taking legal action against the U.K. government over its new 14-day quarantine policy for travelers arriving from abroad. The British airlines argue that the quarantine mandate, which took effect June 8, is overly restrictive and hinders potential business at a time when other European countries are lifting more of their coronavirus restrictions, Reuters reported. British Home Secretary Priti Patel last month announced plans for the added quarantine measures, which require all residents and visitors flying into the U.K. to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival, or face fines of up to $1,200. please follow me👉@moaviation tag a friend, like, comment and share. #aviation @aviators #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #airbusa380 #airplanespotting #flightattendants #cockpitview #samchui #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #Dubai #business #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #pilottraining #pilotlifestyle #pilotschools #aircraftmanufacturers #followers #India #narendramodi #covid19 (at Heathrow Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVy15ohjGS/?igshid=4uem03nc6j8t
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Up to 26,000 Lufthansa employees at risk of losing jobs Lufthansa admitted today the positions of up to 26,000 employees are surplus to requirements, suggesting many more jobs will be cut at the German carrier than a figure of more than 10,000 flagged a few weeks ago.  Speaking after a meeting with trade unions, a Lufthansa spokeswoman said the airline estimates that it has a surplus of 22,000 full-time equivalent positions or 26,000 employees.  follow me 👉👉👉@moaviations for details and more videos and photos tag a friend, share comment and like my content #coronavirus #samchui #globalaviation #pilotpatrick #airplanephotographers #pilottraining #pilotlifestyle #emirates #turkishairlines #linkedin #airlines #emiratescabincrew #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #aviation @aviators @lufthansa (at Lufthansa German Airline Boarding Gate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBScqn_BfAz/?igshid=1ll69ytyy7mc8
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Emirates adds Kabul to list of passenger destinations Emirates has received approvals to carry passengers on flights to Kabul in Afghanistan, starting from June 25, taking to 30 the total number of destinations currently offered to travellers. In addition to Kabul, flights to the following cities can be booked on emirates.com or via travel agents: Bahrain, London Heathrow, Manchester, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Zurich, Vienna, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dublin, New York JFK, Chicago, Toronto, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Taipei, Hong Kong, Perth and Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Manila. Customers can book to fly between destinations in the Asia Pacific and Europe or the Americas, with a convenient connection in Dubai, as long as they meet travel and immigration entry requirements of their destination country. In addition, from June 8, Emirates will offer flights from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad for travellers from Pakistan who wish to connect onwards to other Emirates destinations. #aviation #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #emirates #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #dxb #airbuslovers #boeing #India #airlines #boeing777x #boeing747 #A380 #aviators #avatar #kabul #Manila #karachi (at Dubai Airport DXB) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPrKrJh6Tz/?igshid=1ftv4oxostdfy
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Malaysia Airlines restarts international flights in July Malaysia Airlines (MAS) will resume some of its international flights in July to facilitate essential inter-state travel, allowing the reunion of families who have been separated due to travel restrictions across the the world. However, Malaysians are still not allowed to travel abroad, and the border remains closed. 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 follow me @moaviations for details and more videos and photos #aviation #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #airbusa380 #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #Dubai #business #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #dxb #airbuslovers #boeing #India #china #canada #America #US #airplaneporn #aircraftassimilators #aircraftengineers #aircraftmaintenance (at Malaysia International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNrn0fBNCL/?igshid=1r1x0ttefgws3
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Emirates sacks 600 pilots in a day. Those sacked include a few Indian pilots, who were earlier with IndiGo. The layoffs are among the biggest for any airline in the world........👉👉👉👉👉👉 Follow me 👉👉👉👉👉👉@moaviations for details and more fascinating stories , videos and photos #aviation #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #airbusa380 #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #Dubai #business #airlines #emiratescabincrew #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #skycarriers #airplanephotographers #dxb #abudhabi #dubai2020 #sharjahairport #abudhabiairport #chinatown (at Dubia International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNph5SBzwC/?igshid=gj3ak7eblz06
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British Airways threatens to sack all 4,300 of its pilots. British Airways has warned it will sack all of its 4300 pilots if it can't reach an agreement with unions over further job cuts as the airline starts a legal push to block the UK government's 14-day self-isolation plan for arrivals starting on Monday. The airline told its pilots union that it would dismiss all of the company's 4300 pilots and rehire them on individual contracts unless the union reached an agreement with the carrier. The company, which is negotiating a planned reduction of 1130 roles represented by airline pilot union Balpa, sought another 125 pilot jobs on Wednesday, the union said in an email. "This has seriously undermined our talks which now hang by a thread," Brian Strutton, the general secretary of the union, said in an email. "It calls into question whether BA is even capable of conducting industrial relations properly and whether anything they say can be trusted." A spokesperson for the airline, which is working on cutting 12,000 jobs across the company, said in an email it's "acting now to protect as many jobs possible," adding that "the airline industry is facing the deepest structural change in its history, as well as facing a severely weakened global economy". #aviation #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing #India #airlines #emirates #Dubai #china #america #linkedin #professionals #planeporn #fly #skycarriers #skylinners #40000feet #cockpitview #samchui #pilotpatrick #globalaviation #dutchpilotgirl #elena.on.air #cabincrewworld #qatarairways #singaporeairline (at British.airways.spotters) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIHmT2hwY9/?igshid=y5nvckx68xhq
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Over 100 Emirates aircrafts still stored at the Dubai world central Airport. We pray for a full come of the aviation industry allover the world. follow me 👉👉👉👉👉👉 @moaviations for more videos and daily updates and news of the industry. #aviation #pilots #flightattendants #cabincrew #airplanespotting #airbuslovers #boeing777 #airbusa380 #pilotpatrick #airplanephotographers #emirates #Dubai #elena.on.air #skycarriers #boeing747 #aviators #linkedin #followers #India #airindia (at Dubai International Terminal 3) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPdXcipvas/?igshid=1cumomo5azjwz
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