#skye's rotom
exaltedfuzz · 4 months
OF COURSE Ema would think about EVs and shiny chances and all that stuff that makes me twitch and want to punch through a wall. OTL Very cute bonding though! Which pokemon are you thinking for their teams? :o (Gant's team includes Lana. Who he caught and keeps in a pokeball. :) )
I'm going to make this an actual post at some point (with more characters)... But here's a sketch.
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Lana's team... I was going to give her a bisharp, but I figured Edgeworth should get it instead.
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And Ema's. Honestly I think she'd have fossil pokemon too. She'd make for a funny professor in AJ era.
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Okay, finally got the photos downloaded! Uploading some of my favorites from the party on the 31st--thank you all again for coming! I'd say "hope to see you next year", but I think I'll see a good number of you before then!
[It's an image of Basil (@uncle-dusknoir), Rei (@mimikyumisfortune), and Rose (@roseberryboo) sitting on Vanilla's couch. Rei's taking up most of the space, laying down across it, with Basil pointing exaggeratedly at the Pawmark movie on the screen and raving to Rose.]
[It's an image of Sidon (@water-pokemon-appreciator) holding back two Zoroark from a bowl of chocolate… at the same time, you can see Cooper (@cooper-magnolia) looking, concerned, at Atlas (@spitefulfoxx), and Wolfgang holding Vanilla up like a giant kit. The latter is handing a few pieces of chocolate back to his big brother, an embarrassed look across their face.]
[It's an image of a battle! Rune's (@runicsorceress) Lampent appears to be aiming a Dark Pulse at Vanilla's Darmanitan, with Alex's (@frog-pokemon-friend) Bellibolt and Marjorie's (@marjorie-ann-miller-1949) Tangrowth watching on. In the background, Lt. Surge & Raiga (@sh0ck-w4v3) watch on.]
[It's a Rotom and Pory gathering! Widget the Porygon (@pokemoncenterofficial), Than-Than the Porygon (@water-pokemon-appreciator), Porypory in their phone (@uncle-dusknoir), Riley the Rotomdex (@cooper-magnolia), and Razer the Rotom (@amperage-speedway) are all busily replacing images in Vanilla's home with the image of her being picked up by her scruff. Just a little mischief. Sea the Rotom (@mimikyumisfortune) watches nervously from the side.]
[Whoa, that's an actual fire! You can see Rune (@runicsorceress), Martini the Gallade (@snowbell-glass-bar), Skye (@darkskyess), and Marjorie (@marjorie-ann-miller-1949) tossing pieces of paper into the fire. Jenna (@rotomblr-postal) is just stepping into the door, taking off her coat. She looks concerned.]
[It's midnight! You can see Anthea and Cordelia (@lovenpeace-pkmn), Tropius (@wingsofachampion), Dr. Liss holding a sizeable bottle of alcohol (@doctorlunaliss), Tula (@plasmaapologist), and Vanilla all cheering the moment. In the foreground of the image there's a giant, cake-shaped stack of Oreos, iced a little messily with the message "Happy Birthday Tula!"]
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
Vrains characters and pokemon
Yusaku: Rotom, Porygon, Vaporeon, Skarmory. Ace is a Ceruledge. No type specialty. He's a wildcard!
Skye/ Blue Angel: Flying type trainer! Togekiss, Chatot, Oricorio, Masquerain, Swanna. Ace is an Altaria.
Gore: Fighting type trainer! Falinks, Scrafty, Hawlucha, Timburr, Hariyama. Ace is a Kommo-o.
Theodore Hamilton: Fire type boi. Talonflame, Volcarona, Chandelure, Houndoom, Camerupt. Ace is a Pyroar.
Ghost Gal: Ghost type?? Hello??? Misdreavus, Banette, Driftblim, Froslass, Cofagrigus. Ace is a Gengar
Revolver: If I said anything other than Dragon type trainer he will personally break into my house and attack me. Haxorus, Salamence, Garchomp, Duraludon, Flygon. Ace is a Dragapult. Are half those psuedo-legendaries? Yes. He is a very spoiled guy.
Specter: Trevenant and gourgeist.
Kolter: Munchlax and Shuckle. Why a shuckle? I have no idea.
Akira: Dottler.
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shinyhuntingtwins · 7 months
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My babies!! I love them so much!! Also I've just realised there's only three non shiny Pokémon in this photo. I guess that just shows how dedicated I am to shunt hunting!!
Here's all of her Pokémon cuz ye
Eve - Shiny Eevee
Willow - Shiny Espurr
Lola - Shiny Lopunny
Skye - Altaria
Sparkie - Cosplay Pikachu
Zephyr - Shiny Rotom
Phii - Phione
Melody - Shiny Meloetta
Pon-Pon - Shiny Ogerpon (she was given in a RP for the twins' bday but I love her and the Terapagos Eddie was given so ye :>)
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gracifleur · 2 years
shea’s team for both hisui era & modern era. static, as soon as the rotom phone starts development, shoves itself into a phone for shea-- kicking the former rotom out & stays put in it’s new home. while the rest of her team doesn’t change as they are allowed to live with shea by grace of arceus, she catches a capaskid by accident finding the creature stuck in her belongings. her braviary acts as a ride pokemon 90% of the time.
HISUI;   shiny crowbat( winifred ) / alpha hisuian goodra( saphira ) / alohan vuplix( ginger ) / alpha hisuian lilligant( petite ) / rotom( static ) / alpha hisuian braviary( skye )
MODERN;   shiny crowbat( winifred ) / alpha hisuian goodra( saphira ) / alohan ninetails( ginger ) / alpha hisuian lilligant( petite ) / capsakid( pepper )  / alpha hisuian braviary( skye )
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charcherry-weekly · 22 days
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 213
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. After a cool streak, its back to being hot again. Back to school is approaching and I can only hope these kids have proper transportation in time.
Since the incident at
The Archives,
there have been heightened concerns about the safety of The Railway, particularly from its workers. As a result, the workers of the Railway called for a strike.
Slowly but surely over the course of the week, stops and lines gradually went offline over the course of the week. Even the Ancient Quarry battle subway carriage joined the picket line! (I do wonder if it houses a rotom or something...)
This came to a head on thursday, when even the DTA lines began to go down in solidarity with the strikers, to the point that a number of DTA-funded assets were reverted to their initial state (particularly Charcherry North and The Park, the latter of which was no longer even open to the public due to past incident). The Railway Board then blamed the DTA for allegedly causing everything, which was the final straw.
It was only once all known lines went offline that a team could be assembled to negotiate with The Board in charge of The Railway. The team included Desertian President Witch of Time Katyleen "The Wolf" Kitten, Train driver Skye, as well as Winged Maid of Void Skye Macdonald, Desertian Government Union Steward Electrolis, Railway Union representative Jacob Richards, Your dear newsletter writer, and two private individuals, one of which was there at the request of the Queen of Air and Darkness Mab of the Winter court of the Fae. Train Driver Skye drove the party there in a void bus, to a void-y version of Milton Keynes in the middle of nowhere, only encountering a single (un)identifiable entity on the way there. Fortunately, Train driver Skye is also an excellent bus driver.
Eventually, the party arrived at the building where The Board resided. It was as if nobody had bothered to pay any of the bills for it ever. We entered the cold and dark building, finding great difficulty in ascending, due to the non-working elevator, as well as the rusted, locked, and blocked door to the stairs. Eventually, we managed to find a way to the stairs and begun climbing. It felt like it had taken forever. It was near the top that we met up with one of the private individuals, having been summoned by Winged Maid of Void Skye. We continued towards the top, where a monument to The Railway's progress and The Board's failures awaited us. We gazed upon it for a moment, preparing to enter
The Boardroom.
With confidence despite the darkness, we faced The Board together. The members of the Board introduced themselves as Jill Parsons, Jack Ford, and Dick Beeching. Katie had clearly done her homework, because she squarely schooled them on various topical incidents. Meanwhile, RWU rep. Jacob presented an absolute laundry list of every trial run that was determined a failure but was ignored by those in power. This caused The Board members to snap back, but your dear newsletter writer managed to say just the right thing to stop them in their tracks. By the grace of the Light that I am purview to, I revealed that they had in fact looked at the reports and ignored their warnings, with the intention to blame eachother to try and get out of harm's way. It managed to be so accurate that they instantly gave up and listened to our demands. It was also determined that The Board members weren't even among the living--they were a conglomerate of british rail spirits, comprised of all the grief of the Railway's past failures.
Determining that they no longer held any power over the Railway any longer, the party considered what to do with The Board. Eventually, it was decided that they would be sent to spend the rest of their afterlives in a dreambubble. The Skyes, Skitis (summoned last minute by Winged Skye), and a private individual handled the safe delivery together. Meanwhile, the rest of the party had to be evacuated from the now-crumbling building. Katie used her time powers to make an escape, using the anchor method to arrive back at Desertia Station. Apparently she must have picked up something from there to make the leap.
With The Board squarely defeated, we announced that the union had gained control of The Railway, thus ending the strike with all demands met.
Currently, The Railway is undergoing repairs to re-open as many lines as possible, within safe means. Negotiations and new contract drafting is currently underway between the DTA and the co-op Railway to decide how things will be handled from now on. It is likely that Queen Mab and/or her appointed representative will get involved at some point. Her Enigmatic Resiliency will also need to get involved for matters pertaining to SCART's connection to the greater railway.
In the meantime, please be patient with repairs and re-openings, its being worked on.
Classified ads
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors?
Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-2425 to schedule an appointment, new client slots open this month.
Lost flock of Psyduck, please locate them for me, they ran off after a train ride and I can't find them anywhere. Contact duckymaster95 to report any sightings.
update: now I can't even ride the rails to seek them out? If you see them anywhere PLEASE contact me.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand?
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (also has a Unity Village location!)
Brae's produce stall:
- Potted vegetables
- Jarred vegetables
- Various jams
- Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Traditional Shop
- Whistle, beast (5 gp)
- Scent cloak (20 gp)
- Piton, silent (5 sp)
- Smith's Tools (20 gp)
I think that does it for this week. I've been working on HyacinthHeld, but its been going slow due to obligations and distractions. I'm just glad that I have proper inspiration for it now.
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
Just Numbers
“Wartortle. Poliwrath. Golisopod. Basculin. Slowbro…” Skye’s Rotom Dex listed off the names of each of the Pokemon before him, floating above their heads. He turned to Skye with a grin. “It’s a water Pokemon-palooza!”
“You bet!” Skye proclaimed, puffing out her chest. “These guys are gonna be my special strategy!” All of the Pokemon cheered in agreement.
Lizzie closed the book she had been skimming, raising a brow. “Special strategy? For what?”
Skye spun on her heel to face her, beaming. “For my battle against Mom, of course!”
It had been almost a year since Skye had begun challenging Kanto’s Champion League. In that time she had managed to beat three out of the four Elite: Sabrina, Koga, and Leaf. Her own mother, Misty, was the final challenge she had left before she could face off against the Champion--and she had specifically saved battling her for last.
Now the match was a little over a week away, and Skye had requested that Lizzie join her at Professor Oak’s ranch for some training. However, Lizzie deadpanned upon realizing the implications of Skye’s selected team. “You’re kidding, right?” 
Skye shook her head. “Nope!” She grinned, looking at Wartortle and the others. “We’re gonna go all-out with some tidal wave-packed action!” She punched her fist forward, and Wartortle did the same. “There’s no better way to battle my mom than with water-type Pokemon, after all!”
“Only using water-type Pokemon against a water-type Pokemon Master?” Rotom asked, a question mark popping up on his screen. “Calculating… Calculating…” 
The question mark morphed into a buffering circle. After a moment, an exclamation point took its place. Rotom gasped in horror. “But that brings your chances of winning down to less than 15%!” He hovered around Skye’s head in a panicked frenzy. “It could go as high as 40% if you used Manectric, Chesnaught, or Tangela instead!”
Skye narrowed her eyes, offended. “Only 40%?”
“My calculations are never wrong!” Rotom stated, proudly placing his hands to his sides. “Keep in mind, this is an Elite 4 member you’re going against!”
Skye huffed. “Well, whatever.” She waved Rotom off, flashing her other Pokemon a smile. “Calculations are just numbers. And numbers don’t matter in a Pokemon battle!”
“You say that…” Lizzie started, her eyes scanning all of the Pokemon in front of her. “But have you actually counted how many Pokemon you’re using?”
A question mark appeared on Rotom’s screen once more, and he hovered over the heads of each of Skye’s Pokemon. “One… Two… Three… Four… Five…” He paused, and then let out another horrified gasp. “Lizzie’s right! You only have five water-type Pokemon! Official battles against the Elite 4 require a full team of six!”
Skye perked up. “Ah, right. About that.”
“Hey! Skye!”
The sound of Gary Oak’s voice cut through their conversation. Both Skye and Lizzie looked at the laboratory to see the Professor walking toward them. He had a less than impressed look on his face.
“Oh, Professor!” Skye blinked as he approached. “What’s up?”
Gary stopped when he reached them, sliding his hands into his pockets. “There’s a package for you at the front door,” he explained, annoyed.
Skye lit up. “It’s here!”
Lizzie gave Skye a quizzical look. “You ordered something?”
“Yes, she did,” Gary answered for her, his voice dripping with irritation. “Now can you stop having things delivered to my lab? Have them sent to your own place.”
“Sorry, Professor,” Skye said with an apologetic grin. “But it’s a lot easier to have you sign off on mail for me since you never leave the house anyway.” Gary gawked, and Skye offered him a wave as she began sprinting to the laboratory. “Thanks!”
“Skye’s right, Professor,” Rotom agreed, a check mark popping up on his screen. “According to my calculations, Skye is only home 10% of the time… But your stay at home rate is 95.6%!”
Gary flinched. “Wh… What’s that supposed to mean!?”
Rotom snickered, zooming past the Professor in pursuit of his trainer. Lizzie laughed nervously, following after them. “Sorry, Professor…”
By the time Lizzie made it into the lab, Skye was already well at work ripping apart the large cardboard box at the front door. Rotom zipped around curiously, attempting to get a look at what was inside.
Lizzie peeked over Skye’s shoulder. “So… what is it?”
Stepping to the side, Skye spread out her arms to present her special delivery. “Ta-dah!”
Lizzie paused upon seeing the large, bright device sitting atop the mess of torn cardboard. “Is that… a washing machine?”
“That’s right!”
Lizzie sighed, pressing a palm against her forehead. “How many times do I need to tell you to stop wasting your money on things you don’t need?”
Skye flinched, then rubbed the back of her head. “This time is different, I swear!” Spinning on her heel, she faced Rotom with a confident grin. “So, Rotom, how do you feel about doing some training?”
Lizzie furrowed her brows, looking between Skye, Rotom, and the newly acquired washing machine. That was when she blinked, lightly clapping in realization. “Oh. I get it!”
Several question marks popped up on Rotom’s screen as he processed what Skye was trying to say. “Wait a sec…” he mused, getting a closer look at the washing machine. Realization hit him, and he appeared as if he may short-circuit. “A Roto-Wash?!”
Skye grinned. “That’s right!” she proclaimed, pointing a finger at him. “You’re my sixth water-type Pokemon, Rotom!”
Lizzie watched on as Skye and Rotom began to banter back and forth with each other. She frowned. “But, Skye…” Lizzie started, crossing her arms. “It’s been a long time since Rotom was last in a Pokemon battle. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Truthfully, Lizzie couldn’t even remember the last time she had a battle against the Plasma Pokemon. Once Skye had begun her travels in the Alola region years prior, Rotom had ditched the battle scene in favor of the Pokedex’s plethora of knowledge. Though, a part of her believed Rotom just liked having the ability to talk.
“Lizzie’s right again!” Rotom confirmed, frantically waving his arms. “With the state I’m in, my chances of winning a battle against a Pokemon Master are as low as… Calculating… Calculating….” Rotom’s buffering symbol appeared, and once it changed into an exclamation point, Rotom practically screamed, “0.2%!”
Skye shook her head. “I said it before and I’ll say it again: Numbers are just numbers. They mean nothing in a Pokemon battle,” she said, holding up a finger. “Whether your numbers agree or not, I know you’re a really powerful Pokemon. I’ve seen you score more goals in the past than I can count!”
“But the past is the past!” Rotom reasoned. It then hung its head, a frowning emoji appearing on its screen. “I probably don’t even remember how to have a Pokemon battle…”
“That’s nonsense!” Skye argued. “Forgetting how to battle would be like forgetting how to ride a bike!” 
Rotom continued to mope, hovering lower to the ground. “But…”
Skye frowned, letting out a breath. “I know it’s been a while, Rotom…” she started, crouching down to be on his level, “but you’re still a part of Team Skye! And Team Skye needs all hands on deck if we wanna beat my mom.”
Rotom glanced up at her, and Skye smiled, continuing with, “You’re way stronger than you think, and I know that with a little polishing you’ll be unbeatable!” Pixelated teardrops began to take shape on Rotom’s screen.
Skye gave him a gentle pat on the head. “We need your strength, Rotom--because according to my calculations, you’ll raise our chances of winning to 100%! No… 200%!” Smiling wider, she held out a hand to him. “So, whaddya say?”
Rotom stared up at Skye for a long moment, the pixelated teardrops continuing to fall. Suddenly, the screen began to glitch, and electric shocks were emitted from the Pokedex. Skye yelped and recoiled, falling back onto her rear.
Lizzie inhaled sharply. “Are you okay!?”
The Plasma Pokemon emerged, and the empty Pokedex shell fell to the ground. Rotom began to dash sporadically about the room--knocking out some of the laboratory’s lights in the process.
Lizzie helped Skye to her feet, raising her brows in shock as she watched Rotom zip across the lab. “I-is it trying to run away?”
Brushing herself off, Skye grinned, focusing her gaze on Rotom. “No.”
Rotom charged straight toward Skye and Lizzie, and the two quickly stepped apart as Rotom bolted between them with lightning speed. Shocks were emitted as it collided with the Roto-Wash behind them.
The laboratory’s lights flickered back on, and both Skye and Lizzie focused their attention onto the now shaking Roto-Wash. After a moment, a blue aura began to glow around the appliance and its eyes opened.
The now Wash Rotom jumped into the air, raising its nozzle proudly. “Roto!”
Lizzie’s eyes widened. “It did it!”
Skye’s face lit up, and she laughed, “All right!” she cheered, balling her hand into a fist. “I knew you had it in you!” 
Rotom grinned, hovering around his trainer. “Roto ro!”
Lizzie smiled, approaching Rotom and giving it a gentle stroke on its head. “I guess that means Rotom wants to give the Champion League a shot, after all.”
“Of course it does!” Skye said, placing her hands on her hips. “Rotom has the Team Skye fighting spirit in it!” 
Skye looked to Rotom confidently. “Now how about we focus on that training, huh?” she inquired, giving Rotom a slap on the back. “You’ll have Hydro Pump mastered in no time!” 
Rotom recoiled, beginning to sweat profusely. “R-Roto!?”
Skye snickered. Running to the laboratory’s exit, she cheered, “Anchors aweigh!”
Rotom frantically chased after its trainer. “Roooo!!”
Lizzie watched as the two sprinted toward Skye’s other water-type Pokemon back out on the ranch. Letting out a sigh, she smiled.
Before she got the chance to follow after, Gary Oak’s voice came from behind her, “She really is something, huh?”
Lizzie paused, turning around to see the Professor standing in the doorway. She raised a brow, smiling. “No doubt about that.”
Gary huffed, letting out a light laugh. But the amused look was quickly replaced by a heavy stare. “Now can you please tell her to stop having things delivered to my house?” His eyes were shooting daggers through Lizzie, and she felt herself begin to sweat anxiously. “I’ll have you know, I live a very busy life.”
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novemberhope · 5 years
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professorpalmarosa · 6 years
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ignatiusteto · 3 years
hrngnrghngr god damnit I've started thinking about a valorant pokemon au
ive concluded some things:
phoenix totally has an incineroar. sova totally has a decidueye okay that's obvious and then other bird pokemon or something or just real naturey tough mon. kj probably has a bunch of crazy tech pokemon or something like metacross and and magneton and charjabug and surely rotom. jett's gonna totally have some flying types or dragon types oh oh like an altaria would be cooln. i think i Gengar would be very cool or yoru to have, maybe also a houndoom or absol . breach has a conkeldurr no i don't take criticism (it's a good pokemon too??). neon has some other electric types, like maybe like luxray and manectric bc they're same colors. A morpeko seems fitting idk. sage has rock or ice types i mean i know those aren't quite her Thing but it seems the closest? sova would also maybe have ice types. brim totally has a lycanrock look okay. reyna totally has a mismagius bc it's one of my faves. one of the oricorios. just learned about some of the hisuian forms and either reyna or yoru would have the hisuian typhlosion (who scared me bc the really small icon was freaky as hell it looked like a limp doll). you know reyna has a liepard and salazzle. reyna and yoru have a lotta pokemon that overlap imo. anyway. raze would have a ragtag band of em maybe some fighting types. skye defs would have a dog and a bird mon and maybe one of the deer Pokemon. perhaps a Bulbasaur bc bulbasaur baby okay??? she'd probably work on a farm or something pokemon specifically related idk. maybe also have some fighting types. viper would just have a bunch of poison types and maybe a serperior idk
ik there's other agents but these are my current ideas and *throws chamber in a pool* not worrying about him he'd have a stingy pokemon or a really beautiful elegant one like. gardevoir or gothitelle
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skytroops · 4 years
Does Skye and/or any members of his family own a Rotom Phone? If so, what color(s) are they?
Skye already has a phone that he got after coming back from Kalos (not being able to contact Skye whenever during Kalos’ recovery period put the fear in his parents), but I think Humphery would probably have one.
It’s probably for the best Skye doesn’t have a smartphone because.........yanno.
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cozykincafe · 4 years
hello!! may i get a kin matchup from ace attorney(preferably DD or the first three games as i have not played any others), professor layton, pokemon and puyo puyo? im a pisces nonbinary masc dude with an interest in the paranormal, a love for 2000s technology and im good at html coding! im very bad at socializing, and i have asd and anxiety. if this isnt enough info ill send more! thank you !
We can't do matchups for PL but for the others I match you with,
Clemont, Allister, Rotom (PKMN)
Ema Skye (AA)
Klug & Tee (Puyo Puyo)
↳ Mod Cinnabun
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mauriooo · 5 years
because i’m a dang gremlin whose brain decided to hyperfixate on pokemon again i decided to give all of my ocs a partner pokemon (a la Detective Pikachu partner pokemon) so 1. i get to look at a bunch of pokemon and 2. i have something to draw when i’m bored so
a solid 55 ocs + pokemon (including legendaries just cos) are under the cut (cut out all non-humanoid ocs (piccolo, newton, endris) and limited the ghosties to their human forms)
you can also ask for explanations (even though i doubt anyone really cares lmao)
Skye - Cinderace Pine - Chatot Lavender - Banette?? maybe?? CC/Cecilia - Alcremie Pharaoh - Flygon Hawthorn - Rotom Genesis - Zoroark Aurora - Lapras Downpour - Floatzel Glitch - Porygon-Z Matrix - also Porygon-Z, but ~shiny~ Nova - Elgyem Aeria - Togekiss Fiti - Shaymin (Land Forme) Ka - Litleo Blackjack - Absol Hallo - Houndour Kohana - Swanna Nimbus - Swablu Digit - Porygon Khloe - Kirlia Disas - Runerigus Inklii - Smeargle Artemis - Oricorio (Sensu Style) Luna - Alolan Marowak Sol - Pignite Bee - Florges Hazel - Phantump Michael - Trevenant Cassidy - Honedge Ezekiel - Lampent Lisa - Mimikyu Gardenia - Gossifleur Ashe - Talonflame Meredy - Meloetta (Aria Forme Connor - Togedemaru Nikki - Magneton Renier - Gallade Anais - Boltund Coraline - Primarina Edward - Tauros Henry - Kingler Charity - Ralts Alexander - Mudsdale Leander - Pyroar (Male) Bianca - Wooloo Griffin - Drapion Evan/Evelyn - Klink Jacques - Gogoat Kai - Basculin (Red) Marley - Basculin (Blue) Kibo - Gothitelle Melanie - Bisharp Lady Fate - Mew
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devolympian · 6 years
What my characters pokemon teams would be... I am hyped for sword and shield!
Skye: Blastois, Gardevoir, Houndoom, Beedrill, Lucario, Ampharos.
Zee: Charizard, Pidgeot, Mightyena, Serperior, Gengar, Manectric.
Nichole: Glaceon, Glalie, Alolan Ninetails, Bisharp, Seviper, Laprass.
Erika: Sunflora, Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor, Butterfree, Aipom.
West: Arcanine, Hydreigon, Salamance, Gyarados, Ryhdon, Turtonator.
Momoko: Sallazle, Ninetails, Alolan Grimer, Swallot, Crobat, Aggron.
Barbara: Dragonite, Tauros, Marowak, Emboar, Haxorus, Machamp.
Newt: Swampert, Porygon, Magnemite, Meltan, Klink, Ivysaur.
Joan: Gastly, Jigglypuff, Loudred, Chandelure, Meowstic, Noivern.
Clairabell: Venusaur, Umbreon, Palosand, Mismagius, Gothorita, Honchkrow.
Rikita: Lopunny, Zorua, Alolan Meowth, Meowth, Hypno.
Georgie: Grumpig, Mamoswine, Delphox, Alakazam, Blaziken, Rotom.
Kay: Greninja, Malamar, Mawile, Garbodor, Dotrio, Scrafty.
Faith: Rowlett, Oricorio (Pom-pom style), Braviary, Pidove, Alolan Raichu, Fletchling.
Violet: Mimikyu, Mankey, Cubone, Shuppet, Dusclops, Phantump.
Tyra: Golem, Gloom, Popplio, Camerupt, Geodude, Graveler.
Oxford: Decidueye, Ludicolo, Nosepass, Swasbuck, Slowking, Politode.
Peter: Infernape, Clawitzer, Raticate, Noctowl, Pangoro, Gogoat.
Remy: Metagross, Roserade, Flygon, Sharpedo, Jolteon, Drapion.
Ally: Ditto.
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charcherry-weekly · 6 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 191
Ow my ear. This is Nick Card Mage of Light and I am so glad that broadcast alert is over. Let's get to the news.
Early this week, Page of Mind Samm finally emerged from her meditative state, after at least a month. Reportedly, she is quite ready to resume her work on Grass 3, having planted what will become a world tree recently. A number of collaborators have been performing caretaking tasks there in her absence.
Neo Alternia has been continuing its development, with power and local internet operational. Recently, an effort was organized by an official to catalogue a great number of items, to be added to the replicator database. Reportedly it went relatively well, with only minimal skeptical resistance. Regardless, the trolls of this world continue the settling in process, as they slowly return to their occupations, though it is assumed the more dangerous ones will need to be handled differently than before.
On Tuesday, Jo-baddie rogue of heart Jojo sent out a series of messages on the memo, which appeared to be lyrics to a song that he was singing. Normally this wouldn't be of note, but at the same time, there were reports of strange and dangerous activity at The Park, including hazardous electrical discharge and a heavy draining effect from the noted dungeon core located there. An evacuation order was enacted, resulting in a great deal of TV's and radios on starter planet playing an alert message. At the park, visitors were guided to the train station, much in part thanks to Brae Emit's efforts. Having been overengineered for just that kind of evacuation scenario (thanks to Skye M. of the DTA), the station was well equipped to handle everyone that needed to escape. The vast majority of the pokemon that were there got transferred over to Unity Ranch via box storage methods. Needless to say, the evacuation was a success.
In a few day's time, the dungeon crashers arrived at the park, prepared for a showdown. Present that day was Heir of Time Rise Emit, their sister Brae Emit, Maid of Void Skitis, three different versions of Skye,Pokemon Professor Coleman Branch, Rogue of Heart Charles, and one other individual. They were greeted by Jojo, who then proceeded to challenge them to a pokemon battle, using a rotom occupied mobile home on tank treads. Being well prepared, the dungeon crashers sent out their pokemon, and proceeded to attack the rotomhome. At some point during the battle, the battlefield had gained a sunny day effect by unknown means. This allowed for Charles's magmortar to hit even harder with its super effective fire type attacks. Soon enough, the rotomhome broke down, and Jojo faced the party himself. Charles proceeded to attempt a heart swap, but Jojo, also being a rogue of heart, was well prepared to resist. As a counter, he attempted to rip out Charles's soul, which Charles used to their advantage. Reportedly, Charles managed to directly attack Jojo on a metaphysical level, before being forced out of him to return to their own body. After that, Jojo was placed under arrest and held (by the legs) until the dungeon crashers could safely transport him to prison. Half of the party entered the underground facility where the dungeon core had been previously located and managed to remove it from the space it occupied entirely, encountering minimal complications.
As it currently stands, The Park has been seized by the Desertian government due to the safety concerns stemming from Jojo's actions. Repairs to the space were performed by Brae's palkia and modifications to time were re-aligned by Rise's Dialga. The pokemon of the park are being cared for at the ranch until it is safe for them to be returned. The following statement was released, to be delivered to all parkgoers:
Please be advised that The Park is closed while an investigation is underway. Anyone who has prepurchased tickets may call the office of President Katyleen Kitten at 555-555-6969 to receive either a refund or have their visit postponed, in accordance to their preference.
in other news, Mage of Life Blaze has been returned for two weeks, and a very busy rancher will be given a vacation for his service.
Classified ads
Help Wanted! Brae's produce stall is hiring pokemon from Plit to watch her stand! Please contact sourFruit or stop by the stand for details.
The Desertian Transit Authority is hiring new staff for the stations! Do note that most if not all work will likely take place in a dark (but properly lit) realm beyond conventional time and space. Please contact theUnderground for details.
Experts on childhood trauma counseling, rehabilitation, and/or Alternian ecology (still) needed! Contact artificedAttendant for details if you have any of the individual credentials listed, or something of a similar nature.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don't write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Herbalist - Tea, meditation (30 gp) - Lichen, camouflage (100 gp) - Bloody Mandrake (15 gp) - Seeing Slime (160 gp) - Poppy tears (20 gp)
Clothing Store - Outfit, Artisan’s (1 gp) - Hat (25 gp) - Corset (50 gp) - Kilt (2 sp) Mask, Monster (10 gp)
I think that does it for now. Work on my projects has been difficult as of late. I can only hope that I can get back to things soon. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/428/charcherry-weekly-issue-191
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Since Rotom was in the fic I posted today, here’s a sheet I put together for him!
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