#skylanders where they shouldn't be
evesandfriends · 5 months
"Ma, there's a weird cat outside!"
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I think we should start a trend of drawing our favorite Skylanders where they shouldn't be. (ex. Wandering around on Earth)
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darkdragon768 · 2 months
You don't know how much it annoys me that you can just build a hoverbike and speedrun the fire temple in totk like that. Like, it just completely ruins the dungeon.
"well you don't have to do it this way if you don't want to"
Imagine you baked a cake and gave it to someone but they only ate the cherry on top and left everything else to rot.
Wouldn't you be mad at it? Wouldn't you feel like all the effort and time you worked on it was wasted at this point??
Not trying to defend the totk temples as a whole but this "creative freedom" ruins the challenge and difficulty of the game by A LOT.
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oxnardsart · 1 year
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I just beat Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom this weekend! And I wanted to make a lil story involving Tulin, like a happy ending thing involving you as the protagonist, in place of Link most likely, as you two hang out a little at the end of the game and decide how to spend your time after. :3 Just something cute and simple for those of us who really like Tulin.
This story briefly mentions a few things in the game, but shouldn't really come with any major spoilers, or so I tried. :3
At the end of your big adventure, you and Tulin find a cozy spot to sit and look out into the sunset of Rito Village together.
The short white avian, a well-known member of the Rito species, was a skilled archer who learned quite a bit while traveling with you on your journey together.
“That was an amazing journey, wasn't it?” He turned to you and smiled, with his little dark-gray beak. You noticed the cute black tip at the very end of it. “I did my best to be brave! And you were so strong!” He beamed brightly. “I wasn't worried that you could do it, but… I was still worried about you…” The little rito's eyebrows went up, “So, I'm really happy that you're okay.”
The white-feathered bird leaned in and wrapped his wings around you, closing his eyes. “Now I hope you and everyone else can stay safe, and live peacefully together…” He pat your back before letting go.
You two looked down below at Rito Village. The songs of birds hummed from below, playful chirps and elegant strings sung through the wind, it was a peaceful home for Tulin and all his fellow rito.
“I wonder where you'll go now…” His bright blue eyes looked at you. “Are you going to keep traveling and adventuring out there?”
He poked his fwingers together shyly, “Even though I'm fully-fledged, I don't think my parents would be happy if I left the village and traveled all over Hyrule with you just yet…” He felt mature and old enough to do anything he wanted! But that didn't stop his protective parents from interfering…
“You could stay with me if you want…” a mischievous little smile crossed his beak. “I'd love to be able to spend every day with you! Hanging out in the village together… going swimming, arrow practice, flying together…”
His eyelids lowered a little bit as he leaned towards you, “And there are still all those skylands you need to show me…”
Tulin wrapped his wings around your hand – the dark-gray feathers along their tips held and gently brushed along your fingers, where that special ring he and the others gave you during your adventures… It was a sign of how he would always be there to support his hero, and even after the adventure was over, it looked like Tulin was still interested in keeping his word…
“So, how about it? Will you stay with me?” He stood up, his silhouette outlined in the sunset as it turned from a warm orange to a passionate red. “I'll… I'll be the best bird for you that I can be! You can count on me, no matter what! Okay?”
The little bird reached down to get you on your feet, pulling your body in close, to hug and hold one another during the fading sunset. As the stars came out, and the warmth of the sun dissipated into the evening, a warm feeling in your chests would be there as the two of you kept close for the night…
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
We have successfully destroyed our planet's ability to regulate its climate. Onward to the Clockwork Concierge! And glory!
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There he is. Holy shit, that does look like something Watchmaker would design. Alright, let's fuck him up with our strongest techniques:
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Dragon flame, which doesn't need anything special added to it because it's fucking dragon fire! And, of course, my signature move:
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Ninja Twirly-Doos! That's right, asshole; I'm a human buzzsaw pressed against your fucking heart! Which you probably shouldn't actually have and I bet this is actually the Fleshmancer shit that's corrupting you.
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Woo! That was trivially easy!
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Let's focus on the good: Saving you from a demon curse. And not on the bad, which is what we did to the Skylands on our way over here. I'm about 60% sure I destroyed the ozone layer in the process of kicking your ass. Buuuuuut I'm sure you've got that covered.
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Oh, cool. So this is going to be, like, the Key of Harmony? Key of Diligence? Discipline?
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...gross way to categorize that, but I'll take it nonetheless. With that, there's only one Note left to find.
And I'm going to need Artificer's help getting it.
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But first, gotta wingman for my boy Manfred here. Come on, bruh. You're never gonna get another chance like this. Shoot your shot!
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I am so fucking happy for you! Your father... grandfather... ancestor to an ambiguous degree would be proud of you this day.
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Don't see the problem there; His vocabulary is fucking refined as shit. Just like mine. ^_^
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You already achieved your life's dream, Manfred. No need to suck up to the writers now.
But yes, it was pretty awesome.
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It's time. It's finally time. I've broken every single Power Seal on Mesa Island and a few that were not. What do you have for me, my precious!?
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I'm a little disappointed. I barely use shurikens as it is. But we'll give it a try.
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Oh! You had the Money Wrench!? Fuck, if I'd known that I would have had the Money Sink up and running a long time ago.
Gimme. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme.
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I need something to do with all these Time Shards now that there's nothing to spend them on! I crave the opportunity to dump them pointlessly down a hole and watch them go jingle jangle.
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...wow, I'm glad I didn't promise to return it. Holy shit, what a cheaply made tool.
So that's why they call it Money Wrench. It's from an era where planned obsolescence had gotten so bad that products purposefully disintegrated as soon as they'd been used once. I'm sure it was a gold mine for the manufacturer.
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I paid 3,491 Time Shards for this.
I feel so used.
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starwalker42 · 2 years
febuwhump day 1: touchstarved
pre-revival | no warnings apply | general audiences
He misses her.
He misses her and he knows he shouldn't, which only makes him miss her more, because she's the one who would normally be telling him that missing people doesn't solve anything. He doesn't think she'll ever tell him that again.
He's only missed her like this once before, when she was gone for that awful month back in '94, and he'd vowed once she returned to never feel that way again, to always keep her by his side. Yeah, good job, Spooky.
Last time had been worse, in so many ways - back then, he used to wake from dreams of her lying lifeless at the summit of Skyland Mountain, or trapped in a bright, white place with no way of moving. He'd had no way of knowing if she was alive or dead, nothing of her to hold onto except a tiny golden cross that he'd always known, no matter how she returned, was only with him for a short while, for safekeeping.
It should be better now. He knows she's alive, the evidence being the texts that ping his phone every morning, asking how he is. He doesn't dream anymore - the medication takes care of that.
But this time, he knows what it feels like to touch her. Back then, he only knew what it felt like to brush his hand against the small of her back, what her hand felt like resting on his. He'd rationed her touch the way a starving man rationed food, never letting her see how much he needed more. Over the last ten years, though, he's let himself get greedy. He knows everything, now. The way her cold fingers thaw between his on winter walks, the curve of her jaw against his lips, the feeling of her body pressed against his as they lie in bed, bare to the world. Everywhere he looks, he feels her touch: the couch where she'd rest her feet in his lap after a long shift at the hospital, the porch where she once spent an afternoon cutting his hair, the stairs, the kitchen, his office, their bed.
Their home.
His phone buzzes. You okay, Mulder?
I miss you, he's typed before.
He's never pressed send. It never feels like enough.
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (2/5)
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Full starting team now assembled. Yay~!
That said, I'm going to keep this "short" as I'm not feeling well. Also got some other things I need to finish but I can't concentrate on that if I don't get this post done and out of the way first.
Overall, the season is continuing to be a very delightful watch. I'm pleased with the pacing and that the writers are diligent about not giving away too much of the main plot just yet. There will be a proper time to dive into that later.
In the meantime, dedicating all the fillers to further fleshing out the Cures and building their team rapport and bonds with each other are exactly what we should always see from Precure.
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Sora certainly holds the MC role the most prominently out of all her friends since her arc is tied closely to the main plot. So it's just a matter of waiting until the story returns to that for her arc to move forward. Namely, the reason behind the conflict between Skyland and the Undergu Empire (aka this season's lore), what Ellee-chan's significance is in the grand scheme of things and where the hell Captain Shalala is.
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Though I think most of us have already theorized that her sudden disappearance is a setup for the eventual reveal that she is actually in league with the villains and will re-emerge as the third general. Or perhaps even the big bad boss because c'mon, you don't hire a veteran seiyuu like Mitsuki Saiga for only two or so episodes and call it a day.
Villain roles are mostly performed by well-established seiyuu in the industry so we can definitely expect Shalala to return in a fashion that would shake Sora's core beliefs (i.e. the broken pedestal trope). Which will then push her to re-evaluate what it means to be a true hero and come back even stronger after recovering from the shock.
On another note, I have my doubts whether Shalala is really the boss because the superior we heard Kabaton conversing with in ep 11 is actually voiced by Takako Honda, another veteran, and not Mitsuki Saiga.
...maybe Shalala is playing a double agent in order to get close to the Undergu leader and get rid of the threat once and for all that way?
Possible. But we don't have enough clues or evidence to confirm that yet so we'll just have to wait.
On another note, I like that they're doing something new again with this season by having the villain generals retire from their post right after their last defeat. Not sure if Kabaton will return as an ally in later episodes or not but it was heartwarming to see him turn over a new leaf and aim for a new and better purpose after he's been spared from death.
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Back to the Cures.
Sora and Mashiro's friendship is just beautiful to behold. Thanks to Sora's arc being set aside for the moment, there's more time to focus on developing their relationship. Noticeably, it's during these fillers that Sora has increasingly become the one to support Mashiro rather than the other way around while Mashiro takes her own lead in finding her own path and discovering what she wants to do and what her dreams are (so yes, she isn't a Cure without a personal story arc, that's such a relief!).
Their partnership is quite balanced in that respect and I couldn't be happier.
Adding onto it, they're continuing to pay tribute to the original Futari Wa pair through Sora and Mashiro this way without disrupting the team camaraderie which is also a plus.
Tsubasa and Ageha as the beta pair provide very fun interactions, too, and I think I favor them over Sora and Mashiro. Whereas Sora and Mashiro are best friends who strive to do their best for each other, Tsubasa and Ageha have a more sibling dynamic between them with all the fond teasing and nagging.
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The only complaint I have about them is their duo attack.
I mean yea, Wing looks so cool in his phoenix form (I'm calling it that, you can't stop me) but that shouldn't be a trade off for Butterfly getting all the lines while he becomes her nuclear pudgy mount.
I'm afraid that for all the progressiveness Toei has shown with HiroSky, they're still too chicken to go the full mile with the changes they implemented just yet.
We took two steps forward by finally including a male member to the main team...but took one step back with them still placing more importance on the girl cuz it's easier to sell her than the boy when their positions should be equal.
Granted, it's just one stock footage that only lasts about a minute but...it just bugs me, that's all.
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That said, Butterfly's debut was omg, so awesome?!
The whole transformation sequence captured Ageha's vivacious personality perfectly.
She was already more than qualified to become Precure with her natural confidence and heroic drive. To see her slip right into the call like a duck taking to water (or er, a butterfly to the air) and then proceed to kick utter ass in her alter ego form...
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Absolutely WONDERFUL.
I also love that though they constantly refer to Ageha as an adult and regularly show her dedication to her studies and jobs, they don't let her duties be the only things that define her.
Yes, she is mature and responsible but she's also living her best life and enjoying herself right now. She's interested in fashion, make up and has other personal interests outside her aspirations. She looks out for the kids who are younger than her while also having fun alongside them.
Yes, she's 18 and still in her youth but the point about Ageha/Butterfly's character is that there's no limit on choosing what you want for yourself. Just like how gender should not be an obstacle to becoming a magical girl (the metaphor for one's dreams and wishes), age shouldn't be one either.
Wear the accessories you want, pursue the hobbies you like, dance and sing without a care in the world.
As long as you're not hurting anyone, do what you find is fulfilling for you and do it without shame. You can be 30, 50, or 80 years old and that shouldn't matter in loving what you love.
Be like Ageha.
Act your age but don't be that. Be yourself foremost.
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And that's all for now, I guess.
I suspect that midseason Cure debut will happen sometime before ep 30 so that we can have the ultimate forms + whole group power up attack around ep 40.
And then the remaining 8 episodes will center more or less around the main plot.
K, bye for now.
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darkershining · 8 months
Just watched the finale of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure.
Picking up where we left off, the five Cures work together to take down the dark energy serpent that Skearhead turned into. Skearhead makes one last attempt to possess the Empress, but she rejects him, having realized who she can truly trust now. Skearhead flees through a portal, the Cures wondering where he went. The other former villains arrive, with Battamonda suggesting Skearhead probably went somewhere the Cures wouldn't want him to go: Sorashido City.
Kabaton opens a portal so they can follow him, but the Cures' transformations wear off. Sora gives the others the encouragement to go forward, heading back to Sorashido. They tell Skearhead he won't find anyone to possess there, before transforming back into their Pretty Cure forms.
Combining their strength, the Cures overpower and manage to purify the serpent, leaving Skearhead no choice but to acknowledge that they're stronger than him and disappearing. The battle is finally over.
The people of Skyland await the return of Sora, Tsubasa and Ellee. In the Undergu Empire, the Empress decides to recreate the doll she made of Princess Elleelain. Kabaton asks if she'd be interested in making ones of him and the other two former villains, but she notes that she'll be a bit busy, having already promised to make Ellee a doll of Cure Majesty. The Empress asks the former villains why they've chosen to stay with her, with Kabaton and Minoton both replying that it feels right. Battamonda is a bit more tsundere about it, leading to the other two villains teasing him about his attitude.
At the Sorashido middle school, the teacher informs the students that Sora will be transferring out soon as she's heading home. Sora says her good-byes to her classmates, and the baseball club she helped before sign her hero notebook. Noticing that Mashiro seems a little sad about the fact that Sora will be going home soon, she tries to assure her that it won't be a big deal, since they can use the portal to visit each other whenever they want. While Mashiro knows she's right, she still can't help but feel a bit sad about it.
Tsubasa cleans out his room, asking Ellee if she's done the same. Ellee sheepishly admits she doesn't know how, reminding him she was a baby not too long ago. Tsubasa comments that she shouldn't make excuses and that she'll need to learn how to keep things tidy, before noticing her wistfully looking out at the view through the window. Ageha decides to make lunch for Sora, Tsubasa and Ellee to take with them when they go home.
When the time comes for them to say good-bye, Ellee starts out by giving Mashiro a hug, with Ageha joining in shortly after. Ellee asks Yoyo how much she really knew at the beginning of all this, with Yoyo admitting that while she'd been observing things in Skyland through the Mirror Pad and did have an idea of what was going on, the real reason she took in Sora and Ellee was because she could tell they were both good kids. Ageha then asks Tsubasa about what he plans to do next, with Tsubasa telling her he plans to explore more of Skyland to gather knowledge so he can be a good sage. As he prepares to go home, Tsubasa admits to Ageha that there was one more dream of his he hadn't told: That he wants to be as cool as her when he grows up.
Ellee and Tsubasa head on through the portal ahead, giving Sora and Mashiro some time to talk. Mashiro initially tries to suggest that Sora stay a little longer, before Sora gently stops her. Mashiro starts crying, with Sora talking about their time together and trying to comfort her and telling her she wants them to see each other off with a smile. They manage to share a bittersweet good-bye, before Sora returns home.
The next day, we hear Mashiro narrate how she decided to start working on a picture book based on their adventures as the Pretty Cure. Suddenly, Sora, Tsubasa and Ellee show up for a visit, with Tsubasa noting he is admittedly a bit embarrassed about them deciding to stop by so soon since they said their good-byes just yesterday. The episode ends with them all having breakfast together, with the credits showing stills of the drawings Mashiro made for her next picture book based on their adventures. A post-credit scene shows Cure Sky going to rescue a young girl, in the same forest where Shalala rescued Sora all those years ago.
After the end, Cure Sky gives us a brief introduction to Cure Wonderful, the heroine of the next upcoming Pretty Cure series.
This was a really good finale! The animation for the final battle was pretty amazing. Also, the Cures didn't get a final power-up for the final battle. I'm not complaining or anything, just felt it was worth commenting on, since it's been a long time since we had a Pretty Cure series where the Cures didn't get a different powered-up form at any point.
There were a lot of sweet moments, and some funny ones, like the scene of the king and queen waiting for Ellee to come home, with the queen commenting that the king just got off a two-hour call with her through the Mirror Pad, and the king pointing out all the new dresses the queen has prepared for Ellee. I guess it's kind of ambiguous what happened with Skearhead at the end, but I guess with the Undergu energy gone, he's no longer a threat in any way if he's still out there. And I like how in the end, we see Cure Sky come to the rescue of another girl in a similar way to how Shalala did for Sora. She's truly come a long way.
I've really enjoyed this series, and I've started working on the post I've been doing every year where I sort of just talk about my thoughts on the Pretty Cure series that just finished airing as a whole. I look forward to sharing that with you guys!
And of course, I also look forward to seeing what the next entry in the Pretty Cure franchise, Wonderful Pretty Cure, has to offer!
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drakor127 · 2 years
So you can find a lot of this on the “What is the Wham Army?” page on JCMorrigan's blog –Essentially, this is the universe she created for her fanfic “Taking Back the Crown,” which is about…basically her favorite villains all moving into the same house and trying to take over the multiverse. And then it got lore. And more lore. Because she cannot write anything normal. The fic is at its 170th chapter and she's nowhere near exhausted of all the ideas she wants to put in it – it’s just a big playground for hyperfixation fun. Anyway, here’s a rundown of the major points of my version, Team Nocturne! Like the WHAM ARMY, Team Nocturne is basically a chaos team of my favorite villains. They’re underdogs. Even the OP ones are underdogs. It’s a rule. If you’ve joined Team Nocturne, you’ve automatically decided to sit at the loser table, but you get a pretty neat found family out of it all.
The main characters are the villains who are the founders of Team Nocturne. The faction name is literally because one of the members chose it and wouldn't say otherwise. They’re my ultrafaves, the villains I always get fluttery heart for, and probably the biggest collection of misfits you can imagine. I’ll put the core members here and give you some background on how each entered the team.
Seiren (Suite PreCure) - The girl of the hour and co-founder and co-leader of the team. So the connecting factor between these people is that Seiren is their team leader along with a certain noble and the one who decided to build the team in the first place. She starts by dragging Louise to Minor Land and decided to use this as a way to triumph over the PreCure and good in general. She is a loony, likes to break shit and has fun doing it.
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Louise De La Vallière (Familiar of Zero) - Canon starts by her being summoned by Seiren and Noise, she ain't complaining though. Louise IS a villain and I will duel you. Yes, she is hated by some but her actions really made sense to me with her feelings toward everyone bullying her sooooooo.
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Vathek (Skylanders) - Takes place after his imprisonment in stone, being freed by Louise made him realize that he needed a specialized team to take the Dragon Throne and then every other world, so why not help his new master make one to not only take the Dragon Throne, but also get revenge on all who wronged them. And yes I did play Skylanders, it has charming characters, unique mechanics each game and one time it had this absolute GLAMOROUS TRASH LORD! No thoughts, head empty, only Vathek. Skylanders is a good franchise in my eyes specifically because it caters to my exact specific brand of heroes and villains and that's where we are. He is Malefor's actual child. Prove me wrong. You can't. Because he is. Also Able vibes and you know I love me them Able vibes.
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Hibiki and Kanade Otonokoji (SDRA2) - Takes place after chapter 3 (no digital and age twist, that can of worms shouldn't be open) after being revived along with five other ones. Kanade has them yandere vibes and you know I love me some yandere vibes. And yes I'm gonna make Hibiki hang with cool kids.
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Archibald Snatcher (Boxtrolls) - Met the duo after his death in film canon. He was annoying Noise a lot by claiming that he wasn’t actually supposed to die, seeing as he isn’t allergic to dairy (he is but don't tell him I said it, good way to die). This guy is JCMorrigan's best boi and I love this red hatted dimwit.
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Roman Torchwick (RWBY) - takes place after V2 during the Creature Shifter story, met the duo in the Underworld because of pestering Easy to try and send him along with his team back, believing they were not even supposed to be dead. At the same time as Hibiki and Archie are already pestering her. Roman literally has high energy and no clue what he's doing.
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Aria (Akame Ga Kill/RWBY) - Takes place after the Creature Shifter story. Usually I tend to adopt Big Bads (Archibald, Altair, Cyclonis) but Aria is that starter boss who stood out to me as "You. You are fun." She literally did a Snatcher monologue about why she killed Sayo, for Pete's sake. (And I'm sure she's stood out to other people for...other reasons... you know what I'm talking about)
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Cyclonis (Storm Hawks) - Takes place after the finale, she was handed a save by Easy blasting the Condor and atomizing the Storm Hawks. She is literally Electra from the Hercules animated series with crystal magic and much more fruity.
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Neo (RWBY) - What? Can't have Roman without Neo, it's not kosher.
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Garrat Nargo (Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger) - So just before he went boom, he was summoned to Halkeginia, and decided to help his new boss take over the Multiverse. He ain't a nice kitty, good people; in fact, he might be the worst I know of. All he cares about is spreading chaos, but not without a smile, not without laughing. To him, evil is the greatest joy of all. That’s why it’s never certain if he loves his crew or not, but no matter how much anyone bleeds, he always comes back for more, and more, and more, laughing all the way at their sweet despair. (Yes, he does look like Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shogo Chara, don't ask.)
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Natalie Senshi (SMG4) - She was working as a barmaid before this, and wanted to get even with Meggy. She has the same energy as Thomas Barrow, y'know the guy who went full "kidnap the lord's dog in order to find her later for a reward, except I lost the freaking dog".
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Mimi and Sheshe (Mermaid Melody) - They needed some musical talent. I have welcomed these two into the fold, I love these fishy idiots, I want them to actually feel safe doing evil.
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Linda (Hyperdimension Neptunia) - Linda was looking for a job and lo and behold. This is literally Anime Billie Eilish with two braincells and I love her.
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Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased) - joined to have fun, cause chaos and live life. I want Mera to feel happy about being a bad bitch, and I'll duel all who disagree.
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Sho Minamimoto and Coco Atarashi (The World Ends With You) - Were dragged out of the Underworld to join the team. Still haven't seen anything to do with NEO TWEWY. I'm now feeling more warm to the idea but I have lots of other things I wanna watch/play/read first, so I'll get there when get there. I have heard that it just makes Coco not a villain anymore though which I'm not jazzed about. I didn't order this, I didn't ask for this, send it back, don't give the chef my regards. And so it's like...I don't like what ended up happening to Coco but I LOVED what happened to Sho and the dynamic between the two of them so what do I want here? And I think in the end what I want is the two of them breaking out to just be like "We like being evil but not when Joshua is calling the shots."
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Uzi Doorman, N, V and J (Murder Drones) - Joined the team to settle the score with JCJenson. These four are literally psychos and I love them.
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Harry, Manny and Robin (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Were convinced to join the team. These three are in fact villains in my eyes. I have ensured it so they can hang out with the cool kids. I'll duel you all.
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Taylor Lee and Albert Krueger (Therapy with Dr Krueger) - Joined by way of invitation, besides Taylor loves the idiots. Albert will literally state an eyeball is a ball as it is a sphere and Taylor is just along for the ride.
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Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) - Was revived to join the team. This guy is the OG Mama's boy and I love this man.
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Luna Girl and Motsuki (PJ Masks) - Joined to beat the PJ Masks at their own game. Also Luna stuck out to me as the PJ Masks villain that makes me think "You. You are fun." (And I'm sure she's stood out to other people for reasons you know what I'm talking about, the LunaxGekko fans.)
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Jinx (Teen Titans) - (Takes place before redemption) Luck bender added to a team of crackjobs with a undead dragon and a witch for the leaders, what could go wrong? Jinx IS a villain and I will duel you. I have welcomed her into the fold, I love this idiot, I want her to actually feel safe doing evil.
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Altair, Mamika Kirameki and Alicetaria February (Re:Creators) - Joined mostly because Coco adopted them and Altair loves the crazy ones. And I have put Alice and Mamika here so they can hang with the cool kids, I'll duel those who disagree.
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Baron Nero, Madame Noir, Miss Gritta and General Schwarz (ToQger) - Joined by being freed from Hei after Team Nocturne helped Gritta out.
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The Jaegers (Akame Ga Kill) - After the team met with Altair and her team, Vathek suggested they try their hand at the Empire, it was more successful and the team got these seven on the team by pure strength. These 7 are just pure energy.
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League of Villains (MHA) - Need someone besides All For One in control.
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Anyway, this crew is a squad of evil buddies who like hanging out, tearing up the stage on karaoke night, and razing kingdoms to rebuild to suit their brand of tyranny with an iron fist. Though given this group’s tendency to put flash and glamor before strategy, they’re slightly more successful at the former than the latter…though you’d be a fool to underestimate them. When at the top of their game, they can kick gods in the balls. Currently, they live in Louise's room at the Tristainian Academy of Magic.
And the ships are Esdeath/Roman (WhiteHatBlackHat), N/V, Kanade/Aria (BloodyRhythm), J/Mamika (RoboSlayer), Uzi/Mimi/Sheshe (TechnoMusic), Jinx/Altair (MetaLuck), Linda/Natalie (SquidGame), Seiren/Louise (MagicTone), Mera/Neo (BlueberrySorbet), Coco/Toga (BloodReaper) and Cyclonis/Hibiki (StormMelody, which is an OTP to end all, I would die for them, many feels, many sins)
So as you have probably gleaned, the multiverse setup is largely based on My Hero Academia and Kingdom Hearts, which is one of my favorite things (in the KH1 through Fragmentary Passage era anyway). There are many worlds that can be visited either by Gummi Ship or Corridor of Darkness. Basically any sorcerer can use Corridors in this ‘verse if they’ve opened their souls to Darkness (Aka Rui, Altair and Seiren are their transports).
The implication is that every world represents a separate “story” or part of one. As in if it’s a work of fiction HERE, it’s a world THERE. Some characters are actually savvy enough to know they’re fictional (e.g. Altair, Natalie, Neo). Most of them aren’t built to handle the news, though, and just shrug it off if told. (No, really, the powers that be prevent them from taking that news seriously if they’re not from something that regularly leans on the fourth wall anyway.) But sometimes, things get AU’d in without their full worlds. I was inspired by how Final Fantasy is treated in canon KH, and once I started bringing in more FF stuff by the same method, I felt motivated to do that with MORE fandoms if I felt the characters could be divorced from their settings and histories easily. I’ve done it for most Disney Channel non-animated properties as well as Satellite City (ain’t that the worst combo you’ve ever looked at). I’m planning to do it for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn because I’m coming up on a location I want to delve into the civilization of but don’t have many canon characters for, so guess what, you get the FE cast now.
For the first major “book” of my version of TBTC, Team Nocturne stole the Legendary Score and plan to sink everyone into the sorrowful abyss. All they have do to is collect all the notes needed for kt. In order to do this, they visit the worlds of Familiar of Zero, Skylanders, Super Sentai, Danganronpa, KH, RWBY, Akame Ga Kill, Storm Hawks, Okami, Wakfu, PreCure, Kamen Rider, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and many many more. The heroes catch wind of what they’re doing and start assembling. After many madcap adventures full of memes, chaos, drugs, suffering (not in the way you think, it was still full of comedy), and just pure fun, Team Nocturne got sent to the World of One Piece and overthrew the government trying to find Notes. This is also the part where we slowburn up to the major Team Nocturne ships and many Sky Gang ships. In the end, Team Nocturne actually get all the notes and figure out that they can amplify it, and Noise starts getting ideas.
The second “book” of this story. While the Sky Gang is bolstering their forces. Team Nocturne, on the other hand, are gathering up for plunging everything into silence, starting with Atlantis (Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire) and using portals to link to other territories of interest. While Team Nocturne goes through a to-do list of what they need before they can launch such a massive invasion, the Sky Gang finds strength in numbers because the writing’s on the wall that between Noise and Louise, things are gonna get pretty weird, and as evil builds, good will need to rise to protect the innocent.
Anyway, as I had said in the post you saw– I basically take everything fictional I love and shove it into this AU for daydreams because it lets me imagine my faves having CROSSOVER INTERACTIONS and doing cool epic stuff on a multi-world scale. (But as much as I’ve talked up the epic aspect, a lot of it is just…like…evil people fucking around and having karaoke and D&D nights) Anyway, I hope this gives you a good sense of the madness, and I hope it serves as a reminder to everyone that they can and should just. Make a daydream and/or fanfic universe that’s indulgent as hell. Just do it.
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post-gap · 6 years
CW: suicide, self harm, ED
(If you don't want to read my incredibly boring and dramatic origin story, skip to the bold part.)
What's the least dramatic way to start this? Pretend I did that instead of just jumping right in, ok? Thanks.
I have some basic idea of where my negative core beliefs started. Here's a list:
1. In order to be loved, I must be skinny (ED): In fourth grade, my two best friends decided to tell me (on a very crowded school bus) that I was overweight. I told them that I knew and I would work on it, but I actually hadn't thought about my weight at all before that. I didn't know that it was something I had to be ashamed of (and it isn't!! and I still am). They probably don't even remember it, and I don't blame them for my disordered eating, but that was the first time I really believed something was wrong with me.
2. I only ever bother people, so I shouldn't speak up (anxiety): In fifth grade, two girls at my lunch table told me I was annoying. It was just another one of those passing comments that no one remembers, but it is constantly on my mind. I am cooonstantly looking for signs that people are sick of me, and I find them even when they aren't there.
3. I am unlovable (depression): In sixth grade, on a gmail group chat (yeah yes I know this sounds ridiculous), a bunch of people I knew were talking about people who had "crushes" on them. I mentioned that I had never heard of anyone having a crush on me, and one guy said, "I know someone who has a crush on you." My dummy lil eleven-year-old heart was SO excited. I spent two weeks trying to figure it out. I finally asked the guy who said it who it was, and he said, "oh haha I made it up." YIKES, amiright? Def broke my little heart and brain.
Anyway, the point is that I'm sad, ok? There are plenty of other weird ideas I have about myself that have no origin story that I can remember. While I don't have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, I have been told by a professional that I have several of the characteristics. I have a hard time trusting people (peep that third point on the list up there). I tend to push people away as soon as I have any suspicion that they have a problem with me. I also fear being abandoned. If you have to boil down all of these things about me, the point, essentially, is that I am A Mess.
I don't pretend to be excused from the shitty things I do just because of my dumpster-fire of a brain. My poor mental health does not give me an out from the mistakes I make.
Now that we have established some of my Sad Kid character traits, I'm going to talk about the past year.
In January, I started a program for mental health at a place called Skyland Trail. I did outpatient Dialectical Behavior Therapy every weekday for 3 months to learn how to cope with feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of suicide, various forms of self harm, and more. It was incredible. I made lifelong friends and felt so much support. Part of me wishes I could still go to Skyland and get my regular dose of hope from the people there, but I guess I have to figure out how to do that on my own.
Halfway through this program, I was essentially kicked out of the house I was planning to return to in Milledgeville. I don't want to shit on all of my old roommates for that, but one in particular really ruined some of the progress I had made in developing self worth. Yikes pt. 2 imo.
Luckily, I found two new roommates/friends who are wonderful and perfect and care for me really well, so that didn't ruin my life TOO much.
Ok ok time passes blah blah blah I go back to school I bring my cat he is perfect etc. etc.
I fall back into some old eating patterns (no meals for three days, only eating at night, etc.), but my roommates are looking out for me.
I start missing some classes and falling behind, just like I seem to do every semester, and I can't believe I'm messing this up again. I'm losing hope, I'm losing friends, I hate myself, I don't know what to do. I'm self-harming almost every night. I go home one weekend. I find some prescription pain pills for the headaches I got last October. I take three. No, five. No, ten. I realize these pills won't do what I want them to do on their own. I go to bed, high on painkillers.
I tell some people. I guess they're concerned? I don't really know.
I go back to school. Six weeks go by. In that time, I start seeing a new therapist. She sucks ass, but I don't know that yet. I'm too far behind in school and I realize I need to withdraw from the semester. I talk to my advisor. I tell her I need to talk to the therapist and I have an appointment Monday. She tells me to withdraw after the appointment.
October 28th, Sunday night, I find the pills again. I take a bunch, then wash them down with too much alcohol. I don't want to do this anymore. It gets hard to breathe. I tell my roommates. One sits with me until we think it's safe for me to go to sleep.
I go to see my therapist. I tell her, "I've been trying to kill myself." She tells me to go home and get some rest?? So I ask to see someone else. She talks to someone and sends me to see him. He says, "So, [therapist] tells me you've been having thoughts of self harm?" I blink. "Um, no? I tried to kill myself last night." He says, "OH. Crap." (I tell everyone this part because it made me laugh so hard.)
I'm sent to a crisis center, then to an emergency room, then to a hospital. I'm there for five days. I fucking MISS HALLOWEEN????? I go home.
Over the past two months, I have lost friends. In the time when I needed people most, I was ignored by some of the people closest to me.
Uhhhh, I'd like to say things are getting better. I am seeing a new therapist and going to my psychiatrist more often. Also the dentist because we love a queen with clean teeth. Things are still really really hard and my brain is still an ass to me. I am working on it.
Probably some people will read (or skim through -- it's so long) this and say something like, "Wow, what a dramatic dumbo." To that I say, "Yes! I am very emotional and ridiculous and that absolutely comes across as dramatic. You are valid in your assessment. Ok have a good day."
Ok have a good day.
lmao if u read the whole thing comment "hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh" !!!!!
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darkershining · 1 year
Just watched episode 31 of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, in which the Cures must protect Ellee from a new threat.
The episode begins with Mashiro writing a story based on the day she and Sora first met while Ellee looks on. While Mashiro briefly leaves the room, Ellee tries to add herself into the story, scribbling all over the page. While Mashiro is willing to let it slide, noting she shouldn't have left the pencils so close to Ellee's reach, Sora insist they need to scold her. Ellee isn't too pleased with this, though.
Ageha notes that Ellee must be getting to that stage in her development where she wants to do more on her own and doesn't take lightly to the grown-ups telling her what she can and can't do. She tries to take a lighter approach and explain to Ellee why she shouldn't draw in Mashiro's notebook without permission, but Ellee is still not in the mood to listen. Tsubasa suggest they do something to get her in a better mood first, so Yoyo suggests they check out a nearby photo studio and take some pictures with Ellee.
As the Cures are driving there, an impatient Ellee keeps asking when they'll get there. On the way, they drive past a training studio where Minoton is working out, with a few of the other people at the training studio understandly wondering if Minoton is even human. Minoton is suddenly contacted by the ruler of the Undergu Empire, who demands to know why he has yet to bring Princess Ellee as ordered. Minoton explains that as a warrior first and foremost, he can't ignore a worthy opponent such as the Pretty Cures. He's even unfazed when the ruler threatens him, until she loses her patience with this explanation and zaps him. Minoton spots a cloaked figure, asking who he is. The cloaked figure quickly opens a portal underneath Minoton, warping him away before the ruler tells the cloaked figure that he's the only one she can rely on to get the job done.
At the photo studio, the Cures look at some of the outfits they can rent for Ellee at the photo studio, and ask Ellee which ones she'd be interested in wearing. To their surprise, they discover that the studio has outfits based on the Pretty Cures, who have become quite popular around town. The lady asks Ellee which of the Cures she likes best, with Ellee thinking it over before replying she likes all of them. The Cures take turns taking photos with Ellee as she tries on the outfits based on each of their Cure forms.
As the Cures are driving back home, Ellee, in a better mood, assures Sora that she didn't really mean what she said to her earlier. Sora talks about how when the Undergu Empire is finally defeated, they may all have to part ways and Ellee will return to being the Princess of Skyland. Sora admits that she hopes she'll still have a place in Ellee's life to watch her grow up when that day comes. Ageha spots the cloaked figure in the road, and quickly hits the brakes. Wondering what happened, the Cures spot the figure in the rear view mirror, and quickly put together that it must be another Undergu Empire general. Sensing that this guy is different from the ones they've fought until now, Ageha tries to quickly drive away from him, but he manages to jump onto the car. He opens a portal, and Ageha isn't able to slow down in time, sending the group to a foggy place.
The group see Ellee getting sent through another portal, while the new villain introduces himself as Skearhead. He calmly informs the Cures that he has sent Ellee to the Undergu Empire, and that if they don't resist, Empress Undergu might spare their lives. The Cures, of course, won't back down, transforming and trying to attack Skearhead, demanding he return Ellee. Skearhead calmly uses his portals to avoid their attacks, until Cure Prism and Cure Butterfly finally get some hits in.
Empress Undergu shows Ellee the fight between Skearhead and the Cures, noting that he's much stronger than the previous villains the Cures have fought up until now. Skearhead eventually overpowers the Cures, sending them (and Ageha's car) flying. Even so, the Cures refuse to stay down. Looking on, Ellee suddenly begins to glow with a powerful light. The area the Cures are fighting in also lights up, and they spot a mysterious girl floating down from above.
Skearhead seems to have anticpated this turn of events, preparing to attack the girl. The girl speaks the first part of the Cures' transformation phrase, and soon transforms into a Pretty Cure. Skearhead asks the new Cure for her name, and she introduces herself as Cure Majesty as she breaks apart his barrier. Skearhead notes he will remember that name, as he retreats for now.
The Cures are returned to where they were, wondering where Cure Majesty went. Ellee shows up, revealing herself to be unharmed, to the others' relief. Mashiro tearfully apologizes for not being able to prevent her capture, while Ellee tries to comfort her. Sora reflects on everything they've learned, about the identity of the Undergu Empire's leader, and notes they still need to protect Ellee.
Another great episode! We get the debut of our fifth Cure, Cure Majesty. I really like her design from what we saw of her. While the Cures haven't figured it out yet, I think it's pretty clear who the new Cure is. After all, I think at this point, I'd narrowed down the possible candidates for the identity of the fifth Cure and concluded it could only be Ellee herself. What I'm curious about is how her situation will work. Will it be like the situation with Aguri from Doki Doki, who would be aged up when transforming into Cure Ace, but only be able to maintain that form for a few minutes before being forced to change back? I feel like that might make the most sense, since I feel permanently ageing her up might be a little odd at this point since she hasn't been going through regular growth spurts like Ha-Chan from Mahou Tsukai or Kome-Kome from Delicious Party. Then again, they did do something like that with Fuwa from Star Twinkle, so...
Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Other than that, we know have a name for the main villain, Empress Undergu, and we got to meet another new villain, who I'm guessing is sort of the second-in-command type of villain. You know, the biggest threat besides the main big bad.
I'll be looking forward to the next episode!
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