mariachristine410 · 6 years
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Just a girl and her pup💕 #skylargrace #zoey #bestfriends (at East Sparta, Ohio)
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happy happy 5th birthday to my Skylar Grace!! you are sooo much like me, but also sooo much cuter 😘 i wish we could spend your day watching cooking shows together, but know that i'm loving you from here. miss you, angel 💜🎉🎂 #auntlolo #5thbirthday #skylargrace
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gremma-appreciation · 6 years
Thank you all so much for participating and/or showing love to our creators!!! 
You are all amazing. The new creators and old, this more informal event was still able to pull off a great deal!
We did great for this event!! We had a total of 38 pieces! 
The queue will be paused for a few days, and the masterlist links with further breakdowns are to be updated later.
Art (20)
Notting Hill AU by @arianakristine
it’s going to be okay by @arianakristine
Aesthetics by @theresoneicouldcallking
Untitled (1) by Gözde
Raising Wolves by @arianakristine
Daylight by @arianakristine
BSAS (8) by @arianakristine
What Greater Obstacle (GSS gift) by @theresoneicouldcallking
RH: Christmas by @arianakristine
Broken/Healing (GSS gift) by @foreveracharmedone
I Should Go by @skylargrace
Andie’s Bar by @arianakristine
Untitled (2) by Gözde
Like My Mirror Years Ago by @arianakristine
Wolves by @ superman-of-all-couples
Untitled (GSS gift) by @killianwinchesterreid
You Snuck Your Way into My Heart by @diddykongfan
Untitled by @arianakristine
Do Not Forget by @arianakristine
Happy New Year by @arianakristine
Fic (13)
“True Love is Bullshit” by @lola2255-blog
Breaking Free by @arianakristine
She Will Pay (Part 1) by @lessawildmoon
Daylight (RH verse) by @arianakristine
She Will Pay (Part 2) by @lessawildmoon
Between the Shadow and the Soul (8) by @arianakristine
All the Lights are Shinning by @lionesslucypevensie
Holiday Decorating (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon
First Christmas (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon
Mistletoe (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon
Holiday Party (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon
Holiday Music (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon​
New Year’s Eve (GSS gift) by @lessawildmoon
Misc. (5)
Favorite Quotes (GSS Questions) by @foreveracharmedone
Gremma meta (GSS Questions) by @lessawildmoon
Favorite Moments (GSS Questions) by @theresoneicouldcallking
Professions (GSS Questions) by @skylargrace
Can’t Have Nice Things by @limeotimeo
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jfckeegs-blog · 8 years
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keeoone: she’s the happiest at the beach... and when she’s got her watermelon.
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skyewward · 9 years
skylargrace replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
Oh mate, failing does not make you a failure. It makes you stronger! It absolutely does not feel like it in the moment, but it's only a moment. Don't feel bad about the rant because it's what we're all here for—to see you through the moment *hugs* :)
raeanneapril replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
if you need someone to talk to, we're here for you :) it's a honest mistake, please don't feel stupid. even experienced drivers make them too.
meangreenlimabean replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
That sucks, I'm sorry. Are there different testers? When I took mine I backed over all the cones and the lady passed me anyway, so I think it depends less on your actual skill and mostly on their mood that day.
thedorkknightascendent replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
I believe in you.
thedorkknightascendent replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
Look, I had to take my driving test three times. I passed the third time. Nobody expects you to be perfect right out of the gate. You can do it. You're clearly intelligent and you understand what you did wrong, so take this as a learning experience.
pamcakes8 replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
I failed my first driver's test. I couldn't parallel park the way they wanted me to parallel park. So you are not stupid. Hugs.
jamesstruttingpotter replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
it's okay, i'm a kickass driver and was even before i took the test but i had to retake three times cause i kept failing on technicalities too... it's really hard and frustrating (i'm a perfectionist i dON'T FAIL) but love yourself keep trying
imariz replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
I hope not to bother you but I really hope you feel better. And trust me this is the best place to rant and feel heard, because people care about you here too.
captainswan-goes-skyeward replied to your post “Btw guys I did my car test again and I failed again.. I don’t know...”
You can't go through life thinking you will never fail. You will drive yourself mad if you do. I still to this day have a hard time with this.
omg guys thank you so much! I slept after writing this and woke up and found all these messages!! and ahh you made me feel so much better, honestly I was still so upset when I woke up and when I saw hat you all wrote you really encouraged me and it so nice knowing there are people here for me and here to listen to my stupid rants on here too! <3
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kerrykhat · 9 years
skylargrace replied to your photo:Smudge has some vampire fangs going there....
I think I love this cat more than any other! Invisibility, vampirism—is there nothing this cat cannot do?!
Be social without me forcing him out from under the bed.
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nottonyharrison · 9 years
(Fandom-Related Questions): S & X! :)
This should be fun because I’ve had five beers and am a little tipsy so…
S:What’s a headcanon you have?
Argh! OH HEADCANONS SO MUCH HARD. Hmmmm… so… um… Carol. I have MCU headcanons for Carol because of course none of them have been debunked yet. Carol is heading for forty, a full-bird colonel and pretty much ready to retire. She drinks too much, and generally manages to function on a daily basis due to sheer determination, and a desire to prove she’s better than everyone else. Oh, also she’s BFFrenemies with Rhodey because why the hell not.
X:3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Harry Potter: Hermione/Sirius - I love the dynamic introduced here with a ‘back from the dead’ Sirius, and a mid-thirties, jaded, gives no fucks Hermione. Basically, I like the idea of seeing someone who is a petulant, irritating shithead, falling madly in love with a jaded, over the world, know-it-all.
Marvel: If I had to pick one Marvel OTP it would probably be Clint/Natasha. They’re like planets orbiting the sun who sometimes align in every universe. I also ship Tony/Pepper, Darcy/Steve, Tony/Rhodey, and Tony/Steve pretty hard.
BSG: Lee/Kara is probably one of the few true OTPs I have, although I do certainly ship Kara with Sam as well, and also Kara/Lee/Sam as an OT3. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a couple on screen who were so clearly (and I hate to use the cliche term) soul mates, who you knew were never ever ever going to actually get their shit together. This is exactly the kind of couple I like to ship - meant for one another but never going to be permanently ruined by canon.
Bonus (because we know each other from DA) Dark Angel: Max/Alec. You know this bb. It's always been M/A for me - antagonistic rivals who were literally perfect genetic matches. Sigh.
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kazui-kuro · 9 years
skylargrace replied to your post “on another note, i’m taking my driving test tomorrow and i’m super...”
Don't be nervous! You'll do really well! :)
i really hope so. i've been driving for over a year so i don't make many mistakes anymore, but i do horrible when i'm under pressure, so it's still nerve-wracking for me. thank you for your kind words!! i'll keep them in mind when i take the test. (':
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lost-n-stereo · 10 years
I completely agree with your analysis on 1x10 and I have to say that I'm happy someone else still sees this 'connection' (for lack of a better word) see has with Finn. I don't think it is love but I do think she likes the idea of what she had, however temporary, and I wouldn't even be opposed to her going back to that, if that's what it takes. I'm a Bellarke shipper through and through, have been since their very first interaction, but Bellarke deserves a real chance, even if it's not soon.
I don’t think it’s “love” either because they don’t even really know each other yet. I think that in that serious of a situation a lot of emotions are heightened and I think that what they are both feeling is a connection after the night that they shared that was left unresolved by Raven coming back. I think it’s probably impossible for anyone to have a healthy relationship in that environment.
But I do think they will put Finn/Clarke together because it has to be resolved one way or another.
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demineil · 10 years
Oooh, I wanna know!!! HEY!!!
Opening Credits: They Don't Know About Us by One DirectionWaking Up: Feel by Victoria DuffieldFirst Day At School: Evaporate by Gabrielle Aplin (that's what I want to do at school tbh)Falling In Love: You and Me by Lifehouse (omg this actually fits this category what)Fight Song: Talk! by The 1975Breaking Up: Begin Again by Taylor Swift (we got over each other quickly?)Life’s OK: Luck by American AuthorsGetting Back Together: Stay Alive by Jose GonzalezWedding:  Here's To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne (sure?)Birth of Child: Therapy by All Time Low (oh my god)Final Battle: Masterpiece Theatre I by Marianas Trench (there are worse songs to fight too actually)Death Scene: Make You Feel My Love by Lea Michele (OW)Funeral Song: Ready To Question by Gabrielle AplinEnd Credits: Out On The Town by Fun. (but we're dead)
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takemetostarshollow · 11 years
skylargrace answered your question: So if they can manage to get a Veronica Mars movie...
ME! And it needs to have Chad Michael Murray and those elusive four words!
Even though I'm a Jess fan, I'd love to see everyone back - though how they'd manage to fit them all into the story line at the same time I have no idea! lmao
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melowdeee · 12 years
skylargrace answered your question: GUYS.......
YES! Any book, any time!
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mariachristine410 · 5 years
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This girl loves being outside🥰☀️🍓 #mommydaughterday #blueeyeschubbythighs #skylargrace (at East Sparta, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwIVnPEBjimPOTOpS6N1_g1jedF36nIT4rMbtA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9frjfb35n3f
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mariachristine410 · 5 years
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Where did my baby go?!😭🤗 #2018to2019 #skylargrace https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4RmIrhOAfc-37w02EIS1KBNzz9Gdky2KKxKU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7vvzadi9m8ab
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mariachristine410 · 5 years
Here we go.. 🥰🤗😯🏃🏼‍♀️ Even had to stop and dance🤣 #skylargrace #wehaveawalker #readysetgo (at East Sparta, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTcGD6lOkKZGGH5HU3yeuY9bSPolxhaGZ9jHU0/?igshid=1rm6rjrcdkysp
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mariachristine410 · 5 years
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Skylar Grace’s ONE year pictures!🥰😭 #skylargrace #princess #wheredidmybabygo https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDZ2o4hAZtqtMOLcoo8oL11PzyDXoQkejVfJU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j0pmb34ue7bz
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