stealingyourbones · 2 years
I have seen nothing but fanfics of J’onn J’onzz. Is his characterization like the Vision in the MCU? Could you explain it to me a bit?
God I haven’t watched any MCU movies since Endgame came out but you’re pretty close I’d say. He’s a fish out of water type character. A Green Martian gets teleported to earth by a scientist who IMMEDIATELY dies of a heart attack just after he sees Martian Manhunter for the first time which gives him no way of going back home. He heads into the great unknown of earth and strives to keep the peace the same way he did with his own planet.
J’onn is forced to adapt to earth and earth civilization. Mars lore can range from “there was a multi decade long war and I’m the last Martian left”, to “There are only Green Martian’s”, to “There are Green and White Martians. Green Martians think of White Martians as below them when the only difference biologically is skin tone. Easy and interesting way to talk about racism.” , “there are Green and White Martians but White Martians are prodominately evil.”, to “He’s about to be the ruler of his people but since Green Martians share a massive telepathic consciousness of thought, he has to go to earth to deal with the challenge of being one self and one mind.” Either way it’s one big ass situation change. In the first 5 or so years on earth he’s normally written with a ‘fish out of water’ sense of earths customs and details on human interaction. He knows basic stuff but the concept of holidays and earth traditions are bizarre to him.
J’onn J’onzz can be affected by the war with his friends and family dead, he can be an ambassador of mars to earth, he can be the next ruler of his people, he can be simply a random Martian cop shoved in a completely different environment.
His backstory is very scattered but depending on what it is can affect his personality. No matter what he’s a Martian Manhunter. This is a title which basically boils down to being a mars equivalent of a cop.
Jon Jones is quite Vision like, slightly ‘not connected’ to reality type of vibe with his speaking. He’s extremely intelligent, a master tactician, and is so powerful that he’s quite literally used as a Superman stand in for many early JL comics. He’s held his own against the ENTIRE Justice League. Superman has said that Martian Manhunter is THE most powerful being on the face of the earth. He’s a very powerful man with a very good heart. Imagine a very lovable and very intelligent nuclear bomb. People describe him as Batman + Superman which I feel is diminishing his character but it is a good hyper simplification of his personality and powers. Example: my favorite clip ever of Justice League Ultimate. (They wrote the Kent’s and Clark SO WELL)
His only weakness? Fire. Not physically though. Psychosomatically. He is invulnerable to fire but normally a very traumatic experience with fire (usually the destruction of his race via flame/laser). Fire gives this man psychic damage.
Idk this is mostly me rambling but I genuinely do hope this helps. What I’ve read/am in the midst of reading that has J’onn J’onzz in it: Justice League Ultimate (tv show), JLA: Year One #1-12, Brightest Day, or Justice League United #0-10 (comic)
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faeriekit · 2 years
I've returned! Free from the torrent of error messages and notifications! I will now remember never to edit a poll because Tumblr does not like that. But the current results from the poll that caused this mess are almost in!
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It's a little weird that the results changed that much from, but my guess is that people saw @/skywriter121's comment and thought it was good? But I don't know.
You're back!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽
🎉 I'll take it! I'm cleaning up some of the krypton au today, but the Gods au CALLS TO ME.
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twiafom · 2 years
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@skywriter121 thank you so much!
@primroseprime2019 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
@anezly19 aww thank you! 💚💙💚💙
@emerialyncodevenice 😭😭😭 THANK YOUUUU i think i sent you this song once actually, it's from my soaw playlist ❤️
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