#slater's screencaps
honeyypunk · 1 year
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esqueletosgays · 21 days
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TAROT (2024)
Directors: Spenser Cohen & Anna Halberg Cinematography: Elie Smolkin
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zachfett · 9 months
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True Romance (1993) Directed by Tony Scott Cinematography by Jeffrey L. Kimball
Phenomenal film, I'm ashamed it took me this long to watch it. Tony Scott was a great filmmaker, it's such a shame he's gone.
Also I noticed while looking at the screenshots I took that the movie gradually goes from dark blue to bright orange. Neat.
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frary-us · 3 months
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REV JAMES TRENCHARD: I hardly need tell you how good it is to see you. Please.
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: I thought of coming before, but, well, I've hesitated to put you in a position where you must keep something from Frederick. Emily told me that you're speaking again.
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: But you do understand that he can't know.
REV. JAMES TRENCHARD: May I at least tell him that you've been in touch with your family and that you're safe? It would mean a very great deal to him.
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: Yes. I've seen the letters he's written. I certainly don't want him to feel so concerned. I'm so sorry about what's happened to him. I can hardly believe he has to sell the house.
REV. JAMES TRENCHARD: Actually, I think he rather wants to sell it. He was bequeathed a sum of money recently, not a fortune, but it would have been enough to prevent the sale. But he gave the money to me, to help the poor. He has changed, Clara. His whole view of the world and of his place in it is different. I believe he would find some sort of contentment, but he can't, because he doesn't have you. It breaks my heart. (James...) He deeply regrets the way he behaved...
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: He doesn't need to.
REV. JAMES TRENCHARD: Please, please will you see him, talk with him?
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: No. He hasn't lost my love. He couldn't. But even talking about this... My life now isn't happy, but it's simple and clear. I long for him. I do. But we're better off apart.
REV. JAMES TRENCHARD: You're wrong. Forgive me, but I know, I know you aren't better off apart. You need only dare to believe me.
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videoandpizza · 7 months
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The Wizard (1989)
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ceteradesunt · 2 years
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Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) dir. Lars von Trier
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ceelestic · 1 year
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kuroshirosb · 5 months
Scenes from that Lower MV that are just. Aiboucore. To me.
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I also propose this too .
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boardchairman-blog · 2 years
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**Shots of the Episode**
The Umbrella Academy (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1: “Meet the Family” (2022) Director: Jeremy Webb Cinematographer: Neville Kidd
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eye-of-yelough · 1 year
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Click for better quality etc etc
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honeyypunk · 6 months
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celluloidstyle · 1 year
pump up the volume (1990)
director: allan moyle
costume designer: michael abbot
production design: robb wilson king
set dec: tina treglia (peterson)
cinematographer: walt lloyd
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BEING WEIRD ISN'T ENOUGH not sure why i like this pin, but i like it.
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this film takes place on the cusp between the 80s and the 90s, but i loved that these kids drove these 60s/70s(?) cars, i think to signify that they were low income and couldn't afford modern cars? but i love the atmosphere in this shot.
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not the greatest screencap, but i adored everything janie (lala sloatman) wore. the cat-eye glasses, the oversized pink pearl earrings, the ponytail scarf. even though i related to nora's artsy side, i wanted to be janie.
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mark (christian slater) is like two different people. at home, he wears cool retro bowling shirts embroidered with the name "dick" and sasses his parents, but at school he wears bland clothing (like he wants to blend into the background) and acts all shy.
i also just really loved mimi kennedy as mark's mom, marla, using a teacup to ash her cigarette into, i just thought it was so posh!
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again, loving janie's dangly statement earrings, and the colour combo with her floral bolero (?) and sweet pink dress. i didn't love nora's (samantha mathis) outfit as much, but i was intrigued by the piece she wears over her dress. it ties at the back of her neck, and i think again on her lower back, so it's like a... halter vest? the turtle necklace is pretty dope, and though you can't see it in this shot, she is also wearing purple and white striped tights.
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paige's (cheryl pollak) bedroom is a dream! the floral wallpaper and the white bed are so lovely, but the seafoam green radio really makes the colour scheme pop.
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man i wish i had a teacher this cool! ellen greene as jan emerson (do they call her miss emerson in the movie? i can't remember), wears the coolest outfits, and she is introduced in this amazing mustard suit accessorized with a turquoise bolo tie! the look is amazing, but it also alerts us that this film takes place in arizona.
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paige, doing her WASP thing in an oversized sweater over a blouse, with a string of pearls. it's the necklace that does it for me.
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i mostly just wanted to see how many celebrities i could identify in this shot: keanu reeves, johnny depp, george michael, kirk cameron, corey haim, richard grieco... (stole this image from imdb as it was much clearer than my screenshot)
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i forgot that plaid wallpaper was a thing and i think it's due for a comeback. particularly loving the plaid (shirt) on plaid (wallpaper) in this scene, so cozy, like a cabin!
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so many things to love in this scene: number one, the heart curtains; number two, the kitten sweatshirt (the kittens look like they might be puffy and i can feel it in my mind); number three the "homework causes brain damage" sign on the wall--classic! number four, the clear lamp filled with gumballs? and the cow hanging from it! number five and six, the blue radio and the clear phone! i want one!
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did you notice that the tissue box in the highschool staff room is the same as the tissue box in the depressed student's room? do you think it was the same box?
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nora's room reminded me of my own room in highschool-- walls plastered with images, and plenty of candles. i think nora might have been one of the prototypes for the manic pixie dreamgirl.
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Believe It Or Not I Care
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mazz's (billy morrisette) denim and leather look is good.
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an example of one of mark's drab shirts, but also nora's completely adorable velvet blouse with a peter pan collar! also, i'm learning that the next time i wear a collared shirt, i need to add a long statement necklace.
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so this scene is near the end of the film, and i loved mark's shirt here. i also realized that it's more of a cooler, bolder look than he has previously worn to school, so i think it's supposed to symbolize mark coming out of his shell and revealing more of his true self at school/in public. look at me, i get things.
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finally, loving this floral blouse and braided leather suspender on miss emerson. i would probably wear this.
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BONUS here's a picture of drew barrymore at "an event" for pump up the volume (according to imdb), i'm assuming it's the premiere, just looking cool and badass. i need that jacket.
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another bonus: this adorable promo photo of christian & samantha <3
anyways, most of these pics are my own screenshots, but you should check out higher resolution images on imdb. i couldn't find any articles about the wardrobe in this film, but i did find this 30th anniversary article that was interesting.
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notasapleasure · 1 year
EastEnders run (2000-2001), Part 3/4
Warnings if you’re not keen on big shouty men, Beppe flips out in this and I took a lot of screencaps.
Ok I did read the character summary so I know roughly what's coming now, but here goes! Last three episodes of those he's in for a few months - expect some drama! What's Sandra going to decide??
9 October 2000
Noooo, that youtube video is just the October 5 episode again :(
10 October 2000
Breakfast time at Sandra and Beppe's. Beppe wants to take her up to Leicester to see his family - the source of the original breakup (apparently they didn't like her for not being Italian) - but Sandra is cagey and heads out to work.
Guess who's on her doorstep, as usual?
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He claims it's the only way he can get in touch with her and makes the usual ultimatum! He's leaving Thursday - she says she'll call him later...
The background music continues to deal me psychic damage. Tom Jones' Sex Bomb playing in the pub while Peggy acts heartbroken over Frank's spinning bow tie 🙃
Laura joking about kidnapping Ian's kids in (apparently) very poor taste but it's emphasising the subliminal messaging acting on Sandra, innit? She's worried that if she runs off with Joe though it'll be held against her in terms of custody. This is why ultimatums aren't helpful, young Mr Robbins!
Also once more, pleasantly surprised by the way Frank and Pat's affair gets into the effects of that on the friendship between Peggy and Pat - she's already lonely because of Frank, and now her best friend isn't in a position to support her because she's also hiding things.
Anyway, Beppe's being a dear about this trip to Leicester and talking about taking Joe horse riding. Do they have horse riding in Bristol, hm?
I should probably warn anyone tempted to watch these that Barry is on a strictly enforced diet and his wife is an asshole about making him stick to it. Could be triggering for anyone with issues around food.
Ian unhelpfully gives Sandra Thursday and Friday off for a trip to Leicester when Beppe asks him for her.
LMAOOO Tivik (the guy with the bust arm who Cassian shoots in Rogue One, played by Daniel Mays) has chained himself to the Slaters' gate because he loves Kat, and swallowed the key to his padlock. Among the audience he's drawn, Sandra asks what his problem is, and Beppe says "Some guys don't know what it's over." Oh ho ho ho...
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Sandra's still trying to get out of going to Leicester on Thursday - she offers to bring Joe on the train on Friday pm and Beppe agrees. She asks Ian not to mention that she still wants Thursday off...
Today we have shouty Jack >:(
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He goes on and on in the usual bloody way until he makes Sandra cry. You can see why the Met Police hired him 🙄
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Then after all the shouting he goes all quiet and soft of course, and when Sandra says he can come to the house on Thursday because Beppe will be away he has the cheek to ask gently "Are you sure this is what you want?"
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16 October 2000
Sandra tells Beppe she's leaving. She says she can't keep pretending that she loves him (which is a contradiction of what she told Jack in the first episode)
Uh oh, Beppe heads outside "You're not taking my son!"
Jack pops out of the car 😬😬😬
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"You call me mate when you sleep wiv my wife??" Classic EastEnders
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Ok, I did my best with the screenshots, but apologies still
Intricate rituals....
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Bless him, Jack gets a punch in but it's a 'restrain the arrestee' kind of punch not the brawling Beppe's good at. Beppe isn't taking this well at all. "I thought you were my friend?!"
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That’s right, protect your face love!!!
There's an audience of course.
Sonya: "Should I call the police?"
Mo: "From what I heard, they are the police!"
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Robbie's not confident he can break up this uh. Street fight on his own.
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Mark gets Beppe to break it up because Sandra and Joe are watching.
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Beppe grabs Joe and takes him inside.
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Joe doesn't seem all that happy, and Beppe won't pick up the phone to Sandra (with grumpy Jack in the background). He is feeling guilty af though. And Laura's helping. Donkey Kong therapy :')
Laura's too good for this world - truly, she suggests Beppe talk things through! As if anyone has ever done that on EastEnders dkskjssjsjfff omg he does try it! Genuinely, Beppe is the better person at the point.
Oh goooodddd the locals are all on open-season bitch-fest about Sandra and Jack now D:
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Jack thinks Sandra's letting Beppe call all the shots. He's so awful :')
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"I don't remember inviting you."
"You didn't."
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My god if the big dick swinging ego of these two idiots was spread evenly through the population we'd have no impostor syndrome left in the world.
Beppe finally gets the truth about how Sandra and Jack lived together for years.
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(ah teen romance soundtracked by 5ive - Until the Time is Through *stares into the camera with a weak laugh*)
Now it's Beppe's turn to be a little bitch too
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Ugh god I have such mixed emotions about Jack looking so protective while Sandra recounts her miscarriage woes again
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Jack says a month or so later she up and left :(
Beppe: "She's good at that." But he does seem to understand...
Beppe: "It's all been about Joe, ain't it?"
Sandra: "No..."
Jack: "Uh, yeah!"
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Beppe, who raised Joe alone after Sandra left him, is understandably dubious about Joe having a better family life with them.
Jack is wearing the ultimate 'no fucks given, no regrets' expression
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"I'm so glad you can't have any more kids coz you don't deserve the one you've got!" Stay classy Beppe.
Sandra's had enough and Jack invokes the courts.
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"And when we come back, we're taking Joe with us!"
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End of Part 3. Wow, Jack is really not boyfriend material! :’) But then again, the narrative of EastEnders doesn’t really take a moral standpoint and everyone’s behaved pretty stupidly badly. Read on to find out how things can be resolved in a(n ir)rational world!
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frary-us · 2 months
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EMILY DUNN: Do you still mean to sell the house?
REV. JAMES TRENCHARD: Will you go to Glanville?
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: We thought we would do some traveling.
FREDERICK TRENCHARD: See more of the world together, side by side.
MRS DUNN: Oh. Traveling, oh, dear.
EMILY DUNN: But you will come back?
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: We will always come back to all of you.
FREDERICK TRENCHARD: Perhaps we will go to Glanville eventually. Settle there.
CLARA DUNN TRENCHARD: Live our life the way we want to live it.
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Like IDEGAF if u screencap me on this I know you probably will since so many of u creeps shadow follow me but literally what is to be gained by tearing down/posting negativity about Luna Slater.  She has a personality disorder, is mentally ill, is suicidal, ur not making her feel worse about herself than she already feels.  When u see somebody in that low of a condition struggling so much how is it even satisfying to tear down their minor victories?  Oh no, she scammed some people for art commissions when she was a teenage addict and is thicker than most of the girls on TV, is that really enough material to stretch out over 41 threads of stalking?  OMG a mentally ill person is displaying symptoms of their mental illness, do yall also stare at physically disabled people when they roll by in their wheelchairs as well?  Do you go to late stage cancer wards for fun?  What about a sick person being sick is so fucking hilarious to you?  How did anybody see the illegal distribution of her private paid adult content to not at least be the line where this wasn’t funny anymore and we should stop?  How long can you poke roadkill with a stick before it stops being fun?  How long can you fight the bees for the apples on the ground before youll pick even reasonably low-hanging fruit.  At this point ur not just harassing her, ur obsession has grown to harassing anybody who dares show this girl any kindness.  I have BPD too.  I know the difference a like can make for how i feel about myself in the moment, so when her pics come up on my feed i like them.  Her writing and art interests me as an aspiring artist from the same generation, she may very well one day be my contemporary.  We’ve had a few friendly conversations about nonsense its not like I have anything invested in this girl, Im just as friendly to her as I am to the girl at the fast food counter or the girls who work on the other side of the building when we are in the break room together.  I have no ulterior motive to being nice to her im literally that nice to anybody who isnt a dick to me Im a friendly retard like shes not the only person on this website who has been nothing but nice to me that people expect me to join a bullying circus against and like we are not in middle school that isn’t fun for me kicking somebody when they are down is not a challenge or a source of amusement to me Im sorry yall but I was raised better apparently.  Did ur moms really never tell u not to join in bullying?  Because that is what it is, its not “milking” or “trolling” its straight up bullying and if that brings u joy u dont get to call urself a good person or claim that ur morally superior to the subject ur attacking.
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weak-hero · 2 years
i want every host, every reporter and frankly speaking, every camera-person to use any opportunity they have to make fun of Miami’s yacht club
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