#slazo situation
sillymann · 1 year
The worst part about this is that even if the allegations are wrong, those labels are never gonna leave his name. I watched the video earlier and it does seem that Orion's proof is false, but it's still probably best to stay neutral on this situation in case more stuff comes out :(
i agree with you wholeheartedly. this entire situation *will* leave a permanent stain in his public and private lives and i wouldn't be surprised if he stops making videos because of it. he even mentioned that close friends have distanced themselves because of it and thats fucking terrible. no one deserves to have all that slapped onto their name
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fungalnebula · 1 year
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I don't think I ever posted these but here's some art I made for Kwite's fursona fanart contest. I advanced to the second round which I'm really proud of. I didn't make it past that but even though I (kinda/almost/it's literally one more class ushdhdkkgh) graduated college and had my art in a show, this is my greatest accomplishment as an artist.
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raixkim · 1 year
Kwite responded to the allegations
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
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wildpeachfarm · 13 days
ok so I'm watching commentary videos specifically about youtuber drama and came across one about the Slazo situation that happened in like 2020.
if you don't know anything about that, the gist of it is that his ex gf accused him of being abusive and saing her on multiple occasions and all of his friends were "calling him out" on twt. turns out she left out crucial pieces of information (like her asking for the advances in messages) and cropped texts out of context. it also turned out that there was a gc where all of her friends were supposedly writing different versions of her statement and she picked one of her friends "accounts" of the abuse instead of using the one she wrote herself
the whole video was pretty interesting to me but like watching it I just kept getting whiplash and having flashbacks to the gituation 😭.
like there's so many similarities. like all of his "friends" immediately turning on him and calling him a horrible person before he even got the chance to respond. his friends supposedly knowing about the abuse for a yr before she made her statement and never saying anything to him or anyone else about it. and also his friends saying they have more examples of him being a horrible, abusive, predator behind the scenes but then refusing to give any evidence but doubling down on the claims anyways.
idk the whole thing was so interesting to me. smth smth history repeating itself
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God wow this is insane. I heard a few youtubers reference this guy when discussing the caiti shit but I didn't know the specifics.
It really is interesting because these issues are all things that normal people would solve in private but when content creators are involved, for some reason they feel the need to blast it everywhere with no context or maturity and all these other content creators get the change to performatively jump in and try to look as morally correct as possible. I don't know if its for clout or what, but it always looks bad imo.
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I don’t fully know how to phrase this but I’ve been thinking about it for a little bit and the way the situation with Dream has gone down is entirely because it’s Dream. 
Think about CMC, Mini Ladd, Jikishi. Large streamers who have connections to or histories in the MCYT community are exposed for DMing and flirting/possibly sexting with underage teenagers.
In those situation, people just left them. Their fans, other streamers, their friends, everything. The only difference I can think of is that, mostly coming from their friends’ statements about private confessions, all three of these streamers ended up admitting to it. But people left them long before they did.
Also, think about streamers who have gotten false allegations. Pyrocynical, Slazo, and I’m sure many more. They went out of their way to prove that what happened was not inappropriate or true. Even then, before they proved that they had done nothing wrong, people left them! Because that’s a reasonable response to someone possibly grooming or abusing other people. 
You can always go back if they’ve proven that they’ve done nothing wrong. You can’t as easily take back siding with them and the things you may have said in that time.
These streamers, with false allegations, actually adressed what happened and made sure it was handled properly because, even if the allegations aren’t true, people are going to start spewing the most toxic, victim-blaming shit you’ve ever heard to defend their streamer. It hurts everyone. Every victim in the community, even if the allegations are fake, sees people saying these things.
Think about the streamers’ reactions to their real allegations. Most barely addressed it and left. The ones that have come back have done so to extreme criticism.
So why, if Dream has fake allegations against him, as he not even tried to disprove them? Why is his response to sue instead of simply prove that what happened wasn’t true? Even if there is a court case, even if he can’t talk about it, why has he not tried to adress the hate his community has put out towards victims? Why are his fans not waiting on the side of the victim for Dream to disprove what he’s done?
Because he’s famous enough to get away with it. Because all of these other people who were caught doing this had a fraction of his subscriber count (the largest with about 1/7th of his subscribers). Because there are always going to be people that are always going to side with him.
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
I'm going to say this again and again and again until the day that I die:
If serious allegations come out about somebody, please try to maintain a level head and reserve your judgement until both parties get a chance to present their stories.
Please try to take a look at the evidence and think to yourself whether this evidence actually proves anything or not. Is it taken out of context? What is the context that surrounds it? Is it likely that the person making these allegations has an ulterior motive?
Some people need to learn that just because somebody makes dangerous claims, it doesn't make them true by default. Some people need to do research about what happened to Slazo and Spocter. Some people need to learn the bullshit that Shannon/Creepshowart pulled while she was on the YouTube platform. Look at Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, for crying out loud.
Yes, it is important to let victims know that they are worthy of being listened to, and there are actual situations where they are telling the truth. But there are also people who will use good faith with hostile intent in an attempt to ruin peoples' lives.
All that those people are doing is trying to hurt other people, and in the process, ruining any credibility that somebody who actually has suffered will have. It just makes it harder for actual victims to come forward with their stories and be taken seriously.
Please understand that there are two sides to every story, and the first side that you are told isn't always the full truth. There are people who will take advantage of that.
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luisleyyaoi · 1 year
Kwite was given false information by people he trusted in the Slazo situation. Once he knew the truth he was very VERY remorseful and apologized to Slazo.
Idk, the situation with Orion is completely different from that. Orion straight up lied.
Kwite was fed false information. That’s…not entirely his fault.
Literally idk why people are bringing up the slazo stuff as a “see Kwites a horrible person!!!” when he was LITERALLY fed false information and regrets getting involved. If anyone right now is a horrible person right now it’s Orion for PURPOSEFULLY LYING ABOUT SA AND MAKING FAKE MEDICAL DOCUMENTS
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starstruckbaby · 1 year
kwite allegations tw// sa, abvse, and mentions of transphobia
So, I want to voice my opinion on the current allegations about kwite. The victim has made a relatively solid explanation of all the events he has had to endure, although there is not very much proof to backup his claims. I personally, love kwite's content, he made me laugh and helped me when I was in a bad place mentally. A part of me truly hopes the allegations are false and it's like the slazo situation. We should refrain from not trying to hear both sides of the story but let's continue providing support for the victim, please do not harass the victim as it will only lead to more trouble. kwite has been silent for a while, claiming to come out with a response later on, I hope that if the allegations are true that kwite gets a proper punishment and takes time off to really truly get better, which may be hard given how the prisons here are like. The victim themselves has provided only a few screenshots to my knowledge but still keeps his story consistent as possible. I truly hope that the victim is okay because as a victim of sa myself I understand the struggles that they have to go through. There was also a time where the victim, a friend, and kwite all had a call. The victim claims that kwite got agressive and threw things and yelled. There was also a time when the victim claimed to have been called a slur and had been misgendered. I truly hope the victim is doing okay.
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shadyvoidhologram · 1 year
about the whole kwite thing tho...everyone's treating him like a poor uwu victim when really he also participated in the harassment of slazo, sided with hyojin/squizzy the abuser, and also tolerates nazis on his discord server. is kwite a guilty party in this particular case? no. is he still someone people should be supporting? also no. not siding with orion either. both of them are just terrible really
Yeah i get it, people can't (and shouldn't) put anyone on a pedestal really. No one's 100% pure and he isn't a defenceless child either, i do apologize if i pictured him that way, that was not my intention.
About the slazo drama, he apologized and admitted that it was some kind of "karma" that the situation was mirrored into his life now, sometimes that happens in life and like many people who did on his case, he jumped to be on the victims side before the other side could say anything. Not excusing anything, i just found it interesting.
I can't really have a strong opinion on the Nazi support thing because i haven't seen it/heard of it tbh, i thought it was some kind of inside joke or something in the very few places i've seen his icon placed next to the flag bc i like and i'm used to dark humour, however the line has to be drawn somewhere ofc and if he really goes that way that's... pretty fucked up.
I'm kinda on his "side" on the drama because i found his response respectful, appropriate and packed with evidence, if he pulled up a response like Cryaotic's or MiniLad's one i would've spit on his video the moment i smelled bs. And bc Orion is handling the situation horribly i can't spare the same amount of doubt to them, but bc i'm dumb there's still some.
I hate being the positive voice in situations like these, but i do believe in second chances, if they fuck up after that, i'm done. It would be a shame he and the community ended up being a Dream 2.0 situation.
They both have (a lot of) issues and all of them should've been resolved in private, like every drama on media.
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that0nebird · 1 year
Tw// Kwite allegations
Friendly reminder to stop using the slazo situation as a way to say what happened to kwite shouldn't have happened. Like I get what you mean and it is shitty what happened but maybe don't use a situation where kwite himself played a big role in pushing false allegations onto a FRIEND without giving a single fuck how that would have affected them.
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bethkat · 1 year
This is why its so important to stay neutral on situations like this until all the evidence is out.
I waited to hear Kwite’s side of the story, I’ve watched him for like 4 years so I just couldn’t jump the gun, and I feel so much for them. It’s actually heart-breaking hearing his side. they’re such angel, I hope she’s doing okay
I feel like history is repeating itself, this whole things reads just like the Slazo situation, why has no one learnt their lesson on jumping the gun with cancelling people before hearing their side? I can’t believe he had to face reveal to prove his innocence, this isn’t how they should have face revealed if they were going to..
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Saw Kwite’s new video. When the news first broke, I was suspicious of it cause it reminded me of Slazo’s situation. So I distanced myself, but kept in mind to wait on his video. Well that video dropped and all I can say is this: Orion is worse than scum. What a fucking freak.
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wildpeachfarm · 13 days
the slazo situation made me so mad because I was a huge slazo fan back then and the whole situation ruined his mental health and his passion for content so badly that he has practically left the internet.
It’s also why i’ll always have a bad taste in my mouth when i see ImAlexx’s name because he literally used to live with slazo but couldn’t bother to verify these allegations before conspiring to bring slazo down. Like that kind of betrayal is insane
that is literally what people wanted dreamnap to do with george which is so insane 😭💀💀💀
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verlierer-is-lost · 1 year
Watching the Kwite and Orion thing happen in real time is like watching a burning train crash into a hospital. This whole situation reminds me a lot of the Slazo controversy a few years back
A reminder that standing by the victim is always what we should do, but we are not the judge and the jury. We don’t know these people. We can support the victim while waiting for the other side’s response at the same time.
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You bring up Kwite standing against Slazo, but fail to mention that he has apologized to Slazo multiple times, and in fact absolutely, 100% regrets TRUSTING HIS FRIEND that came to him about the allegations against Slazo.
So he's a bad person because he trusted someone about allegations? Wouldn't that then make you a bad person? Even though you apologized and retracted support? Genuine question, cuz your logic with that particular situation makes no sense to me.
again, i only replied to the ask with 'this^' because i didn't know how to answer to it and not completely ignoring what they had to say..
I never meant to come off the way i did in that, i'm sorry.
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