#slbp modern au
wingcinna · 5 years
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Twitter doodles of two samurai I almost never draw but smiles warm my heart 😭
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uesugi-retainer · 4 years
My Priorities - Modern Kageie Fanfic Part 1
Big thanks to @smoky-ametrine 🥺, this modern au with Kageie (and a few others) is so great thanks to her. ❤️❤️❤️ She’s awesome ❤️❤️❤️ 
And a heads up, the parts might not be the same length every time!
Journal Entry #48
It’s been 48 days since we moved into this apartment. So far, things have been going well. Norikage’s fever has gone down, and he’s eating more. He’s not as pale either.
The apartment itself being so close to my university makes it easy to check on him between classes. Some of my professors have agreed to let me do the classes online so that I can keep an eye on Norikage. Since my major’s biology with a minor in chemistry, I can’t do everything online. But I can work with that.
I haven’t talked to Kenshin for a while, but it’s for the best. He has the path he wants to follow, and I have mine. There’s no way to make any of it work while we go down these roads. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to throw away the memories we made, but I’m not going to go out of my way to get it back. Not now, not while my little brother is like this. I’m not even going to play with the idea that I could have him back. It’s just not worth my time.
I will understand medicine to its fullest, I swear on my life. I will find a way to cure my little brother even if it means giving up on everything else, including Kenshin. 
Kageie looks up from his journal and to his left to look at his sleeping brother. Putting his pen down, he gets up from the wooden desk and kneels on the floor by Norikage’s bedside.
His voice is soft as he whispers, “Just keep holding on, and one day I’ll be able to make a medicine that will make you all better again…”
He stays there for a moment, complete silence filling the room. The thought of losing his little brother terrifies Kageie.
As he stands up, his eyes never leave his brother. Kageie can’t help but notice how weak and frail he looks, and it made his heartache. Sure, he’d recently started to get better, but… who knew if he’d ever fully recover?
After a while, Kageie slowly gets up and quietly leaves his brother’s room. He walks down to the end of the small hallway to where the kitchen and living room are connected. He goes into the kitchen and fills up their tea kettle with some water, and puts it on the oven top. Kageie leans against the wall as he waits.
A thought decides to appear and linger in his mind, “He has to get better, right?”
He sighs and pulls out his phone from his pocket. He starts to look through his photos, slowly swiping through various pictures of him with his brother and parents. As he goes through the images, he eventually gets to a picture of a certain blond peacefully sleeping in bed. Kageie almost immediately exits his photos and puts his phone away. 
He gets out a cup and a teabag as he continues to wait for the water to boil. Before long, he pours the water in the cup, turning off the oven top afterwards. Kageie grabs a spoon and heads back to Norikage’s room.
He sighs to himself, “I have more work I need to do.”
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little-lady-mimi · 6 years
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Art by ちゃ ⊳ Kirigakure Saizo of Samurai Love Ballad Party (SLBP) 👍 Permission granted
ビルの上をぴよぴよんする髪 His hair’s moving gently up at the building
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thanatosbanshee · 5 years
Chapter Ten of Lingering Scars is finally up on Ao3! Masamune/OFC Modern Au! The morning after of the impromptu sleepover from chapter nine, a sweet moment between Masamune and Tohru. Interrupted by our favorite cousin of course.
Finishing up her makeup after her shower Tohru berated herself once again for being such a fucking creep. The arguments circling her inner dialog were dumb as hell but she just...couldn't resist. Was she a bad person? She was a bad person. Because she had sneakily taken a picture of Kokoro snuggled up with Mr- with Masamune on her couch this morning. They were both asleep, he'd never know. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity! They were friends right? But it was rude to take pictures without asking. Wasn't it illegal? It wasn't like he was naked or anything!
Her eye watered when she accidentally poked herself with the mascara brush at that thought. Damnit. What the hell was she thinking?
Tagging the baes! @that-otome-potato @notsafefortum-blr @pendingreply @pseudofaux @dany-ryujin @moonchildupintheclouds @selenecrawford @sonicloudbat @serenity-writes @space-romantic
Special thanks to all of the babes who have given kudos, commented and bookmarked, thank you all so much! You all da best.
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that-otome-potato · 6 years
So I finally got to a good length for this part of the story. It might seem a little lacking and for that I apologize, but gotta get past this to get to the good part.
I might also come off as a bit lost in this chapter and... you'd be right, but oh well!
Tagging: @masamunesmistress, @little-mini-me-world, @randomhomosapiens, @missmia008, @frywen-babbles, @his-pretty-little-doll, and @carolithe (I tried to tag you, but it wouldn't bring you up!)
“Y-yeah, she was Sasuke’s teacher the other day.” Benmaru said past cheeks aflame.
“For what kind of class?”
“Cooking. It was that day that I brought him home and he wouldn’t stop complaining about his arms hurting. I told him he needed more training.”
‘Training? There’s that familiarity again - always there, buried deep, inexplicable as to why it’s there in the first place.’
The man next to me turned back to me, seeming done with his conversation. “Would you care for a drink?”
‘Yes.’ was on the tip of my tongue, but I somehow managed to stop myself.  I don’t know him.  Should I even be here?
“My name is Genji.” He whispered directly into my ear, draping an arm around my shoulder to direct me towards the bar amidst sputtering from his friend. “I think you should definitely be here.”
‘I’m not saying my thoughts out loud, am I?’ I ask myself as I come to a stop at the bartop.
Genji gave a small smile and said, “You’re just very expressive.”
I watched him closely as he started mixing a beverage deftly. In no time, a strawberry martini with a lemon twist garnish was placed in front of me.
Cautiously, I took a sip and felt my eyes widen.  Flavor burst on my tongue from the alcohols, all mixing and not overpowering the other.
When I took a second sip, the alcohol started hitting me, so I gently pushed it away. That’s when I noticed he was looking at me discreetly.
I found myself getting drawn into his gaze again, blood and earth mixing like on the ancient battlefields I saw in documentaries.
“Is the drink to your liking?”
Lost in thought about historical documentaries, I focused my attention back on the man before me who had asked the question.
“It’s strong, but smooth.” Like you. I felt myself pause at the thought. Alright there, Brain. You and I are going to have to figure some things out about this thought process of yours. “I like it.”
Minutes followed where we lapsed into silence, which I didn’t find uncomfortable like I have in the past. While searching for something to say, I decide to ask the thing that should be the most obvious.
“Why did you invite me here?”
“What the hell, Kasura?! How could you just leave me alone like that?” I massaged the sides of my temple to assuage the sudden headache assaulting my skull. Shumeka was really upset that I had left her behind to go with Genji. “And it’s not just that you left me alone in a busy club, but you left to go elsewhere with a complete stranger!”
“He’s not a...stranger… per se. He’s been to the restaurant before.” I felt myself trail off. He was definitely not a stranger, but why?
“But still… you left with him. Granted, I don’t blame you.  He was hot!”
I gave a non-committal sound, but inside I was agreeing. He was very attractive.  “But he is way out of my league. It felt kind of like Cinderella.  At midnight, I leave his castle and never see him again.”
                                 Previous Chapter  ~*~  Next Chapter
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anyakane · 6 years
Owari Inc AU #2
We’re moving at snail’s pace here, but there are a hundred themes, so I can do as I like.
Main post and chapter directory here
#1 Introduction here
Chapter themes are from a 100 Themes Challenge
#2 Love: Oda Nobunaga is a King
In all honesty, only half of your trepidation came from having to work in a new environment. The other half came from Oda Nobunaga’s fearsome reputation. Grateful you may be, there is no denying your anxiety.  
Devil King of the Sixteenth Floor, they call him. A quick Internet search gave you so many unsavoury rumours.
And yet…
Looking at him now, as you stand before his desk, more than anything else, you’re struck by the familiarity of his appearance. He looks so much like Oichi that it’s uncanny. Put a wig and some make-up on him, and the two of them could be mistaken for twins, you imagine.
This familiarity is enough to relax you, the tension releasing from your shoulders.  
“You, are you listening?” says the man himself, irritated.
“Of course, sir,” you say, your spine straightening at the intensity of his gaze. “I am to be your personal chef, yes? So I will be preparing your meals and snacks.”
Nobunaga really is handsome, Oichi’s face aside. He is also essentially your family’s saviour. If it were anyone else, you suspect you would already be half in love with him, just for that.
He gives you a devilish smirk. “So you did understand.” He motions to the man standing by his desk. “Mitsuhide, take her to the kitchen.”
“Yes, sir.”
Owari Inc.’s Chief of Staff Akechi Mitsuhide stepped out of the shadows, and now you can finally see his face.
Oh no, he’s hot!
A/N: Oh Mitsuhide, we hardly know ye. I know I said his position is unknown, but that was before I watched the latest Hoozuki no Reitetsu episode, and realized Chief of Staff is a pretty good fit for his usual role after some reading. We’ll see him more in the next chapter.
十六階魔王 (jyuurokkai maou) = Devil King of the Sixteenth Floor
第六天魔王 (dairokuten maou) = Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven
Huhu I felt pretty clever when I came up with it.
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cavern-of-bells · 7 years
The Lords as Soccer Dads
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Tagging @veggiestreehugger since I didn’t fill this out as a proper ask! This was a fun one!
Nobunaga is the sponsor of his kid’s team. Those kids get all the flashiest and state of the art gear. All of the parents of the kids on other teams roll their eyes whenever his team has a home match. I mean– come on, when in youth sports history has it been appropriate to book Adele to sing the pre-game anthem? Mitsuhide is the referee. Poor guy gets yelled at and threatened on all sides. It’s especially difficult dealing with Nobunaga (his actual boss) when he disputes a call that wasn’t in his favor. Mitsuhide’s daughter always insists on going out for ice cream afterwards, mainly for the sake of making him feel better. Yukimura is the fun coach! (Shingen’s team). The kids on his team don’t always win, as Yukimura tends to get carried away during practice–choosing to perfect certain plays himself, rather than actually working to improve his players’ technique. But no one on his team has any complaints. They are all one big happy supportive family. Nuh-uh. Nooo way. Saizo could not possibly be any less interested in dedicating any of his precious free time to participate in his kid’s dumb team. Well, it’s not the team that bothers him, really. It’s the dumb parents that come along with it. They all gossip about how depressing it is that Saizo has never shown up to support his son even once. His son used to be pretty down about it as well until Saizo once let it slip in an offhand comment something about one of the plays he made, indicating he has been watching the games after all. Masamune is the sponsor for his team. When they first started out, all the children were wary of him, often spreading rumors about the scary, quiet, pirate-man. It didn’t help things that his son was nearly as quiet and stone-faced as he was. With Kojuro’s urging, Masa made several attempts to reach out to the kids, but his forced attempts to look friendlier and the strange candies he offered only caused to increase their caution. All was fixed, however when they realized the true source of all the distrust. Turns out Shigezane was using Masa’s name as a tactic to get all of the rowdy kids to behave whenever he had to drive them around. Kojuro is yet another coach (Masamune’s team!) He’s quite strict during practice, but as a result, all of the kids are quite skilled, and none of them ever have a bad word to say about him. Unless Shigezane has decided to crash practice. Then they all gang up on Kojuro for being such a stick in the mud all of the time. Kojuro sighs inwardly. If Shigezane wasn’t enough of a handful to deal with, Him plus ten or so equally rowdy children is downright impossible. Toshiie is banned from attending all future matches. No exceptions. (You still see him watching from behind the metal fence, shouting about foul plays and trying to pick fights) Nobody should take youth sports so seriously. Hideyoshi is very popular among the kids and parents of his boys’ team. He actually arranges most of the games and events for the league– being one of the more amicable parents among the teams. Very quick to diffuse fights, he’s the only thing that prevented any of Toshiie’s outbursts from becoming all-out brawls. And of course, he was the one to ultimately ban him from coming to any more games. Mitsunari is obviously the coach (Nobunaga’s team). All of the kids absolutely adore him (Why? He couldn’t begin to tell you.) He is very strict and can be pretty brash with his words, but the kids all like the way he is patient and seems to treat them as equals. They do like to play the occasional prank on him, however. His reactions are too damn hilarious to resist. A particular favorite is to misinform him of the meaning of new slang terms. There’s an ongoing contest to see which he will misuse the longest. Ieyasu’s initial reaction to his daughter wanting to join a team was one of abject disdain, but he has since become quite the snooty soccer-mom. Soccer matches and practice are the perfect opportunity to get dirt on all of the other parents (many who are neighbors and colleagues), both directly and through conversations his daughter has with the other kids. He is sure to win the election for leader of the HOA this year. Kenshin was a bit disappointed that his daughter didn’t opt for dance instead, but he is ultimately still a very proud and supportive parent. The only problem was how late he would always be when dropping off and picking up his daughter from practice. It got to be bad enough that Kanetsugu (her team’s coach) had to threaten to kick her off the team if they couldn’t be more timely. Luckily, Kenshin’s daughter was more proactive than he was. She managed to arrange a carpool system for the whole team. However, whenever it got around to being Kenshin’s turn to drive, the whole lot almost always ended up going somewhere else– leaving behind a very irritated Kanetsugu waiting in the field. Shingen is the sponsor for his team. While they are still very well-funded, most of their money goes towards victory celebrations. We don’t need flashy gear! That’s not what makes a real warrior! The kids on Nobunaga’s team often become quite envious. They have lavish celebrations as well, sure– but how come theirs always look so much more fun? And why do they still have parties even when they lose?
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slbpfics · 7 years
Desolation IV - Saizo x MC
Author’s note: Thank you for all the likes and reblogs, people! Here’s Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it and that Saizo is not too OOC.
Word count: 446
Modern AU
Tagging: @marin23jones  @suzunesays  @books-and-colours   @uxoremmikael @mistakenmessenger  @that-otome-potato 
‘Don’t run away from me now, little lady.’ The words spill out of his mouth before he can stop them. His words have the desired effect on her. She turns.
His heart hammers against his chest, almost painful. He welcomes the pain. His eyes drink in her form. She is still the same, with her sweet face and kind eyes. Her hair sways in the breeze. She takes in his appearance, and takes a few steps forward. He does the same. There isn’t much distance between them now. He could reach out and touch her.
Her eyes hold an emotion he can’t quite place. It is a mixture of adoration, sadness and recognition.
She remembers.
‘Saizo.’ His name falls from her lips, her voice a piece of music he has not heard in years. No, centuries.
He wants to touch her, and see for himself, that she is here, that God has granted him a new life, with her, in a time where his hands are not soiled with blood. He wants to kiss her and feel the warmth of her lips against his own, a warmth he didn’t know he craved for so long. He wants to memorise every inch of her and commit her to his memory, should time prove to be cruel and deprive him of her again.
But he waits.
Waits for her to make the first move. She closes the gap between them and embraces him. Her arms tighten around him, almost as if to make sure that he is still there. His arms find his way around her too. She doesn’t let go.
‘I’ve been looking for you.’ She mumbles against his neck, her voice cracking. ‘All those years. I almost gave up.’
Where were you? Why didn’t you look for me? She didn’t need to say those biting questions out loud.
He frowns. He doesn’t remember any other life after the Sengoku and before this one.
She had searched for him for centuries, he realises. She had felt this loneliness over and over again in all the lives she had lived. She had felt this inner turmoil for all those years. All that pain. All that sadness. All the desolation. All alone.
His heart clenches with emotion and his vision clouds with tears. His eyes close in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. But still, hot tears run down his face, for the first time in years.
He doesn’t need to hide how he feels anymore. He won’t hide from her. Not in this life.
‘I’m here now, little lady. I’ll make up for all those years you spent looking.’
I promise.
He always kept his promises.
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jane-runs-fast · 7 years
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Basic shading is done- next step is texturing!
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katie-de-lune · 7 years
As the Leaves Fall-A Modern Kanetsugu Story
WHEW I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE THANK GOD. I’ve been working on this for the past couple of days and everything that I’ve wrote so far has disgusted me but I think this final draft is the one I like. (Or at least I think so lmao.) Anyway this fic goes out to @sengokugenkigirl since it’s her birthday today and also since we’re both Kanetsugu hoes and she helped me come up with the outline. I hope you all enjoy this and happy birthday Julie!
Naoe Kanetsugu sighed as he watched the newly turned autumn leaves fall from the huge Japanese maple in his yard. The slight chill of the wind gently tousled his hair and he closed his eyes. Fall had always been his favorite season, he had gotten married to his beautiful wife in the fall and two years later they were blessed with their daughter Ai who was born on a day just like this one with the leaves changing colors.
Yet, he disliked fall as well. It had been this time of year when they found out that his wife had an aggressive but certainly treatable kind of breast cancer, is what the doctors had said. He had watched her go through numerous of tests and chemotherapy and had been there for her during her worst times trying to be strong for not only her but for Ai as well.  He’d been there for hear when her hair had fallen out and had rubbed her back after a treatment that had made her horribly sick. He was there to hold her hand before she had gone into surgery to have a lumpectomy done and for the day that they celebrated when they found out that the tests had come back cancer free.
Nothing however could prepare him for the day when the cancer had come back and nastier than ever as she had stage four metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her brain. God he could never forget the seizures and the personality changes and how he had to explain to Ai that mommy didn’t feel well enough to come to her ballet recital or soccer game. He’d never been ready for the day when his wife who was once so strong and had beat cancer was now lying in a hospital bed and dying as the newly changed leaves had begun to fall once again outside the windows of the hospital. He’d certainly hadn’t been ready for planning his wife’s funeral and trying to explain to Ai that her mom wasn’t coming back and holding back tears as his daughter clung to his waist and wailed as the funeral. Despite the immense sadness he had felt, he remained strong in front of Ai but he would lie in his bed at night and cry at the thought of his wife being gone and now being a single father to a six year old girl. He had lashed out at not only his father and brother but at his best friend as well, something he’d always feel guilty about no matter how many times they assured him that they were always going to be there for him.
Yes, fall was a truly bittersweet season for him as three years had passed by but something was now changing. The ice that had surrounded his heart had slowly been melting since the day he had met you. You’d walked into Kenshin’s clothing store and had asked for a job and he remembered thinking ‘oh god another person to take care of here’ but surprisingly you had been more of a help than anything. You could handle Kenshin’s “unique” personality and he’d actually listen to you. You’d been a huge help with Ai on the days that he’d been too busy to pick her up from school and his daughter absolutely adored you.
However, the more his feelings grew for you, the more his guilt grew as well. He’d be betraying his wife if he fell in love again so he closed himself off to you and tried to avoid you as much as he possibly could although he’s failing miserably at doing so. The proof of that was the current Halloween party going on in his house. He swore he could feel your warm presence despite the slight chill in the air.
“Kanetsugu?” A voice shook him out of his thoughts and sure enough there you were when he turned around. You looked beautiful as the autumn sunset shone on your face and the breeze blew your hair. He quickly shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts.
“Yes?” He cleared his throat hoping the blush that was currently on his face could be written off as red from the sunlight. “Everyone is waiting for you to come inside for the pumpkin carving contest. You don’t want to miss Ai carving her pumpkin now do you?” You smiled and Kanetsugu swore he could feel his heartbeat faster at that smile. Then his stomach dropped as he remembered the pumpkin carving contest and he grimaced. He hated carving pumpkins, he was so bad at it and of course all the people that were in the house were great at carving. But this was all for his daughter so how could he deny her?
“Yes, of course I don’t want to miss that. I’ll be right in.” He said and watched you grin at him once again before going back inside. Through the glimpse of the open door, he could see that Yoshichi was the usual target of Kageie’s teasing and that Kenshin and Kagetsugu were trying to roast some pumpkin seeds. Kanetsugu groaned at the sight and decided that he definitely needed to step in before the two burnt his house down. Finally, his eyes turned to Ai who was laughing happily as you smeared pumpkin guts on her cheek. All of his precious people were cramped into his tiny kitchen and his heart warmed at the sight.
Out of all the commotion going on, your laugh was the loudest and at that moment Kanetsugu felt like maybe, just maybe, he could open his heart up and allow himself to love once again.
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wingcinna · 5 years
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Quick paint modern Hanzo for @savvylittleminx because she’s a sweetie! Thanks again Minx and I hope you enjoy~
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yoolee · 6 years
Themes |  {SLBP modern au}
A/N - ssh, sssssh nothing to see here, move along, move along, but thank you @han-pan for getting me to open the app for the first time in weeks to consume my FAVORITE KIND OF STORY - aka, Kai Family Shenanigans.
Every year, Takeda Corp hosted a grand costume party.
There wasn’t any particular reason for this to happen - it was just the sort of thing one did when one was fabulously wealthy, overwhelmingly fond of their employees, and inclined to any sort of excuse to ingest copious amounts of alcohol and delectable food.
(Popular rumor was that one of Shingen’s lovers had instigated the tradition when she had wistfully recollected that TV had lied to her, what with nearly every show featuring the dazzling and wealthy having a mysterious masquerade at least once a season and thereby setting up certain expectations that had been grossly undermet by reality. Shingen, being Shingen, had swooped in to rectify this, but then insisted her face was far too lovely to be covered with a mask, and so it was costumes instead. Of course, still being Shingen, he had also insisted that other parts of her were far too lovely to be covered, and both Shingen and mistress were, notably, absent for the first few hours of the affair.)
(“Affair” being, one must acknowledge, the operative word.)
All of this was, mind you, conjecture and theory, and though Shingen’s mistresses had changed, the tradition had remained. What had also remained the same, naturally, was how particularly serious Sanada Genjirou Yukimura was regarding his costume selection.
It had to be grand, and put-together, and thematic, and appropriate - after all, he was representing Takeda Corp (and in particular, the Sanada stake in it), and if Shingen was going through such trouble to make such a festive event, it was only fair he put in equal effort to attending it. (Technically, mind you, it was Shingen’s long-suffering and ever-loyal secretary, Kansuke, putting in most of the work, but Kansuke enjoyed such things, insomuch as he enjoyed anything, and though he had worn the same exact costume every year the tradition had been running, no one had yet to notice or comment.)
The challenge, of course, was in getting Saizo to play along.
His wife did, and little Sasuke too. But Saizo--Saizo--was another story. Yukimura had wheedled, and bargained, and begged, and sensing the (exasperatingly) tenacious nature of husband, wife, and small but stubborn student, Saizo had at last agreed to go along with whatever theme they selected, provided he could choose, compile, and wear a costume of his own choosing.
It was not, Yukimura quickly found out, the victory he had believed it to be.
That first year, his wife had been a beautiful blossom Yukimura a bright, round peach, and Sasuke a fuzzy and--though he would protest the description--adorable caterpillar.
Saizo, in a black shirt and pants, had proclaimed himself a branch.
Yukimura had been certain the next year that his recalcitrant bestie would join in, with Yukimura and his missus as Orihime and Hikoboshi (and Sasuke as one of his cows) but Saizo had slipped quietly alongside them, in a black shirt and pants, claiming to be the Milky Way - or  at least, how it appeared without a telescope, anyway. 
(The worst part of that year, Yukimura still sulked, was that Saizo had spent the entire night getting between him and Yukimura’s own beautiful bride, claiming only to be sticking with their theme).
But the next year! 
Alice in Wonderland! 
Surely there was no possible way for Saizo to avoid something fun and colorful and bright and odd, not with Yukimura and his cheeks painted with a card soldier’s hearts, his sweetheart with the Dormouse’s round, adorable ears atop her head, and Sasuke cackling as his overlarge hat slipped down over his eyes for the umpteenth time of the night.
And then, of course, Saizo has appeared, in a black shirt and pants, as the hole through which Alice had fallen.  
But this year, Yukimura vowed. This year would be different. He would get Saizo in a costume - a real one - if he had to duel the man himself. 
(Which technically, he had done a number of a times before, with varying results, but frankly getting Saizo to agree to it had about the same success rate as costuming did).
The three of them sat, huddled together with hushed voices. His darling wife spoke first, small wrinkle in her brow as she focused, distracting Yukimura temporarily with how much he loved it, that little wrinkle, which naturally extrapolated into how much he loved her, the woman who bore the wrinkle with grace and determination.
“Cinderella, maybe?” She offered. “Yukimura could be the prince, and oh, Sasuke you could be a mouse!”
Sasuke gave her a look of pure disdain, well beyond his tender years, and wrinkled his nose, “Ugh, no way! At least lemme be the prince’s bodyguard!” He leaned in, urgent and solemn, “I won’t let anyone flirt with Yukimura this year.” He straightened, doing his best tough-guy impression (an impression, all would agree, that looked quite a bit like his older and larger counterpart, or at least until he opened his mouth,) “Begone, thots!”
“Sasuke!” The wrinkle disappeared as her expression yanked into shocked dismay, “Where on Earth did you--nevermind. Just. Don’t, don’t say that. It’s not nice.”
Their group was garnering quite a bit of attention in the quiet little cafe, and the outburst only served to draw more eyes. Sasuke noticed a pair of them linger a little too long on his favorite dunderhead and raised a skeptical but patient eyebrow until they diverted to himself. Once captured, he frowned and made a shooing motion with his hand where neither of the oblivious couple could see. Begone, thot!
Yukimura, looking focused and faraway, shook his head, “It won’t work, anyway. He’d only use it as an excuse to leave at midnight.”
Mumbled sighs and assent followed.
Sasuke muttered under his breath, “No need for a costume in that theme, anyway. He basically already IS your fairy godmother.” Not catching the mumble, they blinked, “What was that?”
“Nothin’.” Sasuke dropped his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands, “What about pirates?”
See more from my drabble list
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mazut · 7 years
No, but-
Ieyasu getting his hands on Mitsunari's phone and the first thing he does is change the ringtone to What does the fox say chorus.
And after Mitsunari somehow gets it back it goes on in the middle of the libary.
He remembers it as the day he almost died.
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little-lady-mimi · 6 years
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Art by ちゃ ⊳ Narukami Kyoichiro of Samurai Love Ballad Party (SLBP) 👍 Permission granted
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thanatosbanshee · 6 years
Chapter Five of False Start is now up on AO3. Yukimura Sanada/MC Modern AU.
Amai felt uncomfortable being at this teachers meeting with Natsu. Or Ms. Dae as the other teachers called her. She felt like she was the dumbest person in the room. Sure she passed her college courses but these people went to school to go to school. For forever. She went to college to take pretty pictures, only deciding to become an art teacher after she met Natsu.
Tagging the baes, @that-otome-potato ~ @saey-bae ~ @frywen-babbles ~ @shiranata ~ @frugalladybug
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that-otome-potato · 6 years
Part 5! I'm gonna have to start figuring some things out - I've only got 5 parts left if I want to keep it like the Destiny Endings... LET'S DO THIS!
Tagging: @masamunesmistress, @frywen-babbles, @randomhomosapiens, @little-mini-me-world, @missmia008, and @his-pretty-little-doll
                           The man from the restaurant led me towards the back of the bustling area, past the huge bar with smiling bartenders and tipsy clubgoers, to a patch of wood-paneled wall that seemed inconspicuous at best.
Surprise filled me when he reached out to one of the panels and pressed it, causing it to give a soft ‘pop’ before extending enough from the wall for him to pull slightly, showing a key pad and a button behind it.
“Secret entrance?” I said before I could stop myself.  Something about him made this seem as normal as can be. Like it just fit that he would have some kind of hidden door or hidey hole.
“Everyone needs their privacy occasionally.” He gave me a smug look as he deftly input a code using the keypad and pressed the button.
Nearly silent, the panel next to the keypad started moving to the left, showing an elevator car in the same brushed metal as the outside of the building.
I felt anxious energy vibrating through me as he pushed the button just inside the door, only one floor listed. Was he taking me to an apartment on an upper floor? Oddities brought into my life, starting when this man showed up in the restaurant, continued as I realized that I wasn’t scared like someone in my situation would or should be.
When the car came to a stop on the next floor up, there was a long hall with accent lighting and two sets of double doors on either side, with a pair of double doors at the far end. The doors before us were covered in pillowed black leather with large, golden rivets. A single sign, with ‘V.I.P’ in large, elegant golden script, ran down the middle of the door like it had been draped there.
He walked ahead and entered the room first, not even waiting to see if I was following behind. When I walked into the darkened room through the door he left open, I felt a soft ‘wow’ slip past my lips.
Inside, the room was even more luxurious than the club proper and outside. Black, silver, mahogany and cream colored this room like it did the rest of the building.
To the left of the entrance, I could see alcoves along the wall with hidden lights making the walls glow. The dividing walls between each space made of black stone, supported by pillars lined with the dark wood of mahogany planks. The entrances to each alcove were draped with nearly sheer, cream colored fabric that floated on an invisible breeze.
Upon closer inspection, I see short tables of the same type of wood, and pillows lining each space as if they were created for couples to have secret meetings or rendezvous.
The wall opposite the front door was nothing but windows that resembled shoji doors that looked out over the twinkling lights of the city through the towering buildings around us.
My continued perusal of the area showed me a beautiful bar of mahogany with silver accents, with bottles of liquor lined up behind the bar against a polished mirror.
In the center of the room, with enough light to be able to see by, I noticed that there was one other person in the room. Sitting on one of four cream colored and expensive looking leather couches, setting a glass down on the small black table with glass for its surface, was the man I had seen at the community center the day before.
So he wasn’t a figment of my imagination - he really does look like the man I saw in my dream!
“Why am I not surprised to see you here, little lord?”
“You’ve got the best sake in town, plus we’re best friends.  Of course I’d be here!” When our eyes meet, he starts as if seeing me for the first time. “I-it’s y-you!”
My eyebrows disappeared into the lengths of hair that sat on my forehead at his sudden stuttering and flushed cheeks, visible even in the darkness of the room, wondering at the familiarity I felt coming from this as well. I felt the man in front of me looking over his shoulder at me with a raised eyebrow before turning back to the one the child called Benmaru. “So you’ve already met.”
“Y-yeah, she was Sasuke’s teacher the other day.”
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