#slbp translations
daeva-agas · 2 years
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Translated Masanori the babysitter because it so damn cute
Baby Mitsun making a >:( face huuhuuhuuhu
Happy baby Hide~~~
I should post the context later (Francisco gave the lords this magic scroll and the baby thing happened)
ETA: I’m just gonna put the baby comics in one post... LMAO Kaede and Kyo...
IDK how Kenshin escaped the magic spell and is not a baby 
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Quick reminder that SLBP drops the "long o" sounds, and "Mori" in other publications may be spelled as "Mouri". This family is completely unrelated to Ranmaru's "Mori" family.
In history Motonari sent a lot of sons out for adoptions. To the point that of his 9 sons, perhaps only 3 of them remained surnamed "Mouri". Even within the context of just SLBP, there's more than one that got adopted out.
I think the part that says "he sent one out" is a mistranslation because even though Japanese has a way to render words plural, it's sometimes not used. This creates ambiguity that requires the translator to pay attention to the original context to know if this is plural or not.
I don't remember if in the actual event it's already specified that Kikkawa Motoharu and Kobayakawa Takakage are brothers or not, but I referenced this in my previous post. Those are two of Motonari's sons, both adopted out, thus having different surnames. Perhaps it wasn't mentioned, and so the translator didn't know.
As always, bending generations is a given in this game (like when the Oda fights Shingen instead of his son), and "Nobunaga is antagonistic against Mouri Motonari" is one of those things that happens when games or other media prioritise starring famous lords over historical facts.
The Oda did eventually fight with the Mouri, but that was after Motonari was a few years dead, and the headship taken over by his successor. In Motonari's life, the Oda and Mouri were allies/cooperating. Nobunaga sent gifts and condolences when Motonari died, and New Year's greetings were regularly sent over to the Mouri.
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sparkle-twink · 2 years
SLBP Write-up Masterlist
Do you love Samurai Love Ballad Party but wish you could read more of the official content?
Did you miss a story event of your favourite character, or just want to reread their content without using your precious love passes so you can get their voice right for a fanfiction?
Well, do I have the masterlist for YOU!
Under the cut is a stupidly long post of about 2 years of my collecting story events, main stories and various special bits, all written up in Google Docs and now open to your wonderful eyeballs. Some notes are also there if you care, if not just click some links and enjoy, send this to someone who might find it useful and/or check out my fanfics (sparkletwink on AO3) if you want to support the ridiculous amount of effort I put into it. Thank you.
Mid-way through my SLBP play I’d started writing a load of fanfic for it and wanted references, so started this collection with the vague intention of eventually sharing it with anyone who might have missed old story events, or for having to enjoy when the servers eventually go down. I don’t write up everyone any more, because it takes a LONG time, so I’m sorry if any of your faves are missing.
If you have any epilogues that you’d like to donate free free to send me a link and I’ll tack them on when I have time. An asterisk in the title of the Doc means I have the epilogue but haven’t written it up yet. 
[Ep] refers to a story event including its epilogue, [POV Ep] includes an epilogue from the lord/ninja’s point of view. My MC is called Arekkusu Yuri. I adjust the spellings to British English for my own sanity (sorry ‘Murica) and fix any obvious errors in the writing, but leave any indecipherable nonsense from confusing translation. However, if you notice any mistakes other than that, just leave a comment in Docs to let me know.
(Note: I won’t be giving trigger warnings for questionable behaviour from the characters because I just don’t have the brainpower to check every single story for potential triggers. If you’re in the fandom you probably already know the writing can get dark, e.g. abusive/controlling relationships, death of loved ones, lack of informed consent, unchecked mental illness. Go into anything you read carefully and don’t hurt yourself for the sake of a dumb story.)
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Divine Ending)
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Heat Wave
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
Noble Hearts Exposed
The Promises of Stormbound Lovers
Tributes of the Divine Bride
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
My Love was the Summer
Noble Hearts Exposed
Tributes of the Divine Bride
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Main Story [Act 2]
Main Story [Act 2] (Fates Ending)
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine
Heat Wave
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
My Love was the Summer
Noble Hearts Exposed
The Promises of Stormbound Lovers
Tributes of the Divine Bride
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Birthday stories
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine [POV Ep]
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
Noble Hearts Exposed [POV Ep]
The Promises of Stormbound Lovers
Tributes of the Divine Bride
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
Noble Hearts Exposed
The Promises of Stormbound Lovers
Tributes of the Divine Bride [POV Ep]
Event Stories
Anarchy of the Divine
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
Lovers Vibrant as Storms Broken; Bound in Rain
Noble Hearts Exposed
Tributes of the Divine Bride
Event Stories
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Celebrations of the Divine Bride
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Heat Wave
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
Secrets of Desire
The Lovers of Nagahama
Event Stories
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Celebrations of the Divine Bride
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire
Love as Sweet as a Fevered Kiss
My Love was the Summer
Secrets of Desire [Ep]
Main Story [Act 2]
Main Story [Act 2] (Exalted Ending)
Event Stories
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Celebrations of the Divine Bride [POV Ep]
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Secrets of Desire
The Misrule of the Broken
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Divine Ending)
Event Stories
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Celebrations of the Divine Bride
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire
Heat Wave
Secrets of Desire [Ep]
The Lovers of Nagahama [Ep]
The Misrule of the Broken
The Vows of Stormbound Lovers
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Main Story [Unification]
Main Story: [Unification] (Divine Lover Ending)
Main Story [Unification] (Noble Hero Ending)
Kenshin Interview
Event Stories
Claim Me at Last
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire [POV Ep]
Celebrations of the Divine Bride
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Secrets of Desire [Ep]
The Vows of Stormbound Lovers
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Destiny Ending)
Event Stories
Blossoms Borne of Sorrow
Celebrations of the Divine Bride
Cherished in Love; Blossoms of Desire [POV Ep]
Hearts Made Fools by Radiant Grace
Heat Wave
Secrets of Desire
The Misrule of the Broken
The Vows of Stormbound Lovers
Young Love for the Festival of Dolls
Birthday stories
Event Stories
Heat Wave
There’s nothing here. :(
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Divine Ending)
Event Stories
Hearts as Tranquil as Sunlight Rain
Event Stories
Along Moonlit Paths; In Love’s Embrace
How to Love a Ninja
Longing for Moonlight
Of Snow and Moonbeams
Secrets of the Heart [Ep]
Sins of Eventide
Event Stories
Along Moonlit Paths; In Love’s Embrace
How to Love a Ninja
Of Snow and Moonbeams
Secrets of the Heart
The Moon’s Holy Kiss
Yearning for Moonlight
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Light Ending)
Main Story [Act 1] (Shadow Ending)
Birthday stories
Event Stories
Along Moonlit Paths; Where Shadows Lie
Closely Guarded Secrets
Consummate Moonlight
How to Cherish a Ninja [Ep]
Moonbright Tales
Of Steam and Moonbeams
Tempted by the Moon
The Moon’s Holy Kiss
Upon a Moonlit Night [Ep]
Yearning for Moonlight
Event Stories
Closely Guarded Secrets
Consummate Moonlight
How to Cherish a Ninja
Moonbright Tales
Of Steam and Moonbeams
The Moon’s Holy Kiss
Yearning for Moonlight
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Light Ending)
Birthday stories
Event Stories
Along Moonlit Paths; In Love’s Embrace [Ep] [POV Ep]
Consummate Moonlight
How to Love a Ninja [Ep]
Longing for Moonlight [Ep]
Of Snow and Moonbeams
Secrets of the Heart [Ep]
Sins of Eventide [Ep]
Tempted by the Moon
Main Story [Act 1] (Light Ending)
Event Stories
Closely Guarded Secrets
How to Cherish a Ninja
Of Steam and Moonbeams
Sins of Eventide
Yearning for Moonlight
Event Stories
Closely Guarded Secrets
How to Cherish a Ninja
Longing for Moonlight
Main Story [Act 1]
Main Story [Act 1] (Light Ending)
Event Stories
Of Steam and Moonbeams
The Moon’s Holy Kiss
Innocent Hearts; Hidden Encounters
Event Stories
Hearts as Tranquil as Sunlight Rain [Ep]
The Lovers of Nagahama [Ep]
Innocent Hearts; Hidden Encounters
Event Stories
The Lovers of Nagahama
Event Stories
Hearts as Tranquil as Sunlight Rain
Split Routes
Event Stories
Finding Love on Paths Divided
Ieyasu/Kiyohiro [Ep]
Kenshin/Kanetsugu [Ep]
Love’s First Kiss
Oh Brother!
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amsentimental · 1 year
JZJSSHD B HDBSHHSHSSBDHDHH u know how I got into slbp and liked a few characters but everything's so so so limited cus translation and idk the word like what to call it consumerism like them trying to capitalize on it cus ya they have to milk it to make money but God ffs WHY do they always right ieyasu and mc like that like makes me wanna cry he was the only one I ever really liked but the way they write him is so repetitive and even epilogues aren't good huehuehue
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KoiRan 4th Anniversary Fanbook LINE Chat Translation Index:
[Spring] KoiRan 4th Anniversary Fanbook: ~Nobunaga~ LINE Chat Translation
[Summer] KoiRan 4th Anniversary Fanbook: ~Shingen~ LINE Chat Translation
[Autumn] KoiRan 4th Anniversary Fanbook: ~Masamune~ LINE Chat Translation
[Winter] KoiRan 4th Anniversary Fanbook: ~Kenshin~ LINE Chat Translation
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kyunkyunscans · 3 years
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Dear Twisted Wonderland fandom: do you guys honestly thought that the official translation was gonna be perfect???
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Y’all there’s an event where the ninjas’ animals turn into people also why are they so good-looking
This is Tobimaru, Sakuya’s monkey. Sakuya is like NOPE don’t talk to people, don’t you dare sleep next to my MC, and Tobimaru is like, “Aw, but Sasuke ol’ buddy ol’ pal I just wanna look out for ya.” *marches up to Hideyoshi and Toshiie, “Guys, thanks for taking good care of Saku for me. He won’t admit it, but he’s lucky to have you.” *genki smile*
Btw the screenshots say: “Yo, Sakuya, it’s me! Tobimaru!” and “That apple you gave me [Mc] was sooo good. Thanks!”
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uesugi-miu · 5 years
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:: 2019 Autumn Love Kare Award Message ::
Theme is Stealing your kiss~
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Your lips are meltingly sweet and as lovely as flower. I'm certain everybody would seek their way to be in love with yours...however, do know that I have no plan to hand them over. Every little thing about you belong only to me, my dear one. I'll use this battle to prove the fact. When I return, could you please welcome me with your kiss?
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I wanna kiss you. But I can't...if I don't win the battle...I...am going to win...so can you be my support? If you believe in me, I can try even harder.
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I always thought of wanting to rob you of those lips all along since our olden days......I'll be pleased if my wish will be granted this time. If you'll support me, I have a certain feeling that I can overcome any challenge throw my way. I'll show you, I'll definitely win this battle though participated for the first time. --
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To take possesion of your kiss hmm...seems like I can afford nothing but victory. Since I'm the only one allow to feel your adorable lips...Am I right?
I'm bound to win and return home, favor me with your extraordinary lips then♪
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This battle is a fight to secure your kiss or so it seems. If I end up being no.1, how will I wanna kiss you, you ask? That's a difficult question hmm...and if it were you, how will you wanna kiss me?......Oh, dear. I've put you on the spot, haven't I. When I come back victoriously, could you please instruct me how your answer is?
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If I win the battle, I can kiss you as much as I like?... Hea~ So I must take this fight super serious huh. I know you want my kiss too, right?......After the battle, I'll kiss you to your heart's content.
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Whether I win or lose, I wanna kiss you! No way I can just say that, can I~. It can't be helped then. I'll perfectly gain victory, fair and square. Can I ask you to believe in me and wait?
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You...gonna kiss other guys besides me, huh. I'm not interested in any other fight aside from one that has life exchange. I don't care whatever will happen to this battle, I just wanna sleep. But if you'll say you don't wanna kiss other guys, only then I will not let you.
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saizoswifey · 5 years
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Saizo being savage as usual 😂
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daeva-agas · 10 months
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Sorry for doubting you translator LMAO.
"Adoration" seemed a bit much, and I wasn't sure if it was right because there was a case where the translator translated "tadaima sanjou" weirdly. They had translated it into "I've returned to your side", when it actually just means "I'm here/I've arrived".
But among other things 慕って does mean adore, so okay LOL.
Honestly, contextually I think saying "admiration" or "deep respect" is okay too, just so that it doesn't sound wonky, but I think it's hilarious, so whatever.
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otome--gokoro · 5 years
Tsuki 2nd Anniversary Twitter Question Relay
[warning: long and image-heavy post (700+ words!!]
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Tobimaru: *chatters* (Thank you for always supporting us!) Oboro: *barks* (Today is a day for celebration, so we've prepared something!) Raita: *yips* (The theme is, 'ninja question relay'!)
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Tora: *mews* (I'm looking forward to it!) Haku: *hiss* (I don't think that Masanari will just obediently participate...) Fuutaro: *chitters* (Make him do it even if you have to coil around him)
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★A question from Sakuya to Sasuke★ Sakuya: So I should just ask a question? ...I can't think of anything if you ask me so suddenly. Tobimaru: (Just think up something!) Sakuya: Hmm... What do you do for your usual training? I'll take it into consideration (for my own workouts).
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Sasuke: I haven't done anything you could really call training for a while, but if you insist, I spar with Yukimura and the other guys in Tsutsujigasaki, and I go to lots of places on Lord Shingen's orders. Is that enough of an answer?
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★A question from Sasuke to Hanzo★ Sasuke: He’s a very mysterious person. Kohaku: (Take your time and think of something.) Sasuke: That’s right… I thought Lord Shingen’s hair was long, but Hanzo’s hair is way longer. I bet there’s some reason for it, so I wanna know.
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Hanzo: Of course, I keep it long for a reason. Are you aware that the tensile strength of hair is quite remarkable? In times of need, I braid my hair into a rope for use. Haku: … Hanzo: Well, that’s only if I have the time to do that kind of thing.
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★A question from Hanzo to Genya★ Hanzo: A question for the elder Fujibayashi twin? Let’s see… Haku: Could you not put on such airs? Hanzo: When you gamble, what is your winning move? I’ve heard that the way you gamble reveals your personality.
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Genya: So your interest isn’t in gambling, but in my personality? That’s very like you… My winning move, huh… I just do whatever, you know? Whatever. But if I really must say, I guess it’s my ninja sense. Anything more than that is a secret.
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★A question from Genya to Hotaru★ Genya: This is really troublesome… Oboro: (You say that, but you’ll think of something proper, won’t you?) Genya: All right, all right. The scarf around his neck, then. Is there a deeper meaning to it?
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Hotaru: I don’t know. It’s warm. Tora: (It’s warm? Let me in there!) Hotaru: You can’t pull on it.
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★A question from Hotaru to Kyoichiro★ Hotaru: Kyoichiro? Who’s that? Tora: (The guy with red streaks in his hair) Hotaru: …oh. The fox with him is really fluffy. I want Tora to be fluffy too.
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Kyoichiro: What? What does that even mean? Raita: (Big bro! Am I fluffy?) Kyoichiro: Hey, don’t wag your tail in my face. Aren’t you only fluffy because you’re always shedding? Cleaning is a pain because of you.
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★A question from Kyoichiro to Kaede★ Kyoichiro: I don’t have any questions for Kaede. Raita: (Don’t say that, we’re depending on you!) Kyoichiro: So noisy. …is there anything you’ve been liking recently? I’ll take it into consideration for my shop.
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Kaede: Yes, I really like the kimono and obi charm I’m wearing now. Oh, I found a wonderful shop selling imported goods while I was away. Are you interested? I’ll take you there if you like.
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★A question from Kaede to Shima★ Kaede: There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask for a while. Fuutaro: (That’s Kaede for you! This’ll make things go quick.) Kaede: It seems like you’ve traveled a lot, so I wonder what your favorite place is like?
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Shima: Eh, I’d rather not tell anyone about it since I like it. …I’ll tell you about a beautiful place I found recently instead. It’s outside Kiyosu, after you pass two mountains. There’s a great place for moon viewing halfway around Lake (censored). You should go take a look.
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★A question from Shima to Sakuya★ Shima: What have you laughed at recently? Don’t be shy, tell us.
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Sakuya: A ninja exposing his feelings would only leave gaps for enemies to exploit. Of course there’s no such th- Tobimaru: (Sakuya?) Sakuya: …the other day, I saw Lord Mitsuhide carrying a cat. Every time he spoke to it, it flailed, and I… Surely that’s enough?
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I want to be careful just in case I’m misinterpreting this scene, but Kennyo looked like he bristled at Shingen’s comment. It's as if it implies that Kennyo is feeling “attacked” by that comment. And besides, Kennyo also said he crossed swords with “all of you” who are present there (Shingen, Kenshin, and Ujiyasu). So it sounded to me that the Honganji and Shingen/the Takeda don’t like each other, or at the very least had had bad history at some point.
For all I know I could be wrong, or maybe a wonky translation muddled the meaning, but this is how it looks to me.
With that preface done, if my reading is not wrong, then that was not true in real life, like, at all. I had wholly expected Kennyo to make this quip along the lines of “I really don’t like all of you, except for Shingen”. I was rather surprised to see that it almost looks like they’re bitter towards each other, and was only begrudgingly civil for the sake of common goal. 
The Takeda and Honganji are allies in real life, and Shingen and Kennyo were brothers-in-law. They never once broke the alliance until Shingen died, and there was not any indication that they broke alliance even after Shingen’s son succeeded the leadership of Takeda. There was, for example, a point where Shingen requested Kennyo to have his Ikko-ikki ambush the Uesugi once. They would have succeeded in causing major damage against the Uesugi army or even Kenshin himself (who had came out to lead the fight) if it hadn’t rained and snuffed out all their guns. 
SLBP actually made an event based on this once, from Kenshin’s perspective. Except that for some reason the writers cut out Honganji from the scenario, and somehow it ended up being Kenshin fighting against Takeda and Hojo.  (click link to see my post on it)
So why do they look like they don’t like each other here is completely beyond me. 
The Hojo’s position against Honganji is a bit more difficult. The Hojo banned “Ikko sect” in their lands since the days of Hojo Sou’un (1456-1519), but I’m not 100% sure if this “Ikkou-shuu” (Ikkou sect) is referring to Honganji’s Jodo Shinshu. While the armed band of the Honganji brand of Jodo Shinshu is often called Ikkou-shuu or Ikko-ikki, there are other sects that are not associated with them that are also called “Ikkou-shuu” colloquially by the people of the day. This makes proper identification rather hard to do without actually devoting time to looking up proper resources.
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miladyoda · 5 years
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Nobunaga Act 3 completed ❤️
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little-lady-mimi · 6 years
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ちび宗とちび村 by あんころもち ⊳ Uesugi Kenshin of Samurai Love Ballad Party (SLBP) 👍 Permission granted
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B’s Log February 2018 KoiRan feature:
Spoiler alert: More Act 2 stories for 2018. 
The official KoiRan Twitter account hinted yesterday that B’s Log February 2018 issue will contain earlier announcements for Announcement #6 (announcement date: December 20th, 16:00 (JST)) & Announcement #7 (December 22nd, 16:00 (JST)) in celebration of the game’s 3rd anniversary.
I couldn’t wait for Friday, so I decided to buy a copy of said magazine.
Announcement #6 happened to be the planned Sanada Nobuyuki Main Story.
Announcement #7 happens to be about the Act 2 stories for Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
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Right now, Act 2 stories are continuously being released. It’s time to officially announce the next featured characters for Act 2! Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu... what lies ahead for the two of you...  Run through the Sengoku Period, and look forward to where your love will take you! Each character’s route will be released accordingly. Please look forward to it.
Looking forward to Ieyasu’s!
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