artnerd1123 · 6 years
Seraph’s Character Sheet
here’s a big ol heap of info for m’gal seraph!!! enjoy! (and apologies to those the readmore doesn’t cooperate with slkdfjks)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Seraph Sanyi Reason or meaning of name: her first name is a reference to her feral form, a seraph, and her last name means cold in hausa (african language) Character’s nickname: Ser-bear (only for roo) Reason for nickname: term of endearment, shows how sweet her nature is Birth date: October 13th (2017) Sexuality: panromantic  Gender/pronouns: nonbinary demigirl, she/her
Physical appearance Age: 10 (note: familiars are “mature” at 3yrs of age) How old does he/she appear: anywhere from 18 to early 20s (depending on how mature she’s acting in that moment) Weight: she’s made of feathers and wool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (But probably a lil heavier than one would expect. She is Chonk™) Height: 4’9’’ Body build: chubby and soft, like a pear shaped pillow Shape of face: sheep Eye color: normally black sclera, white iris, but they turn yellow with a black slit if she’s about to shift forms. In her feral form, they’re all silver! Glasses or contacts: neither! Skin tone: mostly a very light silvery pink color, but her ears/mask around her eyes/legs/hooves are all a dark shade of purple  Distinguishing marks: none Predominant features: her wings! they have white/gold/purple feathers, also her “halo” (gold ring above her head) Hair color: white Type of hair: tightly curled wool!  Hairstyle: sometimes she puts it up, but usually its just down/puffy  Voice: singsong, kinda bell-like when laughing, pleasant to listen to ((her voiceclaim is over here!))  Overall attractiveness: any familiar will tell u she’s p cute Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: normally wears stuff with bright colors. You can  catch her in dress shirts or sweaters with khakis/jeans/leggings, dresses, anything really, as long as it looks cute!  Favorite outfit: long pinkish purple shirt, tan shorts, brown ropy looking belt Jewelry or accessories: none (note: the ring on her head is actually part of her)
Personality Good personality traits: optimistic, eager to help others, selfless, modest, generous, incredibly caring and compassionate, kind, gentle, patient, perseverant, emphatic, extremely hard worker, has a good eye for detail Bad personality traits: blind faith in those she loves, hides own problems by bottling up negative/melancholy emotions, doesn’t give herself enough credit, gives too many chances, refuses to acknowledge reality if it would make a loved one unhappy, often overexerts and exhausts herself from giving too much, is scared of being the center of attention, gets horrible chest-aching anxiety from seeing things in physical pain, can give quite the cold shoulder if made angry Mood character is most often in: happy, or as close to it as she can get! Sense of humor: she’ll laugh at almost anything as long as its not morbid or offensive. Fond of knock knock jokes, and absolutely loves puns Character’s greatest joy in life: her ability to create things and to fly Character’s greatest fear: being completely useless Why: She wants to help people out, and it pains her to see others in pain. Not to mention she’s been told the reason for her existence is to help people. If she’s unable to do so, she feels like she’s failed as a familiar and a person to do her duty in the world, and to others. It literally tears her apart inside.  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Corruption and/or death of her loved ones (more specifically: her originator) Character is most at ease when: hanging out somewhere warm with some good friends, like at a small party/event, or at her house Most ill at ease when: in a cold, dark, and silent place, such as a tomb/cemetery or low level of a building/dungeon Enraged when: people hurt others/are incredibly rude/are mean/are outright cruel for no reason Depressed or sad when: she’s unable to lift evangel’s mood, she hasn’t been able to socialize, the things she bakes taste horrible/burn many times in a row, or she loses her voice Priorities: number one priority is taking care of evangel. Number two is making sure those she comes into contact with are happy, or at least to learn why they’re not in order to try and change that. After these is trying to improve herself/her abilities Life philosophy: treat others with utmost kindness unless they give you a good reason not to (and even then, try to be fair about it.) Everyone can change and grow; be mindful of the flowers, sprouts, and blooms around you. Do your best to help nurture them all. If granted one wish, it would be: to make everyone happy Why: The gal just… genuinely wants to see everyone smile and experience joy. No malice, no secret plans, just a true smile and good feelings for everyone. It’s what they deserve. Character’s soft spot: small fluffy animals, and any nice word or gift directed at/given to her Is this soft spot obvious to others?: ohhh yeah. She pretty much melts in the presence of tiny baby floofs, and in the face of any nice thing done for her/said to her ever Greatest strength: her almost unwavering dedication/loyalty to her friends/family Greatest vulnerability or weakness: it’s easy to make her feel that she’s failing Biggest regret: not doing better for evangel Minor regret: not adding more cinnamon to her latest batch of monkey bread- it really did need some more Biggest accomplishment: helping evangel start up and successfully upkeep her shop Minor accomplishment: making her own recipe for extremely good cinnamon chocolate chip cookies (she saves it for her bad days) Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: once she accidentally almost set the whole kitchen on fire when evangel wasn’t home. She ended up charring a cabinet and losing a whole box of fabric scraps before she managed to put it out. Why: it was a complete accident, and she takes pride in her work. Such a big slip up is v embarrassing for her Character’s darkest secret: sometimes, on her worst days, all she wants to do is fly away from her life, her friends, and everything, and go away over the ocean, not to return Does anyone else know? No. She keeps these thoughts to herself.
Goals Drives and motivations: see most important childhood memory. Additionally, she believes that everyone deserves good things, and strives to do her part in that regard. She also loves to create, especially songs and recipes. This motivates her to experiment and have fun with what she does! Her creative drive may increase or falter depending on her mood.  Immediate goals: stay on top of shop orders, finish her latest song, and make some more brownies Long term goals: keep the shop running, make evangel happy, and possibly open up a small baked goods section of the shop someday How the character plans to accomplish these goals: hard work and a happy, can do attitude, as well as finding some time to herself in which to attend to her more personal goals How other characters will be affected: hopefully very positively!
Past Hometown: whichever ocean town she’s livin in rn Type of childhood: (I’m counting the first three years of her life as childhood) it was… alright. She learned quick to hide her own bad emotions though. They seemed to distress evangel, and on top what other issues seraph saw her struggling with, she didn’t wanna be a bother. Around the same time, her feral form lost its healing power and became prone to lashing out. She put a stop to that as soon as she could, and gained control over herself in that form as well. Other than those instances it was mostly a happy “childhood.” Pets: none First memory: seeing evangel and her room Most important childhood memory: one of the first things evangel told seraph about being a familiar was that they were supposed to help their originators and make them happy. Alternatively, evangel said she was proud of seraph after she completed a whole dress by herself. Evangel was smiling so much, and she looked so happy. Why: seeing evangel so happy and proud delighted her, and she wants nothing but to replicate that happiness for her. It drives how hard she works to help her. The first memory does the same thing, and shows why she blames herself for a lot of what’s going on. Childhood hero: looked up to evangel for a short time  Dream job: baker Education: she can read/write/do basic math just fine, and knows a good deal about cooking/sewing/tailor work/etc, as well as some psychology/interpersonal relationships stuff. Definitely more self taught and street smart, though. Religion: n/a Finances: evangel took care of her 
Present Current location: same as childhood Currently living with: evangel Pets: none Religion: n/a Occupation: assists evangel in running her shop Finances: she n evangel use the shop money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Family Mother: Evangel Relationship with her: complicated, seraph gives more than she gets in return and does most of the emotional labor, supportive but not very well (like one of those noodle/marshmallow towers kinda), draining at times but does produce good moments and a (generally) loving home Father: Relationship with him: Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Roo (in the future) Relationship with them: loving and healing, they take the time to work through any issues (even specific to one another) and make sure to listen to/care for each other always. Literally Goals™ Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: Journal Drapht and Ruffy Drapht (both in the future)
Favorites Color: pink!!! She also loves blue, like the sky. Together they make cotton candy!!! Least favorite color: swampy green/brown, along with bone white. They make her uncomfy Music: upbeat, happy tunes, particularly old timey piano/carnival songs. Flute music is also her jam Food: sweets!!! Candy is appreciated, but especially baked goods like brownies/cookies (which is why her baking/comfort eating combo usually works to calm her) Literature: cookbooks, music theory/history, and fables/short stories Form of entertainment: creating things (with her hands or her voice), and seeing others create too. Loves watching shows and having evangel animate books Expressions: a smile!!! Especially those small, contented ones, when you can tell someone is truly at peace and happy with their lot Mode of transportation: flying (as long as she’s the one doin it!) Most prized possession: an old, delicate sheet of music. It was the first song she sang, and it has many notes scribbled in the margins about different tunes and little improvements it could have. It reminds her of simpler times, and gives her a sweet nostalgia. It’s also a reminder of how far she’s come in life.
Habits Hobbies: baking, singing, reading, flying Plays a musical instrument? If voice counts, then yep! Plays a sport? Nope, but she may join in from time to time How he/she would spend a rainy day: curled up with a good book, or singing some new songs she wanted to practice. She finds the rain adds a nice ambiance to her voice Spending habits: doesn’t tend to buy much aside from food or whatever new fabric/etc evangel needs. She will splurge from time to time and get new books for herself tho (songbooks and cookbooks mostly) Smokes: nope Drinks: nope Other drugs: noooope What does he/she do too much of? Suppressing her negative emotions instead of addressing them/venting What does he/she do too little of? Spending time away from the shop/evangel Extremely skilled at: figuring out what emotions others are feeling and helping them through it, and singing (despite her minor case of stage fright) Extremely unskilled at: sports, anything mechanical, fighting, handling physical injuries Nervous tics: humming, playing with her hair, comfort eating, and compulsively organizing things Usual body posture: standing up straight and tall! Mannerisms: Always nice and kind to everyone she meets. Keeps up a cheery, positive attitude, and is almost always smiling. Tries her hardest to make everyone around her happy. Does her best on every single task assigned to her. Tends to speak in a singsong voice unless she’s not feeling great. Goes off on her own when in a bad mood. Very neat and organized, and always has some sort of advice or gentle word ready. Peculiarities: her gold ring will seem to float higher or lower above her head depending on her mood. Also hums/trills/makes some kinda quiet sound like all the time- if she isn’t, something’s probably wrong.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Big optimist!!! Introvert or extrovert? Mostly extrovert, though she has her more introverted days n needs time to herself Daredevil or cautious? Cautious ftw Logical or emotional? Emotional, but she can usually apply some logic unless the situation is horrible Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Neat!!! V neat!!! Doesn’t mind a mess but she really likes to have a tidy space around her Prefers working or relaxing? Both. Prefers working to help others, but relaxing/bonding time is incredibly important to her Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Mostly confident, but she can get really self conscious some days Animal lover? Y e s 
Self-Perception How they feel about themself: she feels that she does her best, even if it’s not always THE best, and that she’s a pretty nice person overall. Wishes she could work harder despite her limits. One word the character would use to describe self: kindhearted One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “My name is Seraph Sanyi, and I’m a 10 year old familiar. I’m kind, gentle, emphatic, and a big optimist. I’m a hard worker, and always try to give whatever task I have my best shot. If you’ve got something to do, then why not do it well? Especially if it’s for someone else. I do what I can to try and help people as often as I’m able. Everyone deserves a bit of sunshine in their life!” “I-If you were asking about my hobbies, i like baking! Finding new recipes to try and making all sorts of sweet treats… I could do that all day long. Creating things makes me feel all warm inside. Oh, and i sing sometimes. I don’t really like singing in front of people, though. I’d much rather be a stagehand than the main attraction. Th-that’s how it is in my life.” “After all, I’m here to help. It’s what I’m made for.” What does the character consider their best personality trait? Her patient dedication or soft nature What does the character consider their worst personality trait? how cold she can get if someone makes her angry What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Absolutely loves her wings from her feral form. Normally, she’s fond of her fur/wool. Is v sof. What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? Doesn’t like the eyes that show up all over her in feral form. Other than that, she doesn’t really dislike any part of herself. How does the character think others perceive them: she’s been told she’s a big help to others, a source of joy, and very kind What would the character most like to change about themself: she’d like to be a bit less of a people pleaser, despite her wishes to help everyone, since she needs to take care of herself too
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: she likes people. She’s under the “everyone can be good if they just try” mentality, and will give em plenty of chances to prove that right. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? If she’s mad at you, she’ll let you know. She values communication yo! And you’ll definitely be able to tell if she’s happy! But she does tend to hide feelings of sadness, despair, melancholy, hopelessness, etc. You can tell she’s not feeling her best if she’s really quiet. But she doesn’t tend to show many signs of feeling bad around people until it’s build to the point of a breakdown. If you manage to catch her in a less-than-jovial mood, it’ll take you awhile to coax what’s wrong out of her. (even if she trusts you, she won’t be forthcoming with her “blue” emotions.) Person character most hates: nobody bc hate is a strong word :V Best friend(s): evangel and a few of the familiars of regular customers in the shop. (Also, ruffy n journal n roo after story starts) Love interest(s): Roo :3 Person character goes to for advice: the town elders Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: evangel (and all her bffs/new family later) Person character feels shy or awkward around: people she doesn’t know well asking her to sing for them. Anyone who asks her to do something that’d make her the center of attention also makes her feel this way Person character openly admires: the sirens at the bottom of the sea cliff. She thinks their voices are beautiful, and that they themselves are gorgeous. She aspires to sing like them someday Person character secretly admires: the baker and the composer down the street in their own shops. They run their own businesses, are always kind/upbeat, and pretty successful in all their endeavours. They’re what Seraph secretly dreams to be, and she admires them from a distance for this reason. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: evangel After story starts: Roo, Journal, Ruffy
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