#hello yes i meant to have this done a good hot minute ago
finelinevogue · 1 year
hot summer nights
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summary - a warm summers evening with your one and only
word count - >1k
Summer had finally arrived. In Autumn.
August had rolled into September and everyone was preparing for wet weather, thunderstorms and miserable grey clouds.
So it was a surprise to everyone when the sun decided to come out and the temperatures decided to shoot up to the high 20s in the first week of September.
And good weather meant only one thing in the UK; beer garden.
You and Harry were currently getting ready to go, having texted the group chat of your closest friends for you to all meet at ‘The Rose Inn’ at 6PM.
Harry had decided to have a shower, dragging you in behind him even though you really didn’t need one. He just couldn’t keep you away from him for too long.
After you, too long, shower, Harry started looking for an outfit whilst you dried your hair.
Harry offered to finish drying the rest off for you whilst you started on your makeup, knowing how much you hate being late. Your makeup would’ve been done faster if Harry hadn’t been stood behind you with just a towel around his waist.
The both of you cleaned up very nicely.
Harry was wearing some beige linen trousers, a white t-shirt and a baby blue cardigan, whilst you wore a gorgeous baby pink dress that had a floral pattern on. Both of you looked summer ready.
“Babe! Let’s go!” You shouted to Harry, who was nowhere to be seen since about half an hour ago.
You pulled your pink Stompers, yes you call them Stompers, out of the shoe cupboard and slip them on, knowing that Harry will already be wearing his and you can match.
You go to the mirror in the hallway and readjust your hair that’s slipping out of place already.
This stupid heat.
You walked into the kitchen to grab some snacks in case you got hungry, before returning to the hallway.
“H?” You called out again. “C’mon let’s go!”
You looked at your phone and noticed you were already running ten minutes late. If you were another ten minutes late then you might as well not go.
The sound of the back door shutting caught you off guard and you suddenly understood where he had been.
You heard the sound of jingles before you saw anything. You crouched down on the floor in preparation for your Cavapoo to bound up to you and give you lots of kisses.
“Hello!” You said in your dog voice as Fred rounded the corner. Fred, Freddie, Frederick - whatever you wanted to call him - was your two year old Cavapoo that Harry had bought you to keep you company when he was on tour.
“Hello there my gorgeous little baby.” You entertained Fred as you heard Harry walk through the kitchen towards you.
When he emerged, you felt your breath hitch a little.
He looked so good.
You had seen him half an hour ago and he still looked the same, but damn did he look good. There was something about him today that made you just want to stick to him like a koala bear would a tree. He looked so soft and… yours.
“What?” He asked, looking down at where you were looking up at him.
“Nothing, just… admiring you.”
“Okay, alright.” He smiled with a heavy blush, “Let’s go before I turn red.”
“You already are red.”
“Shut up and move your cute arse.” He giggled, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes.
Harry attached Fred’s lead onto his harness and handing you over the leash, as the two of you made your way outside.
The pub wasn’t that far away from you two, so walking was the easiest option for getting there. Of course, you do live in the countryside so you have to hurdle some styles and dodge some cows, but the country walks are always your favourite.
The air is fresh and clean and the world feels a little bit more yours out here. You’re in control and Harry is too. You can decide your own choices.
Then again, you are only a twenty minute drive into London if you want to be.
Fred enjoyed the walk as much as you did. Harry walked alongside you, walking on the outside of the pavement when he needed to and he held your hand the entire time. Even when you were both getting a little clammy from the heat, he just moved to holding one finger of yours instead.
“Mrs Brown came over this morning, did I tell you?” Harry said, as you were a few minutes away from approaching the pub.
“What? When I went shopping?” You asked, being forced to stop by Fred who was sniffing for something amongst the grass.
“Yeah. She offered to bake us some strawberry tarts for your birthday party. I said yes, obviously.”
“We’re going to have so many desserts, H.” You laughed.
“Yeah, but mums bringing pizzas and pasta salads remember? And I think Gem is making some sort of vegan Greek dish. We’ll be fine.”
Harry kissed your forehead to keep you from stressing, before shouting to Fred to hurry up.
“Can you make your treacle pudding too?” You asked shyly.
“Just for you, though.” Harry nodded.
“Just for me.” You hummed in delight. “Ah, it’s going to be a good birthday.”
“Our fifth one of yours together.”
“Really? I’ve put up with you for that long? Wow.” You teased.
Harry tugged on your hand for you to stop, pretending to scoff and then pulling you against his chest tightly so you couldn’t escape. He kissed you then and there, on the side of the road, like you both had no tomorrow. One hand around your waist and the other still attached to your hand.
Both of you melted into one another and neither pulled away first. You both had to move, though, when Fred started getting restless and excited over his parents together.
“Never stop doing that.” You smiled up at him with stars in your eyes.
“What?” He smiled back.
“Surprising me. Kissing me.” You pecked his lips again for a short moment. “Loving me.”
“It’s not even possible to think about.” Harry meant it as he kissed you again, softly.
The summer breeze chose this moment to blow and it made your hair blow like crazy. Your dress blew with it and you noticed Harry’s cardigan flap open a little too. It looked like some shot out of a perfume photoshoot.
Harry helped you straighten out your dress and reorganise your hair, before kissing you again.
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inawickedlittletown · 1 month
It's A Love Story (BuckTommy) - one-shot
Summary: You saw all kinds of things working at a restaurant. First dates. Failed dates. Proposals. Arguments. Break ups. The passing of secrets.
Or, the waitress at the restaurant Tommy and Buck go to for their first date likes to people watch.
BuckTommy Positivity Week Day 5: outsider perspective
Rated: G
Words: 2.9k
Read on Ao3
You saw all kinds of things working at a restaurant. First dates. Failed dates. Proposals. Arguments. Break ups. The passing of secrets. People watching almost made up for the meager pay and the nights when few dine-ins meant less tips. Rachel was only working there until she managed to get the right role. That was something she’d been saying for years and she’d landed her fair share of commercials and done a few background characters here or there. Her boss was at least very understanding of her goals and willing to work around her auditions. It was better than she could have ever expected. 
People watching was fun too, especially for someone that was trying to hone the craft of emoting emotions well on film. The best people to watch were the regulars. On them you could see the human condition. A good day or a bad day played out differently. You got to see how things changed from a change in partner or family that grew or got smaller. A small insight into their lives. 
One guy, a guy that Rachel and her coworker, Casey, had named David after the Michelangelo statue, came in almost only a week. It was never on the same day, but he always ordered a medium pizza. It was always just the single pizza pie. It was always ordered over the phone and he paid in cash and nearly always left a tip in the jar. 
David was a bit of a mystery, but he was so hot that she, Casey, some of the other girls, and William tried to make conversation with him if they spotted him. Sometimes, when they knew it was his order, they made the kitchen wait to put it into the oven so they could get a bit more time with him. 
The problem with David was that he was hot and nice. He was tall, kinda built in a way that meant he could probably pick Rachel up without breaking a sweat. His jaw looked like it could cut glass and his cheeks were perfectly chiseled. He had an aquiline nose and on him it made absolute sense. What made it worse were his blue eyes and how sometimes his dark hair curled just a bit. 
He was always friendly, greeting them with a polite hello and a smile. He was always on his own and nothing about him gave away what he did. Casey thought he was or had been military. No ring on his finger told them he was unmarried. William had once gotten the courage to ask if he was seeing anyone. 
He’d gotten a crisp, “no” for his trouble. 
Casey had gotten him talking sports one night and since Rachel knew nothing about sports she hadn’t been able to tell if his opinions were good or not. 
Years went on like that and there was something absolutely lonely about the guy. The few times he ate in it was always on his own. 
On Wednesday afternoon when it was quiet enough that even William had gotten bored enough to start rearranging the shelves under the counter, David walked in. 
“Hi, how are you,” Rachel said at once. “Did you put in an order?” 
“Oh. No. Last minute decision,” he said. “I almost forgot I don’t have anything to eat at home. Can I just get a medium veggie?”
“Sure,” she said. “Fifteen minutes?” 
He gave a nod and took a seat at the counter. Rachel hated the counter seats because it meant having customers right within hearing distance, but she was changing her mind having David there. 
He propped his head on his hand. 
“Long morning?” Rachel asked. 
“Yes. Very,” he said. “I was supposed to get off work — at this point — ten hours ago. So now all I want is food and sleep.” 
He blinked lazily and left as soon as his food was ready. 
Rachel didn’t see him again for a few more weeks and then to her surprise when he next showed up on a Saturday night, he entered with another guy. He looked like he’d put a little more effort into his clothes than usual, not that he ever showed up looking like a slob. His friend was probably equally as hot as him. He had an interesting marking over his left eye and he was cute in a more approachable way than David. 
“It’s a date,” William said. “Haven’t I been saying for ages that David is gay?”
There was actually no telling if it was a date or not. Rachel hadn’t been lucky enough to have them sit in her section, but Casey was willing to recount everything she heard from the table. 
So in the kitchen they all got to hear about how the not-David guy was a bit of a rambler and was giving David a lecture on sea turtles of all things. David, according to Casey, didn’t seem to mind a bit. He seemed to encourage it. So far there was no telling if they were just good friends or on a date, but one thing was for certain, they seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. They drank almost two pitchers of beer between them by the time they asked for the check. 
“Rachel, he’s paying for the whole thing and he’s paying with card,” Casey whispered to her. 
“They’re on a date,” William threw in. “Also, look at his name on the card.” 
Rachel had to go deliver drinks to her table, so she returned after Casey had already processed the payment and returned the card to David. 
“Thomas,” Casey told her. “His name is Thomas Kinard.” 
Something weird did happen, then. Thomas’ friend seemed to get spooked for some reason, glancing around like everyone in the restaurant was looking at them. It wasn’t the other dinners as much as the wait staff but he didn’t seem to get clued into that. David — Thomas — was suddenly looking a bit more serious. 
Rachel went to lead a couple to their table when halfway there, the guy stopped in front of David’s — Thomas’ — table and he called out, “ Tommy!” 
So he went by Tommy. Rachel thought it fit him. His companion was named Buck apparently and Buck only managed to stiffen even more. Rachel didn’t hear everything that was said over the din of plates, cutlery, and conversation, but she could see that Tommy had gone a little flat. His companion looked even more panicked. They didn’t look like they even said another word to each other and then they got up to leave. 
“What is happening?” William asked. 
Rachel was taking care of her own table. The couple looked happy and the guy actually informed her that they’d just decided to move in together. 
“That’s nice,” Rachel said distracted by watching David — damn it, his name was Tommy — walk out with Buck. 
Rachel managed to sneak closer to the window to look out there and she saw them share a few words before Tommy, shoulders squared, got into a car and left his companion behind. Buck seemed frustrated by being left behind. He didn’t waste too long before he too departed. 
“If it was a date,” Rachel told William and Casey later, “I don’t think it ended well.” 
They saw Tommy again two weeks later. He wasn’t picking up his single pie, but two pizza pies, garlic knots, and an order of wings. He was all smiles and talked to William about having spent the day at the zoo. 
“Well that was unusual,” William said. 
After that he just kind of disappeared. He had either found a better pizza place or he’d given it up altogether. So, it was shocking when Tommy returned one Thursday night. He wasn’t alone. Buck, the guy he’d been eating with that one time was with him. They stood close to each other at the counter and Buck laid his hand on Tommy’s forearm. Tommy smiled at him. 
Tommy smiling made him look even more gorgeous. The skin around his eyes crinkled and he had the straightest, whitest teeth. No one had ever managed to get his job out of him and Rachel was starting to wonder if he was maybe some kind of model or actor. 
“So I suppose I have to thank you,” Buck was saying. 
“How do you figure that?” Tommy asked. 
“I think the muay thai helped a little.” 
Tommy laughed. “I doubt that. But I’m glad you were quick on your feet.” 
“The whole thing was nuts. Chim really saved the day catching the baby. I like when everything gets resolved in one shift.” 
“I know what you mean. You’re not left wondering.” 
Rachel caught Tommy’s attention. He went to pay, but Buck pushed him back and extended his card to her. 
“Evan,” Tommy said. 
She looked between them as Tommy finally gave a nod. Evan looked a little smug and as he signed the slip he shot her a smile. 
“My boyfriend here is always trying to pay for everything,” he said. 
Boyfriend, he said. So William was right and it had been a date that time they were in before. And, clearly whatever happened at the end of the last date had been resolved. 
“That’s not a bad thing,” Rachel said. 
“Exactly,” Tommy said. 
“I’m not saying I don’t appreciate it,” Evan said and he glanced back at Tommy. “I’m just saying that you deserve to be taken care of too.” 
The look that Tommy settled on Evan was one that Rachel wanted to take and keep into her back pocket because it was infatuation and fondness and maybe even love rolled into one. 
They left still talking to each other and Tommy opened the door for Evan who carried their food. 
After that Tommy started showing up on his own again, but there was no telling if it was because he wasn’t dating Evan anymore or what. After all, sometimes he still did pick up a single pizza pie, but other times it was two or other things from the menu. Casey did report that she’d seen Evan stop by to pick up take out once or twice and that he was nearly always distracted by his phone when he did. 
It did take a while for Tommy and Evan to return together. It was, of course, on the night before Rachel’s big audition. It was for a new tv-show and for some reason they were looking for complete unknowns for the main cast. Rachel was hoping it’d be her big break. Her agent seemed to think she had a shot. 
So, she was a little distracted and running lines as much as she could. She was also lucky that Casey and William were both on shift because as long as it wasn’t busy they were willing to let her take up a table and just go over the lines again. Rachel would pay them back when William needed to sit and write whatever had popped into his head or when he needed to revise something he was turning in and Casey when she had a big test or finals to study for. 
Casey, as a lark, even sat them at the table next to her and winked at her. She rolled her eyes, but that didn’t stop her from eavesdropping. 
“It’s horrible,” Evan said in a tone that was almost whining. “Like I expected the worst, but it’s worse than that. But we can…we can talk about something else because I don’t even want to think about Gerrard anymore. He already takes up too much of my time. Can you tell me about your day?” 
“Lucy and Melton are feuding,” Tommy said. “I think he ate her sandwich by mistake a few days ago and she’s not letting it go. That’s as exciting as it gets around Harbor.” 
“Other than when you’re flying a helicopter. Maybe I really should think about transferring. After all the lessons have paid off.” 
“Uh…I’m not saying it’s not an option, but they kinda need you over there right now.” 
Evan laughed. “I know. I know. I think Eddie is growing a mustache and I don’t know if it’s in response to Gerrard or Chris. Either way, it’s weird.” 
“Evan, you can’t just say that and not have pictures.” 
“He’ll probably still have it when you see him for basketball tomorrow.” 
When the restaurant started getting a bit busy she had to get up and help with the takeout orders. So Tommy flew helicopters? She added that to the lore and passed the information on to William and Casey. 
It was almost a week after the audition when she heard back about a call back. A chemistry read. Two more auditions and then right in the middle of grabbing a take out order to pass to a customer her phone began to ring. 
“Casey, I gotta take this one.” 
Considering how noisy it was inside, she ran out to the front. It was twilight, the sky shot with a bunch of different colors as the sun went down. 
She paced the sidewalk in front of the restaurant and listened as her agent said a lot of things that lead up to, “you got it, Rach. You got the job.” 
Rachel didn’t know what noise she made, but her agent was laughing and Rachel was laughing. There may have even been some jumping up and down. 
“Thank you sooo much,” Rachel said into the phone. “I can’t believe it.” 
When she turned around, she saw Tommy and Evan walking out of the restaurant. They were smiling at each other, completely caught up in each other. 
“I didn’t think I’d ever want to come back here,” Evan said. “It was…it was an awful first date.” 
“It was not and I have no regrets.” 
“Still,” Evan said. 
Rachel smiled to herself as she watched them go. 
Rachel didn’t think about Tommy or Evan again after that. She had finally gotten a role on an actual tv-show. Her boss at the restaurant was cool about it and let her know she could come back if she needed to. Rachel didn’t wind up needing to even if that particular tv-show lasted all of one season. The doors had been opened to her, at least, and she had steady work. 
It was almost a full three years later before she stepped foot there again. William, and Casey had agreed to meet up for dinner and they decided it may as well happen where they had met and become friends in the first place.  
Soon after Rachel left, Casey had finished her degree and gotten a different job. William had stuck around a little longer until the script he’d been working on for years was finally picked up. They’d always kept in contact and William had kept them informed on the regulars that he still saw right up until he left. 
“Oh my god,” Casey said twenty minutes after they arrived. 
“Guess who just came in?”
Rachel almost didn’t even have to, but she turned anyway and there they were. Tommy and Evan. 
They were sat a few tables away which meant they couldn’t actually listen in, but they both still looked amazing. Both were smiling easily and didn’t seem to run out of things to say to each other. There was actually something sickening in how in love they looked. 
“What are the odds,” William said. 
“I know,” Rachel said. “But maybe we shouldn’t be creepily watching them all night.” 
Casey laughed. “I guess you know about that now.”
Rachel rolled her eyes. “I’ll die if anyone ever recognizes me from that show. One eight episode season and it was over. Haven’t had anything that big since.” 
Not that she was complaining, really. She was, after all, a working actor and she’d gone to a few auditions that seemed promising. One might mean having to live in Canada for a while, but she was at a stage in her career where she wouldn’t be passing anything up. 
“You will,” William said. “You’ll be the first I call if I ever get backing for my latest script.” 
They were catching up and Casey was giving them the gossip at her new job when silence seemed to fall over the restaurant. 
“Holy shit,” William said. 
At the same time, Tommy said, “Evan, I can’t believe you. Of course. Of course, yes.” 
Rachel turned at once. Evan was down on one knee next to the table and Tommy looked like he was going to start crying in his seat. In the next moment they were hugging and kissing and maybe even crying. 
“Now that is a love story right there,” Casey said. 
Rachel couldn’t help but think about Tommy back when they had named him David and how he had been such a constant every week or two. Always on his own, always ordering take out for one. How there had always existed a loneliness in him even while he was always kind, tipped well, and looked insanely hot. For years that had just been the norm. He never shared much about himself and small talk with him just always resulted in conversation about sports or a movie and nothing about himself. 
Bringing Evan that first time had shocked them because it was outside the norm, but looking at them with their big smiles, holding hands across the table, she was happy to have witnessed even a tiny bit of their story. She was sure there was a lot more. 
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multi-lefaiye · 3 days
Two things for storyteller saturday. 1) feel free to extrapolate as much as ud like one eden and gold colour/symbolism cuz i eat that shit up. 2) anything on the road trip or even storm chasers or The Building stories ud like to share bc those are intriguing to me :3c 3) wait one more eden question. whats he like at parties? i get the feeling he doesnt go to them if he has the choice, but if made to go he might find a way to have fun
HELLO i am responding to this in the most timely manner yes. it's sunday now but that's okay. /silly
THANK YOU FOR FEEDING MEEEE.... fellow color symbolism enjoyer. you understand me. so, yeah, for the uninitiated, gold is the color i associate with my boy eden the most. it's The Eden Color. there's a few different reasons for that, but mostly it comes down to me associating the color yellow with pride, which is eden's sin, both his greatest flaw and in many ways a defining character trait. my dm and i have been planning for eden's design to change over the course of the campaign to slowly and slowly incorporate more and more gold to parallel him coming closer and closer to self-actualizing, to living his truest self and making peace with himself. (side-note, they also told me recently that i've forgotten a part of his design that's already changed! the nails on his right hand are permanently gold. i love it)
TEEHEE okay you're getting a three-for-one because i wanna talk a bit more about each of these. - i haven't developed the post-apocalyptic road trip wip in a hot minute, but one part that's still near and dear to my heart is gaia's character arc and what it represents. i'm a big fan of characters who've done horrible shit and have to contend with that and make the choice to be better. gaia, without going too deep into spoilers, is in large part the reason the apocalypse is on its way. and, yes, they regret this very deeply! and much of it wasn't their choice! but they have blood on their hands and it's up to them to decide to fix this. (side-note, gaia having blood magic is meant to be literal symbolism for the blood on their hands. idc if this is too on the nose, i'm having fun.) - a modern ghost story (my storm chasing beloveds) is kinda both on the backburner and not lately, because i've been developing it more and more in bits and pieces in my brain. but one part i'm excited about is roach's character arc as represented by their weight. roach is probably my biggest example of showing a character's positive growth through them gaining weight. they start the story with a host of severe body dysmorphia that parallels other self image issues they've lived with for years, and over the course of the story as they accept themself and take steps towards *healing*, they gain weight. and it's scary at first, but it's a sign of good things coming for them. - and my beloved storage facility horror wip... so i imagine it's not a surprise that a lot of the characters and plot threads in that wip are based on things i've either dealt with or heard about happening at work, usually taken to some kind of logical extreme. but one example i don't think i've talked about publicly is this character named lynette, the previous manager who worked at the facility and disappeared under mysterious circumstances. she's partly there to establish more of a mystery at the start and a *reason* for people to be afraid of the sentient building, but she's also highkey inspired by the fact that i keep getting blamed for mistakes made by people who haven't worked here in YEARS lmao. so yes this is stress relief, kinda.
ALSO EDEN AND PARTIES... i'm so glad you asked because i do in fact have an answer! and it's a no, generally. he's not opposed to them and often *does* have fun on the rare occasions he goes to them, but for the most part he sees them as kinda beneath him. (at least, that's what he says.) i actually wrote a quick outline a while ago for a short story about the one (1) party eden went to while he was studying at university... tl;dr it ended poorly and eden decided that he's never doing that again, after a shitty encounter with one of his classmates. as for what he's LIKE at parties, eden's good at being very sociable and chatty, and he likes talking to people and being the center of attention. but he's not the "life of the party" by any means, and he prefers not to drink most of the time. he has an image to maintain, after all.
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artnerd1123 · 6 years
Seraph’s Character Sheet
here’s a big ol heap of info for m’gal seraph!!! enjoy! (and apologies to those the readmore doesn’t cooperate with slkdfjks)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Seraph Sanyi Reason or meaning of name: her first name is a reference to her feral form, a seraph, and her last name means cold in hausa (african language) Character’s nickname: Ser-bear (only for roo) Reason for nickname: term of endearment, shows how sweet her nature is Birth date: October 13th (2017) Sexuality: panromantic  Gender/pronouns: nonbinary demigirl, she/her
Physical appearance Age: 10 (note: familiars are “mature” at 3yrs of age) How old does he/she appear: anywhere from 18 to early 20s (depending on how mature she’s acting in that moment) Weight: she’s made of feathers and wool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (But probably a lil heavier than one would expect. She is Chonk™) Height: 4’9’’ Body build: chubby and soft, like a pear shaped pillow Shape of face: sheep Eye color: normally black sclera, white iris, but they turn yellow with a black slit if she’s about to shift forms. In her feral form, they’re all silver! Glasses or contacts: neither! Skin tone: mostly a very light silvery pink color, but her ears/mask around her eyes/legs/hooves are all a dark shade of purple  Distinguishing marks: none Predominant features: her wings! they have white/gold/purple feathers, also her “halo” (gold ring above her head) Hair color: white Type of hair: tightly curled wool!  Hairstyle: sometimes she puts it up, but usually its just down/puffy  Voice: singsong, kinda bell-like when laughing, pleasant to listen to ((her voiceclaim is over here!))  Overall attractiveness: any familiar will tell u she’s p cute Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: normally wears stuff with bright colors. You can  catch her in dress shirts or sweaters with khakis/jeans/leggings, dresses, anything really, as long as it looks cute!  Favorite outfit: long pinkish purple shirt, tan shorts, brown ropy looking belt Jewelry or accessories: none (note: the ring on her head is actually part of her)
Personality Good personality traits: optimistic, eager to help others, selfless, modest, generous, incredibly caring and compassionate, kind, gentle, patient, perseverant, emphatic, extremely hard worker, has a good eye for detail Bad personality traits: blind faith in those she loves, hides own problems by bottling up negative/melancholy emotions, doesn’t give herself enough credit, gives too many chances, refuses to acknowledge reality if it would make a loved one unhappy, often overexerts and exhausts herself from giving too much, is scared of being the center of attention, gets horrible chest-aching anxiety from seeing things in physical pain, can give quite the cold shoulder if made angry Mood character is most often in: happy, or as close to it as she can get! Sense of humor: she’ll laugh at almost anything as long as its not morbid or offensive. Fond of knock knock jokes, and absolutely loves puns Character’s greatest joy in life: her ability to create things and to fly Character’s greatest fear: being completely useless Why: She wants to help people out, and it pains her to see others in pain. Not to mention she’s been told the reason for her existence is to help people. If she’s unable to do so, she feels like she’s failed as a familiar and a person to do her duty in the world, and to others. It literally tears her apart inside.  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Corruption and/or death of her loved ones (more specifically: her originator) Character is most at ease when: hanging out somewhere warm with some good friends, like at a small party/event, or at her house Most ill at ease when: in a cold, dark, and silent place, such as a tomb/cemetery or low level of a building/dungeon Enraged when: people hurt others/are incredibly rude/are mean/are outright cruel for no reason Depressed or sad when: she’s unable to lift evangel’s mood, she hasn’t been able to socialize, the things she bakes taste horrible/burn many times in a row, or she loses her voice Priorities: number one priority is taking care of evangel. Number two is making sure those she comes into contact with are happy, or at least to learn why they’re not in order to try and change that. After these is trying to improve herself/her abilities Life philosophy: treat others with utmost kindness unless they give you a good reason not to (and even then, try to be fair about it.) Everyone can change and grow; be mindful of the flowers, sprouts, and blooms around you. Do your best to help nurture them all. If granted one wish, it would be: to make everyone happy Why: The gal just… genuinely wants to see everyone smile and experience joy. No malice, no secret plans, just a true smile and good feelings for everyone. It’s what they deserve. Character’s soft spot: small fluffy animals, and any nice word or gift directed at/given to her Is this soft spot obvious to others?: ohhh yeah. She pretty much melts in the presence of tiny baby floofs, and in the face of any nice thing done for her/said to her ever Greatest strength: her almost unwavering dedication/loyalty to her friends/family Greatest vulnerability or weakness: it’s easy to make her feel that she’s failing Biggest regret: not doing better for evangel Minor regret: not adding more cinnamon to her latest batch of monkey bread- it really did need some more Biggest accomplishment: helping evangel start up and successfully upkeep her shop Minor accomplishment: making her own recipe for extremely good cinnamon chocolate chip cookies (she saves it for her bad days) Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: once she accidentally almost set the whole kitchen on fire when evangel wasn’t home. She ended up charring a cabinet and losing a whole box of fabric scraps before she managed to put it out. Why: it was a complete accident, and she takes pride in her work. Such a big slip up is v embarrassing for her Character’s darkest secret: sometimes, on her worst days, all she wants to do is fly away from her life, her friends, and everything, and go away over the ocean, not to return Does anyone else know? No. She keeps these thoughts to herself.
Goals Drives and motivations: see most important childhood memory. Additionally, she believes that everyone deserves good things, and strives to do her part in that regard. She also loves to create, especially songs and recipes. This motivates her to experiment and have fun with what she does! Her creative drive may increase or falter depending on her mood.  Immediate goals: stay on top of shop orders, finish her latest song, and make some more brownies Long term goals: keep the shop running, make evangel happy, and possibly open up a small baked goods section of the shop someday How the character plans to accomplish these goals: hard work and a happy, can do attitude, as well as finding some time to herself in which to attend to her more personal goals How other characters will be affected: hopefully very positively!
Past Hometown: whichever ocean town she’s livin in rn Type of childhood: (I’m counting the first three years of her life as childhood) it was… alright. She learned quick to hide her own bad emotions though. They seemed to distress evangel, and on top what other issues seraph saw her struggling with, she didn’t wanna be a bother. Around the same time, her feral form lost its healing power and became prone to lashing out. She put a stop to that as soon as she could, and gained control over herself in that form as well. Other than those instances it was mostly a happy “childhood.” Pets: none First memory: seeing evangel and her room Most important childhood memory: one of the first things evangel told seraph about being a familiar was that they were supposed to help their originators and make them happy. Alternatively, evangel said she was proud of seraph after she completed a whole dress by herself. Evangel was smiling so much, and she looked so happy. Why: seeing evangel so happy and proud delighted her, and she wants nothing but to replicate that happiness for her. It drives how hard she works to help her. The first memory does the same thing, and shows why she blames herself for a lot of what’s going on. Childhood hero: looked up to evangel for a short time  Dream job: baker Education: she can read/write/do basic math just fine, and knows a good deal about cooking/sewing/tailor work/etc, as well as some psychology/interpersonal relationships stuff. Definitely more self taught and street smart, though. Religion: n/a Finances: evangel took care of her 
Present Current location: same as childhood Currently living with: evangel Pets: none Religion: n/a Occupation: assists evangel in running her shop Finances: she n evangel use the shop money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Family Mother: Evangel Relationship with her: complicated, seraph gives more than she gets in return and does most of the emotional labor, supportive but not very well (like one of those noodle/marshmallow towers kinda), draining at times but does produce good moments and a (generally) loving home Father: Relationship with him: Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Roo (in the future) Relationship with them: loving and healing, they take the time to work through any issues (even specific to one another) and make sure to listen to/care for each other always. Literally Goals™ Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: Journal Drapht and Ruffy Drapht (both in the future)
Favorites Color: pink!!! She also loves blue, like the sky. Together they make cotton candy!!! Least favorite color: swampy green/brown, along with bone white. They make her uncomfy Music: upbeat, happy tunes, particularly old timey piano/carnival songs. Flute music is also her jam Food: sweets!!! Candy is appreciated, but especially baked goods like brownies/cookies (which is why her baking/comfort eating combo usually works to calm her) Literature: cookbooks, music theory/history, and fables/short stories Form of entertainment: creating things (with her hands or her voice), and seeing others create too. Loves watching shows and having evangel animate books Expressions: a smile!!! Especially those small, contented ones, when you can tell someone is truly at peace and happy with their lot Mode of transportation: flying (as long as she’s the one doin it!) Most prized possession: an old, delicate sheet of music. It was the first song she sang, and it has many notes scribbled in the margins about different tunes and little improvements it could have. It reminds her of simpler times, and gives her a sweet nostalgia. It’s also a reminder of how far she’s come in life.
Habits Hobbies: baking, singing, reading, flying Plays a musical instrument? If voice counts, then yep! Plays a sport? Nope, but she may join in from time to time How he/she would spend a rainy day: curled up with a good book, or singing some new songs she wanted to practice. She finds the rain adds a nice ambiance to her voice Spending habits: doesn’t tend to buy much aside from food or whatever new fabric/etc evangel needs. She will splurge from time to time and get new books for herself tho (songbooks and cookbooks mostly) Smokes: nope Drinks: nope Other drugs: noooope What does he/she do too much of? Suppressing her negative emotions instead of addressing them/venting What does he/she do too little of? Spending time away from the shop/evangel Extremely skilled at: figuring out what emotions others are feeling and helping them through it, and singing (despite her minor case of stage fright) Extremely unskilled at: sports, anything mechanical, fighting, handling physical injuries Nervous tics: humming, playing with her hair, comfort eating, and compulsively organizing things Usual body posture: standing up straight and tall! Mannerisms: Always nice and kind to everyone she meets. Keeps up a cheery, positive attitude, and is almost always smiling. Tries her hardest to make everyone around her happy. Does her best on every single task assigned to her. Tends to speak in a singsong voice unless she’s not feeling great. Goes off on her own when in a bad mood. Very neat and organized, and always has some sort of advice or gentle word ready. Peculiarities: her gold ring will seem to float higher or lower above her head depending on her mood. Also hums/trills/makes some kinda quiet sound like all the time- if she isn’t, something’s probably wrong.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Big optimist!!! Introvert or extrovert? Mostly extrovert, though she has her more introverted days n needs time to herself Daredevil or cautious? Cautious ftw Logical or emotional? Emotional, but she can usually apply some logic unless the situation is horrible Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Neat!!! V neat!!! Doesn’t mind a mess but she really likes to have a tidy space around her Prefers working or relaxing? Both. Prefers working to help others, but relaxing/bonding time is incredibly important to her Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Mostly confident, but she can get really self conscious some days Animal lover? Y e s 
Self-Perception How they feel about themself: she feels that she does her best, even if it’s not always THE best, and that she’s a pretty nice person overall. Wishes she could work harder despite her limits. One word the character would use to describe self: kindhearted One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “My name is Seraph Sanyi, and I’m a 10 year old familiar. I’m kind, gentle, emphatic, and a big optimist. I’m a hard worker, and always try to give whatever task I have my best shot. If you’ve got something to do, then why not do it well? Especially if it’s for someone else. I do what I can to try and help people as often as I’m able. Everyone deserves a bit of sunshine in their life!” “I-If you were asking about my hobbies, i like baking! Finding new recipes to try and making all sorts of sweet treats… I could do that all day long. Creating things makes me feel all warm inside. Oh, and i sing sometimes. I don’t really like singing in front of people, though. I’d much rather be a stagehand than the main attraction. Th-that’s how it is in my life.” “After all, I’m here to help. It’s what I’m made for.” What does the character consider their best personality trait? Her patient dedication or soft nature What does the character consider their worst personality trait? how cold she can get if someone makes her angry What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Absolutely loves her wings from her feral form. Normally, she’s fond of her fur/wool. Is v sof. What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? Doesn’t like the eyes that show up all over her in feral form. Other than that, she doesn’t really dislike any part of herself. How does the character think others perceive them: she’s been told she’s a big help to others, a source of joy, and very kind What would the character most like to change about themself: she’d like to be a bit less of a people pleaser, despite her wishes to help everyone, since she needs to take care of herself too
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: she likes people. She’s under the “everyone can be good if they just try” mentality, and will give em plenty of chances to prove that right. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? If she’s mad at you, she’ll let you know. She values communication yo! And you’ll definitely be able to tell if she’s happy! But she does tend to hide feelings of sadness, despair, melancholy, hopelessness, etc. You can tell she’s not feeling her best if she’s really quiet. But she doesn’t tend to show many signs of feeling bad around people until it’s build to the point of a breakdown. If you manage to catch her in a less-than-jovial mood, it’ll take you awhile to coax what’s wrong out of her. (even if she trusts you, she won’t be forthcoming with her “blue” emotions.) Person character most hates: nobody bc hate is a strong word :V Best friend(s): evangel and a few of the familiars of regular customers in the shop. (Also, ruffy n journal n roo after story starts) Love interest(s): Roo :3 Person character goes to for advice: the town elders Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: evangel (and all her bffs/new family later) Person character feels shy or awkward around: people she doesn’t know well asking her to sing for them. Anyone who asks her to do something that’d make her the center of attention also makes her feel this way Person character openly admires: the sirens at the bottom of the sea cliff. She thinks their voices are beautiful, and that they themselves are gorgeous. She aspires to sing like them someday Person character secretly admires: the baker and the composer down the street in their own shops. They run their own businesses, are always kind/upbeat, and pretty successful in all their endeavours. They’re what Seraph secretly dreams to be, and she admires them from a distance for this reason. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: evangel After story starts: Roo, Journal, Ruffy
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The Office
Pairing; CEO+Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; You and Bucky fuck for the very first time in his office at the company’s building.
Word Count; 4574
Warnings; NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, undefined age-gap, “cheating”, language, cursing, Sir!kink, dirty talk, pet names, slight degradation, hair pulling, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, spitting, fingering, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; I can’t get enough of CEO+DBF!Bucky so this will be the first of many fics like this! I hope people will like it and be interested in more! Jesus I need to bathe in holy water now. Hope you all enjoy <3
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Bucky had begun texting you while sitting in a meeting with your dad and some of the company's other employees. You weren't doing anything important, just at home reading a book, so you were more than happy to text back and forth with him. The meeting was relatively standard and straightforward, it wasn't too much of an importance, so it allowed Bucky to talk with you without feeling guilty while the rest of them sorted out the details. Once in a while, he would chime in with his views and opinions. The text messages were pretty innocent, to begin with. The standard “hello” and “what you are up to” was exchanged between the two of you before more of the dirtier stuff ensued.
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You thought about it for a second before you sent him an answer. You and Bucky had started fucking around a few weeks ago. You had met him when your parents had friends and colleagues over for a grand party like they had most of the time. You had just moved back home after living on your own in another city for three years, so this was your first time seeing Bucky in person. You had heard a lot about him and seen pictures when he started working with your dad, and they had formed a tight friendship, but you had never met him in person. He was even more handsome than what the pictures could show when you got introduced to him, and you had started to take a liking to him instantly. He had done as well because not even a week after you met, you and he had started a relationship. To begin with, it was only fucking around, but as the weeks went by, you felt like there may be more to it; sparks were felt between the two of you. None of you had done anything about it yet, mainly because it wouldn’t be received well by the public, your family most likely would disapprove and because of his wife Natalie and her whole family.
Which you didn’t find wrong at all that he was “cheating” on her with you. They both hated each other’s guts and would more than anything like getting a divorce. Bucky had told you that she had cheated on him multiple times, and he had done as well with her, but they played the happy couple when they were out in public because of their families. They got married at a very young age because their families are rich and powerful and wanted their kids to get together, so they are now stuck in this toxic relationship together. But soon, you and Bucky would have to decide where the next step of the relationship would go. Would you continue to sneak around, or would you form a proper relationship and come out for the whole wide world? It was only a matter of time before you needed to decide.
You and he would primarily meet up on neutral grounds. In his car or a hotel but on a few occasions, you had fucked in his or your parent's house in your room. This would be the first time you had done it where he worked; you assumed it would be in his office. It would be risky, but the thought about him taking you hard against every surface had your thighs clenching in need of him.
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A soft whimper escaped your parted lips at his promise to fuck your brains out. He was never afraid to be direct with you about his needs and feelings. He always meant what he said, and that was one of your favorite things about him. You could always trust that he would be true to his words.
It would take you about 30 minutes to get over there, so you needed to leave right now. You did a quick freshen up before you called a taxi to get you over to the company’s building. Being in the car gave you time to think this through. You weren't sure how you and he would pull this off. Everyone would see if you entered his office and then wonder what was taking so long and what in the hell you guys were doing in there. In their eyes, you and Bucky weren't even friends. You barely spoke with one another when other people were around, as not to raise any suspicion. For them, you were the boss's daughter while Bucky was his partner, and nothing was going on between you two; besides, Bucky had his “loving” wife, Natalie.
The building stood tall as you arrived. Clouds were teasing rain, and it was a bit cold. The skirt you were wearing made your body chilly, but you kept it on for Bucky's sake. You looked up at the structure before you went through the main entrance. The security guards and the workers at the reception greeted you as everyone was well aware of who you were. You all greeted them with a smile as you walked towards the elevators. Entering the elevator, you became impatient as it took its time to travel up the floors to the main offices in the building. Your legs were uneasy as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. A thin layer of sweat formed on your hairline as you came up with scenarios with how you and Bucky could get caught. You shook your head, trying to get those thoughts down. You trusted Bucky, and besides, this was something you wanted to try out.
When you arrived at the floor, and the door slid open, you saw your dad, Bucky, and some of the employees coming out of one of the conference rooms. The meeting must have just finished. As you walked over, you tried to put on a smile to mask your nervousness. None of them had seen you yet, except for Bucky. He had you in his sight out of the corner of his eye, a slight smirk on his face as he saw you strutting over. You came to stand between him and your dad.
Bucky couldn’t have been more subtle with staring you up and down; your dad was standing right there after all. His tongue darting out between his lips to wet them, clearly having an image on his head about you bent over at his mercy.
“Hi, dad! Mr. Barnes, it's nice to see you again.”
Bucky gave you a simple nod of his head, acting like he isn't just about to have his way with you in his office with your dad not having a clue about what a whore his sweet and innocent daughter is, “pleasure seeing you again.”
“Sweetheart,” your dad gave you a one-arm hug as he had a smile on his face at his daughter visiting him at work, “what are you doing here?”
“I was in the area and thought I could drop by before moving on with my day.”
“Aw, honey. I wish I could spend some time with you, but we have a meeting again in 30 minutes.”
“It's alright, dad. I'm on my way out again anyways. Have some errands to run,” you lied.
“Excuse me, sweetheart.” He turned to say something to the others. While everyone had their attention on your dad, you turned slightly towards Bucky to give him a “chill out” look. The outfit you were wearing had him on edge and excited to have you in his office as soon as possible. Since the crowd was paying attention to your dad, it allowed Bucky to give you some instructions. He leaned in a little closer to you, but not too close in case someone saw.
“Here,” he slipped you his card, the card for the private elevator he had that went from the parking lot and up to his office, “take the elevator. No one is going to see you. Also, I want you to have your panties off before you come upstairs. You got it?”
You swallowed down the lump in your throat. Your body felt hot and warm. The palms of your hands had a thin layer of sweat on them as you took the card from him. Your heart was hammering against your chest. This was really about to happen.
“Y-yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
Like clockwork, your dad turned around towards you again just as Bucky leaned away from your body. “Well, I'll see you when I get home later, sweetheart.” He went to hug you again, and you returned the action.
“Bye, dad. Bye, Mr. Barnes, I'll see you around.”
Everyone said their goodbyes to you before you left. You went out of the building and around it to where the cars went down into the parking lot. Once down there, you made sure that no one was around to see you before you scanned the card for the elevator. The journey up to his office gave you the opportunity to take your panties off. You held them in your hand as you almost bounced up and down in fear and excitement for what was in store for you when you reached his floor.
When the elevator reached the office, and the doors opened, you saw that Bucky was waiting for you, his back facing you. He was staring out the big windows that decorated almost his entire office room.
“Did you take your panties off as I told you to do?”
He turned around so he could be met with you. His tongue wetting his lips as he beckoned with his finger for you to come over to him, “get over here now.” Not even thinking for another second, you were quick to stand by his side by the window, waiting for further instructions he had to give you.
“Give them to me,” the palm of his hand was held out for you to hand them over to him. With shaking hands, you handed them over, and he opened his suit jacket to put them in the inside pocket so he could keep a hold of them.
“Is someone going to come in?”
“Shh,” his hand came to caress the side of your face—his thumb stroking your cheek. The simple action had you relax a tiny bit. “Don't worry. I locked the door, and besides, I told them not to disturb me. Do you trust me?”
“I do, Bucky. With my life.”
“Well then,” his finger pointed down to the floor, and you knew immediately what he was getting at, “get down on your knees for me.”
In front of the window of all things?! For everyone to see? But frankly, you didn't care. Let them see it all. You would give them all a good show. Besides, they wouldn't be able to know that it's you because the next building over was some distance away. All you cared about was to have his dick in your mouth right now and nothing else.
Like second nature, you quickly sank on your knees where you had spent more than once worshiping his cock, and this wouldn't be the last one either. He looked down at you, his eyes dark with desire at you being so easily submissive to him. His tongue peeked out from his mouth at you on your knees for him.
His thumb traced your lips as his other hand was palming the bulge in his pants. You granted him access into your mouth as you sucked and swirled your tongue on his digit.
“I can't wait to have your lips wrapped around me, kitten. Do you want me to fuck your mouth?”
You nodded your head and released his thumb from your mouth, “please, Bucky, I want it so bad.”
Your eyes followed his hands, your lips parted, as he undid his belt and pulled down his suit pants along with his underwear. Coming face to face with his dick, ready to be sucked by you. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and looked up at him through your lashes, waiting so that he could give your permission at proceeding, knowing how much he loved it when you waited for him to provide you with a green light.
“Suck it, baby girl.”
You opened your mouth to swirl your tongue around his head before you wrapped your lips around him so you could suck on his mushroom tip, your tongue teasing him. You could see that he was becoming impatient, so you engulfed him halfway through while massaging his balls in your hand. The action had his hand fist in your hair, making a gasp being sounded against him by you, as an exhale of satisfaction escaped him.
He needed more, so with the help of his hand in your hair, he pushed his dick further into your mouth till the tip of him reached the back of your throat, making you gag around him. The vibrations from your mouth had him shiver all over. Your eyes were watering as saliva started coming out the side of your mouth. Looking directly up into his eyes as you took whatever was left of him the best you could and bobbed your head on him, watching as his eyes struggled to stay open to watch how good you were taking him down your throat.
“F-fuck. That's so good, baby. You love sucking my cock don't you, pretty girl, hm? Such a good girl for me, aren't you?”
His dirty talk turned you on, and all you wanted to do was touch yourself at his words. You released him from your hold. Saliva was hanging from your mouth, and his dick was glistening all in it. Your hand jerked him off so you could answer his question, your voice almost like honey as you spoke. The wetness from you made it easy to glide your hand effortlessly on him.
“Yes, Sir.”
A deep groan was sounded from within his chest at the nickname he loved to be called by you. You on your knees so pretty and messy for him had his dick twitch in your grasp.
“Good, baby. Look at you. Such a beautiful mess for me, kitten.”
“Only for you, Sir.”
His head leaned back some as you took him in your mouth again. Your mouth is an expert at taking the whole of him. “Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Do you want me to cum in your mouth, baby girl?” He asked while slowly thrusting his length in and out of it. All you could do was moan, letting him know that you wanted to taste him.
He picked up his speed and fucked your mouth, making you gag around him each time his tip tickled the back of your throat, and you loved every second of it. His hands came at the side of your face so he could hold you steady as he used your warm and wet hole as he pleased. The sloppy sounds of your mouth, your gags, and moans around him only enticed him even more to reach his end.
His thrusts became uneven, and not a second later, he came deep in your throat. Sounds of pleasure dissolved in the office space as your mouth took all that he had to offer. You swallowed around him, milking him for all that he was worth, as you moaned at his delicious taste. You didn't pull away from him until he had spilled every drop in you.
“Show me your mouth.”
Pulling away from him, you opened it to show him all of the cum. He learned down till his face was inches from you and proceeded to spit in your opening. The action had your desperate clit pulsating.
“Can you swallow all of that for me?”
Closing your mouth, you swallowed all of him, his cum and spit, and opened up once more to show him what a good girl you had been at drinking all that he gave you. His hand was petting your hair as a sign of appreciation for you being so amazing for him.
“Such a dirty girl. Was that good? You love the taste of me, don't you, doll?”
“Mhm, yes,” you responded while licking your lips. Your hand was jerking him off again as you couldn't get enough of the feel of him. Your words and actions had him lean back some.
“You've been such a good girl, and I want to give you a treat. Do you want it?”
His words went directly to your tingling clit, and you needed to push your thighs together to get some form of friction down there.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Get on all fours on the couch, with your ass facing the desk.”
You got up and walked over the few meters to the couch, taking off your skirt and sweater until you were only in your bra, and then got in the position as he had wanted from you. He went over to his desk to have a better view of you—leaning on it as his hands held the edge of it. You supported yourself on your elbows as you pushed your ass up and out, earning a groan from Bucky.
“Like this?”
“Just like that. Now touch yourself for me.”
Pushing two of your fingers inside your mouth to get them wet before your hand went underneath you to circle your aching and needy clit, letting out a sigh of relief at being able to feel something finally. You pushed the two fingers inside of you, letting out a low moan and they stretched and penetrated your tightness, closing your legs some at the feeling. It was nothing like Bucky's fingers or dick, but it would have to do for now. You started to move them in and out of your tight pussy, going at a slow pace, to begin with.
Bucky hadn't said anything yet, so he must be enjoying the show you were putting on for him. He let out a moan just as you turned your head to find him pumping his shaft while watching you intensely as you pleasured yourself. Your teeth captured your bottom lip at the sight of him.
“Fuck, kitten.”
You pulled your fingers out and started circling your clit again, whimpering as you were close to your orgasm. The two of you held eye contact as you watched each other.
“So good, Bucky.”
“You're such a good girl, baby. Showing me how you touch yourself. Is this how you look when you're in your room late at night? Touching yourself like this while thinking of me?”
“Mhm, yes.” His words made your fingers move rapidly into your tightness again, wanting to get to that sweet release you were craving desperately.
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum; please can I cum, Sir?” You pleaded, needing to get some form of relief. Tears were teasing to spill out of your eyes if you didn't get your way soon.
“No! Stop!” He didn't want you to cum just yet. Whining at his words but complying anyway, you knew you needed to listen to him, so you brought your fingers out of your hole and into your mouth to suck your juices off. You tried as best as possible to hold eye contact with him as you sucked and swirled your tongue around your digits, moaning at your own taste, as you swayed your ass from side to side for him.
“Fuck me, Sir, please.” He didn't hesitate for one second in getting behind your bent-down form at the speed of lightning. One of his hands caressed and grabbed one of your ass cheeks before it landed on your hip to hold a tight grip on it while the other held his shaft as he teased your fold with the tip of him.
“Please, Bucky, don't tease.”
“I'll give you what you want, doll.”
He slowly pushed himself in your warmth, wanting you to feel all of him. The feeling of fullness almost had you cumming right then and there. He filled you up to the brim, wanting you to feel all that he had to give, and you weren't one bit disappointed. He pulled out till only his tip was inside you before he slowly pushed himself into you again, doing this a few times to get you familiar with the feeling. He just wanted to cum right then and there at the tightness of your walls clenching around his throbbing dick.
“Bucky, please go faster. Fuck me, please,” you whimpered out, wanting him to fuck you completely senseless.
His thrusts were hard and fast as he fucked you into the couch, hips slapping against your backside, making you jolt forwards with each move of him. Your mouth hung open as silent screams came out of it.
“This pussy feels so incredible. Fuck, so tight.”
His hands held your sides while his fingernails dug in your skin, creating dents. He moaned out as he watched his dick disappear into your hole with every move of his hips. Your head was buzzing, and your face was buried deep in the cushions at the intense pleasure Bucky was giving you. “Oh god, please don't stop, babe,” you pleaded of him.
Bucky took a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back, making your back arch. You bit your lip at his rough and dominants actions. The hand in your hair and his abusive thrusts was too much and so intense, but you loved it to the fullest. Tears came out of your eyes as he was taking you so good from behind.
“You like this? Don't you, baby? You like when I fuck your tight and pretty pussy?” Take what belongs to me? Hm? Letting me fuck you like a whore while your dad is just down the hall?”
Your head was foggy from the incredible fucking he was giving you. The lack of answer from you had him unsatisfied, so he smacked your ass cheek hard, making you squeal out at the pain.
“Answer me!”
“Y-yes… I love your cock fucking my tight little pussy. Please don't stop, baby.”
“Such a good whore for me. I'm not gonna stop, kitten, I promise.”
The thought that your dad and everyone else that worked in the building was just out the door, not having a clue as to what was going on in Buckys office, was so intoxicating—not knowing that Bucky was having at it with the boss's daughter.
You turned your head, at the best of your abilities, to look at him. His eyes were shut tight, and his face in pure concentration as he moved his body against yours. He met your gaze, both of you looking at each other as you neared your orgasm. One of your hands grabbed onto his forearm that had a tight grip on your hip. His other went underneath you to play and tease your clit.
“Please, Bucky, I need to cum. I need you to fill me up, please.” The pathetic pleas for him to fill up your pussy was what brought forward his release and made him finish deep inside of you.
His seed filling you up was what brought forth your own release. The way your walls became tighter around him had his hips snap rapidly against you as he gave you all of his cum. Moans and soft whimpers on a loop by the both of you as the pleasure overtook all your senses. Bucky thrust through both of your orgasms, not stopping until you were both satisfied.
Your face was in the cushions as you tried to slow down your breathing. Bucky caressed your sides and peppered kisses all over your lower back. Praises being given to you for being such a good girl to him.
“You're so good to me, beautiful.”
He pulled out of your hole. The two of you hissing out as you both felt overly sensitive. Bucky helped to clean both of you up with a few wipes he kept on his desk. He made sure you were ok before he went over to the windows to grab his underwear and pants, pulling them on where he stood.
You put your skirt and sweater on and fixed yourself up as you sat and watched him get ready. God, he looked so handsome that it had your stomach burst out in butterflies. Now all you wanted was for him to hoist you up on his desk and take you hard against it. But you saw him have a look at his watch, his eyebrows furrowed together.
“The meetings in five.”
He came over to you just as you were getting up. You hissed out as your body felt sore and spent up, but good regardless.
“Are you ok? Did I do too much?”
That was Bucky for you. Always worried that he had gone overboard, but you always reassured him that you had enjoyed yourself.
His hands came to rest at the side of your face, looking you up and down to make sure you were all good. Your own hands went over his ones.
“Hey, I'm alright. Just a little sore, but you know I loved it, and I can handle it, Bucky.”
“I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I'm all good, babe, I swear.”
You took his face in your hands now as his ones traveled down to the small of your back so he could pull you flush against his body. His face leaned down some so he could capture your lips with his, giving you one of his sweetest kisses. His face moved down to suck and lick at the side of your neck in the most loving way.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he reached into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve your panties, ”I believe these belong to you.” That cocky smile of his decorated his face as the panties dangled from his finger. Right. You had almost forgotten about those. “Thanks.” You took them and slid them up your legs.
“I wish you could stay longer. There are more surfaces in this office I would love to take you against.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close. You would love nothing more than to stay here and let him have his way with you, but you knew that he needed to attend the meeting because if not, people would come knocking on his door, wondering where he is.
“I know, me too, but you know my dad is going to come knocking on the door and wonder where you are if you don't show up.”
“Yeah, I know. C'mon, I'll walk you out,”
He followed you to the elevator so he could say goodbye to you. A kiss and a hug were shared amongst you before the elevator dinged that it had arrived.
“We can meet later tonight if you want? Natalie is going out; God knows where, so we can stay at my place this time.” He asked you. “Whatever you want, just let me know, ok?” “I would like that, Bucky. I’ll let you know when.”
You stepped inside of it and pressed the button to go down. A smile on both of your faces as you gazed at each other the few seconds you had before the doors slid shut.
“I’ll miss you, doll.”
“I'll miss you more, Sir.”
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
hello mr simp do you have any thoughts on the leeks 👀
Okay, it's no secret that I'm an All Might stan. I LOVE All Might. Very very much. Not just as a simp, but genuinely, I enjoy his character SO MUCH.
--And unlike what some people may think, I'm not totally blind to his flaws. I know he sucks as a mentor and that he's done way more harm to Deku than good. He's.... not perfect. in every sense of the word. The whole point of AM's character is that he is a DEEPLY FLAWED individual— but at the end of the day, still good.
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This new chapter gave me SOOO many new feelings. I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I was a Stain apologist beforehand because I wasn't. I disliked Stain to a certain degree, but I also knew he was morally grey enough that I was able to still quite appreciate him as a character. This chapter was about EVERYTHING to me because I honestly did NOT expect Hori to go in this direction and for things to happen the way they did. It was too good to be true! Too fanfic-y! The disbelief I felt when I read what happened was on par with when Bakugou and Deku had that apology and kinda-hug in the rain!
But this disbelief is not because it was a bad thing.
I think the writing in Chapter 326 is phenomenal. The moment that All Might was really beginning to lose hope in not just himself as a hero, but himself as a PERSON... we finally hear the opinion of someone who would abso-fucking-LUTELY make or break the last of his spirit.
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Stain is, as much as his views are pretty agreeable and his label is that of a vigilante, still a pretty shitty guy. He's tried to kill literal kids who got in his way, even if said kids made pretty dumb decisions. AM hearing what he has to say is absolutely mind-boggling to him because he knows all of that. He knows Stain is a shitty person and that his worldview is perhaps terribly skewed. He knows Stain has spent a hot minute frying his brains down in Tartarus and isn't good at making judgment calls. Knows that for all intents and purposes, Stain's opinions are not to be trusted.
But the thing is... Toshinori also knows that Stain, regardless of the soundness of his mind, is telling the truth.
Regardless of how fucked-in-the-head Stain is, we as readers are able to acknowledge that he isn't blinded by hero worship. Sure, he's bitter, cynical, and quite the absolutist--but Stain is still clear-headed enough to be able to see AM's flaws for what they are and accept them, ultimately proving to Toshinori that the power of All Might was never his own but rather the legacy that he inspired.
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The society MHA takes place in is flawed. We all know this. Heroes, as a concept, had been corrupted into being purely about good and evil. Purely winning fights for money or fame or the abstract concept of victory (coughs Endeavor and the no.1 spot coughs), making heroism as we know it about flashiness and power instead of mercy and the desire to help others.
All Might symbolizes the ideal version of the Hero Society. He represents doing the best you can. Being a hero until you reach your limits, and then going even past that. He symbolizes pure intention and the desire to be a hero not for material gains but because of the pure want to make society a better and safer place. Stain refers to Kamino Ward and the statue as a "holy land" because he believes that through and through, AM's only had the purest of intentions and morals. To him, Toshinori was like a deity that had no fault in making society what it was in the present because that accountability fell on the generations of heroes that failed to fulfill his legacy.
The point being, Stain understood that All Might was fundamentally not about 'being there' for everyone 24/7, but rather the message his presence had sent.
All Might's monologue at the beginning of the chapter essentially boiled down to the ideas that:
A. He regrets not being there properly for Deku
B. His image was a delusion that ultimately led to the downfall of hero society.
To break this down, his problem with Deku is his inability to be a competent mentor. It shows that he has led him down dangerous and horrible paths (Deku's stubbornness to do things by himself and his 'dark' arc post-war), and is unable to bring him back into the light even if he tries. It was only when Class 1-A had intervened that they were able to get Deku to rest and let people tag along, after all, which is why Toshinori was far too embarrassed to follow him into UA's walls even after everyone had come out with umbrellas.
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Stain disproves this in two ways.
First, he says that it was never about All Might's ability to actually be there for people. The whole point of what inspired Deku to be the inherently good-hearted "true hero" he is today is because of the values that AM's brand had instilled in him as a child. AM's biggest positive impacts came from behind the screen where he was used as the proof that true heroes can and do exist. Deku does want to be exactly like All Might, yes, which is why we see Toshinori leading him down the same path that he walked--but the underlying message of this is that the very first thing All Might gave him even before OfA was the courage to help fix society.
I do believe Deku is an innately compassionate person. Most people in the series are. However, what makes All Might's smile so uniquely impactful to what it did to Hero Society is the way it gave people courage to help people. Less hesitation. Less bystander syndromes. The ability to move without thinking. Because you can feel the want to help a person, but the courage to be nosey and actually do it? That's portrayed as something AM's image teaches people.
The second way he disproves AM's insecurity of dragging Deku down is that he makes it clear that this pain is somewhat of a necessity in reforming society. He says, interestingly enough, that this is but the 'middle process' in reforming society. This spills over to how he addresses Problem B, but what Stain is essentially saying here is that this sort of brutality and isolation that Izuku faces is impermanent. A phase. It implies that even if Deku is struggling and Toshinori is unable to help him, it is something that needs to happen before they re-realize the ideal heroes All Might's image is meant to create.
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The second problem in regards to how All Might feels about current society (how it's collapsing because of him, etc. etc.) is more interestingly addressed. There are many things that Stain says--like how Toshinori doesn't need to actually be the one to fix society with his bare hands. The current society is not his fault because of the fact that it is not finished developing. I'm not sure if I can go so far as to say that Stain means this in the sense of the Scorched Earth method of tearing everything down to build it back up better-- but I can say that Stain still has faith in society to rebuild after this period of chaos.
This rebuilding starts with the old generation of heroes correcting what they messed up (i.e. Endeavor v Dabi) and more importantly, paving the way for a better generation of heroes that was inspired by All Might's image. Heroes that are led by people like Deku, who is defined by his proclivity to help without thinking. The violent deconstruction of society is about exposing society to the raw truth of All Might's image that not everybody can be as strong as him-- which is why we have to take care of each other.
When the lady comes in to remove the sign and start cleaning the statue, it's symbolic. It's a clear metaphor that the past few chapters are the turning point for society as a whole, and how people are starting to remember what real heroism is. From the distrust that was seeded in society ever since LoV had surfaced, we are seeing that trust being returned TEN-FOLD now that people can see not only the mask of a hero's smile, but also the person underneath.
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I think it's some really neat symbolism here too about how Deku, who's metal mouth guard was literally all about representing All Might's smile, is shed.
This is hero society dropping their masks. Letting people see them for as they are. Toshinori revisiting the statue in this form makes all the more impact because he shed his mask ages ago during the Kamino Bust, so this is him coming face to face with the image he's created and seeing the differences between them, and how his image continues to live on even after he's almost completely Quirkless. The lady cleaning the All Might statue shows off the fact that things can be repaired again--that society can be clean (hehe stain pun) again.
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It's interesting to me here how Stain offers the information from Tartarus.
He doesn't care anymore about his life. It's evident. He disagrees with what the LoV is doing, but believes enough in Deku to think that it's time for him to retire the mantle of 'Stain'. Unless this is another test, it's very odd for me to hear that Stain is offering a blade and his life to someone he isn't even sure is All Might.
But the impact of this action reads loud and clear.
This is Stain taking pity on All Might. This is him realizing that All Might too is a person behind the hero. That Toshinori Yagi is incapable of doing anything past the image he had already created. By offering that knife and information on Tartarus, Stain is giving control back to Toshinori. He is giving AM the chance to do something big again to help society's reconstruction. To be a part of the revolution that he so badly deserves to see. That knife is essentially an exit ticket from the sidelines, and one last chance for All Might to be able to see what his image has done for people.
I personally think that the main reason Stain is willing to die then and there by Toshinori's hand, despite not being sure that he is All Might to begin with, is because of the final impact it creates that it isn't about Toshinori Yagi's true power as a person, but the image of All Might. It is because he looks like the symbol of peace, that Stain (the literal HERO KILLER) feels comfortable laying his life in his hands and giving away valuable information.
If that isn't a great testament to the power of AM's image, I don't know WHAT is.
I guess all I have to say is I absolutely love what Stain did in this chapter. Everything felt so incredibly symbolic and emotional and as someone who absolutely ADORES All Might and what he stands for in the story, this felt like a cool balm after seeing Deku tragically reject his bento box a good few chapters ago. I have a few more opinions about symbolism, and how I think Deku's generation of heroes is going to stray from the old gen, but I think that's a discussion for another time.
Thanks for reading 'til the end!
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machinegunbun · 4 years
Ok I have only written you for MGK but I can definitely get into Pete (I wrote you a few minutes ago to tell me if you get too much stuff then i will dial it back 🙈)
So.. Pete is living in a house with his mom and sister in the basement as far as I know. So probably thats not a problem but lets just imagine that at least when somebody is in front if his door you can hear stuff.
And he fucks you or eats you out or something and repeatedly tells you to be quiet but at the same time does everything he can so you cant be quiet? Idk teasing kind meanish in a fun way Pete is something I can definitely imagine
Don’t be ridiculous, it’s never too much. I love having stuff to do.
 I also love this concept.
I might come back to change the ending later but I have to go do something so hmmm tell me if i should or if yall are ok with it.
Okay, so.
You’re on his couch, laid out across it with your head on his lap. One of his hands is lazily stroking your hair and the other is rubbing your thigh. He mentioned recently in an interview that he got in to watching pawn stars so I bet that’s what’s on the tv. Mmh, ripping people off, so sexy.
Your eyes are closed and you’re not really dozing off, just relaxing. You look up at him, completely enamored by his lame scripted reality tv show. Flipping from your side onto your back, you continued to stare up at him, waiting patiently for him to notice you. 
You would’ve thought he’d learnt his lesson after the zoom call.
Eventually he acknowledges your eyes on him, glancing down at you and raising his eyebrows.
“Hello beautiful.” He almost whispers, his former smoothing motions on your hair turning into somewhat of a scratch, the action causing you to close your eyes to enjoy the feeling. You let out a small sigh, tugging on his shirt when his eyes returns to the tv. He looks back to you after the second tug, leaning down to give you a kiss. You have to sit up a bit to accept it, and you gladly do so. He looks back to the tv assuming that’s all you wanted, until he feels another tug on his shirt.
“Another.” you whine, he leans down and place another small kiss to your lips, barely sitting back up before you’re tugging on his shirt again.
“Little DJ Khalid.” He says, leaning down once again, placing multiple kisses on your lips and all over your face. He remains there for a moment, quirking his eyebrow, giving you a moment to provide him with any kisses of your own. After a couple seconds of nothing, he sits back up and watches his show.
You remain like that for a bit, your needs momentarily satiated.  Eventually, the peace is disrupted as Pete gets up to get himself a water from the kitchen. He returns, cold water in hand, and sits back down with your head in his lap. You steal his water, drinking most of it, and he has to get back up to get himself more.
In faux anger, he sits at your feet, keeping his water far away from you.
“I wanna make out.” You say as he places his water on the table
“No, I don’t wanna kiss you. You stole my water.” He jokes, looking over at you giving him grabby hands.
“Fine. Only cause you’re so cute.” He says, sighing in defeat, leaning over, lips outstretched in preparation to give you your kiss. His eyebrows furrow as he’s momentarily halted by your hand.
“Wrong lips.” You smirk. Pete smiles back, pushing your forehead and sitting up to continue watching his show. You let him continue watching his show in peace, taking a nap instead.
Nah, i’m just fuckin joshin, when have you ever done that.
“You’re hot.” You say, staring at him, receiving only a glance in response as he knows exactly what you’re doing 
“Really hot.” You add, Pete humming in response. 
“You know what I love about you?” you didn’t wait for a response “Your tattoos. They’re sexy.” 
His eyes remain glued to the tv, softly rubbing your leg as you continue to compliment him.
“I love the ones on your hands. They turn me on so fucking much.” You continue, sucking one of his fingers into your mouth.
“Baby, I’m trying to watch my show.”
“So watch it.” You shrug.
“I can’t hear when you keep talking.” He says, his eyes remaining on the screen, his hand eventually coming to a stop on your calf. You sigh, taking the hand that you had taken the liberty of sucking each finger, sliding it down your body and placing it where you need him most. 
You assume he’ll continue to ignore you, so you shift your own attention back to the screen, watching as they try to undercut a guy for his boat, when you feel his thumb rubbing against your clit. You look back to him, and to his hand, watching as he slowly plays with your needy pussy, relieving at least some of the tension.
You can’t help the soft moan that floats past your lips as he rubs harsh, small circles around your clit. Pete looks at you when you do, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Be quiet.”
You take a small breath, closing your mouth and trying to remain quiet. You do pretty good too, but then he’s pulling your shorts down your legs and fingering you while he rubs your clit and you can’t help the squeaks the sneak past your lips.
“Shh.” he hushes
“Please, I need you.” You whimper, he shoots you a look that seems to be a warning glare, but leans down so his head is between your legs and licks and sucks at your clit. Obviously it felt good, his tongue and his fingers working you so well, so deep, so fucking good. Before you even really process what you’re doing you’re moaning out to tell him how good he’s doing, how hot he is, how you love his tongue, how you’re
“So fucking close, baby! Fuck, don’t stop.” You whine, you can feel your orgasm slowly approaching as you grip hard onto the couch, your hips jutting up in hopes you can somehow get his tongue flatter against your clit. 
He pulls away just before you can get your release, sitting up straight and working to pull his own pants down, boner evident even through the material of his joggers. 
“Oh my god, yes, fuck me.” You say, spreading your legs in anticipation for him.
“Are you gonna shut the fuck up?” He asks, eyebrow raised angrily.
You stare up at him, caught in the enigma of whether to answer with yes or not answer at all.
“Good.” he says, giving himself a few languid strokes before slipping himself inside, a groan falling past his lips as he feels your wet warmth wrap around his sensitive prick.
“Be quiet.” You retort, catching a glare.
“Haha, very funny.” he says, his hand coming up to wrap around your throat, his hips pounding away at your own.
Seeing as you’d already had your orgasm denied you can feel yourself unraveling around him within minutes, Pete following close behind. It’s safe to say that neither of you managed to be that quiet, and as you were laying there ontop of each other there was a knock at the door that obviously meant,
“Shut up, i’m trying to watch tv.”
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dracoxgeorge · 3 years
Over the Phone| Draco Malfoy
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Warnings: Phone sex, masturbation, slight dirty talk and swearing.
Summary: Your horny and Draco’s at work, so you send a picture.
Draco Malfoy x Fem!reader 
word count: 1.4k
A/n: Thank you for the request! And thank you for 40 followers !!! ily ily ily 
It was Thursday evening, you had just finished eating dinner. You’re boyfriend, Draco, should’ve been home by now, so you decided to call him.
Your mind wouldn’t stop wondering, thoughts of you and Draco getting rather frisky, flooded your mind. 
You felt the urge to rub your thighs together, desperate for some sort of friction. You thighs clenched and unclenched releasing some but barely any of the pent up tension that had been bubbling inside you.
You picked up your phone, unlocked it and went straight to call him. 
Your screen read ‘Draco L. Malfoy <3’ at the top of the screen, when it started to ring. 
 “Hello?” You heard him say, a sigh of relief that he had answered escaped your lips.
“Hey, it's only me. Where are you?” You asked, feeling all hot and bothered.
“I was asked to work late, why do you ask?” He questioned, ignoring his question, you answered with “D’you know when you're getting home?” 
“Another hour or two, why?” 
You wanted to avoid answering, but knowing Draco, you knew he wouldn’t stop asking until he got an answer, so you gave in. 
“Don’t make fun of me.” You demanded, hearing a breathy chuckle from coming from the other end of the phone. 
“Got it,” He stated. Oh what you would do to have your hands feeling him down, kissing him all over, letting him fuck you, on his desk even. Maybe even on the kitchen table… 
“I’m horny Draco, and I really don't know how much longer I can wait.” You whimpered. You heard Draco’s breath hitch at your words. 
“Well, i’m sorry, but they need me here right now.” He replied, you let out a huff. 
“Well I need you too,” You said, playing with the hem of your oversized t-shirt. 
“You know I want more than anything to be with you right now my love, but I’m at work. There's nothing I can do about it, Yn.” Draco sighed. He truly meant what he said, not so still pictures in his head of you on top of him. 
You had his cock hardening within the second. 
“I have to go now, my girl. I’ll see you later okay?” He asked, pondering whether or not he should make a not so quick trip to the bathroom. 
“Suit yourself Dray, see you later.”
“Wait what do you-” was all you heard before hanging up the phone. 
You knew Draco had to work, and there's nothing you could do about that, but you could feel your heat throbbing, you needed to do something about it.
You left for your room, taking off your shirt and bra, leaving your upper half completely bare- your lower half resting in only your panties. You pulled the camera up on your phone and began taking some pictures.
You were angry that your boyfriend wasn’t able to make it home when you needed him most, he needed to know how you felt. 
Yearning for revenge, perhaps, although there was nothing exactly that he'd done wrong.
You were taking pictures for around 10 minutes and now were fishing for the one to send to Draco. 
You came across one, you were looking into the camera with puppy dog eyes and a slight pout, you knew it gave Draco butterflies when you looked at him like that, and you had your tits out, two things he adores.
The camera was at an angle from above you so it was looking down at you, and made your breasts look slightly bigger and perkier than normal.
This is the one, you thought.
You sent it to Draco and only seconds later your feisty photo had the word 'read' written beneath it. And in a mere minute after having sent the photo, you'd been receiving a very well expected phone call.
“Hello?” You asked, just as he had before. 
“What are you doing, what are you trying to do?” He asked, you loved it when he was angry, but he sounded more frustrated than anything, and not the regular kind of frustrated.
“I don’t know what your on about Mr. Malfoy. Is something wrong?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“You have no idea what you do to me, Yn.” He stated, making a pool of arousal flood your panties,
“Touch yourself.” He ordered. You froze. 
“Did you hear me?” He asked,  you swallowed nothing. Your throat went entirely dry.
“Y-yes.” You answered, slowly tracing your nipples, putting Draco on speaker. You put the phone down beside you and moved your unoccupied hand underneath your underwear.
You heard Draco undo his belt and heard that along with his fall to the floor. 
“Are you doing it?” You heard, a soft moan escaped your lips. Your middle and ring finger rubbed slow circles on your clit. 
You could hear your arousal, and picked up your phone. You heard a band snap, which you assumed was the band on his boxers hitting his thighs. 
Draco had his own office, and you heard the ruffle of leather, so you concluded he was in his office chair.
“Are you touching yourself Dray?” You asked, you heard a groan fall out of his mouth, only making you more needy. 
“Fuck Yn, what are you thinking about?” He asked eagerly.
“Thinkin’ about you, pounding into me, mmm and your pretty face, my love. What are you thinking about fucking your fist?” You breathed, Draco barely heard you but managed to make out your words.
“Thinking about fucking your tits, fucking you like the little whore you are. My… little… whore,” He taunted. 
You circled your entrance with your middle finger and slowly pushed it in. A moan escaped your lips as you moved it in and out. 
“Merlin, I can hear how wet you are,” He added, groaning. You were able so partially hear the pace at which he was fucking himself.
“You fuck me so good Draco. F-fuck!” You nearly screamed, curling your finger slightly, hitting your g-spot. You added another finger, coping your exact motion earning another raw, porn worthy moan from yourself. 
“You makin’ yourself feel good my girl, hm? Are you fucking your fingers like a good girl?” He asked, you heard him but were to overcome with lust and need to unravel yourself to answer.
“Draco my hand is cramping,” You whined.
“Be a good girl and keep going, don’t stop until you're told to stop, got it?” 
You hummed in response. After a mere minute, the cramp went away, and you were very close. You wouldn’t be able to stop unless someone was pulling your hand away. 
You heard Draco let out guttural moans, strings of curse words and your name continually falling past his lips. 
Gradually, he got much louder, you knew he was close. Though you also hoped there was a silencing spell put on his office. 
“Are you gonna cum, my love, you gonna cum like a good boy, Draco?” You mewled, you heard Draco’s breath hitch at the nicknames, he loved it when you praised him. 
“Yes, fuck. Wanna cum all over your cunt, wish you were here, Yn.”
“Me too my love, cum with me okay?” You said, hitting just the right spot, shoving your face into a pillow to muffle your broken moans. 
“Yeah, are you close, baby? You gonna cum.”
“Yes yes D-Draco, cum with me p-please,” You answered, gripping your silky green bed sheets like a lifeline.
“I-im cumming Yn, fucking hell Yn. You feel so good on my cock,” He exclaimed, letting out a long dragged out groan, your name being a praise.
“O-oh my god, fucking hell Draco,” You moaned, letting the coil in your lower abdomen snap, sending sparks through your stomach, legs and chest. 
Draco’s non stop moans helped you ride out your high, bringing your other hand back to your clit, making your body jerk and legs shake. You drew tight and fast circles, completely drawing out your orgasm to its full potential. 
You heard Draco lean back in his squeaky chair, you could picture it perfectly. Draco leaning back in his chair, head thrown back, face full of sweat and hair falling down to his forehead instead of slightly pushed back. 
Silence washed over the call, you were only able to hear his heavy breathing and you imagined the same for him. You sat like that for a few minutes, trying to settle down.
You and Draco’s heavy panting began to cease. 
“I bet you made a m-mess,” you laughed. A breathy chuckle came from Draco’s end, making butterflies erupt and begin to dance in your stomach. 
“Yeah, I did and it was entirely your fault.” He answered playfully. 
You shook your head slightly laughing but still out of breath from the mind blowing orgasm you had just had only minutes beforehand.
“How is that, Draco. I wasn’t there.” You stated, staring at the ceiling.
“Oh funny, you know exactly why, would you like me to, in detail, describe what started only 20 minutes ago my love?” He asked rhetorically. 
“I’m fine, thanks though. Maybe next time we should facetime.” You suggested,
“Oh, absolutely.”
A/n: Thank you for reading!! I hope you guys liked it. Requests are open!! Have a good day/night lovely’s <33 
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junicai · 3 years
| summary | When Aria's with her boys, it feels like the sky's the limit.
| word count | 2.3k
| warnings | none
| era | circa. June 2021, filming for Hello, Future music video
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The grass in the empty stadium had been liberally covered in fake flower petals - the healthy green of regularly watered grass slowly becoming overshadowed by the light pink and yellow that settled lightly atop it. 
The white corduroy overalls that Aria donned were splashed with colour in fake paint splotches to compliment the petals - yellows and greens and pinks mixed with blues and oranges in a jumble of streaks that were stark against the otherwise plain material. The Doc Martens that all eight of the members had been fitted for were all padded at the toe and the heel - lest the hard rubber break away skin and cause them to bleed during filming.
Aria crunched several petals underfoot in the heavy boots as she wandered over to the other boys who had been released from hair and makeup a handful of minutes before her. 
The sun was just reaching it’s highest point in the sky, the heat bearing down onto her exposed midriff and almost entirely cancelling out the cool breeze that threatened to rise goosebumps on her stomach. The floaty, bell-sleeved crop top was, in Aria’s opinion, absolutely gorgeous. She had already planned out the best way to corner Heejin unnie - one of the stylists that had an especially soft spot for Aria and her pout, when used effectively. 
Shaking her freshly dyed blue hair out of her eyes, Aria broke out into a light jog to catch up to Renjun, swinging an arm around the boy’s shoulders. 
“Hi!” She smiled brightly. 
Renjun wrinkled his nose at her playfully. “Hey. You done in makeup?”
Nodding, Aria replied, “Yeah. They wanted to touch up the colour in my hair and stick a couple more tattoos around.” She pointed to the new daisy sitting underneath her eye, and the Make Peace, Not War written in differing fonts along her left forearm. 
He aah’d exaggeratedly, patting his own upside-down HELLO on his arm absent-mindedly, before frowning lightly. “Is your colour coming out already? I thought they only dyed it a couple days ago.” Lifting up a hand, Renjun brushed away the strands in Aria’s fringe that were falling into her eyes, cringing lightly when they came away covered in blue residue. 
Aria pulled away from his fingers, shaking her fringe back into place. “They didn’t have any dye left, so it’s hair chalk.” She explained. 
Renjun made another noise of understanding, looking at his smurf coloured fingertips thoughtfully. When his eyes flickered up to meet Aria’s, they had a mischievous glint in them, and she barely had the chance to turn on her heel and break out into a run before Renjun was giving chase hot on her heels. 
Her boots were beginning to rub the skin around her ankle raw, still not broken in enough to stand the test of a sprint through a football field, but Renjun was behind her - holding up his hand threateningly - and that was enough to keep her powering through the burn.
“Stop it!” Aria panted, laughter beginning to soil her already failing lung capacity. Her pace was lagging, but much to her relief; so was Renjun’s. With a final burst of energy at seeing the ground she’d gained on him, Aria made her escape attempt-
Only to be captured by Jeno, strong arms wrapping around her waist and swinging her around in a circle to be plopped right back down in front of a now jogging Renjun, an evil smile on his face. 
“Lee Jeno!” Aria protested, wriggling against the arms that had yet to release her. “Let me goo!” 
He deigned not to respond, but Aria could see the matching glint in his eye, and she resigned herself to her fate. He shared a nod of understanding with Renjun who was advancing slowly now that his victim was immobile. 
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Renjun, I’m sorry.”
His smurf-hand raised threateningly again. 
“I’ll do your dishes for a week.” 
With a final step, Renjun was now within a half-arms distance from Aria. 
“Jenooo-” Aria cut herself off with a squeak, as Renjun dragged his fingers over the bridge of her nose, leaving behind a trail of the blue hair chalk. Aria flailed in Jeno’s grip, but he held her fast, even going so far as to tug her down into his lap on the ground to hold her steady. 
Now entirely stuck, Aria resorted to flailing her limbs as much as she could, which really wasn’t a lot when Jeno tucked her legs beneath his knees, trapping her with all four of his limbs as Renjun rubbed the rest of the hair chalk off of his fingertips and onto Aria’s nose and cheeks. 
Revenge enacted, her attacker eventually settled back onto his heels, fingers now chalk free - having spread most of it over Aria’s face as a replacement for blush. 
Aria let out a small sneeze when the loose dust tickled her nose, blinking harshly in surprise. 
With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see the hand Renjun held to his heart, or the pout that Jeno’s lips formed at the cute sound. The two men peered up at each other, silently agreeing that: Yes, it was unfair that she looked so tiny and cute with blue blush. Sometimes, life wasn’t fair, and it was coming for Renjun and Jeno’s heart in the form of a very tiny girl with a blueberry nose. 
With a pat on the arm from Renjun, Jeno released Aria from his grip who promptly turned around and rained a series of light smacks onto his chest, only stopping when her rings snagged in the necklace he wore. He made no effort to help her, asides from holding her up when he accidentally leaned back and nearly took her down with him. 
“Traitor!” She declared once she had untangled the jewelry. For her own revenge, she ran a finger through her hair to collect the chalk and smudged the colour onto Jeno’s cheek in a bright smear. 
The shocked look in his wide eyes was enough to have Renjun coughing out a laugh, the other two soon following. The patch of grass they had settled onto was far enough away from the filming location that there were no petals to hinder Aria’s plans of laying down onto her back, hands splayed over her stomach as she laughed along with the boys. 
“Guys!” It was Mark’s call that drew their attention away from the coloured chalk - although Renjun did let out another snicker at the light blue cloud that Aria’s hair left on the grass where she had been laying - and together the trio made their way back over to the other five members. 
When Jeno and Renjun got distracted in comparing the temporary tattoos they had both been decorated with, Aria slowed her pace enough to let the two wander ahead without her. 
She slid her focus away from the duo and towards the group that had settled in between the flower-covered goalposts, some standing, some sitting.
The bright colours of this concept was a nice change, Aria thought. She loved doing sexier concepts - don’t get her wrong, she loved the empowerment that came with it, and the twitter reactions were always fun to scroll through - but she’d missed this kind of bubble pop. Songs that made something uncurl up in your chest, complemented and encouraged by all the bright colours and messages. 
When Aria had read through the lyrics the first time, she’d never felt like she’d loved a song more without hearing it. They meant something, especially to her. 
Hello, Future; and all that.
And the costuming was always so fun. Short skirts were never the most ideal things to dance in, and the heeled shoes were the bane of her existence (no matter how good she looked in them) so the sturdy boots and durable overalls was a welcome switch-out. 
Her boys looked happy with it as well.
With Hot Sauce, there was an infinite amount pressure to get it right. It was the first full album that NCT Dream was going to release, and it was 8DREAM. They had Mark back. They were all adults at that point. There were expectations to meet. They couldn’t pass things off as being children anymore; they had millions of eyes watching them, and it was like having someone breathing down your neck. 
The pressure just kept mounting and mounting until it loomed over them all like dark clouds that you could just know held heavy rain. It was like they were debuting all over again. Re-debuting as eight again. Aria doesn’t think she remembers a single thing from the set at all. The whole thing is just a blur in her memory. 
Hello, Future, this time around, is different. The members had gathered in the living room around Donghyuck’s laptop when the Hot Sauce music video aired, watching as the views racked up and positive comment after positive comment poured in. They’d read through each and every one, Mark and Aria translating the English ones that the others couldn’t read. 
If Aria cried, one arm wrapped tightly around Jaemin, with the other held Mark’s right hand in his lap, then no one commented on it. It could be, because they had tears of their own in their eyes - but no one can say for sure.
They ended up sleeping on the floor that night, laptop discarded on the couch that was stripped bare of pillows and throw blankets. Curled around each other - this time with her head on Renjun’s chest and her stomach monopolized by both Chenle and Jisung lying horizontal from each other, Aria felt the tension and the fear that had been teeming underneath her shoulders for the last two months abate. 
The terror that if the album had flopped, then they’d be facing disbandment like so many kneitzens wanted. 
Or worse: Dream would keep going, but they’d lose Mark again. 
Even the thought made something horrible curl up in the pit of Aria’s stomach. 
Never again. 
The odd sleeping arrangements were not something that were uncommon in the Dreamies dorm (Honestly, Aria can’t remember the last time she had slept alone in a room, let alone a bed. They had a system worked out for when someone genuinely needed time alone, but otherwise, most bedroom doors remained open all night.)
This time, Mark was forcibly settled into the middle, everyone clamoring that he’d missed out on nearly three years of them - and he wasn’t getting ride of them that easily again. 
To his credit, Mark went without much argument, although that probably falls down due to the fact that god, he had missed them too. 
Over the weeks of practicing together, re-working the choreography for the songs that had been released when Dream was seven members only, they found their rhythm again. The one that they had lost in 2019, the one that Mark had taken with him when he’d graduated from the group.
Finding it again felt easier than breathing. 
Aria thought she’d never get to see her boys smile so brightly as they did together again, giving the colourful flowers lining the grass a run for their money. 
From her position a ways away from the group, she watched as Chenle immediately launched himself at Jeno as soon as he was close enough, tackling the older boy onto the ground where they both landed with a thud, Chenle’s head whipping backwards with the force.
She watched as Jeno - ever careful - had tucked a hand behind Chenle’s head to catch him even before they started to fall, his hand taking all the impact as they came into contact with the ground.
Jisung was quick to clamber up, eager to pull Renjun over to Jaemin and show him what they had been doing. She watched as Jaemin held up a small crown made of the fake petals, held together loosely by the short strands of confetti that were scattered around the goalposts. 
Mark was leaning his back against the post, head tilted down onto Donghyuck’s shoulder. Donghyuck was watching Jeno and Chenle wrestle with each other - cheering for one or the other, depending on who was winning at that exact moment. 
Aria watched as Donghyuck slowly slipped into silence, tilting his head down to look at Mark’s peaceful expression as the eldest seemed to almost doze off on his shoulder. 
And, she watched as Donghyuck lifted his eyes, flickering from each of the members. His eyebrows furrowed, scanning the group again before he craned his neck towards the rest of the field.
When his eyes locked onto Aria’s, he raised an eyebrow, but deigned to stay quiet - choosing against startling Mark with a yell. His expression was enough, though. 
Donghyuck understood Aria on a certain level that she thought not a lot of people could. She had a unique bond with each member of Dream, but Donghyuck sometimes knew what was going on in her head before she even did. 
Which is why, instead of teasing her for being an introvert, or running away; when Aria strolled up to join the group he just extended the arm that wasn’t wrapped around Mark’s waist, beckoning to her.
After being firmly tucked into his other side, Aria curled into his chest with a sigh, shivering lightly when the sun slid behind a cloud for a brief second and the air felt cooler than it had all day.
Feeling her shudder, Donghyuck tilted his head down to look at her the same way he’d looked at Mark a moment ago, before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You okay?” 
Aria nodded. “M’okay.” 
(Donghyuck didn’t realize that his lips were blue from the chalk until Jisung pointed it out, some thirty minutes later.)
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justkending · 4 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 20.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 3000+
A/N: Ok this is the last full chapter I have written. I’ve begun on 21, but it’s only about halfway done. I’m hoping to have it done by the Saturday, but no promises... Please be patient with me as I have a rather busy schedule and want to give you the best chapters! I hope you all enjoy this one:)
Chapter Twenty:  
Another two weeks had passed, and today was move in day for Y/N into her new apartment. 
She had got a small little flat in Midtown Manhattan, so she was right in between her mom and Steve and Bucky’s house. Having not really time to get furniture and not really having the money for it just yet, she went ahead and got a furnished apartment, so moving in was easy with only bringing in her bedding, boxes of clothes, and decorations. 
The flat that she got was an open concept studio. The only walled rooms were the bathroom and a single closet at the entryway. Everything else was out in the open with no dividers. 
They had given her a bed, couch, dresser, coffee table, and the dining table was an island in the middle of the kitchen looking out to the living room. She went thrifting during some free time finding a bookshelf and end table for her bed to add to the space. 
Bucky and Steve had taken the weekend off to help her move in the heavy loaded things. Becca was coming later to help with some decorating to liven up the space. 
“Where’s this one going?” Steve asked maneuvering through the doorway. 
“They’re literally labeled, big guy,” Y/N shouted from the bathroom where she was organizing her toiletries. 
“Not this one, Miss. Sass,” Steve countered. 
“Just throw it by a wall somewhere then. I’ll get to it later,” she shouted back. 
Bucky came in shortly after with two smaller boxes topped on each other. 
“Ok, I think that’s it. At least in my car,” he noted, dropping them down in the kitchen.
“All clear in my truck,” Steve added with a huff as he brushed his hands off. 
Y/N came out from the bathroom with her hands on her hips and let out a loud breath. 
“Great. All that’s left is decorating and at least making my bed so I have a place to collapse once exhaustion hits me,” she smiled. “And according to the time,” she looked down at her watch, “that will be about 20 minutes.”
Bucky chuckled before moving over and wrapping an arm around her shoulder and squeezing her body into his side. Which she gladly used him as a wall to cave into. 
“Yeah, 4 hours of moving things from mom’s to here was my workout for the day,” Steve laughed. “Now, I was promised dinner and a drink for my payment of heavy lifting, if I remember correctly.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at her brother who batted his long eyelashes at her waiting for her answer. 
“Fine, I’ll call in for pizza. Anyone know a good spot around here?” she asked breaking away from Bucky for just a quick second to grab her phone before rushing back to hold onto him once again. The quick movement made Bucky laugh at how needy she was being for his touch. 
He wasn’t complaining though. Now that Steve knew about them, the simple touches (they were being nice and not being as touchy as they’d like for Steve’s comfort. He was still getting used to it) meant all the world now they can embrace it instead of hide it. 
“There’s Angelo’s and Joe’s. Both mouth watering New York Pies,” Bucky answered, as he wrapped his other arm around her holding her into his side more. She snuggled into his chest as she typed away on her phone for the menus.
“Any preference, Stevie?” she asked. 
“I’m feeling Joe’s. While you order that, I’ll go to the corner store for some beers. Want anything specific?” he asked standing up rolling back his shoulders in a stretch before grabbing his keys. 
“You know the answer to that,” she said, sending a raised eyebrow from behind Bucky’s arm. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get the Rose,” he waved off moving to the door. “Buck? Anything special.”
“I’m good with whatever.”
“ ‘kay. Be back in a minute.”
Steve walked out the door and instantly Y/N fell back onto her bed with a bounce. 
“You’re really that tired?” Bucky laughed looking at her stilled self. 
“I’ve been packing way before you guys got there to put everything in your cars,” she answered with her eyes closed. 
“Did you sleep last night?” When he didn’t get a response and she just moved her arm over her eyes, he knew the answer. “You waited until the last minute to pack everything up, didn’t you?”
“Not everything… Just my entire bedroom…” she said, peeking an eye out with a small smile. 
Bucky chuckled before falling down next to her. Both of them looked up to stare up at the high exposed ceilings. 
“I did my bathroom the day before,” she noted. 
“What else do you have left to do to make this feel like your home?” he asked, turning his head to her. 
“Eh, I’ll go thrifting with Becca tomorrow probably and find decorations here and there. But considering this place is maybe just two of my bedrooms at mom’s house, I won’t need much,” she shrugged looking at him. “Definitely need to get a plant or two… Or five.”
Bucky shook his head with a grin before moving to envelope her again and pull her into his chest. 
“I feel like everytime I’m going to come over, you’re going to have a new plant.”
“Am I wrong?” 
“You’re a dork,” he laughed, kissing the crown of her head.
“Hey! Plants purify your air and bring joy to my heart. It’s scientifically proven,” she pouted, pulling away enough to see his face. 
“I didn’t know you were part of a science experiment,” he played on. “Would make sense for a lot of things…”
“You little-,” she shoved him away before jumping off the bed and moving to the kitchen. 
“Hey, I’m kidding. I’m kidding,” he laughed slowly chasing after her. “To an extent.”
“Don’t talk to me,” she huffed, going back to her phone to order the pizza. The little pout of her bottom lip just made her all the more cute instead of intimidating though. 
He rolled his eyes as he moved to stand behind her trapping her in her position by the island. His arms holding the counter top on both sides of her body.
“That won’t last long…” he whispered in her ear in just the right voice to make her shiver. 
But she didn’t give in, no matter how bad she wanted to. Two can play this little game. She hit the call button and turned around looking at him. 
Just as she opened her mouth to talk, making it a show and making him think she was about to say something to him, she brought her phone to her ear and answered.
“Hi, I was wanting to place a delivery order,” she said fluttering her eyelashes at Bucky before ducking under his arms and walking away. “Yes, I’m going to do a large pepperoni and a large margarita pizza.” She continued as she aimlessly walked around the flat. 
Bucky shook his head watching her. Before he had the chance to do anything further… Becca came in with a loud huff. 
“Good God. Y/N, you have a hot neighbor!” she shouted and the two turned to her. Bucky with furrowed eyebrows and Y/N with a look showing she was on the phone. “Oop, sorry,” she shrugged with a whisper as she walked to Bucky with a brown paper bag. 
“Hot neighbor?” Bucky asked. 
“Yeah, right next door. I might have to hop on that…” she winked as she started emptying the bag. Random little snacks and bags of candies, probably for their girls night they planned for later that evening. 
“I thought you were dating someone,” Bucky questioned as he grabbed a bag of swedish fish. Becca quickly smacked his hand and sent a warning look. 
“Keep up, Bucky. We stopped dating like a month ago,” she shook her head. 
“Wait, what was his name again? Scotty? Sco-”
“Scott. And yes. We had almost completely different schedules, so it just wasn’t working. Eh, I’m not worried about it. He was a good lay, but I’ll live,” she tilted her head grabbing a bottle of wine and moving to put it up in the fridge. 
“Oh, God. Please don’t tell me about guys you’re sleeping with. I don’t want to hear that,” Bucky squirmed. 
“You’re a child,” she shook her head before turning to Y/N who was walking to the opposite side of the island. “Who was on the phone?”
“Joe. I was ordering some pizza,” she answered. “Sweet guy actually. But what were you talking about when you came in?”
“Oh!” she shouted excited. “You have a hot neighbor!”
“Is that so?” she raised her eyebrows before moving to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 
“Does that spark an interest in you Y/N/N?” Bucky asked, turning and looking at her with surprise. 
“I’m not talking to you, remember?” she pointed. 
“You just did,” he tilted his head with a sassy smirk. 
Instead of answering, she stuck out her tongue and turned back to Becca. “Elaborate.”
“310D, right to the left of you,” Becca noted. “Longer blonde hair and those damn arms that look like if you wrapped a ribbon around them, it would take a single flex to pop it.”
“Catch a name?” she asked with a laugh. 
“You do realize we’re dating right?” Bucky asked, crossing his arms. 
“No, I didn’t catch it. I was just looking at him before he went into his apartment. I don’t think he even saw me,” Beck continued ignoring her brother. 
“Interesting. You’ll have to figure it out,” she added, taking a swig of water. “Wouldn’t hurt to know the neighbors name.”
“Um, hello…”
“Oh, say less. Don’t have to tell me twice to interact with a perfect specimen of a man,” Becca laughed.
“I feel like I’m invisible,” Bucky mumbled, watching the two start to giggle about whatever telepathic thing they were talking about. 
Steve came back soon after with the drinks, and not even 10 minutes after him, the pizza was delivered. 
They all sat around eating and talking with the limited furniture after Bucky set up the TV, along with Steve yelling at him that it was HDMI 4 not 2. That was a whole fight in itself. 
Steve eventually left around six and Bucky was leaving soon after so the girls could have their first girl night in Y/N’s new apartment. 
That was until Bekah let out a long groan. 
“What?” Y/N asked leaning over for an M&M on the coffee table. 
“One of my classmates just texted me asking about something for an essay I completely forgot I had due. My professor has it due at 8am tomorrow like the crazy person she is,” she sighed, looking at her phone before looking at the couple on the couch she was facing on the floor. “What kind of insane person doesn’t do the midnight deadline? This professor is going to be the death of me.”
“How much of it do you have done?” Bucky asked. 
“That’s the thing,” she said with a wrinkle of her nose. “I completely forgot about it until this text…”
“You haven’t started?” Y/N chuckled, but you could tell she was worried for her friend. 
“No…” Becca replied. “I may or may not have been putting it off and happened to forget it entirely.”
“Let me guess, it’s practically 30% of your grade for the semester?” Y/N said with a raised eyebrow. 
“You know me so well…” she replied with a pathetic smile. “I’m going to have to bail on girls night tonight. Please don’t hate me.”
“I don’t hate you, Beck,” Y/N shook her head. “I get it. I just recently got out of that world, so I know how it goes.”
Bucky watched as the two interacted and laughed at his sister like the annoying big brother he was. 
“Go before you fail the class. We can always reschedule,” Y/N waved off. 
“You sure?”
“Positive. Now go. Every second counts,” she said, standing with Becca as they moved to the door. “Stop by the coffee shop on the way out. Espresso is your friend tonight.”
“Yes ma’am,” Becca saluted as she grabbed her things and stepped out of the apartment. “Oh, and next time I come, I’ll make sure to get hot neighbors name,” she added with a wink. 
“That’s your next homework assignment.”
“Oh, that’s one I won’t be putting off.”
After a head shake to her friend, Becca rushed out of the building off to her own place. Y/N shut and locked the door behind her and walked back into the kitchen. 
“Does that mean we get to have a girls night?” Bucky asked with a smirk. 
“Ha Ha, very funny,” she laughed before falling onto the couch and laying her head in his lap looking straight up at him. “But yeah. I’d like some company first night here. It’s a big emptyish kind of space.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice, doll,” he smiled as he started stroking her hair gently. 
“Oh, hey! I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something,” she noted, readjusting in her spot to see him better. 
“Should I be worried?” he asked is a teasing manner. 
“No,” she chuckled before grabbing his hand and starting her pattern tracing that he learned she loved to do. It was calming is what she had told him. “It’s about Steve.”
“What about Steve?” Bucky asked as he watched her finger tip glide across his palm in a gentle manner, sending shivers up his arm. She was able to do that everytime. 
“Well, you know my host family I talked about?” He hummed as his answer. “So Peggy was the daughter of the people I was staying with. She was about 4 years older than me and kinda turned into my mentor. Badass woman if I might add.”
“I remember you talking about her. From the stories you had, she seems like she can definitely hold her own,” he laughed. “What does she have to do with Steve?”
“I’m getting there, slowly…” she said, adding a dramatic tone to the conversation. Bucky rolled his eyes playfully as he went back to playing with her hair. “Peggy and I talked about her coming here and staying a while. A week or so. Maybe later. However, that was when we were living together and just mapping out times to meet up again. Now, she’s got a job opportunity here and was wanting to come and stay for a little to scope out if she wants it and is willing to make the move to New York possibly.”
“Sounds like a fun plan,” he nodded. “But I’m still waiting on the Steve part.”
“Patience, B. Patience,” she said squeezing his hand slightly. “It has to do with Steve because I think Peggy would be a great match for him.”
“You want to set up your brother?”
“Yes. And if there is anyone in the world that I can think of that can handle his hard head as well as challenge it, it’s Margaret Elizabeth Carter.”
“You know your brother hates when we set him up on dates,” Bucky made note of. “She better be something else if you think it’s going to work out.”
“Oh, Peggy is the definition of something else,” Y/N smirked still concentrated on the lines on his hand.
“Ok, so when is she coming to town?”
“Not sure yet. She’s still waiting to hear back from the agency that she was talking with on a good date for them both. I mean she can always come visit before that, but travel isn’t cheap, so it would be smarter for her to just come when she also has business to attend to.”
“Valid point.”
“So you think it’s a good idea? You wanna join my team to play matchmaker with Stevie?” she asked with that damn grin that got him every time. He just can’t seem to say no to it.
“As much as your brother hates these kinds of things, you seem pretty set on it. So I’m trusting you know what you’re doing,” he smiled, brushing a thumb on her cheek. 
“When do I not know what I’m doing?” she retorted gleefully. 
“Well, there was that one time at Coney Island that you,-” he started, just in an effort to push her buttons. 
“It was a rhetorical question that should not be answered. That is if you want to stay the night,” she said with an attempt of a threatening face. 
“It’s cute you think you have an intimidating stare,” he replied, now pinching her cheek where his thumb was. 
“I can be intimidating,” she sat up with a pout. 
“Sure you can, Y/N/N,” he nodded with a smug grin. “That face exudes intimidation.”
When she actually set in her deathly stare that Bucky had seen when she was upset, he took a step back from his teasing. 
“Ok, I’m kidding now. I know you can do it,” he said with a daunted face. The glower on her own features immediately dropped at getting the reaction from him she wanted and went back to her cute sweet innocent smile. “It’s kinda scary how easily you can flip that switch…”
“It’s a talent. What can I say?” she shrugged with a wink as she stood up and went to make popcorn. “So what movie are we watching tonight?”
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
This and That (Wolfstar)
More from my Ao3! Heads up, this one gets smutty so if that’s not your thing then this might not be your fic. 
I hope ye like it!
Remus couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.
Because Sirius Black had gotten a lip piercing.
“Hey Moony.” Sirius smirked, apparently waiting to see how long it would take for Remus to react. It was the first day back at school after the Christmas break, Sirius had spent it why James and the Potters and Remus had missed him but they had written to each other every day.
But apparently there were some things Sirius had forgotten to mention.
“Hi Pads.” Remus finally ground out, realising a beat or two had passed and he hadn’t answered.
“Good break?”
“Yeah it was nice seeing mum and dad.” If Sirius wasn’t going to mention it then neither was Remus. Two could play at this game. “How about you?”
“Alright.” Sirius shrugged but grabbed Remus’s hand and tugged him closer, burying his face against Remus’s neck. Remus could feel the hard press of the warm metal against his skin and felt a little flutter in his core. Fuck.
“Missed you.” Sirius mumbled and Remus wrapped his arms tightly around him, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.
“Well hello James, how lovely it is to see you.” James grumbled walking past two boys.
“Hello to you too James.” Remus chuckled, pulling away from Sirius and beginning to walk back to the castle.
“Is Peter back yet?” James asked as they jumped onto the stairs, just as they began to move, the stone sliding seamlessly through the air.
“No.” Remus answered. “I arrived a couple of hours ago and Peter isn’t due back until tomorrow.”
“Cutting it a little close, isn’t he?” Sirius commented and Remus forced himself to ignore the not-yet-familiar flash of metal on his face.
“Yeah.” Remus shrugged. “He barely even wrote to me over the break.” They stepped off the staircase and headed up to the Gryffindor Tower. “He must just be busy.”
“Maybe he’s found himself a girl.” James said suggestively, nudging Sirius lightly in the ribs. Sirius shoved him away in retaliation. Remus just rolled his eyes.
“Calla lily.” He said to the Fat Lady and the portrait swung open.
They stepped into the common room, quieter than it usually was at this time of the night - a lot of students had yet to return. James brightened immeasurably when he spotted a bright head of flame red hair across the room and he passed his trunk to Remus, half in a daze.
“Would you mind taking this upstairs for me please Moony?” He asked, but without waiting for an answer he had already begun to wander away, half in a trance as he wrapped his arms around Lily from behind. She just smiled and leaned back comfortably into the touch.
“They’re cute.” Remus mused as they trundled up the last set of stars to their dorm.
“Yeah, I suppose Lily was excited to see her boyfriend.”
Remus snorted at the not so subtle dig and opened the door, putting James’s trunk down by his bed.
“I suppose James would have told Lily if he did something like get a new piercing.”
Sirius pouted, his bottom lip popping out and highlighting that little silver ring. “I wanted to see your reaction.” He looked down at his feet, scuffing his shoes lightly. “I take it you don’t like it?”
Remus arched an eyebrow. “You’re right.” He said, stepping closer and he hooked his fingers under Sirius’s chin, lifting it so he could look into his boyfriend’s eyes. “I love it.”
A delighted surprise lit up Sirius’s eyes before he leaned up and pressed those lips against Remus’s before pulling away abruptly.
“Ow.” Sirius said frowning, a finger grazing the piercing lightly. “It’s still pretty tender.”
“You wanted to get out of kissing me that badly?” Remus teased as Sirius groaned, tugging him closer by the waist and burying his face in Remus’s chest.
“I would never have gotten it if I knew it meant I couldn’t kiss you.”
Remus chuckled softly. “I’m sure it’ll only be for a few more days.”
“It's already been two weeks. I’ve done my waiting.” Sirius lamented before pressing up on his tiptoes and trying to connect their lips. Remus laughed at the dramatics as he dodged his boyfriend’s eager lips, determined not to hurt him even if he had been dreaming about this moment from the minute they had been separated.
“I suppose we could figure something else out.” Remus proposed and Sirius pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes.
“Mhm.” Remus hummed, already leaning down to nuzzle Sirius’s neck. “You can’t kiss me, but there’s nothing stopping me kissing you.”
Sirius’s hands tightened at his waist. “ I guess you’re right.”
Remus nipped Sirius’s earlobe, making the shorter boy gasp. “I thought I was always right?” Remus mumbled into his boyfriend’s skin. Sirius groaned, his hands tanging in Remus’s hair. “You are.”
Remus hummed in approval and grazed his teeth lightly over the spot where Sirius’s shoulder met his neck.
“You are such a tease.” Sirius gasped.
“How long do you think we have?”
Sirius quickly glanced at his watch. “Plenty of time. James is just seeing Evans for the first time in weeks and Peter isn't back yet so it's just you and me Moony.”
“Well in that case…” Remus muttered just before he attached his lips to that sensitive spot he had just been teasing and sucked what would become a deep purple mark there. Sirius gasped and his fingers tightened in Remus hair, tugging him closer. Remus licked a long column up Sirius’s neck, stopping only when he reached the top to pull Sirius’s earlobe into his mouth, smirking against his boyfriend's skin as Sirius inhaled sharply.
“I hate you.” Sirius whispered as Remus dragged his teeth along the shell of his ear and Remus chuckled.
“No you don’t.” He breathed, his hot breath caressing Sirius’s skin. “You love me.”
Sirius gasped and arched into his boyfriend's hands as another mark was made on his skin. “Yeah.” He panted. “I do.”
Remus pulled away slightly so he could look into the heavenly stormy swirls of his boyfriend’s eyes. “Merlin, I wanna kiss you.” He mumbled, his eyes flitting down to Sirius’s lips and… that piercing. Not to reiterate, but… fuck.
“Do it.” Sirius dared but Remus just smirked. “You wish, Pads.” He said, before occupying his lips with something a little more pressing than talking right now and kissing the hollow of Sirius’s throat. He pushed the leather jacket from Sirius’s shoulders and then tugged on his shirt. “Off.” He ordered and Sirius scrambled to follow orders.
Remus grinned as he stood in front of a now-shirtless Sirius. He ran his hands lightly over his boyfriend's pale chest for a moment but stopped when Sirius literally whined with longing.
“Eager, aren’t we?”
“It’s been two weeks.” Sirius ground out. “Don’t pretend you haven’t missed this too.”
Remus swirled his tongue over Sirius’s nipple, not deigning to reply. Sirius gasped and reached around for something to grab on to, finally catching one of the bedposts. In truth, Remus had missed this, oh how he had missed this. But right now it wasn't about him.
He pushed Sirius lightly backwards until his legs hit on his bed and his knees buckled, pulling Remus down onto the bed with him. They collapsed onto the soft covers, giggling for a second as they kicked off their shoes until once again the mood was a tad more serious.
“Thought about you-” Sirius gasped, “Every day, every minute really.”
“Oh yeah?” Remus said, looking up for a moment from where he had been kissing a trail down Sirius’s navel. “What did you think about me doing?”
He bit Sirius’s side gently, the way he knew drove Sirius mad. “This?” He asked innocently. “Or… this?” He continued as he circled his tongue on the other boy’s nipple. “Or maybe even… this.” He breathed as he unbuttoned Sirius’s jeans and slid his hand into his boyfriend’s pants, palming his straining, hard cock through his boxers.
“Fuck Re.” Sirius groaned as his hips buckled up into Remus’s hands. “Give me a warning if you’re going to do that.”
“Oh but then,” Remus pouted. “I wouldn't get to see your face when I did something like… this.” He plunged his hand into Sirius’s underwear, eliminating the one, tiny barrier between them and grasped the velvety hardness as Sirius bit his lip, moaning, that goddamned lip ring gleaming. Remus smirked as he swirled his thumb over the tip of Sirius’s cock, his eyes never leaving Sirius’s face, savouring the bitten lip, every little gasp, the cute scrunching of his nose.
That same smirk still played on Remus’s lips as he lowered his mouth, his tongue darting up to lick the bead of pre cum leaking from Sirius’s aching member. Remus watched Sirius’s eyes fly open before clenching shut as he gasped, his fingers knotting in Remus’s hair and applying very slight pressure. Not enough to actually move Remus, but enough to tell him what Sirius wanted. Remus hummed and then without warning, he took Sirius’s entire length in his mouth.
“Fuck!” Sirius cried, not even caring if the entire Hogwarts castle heard him. “Re.” He whimpered and Remus looked up at him through lidded lashes. “Re.” Sirius panted again, “You’ve gotta stop unless you want me to come right now.” Remus hummed to indicate he had heard, but continued his ministrations, his nails scraping lightly over Sirius’s inner thigh, one hand holding Sirius’s hips down while his tongue swirled ceaselessly over the sensitive skin as Remus kept bobbing his head and the next thing Remus knew was the delicious sound of Sirius’s moan as his hips bucked and he spilled in Remus’s mouth.
Remus continued his motions for a moment or two more, stroking Sirius through his climax before pulling away and crawling up the bed so he could lie next to Sirius, studying his face as he came down from his high.
When Sirius’s eyes were clear again, no longer clouded by pure bliss, he reached over and unbuttoned Remus’s pants quickly, inhaling sharply at Remus’s straining cock. Remus watched as Sirius wrapped his long, slim fingers around him and found himself bucking involuntarily into Sirius’s palm. Sirius laughed a little when Remus climaxed after a few quick tugs but Remus just shoved his shoulder slightly as he cast a wandless cleaning charm.
“A little eager, Re?”
“Oh fuck off.” Remus scoffed. “As if you were much better. Besides, I’ve been dreaming about this for a while now.”
Sirius’s eyes darkened even as he tucked himself into Remus’s open arms, entwining their legs. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Ready to go again so soon Pads. Hm, maybe I’ll just have to prove my stamina this time.”
“Mmm, don’t worry Moony, I know all about your impressive stamina.”
“Good.” Remus found himself mumbling even as he giggled into Sirius’s neck and Sirius huffed a laugh from where his face was buried in Remus’s chest.
“I love you.” Remus whispered. “So, so much.”
Sirius’s grip on him tightened infinitely as he took a slightly quivering breath. “There aren’t enough words for me to describe how much I love you Remus Lupin.”
Remus kissed Sirius’s neck, where his lips rested as he began to drift towards sleep. “Can’t be as much as I love that fucking lip ring.”
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therealjammy · 3 years
The Lady of Half-Death
Hi, hello, posting this here for the Tumblr crowd, in case you don’t feel like venturing to Ao3. 
This work’s alternate title: “Lucky One” 
Content Warnings: Very NSFW, a brief but graphic depiction of violence. (This work is meant for 18+ only!) 
It’s also told in first person POV, the Forbidden Perspective, so sorry if that’s not your jam.... Thank you for reading xx
November, 1937
On a bitter November day, early in the morning, I was roused by the tinkling of the bell hanging beside my bed. Being Mother Miranda’s most competent servant, I was long used to a summons during the small hours of the dark. She was night’s creature, bent over her studies and her subjects until a bitter sun lit the sky, almost unaware of time’s passage, while her servants kept in perfect time with every striking hour. I splashed sleep from my features with bitterly cold water from the basin on my dresser and wrapped myself in my warmest robe. I lit a candelabra, savoring its small warmth as I donned my silver mask. It had frightened me at first, how the servants wore these metal things elongated into an elegantly startling bird’s beak, but when serving the Lady of Ravens, one had to know to whom they pledged their loyalty, both inside and outside the house’s grounds. Though the metal was light, it still made one’s head ache after only a few minutes of wear, and was a constant irritation after many hours. But like a pain that was more a nuisance than anything, it was easily set aside.
           I walked quickly through dark hallways and creaking staircases, passing through rooms whose furniture was covered in sheets and rooms whose contents were not. Each was quiet as the long-dead.
           The doors to the laboratory opened on soundless hinges. Inside, there was only a spotlight on the latest occupied table and the stoic figure of Mother Miranda leaning over it, her hands coated in deep crimson, her subject unmoving. Her face was drawn into a deep, displeasured frown.
           “What may I bring you, ma’am?” I asked carefully.
           “Tea, Trudy,” replied Mother Miranda. By the ancient tiredness in her voice, I knew the kind I ought to fetch.
           Staying true to her grief, Mother Miranda had a fondness for black tea, steeped for five minutes to be strong, made stronger with a dollop of Sanguis Virginis, a sweet but robust red wine made by Lady Dimitrescu. She kept the largest bottle for herself, but sent a smaller one to Mother Miranda every winter. The bottle was red and adorned with golden flowers crawling up its sides.
           By the time I brought the fresh tea to her, Mother Miranda’s hands were washed of blood, and the subject on the table was covered with a white sheet, slowly turning scarlet. I set the teacup and candelabra beside her and gave a professional distance.
        ��  “The nature of science,” Mother Miranda said, picking up the teacup, “is to fail again and again.” She held it delicately. There was rage underneath that delicacy. “Every vessel thus far has been unfit, even if it’s accepted the Cadou, and with each unfit one I feel as if I am losing her more.”
           “You might feel like Tantalus, ma’am,” I said after a pause, “with your goals evading your grasp, but I rather think you must be like Orpheus.”
           “Attempt until death,” she murmured. “Yes, child, I believe you’re right.” A long sip of tea. Underneath her golden mask, her pink lips turned a deep red. She set the cup gently in its saucer and rose from her chair, black robes shuffling quietly. “Come. Let us begin anew.”
           I lifted the mutilated subject from the table, wrapping the sheet about her carefully, and carried her fresh limpness to the courtyard with the others. Her cooling blood seeped from the sheet and onto my robes, and it dripped onto the bricks and my feet, leaving a sticky trail. It was cloying, but it was a sweet perfume compared to the rich decay that wafted from the courtyard’s cold soil. In the dark, I saw there was already a space made for her. I lay her carefully in it. A good sacrifice deserved gentleness once the deed was done, after all. In that sense, I was more merciful than Mother Miranda. Once a body was no longer of use, she would carry it out herself and toss them hastily aside, for only one body mattered above the rest.
           “In life and in death,” I said over the grave, “we give glory to Mother Miranda.”
           I sprinkled a handful of dirt over the covered girl and left her to the bitter, near-winter air.
           Inside again, I scrubbed the table twice with soapy water and dried it thoroughly. I lit more candles, placing them around the table’s edges, away from the notes that Mother Miranda spread across the surface. While she organized them, I brewed another pot of tea, bringing it and the gifted bottle of Sanguis Virginis with me. When I had poured my own cup, Mother Miranda gestured to the wine. Pour that in, too. I obeyed without question. Grey eyes watched me drink, unchanging even when I made no face at the taste of wine and blood mixing with strong black tea. I’d learned long ago that reactions caused reactions. I remained impassive, though my stomach still curdled and rebelled at the taste of the sinful wine. To the others—Mother Miranda and Lady Dimitrescu— the wine was a sweet and prized possession. If ever it was sold, it would be incredibly expensive.
           I brought a chair and perched myself next to Mother Miranda. It was always a thrill to be at her side, to study her volumes of notes and drawings and glimpse the way her mind worked. But more than that, I cherished the nights like this, when it was only the two of us. I enjoyed her company. I desired more of it, because I desired her. At times I believed she knew this, but then she would dismiss me so easily, brush by without a care, and I’d question if she knew at all.
           Attraction, I reminded myself, was a science, too, and like an experiment gone horribly wrong, it was best if one didn’t share the results.
           I cleared my throat and straightened in my chair. “We should begin where this one failed,” I said. “Pinpoint a reason, compare it to the rest.”
           We pored over notes for hours, comparing observations, Mother Miranda writing furiously in her looping scrawl underneath a page titled Quinn. The candles burned low, and the sky lightened outside the laboratory’s several windows, revealing a cold, white-filled dawn.
           “The conclusion is painfully obvious,” Mother Miranda sighed at last, pushing her nearly empty teacup aside. It’d turned cold hours ago. “I must find a truly unique vessel. The village is rotting with diluted blood and therefore cannot be used again. Three of the Lords—those children!—were ones I found outside. Diluted in other ways, perhaps, but strong enough.”
           “Yet you declared them all unfit,” I remarked.
           “Because they were too much,” Mother Miranda said stiffly, “and the rest have been too little. They served their miserable purpose and now I must find yet another clean slate! And to think I’d chosen so carefully…” A hand curled into a fist, clenched improperly due to taloned fingertips.
           “Send me to the field, Mother Miranda,” I said. “I will search for you.” But it was the wrong thing to say, for her other hand darted quickly out and knocked her teacup and saucer from the table. They shattered on the floor, black-red tea pooling around their remains.
           “Do not be dim, child; it cannot be done by you. It must be me.” She paused for a long moment, coming back to herself with a single, sharp shake of her head. “Please,” Mother Miranda said around a breath, “forgive my outburst.” She moved smoothly to the shattered teacup just as I did. We knelt out of time but reached for the same piece, her gold-plated fingers brushing my bare ones, sending a brief, hot shock through my being that ended in my chest.
           “You need never ask my forgiveness, Mother Miranda,” I said, slowly withdrawing my hand and reaching for a different piece. “A woman in grief doesn’t know her own actions.” And it was her grief, I thought then, that made my heart ache for her. That made everyone’s hearts ache for her. Mother lost a child, they’d say. No greater tragedy exists. We must be kind.
           “Grief is some people’s undoing,” Mother Miranda said. She had stopped picking up shards of teacup, a few pieces cradled in a hand. Her gaze was on the puddle of bloody, wine-soaked tea. “It festers like a splinter left in too long, or a piece of metal unable to be dislodged, and it consumes, until its host perishes with it. I’ve known it for many stretches, but rather than give myself to despair, I have chosen determination; for the parasite cannot fully live while its host fights it. So fight I must.”
           Her face was a pale reflection on the tea’s surface.
The next morning, a snowy one, Mother Miranda went for a walk. In her absence, her rule passed to me, and then to the Head Housemaid Vera, a stout older woman who kept the other servants in strict line. I was, however, only consulted for advice or for orders. Other than that, I was blessedly alone, a spectre haunting the laboratory while I organized Mother Miranda’s notes and gave into my own musings, letting my mind take up the cluttered space. Many things ran through it: thoughts of my former life, of the people I’d once seen and never would again, and if I followed that line, I knew exactly how I’d come to be here. Sitting alone in a tepid laboratory, surrounded by paper, rotting with attraction.
           It’d been there from the beginning, for there was always attraction to a leader, and many reasons behind it. People were attracted to safety and to comfort, to promises and protection, but highest of all, a deity that preached all the above. People backed off their words more often than they gave in to them, but a deity never would; their word was given and kept. It was learned, it was ingrained, and so like everyone else, I held that same attraction. I gazed upon the same likenesses of Mother Miranda and prayed for protection, for strength. I prayed to one day work for her—the highest blessing of all!—and that prayer was answered. She came to my door in all her godly glory and the paintings held no candle to her real beauty.
           The attraction molted once I’d begun to work for her properly. She was aloof and cruel and methodical, but there was talent and beauty, too, and soon enough I began to realize there was a person underneath the deity. And it was the person whom I thought of, now, wondering where her walk was taking her, who she was talking to, what she was thinking. I imagined her underneath a cold white sky, ashy flakes of snow sticking to her black robes and veil, the harsh, mountainous landscape reflecting her own desolation back at her.
           I thought, as I filed the last of the notes away, that I would make her return easier. Oftentimes her walks changed her mood; one never knew the sort she’d bear when she walked through the doors. It could be the silent sort of rage, during which she’d seal the doors of her laboratory shut and refuse to emerge for days, or the one where she’d return with a deadly ice in her eyes and drag the nearest servant by the wrist to her chambers. Sometimes they’d be alive and shuffle from the room with their clothes barely on; other times there was an unfortunate mess to clear away.
           During my luncheon, I called Vera to me and ordered the most frequented rooms be given a thorough cleaning, excluding the laboratory and Mother Miranda’s bathroom.
           “And her dinner?” asked Vera, once she’d given the orders to four maids. “Something comforting, I assume, as the latest loss is still ripe in the courtyard.”
           “Yes,” I agreed. “A shepherd’s pie with marmite in the gravy, and the bottle of Sanguis Virginis.”  
           “Very good, Miss Bevan.” Vera bowed her head and left.
           I went over the bathroom myself, being careful to put every object in its proper place. I drew a bath, the water unbearably hot, but by the time Mother Miranda returned, it would be perfect.
           I loitered for a long while in the bathroom’s silence, sat on the chessboard floor, gazing out the window to the snow-covered hills, the occasional drip, drip of the tub’s taps serenading me into a trance, filled with visions of blonde hair and grey-blue eyes and impeccable hands.
           I wasn’t the first to think of her in this light. Far from it. Worship came in many forms, after all, and many people fell to this one. Except mine was to the woman I knew, not to the idol emblazoned on a shrine dangling from a peeling wall.
           Unable to think of nothing but the bathroom’s suddenly stifling heat and the absent Mother Miranda, I left, unaware of where I was going until I collapsed on the chair I’d occupied earlier, everything about me aching for someone who saw me only as a servant in high regard—but a servant nonetheless. The fact, I thought, unbuttoning my uniform enough to feel cool air caress my chest, made me desire her all the more.
           I propped a shoed foot on the seat’s corner to give myself better access and began my pleasure gently, my head falling against the back of the chair once the rhythm was established, my free hand indecisive on where it wanted to stay—a breast, the chair’s edge, the table; at least until my mind offered me a vision of Mother Miranda ordering me, from between my thighs, to keep it planted firmly on the chair’s edge. There it stayed while my other moved, and behind my closed eyes I saw a skilled tongue working me up, teasing, licking slowly as if to claim ownership to even that part of me; I saw intense eyes meeting my own, telling me to give myself over; in my mind I whispered my glory to her. I twitched erratically, my movements almost clumsy; a few moments more and I’d be tumbling into the blissful void—or would have, had I not heard the door open and the familiar, near-silent movement of the woman living in my head.
           The silence that beat between us lasted only a moment and yet it felt like centuries. Mother Miranda’s eyes narrowed to deadly slits, and before I could manage to stumble out an explanation, she strode to me in five heavy steps.
           “You dare defile this space with your musings?” Mother Miranda hissed, her grip on my wrist vicelike. “Do you not know how ill I find this gesture? How ill it makes me to think you care naught for the meaning of this room?” Claws slashed at my cheek, the first sting of it only surprise at first; it burned when I realized she’d cut flesh. I felt blood welling, but I could not bring a hand up to staunch its flow. Nor could I staunch the fresh wave of heat that pooled in my core at Mother Miranda’s fury. Cold eyes darted from my still-wet hand to my face. Mother Miranda scoffed, roughly releasing my wrist. “Attraction is a damned wicked creature,” she said. “It morphs perspective and thought. It makes one act rashly, makes one believe they’re subtle. You think I’ve not seen your lingering gazes, child? How you bask in my company the way you would underneath the sun? How you are afraid of my rage but it arouses you all the same?” She chuckled lightly, dragging gold-tipped fingers over my cheek, the metal blessedly cool against my heated skin. Having spent so much time in close quarters with this woman, I was no longer terrified by the talons. Their scraping made the coil in my belly curl tighter, and if she were to slip bare fingers against me, she would find me all too ready for her. I met her eyes with a steely look of my own, hoping she wouldn’t see shame, but Mother Miranda was wise in ways I couldn’t fathom. She saw through people as if they were cheesecloth.
           She hummed, fingers roving lower, tracing my pulse hammering in my throat. “Is there any shame about you, Trudy? I should think so, as you are not my equal.” Moving lower still, to the buttons I hadn’t undone, hovering like she wished to tear them—and perhaps she did, for her hand gave a small twitch. “I am higher than you will ever be, yet you stand here, gazing at me so defiantly, trembling with your want of me… Do you think it will make you rise to my level?”
           Her words were fog clouding the forests of my brain. I could think of nothing but how I wanted to serve her, to fall to my knees and pledge fealty, even if it was sworn with her hand guiding my mouth between her thighs. I said, “No, Mother Miranda.”
           “No, indeed. But,” a taloned thumb slid over my lower lip, “it’ll bring me pleasure to see you try.”
           When she kissed me, it was with a slowness that one could believe was care, but I sensed the possession. I opened my mouth to it, leaned into it, every nerve alight at the thrill of kissing someone I had once dreamed of serving under. Her hands drew me close to her, splaying across my back, bunching up my uniform, and her kisses became rougher, filled with need. I met every one with a need of my own, my shaking fingers undoing the rest of the buttons down my front. The movement caught Mother Miranda’s eye; she pulled back, her gaze intense, the color high in her cheeks, watching intently as the top half of my uniform parted and revealed bare skin. She reached out, two fingers gliding smoothly over my collarbones, my sternum, tracing the swell of a breast; gooseflesh rose in the touches’ wake, and my breathing trembled.
           “You are practically untouched,” Mother Miranda said quietly. There was, to her, no greater sin than a specimen that remained unstudied and uncatalogued.
           “Only practically, Mother Miranda,” I returned.
           She leaned down, burying her face against my bloodied neck. Lips pressed softly, tongue lapping slowly— tasting me. “Have you not known love?” she said. “Or devotion?”
           “Fleetingly.” There was the blacksmith, Cristian, in whose strong arms I felt safe. There was Tatiana, who made me feel at peace even after our desperate acts. But with this life, they were fleeting. To serve one of the Lords or Mother Miranda herself, it was until death. “The only devotion I know,” I continued, my voice growing thinner the lower her mouth travelled, “is to you.”
           Mother Miranda hummed against my chest. “You worshipped well, then, Trudy,” she said, rising, taking my chin between two fingers and tilting my face up to hers, “but what of now? How shall you prove your worth to me?”
           I grasped her unoccupied hand and pressed it against my breast, holding it there. I wanted her to feel it, to feel my heart underneath it, to know she could reach in and take it because I offered it to her. “Take what you will,” I said.
           What was left of her resolve crumbled. Mother Miranda swept me into her arms with a low growl, lifting me as easily as she would a child and setting me hastily onto the table we’d cleaned the night before. Impatient fingers worked the rest of my clothes away. She tossed them aside and pressed me into the cold wood, impossibly dark eyes drinking me in, lingering on my neck, my breasts, my thighs. Places I hoped she would kiss. Places she did, in that order, her mouth untamed, leaving harsh love-marks behind. Throughout that act, she didn’t once touch me; I was strung so tightly that even one finger tracing me would’ve been my undoing. It was a sort of torturous study, I realized, clamping my tongue between my teeth when it nearly made me beg for release; she was seeing me as a case, testing my own resolve. How long could she make me wait before I begged forgiveness? Time ceased to exist. I could not tell how long she made me hang.
           When she finally did touch me, I was relieved. Instead of a sigh, a long whimper escaped my mouth. Mother Miranda groaned in response, her fingers twitching and pausing against me, surprised at the slick want they found. Her second touch was heavier, more confident. My hands couldn’t help but cling to the back of her neck, which was covered by a thick cotton veil. I realized I’d touched her without her consent, but when I made to pull away, her free hand came to rest over both of mine, and together we slid the veil from her head.
           Blonde hair, a darker gold in the dim light of the laboratory, fanned around her face, gracing my bare forearms, soft as silk. Without the veil, it was tantamount to seeing her naked.
           “Cling to me,” Mother Miranda breathed.
           It was as much permission as I was going to receive.
           I buried my hands in her hair and leaned up to kiss her. I accepted her tongue when it slipped between my teeth. I opened for her when, at last, she slid fingers inside me.
           And when she truly took me, she devoured me, sprinkling evidence of her use across any expanse of skin she could reach, uncaring if teeth dug in too much, if my back was rubbed raw from the wooden table, if her golden talons left angry scratches. I clung harshly to her during my crisis, my cries only winding her further, for when I was barely limp, she withdrew entirely and carried me to her own chamber. Deposited on her bed, I watched through bliss-filled eyes as she undressed.
           Black robes pooled at her feet. In the blue-white moonlight, she was harshly ethereal. Everything about her seemed to glow, including her eyes. And sprouting from her back were five pairs of midnight wings. I wanted to catalogue it as a dream, a delusion caused by a mind still recovering from an intense crisis, but the wings, like Mother Miranda’s arms and legs, were very much a part of her.
           “Look while you can,” she said. “Commit it to memory, for true revelations are rarely given so freely.”
           She stood for study, allowing me to take in every inch. My eyes lingered where hers had lingered on me.
           “Do you reject me, Trudy?” she questioned softly.
           “No, Mother Miranda,” I replied. I offered her my hand. “I’d fall to my knees in prayer if I were not otherwise occupied.”
           She accepted my hand and leaned over me on her bed, naked and otherworldly, and in my long, exquisite worship of her, I met death eye to eye and thought there would never be another equal.
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pandoras-princess · 4 years
Next Best Thing (Tommy Shelby x fem!reader, John Shelby x fem!reader)
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*gif not mine//credit to owner
A/N: Hello my lovelies! 🌸 Welcome to my first ever Peaky Blinders fic, I wrote it ages ago and have just edited it slightly so my apologies if the quality isn’t greaaat but the other parts will be better I promise! 😅 This is an AU fanfic where John never married Martha or had kids before he married Esme and there is no Grace for Tommy andddd the timeline is absolutely wack, I know it’s a lot so if you’re in the market for a traditional by the book Peaky Blinders fic this one is not for you I’m afraid 🤗 also if you’re finding it a bit slow I advise you to hang in there until after the time skip because that’s the better half of this part in my opinion, nevertheless I seriously enjoyed writing this so Happy Reading Peoples! 🥳🥳 as ever I appreciate every like, reblog and follow, feedback is forever welcome 😌
Summary:  Being the bestfriend of Jonathan Shelby meant that you’d grown up attached at the hip. And considering you were hopelessly in love with him, life was eventful to say the least. With John marrying Esme you decide it’s high time you got over him. And as they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else...
Pairing: (OOC) Thomas Shelby x fem!reader, John Shelby x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence, smoking and drinking, mentions of addiction, mentions of sex but no smut I’m afraid
━◦ ♡ ◦━◦ ♡ ◦━◦━◦ ♡ ◦━◦ ♡ ◦━
Being John Shelby's best friend was definitely not an easy job.
You and John were the exact same age, born on the same day of the same month of the same year, precisely one hour and eleven minutes apart, and since your family only lived one house away from the Shelby's it was a given that you and John would grow up to be best friends.
You were as good as family to them, so when your father was killed in the war and your mother unable to cope turned to the drink and drugs, you were left officially orphaned at age 10 and Polly arranged for you to live with them, raising you as her own.
Growing up with the Shelby's came with it's challenges. They were all fiercely protective of you but no one more so than John. When you were kids he'd beat up anyone that dare made you cry, or sad or angry or anything other than happy really, and as you grew older and began to date he'd scare away anyone deemed not up to scratch, which seemed to be pretty much all of them, threatening violence known around Small Heath as common behaviour for the Peaky Blinders. This meant that you never really had a boyfriend, or many boys interested in you at all for that matter, and any who were rarely had the balls to act on it for fear of the Peaky Blinders wrath. However this didn't bother you much as there was only ever one boy you truly wanted interested in you, the one boy who never would be interested in you.
Of course being a teenage girl you'd had your silly crushes, Tommy being one of them. But they all paled in comparison to what you felt for John.
Being best friends meant that the two of you spent practically all of your time together, did everything together, went through and dealt with everything together. He had always been your shoulder to cry on, your ear to bend, your hugs and smiles and laughs, your safe place. It was inevitable that you'd fall for him. And fall for him you did, painfully obvious to everyone except John himself.
Shortly after your 16th birthday, you were reading a book by the fire, a woven blanket strewn across your legs and a steaming mug of hot chocolate warming your hands when John bursts into the house loud, drunk and jolly. He often snuck out to join his brothers in their shenanigans - whether it be business or pleasure - and you were all too happy to listen to his stories when he came home.
You watched John intently as he regaled to you his latest night out. You watched the corners of his mouth twitch ever so slightly as he spoke, a smug smile tracing his lips every so often. His eyes glistened from the whiskey and his lips were wet. A cigarette clasped lazily between his fingers, his eyes closed for a split second whenever he took a drag. Deep in admiration of the boy sitting in front of you, you didn't quite notice the change of events in the story.
"-and then she walked right up to me and kissed me!"
It was at that point that your attention snapped back, ears pricking up and heart racing as you go over what he'd just said. But too excited to wait, John didn't give you the chance to work out if you had misheard him.
"Well before I know it she's got me in the back alley dress hiked up going at me like a feral she was. Can ya believe it after all this time I'm finally a man aha!" John exclaims, a goofy, ear-splitting grin plastered on his face.
He spares any explicit details, knowing it was no way to talk with a lady no matter how close they are to you or how drunk you may happen to be. Nevertheless, upon hearing those final words coupled with the look of pure elation on his face, your heart shatters into millions of ice cold shards right before your eyes. The pain that was rapidly building in your chest and the image of John with some tart, skirt bunched around her waist fucking like dogs in the alley was too much for you to bear. A wave of nausea washes over you and you stand abruptly, dashing to the loo before the contents of your stomach emptied onto the carpet.
A few minutes later you hear faint knocks on the door.
“Ye alright in there love?” John asks, concern lacing his words.
“All good” you reply quickly, willing your voice to steady itself.
Wiping the sheen of sweat from your forehead you collapse into a heap against the wall, and a sigh escapes your lips as you wrack your brain for the exact moment you had lost him. While John had never shown any signs of liking you, you were always able to draw hope from the relationship you two had, no matter how blind it may have been. Now though, he had dashed that hope, blind or otherwise, as he had given himself to someone else. He had openly chosen not to be with you.
Not to be yours.
Fobbing John off with some excuse about a dodgy dinner you quickly retreat to bed, going without giving him a hug, unable to bring yourself to touch him. And from that day onwards you lived with the knowledge that your love was unrequited. You lived with loving him, and him not loving you.
For the most part it was rather easy. John wasn't the kind for serious relationships - preferring causal sex to the committed kind - so you never really had to deal with any girlfriends or the lark, just the occasional tart interested in him on the rare nights out you tagged along. Even then, you soon learned not to go on any nights out without Ava or Polly present and so the issue of John and his women quickly became dormant. That was, however, until John agreed to marry Esme Lee.
Tommy came to you before asking John, asking for your help in convincing him. He knew John would come to you with it asking for advice before deciding. Tommy explained his plan, marry John off to the Lee girl forcing them to squash the war and join forces to overthrow Billy Kimber. It was simple enough and since you'd already accepted there was never to be a you and John, you agreed.
The time came and sure enough John came to you, confused and somewhat annoyed at Tommy's rough handed approach, and sure enough you stayed true to your word, telling him it was nothing new, people had arranged marriages all the time.
So on he went to marry her, your true feelings unknown to the man.
[2 years later]
"You shouldn't be working here you know. John certainly wouldn't like it" Tommy said, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched you carefully wipe down the bar surface. He was referring to your new job as barmaid in the Garrison and having just finished your first shift you were cleaning up. Last orders had been and gone and every punter had now left the pub, drunk and merry on their ways.
After John married Esme you spent the next two years much to yourself. You embraced the spinster lifestyle and faded away into the passing days. However it was the turn of a new year and to everyone's joy you'd come to your senses, deciding it was high time you stopped wasting your life moping after John. He didn't love you - that much was clear - but somebody out there must and so it was time for you to move on, you thought. Reinvent yourself. This 'new you' started with marching into Tommy's office and demanding the new barmaid job. Surprisingly he offered no resistance, merely a quizzical look at your sudden determination before giving you the job. So here you were, your first shift done and nobody left in the place but you and your new boss.
"Well it might surprise you to know, Mr Shelby, but I don't abide my decisions by what John would or would not like me doing" you reply. Finishing up you leave the cloth on the bar and make your way over to the table, taking the chair adjacent to his.
"Is that so?" He asks, his piercing blue eyes meeting yours as he offers you a cigarette. You accept, bending down slightly to the offered flame and without breaking eye contact, you light the cigarette and take a drag, exhaling as you sit back up.
"Yes, Thomas, that is so" you reply, the use of his name making clear your exasperation with the questioning.
"Very well then, a toast-" he picks up the bottle of whiskey and pours some into each glass, placing one in front of you and taking one himself "-to your new job, and to your new found freedom" he says, locking eyes with you on his last words and clinking your glass before you both down it. If growing up with the Shelby's had taught you one thing it was how to hold your liquor.
Soon you and Tommy were halfway through the bottle and quite drunk, too caught up in the fun to notice. It was now something past 3 in the morning; you and Tommy had been talking, drinking and laughing for nigh on 3 hours now, going through old stories of your childhoods, stories from before you were born and from afterwards, stories of your parents and stories of his.
"So tell me, what is the meaning behind this sudden change in you then?" Tommy inquired, only too happy to see your old self back again.
Before you knew it the whiskey had gotten the better of you and you found yourself telling him the reason. You told him about John, about your love for him, about that night and about how you'd come to terms with it and decided to move on.
"Besides, it's not like he was the first boy I ever liked, so I'm quite sure he won't be the last" you state matter of factly, unaware of the storm you had just brewed.
See, unbeknown to you, Tommy was fully aware of everything you had just poured out to him. He knew about your love for John. He knew the deepest parts of your heart, your mind, your soul. Every crush and fling you'd ever experienced Tommy knew all about it, thanks to a little book you liked to keep hidden under your mattress. You had been detailing all matters of yourself in that little black journal for as long as you could write. Polly happily replacing it when you found your current one full, it was much easier than finding a shoulder to cry on every time you needed one. When Tommy came across it he had no idea what it was, merely out of curiosity did he open it and start reading.
"Oh, who was?" Tommy asked, lighting another cigarette. Following suit you decide to take a minute to weigh up your options, drinking in the smoke as you did.
"You” your voice remains deceptively steady, not wanting the man watching you so closely, so attentively, to become aware of the raging swarm of butterflies occupying your stomach.
"Is that so?" Tommy pulls on his own cigarette, the smoke rising from his lips as his eyes lock onto yours. "So what changed then?" His eyebrow arches perfectly, a smirk gracing his lips.
"You're 4 years older than me! There was no way you'd ever look at me as anything other than an annoying little sister!” You say in a chuckle, the fiery whiskey encompassing all of your thoughts in a humorous glow.
"And if I told you I do look at you as something other than an annoying little sister?" His eyes flick to your lips for a millisecond before returning to your own (E/C) orbs. If you’d have blinked you would’ve missed it, but your full attention being fixed on the man before you meant that you hadn’t.
"Well... that would certainly change things." The possibility of one of your fantasy's coming true ignited you to your very core.
Silently, Tom rises from his seat and offers his hand to you. You take it, and he leads you to his office with the worst of intentions in mind.
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deceitfuldevil · 4 years
Hot and Cold
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: After defeating Ultron and getting the chance to formally meet the new avengers trainees, also known as the Maximoff twins, you became quite close to the pair in a short amount of time. Of course Wanda took an immediate liking to you for saving her brother's life, and Pietro took a liking to you for. . . other reasons. Wanda always called you two yin and yang, mostly because even though in many ways you two were total opposites, you were always around one another in some form or another. But your thing with Pietro started about two months into knowing him; you were always cold, and you soon came to realize he was always hot. The solution to this? Cuddling. Both of you expressed that it was completely platonic at the beginning, but as time went on you guys didn’t express this nearly as much. . . as your actions proved more and more romantic.
Warnings: mentions of nightmares & childhood trauma, briefly.
Word Count: 2,002 (my birth year:)
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Same old, same old. You wake up sometime around 3am with a jolt, another nightmare. In the past few months they’d been about the usual topics, your traumatic childhood, losing your powers, and so on. But after a bad mission about 3 weeks ago, the nightmares have been almost purely your subconscious taunting you. Steve gave you hell on the way back, even called you sloppy. You didn’t go to training for a week afterwards because you were so depressed. Tonight’s nightmare involved you losing your powers and ultimately your entire team. The voices ringing out to you, “This is all your fault,” rang over and over until you woke up gasping for air. You sat up, and after catching your breath, you decided there was nothing better to do than get something to drink.
Taking a sip of the cool water only made you shiver more. Why did Tony line the whole kitchen with freezing marble floors? Taking another sip you looked over at the commons area and saw Pietro, shirtless, sitting in front of a fan watching a movie on the couch. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, and it was something he frequently did when he was too hot. Deciding to surprise him, you carefully walked up behind him on the couch and placed your freezing hands on his bare shoulders. But instead of jumping up and screaming at your touch like you thought he would, he sighed contently and mumbled out:
“Ahh, hello ledyanaya printsessa” (ice princess in Russian)
Although you didn’t speak Russian, you’ve learned a few key words from Pietro and his sister. Like dragâ meant dear, printsessa meant princess, dorogoy meant darling, and of course suka meant bitch. Beyond that if Pietro or Wanda said something you didn’t know, you’d either ask or use context clues to figure out what they were saying.
Although at first you were shocked he didn’t jump at your touch, you smiled to yourself as you used your cold hands to slowly massage Pietro’s broad shoulders; he groaned lowly as you slowly worked out the tension in his shoulders.
“Feels so good, dorogoy. But do you know what would feel even better?”
He questioned, his voice low and raspy, sending a chill down your spine. You only hummed in response, not trusting your voice to push out a solid reply.
With one very quick motion he flipped you over from behind the couch and into his arms. His face was just a few inches from yours as he looked down and smiled at seeing a shocked expression on your face.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” He grinned, his accent rich and thick as he said his now infamous line. Initially he just said it because it pissed Clint off, but soon it became his “catchphrase”.
But you didn’t respond, you just looked into his bright blue eyes. You felt your heart beating so hard, almost sure he could feel it too. You know what you wanted to do but didn’t know if you had the courage to do it.
Silently, Pietro gently brushed a hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear, and kept his rested hand on the side of your face. His eyes flicking from your eyes to your lips, you licked them to draw more attention to them and to see if he would do the same. But he one upped you and moved his face impossibly closer to yours, your lips now mere centimeters apart as his hot breath fanned over your face.
“Dragâ, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He inquired, his voice now a hushed whisper. You only shook your head a small yes in response.
He shook his head slightly and sighed. “Well have I ever... shown you?” He asked, gently caressing your face.
Your eyebrows stitched together in confusion. “Pietro what do you—“ but the words died in your throat as Pietro pressed his soft lips to yours in a tender kiss. Pulling away after a few seconds waiting for your reaction. You only opened your eyes and grinned as wide as the sun and placed your lips back onto his, more passionately this time.
For the rest of the night, kisses were shared almost everywhere. Pietro went the extra mile, and as he was giving you slow and soft kisses on your neck he said, “I should’ve *kiss* done that *kiss* sooner *kiss* ...no?” You giggled and turned his face towards yours and with your lips practically touching his.“Way sooner.” you said with a bright smile as you kissed him as you both slowly started to drift to sleep, not particularly caring or realizing the team would see you in the morning.
Later that day around 9 in the morning, F.R.I.D.A.Y awoke Tony with a message. “Good morning Mr. Stark, you owe Captain Rogers twenty dollars.” He tiredly laughed and said smugly, “oh do I? And why’s that F.R.I.D.A.Y?” “Because of the agreement made on March 6th, about 37 days ago,” and then F.R.I.D.A.Y played an audio of Steve and Tony talking about you and Pietro:
“Tony, you can’t tell me you don’t see the way those two kids look at each other.”
“Sorry Cap, I think they’re strictly businesses with each other.”
“Have you ever even seen the security camera records of them cuddling together late at night?” Steve asked.
“Okay now you’re pulling my leg old man.” Tony laughed.
“I’ll bet you $20 they’ll end up together within the next 90 days. If I’m wrong, I’ll pay you $40.”
“You’ve got a deal Rodgers... but you do know that’s just pocket change for me right?”
And with that, the audio clip F.R.I.D.A.Y was playing ended;Tony never rushed out of bed faster. He ran down to the main commons area where Nat, Clint, Wanda, and Steve were already gathered; they shushed him as he neared by. Clint and Nat already had their phones out taking pictures of the pair, who Tony looked at and sure enough, they were fast asleep cuddled in each other’s arms. He sighed as Steve nudged him and held out his hand. “So where’s that $20 you told me I’d never see?” Tony rolled his eyes and told Steve he’d be making a trip to the bank.
After a few more minutes of somewhat creepily watching the pair sleep Tony broke the silence and asked, “Okay, do we have enough pictures to blackmail them if needed? Because if so I’m waking them up.” Clint and Nat nodded and slowly stepped away. They assumed Tony would start blasting music or something to that effect. But instead he stood in front of you and Pietro and made sure to take pictures of you two with the flash ON... to wake you up in the most embarrassing way possible of course.
You were the first to notice the bright flashes of light in your face and groaned softly, thinking it was the sun and the first thing in the morning You turned your head over and called out to your cuddle buddy.
“Pietro... I think it’s morning.” He started to rub small circles on the small of your back as he slowly opened his eyes to see a gleeful Tony Stark with his phone camera inches from his face. He quickly looked around and saw the other avengers and even his sister.
“Sukas!!“ he shouted as he put his power to good use and in the blink of an eye, he picked you up and carried you to your room. Only then did you fully open your eyes to see Pietro holding you in his arms, a little breathless.
“What happened?” You asked tiredly.
“We slept in and well... the avengers caught us,” he said dreadfully, his voice still tired and thick with his accent you adored so much.
“Well at least we have nothing to hide from them now, right?” You tried to put a happy spin on the situation.
“They got pictures of us cuddling, dragâ.“
Your eyes blew open as you jumped down from Pietro’s arms and ran back down to the main commons area where now most of the facility was gathered and you guessed it... sharing pictures to one another.
“Whoever has ANY pictures of Pietro and I is to immediately delete them or face the consequences,” you said gleefully, but your words with true intentions. Only no one really took you seriously. In fact, Thor let out a small laugh and said, “What could a hero still in training do if we do keep such pictures?” A few others laughed along with him.
“No no I guess you’re right Thor, I’m only capable of doing things like this,” you said, catching him off guard and giving him a swift kick to the torso, knocking him over. You flipped him over and pinned his hands behind his back. Even Tony and Steve backed away, not thinking you had the power to pin down a literal GOD just quite yet.
“So, does anyone still have any pictures of us on their phones?” You said with a dangerous smile, thinking no one would doubt you now. But Clint was cocky and told you, “the only way you’re getting these pictures off of my phone is from my cold dead hands sweetheart” as he waved his phone in front of you. But before you could jump at him, a flash of blue light came flashing by and was now holding you back as you struggled to go after Clint for his comment.
Pietro whispered in your ear “he isn’t worth it darling,” slowly calming you down in the process. Eventually you stopped fighting Pietro’s grip on you and the urge to kick Clint in the face and turned away from the rest of the team to hug your new boyfriend. You and he started to slowly walk away from the team, but not without saying to Clint, “only I can call her sweetheart, Capeesh? Otherwise I’ll run circles around you while she does more than take those pictures off your phone, old man.”
The group let out a collective “ooohhh” as the two of you headed off back to your room. Tony broke the silence by saying, “so is no one going to mention that she just pinned Thor down like one of the test dummies?” But Thor only scoffed and claimed that you had caught him off guard, which everyone knew was a load of bullshit.
Back in your room, you and Pietro went back to cuddling and just talked about your feelings and what this all meant. But truth be told the whole conversation was mostly soft kisses amongst other things. For the first time in a very long time, you finally felt content, happy, and most of all, loved.
Hi everyone!! this is my first imagine of 2021 ahhh!! it’s only put out a day after when I posted my first imagine in 2020. Anyways I’m hoping this post will do well as I’ve never written for this character before... and he's not that popular since he's a little... dead. But we don't talk about that :) Since WandaVision has come out and *spoiler alert* Pietro has returned... somewhat, I’ve realized my appreciation for Age of Ultron Pietro... and fallen heads over heels for the dead man. I’ve rewatched Avengers: Age of Ultron three times in a row for the past three nights now, so it’s safe to say I’m a little mentally unstable. Okay now we’ve dived deeper than any of you care to hear. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this imagine and constructive criticism and feedback is always welcomed!!
Much Love,
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Bard’s Sister  Geralt XFeamle!Reader Part 3
Part 1    Part 2 
Summary: Its finally your birthday. You not only get a lovely gift from mum and dad but also from your brother and his companion who has taken a very big likening to you. 
Trigger Warnings: Drinking, some cursing
Pairing: Geralt XFemale!Reader Jaskier XSister!Reader
Word Count: 8,979 (I know its a long one XD I fit a lot into one part) 
If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!! So sorry this took so long. it was a lot of writing and I knew I wanted to get the party done in one part. the next part will be the beginning of the travels!! Would you guys rather have SMUT in the next part or wait till the part after that? let me know!!! All my love!! -Lilith
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Sleep eluded me. After eating the meat pie from the kitchen and a nice hot bath I thought sleep would’ve come much quicker. I was tired, physically and emotionally. I could feel it in my bones but every time I closed my eyes I remembered that my brother would be leaving again in a few days. I had three more days with him but it didn’t feel like enough. Not after all the time we lost. I wanted to ask him to stay with me, but I knew it would be selfish of me. 
Jaskier’s departure also meant Geralt would be leaving too. It was probably for the best… the feeling I have for the witcher shouldn’t exist. They shouldn’t exist, because I was not delusional. I knew the Witcher’s were re-programmed into believing they were not capable of love, that they were loveless monsters, not only incapable of giving love but incapable of receiving love. I didn’t believe any of those tales. I had studied the trails Witcher’s must go through to become what they are. 
It is disturbing. They break young men’s wills. Make them believe the world will never offer them love, all to fuel their agenda. Witcher's never go through anything that makes them incapable of love. It’s very evident in my brother’s relationship with the witcher. Had Geralt not been capable of feeling “human” emotions, he would’ve left Jaskier to die when he was attacked by the Djinn. It was a perfect way for him to get rid of my brother, it wasn’t technically his fault or his doing. My brother could’ve died and he could’ve washed his hands clean of him. 
The way he kissed my hand the first day we met, was like he was attempting to give his best first impression. He tried his best to show respect, maybe so my mother and father would like him more. He showed me kindness, tenderness. Any time he touched me was feather-soft. Maybe he was worried he’d hurt me or scare me away...
The way he kissed Hildi’s hand. The way he smiled at my brother’s stupid jokes. There was so much more to him than anyone realized. 
I stood from my bed walking over to my desk. I sat down and lit the lantern with the candle from my bed. The fire in the corner of my room didn’t provide nearly enough light to reach me. I grabbed my journal and some charcoal. I moved over to the large windows and sat down. The glass was cold under my touch, the moon was nearly full. It lit up the garden below me. It was the most perfect view of the gardens my mother spent so much time tending. The light blue hue cascaded along the hedges. The flowers dimly lit. I scribbled down the date in my journal before I began sketching the view in front of me for what seemed like the 500th time. I always found something new. Tonight was a quick sketch, just of the basics. I was hoping it would make me sleep but nothing seemed to work. 
My body was smothered in quilts, my arm draped lazily over my head as I tried my best to sleep. The thin nightgown I wore was perfect for warm summer nights. It kept me cool and didn't stick to my body when I sweat.   
The night was still, everything in the walls of the castle was silent. I cul hear the crickets and the frogs below me, but nothing else. 
Squeak squeak 
My eyes snapped open, my heart beating rather quick at the sudden sound from the room behind my head. It took me a minute to remember that Geralt was sleeping next door. I had heard him go to bed hours ago and it had been completely silent since. But now I could hear him moving over and over in his bed. 
“Geralt…” My voice was barely above a whisper. No one could hear me, no one but a witcher's ears. If he was awake I knew he could hear me. 
“...if...if you’re awake, tap the wall twice.” I held my breath waiting for a moment. My cheeks turning red in embarrassment. 
Tap Tap
I smiled at the small sound signaling to me he was awake. 
“I can not sleep...care to take a walk?... Tap twice for yes.” I wondered if he could hear the smile through my voice. 
Tap Tap
I smiled wider, getting up from my bed. I grabbed a candle from my nightstand after throwing on my silk robe. It wasn’t the warmest fabric in the world but the summer air wasn’t too cold. 
I quietly tiptoed to the door, opening it slowly to not let it creak. There on the other side was Geralt. His hair was no longer pulled back in a tie out of his face, no it was messily about his head, some small knots in the thicker areas. Small strands stuck up everywhere. His eyes were hooded a little in sleep. He had a small smile on his lips, his hands tucked into his underarms as he waited for me. He reached out, taking the candle from me before offering me his free arm. 
“Princess…” he greeted with a small cheesy bow of his head. I giggled, softly shaking my head. My hand gripped around his bicep, squeezing it softly. It was as hard as a rock, my hand barely made it halfway around it.
“Hello, Geralt,” I whispered and he smiled. We began walking down the corridor, the hall dimly lit by the moonlight and the few candles lit. 
“No sleep?” He asked.
“No...my mind won't stop wondering…” we walked down the stairs, slowly as to not let the guards know anyone was awake. 
“Care to tell me why, dove?” He whispered. His arm moved slightly, making me let go almost immediately. Before my hand reached my side his fingers laced in between my own, squeezing it. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks, the small act making my heart melt. 
“Walk through the garden with me?” I whispered leaning in a little closer to him. He made me feel safe. Not that I didn't feel safe in my home, I knew how safe I was compared to many others but he just made me feel a type of safe I'd never felt. 
“Of course, lead the way.” we continued down the hall, walking towards the gardens. 
As we veered a corner Geralt's arm quickly wrapped around my waist as he silently, and quickly tucked us behind a suit of armor in the corner. His arm squeezed around my waist. I could feel his breath in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine making me twitch slightly. He chuckled lowly, his thumb stroking my stomach. 
“Do I scare you?” his whisper was low, very close to my ear.
“Never,” I said with no hesitation. My head turned towards him, his eyes shining in the dark. He gently put his finger to my lips. 
“Shhh.” I nodded my head, our eye contact not breaking. His fingers softly traced my jawline, moving till he was cupping my cheek. He broke eye contact for a second as his eyes flicked to the hall we just exited. Not a second after he looked me in the eyes again I could hear footsteps. They were walking down the hall towards us. Geralt took a breath in. After a minute the person was gone. Geralt’s hand was still on my cheek and the other hand wrapped around my waist. 
“You are so beautiful.” My throat went dry. My hands started to get clammy. 
Everything in my body urged me to just grab his face and kiss him, but that small voice kept me back. My fear overtaking the decision. I gently grabbed his hand that was on my face, leaning into him. I kissed his wrist softly. His skin was so warm, warmer than the average man for sure. I wanted to hold him. Feel his skin on mine.
“So are you,” I whispered. His eyes practically rolled out of his head as he smirked like I just made some lude joke. He grabbed my hand and led me to the hallway and out the door to the garden. The moon was bright. 
Geralt started to walk in front of me, pulling me deeper into the garden. Soon we were surrounded by my mother’s Roses and lavender bushes. The smell was intoxicating. It was the center of the garden. Geralt grabbed my waist again. Pulling me closer to him. I was shivering slightly. The air was cold from the late-night rain we had. Colder than I thought it would be. My hands Gently went to his chest, softly pulling and toying with the strings on his tunic. 
“You are beautiful Geralt. I wouldn't joke about that.” My voice was no longer a whisper, it was still low but he could hear me better. 
“I have been called many things in my day dove, but never beautiful.” His arms were tighter around me, his shoulders were tense. He was more alert outside than he was inside, I understood. His training not wanting him to think anywhere is safe. 
“If you want, I’ll make sure to call you that more often.” He chuckled softly at my words. I couldn't help but feel angry, not at him but at the world. The way they treated him, his kind for things they all don’t deserve. My hands went to each side of his face, as I gently made him look at me. 
“Geralt you are so much more than this world will ever give you credit for...I can never say I understand what it feels like to live in your skin, but I can tell you that you do not deserve that cruelty that is thrown your way. I know not all witchers are like you, I know many of them live up to the expectations my kind has put on you. But you do not. You are far from a monster Geralt of Rivia. You-'' one hand rested on his chest above his slow beating heart “-you have a heart of gold. And I’m so sorry you've never been treated with the love and care you deserve and need.” his hand was now covering my own over his heart. His other arm is still tight around my waist. My face and his had drafted closer as I spoke, he leaned forward, pressing our foreheads together.
“Fuck…. (Y/N)...I’m not good with words. But - I, uh thank you…” his voice was so deep it made it hard to focus. His cheeks were light pink. His eyes flashing from my lips to my eyes. I couldn't help but giggle at how frazzled he got over words he deserved to be told. My heart yearned for his touch. Everything he touched was like a small fire deep inside me. I had courted many men in my life. Many I thought would be my endgame, but none ever made me feel the way he did. His lip inched closer to my own, slowly before they were centimeters apart. He wouldn't kiss me without permission. 
“You may kiss me Ger-” his lips were on mine before I could finish my sentence.
 My arms wrapped around his neck, his own wrapping tighter around me nearly lifting me off my feet. 
Our lips moved together slowly, softly. I could feel every inch of his body pressed to my own. All my thoughts were him only. His intoxicating scent was filling my nose as I breathed slowly. He smelt of sandalwood, maybe a little bit of mint. Nothing I'd ever smelled before. The way his hands held my back, softly running up and down the silk of my robe. Everything he touched felt like a new fire was spreading. His lips were sweet, of honey. They were surprisingly soft. They made me feel like molten hot lava. My hand gently combed through his hair. His teeth softly nipped my bottom lip before his tongue infiltrated my mouth. Our tongues danced together, our hands wondering, touching, feeling every inch. The world around me didn't feel real. My body was in the garden but my head was in the clouds. 
He pulled away from me, barely. The loss of contact made me whine softly. I felt colder without his lips on mine. His hot breath fanned my face as he breathed in and out. I opened my eyes, looking into his. His hands left my back moving to my face, his forehead back on mine. 
“You are intoxicating, princess.” His words were velvet. They made my insides turn in the most delicious way. My body yearned for him. His fingers delicately traced the frame of my face. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” I leaned into his hand. The warmth of his palm being a decent replacement for his lips. 
“Jaskier will leave soon...Three days from now.” his hand left my cheek, wrapping around my body, gently turning me so my back was to his chest. His arms circled my waist as he held me into him. His chin rested on my shoulder as he listened. 
“When Jaskier leaves, you'll leave too...and I'll be alone again.” The thought of them leaving made my stomach ache. I had been alone most of my life. Yes I had my parents and they were great, but they were not my brother. 
“All of my friends I grew up with are mothers now. They have lives of their own. My mother and father cannot be my friends, they are my parents. It's nothing the same. I never realized how much I missed Jaskier till he came back.” My throat tightened as I spoke, the feeling of my tears burning my eyes becoming more overwhelming. My hands went to his around my waist as I held them closer to me if it was possible.
“I don't want to be alone again…” The tears slipped freely down my face, my head dropping. 
“I sometimes wish he never left. I know that is selfish of me, but I miss him so much. Sometimes it takes months for me to get the letters he sends me. I never know if he is alive or not.” My crying became a little more intense as I spoke. My voice wavering. I Let go of his hands, covering my face with my hands as I rubbed away the tears vigorously. I hated crying in front of people, it showed weakness, made me vulnerable. 
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to put you in this awkward situation,” I whispered. One of his arms left my waist, only to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me tighter into his chest. 
“Do not apologize princess…” His lips met my temple in a soft kiss. His lips lingered there for a minute. 
“Who have you been training with?” He asked. I couldn't tell if he was trying to change the subject because he wanted me to stop crying or if he didn't know how to deal with me crying. 
“You may know him, I'm not sure. He never spoke of anyone from his past. He’s a retired witcher. He stumbled into our kingdom when I was 15. My mother and father were scared of a looming war between my country and Lyria. One of my uncles had knocked up the king's younger daughter. A large threat was over my head for a couple of years. So they asked him when he came into our country if he would train me. So I could take care of myself if I was to leave under a new identity. For the last ten years he came for a couple of months, we started with book training rather dull if I do say-” I chuckled at the memory of how many times I fell asleep reading the dull books he would bring with him. “We gradually moved into combat training. I know he didn't train me nearly as hard as he had trained the witchers in his court. But there were days I felt like my limbs would fall off, but last year he told my parents that he was confident that I would not only be able to live on my own in the world, but he was confident I would thrive. His name is Vesemir. He’s due to show up for our training any day now.” Geralt’s eyes were looking at me when I turned to see him. He was smirking softly. 
“Vesemir was my instructor at Kaer Morhen. I’m the witcher I am today because of his training.” My eyes must have bulged out of my head. He laughed at me making my cheeks flush red. 
“You are telling me, I’ve been trained by the same man who trained you? And he never bothered to tell me? What a jerk.” I turned my body around in Geralt’s arms, my head now laying on his chest, my arms around his waist resting on his back. He was much, much, taller than me. 
“Vesemir has always respected my privacy, don't harp on the old man too much.” His heartbeat was distracting me. It was much slower than mine. It was like a lullaby. My hand covered my mouth as I yawned, his head tilting down as he looked at me. 
“Common, you have to sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow.” He was talking about my party. His hands gently pulled me back from him, his fingers laced with mine as he led me back through the garden into the castle and down to my room. 
We stood outside the door, his hands mindlessly fidgeting with my robe. 
“Stay with me tonight?” My hands pressed softly to his chest. 
“I don't know princess...I don't want your parents to get the wrong idea of me.” I nodded my head, understanding and respecting his wishes. 
“Will you be my date to my party tomorrow?” I asked timidly, my eyes focused on his silver pendant.
“I would be honored, Princess (Y/N).” His fingers hooked under my chin tilting my head up so my eyes met his own. 
“Jaskier has your clothes, the party starts at noon.” He nodded his head. 
“I'll be here waiting for you, little dove.” his lips pressed to mine. It was the softest sweetest kiss I had ever shared. It wasn't long, only a few seconds. His hand reached behind me as he opened my bedroom door for me. I leaned up, kissing his cheek softly. 
“Good night Geralt.” I backed up till I was through the threshold of the door, my eyes not leaving him. My hand went to the door. 
“Goodnight (Y/N).” I smiled and closed the door softly. My forehead gently leaning on it. My heart raced faster than it ever had. I wanted him back with me and he hadn't even been behind the door for a minute. 
I moved to my bed, hanging my robe on the wooden bedpost before climbing under the warm comforters. They were not nearly as warm as he was but they would do. 
Tap Tap 
A smile stretched across my face. My knuckles softly tapping against the wall in goodnight. As I drifted into sleep finally, Geralt was only on my mind.
“Princess (Y/N)...” The sound of someone's voice broke my sleep. My eyes fluttered open, the sun burning them as it shone brightly through my window. 
“Princess…” There was a small knock on the door. I couldn't tell who was at the door. I sat up in bed, the quilt bunched at my hips. I rubbed my eyes messily, moving my hair from my face. 
“Yes yes, please come in,” I called my voice hoarse from the lack of water throughout the night. The door opened and Fesca and Neshe entered. They were women who worked in our court. My father and mother never believed in having unpaid servants. 
No one in my family did. Before my great-great-grandfather founded and rebuilt our kingdom my family lived in incredible poverty. Many of my late family died of famines and illnesses due to not having money or food. When my father took the throne he made sure to keep the rule alive. We had many workers in the castle. But they were all paid and had housing courtesy of my father and mother.
Behind the two women, their daughters followed. They were much younger than me, barely 18.  
“How did you sleep, my dear?” Neshe asked a sweet smile on her lips as she moved to the curtains, drawing them closed. My feet met the hard cold floor as I stood and stretched my muscles. 
“Very well thank you,” I said with a smile. The four women walked around my room, Neshe was getting my dress ready, while Fesca and her daughter were preparing items for a bath. 
“Here you go, miss.” Ari, Fesca’s daughter said with a smile as she put down a tray of food at my vanity. 
“What time is it?” I asked as I moved to the vanity, examining the plate full of fruits and a muffin. 
“Nearly ten, miss,” Ari said as she made my bed. 
“You don't have to do that,” I said looking back at her, smiling. 
“I know.” She said back with a smile. 
“Your mother instructed us to tell you that you are not allowed to leave your room until the party this afternoon,” Neshe said as she started to boil water over the fire for the bath. 
“Knock knock!” My head turned to the door, it was Jaskier’s voice. 
“Come in,” I called and the door burst open. Jaskier was standing in the doorway with a huge grin across his face. He was carrying a large bundle of flowers. All types from roses to tulips. 
He walked over to me, setting the flowers on my bed before hugging me tightly. My arms wrapped around his waist, my head resting on his lower chest. 
“Happy birthday baby sister,” he whispered into my ear. I smiled and squeezed him tighter. 
“Thank you, Jaskier. Thank you for being here.” He stepped back from me, looking back to the door. 
“Geralt common!” He called, my cheeks heated a little as he entered. He was wearing what he was last night. Part of me felt like it was all a dream, everything from his hand on mine to his kiss. Our eyes met and he smiled at me, winking softly. He too was carrying a large bundle of flowers. 
“Oh gods Jaskier you didn’t have to get so many,” I said with a laugh as Geralt placed them on my bed next to the ones from Jaskier. 
“Oh but I do, little sister. There are enough flowers in each bouquet for every birthday I’ve missed.” I smiled up at him, my heart swelling. 
“Thank you, Jax”  
“Eat.” Neshe nudged me as she began pulling hairpins and brooches out of my vanity. I grabbed the muffin and took a bite, Jaskier pulling my desk chair over so he was sitting in front of me. Geralt sitting on my bed. Neshe started detangling my bed head, separating and pinning sections back as she started on the intricate style she had thought of for the day. 
“You washed your hair recently, correct?” She asked as she handed me a glass of orange juice. 
“Yes ma’am,” I said with a smile before drinking the juice and setting the empty glass down. 
“You are such a compliant princess.” Jaskier snickered. 
“Much more than you were as a young child Jaskier. You gave me hell every single day.” Neshe said behind me. 
“I respect them, Jaskier. They look out for me.” I said with a roll of my eyes finishing the muffin and grabbing the bowl of fruit and the fork. Jaskier reached overtaking a strawberry and plopping it into his mouth. 
“Rude,” I mumbled under my breath as I ate the fruit. Neshe continued working on my hair as I finished eating, the other three women walking around my room, tightening up and getting the bathroom ready, the tub is filled with boiling water. Many different oils and flowers added, the room soon smelling fresh and fragrant. 
“Knock knock.” My eyes flew to the door that had opened slightly.
There stood a man, not as tall as Geralt but very close. His hair was a white silver, but much shorter, straight too. It was pinned further back. His face was much older than Geralt’s, not only with wrinkles but scars. His build was large, he was a very intimidating man. But what Witcher isn’t. 
“Vesemir!” I quickly moved from Nashe’s hands, walking over to where he was standing a bright grin on his face. He quickly engulfed me in a hug.
“How are you kid?” He asked, pulling back from me, eyes searching my face. 
“I’m wonderful, I’m so happy you're back,” I said smiling brightly. I looked at him but his eyes were over on the other witcher in the room, who was now standing. 
“Well well, look what the cat dragged in,” Vesemir said with a deep laugh. He gently let go of my shoulders walking over to Geralt who was smiling back. 
“Could say the same for you old man.” They shook hands, before hugging each other very quickly. My brother stood up and looked from me to Vesemir.
“Jaskier! So good to see you again.” Vesemir said. 
“How do you know my baby sister?” Jaskier said, looking confused. 
“He’s the one I’ve been training with, Jaskier. Father and mother love him.” Jaskier let out a frustrated breath pacing slightly.
“So you mean to tell me you've been seeing my baby sister for years and never once thought it was important information to share with me??” Jaskier’s voice was getting louder and shrill.
I walked over to him gently putting my hand on his arm. 
“Jaskier he was doing it to protect me and you. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone outside of these walls what we did when he came here. Father and mother made those rules. Don’t be mad at him for following the rules. Just as he did with you and Geralt. I had no idea-” Nashe’s hands were on my shoulders leading me back over so I was seated, her fingers working gracefully in my hair. “I had no idea he had trained Geralt until last night. He never told me because he respected Geralt and his privacy.” Jaskier sighed, nodding his head. His calm demeanor only lasted a minute before he looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed together.
“Wait, last night? When last night? When were you alone with him??” Jaskier turned his attention to Geralt, his hands on his hips like a tutting mother. I bit my lip gently looking away from him. Fesca came over clapping her hands together with a smile on her face. 
“Okay gentleman, I'm going to ask you all to leave. We need to get her ready for the party. You can continue this reunion later.” Jaskier huffed frustrated before walking out of the room, leaving Geralt and Vesemir. They both looked at each other then at me, Vesemir smirking at me. 
“Here you go, the first part of ya gift.” He handed me a book. 
‘A Mage’s Guide to Healing’ 
“What is this? I'm no mage.” Vesemir smirked. 
“You do not know everything Miss (Y/N). You may find it useful. ” With that, he turned and walked out of the room. 
Geralt turned to me and smiled. He knelt in front of me so his eyes were level with mine, his hands grabbing mine. He gently kissed my knuckles. My stomach erupted in butterflies.
“You might need to talk to Jaskier before I do,” I said. He chuckled softly, our eyes meeting. 
“What shall I tell him?” His thumbs stroked the back of my hands. 
I shook my head forgetting Fesca was still working on my hair causing her to grunt in frustration, her hands holding the sides of my head so I sat still. 
“My dear, if you want me to finish this so you can enjoy the company of the Wolf this evening, you need to sit still.” I smiled bashfully, glancing down at my hands with my eyes. 
“Sorry, Fes…” I mumbled. 
“I'm not sure what to tell him. Maybe you should decide.” Geralt nodded in agreement. He stood up slightly, leaning over and kissing my forehead softly. I could hear the women behind me ooing quietly. 
“I’ll see you in a couple of hours, dove.” I smiled up at him, squeezing his hands gently. 
“Okay, Geralt. Maybe tell him outside.” He laughed softly walking to the door, his hand on the doorknob. 
“Okay, dove.”
Once the door was shut Neshe appeared in front of me, she had a smirk on her face. 
“You and the witcher my dear?” She sat in the chair Jaskier was in. Ari and Yennaa were behind me helping Fesca with my hair.
“There isn't anything other than what you saw. He cares for me, but we all know he can't care for me in the way I wish he could.” I said looking over the book in my lap. 
“I don't know (Y/N)… the way he looked at you is how my pa looks at mum,” Yennaa commented. Her mother and father had been together longer than my mum and dad. The connection between how Geralt looked at me to how her father looked at her mum made my heart sore. 
“I...I hope so...He makes me feel things no other man has.” 
Fresca gently squeezed my shoulders, sliding a silk bonnet over my hair, tying it behind my head. 
“Alright dear get in the bath, wash yourself up and we'll be back to help with your dress and makeup.” I nodded and thanked them as they left the room. I undressed quickly, before sinking into the hot bubbly water. 
“You look beautiful my dear. You wait here to get your mother and father.” I smiled brightly at Neshe and the other women.
“Thank you. And thank you so much for your help. "They smiled and left me alone in front of the mirror 
The dress was so beautiful. 
Hildi had completely outdone herself this year. The dress was dazzling baby pink, with hundreds of stars stitched into a beautiful mesh fabric. It had sleeves but they did not come up my arms. Instead, the sleeves came right above my elbows. My décolleté and shoulders bare, showing off my breasts a bit more than I normally did but I had never felt more beautiful. Fesca had outdone herself on my hair, every pin was perfectly placed, every curl held beautifully. My crown was dazzling in the noon sun, sending rainbows around my room as it sat gracefully on my head. My attention was turned to the small knock on the door. In stepped my mum and dad. My mum's hand went over her mouth with a small gasp. 
“Oh my goodness. My baby girl is a grown woman. You look absolutely beautiful my love.” She came to me, hugging me into her tightly. My arms wrapped around her shoulders tightly. Her fingers stroked my back softly. I inhaled her scent, snuggling my face into her maroon dress. Her hugs were like none I'd ever had. They were everything I needed some nights... 
“I love you, mum…” She pulled me back from her and looked me in the eye, her fingers stroking my face. 
“I love you more than you will ever know.  Now, your father has a gift for you.” My eyes went to him. He was dressed in a solid green velvet suit, a white button-down under his fest. He looked dashing. I smiled at him as he walked over to us, a small box in his hand. 
“This is something I had made for you when you were born. We both wanted to wait till you were older to give it to you. I think now is a perfect time.” He handed me the box with a smile. I gently took the box and opened it. 
“Dad….” It took my breath away. A beautiful ring was in the center of the box, gleaming in the sun. 
There was an opal stone in the center, two little gold moons on each side of the opal, that symbolize a full moon. There were six diamonds embedded into the ring. Three on the top, three on the bottom. Everything had been placed on a gold band. I looked at my father, his eyes were welling with tears. 
“You've always been my little girl, and no matter where you go or where I go, I never want you to forget how much I love you.” My arms wrapped tightly around him as I practically threw myself on him, tears slipping down my face. I felt my mother’s hand on my back as she hugged us. 
“Jaskier you can come in now.” My mother called out. I could hear the door open, then soon my brother's arms were wrapped around my mother and me. All four of us were back together again. 
“Happy birthday Little Pea.” My dad whispered with a small chuckle. Jaskier laughed in my ear, making me laugh softly. The nickname my brother called me for many years had been forgotten after he left. No one else is using it. 
“I love you all.” My dad pulled me from his chest, whipping my face before grabbing the ring and putting it on my right ring finger. 
“Okay we’ll leave you with your brother to go great with your guests. Don't be too long.” My mother said, booping my nose. I laughed softly nodding. 
The two of them left the room, leaving just Jaskier and me. He turned to me, looking me up and down before bringing me into another bone-crushing hug. 
“I'm so happy you're home Jax…” I whispered into his black velvet tunic. He too looked quite dashing. His shirt was tucked into some dark blue trousers a black leather belt holding them up, and some very nicely polished black boots up his legs. His hair was curly and his smile was bright. 
“I missed you so much, Little Pea.” He pulled back and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“So Geralt spoke to me earlier today.” I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and ears. 
“He told me about the kiss last night, told me he didn't want to hurt you. I told him he had to talk to mum and dad, not me.” I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. 
“Jaskier, it's not that serious. Why would you tell him that it's not-”
“He already did it love. They gave their blessing.” 
“I...they did? For what?” 
“To court you of course!” He said with a laugh. 
“But you'll both leave soon-”
“Don't overthink it, common he's waiting outside.” He walked to the door opening it. Sure enough, there was Geralt. He was breathtakingly beautiful. He was dressed head to toe in black velvet, his hair clean and combed, pinned back, his face freshly shaved, a small rose pinned into his shirt. The first three buttons of the shirt were undone, revealing his deliciously hairy chest and his silver pendant. 
I took a deep breath, my eyes looking him up and down taking him in. It wasn't until we met eyes I realized he was doing the same to me. 
“You look beautiful.” He breathed out, walking towards me. I reached my hands out to him, he gently took them pulling me into him, his left arm looping around my waist. Our faces inches apart. 
“You look so handsome Geralt. You clean up quite well. Black velvet is your style.” I said with a smile, my hand on his shoulder, the other still in his hand. He leaned down and softly kissed me. It was short and sweet. Yet it filled my body with warmth and butterflies. I was sure he felt the temperature of my skin change. 
“Common people are waiting for you, princess.” He whispered as he pulled away, my hand wrapping around his bicep. I looked at him as we walk down the hall towards the grand hall. 
“You are a breathtaking creature (Y/N). I do not think I have seen anyone so beautiful in my 87 years.” My heart raced in my chest as he spoke, my hand gripping his arm a little tighter. 
“No one told me I was falling for an old man.” I joked as we approached the door to the great hall. One of my father’s soldiers was waiting for us. 
“Princess.” He said with a soft bow of his head. I smiled softly at him, curtsying to him softly. 
“Derlor, it’s good to see you again.” I let go of Geralt’s arm, stepping towards Derlor hugging him gently. He was my father’s right-hand man, everything my father needed he went to Derlor. He had been working in my father’s court for nearly 30 years. 
“This will be the first birthday that I don’t get to escort you. I’m not sure what to do with myself.” I smiled and shook my head. 
“Relax, enjoy yourself. Maybe ask Hildi for a dance. You know she has a soft spot for you.” I said stepping back to Geralt’s side, my hand on his arm again. Derlor looked at the witcher next to me, eyed him up and down before stepping in front of him. 
“I know her parents like you, and I trust their judgment but understand one thing Witcher; if you hurt her in any way I will kill you. You may be a feared monster slayer but you do not scare me.” I rolled my eyes softly, everyone was going to threaten the witcher on my behalf. Flattering but annoying nonetheless. 
“If I hurt her. I will gladly lay down my blade and let you do your worst, sir.” Derlor smiled. 
“Good. Now time for your entrance princess.” He walked to the door pushing it open. I could hear the people quiet down. Geralt leaned down and kissed my cheek quickly, leaving the spot hot in his wake. Derlor stood at the end of the red rug in the center of the room. He cleared his throat. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the lady of the hour, Princess (Y/N)!” Geralt and I started walking down the center of the carpet. On either side were people from all over our kingdom. Many nobles I had known for years. I smiled at the familiar faces, as we continued walking to where my mother, father, and Jaskier. 
“As many of you know, we have been preparing our daughter to take over for us one day-“ My father said, stepping forward, taking my hand from Geralt and smiling at me. 
“But seeing as myself and my wife are in great health and nowhere near the end of our reign. And as you can all see our son has returned from his many great travels.” Vesimer walked forwards, a smile on his face and a pack in his hands. 
“Your mother and I both think you are ready my dear,” Father said looking me in the eyes. 
“Ready for what dad…?” I whispered, my voice wavering slightly, my stomach flipping and swelling. His eyes drifted behind me, looking at who I guessed was Geralt. 
“You will be leaving the kingdom for a while.” My mouth ran dry, my eyes going to Jaskier who was beaming. 
“We know that you will be in good hands, not that you need it. You will be leaving with Jaskier and Geralt and traveling the Continent to your heart’s content.” My hands squeezed into his harder as he spoke, my eyes burning with tears, my eyes bouncing between him, Jaskier, and my mother who was also near tears. 
“You need to see the world, see what you can help improve on when you take over. Meet people, taste danger a little.” My arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly, my eyes closed the tears of joy slipping down my face. 
“Thank you, dad…” I whispered and he chucked. He pulled me back and Jaskier came and stood in front of me. 
“I've missed so much of your life, and I regret it so much. You have turned into such a wonderful young woman and it would be an honor if you joined us in our travels.” I could feel Geralt’s hand on my back as he stood next to me as I looked at Jaskier. My eyes gleaned at him, searching his facial features for any hesitation in the offer. 
“You’re both serious?” I asked. 
“Vesemir is very admin that you would be beneficial to me, in more ways then.” Geralt said with a small wink. 
“So what do you say, do you want to come with us?” Jaskier asked, his hands holding mine. 
“What a stupid question Jaskier! Of course, I want to!” The smile on my face nearly hurt, I had never been so happy in my life. I didn't have to say goodbye to Jaskier or Geralt, not for a while anyway. Jaskier grabbed me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug which I gladly returned. 
“Everyone please, enjoy yourself! Food will be brought out soon!! Ale. wine and mead are already out! We thank you all so much for coming to celebrate our daughter’s birthday!” My father said to the room full of people who all clapped and cheered. 
I turned away from Jaskier to Geralt who was still standing next to me. I put my hands on his chest gently leaning into him, his hands going to my waist. 
“Are you sure you're okay with me coming along? I would hate to be a burden on you.” Geralt shook his head, smiling softly, his fingers stroking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
“From what Vesemir told me today, you will only be an asset to me and my travels. Unlike your brother who just annoys me.” I laughed softly, rolling my eyes. 
“You love him,” I said with a smile. He huffed, taking my hand in his leading me to our spot at the table. 
“If you didn’t you would have never followed him for weeks to an unknown country to meet a sister you had no idea existed. Face it witcher, my brother has weaseled his way into that heart of yours.” He was filling his plate with food and a smile on the corner of his lips as he listened to me. 
He handed me the plate of food I thought he was preparing for himself. 
“Thank you, love,” I said as I took the plate from him, watching as he got some for himself. The people around us talking, laughing, and beginning the party that would surely last into the night. He leaned over, kissing my cheek softly then he started to eat. 
The party had been going for hours. Everyone was a bit drunk including me. The wine in my cup had been the fourth do far, and I'm a lightweight. My body was warm, the sweet taste of the cherry wine lingering on my lips as I listened to my brother sing and play his lute. As the song ended I put the cup down, nearly knocking it over in the process, clapping for Jaskier. 
“Jaskier come here!” I yelled with a slight giggle. He came over to me, his face red as he breathed hard, he too was drunk. 
“Any song requests my lady?” He said with a cheesy bow of his head making me laugh maybe a little too loud. 
“Sing me the song you first wrote for Geralt?” His face lit up as he looked behind me to Geralt who was sitting at the table next to Vesemir. 
“He hates that song (Y/N),” Jaskier said making me laugh more. 
“Oh but he’s never had it sang to him here! Jaskier we love him here. Common the people will sing, children will dance. Maybe hell get some coins tossed at him!” Jaskier laughed with me.
“Okay okay fine, only for you.” Jaskier walked over to the stage with the other bards whispering something to them before yelling over the crowd of people. 
“This song is for my baby sister. I haven’t sung this one in a couple of years, but I think you lot will like it more than anyone I’ve ever sung for!!!” The crowd clapped for him as they all looked at him. I glanced behind me looking at Geralt who knew what song was coming. Our eyes met. I giggles and winked at him. 
“When a humble bard
Graced a ride-along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song” 
The crowd erupted into cheers, the smiles on their faces only growing, including my own. Many children ran into the middle of the room staring up at Jaskier as he sang, eyes gleaming. 
“From when the White Wolf fought
A silver-tongued devil
His army of elves
At his hooves did they revel
They came after me
With masterful deceit
Brokedown my lute
And they kicked in my teeth”
People started singing along to the second verse. The room is filled with slurred, off-tune singing of my people. The warmth spread through my chest as I saw Jaskier’s face light up in a way I had never seen before. His attention went to Geralt momentarily looking at him with the same disbelief. I looked at Geralt to see he held the same expression. His smile was genuine, eyes wide as he listened to the people listen to the song about him. I left my spot from the middle of the room, quickly walking as to not trip in my drunken state. I got to the table in front of Geralt, my smile wide as I extended my hand. 
“Care to dance with me witcher?” He cocked a curious eyebrow at me, probably due to my drunken state. 
“I'm not much of a dancer, Dove.” He said, making me shake my head walking around the table, and grabbing his arm. 
“Neither am I, that's what makes it fun.” He grunted standing, reluctantly following me into the crowd of people who cheered louder for him. 
“Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to Your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty”
Jaskier and the other bards stopped playing and singing, the crowd in front of him continuing the verse. Myself included. The sound of everyone singing my brother's famed song made my heart sore, everything was perfect. Even Geralt was smiling as he let me dance and spin with his hands, once taking his eyes off my body. 
“You Witcher are a hero here!” I yellow over the music and crowd. He pulled me into him, his lips capturing my own in a very wet, sloppy kiss, impart due to my drunken state. The alcohol coring in my veins made me want to tear his clothes off then and there and let him have his way with me. But I wasn't drunk enough to let it happen. My arms wrapped around his neck as I kissed him back, the music and people drowning out of my ears as I tasted his lips. Everything about him was so intoxicating.  
After a while he pulled back, my lips wet with his salvia, my chest heaving up and down, and my mind racing. I felt dizzy from the kiss. 
“Common let’s get you some fresh air, dove.” He whispered, his arm wrapping around my waist as he led me out of the grant hall and onto a balcony. With one look from Geralt, the two love birds who were already out there left without a word. The cool night air hit my face and made me feel less dizzy. I walked over to the stone wall on the balcony, my hands resting on it, cooling me off more. Geralt's arms wrapped around my waist from behind holding me tightly and close to him. 
“You are a rather drunk princess.” I giggled and nodded. 
“I don't drink very often witcher, it goes straight to my head.” a large yawn interrupted my train of thought. Geralt chuckled and kissed my head. 
“Would you like me to take you to bed?” My eyes felt rather heavy, the winemaking me more sleepy as time progressed. 
“I'm such a  dud, it's not even midnight,” I whined, smacking my hands on the stone softly. Geralt chuckled and ran his hands up and down my arms and shoulders. 
“Common, you don't have to push yourself if you're tired.” Geralt started pulling me back to the door leading into the hallway. 
“Fine. only because you're so nice to me.” I grumbled as he led me down the hall and into my room. He shut the door behind us as I walked over to the vanity, plopping myself down. 
“I hope no one misses me too much. I desperately want out of this dress. It is beautiful but I cannot breathe.” Geralt chuckled from his spot at the door as he watched me attempt to pull the pins and brooches from my hair. I started to get frustrated, my hair being too intricately done for my drunk self. 
Geralt wordlessly walked over to me and gently started to help me pull the pins from my hair. His fingers combed softly thru my hair, scratching my scalp gently as he worked to get them out of my hair. The small action was nearly lulling me to sleep in the chair. I heard a knock at the door which snapped me out of my sleepy state, my back straightening. 
“Yes?” I turned around and saw Jaskier peeking through the door. 
“You vanished, just wanted to check-in.” I smiled sweetly at him. 
“I'm a very drunk Jaskier, I desperately want to sleep.’ He walked into the room and towards me. He was carrying a pitcher of water and a cup. 
“I figured, drink this and-” He pulled out a vial from his pocket and handed it to me.
“-Vesemir gave this to me, says it is the perfect cure for a hangover. Also gave me one.” I smiled and placed the vile on my vanity along with the water and cup. 
“Thank you, Jax.” He smiled and hugged me before turning and leaving to walk out the door, before he did he turned and pointed a finger at Geralt.
“If you decide to do anything dirty with my sister-”
“Jaskier!” I all but shrieked. 
“Just, be quiet my room isn't too far away.” I could feel my face turn bright red, my fists balled at my side as I stood from the chair. 
“I’m going to kill you.” Geralt’s arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back before I could attack my drunk brother. The door was shut and he was laughing down the hall. 
“Such a prick.” I groaned and turned around pouring myself some water and drinking it. I grabbed the vile from the table pulling the cork out. Before it could be brought to my lips Geralt stopped my hand and brought the vile to his nose. He inhaled deeply a few times before realizing my hand, 
“Just had to be sure.” I smiled and drank the contents. The taste was vile.
“Oh my god, that is awful,” I said coughing. Geralt laughed softly at me, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
“Help me unlace my corset?” I turned my back to him. I felt his fingers delicately untied the lace one by one. I took a deep breath, breathing properly again. As the lace was losing the dress started to slip down my body. I quickly caught it before it dropped down my waist. Thankfully my back was to him. I heard him clear his throat. 
“My night slip in on the bed, can you hand it to me?” I heard him move before the slip was in front of me. 
“Could you, uh turn around?” I asked. 
“Of course princess.'' After a minute I turned my head and saw he was facing the other direction. I let the dress fall from my body leaving me all but bare except for my undergarments, I slipped the night slip over my body and gently brushed his back. He turned around and smiled. 
“Stay with me?” I asked softly. 
“Of course dove.” He led me to the bed, pulling the quilts and sheets back allowing me to crawl in. I watched as he discarded his vest, and shirt leaving him in his tight trousers. My eyes wandered all over his scared torso and arms. He was breathtaking. 
“You're staring dove.” He chuckled making me blush, hiding my face in the quilts. 
“Can you blame me?” He laughed softly and walked to the door. 
“Where are you going?” I asked, sitting up slightly. 
“Just to grab something more comfortable to sleep in, Dove.” He walked out the door leaving it open. He returned minutes later, in the same sleep pants he was wearing the night before, less tight. He shut the door and the curtains, walking over to the other side of the bed before getting in. 
He scooped me up, placing me closer to him, my head on his firm chest. I could hear his heartbeat it was slow, soothing. His fingers stroked aimlessly over my body. The last thing I felt before sleep took me was his warm lips on my forehead.
@weallhaveadestiny @ayamenimthiriel @niiight-dreamerrrr @rn7rocks @fire-in-her-veinz @eternallyvenus
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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