#gg self XD
koka-mi · 1 month
4 n 14 for ask game >_0
YAAYYY TY FOR THE ASK RAVENNN!!!! ^^ (sorry I answered late I fell asleep :'D) (link to og ask game post!)
tell me about your most vivid memory, good or bad.
... This has made me realize I don't have a lotta vivid memories xD like I've had vivid dreams (I actually just had one but I'll probably forget it soon💔) but I can't think of a vivid memory.
I gueeesss that one time my family and I were going on a very long car ride to see my great grandpa who lived in another state and by the time we got there, it was nighttime and SUUUPER dark outside. I was also super sleepy and younger me was stumblin out the car and my great grandpa was smiling and trying to help my tired self out xD then he put me in the guest room?? I think. And I think all my sisters slept there too :p not the most vivid I think but it's the best I got rn 💔
I actually do have some pretty bad vivid memories of my dad but I don't like him at all so we pretend he doesn't exist <3 highkey traumatized me brooo😭😭I'M FINE NOW THOUGH!!
do you enjoy being lightheartedly teased? why or why not?
Kinda?? :0 I mean I don't actively enjoy it but idm it and I do like teasing other people. My entire family love to tease each other--we're so MEAN😭😭but it's fun!! Like even if you're with my great grandpa you're not safe. GG I love you but you're pushing 90 rn you should not be teasing us at your age you should be.idk uhh laying down xD but yea. I dunno if my distant relatives tease but considering the stories I've heard of them, chances are they very much do.
I also don't mind if friends lightheartedly tease me! The only thing I don't like being teased abt that I can think of atm is definitely my voice bcz yk I'm already hella insecure abt it :'D but anything else is fine!!
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zhansww · 1 year
Sunshine By My Side released its final episode today. Thankfully xD Watching this felt like more of a drag than any other of my men’s dramas. Imo, Sheng Yang was the worst written character I’ve seen gg play. He apparently accepted the role four years ago already, tho. Maybe the initial script he got wasn’t quite so bad. Heck, looking at something like Sheng Yang’s devotion in isolation even makes me understand the appeal of the character. He basically worships his girlfriend and there are certain lines that made me think that yeah, this is probably how gg feels about dd so it must be relatable in a way. But the thing that ruins it is the lack of reciprocation. Throughout the entire show, jian bing is cold, dismissive or downright disrespectful towards Sheng Yang and his feelings for her. And for him to keep groveling like he did just made him seem pathetic. Still. Like he had no self-esteem. It basically lead to a thoroughly unappealing, unbalanced and frankly, unhealthy relationship dynamic. One that definitely won’t work out. There were some funny moments, tho, I’ll give it that. Like when Sheng Yang asked jian bing to let him draw her the way Jack drew Rose. The look on gg’s face during that scene was just perfect lol I definitely still think this script wasn’t worth gg’s talents but by God, I just hope this will have been the last romance drama gg accepted o.O
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waterymoss · 2 months
Did we all collectively agree there's gg to be a betrayal or was it stated somewhere :o
We collectively agreed xd
There was speculation when info about the Annecy clip was revealed. Vi an outcast to both Zaun and Piltover and taking a path of self destruction…the rooted pain plus the hallucinations about Caitlyn were telling that something major definitely happens between them that leads to this mournful separation. (“Who is Vi if she doesn’t have anyone left to protect?” Was something the writers wanted to show. She has to lose Caitlyn too apart from Jinx) And it was officially stated that there’s going to be a part that the Caitvi shippers are going to hate…A betrayal seems fitting in the fight vs Jinx. (Either from Vi or Caitlyn. Or a mutual betrayal in which Vi doesn’t stick to the plan of capturing Jinx and Cait takes action)
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crem-hc-icecream · 1 month
(Heya this charecter is my own creation but im realy glad that my fav floor and npc got its own rp thingy so i'll just get in to charecter real quick[please don't mind the typos])
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(Thats the oc by the way ^^)
^a strange being what looked like a short crybtid walked out of the elevator seems to be holding a book with her, the books pages shifted as if they where endless, the feeling of some thing weird going on with it flooded the room^
^they where looking around and sat down on the floor quite near the elevator as its doors closed, but they didn't seem to mind^
^the thing then opened the book and started what you could gues started drawing with its left hand on it^
^about 2 hours had passed and it got up from what you could tell excided as it seemed to be wearing a mask as it walked up to you and showed you the drawing^
^the drawing was flat like it had been drewn digitaly, and it spoke in a soft yet a little distored voice^
"Hi! I realy like the place so i hope you don't mind me drawing you and your little shop!"
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^the drawing did seem a bit sloppy and some details missing and a tiny bit of the things changed but it seemed happy to show it to you, and the thing spoke again^
"Oh! I should most likely introduce my self... I'm Mrai, i am just exploring the place, i might stay for a bit if that is okay, as it is so comphy and pretty!"
^mrai stayed silent for a tiny bit and spoke again^
"You can keep the drawing if you want"
(Sorry if i seem a bit over excited [as i am] and if you don't feel comphy awnsering its fine! {I normaly don't rp with complete strangers but i just had to do this} i hope that i am not too over talketive or just an annoyence i can't help it xd)
oh,hhh my g’ooodnes,s,,, thi;s drawi,ngg is lo’vel!y Thha,nk y’ou; Mrai! I;d lov,e tto k’eep it, aand f,eel fre’e to st;ay as lon,gg as you’d lik’e :)! Let,t me kn;ow if I c,ould ge;t yo,u an’ything!g
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artnerd1123 · 6 years
Seraph’s Character Sheet
here’s a big ol heap of info for m’gal seraph!!! enjoy! (and apologies to those the readmore doesn’t cooperate with slkdfjks)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Seraph Sanyi Reason or meaning of name: her first name is a reference to her feral form, a seraph, and her last name means cold in hausa (african language) Character’s nickname: Ser-bear (only for roo) Reason for nickname: term of endearment, shows how sweet her nature is Birth date: October 13th (2017) Sexuality: panromantic  Gender/pronouns: nonbinary demigirl, she/her
Physical appearance Age: 10 (note: familiars are “mature” at 3yrs of age) How old does he/she appear: anywhere from 18 to early 20s (depending on how mature she’s acting in that moment) Weight: she’s made of feathers and wool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (But probably a lil heavier than one would expect. She is Chonk™) Height: 4’9’’ Body build: chubby and soft, like a pear shaped pillow Shape of face: sheep Eye color: normally black sclera, white iris, but they turn yellow with a black slit if she’s about to shift forms. In her feral form, they’re all silver! Glasses or contacts: neither! Skin tone: mostly a very light silvery pink color, but her ears/mask around her eyes/legs/hooves are all a dark shade of purple  Distinguishing marks: none Predominant features: her wings! they have white/gold/purple feathers, also her “halo” (gold ring above her head) Hair color: white Type of hair: tightly curled wool!  Hairstyle: sometimes she puts it up, but usually its just down/puffy  Voice: singsong, kinda bell-like when laughing, pleasant to listen to ((her voiceclaim is over here!))  Overall attractiveness: any familiar will tell u she’s p cute Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: normally wears stuff with bright colors. You can  catch her in dress shirts or sweaters with khakis/jeans/leggings, dresses, anything really, as long as it looks cute!  Favorite outfit: long pinkish purple shirt, tan shorts, brown ropy looking belt Jewelry or accessories: none (note: the ring on her head is actually part of her)
Personality Good personality traits: optimistic, eager to help others, selfless, modest, generous, incredibly caring and compassionate, kind, gentle, patient, perseverant, emphatic, extremely hard worker, has a good eye for detail Bad personality traits: blind faith in those she loves, hides own problems by bottling up negative/melancholy emotions, doesn’t give herself enough credit, gives too many chances, refuses to acknowledge reality if it would make a loved one unhappy, often overexerts and exhausts herself from giving too much, is scared of being the center of attention, gets horrible chest-aching anxiety from seeing things in physical pain, can give quite the cold shoulder if made angry Mood character is most often in: happy, or as close to it as she can get! Sense of humor: she’ll laugh at almost anything as long as its not morbid or offensive. Fond of knock knock jokes, and absolutely loves puns Character’s greatest joy in life: her ability to create things and to fly Character’s greatest fear: being completely useless Why: She wants to help people out, and it pains her to see others in pain. Not to mention she’s been told the reason for her existence is to help people. If she’s unable to do so, she feels like she’s failed as a familiar and a person to do her duty in the world, and to others. It literally tears her apart inside.  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Corruption and/or death of her loved ones (more specifically: her originator) Character is most at ease when: hanging out somewhere warm with some good friends, like at a small party/event, or at her house Most ill at ease when: in a cold, dark, and silent place, such as a tomb/cemetery or low level of a building/dungeon Enraged when: people hurt others/are incredibly rude/are mean/are outright cruel for no reason Depressed or sad when: she’s unable to lift evangel’s mood, she hasn’t been able to socialize, the things she bakes taste horrible/burn many times in a row, or she loses her voice Priorities: number one priority is taking care of evangel. Number two is making sure those she comes into contact with are happy, or at least to learn why they’re not in order to try and change that. After these is trying to improve herself/her abilities Life philosophy: treat others with utmost kindness unless they give you a good reason not to (and even then, try to be fair about it.) Everyone can change and grow; be mindful of the flowers, sprouts, and blooms around you. Do your best to help nurture them all. If granted one wish, it would be: to make everyone happy Why: The gal just… genuinely wants to see everyone smile and experience joy. No malice, no secret plans, just a true smile and good feelings for everyone. It’s what they deserve. Character’s soft spot: small fluffy animals, and any nice word or gift directed at/given to her Is this soft spot obvious to others?: ohhh yeah. She pretty much melts in the presence of tiny baby floofs, and in the face of any nice thing done for her/said to her ever Greatest strength: her almost unwavering dedication/loyalty to her friends/family Greatest vulnerability or weakness: it’s easy to make her feel that she’s failing Biggest regret: not doing better for evangel Minor regret: not adding more cinnamon to her latest batch of monkey bread- it really did need some more Biggest accomplishment: helping evangel start up and successfully upkeep her shop Minor accomplishment: making her own recipe for extremely good cinnamon chocolate chip cookies (she saves it for her bad days) Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: once she accidentally almost set the whole kitchen on fire when evangel wasn’t home. She ended up charring a cabinet and losing a whole box of fabric scraps before she managed to put it out. Why: it was a complete accident, and she takes pride in her work. Such a big slip up is v embarrassing for her Character’s darkest secret: sometimes, on her worst days, all she wants to do is fly away from her life, her friends, and everything, and go away over the ocean, not to return Does anyone else know? No. She keeps these thoughts to herself.
Goals Drives and motivations: see most important childhood memory. Additionally, she believes that everyone deserves good things, and strives to do her part in that regard. She also loves to create, especially songs and recipes. This motivates her to experiment and have fun with what she does! Her creative drive may increase or falter depending on her mood.  Immediate goals: stay on top of shop orders, finish her latest song, and make some more brownies Long term goals: keep the shop running, make evangel happy, and possibly open up a small baked goods section of the shop someday How the character plans to accomplish these goals: hard work and a happy, can do attitude, as well as finding some time to herself in which to attend to her more personal goals How other characters will be affected: hopefully very positively!
Past Hometown: whichever ocean town she’s livin in rn Type of childhood: (I’m counting the first three years of her life as childhood) it was… alright. She learned quick to hide her own bad emotions though. They seemed to distress evangel, and on top what other issues seraph saw her struggling with, she didn’t wanna be a bother. Around the same time, her feral form lost its healing power and became prone to lashing out. She put a stop to that as soon as she could, and gained control over herself in that form as well. Other than those instances it was mostly a happy “childhood.” Pets: none First memory: seeing evangel and her room Most important childhood memory: one of the first things evangel told seraph about being a familiar was that they were supposed to help their originators and make them happy. Alternatively, evangel said she was proud of seraph after she completed a whole dress by herself. Evangel was smiling so much, and she looked so happy. Why: seeing evangel so happy and proud delighted her, and she wants nothing but to replicate that happiness for her. It drives how hard she works to help her. The first memory does the same thing, and shows why she blames herself for a lot of what’s going on. Childhood hero: looked up to evangel for a short time  Dream job: baker Education: she can read/write/do basic math just fine, and knows a good deal about cooking/sewing/tailor work/etc, as well as some psychology/interpersonal relationships stuff. Definitely more self taught and street smart, though. Religion: n/a Finances: evangel took care of her 
Present Current location: same as childhood Currently living with: evangel Pets: none Religion: n/a Occupation: assists evangel in running her shop Finances: she n evangel use the shop money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Family Mother: Evangel Relationship with her: complicated, seraph gives more than she gets in return and does most of the emotional labor, supportive but not very well (like one of those noodle/marshmallow towers kinda), draining at times but does produce good moments and a (generally) loving home Father: Relationship with him: Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Roo (in the future) Relationship with them: loving and healing, they take the time to work through any issues (even specific to one another) and make sure to listen to/care for each other always. Literally Goals™ Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: Journal Drapht and Ruffy Drapht (both in the future)
Favorites Color: pink!!! She also loves blue, like the sky. Together they make cotton candy!!! Least favorite color: swampy green/brown, along with bone white. They make her uncomfy Music: upbeat, happy tunes, particularly old timey piano/carnival songs. Flute music is also her jam Food: sweets!!! Candy is appreciated, but especially baked goods like brownies/cookies (which is why her baking/comfort eating combo usually works to calm her) Literature: cookbooks, music theory/history, and fables/short stories Form of entertainment: creating things (with her hands or her voice), and seeing others create too. Loves watching shows and having evangel animate books Expressions: a smile!!! Especially those small, contented ones, when you can tell someone is truly at peace and happy with their lot Mode of transportation: flying (as long as she’s the one doin it!) Most prized possession: an old, delicate sheet of music. It was the first song she sang, and it has many notes scribbled in the margins about different tunes and little improvements it could have. It reminds her of simpler times, and gives her a sweet nostalgia. It’s also a reminder of how far she’s come in life.
Habits Hobbies: baking, singing, reading, flying Plays a musical instrument? If voice counts, then yep! Plays a sport? Nope, but she may join in from time to time How he/she would spend a rainy day: curled up with a good book, or singing some new songs she wanted to practice. She finds the rain adds a nice ambiance to her voice Spending habits: doesn’t tend to buy much aside from food or whatever new fabric/etc evangel needs. She will splurge from time to time and get new books for herself tho (songbooks and cookbooks mostly) Smokes: nope Drinks: nope Other drugs: noooope What does he/she do too much of? Suppressing her negative emotions instead of addressing them/venting What does he/she do too little of? Spending time away from the shop/evangel Extremely skilled at: figuring out what emotions others are feeling and helping them through it, and singing (despite her minor case of stage fright) Extremely unskilled at: sports, anything mechanical, fighting, handling physical injuries Nervous tics: humming, playing with her hair, comfort eating, and compulsively organizing things Usual body posture: standing up straight and tall! Mannerisms: Always nice and kind to everyone she meets. Keeps up a cheery, positive attitude, and is almost always smiling. Tries her hardest to make everyone around her happy. Does her best on every single task assigned to her. Tends to speak in a singsong voice unless she’s not feeling great. Goes off on her own when in a bad mood. Very neat and organized, and always has some sort of advice or gentle word ready. Peculiarities: her gold ring will seem to float higher or lower above her head depending on her mood. Also hums/trills/makes some kinda quiet sound like all the time- if she isn’t, something’s probably wrong.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Big optimist!!! Introvert or extrovert? Mostly extrovert, though she has her more introverted days n needs time to herself Daredevil or cautious? Cautious ftw Logical or emotional? Emotional, but she can usually apply some logic unless the situation is horrible Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Neat!!! V neat!!! Doesn’t mind a mess but she really likes to have a tidy space around her Prefers working or relaxing? Both. Prefers working to help others, but relaxing/bonding time is incredibly important to her Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Mostly confident, but she can get really self conscious some days Animal lover? Y e s 
Self-Perception How they feel about themself: she feels that she does her best, even if it’s not always THE best, and that she’s a pretty nice person overall. Wishes she could work harder despite her limits. One word the character would use to describe self: kindhearted One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “My name is Seraph Sanyi, and I’m a 10 year old familiar. I’m kind, gentle, emphatic, and a big optimist. I’m a hard worker, and always try to give whatever task I have my best shot. If you’ve got something to do, then why not do it well? Especially if it’s for someone else. I do what I can to try and help people as often as I’m able. Everyone deserves a bit of sunshine in their life!” “I-If you were asking about my hobbies, i like baking! Finding new recipes to try and making all sorts of sweet treats… I could do that all day long. Creating things makes me feel all warm inside. Oh, and i sing sometimes. I don’t really like singing in front of people, though. I’d much rather be a stagehand than the main attraction. Th-that’s how it is in my life.” “After all, I’m here to help. It’s what I’m made for.” What does the character consider their best personality trait? Her patient dedication or soft nature What does the character consider their worst personality trait? how cold she can get if someone makes her angry What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Absolutely loves her wings from her feral form. Normally, she’s fond of her fur/wool. Is v sof. What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? Doesn’t like the eyes that show up all over her in feral form. Other than that, she doesn’t really dislike any part of herself. How does the character think others perceive them: she’s been told she’s a big help to others, a source of joy, and very kind What would the character most like to change about themself: she’d like to be a bit less of a people pleaser, despite her wishes to help everyone, since she needs to take care of herself too
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: she likes people. She’s under the “everyone can be good if they just try” mentality, and will give em plenty of chances to prove that right. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? If she’s mad at you, she’ll let you know. She values communication yo! And you’ll definitely be able to tell if she’s happy! But she does tend to hide feelings of sadness, despair, melancholy, hopelessness, etc. You can tell she’s not feeling her best if she’s really quiet. But she doesn’t tend to show many signs of feeling bad around people until it’s build to the point of a breakdown. If you manage to catch her in a less-than-jovial mood, it’ll take you awhile to coax what’s wrong out of her. (even if she trusts you, she won’t be forthcoming with her “blue” emotions.) Person character most hates: nobody bc hate is a strong word :V Best friend(s): evangel and a few of the familiars of regular customers in the shop. (Also, ruffy n journal n roo after story starts) Love interest(s): Roo :3 Person character goes to for advice: the town elders Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: evangel (and all her bffs/new family later) Person character feels shy or awkward around: people she doesn’t know well asking her to sing for them. Anyone who asks her to do something that’d make her the center of attention also makes her feel this way Person character openly admires: the sirens at the bottom of the sea cliff. She thinks their voices are beautiful, and that they themselves are gorgeous. She aspires to sing like them someday Person character secretly admires: the baker and the composer down the street in their own shops. They run their own businesses, are always kind/upbeat, and pretty successful in all their endeavours. They’re what Seraph secretly dreams to be, and she admires them from a distance for this reason. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: evangel After story starts: Roo, Journal, Ruffy
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Hi! I'm the author of Normal is an Illusion! It makes me so so happy to see how much you like it! I was going about my day when I struck with an idea that I just had to share. Adrius Kid Swap AU!
Basically (Basilisk) Adrian figures out a young Hunter is a Grimwalker, and realize on his staff for magic and feels a kinship with him. He takes him under his wing, sneaking him treats, teaching him to forge signatures, how to fake confidence, and slowly, oh so very slowly, he starts to pull Hunter away from Belos. He can't do much because Adrian himself is pretty reliant on Belos at this point, but it's a start.
Not 100% sure how Darius and Bira meet, but when they do Darius sees a lot of himself in her. Determination to be the best and a frim knowledge of her self worth. He also sees that despite that she hasn't had anyone to teach her the finer points of self care, or the chance to make real connections. He decided to mentor her the way the previous GG did for him.
Any Sport in Any Strom still happens, but Hunter doesn't try to capture the EE, and instead of Darius giving him the scroll it's Adrian. Darius see this and starts to suspect that both his lover and the Golden Guard are a little less loyal than he thought. This is good news for him, as a rebel. But now he has to figure out how to casually bring up treason to Adrian.
I'm torn on if Labyrinth Runners still happens though. Would Hunter crash the sigil giving, and explain everything to Adrian? Would he wait until Gus and he get captured to explain, because he doesn't want Bump to know he's been camping out at the school? Would it be a reserve 'rescue' mission where Gus convinces the school they have to safe Hunter from Adrian? So many fun options....
AWWWWW I Love this idea so much!!! <3
It'll be fun how Adrian can be supportive yet such a bad influence XD He'll try to put an end to any bad talking about Hunter in his presence, most likely by picking a new target XD And yeah!! He can absolutely relate to Hunter's situation, being made as a tool to be useful and manipulated into anything, and a very real threat to their lives for disobedience!!
Darius would love Bria's determination and fighting spirit but would see how much guidance she needs!! Wonder if she'll find her on one of her practices when she just makes and smashes the rocks xD That would be so cute!! How he will try to instill the better values in her <3
Darius definetely noticed Adrian's more intent attention on Golden Guard and a hidden soft spot for him!! I wonder if he'll offer the deal to Adrian before the DoU!! He already has Raine and Eber! More people is always better(and not hiding being a rebel to your 'loyal' lover is a huge plus!) but who knows if Adrian is ready for an actual treason instead of little acts of disobedience!!
OHHH In LR Adrian will still try to put sigils on kids, but Hunter will know he can actually reason with him!! Share the information he has!! Hunter is worried Adrian might not believe him, he is still loyal to Belos, but he hopes Adrian will give it a shot for Hunter's sake!! Adrian though is relieved to see Hunter safe after his runaway from the castle! He is glad Hunter is out, he was just suprised how sudden it happened, out of nowhere!
It will be hard though for Hunter xD It all happened so fast and the next moment Adrian grabs Gus, and he wants to have a one on one moment with Adrian, but he doesn't want to just drop Gus all alone XD So Hunter jumps in and grabs both Gus and Adrian XD They are both confused on the sudden turn of event so don't resist him leading them away from the crowd XD
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na-na-namine · 3 years
So a few days ago I made a post condemning the Luz/Hunter ship (Goldenlight I think it’s called now). I regret posting it as I was stressed and sleep-deprived when I made it. I reblogged an addendum to offer what I hoped was a more nuanced explanation over why I didn’t like the ship, as well as to correct myself by stating that I don’t hate the shipping between Luz and GG. Upon reflection, I’m more annoyed about it than anything. This is a repost and edited version of that reblog.
I realize that people are going to ship Luz and Hunter no matter what anyone says, and despite my reservations, I can accept that it is not harmful to the Lumity ship. Where I have my doubts are the statements that shipping mlm/wlw and shipping opposite gender characters are the same, that the act and reasons for doing so are eqivicable.
They’re not the same. Full stop.
When fans engage with mlm/wlw ships (even between straight characters) it’s done often with the expectation that they won’t become canon. We know this. Het shippers know this, which is why they’ve made fun of and harassed fans that enjoy mlm/wlw ships for decades. And the one time a bi girl is involved in a canon sapphic relationship with another girl, some of you expect me to be okay with said bi character being shipped with boy?
When it comes to media, bisexuality has historically been used as performative rep by writers and entities looking for easy praise without having to do any of the work. Just look at the recent Loki Disney+ show - the titular Loki is shown to be bisexual, but the show does nothing with that part of his character. He just kisses his fem self from another world for absolutely no reason.
Even shows like The Legend of Korra which do have bi characters of the same gender in a relationship, the confirmation of their sexuality and relationship is reserved for social media after the series finale. In a show, mind you, where said characters were constantly getting together and breaking up with the same guy.
I don’t doubt that any of you have good intentions when you tell me that Luz’s bi experience is no less for being shipped a boy. Bi people being in relationships with those of the opposite gender is completely valid, and their experience is not at all lesser for it. Also odd that strangers on the internet are trying to lecture a bisexual person about their sexuality, but eh, what else is new.
But under the context of DISNEY, one of the largest multimedia giants in the world that has consistently screwed over most attempts at lgbtqia+ rep in their properties, it is extremely important that the one bi character in a Disney show that’s involved in a canon relationship with someone of the same gender is wholehearted supported.
Again, people are going to ship Luz and Hunter no matter what, and I will learn to be okay with that. But at the very least, please try to understand that the people pushing back against it are doing so for very nuanced reasons, even if you don’t agree with them. And you don’t have to agree with them. I’m not asking you to agree, only understand where we’re coming from.
Now for something completely unrelated, here’s a Donkey Kong costume made out of balloons! XD
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
How will you rank the Konoha 11 as adults (including Sai and Sasuke)
Well, this purely my opinion, without any bias or whatsoever. I will not include Neji because it would be unfair to rank his WA version with the others as adults. Also, he died before reaching his potential. Also, kindly note that most of them might be controversial takes.
01. Naruto Uzumaki
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Baryon mode GG.
02. Sasuke Uchiha
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According to the Boruto movie databook, he and Naruto were stated to be equal but Naruto has Baryon mode so he goes up. Even without Rinnegan, he is still above as he has the six paths chakra.
03. Rock Lee
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He has been implied to have surpassed Might Guy and he can open the eighth gate as an adult.
04. Sakura Uchiha
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Claimed to have surpassed Tsunade unlike what haters say. She finished off Shin in her base version as well.
05. Hinata Uzumaki
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Wielder of Hamura Otsutsuki's chakra and didn't die after fighting the Otsutsukis.
06. Choji Akimichi
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He was able to unlock the butterfly mode without the pills in war arc and he has been claimed to be the strongest man in Konoha.
07/08. Sai Yamanaka/Tenten
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Sai was able to crush Toneri's crab in the last. He can even do sealing and unsealing efficiently. Tenten has the sage ninja tools and has access to 5 elemental natures via bashosen. Passing her as an adult because she could use the bashosen efficiently for four times in her WA version, so she must do it even after fifteen years when she is the top weapons user. Since both are sealers, they can be pretty interchangeable.
09. Kiba Inuzuka
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Slapped 5 Juubi clones in a shot in war arc and destroyed an asteroid in the last with a new jutsu.
10. Shino Aburame
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He can try beating some people above with tactics but lacks in force when compared to others. However, his giant bugs devoured the ten-tails clones. Also, his drunken version can only be countered by Hokage Naruto.
11. Shikamaru Nara
This would be the most controversial take of all, but however, I think he is a little overrated in my opinion. All because of his laziness and secondly, even his shadow possession have some limitations. They are mostly ideal for ambushes than even for one-to-one battles.
12. Ino Yamanaka
Pretty self-explanatory why she is here. I have seen people putting her above Tenten, but however Tenten has more power and combat skills in my opinion. Ino's mind transfer are ideal only for ambushes but not for one-to-one battles.
Lol, sorry for not posting pics for Ino and Shikamaru cuz I started using the BETA by mistake XD.
If I were to put a presumed adult Neji, he will surely be above Choji at the least.
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gilded-green · 3 years
Eeeeeeee!!! Congrats on ten years!! I am having FEELINGS about this! All of your OCs are my favourites and I am so grateful for Stingrae’s support. I would commit CRIMES for a rewrite of GG, but mostly I want to know whether you have any favourite things you want to share? <3 <3 <3
Thank you Polly!!!! <3<3<3
We all owe Stingrae so much I stg.
I would also probably commit crimes for a rewrite of GG but frankly that’d still involve me having to WRITE it so idk if it’d help. XD
Oh jeez MY favorite things??? Uhhhh okay let’s see...
The fact that I am STILL loving this story and very devoted to it even after years, many of which were just radio silence. I knew that I was the slow and steady type, but it’s nice to have confirmation. XD
The fact that when I started writing this fic I was younger than Lu Ten is at the beginning, and now I am older than he’ll be at the end. Jk that’s not a favorite thing it’s just a pathetically hilarious thing forgive me lol. XD
I think I was one of the first people to say “actually Lu Ten would kind of be an imperialist jerk” long before I knew the term “imperialist”
ALL THE HISTORY AND CULTURAL THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM RESEARCHING FOR MY FICS. I learned a lot of history as a kid but good curriculums on Chinese history just didn’t EXIST back then, or at least didn’t exist in the homeschooling catalogs my mother was able to access, so it’s really nice to have a hobby that also helps me learn stuff.
Huang and Wu Sheng. I love them so much and I’m very proud of them and how they always catch new readers’ attention because they are NOT what you’d expect of Dai Li agents. I can’t wait to expand upon them and their backstories in upcoming fics.
Shirong, and how people can’t decide if they love him or hate him or relate to him or all of them at once. XD
The fact that, ten years later, people have FINALLY STOPPED ASKING ME if I took Shirong from a certain other fic, because the idea of different writers looking at the same baby name lists is a foreign concept :P
Literally everything about the Preservation Branch, I’m so proud of my dumb museum guards
The fact that it’s been so long since I first wrote GG and I’ve written so much other stuff since then that a lot of things people REALLY wanted elaboration on back in the day (Enlai, Huang and Wu Sheng) have kinda fallen to the wayside. I get a lot more questions about Nanyue and the Dai family now. The passage of time sure is funny!
Just the fact that I was actually able to write Gilded Green at all. Like. It’s hard to explain. But I had to grow into my writing. Or my writing style, or approach to writing...idk what to call it. But this thing I do? With the worldubilding? And the OCs? And just the careful web of....stuff? I always wanted to do that, even as a kid, I grew up on massive stories like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings with crazy worldbuilding backgrounds and deep meanings and elaborate politics and I could not figure out how to tell stories like that myself. I remember being 12 years old staring at a bunch of concepts for an original fantasy idea I had and realizing that I had no idea how to make them work because I was too young to understand how the world worked. I remember deciding to shelve that whole story because I realized I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. Tolkien and Star Wars didn’t really explain how the worldbuilding happened, it was just THERE and I couldn’t figure out how to make it appear for myself, it wasn’t exactly easy for a child to figure out. Sometimes I envy kids these days who’re growing up with, like, Elena of Avalor, that show lays out some FANTASTIC political responsibility concepts in ways kids can understand, I could’ve used that as a kid. I was also crap at understanding how people actually interact with each other and just....had all these issues with figuring out how to make a story work, not at the writing level, but on a my-understanding-of-the-universe level, which was kinda humbling and also kinda scary. And some of that was youth, and some of that was undiagnosed ADD making it so that I just didn’t Get Things, but either way when I tentatively started writing GG and realized that wait, I think it’s making sense, and the characters are interacting and it’s not weird, and I think I’m GETTING it, omg, AM I GETTING IT??? That was a great feeling, even if it did feel like I was balancing on a tightrope.
ALSO the way in which you can KINDA track me slowly going from raised-in-a-conservative-Christian-environment to WELP-I’m-queer-and-pretty-progressive-now over the course of my writing, tho that may be hard to see if you don’t know what you’re looking at. I can see it tho, lol. I was fortunate in that my upbringing was just kinda incidental because my mother was too tired to consider any other approach to life, and as time went on my family all actually grew into very different, much better people. I was kind of the trailblazer in that regard tho (not fun) and frankly it was fanfiction that helped me get over my queerphobia and internalized misogyny, and it was the racebending protests that cropped up around The Movie That Shall Not Be Named that made me start to realize how racism actually worked and what cultural misappropriation was. If you squint you MIGHT be able to make out where in my stories I started getting excited over my newfound beliefs and started frantically shaking more sexualities over my characters like “I have GOT to de-heteronormative-ize this” XD But yeah this fic has been a big part of my life and you can see me changing as a person if you know where to look.
MY OCs. The fact that my OCs win people over so well! I had a very volatile relationship with OCs in my youth - self-inserts were A Thing Of The Devil in fandom back then and were to be mocked. I was, I’m semi-sorry to say, part of that crowd - never flamed anyone directly, because I was raised to Not Be Mean, but I joined in on the mocking on private message boards. These days I look back on my youthful indiscretions with eye-rolling fondness, because I can now see how much internalized misogyny I was dealing with and I’m very much over the whole idea of Mary-Sues. But the community I was with did actually have a lot of GOOD writing advice as well, and it was a fun group of people, so I can’t fully regret my time there. When fandom drift eventually caused me to float away, I took those lessons on what made an OC annoying and useless with me, and when I started writing OCs of my own, I made sure to go in the opposite direction. It really seems to have paid off!
The fact that I’ve managed to collect a small but loyal following and see the same names popping up after I post something. I don’t think I could handle being a BNF, but knowing that I’ve got a dozen people who consistently read and enjoy my stuff? That’s so cool. <3
There’s a LOT of other stuff, really, but off the top of my head...here you go! <3
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acloudkat · 3 years
Gossip Girl 2.0
So. . . I was unsure of whether I was going to talk about this or not but… in the end, here we are!
I shall be talking about the Gossip Girl Reboot.
Now quick disclaimer and mild *excuse you* to HBO, please find ways to make your content accessible to Europe because there are those of us that are interested and unfortunately your "Max" service is US only and honestly i see no reasonable logic behind it. Therefore my means of getting access to this content shall not be discussed.
Extra disclaimer, there will be spoilers. Doi.
Now I am a big die hard fan of the original GG series and despite the outdated (to today’s standards) comparisons and slang, some of the topics hold up even today. For anyone curious or questioning my opinion, based on my generation, I am mildly in the middle as a Zelenial at 23. I did not grow up with GG, I learned about it when I was 14 but watched it for the first time when I was 19. Since, I have watched it up to 14-17 times; more than 10 for sure. So you can do with that as you please. The main reason I mention this is due to some articles and comments pointing out that maybe it’s a “Gen Z only media” or that “Millennials are just bitter cause it’s not theirs”. Keeping that in mind I will be as per usual showing the ups and downs of the show (so far and later on) from my own personal perspective.
After watching ep 1. (& now 2 which will be in a separate post after this) I have a few questions, comments AND concerns. So let’s get into those shall we :)
So let's do a little round up of our characters.
We have newcomer Zoya Lott that is moving to NYC on a Constance scholarship! But little did anyone in the show know, it was all a plot to get to be with her *half sister*. WHAT?! So the tldl on that is that Zoya and our other main character, Julien Calloway, share a mom! Mom, that i quote "left Julien's dad for Zoya's dad and the dads hate each other" because of which hate, they had absolutely forbidden their daughters from communicating. One thing led to another, a friend request was sent and this is basically the parent trap. . . . but for the kids. . .and they're aware of it cause they made it. . . I suppose? The parents haven't really been mentioned to matter in their plan, however, they do keep bringing up their middle names as "Zoya Jane and Julien Elizabeth" as clues left by their mother? Now some rumours around the web have connected the names to the Pride and Prejudice novels and while that would be extremely Gossip Girl-esque to do, and I am entirely up for that, hell yea!!! I'm wondering if it's as simple as... their mother's name was Elizabeth Jane... but maybe GG will be the one to discover that secret first? Other than that, Zoya is very much a very trusting "innocent type" character that probably has more past than we know about so it will be quite interesting to see how that elaborates going further into the series.
Then there is self-made influencer Julien Calloway. She is the new version of queen at Constance but as stated, they "don't do the patriarchy anymore". While she appears all smiles and kindness, personally i feel as if JC is kind of fake? She has things she cares about yes, but the moment someone or something interferes with her followers and her social standing or Obie (more on him later)
"the gloves come off and the claws come out" - Serena Van der Woodsen
When it comes to Julien I am honestly more curious to see who she is once you take away the followers and the media. Will she be an actual person or just a shallow obsessed spoiled brat? I just hope it won't be the typical story of "have to be perfect and have to have everyone like me because my mom left" ie. has mommy issues. That is how that cliche goes after all. So I am greatly hoping that's not going to be it for this one.
Obie Bergmann! We get introduced to Obie as Julien's boyfriend. Throughout ep 1, the things we learn about Obie are that he is basically the richest in the group, and lives in Dumbo. (irony from original GG for anyone that can guess it). He appears like a super nice and kind dude, a supportive boyfriend, kind of bland and tired of the relationship but the main thing that bothers me about him so far is his impossible to ignore "white guilt syndrome". For anyone unaware, "white guilt" is "remorse or shame felt by a white person with respect to racial inequality and injustice". While it's not a bad thing trying to make up for the in-equality in the world, here's hoping that's not his entire character cus that would get old quick.
Then we have the bestie, Audrey Hope. Audrey. . . is cold but to the point. Very analysing and observing. Definitely the type of character that would take all the info first and decide what to do after. I both like and am confused by her? Her cold mannerisms are quite enjoyable among the masses of drama and emotion I won't lie. However, i do predict a juicy threesome between her, boyfriend Aki and one Max Wolfe. Honestly, I am highly interested in how their relationship evolves.
Aki Menzies is kind of a mystery as of the moment. As to be expected with just 1 episode, we won't know too much about all the characters. He is the very supportive boyfriend that tries to keep the peace between everyone.
Max Wolfe on the other hand appears like the much more flamboyant version of Chuck Bass, if Chuck Bass had a supportive family environment and no limits on who he's dating. That's more or less for him but kuddos for his 0 hesitation to basically have a pic of his dick sent to everyone. I will never not find that hilarious. But again, between these three is my prediction for some juicy interactions. Cause to be fully honest, the chemistry is undeniable.
Monet de Haan. Ah. She is honestly the savage that we need around here. She is the control and the power behind Julien's brand honestly. I am curious how come she helps Julien with her brand rather than have her own? If we go off anything said in the episode, she is more feared than adored so maybe that's why? But Monet honey, fear can also have a following, just . . a different one.
And then there's Luna La, "The stylist" while we don't know much about her, some of her one liners are actively giving me life. Her and Monet are definitely a package deal and i wonder if there is juicier gossip there that we don't know yet.
Lastly, we have our new Gossip Girl. Young teacher, Kate Keller. I won't lie, i did not see us knowing who GG is from the get go. I am however wondering whether this will drag her down to the level of highschoolers (besides the fact that she looks younger than some of them xD) Something that is bothering me in the reboot however, is that technically, characters that represent adults, spying on minors??? Like they even make the point that "i shouldn't have these, i should be in jail" in regards to having almost naked pictures of the kids. Like it's not really okay??? In the original yea no one knew who GG was but they always knew it was someone their age. The teachers didn't care at those times. But they do now and I am not fully sure how okay it is.
And of course, the extras like some of the other teachers behind GG and the parents. We however, don't know too much about them as of now so we shall see soon. If any new characters are introduced they will be addressed but for now, onto the episode!
The half sisters plot is definitely interesting so I would love to know where the whole middle names thing will go. The story line I'm most interested in at the moment however is between Audrey, Max and Aki. I want to see that unwind into something horrendous but then beautiful! It has so much potential in my opinion. In terms of character development however i want to see who Julien is without all of her fame and followers. When the focus is not the media and the attention. I want to see that Julien.
The first episode definitely introduced us to a lot of things at once so far that is my take on them. I'm sure that in the future both the teachers and parents will be a bigger part but one thing is abundantly clear. Unlike the OGGG, there won't be more than maybe 2-3 seasons depending on the ages of the students. The teachers won't follow them onto college will they? Or will things drastically change along the way? It was rather amusing seeing them talk about all the old characters however, and reference the OG Gossip Girl. I am vaguely offended that they categorised twitter as "a glorified chatroom for memes for people over 30". Like dude. . . that hit me hard. I am happy that FB was never even mentioned as existing tho! Cause let's be honest that is not the "hip" thing anymore. But the rules they put down at the party definitely made my head spin. Had to listen to them twice to even get what was happening.
But that's probably enough of me babbling on about this xD If you want to find this on an apparently dying type of media, here's my blog post about it as well lol: https://acloudkat.wordpress.com/?p=960
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ugh-tsumu · 3 years
nacurious aq sa game nyo kaya pwede po bang magparticipate 🥺👉👈 *uses this as an excuse to dump a bunch of feelings i ran over with a garbage trak*
dear charo CHOS
consecutively through the years of highschool, wala akong habol sa love life. kahit na nakikita kong nag hhww or motmot mga tropa ko, masaya na akong nakikita na inlab sila. kuntento akong tagabigay ako ng advice, since unbiased nga ako regarding the feelings of being in a relationship; outside person ba?
summer before tenth grade, i bought a couple's bracelet from my friend na nagnenegosyo by selling locally from a larger seller. circular beads with vine-like engravings. ung isa puro white then isang bead is black, then the other is inverse. i joked “my significant other is myself XD”. during that time, my mindset was: i don't need a partner, kumpleto na ako by myself (with the thought na hindi ako magiging complete if may partner ako, as if 50/50 kami and hindi ako 100) tsaka hindi ko priority ang mga ganyan HAHAHAH promise, i don't think i'd do a good job handling one. di na nga ako marunong ng social cues dahil di nga ako tao minsan, kailangan ko pang mapag-aralan ang lablyfe lablyfe na yan huhu kaya wag muna ngauon dahil lahat ng oras ko nakatungo sa pagtatapos lol
of course, influenced yun (wanting to stay single/more like alone) with the fact na i've been going through something big and gradual, affecting my mental health. i was too emotional and emotionally dull at the same time, i was lonely, i was incomplete. i had a lot of pride, and i thought na i wouldn't be a whole person that loved myself if had someone to love me back. kasi tama naman diba? you need to fill yourself with love, bonux nalang ung love from a partner.
then came prom season. may cotillion dance na ihahatid sa prom night in february, so during some day in january, nagstart magsearch ng volunteers to dance for cotillion and practice.
kasali ako dun, kasi i had the lingering thought na “wala na nga akong lovelife, di ako palalabas, tutok ako sa pag-aaral, tapos di ko to susubukan tulad ng iba? hindi ko bama naisulit pagiging sekundarya ko” see the vibe? i was basing values from other people, at hindi ako. it proves na i wasn't content with myself.
i had a designated dance partner, kaso may gustong iba ang gg di ginawang practice lang pero understand ba’t nagback-out. kaso since i was a bit vulnerable then, i also thought na it's also because hindi ako womanly or attractive unlike the others na nag-aayos or may wari. pero di ako madungis no! di nga lang “makadalaga” 🙄 i tried to not let the insecurity bother me, i made it up for my average pero still :/
eh may naging partner rin akong iba na diniditch rin ng partner nya? i was exasperated and told him na maging tentative dance partner muna kami, to which our mentor agreed kasi stressed na sya, umoo nalang kasi nga hagardo verzosa.
he was sheepish, quiet and introverted. he was gentle and awkward, and it was obvious na he wasn't used to interacting with the opposite gender, kasi kalmado naman sya with his friends. but i was calm naman, and that seemed to ease him. i also cracked jokes every once in a while when i felt potential tension, kasi we needed to get the job done. i was also very understanding and patient. (brought 2 u by being ate of the family WHAHAHAH)
his actions were fragile, and he held me as if i was even more as such. (please take note na hindi ako kinikilig huhu cringe lang aq ng slight because of my behaviour back then.) vulnerable, i felt warm at heart when he was gentle, and when he was bashful. the relationship we had was wordless. our connection was gradual; it developed from something to something else real slow yet still very quick for me.
we started from stumbling and chuckling around. yet i'd still guide him kasi he never danced before, and since i had the air of a leader, i knew how to be patient and how to teach him while hand to hand. i honestly don't know where it started to turn, i just wanted to have him as a closer friend, until i suddenly found there was something growing between us.
i spoke softly between us, he spoke more and he laughed more, smiled more. we preferred sitting by the other during breaks, and during last minute discussions before dismissal, we'd sit by eachother. he used discord, e kaso di compatible un sa device ko and magulong maaccess thru chrome kaya naginstall nalang sya ulit ng messenger when our mutual friend told him i sent him a message.
it kept developing by then. our hold started to linger, our touches were soft, and in any way possible, we'd still have skin contact. tuwing magpapause ung music and may icocorrect yung instructor, hawak nya pa rin kamay ko at hinihigpitan ko naman ung sakanya, na ibabalik nya naman. then during water breaks we'd spend the time with eachother. then during last minutes magkatabi kami and our hands secure between us, him hiding it because we both wanted it private without speaking.
it was wordless talaga, kaya nabigla ako when it went towards the more romantic route. he suggested some advances that he allowed enough space for me to rejec, which i did almost all the time unless it's just hand-holding or yakap lang HAAHA d q alam kung ano tawag samin e, sabi ng tropa ko MU daw e di ko naman peg un, pero i was glad it wasnt serious. i wasnt ready kahit na it seemed we had a deep connection. we sat by eachother came prom night, and he wore the other part of the couple bracelet that my friends teased me and they gave it to him. we were quiet and many people we knew teased us since we were the more on the quiet side of the student body.
then came summer vacation and i ghosted him WHAHAHAHAH for a good cause!! nagkalabuan na kami, i always gave him time and made the effort while more often he doesnt reciprocate and sometimes di pansin for weeks. i swear it's nothing like clingy aq and i needed his attention 25/8, i knew my limits and his. well, his loss :// di rin naman ako ready e, so it was bound to happen.
plus, i felt much better after that because i realized i was forcing myself to act more feminine. and that time was years before i realized i was actually non-binary, and more masculine. i knew he was much hetero and he'd rather a true feminine partner. plus, he envisioned the future with me as a housewife tapos sya daw ung nagtatrabaho 🤢 pero anyway, i think i'd much rather have a female partner or actually just lgbt-aware partner.
ty missus!!
- nova
Omg anon, this is so intimate 🥺 thank you for sharing? AND ALSO, I WAS SMIRKING THE WHOLE STORY BUT you lost me at the last part when he said he sees you as a housewife lang 😔👊
Anyways, I'm glad you've moved on from him! And LMAO it's his loss for limiting his self to feminine preferences. Women (and men, tbh) are uniquely different. To limit your choices is stupid Lol 🙄
Also, I tried looking for a female character I know that will do you good talaga but they just don't seem to fit 😔 I ended up with a male character, I hope you don't mind.
I choose Chanwoo for you!
Tumblr media
Love Advice from the Single-Ass Duchess of Tumblr
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rocketcowboyblu · 4 years
Hi! Hello it’s me again (PArdon me lmao)
Since I posted about the Lion king idea of presenting finn, Thought why not give an idea of the entire movie if yall wanna idk write it? Cause I cant write at all. Ignore the spelling and grammar errors Im trying my best. ANYWAY uh have fun reading this mess of an R.D? (Rough Draft)
Alright, its like 10 years or so after the prime invasion. The BFF Squad finished restoring magic to the universe and found out where Adora and Catra hail from, (Magicat hidden kingdom on ethiera, and adora on eternia etc.)   Catra finds out shes magically pregnant and tells adora, adora is like “Holy shit were gonna be moms” SO like the dummy she is goes to glimmer and asks her permission to present her when the kit’s born. (cause its presumably from magicat culture idk u decide) Glimmer agrees and puts it on her to do lists cause yknow queen shit. 
Months later, Finns Born. Swift wind like the annoying loyal steed he is, goes to inform the other princesses of the presentation. (Insert the Circle of life Music) 
The princesses show up along with a bunch of other people cause It’s She-ra’s Heir/Kid. Anyway magicat queen comes and takes Finn and goes to present them (the balcony idk what part of brightmoon looks safe!?) presume the thrusting of them over a balcony. 
Scorpia and Bow are holding each other crying over how cute finn is, Catra and adora are looking at finn feeling so proud and shit, Glimmer is just holding her head staring at these idiots wondering why she even let them live there.
Behind the scenes, Catra had been helping glimmer with advising and taking over the actual royal advisors job. The R.A aint happy that her job is being taken by a war criminal and fraternizing with Etheria’s Hero. SO With some rogue clones they build a plan to get rid of finn and catra.
Finn’s growing up and needs to learn the difference between play and work, the advisor tells finn that and suggests  adora help them out. so Adora takes Finn out to the whispering woods to teach them about self defense and magic bonding with the planet. 
DT strolls up cause their now Brightmoons babysitter (Much to their Utter Delight) and tells adora that theres some trouble in the LightZone (Frightzone) about clones. Finn wants to come but adora says no cause its dangerous, So DT offers to take finn cause they were gonna round up the Runestone kiddos for a playdate. 
DT and Finn pick up the kids and they get into trouble. Finn has a whole inner monologue about cant wait to be a Hero or something to make adora let them come with em. Cue the Ditching of DT and the Runestone Kids find themselves lost in the whispering woods.
Rogue Clones find them and give chase with laser blasters. Catra finds DT tied up and explains the kids tricked DT and they hear laser fire. So they go and save the kids. 
NOW catra’s a lil pissed and impressed cause Finn manged to trick DT but also left their sights. Catra gives a speech about how much trouble finns in but also quite impressed with their work and tells them that, they’ll show them how to really trick somebody (aka pranks) 
Later that night the advisor and the rogue clones finally finish the plan to get rid of catra and finn. 
A WEEK LATER. Spoiler alert its finn Bday (Oh god here comes the angst)
The R.A suggests a Royal family picnic. Glimmer, Micah, Bow, Glimbow kid, catra, adora, and finn go to the whispering woods cause theres a nice clearing the advisor has “Suggested.”
a mile or so away rogue clones had been herding up the wild beasts of the woods. (Yknow those hog creatures) 
Catra and adora actually have a gift for finn but want it to be a suprise so they ask the advisor what to do, Advisor tells them that theyll take finn to a spot near the picnic and they can give them the gift there.
Advisor puts finn in a spot and then signals the clones.
The ground shakes, the trees start moving, BAM OUT comes running thousands of magic hogs. RUN
Finns on all fours running for their life, their panting and see a spot which they presume will keep them safe. It’s not safe at all. 
Finn bolts into a canyon, and sees a high top rock that SURE LOOKS STABLE. They climb up it.
Back at the picnic advisor runs back to the crew, and tells them what happened, Catra goes haywire and starts bolting towards the canyon, Adora tells bow and glimmer to get help and grab the advisor and head towards finn.
Catra reaches the canyon first, she spots finn on the rock, Jumping down she goes running along in the herd til grabbing finn, Adora and the advisor are watching from the top, Catra is carrying finn and puts them on a platform of the canyon. Catra gets impaled by a running hogs horn, She goes down into the herd.
“CATRAAA!” Adora cries and jumps down into the herd as She-ra to save catra. Finn looks on in horror trying to spot adora and catra. Boom out jumps adora  going up the slide, struggling to carry catras limp body.
Finn goes to climb their way out of the canyon.
Adora is holding catra tightly and is still climbing til she sees the Advisor looking down on them. “Here! Grab onto catra!” The advisor smiles sinisterly. “I’m Afraid I can’t do that adora..” Adora looks at them in confusion. “Goodbye my oldest enemy” The advisors eyes flash green. Adora’s eyes go wide. BAM a burst of magic hits adora causing her to fall with catra.
Finn screams in the distant.
The herd leaves. Its quiet. dust is still kicked up.
Finn looks at their parents bodies on the ground. Limp.
“M-mom’s?” They called out. Knees buckling they go to catra shaking her “Please you gotta get up...”
“What have you done...” The advisor voice tells them.
Finn looks them at in fear “I didn-” “Insolent child! Look at what have you done! You’ve robbed etheria of their greatest heros!” Finns ears fold back, tears flooding their face.
“Get out of here. If you ever show your face here again I’ll have the palace guards kill you” a bright ball of magic formed in the advisors hand.
Finn bolts. the advisor chuckles darkly, for it was only the beginning of a new era.  
Bow and glimmer teleport to area. they spot their friends.
Glimmer shakes catra “Horde scum DONT YOU DARE-” Catra bolts up gasping and then groans in pain “well.. there goes one of my 9 lives.”  catra looks around and sees adora. And now shes screaming at glimmer to heal her. 
The advisor looks ready to run. Glimmer heals adora and adora stirs going “W-what happened?” catra fills her in (catra doesnt know about the advisor she was unconsious.) And they cant find finn. so now its depresso expresso time cause adora cant remeber what happened and where finn is. 
Alrighty alrighty. So finn gets lost in the crimson and find Lonnie and the horde kids. (they dont know its catra or adoras kid cause they burnt that bridge) they adopt em for protection and help with digging in the crimson waste mines for gems and whatever else. And finn dyes their hair blond and shaves it to hide their idenity in fear of the advisor.
8 or so years past. Finns like 17 and the horde kids r old LOL
Scorfumas kid stumbles upon finn and they go into conversation about what the hell happened. Finn tells em about how they killed their parents and how they werent allowed near brightmoon cause the advisor would kill them. Scorfumas kid then has to explain that the advisor was now running brightmoon into the ground using their grief to an advantage. Btw kyles singing can u feel the love cause he do be misintruptioning shit. fuckin kyle XD (Lonnie is gonna kill this fool)
LATER FINN LOOKS AT THE WOODS AND OUT COMES YA GURL RAZZLE DAZZLE! Madam razz goes into her time loops and yknow the deal, she goes “Catra is that you dearie?” Finns like “YOU KNOW MY MOM?!” anyway razz leads them to the abandoned fort of grayskull yack yack yeack. Razz tells them that evil comes from power, not from heart, remember who you are type of shit.
Finn finally decides to go home.
Back at brightmoon everythings horrible. its the works yknow? DT got stuck in the “Prison” cause of how they were sus of the advisor.
Just gonna shorten it cause this is so LONG. Finn shows up, catradora are in shock. advisor turns out is the leftover of PRIME so then finn and him fight. Finn wins and here comes one of the newest heros to etheria. GG end of AU LOL
Sorry I dont know what I just wrote. but yeah theres the gist of the idea if yall wanna steal and try to write this shitpost? idk lol thanks for coming to this ted talk
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zhansww · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you for tagging me, @wei-gege and @theyilinglaozus ^-^ ♥♥♥
1. The yi/zhan timeline in my pinned post is something I am proud of. The rest of my blog is actually rather self-indulgent but with that post, I just hope it makes more people see and support what ggdd have. There’s still some stuff that’s missing but, ehem, I’ll get to that eventually xD
2. V and Jk at the Golden Disk Awards — I barely gif those two angels anymore but I still very much love them. Now that there’s an 8mb gif limit, I could actually add so many more frames to each gif there but I have no idea how I colored that. I still like the coloring.
3. simple and clear — I watched that interview and that particular answer for the first time and immediately thought of his love for gg and somehow, I actually bothered to make it into a gifset. I’m glad I did that.
4. Yibo for L’Officiel — I remember playing around with the lighting layers in that one, trying something new. For some reason, I never tried it again, tho. But I still like how it turned out there.
5. Zhan-ge in his sina interview — this took me 84 years to gif, not because of the number of frames but cuz I was so damn happy to see him again, I kept getting emotional. That was the first time he attended an event since January and the second interview he had since then.
6. Wei Ying in episode 43 — I’ve been giffing so much more in the last one and a half year than I did in the four years before that, mainly cql and ggdd. And I have slowly gotten better at coloring gifs to my liking. A lot of scenes in cql look very blue and me, I like warm colors so getting rid of the blue has been a challenge that made me improve, I think. The coloring in that scene is one of the better examples.
I'm gonna tag who I’d like to see do this, too, if they want to~ @thejingshi, @asongofguqin, @xiaosean, @light8828, @artpatriarch, @dracarysgang, @papapewds, @yibiart and @gehenna1986
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Being able to make it so the Twins can’t use their power if you take Victor hostage the whole match, is a problem definitely. And some other things need to be worked out for the Killer, but I’m excited to face them when they officially get released.
IstG, the devs definitely have a ‘map of the day’ thing even if they deny it with their last breaths. Every single day I get one particular map 70% of the time.
Today was Mount Ormond ffs. I hate it. You can’t blend into anything on that map.
I’ve been equipping Flashlights out the ass. I had over 100 yellows on Claudette because I never used them, so I’ve just be practicing trying to get some Blinds on Killers. I’ve gotten better but I think the devs keep changing them with each update because by the time I get used to them, there’s an update and they feel different.
That issue with Meg, from my last DbD post, is still lingering.
Also, Nurses are completely invisible for me. I can’t even see their red stains.
Gotta love hackers. So many hackers.
The devs have to fix this weird thing where people get grabbed after clearing a vault despite the fact that they’ve cleared the entire vault. It has happened to me and ppl I’ve played with. I watched a Tapp get yanked despite his Lithe taking him far from the window he vaulted.
First match after 3 days with no internet: Good. Thank God.
This Huntress let me go when I was the last left alive, because I did the work. And I mean, I performed all Rescues. All 6 of them. Healed every person at least once. Did a whole Gen by myself(the only Gen that got done btw). Broke all the Totems(which was an Undying/Devour Hope combo so all were lit at some point). Managed to lose the Killer in every Chase she started with me. Never got Hit. Last dude dies and it’s just us. She was standing at the Hatch and nodding, so I gave her my Med-Kit before leaving. My teammates were all Red Ranks and the Huntress was not.
Today was all Coal Tower. Not that bad of a map so I didn’t mind all that much. It’s the days where it’s just corn maps that really get me. I am colorblind and no matter if I’m Killer or Survivors, the corn blends into a single color for me, which eclipses every other color because there’s so much of it, and it’s hard to make out even the shape of corn stalks. Having that one add-on on Doctor where they get a red stain when in a Chase is the only way I can handle corn maps. Bright, glowing red among the burnt yellow is a beacon.
I loaded into a lobby with all Feng Mins. I was Fluorescent Feng Min myself and wasn’t changing any time soon. I think the other 3 were swf because their builds were all exactly the same. They had Dead Hard/Saboteur/Botany Knowledge/Breakdown with pimped out Med-Kits. Well, I found a Purple Flashlight and proceeded to be an ass to the Killer with it, leading her on, Blinding her, slamming pallets on her, not taking her hatchets seriously and barely moving out of the way. Like, I finished the last Gen in her face, rotating around the Gen while she missed throws from across the map! She just stopped trying.
Played my first Killer match in a week. Spirit. 3K. Was long and hard won, but worth it. They were swf and the dude who Escaped sent me a GG and also told me my play style for Spirit is ‘weird but works somehow’ and said they had a hard time communicating cuz I would randomly stand still and then surprise them. I don’t phase in Chase cuz I haven’t worked it out well yet. I phase to patrol large distances quickly which is why speed add-ons are the most important to me. 
I don’t like playing as Hag. She’s so fucking short and it kills me! I have so many 4th Anniversary Cakes on her, but I just don’t like playing her. Though the body blockers at pallets and windows are funny.
Did a Trapper match where I surrounded the Hatch with all the traps. I even let the person go because they got through the first line of defense before I could reach them. The Hatch was against the shack wall so with only three sides you could enter from, I used 2 traps for each side! If they want to Escape, they must work for it, and those add-ons were meant to slow trap disarming a shit ton.
Did some Default Meg games. People leaving the lobby when a Default character loads in is the fucking best! XD And when the same person who just left, reappears, it’s even better! 
I’m trying to do this Challenge where I hit two ppl with Hillbilly’s chainsaw within 30 seconds of each other, but it’s so hard! It is so damn hard! I barely managed the one where I have to down someone 4 times in one match! That David lead me so fucking hard but I needed to chainsaw him before the last Gen finished otherwise I’d have to try the challenge again and I really didn’t want to!
Got Hawkins with Hillbilly again. Didn’t used the chainsaw except to break pallets and still got a 2K.
Repeated something I tried on Trapper once, and got the some map too! Basically, add-on’s for more traps. Then find my Ruin Totem and just use all traps on the map to surround it. It was dead center, all glowing and shit in the dark of the swamp. The grass and mud successfully hid the traps all over that small area, save for the one directly blocking immediate access, which was obvious. So Survivors would just run into the grass and get caught. Like, they finally learned when 2 were dead to just leave Ruin alone after that, but it was funny! I managed a 3K. ^-^
I, Rank 4, got a match where every other Survivor was Rank 17-20. And the Killer was Rank 1. And they were just dropping like flies, and I had to save everyone because they were all hiding and self-caring(badly)/dying/hooked! Got Iridescent Emblem for Benevolence but got no other points save for dying as the Obsession. I’m annoyed. First truly horrible instance of matchmaking in a while.
^I got the Hatch after the recording stopped. I circled the map back to where she’d gotten Hooked and watched as he teleported from the shack to the Hatch(on the other side of the map) to hit me just as I was going in. Got to keep that Key too. 
The first person DC’d when he teleported across the map and grabbed them while we were doing a Gen. We could see him at the lodge just fine from all the way in the corner, and then suddenly he was behind her and pulling her off. It was a wide, open space. There was no way even with Perks, he would have been able to sneak up on us. We could see him coming from any direction.
That Feng Min and I watched him remain unmoving, from behind those trees, before she ran off to try and do a Gen. And that’s when I started recording because I had a feeling something was shifty.
He was a streamer and when I checked his stream, he was whining about how I shouldn’t have been able to Escape.
I reported him.
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shenlongshao · 4 years
GGS Redesign Analysis: Millia Rage
This is super long overdue, but welcome to another part of the GGStrive redesign analysis! Last time, I did Zato, which can be found here.  Now it’s time to do Millia Rage!^_^ MILLIA RAGE ------------------- “How is it possible she keeps getting prettier?!” and “She looks so gorgeous!” is what the majority of people said after seeing Millia’s reveal trailer. Since she has a few designs in the past, I’ll be talking about each one starting with her look in Guilty Gear: The Missing Link.
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(Here’s a direct link to see it bigger https://i.imgur.com/dR9DBod.jpg) Millia’s initial design has a simple, yet unique and retro type style. The height and width of her collar conveys the traits of being mysterious, distant, and reserved. The short bubble sleeves of her form-fitting, white leotard displays a hint of her feminine and elegant side. Layered over the leotard is a sleeveless, short blue overalls dress with hip-high slits. On her arms is long, fingerless gloves with double metal plates. On her feet is ankle-length boots with blue frontal metal plating. Sometimes, she would try to conceal herself with a long, beige cloak when venturing in public. The primary aspect of her design is her blonde hair, which the majority of it is her Forbidden Beast called Angra. And lastly, there’s a thick, blue headband to compliment her look. Before the events of the 1st game, Millia was an orphan until being raised by the Assassin’s Guild and forcefully given Angra(it hasn’t be directly stated what she lost in exchange, but there’s some implications on what it might be). The style of her black gloves shows she’s combat ready while the style of her clothing tells of her valuing the aspect of able to move freely. Although the training and traits of an assassin has been instilled in her, the blue and white color scheme conveys how much she wanted to get away from that lifestyle. I think this design was good for its time, but I’m glad it was improved in Guilty Gear X. Next is what was her iconic look.
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The concept of Millia’s original design has been kept and updated rather than a complete change. Her long, black fingerless gloves and her ankle-length boots is the same. However, one of the changes is she wears a black leotard underneath instead of white. There’s also the design of her high-collared, short-sleeved dress. It has two buckle straps within her bustline and at the helms along with blue trim. I notice how white is the dominant color this time instead of blue, so l’ll be gathering the color personality traits that fit Millia. Color Personality of White:  https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-white.html Having a personality color white means you are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home and in your car, almost to the point of being fanatical.  You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. With a personality color white, you are cautious, practical and careful with money. You think carefully before acting - you are definitely not prone to impulsive behavior. You tend to have a great deal of self control.
You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others (in your need for perfection) - but you try to be fair and impartial as well. You are self-sufficient and a loner - you don't want or need help from anyone. However, you may also experience times of loneliness because of this trait. You may be wishing to create simplicity in your life - perhaps a wish to re-create your childhood, lost youth and happier times in your past life.
You can be quite sexually prudish with your need for self-control and perfection. You hide your flaws from others to give an impression of perfection. You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs. The challenge for you is to be open-minded and flexible and to communicate your needs and desires. Color Personality of Blue: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-blue.html You are conservative, reliable and trustworthy - you are quite trusting of others although you are very wary in the beginning until you are sure of the other person. At the same time, you also have a deep need to be trusted. You are not impulsive or spontaneous - you always think before you speak and act and do everything at your own pace in your own time. You take time to process and share your feelings. You are genuine and sincere, and you take your responsibilities seriously. Having a personality color blue means you have a deep need for peace and harmony in your everyday life - you don't like having your feathers ruffled. You would benefit from daily meditation and quiet time for reflection, introspection and self-discovery. You appear to be confident and self-controlled, but may be hiding your vulnerable side. Being a personality color blue means you are generally fairly even-tempered, unless your emotions take over - then you can become either moody and over-emotional, or cool and indifferent.
You can be rigid - you like to stick to what is familiar to you and it is hard to sway you from your path - you stubbornly do things your way even if there is a better way. You need to have direction & order in your living and work spaces - untidiness and unpredictability overwhelm you. You don't like to draw attention to yourself - you prefer to be in the background. Color Personality of Black: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-black.html You are independent, strong-willed and determined and like to be in control of yourself and situations. With black as your personality color, you may be too serious for your own good - bring some colour into your life to lighten you up - life should be fun. With a personality color black, you may be looking for protection from any negativity that surrounds you. You may wish to create an aura of mystery and intrigue, as in the sexy black negligee. You may be going through a stage of self-denial, not allowing pleasure and joy into your life. You hold things inside and are not good at sharing yourself with others, possibly out of fear. You are methodical in your work, making sure everything is completed as required, down to the last detail. You may have lost sight of your direction in life and are going through a very negative phase. These perfectly describe Millia and like the improvements to her design. Story-wise, Millia was still on the path of severing ties with her teacher/lover Zato and the Guild. But she wasn’t able to fully live peacefully due to Zato’s body got taken over by Eddie. The biggest change is how Zato got revived by the Conclave, which stirs the mixed feelings she has for him and forces her to deal with her feelings and what to do with her life; meaning a change in her design.
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This is the first redesign of Millia’s look that really accentuates her feminine nature and hint of Russian heritage. The style of her hair is different with side-swept bangs and layers extending beyond her cheeks(without Angra, her hair grew to her shoulders). There’s still hints of her previous look with the style of the long-sleeved coat dress she wears. It now has the added detail of decorative button within the orange tie saying “Curiosity killed the cat”(she likes cats and chasing them). She still has the high collar and how there’s a single buckle with a loose strap wrapped around her lower shoulders. There’s two buttons near the black cuffs of her sleeves and helms of her coat dress. Her gloves are much shorter and this time, is white with orange trim. The black leggings and the white, ballerina-inspired shoes displays her elegant side. The Russian style hat has the labels Z1-28 and 13; Z for Zato and 1-28 referring to his birthday and 13 for the years they were together. The most interesting part of of her look is the main color is golden yellow. There’s also some hint of orange, so let’s see what it means for her. Color Personality of Yellow: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-yellow.html You analyze everything, all the time, and are methodical in your thinking. You have a strong independent streak in you, and are selective with your choice of friends, keeping a small group of close and like-minded friends rather than being involved in team events or large social gatherings. You communicate well on a mental level with like-minded people, but can become bitter and sharp-tongued if crossed. With a personality color yellow, you can be stubborn but dislike pettiness and spitefulness of all kinds. You like to think you are intelligent and well educated, with knowledge about many topics. You are a smart dresser and always dress to impress. Color Personality of Orange: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-orange.html You are friendly, good-natured and a generally agreeable person. You are tolerant and accepting of others just the way they are. You enjoy being physically active, particularly in the outdoors, whether it's simply going for a walk, or competing in high level sporting competitions. I love this design for her because of how well it shows her style and personality. My only complaint is it’s way too much yellow, XD. But Millia has went through a major character development with the realization there is some good moments during her time in the Guild, such as people she formed connections with(Zato, Slayer, and Venom). That instead of running from the Guild, she decides to return and vows to be the next leader to reform it. She concludes that a simple, normal life is not what’s meant to be. It’s really basically a poor excuse for her to keep appearing in future games, lol. Thus, it’s time for to have another redesign, which I’ll begin with her face.
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The structure of Millia’s face looks softer with slightly rounder cheeks and smoother chin to emphasize her femininity. I notice how she’s given a distinctive nose shape rather than giving her a standard female nose. The tip is smoother and the bridge of her nose has a elongated curve. The most pronounced feature of her face is her eyes. Not only is it similar to style of the older GG games(like X2), but her eyelashes are thicker. It conveys of her being mature, elegant, and confident. Another thing I noticed about her eyes isn’t the same shade of blue like Ky’s in the previous games. Lighting does have a huge effect on how a color appears, so I did looked at Ky’s under the same lighting and stage; Ky’s is pure blue compared to Millia’s. Next is seeing the rest of her upper body.
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(Link to see it bigger https://i.imgur.com/19919qD.png) There’s some things kept from her Xrd SIGN design like the button that says “Curiosity kills the cat”  and “Z1-28″ and “13″ on her hat. The material of her Russian hat is fur like a traditional one, once again wanting to highlight her nationality. The style of her clothes is drastically different with wearing a formal black blouse with orange trim and the details on her new, form-fitting dress coat. Below the bust area, the printed words on it says “Ivy Traditional”, which is mostly like the name of the clothing brand she’s wearing. There’s buttons from the front beginning from her stomach downward and buckle straps around the sleeves and the outer center on the upper part of the coat. Accenting the look is a orange scarf attached and wrapped around her shoulders. An interesting detail around one of her sleeves is the strap with the tag “P.W.A.B.”(I circled it in the picture). Considering what happened in Revelator(1 and 2), it must be relating to what Millia’s goal is and has a high position. Surprisingly, there’s no full picture of her yet so I’ll have to show a screenshot instead.
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She also seems to have kept her black leggings, but have different shoes. Now she wears high boots with orange trim at the bottom. Millia’s primary color is French beige this time, so let’s look at the color personality.(I had to go to a different site) Color Personality for Beige: https://colorogy.com/beige-color-meaning.html You are modest about your achievements. You can keep secrets and confidences. Your understated and low key persona can fascinate and intrigue other people. You come across as enigmatic as you say little and leave a lot unsaid. You keep your cool even in difficult situations. People are drawn to your calmness and inherent tranquility. You have an indefinable quality that adds to your allure and this can mean you are always or frequently surrounded by admirers. You prefer to play by the rules and being ethical is one of your priorities. You are a true friend and a loyal partner in your relationships. When it comes to friendship, it is not a hectic social life and a long list of friends that you look for or want for yourself. You are happy and content with a small, trusted group of friends. Loyalty is something that comes naturally to you. You are loyal and expect the same in return. You have the ability to grasp new ideas and concepts quickly. You amass knowledge for wisdom and for knowledge’s sake. You are interested in everything that goes on in the world and in your areas of interest. You are much in tune with all that occurs in your immediate environment. You are responsible and dependable. You are introspective and enjoy discovering meaning to your beliefs and way of thinking. When you start something new your intention is always to take it to a logical conclusion. When you become interested in something you burn with ideas and energy to get what you want. You are protective about your loved ones. You are even protective about the welfare of perfect strangers. You may take up a cause that inspires you and quietly do your bit without mentioning it to anyone. Seeing someone else miserable or suffering in some way can cause you emotional distress and take the shine off your day. Refined and sophisticated define your personality perfectly. This reflects in every aspect of your life, your fashion sense, your lifestyle, your behavior and your choices. Even when you encounter difficult, irate or rude people, you may not retaliate, as you believe undignified behavior is below your dignity. You get content with the way your life is and resist major change. You enjoy being in your comfort zone and are reluctant to step out of it to face the unknown and have different kind of experiences. You think of and plan for tomorrow. You have goals and ambitions that you plan to achieve and have a concrete plan in place. The efforts you put in towards achieving all that you want in life are consistent. You don’t back down; come what may, when you really want something. With Millia taking on a high position role and how she wishes to make a positive change in the Guild, wanting to be with her allies, etc. The color beige definitely fits her, especially since it also describes traits she has since the beginning. There’s Venom, whom they used to not get along, but have learned to put the past behind them. Zato, her mentor and the one she loved, whom she still deeply cares for, etc. It’ll be interesting to see how her story unfolds and how she takes on this role. All of Millia’s designs have been great in their own way and love how her Strive design takes it a step further. She’s more beautiful than before(which I didn’t think was possible, lol), her professional and elegant style highlights her personality and growth as a person, and love her striking eyes. I’m really glad yellow isn’t her main color anymore because I felt it was too overpowering, especially with her hair being also yellow. Beige is a much better color and compliments very well. Rating: S + + +  (Gorgeous~!) 
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thetwinkims · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!💕
Oh, this seems interesting. Three facts about me, hm?
1. I am an Ikeseries obsessed fan, especially for Ikerev. And I spent most of my time dedicated to the games than anything else.
2. I have an internal alarm whenever Events come, I can wake up every 3-4 hours and still be fine.
3. I'm a self taught digital artist, and really only draw Ikeseries characters (read: Jonah Clemence, mostly.) unless I feel like drawing someone else.
I know this is mostly Ikeseries based facts but ikeseries is currently, for a few years, the majority of my life and what I do. So, I'll give 3 other facts not related to it.
1. I hold a terrible dislike for vegetables, but wouldn't mind eating some of them if I must. Especially, tomatoes. I, in lack of a better word, despise or is digusted by them for some irrational reason.
2. My vocabulary in speaking consist of Lol, Lmao, XD, Oof, GG and etc. Yes, I say them aloud.
3. I, for no good reason, can remember the most minor and random details yet forget major stuff. Like, I can't tell the difference between left or right but i can remember a minor detail from a discord chat months ago like a joke or a fact from a book I read years prior.
And, this is the conclusion. I never realised how fun it is to answer an Ask before. And thank you @voltage-vixen including me in this fun.
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