#sleep deprived sonamy
sparkles-rule-4eva · 9 months
I drew this between 12:40 and 2:30 last night and cried my eyes out the entire time
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More "What Was Stolen" fanart, is anyone surprised? 😂😭
@beeextraordinary123 I listened to the playlist y'all crafted for the story and the song "Hold Me Closer" hit me HARD. As shown by the lyrics in the art, those lines are what inspired this.
It's the scene after they finally kiss and Amy calls him "love" and it startles him into realizing what's going on, and then he realizes he's in tears and AUGH THE PAAIINNN. 😭😭
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lazorbeanz · 2 months
Sonamy Headcanons because I’m deprived and extremely delulu 🙃
🩷 Sonic has like- telepathic senses that tell him whenever Amy is in potential danger
“My Amy Senses are tingling..” 🤣
if you’ve watched Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse, you’ll get it lololol
💙 Sonamy road trips roles
Amy: driver, trip organiser, checklists checklist checklists, “DONT EAT THOSE THEY’RE FOR THE TRIP!!”, carpool karaoke *whips out her inner Ariana Grande*, “eughhh Sonic did you fart?!”
Sonic: passenger princess, DJ, snacc provider (and eater), sleeping beauty, “couldn’t we just use my speed to get there?”, argues with the GPS because he knows a faster route (one not requiring the road)
🩷 Sonic and Amy playing table tennis:
Amy: sonic, serve
Sonic: *💁‍♂️🕺*
Amy: no- serve the BALL xD
💙 Person: “are you two dating?”
Sonic and Amy: *while holding hands* “no”
🩷 Though he doesn’t admit it, Sonic also loves his quills massaged. Sometimes when Sonic and Amy are chilling under a tree together, and he ends up dozing off, Amy will rest his head on her lap and stroke her hand through his quills, resulting in a few faint purrs from the hedgehog, which she secretly gushes over about
💙 They could be arguing for 5 minutes straight and after be like:
🩷 Amy finds shopping twice as fun with Sonic because he will just sit her in the shopping cart, as they zip up and down the aisles whilst grabbing the items on the list…getting it all done in 2 minutes tops. They call it the Operation: S^2 (Speed Shopping)
💙 Sonic and Amy could already be years into marriage but will still do or say things that’ll make the other flustered, like the times when they were dating.
🩷 Amy knows that if Sonic is being really flirty with her, he usually wants something.
💙 If Sonic and Amy are both sick one day, they will tell off each other, insisting they should be at home resting.
It results in both of them at Amy’s house, snuggled up on the couch binging movies.
🩷 As much as Amy likes sharing the goss with rouge and the girls, there’s nothing like sharing it with her bf because he goes all “omg gurl no wayyy! 💅” or he starts spilling his own tea with her lmao “omg bestie you won’t believe who I saw the other day…”
💙 Sonic plans secret meet ups with Cream, who teaches him how to make her signature flower crowns…he hopes to master it so he can make Amy one, one day…
🩷 (this following hc was an idea from a comic I believe..don’t know who made it but if u do pls let me know for credit purposes ig kajsjwidj)
Amy knows how Sonic can sometimes struggle to speak his feelings and is often an action over words type of guy. So she came up with this thing that anytime Sonic wants to tell Amy he loves her, without verbally saying it, all he needs to do is squeeze her hand 3 times; I. Love. you.
💙 When Amy told Sonic she wanted to go dancing with him, she didn’t expect it to be just dance…anyways she had tons of fun!
🩷 If they have sleepovers, it’s a tradition that they wear matching onesies (guys comment what they should be hehe)
💙 Amy uses Sonic as the makeup tester. He ends up looking ready for the circus afterwards but he honestly doesn’t mind this because he gets tons of kissies when she’s trying out the lipsticks
🩷 Walks along the beach are nice and romantic until Sonic decides to be a lil shh and kick sand in Amy’s shoes *cue her dragging her naughty bf towards the ocean*
💙 Amy’s a sucker for old school romance; love letters, flowers, fancy dates…and Sonic knows this. (Well EVERYONE does actually…) So one day, despite how inexperienced he is in the whole romance department, sets aside time to work on writing a letter, buying flowers and arranging somewhere nice to take Amy out for her to fulfil her romance fantasies. She’ll even get to dress up for this occasion
🩷 Sonic helping out Amy in the kitchen be like:
“A-Amy…I burnt the water…”
“Sonic how TF did you BURN the water?!”
💙 Amy is having a downer and is very clingy…so here is Sonic running his gf’s errands, with his gf clinging onto him. People will see this unusual phenomenon and he just gives them all the stare…nothing to see here! I mean it ain’t the first time he’s had to cart a pink hedgehog round the place
🩷 For the longest time, Amy has had a box sitting aside in her closet, containing a new special swim shirt, arm floaties, and a swimming kickboard, for when Sonic decides to finally learn how to swim. She can’t see the day any of the contents will be used but she could only hope.
💙 Sonic keeps an umbrella on standby for future “need to share an umbrella” emergencies
🩷 In the winter, they’re practically inseparable, using each other desperately to warm up. Because of this Tails had to design them jackets with instant heating, but they still end up back together even though they aren’t freezing anymore
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
Sonamy prompt
It’s after the metal virus outbreak and healing has begun, Amy is still going around trying to help people out and is currently tending to Sonic before he finally gets some much needed sleep. Sonic notices her still driving herself ragged and tells her she needs to rest as well, not only for herself but for others. This ends up with two sleep deprived hedgies snuggling in for some sleep.
-Sonic normally isn’t this affectionate and the intimate closeness spooks him for a second but he’s too tired to do anything about it. And starts to admit to himself he really missed contact with others when he was infected. He also realizes he wouldn’t really want anyone other than Amy this close either. It doesn’t hurt she’s warm, soft, pretty, and smells like flowers.
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And with that, please enjoy the story :)b
"And your pillow?"
"You took your sleeping aid?"
"Check... Yuck." Sonic stuck out his tongue, being tucked in so nicely to a spare bed while Amy was fluttering around as though her tail was a propeller like a certain fox they knew... buzzing this way and that, charming but... Sonic couldn't help but lower one eyelid at her 'busy body self' while she sped by him--fiddled with some boxes and paperwork--and ran the other way to organize and set up for when she would need to go back to work again...
Little did she know...
"And your muscle relaxing pad?"
He lifted up his arm, sighing, "You know, Amy,... you left Jewel to handle all the affairs at HQ's base... you've been told to rest yourself-"
"What about your rings? You have a few just in case you roll over in your sleep and fall, right?" She... wasn't even listen to him.
Now he looked annoyed.
She lifted up the end of the bed covering to grab some things under the white, almost hospital plain looking bed.
"Amy, I'm fine. No sweat! Just gotta take a few Z's and I'll be-" he tried to smile through it, but he was beginning to realize that Amy was a lot like him... once he started running, it was hard to get him to stop...
And once Amy got going...
"And your snuggly-wugglies?"
"My what?-OFFPH!" Sonic was confused at first before Amy pulled the cover back down and tackled Sonic in a loving hug back to the bed. "Amy!" he was so shocked, but he heard her giggling under his struggles and just sighed, "I'm too exhausted for this..."
"Well, I'm never tired enough to not hug my... my..." She tried to lean back up, but feeling the warmth of the bed... the softness of the covers... Sonic raised both eyebrows as she slowly sunk across him and seemed to passout softly into a lulled sleep.
He smiled, "Well, well... gotcha." he patted and stroked her back, knowing she needed this just as much as he did.
"Hedgehogs of a array, eh?" A group of hedgehogs was called an array, but he was meaning it as they were cut from the same cloth. "You've gotta recharge that fuel every now and then, too, Amy. ... Goodnight."
He helped prop her up and lay her the right way, putting her feet under the covers and yawning himself, stretching before turning to the other side... making sure they weren't touchin-!
She turned over and pulled him into a hug, her grip almost chokingly tight as he wiggled himself a bit in his struggle. "Amy,... Amy!" he lightly tapped her arm but very quickly, "Wake up..!" he felt his eyes bulging.
He begins to panic a little... not liking to be 'restricted' in any way, but then... he hears the soft, quiet snoring of Amy by his neck... and pausing all movement, he turns to flick down an ear a few times to try and hear it better.
He peeks back to see she really is out cold... not just faking it to get closer to him, which is what he had suspected in the first place.
"Huh." He fully turned around, his cheek by her mouth now, "You really out, Amy?"
She continued to squirm a bit to get comfy, then turned her head inward towards the singular pillow and seemed to be breathing softly.
"... And I'm the one you asked to take the sleep aid and muscle relaxor." he rolled his eyes, "You're out like a light, and I'm still waiting on chemicals to be sent to my brain." He shook his head and lightly chuckled, before trying to kick and roll back out of her grasp. "Huffph! Ohmph! Come on..! Almost..! Not even close..." He reached his gloved little hands out and wiggled them to the other side of the bed, but gave up after feeling sleep start to take hold of his eyes.
"Ah, geez... Amy, we can't actually-" he turned back to rub his face, trying to stay awake.
But he took another peek down at her.
Soft, peaceful... serene in her slumber...
He just lowered his eyes as though trying to resist falling to the same fate...
"Ammmmyy...." he grumbled, flopping a freed arm over his eyes, "If someone comes in, they're gonna get the wrong impression..." he knew it was half his fault, but he thought it would be alright to put her on one side of the bed, that way, she'd nap for a second and then he'd be off.
This... was not what he had expected.
But... since when had Amy done anything he 'expected'?
He sighed a little more calmly now, feeling his body lean back and melt into the soft cushions of the bed...
Did he... smell flowers?
He looked back at Amy, seeing some signs of dirt in her hair and puffed some air into a cheek as he held in a laugh. 'Must have been working in the garden...' he knew everyone was trying to rebuild... how long was she still running on fumes?
Heh, like he was one to talk...
"Okay... I give... let's see those quills of yours." He held up his freed arm along with the trapped one underneath, surrendering to the fact that he was not to move from this bed till he was well-rested up, still suspicious if she was faking or not, and began to weave his hands through her quills to get out the plant leaves, petals, dirt, and squashed grown goods that were stuck in her quills.
Honestly, he knew how tightly bound stuff can get in there... chilidogs were a NIGHTMARE if he didn't lick his fingers first.
After stringing through and 'grooming' out the dirt from her quills, he started to feel his eyes lowering and the feeling of sleep getting heavier.
"Eh." He took off the muscle relaxers, some on his legs too. "Ow, ow..!" he didn't like the 'ripping of tape' he felt to try and get them off, so he let the legs one stay on and just patted back down the arm. "Ughhh..." he flattened himself down, Amy's arms still around him, sound asleep. "Glad it's so easy for you to take five." he flopped a hand over his face again, yawning.
"I've had so much anxiety about falling asleep... I think I've trained myself not to." He admitted, "And I used to love sleep, too... I probably... still... zzzzZZZzzz...." He began to breathe according to her heartbeat... laying on his back and having his hand slowly fall from his face onto his right shoulder...
After a minute or two... Amy peeked an eye open, rubbing it sleepily and smiled to him.
She watched him surrender, at last, to the comforts of being under the blanket of the back of his eyelids, and had to resist laughing by placing her hand over her mouth, slowly letting him go from her hold. "I knew it! Hehe~" she whispered, "You couldn't sleep unless you saw someone else, who you were protecting all this time, sleeping first." she nodded, knowing her hero's selfless heart at times.
She moved the comforting layers of bed sheets off and was about to step out when a hand firmly gripped her arm. "Ahh-eep..!" she yelped in a quiet gasp.
Flung back, over Sonic, she bundled her fists tight up by her mouth, blinking in surprise as she looked up to see she was caught, blushing at the handsome, blue, smug grin on her idol's face.
"Gotcha... again... zzzZZzz..." he flopped his head on her shoulder and was back to his power nap.
She giggled openly this time, "Okay, okay. You got me. I can't fool you, Sonic The-... the... ohhh..." it was so... warmmmm....
She ended up going back into a small slumber as her head rolled to tap against his turned chest.
Neither one of them knew how long time flew by... but they both suddenly stirred and jolted from one another.
"Ah!", "Oh!"
The two shook their heads as Amy patted her cheeks, "We're falling too fast!" she admitted.
"We... We gotta get outta this bed..!" Sonic looked to the white of the cover on the bed, "It's an evil cloud!"
"N-no, no, no! Sonic! You need to sleep!" She tried to push him back down to laying, "I'll go and get you some-" she was trying to crawl over him when he reached up and hooked her back down, rolling across her to keep her in place.
"What? And leave you to go back to working again? Fat..." He yawned, "Ahh~ Chance. You're staying here." he tossed her quite comically over and behind him, trying to get up when Amy bit his shoulder, growing. "GAh! What was that for!?"
She pulled him back down and tried to escape again, "I have duties to fulfil Son-iiiccc!!!" she was pushed back by his bum on her stomach before he sat on her and, on all fours, used his feet to lightly push with kicks to keep her to the other side of the bed. "Offph, why you-Oww!" she faked being hurt, but he was kinda shoving her multiple times to the other side.
"You work just as hard!" he argued, ripping off the muscle relaxer on his arm, "Yippe!" he rubbed the arm multiple times from the tape ripping off, "You deserve to sleep, too!"
"You're more worthy!" she summoned her hammer, pulling him back by cranking it over his shoulder and holding it back like a grapple hook. "Rrrr!!!" she pulled back with force, causing Sonic to reach out with one of his hands to try and keep himself up... but fell back towards her stomach and against the wall.
"Amy..!" he protested, "How am I supposed to sleep knowing everyone else is working so hard, huh!?"
She shook her head, "You had the worst of it! Now, sleep!" she threw off her hammer from him, as his eyes went small when he realized what position her hammer was in now... right... over his head...
"If you don't sleep... I'll MAKE you sleep!" Amy reared back her arms.
"Amy, Amy-Amy-Amy, no-no-no, wait!" Sonic held up his hands and then jumped to dodge the hammer, coming down between Amy's legs as she tried to get up, but panted as her eyes had dark circles underneath them.
Sonic also panted, his head and arm over the bed now and holding on. "New plan..." He groaned, "How about we both just take a quick breather?"
"F-... Fine..." She 'poof'd away her hammer and laid back as Sonic also rolled back up and fell flat, one hand on his chest, the other up over his head.
"Who knew getting us both to rest for ourselves was so challenging, eh?" Sonic joked, but there was truth to that, too.
"Y-yeah... it's just..." Amy turned her head away from him. "When I thought you might be... that I might... never see you again... I..." She tensed a bit, her hand to the side of her head balling up a bit.
Sonic looked over, sleep almost consuming him after all that struggling... but it was kinda fun... being able to hold or even just touch his friends again... it was... strangely pleasing for him to feel he could be close to others again.
"Amy..." He seemed to get why she refused to sleep.
"... It's all like a dream." she withdrew her legs up a bit, as though threatening to ball-up on him... "I don't... want to shut my eyes... and suddenly... you're not there anymore... you know?"
She closed her eyes, trying to not cry in front of her hero, being strong when she felt even stronger arms wrapping around her from behind.
There was a silence... but she heard Sonic's heartbeat slowing and smiled.
She took his arms and held them across herself, "Thank you..." she lightly whispered at his comforting hold.
Who cares if someone walked in on them.
"Amy..." he lightly whispered, opening his eyes a bit to see it was dark outside... this time, they really had passed out. "Amy..." He whispered again, leaning up and groaning a bit as the medication and muscle relaxers were wearing off... "I missed you, too..." he slowly exited the bed, tried to silently rip the tape off the muscle relaxers on his legs and stuffed some medical bandages in his mouth to do so silently, and then made sure Amy was still tucked in tight.
He smiled as he placed a hand on her side... "Thank you,... Amy. I needed to know how you all felt about me... and I... needed you to know I cared about that, too. I don't always say it... but... well... you know." He smiled and removed his hand, gingerly, as though afraid to disturb her. "I guess... I needed you guys more than I thought I did... and seeing you not giving up till I slept first... it made me... kinda happy, honestly." he scratched the side of his cheek, sweating a little awkwardly as he wouldn't know if he could have the boldness to speak this directly to her face. "But that's all... thank you... and goodnight." He gave her his famous wink before speeding out, being careful to shut the door quietly.
In the bed... Amy smiled in pure glee~ Blushing all across her cheeks~<3 Her hand gripped the pillow a little more and she knew Sonic had finally had some sound sleep... and peaceful dreams... for the first time in a long while...
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theincognitomoth · 2 years
Please Sonic Movie, give Amy Rose the love she deserves
My biggest fear if Amy shows up in the movie universe is that the writers will try to overcorrect her character, and in that, make her generic.
I like the posts about Amy surprising everyone with how strong she is and not feeling bone crushing pain with Knuckles handshake. They are funny posts, but she being strong out of the bat undermines the potential for her physical growth intertwined with the emotional one.
We first meet Amy as a helpless civilian who Sonic has to rescue, and although people may say she was just a damsel in distress, I think is appealing to her character growth. Amy is not super fast, super smart or super strong. She has no physical or mental advantage amongst her peers, which means she has to work much harder to stand besides them, and she does so! She went for helpless civilian to someone that can be side by side with her hero, and that's damn inspiring! You get it? Amy is the underdog of the group! She being tough at the start means we won't see her grow into her toughness. Her reason for sticking around could be her love for sonic, yes, but could also be she being inspired by him and wanting to protect others the way he protected her.
Speaking of Sonic, I'm a bit conflicted when it comes to Amy's fangirliness. On one side it's the old and unfunny stick of 'girl being forceful around the boy she likes' and I'm sick of it. But on the other hand, it would be great for her character to start as a fangirl who see Sonic as this perfect hero to growing out of it as she sees him as a person, but still loves him. And it would be really sweet to see Sonic warming up to her as she starts to treat him normally.
Also, I hope we are at a place in the movie industry that adventure/action writers can write a female character who likes stereotypical girly things without fear she will be seen as weak. The latest games don't tap much into it, but Amy likes tarot, she likes cooking and baking. She is gentle, passionate and compassionate. She also wrecks robots with a hammer. She can do both! Show that Amy's biggest strength is her ability to be compassionate to others, to bring out the best in people and to stand up to protect who she cares about. Show that she is the heart of the team.
The writers earned all my trust with Sonic 2, but I'm afraid the see the fans saying they like Boom Amy better and ignore the wonderful things that made mainline Amy herself.
I may be asking too much, if she is introduced in the next movie, there's still mc'freaking Shadow to develop, and a movie can only be so long.
But please, PLEASE, let Amy Rose be Amy Rose, with the good, the bad and the ugly and all the things that make her herself.
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
HEDGIE SQUAD! I’m going to the beach to spend time with my family this week, so I have a few stories that I’ll post in a few minutes so that you aren’t deprived of them! Also, I noticed that no one saw a post I sent out, called “Pocky,” and here’s the link to that post (x) I will also post a story called “Wedding Disaster,” which was also on my abandoned Wattpad. 
Here’s a few stories I liked reading here on Tumblr:
Amy gives sonic stages to complete before he can leave after a date (cutegirlmayra)
Amy has fainting spells and forgets how to talk and Sonic helps her (cutegirlmayra)
the headcanon where sonic stores chaos in amy and has to kiss her to take it out (cutegirlmayra)
The gang playing a game of fetch using amy (cutegirlmayra)
Amy turns super in Sonic Boom and sanic tries to flirt with her (cutegirlmayra)
sonic and amy have to sleep in the same room and for some reason they feel comfortable (cutegirlmayra)
Sonamy Week Protect (cutegirlmayra)
Sonic and Amy play seven minutes in heaven or something like that (this is a beeextraordinary123 story)
Sonic is on a mission with G.U.N and he flirts with amy and gets her all giggly and stuff like that- (cutegirlmayra)
(They are all Cutegirlmayra stories, i went to her archive and looked them up Lmao)
Yes, the Asks that I was sent are being made, take a chill pill, they’ll be done either by this month, or by the start of July. I’m being so fucking lazy and I keep procrastinating. I’ll be out today through Thursday.
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shedreamsofstars · 6 years
SonAmy Week 2018 Day 4 - Arabian Nights
"Wait wait wait, if he was the Ifrit then where did the Genie come from?"
"The lamp Amy, keep up," Sonic chided playfully, leaning back to lay on the end of her bed. The lofty tones of lavender floated around him as his head hit the soft blanket underneath.
Amy frowned and sniffed loudly, pulling the covers tighter around herself. "I'm trying, I promise. It's just ..."
"Your head feels like you got stung but a butt ton of bee bots?" Sonic offered, waving a hand her general direction.
Amy nodded, a weak smile stretching across her lips. "Exactly."
"Are you still convinced you're not sick?" Sonic said, raising an eyebrow in a taunting challenge.
The pink hedgehog blew out a breath of air and sunk deeper under the covers with a groan. Sonic was pretty sure he heard a muffled 'no' a few moments later but that could have just been wishful thinking.
"It's alright Ames, I got you," he said, lifting the book in his laps and scanning the pages.
When Amy had called this morning to say she wouldn't be able to make it to their group hike to the cliffs, Sonic hadn't been able to stay away. Amy never missed a hike, especially when she had put so much effort into planning  the whole thing.
He'd shown up at her doorstep to check on her, half expecting some date of sorts with her fuzzy puppy pals but instead he found her huddled under several blankets, sniffling and sleep-deprived. It didn't take an evil doctor to figure out she was sick - despite her adamant efforts to claim otherwise.
After the girl had denied every offer of help he could think of it - probably for the best he realised afterwards - Sonic had refused to take no for an answer when he found an old tattered copy of his favourite book, The Arabian Nights.
He might not have been able to make her a steaming chicken soup, but telling her a story? That was something the hedgehog could do with his eyes closed and eventually the girl had relented. And that was how he found himself lying on the end of Amy's bed, spinning tales of magical treasures in caves of wonders, and thieves and genies galore.
"So, then Ali Baba said the magic words - open sesame - and-"
A sharp sneeze cut him off and he tilted his head to see Amy shivering under the covers. Wait, was she cold? The blue hedgehog mentally berated himself for not paying closer attention to her and sat up again with a start, his tale forgotten for the time being.
"Amy, you're shivering," he stated simply.
The girls eyes were hazy as they met his and she nodded slowly. "I don't know why it's so cold in the middle of summer? This has to be Eggman's doing," she whimpered with an annoyed look.
"Normally I would agree with you, but I think you should just admit you're sick this time Ames."
She narrowed her eyes at him and Sonic held up his hands defensively. It was pretty hard to take her seriously the next moment as her face scrunched up in a high pitched sneeze, leaving her with violent shakes.
"What was that about the cave again?" she sniffled, her nose crinkling as she tried to stave off another wave of sneezes.
Sonic's gaze drifted down to her hands that clutched the covers tightly, shaking helplessly despite the blankets. They were clearly doing nothing to keep her warm he realised and in a flash of a thought, he knew what he had to do.
As much as he hated that his cheeks burned red and hot at the thought, he nodded towards the space beside her. "It's uh, kinda chilly out today Ames. Do you mind if I join you?" he asked quickly, too embarrassed to meet her gaze.
Amy barely hummed in response and he found that her muted response seemed to take the edge off his nerves, giving him the boost of confidence he needed to sidle over beside her. He slid under the covers, positioning himself as close to the girl as he dared as he made himself comfortable.
He was right beside her and he hoped that his own body heat would somehow help keep her warmer. Theoretically it should work he told himself as every instinct inside him yelled at him to run. He stamped them down hard and picked up his favourite book again.
"Where were we again?" he said, turning to the girl beside him.
"The cave."
"Right," he said, unable to help but notice the way her head drooped a little. "Hey, you know you can lay down right?"
Amy shook her head despite how obviously exhausted she was.
Sonic didn't push her on it though as she gestured for him to continue. He turned back to the page, his eyes flicking across the pages and words quickly as he wondered if there was more he could do for the girl. If the roles were reversed, Amy would go above, beyond and all the back for him.
Surely there was something or someway he could make her feel special in her moment of weakness. Even if she was barely lucid enough to remember any of it after. His eyes caught onto a few words scattered across the page and suddenly he knew.
As quickly as he could, he wound down the tale of 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves', his mind working as fast as his legs as his idea spiralled around inside of him. And although he held the book in his hands, the next tale he told was nowhere to be found in the pages but one of his own making.
He pulled together threads of all his favourite tale, combining them together into a new and unique story just for the girl beside him. Just the way he used to do for Tails when he was younger. With all his favourite elements and his own love for epic adventures, so began his new tale.
"This next one is called 'Suti and the Secret Rings'," he said, risking a side glance at Amy who watched him through half closed eyes. She didn't seem to notice the title wasn't one of the official stories and Sonic continued on ahead, unfolding his story word by word. Line by line.
At some point during his tale, Sonic felt a light pressure against his shoulder, warm and gentle. He didn't even have to look to know that Amy had rested her head against him. He smiled to himself and pretended not to notice, and honestly he doubted that she had realised herself. If anything, he was just glad that she had finally stopped shaking.
The hedgehog did lower his voice a little however in the hopes that he might lull the girl into a healing sleep, something she definitely needed right then. He had been flicking the pages every now and then to keep up the illusion that he was reading from the book but with her this close, he didn't risk any unnecessary movement.
"So, then Erazor tells him that unless he can gather the World Rings before the flame of the arrow dies out, then his life is forfeit and he'll die."
For the most part of his tale, the girl had been completely still but now Sonic felt a light movement from his side. He risked a glance to see the girl looking at the book with a look of confusion.
"Wait, that wasn't in any of the stories," she said quietly.
"It wasn't?"
"No. I've read them all and none of them mention anything to do with an eraser or a flame arrow," she said with a yawn, snuggling in closer to him. She went to point to the book as she spoke but with the little energy she only made it part way before hand dropped onto Sonic's lap.
"They don't?" he whispered, unable to resist touching her fallen hand. His eyes were locked onto hers as he traced feather light circles against the back of her hand, hoping it was as calming for the girl as it was for him.
Amy nodded slowly, eyes sleep-filled and narrowed in suspicion as she glanced up at him from where he head rested against his shoulder.
"Well, he's definitely in it," Sonic replied back, his voice almost a whisper. He couldn't bring himself to look away from her but she didn't seem to mind. "He's the genie of the lamp so you probably just missed a tale or something. There are a thousand and one after all."
"You seem to know the stories awfully well," Amy whispered as her lids fluttered shut, her voice becoming slow and heavy. "It's almost like you've lived them."
"Yeah, almost," he said with a soft chuckle, smiling to himself as he gently reached over and brushed her bangs out of her face. Gentle as anything, he shifted the girl so she lay on her pillow and was covered in the warm blankets.
He slid out from the covers slowly and before his feet even touched the ground, he heard her breathing become soft and even. As he closed her bedroom door after himself, he knew that if he had a lamp right now that his first wish would be that her sleeps were always filled with adventure beyond her wildest dreams.
Eh, I feel like this could have been better but I've been staring at it for too long already. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it. This is by far the theme I was so excited to see content for and the fandom did not disappoint - ya all are awesome!
Go check out the sonamyweek tag on twitter and tumblr - you won't be disappointed!
Thanks for reading lovelies, lemme know what you thought if you can and I'll see you all next time for the day five theme, Superheroes (I'm hella late, I know, sorry)
Chao for now :)
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonamy snuggling after the metal virus
Additional notes:  It’s after the metal virus outbreak and healing has begun, Amy is still going around trying to help people out and is currently tending to Sonic before he finally gets some much needed sleep. Sonic notices her still driving herself ragged and tells her she needs to rest as well, not only for herself but for others. This ends up with two sleep deprived hedgies snuggling in for some sleep. -Sonic normally isn’t this affectionate and the intimate closeness spooks him for a second but he’s too tired to do anything about it. And starts to admit to himself he really missed contact with others when he was infected. He also realizes he wouldn’t really want anyone other than Amy this close either. It doesn’t hurt she’s warm, soft, pretty, and smells like flowers.
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Preview image from @uhsecretaccount (x) Thank you so much! Please support the artist!
Amy put the medical supplies away and shut the lid of the tin box, sighing out her final bit of stress as the peace of success electrified down her weary arms and all the way to her toes.
In a moment of glee, she tensed up and smiled, then shot her arms straight up, “We did it!” she exclaimed, giggling before Tails walks up behind her.
“Did you clear section C?”
“And B, and just finished D.” she threw him a thumbs up as she twisted her back to him, then stuck out her tongue in a silly flare of pride.
Tails’s eyes blinked a moment before the realization of that set in. “You did!?” He flinched himself back, shocked, and stepped back a moment to continue processing how that was even possible. “When did you start-!?”
“11 o’clock.” Amy chimed back.
“O-oh, this morning?” He seemed to be calming down a bit.
“No, last night.” she yawned, lifting a casual hand up to her mouth like it was nothing, then stretched out her hands by putting them together, turning them, and extending her arms with an arch in her back. “The second I got news.... ahhh~ That you had re-intented the cure.” she acted like it wasn’t a big deal, but that was literally minutes after the news got out.
She had woken up, strapped up the injections and wispons and rushed to the many different locations they had localized the infected citizens in.
“A-Amy...” He was jawstruck. “Did you not sleep all day!?” He sounded amazed.
She took that as a sign that she did the right thing, “Cream started helping once she was cured, and then I heard Section A was already taken by Silver and Whisper, so I thought I’d get a step ahead of them and save some of the trouble.”
“W-well, now everyone’s everywhere but...” He scratched the back of his head, “You and him both deserve some rest...”
“Hmm?” Amy tilted her head.
“The virus had been held back so long by Sonic... that when we finally did cure him, it left him with zero strength, and barely any fight left. He wants to help and refuses further care. I figured... I’d come see you and maybe you’d fight the stubbornness out of him with your own will power.” He gave her a sheepish smile, hoping she found that as a compliment and not an excuse.
“Oh...” her demeanor turned solemn again, “He’s probably tired of feeling useless by now...” She pondered out loud, and Tails nodded his head, lowering it to show some respect to that thought, as though he had also shared it too.
Confidently, and trying to gain further energy back for the undertaking, she patted the sides of her hips and let her hands push to straight her back out, standing tall. “Leave it to me!”
“B-but... I didn’t realize you had already-”
It was common for Amy to cut him off at this point...
She placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it twice as well, “Cheer up, Tails! We’re all running on steam at this point! The last of us will become all of us... Let’s not forget that.” She gave him a positive wink and took off, but Tails felt bad... seeing her rush away with barely any juice left in her to do so. She jogged, holding her head down and then whipping it up to say, “Okay, come on, let’s go!” as though trying to motivate her own body not to give just yet.
“We’re counting on you... Amy.” He bent his ears back, worried Sonic may take the last bit of strength out of her.
Upon arriving, she heard munching sounds and turned to see Sonic staring out a window, angrily chewing before driving his hand into a bowl of chips and shoving them back into his mouth.
She smiled weakly, panting in her hurried jog but realizing he was probably just grumpy at not having enough strength to stand... and no one allowing him to try again.
“Hey there, crunch.” she teased, as he smacked his jaw as he chewed before turning to look back at her. “Gonna save any of those for me?”
He frowned, “Resting isn’t my specialty,” He pushed the bowl towards her, laying on what looked like an elevated bench made into a bed for him. “But saving is.”
She found that funny and took some chips, tossing one in her mouth. “Kinda dry.” she complained, wiping her now crumbs-filled gloves off on her dress, not caring while a war was going on.
“That’s what I said.” he quipped back, rolling his eyes back to the window. “They mock me worse than the moon...” He made a tight line with his mouth as he watched Shadow, Rouge, and Knuckles assisting others with shots of the cure. “I could help... I’d get people injected with the cure faster than-”
She flopped on the bench next to him, her back facing him.
“Ah!” He lifted an arm up, unsure if she just passed out or not. “A-Amy? What are you-?”
“...Hmm?” Amy opened her eyes, then pushed herself up, “N-nothing... it just looked... comfy.” she leaned back down to sneak a whiff of Sonic’s scent, but he noticed the rascally move and shoved her up.
“Quit that! Have you no shame?” he shook his head, “Geez, that’s worse than your normal flirtations...”
“Hehe~ Opps.” She stuck her tongue out, but he noticed her shift on her feet and get woozy again.
“...Amy?” He looked back at her and saw her grip her head suddenly, catching herself from falling again as her hand braced her against the bench. “Woah! Hold on, have you rested yet?”
“You know I can’t do that.” She rubbed her eyes a moment, trying to wipe the blackness away from them. “Just light-headed.”
He watched her closely, already leaned up, he reached a hand out to her, prepared to catch her if she fell forward again. “How long have you been up?”
“Working for the two of us.” She turned her head and gave him a thumbs up.
“So that means long.” He narrowed his eyes, putting two and two together. “At this rate, they’ll be dragging you across the field, you won’t be any good to them without taking a second breather.”
“Oh, look who’s talking?” She sassily put her hand back to her hip, still leaning on her hand that pushed off the bench. “Driving myself for others is what I do best.” she took another chip, “And driving you wild.” she winked, charmingly bad at the deliver--per usual--and then took a bite of the chip.
He just stared at her, unamused by her remark. “You expect me to laugh at that?”
“I expect you to sleep on it.” she lifted up her hand she was balancing herself on and pushed her finger against his forehead, driving him to lay back down. “Now... you... just... lay there-!” she suddenly fell forward again and he caught her.
“Sheesh! Cool your jets!” he thought she was flirting again but when he saw the pain on her face, he realized she was suffering. “Amy... Alright, I’m not usually one for deals, but this is how it’s gonna work.” He took on a bit of a leader’s tone and transitioned her off of him, onto the side of the bench. “You’re gonna rest, and I’m gonna take over from- HERE.” he was yanked back as he started to get up, and she caught him in a death grip on the bench.
“Emm... pillow.” she held him there, sounding like she was half-losing it, being sleep-deprived but also knowing she needed to check Sonic’s condition.
The cure was doing well, it seemed the metallic flakes that still remained were chipping off as though fake silver furnishing. 
She smiled, her eyes growing droopy, seeing that he would be alright. He was just as sleep-deprived as her, but he patted lightly against her hand in a panic, spooked that she would strangle him.
It was funny, so she closed her eyes and let him struggle.
“Emm... ow!” with all his minimal thrashing, one of his quills wiggled itself to it’s pointy end and stabbed her closed eye, making the other jump awake and her arms let go of Sonic in a chain reaction to the pain. “Spiky pillow!”
She rubbed her eye as he got up to a sitting position lower down the bench, then leaned over with his hands between his spread legs, still looking exhausted as his eyes seemed to finally reveal his true condition.
“You don’t give up... do you?” There was a tad bit of fondness over her extreme actions to keep him down, but seeing as those weren’t gonna work, she blew a raspberry and got comfy, putting her hands under her cheek to sleep.
“If I didn’t... would you ever notice me?” she yawned, “You’re sleepy. I’m sleepy. There’s a reasonable solution for this~” she wiggled her finger down by him, but he flinched a leg away so she shot her flirty finger up to his nose and started fondling it like a child would play with a door-stopper.
He spread his frown so far down his muzzle that she was surprised it could stretch that long, but continued the insistent, repetitive fiddling and spastic movement with her finger to his nose. “You seem to very much dislike this.” She giggled, finding this so entertaining. “Ohh... look at it go. It’s got more energy than you do right now-Noooo...!”
He pulled his head away from her reach.
“Bring it baaaackkk..!!!”
“You’re acting like a loony, you know that?” He gave her a disapproving look but that only made her ‘pfft’ to hold in a bigger spurt of laughter.
She buried her head into the bench’s actual padding and smiled, “It’s warm... soft... inviting.” she lightly stroked the other side of the bench, looking up to him in weary pleading. “Wouldn’t it be nice... to just take your own advice?”
He lost a bit of his agitation then,... staring at the pretty scene.
“...You calling me a hypocrite?”
“Oh, most definitely, accurate. Shall I get it in writing?” she continued to joke as he sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
After a moment of hesitation, she realized he needed some more coaxing, seeing that he was looking off and to the side, nervous.
“I know you don’t usually do these things... but I’ll probably get up and insist on shaking off the rest of the silver from your fur if you don’t.” the light threat made him realize that further, and far worse intimacies could be had and slowly lowered himself back down.
“Alright, alright, you win. No need to shake me down!” he awkwardly found a comfortable spot but Amy eyed his hands and then looked back to him.
Without a word, Sonic looked away and put his hands around her. “There’s not enough space.”
“I know.” she lightly mouthed, blushing a faint pink that he dared to notice before looking away again.
She softly took a deep, cleansing breath in, before fully seeping into the curve of his body and resting by him.
She could tell by the random twitches that he wasn’t used to her being this close, and mentally pouted at his immaturity.
This was everything she loved and hoped for in their relationship, could he just enjoy it for a minute?! A good solid,... sweet... minute?
But Sonic did miss this. Ever so gently, he pulled her a little closer to his chest, held her a little tighter, and found that her own scent of flowers was like a natural muscle relaxer... and the exhaustion took over from then on.
His breathing became more naturally rhythmic, and good few seconds went by of silence, but not the awkward kind he was so used too.
This one was filled to the brim with security, understanding the other’s needs and giving in to exactly what Amy had stated.
“You’re right.” He finally spoke up, as Amy’s eyes batted as though she was practically asleep before he spoke up again. “Is it warm... and soft...”
“Heee... I keep my quills down for a reason. Shampoo a softener too...” her voice was laxed as she grinned widely and went back to scooting her face closer towards his neck, angling down as not to upset him.
 Amy was probably the only one he would ever feel this comfortable doing this with... he had gone so long without her hugs, without her teasing... that this moment was finally like saying, ‘I’m back’.
As though wondering if her hugs always felt like this, he leaned his head to let her head take some of his own weight, resting it down by it.
Amy tried to not ruin the moment, but that subtle acceptance made her chest jump in puffs of excitement.
She kept her snickering to a minimum, before finally laughing as Sonic looked down at her, confused because he was finally starting to think resting might not be such a bad idea.
“What?” he felt her turning to her back and adjusted his hold on her, loosening but keeping his hands around her still. “Thought we were napping?”
“Hehehe... haha..! Did you just..?” She wiped a tear from her eye, pointing a crooked finger at him, “Smell my head?”
He looked horrified she had noticed.
“BAH-HAW-HAHAHAHA!!!” She clutched her stomach and howled in rolling laughing, picking her knees up as Sonic was tempting to just flop her off and onto the cool, hard steel floor beneath them.
“Yeah, so what? They smell of flowers!” he let her go and turned to his back, pouting that he ever thought snuggling with Amy was actually seemingly alright.
He would have to remind himself from now on, never to let his guard down again!
(I originally thought of something else but I think I like this version better XD)
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