#sleepy hollow elementary
raurquiz · 10 months
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#HappyBirthday #johnnoble #actor #thediviner #StarTrekProdigy #lordoftherings #thereturnoftheking #fringe #TheLastAirbender #theconjuring #thedevilmademedoit #allsaints #homeandaway #DarkMatters #transformersprime #beasthunters #predaconrising #SleepyHollow #elementary #legendsoftomorrow #cowboybebop #severance #startrek56 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla @transformersofficial
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spinafex-matagouri · 10 months
QPRs Here are 3 platonic relationships I think fellow aces and aros may appreciate. These are not canonical aroace. (Actually all have other sexual partners) But! All are platonic relationships that are somewhere between best friends and romantic love, live together, and are the primary relationship of the story.
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Joan and Sherlock, Elementary, Crime.
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Abbie and Ichabod, Sleepy Hollow, Horror
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Bellamy and Clarke, The 100, SciFi
(Spoiler warning, only one of these relationships ends well, doesn’t discount the rest of story, but if that matters to you you can look it up)
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ozzyonedge · 10 months
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Happy 75th Birthday John Noble!
August 20th 1948
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horsegirlzero · 2 years
kaize like those police procedurals where the two mcs are partners in crime solving who have a seasons long slow burn before finally ending up together
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Imagine not being a quiet anxiety ridden millennial who is OBSESSED with dark spooky shit, and drinks coffee nonstop…
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vidapuppen · 1 year
I feel very cheated that we didn't get an Elementary/Sleepy Hollow crossover episode instead of the Sleepy Hollow/Bones crossover. Sherlock and Ichabod would either get along swimmingly or despise each other to the core, there would be no middle ground, and I am angry we didn't get to see that.
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heatherfield · 8 months
Tagged by the lovely @eizagonzalezs. Thank you!
Last song: "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens
Last film: "Rebecca" (2020)
Currently reading: Still trying to get through "An Echo in the Bone" by Diana Gabaldon (the 7th Outlander book) and also reading "The Once and Future Witches" by Alix E. Harrow. (Need to start "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury though!)
Currently watching: "What We Do in the Shadows" and "Abbott Elementary"
Current obsession: Still "Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story." I think I'm even more obsessed although I don't know how that's possible. Also loving the whole witchy aesthetic right now for completely unrelated reasons.
Favourite colour: Purple
Relationship status: Mysterious (to tumblr not to me)
Last thing i googled: "The Once and Future Witches" to remind myself of the author haha. (Before that it was probably a pharmacy.)
Tagging, should you like: @queenofglassbeliever, @renee561, @ilikecrocssuckit, @lordjohnwgrey, @ankahikoibaat, @professionalfangrrl, @angel-in-a-big-blue-box, and whoever would like to do this!
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deannastrois · 4 months
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tagging if you want: @trillscienceofficer, @fonapola, and @dabokolo (or anyone else who wants to do it and uhh, fandoms I've written for got long so under the cut along with a blank version of the thing:
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Star Trek
Mass Effect
Minority Report
Fire Emblem
Dragon Age
Ace Attorney
Brooklyn 99
Sleepy Hollow
Power Rangers
Black Mirror
Fantasy High
Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Scooby Doo
Sailor Moon
Agents of Shield
Agent Carter
Harry Potter
Legends of Tomorrow
Star Wars
Once Upon a Time
Lunar Chronicles
DC comics
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fluorescentbrains · 9 months
sorry i have permanent post discourse disorder from when half this site tried to sell me sleepy hollow/elementary/that one show with the robots as “progressive superwholock” and then every single one of those shows ended up flopping. they were all misogynist also
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hollowfaith · 1 month
Pick 2 in every section except Canon Muses and Fandoms (pick 1 from those) :3
Questions for the mun
this is long so imma cut it lol
BASICS x2 What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
in 3rd grade we watched the cartoon movie version of the legend of sleepy hollow and had an assignment to write a summary of it. i was barely out of ESL at the time but thought it was a neat assignment (and prided myself on my memory for details) so i hecking did my best and wrote a long detailed one (with pictures because it was elementary school and you could illustrate your stuff) and for some reason my teacher and the principal were all happy about it and made a big deal complete with ceremony and applause and made me feel important and cool.
after that i was like "yeah! that was awesome. can't i write more stories like that even outside of school?" and thus it kicked off my journaling obsession besides writing diaries of my daily life. i did a lot of original fics and sailor moon/digimon-inspired stuff but when i found ff.net it was like discovering a whole new world where you could control the characters to do whatever you wanted (while staying IC, cause that was definitely part of the "rules" of the challenge) and that was amazing.
realizing writing meant i could take destiny into my own hands for these made-up blorbos was such a fun power trip. i have tried to use that power responsibly ever since.
Do you still write your first muse?
dahlia hawthorne was my first real muse on tumblr and i poke her now and then, but she seems content in her semi-retirement in my brain. sometimes she wakes up to snark people but she's enjoying her vacation in peace right now : )
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
don't shoot me but before i wrote yagen toushirou for touken ranbu i was like "yeah yeah okay this is just a standard big brother x cool doctor type trope," i actually didn't even pick him up until i wanted to try someone new and my other friends (playing other swordboys at the time) suggested him
then i had to research him and really fell in love with the dichotomy of his character, about how he's very human with his brothers but also 100% a weapon and embraces that fact, about the juxtaposition of DUTY vs. FEELING and the HUMAN HEART vs. OBJECT/TOOL he's been balancing all his life on a very fine line (and does flawlessly, because he's yagen) and i was like, heck! this is gonna be so fun to RP and make him deal with stuff
tho most of the time i got into crack threads again and shipping with Fudou it was still very very fulfilling and im glad my friends convinced me to try him out :D
OCs x2
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
yeah I mean this guy wouldn't exist without Jade's Klaus u know? his template might've been taken from his faceclaim guy but the rest of him i molded to fit Jade's OC, specifically his personality and to an extent his looks. in some ways Klaus has everything Aurelius lacks and vice versa, they have this classic balancing scales thing going on that i like very much and try to fill intentionally.
i also wanna say Klaus is one of the few windows to Aurelius' genuine gentle/good side, the side he might have been all the time if his father didn't screw him up from birth (of course i can't say his dad is all to blame, but he sure takes 60~75% of the blame).
as for developed dynamics im guessing this is asking about interactions with another OC that influenced this one...why do i feel like they've all been humbling experiences... Issy has shown him some humans are worth treating with care, Constantine has demonstrated how not everyone takes his shit, Dar is there to inspire working business relationships while highlighting Aury's awkward aspects fitting in, Huey undos all the good work everyone else puts in by proving how crappy some humans act, etc.
idk how to answer that part aside from "they help subvert expectations, but i don't know if that's enough to actually change the way he acts" why did i pick this Q the second part's hard to answer hahah
Who was your first OC?
time to get embarrassing so my first OC with an actually established backstory and stuff was this girl with a randomnly generated Japanese name i thought was pretty (Saikoubi) for a digimon RP group
and i intentionally gave her a happy-go-lucky personality and positive outlook because looking at the rest of the applicants everyone was like either emo or orphaned or both and my 14-year-old self was like "well! how are we going to save the world as digidestined if we're sad all the time" and basically made her the complete opposite of everyone else
it was rad, people got to be edgy, she got to be sunny, we didn't really get past the first region between our threads before the group died down but i think we all had fun and that's what matters in the end xD
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
i still like touken ranbu but it's more fun to write (RP) that when other swordboys are around, plus the fandom's so saturated with new swordboys these days it's hard to keep up with latest lore stuff. i still try to write 1 fanfic for it in the annual xmas secret santa thing the english-speaking fans host, tho i'm very very slow these days
beyond that i've been dipping into FFXIV fic writing a few times but i haven't grasped the language of the world well enough yet so i'm not satisfied with my work ehhh it is what it is for now
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
it's more fun to see where a ship goes because i like unpredictability. like the unscripted stuff feels more genuine to me especially if it surprises me u know? i do acknowledge the value of a well-planned romance but in a fall first vs. fall harder relationship i'm definitely invested more in the "fall harder and beautifully in all the disastrous ways" kinda person
i think that's how my past ships have generally gone, finding a connection between 2 muses, expanding on it, referencing it, and then boom! one day you know so much more about the other muse and you're always thinking about them and wait, what, we're hanging out together? just the two of us? is this a DATE? kinda revelations are very fun
What are you looking for in a ship?
i enjoy ships with room to develop. like it's cute when they come together and are all kiss kiss/blush blush but the process to getting there is half the fun! and the pining. and maybe a little misunderstanding here and there.
uhhhh i guess what im saying is i like the journey to get to the ship even more than the ship itself sometimes
or if we're in a ship let's go crash the boat for fun!!
hehe drama
What was your first blog / URL?
if it sounds cringe it's feenie's fault he came up with the nickname...even announced it to everyone in court of all places
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
yeah the blog's still up tho the theme's so old it's a little broken. i basically keep all my RP blogs around for archive purposes, i like going back to read the stuff sometimes (also the reblogs of art and aesthetic posts are cute + good cause some tumblrs delete and you lose that post forever otherwise)
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niakila · 2 years
Mysteries I’ve watched entirely
Murdoch mysteries
Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries
Miss Scarlet and the Duke
Miss Marple 2003
Scream Queens
Veronica Mars
Pushing Daisies
Agatha Raisin
Queens of Mystery
Vienna Blood
Penny Dreadful
Miss fishers Modern Murder Mysteries
Frankie Drake Mysteries
Professor T
Houdini and Doyle
Madame Blanc
Sleepy Hollow
Dead Still
The Woman in White
Harry Wild
Partners in Crime 2015
Why Didn’t They Ask Evans
Dr Blake Mysteries
The Witness for the Prosecution
Ordeal By Innocence
The Pale Horse
Backstrom (US)
Dead Like Me
The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window
Year of the Rabbit
Partial Watch
Death in Paradise
Death Comes to Pemberly
The X Files
Father Brown
Brokenwood Mysteries
Republic of Doyle
Midsommar Murders
The Glades
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hey, call me ernie 👍
this'll be reblogs w/ jaunty tags
and the occasional original post if i dare? (is my humour for you? find out next on--)
(99% of posts are fandom-oriented--if not, it's tagged #ernie-general)
(heads up that i try not to reblog long posts--my scroll wheel is dying, as is my hand)
anyway, here're my main special interests if someone wants to froth at the mouth together over favourite characters, read heavily into scenes or commiserate over investing too much into fictional people:
currently spinning in my mind microwave (chronological order as accumulated, ed. 21-Jun-24): - aubreyad (books, 2003 film; oh uhuh okay, *jackles voice* sTePhEN?!) - botes in general? (also see ship media inc. aubreyad, the terror, ofmd, hornblower, star trek arguably) - star trek (tos; wacky adventures in space based around scientific exploration?, it's been another bbc sherlock interest situation with aos i feel) - (~) sherlock holmes (every so often nrh calls for me yk?, also i need to catch up on so many jonk)
my most consistent spins: spn (regrettably) sherlock holmes (primarily acd, elementary, granada, jonk, lenfilm, and nrh) clue
(tag index + total spins below cut (ed. 21-Jun-24))
(note: i am a young adult, hi, i don't know what i'm doing)
complete(?) list of spins:
my tv show spins: a kind of spark (a+ autistic rep) bbc ghosts community daredevil dirk gently's holistic detective agency good omens julie and the phantoms merlin sherlock holmes sleepy hollow spn star trek the terror what we do in the shadows the witcher (for jaskier and the setting) zoey's extraordinary playlist
my video game spins: la noire the last of us life is strange (1 and bts) the walking dead
my musical spins: be more chill beetlejuice dear evan hansen newsies
my film spins: bill bright young things clue master and commander
blog-specific tags index:
(i go by this post for writing text and image IDs)
(my spoiler tags are the media tag then 'spoilers' e.g. '#bbc ghosts spoilers')
(my trigger warning tags start with 'tw')
(in my intro current spins: no symbol means it's sticking around, ~ means i'll prob go off it soon)
#ernie-speaks posts by me
#ernie-spin-cycle posts for changing between spins, or talking specifically about spins
#ernie-autistic-things posts to do with me being autistic
#ernie-general posts outside of fandom entirely
#ernie-mutuals posts that are asks by mutuals or commented on by mutuals
#fandom nonspecific posts fandom-related but not tied to one specific fandom (even if my tags are fandom-related)
#multifandom posts that involve multiple fandoms (not inc. '#fandom nonspecific' or tags that cause multifandom)
#[would pin] posts that i would pin if i didn't fundamentally require this organising post to explain myself
#ernie-pause posts involved with taking breaks from tumblr
#ernie-wait that's me my peer-reviewed posts (not public prob)
cool, that's, yeah, okay, bye o/
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residentdormouse · 2 years
First Stories Tag
Thank you for the tag @writingpotato07 !
What's the first thing you ever remember writing?
What's one piece of advice you wish you could give yourself for writing it?
Oh man... Uh, I guess it was keeping journals in elementary school? Mine ended up being a recording of all the absentminded stupid shit my grandfather did. (I lived with them half the time, so he was pretty much a second dad.) But every day was a new story. The day he came in for an IEP meeting with my teacher, and she was like 'Oh, you're (mouse's) grandfather', he knew there was shit happening.
Storywise, I had friends that would ask to write Scream style horror shorts when I was in middle school, everybody taking turns switching out who was victims and the killer each time. Permission was obtained from said people first, in case adults tried to give me more shit. (I was already getting concerned talks about the artwork of the bleeding tree from Sleepy Hollow, and hand in the pencil sharpener from Idle Hands.)
Advice? I'm honestly not sure... Just keep being you, goofy kid. You'll be a goofy adult later, and nobody cares. Or if they do, fuck 'em. If it makes you smile, it's worth it. Somebody else might get a laugh too. It's all for fun.
Tagging: @asirensrage, @impuretale, @chickensarentcheap, @smurphyse
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ozzyonedge · 2 years
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Happy 74th Birthday John Noble!
August 20th 1948
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ohwheatly · 1 year
TOMT POST: I remember there were four main characters, one had the weird shaped head
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zeflesera · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Bundle of 4 elementary books.
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