luxpvrk · 7 years
Soo, I decided to change Aiden’s secret because he’s graduating this week, meaning his current secret of sleeping with his college professor is not really relevant anymore. Since he’s going to work fulltime for his father at the advertising agency, I figured I’d change his secret to Aiden having sex with people to get new clients for the agency. Trash son is trashy, water is wet, etc.
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blitheiisms · 7 years
Lucas’ secret has been updated FINALLY. since the revamp I wanted to change it, but I haven’t had the time. So, I mentioned this to... i think just J but you know, whatever.... but yea, he has a new secret. Something more simple than the whole birth parents thing since the foster stuff isn’t relevant anymore. He’s just secretly seeing a therapist. Mainly for all the crap the screwed him up growing up in foster care and for his OCPD. Tis’ all, thanks for tunning in, great. 
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jesse-collins-blog · 7 years
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Meet Jesse!
Some quick stats: Jesse Collins. 21 year old. Birthday is December 24th. Pansexual/Panromantic. Cis Male.
Jesse is the oldest of his siblings. He has one younger paternal half-sister named Lux, and four younger maternal half-siblings. After his parents split, his mother remarried a wealthy doctor. He hasn’t been in contact with his biological father for ten years, but he’s fine with this considering he hates the man for abandoning him and his mother.
He doesn’t get along with his stepfather and half-siblings at all and rarely spends time at home. Most of the time he’s smoking pot with friends or practicing with his band, Trash Nation in one of his friend’s garages. He’s the lead singer of the band and also plays guitar.
Last year he dropped out of college and he’s currently unemployed. 
After his mother discovered that Jesse self harms, she made him see a therapist. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder three years ago, but hasn’t shared this news with anyone. 
He’s also part of the ‘dead girl plot’ as Angie described it lol. Jesse dated Valerie on and off for three years. They basically split up every few months because they were too similar kind of people who brought out the worst in each other. 
On the night of the accident, Jesse went to the same New Years Eve party Val, Sydney and Lily went to. Val and him were on an off period, but even when they broke up they were always together. However, they ended up having an argument and Val and Sydney left. Heartbroken, Jesse found solace in booze, drugs and Lily. The two of them ended up sleeping together.
After Valerie passed away in the car accident he really had no idea what to do with himself. He’s been trying to find a ‘replacement’ for her through pot, alcohol and dating other girls, but nothing seems to work so far.
Unbeknownst to him, Lily is pregnant with his baby.
BEST FRIEND ( m/f/nb, age 20+ ) - Pretty self explanatory since everyone needs a bestie. They have been friends since kindergarten and know each other through and through. Preferably someone with a similar personality/interests, but I’m also up for plotting a different take on this friendship!
UNLIKELY FRIENDHIP ( m/f/nb, no preferred age ) - At first glance, Jesse and this person have nothing in common, but maybe that’s the whole reason they enjoy each other’s company so much. Their personalities just balance each other really well. Preferably someone who is very pristine, but I’m also up for plotting a different take on this friendship!  
BAND MEMBERS ( m/f/nb, no preferred age ) - They’ve been playing together for about a year now. Would love to have a drummer, guitarist and bass player to complete Trash Nation lol.
EXES ( m/f/nb, age 17+ ) - Every relationship Jesse has ever been usually didn’t last for more than three months tops, so I headcanon he’d have some exes in Spring Lake. Whether they are on good terms or bad terms, i’m down with either.
POT BUDDIES ( m/f/nb, no preferred age ) - Can be filled by multiple people. Basically a group of friends that love to smoke a bowl together. 
ANYTHING ELSE - If none of these suit your fancy, then you’re welcome to hit me up and I’m sure we can come up with somehing else.
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lottiexlyle-blog · 7 years
im gonna join in with the anon asks so if u have questions for lottie feel free to send them in!
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naomixmorgan · 7 years
Okay, so this is gonna be my last and final angel here in Spring Lake (unless I decide to swap stuff around like I tend to do). So this is Dallas, his information is under the cut. If you wanna plot then hit me up; or like this and I’ll come to you. 
Sexuality: heteroflexible. AKA, he likes girls, but if there’s a guy that he likes just enough, he might be down. 
He’s the oldest in his family, and has a bunch of younger sisters. All of which he loves to the moon and back and would literally do anything for. Don’t tell the others, though, but the youngest one he might just love the most. 
He’s just getting back to Spring Lake, or well, I should clarify, he’s been back in town for about 5-6 months now. Originally he was away at college, playing sports for the school (specifically basket ball, that’s what his scholarship was for). However, he’s come back because he was hurt pretty badly and is unable to play anymore. 
One day, playing football with a couple of buddies in the quad, he was tackled the wrong way and busted up his knee pretty badly. He was in a cast for a few weeks, and put on pain medication. After the cast was taken off, his doctor did another check-up and concluded that returning to ANY sports would be a bad idea. And that was that. Since he wasn’t playing, he lost his scholarship; and while his family could more than afford to send him to school without it, he didn’t feel right staying there. So he left. Now he’s attending the community college around Spring Lake.
After hurting his leg and having to be benched for good, Dallas fell into kind of a funk. One that he worked very hard to keep to himself. He’s recently been doing better, especially since being home and around family and friends helps, but he’s still kinda meh behind closed doors. 
Remember how I mentioned his pain medication for his knee? Those are his secret. He could have stopped taking them a while ago, should have stopped actually. But he’s been becoming more and more dependent on the things. Finding excuses as to why he should keep getting the prescription filled, and why he still needs them. It’s not a bad addiction, or too out of control, but it’s getting worse. 
Other than sports, Dallas was obviously in college to learn something. His current major is law, mainly because his dad expects him to go on and inherit the family practice when his old man is old and grey. The little catch is that Dallas doesn’t want to. In fact, it’s the last thing he wants. He actually wants to be a veterinarian and has been double majoring in the veterinary science in secret. A secret that’s going to eventually come out when he needs to choose a grad school; law or veterinary medicine. 
Some little things about Dally: 
His favorite animal is totally, 100%, a guinea pig. He used to have some when he was little. He doesn’t anymore. As of right now, he does have a dog though. 
He wouldn’t admit to it, but he has a soft spot for pop music. He has a secret Spotify playlist dedicated entirely to One Direction, Justin Bieber, and 5 Seconds of Summer (though he’d often argue this is more pop-punk or rock).
His favorite movie is the Princess Bride. 
His little sisters often coerce him into playing dress up and holding tea parties.
except one, she always has him outside playing touch football or base ball. 
One of his biggest dreams is to be a dad one day and have a family of his own
he’s kinda giant softie??
Family is LOADED... but he doesn’t flaunt that. 
okay that’s it, I’m done, wow this was long. 
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blitheiisms · 8 years
Meet Lucas Hawthorne (tw under the read more),
Information for him is under the cut. If anyone would like to plot don’t be afraid to approach me, or just like this post and I’ll make my way into your messages!
Birthday: July 5
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucas is the newest foster kid in the Sullivan clan, having only been living with them for a few months now. Before that he was bounced around from group home to group home. He’s relieved to finally have found a place to settle for a little while, since neither parent seems to be showing any interest in getting rid of him. Of course, it goes without saying that the foster system isn’t always flowers and sunshine. Lucas had been to some crazy houses, and some difficult houses. So, he’s thankful for the nice one he’s managed to find himself in. And he’s hoping that Richard and Greg choose to solidify their relationship and adopt him before he turn 18.
Lucas was put up for adoption after he was born. Unfortunately, he was one of those kids that got left in the system for so long that eventually he got old enough that parents weren’t showing him any interest in taking him home permanently. That’s when he got put into the foster system and started hoping less and less to actually get adopted.
He struggles a lot with his self esteem. A part of him feels very unwanted by most of the people in his life. Like he’s a burden, or etc. He’s usually worried that they’ll up and leave too; used to having people go in and out of his life.
He struggles with OCPD. Mainly from a direct correlation thanks to the above. Essentially, he feels like he needs to make everything as perfect as possible. Because maybe if he does that then he’ll seem appealing and they’ll want to keep him around. In reality though, he just comes off as an anxious mess who has a control problem.
However, because he’s so anxious most of the time, he loses things pretty easily. Like literally, he’d lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his body.
He writes. It’s his favorite thing in the world. Poetry to be more specific. However, he dabbles in fiction too from time to time. But he favorite thing in the whole world to write and read is poetry.
His secret is that he’s recently gotten in touch with his birth parents and he’s been spending time with them frequently. Which would be all fine and dandy if they weren’t complete and utter trash. When he found them, Lucas was shocked to find that they were the kind of people that came from the wrong side of the tracks. More particularly, his mother was (mental health issues, alcohol and drug problems, etc). His father was just sticking by her side to help her get through everything. While Lucas knows it’s a bad idea, traveling into that neighborhood, becoming acquainted with people who are like his parents, he can’t help himself. It’s the validation he seeks through knowing them. 
His biological father is actually the one of his two biological parents who made the final decision in putting Lucas up for adoption when he was a baby. The decision mainly being made over how unfit he felt it was to raise a child in the situation they were living in. And because he felt he couldn’t just up and leave his wife to give the son they had a decent enough life, he decided it was a better idea to let someone else do it. 
Lucas feels this weird obligation in helping his biological mother out as much as possible. Whether it be lending her money, or spending time with her, whatever, he feels like it’s a way to maybe mend the time they lost. However, he also feels like he needs to keep his time with her, and his biological father a secret. Mostly because he doesn’t want anyone to prevent him from seeing them, and also because he doesn’t want to offend the men that have taken him in. 
Wanted Connections:
The best friend/Partner-in-crime ;; ( Sydney Harper ) ;; They do everything together. Lucas goes to them about everything without blinking an eyelash. They’re the one person he doesn’t worry about annoying because, for some reason, he feels very safe with them. Usually, if Lucas is getting into any kind of trouble, it’s with this person. Going to parties, sneaking out late at night, that kind of thing, he’s usually attached to this person’s hip. Mainly because this person is the one dragging him along to do those kinds of things. 
Platonic soulmate ;; ( Mia Alvarez ) ;; An ex girlfriend/boyfriend. They probably grew up together since they were little, maybe bounced around foster homes together or something like that. The two just get each other, and have always been there for each other; something that brought them to try being a couple in the first place. Though, it didn’t work out and they decided it was better to just stay how they were before, they’re still extremely close. Lucas is very touchy feely with them. Like a permanent cuddle buddy that’s there whenever one of them just needs to curl up in bed and snuggle their troubles away. But their relationship doesn’t go passed being really good friends.
The prick of it all ;; (m,f, nb // 17-19 ) Someone that’s always kind of picked on Lucas through the years. Since he was little and in elementary school here. The person never really clarified why, and Lucas never really asked. He just kind of took it. 
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herluxury-blog1 · 7 years
so i’m a mess but here’s lux! she’s 17 and a senior, she started off school really intelligent but as her anxiety and depression crept up on her she fell behind and might need to repeat senior year. she’s sweet & funny and high key feminist!! she’s still very smart but she fails every exam bc of her anxiety.
 she’s a cheerleader, a flyer and hates her friends
she’s bi-sexual but remains quiet about it because of her friendship group being unforgiving 
lives with her single mother - her mom is a booze hound and man hungry and super sad a lot 
she’s not rich but not poor and works for dante’s family during the summers sometimes to make extra cash 
super into sports & is super competitive because it helps her burn off anxiety 
she’s a v. lonely soul and very quiet, she would be known for being incredibly quiet in school.
she’s also a high key nerd like everything nerdy she’s into and rly wants to go to cons and events but no-one will bring her
she cries super easy
pls dont yell @ her
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freckledfarrow-blog · 8 years
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━ hello hello hello !! i’m dott ( dottie is fine too) and this freckled blondie is Rosalie  ;; (( self harm tw ))
♡ rosa farrow was born and raised in pittsburgh but she and her family recently moved to spring lake because of family issues  ━ rosa had no problems with that since she was basically already living in spring lake because of college
♡ she’s a stereotypical middle child and has many middle child issues
♡ rosa always wanted the attention she didn’t get as the second youngest and she came up with a rather radical idea how to finally get it : for most her teenage years, she intentionally hurt herself ; it started by climbing on trees and falling off them and ended in throwing herself in front of a car 
♡ when she was eighteen , rosa’s parents noticed her odd behaviour and sent her to therapy where she got help
♡ but it didn’t help with her other problems, like her huge self-loath
♡ she is essentially her biggest hater but she hides her bitterness behind pastel aesthetic
♡ self-deprecation is her favourite kind of humor and the biggest joke is her life
♡ though rosa hates herself she is still incredibly intelligent and smart, hence she enrolled in medicine 
♡ she wants to become a gynecologist because girls help girls to avoid getting std’s, ovary cysts or cervical cancer
♡ rosa isn’t certain about her sexuality ;  she has always dated boys but she doesn’t think it’s impossible for her to fool around with a lady 
♡ she’s a small grumpy blondie
♡ really 
♡ rosa is only 5′3″ 
♡ yet still grumpy and realistic / pessimistic
♡ but also very chill and really good to talk to cause she has experience with deep emotional talk because of her sisters and therapy
♡ she is also the best mediator
♡ rosa is fluent in sarcasm, irony and snarky, sassy remarks
alrighty i think that was about it ! i’m going to create a wanted connection page later on so if you wanna plot you can check it out too ! or just hit me up IM 
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wesleyxharper · 8 years
Meet Wesley Harper (anorexia tw under the read more),
Information for him is under the cut. If anyone would like to plot don’t be afraid to approach me, or just like this post and I’ll make my way into your messages!
Birthday: August 3rd  
Sexuality: Queer, he doesn’t put a specific label on it. But chances are, if he finds you attractive then he finds you attractive. It doesn’t matter what your gender or sex is.
Wesley is just returning back to Spring Lake. He hasn’t been in Spring Lake since he graduated from high school. First he was in New York, studying dance. Then he was was over in California studying dance there as well and living his life for a little while.
He decided to come back to Spring Lake on a whim, and because he was kind of missing his family. Anyone who knows Wesley knows that his family is the most important thing to him. Well, you know, other than himself. (And, in case this wasn’t clear, he’s related to the Harper family in our family list. He’s Frank and Hayley’s nephew, and Aiden, Alice, and Saskia’s cousin. He’s Frank’s brother’s son.)
Wesley is a bit self centered and arrogant. He does whatever he thinks is best for him/what he wants. Normally he doesn’t take other people’s thoughts and feelings into consideration. Only when they’re people he really cares about. And even then it’s a rarity. However, if he has a soft spot for your character, chances are that their thoughts, wants, and feelings will be held at the same regard in which his are.
He also thinks he’s better than everyone. No one is as pretty as he is. No one is as smart as he is. No one is as appealing as he is.
Ever since he was little his dad and step-dad spoiled him rotten. All he’d have to do was pout and whatever he wanted was handed to him. That made for a very greedy, demanding person.
He has no idea how to balance money. He spends it like it’s water. If he’s in a relationship, whoever he’s in a relationship with will likely be spoiled by association. Thanks to all his “I saw this and it made me think of you.” or “This reminded me of your eyes so I bought it for you.” or “I know you love this show so I got you this.” The gifts generally aren’t cheap either.
His dad was a cheer coach and a total stage dad. He started Wesley on cheerleading from the second Wesley was able to take his first steps. And of course, with cheering came staying healthy. They were almost hand in hand. However, Wesley’s dad’s idea of being healthy is a bit warped. Every calorie was counted, and every extreme diet was tried.
The above really stuck with Wesley, and struck him hard. At around the age of 17 was when his eating disorder (anorexia nervosa) really started to become apparent. He did his best to hide it, using cheer as an excuse. For a while he was doing a little better, during his time in New York. He met a boy that got him on track with everything. Even had Wesley up to a normal, healthy weight. But when they broke up and he moved to California, Wesley fell off the wagon again. He’s struggling to balance it out again, and trying to keep it concealed from the people in his life. Dancers need to be small, they need to be agile, and he won’t stop until he sees himself as such. However, he also knows that “perfect” people don’t have eating disorders. So he’s ashamed of it. Hence his wanting to hide it.
Wanted Connections ;;
Exes ;; Multiple people can fill this one. Wesley was always someone who jumped from relationship to relationship. So these would just be tiny, blip like relationships that barely lasted beyond a few weeks.
That one ex ;; The ex boyfriend/girlfriend that he actually might have cared about. But things got messy and they broke it off. Though, Wesley is someone to generally put in effort into caring about anyone he attempts to have a monogynous relationship with, this one started to actually matter to him. Most likely, I’d like him to be the boy he dated while he was living in New York. However, it doesn’t need to be.
Bestie without all the strings attached ;; And by strings, I mean romantic feelings. Wes has his life long bestie, however that’s more of a “I love you so much I wanna be with you forever” kind of bestie. He needs a bestie that’s platonic, and there to listen to him lament about the boys and girls in his life (he’d of course return the favor). They probably met in middle school, and stayed very close ever since. Someone Wes sent daily texts and snapchats to when he was away in New York and Cali. They definitely had a snap streak going. Wes probably also used his piles of cash to uber this person into the city, or fly them out to California whenever he missed them. It’s that kind of relationship. 
Arch nemesis ;; Them and Wesley were always competing against each other and at each other’s throats through out school. Going neck and neck in things like gym, and grades. And even after graduating, it continued over the platforms of social media. Preferably they were a rival cheer leader, but it doesn’t have to be that. Just someone Wesley could witty banter with. You know, the fake kind of nice where you smile and say sarcastically nice things but then talk so much shit behind their back that it’s ridiculous. And you can tell that the kindness is forced. That kind of thing.
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arthurhughes · 8 years
introduction ;;
Guess who’s back, back again, shady’s back, tell a friend. Nah just kidding, it’s just Arthur. Someone our OG members might remember. Well, anyway, a revised version of his first introduction will be below the cut. Lemme know if any of y’all wanna plot something.
Birthday: February 2, 1991
Sexuality: Homosexual
Arthur was adopted, obviously. And he loves his adoptive parents more than anything in the world. They always made him feel comfortable being himself and so on. However, there’s still a part of him that does wonder about his birth parents. And while, at the moment, he isn’t reaching out to any of them the thought has crossed his mind.
He loves all of his adoptive siblings as well. There’s never been a doubt in his mind that they are, in fact, his siblings.
He was adopted when he was a baby, so he never really felt out of place with all of his family members. 
In the whole cheating debacle, he’s on Lila’s side in the grand scheme of things, finding what Amelia had done to be rather wrong. However, he tries his hardest to stay a neutral candidate in their arguing and going back and forth. Someone needs to be a mediator, right?
Arthur didn’t leave Spring Lake, he just got an apartment in town. So his arrival back home wasn’t really a far commute. He was rather close to both of his parents because of that, plus being the first child kinda has that perk too. He’s taking the death rather hard. However, being the oldest, he’s trying his best not to let any of his siblings, or well anyone really, know that. He’s playing a strong front because he feels he has to since he’s the big brother to them all. On the inside he’s kind of a mess though.
Arthur loves computer science. So he went to college for it. Now he can basically hack into any computer or electronic that a person puts in front of him. He doesn’t make that too obvious, of course. Because it could attract the wrong kinds of people. But the he has let a few people in on the secret.
He’s a professor in the local college, mainly teaching courses that revolves around using computers and etcetera. 
Arthur, as some of you probably put together based on the FCs and secrets, is sleeping with his student, Aiden Harper. He’s basically in love with the younger boy, and find it rather unnerving that what’s going on between them has to stay private. But he rather keep it a secret than lose his job. So it’s kind of a double edged sword. 
He tutors a lot in his free time. Mainly kids from his classes, but it could branch out to other college students. Some times it’s freelance work, but most of the time he charges. Not a lot, but some money to make it worth his time.
He’s allergic to cats and latex.
His glasses are prescription. Sometimes he wears contacts but most of the time he wears glasses.
He loves time period movies, and romance movies.
And he’s addicted to caffeine.
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Angie here with her last and final kid. I did some spring cleaning with my muses and decided to swap Arthur out so all of you guys can meet my favorite little angel, Lucas. All of his information with be under the read more, as usual. Just like this or hit me up if you wanna plot. 
Birthday: July 5
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Lucas is the newest foster kid in the Sullivan clan, having only been living with them for a few months now. Before that he was bounced around from group home to group home. He’s relieved to finally have found a place to settle for a little while, since neither parent seems to be showing any interest in getting rid of him. 
Lucas was put up for adoption after he was born. Unfortunately, he was one of those kids that got left in the system for so long that eventually he got old enough that parents weren’t showing him any interest in taking him home permanently. That’s when he got put into the foster system and started hoping less and less to actually get adopted. 
He struggles a lot with his self esteem. A part of him feels very unwanted by most of the people in his life. Like he’s a burden, or etc. He’s usually worried that they’ll up and leave too; used to having people go in and out of his life. 
He struggles with OCPD. Mainly from a direct correlation thanks to the above. Essentially, he feels like he needs to make everything as perfect as possible. Because maybe if he does that then he’ll seem appealing and they’ll want to keep him around. In reality though, he just comes off as an anxious mess who has a control problem. 
However, because he’s so anxious most of the time, he loses things pretty easily. Like literally, he’d lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his body. 
He writes. It’s his favorite thing in the world. Poetry to be more specific. However, he dabbles in fiction too from time to time. But he favorite thing in the whole world to write and read is poetry. 
His secret is that he’s looking into being emancipated. While he likes Greg and Richard, he also feels like he’s beeb burdening the two men that too him in. So, he wants to get out of their hair as soon as possible. That’s not gonna happen though. 
Wanted Connections: 
The best friend/Partner-in-crime ;; They do everything together. Lucas goes to them about everything without blinking an eyelash. They’re the one person he doesn’t worry about annoying because, for some reason, he feels very safe with them. 
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lilymillcr · 8 years
Hi guys! Angie here~ This is my wild angel, Lilly Miller. Information about her is under the read more. If you’d like to plot like this post or hit me up.
Birthday: February 29
Sexuality: pansexual
She’s the oldest Miller kid, and takes care of all her siblings. They mean the world to her, as much as they give her a hard time and stuff. Which us why she felt obligated to take care of them all every time her parents fell of the face of the earth. 
This probably goes without saying, but she hates her parents with a burning passion. Hates them for leaving, hates them for abandoning her younger siblings, hates them for having kids in the first place since they can’t take care of them. She just flat out hates them, and makes it very known that she does. 
She’s a party girl, when she’s not working or taking care of the kids she’s trying her best to have a life herself. It’s not often, but it’s something. 
She’s a bit of a shit head. Let’s the kids drink (not Timothy though, for obvious reasons), has friends coming in and out all hours of the night. It’s who she is. 
Around town she has a bit of a reputation regarding sex and sexual partners. She’s had many. It’s not hard to get her into bed. Merely because she enjoy sex and decides to embrace that side of her. 
She works in Spring Lake’s local diner. Been doing so for a while until she was recently promoted to manager. Which would be nice if it made her any more money. It’s just more responsibility with the same amount of pay. 
Because making ends meet is so difficult, she decided to apply in the local strip club. It’s her secret, so no, no one would know about it right away. However, plotting sightings is something I could be into. 
Small facts about her:
She’s handy dandy in making clothing because she used to do so for her high school drama department before she dropped out of school to take care of her family. She doesn’t utilize it often because of time, and money for fabric, but she can. 
Proficient in smoking weed. 
Wanted Connection(s): 
The ex-boyfriend with benefits ;; aka her ex-boyfriend that she still sleeps with. They could still be in love, or it could be a strict just sex thing. However, they tried the dating game once before, broke up for whatever reason, but stayed friendly because the sex was that good and they didn’t want to stop having it. 
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I know there are a lot of characters in this RP, but I’ve only interacted with two and I’d really really like to start plotting. 
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blitheiisms · 8 years
introduction ;;
Hi guys! I’m Angie, and this little angel here is Carson! Under the cut you’ll find some information about him! Feel free to message me about plotting if you’d like!
Birthday: April 7, 1998
Sexuality: pansexual
His secret is that he was there when his sister died. So, I figured I might as well explain it a bit since that’s a bit vague. The Erie plot is that the youngest of the family died because she had an allergic reaction and no one was home/around to help her. Carson was there, he saw it happening, he just didn’t do anything. He kind of froze up and peeled outta there. He feels very guilty about it, and doesn’t wanna tell a soul (though we’ll see how that goes). 
I describe him as my sunshine child. He’s one of my happiest and kindest muses. Which might come off a little weird given what happened to his sister. But it’s kind of a way for him to cope with it / make up for not helping her. 
He’s an amateur photographer. The whole story behind that ties to an npc ex-boyfriend (who was kinda a dick) that introduced him to taking pictures. So, he’s still in the process of learning. 
Along with loving photography, Carson loves robotics. He’s president of the robotics club in his high school and intends to go to college for something along those lines. 
While we’re on the topic of college, he doesn’t plan on going far away. His intended school is the local community college. Mainly because he’s very family orientated and doesn’t want to be too far away from them. 
He also really enjoys the game of basket balls, so there’s that.
He’s not the most confrontational person, but he can be a little shady when he needs to b. Especially if he needs to defend/stick up for someone he loves or something he believes in. 
Speaking of people he loves, he loves his family with all his heart. 
He has a small pet kitten. It was a gift from aforementioned ex-boyfriend. Her name is trixie. 
He has OCPD. And while he’s not worried about keeping it a secret, he also doesn’t advertise it. It’s just who he is so he’s okay with it and deals with it the best he can. 
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wesleyxharper · 8 years
Okay, so this should be the last and final person I introduce to you all, hopefully. This is my angel face Wesley. You’ll find out more about him under the read more! Like this is you want to plot at all, or message me. I promise I don’t bite.
Eating Disorder tw under the cut
Birthday: August 3rd (he’s a Leo). 
Sexuality: Queer, he doesn’t put a specific label on it. But chances are, if he finds you attractive then he finds you attractive. It doesn’t matter what your gender or sex is. 
Wesley is just returning back to Spring Lake. He hasn’t been in Spring Lake since he graduated from high school. First he was in New York, studying dance. Then he was was over in California studying dance there as well and living his life for a little while. 
He decided to come back to Spring Lake on a whim, and because he was kind of missing his family. Anyone who knows Wesley knows that his family is the most important thing to him. Well, you know, other than himself. 
Wesley is a bit self centered and arrogant. He does whatever he thinks is best for him/what he wants. Normally he doesn’t take other people’s thoughts and feelings into consideration. Only when they’re people he really cares about. And even then it’s a rarity. However, if he has a soft spot for your character, chances are that their thoughts, wants, and feelings will be held at the same regard in which his are.
He also thinks he’s better than everyone. No one is as pretty as he is. No one is as smart as he is. No one is as appealing as he is. 
Ever since he was little his dad and step-dad spoiled him rotten. All he’d have to do was pout and whatever he wanted was handed to him. That made for a very greedy, demanding person. 
He has no idea how to balance money. He spends it like it’s water. If he’s in a relationship, whoever he’s in a relationship with will likely be spoiled by association. Thanks to all his “I saw this and it made me think of you.” or “This reminded me of your eyes so I bought it for you.” or “I know you love this show so I got you this.” The gifts generally aren’t cheap either. 
His dad was a cheer coach and a total stage dad. He started Wesley on cheerleading from the second Wesley was able to take his first steps. And of course, with cheering came staying healthy. They were almost hand in hand. However, Wesley’s dad’s idea of being healthy is a bit warped. Every calorie was counted, and every extreme diet was tried. 
The above really stuck with Wesley, and struck him hare. At around the are of 17 was when his eating disorder (anorexia nervosa) really started to become apparent. He did his best to hide it, using cheer as an excuse. For a while he was doing a little better, during his time in New York. He met a boy that got him on track with everything. Even had Wesley up to a normal, healthy weight. But when they broke up and he moved to California, Wesley fell off the wagon again. He’s struggling to balance it out again, and try to keep it concealed from the people in his life. Dancers need to be small, they need to be agile, and he won’t stop until he sees himself as such. However, he also knows that “perfect” people don’t have eating disorders. So he’s ashamed of it. Hence his wanting to hide it.
Wanted Connections ;; 
Exes ;; Multiple people can fill this one. Wesley was always someone who jumped from relationship to relationship. 
That one ex ;; The ex boyfriend/girlfriend that he actually might have cared about. But things got messy and they broke it off.
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naomixmorgan · 7 years
You know the drill by now. Info under the read more. Like or approach to plot. All the usual stuff lol. Now introducing Naomi Morgan~
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Sexuality: It’s in the experimental phase. She likes guys, but she also wants to branch out and see how she feels about girls. 
Naomi grew up with a rough childhood. Her dad left when she was a baby, and it was just her, her big brother, her mom, and the endless revolving door of guys her mother would bring home and introduce as her boyfriend. She grew up practically poor; often times finding she had to go without electricity, cable, and even sometimes gas and water. 
Her mom was a bum; always drinking, getting high, or investing herself in her newest boyfriends. So Naomi really relied on her older brother the most. He was only two years older than she was (and technically only her half brother). Thankfully, he took care of her as much as she needed him too and became the family’s sole bread winner. She looked up to her big brother more than anything in the world, and knew that if she ever needed him he was right there for her to go to. 
Eventually, around the age of sixteen years old, Naomi’s dad came back into the picture. He wanted to be in her life, and she was reluctant at first. But when she realized it could benefit her she gave in. Her father was seemingly well off, having done good for himself, and she milked that as much as she could. Getting him to buy her gifts, loan her money for bills, and eventually even pay her college tution. No matter how much he pleaded her, though, she refused to move out of the home she grew up in. She knew she couldn’t leave her brother behind, and she was too worried about her mom. 
Throughout middle school and high school Naomi found she really had a passion for tech stuff. She started learning basic coding at the age of 12, and by the time she was half way through high school she was a pro. She could get through any fire wall she wanted, hack whoever she needed, and protected her stuff well enough that she knew she was unhackable in return. Not many people know about her hacking/computer smarts; she likes to keep it on the DL. Don’t let that fool you though; for a geek girl she’s pretty spit fire. 
She takes a lot of pride in her appearance a lot of the time. There’s never a moment you won’t see her with her make-up done (unless something specific happens to keep her from doing it), and she always tries to dress as nice as possible. 
She’s currently a sophomore in college, studying computer science and things having to do with VR. 
Despite being a giant geek, she’s kinda your stereotypical girl?? Loves shopping, Starbucks gold card member, all the things you might think when you think girl she loves.
She’s also a writer. A lot of what she did in high school was write for their school paper. So, when she got to college it was no different. And in no time she was one of their main writers there; writing mainly gossip columns and so on. She’s currently in the running for becoming editor of the paper there. 
Small things about Naomi:
She had a pregnancy scare in high school. 
Had a long term boyfriend that she broke things off with before college. She wanted to go into college without the hassle of being committed to someone. 
Her favorite color is pink. 
She lives for Star Trek. 
Her other favorite show is Doctor Who. She’s watched all of it, even the originals. Personally, she thinks Christopher Eccleston should have been on it longer, she loves his Doctor. 
Listens to Taylor Swift like it’s her religion. But she has a guilty pleasure for all things rock/pop punk. As well as indie music. 
Reads a lot of Stephen King. 
Growing up her favorite book series was R.L. Stein’s Goosebumps. She used to read them to her brother all the time when they were bored.
Her favorite movie of all time is and always will be Can’t Buy Me Love. Although Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club come close to beating it out sometimes. 
Kinda also really enjoys the Shrek movies???? She wouldn’t ever admit that though. 
Is 100% insecure about the way she grew up, so she’s very hesitant on telling new people about it. She won’t open up about it until she trusts them completely. 
Wanted Connections:
Competition ;; ( m,nb // 19-22 ) ;; Her rival. Mainly in the school paper, but it could be in a number of things. They butt heads a lot, and bicker back and forth, but they really motivate each other to do better (even if they don’t know it). Naomi thinks they’re kinda cute, intellectually and looks wise. She’s not gonna admit it though because the last thing she needs is to look weak in front of the competition. 
Fling ;; ( f // 19-22 ) ;; Someone Naomi is hooking up with right now while she completely figures out her sexuality. They’re not in love, and Naomi doesn’t feel anything for them (or well, she doesn’t intend to). It’s just a good time for the both of them while she sorts out how she feels about girls in general. 
Friends ;; ( anyone ) ;; Self explanatory. She just needs lots of friends. Old friends, new friends, close friends, frenemies, whatever you can think of. She’s a social butterfly and thrives off of social interaction. 
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