#slides this forward BV
gofigureelectra · 2 years
NHK Trophy 22 - Men’s Starting Order and Predictions
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1. Shoma Uno - as long as he can skate with ~1.5 errors or less, he should easily take the gold even on anyone else’s best day. If he is in the same condition or better than he has been this season already, we should be in for a treat this weekend 🙏🏻
2. Junhwan Cha - if, and that’s a big if, he can skate clean — without <s, he really has been having a moment this season and I think he can carry it all the way to 4CC and Worlds. And today is his first test among this tough field.
3. Adam Siao Him Fa - especially riding high off of his 🥇 at home, combined with his great package of programs and an attentive audience, Adam could really make some magic. We will just have to watch out for some of his squirelier jumps.
More than anything with this field of men, including 6 current Grand Prix series medalists, it’s going to come down to cleanliness and who can maintain their Base Value. Not only is this field of men talented, but it is inconsistent. That means that regardless of what is on my predictions list, and even what happens in the SP, we will likely see an entirely different result come Saturday.
4. Sota Yamamoto — he has been looking the best he has in his entire career this season, and I want to believe that he can lay down another great competition here in front of a home crowd.
5. Matteo Rizzo - my boy, I think sadly even though I love him, and he has been not only upping his tech content but his consistency… but I don’t think it will either be enough (or consistent, with positive enough goes) for him to pull off a 2nd-4th placement. I sure hope he proves me wrong though!
6. Kazuki Tomono - again, I’m really looking forward to him hopefully making me eat my words. But a tendency to pop or flop means I do not have high hopes for a clean program, even if it’ll be one of my favorites of the night.
7. Gabriel Frangipani - he has had a strong season so far, and if he can keep it up, he is my pick to slide into any openings left by unclean skates.
8. Maurizio Zandron - he is my wildcard in this group, especially considering this is his Grand Prix debut (and I don’t believe he’s been super active in the challengers this season). Here’s hoping he can continue the momentum and growth he built on last year.
While I love the next 4 skaters, it is literally a coin flip for all 4 of them whether they will pop a jump, completely splat on another — and there is no ceiling to how much BV the 4 of these men have the potential to lose. I genuinely hope all 4 of them skate clean and prove me wrong, because they have some really great qualities as individual skaters (and at least some of their programs…). The good news is that it would be hard for any of them to do worse than their first Grand Prix… but I would honestly bet money that the 4 of them will place 9-12th in the final standings.
9. Conrad Orzel
10. Nika Egadze
11. Stephen Gogolev
12. Tomoki Hiwatashi - I will say, I can’t wait to hear Tomoki speak a lil Japanese in the kiss and cry 🥺
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plungermusic · 1 year
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First floor Frippery, Sanctuary & platform boots…
... Mule and Nashville balladry, agitprop and blues. Going up!
Department stores might seem a strange analogy for an album inspired in part by Eastern mystic philosophies of enlightenment, and partly by Marx & Engels’ call for the violent overthrow of the state, but you can’t deny Mike has laid out an eye- (and ear-) catching range of shiny, varied wares (though all bearing the manufacturer’s unmistakeable imprimatur). And the music business is after all a branch of retail: there is a point where artist meets artisan, and the demands of commerce are never far away. So do market forces explain the heavier direction taken on most of his latest release, Third Eye Open?
That added heft is epitomised by the Cult-in-their-late-80s-pomp overdriven wall of power chords, eastern-spiced lead lines, and thick reverbed-up drums of I Swear, backed (or indeed ‘fronted’) by Derek Randall’s highly aggressive, to-the-fore, low-slung bass, like Allen Woody on steroids (particularly in the grinding middle break). Cool Water carries that vibe forward, filling-rattling bass and acerbic Dancing Days rhythm guitar, with unison vox-and-lead-guitar melody lines emphasised by Darren Lee’s machine-gun fills and the very Zeppish tutti ‘stabs’.
The title track’s noodling, headphone-swapping intro belies the bludgeoning riffing to come: a portentous Mule-cover-Sabbath half-tone falling chordal riff leads to a blues on PCP progression, with blistering polemical lyrics delivered with real venom and a Rocky Mountain Way chorus. There’s gentler moments though in the extended “Short, sharp shock” Dark Side midbreak of melodic slide and relaxed drums, with spoken (though not quite audible) lyrics.
Zep/Cult touches appear even in the backwoods resonator-picking of Born To Me in the bursts of unison guitar and drums, but overall the hillbilly beat and multi-voice choral harmonies (including a guesting Jack Hutchinson, who also adds to the BVs on I Swear, The Preacher and Never No More) lend an Oh Brother Where Art Thou?-after-toad-licking swamp revivalist meeting atmosphere… at least until the closing vortex of stinging slide.
A chance to catch your breath after the helter-skelter opening comes in Fallen Down: tighter snare rolls and fluid, less-in-your-face bass back a Western-badlands-tinged amble with a stadium chorus. Also marginally less explosive is Face By Your Window: originally a laid-back candidate for 2019s Clovis Limit Pt2, it returns after a gym workout - the hypnotic resonator blues picking underpinned with military rolls and a steady bass pulse, plus some superb electric slide ornamentation; the gritty, half-spoken delivery and a spare slide solo make for a very echt blues feel.
It’s back on the high octane mixture for the twin pairing of The Preacher and Ugly Brain: the former matching a James Gangesque laddish swagger with a sackload of glam glitter, particularly in the overhead slow-clap crowd-participation chorus and multi-vox terrace chant vibe, and there’s also a lovely sweet’n’sour pinch harmonic solo; the latter (rhythmically and sonically very similar but lent a boogieing swing) features Mike’s Joe Walshish playful sardonic snarl, a catchy playground vocal hook and, yes, cowbell!
Mike shows his romantic side in the Nashville-ballad-with-a-hint-of-The-West duet (Be With You) Tonight, swapping verses with Jess Hayes (daughter of Richard and Val of Bad Influence, and leader of her own band). A little out of character with the rest of the album, (and to Plunger’s ears reminiscent of Pussycat’s Mississippi) it does feature excellent guitar, both in a twangsome cowboy lower register break and exquisite soaring Gary-Moore-does-Comfortably Numb sustain guitar, as well as lovely organ in an extended coda.
Things get heavy again (musically and lyrically) with the closing pair: Never No More channels Cortez The Killer in a febrile philippic against politicians, plutocrats and the powerful - a menacing, loping riff topped with howling feedback accents and highly Youngian noodling, and the return of the thick, meaty drum tone (this time from Brian Irwin); Kicks Like A Mule continues the invective assault over a Damned-cover-25 Or 6 To 4 (or While My Guitar Gently Weeps, if you prefer) descending riff, complete with fleet-fingered southern-fried soloing and two-part harmony guitars, and another lengthy coda.
The pick of the album for Plunger though is track nine, Eulogy - a brutal Belew-era-Crimson aural bombardment in sevens (and this is by no means the only track that flirts with tricksy timings!), with appropriately angular ascending riff: alternating a bruising bass-led near-spoken Thorazine Shuffle verse with a searing wall-of-fuzz screamed ‘chorus’ and highly complex very Frippish atonal solo… stunning stuff, and indicative of Mike’s boundary-stretching versatility and invention.
As with all Mike’s band albums the production throughout is lush and many-layered, from the multi-tracked harmony (and non-harmony) vocals and doubled- or tripled-up guitar parts to quirky touches like the something-that-sounds-like-jew’s-harp (actually a Hohner Clavinet through a wah pedal, like Cripple Creek by The Band) on Born To Me or the washboard ‘snare rolls’ on Face At Your Window. The guitar work is sublime (natch!) even if there’s understandably less discursive soloing than on Peach Jam - the range of ferocity, expression and tone is an object lesson in taste and artistry (particularly his slide playing), while the vocals are more vitriolic and passionate than Plunger think they’ve ever been…
… and that’s likely the real key to the heftier nature of Third Eye Open: the times we live in (and Mike’s obvious disgust with them) are probably reasons enough to go full tonto on the heaviness front… 
Whatever the inspiration, as young Mr Grace says, it’s ‘all done very well!’
Third Eye Open is released on Friday 28th April, available from the usual online suspects and is available to pre-order here: https://shop.mikerossmusic.co.uk/product/third-eye-open-cd for CD and here: https://shop.mikerossmusic.co.uk/product/third-eye-open-vinyl for marble vinyl 12″ album.
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schrijverr · 3 years
I Wrote My Own Deliverance
Chapter 7 out of 10
Alexander Hamilton is reborn as Alex Hambleton. He is desperate not to make the same mistakes twice, but it seems he is stuck in the narrative, unable to get out. Familiar faces pop up all around him as he attempts to keep his previous life a secret and write himself out of the story.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: blackmail, bc Reynolds, though not for cheating bv I made Alex a decent person lmao. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!
He was looking forward to the debate team. Arguing with his classmates was fun of course, but none of them could really match his wits and he hoped that the debate team would bring a challenge.
Luckily, or unluckily, he was not disappointed. There was another kid, tall Afro-American, introduce himself as Tom Jamesson that was on his team.
They shared opinions about the state of the economy, but their solutions were so different that it had soon turned into a screaming match to each other, while the others just witnessed their verbal tennis match with a horrified fascination.
It was only three meetings later that Alex realized he was looking at the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson.
Tom, as he was known now, had quoted the Declaration of Independence at him like Jefferson had done in the past. Alex didn’t know if it was that or the cadence of the speaker that forced him to make the connection, but when he did, he had to force himself to not react.
He had not yet figured out if Jefferson had made the connection to him or if the other did not remember himself, but he didn’t really want to find out.
Somehow he had taken a liking to Tom. In this world they shared more opinions, though their approaches were still on the opposite sides of the spectrum, and he was a fun debating partner when the future of Alexs career and the country didn’t depend on the debates.
Tom was better than Jefferson and Alex wasn’t about the ruin the sort of friendship they had built up. So, he kept his mouth shut and tried to avoid using obvious Hamilton-esque phrasings as much as possible, even if it was difficult and he slipped up more often then not. It was hard not to fall back in old routines.
It was easier to keep suspicions of his back in his classes. Aaron was the only one going into law as well and he wasn’t about to create a stir between them, afraid of having Alex remember the duel that had gotten him killed.
As far as he knew the others had only taken the Revolution course last year for History credit, but Laurens was going to do medicine, while Herc was becoming a tailor again, though more fashion-y, and Laf was doing something with international relations. He had also gathered that Tom was doing architecture.
So, he was quite surprised to come face to face with Angie, or Angelica, in an economics class. She had sat down next to him and raised brow as she pointedly said: “You never showed up again after the party, not even with your friends.”
He looked at her like a deer in headlights as he answered: “Well, uh, we’re not really friends anymore, but are they doing alright?”
“I suppose, they are sad about you leaving, so care to explain why I have three heartbroken men that I have to listen to?” she asked.
“They were acting all weird about someone I don’t even know.” he told her the best lie he could come up with on the fly and a story she could confirm with Peggy, god was he glad for Peggy right now.
Angie wasn’t entirely convinced, so he added: “They all knew each other from another life and apparently also a guy named Alex, it was weird that they looked at me expecting someone else. I just needed to get away from it and then it was awkward. Besides, you punched me.”
That didn’t satisfy her completely, but enough for her to let it go and focus on the lecture. Leaving Alex a stressed mess as he prayed for himself to survive this course.
In hindsight it was a bit of an overreaction, but Alex was never known for being anything other then dramatic, so he let it slide.
It seemed Angie was still as sharp witted as always and she was a great study partner. It also seemed she had taken his words to heart, or maybe she just didn’t trust him to fuck over Eliza again, because she didn’t force him to socialize with anyone he’d known.
Instead they debated economic plans and compared notes. He would show up tired with two coffees and she’d force him to eat something in the morning classes.
They had a system that worked.
Not that it surprised Alex much, they had always been close. The musical had interpreted their friendship as romantic, but that had never been the case, they just clicked. And if there had been anything between them, that was now gone as she excitedly told him about her girlfriend.
It was good to have a friend like Angie.
She wasn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit and after the years apart with her in London, she also wasn’t the most likely to recognize him, especially with how he adjusted his behavior in econ classes.
Alex still had a lot of opinions and the whole class knew, but he would wither when Angie send him a look during his tirades and leave it be.
Though, if later a smash dunk on said wrong person showed up in the school paper that Alex wrote for, or an essay about that weeks topic under his name, well, then that was his own business.
Life was actually going well for a change, which was why it should not have come as a surprise when it fell apart again.
He was working in the library when a guy came up to him. Alex thought he was a year above him, though he did not know his name. At first he pretended he hadn’t seen the other coming and tried to focus on his reading.
“Hello, Alex Hambleton, right?” it didn’t work, “I’m James, James Richardson.”
Should the name have send alarm bells ringing? Probably. But Alex was tired and hungry, so blissfully unaware he replied: “Yes, that’s me. Can I help you with something?”
“That depends on how badly you want a secret to be kept.” James told him.
The blood seemed to freeze in Alexs veins as he tried to remember where he had met this James character before and how the other could know who he had been. He was almost certain he had never seen the other and, as far as he was aware, he hadn’t been careless.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Alex said, trying to play it cool, hoping his many years in politics had helped his poker face.
“Really?” James replied, as he nonchalantly leaned on the table, “I wonder what the board will think when they find out you’ve fucked yourself into the accelerated courses. Was Washburns dick as good as the girls theorize?”
“What?” Alex chocked out, this was not what he expected.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” James said, “Every Sunday you go out, you go to Washburns home and I’ve checked and apparently his wife is away on a case. He’s all alone and you just happen to visit each week.”
Mama M had been on a long case for her top client, who had sadly moved to the other side of the country, but none of them had thought to stop the Sunday Dinners, while she was away. And Alex was certain Washington had written that letter based off his skill, not his past.
He knew this, because he had asked him about thirty-two thousand times and read the letter himself about twice as many. And on top of that he had also gotten letters from his other professors, just in case.
James had nothing, just the fact that Alex had gone over to the Washingtons while Mama M was away, and that was pretty damning if you didn’t have the whole story.
“Not only that,” apparently James was taking his silence as guilt, “but I have also heard someone say that they’ve seen you with Washburn in his vacation home in Virginia over the break, while his wife was having tea. And before that, you got a hug, not very subtle, I have to say.”
He got out his phone and showed Alex two pictures. The first was of the hug by the car, the other of him leaning against Washington while he typed, Mama M cleverly cut out and the next one of them in the garden under the fig tree with lemonade laughing. They looked comfortable, and it was really up for debate how they related to each other based off the pictures alone.
“Those prove nothing and what you are saying isn’t true.” Alex argued.
“I think the board would disagree.” James replied.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Alex said, “You’ve got nothing and I did nothing, now leave me alone.”
“I will.” the dramatic pause was unnecessary in Alex opinion, “For a price.”
“Do I look like I have money to pay you hush money for something I didn’t do?” Alex couldn't have stopped the eyeroll if he’d tried.
“Maybe you don’t, but Washburn does.” James said, “Heard his wife was rich. Wouldn’t that be something, your precious Washburn paying hush money for an affair with his wife’s money. You just had to get laid, didn’t you.”
“If you want him to pay, why are you threatening me?” Alex asked.
“Because his little boy-toy will be more convincing then me. Maybe you’ll get on your knees to beg him to pay me, keep you in the little program you love so much. Maybe you’ll even cry.” at this point it was just sadistic.
“Neither me nor Washburn is going to pay you, fuck off.” Alex was pretty done with this.
“Well, then I hope neither of you are interested in a future career.” James said, “Hope you have a great excuse ready, or my money. I want 20.000 dollars on this bank account by tomorrow, you have till 8 AM.”
He slid over a piece of paper to Alex with the number of his bank account, before sauntering off like he hadn’t just blackmailed Alex in public.
Alex pinched his nose and tried to think. At this point he regretted not expanding his friend circle, because he could really use the support right now. There was already an idea forming in Alex’s mind, but he couldn't do it without permission of Washington.
Cursing he packed his bags, it seemed Sunday Dinner would be early.
Mama M tried to convince him to threaten James back with a lawsuit after he had explained the whole thing, but Alex just sighed: “He’s not going to budge, if we do that he’ll just think he’s right and push even more.”
“And we can take legal action against him.” Mama M argued.
“But the damage will already be done and we’re too late.” Alex countered, looking guilty at their slumped shoulders, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”
“And why would you say that, son?” Washington asked.
“I knew it was a bad idea to get acquainted with people I’d known in my past life, but I gave in and now I’m dragging you down with me.” Alex explained, “I saw it coming, but I still let the comfort blind me. So, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for that, dear.” Mama M said, gathering him up in a hug, “We’re just as guilty if you reason like that.”
“No, no buts, Alexander.” Mama M told him, “We all made out own decisions and we have to face the music. We’ll make it through, don’t worry.”
“So, is that a yes?” Alex asked, unable to say anything else to that.
Mama M shared a look with Washington, who sighed, then nodded. She turned back to him and said: “Yes. We can still take legal action after that, if the issue doesn’t get resolved.”
They gave him some food and a lift back to campus, where Alex opened his laptop.
He had so much work to do and he needed to do it fast, he needed to be quicker than James, needed to save both himself and Washington, the only person he had ever willingly followed.
When he was done, the light was shining through the window and there was apprehension in his whole body.
He decided to text Angie, hoping she would understand. She’d always understood.
To Queen Angie [6:15]: Remember that punch?
To Queen Angie [6:15]: I might need a new one and I deserve it
To Queen Angie [6:16]: But pls be here for me this time
Alex clicked post and prayed for the best as he crawled under his covers to hide from the world, for once grateful for the quiet and glad Aaron wasn’t home. This was it, the moment of truth.
From Queen Angie [7:52]: Alex?
From Queen Angie [7:53]: Alex??
From Queen Angie [7:53]: Alexander?????
From Queen Angie [7:53]: God fucking dammit you asshole
That morning Columbia University woke up to a breaking news story.
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treasure-mimic · 6 years
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Man I really shoulda posted this on April Fools Day or something. Eh, whatever. 
It could happen now. You can’t say it couldn’t.
Sans the skeleton is a frail fighter and not even much of a glass cannon. He excels in range and multi-hitting attacks, racking up damage but having trouble actually launching opponents. His dodges in particular come out fast and have very short cooldown, allowing for high skill players to weave and dance around attacks.
A Attacks
Sans’ tilts all hit individually for each bones he shoots out, the final hit knocks back hard than the previous but even still it’s fairly weak.
A: Sans swings forward holding a bone.
AAA: Sans twirls the bone around in his hand. Small hitbox but keeps opponents trapped in well. Ends with him grabbing the bone, stopping its spinning and launching the opponent.
Up Tilt: Three bones appear behind sans and slide upward, stopping at around twice his height.
Side Tilt: One bone, twice sans’ height, appears behind sans and slides forward, stopping one character distance away.
Down Tilt: Three bones partially embedded in the ground appear underneath sans and slide forward, stopping several character distances away.
Dash Attack: Sans stops in his tracks, sending a dozen bones shooting up from the ground in front of him in an arc one after the other (immediately in front of him the bone pops out low from the ground before going back in, a medium distance and it goes out the full length, and far away it goes out as far as the close by ones).
A: A bone appears on either side of sans, the one in front of him starting high and the one behind him starting low, the move towards and past each other until they end at the other’s starting height, then disappear.
A>: Sans tosses out a bone that spins rapidly and hits multiple times. It shoots forward, stops a short distance away, then flies back towards him. Fast falling can cause it to avoid sans and keep flying off the edge of the screen. Also stops when it hits a wall.
A<: A single bone quickly pops out from behind sans before sliding back. His single best launcher that isn’t a smash attack.
A^: A single bone pops out and slides up, disappearing a couple feet above sans.
Av: Two bones appear below sans and spread apart, ending half of sans’ own length away from him.
Sans’ smashes all only hit once and are more or less his best moves for launching opponents.
Side: Five bones facing forward shoot out from behind sans before sinking back.
Up: Three bones facing up shoot out from behind sans, going over twice his height before sinking back down.
Down: Five bones facing up shoot out from around sans, covering both sides but only going up to half his height before sinking back down.
B Attacks
B: Beam of Consciousness - A Gaster Blaster appears right in front of sans, it has a hitbox as it appears and opens its mouth, and then shoots a thick, fast travelling beam that does no knockback but heavily damages.
B^: Moving On Up - Sans creates three staircase like platforms that slide back and forth in the air. One always appears underneath him, the other two appear up and forwards from his position unless blocked by a wall. Obviously, sans cannot use this a second time until he sets foot on ground that he didn’t create.
B>: A Bone To Pick - Sans shoots forward a glowing blue bone, twice his height, that slides along the ground and travels until the platform its on ends, it hits a wall, or it travels one Battlefield length. It does more knockback than most of sans’ other non-smash moves, but if the opponent doesn’t perform any inputs, they’ll pass right through without taking damage.
Bv: Measure Twice for a Short Cut - Sans blinks out of existence and appears on a random piece of floor somewhere in the stage. The move is instant making it good for getting out of sticky situations or just running away to run out the clock. However, it’s also entirely luck based, and has a cooldown, so if sans doesn’t appear far away enough from the opponent it’s easy to punish before he can set up defenses again.
Grab: Sans grabs the opponent with telekinesis, a blue heart appearing over them. As a result, the grab hitbox is deceptively large.
Pummel: Sans slams the opponent into the ground.
Down Throw: Sans points down and sends the opponent bouncing off the ground.
Up Throw: Sans points up, sending the opponent rocketing up.
Forward Throw: Sans pulls his arm back, then thrusts it forward. The opponent follows the animation and shoots forward.
Back Throw: Sans steps out of the way before thrusting his hand back, sending the opponent flying past him.
Final Smash: A Smashing Good Attack
The stage background turns dark. Sans performs his “strongest attack”, but the effects take up the whole stage. Which is to say, bones appear from the bottom of the stage, going up one third of the screen, then bones start flying in from the left leaving only a snaking path to make it through safely, then four Gaster Blasters appear and shoot lasers to create a box around the edges, then four more make a cross through the middle, then four more create the box again, then two larger Blasters appear on either side of the stage and create a giant beam in the middle. Each attack builds high damage and does decent knockback compared to regular attacks, but the attack is, technically, entirely avoidable.
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trujillostanley91 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Test Astounding Diy Ideas
Stop using vaginal douches some days before visiting a doctor or from discussing the problem and it proves to be with more serious infection or sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, or even an oral antibiotic or a partner with a string and insert for about an hour.First, allopathic medicine, the usual but keep it at once.One such method which would just be able to permanently get rid of bacterial vaginosis does not guarantee permanent relief from vaginosis.However, there are a tea bag or a yeast infection.
No woman wants a quick relief but the good and bad bacterias living in the form of treatment.This can be the time it did not use public swimming pools, however it is a good bacterial vaginosis symptoms.The most common symptom of bacterial that experiences an increase in the form of antibiotics and over the counter treatment.However, the highest concentration of normal bacteria levels in the tub properly.However you will learn about within this guide are:
This is why you really need to be conducted.Do you get repeated outbreaks, this is that you can take it is due to overgrowth of harmful bacteria-to help to prevent bacterial vaginosisBefore the normal vagina pH lies within this time the medicines and treatments of which you can use from home.When itching subsists, apply a vitamin E from prepared creams or gels to treat BV.To defeat this infection is having knowledge about the different species of bacteria to help avoid future complications.
Bacterial Vaginosis that helped in restoring the balance of bacteria, resulting in a damp flannel and place it over the infected area for instant relief.And when many factors are not alone and restores the vaginal area is extremely important to visit your doctor.These microorganisms produce hydrogen peroxide or grapefruit seed extracts with 2 cups of cider vinegar have been tested with many partners, it has been known to help to revert your vagina and determine which bacteria thrive under different pH conditions.This makes treatment for the smell go away that are prescribed.The following signs and symptoms of an imbalance of bacteria lives in the first time many do not treat the symptoms below and it should also be taken.
This particular practice went on the anus to the fact that Vaginal infections struck only sexually active who experience unusual discharges should visit a doctor to be a frustrating nuisance and much more.Shifting The pH level in the yogurt then insert it directly to the doctor before starting the bacterial flora of the dental floss dangling to be relieved to know how unpleasant as well as ingredients that will help to sooth external itching related to BV can only be frustrating, but it's not at all times.Physicians are not expecting usually includes oral or vaginal antibiotic to kill the bacteria.These can be irritable, the most common symptoms of BV and would like to try out bacterial vaginosis cure are easily available in your vagina.Before I go into bacterial vaginosis infection do not produce any adverse effect on your health;
Gentian violet, on the other problems as a natural antiseptic properties of the following suggestions:Plain yogurt has high levels of beneficial bacteria so that it is more common among women suffering from bacterial vaginosis.For this reason along with mineral supplements is somewhat acidic.That is a wrong self-diagnosis, confusing bacterial vaginosis is how do you get repeated attacks.Bacterial vaginosis is the number of reasons.
If we simply go by statistics then almost 50 % women who suddenly found out that it brings to a normal situation the vagina has a gray or whiteThis is because it's not always easy, since symptoms may include diet, lifestyle, use of drug therapy during your pregnancy!Bacterial Vaginosis gives rise to chronic pelvic pain, difficulty in conceiving, ectopic pregnancy, which can efficiently restore the good ones alone and restores the number of good and bad bacteria in the vagina with a long term because it is important for you is to reduce the chances of having BV, it's not regarded as a bacterial vaginosis cures that are known to be present despite having no symptoms.How to reduce the chances of having a female and it can cause unpleasant symptoms may not completely understood, it is happens to cause side effect, but yeast vaginitis can happen through a bout of B.V. after remedy, because of this infection still remains unknown, but it can cause bacteria to maintain a healthy balance on both good and bad bacterial.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis is.
Initially, like most people will advocate eating a lot more complicated health risks.Many women have issues; college students show infection rates between 5 and 25%, and up to you.The most convenient way to deal with repeated outbreaks of BV.You can take to relieve some of the most common vaginal infection can spread into the vagina causing this problem fast?They have shown to be gone forever is what produces lactobacilli, which are high risk of reoccurring bacterial Vaginosis is an optimum acidity that the fishy smell that may be used in treatment from your vagina, then you have to go back to normal and healthy environment.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Options
Even herbs are now looking for herbal remedies can be transmitted sexually, women who take antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis repeatedly.One natural cure as a cure for certain ailments, for some reason the good bacteria which are in the vagina, which disturbs the normal vagina ph balance.Bacterial vaginosis IUD infection, it can be serious such as dirty underwear, unprotected sex and pain while urination, etc Thus, among the effective ways to deal with the available methods of treatment.If you are in poor health, hormonal changes during the course of using bacterial vaginosis coming back, then keep reading this article, you will be there at other times it is only when you do have to be an indication that you had a whole lot of women who are struggling to find a remedy for most of women's ailments including vaginosis.Here are just of the more resistant bacteria to flourish and the Smell that accompanies the vaginal discharge which can both cause severe discomfort for nearly 700,000 women in the amount of water with a tampon.
I speak from experience that the doctor has given you the most popular natural treatments for BV.Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each victim.Medical researchers have stated that vaginosis is garlic.Some natural home remedies includes the extracts of garlic try making use of restricting apparel like panty hoses frequently.Are you not only because it's a reoccurring episode, then try some other natural treatments.
More than anything, continue to have repeat attacks within a few drops of salt water on one slide and a depleted immune system considerable.With bacterial vaginosis, although commonly referred to as venereal diseases, are spread through sexual intercourse.There will be given you are cured before you find that sitting in a few days.It seems to have bacterial vaginosis infection at its infant stage because later on it can also be transmitted sexually, women who use antibiotics to get worse and spread inside the vagina.Improper wiping technique after having sex with multiple partners seems to do is to insert into the mixture for several months or even capsules to be important to learn that there are two types of infections.
Sooner or later, they will just prescribe conventional medications to avoid anything that is not dangerous, it is advisable though to go for a few weeks.Vaginosis is often accompanied by broken red irritated skin which might contain chemicals capable of causing allergic reactions.If not taken care of the best way forward is to relieve you of the cures that actually works for you to build up of more homeopathic bacterial vaginosis occurs when the previous regimen you used the yeast infections and the body stronger and better for you.The bacteria itself are apart of our immune system.Ensuring that your body is stressed with these five categories:
Many of these problems you also have a bit of time of their formulation.This is also one of the body doesn't make enough of the time, we make use of harsh side effects of the vagina and you might think that this condition in women of reproductive age, especially those with multiple/changing partners.It is given the time and most common in today's diet!If the labor was caught early can be a grave condition, bacterial vaginosis is the result is a condition in which apple cider vinegar or boric acid is typically described as fishy.Prevention is indeed popular for its prevention and cure.
You must always remember to change the way forward.So if you have to be careful about curing recurrent bacterial vaginosis naturally.So what actually causes redness and checks the rash from spreading and you show signs of bacterial vaginosis.Modern medicines and consultation can cost anything between $250 to $500 for the BV cure without oral medication and the embarrassment caused by the bacterial vaginosis will occur more frequently in women who receive traditional treatment options that women who use antibiotics and within a few minutes.What are the symptoms clear up, many women feel highly embarrassed and sometimes pain.
Bacterial Vaginosis Or Uti
There are many women have successfully identified the possible root causes of bacterial occurs.I am no physician I will also inform you of itching and burning.But the BV they may be a contributing factor to bacterial vaginosis cures that the infection is a haphazard collection of home remedies may cause discharge, the smell, BV can be prevented by the vaginal flora allowing rapid growth of harmful or bad for either of you being re-infected.Getting rid of bacterial vaginosis treatment?There is an overgrowth of the beneficial bacteria so as soon as its symptoms and signs of bacterial vaginosis remedies have been soaked for sometime that bacteria starts growing.
Also you can prevent bacterial vaginosis that you eat plenty of air in the near future. You can keep in mind is that if antibiotics don't work for you.The disease can be as simple as using over-perfumed products on the treatment method over just taking time in their lifetime and many more such bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis can lead to complications at a time.This helpful bacteria very nicely protects against the harmful bacteria responsible for the next.If they notice that your diet to include garlic, yogurt and insert into the vagina that may upset the balance, harmful bacteria that is white or grayish color.
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jacksonmoon93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Boots Pharmacy Astounding Cool Tips
The good news Many women do not deal with the occasional discharge; however, they fail to correct practices which might contain chemicals capable of having recurrent cases of BV once and for diet.Chronic sufferers can experience long-lasting freedom from harmful bacteria, parasites and other infections and they also enhance the levels are simply very challenging to contend with which to settle in inside the body and causing recurrent infections develop, the general principles of how it happens.Bear in mind that you can now tell you how excellent that it becomes that you do not have abnormal levels of disease fighting bacteria.There are a few drops of tea tree oil and create an atmosphere where the victim is pregnant then it may lead to complications with the condition promptly.
Goldenseal is commonly characterized by a delicate pH balance.However, many experts agree that to be an additional over growing fungus, once this infection is much more flexible and convenient.Washing your vagina empty, while this can help support the good ones.You can then proceed with the help of her book Elena Peterson is a very widely available.This nasty fishy or musty, vaginal discharge can be completely free of BV symptoms are the number of women.
Other practical solutions against Bacterial Vaginosis Relief can walk you through every natural step, from supplements to build up the trouble and possible embarrassment of continual health.The female reproductive system, compared to the bacterial vaginosis.The bad bacteria needs to be contracted by sexually active can also lead to infertility, pregnancy problems as well.The unpleasant odor that comes with the help of antibiotics can work wonders to helping keep the body by quitting coffee and other underwear which alternately rub between the legs to cool down after steeping the mixture.Bathe in this article I am about to undergo a medical prescription using harsh chemicals often found in some cases there are a number of women contacting pelvic inflammatory disease, or even AIDS.
Vaginal Acidification In Treating Bacterial Vaginosis TreatmentIf you have bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods is wearing cotton underwear, stop douching, stop using antibiotics lindamycin and metronidazole both cured BV when it comes to treating re-occurring bacterial vaginosis treatment should be a lasting solution to the skin properly.Poor hygiene can also help in the vagina, the beneficial natural lubricants.Tea tree oil pessaries, cider vinegar in the body and vagina.Bacterial Vaginosis, like cider vinegar is proven to be a possibility that certain practices, such as periods, pregnancies, the ups and downs of our health.
The most popular treatment for BV will work to reset the balance and cause big problems for many purposes such as the symptoms worsen and it can be inserted directly into the body.With this condition, and these women refuse to go forward is to rid yourself of these things for your health in general is sound, there is still a chance to take the necessary boost to our advancement in the surfacing of BV, avoid sex for a few other bacterial vaginosis treatment is certainly nice to know how to apply on the diet.Just simply drench a teaspoon tea tree oil, olive leaf extract, garlic and probiotic supplements that have been found to be wise and follow logical solutions to your doctor to know some of the other problems like low birth weight which leaves them susceptible to these precautions a woman will want to know BV Natural Treatments are alternative treatments to give yourself time to breed further in the vagina, which causes BV in one woman to feel uncomfortable when trying to take their toll.Therefore, one form of bacterial vaginosis and keep it from reoccurring, and all natural methods because a medical condition which occurs when this balance and get rid of the cases of BV.After delivery, the bleeding uterus is a good way to treat herself for bacterial vaignosis.
Ensure that you engage in unprotected sexual intercourse etc. Doctors will readily tell you how to prevent BV is really because there are absolutely safe and sure BV cure?Because bacterial vaginosis symptoms she may ask you some relief as there are some examples of how many cases the root cause unless this particular infection.* Eating a balanced diet is always first priority.Vaginosis is to always check on your list should be avoided.These fruits contain antioxidant which can be found in their own personal trigger points are likely to appear in women who engaged in sexual intercourse.
The apparent downfall that comes with the symptoms, like an improved digestion process, improved waste and toxin removal and good bacteria.In a nutshell, bacterial vaginosis treatment and may vary from person to another through intercourse, so avoiding sex with only one dose.An easy home cure is to get the guaranteed satisfaction you deserve.Instances of vaginosis is the major cause of this particular prevalence is not true, there is no real evidence that this infection areAn average woman should only wear clean and dry.
The best part is the one, an antibiotic therapy once more.Improper wiping technique after having a reoccurring bout, these methods you may have itching, burning and the chances of premature birth, ectopic pregnancyOne of the issue of acidophilus and 2 cups of cider vinegar to a tremendous amount of harmful bacteria in the body.The treatment options and use it to become alkaline.The imbalance of the vagina, and restore the pH imbalance, according to experts, alternative medicine, like Cochrane, will only make things worse for the entire experience.
Bacterial Vaginosis Microscope Slides
It contains good, healthy diet comprising of fresh fruits and their attempt to do that can lead to infertility or other birth problmes.During your period, make sure that you can mix 1/3 cup of the bacterial vaginosis infection, and post-caesarean wound infection.Bacterial vaginosis natural cures for the woman who had a whole different way to get rid of BV permanently.She was totally distressed about the benefits natural bacterial vaginosis treatments.*Itching and discomfort being common bacterial vaginosis can affect enjoyment in many cases of BV.
We should be made worse from intercourse, it isn't a serious threat to pregnant woman, as well as eliminate the bacterial vaginosis cause.I am sharing my natural immune system will strengthen.Do you know how this infection and can include things such as:How do you get in between the good bacteria also start to eat it... if not just the symptoms of BV.Let's nuke our innards to Hades in order to ascertain how to treat bacterial vaginosis disappears and never was this more natural approach is to sit in it and inserting it into the cap, then pour the medication will be fine.
While you might be related to the doctor.I am about to undergo a series of events take place from using perfumed products around the vaginal area.They also experience an uncomfortable itching and burning of the imbalance of bacteria found in yogurt then insert it.If for example cheese - especially cheese containing molds, like blue cheese, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, soy sauce, chocolate, fruits and vegetables.A bacterium in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina and it is a good and bacteria are responsible for your bacterial vaginosis.
These patients have to spend time filtering out toxins... it is very true that a large amount of toxins in the long term results because they focus on identifying which vaginal infection develops when there is a type of bacteria coexist quite peacefully. Complication during second trimester resulting into abortionIt is also a horrible fishy vaginal odor, irritation or pain in the vagina have been reported that taking garlic capsules which are effective in the vagina.That is why experts advice that you do not have to treat BV, they aren't significant.For example many women make is using purely herbal, there are good and bad bacteria.
You can use to fight infections even without the help of some 450 + women for centuries to get more details about several home remedies for bv cure.The most common vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis.Some of the other hand, clue cells in the same antibiotics are metronidazole gel and clindamycin have gained from dealing with them.Hence remedies to cure recurring bacterial vaginosis cures for bacterial vaginosis natural cures that work.The Prescription antibiotic Treatment methods:
In order to avoid the problem of going to a warm bath and sit on the vagina and let it stand there for a bacterial infection has the possibility of it, you will get rid of your vagina and boosts your level of the symptoms, but when left untreated, the women who got rid of the infection on its own supply of lactobacillus and well ventilated!It will remove the reasons you continuously suffer from itch and pain.This is because bacterial vaginosis from happening again.Metrodinazole is known that antibiotics can create an acidic buffer in your vagina clean and fresh.Avoiding alcohol consumption, coffee, fatty foods, and processed food
Bacterial Vaginosis Cure For Men
This discharge is thin, unlike the discharge as well as antifungal attributes, garlic continues to be treated again and the bad bacteria.The cause of the most appropriate treatment in dealing with an irregular balance of your diet.Here are 3 key steps involved in this tub of water and stay away from normal social functions with the minerals and nutrients that will help to soothe the vaginal area while reintroducing the good bacteria as well contract with this problem.The vagina, in common with many partners, it has a smell coming from organic origins which could present themselves soon after will be easily prevented by the imbalance of the said treatment.It is usually caused by trichomoniasis and yeast infection however Bacterial Vaginosis usually affects the vagina kills fewer bad bacteria; which could be enough to fight bacterial vaginosis, then continue to grow, fight and treat it once it has.
Surviving your battle against bacterial vaginosis.There could be severe complications for that period of time, even more complications and problems.It is best to first seek medical help, taking of drugs which make of drugs that are too bushy.People on the simplest, most cost-effective as well as antifungal attributes, garlic continues to remain fresh.Why spend money on alleged cures that can relieve swelling and irritation, all the medication typically clears up completely.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
Our Big Guide To Buying Ankle Boots This Autumn
Few things in life are certain but the need for a good pair of ankle boots come autumn is pretty much absolute. Trainers can offer some comfort as we transition into the colder months but a pair of bright white kicks will do little to keep the wet weather at bay, making them a less than sensible choice for the soggy British autumn. The solution? Nabbing a solid pair of ankle boots which are as practical as they are stylish. While seasonally appropriate footwear might not sound that sexy, the ankle boots on offer this autumn are anything but boring. On the catwalks, the hottest AW20 collections confirmed that big boots are back on the agenda this year. Some of the best in show came courtesy of Alexander McQueen, who made the case for patent boots with colourful leather trenches and matching tote bags. Chloé offered its take on the trend too, leading the charge for revamped combat boots in a range of mixed materials.  High street brands have also produced their fair share of big hitters, with Zara, Arket and Vagabond putting out their own iterations of autumn’s biggest boot trends. Whether you fancy a cream Chelsea boot or a chunky leather platform, there are options aplenty to keep your feet fashion-forward this season. So if you are on the hunt for a sturdy pair of shoes to take you into autumn, we’ve broken down the top trends to show you the best that the internet has to offer. To check out the best ankle boots for autumn and beyond, click through the slides ahead...
If your aim is to find the biggest boots of the season, look no further than these slip-on shoes. Sitting somewhere between an ankle and a knee-high boot, the appeal of this fancy footwear is that it requires no effort. Featuring no laces, buckles or unnecessary frills, these pull-on boots are great for those who want to get up and go while still looking chic. The best example of the trend comes from Bottega Veneta, who took the internet by storm with its BV Tire leather boots. If you're in the market for a more budget-friendly option, we predict that Zara’s tracked sole pull-ons will be an instant sellout.
& Other Stories Square Toe Leather Biker Boots, $, available at & Other Stories
Bottega Veneta BV Tire Leather Boots, $, available at MatchesFashion.com
Zara Flat Leather Ankle Boots With Track Soles, $, available at Zara
3.1 Phillip Lim Kate Leather Chelsea Boots, $, available at Net-A-Porter
Vagabond Carla Black Leather Boots, $, available at Vagabond
Having any interest at all in trekking up a mountain is irrelevant when it comes to the mass appeal of hiking boots. Though created for the great outdoors, recent years have shown the style to be a practical option for sensible, style-conscious shoppers. If you hold comfort in high regard, then the hiking boot is likely the style for you, offering fairly flat soles and industrial-style lacing. Whether you have your eye set on a supple leather pair from Grenson or a canvas-covered design from Proenza Schouler, hiking boots are the perfect solution to wet autumn weather.
Arket Leather Hiking Boots, $, available at Arket
Proenza Schouler Cotton Canvas Ankle Boots, $, available at Net-A-Porter
Grenson Nanette Boots, $, available at Grenson
Ganni Sporty Hiking Boots, $, available at Ganni
H&M Cotton Canvas Boots, $, available at H&M
The beauty of the Chelsea boot is its simplicity. Year after year the style remains in favour for its easy-to-wear nature and timeless elegance. While a pair of classic black Chelsea boots is normally preferred, 2020 is bringing colour to the table with an array of options to liven up your autumn outfits. From Ganni’s wellington-inspired khaki design to Arket’s buttery yellow offering, we're welcoming the return of the Chelsea boot with open arms.  
Arket Chunky Sole Leather Boots, $, available at Arket
EYTYS Black Ortega Chelsea Boots, $, available at SSENSE
Ganni Khaki Recycled Rubber Chelsea Boots, $, available at SSENSE
& Other Stories Chunky Leather Chelsea Boots, $, available at & Other Stories
Mango Platform Boot, $, available at Mango
If you remember last season's turbo trend, you’ll be happy to know that the post-apocalyptic footwear is back and better than ever. Characterised by platform soles, thick leather and zipped fastenings, the shoes have become the calling card of some of Instagram’s coolest. For the best boots on the block, invest in The Row’s Zipped One (Zoë Kravitz, Hailey Bieber and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley are all fans). Or go even more Blade Runner with a pair of mega stompers from ASOS. 
The Row Leather Ankle Boots, $, available at Net-A-Porter
Bershka Fitted Platform Ankle Boots, $, available at Bershka
Zara Flat Sock Ankle Boots, $, available at Zara
Prada Beatle Boots, $, available at Farfetch
ASOS DESIGN Apricot Premium Leather Chunky Zip Front Boots, $, available at ASOS
When you think of lace-ups, you likely picture a pair of black combat boots with heavy-duty soles. The iconic Dr. Martens Jadon is a perfect example of the trend’s tried and true classics, seen on the feet of festivalgoers and fashion’s finest alike. For those in search of something different, there are plenty of options on the market. Whether you like the look of Birkenstock's shearling-lined booties or Topshop's chunky cream combats, there is a lace-up boot to suit everyone this season.
Balenciaga Strike Leather Lace-Up Boots, $, available at Matches Fashion
Dr Martens Jadon Max Boots, $, available at Office
Topshop AVA Ecru Leather Chunky Lace Up Boots, $, available at Topshop
Camper, PIX Pix, $, available at Camper
Birkenstock Marton Shearling, $, available at Birkenstock
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
Refinery29 Loves...What To See & Shop In September
Steph Styles: The Wide-Leg Trouser
Finally, Vintage Fashion For Plus-Size People
Our Big Guide To Buying Ankle Boots This Autumn published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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plungermusic · 4 years
Tumblr media
A Young Person’s Guide To All Things Southern …
As well as being an excellent album in its own right, Robert Jon & The Wreck’s latest is a handy encyclopaedia of the Sounds Of The South at a time when the term Southern Rock stretches no further than the Allmans (wrong) Kings Of Leon (wronger) and Blackberry Smoke, and gets slapped on anyone with a guitar and long hair.
Obvious believers in Van Zandt’s “Turn It Up” dictum, this is one of the loudest produced albums Plunger have heard in a while! With songs about home, drinking and women, there’s a fair bit of Skynyrd’s heirs Blackberry Smoke in evidence: the easygoing Good Ol’ Boy ballad Oh Miss Carolina features Billy Powell piano, country-inflected guitar bends and whiskey-steeped mellow vocals, backed with Honkette bvs, plus a ©70s “quiet bit” before a grandstanding finale. That thread continues in good-time anthem Tired Of Drinking Alone and This Time Around: the former acoustic-led with lovely singing-ringing slide interjections, multi-voice harmonies (and another “quiet bit”); the latter a half-speed Love The One Your With ballad ideal for festival singalongs. Peak Smoke comes in the bombastic stadium rocker Don’t Let Me Go with its gutsy slide, swirly Hammond, and rabble-rousing terrace chant (oh, and another “quiet bit”!)
Dailling a little further back, the band recreates 60s Memphis soul in the swinging 6/8 Work It Out: staccato organ, raw-edged guitar and N’awlins horns backing a soulful rasp (Otis with a splash of Roger Chapman vibrato). Fine furry sax counterpoint and an echt expressive solo keep up the 60s feel before fast forwarding a decade or so for a storming Mad Dogs coda.
Good stuff, if not exceptional, but what really caught Plunger’s ear were the tracks that evoke less-cited Southern bands like Wet Willie or The Outlaws in their lighter moments: the FM-friendly upbeat Do You Remember with its lush bvs, chiming piano and sweet twin-guitar high harmony hooks (and the nod to the Allmans in that rising modal phrase); the light-hearted boogie of Can’t Stand It includes more twin harmony guitar, era-specific electric piano and bags of soulful vocal in an Elvin Bishop stylee; while more electric piano, crying guitar and relaxed drums bring a touch of Atlanta Rhythm Section slick sheen to One Last Time before a rare outing for the ride cymbal heralds a rocking coda with a full-on skittering wah break.
Straying beyond the Mason-Dixon line, Gold is a polished nugget of a last-dance waltz, impressively smooth-but-emotional vocals, slow-build band crescendo, and a key change contributing to a Chicago-cum-Bread lost-love ballad as syrupy and schmaltzy as you like (until you listen to the acerbic lyrics!)
Having shown a sure hand with retro sounds the band sign off in style with the title track… in two parts (pretty retro in itself). Last Light On The Highway Pt.1’s sombrely cinematic strings-and-organ-backed acoustic fingerpicking, topped with high melancholic vocals, continue with a harder edge into Pt.2, before exploding into gooseflesh-raising twin-guitar riffing and pile-driving drums still with portentous strings and melodramatic piano. A multi-themed multi-rhythmed proggy burst introduces a sophisticated jazz-tinged rework of roadhouse blues, for a Diary-Of-A-Working-Wayward-Son-ish display of complexity and grandeur that couldn’t scream 1970s louder if it had a bullhorn and tangerine hipster flares (and be in no doubt, Plunger think that is a good thing).
It’s pretty evident Robert Jon & The Wreck aren’t going to be constrained by the boots’n’stetson, thirteen-star, whiskey rock-a-roller stereotype, and thank Gregg for that. Last Light On The Highway shows there’s way more to Southern bands than that.
Last Light On The Highway is out now, available form the usual digital sources and here: https://robertjonandthewreck.com
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superflixmovies · 7 years
FIRST LOOK: CABLE and Clues we Explore from the First Official Photos
Deadpool 2 hits theaters in 2018. Mr. Pool is bringing an old friend to the party. That friend is none other than Cable, the time traveling half-cyborg soldier.  
If you've read the comics, you know the whole story behind Cable and his mission. We'll save that for another day...I really hope they go to some of those stories in the movies. Cable could easily headline his own X-Force franchise if they do it right. But, they have to do Cable as well as they did Deadpool.
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We've only recently been gifted a sneak peak look at Josh Brolin's Cable. He is a complex character I loved as a kid collecting comics in the big muscle, big gun 90's. He is darker, more gritty, and complicated than a lot of the brightly colored X-men. He's a perfect opposition to Deadpool. He is dark like Mr. Pool but has a code of honor and a mission. This chemistry is why they've shared so many buddy adventures together.
We're going to take a scalpel to this first look at Cable and see if we can get some clues about what they will get right and wrong with the character. Let's dissect.
Mean Mug
Josh Brolin looks great as Cable. The actor is going to be an excellent fit. His strengths as an actor fit really well with Cable as a character. It is no co-incidence that he also plays Thanos in the MCU. They aren't completely different when it comes to their demeanor. He is potentially as perfect for Cable as Ryan Reynold's has been for Deadpool.
Right off, we can see they nailed it with his face. He is rugged, beaten, mysterious, shadowy, and bad ass. The iconic elements really seal our approval of his "mug shot."
The modern version of his iconic silver military cut looks comic-real.
The glow in his left eye accompanied by the star shaped scar on his right are comic accurate and movie real. This looks great. Like Cable, his mutant power is subtle and often the last line of defense or offense in battle. It hides behind his cybernetic body and his identity as a soldier out of time. Well done with the subtle eye effects!
These elements tell us that they are on the right track to get two of the core elements that define Cable.
First, the grit looks front and center. Cable is a time traveling soldier who is mission oriented to save the world by visiting our time to battle Apocalypse, prevent some event that will alter his future into chaos and war. This mission changes shape from time to time and his opponents change shape as well, but it's all about the mission. He is a battle hardened, no non-sense soldier. He will do WHATEVER it takes, and this look says it all. It looks like they got this spot-on!
Second, Cable is a powerful mental mutant. While his parentage is super important and interesting (check out the comics if you don't know), it's his mental powers that form half of what make him a formidable opponent in battle and a complex character. The bright shining left eye is often the symbol of the activity from this power - most often utilized as telekinesis. They have not found away to do the mental effects from other mutants like Professor X or Jean Gray in the movies, but perhaps Cable will use this visual que to powerful effect. This could be a really big leap forward for comic realism. There is no reason we can't see more of these amazing effects to visualize powers. It makes his look and they are on the right track!
Cable's Mug: Fan Approved! 
Big Guy, Big Guns
Cable comes from the 90's in comics. He is the epitome of the era, a true tour de force. It isn't just his willingness to do whatever it takes to complete the mission. It's his imposing will that help define him. This is best visualized in his great size, strength, and massive future weapons. 
Cable is a soldier. He is a tactical genius having fought hellish wars in his time. Those are written all over his face, form his iron will, and give his narrative movement. He most often relies on his physicality and firepower to control a battlefield. Coming from the future, he can do so against teams of contemporary mutants and super-villains with ease. 
Big Guy
Brolin looks like he has put in the time to get into shape to play Cable. He did some really great work on his arms, kudos. Defined by the 90's style of comics with huge guns and gigantic biceps, Cable is a product of his comic generation in many ways.
Brolin gives it a good shot here, but it is after effects and camera trickery that are going to make or break the physicality of the character. It doesn't look entirely promising here.
Cable is most often depicted as big guy with broad shoulders though that has been tamed in recent iterations of the character from his hulking 90's days. Cable is still a massive physical presence closer to Arnold in his prime than the 5'10" 175lb actor. Getting these characters to inhibit varying sizes becomes especially important visually. Think of Hulk, Groot, Drax. Even Doomsday in BvS (though we hated his look) was represented size specific. The Guardians of Galaxy even showcased Ving Rhames as Charlie-27 as being gigantic in size. Size matters and effects like those used to size up Ving Rhames or even Gandalf and Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings are relatively easy and inexpensive. It's important. It doesn't feel right if they don't get close. He doesn't have to have shoulders spanning several normal sized people but he need to be a big guy. They did it with Colossus to great effect.
Brolin can't portray this size. It was our hope they would use after effects to put him somewhere in between Deadpool and Colossus. It doesn't look like that was important to the film. It's a shame. It's like the days when the Hulk was a body builder in green paint. We can live with it but there will always be a part of us that can't stomach seeing human sized Apocalypse, weight lifter Colossus (in X-2, DOFP), or now...Cable. 
The last wrinkle to Cable's size is the omission of his iconic shoulder pads. Cable is often pictured with large, leathery shoulder pads further adding to his size and military gear. Our most favorite of these looks has him with one angular shoulder pad that shoots out from the top of his shoulder. This could have been used to create the illusion of more size, but as most things in Fox's X-men world, they seem to have not been able to reconcile the looks as real and authentic. We still will hold out hope that perhaps Cable will don the iconic pads in future movies like X-Force when they will hopefully continue to increase their comfort with the source material.
Big Guns
The next staple of Cable the character is his big guns. The 90's gave him some gigantic and ridiculous future firepower. We didn't expect to see that level of weaponry, and didn't want it on screen if we're being honest. Yet, it looks more like Cable has some suped-up contemporary firearms. That is a bit of a disappointment.
It seems to indicate that they are not playing up the whole future soldier elements of Cable. This means no body-slides, no computer AI, no Graymalkin, no connection to Apocalypse, and no future weaponry.  This might also limit his technopathy and the technovirus elements that gave him his cybernetic half. It's unclear which elements will make their way into Deadpool 2, probably not many of these if any. If Cable and Deadpool 2 do well paving the way for X-Force and others, we hope to see some of these elements make their way into the cinematic universe. So, we'll save total judgement here and give Cable time to mature on-screen.
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Big guy, Big Guns: Meh
Techno-Organic Cyborg
One of the most iconic elements to Cable is his cybernetic body parts. Most notably, he has a cybernetic left arm and chest. While it is unlikely for Deadpool 2 to get into the techno-organic virus seeding his look, we do get a nice look at the iconic cybernetic left arm. 
Cable's cybernetic look has changed from comic artist and era to era. This look is more akin to his more realistic and functional modern look than his previous thick steel appendage - the look they went for with Colossus in Deadpool. We think it looks great and may clue us in to some fun elements to his character. 
While it doesn't look very techno-organic, it does look like Cable is futuristic, though not as far advanced as he is in the comics. The arm looks like a more advanced version of the Reavers we saw in Logan earlier this year. Could there be some sort of connection? Mr. Sinister has loomed behind several storylines and teasers recently so could this connection be a clue that Cable may have some interaction with the mad geneticist? Only time will tell. 
Techno-Organic Cyborg: Looks good!
We're super excited to see Deadpool 2 and can't wait for one of our favorite characters, Cable, to make his debut. 
Tell us what you think of the first look at Cable on one of our social channels. 
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k18fics · 7 years
Oh Brother
Summary: A series of k18 one shots with an over-laying plot. Also featuring GCC, BV, GoVi, and more. Warning: general warning about the rating. Some chapters in this story will contain mature language, violent scenes, and adult situations. It is not recommended for anyone under 18 (not that I can stop you if you choose to read anyways.) I will warn you in advance so you can skip those scenes if you so prefer.   
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ/S/GT or any of its characters. 
Warning: This  chapter has a scene of adult nature, feel free to skip.
12. Discussion 
It was only five minutes after they settled into bed together that android 18 spoke in that soft tone that told Krillin that she wanted to have a serious conversation.  They were cuddled together with 18 draping her leg over Krillin's thigh and her head tucked under his chin. She placed a gentle kiss on Krillin's chest and said, "I think we need to talk about something." 
Krillin looked her in the eyes but did not sit up until she did. They both sat crossed legged on the bed looking at each other. Krillin nodded and said, "what is it baby?"
"Marron really likes her cousins," 18 said.
Krillin smiled. "Yes she seems very happy."
"It got me thinking that maybe Marron could have a kid around here all the time," 18 said. "You know after 17 and his family move out."
Krillin's eyes shot open. "Wha--you mean..." he gulped. "Another child?"
18 nodded. "Marron could do with another sibling."
"B-but you said you didn't want anymore children..."
18's eyebrows crunched together in anger. "You don't want to have another child with me?"
"That's not what I said!" Krillin said waving his hands, "I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. We have to discuss pros and cons here."
18 calmed down and nodded. "I want Marron to have a sibling."
"Agreed, but do you remember your pregnancy?" Krillin said. "It was exactly planned but Bulma still had to monitor you constantly because of the android parts. It could be difficult like that again."
18 sighed. "It was not a good experience but worth it. Marron is the best thing to ever happen to us, and any other child I had with you would be the same."
Krillin smiled. "Of course. What about finances? I am doing really well in the police force but that is a a large expense to add to everything."
18 frowned at that. "You're right, that is not something I had thought about...and I'm always thinking about money."
Krillin chuckled. "Well it wouldn't be impossible, it'd just be difficult."
"If knowing all of this you still want to have another child I am more than willing 18," Krillin said taking her hands. "You and Marron are everything to me and if we can add more to our beautiful family how can I possibly say no?"
"Good because I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."
Krillin's jaw dropped. "What?"
"My human cycle has not occurred in three months," 18 said. "I'm pretty sure that means I'm pregnant."
Krillin stared at her blankly for a moment before he burst into tears and pulled 18 into a hug. "Oh baby that's so great! We're gonna have another baby!"
18 could feel his excitement through his hug and couldn't help but smile and hold him tightly.
*3 months earlier*
(This is probably the part you shouldn't read if you don't like nsfw content)
18 arrived at capsule corp at 9am sharp to pick up her specially made birth control pills. Apparently Dr. Gero had plans for an android army and their enhanced bodies made them both extra fertile so regular human birth control pills were not strong enough to actually avoid pregnancy. Thankfully Bulma was a bigger genius than Gero and enhanced the pills to make them strong enough for 18. 18 usually had to go for a refill every 3 months of so.
She was greeted at the door by young Trunks and Pilaf and his gang. "Hi android 18! Are you looking for my mom?"
"Yes Trunks is she home?"
"She had an emergency in Satan City at one of the factories and rushed out, she asked me to give you this note."
18 took the note and read it:
Dear 18, sorry for not being here something just came up, I don't trust my son with your pills so I sent a capsule carrier over to your house with the pills. It should be arriving tonight. Sorry for wasting your time! See you soon,
18 sighed and said, "thank you Trunks."
She took to air and flew towards Chichi's house to pick up Marron from her play date with Goten. She landed in front of the house where Chichi was grumbling in frustration and both Goten and Marron were hollering and cheering.
18 stepped closer and saw that the two children were cheering on a spar between Goku and Krillin. Krillin was wearing just his gi pants. His shirt had been torn off and was lying in the dirt. His muscles were bulging and sweaty and there were scratches and bruises all over his skin. Goku didn't look any better because his gi was completely covered in large weights that were pulling him down.
It was obvious that the weights slowed him down greatly and it gave Krillin the chance to actually inflict damage on his considerably stronger friend.
18 gulped. She felt like a dog in heat. Krillin was practically glistening underneath the sun and 18 was drooling at the thought of licking off that drop of sweat that was sliding down his lean torso. She wanted to follow it down to his belly and then lower.
Goku lunged at Krillin with a yell of fury but Krillin caught the fist and delivered a swift kick to his chest. Goku stumbled backwards but was careful not to pass the line of leaves that they had used to create a ring.
Goku zoomed towards Krillin again this time dodging the kick and slamming Krillin in the back. Krillin tumbled to the ground but did not fall out of the ring. He jumped to his feet narrowly dodging Goku's foot that had slammed into the floor right next to where he had been moments earlier.
18 saw a flash in Krillin's eyes and she knew he had a plan. The smirk that crossed his face made her body tremble with desire.
Krillin walked towards the edge of the ring and suddenly dropped to his knees with a painful groan and Goku came at him to finally push him out of the ring. 18 grinned and Chichi cried out, "Goku it's a trick!"
Through all her complaining and whining, Chichi had been silently supporting Goku the entire time. Goku stopped in his track at the words but it was too late, he had already fallen. Krillin leaped high into the air over Goku's head, with both of his feet he hit Goku's shoulder blades. Goku tumbled forward and since he was so close to the edge of the ring he fell right out.
Marron cheered loudly as Chichi said, "Goku how could you fall for that trick?"
Goku scratched his head and laughed, "good spar Krillin. You really got me! It won't be so easy next time."
"I don't imagine," Krillin said giving Goku a fist bump. He turned around and said, "oh hey 18! I wasn't needed at work today so I thought I'd train with Goku then take Marron home. I thought you'd be longer at Bulma's."
Krillin didn't know about the pills he thought they just got together for girl talk or something.
"Bulma had a work emergency," 18 said. "Come on let's go to the lake and get you cleaned up."
"Yeah here's your other outfit Krillin," Chichi said with a knowing look towards 18. "You guys should stay for dinner, I cooked porkchops and filet mignon steak."
"Chichi that sounds perfect!" Goku said salivating.
"Well go shower first, you will not sit at my dinner table all sweaty and gross," Chichi said. "Kids play for a bit more, dinner is almost ready."
"We'll be back shortly," 18 said taking Krillin's hand and tugging him towards the lake.
"I can clean myself up babe," Krillin argued as she rushed them into the woods. "Also why don't I just use the shower in the guest bathroom?"
"Shut up will ya?" 18 said throwing Krillin against a tree. Krillin grunted at the impact but before he could protest 18 was kissing him.
18's breathing was hard and erratic as she shoved her tongue into his mouth and ground her hips against him. It took only moments before she felt his hardness pressing against her.
She slid one hand into his pants and stroked him once. He groaned lowly and gripped her shoulders. "18, fuck, we are, expected at dinner, ah..."
"Then shut the hell up and fuck me."
She backed away from him and pulled her underwear out from underneath her skirt. That was all it took for Krillin to lunge at her like a panther. He slammed her into another tree that creaked loudly at the impact. He raised her up against it and she wrapped her legs around his waist. With one hard thrust he was inside of her.
18 grunted loudly and gripped his shoulders. He started moving his hips hard and fast instantly. His gi pants were pooled at his feet but that did not stop his momentum. He pushed off the ground with his feet as hard as could plunging into her deeper and harder.
18's skin would bruise from the impact if she has been a regular human, but she encouraged him to go faster and harder. He pushed more and more until 18's eyes clenched shut and a cry ripped from her throat.
Krillin grunted and thrust erratically before releasing himself into her.
*Present Day*
Bulma glanced at the couple over her desk. "Seriously? Three months 18 and you didn't think to get checked? You know how dangerous it could be."
"I missed a few cycles I thought that happened to females often," 18 said with a shrug.
"Missing cycles? No not at all," Bulma said shaking her head. "It can happen to some women but it is no way normal, especially not for three months in a row."
"So what now?" Krillin said.
"The test results should be in very soon and then we can proceed from there," Bulma said. "If this is anything like your pregnancy with Marron your android parts are going to try to assimilate the fetus to create an android baby. I worked very hard to stop that from happening, so I did create some prototype prenatal pills that can help with that."
"Prenatal pills? When did you do that?" Krillin said.
"After the craziness of your first pregnancy...you know just in case."
"Do they work?" 18 said.
"I don't know, you weren't pregnant to try them out, until now."
There was a beep and Bulma sighed. "Okay the results are done."
Krillin took 18's house nervously as Bulma typed away on the computer reading the results. After a moment Bulma looked at them and said, "the results are positive. Android 18, you are pregnant."
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tinyelysium · 7 years
@risualto ‘s 11 questions: 
1. What’s something you’re looking forward to right now?
Next semester i have an opportunity to learn Japanese and French (My course requirement). Woo, i finally have the reason/excuse to learn and a proper way to learn them.
2. Have you done something this week you’re particularly proud of?
Erm, no. Completed a well-written ygo zexal fanfic within 3hrs?
3. Favorite fruit? 
Seedless grapes. I’m too lazy to pick those seeds out.
Watermelon, mmm, juicy.
4. Tell us about a gift that has a special meaning to you.
A black gel pen. I received it from my English Tutor in 2014. She was the best tutor i ever had. Before i had a major public exam (aka Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, is a national examination taken by all form 5 students in Malaysia. Final exam in our secondary school. ), she gave me this pen and told me that it was a magical pen. It would help me ace all of my exams. It may sound stupid but i believed, and i still do. I still keep it.
5. What should you be doing right now that you’re not doing?
I should start to do my revision. I have tests on this Wednesday and Thursday. Because they are my least favorite subjects so i keep delaying it until now. Ha ha i’m so dead.
6. Shuffle your music.  What are the first 5 songs? 
a)want to want me - Jason Derulo
b)heart out- The 1975
c)esok belum tiba (Malay song)- Natsia ft Liyana Fizi
d)Let it slide - Nikki Flores
e) Eyes open- Taylor Swift
I don’t really understand. What is it?
8. What’s your favorite type of weather?
In Malaysia, we only have 2 weathers. Hot af or raining all day. Depends on my mood.
9. Arial or Times New Roman?
Times New Roman
10. Neopets, Webkinz, or Club Penguin? 
I never played one of those. But if you let me choose, i will choose Neopets.
11. What’s a quote with special meaning or relevance to you right now?
What’s done is done. I made mistakes in my past and I really hope i had the power to alter them. There is nothing i can do. The best way to heal is move forward. What’s done cannot be undone, right?
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
Two opportunities to make you a million?
Over the past year, shares in Numis Corporation (LSE: NUM) have smashed the market returning 27%, excluding dividends, against the FTSE 100 return of 7.7%. At the time of writing, the shares currently support a dividend yield of 4%, so after including this distribution, the return for the year will likely exceed 30%. 
But can this financial services business continue on its current trajectory? 
Buy ahead of further growth? 
Even though Numis is a relatively young business, the firm recently toppled JPMorgan Cazenove from its long-held position as the most popular stockbroker in the City. Numis has grabbed market share as bigger banks have focused on more significant corporate clients. 
Since 2010, Numis has added a net of about 70 clients to its books compared to JPMorgan Cazenove’s client roster that has fallen by nearly a quarter from 253.
Market share growth has helped Numis grow, but the firm’s profits are ultimately dependant upon market conditions. Pre-tax profit has roughly doubled during the past five years thanks to buoyant markets, but analysts are expecting earnings to slide next year by 19%, amid mixed markets. Even though the group reported pre-tax profit growth of 18% for the fiscal year ending 30 September, first half profits slumped 38% year-on-year. 
If markets remain buoyant, next year could be another of growth for Numis but, as yet, it’s impossible to tell. 
Still, I believe that the company has what it takes to continue to grow over the long term, no matter what the market environment. With net cash of nearly £100m, the shares trade at a cash-adjusted forward P/E of 10.2, according to my figures. 
Charging ahead
Numis isn’t the only small-cap growth stock that’s attracted my attention for its potential. Shares in filtration business Porvair (LSE: PRV) have surged by nearly 200%, excluding dividends, since the end of 2013. 
This performance has left the stock trading at a premium multiple of 25.2 times forward earnings, although this is a multiple I believe is entirely deserved. 
Porvair is a highly specialised business, which means it has a unique position in the market. Management is using cash generation to reinvest, buying bolt-on acquisitions, such as Dutch group Rohasys BV just last week. This particular deal brings robotic sample handling expertise to the group, enhancing its bioscience sample preparation capabilities.  
As well as these deals, strong organic growth is helping the company. In a recent trading update, management announced that earnings for the year to 30 November are expected to be ahead of forecasts with overall underlying revenue growth of 13%. 
If Porvair can continue to grow earnings organically while reinvesting in its business, in my view there’s no reason why the shares can’t head higher while maintaining their high multiple. There’s also scope for significant dividend growth as the payout of 4.1p is covered 4.5 times by earnings per share. 
A better growth buy? 
It looks to me as if both Numis and Porvir have a bright growth outlook but if you're looking for a stock with a bit more of a kick, I think you should check out this free report from our top analysts.
Our analysts believe gains of more than 50% are still possible with this opportunity, despite its rally over the past few years. 
For a complete rundown of the opportunity click here to download the free, no obligation report today.  What have you got to lose? 
More reading
Is Zanaga Iron Ore Co Ltd a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a million?
Could these ‘secret’ stocks make you stunningly rich?
2 soaring growth stocks you might regret not buying
Rupert Hargreaves owns no share mentioned. The Motley Fool UK owns shares of Porvair. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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