dragon-ball-meta · 11 months
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Presented without comment: HER.
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saiyamekianprincess · 29 days
Hot take (maybe....idk):
I actually don't care for the Lapis/Lazuli headcanon for 17 and 18. Even with each other or their SOs.
Them being who they are, I feel like they wouldn't like to be referred to by those names, 1) because it's reminder that they were once human and had their humanity ripped from them and 2) they'd feel like they're not those people, whoever they were, anymore.
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mysticnugget · 1 year
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Android 18 chillin at the beach. :)
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syrant · 2 years
This person’s art is seriously insane, give it a look.
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dragonsballsz · 2 years
i was making fun of cell jrs and then i went back to story mode in dragon ball legends... just in time for my favorite character to get absorbed and cell to spit out some babies for me to fight.
i see how it is... and if you think i've learned anything from this you're a fool. i'm gonna make fun of cell even more now
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longmonthartist · 2 years
Hey. I saw your Krillin and 18 fanfiction history post and was wondering if you knew which site "dolls that breathe" by Swiss army knife was? I love how dark it was and was bummed out they deleted their dbz work. By the way, you you have any recommendations for K/18 fics that are more....darker? Thanks.
Thanks for the ask. It takes quite some time to go through my favorited fanfic sites so apologies for the wait.
Unfortunately, I cannot find the said fanfic in my favorites and after some digging failed to come up with it. I will; however, try to give you and everyone some resources to dig up some old K18 fanfics. I'll separate them into still functioning sites and sites that require Wayback Machine.
Still working sites:
These sites still work, with the first link being Neishia's Krillin Family Shrine and the second Juuhachigou's world.
Neishia's Krillin Family Shrine is a famous K18 & Marron shrine back in the days. Upon entering, your browser will automatically download something called Krillin's theme, which is a music file. Don't worry, since this file does not hurt your computer I believe. In the Fan Section, you'll find Is This My Destiny and in fanfics section are tones of other stories (I know its weird that stories can be found in two sections of this web).
Juuhachigou's World contains a lot of DBZ fanfics written by different authors. In the Fanfiction section, 3 authors have written K18 stories. First author and also the web hostess is Trixie and you'll want to find One Life Lost, Another Gained (this is also on fanfic net I believe). Second is Son Goten where all 3 fanfics here are K18. Third is Android 18 and story's name is Fallen, which is pretty dark so anon might like it.
Also in Juuhachigou's World is a Lemons section. There, the only K18 story being The Truth Behind Those Puppy Dog Eyes written by Android 18 (this one is a very famous K18 lemon back in the early 2000s). There is also another fanfic called Obsessive Love by Android 18 but this is NOT K18 even though on the description said it's K18 lemon. Be warned, you DON'T want to open this.
Sites that require Wayback Machine:
For these sites to work, you need to open Wayback Machine, which is an online archive storing quite a lot of no longer existing sites. Since a lot of old DBZ shrines are hosted using the domain: Geocities, when it got taken down, all the shrines disappeared with it. To use the links below, copy the url and then paste it on Wayback Machine's search bar. you should see not just one page though, but all of the captured versions (literally called captures on the top) of said site (this is important because some fanfics are not included in earlier versions but some later versions have broken links).
Furthermore, you'll need to copy the url of these sites quick since if you are too slow, the browser might redirect you to yahoo or some other sites.
First one is a site created by Crazy Retasu (still on fanfic net with all his stories intact) and the link is http www dot geocities dot com slash crazy underscore retasu (just in case the link below takes you to yahoo). In the Poems & Fanfics section, there's A Belated Observation and The Searching. Unfortunately, both story links do not work here so you are better off reading them on ff net. Still, for those interested in this old site, feel free to take a look.
This next one is the real treasure trove here. The Family Photos - The K&18 Page is an old K18 database housing a lot of contents, including missing works from Swiss Army Knife. In the FANFIC section, you'll want to click on March 8, 2005 version (capture) which contains all of the fanfics. Here, you'll find Swiss Army Knife's A Fading Ki, Half My Soul, Little Guy, Lingering Pain, and Lost Souls. Unfortunately, the specific story requested by anon: Dolls that Breathe cannot be found here. II would also like to recommend: I Wouldn't Change it for the World by Leia, which is a very sweet and kind of dark story that ISN'T featured on Leia's ff net profile.
I hope this helps and happy digging. Also apologies to original authors for sharing the links here. I realize some of these stories are deleted perhaps for a reason but I simply cannot let good stories get forgotten. If anyone find stories they do not like, please also refrain from complaining or flaming the authors.
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itsmandymo · 4 years
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Some Animal Crossing custom designs I made. I'm wearing slacks and gold boots with the Capsule Corp jacket. Pair Vegeta hoodie with noble pants. Android 18 can be paired with black leggings and steel toed boots.
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carnageform · 4 years
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this scene had the cutest background shots
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shayurikarasu · 3 years
My Karasu plushie arrived!!🥰 #personal #Karasu #KarasuYuYuHakusho #Kurama #KuramaYuYuHakusho #PuuYuYuHakusho #YuYuHakusho #SailorMars #ReiHino #Juunanagou #Android17 #Juuhachigou #Android18 #Blutengel #GothRock https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvBgO2l-wh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
Random Side Note
Everyone’s willing to acknowledge Krillin is head over heels for 18, but I really feel like people strongly underestimate 18's Krillin Thirst. No joke, that woman legit swoons over him, makes cream hearts in his coffee, punched a hole through a giant magical girl's head for him...
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18 down BAD, fam. lol
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theultradork · 5 years
Can we talk about how considerate Krillin is?
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Like he double-checked to make sure this didn’t hurt the Grand Elder or shorten his lifespan or anything before he asked if he’d do it for anyone else. And then there’s this.
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And this.
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Like he even apologized to Yamcha for taking the wish because he thought Yamcha wanted to do something for his girlfriend and he did all of this expecting literally nada in return. He went from that little gremlin who tried to cheat Goku during that search for the Turtle Stone to this, yet people think he has no development. SMH.
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deadlybeautydbz · 4 years
Little Moments
So, the anon asking me the other day about 17 and 18 fic recs got me thinking. I wanted to write something for you, anon, but for a little while I was stumped as to what. So I took inspiration from my own life for this one. I myself have a twin brother and we’re both parents, so I asked myself, what does hanging out with my brother look like, and I give you this.
17 and 18 washing dishes. 
You wanted random sibling hangs, here you go, with the most random hang of all. Really though, this is what hanging out as adults, siblings, parents looks like for us and I’m pretty happy with this for something I whipped up in a day. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Little Moments:
“That’s the last of them gone,” 17 said, his voice thick with relief as he walked into the kitchen, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Who would have known twenty 7 year olds would be such a handful.”
He had just closed the door on last straggling guest of his oldest son, Onyx, 7th birthday party. He’d cheerfully waved goodbye as he watched the boy and his mother wander off down the driveway, party bag and balloon clutched firmly in hand. He felt kind of guilty, sending that child home hopped up to his eyeballs on sugar, but the guilt was short lived, birthday parties we meant to be fun-filled sugar trips.
“Literally everyone, 17” 18, who was seated at the table in the centre of the kitchen, nursing a mug of rapidly cooling tea, replied. “Literally everyone knows that. Why do you think I only have one?”
“You should give Marron a brother or sister.” 17 said offhandedly, as he began the arduous task of putting his house back together post child-birthday-party-chaos. “It’d be good for her.”
“Hmmm,” 18 stood up from the table and reached for an empty garbage bag. She moved about the kitchen, filling it with plastic plates and cups, deflated balloons and discarded wrapping paper. “Maybe,” she mused. “I’d be lying if I said we hadn’t thought about it. The timing never seems quite right though, and Marron was such a fussy baby, I don’t know if I have it in me to go back to the baby stage and do all that again. It’s so nice that she’s older and more independent now.”
“Of course you could do it again!” 17 said as he pushed furniture around the room, putting things back as they were meant to be. “You’re a great mum. Mare-bear is lucky to have you. Does she miss that old lump of sand you used to call home?”
“Hey,” 18’s brow crinkled as she only half-feigned hurt. “We all liked that lump of sand. A lot of good things happened to us there.”
“I know, I know, I’m kidding,” 17 teased “It was a fine sandbank.”
“Shut up,” 18 laughed. “You can hardly talk, all the way out here in the middle of nowhere.” She knew 17 was just trying to rile her up, that was just what brothers, especially hers, did. It didn’t matter how many years passed, or that he was now a husband, a father and a well-respected conservationist, he was an eternal man-child at heart. It was no wonder he got along with Goku so well. “She doesn’t seem to miss it too much these days,” 18 said, bringing their conversation back on track. “It’s been what,” she paused to quickly do the math, “three years now since Krillin joined the force, three and a half almost. She’ll always be an ocean girl at heart, but she’s happy in the city. It was the best thing we could’ve done for her really.”
Having filled the rubbish bag as much as she could, 18 tied a knot at the top, and placed it beside the side door, ready for disposal outside later, before turning her attention to the pile of dishes stacked up precariously beside the sink.
“You don’t have to do those,” 17 stepped in, but his sister was having none of it. “Don’t be silly,” she replied whilst squirting a generous amount of dish soap into the sink and silently patting herself on the back for buying a house with a dishwasher. “You and Amya hosted us all day, the least I can do is help tidy up. Tell you what, I’ll wash, you dry.”
“Deal,” 17 smiled. It was so rare to get to spend any sort of quality time with his sister these days, they were both so busy and their schedules always seemed to clash, so he would happily take whatever he could get, even if it was as mundane as standing together at his kitchen sink, washing dishes.
They stood quietly together for a moment, silently passing wet plates and glasses between themselves. From where they stood, they could look out into 17’s lush, tree filled yard, where Krillin was running around like an absolute mad-man, laughing and shouting with Marron and her three cousins. His love and exuberance never ceased to amaze 18. He was going to be forty soon, and yet there he was, after spending an entire afternoon entertaining a gaggle of under-10’s, still going, giving even more of himself to those kids out there, each of whom he loved more than anything else in this world – except maybe for her.
“He’s a good guy, Krillin,” 17 broke the quiet with an observation, “You chose well with him.”
“I know,” 18 smiled smugly. She liked hearing that she was right. “But you’ve certainly changed your tune over the years.
It was far from a secret that 17 hadn’t exactly been a fan of Krillin in the beginning. As a suitor for his sister, it just didn’t seem to fit. Why would he, of all people, be interested in her when he knew what he did about how, and why, she had come to be in this world? 17 was convinced that he must have had some nefarious ulterior motive.
“What can I say” he shrugged, “I’m a big enough man to admit when I’m wrong. He’s a good guy.”
“He’s the best” 18 smiled as her eyes followed her husband across the yard. “Ugh,” 17 groaned “You’re still in puppy-love with him after all this time. Get a room, my god, yuck.” “As if you can talk!” 18 shot back, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment. “I see the way you look at Amya. You’re completely smitten with her!” “Of course I am!” 17 boasted proudly. “I mean, have you seen her?! She’s a solid ten outta ten. And she’s smart as hell, and she puts up with my shit on the daily. Every day I wonder how the hell I ever convinced her to marry me!” “She’s certainly way out of your league, that’s for sure.” “Ouch, that hurts sis” “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” 18 grinned and flicked soapy water in her brother’s direction.
A high pitched squeal from the garden caught the twins’ attention, ending their mild bullying of each other. They both snapped their heads up to inspect the situation and their respective children, looking for any obvious signs of hurt of injury, and to see which kid it was exactly, that was getting out of hand. It could have been any one of them really, given the unfettered access to sugar they had had this afternoon. “They’ll be right,” 18 said, confident no bones were broken out there, as she resumed washing the dishes in the sink. “Krillin is more than capable of keeping the four of them under control.”
17 shook his head and laughed, “I think you’re seriously under-estimating how rowdy my lot can be. They just seem to leech energy off each other. They never stop!” “He deals with criminals every day, I think he can handle a couple of kids.” “Whatever you say, sis,” 17 mumbled and shrugged his shoulders. “Personally, I’d take the crooks over those terrors any day of the week.”
As she handed her brother another clean dish, 18 asked. “No more for you guys either then, I’m guessing? It seems like you have your hands full.” “I wouldn’t say that,” 17 replied. “They’re a lot of fun, and Am would definitely be down for more, but it’s hard enough with the three of them with my schedule, and her research. I don’t know how she manages with them by herself while I’m away.” “It’s probably easier without you here riling them up all day” 18 joked “You kid, but let’s be real, you’re probably right!” 17 had to agree. “I’m basically her fourth child. I’m sure her life is much less chaotic when I’m not around.” “She loves the chaos, I’m sure.”
Handing 17 the last clean dish, 18 pulled the plug from the sink and watched the water gurgle down the drain. She wiped down the sink and dried her hands before flicking the kettle on to make herself another cup of tea. She pulled down two clean mugs and poured one for 17 too. He smiled and gladly took it from her and they sat down together at the table.
“If we did have more, we’d definitely adopt again,” 17 picked up his train of thought as he sipped his tea. “It was so rewarding giving River and Storm a second chance. I’d like to that again if I could.”
The story of how the now 4 year old twins River and Storm had found their way into 17 and Amya’s life was nothing short of remarkable. 17 had found them, abandoned as infants, less than six months old, in the nature park where he worked. He had taken them in, and taken them home. Much to his wife’s surprise, he had walked through the door one day, carrying an infant in each arm, and just like that, 17 and Amya had become parents to three kids under the age of three.
“And you know, getting as many kids out of the system as possible can only be a good thing. Stop them ending up, like, y’know…” he faulted for a moment “like us.” He stopped, waiting for his sister to respond, but she didn’t, she just sat, staring at her hands, not even able to look him in the eye. “Do you ever wonder if there is anyone out there missing us?”
“Don’t” 18 quickly interjected, her voice soft and wistful. “I can’t. I have to think that we weren’t wanted.” She stopped to sip her tea and think about what she wanted to say next. “The alternative, as a mother, is so much worse. Having your child ripped away from you, I can’t even comprehend it.”
That was, deep down, the real reason why Marron was an only child. 18 was so protective of her daughter, and the thought of having to split that devotion between two children, was terrifying. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to constantly have eyes on two children. Tying herself up with the demands of a newborn would surely mean having to accept the fact that there would be times that Marron would need to be left alone and that scared 18 to her core. She would never, ever forgive herself if anything happened to her precious child.
“How do you do it?” 18 asked, “How do you leave them without being terrified of all the things that could happen to them? That happened to us?” “You’ve just gotta back yourself in, sis” 17 leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms over his head. “Your job as a parent is to slowly back yourself out of your kid’s life and let them work it out on their own.”
At that moment, the side door swung open and a barrage of kid sized arms and legs tumbled though, followed by an exhausted looking Krillin. “It’s starting to get cold out there,” he exclaimed, shutting the door behind him. The kids quickly disappeared into the living room, to undoubtedly rip into, and probably break, all of Onyx’s gifts from the party. Much to their dismay though, they had already been safely packed away by Amya, who was just walking into the kitchen as the kids rushed out. “They are going to be completely feral when that sugar wears off. Hey, you guys didn’t have to tidy up in here.” She smiled as she noticed that her kitchen was once again sparkling clean.
“It was no bother,” 18 said with a smile. She truly loved Amya, she was such a kind and compassionate person, she was reasonable and level headed and truly balanced out 17’s more impulsive tendencies. She was so glad they had found each other.
She watched Krillin as he moved through the kitchen, towards her. He planted a kiss on top of her head before taking a seat beside her at the table. She smiled at him in return and rested her hand on his thigh. The afternoon had been hectic, with all four adults being pulled in different directions, supervising kids, cooking food, running party games, taking pictures, making sure no one ate anything they were allergic to, or tried to drink water from the dog bowls. 18 had hardly seen her husband all afternoon and she quickly realised she’d missed him.
Once upon a time, a moment like this would be seemed all but impossible to 18. She looked across at 17 and saw her thoughts mirrored back in his eyes. He was content and happy and soaking in every detail. He caught 18 looking at him and shared a smile back, he knew they were thinking the same thing.
While the big, grand gestures of life were amazing, it was the inconspicuous little moments that meant the most to them. Cosy afternoons in with family. Quiet conversations about nothing. A passing smile or I love you. This was one of those moments, unassuming and meek, but something they had both fought so hard to obtain. A swell of emotion rose up into 18’s throat and for a moment she almost felt overwhelmed with warmth and happiness. She was truly grateful to be alive to experience this moment, this completely normal, utterly mundane, human moment.
Should I upload this to the prompt collection or nah? Does it fit the feel of it? I’d love to know what you think, cause I’m human and a sucker for reviews!
Hope you liked this one guys, likes, comments, shares as always, are greatly appreciated. 
What should I write next?? Lemme know!!
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prissnukem · 4 years
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raye-chan · 4 years
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My second fav official couple
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cojikomydarling · 4 years
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I’ve been writing my first real R18 fic for the past few days.
It’s a Krillin/18 one.
It’s a little saucy...
And the best preview I’ve got that (probably) won’t get automatically me chided by Tumblr is this.
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krillin-fanfic · 4 years
Here we go, my humble submission for K18 Day 2020! The prompt was ��Relationship Reveal”*, I believe, so I went with a version of how I think it might have unfolded.   If you prefer to read it on the fic sites, here’s the links:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/12092562/chapters/64659265  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12652303/15/The-Chestnut-Festival And now, on with the show! 
The first time they told someone, it was an accident. 
Krillin and 18 had been visiting Chi-Chi and her boys that day. It'd been nothing unusual for them; 18 had long ago gotten over her shyness around the other woman due to Krillin's insistence he spend time helping her with her home and her son and 18's reluctance to be left alone anywhere within fifty feet of the old man and the pig. (And being honest? Most humans were just dull or annoyed her) and thus 18 found herself typically in the company of the woman she'd only really known as "Goku's wife". Much to 18's surprise, she was quite outgoing... and surprisingly forgiving of the whole "an evil doctor kidnapped me and turned me into a cyborg to kill your husband" thing. She'd even started inviting 18 to come visit her even without Krillin and had come to greatly enjoy her company. In fact, 18 found herself considering the rather friendly-but-feisty woman to be one of the only two friends she really had. 
A loud whoop and a giggling taunt could be heard from the side yard, and she smiled. The two kids Chi-Chi had certainly didn't hurt, either.18 had been apprehensive around the older boy, Gohan, at first; between not being the most sociable of people and the strangeness of the little bookworm being able to crush a monster as powerful as Cell, one couldn't exactly blame her. But over the past year, she'd found him to be quite friendly and accepting of her, a trait, Krillin had told her, he inherited from his father. 18 found herself enjoying spending time with the lad too, listening along with Krillin and his mother as the boy would ramble on and on about some fascinating new factoid he'd rad, or playing baseball with the boy outside. (She noted with pride that, despite the boy's fearsome strength and blinding speed, he could still never manage to hit her changeup.) 
A tiny squeak and a yawn emanated from the tiny, spiky-haired bundle in 18's arms caught her attention. 18 remembered the day they'd gone to visit after little Goten had been born and being petrified. Being around a kid was something she was just getting used to, but a baby? 18 had been stiff and standoffish for nearly that whole night. And for Chi-Chi to actually ask her to hold him barely a week later? Babies were loud, smelly, delicate, and uncomfortable, there was no way she'd even consider it! 
Until finally, one day, out of necessity... she caved. Chi-Chi had been trying to juggle cooking and caring for a fussy baby, and 18 being unwilling to see this much struggling, took the baby for a moment. And she immediately fell in love with the little bundle. The poofy hair, the tiny hands and feet, that adorable smile and giggle... The little Saiyan had 18 enamored with him in no time flat, and whenever Chi-Chi or Gohan weren't holding him, it seemed 18 or Krillin were. She smiled at the little one as he smacked his lips and drifted back to sleep. 
"You really are so good with him." 18 looked up to see Chi-Chi with a tray of steaming hot tea, smiling. "I haven't seen him sleep this soundly in a little while. He seems to find you quite comforting." 
18 couldn't help but allow herself an amused smirk at the irony. "He's a good little guy," she replied. "Almost hard to believe he's such a loud ball of energy when he's awake." 
Chi-Chi set down her tray and chuckled, taking a seat on the sofa next to her. "He's very much like his father that way." 18 handed the baby over to her and she kissed his forehead gently before laying him in the rocking bed by her feet. "I tell you, that man would sleep like a baby, dead to the world, calm and peaceful as can be. Then the next thing ya know, he's up and bouncing around and eating anything I didn't nail down to the table." She sweatdropped. "That was when I learned wax fruit was a no-no on the decoratin' front." 
18 blew on her cup of tea and raised a brow. "He ate wax fruit Did he not stop when he realized?" 
Chi-Chi picked up her cup and chuckled. "Nope. Just complained they were bitter. Told him it was wax fruit and he said not to pick fruit from the wax trees anymore." She smiled. "But then every morning, it was right over to little Gohan's crib. He was joined at the hip to that baby, I swear." 
18 sipped her tea and smiled. "Had him wrapped around his finger, huh?" 
"Oh gosh, you got no idea, hon. When Gohan was born, he was fascinated by him. Sometimes he'd just sit there staring at him like he was trying to figure him out. But before long, he was holding him constantly, taking naps with him..." her eyes widened "and I can't tell you how many times I had ta stop him from tryin' to share his food with him long before he was ready. Those were some hair-raising moments, I can tell you that." 
Her face softened again. "Even when he'd go trainin' though, he always stayed closer to home, and started taking Gohan on trips with him so he could study the wildlife in the area while he did his workout." She put down her tea and smiled at her sleeping infant. "I'm sure he'd be the same way with Goten too. He wasn't always the best traditional father, but my Goku was a good papa." 
18 traced the rim of her cup with a finger and smiled. "Sounds like it to me. I know my Krillin can be the same way. Absolutely loves kids, especially your boys."  
Chi-Chi raised a brow for a moment, shocked. "O-oh!" she grinned. " Yes! He's been a very big help with Gohan. Can't think of anyone I'd rather have as a role model, ahaha!" 
Now it was 18's turn to raise a brow as she sipped nervously. "Hmm." 
"Jeez, kid, did you really have to throw the ball that hard? I think my hand might be numb for like a week." 
The ladies glanced over in the direction of the opening front door to see Krillin enter the house, shirt and pants covered in grass stains, with an apologetic Gohan in tow, carrying a now-deflated football. 
"I'm sorry, Krillin! Is your hand ok?"
Krillin laughed. "Yeah, I'm fine, relax." He held up a finger. "Your next assignment though: work on your control. Can't be tossing balls so hard they break in people's hands." He looked at Chi-Chi and 18 and smiled. "Sorry we took so long out there. Time kinda got away from us."
Chi-Chi waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, you're fine. We were just having a little girl talk, and I was just about to start making lunch anyhow." She gestured toward the sleeping bundle at her feet. "Gohan, would you please take your brother to his bed and get cleaned up? Seems he's out for the long haul."
"Sure thing, mom." Gohan gently scooped up his baby brother and started down the short hallway as Krillin took a seat on the arm of the sofa by 18.
Chi-Chi smoothed her dress. "Now then," she grinned at the two, "is there anything you'd like to tell me?"
Krillin scratched his head in bewilderment. "Uh... you mean about Gohan? Well, he's at that age, so we did sort of have a puberty talk, but-"
Chi-Chi giggled ."I mean about you two, sillies!" She looked at 18. "I mean, how long have you two been a couple and you didn't even tell me?!"
18 visibly tensed but her face remained set in stone. "I'm sorry... what are you talking abo-"
"Ah-ah! Nope!" Chi-Chi held up a finger. "No playing dumb with me, miss! I'd been wondering for a little while now. The looks you two shoot each other," she gestured at their seating arrangement. "The way you always have to be close to each other." She winked at 18. "And just now you called him your Krillin. That's not something that 'just happens' when talking about a friend."
Krillin's jaw dropped a little as 18's face flushed a deep red. He put a hand on 18's shoulder. "18... babe, did you tell her?"
18, still tense and red-faced, nodded slowly. "Y-yeah. So what? Maybe I'm just tired of pretending, huh? Maybe I wanna talk to my only other friend about stuff too..."
Krillin hopped off the couch and kneeled in front of her. "Nono, hon, you don't have to defend that decision to me. We discussed this, 'member? Whenever you're ready, right?" 18 nodded and he smiled, his own face flushing as well.
"Uhm... Chi-Chi," he turned to her. "Please, can you just... keep this between us for now? Please." He took 18's hand in his and she gripped it tightly. "18's never really had much privacy in her life, and she was super worried about people trying to pry and being nosy... we agreed to keep this a secret until she was ready to tell people herself. So please, especially not Bulma. You know how she can be..."
Chi-Chi put both hands up. "Oh, of course, of course! I completely understand. Secret's safe with me, honest." She shifted forward and rested her chin in her hand. "But uh... how long? When did it happen?"
"A few weeks ago..." 18 spoke up, finally shifting her gaze from the floor to her friend again, cheeks still red. "We... we were stargazing on the roof when the old man was gone. Like we usually do, and... I dunno what it was, but something just felt different. Like... I felt really happy, y'know? And.. weirdly safe. Like there was nothing in the world that could have touched me in that moment." 18 smiled softly. "And he... told me I looked really pretty in the moonlight. In this way that felt so sincere and honest... I asked to hear it again. And again. And then..."
"She kissed me," Krillin interrupted, a big dopey grin on his face. "Ow!" he rubbed his shoulder where 18 slugged him. "What?"
"Don't interrupt, goon." 18 scowled, but there was a playfulness to her eyes that betrayed her.
"Apologies, miss. I shan't interrupt again." he kissed her hand softly, and 18 blushed even harder, hiding her face behind a shirt sleeve.
Chi-Chi squealed. "Oh my gosh, you two are just too adorable!" She planted a hand on both their shoulders. "Congratulations, you two! Honestly, it was about time you finally pulled the trigger on this. I think I knew before either of you did." She laughed as the two nervously looked away.
Chi-Chi smirked slyly. "Well it's not as if Krillin kept his feelings a secret, I've known him for years and his emotions are easy to read as a book. But you..." she shook a finger at 18. "You took a bit longer, but it wasn't hard to see he was more than just a friend to you. I'd say it was probably around the time you started asking me to teach you how to cook that I knew for sure." She winked. "These boys are all the same, the way to the heart is through the stomach."
As if on cue, Krillin's stomach growled and 18 chuckled. "Well it was either that or give him food poisoning, I suppose."
Chi-Chi stood and pumped a fist. "Right! Well, I better get lunch going. Gohan's no doubt close to done cleaning up, and I'm sure he'll be starved too." She cast a side-eye at 18. "Be glad you're not cooking for Saiyans, dear. Lemme tell you, it's a full-time job."
She trotted to the kitchen, pulled out a big pot, and started filling it with water, sparing the occasional glance up to see the two lovebirds in their own little world, holding hands, talking happily, and stealing the occasional kiss. She smiled. 'They look so happy.'
18 gripped Krillin's hand just a tiny bit tighter The initial nerves had subsided. She was glad she'd told, to be honest, and happier still that Chi-Chi agreed to keep it a secret, but there was still that lingering sense of paranoia she couldn't quite shake. Her privacy and autonomy were things she highly valued, and the idea of certain people prying and wanting to grill her for information on her personal life still scared her. But...
She smiled.
But now she had Krillin. Her Krillin. Her best friend, her support... and now more.
And somehow, she knew, everything would be alright.
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