elbackflipo · 4 months
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog, now managed by @patorucho]
[Note: A general recap with previous storylines from the previous blog will be made soon. Changes will be made.]
[Admin only knows English/Tagalog, but will try to provide a Spanish translation]
🦷 Things to know about y!Charlie:
☢ He uses he/him pronouns, occasionally she/her but he doesn't care. Sex? Yes please!! Oh- OHH. You mean gender. Uhhh. Schlime.
☢ He goes by Charlie or Slime, full name Charlie Slimecicle. Nickname El Backflipo. Petname uhh fuck you only my WIFE gets to know. Unless you're uhh ahahaha... seeing me later if you catch my drrrift ;) Organ swapping am I right? [I'll take your liver and your lungs and you can have a piece of my uhh left nipple]
☢ She's an eldritch slime demon, but tends to hide it with a flesh disguise. Charlie's uhhh. Not adopted but surely a little ~different~ from his siblings. Isn't that quirky of him? [Gross slimy fleshy unconvincing giggling]
☢ Disgusting freak of nature
☢ Mostly goofy, sometimes not. Do you get to know? No, fuck you.
☢ From SCU and Tommyinnit Mod Videos! Not c!Slime, but you fucking wish don't you fuckers.
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🧠 Tags he'll use:
✘ #schlop posting - text posts
✘ #you gunkin? - asks
✘ #sludge dissolve - in character reblogs
✘ #slime right in - lit rp threads
✘ #slime you later - end of roleplay
✘ #all schleeing eyes + #ooc - out of character
☣ #yaoiverse - general yv tag
☣ #straightverse - general angst tag
☣ #sexoverse - general suggestive tag
☣ #yuriverse - general non canon tag
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🏳️‍🌈 Tags when talking to Faggot Funland:
[Can- Can I even reclaim that? Chat can I say schlaggots instead? Chat I need to know what schlurs I can reclaim]
🫀 I'm not the dad that stepped up, I'm the father that fucking FORGOT [Family]:
✂ @elwifeguy (Mariana) - #my bitch wife ♡ [GET YOUR OWN!!]
✂ @bulletflips (Juanaflippa) - #my daughter flippita ♡
✂ @tazeredmike (Mike) - #brother from another gunker
✂ @duckduckquackity (Quackity) - #paraschlocial much
✂ @witheredlilacs (Tilín) - #girlfreak two
✂ @goo-amalgamation (Gegg) - #smaller sludger
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🫁 Love is in the air? WRONG. GAS LEAK. [Quesadilla Island]:
✂ @catboyarg (Cellbit) - #pussy out? erm yea
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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🦴 Reminder: Do NOT fucking click or even MOVE. [Eggs/Kids]:
✂ @inventorswag (Ramón) - #derailing your fucking train
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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[dividers 1/2]
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stubborndooter · 6 months
Good time-of-day-in-your-timezone, everyone. Isn't it so beautifully peaceful right now?...I at least hope it is. Unfortunately, I can't say things have been that way here, to the point I've had to bring it upon myself to be the prosecutor in a very particular issue. An issue filled with sabotage, sorrow, and salt-drenched slimery that it'd put a nuclear power plant's waste pile that's been dumped in the ocean to shame.
Some Trigger Warnings and Content Warnings before I continue so you can click off and have someone else update the issue to you though.
- There will be swearing/strong language
- There will be mentions of swearing/strong language
- There will be depictions of swearing/strong language
- There will be mentions of toxic behavior
- There will be depictions of toxic behavior
- There will be mentions of suicide
- There will be depictions of threats of suicide
- There will be mentions of verbal abuse
- There will be depictions of verbal abuse
- There will be mentions/depictions of other disturbing topics that aren't coming to my mind at the moment, apologies for the unclearness
Also, please for the love of all good things in existence, DO NOT harass the people involved. You'll end up starting to go down a bad route.
Before you go though, feel free to keep the name in mind so you can ask about the turnout of everything. What's the issue to be called? Simple.
The Call-Out of Alm, aka @almsieltheharvestlord
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(Part 1/3)
I'm sorry, Alm. You need to realize your autism-on-autism crime won't go unrecognized, and that a fellow person with autism will be the one to bring you to justice. Irony at its finest, isn't it?
So, how about we start off with a summary of what will be displayed here? Similar to an opening statement, you know?
A Summary Of The Post
What You Will See Me Cover Right Now
I will be writing here about things I've seen and things that have been shared with me in relation to Alm being an incredibly toxic and manipulative person to AT LEAST one other person. Recalling events that have happened, displaying evidence through screenshots, and giving my own testimony, of course. This whole issue spans back a few months, so I'm apologizing now on if some details are inaccurate on timing and details, or are incomplete entirely. I will be doing my best to provide the big picture.
What You May See On Other Blogs In The Future
I, of course, will not stop other blogs from spreading this information or adding to it either against or in favor of Alm. In fact, I am openly encouraging it so all facts can be shared and all details can be known. However, as the prosecution, a witness, and even a victim, I am inclined to start this whole thing off against him.
Now that all of the starting stuff is done, here is the incident in as much entirety as I can provide. Evidence will be provided from this point on, so if you haven't left, good luck bearing your eyes to these.
The Beginning Of The Incident At Hand
Before Meeting Alm Myself
For this section of evidence and testimony on the incident, I would like to thank Freddy (@creeperchild) for providing what he has on the issue, and being both a big factor in helping me build the confidence for this and just being a great friend and person in general.
Although the specific date is unknown, a member of the online community named Alm joins a server run by Freddy. Details here are fuzzy, but issues happen when a frustrated breakdown leading to insulting the moderators of the server happens.
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^ Above is what I'll go ahead and call [EXH-1: Screenshot 1 of Freddy's Server] provided by Freddy from his server.
From what I have gathered, Freddy had been keeping an eye on Alm around this time, and has vocalized his concerns and called him out. Other people in his server agreed with him at the time and even tried to help him remain calm.
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^ Featured here is [EXH-2: Screenshot 2 of Freddy's Server]
However, despite the reality check that was given here, he continued to act negatively, and was removed from the server soon after. This was potentially believed to be the end of everything, and it wouldn't have gotten to where it has as of now, due to him being removed from the server.
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^ [EXH-3: Wall of Server Activity provided by Freddy]
As of now, this is all this section has on before I had met Alm myself. Again, I won't stop anyone from adding anything, of course; instead, please go ahead and add what you can to this section through reblogs, DMs, and otherwise.
For now though? We will continue.
When I First Met Alm
I believe it was when I saw him send asks to others and even received an ask from him myself checking in on us, that's when I first learned of his existence. It also wasn't too long after this that I met some of the others involved in this incident, and we all wound up in a Discord Server together.
Things seemed to start off normally in the server, though I began to grow a strange feeling from Alm. I didn't know why, but I began to feel like he wasn't as good of a person as he presented himself to be, though at the time, it was just a weird feeling I had without any real reason, so I continued to be kind as I would. Little did I realize it was actually correct intuition at that point, which had since then grown massively from this point.
It was, I wanna say 1-2 months of me being in the server where happenings began to happen. Alm seemed rather...insertive, trying to put himself into things that were pretty much between other people. I'll admit, I personally found it a fair bit annoying, but never had the ability to just tell him anything, so I tried to accommodate him into the thing as best I could. Things had continued this way for a while, though it was also around this time where the first victim I directly witnessed was having her reputation disturbed.
The Start Of The Poison
Scraps (@scrapman-silva-and-alanor), someone who at the time I think was dating Cotton (@cotton-lesh-of-the-old-faith), had been getting mad at Alm for the way he acted.
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^ [EXH-4: Screenshot 1 of Scraps being mad at Alm for his behavior]
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^ [EXH-5: Screenshot 2 of Scraps being mad at Alm for his behavior]
At the time, since none of us were aware of his hidden self other than Scraps (Cotton seemed to have a fair hint though), Alm managed to make Scraps look like a, to put it bluntly and as close as I can remember it being said, rude asshole. We had fallen for it, beginning to dislike her at that point.
It was around here that Cotton and Alm had begun to get closer, along with a third person named Shira (@hopewasnttaken), and those three began to be "closer" friends. Please keep this part in mind for later. However, we will not judge anyone for what they do in their personal stuff...unless it's intentionally harmful, of course.
With how Alm was being for a fair bit now, a few people, including Scraps, Gabriel (@just-a-stupid-jas), and myself had grown to dislike Alm a bit, but since Cotton was a vibe, none of us really were too harsh with Alm (except Scraps, thank you for being brave). Things remained this way for a bit longer before everything got a little worse.
The Need To Be Important
So basically, the server we were is an RP server for the most part, a rather active and eventful one when this all was happening. Remember how I said Alm kept inserting himself into everything? There was a couple incidents I could remember a bit more clearly than most.
The first one of these was when my dude was rewarded for being a great follower, worthy of a gift from Heket (@heket-of-the-old-faith) herself.
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^ [EXH-6: Alm getting mad over not being told I was going to receive something despite the fact it was meant to be a surprise for me in the first place]
Here, we can see he performs self harm in attempt to guilt-trip Heket, but thankfully, she isn't having any of that shit.
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^ [EXH-7: Heket quickly shuts down Alm and tries to ensure he shouldn't even try it, Cotton is visually upset with Alm]
Now, I can already hear you asking. "Isn't this just RPing? Yeah, it's a bit dark, but what's wrong?" I'm getting to that right now, though let's go over the second incident first.
The second incident was when Heket was setting me up to befriend Kallamar and give him more friends. Upon Alm not receiving an immediate answer to his question, what happens?
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[EXH-8: Alm makes himself die, adding comments about how the bishops are bad]
Alm decides killing his character would be appropriate. Before he does so, he says darkhearted comments about Cotton, Heket, and Shamura (@spooderwithacrown).
Before the heart attack however, he's often had his character commit self-demise. Various witnesses can back up this claim, including myself. Unfortunately, I've lost track on where to get the screenshots for this though.
Now will be the part where a grand part in this whole deal is displayed, but to try and recover any mental energy before getting hit with a whopper of a main part, have this out-of-context screenshot from the Discord Server that Momo (@momo-the-goob) so kindly thought up.
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^ [Mental Recovery Break, feel free to stare at this as long as you need to before continuing]
...you all recovered? I'm warning you, this is a fairly big part in all of this...you sure?...aight. Let's continue then.
One Big Reveal
The Return Of Freddy
Alm had apparently brought up how he was in a server Freddy made, and was banned from it. Being upset with Freddy at some point saying he needed a therapist and saying just talking to family is fine, he proceeded to call Freddy an asshole. Repeatedly. And with how close Alm had brought Cotton to him, Cotton also wpund up calling him an asshole.
I was sitting in a corner watching this happen, unsure of what to do. My mind knew Freddy was nothing like what they were saying, but at the time, I was too nervous to try and defend him...thankfully, Sage (@sechickadeetazzy (the tag isn't working and idk why-)) has Freddy friended and invited him to the server, so when I left for a few minutes to question things and come back, what do I come back to?
Freddy. Naturally out of shock and being an absolute fucking fan of his work at the time (as we were around the start of our friendship there so I'm still in that state of oh my god I'm friends with an artist) tries to stay calm and say something like, "Holy shit Freddy's here-" soon followed by, "Hello Freddy", and he was super cool and said hi back! After being there for a bit and leaving, I did manage to send a friend request and get it accepted!
Okay so apparently there's a 10-image limit per post, so when these are all uploaded, I will be linking the next post to here.
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Slimery rage demons...
.... what about them????????
- R
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sad-ant-blog · 1 year
Also I understand wanting your daughter to be safe and wanting to keep things in the family but harassing me because I won’t is some next level slimery I will never get over please pray for my people im so mad I got see my countries dark side before even visiting hopefully it’s not everyone though?
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bloggingcapital · 4 years
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Practice ➭ 😂😂😂 🐻Follow us (@bloggingcapital) for more!💘 - 📲 ♡ Follow & Enjoy! ⋆ Credit: ? (unknow dm me please)📮 ⋆ Tag a friend who needs to see this!🙂 . . . . . . . ☘ Tags : #slimemaking #slime❤ #jellyslime #slimeislife #mixingslime #slimetrend #slimery #howtomakeslime #foodslime #iceburgslime #slimesg #prilaga #slimecanada #milkyslime #slimefloam #slimebaking #slimeee #slimeasmrvideo #slimesatisfying #slimepopping #slimeybuksnotice #slimefood #slime #asmr #slimemaking #slime #jellyslime #slimeislife #mixingslime #slimetrend #slimery #howtomakeslime #foodslime #iceburgslime #slimesg #prilaga #slimecanada #milkyslime #slimefloam #slimebaking #slimeasmrvideo #slimesatisfying #slimepopping #slimeybuksnotice #slimefood #crunch #fluffyslime #butterslime #слайм . . . . . https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2WNyGjt-d/?igshid=yjrocvgzetk1
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cetology · 4 years
if u are taking requests for the monster thingy... valerie 2b!!
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valerie...but make it slime...slimerie
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irisavivi · 3 years
Repost @satisfying.squaree 😍Or😡?? Is This Satisfying?👇👇 —————————————— ☘️Follow For Great Content ☘️ Follow 👉 @satisfying.squaree Follow 👉 @satisfying.squaree Follow 👉 @satisfying.squaree Follow @satisfying.squaree ☀️ —————————————— Tag your friends and enjoy 👇—————————————— #slimeworld #slimebubbles #slimery #slimef4f #slimecrunch #slimeswirl #slimetrend #slimemix #slimepopping #slimerussia #slimelife #slimelove #slimez #slimelovers #slimefun #asmrpoking #asmrsleep #slimeysugar #slimeyodaproof #slimeyvideo #slimeyc #slimetutorials #slimepoke #slimeyvideo #slimevideos #slimecompilation #slimeamerica #slimerepost #slimecommunity #slimereview NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED https://www.instagram.com/p/CP5nubRpKWd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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machetazomusic · 4 years
#Repost @satischina • • • • • comment octopus in your language @dycjj48slv0z/抖音🎥VC tags: #slimesg #slimeyodaproof #butterslimetutorial #clearslimetutorial #sizzlyslime #slimeee #slimeslime #slime #slimesmoothie #slimepressing #claymixingslime #slimeasmr #slimepetpeeves #slimee #bubblepoppingslime #slimery #softslime #awesomeslime #slimeyvideo#slime #slimetutorial #slimepressing #sleepaid #slushieslime #slimeasmr #slimez #slimee #slimeamerica #slimer #slimers (en West Bronx, Bronx, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPIaVsgYf8/?igshid=5prlhvajp76g
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yoofllc · 4 years
"TRICK SHOT OR COMMON SHOT" ⚪⚫⚪⚫⚪⚫⚪⚫⚪⚫⚪⚫⚪ Oh no 🙄 Follow @creatives_club for more ❤ @202647619/快手🎥VC #creatives_club #slimesg #slimeyodaproof #butterslimetutorial #clearslimetutorial #sizzlyslime #slimeee #slimeslime #slime #slimesmoothie #slimepressing #claymixingslime #slimeasmr #slimepetpeeves #slimee #bubblepoppingslime #slimery #softslime #awesomeslime #slimeyvideo#slime #slimetutorial #slimepressing #sleepaid #slushieslime #slimeasmr #slimez #slimee #slimeamerica #slimer #slimers https://www.instagram.com/p/B_pKrjNFxI5/?igshid=oeg4mye87pxd
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Scent? 🤔 I am torn between banana or grape! 🍌🍇 . . . . . #floamslime #floamcrunch #floambeads #slimevideos #slimeaccount #slimers #slime❤️ #slimery #slimevids #slimef4f #slimez #slimelove #slime💟 #slimelife #socialdistance #quarentine #happyathome #relaxing #stresseating #stressrelief #stressmanagement #slimesounds #slimesquad #foambeads #cuteslime #loveslime #slimebypurplebirdperfumes #slimecanada #instagramers @instagram #slimeforever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BFbQYnCtJ/?igshid=vcebc70a3ck7
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duhitzadina-blog · 7 years
pt.2 (clear version) #clearslime#sticky #satisfyinggoop#oddlysatisfying#slimevideo #slime#slimey#slimery#asmr
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oceanside-stim · 6 years
✨ Periwinkle ✨|| cr: kawaii slimery asmr via Instagram
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ardentcoyote · 6 years
Yeah, I could get wrapped around the person I thought was you
But facades are slippy-slimery and you’re always on the move
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bloggingcapital · 4 years
Why Is This Funny ➭ 😂😂😂 🐻Follow us (@bloggingcapital) for more!💘 - 📲 ♡ Follow & Enjoy! ⋆ Credit: ? (unknow dm me please)📮 ⋆ Tag a friend who needs to see this!🙂 . . . . . . . ☘ Tags : #slimemaking #slime❤ #jellyslime #slimeislife #mixingslime #slimetrend #slimery #howtomakeslime #foodslime #iceburgslime #slimesg #prilaga #slimecanada #milkyslime #slimefloam #slimebaking #slimeee #slimeasmrvideo #slimesatisfying #slimepopping #slimeybuksnotice #slimefood #slime #asmr #slimemaking #slime #jellyslime #slimeislife #mixingslime #slimetrend #slimery #howtomakeslime #foodslime #iceburgslime #slimesg #prilaga #slimecanada #milkyslime #slimefloam #slimebaking #slimeasmrvideo #slimesatisfying #slimepopping #slimeybuksnotice #slimefood #crunch #fluffyslime #butterslime #слайм . . . . . https://www.instagram.com/p/CFmPNlTjBAd/?igshid=vpm4gn9s1703
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kuoyifusunbit · 5 years
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Los Familukis y el poder de los Slimeris (Libros Singulares)
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3459876 · 6 years
sugar cookie frosting by boba_.slimery via kjpslime
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