vintageeurope · 1 month
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Bratislava, Slovakia 1921
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signoraviolettavalery · 8 months
you know that joke about how the BBC has 3 sets and 6 actors
being into Slovenian music is a little like that, because it feels like they have 6 singers, one violin player, two music video actors, three backup singers, and they all know each other, and also the singers are all writing each other's songs
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aria-diary · 13 days
#slovenia #slovenian istra #slovenian coast
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consultwithmouse · 6 months
Goodbye Mrs Zuzana Čaputová, thank you for everything you have done for us. You have been the best president that Slovakia has ever had.
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hypo-critic-al · 1 year
Nikto nič:
Bývalý predseda vlády a bývalý minister vnútra SR: *pobijú sa tesne pred voľbami*
(Takže teraz čakám nejaké Matovič/Kaliňák, 25000 slov, enemies to lovers, slow burn, hate/love, hurt no comfort dielka na AO3- *výstrel*)
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ciernomodryhavran · 10 months
Jedna z mojich najobľúbenejších vecí teraz na výške je výraz ľudí, keď im poviem že som zo Slovenska, hneď potom ako ma počuli hovoriť plynulo česky.
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poletje-s-teboj · 2 years
In honour of Joker Out representing Slovenia at this years Eurovision, here are my Top 5 songs:
1. Gola (Umazane misli)
2. Novi Val (Demoni)
3. Ona (Demoni)
4. Omamljeno telo (Umazane misli)
5. Ne bi smel (Demoni)
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analogtrains · 2 years
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witchpuppies · 10 months
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(via GIPHY)
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med-nama · 1 year
Prinesi mi rože, ki divje cvetijo,
odpelji me v goro, kjer škrati živijo.
Pokaži mi zvezdo z mojim imenom,
zloži mi pesem z bizarnim refrenom.
Povabi me včasih v kraje neznane,
mi zjutraj pod okno pripelji cigane.
Povej mi o sanjah četudi so grešne,
zaupaj mi želje četudi so smešne.
Napravi to zmeraj, ne bodi kot drugi,
ljubezen ni reka, ki teče po strugi.
Napravi to zopet, ne hodi po poti,
saj sreča ni nekaj, kar pride naproti.
Poljubi me nežno, ko drugi hitijo,
povabi me v mesto, ko drugi že spijo.
Usoda je živa in mrtvi junaki,
naj še hrepenijo postaje in vlaki.
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rosetta-j-stone · 1 month
In other news my Uncle bought me the new Siddharta album for my birthday and it arrived today : D
...along with a free copy of this bad boy, good times:
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signoraviolettavalery · 8 months
Okay so at this point I truly don't know which line to choose, nonnie, so here's what you get instead: Slovenian music propaganda! Which is related, I promise!
I've become obsessed with Slovenia's 1997 entry
Somewhere at the town's end, an old house sleeps Behind the ninth window, a girl is awake The golden moon is counting her tears The night hides them, just like they're stars
"Wake up, good prince I would like to give you all My dreams and my youth"
Anyway, assuming Eurovision exists in this world, imagine lonely, young vampire bride Jan, looking at the stars and dreaming, thinking maybe he'll have a fairytale prince for a husband. Someone kind. And he knows he'll be married young, so he wants someone who will be his good prince, to whom he'll give his youth, his best years, and who will fulfill all his dreams.
And then....Gaspar.
Anyway Slovenia keeps singing utter masterpieces to Eurovision and getting robbed and if they decided to say "fuck it' and stop participating I wouldn't blame them
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aria-diary · 2 months
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majortomwaits · 4 months
2 am. Balašević time
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suetravelblog · 6 months
Kromatika 2023 2024 Slovenska Filharmonija Ljubljana
Slovenska Filharmonija – gov.si Last night’s performance by the Slovenia Symphony Orchestra was exceptional. Seeing them live on stage was a fantastic experience! Bulgarian Conductor Rossen Milanov led the orchestra. Rossen Milanov Conductor – cd-cc.si kromatika Kromatika 2023 2024 The Kromatika 2023 2024 performance last night was the sixth in a series of nine. Kromatika concerts highlight the…
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radiogornjigrad · 8 months
Savjet za knjigu: facesofbooks.de predstavlja serijal SLOVENSKA KNJIŽNICA, objavljen u Wieser Verlagu. 33 volumena . Tome 1 Lojze Wieser “Dugo sam se nadao i strahovito nisam uspio” Slovenskoj knjižnici WIESER/DRAVA Kada država propadne, kao Jugoslavija, kulturna dezintegracija civilizacije je ogromna. Slovenija preživljava, a postavlja se pitanje, koliko kulturnog identiteta još postoji, na…
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