#slw final spoilers
the-1-foxy · 11 months
I don't know why they'd imply that Veva Dash left with the others, after having her side with HTT initially (maybe she was actually trying to convince HTT to come with Stampy?) But presuming she did, woof. HTT finally got what he thought he wanted but at the cost of his only friend. Now he has everything and nothing. He'll only realise how worthless it all was once everyone else is gone, and there's no going back for him.
Stampy giving up his world is hitting fucking hard, man. That's really not what I expect. It's so bitter sweet, I cant even think straight right now. It's funny how they hinted at redeeming HTT and Veva but that turned out to be a red herring. Hey I wont say it didn't get me. That would be the sweet and happy ending, and not the gut punch I just experienced though.
I wish I was still in those stampy cat fan servers I kinda left in some sort of daze that I don't remember, so I could have people to scream with right now
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I dont have an attention span. Can you summarize SLW episode 700?
Having to respond to this post gave me such a visceral "one fear" reaction... let's just say it's titled "Tragic Day" for good reason.
Okay, here goes, spoiler alert so everything's under the cut… recap time:
Stampy does his intro (he is using ray tracing -- basically like shaders -- from now on!) and tries to get a peek of the surprise his Helpers prepared for him at the Fancy Circle Park (the one in front of the Funland)
HitTheTarget and Veeva Dash are there... with ABOUT TEN DOGS
They are not Stampy's dogs
The nincompoops chase Stampy around the town and they fight, until most of the dogs are killed
HTT + Veeva Dash run in the direction of Stampy's house
Stampy follows them and goes down into the Secret Base
The Secret Base contains HTT, Veeva Dash, and has AT LEAST 30 DOGS, practically filling the room (yes, I counted, badly clipped video here)
Stampy immediately leaves and goes to get his Wolf Pack for backup
Stampy + the Pack return to the park and Stampy kills the 3 dogs HTT left behind in the last attack, because if he kept them around, they'd be used against him (he isn't happy about this at all, btw)
HTT and Veeva Dash return the park and they have a ~32v9 fight
Stampy wins, most of HTT's dogs are killed, and HTT and Veeva Dash flee back to their castle
Stampy finds that out of the 9 dogs that he brought into the battle (he accidentally left Barnaby behind earlier), only 6 were alive -- Fluffy (yellow), Bengy (dark blue), and Corey (dark green) are all missing, most likely dead
Stampy returns to the Secret Base and finds that they were using his Cloning Contraption, i.e. this whole plan was actually Clone Calamity 2: Electric Boogaloo, set 7 years after the first incident (Episode 184)
HTT and Veeva Dash had left the dog they were cloning for the army back in the machine
Stampy feeds her a porkchop, adopts her, and names her "Secret"
Stampy destroys the Cloning Contraption, claiming that it was "something [he] should have done a long time ago"
He brings Secret to the Pack and celebrates the 700th episode anniversary with his Helpers, who finally joined (it's night at this point)
Stampy also announces that the park would be revamped in Episode 701 (to be released in an estimated 32 hours from when I post this reply) to be a memorial park for his deceased dogs, then ends the episode
TLDR: HTT and Veeva Dash unleash 40+ dogs on Stampy and his own dogs but get their butts handed to them. 3 of Stampy's dogs die in the battle, but he adopts a new one. The fandom is in absolute shambles.
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