gameshowsandhosts · 1 year
Smile Like You Mean It
In which Balloon, Nickel, and Baseball find love, in one way or another.
"Excuse me?" Nickel bit out, his legs pausing from kicking back and forth from the chair he sat on. "You're rooming me with who?"
"Balloon, Nickel." OJ says, narrowing her eyes. "It might be a good bonding exercise for the both of you." After all, Lord knows you need it, goes unspoken between the both of them.
"Bonding!?" He exclaimed, exasperated.
Or, to put it short; a not-so slow burn of Baseball/Nickel/Balloon. (airBNB for short) it's slice of lifey with dabbles of angst.
(title is SLYMI for short)
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yungwar-blog · 2 years
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baby brother
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toudens · 2 months
Ok . I’m being more selective abt who I follow back but @/slymy (I’ll prob delete in a few just for now)
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slymewitch · 11 months
Slymie, i found the slime-god-thing, tried to turn it into soup but that didn’t goto well. Advice?
Dont do that anymore
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slymeonadate · 10 months
*walks up to you and hugs you while wearing a skirt, heels and a crop top* hey slymie <3
H-hi ash O-O
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ash-the-tiefling · 10 months
*hugs you from behind*
Hi sweetheart~
hi slymie *hugs you back and kisses you*
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manedible · 2 years
Can I use dat slymy
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irritablebowels · 4 years
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slymie ran so egirls could crawl
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amigurumi-crossing · 3 years
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My son really wanted the hat from Moon RPG by Onion Games. The hat fits him much better than it does me. Moon is an old PS1 cult classic that was released in Japan only, but the game is now available on the Nintendo Switch. The premise of the game is to be an "anti rpg", where you rescue the souls of all the innocent creatures of the world that the "Hero" slayed to level up. It's a FANTASTIC game, especially for people who like a slow paced and thought provoking games.
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gwar tag yourself
greetings human scum before i serve you this platter of shitpost i would like to introduce myself—I am Endometra The Anguished and your torment is my glee. You will enjoy my presence whether you like it or not.
🐮Udder Hatred For Everything
- wants to live in a little secluded cottage in the woods
- only drinks moon water
- can probably talk to woodland creatures and recruit them to destroy humanity
- always mad @ something
- virgo
- secretly craves love and attention
🐠Fishy n Stanky
- is actually babie
- absolutely and unfairly oppressed by the court
- *puppy noises*
- gender: penis
🦖Land Before Time
- also could've been babie but NO everyone had to crack him out
- only slymie saw what he could've been
- rawr XD
💉Menstrual Blood Clot
- backwards facing fangs in her vagina
- queen of bloodshed
- goddess of female doms
- adorably optimistic and doesn't fit in but they let her stay bc she's probably a "TOP 10 CHARACTERS THAT COULD KILL THANOS"
- insists that they’re all “best friends” despite everyone else’s protests to the contrary
- only thing in the entire multiverse that slymenstra feels even a symblance of love for
- wants to make slow, meaningful passionate love and serenade slymie and believe it or not she “tolerates” it
🥄Testicular Distress
- stress cooks
- tries to cure his depression with masturbation
- in love with a dead raccoon
- can’t drive or do math
🦠Bubonic Pustule
- loves cats but doesn’t want anyone to know
- analfuckmaster 8000
- acne positivity
- crusty boi
💨 Flat Stanley
- stoned 24/7
- that one kid that never grew out of his dinosaur obsession
- smells like dead flowers
- steals cro-magnon artifacts from the smithsonian but only on tuesdays
- has a severe god complex
- bitter about love
- inhales everything in his immediate vicinity like kirby or some shit
- believes we should bring back gladiator battles for population control
🐶Canid Semen (do we know anything at all about him? up for debate.)
- furry dudebro
- that’s it
- oh yeah his name is brad
🍆Libido Chef
- cooks with bälsäc a lot
- surprisingly domestic
- literally unable to stop thinking about how he would fuck every person around him
- Extra™️ as motherfucking shit
🔩DS Lite
- thinks he’s the shit
- “married” to slymie
- going through a Rebellious Phase™️
- annoying little brother
⚙️3DS XL
- is actually the shit
- somehow both fits in with everyone else and is also A Good Boy™️
- *circular saw noises*
- probably laughs like, really fucking loudly
🚽Oh No
- scat kink
- he didn’t even fucking need their shit to recreate the tablet he just wanted to fulfill all his sexual fantasies
- RIP (but this time louder for the people in the back)
- reminds me just a little too much of that time gary (spongebob) turned into a wizard or some shit
- the only character out of everyone that’s even slightly careful/prudent about anything
- really really smart but doesn’t show it
- Mom Friend™️
🐢Femur Breaker (he's gonna kill me for giving him the turtle emoji)
- ugly friend
- massive pushover
- has killed and will kill again
- legally not allowed to say fuck
💰Martin's Sandwich Potato Bread
- living embodiment of "lets get this bread"
- goes through 5 cans of aquanet each morning
- extra gum WISHES it was him
- looks like a cigar/tobacco connoisseur but he just buys the most expensive ones he can find
💎Ken Doll
- looks goofy
- im mad at him
- THIS MAN killed my father
🧪Cranial Think Tank Countenance
- built like a green bean
- genetically predisposed to addiction
- was kinda chill and sweet and then she fuckin snapped
- walter white WISHES he could
- literally cannot help being a hoe
- really smart but massively underrated in their position at the lab
- made of regret and failed poledancer dreams
- they died as they lived—getting fucked in the skull
- thinks he's God or some shit
- micromanager of the universe
- weirdly obsessed with babies
- *angry bigot noises*
- probably related to the grandma in flowers in the attic
- married to the 2nd amendment
- "OK boomer"
🇺🇸Annoyingly Patriotic
- hates having fun
- secretly gay
- steals alien dicks
- thinks the entire US budget should go towards military
🗿Master Bates
- w h a t t h e f u c k
- guys i seriously dont know shit about him
- i will face the master and walk backwards into hell
aight fuckers my memory isnt the best so if i missed anyone let me know
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a intersting meeting @team-galactic-comander-saturn
It was wedness day. Sephena explored half of her own universe and almost found herself a home, yet this planet was destroyed by a black hole, so still no home. 
So she is going to visit another pokemon dimension this time, because that world is so beautifull, so many different beautifull pokemon and humans are living there.
This time she ended in a building shes not familair with but this has a pretty mixxed energy, spiky, also slymy, also empty, especaly certain parts of the place. alot of machines and warp pannels. She ended up in a office like place, so empty, well apart from a desk and chair, but the energy, there was a lively energy there as well.
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sweatybrandon · 6 years
To expand on the foreplay thing, it was when he was teasing SLYMI and he said something along the lines of "Is that enough foreplay for you?" and I hate him a lot. He also swore so many times last night... So many times!
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slymewitch · 10 months
Waddup you slymy fella I got chocolate chip cookies
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buriedaliens-art · 7 years
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xxoperatexx · 4 years
hello hello slymy love how are you doing i love you i miss you did you eat and hydrate im sorry i hvnt bee active much (basically at all lolol) but i did add you on snap so go check that out
Aaahhhh babie 🥺🥺 puff loml how are u I hope ur sleeping more <33
mwah mwah I’ll go add u back rn 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 im not very active there so I’m sorry I’ve taken so long shdndndnndnd
omg wait name reveal 😳😳 that means you’ve seen my real name djdndnd that feels so intimate for no reason
me? eat and hydrate..? OH WAIT I MADE (pre prepared) RATATOUILLE TODAY IM A BIG CHEF NOW
ummm I haven’t eaten much recently but I swear I’m gonna eat more this week <333 hopefully ur eating properly and drinking enough water or I’m gonna have to fight >:(
sorry if this seems like super all over the place?? it’s 5pm and I’ve been studying + working on projects since 9 so I am very no thoughts head empty today lmaooo
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