#small happy riho
autoslong · 2 years
Malist meaning
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It puts a smile on my face, and so should inflict on you as well. If you're a fan of the Romeo X Juliet archetype, this anime is a must recommended watch. Heck, I'd even say this anime adaptation surpasses the manga in every way. If there is the minimum fault I could lament with, was that the storytelling was quite slow, but once I compared that to the flow of the manga, it allayed most of the fears I had about pushing quantity for quality, and am glad that the slow storytelling compensated for most of the enjoyment I had for this anime. But, once that OP played, I was rest assured, this OP was fantastic and great, along with Riho Ilda's ED (which I should listen to her songs more) which was icing on the cake. I was concerned about FripSide's songs as the quality of songs they were pumping out in the modern times were average or didn't sound very good (as per the case of Dances With The Dragons). Liden Film's art and animation, bright, clean, fluid and showcasing some of the most simple but bad-ass animations when it comes to the serious stuff (e.g. Overall, all characters were done as well as how they were in the manga.įrom here on, really no problems at all. Their depiction in the anime is just as frightening as in the manga, so great pointers for showing their cruelness. And of course, the White Cats rebel faction of Aby Ssinia, along with his supporter-cum-crush Somali and few others. The most frightening are always the top brass, or model counsellors such as Inuzuka's own older brother Airu (which he despises greatly), twin sisters Kochou and Teria from the Black Dogs and Persia's relentless leaders Cait Sith, Anne Sieber and Rex from the White Cats to name a few. From the assistants, Inuzuka's ever-helpful assistant-cum-crush Hasuki and Percia's strangle-hold Princess Chartreux (just call her Char) are always there to help shape up each counterpart's emotions and feelings about each other, and confront each other as to deal with countless situations with the slightest damage possible. However, as both Inuzuka and Persia encounter each other *starts rolling Romeo X Juliet the play*, the amount of controversy that both have that's weighted on their shoulders become the main problem for concerning people.Īnd that's where the side characters come in. So with that, Dahlia Academy Boarding School (Juliet), was made as per the neutral ground for both factions to have and nurture education for everyone regardless of which faction they belong to. The story.let's just say that if you know a even a little bit about the Romeo X Juliet Shakespeary context, it's the exact same premise here, just in terms of different factions, mainly the White Cats and Black Dogs, led by both leaders Romio Inuzuka An era of American automotive history, centered around the 1970s, is similarly called the " malaise era."Ī speech made by US President Jimmy Carter in 1979 is commonly referred to as the " malaise speech", although the word itself was not actually in the speech.Being a great fan of the typical Romeo X Juliet school-twisted manga at hindsight, I was wishing for an anime adaptation of this rom-com for sometime, and when it premiered in Fall 2018, I was SO happy and ready for the anime adaptation by Liden Films, and it delivered flawlessly (well, small faults but big wins). The term is particularly associated with the 1973–75 United States recession. " Economic malaise" refers to an economy that is stagnant or in recession (compare depression). Malaise is thought to be caused by the activation of an immune response, and the associated pro-inflammatory cytokines. Malaise expresses a patient's uneasiness that "something is not right" that may need a medical examination to determine the significance. Malaise is a non-specific symptom and can be present in the slightest ailment, such as an emotion (causing fainting, a vasovagal response) or hunger (light hypoglycemia ), to the most serious conditions ( cancer, stroke, heart attack, internal bleeding, etc.).
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beetchboye · 2 years
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allelitefics · 4 years
Worth it - final part!
Characters: Hangman Page x OC / Kenny Omega x OC
categories: angst, fluff
Summary: Kenny is having a hard time accepting the fact that you might be in a new relationship, despite him already dating someone new....
This is the final part! Thank you all for reading!! 
Taglist: @fiskers7136  @princessminjikwon @im-a-nerd-fight-me @allelitexo​ @donnithestar @jonsmoxley @lilred91
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Once you got outside you texted Adam...but he wasn't responding. You figured he was probably busy in the ring getting ready for tonight's show. You just really needed someone to talk to. Anyone but Kenny would work right now. You sat against the concrete wall and just stared at your phone. "Hey darlin." you see Adam emerging and your spirit definitely lifts into a better mood. "Hey! I wasn't sure if you got my text." you said. "Yeah I rushed out here as soon as I saw it." he said coming over to you. Pulling you into him. you always thought he looked incredibly sexy when he wore his hair up and he was in his pre-show workout clothes. "So what's wrong? What'd Kenny do now?" he said with a small laugh. "It's so stupid Adam.. and I'm sorry.. I don't know what this is right now with us.. I really like you a lot. I just saw how he's very public about his new girlfriend and he was so secretive about him and I .. it made me feel pretty shitty." "Well.. first of all.. I want you to be mine...I just not sure if  you're ready baby." You look off to the side, because you've questioned that yourself. "Second of all, I'm learning he's a prick sometimes and theres a reason you two broke up." You nod your head in agreement. "I do want to be yours." you tell Adam looking him in the eyes again. "I mean we kiss in front of people, I'm sure that's what they assume." He started to grin at you. "You sure darlin?" "Definitely." you say with a smile.
---6 months later---
You were excited for going out with the crew after Dynamite tonight because you and Adam had something exciting to share. However, you were a little nervous because you knew that not everyone would probably be excited about the news you were about to share. It past 8 months of being Adam Page's girlfriend were amazing, and maybe you were still in the "honeymoon" period but things were about to get really real with the two of you. You had to admit you were heavy in love with him, his country strong attitude was such a turn on for you, not only was he strong and amazing at what he does for a living, he was handy around the house always finding new things to work on and build. He always kept busy and you loved the passion that he had.
"You ready for this?" Adam asked pulling you in close to him. "Yes" you say with a grin. "Let's do this then."
You both entered the bar and saw the group sitting in a rounded booth, everyone was there.. Cody, Brandi, The Bucks and .. Kenny. "Ayyy!! There they are!" Cody shouted when you both approached. You had the biggest grin on your face, but this group often made you smile and laugh. "So before we sit down..we just wanted to make an announcement.." Adam started. You scanned the faces of everyone and when you looked at Kenny and he was staring directly at you, you could tell his reaction was not going to be the same as the rest of the crew. "You're getting married?!" Brandi shouted. You laughed, "No, we're not getting married." you said. "Just spit it out!!" Nick said with excitement. "We are pregnant." Adam said then widened his eyes and smiled. "Holy shit!!" Cody said getting up to hug the both of you, it followed with everyone, including Kenny hugging you and congratulating you, but then he left and went outside. Your eyes followed him and you felt a little sad.
See.. about two months ago, Kenny and Riho broke up, and he came to you afterwards wanting to get back together. Saying he made a mistake, it was like that for a while. At that time you already knew you were pregnant.. not to say you would get back with Kenny.. but it was definitely not going to happen.
You whispered over to Adam, "i'm going to go check on Kenny." he nodded and kissed your temple and you went outside to see him sitting on a bench. "Hey Kenny.." you say. "Hey" You sat down next to him, "I'm really happy for you, Y/N. I just needed some air." You nod your head, "I know.. I just wanted to check on you." You put your hand on his to show that you cared about his feelings. "I just... man...I started getting in my own head thinking, I could win you back..we could have that family that we wanted.. but now.. it's just.. not gonna happen." You nod your head without looking at him, "When you talked to me two months ago and just let me know everything..I already knew I was pregnant.. and I couldn't tell you. You had me actually rethinking things at times.. I'm not gonna lie." he looked over at you and your eyes met. "But, Adam really does treat me so good.. he's amazing and he's going to make a great Dad." "I know he is, and you're going to be an amazing mom...have you two talked about.." You cut him off "Marriage?" "Yeah.." "Not yet...I don't want us to be forced into marriage because we're having a baby." "So maybe I'll have a chance." he says with a smirk growing on his face. You smack his arm playfully. "Yeah right." you say laughing. "Let's go back inside." he says standing up and taking your hand. He pulls you in to hug him. "Congrats again, beautiful." he says. You both head inside and you join Adam in the booth. "Is he good?" he whispers to you. You smile and nod, "yeah everything's going to be okay."
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koinodancesite · 4 years
“Tiki Bun”
Coupled with “Shaba Daba Doo” and “Mikaeri Bijin”
Release date: October 15, 2014
Oricon Weekly placement: 2nd
Members: Ayumi Ishida, Erina Ikuta, Haruka Kudo, Haruna Iikubo, Kanon Suzuki, Masaki Sato, Mizuki Fukumura, Riho Sayashi, Sakura Oda, Sayumi Michishige
With so much focus put on formation dances, it’s been quite a while since Morning Musume introduced a catchy move in their choreography waiting to be imitated, like, say, the ninja-star gesture of “Renai Revolution 21.” The idols pantomime a DJ in “Tiki Bun” to presumably allude to its nonsensical title, which reads like a poor man’s attempt at beat-boxing a scratching routine. The group collectively lean on one ear of their imaginary headphones and furiously run their nonexistent LP back.
The cutting and scratching actually connects well with the sample-happy production. Microscopic pieces of filtered vocals are meticulously cut and arranged, similar to the manner of the piano riffs of “Toki Wo Koe, Sora Wo Koe,” but also like a more fine-point take on techniques showcased in an UK garage or a French house single. The breakdown of “Tiki Bun” in particular reminds me of something like the vocal splicing of Daft Punk’s “Face to Face” or, if you want to think domestically, Perfume’s “Nee.”
The DJ gesture is also an extension of the main musical gag of “Tiki Bun.” “To myself, who runs away from everything without doing anything — tiki bun, tiki bun,” the idols sing during the last verse, and the titular line punctuates the lyric as they rewind the record for a do-over. They also freely take advantage of the lack of meaning behind the titular phrase, standing in as if it’s a censor for an expletive for instance in the next line: “That person who takes only the good parts — tiki bun, tiki bun,” they mutter about a nuisance of a rival.
However playful “Tiki Bun” may seem, Morning Musume tackle the single with the same level of seriousness and conviction as they have with their previous singles. “Tiki Bun” is yet another classic Colorful-era song about self-progress and the group’s well-defined code of ethics. “Even if it goes up in flames, I won’t be afraid/ If everything you say isn’t a lie, then that’s fine/ You’re the one who created it anyway,” they sing in the chorus with all the members linked arm to arm. They might talk smack or throw a fit on the side, but they reason it’s only what every person does.
More than the scratching gestures or the meaninglessness of tiki bun, what comes across the silliest in “Tiki Bun” is how dramatic they jump from idea to idea while they discuss their topic of progress. A segue doesn’t seem to be a necessary tool for Morning Musume, and their perspective wildly shifts as they cover different personal problems. They caution themselves about wanting what they can’t have — a petty offense compared to the rest of their issues — and then suddenly bicker about the egotistic nature of the entire human species. “The ocean, the sky, the mountains, they are all crying,” they sing in disappointment.
If “Tiki Bun” is not your first Morning Musume single, this should be nothing new. We recently encountered this lack of a segue shifting in perspective from the personal to the world at large in “Egao Wa Kimi No Taiyousa” with how the small gestures can impact the whole of humanity. This similar lack of divide between big and small as well as the essential to the trivial built character for the group’s classics such as “Love Machine,” “Renai Revolution 21,” and “The Peace.” “Tiki Bun” simply follows tradition by thinking out loud about the good of humanity without a concern for wit or poise.
However, even after going through 60-plus singles for this blog, and spending several months with their music, I remain speechless whenever I encounter this specific defining feature of Morning Musume songs. The natural beat of a conversation not only escapes them but seem to also hold them back to say what they want to say and say it how they wish to say it. Hyperbole doesn’t seem to exist for this group because for them, every experience exists in the same plane of significance. Their aside about the rising human population in “Tiki Bun” was one of the audacious lyrics that inspired me to begin this blog, so I can freak out in length about how ridiculous they sound singing it yet how they make it work. Years after encountering it, I’m still astonished at what they’ve done.
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lost-woods-rabbit · 5 years
Goblin, Moogle.
Goblin: Does Riho have any unusual habits?
She has taken to growing small flowers, occasionally she will take one and for every petal she pulls off she thinks of a reasons to keep going. One of the few ways she keeps herself going to not cause others concern.
Moogle: if Riho had a mascot, what would it be?
A penguin! Very caring for young, her own or not. And willing to travel great distances just to make those she cares for happy!
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
 HinaFest & Satoyama Event
 We went to Makuhari Messe for 2 days, all of has finished safely~
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  It was fun!!! In January was my birthday event, in February was the dinner show, in March we welcomed the start of the tour, there was also various big and small work, from doing that, don’t I of course feel a sense of accomplishment
That is, I especially want to live in my feelings this year! Lol
 Yesterday as well,
 As today,
 This kind of tasting the sense of accomplishment, I’m really happy~ I thought ❤
 Simply, Its not like I wouldn’t feel anything, there were also a lot of regrettable things, I’ll do my best to avoid that! Is how I was,
 Haa~ I’m tired~
   Today’s HinaFest, Afternoons Angerme Premium, Evenings Morning Musume ’19 Premium It was really passionate and exciting
 This time we showed of Angereme’s “Tabidachi Haru ga Kita” I love that song ❤
I’m happy I got to sing it…❤
 We also got to show off “Utakata Saturday Night!”, as far as the performance, we imitated the choreography in Angerme’s new song
 From that Takeuchi-san was pleased~ lol
 For Morning Musume ‘19’s premium, from Morning, at the end Morning,
 Therefore I,  we, had have excitement
 It wasn’t a feeling of a challenge
 The last song we sang,
“Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke”……
 Calling out “Aisaretaiii”
 I was happy!!! It was wonderful!!! Those kinds of cheers, Ah, perhaps I conveyed my feelings I was able to feel a sense of accomplishment
 This part of Morning Musume of course,
 Fukumura-san said it but,
 It’s a premium for xx but, in each groups limited time they’re super pumped up, creating a sense of unity,
 After all its everyones premium!!! Hello! Project Premium ❤
 Thank you for cheering us on, it became a very passionate stage
 Somehow, with this kind of performance, its been decided that it will be sent out on NicoNico Live Broadcasts exclusive fast upload! That’s really fast! Definitely, check it out
 Also, I think that a lot of people got to watch yesterdays performance on dTV Channel, to all of those people, the program “Hello! Project Dance Academy” started on the Dance Channel, you’ll be able to see it on dTV Channel so!!! Definitely!!! Also watch it here please!!!
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 Utakata Saturday Night! Solo Dance Part Ishida-san
 I was going wild← As a still image, its super amazing← This times Morning Premium, welcomed her back yesterday,
And Sayashi Riho-san came and saw it! I’ve said it a lot but,
 There are still still still,
A lot of things I want to talk about----
 All of the fans have a mountain of things too….←
 But I’m sorry, I’m glad I’m a member ❤ lol
   Yesterday and today, it seems like its snowed and the temperature has dropped in Sendai~~~ But,
 Sendai Sun Plaza Hall will be warm ❤
Thanks for the hard work ❤
 Just the excitement in Sendai makes me happy also
 To the mother who chose Duu over myself←
It was fun listening to her impressions
 See you ayumin ❤
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kristallioness · 6 years
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Hey, dear followers! It's been a busy weekend for me because I was celebrating Estonia's centennial this Saturday. I picked some great photos, which I took on top of Harjumägi during the military parade, to share with all of you, so you'd get an idea of what was going on that morning.
My morning actually started at 5:30 am when I woke up to nibble on something for breakfast and wash myself. Due to my crazy sleep schedule and excitement, I couldn't fall asleep properly the night before and only got 2 hours of sleep. But that didn't bother me from enjoying everything that went down that day.
I hung up the flag on the corner of our apartment building for the first time in my life (with a little help from my dad), a few minutes before the sun rose. I wanted to watch it being raised at Toompea castle via the live broadcast on ETV. I couldn't believe how big the crowd was out on the streets near the corner of the castle.
After I'd listened to the speech by the speaker of our Parliament, Eiki Nestor, me and my dad drove to our capital city, Tallinn. We headed to the Freedom Square to find a good spot on Harjumägi, where we'd get a good view on the entire parade and see the aircraft fly over us much closer.
I brought my dad along to the parade for the first time in HIS life (I've been to these for the past 2 years, which were just as amazing). He liked it very much and would've wanted to stay longer near the end if the weather hadn't been so chilly. We were both shivering half the time when the troops and tanks were still marching during the parade, even though I had a pretty thick parka and warm winter boots (I was surprised by the clarity of the photos I took). There was a soft wind blowing from the north/northeast, which made the air a bit more humid and freezing (like it cuts through your bones).
Anyway, there were both our own and foreign troops, tanks, other types of military equipment, different parts of the air forces flew over the crowd several times. Our President Kersti Kaljulaid was there and lieutenant general Riho Terras gave a great speech, ending it with the most important message that I remember from last year's parade: "Estonia's freedom and independence has never been and shall never be self-evident."
After the official part of the parade was over and having warmed ourselves up with a cup of hot tea at a small coffee shop at the top of Harjumägi, we headed back down to go have a closer look at the military equipment.
On our way back to our car, which we'd parked at Ülemiste (a big shopping mall on the outskirts of Tallinn, next to the airport), we decided to catch a ride on the new tram to reach the location. While riding along Tartu highway, we suddenly heard sirens and saw our President rally in the opposite direction for a moment with a police escort, headed towards Paide, where she was expected for the next big live event (church service) that day.
After shopping for some groceries and new winter boots for my dad, we headed back home and arrived just in time to run in through the door, kick off our shoes and take a seat on the couch to listen to the President's most important speech (which she gave at a formal reception in the Estonian National Museum at Tartu). We ate some cake and opened the bigger blue (milk and nutty) chocolate bar, enjoying the penguin parade unfold there.
On top of all my own experiences, I heard that Saskia Alusalu (the beautiful young lady who carried our flag at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics) won 4th place in the women's speed skating mass start. What a wonderful way to wrap up these games, with the closest top spot our country got this time.
Finally, I'd like to personally thank @joolieroolie and @s-n-arly for wishing us a happy centennial (I hope I didn't forget anyone else..). I mentioned you, as well as both @airbender-dacyon and @chel-burr in a post I made on Facebook.
Dan, thank you for replying to me yesterday early morning (around 2 am Estonian time). I was just finishing surfing through my dash and queueing up stuff, ready to go to bed, when I read your message and I felt so.. so touched.
Amber, your comments under the link I provided made me smile. These little things were the perfect way to end this joyous day for me. And about that Facebook post.. I told my friends that my birthday present for Estonia's centennial would be me introducing my country, our history and culture to foreigners. Honestly, thank you so much!
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kenshirotakahashi · 7 years
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Here are some monster designs from the 90s anime Nightwalker. I will give context to the monsters; however, spoilers ranging from mild to massive are abound.
From Episode 6, this is the true form of the Nightbreed that possesed a salaryman. This guy has jaws that open horizontally like the mandibles of an insect to reveal sharp fangs the size of those of a T-Rex. This guy abducted a small girl to lure Shido into a trap. However, all three fell down a well and can't get out. Later, Shido used his vampiric powers to turn some of his blood into a blade, and used it to bore a hole through the wall which caused water to gush out so he can swim up to the ladder and climb it to safety with the girl in tow. However, the Nightbreed emerged from the well tried to kill them. However, a silver bullet fired by Shido's allies vaporized the Nightbreed. It is then revealed that the girl Shido was trying to save was actually a centuries old vampiress with the body of a little girl, and she was the one trying to lure him into a trap. She then vanishes before his eyes.
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From Episode 10, this is the true form of the Nightbreed that takes the form of an handsome angel. This angel lives in a pendant of a girl named Yuki. The angel gives her false happiness; in exchange, he feeds off of her life force every night. Yuki is confronted by Shido and his allies. Shido reveals to Yuki the Nightbreed's true intentions. She drops it to the ground, revealing his true form; a headless torso with eyes on its chest, a pair of arms that end in crab-like claws, and a serpentine tail tipped with of a tailfin. In its anguish, the Nightbreed attacks Yuki; however, Shido saved her by killing the monster. With the Nightbreed destroyed, Yuki is free to pursue true happiness.
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From the Final Episode, Riho, a girl-turned-vampire, encounters her deceased parents, who were brought back to life as Nightbreeds. Her father has transformed into a giant tailed frog with spikes covering its back, and wears glasses like he used to wear in his human form. Her mother has transformed into a worm-like monster with tentacles covering its midsection, and a blade-shaped head with a human face attached. Shido killed the two monstrous beings relatively effortlessly. However, the two parents, even when transformed into Nightbreeds, recognized Riho as their daughter; so when Shido kills them, Riho suffered a mental breakdown that caused her to have a falling out with Shido. Riho later kills everyone he knows and loves. However, the preceding events were only a vision sent by Shido's arch-enemy Cain, who is a vampire like himself.
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kuuxkat · 7 years
[EN]Lisani Vol. 27.1 Interview with Iida Riho
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Translated by: @astralwinters and @kuuxkat​
Typeset by: @kuuxkat / QC by: @yujachachacha @ #teamonibe
Originally TL by: 凛樂@PTT
Sourced from: chip_17
Images from: @emitsunosaurus-rex
Contents under the Cut!
Typeset images can be found: here
[I thought it would be sad at first, but it was a refreshing feeling instead. Even though I felt like this, it seems like I have performed it fully.]
Q: So it's been about half a year since μ's Final Love Live, hasn’t it?
Rippi: Even though it's clearly only been half a year since then, it somehow feels like it happened way further back than that - almost as if it's been one, two years since the Final Love Live.
Q: During this time, have you ever tried to relive your experiences, like going back and listening to the songs, or rewatching the footage of your performances?
Rippi: I haven't been listening much to μ's songs recently. I'm not sure myself whether it's because I just don't want to listen to them, or that I couldn't bear to listen to them - put simply, even if the songs are available on the playlist, I wouldn't play them. Listening to any of the songs, though, would probably bring forth countless wonderful memories and dredge up all the emotions that come alongside them. Perhaps it's better for me to explain it as if the countless wonderful memories and powerful emotions were kept inside a treasure chest - to just casually open it up again whenever would never feel right to me.
Q: Winding back a little while further - when you first heard that you were going to have a live at the Tokyo Dome, how did you feel?
Rippi: At that moment I simply thought, "Awesome!" - but in hindsight, perhaps I had held the thought somewhere at the back of my mind, "There's bound to be a day that μ's will be standing atop such a stage, no?", or perhaps I held a goal in mind from the very start - to stand atop that kind of stage - and worked my hardest to that goal; I really can't say. So there was perhaps that part of me that also felt, "Yes, we've finally made it here!" (laughs).
Q: So from the very beginning, you were hoping to perform on such a big stage?
Rippi: Personally for me, it's better to bring the conversation back to when we had our μ's New Year Love Live! 2013. When we were on the stage of Tokyo Dome City Hall, I suddenly had the thought, "Perhaps, sometime in the future, we'll be able to stand on the stage of Tokyo Dome, huh?". And in the past when we appeared on one of the TV programmes, when we received a rather candid question - "What are your plans after this?", we gave a rather hurried reply, "We're gunning straight for the Dome!" in the last 5 seconds of the programme. After all this, not only were we theatrically featured in the Dome, we were actually able to step up to the stage of Tokyo Dome... The feeling of a strange coincidence, that was the premonition that I had within me.
Q: What was your practice like, leading up to your biggest stage performance ever - a marathon of a performance?
Rippi: Wow, this really brings back memories. Our priority was to train up on our stamina for the performance - in addition to stretching and progressive exercises as well as strength training at home, we even tried to cycle in the freezing cold winter days to the practice studio. Even though these were all measures that we had never taken before, we wanted to do this because we really wanted to give our all to our final hurrah, and to never leave behind even a shred of regret.
Q: In the rehearsals leading up to the performance, what kind of impression did you get when standing on the stage of Tokyo Dome?
Rippi: Overall it felt very spacious, and the ceiling was super high - you get a rather strong feeling of being surrounded. Saitama Super Arena was a more oblong-shaped venue, but the Dome gives you the impression that it's a more rounded stadium.
Q: On the official day of the performance, as expected, were you nervous?
Rippi: Until the last moment where we went on stage, I didn’t have a shred of nervousness at all. As there were 8 other inspiring comrades by my side, it couldn’t be helped that I was embracing an unlimited amount of expectations in my heart, right? When I was waiting for the time when we would be raised to the stage, I realized that my hands were shivering very strongly. I thought, “Ah, so I am nervous,” and felt that reality for the first time, but 5 seconds after appearing on stage, I immediately reverted to the state where I was fine again.
Q: How was the view from the stage on that day?
Rippi: It was extremely amazing - it was as if I was being surrounded from all sides by lights. Everyone's cheers rocked the entire place, and I was shaken not through the sounds in my ears, but somewhere deep inside my bones (laughs).
Q: From the very beginning the cheers were very energetic, weren’t they? So the tension of all the members rose greatly due to that, right?
Rippi: Of course, our happiness meter rose straight to its limits, and hit the climax, but the performance itself was surprisingly very calm. We were not caught unawares of our surroundings due to the excitement getting to our heads. Rather, we had the good sense to maintain the calm that we should have had, and continued the performance.
Q: Regardless of whether it is your expressions while facing the camera, or in your performances, we can see that you are in control - you give an impression of being very reliable.
Rippi: I think that is due to the process of going through so many practices, and mentally it feels different from where it was before. As I am harboring passion for it, I would be able to successfully resolve difficulties one after another.
[The feeling I had when I was in Tokyo Dome was that of a strange coincidence, and that was the premonition that I had within me]
Q: As you were immersed in the high tension, at the same time you would have been touched by the loneliness of “This is the final time”, right? What was the performance on the second day like?
Rippi: The second day dawned with the prickling sensation of my entire body aching from the soreness of my muscles, but I didn’t feel any particularly special emotions - everyone also appeared as normal as can be. It was to the extent that it made one doubt whether this was the final performance. But, as the performances neared its end, and when every member entered the flower-shaped stage after changing our outfits - in that space where no one else could see, where it was just the nine of us, everyone exchanged gazes and we all formed a circle with our hands interlinked. That was perhaps the first time that I felt that loneliness. The memory of that very instant, I will forever cherish as a precious memory deep inside my heart.
Q: After singing the final song [Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari], what about the time when you left the stage?
Rippi: At the time when we were exiting the stage, it was as if my vision suddenly became all encompassing, and in an instant I could see with full clarity the individual faces of the audience. There were those who looked overjoyed with happy smiles waving at us, and those who were crying uncontrollably. Regardless of who they were and what their expression was, I could see it clearly. It was an indescribable feeling. Even after we left the stage, we could still hear everyone singing, and could strongly feel everyone’s love. There was an instant when I thought about returning to the stage once more, but in my heart I understood that wouldn’t be right, so I could only continue on, leaving the stage.
Q: What was the situation like on the morning the day after the Live ended?
Rippi: I originally thought that it would be a morning filled with sadness and a feeling of emptiness. But surprisingly, it was one where I felt relaxed and happy. For me to have such feelings, it definitely is because I used all of my strength, and had completed my mission fully.
A period of six years spent worrying about Rin-chan and the growth of μ's, while at the same time working hard to chase them.
Q: We hope to bring you back to the activities that you’ve done for the past six years. Are there any periods or places that left you with very deep impressions?
Rippi: The setting of the first-ever recording was something that left a deep impression on me. Although the recording was done together with Pile-chan and Shika-chan (Kubo Yurika),as it was the first time that we ever met each other, the three of us were maintaining our silence, so we didn’t exchange a single word with each other (laughs).
Q: It was due to the many different recordings that the members gradually become familiar and got to know know each other better, right?
Rippi: That’s right. After that, it wasn’t just recordings, but there were also many songs that would have lines from the nine members; in order to gauge the length of time to record, the individuals who wrote those initial lines would have to have someone to recite all the lines in their designated timeframe. I think it was in [Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai] and [Mermaid festa vol. 1]? As I was the first to do the recording, I mimicked everyone’s voices and said their lines, and as a result I got responses from them like, “You were able to mimic them really well!” (laughs). It set off a spirited discussion among the members, so it was small incidents like these that left me with very strong impressions.
Q: In the first performance in 2012 at Yokohama BLITZ, what were your feelings like as you welcomed the coming of the Live? The link and relationship between the First Live and the Animation PV is something that is inseparable, right?
Rippi: The memories of the days spent going through my college classes while taking dance classes at the same time are still fresh in my mind. As it was my first-ever experience having to remember the exact same steps in the animated sequence while having the nine of us dancing together, it carried with it a very vivid feeling of it being something totally new. Only, at that time I did not know a single thing about Rin-chan, and even now I’m still too embarrassed to revisit the initial CDs and DVDs. Although my inept performance with dancing was one of the problems, I had never ever considered the level of my synchronization between me and Rin-chan then, so perhaps that caused Rin-chan to appear odd at the initial phase? At that time, the person showed in front of everyone was the person Iida Riho. It is because I didn’t have the spirit of Rin-chan with me, so I guess going back over it would make me feel too embarrassed.
Q: In the script, Rin-chan has always been the one to push others forward, so she has the role of a character who is responsible for bridging the gap between people, right?
Rippi: Surprisingly she is a very serious child, but at the same time she doesn’t lose her cuteness. Internally, I harbor the thoughts of, “I wish to make her even cuter”, similar to that of a parent. It is because of this that I always wanted to let Rin-chan be exposed to the spotlight even more. And it was due to those reasons that there would be times where I couldn’t fully grasp this girl, so I would have an internal dilemma, floundering left and right.
Q: The situation is the same as the story: you were once troubled on how to express yourself too. In this journey, what was the opportunity that allowed you to shorten the distance between you and Rin-chan?
Rippi: It was actually quite late - I think it’s during the time of [Love wing bell]. The footage from the TV anime was great too. I fully felt the love that the staff had (for the project) as I performed.
Q: At the same time that the TV anime garnered popularity, the live concerts received more and more attention, and the venue would get larger and larger accordingly. What are your thoughts about this progression?
Rippi: This is literally coming from a third-person perspective, as in my heart I totally didn’t have a real grasp on the situation. “Eh, how could this group of individuals be so amazing, but speaking for real, the nine of them are indeed very cute, right?” - it’d feel somewhat like this (laughs).
Q: Do you mean that you observed the process by which they became renowned stars from an angle looking over them?
Rippi: Undoubtedly I myself was part of this too, but everyone would still have a part of their psyche that would be observing from the viewpoint of an onlooker, so thoughts similar to, “It feels like it has became something very incredible, right?” were repeated countless times. Even if we appeared on TV, and later saw the footage being aired at home, I still felt as if it was a group of individuals that I did not recognize who were dancing. It is an incredible feeling, and at the end, my feelings would be close to: “Because they wore the same outfits, so we would wear the same outfits”. Looking at μ's on TV or in magazines getting cuter and cuter, we were at the back chasing their shadows - I guess this was the state of mind that we had.
Q: In 2015, there was the Live at Saitama Super Arena, the movie version, the fan meeting tour, TV appearances and etc. In conclusion, it was a very busy year with very packed schedules. Is this one of the difficult points for all of you when chasing after the girls?
Rippi: The period between Music station to Kōhaku Uta Gassen was very short, and at that time it coincided with the practice period for Final Live, too. Everyone pulled out all the stops to manage it, so it felt like a large pile of things were swiftly dealt with in the wake of an amazing momentum.
The thing that directed me in the direction of my goal - that is what we call “Love Live!”
Q: As a member of μ's, for the six years that you spent together with this project “Love Live!”, how were those six years like for Iida-san?
Rippi: I guess it was six years that changed my entire life. When the project just started, I had just turned 18 years old. From entering college until graduation was encompassed within this six-year period, so at the time frame when the first season of the TV anime ended, originally I should have been starting to look for a job like an ordinary person (laughs). If I had left halfway to look for other jobs, perhaps right now I would be leading a totally different life. But as expected of this job, I do wish that I can always continue on with it. The culmination and alignment of a large amount of beneficial coincidences allowed me to walk down the path that I had always wished for internally, and then I too was able to spend the most precious stage of my life together with “Love Live!”.
Q: You can see too that the relationship between the members is a close one where you could always stimulate each other.
Rippi: The days that I could spend with them as part of my school life had influenced me deeply. I have a momentum where I want to absorb all of the other members into me, and I really learned many things from my comrades.
[Even now there are fans that love Rin-chan, and it totally doesn’t feel like Rin-chan is far away.] 
Q: If you can send a message to Rin-chan, what message would you choose?
Q: Even if the activities for μ's have stopped for the time being, the fans still love Rin-chan dearly, so it totally doesn’t feel like Rin-chan is far away from us. To date, with regards to the path that Rin-chan and the rest had taken, I myself feel that I am still chasing them from behind. In the past, when I was in a swirl of many events, there would always be a feeling of camaraderie formed like, “Let’s go forward together, all right?”. But now, even if I put her name down as [The Goal to Reach], that’s not wrong, either(laughs). “I want to try being a person just like Rin-chan” - so from a relationship of camaraderie to being a goal, I guess? Because Rin-chan is seemingly in front and calling out: “Hurry over, all right?”, so if I could pick a message, I guess I would say: “I’m going over now, Rin-chan, I’m going over to your side right now, you have to wait for me, all right?”
Q: Finally, please say some words to the fans.
Rippi: I am very happy to be able to be with everyone through this interview once again. Due to the broadcasted TV anime, it seems that there is still an endless stream of fans touring at the sites that we had appeared in. Looking at that lively image, it lets me sincerely feel that even if it’s after 20 years or 30 years, it’ll be great if μ's continues to be a precious treasure in everyone’s heart. After a period of time passes, I do wish to go on the same tour too (laughs). Even after 10 years have passed, if I could still remain as the Iida Riho who is part of μ's, and be the Iida Riho who voices Hoshizora Rin, that would be great. If everyone could remember this in occasion, I would be very happy.
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truesportsfan · 4 years
Dustin Rhodes on his escape from WWE ‘prison’ and the quick rise of AEW
Dustin Rhodes, formally Goldust, tries his hand at a Q&A with The Post’s Joseph Staszewski ahead of his match with Jake Hager (formerly Jack Swagger) at All Elite Wrestling’s Revolution pay-per-view (8 p.m, BR Live) on Feb. 29.
(Edited for brevity)
Q: AEW has prided itself on trying to tell long-term stories. With your story with Jake Hager, do you feel like you’re delivering that since this goes back to November?
A: Definitely. Me and Jake aren’t strangers to each other and he came in and he made an impact and he broke my arm, and now I’m just out for revenge. It’s taken me awhile to get there because I went through Sammy (Guevara) first. It’s slowly building and brewing, and last (Wednesday) I got my hands on him a little bit and the crowd, I could feel the energy in the crowd start to rise because I think they’re ready to see it and that’s a good thing.
Q: How rewarding is it for you to be working an angle similar to the one your dad, Dusty Rhodes, had with The Horsemen breaking his arm in 1986?
A: Watching those times when dad got his leg broken or his arm broken, just going back with The Four Horsemen and stuff like that, those are special times and I remember them like they are yesterday. It’s really cool that we have this little old-school feel to certain elements of our show with new school.
The stuff with Jake, when you can sink your teeth into something and plan for it and make these small elements and bits and pieces and plug them in and they’re there and you finally get your hands on him, you will see it.
Q: You spoke out on Twitter after some of the negative comments on social media about Nyla Rose winning the AEW women’s title. Rose being a champion, Dwyane Wade’s daughter identifying as transgender, how much does that type of representation help toward tolerance toward the trans community?
A: It’s there. It’s not going away, and I didn’t understand that for the longest time. Then I got married to my wonderful third wife, and my son is trans. So I started to learn a little bit about it and I started to see all the stuff these men and women go through and it’s so ridiculous and stupid.
This is 2020, man. Let somebody live their life like they want to. I don’t care what the Bible says. I don’t care what anybody else says. Live your life and be happy. That’s all I care about for my son is to be happy, and nobody picks on him because if they do they got to deal with me.
And I see that in Nyla. I treat her like she’s my child. I love Nyla to death, and I don’t think of any of that when I’m at work with her and I watch her perform — and she’s a great performer. This is not the Olympics, OK? This is pro wrestling, this is entertainment. This is scripted stuff that we do, and you’re gonna have Nyla Rose wrestle Riho and everybody get all bent out of shape about it and just really give her hell, I don’t like that at all. I take offense to that and I let them know it because it’s wrong.
Q: Luke Harper and Matt Hardy are two of the names rumored to be joining AEW. You were around them in WWE. What do you think those two guys would bring to a company that doesn’t have some of the creative restraints there are in WWE?
A: I think they’d bring creativity. Harper, man, is incredible. I’ve worked with him many times with the Wyatt Family, me and Cody did, and he knows his stuff and he’s not a greenhorn in the business. He can help people. He can take them to new highs and he can get them there and at the same time get himself over in a company that will allow him to do so.
Matt Hardy, if he comes in here, my God, he’s been through so many different variations on YouTube and things like that with WWE. He’s so creative in all the things that he does that when we do it with him, it’s gonna touch gold.
Q: How has it been for you to step away from the Goldust character?
A: Piece of cake. That’s probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. But it was the hardest thing to leave a company where they made you a household name in Goldust. I became a star there with something other than the Rhodes name with the full-on Goldust character. And to take it to the levels that I did.
But the last couple years where you’re just sitting and you have so many talents and they just keep giving you the “We don’t have anything for ya” and this and that, and I know I’ve got so much more to give. So much more, and they’re not allowing me to do that. I lost my passion for those last couple of years in WWE.
Getting out of WWE is a very tall order once you’re in there. It’s tough. It’s like a prison. I compare it to a prison, getting out of prison, breaking out of prison. I’m very thankful for all the things they’ve done for me and my career, but when I got out of there, my head lifted and I got the phone call from Cody and we went to “Double or Nothing” and after that night, my passion reignited. It was a very special time, and since that night, I’ve had probably the funniest time that I’ve had in my 32 years in the business, every single week here doing this with my brother, with my family, with these passionate kids.
I don’t want to go nowhere. I like this place. I’d like to retire here. I’m not ready to retire, but somewhere down the line, you know, and just continuing to help these kids.
Dustin RhodesAll Elite Wrestling
Q: Cody recently tweeted that you and Dean Malenko held classes for the roster. How often are those being done, and is that something that’s going to be done more often?
A: Everybody flew in (to Atlanta) and Dean had a little 3-4 hour seminar on just working and just transitions and holds and things like that. Everybody loved it. I flew in the next day and we had a great turnout. They came over to DDP’s (Diamond Dallas Page) studio and sat them down and I talked to them a little bit about the art of promos, how to tell stories with it just like they do in their matches, and they were all taking their notes. I’ve never seen a more hungry, passionate group of kids.
I’m suggesting and the kids came to me after the seminar and they loved it and they wanted to do it again. Logistically, it is tough to get everyone together for more than one day. So “Double or Nothing” is our next pay-per-view (in May). Maybe there, since we are in Vegas the whole week basically and we can do another one there and slowly fit them in more often because it was a hit.
Q: What’s it been like for you to work in that more athletic style that we see from the likes of The Young Bucks and the Lucha Brothers?
A: It’s fun. When we first worked The Young Bucks, me and Cody, I was so nervous because they do so much and I’m not used to that. I’m used to more of an old-school-type wrestling and approach. I started doing some things I’ve never done before and I did it well and it was like, “Oh s–t, I can do this. This ain’t that bad.” It’s just sometimes you can get lost in what they do because they’re doing so much impressive stuff that you’re like, ‘Where do I plug myself in here?’ But they got me and they talked me through this and we do some cool stuff, and their timing is impeccable so they know and I fit right in there.
Q: What’s it been like to watch Cody evolve as a storyteller?
A: He is so creative and has so much of our father in him and just him taking the ball and running with it and hurdling over these little ant mounds. Everybody makes everything mountains, but he’s hurdling over these things and he’s handling it. He’s got so much now on his plate, doing so much in the back, running things day-to-day. He has the help of the other EVPs and [AEW president] Tony Khan of course, but Cody — now, I’m partial to my brother because he’s my brother — and I watch him and he’s just, it’s unbelievable the knowledge in such a short time that he’s picked up.
It’s incredible to watch him, and his performance has really stepped up to where he takes a beat and he feels the crowd and he can go off that now and he’s learned the element of telling a story and have them in the palm of your hand. He’s incredible. His promos have gotten phenomenal, man, because it’s repetition.
Not everybody has that gift of gab. MJF has a great gift of gab, but you have to give him structure. You have to give him a little structure, otherwise he might step over the line, and we don’t want that right now. We need to protect that.
Q: Was it tough to watch Cody get whipped by MJF with a belt? It’s part of the show, but he’s actually getting whipped.
A: Yeah, but it’s not gonna kill him. He’s a tough kid. He took a whipping, man. It’s like when we got whipped when we were little. He took a whipping and he kept getting up. He had some marks on his back to show for it, and I’m sure it stung like hell in the shower or tub the next day. But man, yeah, it’s uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable when you are watching somebody whip somebody else. It is. It’s real. There is a real element to that. And me as his brother, I’m just looking at his eyes and focusing on him and what he’s going through and not really trying to pay attention to everything else, just trying to help him get through it.
Q: One of your other passions has been acting, and you have a new movie coming out, “Copper Bill.” What have you enjoyed the most about being able to get away from wrestling and use your creativity in a different area?
A: I was not allowed the freedom to do those things (in WWE), so I would have had to really keep it under wraps and not tell anybody, and that’s not the way I wanted to live. They wanted control of every single thing in your life. And then you get out and you continue, because during my stint there I had little-bitty, little low-budget independent films, and that was preparing me for more and more and that’s what I wanted.
One of these days, I’m going to be big. I really feel that because I’m gonna make it happen and I believe that it’s gonna happen. This movie I just did, “Copper Bill” … I did really well in it, man. I nailed the role to a T. It’s a different side that nobody’s ever seen of me. They’re gonna go, “Damn, Dustin can act.” That’s all I want. I want to be a good actor.
Q: You have a project, “Thunderclap,” with R-Truth and Kevin Nash?
A: I think the director and the producers and stuff are trying to get the proper financing for it. That is in the works. I’ll be starring as Van Thunderclap. I’ve already told the director I do not like the name because it sounds like an STD. Hopefully we’ll change the name, but the script I love.
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/dustin-rhodes-on-his-escape-from-wwe-prison-and-the-quick-rise-of-aew/
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koinodancesite · 4 years
"What Is Love?”
*Coupled with “Egao No Kimi Wa Taiyousa” and “Kimi No Kawari Wa Iyashinai”
Release date: Jan. 29, 2014
Oricon Weekly placement: 1st
Members: Ayumi Ishida, Erina Ikuta, Haruka Kudo, Haruna Iikubo, Kanon Suzuki, Masaki Sato, Mizuki Fukumura, Riho Sayashi, Sakura Oda, Sayumi Michishige
The production of “What is Love” is the trickiest to get used to. While the growling electronics sputter wildly like a computer malfunction, the kick drums hammer the production with a choppy syncopation like a footwork track. The two elements rhythmically feel at odds with one another: the former desperately wants to fire like a loose cannon while the latter insists to keep the song squarely in this narrow, organized lane.
Morning Musume appear as though they are caught in the middle of two obnoxious forces. But rather than concede in favor of either one, they somehow find their own pocket of the beat to ride. If trying to get a handle on the clashing loudness of the production gives you motion sickness, the chorus section of the song’s choreography does wonders to visually establish a steady flow among the turbulence. The idols swing fluidly while hopping in tune to the choppy drum beat, creating a sense of groove in the stubbornly rigid dance-pop.
What it lacks in stability, “What Is Love” compensates with force. The music of  “What Is Love” is all pure sonic assault from the onslaught of sputtering synths knocking kick drums, a heavy Auto-Tune filter and stuttering vocals amid the verses. That almost nauseating loudness becomes a hook in itself.  While other Morning Musume songs also had synth leads bleeding into the red, the drums in “What Is Love” add an extra punch like multiple jabs to the chest. The whole thing is maximalism and its “more is more” ethos exercised at its best.
Love in “What Is Love?’ as a result sounds like an emotion that’s hard to silence, like a trigger that fires off countless synapses. It also feels like a much different matter of concern beyond the platonic and romantic through the eyes of Morning Musume. The chorus seems to reflect upon the group’s own mission of spreading love and peace all over the world, and the epic scale of the music translates exactly the size of the responsibility shouldered by the idols. They briefly touch upon romantic love experienced by everyday couples like “kissing and getting jealous,” but by and large, “What Is Love” seems to discuss love as it pertains to idols -- a unique form of currency between artist and audience built from mutual support and engagement.
As with the music, self-indulgence and busyness play central to the message -- “Get mad, hungry/ cry, laugh/ get turned on, get turned off/ it’s a busy life” -- and the idols dwell on a small mistake among the overwhelmingly big picture. The anxiety from the restless production especially informs the chorus.  “If you let one person down, how can you bring happiness to the world,” they sing, and the panicked pace frames those words as an instance blown out of proportion.
Out of all the stressful questions, one sticks out from the noise. “What do you want? Is it necessary,” they ask before continuing on to the chorus. It seems to come out of nowhere, probably because it’s the only English line in the whole song, existing as its own separate line of thought. More than any noisy component, this flashing thought is the song’s main hook: The group shouts the former in unison basically as a call-and-response, and Sayumi Michishige asks the latter line with her best burikko cuteness. “What Is Love” captures the frantic head space of the idols constantly questioning the impact of their actions, so it’s only suiting a question is its most memorable part.
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enzuigiripuro · 7 years
All Joshi Puroresu Schedule on October 2017
–Ice Ribbon— - 10/7 Ribbon Dojo, Saitama (18:00) - 10/9 Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (17:00) (Niconico) * * International Ribbon Tag Team Tournament Semifinal : Hamuko Hoshi, Mochi Miyagi (The Lovely Butchers) vs. Satsuki Totoro, Nao DATE (Novel Tornado) * Triangle Ribbon Championship : Tsukasa Fujimoto © vs. Mio Momono vs. Arisa Nakajima * ICE × 8 Championship : Risa Sera © vs. Maruko Nagasaki
- 10/14 Ribbon Dojo, Saitama (18:00) - 10/21 Ribbon Dojo, Saitama (18:00) - 10/28 Ribbon Dojo, Saitama (14:00) - 10/29 Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (12:00) (Niconico) * * International Ribbon Tag Team Tournament Final :  Risa Sera, Maya Yukihi (Azure Revolution) vs. 10/9 Tournament Winner
—Pro Wrestling WAVE— - 10/9 Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (12:00) Saint October * Kaori Yoneyama vs. Hiroe Nagahama * ASUKA vs. Keisuke Goto * Sumire Natsu vs. Yumi Ohka * Ryo Mizunami vs. Nagisa Nozaki * Regina di WAVE Championship : Rina Yamashita (c) vs. Misaki Ohata
- 10/22 Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (18:00) - Sunday WAVE Vol. 33 - 10/30 Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (19:00) - Happy Halloween WAVE 2017
—PURE-J— - 10/9 Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (13:00) (Niconico) * KAZUKI vs. Rydeen Hagane vs. Konami * PURE-J Openweight Title League Semifinal : Exciting Block [Manami Katsu] vs. Utility Block [Aoi Kizuki] * PURE-J Openweight Title League Semifinal : Rises Block [Hanako Nakamori] vs. Power Block [Alex Lee] * Manami Toyota vs. Yako Fujigasaki * Daily Sports Tag Team Championship : Leon, Command Bolshoi (c) vs. Natsumi Maki, Saori Anou * PURE-J Openweight Title League Final :  
- 10/11 Hirosaki Kasai Sports Center, Aomori (18:30) - 10/12 Hamanasu Kaikan Small Arena, Aomori (18:30) - 10/29 Kame Dojo, Tokyo (12:00)
—OZ Academy— - 10/1 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (18:00) - Pirate Ship (Niconico) - 10/7 Asahikawa Apis Hall, Hokkaido (18:00) - Manami Toyota Retirement Road Tour on The North Tag 1 - 10/8 Sapporo Susukino Mars Gym, Hokkaido (12:00) - Manami Toyota Retirement Road Tour on The North Tag 2 - 10/15 Shiritsu Yodogawa Kumin Center, Osaka (12:00) - ~Hisho Tenshi Ranbu~ - 10/29 Yokohama Bunka Gymnasium (16:00) - (GAORA Sports) - Yokohama Kaitei Hikyou Tanken
—DIANA— - 10/1 Kawasaki City Sports & Cultural Center, Kanagawa (14:00) - 10/8 Kawasaki Axe Ring, Kanagawa (12:00) - 10/14  Kawasaki Axe Ring, Kanagawa (18:00) - 10/20 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (19:00) - 10/22 Hirano Community Plaza, Osaka (13:30)
—REINA— - 10/18 Ichinoseki General Gymnasium Yu Dome Sub Arena, Iwate (12:15) * Risa Sera, Kyuri vs. Maruko Nagasaki, Ibuki Hoshi * Hamuko Hoshi vs. Haruka Kato * Yumiko Hotta, Smasher Fontis vs. Zeuxis, X * The Great Sasuke vs. Taro Nohashi * Hirori, Takashi Sasaki vs. DASH Chisako, Daisuke Masaoka - 10/25 Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (17:45) * Kaho Kobayashi vs. Koharu Hinata * Konatsu Debut Match : Yako Fujigasaki, Hirori, Mizuki vs. Konatsu, Haruka Kato, Riho * Yuina vs. Sae * Aasa Maika vs. Aoki Itsuki * Yuu Yamagata, Tae Honma  vs. Miku Aono, Mao Kaneshiro * Fukumen Mania Offer Match : Mister Cacao, Super Chino, Fiesta Mexicana vs. Disposittion de Tigre Ace, Disposittion de Tigre Black, Disposittion de Tigre Stingray *  
—-Sendai Girls—- - 10/8 Azalea Taisho, Osaka (13:00) - 10/14 Miyagino Bunka Center, Miyagi (18:00) - 10/19 - 10/22 Igarashi Shokai Halloween Festival
—Marvelous— - 10/7 Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (18:45) - 10/21 Kariya City Aioi Hall, Aichi
—Gatoh Move—
— ETC — - 10/1 Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (12:00) - Tsubasa Kuragaki Produce : Tsubasa Festa ~Thanks 20th Anniversary~ * Kyusei Sakura Hirota, Hanako Nakamori vs. Yuu Yamagata, Hikari Shimizu * Natsumi Maki vs. Miyuki Takase * Kaori Yoneyama, Takashi Sasaki vs. ASUKA, PSYCHO * Manami Toyota vs. Chikayo Nagashima * Tsubasa Kuragaki, Sonoko Kato vs. Aja Kong, Command Bolshoi
- 10/27 Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (19:00) Sakura Hirota Produce
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Kiyono Momohime "20 Questions 20 Answers" Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20th anniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its BEYOOOOONDS Kiyono Momohime!!
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  Kiyono Momohime = Born December 22nd 2014. Hometown Tokyo.
 Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name! Originally, it seems they wanted to use the ‘hime’ character. Peach blossoms are a good auspicious flower and, with ‘hime’ it’d be a princess-like cute person; they packed in hopes that I would grow to be a lovable person. If it wasn’t Momohime it would have been Jasmine! Also, there were thoughts of Remonhime or Ichigohime (laughs). If I was a boy, it seems like it would have been ‘Maro’ for a long life and happiness.
Q2: What senior are you aiming towards?
 Tsugunaga Momoko-san (Former Berryz Koubou/Country Girls) and Sayashi Riho-san (Former Morning Musume). Tsugunaga-san went on a lot of variety programs alone; she always stuck to being herself after all. Its cool that her character wont get lost someday. With Sayashi-san I admire her performing and dancing. I can say personally she is very skilled, she has the kind of presence where your eyes will follow her. During the Kenshuusei Diagnostic Ability Test Recital, I showed off Sayashi-san’s main singing in “Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi”, and I was able to get the best performance award. With Sayashi-san’s fascinating dance in the interlude, I had decided to do it from the moment I heard it. I’m thankful and happy that I’ve met Sayashi-san.
 Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
 Morning Musume ‘19’s Sato Masaki-san. She isn’t ordinary in a very good sense, the way she thinks is amazing. I wonder where her ideas come from, and I think it would be a really fun life.
 Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
 Human Beatboxing. During my time in Kenshuusei I didn’t blog at all, so I didn’t have anywhere to send out information. But, recently I’ve started blogging and using Instagram, and I’m finally able to inform people. Since my opportunities to show it off are accumulating, I think I really want to do it more! Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project! The 16 beat. In any case rhythm is life! Its relentlessly drilled into you. Also the lyrics are deep. There are phrases I don’t understand well, I often think about it like “Ah, so it’s like this”. I think that’s something amazing about the music.
 Q6: Who would you want to be in a Hello! Project special unit with?
 Hello! Project Kenshuusei generation mate Yonemura Kirara-chan. Since I really get along with her, I want to sing with her. Also Kawamura Ayano-chan (Angerme). She is much older than me but, she was my first junior in Kenshuusei! Somehow I was a senior but younger than my junior who is the older Ayano-chan; it has a pretty good feeling to it. We talk quite a bit. Its really fun to talk with her, since I can give her various advice; I think it would be a fun unit.
 Q7: Tell us a BEYOOOOONDS song you like! “Megane no Otoko no Ko”. Since I start the song saying “Ah, well then”, it’s a really important role I was given. In the middle of the song I leave early to change; since I actually have the role of the glasses boys girlfriend, there is also pressure with it. There was a time I was listening to “Megane no Otoko no Ko” so often not a day would go by I wouldn’t hear it, so there were also times I hated it and wanted it to go away already. But, in the performance the members make eye contact, and I think it’s a fun song in the end. Since it’s the first song since BEYOOOOONDS started, I think its full of memories in the end.
 Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
 Morning Musume -san’s “Be Alive”. It starts with a one-on-one feel from the piano so, I thought the lyrics would be kind of sad but, its really positive. I originally liked Hello! Project, but when Oda Sakura-san joined Morning Musume-san, I came to gradually like it. Oda-san’s audition challenge song was “Be Alive” so, I was always watching Oda-san’s video to memorize the harmony part. I was always listening to it so suddenly I came to like it.
 Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
 I’ve heard that they got to speak on variety shows; previously they had an image of being intense. Therefore up until I joined Hello! Project Kenshuusei there was a period where I was scared and couldn’t move forward like “I wonder if I can bear it”. But, when I joined it wasn’t like that at all. They would get angry with me, though. I think I’m very thankful that the seniors would welcome me warmly.
 Q10: Other than yourself, who would you recommend as an oshi?
 Angerme’s Wada Ayaka-san. She’s also Hello! Project’s leader; we do lives in all over the country, and she really puts in a lot of effort. She’s really kind, she has taught me various things like “it’s like this!”. I was fan the whole time during her S/mileage era, its an amazing feeling to have watched Wada-san grow up and do activities since she was small; I think I’d also like you to see my growth like Wada-san.
 Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
 There is dancing and singing but, I want you to see all of it. I aim to be a different person in a good sense. I think there are things only I can do after all, and since I want you to understand me, I want you to look for me a bit.
 Q12: What is work you want to challenge?
 Human beatboxing is my specialty and, I don’t think there are that many people that can do it! Therefore I’d like to do it for some kind of work. Also, from now on I want to challenge vocal percussion! I’d like to have a session with someone.
 Q13: What do you want us to see most from BEYOOOOONDS?
 I think everyone is the same in that we never get bored, I want you to see our ‘give it our all’ spirit. In “Megane no Otoko no Ko” and “Bunkasai Jikkou Iinchou no Koi” we all have roles, and during the songs there are scenes with costume changes. Maeda Kokoro-chan has a fast change scene, and each time the costume is different. I’d like you to pay attention as the way we sing and our influence is different.
 Q14: What will you be doing after 20 years?
 My first goal, is to be in Hello! Project for 10 years. Also, it’s a really big dream to say but, I’d also like to become the Hello! Project leader. Since I’ll have become 34 in 20 years, what will I be doing? Now I’m really taking care, as I want the name Kiyono Momohime to be known even more than it is now.
 Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
When joined Kenshuusei I feigned friendliness. I was really passive. Like if I was asked “Do you want to go together?” I’d be like “Ah, that’s ok,”.  I wasn’t someone that spoke in a big voice, I was always hesitant. But, Ichioka Reina-chan said something like “Do want to hang out?” and gradually I opened my heart. But, my heart opened in two stages! The first stage was then, and the second stage was when BEYOOOOONDS was decided as the 9 members. When Okamura Minami-chan came on, she was the same age as me, and my heart opened another time.
 Q16: What is something you want to be able to do after a year?
 Hikakin-san has been doing YouTube as Bunbun Hello, they have a noise voice that sounds rattle-y. That sound is made from crushing your throat so nothing comes out, its seems like it something that can be done quickly. But since there is a certain moment to crush your throat, I want to master the trick with a good feeling.
 Q17: What would be doing if you weren’t an idol?
 I’ve been learning dance since I was small, but maybe I’d have become a lazy girl. I think I could have an enjoyable life living normally, but the fun is different now comparatively after all. Therefore…perhaps a lazy girl? Or since I’ve always been doing Taiko, perhaps I’d have persisted with Taiko.
 Q18: What are you most into right now?
 ASMR are audio fetish videos, I like watching those videos. Also, popping boba foods. It’s been trendy recently, they’re like ikura but a bit bigger, sweet version. Covered with a sweet film, there is juice inside of it. It’s really delicious, and the sound of the bubbles popping is also really good. I’m into looking into good sounds, now.
 Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us of a recent episode! I often talk with Ikuta Erina-san (Morning Musume ’19) and, everyone in Juice=Juice. Juice=Juice have been on stage with Ame no Mori Kawa Umi, from that time we’ve gotten along. Ikuta-san pays attention to BEYOOOOONDS, and she has talked with us. I’ve gotten hand me down clothes from her.
 Q20: What is an idol to you?
 People who give everyone dreams. I often hear stories of those watching videos of idols when you’re tired after work. At that time its not a dream, after all I don’t think it could heal the tiredness. You understand that you’re getting tired in reality but, I think its fun as its like a dream and you’re floating. If its like dreaming in those terms, I think that it was my dream to be an idol since elementary school. Since I also thought that I wanted to become an idol, I think it would be nice to give a dream on the other side of it too.
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koinodancesite · 4 years
Coupled with “Kimisae Ireba, Nanimo Iranai”
Release date: April 17, 2013
Oricon Weekly placement: 1st
B-sides: “A B C D E-cha E-cha Shitai”; “Tokimekutokimeke”; “Itsumoto Onaji Seifukude”; “Rock No Teigi”
Members: Ayumi Ishida, Erina Ikuta, Haruka Kudo, Haruna Iikubo, Kanon Suzuki, Masaki Sato, Mizuki Fukumura, Reina Tanaka, Riho Sayashi, Sakura Oda, Sayumi Michishige
The Best! ~Updated Morning Musume~ upon the surface is a much needed effort to modernize decade-old hits like “Love Machine” and “The Peace!” that the public still mainly associates Morning Musume with. But the compilation disc also presents a strong argument that the group has maintained its singular voice established since those classic singles were on constant rotation. Fifteen years and countless lineup changes later, it’s still more or less the same Morning Musume, just now backed by a different sound.
The surface details of “Brainstorming” are hallmarks of Morning Musume post-13 Colorful Character, or the group’s Colorful Era. Musically, it’s undeniably a product of early ‘10s pop with bass wobbles, Auto-Tuned voices and intense laser synths filling its space. There’s also a change in focus in the live-performance element, too, that separates the past and present generations. Morning Musume of the Colorful Era now invest a lot of energy perfecting their formation dances, and the hooks of their choreography shift from easy-to-mimic moves to entertaining group sequences like the moving ring after the first verse of “Brainstorming.”
That said, “Brainstorming” provides good supporting proof to the argument made in Update Morning Musume about keeping their voice intact after more than a decade. The opening line is already filled with quirks unique to the group: “Triple iikoto atta, nandaka ii kibun,” they sing, throwing the first half like a pre-teen trying to make a catchy buzzword happen. The latter half leads to a small everyday victory in a similar manner as going out to dinner in “The Peace!” or bumping into a cute crush at the market in “Seishun Collection.” It’s expanded more in the second verse with the idols happy they made new friends at their school’s culture activities.
More than celebrating the little things, though, it’s how Tsunku incorporates the larger-than-life topics within those celebrations that lets “Brainstorming” stand wholly as a signature Morning Musume creation. The tone switches from sweetly optimistic to intensely self-ambitious at the drop of a hat. They don’t bother leading to the heavy stuff through a smooth segue, but this is exactly how the group has operated since their big break. Every seemingly mundane observation can lead to an important learning opportunity for Morning Musume: “Anyway, I had a nice dream, I kinda feel great/ I have no choice but to make it a reality,” they mention, wasting no time obsessing over feelgood fantasy to set their lives in motion.
Morning Musume pack all their lessons for the audience to take home from “Brainstorming” in the chorus. While the idols shout aphorisms that wouldn’t feel too foreign from older cheer-up hits like “Koko Ni Iruze,” their words are informed by much more intense self-discipline than in the past. They remind that anything is possible but they also don’t forget to remind that it’s a fierce competition out there. The ability to instill a feeling of possibility despite the challenges define “Brainstorming” as a classic Morning Musume single above all.
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hotarutranslations · 6 years
Juice=Juice’s Danbara Ruru “20 questions 20 answers” haro puro love talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Juice=Juice’s Danbara Ruru!!
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Danbara Ruru = Born March 7th 2001, 17 years old. From Hiroshima. Blood type A.
Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name!
The feeling was to have a girl that was shining like a lapis lazuli, my parents gave it to me.
Q2: What senior do you admire?
Sayashi Riho-san (former Morning Musume). We’re both from Hiroshima and danced at the same school but, after all her dancing is really cool. Her acting is also amazing, within Hello! Project, within Morning Musume, she really had the presence of pulling things together. I’d like to also be like that, I think I really have to do my best.
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as? 
Angerme’s Sasaki Rikako-san. Since she is someone who is active as a model or with multi-sided things. I also admire that so, I want to try doing it! Also, I really like her dancing. She’s in the Hello! Project dance club, within the dance club your eyes are drawn to Sasaki-san immediately. Her movements are really big, I think it’s pretty to watch, I’d also like to be able to dance like that.
Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
Feelings of love for singing! I really love singing. Since I was a small I was the kind of kid that was just singing so, I don’t think I could lose in my feelings towards singing after all. There are a lot of amazingly skilled members so, I want to do my best so I’m able to say I can’t lose at singing.
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project !
The hisry. This year is the 20th anniversary, to be continuing this kind of idol project, I don’t think it’s an easy thing. Hello! Project history is handed down through the generations; I think I’m happy to also be involved with it. Hello! Project isn’t a big school but, since there are various things to learn, from now on I’d like to do activities with the feeling of returning the favor.
Q6: Who would you want to be in a special Hello! Project unit with?
I’ve of course always wanted to sing with Sayashi Riho-san. My time in Hello! Project Kenshuusei was really long so, I was able to stand on the same stage as her as back up dancer for Morning Musume but, we’ve never both held a microphone and sang together. I’ve sang Sayashi Riho-san and Oda Sakura-san’s (Morning Musume ’18) “Daisuki Dakara Zettai Yurusanai” but, I’d be really happy to sing it with her. It’d be nice if my dream came true someday.
Q7: Tell us a Juice=Juice song you like!
There are a lot but, the song “Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne”. I took the Morning Musume 12th generation auditions, before joining Hello! Project it was a song I practiced a lot, so it has many lasting memories. Now that I’m a Juice=Juice member, it’s a strange feeling to sing the song, but it’s a song I love that includes those memories.
Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
Morning Musume-san’s “Give me Love”. I sang it last year at the big event of Hello! Project Kenshuusei Public Ability Test, and I was awarded Best Performer with that song. With that it was announced that I was able to debut, the song became turning point for me, a life changing song. From now on I want to treasure it. I did the public ability test 4 times, being out many times I knew what kind of song would resonate with the audience. Analyzing it myself, with a sort of painful song or a cool song, one that will resonate to the audience, like they’ll purely think ‘cool!’. I really like Morning Musume songs; I thought that Sayashi Riho-san looked cool when singing the song so, I chose “Give me Love” with the feelings of Sayashi-san packed in.
Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
Since I was in 6th grade I’ve been frantically doing things as a Hello! Project Kenshuusei, I really felt like my seniors were cool like ‘I’m happy to dance behind these seniors!’ so, I don’t clearly remember the past. Now I’m bathing in the light, having the presence of singing with a microphone, there was some change in myself, but all of Hello! Project is difficult. Now it’s really fresh, in order to catch up and surpass my seniors, I’m doing my best. The seniors now have a very cool admirable presence. Eventually the time will come where I’m on top, so I also have to do my best every day.
Q10: Other than yourself, who is your oshi in Hello! Project?
Morning Musume ‘18’s Makino Maria-san. She’s slender, and her dancing is really amazing. When singing and dancing as well, when the monitors recording she’ll have a winking expression and it’s like “Wa~”, after all there seem to be a lot of people where she is like ‘bang!’ for afterall.
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
I’ve always loved singing, I always, always, have the feelings of not wanting to lose when it comes to singing. I have those feelings now but, since joining Juice=Juice, I think that my dancing has really changed. When I see the members dancing, “It’d be nice to dance like that” are the parts I’m learning a lot; I’ve been really influenced by dancing, that is, I’m in the middle of doing my best so I want you to see it!
Q12: What is work you’d like to challenge?
Since I was in first grade I was in a performance school, so I’ve always been dancing and singing, so other things don’t come to mind. It’s my dream to sing until I become a grandma; I’ve been learning the piano since I was 3 years old, and I started playing again. Since I’m playing for myself, I think I’d like to go further with it.
Q13: What do you want us to see most from Juice=Juice?
For me with the members voices, I really like their singing voices. The 8 people are completely different. I think you’ll know if you listen to a CD or come to a live; with the solo parts of course, in unison as well, the voices properly shine individually. I hope you can enjoy listening to the differences in the 8 tones.
Q14: What will you do in 20 years?
I feel like I’m flimsy and unreliable. Therefore, well maybe in 20 years I’ll be reliable, I want to become reliable. To be a good adult.
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
I don’t say it much but, I like YouTube.  When I go home, it’s a daily routine before I go to sleep.
Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to be able to do?
With fakes and harmonies, not just with singing, I want to acquire like a technique. When recording, the director will say something like “Do a fake”, but frankly I don’t really understand. No melody comes to mind. I think “Why? How can everyone do it?” and, I want to become someone who can be told to do it suddenly and then be able to do it immediately.
Q17: What would you do if you weren’t an idol?
I love cooking, my mother is a nutritionist. Therefore, I’d also become a nutritionist, making meals, I’d want work in cooking.
Q18: What are you most into right now?
It’s not personal but, all of Juice=Juice is into playing the Jinroh game. Before there was the type where it was with one phone but, now you can do it online. When we’re separated everyone can play the Jinroh game together. We have group game so, when we’re separated it feels like “are there people?”.
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us an episode!
Angereme/Country Girls Funaku Musubu-chan. We’re from the same Hello! Project Kenshuusei generation, we’ve always gotten along since we were small. When I lived in Hiroshima I never got to go to Disneyland but, last year I went to Disneyland for the first time with Funaki Musubu-chan! This past birthday she greeted me, and gave me a matching dress saying “let’s go again together!” so, I want to go again.
Q20: What is an idol to you?
I’ve always though they’re people who give energy, courage and happiness. I went to a lot of Morning Musume concerts, and I received a ton of energy. At Juice=Juice’s first Budokan performance, I went to the Hiroshima live viewing but, that period coincided with an exam I had to take, so I was feeling anxious. Like, I wonder if I can continue with my activities as Hello! Project Kenshuusei. When I had a lot of troubles, I’d watch the Budokan performance and think “I’ll do my best from tomorrow!”. One year later, I couldn’t imagine it at all but I was standing with Juice=Juice at Budokan as 7 people; I shouldn’t have worried about it. I think I want to be able to have a performance like that.
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hotarutranslations · 6 years
Tsubaki Factory's Ogata Risa's "20 Questions 20 Answers" Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Tsubaki Factory’s Ogata Risa!!
Ogata Risa = Born November 5th 1998, 19 years old. From Tokyo. Blood Type A. Sub-leader.
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Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name!
The sounds Risa is used overseas, so my parents gave it to me since it would be passable in other countries. It’s in katakana so I get asked all the time ‘is that a stage name?’, but it’s my real name! I don’t know the fine details but, when my grandpa was thinking of names, my parents said “Isn’t Risa good?”. Then when it was time to name me, they asked how will she write the name down? At that time my grandpa wrote Risa in katakana, and that was how it stayed is what I heard.
Q2: What senior do you admire?
Former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. She is my ideal idol. Her performances feel perfect and she is able to sing in various ways. Fukuda-san learned ballet, so her dancing expressions are cool. She can also do pretty dances, and sharp dances. I love that about her! When Tsubaki Factory is performing, we have gotten to sing songs written by her, it would make me happy to someday get a song on a single written by her!
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
Former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. Fukuda-san is, extremely cute, she has my face type (that I like). If I were a man, I would ask her out since she is my ideal!
Q4: What do you think you are the best at in Hello! Project?
There isn’t anything where I think ‘I wont lose!’…I’ve been told I’m a strong A-type, so perhaps I can’t lose in that I’m methodical. Of course when doing activities normally, when standing on stage my position will be accurate, and I don’t think I can lose to properly doing choreography details. I think I also have a clean dressing room. Actually, I’m the only A-type in Tsubaki Factory. Therefore, I think I’ll put out a proper A-type-likeness!
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
Hello! Project is amazingly all-mighty. With idols, there is singing, dancing, and appearing in cute photos the most I think. But for Hello! Project, this isn’t just it. We also star in plays and appear on media. It feels like ‘Can other idols not do that?’. We can act and talk. And we’re cute. Moreover, we can also sing and dance, so that is something amazing about Hello! Project.
Q6: Who would you want to be in a special Hello! Project unit with?
I’d like to be in a group with seniors I liked in the past! Former Morning Musume’s Ishikawa Rika-san, Tsuji Nozomi-san, Kago Ai-san, Sayashi Riho-san, and former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. When I was little my dad brought me to Morning Musume-san concerts, I love Ishikawa-san such that we were an Ishikawa-fan-household. The first person I liked the most was Ishikawa Rika-san, next was W (Double-You)-san. The members could sing any song well (laughs). I want everyone to decide though, not me deciding!
Q7: Tell us a Tsubaki Factory song you like!
For me it’s the song “Hitorijime”. Its Tsubaki Factory’s first, and it’s also a Tsunku-san song. It’s different now, with Hello! Project, the songs and lyrics have the image of Tsunku-san afterall. When we received Tsunku-san’s “Hitorijime”, I was really happy. Tsunku-san-like songs have a really packed feeling, so to be able to sing that kind of thing upon hearing the demo tape, I thought ‘that’s Tsunku-san afterall~’.
Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
It’s a song from S/mileage-san’s (Now Angerme) album, I really like the song “Odorou yo”. It’s not a part where the members are singing but, there is a rap within the song! The rap lyrics hit you, its impressive. Every time I listen, it has the feeling of pushing me forward. Before joining Hello! Project I liked the group S/mileage, I listened to a lot of S/mileage songs but out of them “Odorou yo” I think it’s the song I thought “I like it!” upon first hearing it the most.
Q9: What is the difference between previous and current Hello! Project?
As a whole Hello! Project has the impression now of a kind image. Before you could closely watch them on TV, the seniors were tough, like the teacher would say “Go home,” if you couldn’t do a bit of the dance. Everyone is tough but, I think many people will take care with love. Recently it’s not like we are not strict but, how they teach is different. Before joining I would watch videos, and with the reality since joining, the image I had of seniors and teachers has changed.
Q10: Other than yourself, who is your oshi in Hello! Project?
Concurrent Member of Country Girls/Angerme Funaki Musubu-chan. She has an amazing Hello! Project feel. I think that she has been doing Hello! Project activities since she was small; although her body is small she dances powerfully, her singing and dancing are really snappy and tight. Other than Hello! Project, there isn’t anyone like her is there? I’ve thought. Every time Funaku Musubu-chan performs or talks it’s in a Hello! Project feel. Although she is small, she’s like ‘I can do anything myself!’. It’s not from a parents point of view, I admire her like she was my senior.
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
When Tsubaki Factory was formed, none of the members really expressive, we were often told we were a conservative group. But recently, it feels like the members have become rich with expressions. I want you to look for the differences in expressions.
Q12: What is work you want to challenge?
I want to be able to speak better. I want to become a better partner to speak with. Angerme’s Wada Ayaka-san’s blogs sentences are pretty. I think that she is saying what she thinks from the heart, Recently I’ve been studying the words on Wada Ayaka-san’s blogs. I’d like to communicate the things I like about myself to everyone. Also, since I like taking photos, I want to have a book of photos I’ve taken!
Q13: What do you wants to see from Tsubaki Factory the most?
In Hello! Project, there are groups that have cute and cool songs, in a good sense Tsubaki Factory has both cute and cool songs. From now on I want to express the differences in the songs.
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
I don’t think I’ll be an idol but since I like standing on stage, I’d like to continue on being an actress like former Morning Musume’s Kudo Haruka-san.
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
I may have said this somewhere before but, actually, I don’t have back teeth. My wisdom teeth haven’t grown at all! Before, when I went to get maintenance from the dentist and they took x-rays, I was told my two back teeth were not there.
Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to do?
I want to become more detailed in music. I don’t know if this can actually happen but, I want to become familiar with using recording and mixing equipment. If I could become familiar with the fine details, I’ve thought that I would have more confidence in singing, wouldn’t I? With the equipment details and such, I want to have a deeper and deeper knowledge about music. Recently, I’ve come to know what my dominant ear is. When that ear hears the sound understanding the rhythm is easy, I’ve been able to make adjustments for it. It’s very easy for me to hear in my left ear. I think I know because if I have an earphone in, I can hear clearly in my left ear. Therefore, when recording I try to hear the rhythm with my left ear. It’s very easy to sing!
Q17: What would you do if you weren’t an idol?
I’ve really liked standing on stage since I was young so, I would be going to local dance schools or join local plays. Therefore, if I wouldn’t have chosen the path of an idol, perhaps I wouldn’t be standing on stage? Since I really like acting, if I weren’t an idol I think I would be on stage as an actress.
Q18: What are you into right now?
Recently, since I bought a single lens reflex camera, I’m into taking photos of night time landscapes. When the music video for “I Need You ~Yozora no Kanransha~” was shot, I brought my own camera and took a lot of offshoots! The other day on the lunar eclipse as well, I took photos outside with a tripod and a long distance lense. They were very pretty photos, I took a photo right when the moon was uneven. Rather than people, I like taking photos of buildings or scenery.
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project?
Morning Musume ‘18’s Ishida Ayumi-san. I think that Ishida-san’s face is cute personally, she was originally a senior I liked. Last year around the new year we started talking, we’ve gone to the movie; Kudo Haruka-san and Haga Akane-chan also came and they slept over. Also behind the scenes at Hello! Project concerts, we got to talk a lot. We can normally talk in private, and I’m able to discuss performances. I’ll ask ‘what do you think would be good for me to do here?’ and since she gives me a very detailed response, she is a senior I respect. I’m able to feel at ease with her
Q20: What is an idol to you?
I think that idols are not just cute. This is particularly the case for Hello! Project. I can’t convince myself to like idols that are just cute and nice at handshakes…          When they’re not able to dance or sing properly. In addition, idols show off cool or cute expressions. For me, rather than being told I’m cute or cool, it would make me happy to be told ‘your performance was amazing!’.
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