#smelly ugly roach
verm1c1de · 2 years
oh yeah and here’s a wip
shading last LMAO
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his goofy ass arm
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zimsrightantenna · 2 years
if you’re zims right antenna, then who is his left one?
I keep getting asked this XD that would also be me, but my old account that got deleted because I broke the TOS
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short-and-ugly · 2 years
in depth analysis on all of your mutuals and who is your favorite /hj
most recent mutual..... funny lil guy... REALLY INTERACTIVE YES!!! love that. also loves to torture me
you seem uncomfortable interacting with 18+ people? i think? so. just so you know. im an adult 👍
rissynicole + totallyradicalmucky + rnarchhare
drew skoodge.... yes good..... did not expect a follow back
violintrees + exciien + licketysplitz
idk what to say...... silent iz mutuals
biggest fan, gives me things to procrastinate on (looks @ shimejis). enthusiastic about my worldbuilding and in turn i am enthusiastic about yours......
we have interacted Once (literally just today) and it was pleasant, would do again
milkoftheflesh + sixfeetumber + cricketnoises + seabunnythatlikeshorror + yourfavouritewindimage +sad-boy-hank + dan-crimes +skythealmighty + theloisthatlikes + corrupted-miii + disaster-reasonable-48 + characcoon
most of you came during one of my other phases and have Not Left....... 🥺 youre all too amazing
COOL PERSON i think you are friend-shaped. in my head
drew skoog when you didnt have to... ALSO read my stuff without me actively pushing it in your face which?!?!??? ..... thank you :)
nice to talk to even if youre a furry (joke-ish)
HOW are you following me. i cannot remember when this occurred. AND you have cool art???????? 🤠 yhell yheah buddy
transfloppa + forgot-how-to-breath
have never spoken a word. reblogs my stuff and leaves......... true lone wolves. youve seen loner anime protagonists? these guys make them look like amateurs.
COOL ART i have never seen you draw a background though 🤨🤨🤨💥 lol im kidding you dont have to draw backgrounds..... i get it...... did you abandon your fnaf fic? i havent checked. i think i abandoned mine. want to get back to it but. eh
all the way back from the roy phase...... still talks to me even if we're not really into the same things anymore. friend
all the way from the dark ages. since BEFORE tumblr. since i was called soul. jeez.
you disappear for weeks and then like one of my posts and disappear again.
LITERALLY SECOND IN MY FOLLOWINGS LIST ONLY TO MY OTHER ACCOUNT. do you still know who i am. bahah im pretty sure you do. i think youre a friend. hope you are
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 3- The Ends Beginning
Summary: You and Geralt travel to Blaviken in search of more coin, though you’re wary of getting into trouble. Unsurprisingly you do in fact, get into trouble.
Warnings: long chapter, ya know gore and such, Geralt just being a babe and reader dealing with the shit she gets into for this man
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You looked up to the dreary sunless sky, not a single speck of blue to give you a hopeful sign that the world is not as unhappy as the swamp you're currently standing in. Your surroundings disgustingly emit the gnarly stench of shit and death, seeping into your nostrils against your will as you stand idly by the waters grimy edge with your silver weapon unsheathed in your right hand.
Roach patiently keeps her distance by the leafless trees as she waits for her master who's currently under the water fighting a very pissed off kikimora. Geralt insisted that he would be the one to get into harms way and lure the ugly fucker out from it's hiding place. You, not wanting to get your clothes wet, agreed to his proclamation.
Although right now, with no visible signs of life from beneath the murky waters, you're wondering if letting him handle it all alone was the best course of action. Soon your worrisome thoughts evade you once Geralt and the screaming kikimora burst forth from the inky pond. He's lifted out of the air with a grunt as the beast plunges him back down into the depths. You shake your head and turn to Roach who takes a single step back.
Rolling your eyes you let out a sigh, "Fine. I'll help him." You exclaim to the mare with a wave of your large dagger, she simple snorts in reply.
As you approach the water you can hear the guttural muffled sounds from the battle beneath the surface. You had not anticipated on getting soaked today and you're not about to now. With a swift jump you launch yourself over the submerged kikimora and with the power only gifted by your vampirian mother, you float above the beast.
Begrudgingly you reach your hand down into a couple inches of murky water, grasping the creature by its slimy neck, once your fingers have clawed into its flesh do you then pull up. The bastard screeching in pain as it breaks the surface, greeted by a quick slice to one of its protruding arms that hastily reaches for your body. You let go and glide back over to the bank as Geralt emerges from the water to curtly stab the monster through its mouth, the beast instantly going limp.
He turns a pale face to you, his eyes an obsidian shade of pure shining black as he breaths heavily from the messy battle fought only moments ago. Sloshing through the swamp water, he makes his way onto the shore to stand next to your smirking face.
"Yeah you really had that under control, I could tell from the way you were slowly getting turned into a drowner." You can't see it but you can practically feel his eye roll.
"And you didn't want to get a little wet." He mutters between heavy breaths while you flick water off of your hand.
You smile, sticking your dagger back into its leather sheath, "The only way I'm getting a little wet is by watching you stand naked in front of me as you sensually clean your sword." He laughs at your sarcastic remark, an odd but pleasant contrast to the dull bubbling of the swamp.
He then walks back into the water to cut a large piece off of the dead kikimora, hopefully it's enough to pay for some new clothes for your smelly Witcher. Once the beast is set and tied do you wait for him to mount Roach before he lets a hand out for you to take. Pulling you up into his lap, he slings his arms around your sides to better hold onto the leather reigns.
The ride to the gloomy village of Blaviken is a short one, but nonetheless enjoyable as you lean yourself into his warm body. Finally do you reach the wooden gates where Roach continues her trek into the town. As Geralt does, you keep your hood up, doing your best to hide behind your disheveled hair. No one bothers to look at you and Geralt when Roach comes to a stop, the two of you getting down, Geralt tying her up before you both head into the closest tavern for something to drink on this dreary morning.
As expected, you can feel the distrustful gazes from the tavern goers as they watch you and Geralt walk up to the bar. Ignoring their wary eyes, you take a seat as the lady bartender asks what you'd like to drink, seemingly uncaring or oblivious to the strangeness of you two. Geralt sets some coin onto the table getting straight down to business, as per usual.
"Point us to the alderman's house." He abruptly asks, she kindly answers him while pointing in the direction of the desired residence before she's cut off by a greasy slightly heavy looking man who shoos her away. He quickly steps behind the bar, glancing warily between the two of you.
"We don't want your kind here, Witcher." He states, only the tiniest bit of fear flashing through his grey eyes, but that's gone quickly as he glares over at you, "Or yours, daughter of demons." Spits the bearded man at you this time. Apparently your kinds reputation precedes you still, no matter, he is of little concern at the moment.
"The alderman, tell me where he is and we'll be on our way." Asks Geralt once again, nothing sinister lacing his words, although you're becoming irritated knowing that a group is forming behind you. And right on cue does a smiling bulldog of a man appear before you, snapping at Geralt about how he doesn't give the orders around here, adding in another insult to perhaps feel more superior. Geralt simply hums in response, turning his head to you in a silent plead for you to behave.
You begrudgingly listen and keep your head down as the bearded man orders you two to leave or face a rope around your necks. Geralt stands up and yet again is taunted and challenged by this snarky little man, who then promptly insults the both of you before calling to his men to stand ready. Oh can nothing ever be easy?
Suddenly a woman's voice speaks out among the crowd like a spark in the darkness, you quickly turn your cloaked head to face this mystery woman. Her short brunette hair is messy as her dark eyes scan over the three of you, curiosity in her calculated gaze. She wears an all red top, two black leather gauntlets embroidered in gold protect her lower forearms, and a single golden broach sits pinned above her left breast. She snaps at the bearded man to stay quiet as her eyes find your shadowed ones.
She gifts a mutual nod of respect before politely apologizing for her men's rudeness as she then askes them to leave, to your surprise, the bulldog-like man listens and they all leave without another word. For the next however long, she kindly buys you both a drink as she wonders of your whereabouts and the agreeable need for Geralt and some new clothes. When suddenly a random girl appears asking about the kikimora, Geralt turns to you and with a nod to Renfri, the both of you are off.
You lead the way to Roach as Geralt silently follows, the girl rambling on about nothing interesting but her own personal troubles and little adventures. Until her eyes light up once they find the bloody leg of the dead kikimora hidden under a bag atop Roach's back. To yours and Geralt's disappointment she claims that her father, the alderman, will have no use for the swamp beast. But as you both turn to leave she announces that instead you should speak to Master Irion, the village wizard, insisting he will pay for ingredients for elixers. With an annoyed roll of your eyes do you turn to follow the girl, Geralt smiling at your irritated face. Now you're going to meet a fucking wizard, just what you wanted.
The alderman's daughter leads you and Geralt down a gravely dirt road as Geralt holds onto Roach's leather reigns, the three of you walking past vendors and fresh produce stalls, "Have you ever killed a succubus? A striga? Werewolf? She-wolf?" Pries the smiling girl as she walks in between you and Geralt.
"That's not a thing." He replies bluntly.
"Okay then...a dhampir?" She questions, glancing at you for a split second.
You kick a small rock that lays in your path before answering, "You're more insightful then you look." She smiles sweetly at you, giving you a knowing glance, so she's aware of what you are, interesting.
"Well, I think all that monster killing makes you two heroes." She cheerfully boasts as her attention falls upon Geralt, "My mother says you're the offspring of foul sorcery, a diabolic creation, a filthy degenerate born of Hell." She exclaims before turning to look at you, "She thinks even less of your kind, told me you're a rarity or maybe the only one, a princess of darkness...heir to the black throne, or maybe it was the blood throne? Can't remember....you two ever been to Hell? I've never even left Blaviken. Because my mothers never left Blaviken and if it's good enough for Libushe, then it's good enough for Marilka. That's my name. Marilka, like milk." She says while turning her curious gaze over to Geralt, then back to you, "What's your guys' names?"
Marilka's face shifts from satisfaction for learning of your Witchers name, back to curiosity in a split second, "Like garroter? Nice...where are you from Geralt?" She wonders.
Marilka nods in understanding as she focuses her attention back to you, "What's your name?"
"Y/N....of Alkatraz." You tell her, giving her the name of your homeland so she won't ask you another question, cause lets be honest this kid doesn't need to know anything else about you. It may give her nightmares.
"I don't know where either of those places are, but I could learn, if you two'd let me." She inquires, hopeful that she may get something out of her questioning.
"No." Replies Geralt to her utter disappointment.
"Because I'm a girl and girls can't become Witchers. Which is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard." She sasses, earning a smile from both yours and Geralt's dirty faces. "I want more...I have to be more, because I don't know what to do in Blaviken for the rest of my life, except go to the boring old market."
"And kill rats." Replies Geralt with a tiny amused grin as he shares a glance with you.
"And dogs." You add, causing Marilka to laugh as a large smile appears onto her young beaming face.
"Here we are." She announces once the three of you make it to the looming tower of grey stone, the house of the wizard. Geralt gives Marilka the reigns to Roach as you walk closer under the brick archway where giant wooden doors await. Even before Geralt is able to reach for the doors do you touch his arm, a wary expression clear on your face, you can see the way that the doors shimmer with magic. Something unseen to the eyes of men, or even a Witcher for that matter.
"An illusion." You explain, not wanting to go any further but also not wanting to miss out on what alluring mystery lays hidden behind the enchanted doors.
"I can hold your hand." He teases.
"You can kiss my arse."
"I can do that too." Whispers Geralt while you let out a breathy laugh.
Letting go of his arm, you both enter at the same time to a bright vibrant wall of enticing rainbows that dances across your vision as your gaze adjusts to the view. Your scarlet eyes going wide, first in awe of the spirited beauty of the gardens before a shocked laugh escapes your mouth once you see the naked women tending to the trees. Oh.
You turn to find Geralt seemingly quite disinterested and looking rather cleaner then he once was, his white hair much snowier then a moment ago, his black cloak gone from his shoulders, as well as your own. The both of you look upon a great floating tree in the center of the sun kissed courtyard, your ears suddenly pricking to the sound of closely approaching footsteps to your right. You snap your head over to the sight of a richly dressed man holding a wooden staff.
"Greetings. I am Stregobor....Master Stregobor. Sorcerer." Announces the greying bearded man who holds an oaken staff with a white crystal encircled at the top by the bending wood holding it prisoner. Why does he look oddly familiar?
"We have a kikimora for Master Irion." Mutters Geralt bluntly, Stregobor flashing a tiny grin in curiosity for the random presence of yourself and Geralt.
"Yes, well, forgive the confusion. Irion created this tower, but he's been dead 200 years. So, in order to honor him, I've taken his name as my...personal sobriquet." Explains Stregobor, Geralt simply hums in reply as you put a hand on your hip. Wizards and their deceitful tricks.
Scoffing, you glance around your current setting, "He create this illusion, too?" You ask with a raise of your eyebrow, the wizard turns with an unabashed smile to look at his pleasurable surroundings.
"No, his is, uh...this is my own creation. Helps pass time more delightfully." Answers Stregobor with a telling half grin upon his aging face, Geralt watches the irritation grow onto your clean dirt-less face as you shake your head.
Crossing your arms over your chest you eye up the old wizard, "Because you're in hiding, Stregobor." His demeanor immediately changes at your blunt reply, he didn't anticipate you'd figure him out so quickly. Why else would a renowned mage flee to this horseshit of a town and change his name to the long dead wizard?
He ever-so-slightly turns his head to the side, eyeing you distrustfully, "How very clever of you...princess, of night." States the annoyed wizard who hands you a glare, Geralt smirks as he watches this small tension filled interaction between the two of you. In all honesty, you're not surprised that this wizard knows who you are. You've been around for quite some time on this Continent, and anyways, you are the only dhampir known to exist who also happens to be a princess to the true Vampire Queen of the Northern Kingdoms.
With a curt turn of his body does Stregobor retain his once lost, now more welcoming demeanor as he nods for yourself and your Witcher to follow. He leads you two down an open hallway, where naked ladies and fruit filled trees remain on either side minding their business. They aren't real after all.
"Not often do we see the likeness of you two here in Blaviken." Admits the wizard, his fancy robes swishing as he walks.
"Not many of our likeness left." Replies Geralt as you walk down the stone hallway by his side, your eyes still wandering over the strange beauty of this pleasant illusion in contrast to the gloominess of Blaviken.
"Hm. Well Witcher I'd offer you my condolences, but...I seem to remember that Witchers don't feel...anything." You keep your eyes ahead of you, he doesn't know you and Geralt are most definitely a thing, "I'm grateful destiny brought you two to me."
"Marilka brought us to you." Inquires Geralt as he averts his golden eyes from the bareness of the magical women, a grim expression lingering onto your features the longer you stay in this dreadful palace of lies. Suddenly Stregobor walks in front of the both of you, stopping you from walking any further.
"Oh, Marilka. Marilka works for me. Now and then. On matters of great importance." Reveals Stregobor as he glances between you and Geralt, of course the little shit was a simple messenger, you should have known a wizard would want to see the only Witcher and dhampir within a two-hundred mile radius who happen to be in town.
Geralt lets out an annoyed sigh as you lean against a white marble pillar, "A reclusive sorcerer who uses an alias and hires a young girl to procure him a Witcher and one of the only known dhampirs. You don't want our monster. You want us to kill yours." Declares Geralt calmly as the old wizard stands with a satisfied smirk upon his face. Your head tilts as you cross your arms over your chest, giving Stregobor a judgmental look.
"Very clever. Indeed." Muses the wizard with a knowing squint of his blue eyes.
"What kind?" You wonder, intrigued with this new information that could possibly result in much needed coin.
Stregobor goes quiet for a second as his voice goes hushed, "The worst kind." His look turns wary, as you notice the concealed fear that flashes across his face, "The human kind." He moves in closer, like if he speaks too loud this human will hear his treachery and slay him on the spot, "Its name is Renfri." He whispers before abruptly turning and walking down the short stone steps to the gardens. You turn to give Geralt a quizzical look, he simply hums with a small shrug, so instead you decide to follow Stregobor to find the reasoning behind his assumptions about Renfri.
She doesn't appear to look like the worst kind of human. Now you've personally seen the worst kinds of humans in your travels, this all intrigues you so.
"Destiny has many faces, Witcher. Mine for example, is beautiful on the outside, but...hideous on the inside." Explains Stregobor as he holds a perfectly red apple in his right hand while Geralt leans his muscular arm against a stone fountain while you stand next to him. "She has stretched her bloody talons towards me." He claims, not a hint of falseness lacing his words, but you're not convinced of his rambling quite yet.
Fumbling with the leather gauntlets on your forearms do you look up at him, "Wizards are all the same. You talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces." You growl, "Don't waste our time." Stregobor ceases the illusion of the red apple in his hand, giving you a humored half smile, knowing he's been seen through for his vagueness.
"Have you ever heard of the....Curse of the Black Sun?" Starts the wizard as his eyes dart between you and Geralt, who's not particularly keen on learning about more mysterious history that this strange old man may have possibly been involved in.
"Yes. Although I'm assuming you'd like to tell it." You sass, the wizard ignores your remark as he turns back to Geralt, explaining further.
"First full eclipse in 1,200 years. It marked the imminent return of Lilit, demon goddess of the night sent to exterminate the human race. According to the wise mage Eltibald, Lilit's path was to be prepared by 60 women wearing gold crowns who'd fill the river valleys with blood." You watch as Geralt hums in response to the wizards superstitious nonsense.
"Doesn't rhyme. All good predictions rhyme." Replies Geralt unimpressed.
"I studied the girls born around the Black Sun, and I found horrendous internal mutations among them. I tried to cure them, locked them in towers for safekeeping, but the girls always died." Your face twists in disgust at the atrocious proclamations Stregobor is freely giving you. No shit they died, who wants to be locked away?
"Internal mutations?" Pries Geralt.
"They were autopsied, of course, to confirm my suspicions. But eliminating these women was the lesser evil. They could have drowned entire kingdoms in blood." He states confidently, sure of his actions, "If you'd been alive during Falks's Rebellion, seen what I saw..."
"Innocent women are dead." Mutters Geralt, anger low in his gravely voice as you stare daggers in Stregobor's direction, what was this mans deal with hurting these poor women, how did he know if these princess' would have actually have done what was supposedly said?
"But not Renfri, the dark eyed one." You add, the wizard looks away knowing he's been caught for his interior motives, "She's after you, can't imagine why." You jab with a smirk as he walks around the fountain.
"Daughter of King Fredefalk of Creyden. I delivered the princess myself in the middle of the afternoon in pitch black." He says while keeping his gaze onto something nearby as he remembers his past dealings.
"Under the Black Sun, so....she's cursed." Muses Geralt as he throws his arms to his sides, not believing in this ridiculous story one bit, Stregobor whips around, an offended look upon his face.
"Do you consider me a fool, Witcher?" He snaps.
"Very much." His blue eyes glare at you with malice as you smile a sweet fangy grin back at him before continuing his explanation, still agitated that he's not getting any help from either of you.
"Do you think I did not conduct research? Renfri was acutely affected. Her stepmother, Aridea, told me she tortured a canary, strangled two puppies, even gouged out her maid's eye with a comb."
"She would have fit right in with my family then." You whisper with a light chuckle, he simply ignores you, a small smile flashing onto Geralt's face.
"I admit what happened next was not ideal, but...with the lives of Adrea's own children on the line, we had to act. So I dispatched someone to follow Renfri into the woods. We found him in the brush, Renfri's antique brooch jammed into his ear. After that, I organized a manhunt to find the princess, but...eh...she was gone." He rambles with a dismissive wave of his hands as he turns away from you both once again, remembering aged memories, "Two years. Until she reappeared, robbing and murdering merchants on the roads of Mahakam. Impaled them on sticks at first, but soon, she picked up sword skills. And now no man can defy her, it's said." Inquires Stregobor with a troubled look in Geralt's direction.
"You're not a man. You're a magician." States Geralt, implying that Stregobor should be able to handle this shit himself, considering he's an actual wizard and all.
"She's resistant to magic." Reveals Stregobor dismally.
Your face turns to a mix of confusion and curiosity, "That's impossible in humans." You add, never had you heard of something like this before.
"Not...mutated ones. She's chased me for years, bent on revenge. And now she attacked me here, just as you two have arrived." Declares the wizard in a hushed voice as he glances from you to Geralt, "Destiny." He whispers dramatically, "Kill her. I'll pay whoever lands the fatal blow, anything."
Geralt lets out a sigh, "We kill monsters."
"The kikimora kills because it's hungry. Renfri kills for pleasure. She is a monster. She is the last of Lilit's women. And she possess the power to destroy us all." Insists Stregobor as he leans in closer to Geralt who does not look pleased.
"If she's the last, this demon goddess cannot return considering you killed them all."
The old wizard gives you a look, "I did what was necessary for the survival of the human race, she is after me. I would rather keep my life and keep her from murdering anyone else just because she can. She has the power to bring forth unspeakable calamity."
"I don't believe anyone has that power." You reply, gifting this nutcase a less then friendly expression as you turn to leave without another word.
"You will sorely regret this." Calls out Stregobor.
"Will we?" Speaks your Witcher before turning and walking over to the small staircase leading away from the gardens. You leave Geralt on the steps, not caring for him and this wizards small exchange of words dealing with choosing between the lesser evils. You walk down the short sunny stone hallway, past more naked women and plant life as you make your way for the enchanted doors.
Enough with this mess.
After the events of earlier, consisting of an info dump of unneeded disturbing knowledge thrust upon you and Geralt by a rightfully paranoid old wizard, you and your silver haired man made sure to find a place in the nearby forest to camp for the night away from the village, and it's watchful residents. He grinds up some type of healing herb as you pet Roach, feeding her a well deserved carrot that you stole from the market.
Suddenly your nose catches the scent of Stregobor's worst fears, you turn in the direction of the approaching woman, a protective hand still on the mane of Roach. Renfri silently nods to you as you glance down to where Geralt is crouched, wordlessly implying for her to leave you alone and to discuss her intentions with the Witcher instead. Renfri accepts your soundless order without a word, turning she walks towards Geralt where she squats down just the same.
While petting Roach, you can't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. Renfri explains in dreadful first hand detail of what Stregobor's men really did to her in the woods before letting her live, those sick bastards. She then explains her reasoning that led her to where she is now, on her bloody war path of revenge and that now she wants you two to kill Stregobor in place of herself. Exclaiming it's the lesser evil, something you've heard too much of today which has you wondering what destiny has in store.
Geralt brushes her off as he stands up and walks over to you and Roach, Renfri following.
"I could have become so many things." She says longingly, a small smile upon her lips, "Queen Calanthe of Cintra, she just won her first battle at Hochebuz. But here I am, trying to convince you I'm not.."
"A monster." You interrupt as her gaze locks onto you.
"How am I to know?" She asks, "When I cut my finger I bleed...That's human right? When I overeat, my stomach aches. When I'm happy, I laugh. When I'm upset, I swear. And when I hate someone for stealing my whole life away from me, I kill him."
Geralt hums in thought as you purse your lips together at her truthful words before walking a couple feet away from them, her dark eyes flicker from you to Geralt, "People call you a monster too."
"A mutant." He corrects.
She smiles knowingly as her gaze settles onto your face, "You're more monster then the two of us. What if they come after you? Attack you? Why not kill them?"
"Because then I am what they say I am." You share a glance with Geralt, "We both are."
"If I tell you, Witcher..." Eyes set over to you, "..fellow princess, that I can neither forgive Stregobor nor renounce my revenge, it that it? I admit I'm a monster?"
"Yes." You add before taking a step closer to Renfri, "Or you can leave Blaviken and finally live. You choose, princess."
Geralt leads Roach up the small hill as you walk past Renfri to follow, she stands there a moment in defeat before turning her head to face your retreating forms, "What if that's not my final choice? What if I want more? What if I deserve it?"
Geralt halts as you pause your movement to face Renfri, "Then what? Kill him and be done with it? You deserve your wrath, but he deserves lasting fear for his own crimes. Maybe that old fuck was right and the daughters born under the Black Sun would bring chaos to this world...however that time is long done with. Lilit isn't coming, and you can choose to be free."
"He deserves death."
"He does, but if you kill him. You will always be hunted for this." You explain truthfully, "Renfri, you could leave this all behind and know he will always fear you for the rest of your days, is that not enough? Must you murder and be prosecuted for it too? Never free, never to travel in peace again? Is that what you want?"
Her scowl begins to slowly turn into a deep frown at your insightful words of wisdom. She knows you're right but cannot stop how her heart and soul feels towards everything she's ever set her mind to in regards to this wizard. She glares at the ground while you turn to travel elsewhere at last, the both of you leaving Renfri by the stream to deal with her own conflicted thoughts.
"Are you talking to Roach again about your monster slaying?" You quip as a smirk dances across your face. He looks up at you from petting Roach to shake his head with an embarrassed smile as he promptly walks over to sit upon a log and continue his grinding of that healing herb from earlier.
He glances up at you as you approach him, "Oh how I've missed your witty mouth." Muses Geralt with a half smile as you take off your cloak and go to sit down next to him.
"I just went to take a piss, calm your thoughts." He chuckles in amusement as your eyes find his hand, watching intently a he focuses his attention onto the boring task, "What hurts now?"
"Nothing. This is for when I actually get injured." You click your tongue in reply, an appealing idea popping into your mind while you silently move your hand, letting your fingers lightly touch his thigh.
Biting your lip you try and watch for a sign, "Why don't you use those strong hands of yours for something less, tedious." He immediately halts his actions, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he slowly turns his head to you. Raising an eyebrow at your more sensual implications.
"If the lady insists." He mutters, setting the bowl onto the leafy forest floor as he leans in closer to you, your lips making heated contact.
Under the cover of darkness, with only the small burning of the dwindling firelight do you make love to your Witcher until the moon sits high into the night sky. He feels amazing and works as a much needed distraction from the tiresome events of the day, you being the same for him.
You wake up with a start as Geralt mumbles Renfri's name, waking himself up in the process from whatever strange dream he must have been having. Suddenly your eyes go wide in realization, Renfri had claimed she would leave Blaviken in the morning, but you think otherwise.
"The market."
You and Geralt walk through the dreary village, no cloaks or thick leather armor adorning either one of your bodies except for your gauntlets and the thicker laced material around your torso. He carries his silver sword in his right hand, holding the blade upwards as to conceal it better from anyone directly in front of him. You walk steadily by his side, your dagger sheathed at your hip, you haven't come here to shed blood. But you know better then to assume otherwise, your suspicions further coming to light when your crimson eyes lock onto the balding bulldog looking man from yesterday in the tavern. One of Renfri's men, he looks ready to fight, with a smirk upon his smug face and a strange weapon clutched in his right hand, more of Renfri's men gathering behind him.
He spits at your feet, "She knew you two'd come." Assures the man, stopping a small distance away from you and Geralt, about five more of her followers spread about behind him.
"Where's Renfri?" Grumbles Geralt calmly, not particularly fond of what may follow.
"She's at the tower with your little friend, Marilka." The bald one sneers, a grim smile still holding onto his lips. A dark haired man in dirty faded green clothing with soot smeared about his lean face steps forward, standing next to the bald one.
"She gave us a message to pass on to you both. You have to choose the lesser evil." Challenges the dark haired man. The lesser evil, hmm.
A slightly fatter man steps forth, "It's an ultimatum." He insists while pulling out his sword from its sheath, "Get it?"
Half of them are giving you nasty smirks as they bare their own weapons, sure of themselves in how things are about to turn out for them, they have no idea just how fucked they truly are. Though you'd rather not begin this insignificant battle considering they're just men who have been blinded and manipulated by a rightfully furious princess. Why can't they just all fuck off to the woods and maybe fall down a hill?
They move in place, all ready to do some damage when another one spits at the ground. "Fuck." Mutters Geralt as he shares a dismal glance with you. No sooner does this happen do your ears prick at the familiar sound of a crossbow trigger being pressed, thus launching an arrow that slices through the air with a distinctive sing.
Time slows and you watch as a sharp arrow follows its masters path straight for Geralt's chest, in an instant he cuts it down from its path with a swift ploy of his sword. The arrow falls to the muddy ground, forgotten as soon as another man charges him, yelling out a battle cry as he ignores you, heading directly for Geralt with a quick swing of his sword. A man with an axe catches your gaze, rage in his grey eyes as he gives you an ugly smile before making a heated dash in your direction.
He swings his axe up in preparation for the death blow he's about to give, in the precious seconds that he takes to keep his arms up, you take this opportunity to unsheathe your dagger and drive it straight through his vulnerable skull. Pulling it out he instantly falls to the ground with a hard thud, blood spurting everywhere; another man throws his sword at you while admitting his own battle cry.
You skillfully duck under his powerful swing, bringing your dagger up to slice open his torso in the process, his screams filling the morning air as his insides fall out of him, you don't look back to watch as he falls, dying in the mud. You race past the crossbowman who's still frantically loading in another bolt, Geralt taking care of the dark haired man in the background.
Four more of Renfri's men charge at you, swords in one hand and shields in the other. A large man screams at you as he throws his heavy sword towards your shoulder, you quickly manifest yourself into a pack of screeching black bats. Flying yourself past the surprised man and his other friends before shifting back into your original form. They turn towards you in frightful bewildered confusion, completely taken aback by your unexpected display of abilities. In this time you quickly jab your dagger through the throat of the last man closest to you. Blood spurts out of his fresh wound as you take a step back, suddenly the other three are thrust backwards by the force of Geralt's magic. One of them quickly recovers and launches himself in your direction, leaving his two other companions to die at the hands of the Witcher.
He smartly keeps his shield in front of him for protection as he swings his sword at you. You turn to your right and jump up onto the wooden wall of someone's house as the man slashes at you, missing his target. You jump down behind him and in one swift motion pull his head back, slitting a deep cut into his throat. He falls to the ground, choking on his own blood as he bleeds out into the dirty streets of the market. In an instant Geralt is at your side when you hear the terrified shrieks of Marilka, who's trapped in the deadly clutches of Renfri, a silver blade pressed against her neck.
You stay where you are as Geralt slowly approaches Renfri, he keeps his sword lowered to the ground as she watches wide eyed and fuming.
"You chose." She whispers, shocked at how fast everything went to shit, her plans now ruined.
"Let the girl go." He pleads, Renfri looks down at Marilka in disgust, blade still closely pressed against her neck.
She scoffs, "I will kill her. I will kill everyone here until Stregobor comes down." She hisses, venom practically dripping off of her tongue.
"Leave Blaviken." Inquires Geralt as he pinches his fingers together, ready to use destructive magic on her, "It's not to late."
"Magic doesn't work on me." Fumes Renfri as Marilka whimpers beneath her arms, "Silver does, though." She adds softly, a look of pure hate upon her dirt smudged features.
"Silver is for monsters."
Renfri suddenly shoves Marilka to the side as she throws her blade upon her left arm, the fight of a lioness coursing through her veins.
"If we cross swords..." States Geralt cautiously as he begins to back up.
"I won't be able to stop." Breaths Renfri while advancing forward towards Geralt.
You watch as she skillfully lays into him, blocking his swings as he does the same with each of her deadly hits. He suddenly gains the upper hand and pins her against a wall, a second later she stabs him in the abdomen with her hidden dagger. He pulls back as she slashes at him once again, rage fueling her motives, they dance in the marketplace. The clashing of silver on silver and their heavy breathing is all that you can hear besides the beating of their hearts as blood pumps through them, adrenaline coursing throughout their systems.
You want to stop her, but this is their fight. Honor among warriors keeps you to the sidelines, this would be unfair of you to join him.
Without warning she slashes Geralt's muscular thigh, sending him to the ground with a grunt from the quick pain, in an instant she's thrusting her dagger towards his throat. But before she has a chance to lay anymore life threatening damage you swiftly block her small blade with your own weapon. Time to intervene apparently. Her face glares at you as she pulls back, your body hastily stepping in front of Geralt as he tries to gather himself, his leg throbbing in pain.
You carefully eye up the princess, "You should have left Blaviken." She smirks at your remark before swinging her sword at you. Quickly dodging her blow you shift to the side as she advances forward, launching more attacks left and right, you're able to block them with your dagger as this weapon's large enough to clash with hers. It doing enough damage on its own, even against her sword.
"No man can kill me." She hisses breathlessly as you clash your silver dagger against her shinning sword, she moves to the side as you skillfully thwart another one of her deadly assaults.
You lightly chuckle at her proclamation, "I am no man." You snap, whipping your body around to block another heated blow, she simply sneers at you, her eyes flashing with hatred.
Another slash of her sword sends you reeling backwards, your dangerous waltzing taking you and her between two houses and into another courtyard. When she brings her sword towards your stomach you quickly grab the hilt right out of her hand, taking her by surprise at your abrupt strength and inhuman reflexes. You point the ruthless silver at her jugular, your eyes two glowing rubies staring into her black stormy irises. She stares you down defiantly, nothing in her cold dark eyes but rage, you almost pity her.
Breathing heavily, you cautiously twist her sword in your hand so that your grip is holding it easier, keeping it close to her skin the whole time. You throw your large dagger to the ground, pulling away her sword from her throat and bringing it down to your side. Her brows furrow but only for a moment before she thrusts her dagger en route for your own windpipe. Dropping your sword, you quickly catch her hands clutched around her weapon with incredible speed as you then turn it around to face her. The blade pushes soundlessly into her flesh as you step closer, your blood spotted sweaty faces inches apart as her eyes go wide in realization.
You blink, pulling the dagger out with a shling sound in its wake, blood seeps out of it in a shiny tide of crimson enough to match the color of your saddened eyes. You hold her in your left arm, sword in your right, she stares up at you with nothing. You suddenly feel dreadful.
"The girl in the woods will be with near you always. She is his destiny." Gasps Renfri quietly as she searches for your eyes as something to hold onto before she's gone from this world. She didn't want this and neither did you, but she chose.
You can't help but feel horrible at what you've just done, none of this shit should have ever happened to her, she could of had a wonderful life with happy days and laughter. Instead she got betrayal and blood from the hands of a wicked wizard and his ill intent. You slowly lower her dying body onto the soft ground as shaky breaths rush from your lips. She's growing paler as a river of blood runs out of her wounds, dripping onto the mud.
Your expression contorts into a conflicted frown, you feel unbelievably terrible. "Rest now." You softly speak a last kindness, a pained expression painted across your face as you watch the light from her eyes dissipate away. When you rise from the ground Geralt stands quietly before you, a soft gaze lingering with your somber one.
"Why does it always end this way?" You wonder, anger rising into your words. Geralt lowers his head, reaching down to pick up your discarded dagger. He hands it to you, blood smeared over the hilt and blade. You walk away from the dead laying in the dry mud, Geralt following you.
"Incredible. Marilka. Marilka? Marilka! Get me a cart." Demands Stregobor as he turns his head away from an approaching Geralt, "We'll take her to the tower for an autopsy."
He holds his sword up to the old wizards neck, "If you touch a single hair on her head, yours will be on the ground next." Growls Geralt, not an ounce of falsehood lacing his words. Stregobor gives him a quizzical look as you step closer to the two of them, irritation glaring back at him through eyes of crimson.
"Have you gone mad? Her mutation, it influences people. That's how she got these men to follow her. We need to take it." Insists the wizard, pausing for a moment to study Geralt's face, he tilts his head knowingly, "She got to you too, didn't she? That's why your beast had to slay her, jealousy perhaps." He concludes, glancing to you for a split second with a punchable smirk upon his aging features.
"Do not...touch her." Hisses Geralt in a low and menacing tone, Stregobor seemingly unaffected by his threats.
"Witcher." He states in the tone of a disappointed father, "You butchered bodies in the streets of Blaviken, with the princess of night at your side, killing at your command." He rules out, a crowd of shocked villagers gathering close by, sending angry looks your way.
"You're a beast." Shouts one man.
"You've both endangered the girl." Cries a woman.
"She'll turn us into night creatures next.."
Stregobor simply half smiles, "You took the law into your own hands." More insults are screamed and yelled at by the growing crowd of displeased rowdy villagers, "You both made a choice. And you'll never know if it was the right one." He whispers, pleased with how things have turned out for him.
Suddenly a rock cracks you in the side of your temple, another one catching Geralt on the side of his head as people from the crowd shout more insults and heated threats. He kneels to the ground, picking up Renfri's brooch as more rocks bounce off of his back. You keep onto your feet, glaring at Stregobor from the hood of your eyes as you tilt your head down, your hands balled into tight fists at your sides while more rocks are being thrown at you. Marilka walks in front of the two of you, a pitifully disappointed look upon her young face.
Her lip trembles, "Get out of Blaviken, the both of you. Don't ever come back." She warns as tears well up in the corners of her hazel eyes, Geralt slowly stands as he turns a downcast look in your direction. You give a small nod in mutual understanding, it's time to go. As you turn on your heel and take a step forward, the people of Blaviken immediately go silent as they watch your every move.
They back away as you and Geralt pass through the dreary streets on your way out of the village, soon they gain their confidence back as they scream and curse, clenching their fists. A couple bold teenagers chucking more stones, aiming to shed blood. Aiming to feel strong.
You and your Witcher keep your heads down, eyes upon the dirt as they scream and harass you both all the way to the gates. You make your way for the woods, dirt and blood marking unkindly upon your dispirited features.
Everything feels so wrong, and your head feels cloudy with troubled thoughts and dismal images. You just wanted to travel to Blaviken to get Geralt some new clothes, this is not how you intended for things to go.
Tagged: @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​@haleypearce (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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witchofmorena · 4 years
Right... so I got the idea from this post, and this is set after the quest in witcher 3 where roach can talk (I watched it, played it too long ago and don’t remember) and it’s all Roach’s POV (also it wont be same Roach in each piece). Hope y’all enjoy this <3
I was grazing in a meadow when I was attacked by some ugly monster. Naturally I started making noise and trying to leave, but couldn’t - my dumb human-not-human left me tethered to a tree. “Go away ugly! NO! DoN’t tOucH mY bEaUtiFul ManE! Bad monster! Kill it, human-not-human! Yes, that is right... go left...go left not RIGHT...uhg when will you do what I advice you?” My dummy of companion decided to get hurt, but luckily he let me walk freely, so I brought the bag with weird water that’s not really water and pushed it into his arms. I got hug, yey! I LOVE hugs! My  human-not-human’s human came and cleaned blood and wound, and than gave me an apple. Mhm nice crunchy apple, I like human. He sings to me, braids my hair... Well he probably thinks I’m a goddess of horses...
My human-not-human is sad. I thought it is cause his human and my worshiper isn’t around... we are supposed to meet him in the next place with many humans (town? city? village? farm? I hope it’s a farm with other horses - I could brag tell them about my worshiper - I should start calling him my human...). Still I hope I get a good brushing, a lady like me shouldn’t look like this - muddy, my beautiful mane tangl....”Watch out!” ugh something ugly’s attacking us again. Something was coming from behind, it gives me a bad feeling so I kick it - I must’ve gotten ‘em good, they are in dirt and in pain. I see my human - oh NO, some idiots are holding him. Ugh “you know what? I’ll just trample all over you, especially if you hurt my human!” They start running away, HA I knew I’m scary. I go up to my human and greet him. “Do you have apples? Or or or maybe....carrots? I wanna carrot” I kept asking for carrot and he gave me one. Good human giving me such nice carrots. I look around for my human-not-human and see him right behind me. I push human to my human-not-human so he can catch him...”Go on, you have him in your arms now do that thing with your mouth that you enjoy!” “Human, no don’t....ugh I know you love him so hug him at least” dumb humans don’t even mate in any way after a mating dance -.-” at least I’ll get bathed later...
“Roach...How do I tell Geralt I love him?“ the Boss’ human asks me... “How do i tell him that his hair looks so beautiful in moonlight? That it looks like liquid silver mixed with prettiest diamonds? How do I tell him that his eyes remind me of the pretty yellow opal?“ human rambles about Boss while braiding my mane with some pretty coloured flowers. “Why don’t you tell him all that?“ I had to ask even tho I know the human doesn’t understand me, neither does Boss for that matter. “The last time I tried to flirt with him...do you know what i said? I said *you don’t want to keep man with bread in his pants waiting* Who in their right mind says that?“ I’ve to admit that is pretty funny, enough to make me snicker, such a silly human. However this got me wondering...are all humans and human-like beings this dumb and unable to see someone wants to be their mate? Or do they do the mating dance longer? If so - how do they have foals at all? I mean they are dancing for at least 18 summers now (Boss said that), which is longer then I’ve been with boss...
Oh look Boss is back from hunt. I didn’t go with him this time, apparently he was hunting a griffin. I don’t like those - one tried to eat me but Boss saved me. That was the day Boss...adopted me? That’s what his human calls it, I don’t know what he’s talking about - it’s obvious that Boss belongs to me. Anyways, Boss’ human is waiting for us in village, so I have to make Boss wash before going back - his smell makes my nose itch. I saw a pond nearby so I drag Boss to it and push him in. He looks so angry...”I’m not moving until you wash, Boss”... Boss makes that noise often when I don’t want to move...”You wont let me go back smelling like this?” I shake my head - there is no way I’m letting him embarrass himself even more in front of his mate,”Fine, I’ll bath” see is already learning to understand what I want. “So, Boss....Does this mean you’ll finally... court?.... your human?” he remains silent as he’s....bathing...and here I thought we’re making progress in communication.  Finally we are in village, and Boss’ human is coming closer... Now I should help Boss tell human how he feels. “C’mon, Boss, tell him” I encourage Boss while nudging him closer to his human,”He wont say no, go on...He loves you” “Good hunt and not very dirty I see“ human tries...It’s a pathetic attempt tho... “Roach didn’t move until I bathed...“ ugh NO that is not.....*heavy sigh* idiot Boss...  “Good girl, Roach!“human praises me...what use are praises if there is no treats?”I think..ugh where did I put it?....AHA found it“ he offers me some sugar yay - good human “There you go girl, you deserve them.“ he turned back to Boss,”There is a bath in the room, prepared it for you...It’s still warm...Go, I’ll take care of Roach“ I’m not sure if I should be happy or not...they should bath together - Boss likes that...maybe if I behave human will go to Boss and let human who is with other horses brush me...”Thanks,Jaskier...“ Boss frowns...”Where is Pegasus?” I knew someone was missing “Some bandits stole her... Oh I hope they treat her right, Geralt, she was such sweet horse...” I give him a hug...he sounds so sad... Later that day, in village Of course human didn’t what I was hoping for, staying with me, brushing me and braiding my hair...*heavy sigh* that’s it I give up, you two figure this shit out...
Boss never lets me drink weird water...I wanna see what it tastes like....*rummages through Geralt’s bag*hmmm...Aha..This one makes Boss do strange stuff...at least it’s more ‘toxic’ variation that ’witchers use’....Now how do I open this? ”Hey, Squirrel” bet he’ll help me “What, horse?” “Could you help me? I need to open this and Boss isn’t around to help” squirrel’s confused “Sure?.....Here you go!” “Thanks, friend! I saw some nuts that way” I point squirrel towards nuts i mentioned - he IS looking for them after all...now to drink this...Whoa...this is strange....world has so many colours now...I gotta find Boss...Oh he’s already here....”Roach...Why did you drink modified White Gull? And how in Melitele’s name did you open the vial?” oh shit...fuck...how do I explain this....”Well you see Boss....I...was...curious....” his eyes are really wide and round...they were never like that before...Interesting...”Roach....you can talk?” ahhh that’s.....new...he can actually understand me....”Okay, first things first. Boss, you gotta tell your mate how yo..” “My WHAT? What are you talking about Roach?” great, he finally can understand me and he interrupts me immediately uhg stupid human-that’s-not-human “The who travels with us? Makes my mane pretty with those yellow tasty flowers? That human?” “Hmmm...You must be speaking of Jaskier, he’s the only one who does all of those” so he does know who is his mate “yeah him, anyways I don’t know how long I’ll talk so listen carefully...” Boss leans closer, good he’s listening “next time you see him, do the thing with mouth, and tell him you love him - he loves you DON”T INTERRUPT ME and I know cause he talks to me, much like you...so tell him and mate with him already” there was also something else...hmmm...oh yes i remember “and bath you stink....also don’t flirt with him - you both make me cry when you do that” “Roach, I don-” “Don’t interrupt me! By hte way monster’s coming, and dear me it’s so ugly and smelly” I watch as Boss fights and kills it...apparently it was some easy monster....but Boss is once again covered in monster guts ”Bath. Now.” “Fine...you’re worse then Jask...” “Who is worse then me? Oh I missed your fight, how dreadful” we turned to see Boss mate “Sup, Boss’ mate?” Boss glare is scary, but I’ve seen worse...like that griffin’s beak... oh no I missed part of conversation *pouts* “What is going on?” “Roach...we can’t understand you anymore....but you were right...thanks” I was right? Of course I was *huffs* I’m always right “Lets go, Roach! I saw some nice juicy grass for you nearby, girl! Don’t tell Geralt, but...I got you some apples and...here’s a sugar cube...as a thanks” I munch on the cube...this is one of reasons why I like Boss’ mate ”Without you...I wouldn’t know what to do...I love Geralt...have for years...” he hugs me...how nice...he lets go and I do my victory dance...why? well...Roach:1, Boss and mate:0
I might add some more later, but no promises... And I’m tagging @she-who-ate-pizza-with-cap since she mentioned she’d like to see this (hope you like it lovely, did my best here) <3
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For the prompt thing; It's 3 characters, but Geralt introducing little Ciri to his friend Dandelion for the first time. Maybe on their way to Kaer Morhen?
Ooh thanks for this prompt! We need more of little Ciri. :)
Okay just like the last prompt I did, I ended up going in pretty deep on this one but I am very happy with the result. I’m gonna cross post it on AO3. It takes a while to get to the Dandelion parts but hopefully the first part is interesting enough to push everyone forward to the fluffiness that comes later on. Also, Ciri is a super adorable and very shy little girl here, she doesn’t become super brave until she is with the Witchers and Geralt is just trying to be the best dad ever. I would love to here what you guys think about it! I hope you all enjoy, thanks for the prompt and thanks everyone for reading! :)
He had finally found the little girl. The little girl that he feared and believed was dead until he heard “Geralt” screamed from afar. He had never been happier in his life. That being said, he had no clue what to do or how to raise a child. So he would take her to the place he called home. To Kaer Morhen. It was his only hope at this point.
Kaer Morhen was a ways off. A long ways. They would face many dangers but nothing would ever happen to the girl. He would not allow it. Occasionally a bandit or two would attack and Geralt would make quick work of them. He then had to go on damage control, assuring little Ciri that she had nothing to fear from him.
When night came, they made camp on the side of the road, Geralt would pick some apples and give them to the girl. He swore she loved apples as much as Yen loved apple juice. If they could not find enough food then Geralt would go hungry. He had the chance to hunt some rabbits but Ciri begged him not to. They were to cute to eat, she insisted. As long as Ciri was fed then he was happy. Every night, Ciri would snuggle up to Geralt and she would fall asleep in his arms, feeling happy and safe that she now has someone to call family.
Eventually, they traveled to Redania, but instead of continuing North, they took a detour east to Oxenfurt to meet a bard. In case anything should happen to either Geralt or Ciri, this story needed to be told to his friend. The bard was surely able to provide them some food and shelter as well. Geralt had no coin left and food was only available if they were able to find it. Geralt couldn’t take contracts either for he refused to leave Ciri under supervision of some villagers while he went out and fought monsters.
The Witcher had always found Oxenfurt quite pleasant. It was a fairly large city with a population made up of mostly young people and many students. Geralt had found that with high education came high intelligence and thus the students tended to not have a problem with Witchers. They didn’t fear them or think that they were gonna steal the youngins’. They knew better than that. The city guardsman on the other hand, were a whole different story. Those that couldn’t be bothered to use their brain or learn and instead only cared about muscle usually became guards. Many were intelligent but many weren’t. And the ones that weren’t were a lot stupider than the intelligent ones were smart. And stupid guards lead to stupid problems, especially for Witchers. Especially for a Witcher with a young child.
Geralt and Ciri approached the main gate of Oxenfurt, called the “Novigrad Gate.” Beautiful craftsmanship likely built by dwarves years prior. However what stood on the bridge was far less beautiful than the city walls, gateways, and bridges were. Fat, smelly, guardsman that looked at the Witcher with disgust. Geralt got off of Roach and helped Ciri down as he glanced back over at the guards.
“Go take Roach to the stables over there Ciri, they should let you stall her there.”
“Won’t I need coin?”
“Ciri, you’re adorable, use your cuteness.”
“Ah, that’s what I wanted to here, Geralt.” Ciri said confidently. She was a smart-ass even at her young age.
Geralt didn’t need to stall Roach in a stable outside of the city. He knew that there were stables inside the city and that horses were allowed inside the walls but he just didn’t want Ciri around in case things got ugly with the guards.
He approached the guards and while about fifteen feet away they began to speak to him.
“Ay, where did you get the girl from you mutant?” Just as Geralt thought, the fat and stupid guards far outnumbered the ones that just wanted to protect and serve the citizens. If only Yen was here, anyone that called him mutant when she was around was sure to get a lightning bolt to the chest.
Geralt let out a dee sigh and spoke, “She’s my daughter.” He didn’t have the time or the want to explain the story so he simply went with “daughter.”
“Everyone knows that Witchmen can’t have children.” one said. “I bet he put a hex on her.” shouted another.
“Good thing I’m a Witcher not a Witchman.” Geralt retorted. Sarcasm was always one of his strong suits.
“Ay the freak thinks kidnapping is some sort of joke. Kill the freak!” Geralt let out another deep sigh, why do they always have to try.
He made quick work of them. Geralt made the hand sign for Aard and thrusted his arm in their direction causing a heavy blast of wind and force to push the guards off the bridge into the river below. From this height and with the river being shallow, the fall was sure to kill them. The blast missed one of the guards and Geralt had to quickly dodge to the right causing the guard to swing and miss falling to the ground. Geralt used this opportunity to unsheathe his steel sword and lunged the blade through the top of the guards back. Three less pieces of filth in the world as far as Geralt was concerned. Hopefully they did not have families, Geralt thought to himself, but the thought quickly left his mind. No way anyone could stand to be around idiots like that. He picked up the last guards body and tossed it over the bridge railing, joining it with the bodies of the other two. Geralt decided he would return there later when he got the chance to burn the bodies. Not because he was afraid of the consequences but because the water should not be soiled with that kind of filth.
Luckily Ciri was still in the stables when he was finished with the guards. He did not want her to witness that. He could see her little head from afar, standing with Roach and talking to a young man. The Witcher headed towards the stable to return to his newly adopted child. The man saw Geralt coming and spoke. “Ay, I know you, you’re none other that the White Wolf himself, the Witcher Geralt of Rivia.
“Hehe you’re famous Geralt! I know a famous person!” Ciri giggled and exclaimed happily.”
“Uh-huh. And where do you happen to know me from?”
“There’s a man in town. Can’t stop telling tales of your heroic acts. Said he saved you quite a fair number of times as well if I remember correctly. I thought a man like yourself would have no problem saving himself but no matter.”
Geralt ignored the last part. Now there was no question in the man’s identity. Dandelion. “And where might I find this man?”
“Twas stayin’ at the Oxenfurt Inn when I saw him last. You wanna find him, try there.”
“Will do, thanks. Can my horse stay here?”
“Yes master. The little one and I already agreed that the horse can stay.”
“Thank you. We’ll be on our way then.”
“See you around, Witcher.”
Ciri and Geralt then headed back over the bridge and into town. Ciri grabbed onto and held his hand as they walked. This gave the Witcher one of the biggest smiles of his lifetime. If only he had Yennefer, his life would be perfect. One day, perhaps.
It had been some time since Geralt had been in the city. He viewed a signpost and a roadmap and quickly determined where the inn was. Ciri and him headed towards it, still holding hands. Some gave them strange looks as well as some whispered gossip that couldn’t be decipered even with his enhanced hearing. He didn’t blame them, not everyday that you saw a Witcher and extremely rarely would they be with a child.
The pair reached The Alchemy Inn as the sun was setting. It look them a while to make their way through the city crowd and the many buildings. Ciri was appearing to become tired as she was now resting her head against the arm of Geralt as they walked.
They walked through the door and before they could even look around a man shouted and approached them. “Geralt, my friend!” A few bar patrons looked their way but they had drinks and food and that meant that they had better things to worry about.
“Dandelion. I’ve never been happier to see you.”
“I was thinking the same thing, my friend. But who is this little one?” Dandelion kneeled down and stuck out his hand towards the child.
Ciri looked up at Geralt and he nodded, giving her confirmation that this man was friend not foe and was to be trusted. She then took his hand and shook it. His grasp was gentle and caring. It was comforting.
“I’m Ciri.” She said in the adorable voice with her Cintrian accent.
“Nice to meet you, little one.” Normally Ciri would retort that she was not in fact a little one but a whole NINE years old now. Barely. But now she was simply too tired and was speaking to a man whom she did not know.
“Uhh, I’ll explain later.” Geralt chimed back in at this point.
“Come sit, my friend. You look right famished.” Dandelion turned around and led the two through the large room over to his table in the corner. Geralt always preferred the corner tables anyways. Gives him a back rest.
“Order some food, Geralt. You two need it.”
“Uh, I’m a little low on coin.” Geralt replied, partly embarrassed.
“No matter at all. I’ve made a small fortune lately. My poem book is being mass published. Merchants are selling it from Novigrad to the Skellige Isles.”
“Glad to hear that. Congrats, Dandelion.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you. Traveling with you inspired many a poem and many a tale. I’m working on a book full of our adventures at the moment.”“Uh-huh. And let me guess, you save me in more than a few of these.”
“Well no one said that the stories had to be all truthful.” Dandelion replied sheepishly.
Geralt glanced over a nice menu printed on fine paper with exquisite designs on it. When a worker for the inn came over, the Witcher ordered a chicken roast, with some apples and bread and milk. It had been a long while since he had a full meal and he was about to feast. “What do you want, Ciri?” “Apples.” She replied in her typical sweet and quiet voice. Geralt let out a small sigh and a chuckle. “We’ll split the chicken roast.” The waitress smiled at the shyness of small Ciri. What an adorable little girl, she thought to herself as she walked away.
Geralt and Dandelion chatted and played a friendly game of dice poker as they waited for the food. Ciri sat quietly observing the game, trying to understand what was going on but didn’t say anything. She instead just rested her head on Geralt’s shoulder. They had been traveling since early morning and now nightfall had came. There food arrived and Ciri quickly chirped up becoming excited that she would be able to get a full belly. Geralt cut off pieces of the chicken and put them on a plate for her. He also pushed the bowl of apples that the waitress gave them over to her. He doubted he would get many and that was completely okay. As long as she was happy. They ate in silence, Geralt only speaking to check if Ciri needed anything. Dandelion was quiet as well surprisingly, not wanting to disturb his friend or Ciri. Instead he worked on a new ballad. One of a child and a Witcher eating dinner. Not all ballads have to be epic tales after all.
Dandelion had to admit to himself. He was fascinated with the child. A fascination that he had not had in a long time. Who was she? Why was she with his best friend? And why did Geralt seem to care so much for her? Hopefully his questions would be answered soon but now was not the time to ask. Not when she was here at least.
They finished there meal after some time. They had eaten all the chicken, the remaining bread and apples, Dandelion took and put in his pouch to give to the Witcher later. The waitress came back to the table and Dandelion paid her for the meal, giving her a generous tip. Partially because of her kindness and good service and partially for her attractiveness.
“Excuse me, Witcher. Will you be needing a room for the night?” Geralt glanced over at Dandelion and he nodded reassuring the Witcher that he would pay for all expenses.
“Yes please. How much will it be?” The Witcher responded.
“No charge.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“No charge, Master Witcher. You see Mary over there?” She said pointing to an elf women and Geralt nodded his head.
“She saw you deal with those guards earlier. They had been harassing many a non-human. It is good to be rid of them. We appreciate it. The room is on the house tonight.”
“Oh, I, uh, you’re welcome. Thanks for the room.” The waitress nodded and gave a faint smile then proceeded the hand over the Witcher the key to his room for the night. “Third floor, Room 13.” She said and walked away, taking their used dishware with her.
“What happened with the guards, friend?” Dandelion inquisited.
“The usual.”
“Figures. People are different depending on where you are but scum remain the same no matter the location.”
“At least they’re consistent.”
“Geralt, can we go to bed?” Ciri asked.
Geralt nodded and stood up. Taking Ciri by the hand.
“I’ll be here a while longer if you need a drink, Geralt. Otherwise we’ll talk in the morning. I’m staying in Room 7.”
Geralt and Ciri walked through the large room through a doorway and down a short corridor leading to a staircase that led up the the higher floors of the inn. For many patrons, the night was just beginning. A group of musicians played on a small stage in the corner of the larger room and students filled the establishment, looking to get drinks and meet new friends and possible partners.
The Witcher hoped that the noise wouldn’t be too much for Ciri. He needed her to get her rest for the would likely be setting off sooner rather than later. Their room was surprising nice. Geralt figured that they innkeep must’ve given them one of the nicest rooms. There were two large beds, a vanity as well as a bathtub already filled with water and multiple dressers and cabinets and a stool to light the chandelier. Candles and a chandelier lit the room but it was still a bit dark. He set the pouch of food that Dandelion gave him on the dresser located near one of the beds. Ciri took off her small bag and set it on the other dresser. She pulled out a small teddy bear made of plush and wool and climbed into the bed. Geralt didn’t know that she had that, it must’ve been given to her by the family that took her in, he thought.
“Im going to go talk to Dandelion.” The Witcher said, interrupting the silence.
“B-but.” He could tell that Ciri was upset to be left alone.
“It’ll be okay, Ciri. I’ll just be downstairs.” He realized that this was the first time he was leaving her alone since they had reunited.
“But you’re coming back, right?”
“Of course, Ciri. Always. I can stay until you fall asleep if you want.” Ciri nodded as Geralt tucked her tightly into bed. He sat on the bed opposite and watched as she drifted off into slumber. She fell asleep quickly, having nothing to fear. She knew that Geralt would keep her safe.
“Sleep tight, little one.”
Geralt locked the door behind him and came back down to the bar area of the establishment. He noticed Dandelion was surrounded by patrons. Unfortunately they didn’t seem to be the friendly type. Many people were watching on as the bard struggled to explain himself.
“You think you can just sleep with anyone’s wife just because you are a famous bard?” An angry man said to Dandelion. The bard was sitting at the same table, now regretting his decision to sit in the corner. His back was against the wall and there would be no escape.
“Maybe you should please her better and I wouldn’t need to.” The bard retorted. Multiple patrons gasped at hearing such a thing and they believed a murder of the bard may be coming. Geralt heard this as he was approaching the table. He would’ve imagined that someone as cowardly as Dandelion would be smart enough to shut up. Dandelion, the man wouldn’t fight a fly with his fists. But if words could kill then Dandelion would be a serial killer.
“You fuckin wot?” The same angry man said. “Ay, the little punk thinks this is some joke.” Another man said, likely a brother or friend of the first man.
“That Witcher that dun made you famous isn’t here to save you now. How unfortunate.”
“What was that now?” Geralt spoke, now standing behind the confrontational men.
The two men turned around and looked as if they had seen a ghost.
“I’ll give you five seconds to apologize to my friend and I’ll give you another five to leave this inn and never come back.”
“What if we don’t?” One of the men said, deciding to try his luck.
“You’ll end up feed for the drowners in the sewers.”
The men quickly decided that this was not losing their lives over. They turned around and apologized to the bard. “S-s-sorry, sir Dandelion sir.” They said terrified of the Witcher. Then they quickly turned around and hurried out of the inn. Geralt assumed that they would be back, likely with more friends but he didn’t care. Bring an army and Geralt would still fight to defend his friend.
“Wooh, thanks my friend. Close one, huh?”
“Uh-huh. Can’t wait to here how you saved my life in the Alchemy INN in a future tale.” Geralt said letting out a light chuckle and sitting back down at the table.
“So who is the girl, Geralt?” Dandelion asked, quickly changing the subject back to what was on his mind.
“She isn’t just some girl, Dandelion. She’s my child of surprise.” He said quietly, making sure no one else in the inn could here them.
“What? But I thought.” Geralt cut him off, “I know, but she is alive, I found her, Dandelion. I’m beginning to rethink this whole fate and destiny thing.”
Dandelion was astonished but he should have known. How had he not realized this? It didn’t really make sense to him still however. Cintra was attacked, so many died, including all the leader figures. The grandmother of Ciri, Calanthe was one of the deceased and Ciri was in her care. How did Ciri escape and no one else did? She was a fighter, he did know that. And Dandelion knew that there was no one better to take care of her than his best friend. His best friend, the Witcher, The White Wolf, The Butcher of Blaviken, and new father, Geralt of Rivia.
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annemcarminati · 6 years
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If you want to have a real good feel of NYC take a dive into its subway. There is nothing else like it : Dark, dirty, ugly, messy, crowded, diverse, creative, full of energy, buoyant, mice, rats, croak roaches, dump, garbage, smelly ...I love it because you are in the midst of it all...the good, the bad and the ugly! It’s New York. #newyork #iloveyounewyork #subway #nycsubway #nycvibes #getsyougoing #ifyoumakeitinnyyoucanmakeitanywhere (à Manhattan, New York)
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theherblifeblog · 7 years
Her(B) Life Gift Guide 2017
I turned around one day and discovered that it's almost Christmas time again which means that it's time to start thinking about Christmas gifts! I love finding the perfect gift for all the people on my list and I take a special pride in finding something unique and special that suits each recipient perfectly. 
These are a few of our favourite things this year and we hope you like them as much as we do! 
 1- Crowns
Perfect for stocking stuffers or as an addition to a gift basket. Add a little bit of luxury to your cannabis ritual with CROWNS, a beautiful and functional accessory for your favourite flower. 
Say goodbye to rolling up ugly scraps of paper, soggy seconds when sharing with friends, and smelly roaches that waste your precious bud. Say hello to bliss made beautiful! 
Canadian made and manufactured CROWNS are printed on FSC Certified, ancient forest friendly, processed chemical and chlorine-free paper that’s made with 100% recycled materials.
Read more about CROWNS founder Rachel Colic here. 
2- Levo Oil
Infuse oil and butter with the flavors and nutrients of herbs, fruits, and other ingredients at the touch of a button. Let LEVO streamline the process with precise time and temperature controls. LEVO is the first device created exclusively for infusing oil and butter. With dishwasher safe components, there’s no more messy straining or clean up. No more emulsifiers, solvents or additives required to infuse. No pre-set temperature and time settings, allowing you complete creative control over your recipe.
Super simple infusions and a beautiful design, the Levo is the perfect gift for your friend who loves to bake. 
Read more about Chrissy Bellman, the creator and CEO of Levo Oil in our Spotlight Series Interview here. 
3- Ahlot Ritual Box
Get organized, enhance your decor and bring a sophisticated edge to entertaining. With the Ahlot Ritual Box you can customize your box layout to suit your needs including consideration for your preferred vaporizer and even choose a customized rolling tray. The Canadian company promises to help elevate your cannabis ritual, now isn't that a nice gift for the discerning cannabis connoisseur in your life? 
4- Erbanna
Erbanna makes the the cutest and best ever smell-proof weed bags, pouches, and vape cases. Their handbags and cases are designed with odor-controlling linings and a myriad of unique details that achieve the highest standard of odor-containment available in fashion accessories today. Choose from a huge range of styles including a line for men. 
Erbanna stash purses are the ideal gift for anyone who takes their cannabis on the go.  
5- Love + Destroy Pipe
Love + Destroy is a women-owned (YAAASSSSSS), New York based modern lifestyle brand and retail platform, created to redefine how you think about and utilize your leisure time. Offering a collection of products and accessories that are thoughtfully designed for our rapidly evolving smoking culture. Founder and Pratt Institute graduate, Britni Sweet, applies a combination of cutting edge 3D printing technology and the touch of hand finishing in every piece.
If you have a loved one who appreciates elegant, sculptural design that is functional while beautiful you need to check out Love + Destroy.  
6 - The #DopeLadies Collection from Her(B) Life
For all the Dope Ladies in your life each of the items in the #DopeLadies Collection make for the perfect gift. Choose from warm cozy hoodies, a cute little cap sleeve t-shirt, mugs or totes to help you carry all your things. Plus, right now you can use coupon code HERBLIFE25 to save 25%. 
Happy Holidays to all the Dope Ladies out there!
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verm1c1de · 2 years
hmmmmmmmmmm okay genuine question
who is your favorite iz character GEHEHEHE
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verm1c1de · 2 years
look it’s me irl
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verm1c1de · 2 years
the wehn yiu bwhenn arh whw thehei wia when?
hitting mew ofur the head with a plunger
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verm1c1de · 2 years
say hello to my dog
also, what do I call you? UAUAUAUUAUUHAUAGARFA this is a question. Nobody can tell me otherwise!!!11!! oh yeah AND
opinion on zadr?
my name isssss vermi ;PP its on my pinned post little man
as fur my opinion,,,,,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmm. efurrybodys wrong about it except me, but also, efurrybody is right about it except jhonen. who is also right about it
ok, the only people why are wrong about it r the ppl who think zim is a grownass bugboy ((and still ship them)). thats just wrong!!
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verm1c1de · 2 years
ay you and like one other person are my fav moots 👊
get punched loser HA
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short-and-ugly · 2 years
zasr is beloved i mean come on i love seeing zim torture skoodge but ............... theyre .......... so silly .... wish there was an episode where they actually worked together tbhhhhh
btw if you can guess which mutual this is, i will gift you an ms paint drawing of skoodge crying <3
MS PAINT CRYING SKOG????? i have to think reallll hard about this.....
ummm immm gonna sayyy... @/zimsrightantenna........
cause @/verm1c1de is offline and @/smelly-ugly-roach posted 14 min ago but you posted one minute ago (haha i went through my followers :^) )
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