#smeyer why would you ruin your plot even more?
catstack17 · 4 months
while i’m on the subject of twilight- i have no idea why it took me so long to realize just how much the events of breaking dawn do not make relatively any sense. hear me out- if alice could not see that bella was ok and alive in new moon because canonically she is not able to see past the wolves, then how could she see either vision in breaking dawn between renesmee’s “future” w/ jacob + the vision of the fight sequence because almost the entirety of the wolf pack is in that vision?!?!!!? like- none of that follows what was previously canon in the first three books as well as films???
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renegadepack · 4 years
Knowing the saga should have ended with one book and then the follow up with forever Dawn puts so much in perspective. Maybe that’s why it feels underdeveloped at times. And jake’s character went off the rails because she didn’t intend for him to be a part of the bigger story. I read somewhere that Meyer loves Jacob. But she didn’t have to ruin him to keep her vampire romance afloat.
the series should’ve ended after new moon with a short epilogue added on so we could see bella as a vampire, end of story.
the problem with writing your ending before the middle events that get you there, is sometimes the middle events that get you there don’t lead you to the same ending. smeyer’s problem here is that she couldn’t let go of that, even tho it was in no way the right ending for her story anymore. jacob deserved happiness on his own, bella deserved someone who would be honest with and listen to her. there were so many things that could’ve happened in books 2 and 3 that led us to bd, but none of them did. she destroyed so many pieces she needed to make it work (bella and edward in a healthyish relationship, her characters maturing, jacob a one-off side character, victoria alive, etc.) that it just couldn’t work anymore. 
new moon is fine, i guess - laurent didn’t have to die like that but whatever. but eclipse? that’s the real mess. use it to show bella and edward communicating and solving their problems. jacob growing into himself and being ok without bella. victoria plotting. instead it’s a mess of masculine pissing contests and jealously and character assassination and a climax that happens mostly offscreen.
and then in breaking dawn? we get dysfunctional relationships and a whole ass Mess and then everything’s perfect and happy and everyone gets their happily ever after - except most people end up screwed. jacob “just another way of getting your choices taken away” black is stuck with racist vampires for a literal eternity. more children are forced to be wolves at an absurdly young age. bella is a shell of her former self. the denalis had to watch their sister be murdered. irina is dead from a royally out of character action. 
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
What is your opinion on Bella? Also the rest of the Cullens? I know you like the pack more (same) but do you like Bella/the Cullens too?
Ooof *knuckle cracking* this is gonna be a long one. Let’s just say there’s a reason my canon is different than smeyer’s. I enjoyed the potential of her story and characters, believed she ruined a lot of them. 
Welllllll, even as a younger child I kinda couldn’t stand Bella. As I get older, I dislike her still. I found her and Edward to be on the toxic side truthfully-- as many people do. I think that there were parts of her that I related to, though. More so on the isolation aspect of things, I tend to shut down myself during my very low points. Though at one point-- especially in the movies-- I feel like her motives were to have sex and turn into a vampire as opposed to actually being with Edward. I feel like there was some fetishizing of vampirism and Edward as opposed to the desire to marry him. I could be wrong but I did get those vibes at some points. Bella was someone who I felt was someone that I think I would want to yell at if I ever had to meet her. 
Edweird pissed me off a lot. He was such a frickin baby who was controlling about her seeing her friends, saying they were dangerous even though he plotted on killing her and murdering an entire class of innocent students. He spent an entire summer with her before running away-- plotting it. I miss the eddy that killed rapists and murderers. that’s the eddy I like. There were moments I liked him and moments i wanted to hit him. 
Overall, the Cullen family has things I enjoy and things that I despise. 
Emmett- true king. Cared deeply for his birth family before vampirism. He was incredibly loyal and caring throughout the entire series, trying to befriend everyone and be an all around good guy. Best husband award ever goes to him. Personality wise my favorite Cullen “child.” 12/10. Big muscle meat head with way more depth than is given to him at first glance-- wished we learned more about him and got to see more of his moments of greatness. 
Rosalie- had a shit hand dealt to her. Very pretty. I liked her a bit in the beginning-- and grew to respect her after her story came about and empathized, understanding why she was so harsh at times. I felt bad that she would always long for a life she could never have, watching someone else live the dream she always wanted. THOUGH, I hated when she bashed the pack and gave Jacob the food in a dog bowl. Real bitch move. I get the whole natural enemies and insane natural desire to just kill each other but come on this is beyond much. You guys already teamed up and fought for a common cause. Put your petty bs behind you and grow up. Treat them with respect bc they come to the Cullen’s rescue every time. Fucked up if you ask me. I will also give her points for helping Bella a lot even though she didn’t want her around. 
Esme- also an angel. wish she yelled at her “kids” more though. Kinda feel like she would be super nice and caring to everyone-- like her usual demeanor. I would let her make me dinner, I would hug her. I consider her a loving, motherly figure. 
Carlisle- good doctor, trying to help humanity as best as he could even though he believed his soul was damned regardless. I appreciate that he tried to do only good despite understanding that it would likely still have the same end result as if he let loose. I like that he was a good father figure, trying to live as normal life as he could provide for him and his family. Love that he cared for the pack too when they needed his medical attention. Pretty cool guy, I think. Might’ve had a fling with Aro but who really knows.
Alice- I enjoyed that she was bubbly and sweet, also wish she wasn’t bitchy to the wolves. I enjoy her constant desire to help and independent state of mind-- trying to tell cowboy to back off and let her do what she needs. When she moved over to Jacob to stop her visions, to “close her eyes for once” I felt kinda bad but also you go back and forth between berating jake and this kinda stuff so that’s kinda not cool dude. Also had times where I was annoyed with her character, but overall helpful and wanted the best for everyone. 
Jasper- his hair in eclipse caught me. I enjoyed him in the beginning but grew very uncomfortable with his character after learning he was a confederate. I always wished he could’ve been a spy from the union, trying to dismantle the south bc it would’ve been so much better. alas smeyer didn’t make it that way so that disappoints me. Attractive man, loves his wife very much. I always found his power to be so interesting, but so much potential for manipulation. Though I don’t remember him using it in that regard much, I haven’t read the books in ages. Lots of potential, unfortunately left an enormously bad taste in my mouth finding out about his past life’s actions and beliefs. 
so sorry you had to read all of this, but once I started I couldn’t stop. 
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