#where do i begin to explain how i already disliked breaking dawn + then my brain fully forms logic and reasoning to the sentiment
catstack17 · 4 months
while i’m on the subject of twilight- i have no idea why it took me so long to realize just how much the events of breaking dawn do not make relatively any sense. hear me out- if alice could not see that bella was ok and alive in new moon because canonically she is not able to see past the wolves, then how could she see either vision in breaking dawn between renesmee’s “future” w/ jacob + the vision of the fight sequence because almost the entirety of the wolf pack is in that vision?!?!!!? like- none of that follows what was previously canon in the first three books as well as films???
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kingsnooz · 9 months
The Ever Burning Fire of the Sworn Partners Part 1
The ruler watched as the stars went by on his balcony, staring at the moon like an old familiar friend. He always found solace in watching it and continues to do so today. It relaxed him more specifically. Dedede liked some action, but this is how he liked to “recharge.” Of course it had to be interrupted, as a flash of purple pierced through the sky until it hit a patch of land. Already hearing the commotion of his staff rising from their slumber he takes a hammer to investigate.
A small shockwave could be felt as the king landed and dashed as fast as his feet could carry him. “A king must protect his subjects” is all that flooded his mind, continuing even after he reached the foreign object's arrival point.
The Great King skidded to a halt. Citizens had gathered around the crashed mass, a purple sharded rock. That already had the Dedede perturbed.
“What is that thing?” A cappy questioned.
“It gives off a menacing aura that’s for sure.” A waddle doo noised.
More and more voices arose and as Dedede turned he saw a Bronto Burt flutter closer to the rock.
“Everyone get back! We don’t want another Jamba Heart situation!” The penguin’s voice boomed across the nearby area, keeping the public at bay, as well as frightening the little winged creature. Worried whispers could still be heard, but abruptly stopped when a sudden gust of wind blustered behind him.
“There is no need to worry, it is safe.”
Dedede didn’t feel the need to turn around, already knowing the voice all too well.
“And how do you know that?” The king interrogated.
“I’ve been to the planet this star originated from, it is where I met… her.” The knight retorted as he looked at his blade.
Dedede sighed and looks to see his favorite little guy already setting up yellow tape and holding in the urge to give an “Atta boy!”
“Back to bed, an investigation will ensue in the morning!” The royal’s right hand man stated in his “Big Boy Voice” he had practiced with his guardian all while the residents returned to their homes.
“Your majesty, do you want me to give Susie and Mags a call?”
Upon the mention of the roboticist Meta Knight’s wings slightly drooped and gripped his sword tighter.
“It is okay Bandana Dee, I have this under control.” The masked swordsman said with hints of disdain. Bandee nodded and waddled off after receiving a head pat from Dedede.
“Didn’t you move past your hatred for her?” The king asked inquisitively, causing Meta to get visibly flustered even behind his mask.
“I don’t truly hate her… just strongly dislike her at times.” The knight stated in a forced casual tone.
“Sorry for pressing it blueberry, if you ever wanna talk about it…”
“It is fine, and I appreciate your concern. Now I think we should explain things. This comet originated from an island that drifted off of Halcandra; housing ancient artifacts created by… The Ancients. It was the home to many relics and was some of their birthplaces. It seems this is a shard that is pieced off. While the artifacts inside should be safe according to Galaxia, they should still be taken with caution.” He rambled.
“So is this a Dark Nebula situation or…”
“I do not believe so, but for now you should get some sleep. I can take over from here.” The winged astral stated before being unceremoniously lifted.
“Yeah that’s not happening little man, I see how much caffeine it takes to get you up and running. How are you supposed to be at peak performance to protect dreamland with a blood pressure higher than you can fly?” Dedede asked in a scolding tone.
That first sentence earned the avian a glare.
“I am perfectly sized for my age! Although you… might be right. Fine, I shall return to the halberd and get some rest. Meet me here at the break of dawn, but first I should make sure this is off limits.”
Nearby rocks begin to rise and are carefully placed upon the foreign mineral until it is fully covered. All the while a grown could be heard.
“I’m still peeved over how you get these cool psychic powers after your what, third possession? Meanwhile I just got through my seventh and only got a power boost!” Dedede lamented. That got a small laugh out of Meta.
“Oh boohoo, the strongest physically of use got even stronger. How unbearable…”
“Whuzzat?” Dedede asks.
“While I respect your tenacity to keep going after everything, you must admit that strength boost is quite something.” States after clearing his throat.
“Eh, we’ll see.” The king grumbled.
With that the swordsman wings unfurled and took to the skies gliding upon the soft breeze with ease.
“I never said it was fully safe young knight. Those inside were still created by The Ancients. What was relatively safe to them may not be the same for you and your comrades.”
“Must everyone scold me this night.”
“What was that young man?!”
“¡Nada madre de luz! Es que, no quiero preocupar los.”
“It is your judgment to make, but please make the right judgment.”
Next chapter
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rosaliestark01 · 3 years
Dusk Till Dawn - Part 9
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Tony reveals who Y/N's real dad is and Y/N confronts her family.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, angst, maybe some cringiness???
A/N: Although @annies-marvel-imagines will no longer be posting more parts, she will still receive credit.
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"Can someone please explain what just happened?" Clint asks as he sits against the wall of their cell. He flicks a piece of lint from his sleeve before looking at the others for answers.
"I'm sorry. Did you miss the part where Y/N kicked our asses?" Tony backtalks. It's evident he takes your betrayal extremely personally, more so than anyone else.
"No, I think I was taking my afternoon nap," Clint deadpans. "What I don't understand is why."
"This is all my fault," Peter sighs. His shoulders slump and the regret is clear as day. "If I hadn't let my guard down at the dance-"
Everyone in the cell groaned in exasperation. Peter and Tony hadn't stopped blaming themselves the entire time, and it was shattering the morale of everyone there as though their spirits weren't already broken.
"Now's not the time to be playing the blame game," Nat discusses. "We need to figure out a way out of here."
"We wouldn't be in this mess if Y/N hadn't stabbed us all in the back," Bucky mumbles under his breath. He knew that you were a good fighter, considering he and Nat were the ones who trained you. He just never imagined that you'd turn on him and everyone else.
"No," Steve responds. "Y/N wouldn't betray us if she didn't have a good reason. He had to have forced her or something."
"Sorry to break it to you," Ezekiel chuckles as he approaches the cell with you and Eloise by his side, "but I didn't force Y/N to do shit. Isn't that right, sweetheart."
"Yeah, dad," you reply. Peter seems to be the only one to notice how uncomfortable you were to call that man your dad.
"Dad?" Tony quotes. His face turns beet red, and, for a split second, you were afraid that a vein would pop. He stares at Ezekiel angrily before responding, "You-"
Before Tony could finish his sentence, Ezekiel pressed a button, causing a soundproof metal barrier to surround the cell.
"Don't worry about them, Y/N." Ezekiel laughed, beginning to walk away. "They'll get what they deserve soon enough."
"With our sponsor ready to move to phase two, we'll be unstoppable," Eloise added. You refrained from becoming visibly alarmed at the mention of a sponsor. It made sense that that would have explained how they could get a hold of such advanced technology.
"Your sponsor?" You questioned, trying not to seem too interested.
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with," Ezekiel mutters, ignoring you in favor of questioning Eloise. "Has the shipment arrived?"
"Most of it," She states. They continue walking ahead of you, leaving you to wonder what the heck you've gotten yourself into.
"Tony, is that true?" Rhodey asks. "Is that asshole Y/N's real dad?"
"You're kidding me, right?" Tony retorts. "Of course, that's not Y/N's real dad."
"Then who is he?" Steve questions, unaware of how Tony has been avoiding making eye contact with him.
"His name is Ezekiel Stane. His dad was my business partner until he betrayed me." Everyone nods their head, beginning to understand what was going on.
"And now he's using Y/n to get revenge," Steve finished. "Who is Y/N's real dad?"
Everyone looks at Tony expectantly. They're both eager to find out who your real dad is and curious as to why it is such a heavily guarded secret. Whoever it is, it can't be worse than the guy who is actively manipulating you as an act of revenge. When Tony fails to answer, Bruce speaks up.
"Dammit, Tony, this is important information," he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
"Banner is right," Steve declares, causing Tony to lose it.
"Fine! You want to know who her real dad is? It's you!"Silence engulfs the cell as everyone is too shocked to quickly process what Tony revealed.
"Is this a joke to you?" Steve's brows knitted in confusion and anger as he stared at Tony. Yet, the fear and bitterness that burned in his eyes told the truth. "I can't be Y/N's dad. It's impossible."
"You want to know how it's possible? Ask Fury," Tony seethed. He couldn't meet anyone's eyes, but he knew what they were all thinking.
"Fury knew?" Nat asks quietly, not ready to believe that Fury would keep something this important, something this profound, about you from her.
"Dammit, Tony. You had no right to keep this a secret," Steve yells as he begins to pace. The more he thinks about it, the more you look like someone from his past, someone he thought would be his future before he went in the ice.
"Didn't I?" Tony challenges. "Y/N is still my daughter."
"Now's not the time to fight about this," Nat mutters, still processing the information. "Y/N still thinks that that guy is her dad, and we need to find a way out of here."
"I don't think that Y/N thinks that guy is her dad," Peter pipes up. "You saw how uncomfortable she got when she called him 'dad', and I have a gut feeling that she's still on our side."
"I don't trust your spider-tingle, or whatever you call it. It's been wrong before," Bucky scowls, remembering one of the few times he remembers Peter's gut feeling had led them all into a few unpleasant situations.
"But I don't think it's wrong this time. I have faith in Y/N," Peter states confidently.
"I hate to say it, but the kid is right. Y/N is our only hope of getting out of here."
"Would you fucking quit it? You're giving me a headache," Eloise fusses. At this moment, you'd give anything to shut her up. You came here to think, but all you could think about was how her constant bickering was distracting you. "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"
The two of you were in what Ezekiel called the "weapon room ." Although there wasn't a weapon in sight, you had a feeling that they were still in the piles of unopened metal crates that were stacked around the room.
"They're the Avengers," You tell her. "Aren't you worried they'd escape?"
In reality, you were more worried about helping them escape. You'd be lying if you said that you thought this out entirely through. You should have realized before you put your friends and family in a cell that you'd need to know how to get them out of it.
"Unlike you, I have faith in the cell Zeke created. There's no way they can escape without the remote," Eloise glares at you from where she sat. The dislike she had for you was more evident than ever, but you didn't have it in you to be sad about it. The sweet girl you became friends with months ago never existed.
"What remote?" You ask. Her eyes narrowed at you as though she were scanning you for any signs of betrayal.
"Like I'd tell you," she huffs angrily as she rises to her feet. Either way, learning about the remote gave you a new plan. "Unlike Zeke, I don't trust you for a second. Not when we've got your slimy boyfriend in a cage."
"He's not my boyfriend." The words, despite their truth, burned your mouth. Peter wasn't your boyfriend, but that didn't mean you didn't want him to be.
"Sure." The second she turns around to leave, you notice something peaking out of her pocket. This could be the remote, you thought. Then again, what if it isn't. Either way, you weren't going to pass up the chance in case it is.
"Eloise." She turns toward you, but before she could react, your fist collides with her jaw, causing her to collapse on one of the crates. You check to make sure that she stayed out cold before grabbing the remote.
You couldn't help the rush of anticipation as you make your way towards the cell. You weren't sure what you were going to say to them or if they were even going to hear you out, but you had to try.
"Okay," you mutter as you stand in front of the cell. You stare at the remote in your hand, and you click on the button that you hope would open it. Abruptly, the cell seems to unlock before a door popped open. Inside stood the shocked faces of your family, who you double-crossed.
"You guys probably hate my guts, but trust me when I say I had a good reason," you stated as you stared at their faces which were a mixture of anger, disappointment, and relief.
"Care to explain?" Nat crosses her arms dauntingly, prompting you to lower your head in guilt.
"Well..." You began, fiddling with your sleeve. "I'll start by saying that I made a mistake by trusting Eloise and Ezekiel."
"You think?" Bucky scoffed. You couldn't help the shame that washed over you at the sight of the disappointed looks etched on the faces of your two mentors. You knew it would take a lot to earn back their trust, but you hoped that this was a start.
"But when I realized that Ezekiel wasn't my real dad, I had to play along," you explain. You look up at everyone and hope that they'd understand. "I think that they're planning something big."
"Answer this. Did you start playing along before or after you kidnapped all of us?" Nat questioned. The look on her face is unreadable, which slightly unsettled you.
"It was the night of the dance," you confirm. You felt bad about ditching Peter that night. It wasn't until afterward that you remembered that Peter didn't like Gwen. Instead, he chose you. You just had to go and mess it up by choosing Eloise. "They started talking nonsense about Tony attacking them and how they needed to destroy the Avengers, so I played along to find out what their endgame was."
You subtly wince at the way Tony's face fell when you used his name, regret washing over you immediately. For all you knew, Tony is your real dad, and the file that Hydra had on you was one big lie.
"What do you think they're planning?" Peter asks. You meet his eyes for the first time and answer honestly.
"I'm not sure, but Eloise said something about their sponsor being ready to move on to the next phase." You let the severity of the situation soak before continuing. "They've already received truckloads of metal crates just like the one we got from that Hydra base weeks ago."
"The one with the red wax stamp?" Nat asks, meaning she remembered.
"So, do you have a plan?" Sam asks, getting up from the floor.
"Yeah." A small smile made its way to your face as you look at your family. "I have a plan."
Message me if you would like to be added or removed.
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woogyu · 3 years
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49. “If i didn’t know you better, i’d say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
58. “So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?”
Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny // Requests; OPEN
notes; thank you so much for requesting! this ended up being more of a fluffy-angsty blend, but I hope you enjoy it! I kind of love how it turned out, ngl.
wc; ~1451
You didn’t know when it had started, or why he began passing along books to you. He always worked the nightshift, conveniently the same time that you always found refuge in the old library. You like the quiet serene atmosphere of the building and the smell of old books around you. Sometimes you would work on homework or just read for pleasure. You visited nearly every night, and for as long as you can remember Wonwoo was the librarian working while you were there.
He must have picked up on the genres and types of books you enjoyed by observing what you read while you were there. At first it was just once in a while. He would slip books onto the table you were reading at when you were too lost in the pages to notice and hope you picked them up. Over time he grew bolder and began giving them to you directly while you were checking out. A few months ago, he started talking with you about the books he had recommended in the past, if you liked them and what you didn’t like.
You had grown used to this routine of him telling you about the books he thought you would like, his voice low and quiet. You never disliked any of his recommendations. It’s like he knew exactly what to give you at any given time, and you were convinced it must be a superpower.
“This is a new one we just got in” you heard the familiar baritone voice say you in hushed tones, settling down in the seat next to yours. You looked up from your book with curious eyes as you watched him with a smile. Watching him light up when explaining books to you was one of the reasons your heart did funny things when you thought about him. You didn’t know what to label this feeling, but it was warm and true.
“It’s a love story, about this guy and girl that bond over their shared love of reading. They grew tired of exploring foreign worlds and trying on different lives. They decide to end the chapters of their lives where they are alone and begin a new chapter that they write together” he explained with a hum. You couldn’t see the cover of the book with the way he held it out to you, but the story he was describing made you laugh a little bit at the familiarity of it.
“If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.” you joked, reaching out to take the item from his hands. He laughed and pushed his chair back, “Let me know what you think of it, alright?” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You looked up at him and nodded, you always told him you review of what he recommended, so you weren’t sure why he was reminding you about it.
You didn’t get a chance to look at the book he had given you, your phone distracting you. This was another routine, your fiancé texting you and asking where you were. He never understood your love for books, claiming that they were ‘just pieces of dead trees’.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
‘I’m breaking up with you, I’ve found someone else’, the words echoed over and over again in your head, not amount of alcohol dulling their sting. You shouldn’t be so hurt, the two of you had never seen eye to eye and you shared no common interest. It wasn’t that you had lost someone you only ever had neutral feelings for, it was that he tossed you away so easily. He barely spared you a second glance when he left with his things.
You couldn’t bear to spend another minute in the space you two had inhabited together. You ended up at a nearby bar, crying into shots of tequila.
You sniffled as you reached into your bag to grab a tissue, your hand brushing over the book Wonwoo had given you earlier. Pulling it out of your bag you weren’t exactly sure what possessed you to open it, but your intoxicated brain was definitely confused as to why all the pages were blank.
A small card fell out and landed on the counter. You blinked a few times to clear your vision before reading it over:
If you want to write that story, I told you about together, call me xxx-xxxx-xxx
You choked back a sob when you finally put the pieces together. You never told Wonwoo about your fiancé, and now you doubted he would want you. Who would want something that someone else threw away?
Pulling out your phone you clumsily typed in the numbers on the card, heart thumbing as the line rang.
“Hello?” you heard a deep groggy voice answer, a fresh wave of tears falling when you realized how comforting it was to hear his voice.
“Why couldn’t it have been you~” you slurred a little bit, rubbing your nose against your sleeve. “Why did I get engaged to that other guy? Why couldn’t I have found you sooner?” you cried, the alcohol circumventing the filter that usually stopped these kinds of things from coming out of your mouth.
“You’ve been drinking” he said, it wasn’t a question merely an observation.
“Yeah I’ve been drinking” you snapped, already forgetting why you called him. “Came home and he just tossed me away like a forgotten wrapper. He found someone prettier, someone better…” you explained, wiping away stray tears.
“I didn’t even have feelings for him… especially not since I met you” you continued, voice cracking.
“Where are you y/n?” he asked, you could faintly hear the jingling of keys on the other line. “Some bar by the library” you hiccupped, nearly slipping out of your chair.
“I want to write that story wonu, god I’ve never wanted to write something more” you cried, your bottom lip shaking. “But you can do better than me, I’m not good enough for you. I wasn’t even good enough to keep that other guy from leaving” you said in an impossibly small voice.
“Stay where you are, okay? I’m coming to pick you up” he said before pausing, “And why don’t you let me decide if you’re good enough for me or not” he added, his voice tense.
“I’m in love with you” you breathed, unable to stop yourself from blurting it out. “It happened slowly over time, and I can’t pinpoint what did it, but god am I in love with you” you said.
You were vaguely aware when Wonwoo showed up at the bar to get you, and when you threw up all over his shoes, but the rest of the night was a blur.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, grimacing as you opened your eyes. “Finally, awake, are you?” you heard a voice muse, causing your eyes to snap open. You glanced around the room and realized you didn’t recognize where you were, and why were your clothes all sticky.
“Here” he said, walking over and helping you sit up. He handed you some aspirin and a glass of water, sitting on the edge of the bed as he made sure you didn’t choke on the pill. Your fuzzy memories started to come back to you, and one of your hands flew to your mouth in horror.
“Oh god” you said, looking at him with a guilty expression. You had quite literally spilled your guts to him last night… in more ways than one. He seemed to notice when realization dawned on you, a teasing smirk settling on his lips.
“So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?” he teased, helping you set the glass of water back down on the nightstand. You held up your hand to stop whatever other cheeky comment he had saved up, your brain still far too scrambled to deal with it right now.
“Don’t-“ you stated, your hand coming up to press against your forehead. “Just let me, come to terms with my embarrassment first” you groaned, wondering if it was possible that the mattress could just swallow you.
“Take all the time you need” he said, his voice much softer than before. Reaching up he brushed a strand of hair away from your face and smiled.
“I was serious you know, about writing that story together” he said, his cheeks taking on a dusty glow.
“I-I think I would really like that” you whispered back, giving him a small reassuring smile.
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blueprint-han · 4 years
on top of the world ↠ hhj.
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genre: royal au; fluff inspired by a fucking barbie movie leave me alone okay
⇥ warnings: if having a ballroom dance with hyunjin is a warning, then <3, district names are randomly chosen, not meant in reference to SKZ !!
wc: 1.5 K
⇥ disclaimer: this fiction does not aim to represent the activities of the real Hwang Hyunjin, nor does it represent JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡
type: drabble.
taglist: @stayverse @districtninewriters @inkidz​ @sunoo-luvs 
part of: the url drabble game; requested by @tpwkjerii​ (requests for this are closed now!)
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↯ note: dghwey i had literally no idea what to write for your url, so i searched up the full form of “tpwk” and ended up with “treat people with kindness”. I developed it into an idea i already had. Tell me if you like it <33 ⇥ dawn.☀️
↯ note 2: oh... i cannot... write fantasy for the life in me. ⇥ dawn.☀️
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“Ladies, all in line.” The instructor clapped her hand, signaling all the princess and lady royals to line up in front of her. You quickly scrambled out of where you were seated, almost doubling over your heels as you tried to wobble your way to the line. 
Oh curse those heels. They were gonna be the reason you crashed headfirst into the floor one day, you were sure. They were those typical pointy, magenta colored pumps that only an expert in poise could pull of properly. Your uniform didn’t help either, layers and layers of clothing — topped of with a jacket, which meant you would be sweating buckets if it weren’t for the air conditioning.
Gosh, you hated being the princess and heir to the next throne. Why couldn’t you just lounge in the courtroom in your sweats and sneakers? They were more fashionable anyway. When your mom had told you that you were gonna attend “Royal Training School”, you’d pictured horse riding in the lush green stables, elegant dinners with rich silverware, and most of all — just having some time away from the royal castle, just having some time for yourself and having fun in that time.
Well, you were in for a huge mess.
It’d been only a week since you attended this place, and you hated it. The place woke you up at 5 a.m., shoved breakfast (which was mostly a piece of “high gluten” bread) to your hands and then took you ballroom dancing. So your day was terrible from the beginning already. There was no horseback riding, no sword fighting, because according to your parents — “princesses didn’t do fights”. Seemed superstitious to you, someone with a forward thinking mind, but what could you do?
Too dazed in your thoughts, your foot slipped and you lurched forward. You yelped loudly, but before you could catch the attention of the class or feel the polished marble against your face, a hand wrapped around your waist, ceasing your fall and holding you mid-air.
“You okay, princess?”
You snapped back into attention, eyes meeting with your classmates, all of them having a shocked look on their faces, and some of them anger. Turning around, you were surprised to gaze into hazel brown eyes that seemed to draw you in without reserve.
“Um..., princess?”
“Ah, yes!” You snapped out of it once again, straightening up as you smoothened the fabric of your shirt. “T-Thank you.” You took once glance at his face, and... wow. He was absolutely ethereal. His golden locks of hair fell perfectly over his temples, he adorned a majestic black suit and by just looking at him, he exuded confidence.
He giggled. “It’s alright, princess. Glad you aren’t hurt.”
“Oh, that-”
“Ahem!” The both of you looked to the side, noticing now how the entire class, along with the instructor were giving you snobby glares. “If you’re done chit chatting, can we start out class, Princess Y/N and Prince Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin. That was a pretty name.
You noticed that there was another line of men, wearing similar attire like Hyunjin, lined up in front of the princesses. “They must be from another academy,” Silent thoughts flooded your mind as you took your place, and your eyes went wide when you found yourself face to face with the Hyunjin guy again, though there was a reasonable distance between the both of you.
“Now, royals.” The instructor chimed, clacking her heels against the surface as she waltzed to the edge of the room. “You’ve been practicing ballroom dancing with yourselves for a while now, so The Head and me decided that it would be a good idea for you to get a little peek of what the actual thing looks like.” She said uninterestedly, picking at the underside of the nails as she started the music.
Immediately, slow, melodious music flooded through the speakers as you looked at one another. and then at the guy in front of you... err, Hyunjin. “You’ve already been partnered up, so get started.”
Your mouth dropped open a bit when you realised what the instructor’s statement meant, almost panicking when all the girls next to you bowed down gracefully, coaxing you to follow the same. Hyunjin did the signature “bow down and lend a hand” pose like his other classmates, and you hesitantly straightened up, lending a hand to him.
Immediately, just like how confident he looked, he pulled you close to himself, settling his hands on your hips as a smirk graced his features.
Ah... so he’d noticed you blushing.
You didn’t know why you were blushing in the first place. You’d never met this person before, but something about him just made the giddy schoolgirl in you bubble up to the surface. You shyly settled your hands on his shoulders, moving along to the beat with his motions... and silently praying your ant’s worth of dancing knowledge would not fuck this up.
“So, should we do the introductions?”
“What?” You asked, almost stumbling on your feet once again. You made a mental reminder to burn the current pair of heels you were sporting.
“Don’t you introduce yourself to the person you’re dancing with?” he heaved a laugh, almost melting at how adorably bashful you were getting in his hold. You were about to mumble a response, but then stopped, gathered your confidence, and smiled sweetly.
“Oh well then, I’m Princess Y/N from District 8; honor to meet you.” You said in a sing song voice, muffling a laugh as Hyunjin twirled you around in his hold and pulled you back. The velvet coat was soft under your touch, and for some odd reason, you wondered how his soft-lookin hair would feel under your palm.
“I’m Prince Hyunjin from District 10; equally honored to meet you,” He tilted his head to the side and you noticed him bite his lip for a second. Brushing it off, you continued swaying to the music, feeling slightly more at ease now.
“How’s school here, princess Y/N? You enjoying?” His tone was respectful, almost like he was talking to a friend he met after many years,
“Nah,” You rolled your eyes, making Hyunjin look at you like a confused puppy, waiting for you to explain. Hyunjin wasn’t used to someone hearing they disliked royal training, especially when he’d found it nothing but enjoying.
“It’s just the same old. “Oh go to ballroom, learn to balance books on your head, walk with grace, eat your food elegantly, dance again. sleep early!” Your voice was a hushed whisper, yet mocking. “You’d think that’s what I should’ve expected, but I wanted to learn sword fighting, horse riding, that kind of stuff. They barely let us outdoors here.” You tsked, watching as Hyunjin bit his lip again.
“What?” You asked, figuring that Hyunjin knew you’d noticed his action.
He chuckled. “Your stepping on my toes.”
“Oh crap I am?” You looed down, pulling your feet farther away from his as an apology crawled up your tongue, but before you could shoot it out, Hyunjin stopped you. “It’s okay.”
“Maybe I’ll step on yours and we’ll get even?” He winked, a smug look on is face as he waited for your reply. The music was basically forgotten at his point, both f you lost in a world where nobody else existed, just you, your thoughts, your words, and your giggles. You mirrored his playful expression. “I’d like to see you try.”
Hyunjin didn’t break eye contact, and you felt a small flutter in your chest when he did so. He lifted his foot, but you were too quick, you moved your foot away the moment he settled his own down, and then for revenge, you stepped on his foot once again.
“Ouch!” Hyunjin shrieked, and thanks to the loud music. no one could hear him. You hadn’t stomped too hard thankfully, but Hyunjin’s cute expression when he crinkled his nose sent you into a spiral of giggles.
“Hey! You’re supposed to treat people with kindness” He pouted, twirling you around once again as he led you to the next spot in the ballroom. Your feet basically slid around at this point, and you didn’t even mind your heels.
“Yeah? That’s what you get for trying to step on a princess’ toes.” You rested your head against his shoulder, muffling your giggles as well as calming your heart at the sudden sprut of confidence.
Hyunjin’s grip on your waist tightened, making you straighten up, faint heat dusting your cheeks. The dance was almost coming to an end, and you wished it could go on forever. You hadn’t had such fun in a while, but unfortunately, Hyunjin didn’t belong to this academy. Sadly, the dance would come to an end.
“Maybe I can teach you horse riding?” Hyunjin inquired, a curious glint in his eyes as he watched your reaction. You gasped in shock.
“Y-you’d be willing to do that?”
“Of course, if you’re up for it.”
“How will we even do that?”
“I mean, you can’t tell me you haven’t sneaked out of the premises at night.”
You remained silent.
“Thought so.” Hyunjin winked again. “So, what do you say?”
You twirled around one more time, moving slightly closer to him when you came back this time. The next moment, the music stopped, and you murmured to him with a smirk pulled at your lips.
“I’d be on top of the world.”
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↯ note: 🕯️ ignore me this is just a small prayer that tumblr doesn’t make me battle the tags yet again 🕯️ may the tumblr gods be in my favor atleast this once ;-; 🕯️ ⇥ dawn.☀️
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267 notes · View notes
vennilavee · 4 years
to build a home - ch 3
from dusk till dawn
attack on titan masterlist
check out this story on ao3
Pairing: levi x reader (attack on titan)
Summary: a modern au where you and levi both work for the Survey Corps, a non-profit organization with a mission to help the youth of the Underground District.
Warnings: cursing, alcohol, harassment, smut- 18+!!!
Word Count: ~8800
A/N: there is smut, mentions of harassment (in a flashback) and kenny makes an appearance! ENJOY THIS IS 18+
“Why do I have to go?” You groan, rubbing your face, “Isn’t it Hange’s turn to go? Or Levi’s? Anyone but me? Can’t we all go together?”
“I don’t think all of us need to go for this one,” Erwin offers, “And it would be a good learning opportunity for the new hires. You can pick one or two of them to accompany you.”
“Lucky me,” You mutter, glancing at Levi. He’s looking at you with a small upturned smirk, clearly gloating at Erwin’s specific insistence that you go.
“These are all the rich people that you have the most experience with,” Erwin explains and you groan again, “They’re your favorite people, remember?”
You glare daggers at him when he grins at you.
“So now I have to babysit the rich guys and the new kids?” You say without any real heat in your voice.
“Careful. You’re starting to sound like Levi,” Erwin says, grin still plastered on his stupidly handsome face.
“God forbid,” You throw your hands up in the air, “We’re showing up in a limo and everything will be on the company card.”
“I expect nothing less,” Erwin confirms.
“Good, you know me so well.”
The door to Levi’s office is closed and locked, because you’re trying to convince him to come to the ball with you. Your eyes are dark and coy, lips only a breath away from his, and Levi could scoff. But he’s enjoying your groveling.
“You can hold your own with them,” Levi says, poking your forehead, “You know you can.”
“Of course I can,” You sigh, “Is it so much to ask for you to come with me just because I want you to?”
Your hands are flat on his chest and Levi tugs your wrists into his, rubbing circles. You already see the agreement on his face, in the turn of his lips.
“Not at all,” Levi promises, “I’ll tell Erwin I’ll be coming as your plus one.”
As if he could ever say no to you. As if he could ever say no to a night of being on your arm, both of you dressed to the nines. Even if that meant listening to rich men and women speak to you both in a way that annoys him to no end, in a way that makes your blood burn.
You both usually manage to make nights like this fun. He’s sure you have something up your sleeve. A memory of the first time Erwin had assigned you both to one of these donor’s galas resurfaces, maybe from ten years ago at this point-
Levi had barely paid you any mind, and you were quite annoyed with it all. You didn’t know why Erwin thought this was a good idea, pairing you up with him to tag team this gala.
You would probably have more success on your own anyway. Since you would be focused and your thoughts wouldn’t be filled with ire for the man who was accompanying you.
But just because he doesn’t pay you any mind doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a gentleman. He held doors for you and had even gotten you both a drink as soon as you had entered the ballroom.
There’s no way he could’ve known that you needed something to hold in settings like this to stave off your anxiety.
You had offered him a smile and a ‘thanks’, to which he had waved off. You had wanted to tell him that he looked nice, but refrained from doing so when he seemed to not even want to look at you.
What an ass. That’s okay, you’ll pretend like it doesn’t irk you. That one of your coworkers who you’ve worked with for as long as you’ve been part of the Survey Corps seems to not even want to breathe in the same general vicinity as you.
You had only just gotten his phone number, and you’ve worked with him for almost five years now.
With a scoff, you tell him that you’ll go and mingle with the crowd. You advise him to do the same and he has the gall to roll his eyes at you.
Fine. Two can play at that game.
He dislikes these events, but he knows how much it benefits the organization to get into the pockets of these rich types. Knowing that their money was benefiting something good for the Underground soothed their egos, after all. He gets frustrated when he sees these people talk about themselves like they're something to be worshipped for a simple donation. Maybe simple is the wrong word. But to Levi, spending the time with the kids meant just as much.
Considering that he was one of them.
But as Erwin often says- they need both to function. They need the resources and they need interest.
Levi hates this. Making small talk with people. Specifically, making small talk with people who don’t give a shit about him. Or you. Or anything outside of the walls of their unattainable realities. He decides to keep to himself and watch you plaster a sweet, unassuming smile that nearly makes his skin crawl. Because with that smile, you could convince anyone to do anything.
Him included. Probably.
You place calculating touches over the shoulders or forearm of whoever you’re talking to, bursting out in laughter at the perfect time, and Levi wonders when and how you got so good at this. When and how you got so good at schmoozing.
No wonder Erwin prefers that you come to these galas. You’ve got these fuckin’ losers eating out of the palm of your hand so effortlessly. It’s like clockwork- your dark eyes are wide and shining, smile easy and sweet, hands open and friendly.
These people will have nothing but good things to say about you at the end of the night. You had clearly done your homework- you knew who the big families in attendance were and you had their profiles nearly memorized as talking points.
That begs the question- why the fuck was Levi even there then?
You manage to excuse yourself, promising the people around you that you’d be back soon enough. Levi watches your smile fall as you roll your shoulders back. You’re exhausted, things like this clearly took its toll on you.
Levi has a glass of water ready for you.
“Thanks,” You mutter, unable to pull your muscles together for a smile.
“Think you need more than just a water to deal with these fuckers.”
“Tell me about it,” You sigh and then realize it’s the first full sentence he’s said to you all night, “Gonna go to the bar. You want somethin’?”
He shakes his head and you shrug, heading to the other side of the room. Levi watches you walk away and picks up on the tension building in your shoulders.
Your cheeks are beginning to hurt from all of the forced smiles, forced laughter, and forced conversations. You want to go home, but you have a duty to fulfill. After you order a drink, you find yourself in conversation with two women, asking you about what it was like to work in the Underground.
It’s one of the few genuine questions you’ve received, and yet you’re almost too drained to answer. One of the women leans in closer to you, nose only millimeters away from yours.
“You’re somethin’ else aren’t you? Survey Corps finest and all,” She muses, “Erwin only sends his best to these things.”
“Uh,” You reply, your head suddenly filled with air. You back away a step, but she’s somehow closer to you than before. Her fingers dance over your bare arm and you reflexively yank your arm closer to you but she pays no mind to your reluctance.
“His prettiest, too,” She says and you wish you would melt into the floor. Away from her. Away from this.
“Can’t you tell when you’re making someone uncomfortable?” A voice comes from your right and you can barely hear it over the slamming of your heart against your ribcage. It’s Levi and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Or do you have a stick so far up your ass that you can’t tell what’s right in front of you?” Levi continues easily, ignoring your wide eyes and the woman’s flabbergasted look.
Levi stands next to you, nearly shielding you with his body.
“Do you even know who I am?” She says rudely, arms crossed across her chest. As if she hadn’t just touched you with those same fingers.
“No,” Levi says in his bored tone, “Don’t really care.”
“Levi, let’s go. It’s fine,” You whisper, trying to plead with him.
“You won’t get my money then-”
“We don’t fuckin’ want your shitty money,” Levi says coldly, already turning his back on them and you follow him. He’s walking fast and you have to call out to him to wait up for you at the coat check. Your head is spinning, a sure sign of a headache that will be coming.
“Which coat is yours?” Levi asks once you catch up.
“That one,” You point to the black peacoat that you want nothing more than to bury yourself in. You stay silent as you walk to the entrance, mindlessly scrolling on your phone and texting Erwin that you’ll be heading home.
“Tell me that was the first time,” Levi says, breaking the silence.
“Huh?” Comes your eloquent answer.
He raises an eyebrow expectantly.
“Oh. Uh… It happens sometimes,” You shrug, “Doesn’t really get too far. These rich types just like what they can’t have.”
Another beat of silence.
“I’m gonna kill Erwin,” He mutters.
“Why? He didn’t do anything.”
“It’s not worth it. Do you think it’s worth it?” Levi asks, more emotion in his voice than you’ve possibly ever heard before.
“Levi,” You murmur, “It’s fine. Just drop it.”
He looks like he wants to protest but he abides by your request. Levi can’t get your hesitance, your fearful eyes, your flinch out of his head. It reminds him too much of his mother, and he can’t get it out of his head.
Levi takes a cab home with you, telling the cab driver to stop at your apartment first then his. The ride is mostly silent, save for the cab driver’s small talk. Your hands are twisting in your lap as you look out of the window.
“Hey,” You murmur, “I’m glad we’re coworkers. Friends, even.”
“Tch,” Levi replies easily, “Don’t get any ideas.”
But you smile at him and Levi doesn’t look away. He has to make sure that the look that reminds him of his mother is gone.
Tonight’s gala is at the castle in Wall Sina. Coming here still puts a bad taste in your mouth, but it’s not so hard to manage as it was before. The decorations are more tasteful than they usually are, bronze and blue streamers and banners hanging throughout the large ballroom.
“How are we supposed to blend in here?” You hear Jean mutter under his breath.
“By getting that stick out of your ass and mingling,” Levi replies easily, shooting a sideways glance.
“It’s not so bad,” You muse, “It’s not so bad now . Just be yourself, Jean. These people love talking about themselves. Just charm them. From what I hear, you’re pretty good at that.”
Levi rolls his eyes at Jean’s surprised expression.
“C’mon, Jean. We can go talk to that noble family over there,” You suggest, looking expectantly at him.
“What about Ca-, I mean Levi?” Jean asks.
“Levi has his own list of people Erwin wants him to talk to,” You wink at him and Levi rolls his eyes.
“Meet you back here in an hour or so.”
A voice that you haven’t heard in years breaks your reverie, your heart sputtering as you turn around to face him. You try to face him as neutrally as you can, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he bothers you.
“Kenny,” You breathe, surprise morphing into irritation, “Why are you here?”
“What, I can’t check in on my favorite nephew and niece to be?” He smirks in that way that you know gets under Levi’s skin.
“He’s not- we’re not-” You sigh, cutting yourself off, “You shouldn’t be here. He doesn’t want to see you.”
“He’s playing hard to get, huh?” Kenny says, lips twitching and eyes trained on you. You feel exposed, as if he’s burning you from the inside out but you refuse to give him the satisfaction. His cool, grey eyes are unforgiving but you hold his gaze. He seems satisfied with his assessment of you and you pretend like your skin isn’t crawling.
You’ve never liked Kenny. Even if he wasn’t such a dick to Levi, you’re certain you wouldn’t like him.
“I said he doesn’t want to see you,” You repeat firmly. The longer he stands in front of you, the more disgusted you become.
“Aww, he doesn’t want to see his ol’ man?” Kenny pouts, “I’m sure I’ll run into him at some point. Give him my best will you?”
“Wait,” You call out, curiosity getting the best of you, “Why are you here? I haven’t seen you in, what, four years?”
“You miss me, sweetheart?” He grins wolfishly and you visibly recoil, “This whole thing. I’m one of the people they’re honoring.”
“Oh, really? This is for donors, for good, upstanding people of Wall Rose and Wall Sina who give money and resources to help us-”
“I’m hurt that you don’t see me as one of those good, upstanding people.”
“Kenny,” You scoff, “ Good and upstanding isn’t in your fuckin’ vocabulary.”
“Ouch,” Kenny says, “You kiss Levi with that mouth?”
You swear you’re about to lunge at him, hands ready to throttle his neck and wipe the stupid grin off of his face. But then you feel Levi’s presence before you see him and his hand brushes against yours. In an attempt to reassure you. He doesn’t look at you, only concentrating his gaze upon Kenny.
His uncle. Uncle Kenny.
“Oi, Levi. Lookin’ the same as ever,” Kenny drawls and you see red.
“Shut up,” You hiss, “Shut the fuck up -”
Levi quiets you with a look before turning back to Kenny. He’s quiet for a moment, as if he can’t believe that his Uncle Kenny is standing in front of him.
“You’re here because of the weapons business you have,” Levi says, voice perfectly even. Only you can catch the small inclination of fury beneath layers of iciness.
“You somehow wormed your way in with these people. Convinced them that you’re like them,” Levi continues with piercing eyes, “You’re not. You’re a weasel. A shitty little weasel with no place here. You’re nothing like them. At least they can sleep at night, but you? You don’t deserve to.”
Before Kenny can say anything, Levi’s turned his back on him and you walk side to side with him. Tension radiates off of him in waves as he stews in his quiet anger and you let out a soft sigh.
“Levi,” You murmur, “Come with me.”
You touch the inside of his wrist and he follows you to an empty room. Boxes upon boxes sit on the sides of the walls. The room is illuminated by drowning sunlight creeping in through a window. You lock the door behind you and take his hand, drawing circles in the inside of his wrist.
“Levi,” You whisper again, pulling him out of his thoughts. He says nothing in reply, only looking at you with that same piercing gaze. Iciness has chipped away from the corners of his eyes, and instead he just looks lost for a moment. It disappears as soon as it comes, but you’re sure it’s a look he wore often when he was a kid.
“I’ll tell Erwin we have to leave,” You say, “He’ll understand, Levi. It’s not worth it.”
His eyes flash at you but you stand your ground.
“Do you want to stay?” You ask, sensing his hesitancy, “We can leave, Levi. We can go home.”
Levi pulls you in without a word and presses his face into the crook of your neck. His breaths are heavy against your skin, trying to calm himself down with your woodsy scent. You run your fingers through his undercut and over the base of his neck, lightly scratching with your freshly done nails.
You just want him to feel safe and you know he doesn’t. Not when Kenny is around.
It’s a few minutes before Levi speaks again, and his voice is even but tight.
“I need to know why he’s here. And how.”
“Levi,” You say softly, cupping his cheek, “Does it matter?”
“Yes,”  He says sharply, turning his icy gaze to you. Levi winces when he sees you pull your hand back in alarm. He reaches for your hand again, rubbing circles over your thumb.
“He raised me,” Levi says, “I need to know.”
You nod, eyes round with understanding. But you see a crack through his armor and you press your forehead to his, allowing his shaky breaths to fall onto you.
“Why is he here?” He whispers, eyes trained on yours. You hear the silent question- why is he here now? Why wasn’t he here before? Levi pulls you closer to him by your waist, hands firm and searching for comfort.
“I don’t know, Levi,” You murmur, “But I’ll kick his ass outta here, you know that. If he even looks at you the wrong way-”
Levi cuts you off with a kiss, pouring all of his frustrations, his anguish, his love for you and for life into you. Your startled gasp is muffled, fingers clawing at his shoulders.
“I know,” He whispers when he pulls away, “Saw you about to throttle him earlier. Who do you think you are?”
Levi’s offers you a crooked smile and you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Kenny Ackerman’s niece to be, apparently.”
“Is that what he said?” Levi says mildly. You hum and Levi pulls you closer for another stolen kiss. He breathes compliments into your skin with his lips and with featherlike touches of his fingers. You coax his nerves out of him, whispering honeyed promises with your tongue and your touch to his warmed skin.
“We should go,” Levi mutters, pulling away, taking in your heaving chest and swollen lips, “Before people notice that we’re gone.” He runs his thumb over your bottom lip and you nod reluctantly.
“Or we could stay here and make out for the rest of the night,” You protest feebly, already smoothing your dress out and taking his arm as he leads you out of the room.
“We have family business to attend to.”
You keep sneaking glances at Levi, unsure of what he’s thinking. You want to hold his hand and rub his back but refrain from doing so. Instead, you reach under the table and touch the palm of his hand to reassure him and before you can pull away, he holds on to your fingers. He’s rigid in his seat, face betraying no trace of emotion. But you know better.
Levi tenses up immediately when Kenny walks across the stage to receive his commendation for being such an esteemed donor. Kenny spots him immediately in the crowd, narrowing his eyes with a smug smirk.
Poor Jean. He probably has no idea what’s going on. A drop of guilt blooms in your chest. He’s supposed to be here to learn. You mentally promise to make it up to him.
Jean looks at you, then Levi, then the stage. He’s no fool- he can tell how tense the air has become. There’s a crease in Levi’s brow that he’s never seen before.
You’re certain you’ll all receive a scolding from Erwin, but at this point, you truly do not care.
“I’ll get the car keys from the valet,” Levi promises, “It’ll take a second.”
His thumb brushes your chin and you nod. He didn’t want to wait for valet to bring his car around, he wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as he could. Even if that meant going on a wild goose chase for his car within the parking lot.
“Wait,” You reach for him, “What about Jean? The least we can do is take him home.”
Levi groans and squeezes his eyes shut.
“Fine,” He sighs, “I’ll look for him inside. If I don’t find him in a minute, I’m leaving his ass here.”
You stifle a laugh but nod at him. He leaves you with his blazer when he sees goosebumps on your skin as well as another brush of his thumb against your chin. You admire him from behind, the way his navy colored waistcoat hugs him. As you’re tugging his blazer on and crossing your arms for warmth, you see Jean walking out of the entrance. You’re about to text Levi and tell him that you found Jean, but then you see Kenny following him outside and you swallow.
You thought you could make a getaway without running into Kenny once more. The number of times you’ve seen him tonight is already one too many. Dread fills you, leaving you rooted on the spot as he approaches you with his cool, unassuming smirk.
“You could knock someone dead with that look,” Kenny muses, “I suppose that’s one of the many reasons why my nephew is with you, huh?”
You say nothing as your cheeks flare.
“The silent treatment? That’s not very nice…”
He’s close enough to you that you can see the steel of his eyes. It’s the same steel in Levi’s eyes and you swallow your nerves once more to face him.
“Don’t talk to me about being nice, Kenny,” You scoff, “What do you want from me? What do you want from him?”
“Nothin’,” Kenny shrugs, “Can’t I just say hello to my family? See how everyone’s been?”
“No,” You say bluntly, “Leave us alone, Kenny.”
Jean is nowhere to be seen and you breathe a minuscule sign of relief. You don’t want him to listen to this.
You try to move away from him and get back inside the venue, but he grabs your shoulder. Your head snaps back in surprise and then irritation. Shrugging your shoulder out of his grip, you step closer to him. Close enough that he takes a step back.
“Don’t ever fuckin’ touch me again, Kenny,” You seethe, “You don’t need to worry about Levi beating your ass. I’ll break your wrist on my fuckin’ own.”
To your surprise, he laughs.
“She’d like you, you know. Kuchel,” Kenny laughs, sudden fondness in the lines of his eyes. He pokes your forehead, almost teasing and you ache for Levi. This was the man who raised him. And then left him when he was barely a teenager.
“Leave us alone, Kenny,” You murmur, taking a step back, “If he wants to see you, he will. But leave us alone until then.”
“He’s doing okay?” Kenny asks, and you see a familiar crack in his armor. It reminds you of Levi, when he lets his guard down and allows the perceived luxury of vulnerability.
“Yeah,” You reply, “He’s doing okay.”
“You’ll take care of him,” He says, his voice hard. Steel returns to his eyes, but you’re used to it.
“Always,” You reply without missing a beat. Your heart is out in the open on your sleeve, bleeding and beating for Levi. You wonder if Kenny can sense all of the things you want to say to him.
Kenny pokes your forehead once more, eyes lingering on your face. As if searching for a shred of doubt or reason for disbelief.
As if he has a right to.
Levi was about to give up on looking for Jean when he bursts into the entrance as if he’s seen a ghost. His eyes are wide and he sprints to Levi when he finally spots him across the room.
“Spit it out, Jean,” Levi says with a raised eyebrow.
“Some guy- There’s some guy out there,” Jean pants, “Looks kinda like you except smiles more. But in a scary way. Talking to her. Figured you should know before I intervened.”
It’s not fair for Levi to be annoyed that Jean left you, but he closes his eyes in irritation.
“And you left her there with him ?” Levi asks, walking long strides to get to you.
“All due respect, sir, but she can handle herself,” Jean says easily and Levi stops to give him a look.
“You questioning me, Kirstein?”
“Well, no, sir-”
“Shut up, Kirstein.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Go find my car, Kirstein. Pull up to the front when you do,” Levi says, tossing him his keys. Jean looks flabbergasted for a moment but sprints off to the parking lot.
Of course Levi knows you can handle yourself with Kenny. He just wishes you didn’t have to.
Defiance is written across your features, in the furrow of your eyebrows and the crossing of your arms.
He sees Kenny poke your forehead and he sees you wince. It’s an action that reminds him of when he was young, when Kenny would approve of something he did. He would always receive a poke to the forehead as a thank you, or as a job well done.
Seeing Kenny touch you, no matter how small or fleeting, sends him into a rage that he’s been struggling to contain all evening. Your dark eyes widen when Levi roughly clasps Kenny’s shoulder to pull him back and away from you.
He’s so close to the edge, about to fall off an invisible precipice and you both know it. Levi pulls his arm back behind him as his hand curls into a fist, just like the way Kenny taught him all those years ago, but before he can land a solid punch on Kenny’s sneering face. Something pulls him back.
“Levi,” You whisper, your arms tight around him, “Do you need this, Levi? Is this what you need?”
Smoke slowly lifts from his eyes as he focuses on your quiet breaths against him and your fingers tracing his chest. The sound of his blood flooding to his ears quiets with each breath of yours. Levi un-clenches his fist and instead, pushes Kenny away in the same breath. He looks at Kenny long and hard, his eyes calming from a raging, stormy sea. Your cheek is still pressed against his back, arms locked around his waist.
Levi offers him nothing more than a scoff and turns his back on him. You peel yourself from his back, giving him a small smile and dare to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Let’s go home, Levi,” You murmur.
“Kirstein’s getting the car,” Levi says and you can’t help but let out a laugh.
“Really? I’m surprised,” You muse, “You must trust him.”
“He wishes,” Levi scoffs.
Just as you’re about to comment that you would be surprised if he ends up finding it in this sea of cars, he honks at both of you.
Jean can tell that something has happened, from the tired look on your face and the tension in Levi’s shoulders. He hops out of the driver’s seat when Levi barks at him and you scold Levi for his tone.
“Thank you, Jean,” You murmur, “You’re a good man.”
You kiss his cheek lightly in gratitude and Jean feels his face heat up. He touches the spot you had kissed in wonder.
“Oi, Kirstein! If you don’t get in the car in the next five seconds, I’m leaving your ass here,” Levi threatens with a glare and you stifle a laugh behind your hand in the passenger seat.
The drive is quiet, save for music playing as background noise and your small talk with Jean. Jean notices you looking over to Levi every so often, gazing at him as if you’re looking for something.
“So,” Jean says, to try to lighten the tension, “Do you come to these often? Do you come together? ”
Levi looks like he’s about to say something scathing to Jean but you send him a sizzling glance that keeps him quiet.
“For the last nearly six years… If that’s often, then yes,” You reply, watching in amusement as Jean’s brown eyes widen in shock.
“Six years?!”
“Close your mouth, Jean. You look like a horse,” Levi says plainly and you roll your eyes.
Jean wonders if anyone at all will believe him when he tells them about this evening.
As soon as you kick your heels off of your aching feet while leaning against the front door of your apartment, Levi’s arms are around you. Inhaling you in deeply. You relax in his hold, leaning your head against his shoulder as his fingers trace over the delicate veins of your neck.
You can sense his need through the rough calluses of his hands.
Levi tilts your jaw towards his lips, eyeing you for a few moments. Your honeyed eyes are swirling, patient and waiting for him. Your lips are slightly parted and he can’t take it anymore- he can’t take how you still look at him like that. As if he’s pulled the stars from his bleeding heart. His blood has turned to fire, eyes molten and smoky as he pulls you in for a rough, searing kiss. 
You turn in his hold, arms wrapping around his head as fingers slide through his inky hair. Levi gives you half a second to breathe before he’s pressing another kiss to your lips and swallowing any thread of a thought that you have. He doesn’t realize how tightly he’s gripping your hips and your soft sounds hardly register in his mind. He hears you say something, but ignores it, in favor of pushing his lips to your neck. Your sweet spot, the spot that makes your knees go weak. He pulls a small sound from your throat, barely aware of your nails scratching his chest from over his clothes.
Then he hears your voice again.
“Levi,” You say softly, barely above a whisper, “Are you okay?”
He ignores you, muffling your concern with the cool press of his mouth to yours. Your hands are firm against his chest this time, pushing him away lightly. Just a few breaths away. Not too far.
“Levi,” You press, “What do you need Levi?”
He can’t take the sweet sound of his name on your lips. The way it sounds like honey, dripping from your tongue and into the air. His eyes are uncharacteristically wild, tendrils of vivid affection swirling together.
“You,” He finally says raspily, “It’s always you.”
You give him a small smile with glowing cheeks, and he wants to drown in your adoration.
“C’mere, Levi.”
Your arms wrap around him tightly, tucking his face in your neck. You rub his back gently while your other hand runs through his hair the way he likes.
“Today was a long day,” You breathe into his ear, nipping his earlobe lightly. He hums into your neck, his breaths evening out. You pull his dress shirt out from the hold of his pants while still rubbing circles over his back.
“Did you see Jean’s face? Poor kid,” You laugh lightly, “Think he’ll come to one of these things again?”
Your honeyed voice anchors him, and he wants to sink into you.
“He’s a good kid,” You continue, “Like you. Like I know you were. Like I know you are. I know your heart. You gave it to me, remember?”
You snake your hand to his chest and lightly scratch at his left side.
“I need you, Levi,” You murmur, tipping his chin from the crook of your neck to meet his eyes, “Can you feel how much?”
You move his hand first to your chest, where he can feel your heart beating fast. Like a hummingbird. His gaze is sharp, eyes boring into yours and you don’t falter. You lift the skirt of your dress to your waist with one hand and take his hand, allowing him to brush his fingers against your panties.
Levi’s throat goes dry at your unwavering, hazy eyes and rubs you over your panties. He swallows when a soft sigh escapes your pretty lips.
“You gonna do somethin’ about it or what, Levi?” You drawl, a smirk tugging at your lips. He sees the plea in your eyes, your plea for him to come back to you.
His thumb circles your panties once more, avoiding where you need him the most. Your smirk crumbles into a pout quickly and you try to buck your hips into his hand to get him to touch you. You watch him rub circles over your panties, finally getting the friction you so crave. He noses your neck, pressing his searing lips to yours fiercely.
His eyes aren’t so wild anymore, but his touches are.
You fumble with the buttons of his waistcoat, fingers slipping with every touch of his lips to yours. You’re uncoordinated and clumsy, getting frustrated with yourself. How is he so good at doing things with his eyes closed?
Levi senses your frustration and lets out a breathy chuckle. His hand is still under your dress, lazily teasing you’ve and you finally open your eyes to unbutton his waistcoat and dress shirt with shaky fingers.
You’re suddenly taken back to a memory of the first time you had seen him. You were one of his firsts and he was far from yours. He wanted to do right by you, and it took time for him to learn what you liked and how to please you and make you sigh in that sweet, breathy way.
Levi pushes your panties to the side, thumb circling your bundle of nerves. You gasp in surprise at the sudden but welcome warmth.
You manage to pull his shirt off of his shoulders, leaving his chest bare in front of you. Hunger floods your senses, hunger for this man in front of you. For your man, who has given you his heart despite his heart being so heavy for so long.
You feel your panties being pushed down your legs when Levi crouches on the floor. His fingers squeeze your thighs and your calves lightly as he looks up at you. You step out of your panties as he tugs you by your hands.
“Come here,” Levi mumbles, pulling you into his lap.
Levi reaches behind you to search for the zipper of your dress with his fingers. He peels the dress off of you easily and you can’t say that he’s looking at you like you’re a goddess in his arms because he looks at you like this every day. All the time. But that’s what this look reminds you of. Before, when you were in your early stages of your relationship, it intimidated you. The depth of his devotion.
But now, it surrounds you and you welcome it.
Just before he sets your dress on the couch to keep it off of the floor, you stop him.
“Let me put it in the hamper,” You murmur, “We’ll forget about it and then I’ll wake up in the middle of the night because it’ll be bothering me.”
That’s one of the many reasons that his love for you runs deep. You can keep up with his need for cleanliness. Levi follows you into the bedroom with his shirt, waistcoat and your panties in his hands. And his eyes on the arch of your bare ass and the curve of your spine.
“Give me that,” You say, turning around to take his dress shirt and waistcoat. You place it in the special hamper, the one designated for dry cleaning.
Levi tosses your black panties into your hamper with an unassuming smirk and you can’t help but wonder how a simple action like that turns your stomach over in arousal. Levi pulls you towards him, littering your hips with fleeting touches before squeezing your ass firmly.
His lips are on yours in an instant, pulling you even closer into his chest. Your fingers spread over his scarred shoulder, fingernails pressing into his skin. You pull a groan from him and trail your fingers down his chest. Scratching where you see fit, scratching over the smattering of dark hair leading into his pants.
Levi snakes a hand in between you, fluttering over your chest. His fingers are replaced by his lips quickly, as your breath hitches with each bite of his lips to your skin. You can’t get enough of his mouth on you, or of the way the shadows fall over his broad shoulders and taut muscles. His other hand brushes against your heated center and your hips buck into his hands involuntarily.
You can taste his longing, hidden in the crevices of his lips, the roughness of his touch against you. The way he slots himself with you, molding into every curve of your body. You hear your own soft moans and calls of his name as his lips touch every part of your soul.
Without a word, he hooks his arms under your thighs and lifts you up. His lips are still on your skin, wherever he can reach. You lock your arms behind his head, tugging his hair back tight enough that it pulls him back. An audible groan escapes his throat when you pull at his hair.
Something you had discovered early on that he liked.
He stumbles for just a step before regaining his balance. You let out a breathy laugh into his neck before pressing a kiss there. Then behind his ear. Close to his collarbones. Along the expanse of his chest.
Levi gently drops you to the bed, drinking you in from above with wide eyes. The voracity in his darkened eyes nearly makes you look away but you hold his gaze. He surges forward, unable to fathom another moment of not touching you.
He grinds into you lazily, your bare center seeking more friction than the roughness of his pants.
“Levi,” You nearly whine, pulling at his belt buckle, “Take it off, Levi.”
“ You take it off,” He drawls, voice low. Your heart flutters and your throat goes dry.
You sit up, drawing your knees to your chest and pull him closer to you by his belt. Your movements are slow as you unbuckle his belt and toss it to the floor, and you yank his pants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion.
Levi can’t deny that the way your eyes always widen when you see him strokes his ego.
“Off, Levi,” You say softly and he tosses his pants into his hamper before ducking down to meet your lips- your chest- your navel.
Levi presses a hand to your center and you gasp, the pretty sound floating into the air and reverberating in his ears. He holds your hips steady with his forearm as he circles your clit with his thumb. He hoists your legs over his shoulders while gazing at you with that same tenacious look.
Lust and love mixes together to make your eyes a darkened brown.
You gasp his name breathily, back arching slightly with the first flick of his tongue against your center. He maintains his gaze, eyes piercing into yours and your toes curl at the added intensity. You struggle to keep your eyes open but Levi squeezes your hips every so often as a reminder. He squeezes your breasts, pinching and tweaking.
He pulls his hand away to rub your clit with his thumb as his tongue laps you up. Levi wasn’t always this good with his tongue and with his fingers. It took you both some time to get in sync with each other, in terms of what you both liked.
Time and patience, which you both had infinite amounts of for each other.
Stars are beginning to dot your eyelids, your hands bunching up in the sheets as urgent, broken whispers of his name float into the air. Just as your thighs begin to shake and your toes curl, he pulls his lips away from your aching, empty center and you could scream .
Levi does this often. He brings you to the edge, only to back away. Only to take you there once more. Like clockwork.
The smug smirk on his face makes you want to kiss him. So you do. You pull him into your arms, grinding into his hardened length and hungrily bite his bottom lip. Your stolen release burns in the back of your mind but you give it no attention. Levi groans in pain at your bite and you smile against the kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. You lock your legs around his waist, holding him in place and reach in between your bodies to stroke him in your hand. Levi bucks against your hand with a low moan.
“I want you, Levi,” You whisper into his ear, nipping at his earlobe. Warmth pools in his belly at that and he looks dazed for a moment before snapping out of it. Your lips are parted and swollen, brown skin glistening and warm, dark eyes wide and wanting.
“Fuck ,” Levi mutters, “I need to be inside you right now.”
You nod vehemently, parting your legs for him quickly. He looks to your dripping center and guides himself in one swift glide. Both of you groan in unison and Levi stills for a moment when you pull him in for a kiss. You run a hand through his hair, smiling when he groans as you clench around him.
“Don’t do that,” He says breathily, playfully biting at your shoulder.
“Why? You gonna cum or somethin’?” You tease, earning yourself a squeeze to your hips.
“Shut up.”
Before you can say anything back to him, he lifts himself up over you, arms around your head. His hair falls into his eyes, tickling your heated cheeks and he shallowly thrusts into you. It’s the sweetest burn, the way he fits in you.
Your eyes begin to water when his thrusts get deeper. You subconsciously tilt your head to the side, away from him and Levi kisses your neck. He nudges your jaw with his nose to pull your eyes to him. You crane your neck up to press a kiss to his lips but he pushes himself into you particularly roughly and you moan into his mouth.
Levi pulls you up into his lap, arms tight around your hips and you hum. His lithe fingers are everywhere- cupping your neck, holding your thighs steady on either side of his waist, your scalp.
You’re gasping his name as he pushes into you and murmurs soft notes of encouragement into your neck. He watches as he slides in and out of your wetness with darkened cheeks. Nails scrape his back and he winces for a second but pays it no mind. Your soft breaths and whines of his name against his neck are distracting enough.
Levi rubs your folds lazily as he thrusts up into you. All you see, hear and feel is him and you’re overwhelmed. You raise your head to meet his searing eyes with an arm hooked around his head and sloppily press your lips to his.
Heat pools your belly once more, and you can nearly see stars about to burst behind your eyelids once more. Levi can sense that you’re close, in the way your legs quiver around him and in the way you clench around him. He rubs your clit in tight circles, coaxing you to the edge. Where he’s right there to catch you.
“Good girl,” Levi whispers, and your eyes widen like they always do.
He holds you tightly when you cum with a soft gasp and shaky legs. You’re panting broken notes of his name into his skin. Levi peppers your face with kisses. He’s still inside you and you give him a devilish smile.
You push him down to the bed and dig your nails into his chest teasingly. He knows that look in your eyes all too well. You stretch your torso, your hands skimming your sides and brush your fingers over your clit to tease yourself. Levi groans and plants his hands firmly on your hips. Squeezing your ass and your thighs as he pleases.
“You feel so good, Levi,” You breathe, as if it’s a secret only for his ears. You start to rock against him, hips dragging across his heated skin. The friction from his skin sends a shudder up your spine and Levi slides his hands over your sides before squeezing you.
Levi loves the way your eyes shine with desire and an undercurrent of trust. He loves the way your brown skin glistens with a thin layer of sweat, the way you’re clawing at him for something to hold on to. Levi pulls you close to him, kissing up and down your chest.
You find a rhythm and ignore the way your thighs burn as you take all of him in. The only sounds in the four walls of the bedroom is the sound of your skin slapping on his and his shaky breaths. Levi is always so composed- seeing him come undone by your hands sends another pool of heat into your belly.
“Shit,” Levi groans, throwing his head back and tightening his grip on your thighs. His hooded eyes are trained on you, watching you bounce as your legs slowly begin to tire out. But you’re determined, he can see it in your face. He loves watching you like this- determination and desire mixing together. Levi rubs your clit with his thumb and you gasp, your legs beginning to shake once more. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you flat against him, thrusting into you.
You clench around him without meaning to and he moans breathlessly in your ear, feverishly pressing his lips to your throat to stave off his climax until yours. You can feel how close he is, in his sloppy thrusts, the way his legs jerk against yours and you breathe him permission for him to cum inside of you.
Levi gasps your name into your skin as he cums, his stomach tightening as you feel warmth inside of you and beginning to leak down your thighs. He’s about to pull out but you stop him with a tug of his wrist.
“Stay,” You mumble and he swallows. He’s sensitive, but he stays. He flips you over so you’re under him and rubs at your clit lazily while his lips find your salty skin. Your senses are deliciously overwhelmed as Levi engulfs you.
“Levi,” You nearly cry, water gathering in the corners of your eyes. You’re overwhelmed by the love you have for him, by the love you feel and see in his grey eyes. Your nails are piercing against his bicep but he hardly feels it. You’re so close , and he needs to feel you come apart under him.
Your grip is tight around his arms, lips parted as your back arches when you finally cum for the second time so far.
“Good girl,” Levi murmurs again, kissing your hairline, your heated cheeks and your chin.
You rub your foot up and down his calf with a small smile. You hold him close to you, enjoying his warmth as it lights you up from inside out.
“We should go shower,” You murmur, rubbing a hand over your face.
“Why? You thought we were done?”
“You’re right. How stupid of me,” You muse, earning yourself a pinch to your waist.
“You’ve said worse.”
Fatigue settles in your bones after the fourth, or was it fifth, orgasm of the night. Your eyes are heavy, both from the events of the day as well as the events of the night. You hear Levi panting next to you, exhausted as well.
But you can’t rest. Not yet.
“Levi,” You nudge his shoulder, “We have to shower.”
“Give me a minute,” He says hoarsely.
“Can’t believe you seduced me into sex before washing up after the gala. You’ve made me lose my marbles.”
“Me?” Levi says, flabbergasted.
You hum, closing your eyes for a few minutes. You feel Levi’s weight shift and he carries you to the bathroom on shaky legs. Once you’re under the warm water, you groan as it soothes your sore muscles. You feel heavy, but weightless at the same time. Levi holds you up with your back to his chest and washes you down with his shower gel quickly but effectively. It smells just like him and you inhale deeply.
You swear you could fall asleep like this, and Levi knows it. You’re beginning to yawn widely enough that your eyes water. But you open your eyes to take the gel from him and lather him down slowly, taking your time with the dips and crevices of his body.
You even manage to sneak a kiss onto his bruised lips in between.
Levi holds you under the spray of the water for a few moments, with your head over his shoulder and an arm around your waist. His heartbeat is even and steady, so close to lulling you back to sleep.
“Stay awake,” Levi says softly but firmly, “Still have to towel off.”
You give him a noncommittal answer but pull away from him and wait for him to give you your towel. His dark hair is slightly damp, cheeks flushed from the heat of the water and from you . You can’t help but run your fingers through his hair as he wraps a towel around his waist and around you. Your limbs feel pliable, and damn, you are so tired.
Levi holds the implicit, unwavering trust you have for him in the palm of his hands and carries it carefully but confidently. He moisturizes the both of you, knowing that you hate waking up to dry skin.
“Raise your arms,” Levi murmurs and slides a sleep shirt over your head. He pats your head when you look up at him with a sleepy smile and nearly closed eyes.
“C’mon, it’s bedtime for us,” Levi says, carrying you to bed and drawing the covers over both of you. He presses a kiss to your shoulder as a goodnight and wraps himself around you. His legs intertwine with yours, and he draws you close to him. You’re fast asleep in minutes, your hand loose around his.
It’s the middle of the night when you wake up to a cold bed. You rub sleepiness out of your eyes and stretch your muscles, feeling every inch of the delicious soreness. Especially in your legs.
A soft but unsurprised sigh leaves your lips when you see the empty bed and the faint glow of the lights in the living room.
Levi is sitting on the couch, scrolling his phone mindlessly. His eyes are tired but you can tell his mind is spinning.
You wordlessly take one of his favorite teacups from the kitchen cabinet and start making tea for him. It’s a teacup that you had bought for him, painted black with gold accents. It reminded you of him.
He lifts his head a little at the scent of his favorite tea.
You bring his teacup and the teapot in a tray to the coffee table and tuck your bare legs under yourself to sit a few inches next to him, unsure if he wants space. When he says nothing for a few minutes, you assume he wants to be alone and you press a kiss to his hair. To leave and go back into the bedroom.
But he tugs your hand gently and so you stay.
“Come back to bed, Levi,” You murmur softly, fingers in his dark strands of hair.
It’s 3:18 AM and Levi drinks his black tea in his overhanded manner, leaning into your touch.
“Can’t stop thinking,” Levi finally says, “About Kenny.”
You’re not surprised.
“He asked me if I would take care of you,” You muse. Tension immediately fills his shoulders but you press your fingers into his muscles to calm him down.
“He told me that your mother would like me.”
Levi cracks a small smile at that.
“I told him to leave us alone, unless you want to see him,” You reply, “Then I told him I’d break his wrist if he touched me again.”
Levi kisses your cheek.
“Do you? Do you want to see him?” You ask, pressing a finger to his cheek.
“I don’t know,” Levi says honestly.
“It’s okay if you do. You don’t need anyone’s permission or justification but your own if you do want to see him,” You say firmly.
“Come with me. If I decide that I want to,” Levi breathes.
“Of course,” You nod determinedly.
He presses his lips to your forehead before leaning his forehead on yours.
“He did this, too,” You murmur, poking his forehead, “Oddly affectionate for a man with asshole tendencies.”
Levi lets out a soft chuckle.
“I saw,” Levi says, “He used to do that when I was a kid.”
“I figured.”
You lean your head on his shoulder, tracing patterns over the scars on his chest. Sleep is threatening to overtake you with the steady hum of his heart against your ear.
“Let’s go to bed, honey.”
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 11; the rewatch edition
I have found a bit more enthusiasm for this one on the rewatch, so here goes!
- din snapping ‘I’m trying my best here!’ in a vaguely annoyed tone as his entire ship is going up in flames around him because he mostly doesn’t get angry as much as sulky... the height of cinema 
- I love frog husband’s clothes, because they’re in a very similar style and colour scheme to frog lady’s but also incorporate the knitwear we see on the people of trask, so it both underlines his belonging with her and implies that he’s been on this moon for quite a while, they may have been apart for some time  
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especially his scarf is a darling detail and there’s a bit of contrast in texture to it next to his wife’s, it’s nice. he’s wearing a similar kind of vest to what we see on the fishermen later, too 
- I think my favourite part of this entire episode (well second after din cradling the baby against him after nearly drowning) is just the design and Vibe of the planet and especially this harbour
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for one I LOVE that it’s shown that even in the middle of the day it’s dark enough that the electric lights are still on when it’s overcast (it reminds me a bit of norway during the winter, actually, when dawn just never quite breaks and then slinks off in embarrassment before it’s even noon). and there’s also the... sails? nets? hanging around looking almost like flags, which are very Aesthetic but god knows what they’re for. maybe for drying fish on in the summer? 
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I think the building in the distance behind frog husband’s back here is a lighthouse? or it could be one of those towers for loading you see when they scout out the empire ship too, I suppose!
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and one for my strange obsession with Texture on this show: these fabric-covered crates!!! they look exactly as dingy and moldy as you’d expect them to be in this climate, I wonder what they’re for (& I vaguely want to touch them) 
- from the sound of it din’s vibroknife is uh ‘on’ when he pokes the squid thing, and he also goes for the tentacle the furthest away from the baby <3
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proof the calamari flan have been scratched up a bit during all that time in din’s pockets! (the attention to detail in this show sometimes istg) 
- this is 100% me reading too much into things again, call the overthinking police I’ll do my time meekly lol, but the boat looks a little bit like the mudhorn signet from this angle: 
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again din keeps his hand on or sooo close to his blaster in this entire scene, he knows this is sketch as all hell 
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a) once again I want to praise the effects team for how GOOD the aliens look in this episode holy shit and b) the hell is this dude wearing on the straps of his overalls tho 
- the dude mando (axe woves) uses his little... wrist launcher thing to shoot with to finish two off the fishermen, so my theory that they can be loaded with other things than the whistling birds for slightly less effective use (maybe without the level of honing we’ve seen din’s be able to do?) is looking good!
- din actually has quite good form when diving into the water, I’m guessing he can swim at least tolerably when not in full armour, being stabbed at from all directions, having just had his son eaten by a sea monster and also being trapped in with said sea monster (I’m a strong swimmer and I can tell you that there’s a reason they make you swim with clothes on from time to time to see how hard it is, it sucks. with metal plates strapped all over you as well? yeah good luck) people don’t tend to hit the water that gracefully without some kind of training in my experience lol. might be some of the training with the jet pack has carried over too, considering he throws himself off that cliff in chapter 12 with similar confidence?
it’s interesting that they’re once again showing us a threat where the armour doesn’t help and even hinders him. we’re so used to the ways it can make him near-invincible, but it can also drag him down (literally, in this case. aha ha ha. well if I’m not here for my own entertainment then what am I here for honestly)
- din’s voice sounding like he’s just on the verge of crying as he cradles the baby (and the sound he makes as he realizes the baby’s alive) is my kryptonite, turns out. fucking breaks my heart into tiny pieces every time, I would die for this man and he wouldn’t let me
- in support of din’s paranoia: so far this season we haven’t been able to go five minutes without someone talking about peeling the precious beskar off a mandalorian corpse, I can see why his mind was primed to move in one particular way there
- I think the fabric of din’s cape has been treated with something that makes it waterproof; the water seems to pearl on top of it rather than soak in! can you imagine how heavy it would get if it did absorb water tho christ
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(a bit hard to see at this size but that’s what it looked like to me close up anyway! could also be that it’s wool and that’s why it looks that way but I prefer an elaborate sci-fi explanation here, because it doesn’t look particularly weighed down afterwards) might also explain why he doesn’t seem worried about it catching on fire when he uses the jetpack haha, maybe this is something the mandos do with fabric they’re going to use for a long time 
I also enjoy part of the gambeson/undersuit thing poking up from under the shoulder pauldron and cape; I think this is about as disheveled as we’ve seen him since immediately post-mudhorn 
- the sound mixing in this scene, where din’s breathing is layered a bit over everything else so you almost feel like you’re in the helmet with him listening to what the others are saying........ oh my GOD, it embeds you so deeply in his POV but so subtly 
- not to be biased or anything... but din and the armorer’s armour design is so vastly superior to these guys it shouldn’t even be a competition lol 
din looks like an honest to god knight in shining armour except also sci-fi western and the armorer looks like a fucking war goddess from a time beyond memory; the clone wars mandos look like high end cosplayers (eh maybe it’s just my dislike for the boobplates that has me so 😒 lol. also a lot of dudes were very shitty about that whole thing and I don’t say anything but the ‘vaguely-concerned will remember this’ telltale message pops up in the corner every time) 
moment of saltiness over: I do like the differentiation between their individual character designs 
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the differences in body type and helmet design is nice! they look like a unified team, but with individuality. I suspect the ladies have those belts and their armour plates on the hips instead of the front of the thighs to emphasize the ‘female’ silhouette, which. okay fine whatever
- bo katan looks very pointedly down at the baby after saying ‘a group of religious zealots who want to return to the ancient ways’ which makes me VERY nervous for reasons I can’t quite articulate
- the mournful guitar version of the mando theme as din watches the sunset...... hmmmmngh (this might be some Symbolism happening to us folks strap in for the identity crisis he still hasn’t processed) 
- I Cannot get over din being so unimpressed by and uninterested in bo katan’s ‘retake mandalore’ sales pitch from literally the first moment dfhasdkjfhsad sorry lady kryze this man just does not do main quest shit, he’s all side quests all the time and that’s why I love him  
- as someone who after chapter 8 wrote a whole-ass fic that was wholly & exclusively about din telling the baby he’ll always come back for him... some of the shit he’s been saying this season does feel like it’s been written to mercilessly victimize me, personally and specifically 
- guessing this structure in the background is the traffic control tower! doesn’t really matter, I just thought it was neat
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- this part of the soundtrack is called ‘ship o hoj, mandalorians!’, which I found incredibly charming haha (it’s ‘ship ahoy’ except how you write it in swedish, good one herr göranson)  
- bo katan is vague about who exactly the new mand’alor would be if they took back mandalore to begin with, she doesn’t specify she is planning to be the ruler until she’s already got din on the ship and in no position to refuse to help. gotta respect the grift at least lol  
I do love her voice, though, it reminds me a bit of jennifer hale as shepard
- “I need to get back to my ship, with the foundling” your honor I uh love him so fucking much 
- frog lady stroking the baby’s back a bit as she holds her hand behind him to make sure he doesn’t fall backwards while playing with the tadpole ;___________;
and also frog husband and frog lady reaching out to hold hands and frog smooching as din and yodito leave ;____________________________________________;
- when din says the exasperated “mon calamari. unbelievable” line, the baby makes that little blowing a raspberry sound he does as if to agree ‘uh-huh unbelu -- unbelly -- unbelievable dad smh’ and it is very very adorable 
- there’s quite a bit of Stuff in the concept art that didn’t make it in this time around; I wonder if maybe they cut some stuff for pacing or whatever and that’s why this episode is so short? water leaking into the cockpit of the razor crest, something that looked a bit like whaling going on on the docks and more spaceships taking off (maybe there were originally meant to be some smaller ships defending the big empire one?), there’s quite a bit here  
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astro-pioneer · 3 years
Anyway thoughts about Dain and others. I'm gonna separate this into different parts since it's probably gonna get confusing. Might do a second part for certain parts of this.
So to get as accurate as possible I did search for more information about The Abyss and Khaenri'ah
OK so I'll give a little back story before diving into my thoughts: Khaenri'ah is an underground unreleased section where, in Dain's words, "the gods' gaze does not fall". It is the origin of Khemia, a type of alchemy heavily focused on the creation of life that ultimately destroyed it. Also, for the Sword Cemetery, that is a result of a war between Mondstadt and Khaenri'ah.
Anyway thought time - so since Knaenri'ah has very little fauna and plants they have to find a way to survive and get food and whatnot - hence the creation of Khemia. Now, since there's no information on the aftermath of using Khemia on let's say a human, we're going to make assumptions.
So obviously altering with human life is bound to have it's backlashes, right? My three main bully victims are going to be Kaeya, Albedo, and Dain. Kaeya first: he was sent to Mondstadt as a last hope for his original homeland (I got too lazy to type it continuously) so I'm gonna assume that, before he was dropped off at Dawn Winery, he went through some alterations.
And you guys are gonna get mad but I'm gonna talk about his eye patch. Now, my assumption with the backlash is that it does something physical to the person undergoing Khemia. And yes, while Noelle does say she prepares Kaeya's eye patch, that doesn't necessarily mean that she puts it on him and has seen him without it.
Seeing as though Khemia isn't well-known by the common folk and is concerning to the gods (at least to Venti - thoughts on this later) it's best to hide any evidence of it when around people. That might be Kaeya's case with his eye patch, especially with the issue with Diluc and his father.
Listen I hate myself for even starting this but I'm too far deep to give up so we gotta talk about his sexy ass. Now, his diamond. If that's a birthmark then holy hell that's one gorgeous mark. BUT I don't think it is. Since he's the one who practices Khemia, he probably knows how to manipulate the placement to be somewhere hidden or so small you can't see it.
Lmao that kinda contradicted my diamond topic but my thought behind that is that he got that from his teacher (I REFUSE to type that long ass name ok) before he knew the art himself. Him knowing the practice and Venti's wariness of it makes more sense now - will be explained soon.
THIS BITCH- Ok I need more content of him so I can understand him more but I hate him so muuuuuch. So since he admits that he saw Old Mondstadt before Dvalin resided in it, I immediately thought to the battle at Sword Cemetery even though it doesn't fit with the geography (be honest though nothing matches the geography since the "Wolf of the North" is in the wEST) and you can't see it even from atop the logs (before anyone says anything, yes, I did check with the tallest character I have and yes, I did blind myself at one in the morning just for that.)
Anyway we're getting off topic what I wanted to talk about is the galaxy thing right over his heart. This is going to be short since there's not a lot about him but it's very obvious that it's not natural (well duh) and it reminds me of the particles that erupt from Paimon and that appears out of Aether's hand for an idle animation (I, personally, chose Aether for the MC so I will be using him most of the the time). However, there's noy a lot on him and his attire so this is all I really have.
Venti and Khemia
So a little while ago someone found out that in front of Venti's statue in front of the cathedral it says "Gate to Celestia" backwards. And I do love the theories from many others about how the game might end right where it started, aka Mondstadt. Khaenri'ah dislikes the gods and is not under rule of the Seven and, with Kaeya as a "last hope" so to speak, I feel like (if he doesn't get too attached to everyone) Kaeya and possibly Albedo as well, is going to lead the hilichurls and possibly the Abyss to Mondstadt to open the gate to destroy Celestia.
This is probably why Venti is wary of anyone who knows Khemia or is a known member of Khaenri'ah. This is far fetched but what if he knows of a possible ending without the traveller that is Mondstadt and possibly Teyvat as a whole being destroyed? It's obvious that history and stories are told through songs and, as Venti said in the archon quest, he knows songs "from the past, present, and future."
The Abyss ft. Khaenri'ah & Dain (again)
This is probably going to be the biggest since there's a lot of parts to it. So it's been confirmed that the hilichurls, the people of Khaenri'ah, are being controlled by the Abyss. My thought process was that the Abyss was once a part of Khaenri'ah but there was so much Khemia practice on them that they became less and less human. On a similar note, Instagram user natrya_art made her own theory based off of the Abyss and the chambers just off of the opening screen itself (also one about Dain, Durin, and Alberich (Kaeya's last name) that's still on her story :D).
You guys are probably like "Astro where are you going with this" so I'll stop adding random information and get on with it. Dain specifically only mentions Lumine with "her" and "she" along with "is" and similar present tenses, meaning that she is still alive during whatever time he comes from (as he will decide fate himself if "Albedo were to make a single wrong move using Khemia" (possibly opening the gate) and that's the only time he'll interfere). It's obvious he knows Aether, as he's very easy to talk once he mentions being a traveller. Now, when have you ever heard anyone in genshin mention traveller that is not about Aether/Lumine? Exactly, barely ever if at all.
I mention this since Dain's interest isn't peaked when Aether introduces himself as an adventurer but only after he says he's a traveller looking for his sibling. I, personally, think that Dain was a travel buddy for Lumine since, branching off of Natrya's theory about the Abyss, she was probably brought to the Abyss when they were fighting on one of the paths in Celestia in the beginning.
Since Lumine is trying to redirect Aether from finding out anything about her plans, it shows that she does not want him to either catch her trying to destroy the world or get caught in the crossfire and die. In the time where Dain comes from, though, that's probably what happened and the Abyss wins in the end. So Dain, already knowing where Lumine and the Abyss went, brings Aether to every location that he can remember.
During the old timeline, let's call it that since it's obviously going to change with Aether having help from Dain and Friends™, Lumine most likely talked about Aether and what happened to them. Maybe Dain was just trying to see if he was the real Aether during the tavern scene? No one knows right now honestly (other than the voice actors and creators honestly but they can't say anything.)
It's also obvious that he knows how far Aether is on his journey, as he mentions the Contract to End All Contracts but not why it was made or what the Tsaritsa did with them all while knowing about Venti being Barbatos and the Stormterror battle. This could just be blamed on his failing memory but that's not the case, as he says that he doesn't lack time and will wait to talk about Rex Lapis. However, it's obvious he only knows one side of it, as Aether and the player know of Zhongli being a player in the Rite of Descension but Dain doesn't, as he questions his attitude towards it.
This is copied from Dain's profile on the genshin wiki: The confluence between the past and future. The original calamity had been overturned, yet the island in the sky set the earth to burn. Chalk pursues gold, in this time inopportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon. The future must atone for bygone mistakes, as the bond familiar falters and breaks— of the same blood, elders and the youth... Such is the cycle of the world, in truth. Dain, what is that strand of blonde hair to you? Someone you must kill? Or the object of your penitence? - Self-proclaimed prophet
I changed the colour of the parts I want to talk about. The first line is obviously referring to Dain and his connection with going back in time to change the future he came from. "The island in the sky" is Celestia, and the line about setting earth alit could be talking about the gate opening or the gods thinking it'll be best to destroy earth to save themselves.
"Chalk pursues gold." THIS LINE. This one line is what I want to talk about a lot. Gold is not referring to the alchemist who destroyed Khaenri'ah, as it's not uppercased as all names should be. Instead, it's referring to Aether. (Note: the game is actually supposed to take place as you playing as Aether, which is why he's always in the trailers as the protagonist and is more expressive). Aether has multiple gold or gold coloured parts to him, including his hair, parts of his outfit, and it can even be argued that his eyes can be included too. Chalk is, obviously, Albedo, which connects to the quest about him where he's called the Chalk Prince when Dragonspine was introduced. Speaking of Dragonspine, Durin (the dragon that died there) actually came out of Khaenri'ah. Weird how Albedo is almost always in Dragonspine right? The pursuing part can go two ways: his ending line about how if he [Albedo] destroys Mondstadt, will Aether be there to stop him OR to make sure Aether is there to watch him destroy it. A third side is that Albedo pursues Lumine to help with her plan of Destroying Mindstadt/Teyvat.
Crimson moon is obviously about one of the trailers, where I think Lumine is seen walking on the path where her and Aether fought the god in Celestia with a red moon and sky in the background.
"Bond familiar falters and breaks - of the same blood, elders and youth" Aether and Lumine. I feel as though one of them (Aether most likely) will feel the most betrayed and he will lose all trust and love in Lumine and what's she's doing/done. Elders and youth is interesting. It can be nodding at the gods and the people of Teyvat or the gap between Lumine and how she's grown old while Aether died when he was young.
"That strand of blolde hair." English classes and teachers do not teach this enough!!! So I'll say it: blond, with no 'e' is masculine and is used to describe males. Blonde WITH an 'e' is feminine and for females. The use of blonde instead of blond eliminates Aether, Albedo, and Dain. The only blond we really encountered? Lumine. And I can already see the "well what if they didn't know the difference between e and no e" but we're talking about a game where a god dressed as a bard speaks in rhymes and riddles while Dain speaks like hes a poet. They know what they did. This might hint to him being the former travel companion of Lumine and any possible feelings he had that might get in the way of stopping him from helping everyone to stop her.
The Three Questions
When talking to Dain he asks three questions in order to see how similar your thought process is to Lumine. "Who do you think was the key to stopping the Stormterror incident" or something along the lines is the first question. Your answers are Barbatos, yourself, or the people. I will try to go off of memory with my answers, as his quest has yet to be added to the completed quests, as it's in chapter four which hasn't been released yet. I answered Barbatos for this question.
The next one is about Liyue and who will take care of it since Rex Lapis is no longer there to protect it. I said the people of the harbour, which was the third question. The last one is about Visions and who are more important in the eyes of the gods. The three answers are people with visions, without visions, or neither. I answered neither, giving me the dialogue of Aether's answers being similar to Lumine's.
Vision Question
The one about Visions struck me as odd. Visions are given by gods to people that they have acknowledged, yeah? Khaenri'ah isn't acknowledged by the gods and isn't run by any of the Seven. So that means that no one who resided in Khaenri'ah were never helped or were given visions. So why would Dain ask about them? I think it's due to Aether and most likely Lumine being able to weild the elements without a vision. There's also two certain dialogue options that are in the form of thoughts (I do not remember what quests they're from however) and the first one is like "(I'm getting back to my original strength)" I think it was in regards to getting geo too or something while the other one is "(I wish to get the powers of the gods)" or something.
When I first got them I paused for a second. Original strength and the powers of the gods... This obviously means the fact that with one touch of a statue we can switch to that element and can be "blessed" so to speak without actually being blessed. Also I've been meaning to talk about this ever since I leveled up Venti's statue but so far both Mondstadt and Liyue have an extra oculus. This is probably going to be for every region. I found that interesting, since you usually almost always interact with the statues with specific oculi, making it more powerful and giving you more stamina in the process. I think we have to use the extra one to fully harness the powers of that god in order to beat the final boss (probably Lumine.) They are also under the "Precious Items" tab in your inventory which is somewhat significant as well.
I'm gonna end this theory here for now since it got extremely long lmao. A part two might be coming though!
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Thorin x Reader
Request: It’s the reader’s birthday, which Thorin has found out. He knows from Fili and Kili that she likes writing but doesn’t have her thing called a computer with her, so Thorin gives her a leather bound notebook with parchment, much to her surprise. Thorin ponders his feelings for her.
Your initial arrival in this strange other world was not the best. The transition from electricity, social media, running water, and family, to being surrounded by multiple men, dirty, technology-less, and constantly hungry. 
To say it was difficult would be an understatement, but you did eventually learn how to adapt to your surroundings. 
You became friends with the majority of the people in this Company and have been accepted quite easily despite the oddity of your arrival and circumstances. 
Actually, the abnormality of your admittance into this journey is what’s made you so popular in the first place. The dwarves (and little hobbit) were entranced with your stories and explanations of the things you had in your world, awestruck at the vivid descriptions and theatrical ways you tell them things. 
What surprised you more than anything was the way the leader of this group of dwarves took to you. It seemed he enjoyed your company quite a lot, and he always listened when you went on one of your little rambles about what technology and things you had once upon a time. 
Fili and Kili, Thorin’s nephews, also grew to like your stories and decided to ask how you could describe things in such evocative detail, and that’s when you told them about your hobby back when you were still at your original home. 
Writing has been a big part of your life for as long as you can remember, so naturally, you became rather good at it the more you practiced. 
“Usually I would write my stories on my laptop, you know that thing with the buttons and flat-screen that lights up I told you about, and I’d show them to others and even submit things to contests sometimes.” You had a smile on your face when you’d explained it to them, “Gosh I miss it… I miss my home, but I’m grateful to have such a wonderful group to look after me." 
Those were your sentiments then, and they’re the same now a few weeks later. 
You’ve been keeping track of the days since you arrived in this place and tomorrow is to be your birthday. 
It’s around this time where you begin to really feel the toll that being away from all you know and love is taking on you. A mixture of homesickness and deep sorrow has been keeping you down these past few days, and it seems everyone has noticed as such. 
You don’t really try to hide your internal suffering, but you don’t necessarily wear it on your sleeve either. It’s hard to pretend everything is alright when there are already 1000 other worries stacking up on top of you as time drags on, but you try nonetheless (not that you’re fooling anybody).
The two brothers, Thorin’s nephews, asked you a day or so back what had you so down, and you explained half-heartedly what was eating at you. 
They seemed very understanding and tried to cheer you up. Though their attempts didn’t work completely, you did still appreciate it, and their thoughtfulness made your heart all warm and happy. 
When you wake up the morning of your birthday, feeling a bit more well-rested than usual and pretty warm. When you sit up to stretch, you realize you have an extra blanket from who knows where, and it succeeds in bringing a smile to your face. 
You stand up and glance around the still-sleeping group of dwarves, trying to see who it was that gave you their blanket. 
During your first glance around the camp, you don’t spot who is missing their blanket, but on the second look, you realize that Thorin is the only one coverless. 
A small smile tugs at your lips, grateful and also a little flattered that he’d do such a thing. 
You begin to make your way over to him careful not to step on any unsuspecting dwarves, and you flash a smile at Bofur who is on morning watch. 
Bofur returns the smile with a little less energy, then looks back out at the forest again. 
When you finally make it to Thorin you crouch down and lay his blanket back over him, then turn and slowly make your way back to your bedroll.
Later on in the day begin to feel less energetic than you had been that morning, but you are definitely happier than you have been in previous days. 
Walking on foot isn’t exactly your favorite thing, but you prefer that to being the prisoner to Goblins and on the dinner menu. 
You walk by yourself for the majority of the time, but you don’t mind some space to think during a long multi-mile trek. 
At some point during the hike up a big hill, Thorin steps up next to you and trudges quietly for some time. It’s a comfortable walking silence, and even though the two of you don’t speak you still find yourself enjoying his companionship. 
The silence is broken suddenly when Thorin pipes up, "I hear that today is the anniversary of your birth." 
You’re a bit surprised that, that’s the first thing he says when he finally addresses you, and you’re caught between confusion on how he knew and happiness because he knows in the first place. "Ah, yes it is. How did you know?" 
"Kili told me as such.” He replies easily.
Oh, that makes more sense. 
“Of course he did.” You don’t say it negatively, but instead with humor in your voice, “I’m turning 24 today." 
At first, he looks surprised when you mention your age, but it doesn’t last long as realization dawns on him. "Oh, yes I forgot that the ages of men are different than a dwarf. You would be no more than a child if you were one." 
You nod your head in understanding, finding it a bit funny that he was so taken aback at first. "Well, I’m sure you don’t see me as a kid, right? That’d be embarrassing." 
"Well of course not. If you were to ask for my inquiry, I’d say that your maturity is rivaled by none in this group, excluding myself and Balin of course." 
That draws an amused laugh from you since it’s essentially a compliment that both flatters you and backhands the rest of the group. "Even Bilbo?” You question jokingly. 
You’re surprised when he nods his head, “He is extraordinarily polite and proper, but those qualities do not make for maturity.” He sounds so sure in his reply that you actually believe him, “and one who is a writer of poetry such as yourself has a better way with words than any of us.”
“Well, I don’t know if it’s fair to consider myself a writer anyway, Thorin. I have nothing to write on or with, and my works would probably only confuse the lot of you.” Your speech is slightly more complex than it was before you ended up here, as it seems you’ve begun to pick up some of their speech habits. 
The soon-to-be King Under the Mountain looks surprised at your reason for quitting, “You give up because you’ve lost your medium? And because you fear not being understood?”
“Well, yes." 
Thorin doesn’t say anything right away, but you can see from the expression on his face that he does have something he want’s to tell you. But you don’t try to get anything out of him, instead, you wait and hope that he’ll just get to it himself. 
"There’s something I wish to give you.” His voice breaks the silence again, and you find yourself a bit surprised that he even has anything for you to begin with. 
“You want to give me something?” You repeat with confusion clear in your voice. 
“Yes.” He reaches into the bag on his back and feels around blindly for something for a few moments, and you just watch and walk hoping that he doesn’t trip on anything by accident. 
“Ah, here it is.”
You cock your head to the side when he pulls out a cute little leather-bound book. “What’s this?" 
He doesn’t reply right away for he instead holds out said book to you and waits for you to take it before saying anything more. 
You accept the gift and look at the little leather thing in your hands, flipping it open to see several blank pieces of parchment inside. 
"Kili also told me of your desire to begin writing again, and while it is no ‘laptop’, it’s still a rather fine book.” He sounds sheepish almost like he’s afraid you might dislike the present and give it back. 
A huge smile breaks out on your face as you look at him joyously, “Oh my god, Thorin, t-thank you so much!" 
At this very moment, you couldn’t be happier. The gift is so thoughtful and sweet, and for the first time in a while, you feel like something has gone - mostly - back to normal. "I love it…” You say quieter this time, placing a hand on his shoulder to squeeze it appreciatively, “I’ll write a story just for you, how does that sound?" 
The raven-haired king to-be smiles at you warmly and nods his assent, "I would like that." 
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melonsmessymusings · 4 years
Hey! So i know that you prefer the earlier seasons of Buffy, specifically 2 and 3, which is also when Oz was around. Outside of their relationships to Willow (I'm not asking who you ship more), between Oz and Tara, which character do you like better?
Hey there, what an interesting question. 
Let me try and break this down because I prefer Tara, and I want to explain why. This is gonna be a long one so grab a cuppa and get comfy...
While I enjoy the earlier seasons more, Oz is a very different character to Tara. His vibe is totally different. He’s just a chill, dude. I felt that he meshed in with the Scoobies for the most part but it felt a little forced. He was such a different kind of guy to the rest of the Scoobies, who let’s face it are kinda the social rejects but are perfectly happy in their own little bubble. He didn’t fit that bill and that’s when I felt the writers went, ‘well, let’s make him a werewolf because then he’s all supernatural and can hang with the Slayer’. He’s a guitarist in a semi-successful High School band, in the late 90s... it just felt a bit ‘oh okay’. Maybe it’s just me. Not that I dislike Oz at all, I fuckin love him. Plus, he made Xander look like a moron too which is good points in my book. Also, his one liners are unparalleled. 
Oz was such a well liked character that when he left, they had to create a replacement that would have an equal impact on the show and thus Tara came into being. Honestly, she was the only character that could’ve even remotely replaced that void after Oz left. 
However, I would have to say that Tara is my favourite and she deserved much more screen time than she got and to not be brutally and needlessly killed off. I don’t really know where to begin but her relationship with the Scoobies as individuals aside from Willow, is just wonderful and it’s one of the best aspects of her character IMO. I know it took ages for that to happen, but by god is it worth it when it finally did Let’s start there:
In S6, she is there for Buffy to cry on (literally) and just... lets her do what she needs to... Without judgement. NONE of the other characters would EVER let her do that (except perhaps arguably Giles but he wasn’t around because fuck him). She seemed to recognise trauma better than anyone and I don’t know, I just love that. 
Can we take a second to appreciate her parental nurturing of Dawn? From the get go in S5, Tara has a soft spot for Dawn despite the fact I really despise the girl. When she makes time to go and have milkshakes with Dawn even though Willow and her have split... I cry when I think about it. And when she spends the WHOLE night with Dawn so that she’s not alone... She always seems to be the one babysitting Dawn, and I reckon she did it willingly and I just love her so much. 
Tara calling Giles “Mr Giles” for like a season... that’s adorable. I have a lovely little personal headcanon that he literally kept reminding her that she can call him whatever she wants, he doesn’t care and she’s like ‘okay Mr Giles’. She encourages him to do stuff as well. Like when they’re talking about the advert in the Yellow Pages (or whatever it was) she’s proud and tries to focus on the positives. Or how she hoped he’d feel better soon from his hangover. Just stuff like that. You fuckin know that the two of them were thick as thieves and it’s adorable. 
She’s even nice about Spike. Especially in S6 when everyone is kinda against him. She knows that he’s trying to help (I use the term loosely) and wants to aid him if possible. They 100% bonded over the summer that Buffy was dead. 
Tara starts off like many people that age as having self-esteem below the fuckin ground. She feels like a waste of space and honestly... same. But despite this, she goes out of her way for people she cares about. All of the Scoobies/regulars are damaged or whatever and I think Amber Benson’s performance lets us, the audience really feel that. Even from the offset when I had no idea who Tara was, she was interesting. 
Personally, I believe that when Tara first met Willow, it wasn’t love at first sight and that Tara was pursuing Willow in a totally platonic way at that point and a romantic relationship blossomed from there. I’m not explaining this well, but what I mean is that she was the one who sought after Willow in the first place and I kinda love that. 
Obviously, Tara has faults but because the amount of screen time she got was criminal, there wasn’t much time to explore these. Yes, some argue she was selfish (personally I disagree but I can see why people think that) and that her stammer was infuriating. Yeah it was, but so was Xander in general so ya know... Yes, you could argue that her relationship with Willow was a bit wet, it was but that’s what they were going for so that’s not her fault as a character. 
Regarding her relationship with Willow, they had more in common (e.g. witchcraft) and they vibed better IMO. I just love it and am struggling to explain it. In S6, honestly I think she shouldn’t have gone back to her because it was painfully obvious that Willow was still abusing Magic but love is a funny thing.
For me, Tara was a better all around character than Oz and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her until she was killed. Then I was just pissed... 
Sorry, that probably made less than no sense but I kinda just kept going, but I hope it answered your question. I can think of more reasons but this is already ridiculously long and I’ve been up for about forty hours straight so coherence… I don’t know such a creature. :)
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forever-your-soldat · 5 years
If You See Her
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At the end of the day, we don’t know the person unless they show us who’s beneath the mask.
Picture is not mine.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: After meeting the mysterious new girl, Natasha can’t help herself. She loves pretty things. And with how Wanda, and everyone else, seemed to take a liking to the girl, she’s going to struggle on how to go about it if the other does decide to befriend her.
It had been two days since Pepper’s birthday. Two days since they’ve met Y/n. Natasha acted around like normal. The occasional flirting and lingering touches with random people, but surprisingly, Wanda would find Natasha coming back to their apartment but chose not to say anything about it.
It’s only been a few days, so she doesn’t jump to anything. Instead, she focuses on her own things. “Hey, what did you and Y/n talk about, back at the restaurant?” Natasha’s voice suddenly reached her ears as she looked up from her laptop.
“What?” The brunette asked, momentarily forgetting what they had talked about and Natasha raises a brow at her when she exited her room. “Before she left? I was waiting for you guys to finish talking so we could go home, remember?”
Realization dawns on her and a smile suddenly brightened up her features at the memory. “Oh, yeah! She had to go to work that time. She said that she had to meet with the director for a play she’s joining.” Wanda answered as she continued to type something on her laptop.
“Why’d you ask?”
Nat hums lightly before she shakes her head. “No reason. I was wondering what was taking you so long, but I forgot because I was too sleepy.” Wanda seemed to buy the lie as she nodded her head. “Well, I asked her if I’d be able to see it and she told me she would say try, but who knows? We just met, really.” She commented offhandedly.
That seemed to catch Nat’s attention as she walked over to the island and leaned against it. “What’s the play about?”
Wanda shrugged lightly. “I have no idea. It’s not like we talk to each other on a regular basis, Nat.” She then shut her laptop and pushed it away so she can rest her elbow on the island and placed her chin on her hand. “Why the sudden interest?” She inquired, brow raised in a curious look and Natasha kept her expression neutral.
“I’m just curious is all. It’s not everyday we meet a person who clicks that well with all of us at the same day and time.” The redhead pointed out then grabbed a cookie from their jar. Since Wanda loved to cook, baking came in afterwards so they had snacks in jars and containers.
“Nat, I know you. It’s not just nothing when you see a pretty girl.” Wanda sighed, exasperated as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and Natasha mocked offense. “Hey, I don’t just go after pretty faces.” She retorted and Wanda gave her a deadpan look.
“Well, while you go and busy yourself today, I’m going to head out.” She announced after a while and grabbed her coat, wallet, and phone before heading out the door. “Don’t wait up for me!”
Wanda rolled her eyes before she reopened her laptop then started to do her work again.
During Natasha’s walk, she was entering detective mode. She wanted to search about the things Y/n does, her likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite past time. Tony was able to do it, then it wouldn’t be a problem for her. But she remembers, she doesn’t know her last name.
Quickly going into Pepper’s account, she scanned through her friends and she was quick to type up Y/n’s name before a picture of the h/c popped up on her phone screen.
Soon enough, there were various tabs with the girl’s info on them. To say she was impressed was an understatement. Y/n had various achievements than she had thought. And the channel Pepper mentioned had a bigger fandom and support than Y/n made it seem to be.
By the time she arrived at the theater, Natasha already knew the basics of Y/n’s life, but of course, she wouldn’t be saying anything. She only needed that to set her plans into action.
There was only one theater near the restaurant that night and Natasha could only hope that it was the right one. It would be too much of a hassle if she had to go check the other places. The only thing she needed aside from locating Y/n’s whereabouts was how to actually get closer to her.
Too busy with her eyes on her phone, Natasha failed to see the person standing in front of her. “Oh!” She stepped back after colliding with a body and her eyes clashed with the same e/c she saw at the dinner. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She quickly slid her phone into her pocket and slipped on a smile.
“That’s fine. Lucky, you weren’t near the road.” The girl chuckled as she gave Natasha a once over. “If my memory serves me right, you’re Natasha?” The redhead grinned as she tilted her head a bit. “Oh, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” She replied and the other let out a hum.
“Is that so? I could have sworn that you’re the same beautiful woman I saw at Pepper’s dinner. I don’t think I could mistake a face like that with anyone else.” Natasha could have sworn she felt her heart flutter at that, but she merely smirked. “You think I’m beautiful?” She teased and Y/n sent her one back.
“I’m pretty sure I said that Natasha is beautiful and you said that wasn’t you.” A laugh came spilling from both their lips before Y/n shook her head. “Seriously though. What are you doing here?” She asked and Natasha looked around before she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I was bored and had nothing to do. So, I took a walk and thought of doing something spontaneous.”
Y/n nodded her head at that. “Ah, well, not all of us have much free time.” She chuckled and Natasha looked at her. “What about you? Why are you here?” Y/n pointed to the building and smiled. “I’m currently working here. But I stepped out for a breather since we’re on break.” She explained and Natasha’s smile widened.
“So...” She started while staring at the building. “What’s it like there, with the whole rehearsal, costumes, and all the acting?” Y/n took a while to answer before she simply gave a small lift of her shoulders before letting them sink back down. “It’s fun. The adrenaline is really great to use, especially when you’re in the spotlight.” She pursed her lips and Natasha stared at her profile.
She knew there was something underneath all that. “You get nervous? Even when this isn’t the first time for you on stage?” She asked, slightly surprised and Y/n smiled sheepishly.
“Well, to tell you the truth, I’m always scared before stepping up on stage. But there’s always this thrill of being in front of all those people, all hung up on every word the actors say.” She expressed with a contented look on her face. “It’s also fun because no one knows who they are. Not unless they actually get to know the actors, then they’ll be surprised by how different they are on and off stage.”
Natasha seemed surprised by the revelation, but she felt even more interested. She loved when girls were able to render her speechless. She loved when women had a way with words, that they aren’t just a pretty face.
“Will you be fine if I wanted to get to know you before the character?” The smirk that crept up Y/n lips caused her excitement to grow. “How about I let you see both?” Seeing the confusion on the redhead’s face, Y/n offered her hand and gestured inside. “Come on.”
Who was Natasha to pass up the opportunity she needed? Grasping Y/n’s hand in hers, she let the latter lead her inside and she quickly took in the amount of people going about, all busy with their own departments.
“Y/n, I know I said we had a break but how on earth do you just randomly pick a woman off the street?” A man teased when he spotted the two. Judging from his appearance, Natasha figured this man was the director.
Y/n snorted before shaking her head. “Relax Tyler. She’s a friend and we happened to see each other when I was outside. Her name is Natasha, by the way.” The man waved a hand dismissively and Y/n laughed before turning to Natasha. “We’ll be starting rehearsals again in a few minutes. Why don’t you watch and criticize me after?” She asked and Natasha raised a brow. “And have the opportunity to bruise your ego? I would love to.”
Y/n rolled her eyes before she jogged back to the stage where a woman walked up to her and began talking to her about the script. “I haven’t heard about a Natasha for as long as I’ve met the kid.” Tyler commented as he flipped through the script and she looked over. “What are you to her?” He asked without looking at her.
Natasha hummed in reply as she watched Y/n go about on stage. “We’re friends. We met last Thursday at a mutual friend’s birthday.”
“Pepper Potts?”
She nodded and the man made a small sound of acknowledgement. “Since you’re new, that means you haven’t seen her on the stage?” He guessed and Natasha casually crossed her arms while leaning back against the plush seat. “Be ready for a show then.” He mused before finally calling the actors for the scene.
In actuality, Natasha wasn’t really one for plays. She didn’t seem to find interest on watching people act. She was more into dancing. It didn’t involve talking so she never bothered with plays. The ones that they did in school, she would always sneak out or just sleep through them. “This is the last scene for the day.” As soon as Tyler yelled ‘action’, she saw the way Y/n facial expression shifted again, much like in the earlier scenes. She watched intently, listening to all the things the woman said that she found herself seated on the edge of her seat.
“But how could you love a simple man, such as myself?” At the beginning, Natasha was confused why the lead male role was played by a girl, but she shrugged the thought off. Who gave a fuck if they were both girls?
Y/n watched as the other woman fixed her boot, her eyes soft as she carefully reached down and her hand landed gently on the blonde’s cheek, causing her to look up in wonder while Y/n smiled at her. “You may be a simple man, but that does not mean you are to be deprived of love.” Her voice was gentle as she kept eye contact with the blonde and she slowly rose up to her feet and Y/n had to tilt her head up a bit since the girl was a few inches taller than her.
The blonde’s face held sorrow as she held the hand pressed against her cheek. “I cannot help but do so, knowing that the woman I long to be with will be in the arms of someone else. Someone undeserving of her... someone who does not love her.” By then, both their foreheads were pressed against each others and Natasha gripped the armrest tightly, her body tense.
Y/n’s eyes flickered before her hand slipped from the blonde’s then landed on her chest, her fingers barely touching above her heart and the blonde’s breath hitched but no one heard it since they didn’t have any mics on them at the moment. “Then you follow your heart, love. At the end of it all, it matters not who she marries but the home of where her heart lives.”
Their faces were mere inches away. If Y/n just tilted her head, their lips would brush against each other. Natasha’s eyes narrowed at that but everyone seemed so absorbed in what was transpiring, though some of the actors were confused and one of them cleared their throat. “It’s not the kiss scene yet.” He told them and the pair quickly broke away, finally breaking character.
The blonde had a light blush coating her cheeks, as did Y/n but she kept a smile on her face while the director nodded his head. “I’m sorry. I got a bit lost with the flow.” The blonde apologized while rubbing the back of her neck. “That means Y/n was doing her job.” Tyler grinned proudly before he shook his head. “Alright. That’s it for today. Good job, everyone! I’ll see you all on Monday!”
Finally, everyone was ready to go home. Natasha didn’t even realize that it was already dark out. She had missed a text from Wanda asking where she was and if she would be eating back at the apartment. She sent a quick no and added that she was with a friend before she went to look at Y/n, who just finished talking to the blonde from earlier then came walking up to her.
“So, how was it?” Y/n asked, running her fingers through her hair and ruffling it up a bit, making Natasha bite her lip before shaking her head and a smile slipped on her face. “Okay, I have nothing to say to hurt your ego.” She teased and Y/n grinned widely. “I’m glad you found it interesting.” She then glanced at the time then looked at Natasha. “Will you be heading home now or do you have time joining me for dinner?”
Of course she had time.
The pair had gone to a diner that was somewhere near Central Park. Lucky for them, there wasn’t that much people inside so they managed to grab a booth and had a peaceful environment around them. There was a jukebox in the corner of the joint and some movie posters on the walls.
While waiting for their food, the two had just gone to talk about whatever came to mind until Natasha brought up the rehearsal. “I mean, you weren’t kidding when you said you loved having people hung up on everything you say. You were amazing up there.” She decided to leave out the blonde, not wanting to remember her after the rather intimate moment on stage.
Y/n giggled while she took a sip of her drink. “Thank you for the compliment but I never said that I was the one doing that.” There was a playful and teasing grin on her face and Natasha just found her even more attractive. “You said it was fun when actors did it. From what I remember, you’re the actress here.” Natasha shot back with a grin of her own. “You have that effect, too.”
Natasha saw as a glint appeared in Y/n’s eyes and she leaned closer. “Do I?” Somehow Natasha found herself lost in those pools of e/c as she leaned in without realizing and Y/n stared back at her, index finger lightly gliding over her own lower lip and Natasha’s gaze lowered to them and she wanted to badly feel her lips on her own.
But before she could do anything, Y/n leaned back with a smirk displayed on her face and Natasha snapped out of her reverie just as the food arrived. “It’s good to know that I have that effect on people.” Y/n’s voice cut through her thoughts and a grin spread on Natasha’s face.
She was going to enjoy this challenge.
The call of her name caused both women to look up and the person looked at Y/n in surprise. “Y/n?”
The woman grinned happily before waving a hand. “Hey Wanda. It’s been a while.” She told her as the girl walked closer. “What are you doing here?” Natasha questioned.
Wanda glanced at her friend, who was already staring at her. “I got too lazy to cook today so I decided to go out instead.” She replied before turning back to Y/n, whose smile remained on her face before she scooted over and patted the space next to her. “Why don’t you join us? Our food just got here.”
The brunette gave her a small smile and sat across Natasha, who still kept an blank look on her face before she forced a smile when Y/n spoke up. “I didn’t know that you cooked.” She said impressed and Wanda looked away from Natasha to smile at the girl. “I had to learn at a young age. Plus, I love cooking for people.” She gushed and Y/n couldn’t help but find it cute as Wanda continued to talk about her love for cooking.
All the while, Natasha couldn’t help but think of how her friend had unintentionally ruined her plans for the night.
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neoculturetechxgot7 · 5 years
Gardenia on the crown - J.J.H.
2; Sun kissed gardens
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pairing: Jung Jaehyun × Reader
genre: angst
length: around 2k words
warnings: profanity
The distance from the ballroom to the gardens is fairly short, having to cross only a few wide halls buzzing with the usual morning preparations as maids and servants swiftly moved around with hasty steps.
You're surprised to soon find yourself crossing a large patio paved with thick, grey gravel to reach what the king said to be the countryard, where a seemingly endless sea of green spread under the skyline. Without wasting a moment, you follow both elders as they begin making their way between big, voluminous bushes and blooming flowers covering each side of the stone path.
It seems to be more of a maze than a garden, its complicated spirals of greenery pushing you to the brim of dizziness, constant turns killing your sense of direction. At this point, it's a fact that you'd get lost if left alone in there.
The sky is clear and gifts you a generous supply of sun beams, which you presume to be nature's way of sympathizing with your new reality, trying to provide the slightest comfort. It's hard to enjoy even that though, with Jaehyun by your side. At least he makes sure to keep more than enough distance and you feel internally grateful for his understanding of personal space.
You steal a brief glance on your right where he strolls carelessly, hands in the pockets of his dress pants like a gentleman. Glaring far into the horizon, he seems to have retreated into his own thoughts which causes you to feel a little more relaxed, knowing he isn't intently watching your every move.
The sudden urge to run away almost overpowers you when his eyes, pink and purple lavender mirroring in their depths, lock with yours and embarrassment pierces through you so brutally. Once again, your cheeks probably get more blush than any rose in the entire palace as you quickly snap your head to the other side.
He literally just caught you staring.
But there is nothing wrong with that, right? He is your husband-to-be after all...
Thanfully, Jaehyun doesn't comment anything, only leaves a blanket of silence drape over you and the bold decision of looking at anything but him takes a good seat in the back of your head.
Thankfully, the plants around you can provide a great distraction as you get fascinated by their vivid colours and freshness, early dew still sliding off of velvety petals and leaves. They aren't as Iively as those back home nor is there as much variety, but still it remains a pretty sight.
What really catches your attention though are a few snowy white blooms emerging from a plush bush beside the path and your heart flutters, inevitably drawn to them. Ducking with golden satin pooling around your ankles, your fingers reach out to pluck one and the next moment you're burying your nose to deeply inhale in the beautiful scent that makes fairies dance on the crisp air.
You love it. That's why you can't bare to avert your gaze, instead standing over the plants as if you can somehow escape in their dreamy world, wiping tiny droplets from their surface to feel the coolness of morning.
"Gardenia." A voice comes from behind and you quickly realise it's Jaehyun, his heavy footsteps growing louder as he approached.
"I know." You reply, almost allowing a chuckle past your lips. "My mother adores them. She says it takes a lot of care for these to grow."
"We do take care of them here." There is a tone of pointing out the obvious lacing his words as he halts before the flowers and slowly leans to sniff one.
"You take care of them?" You ask with a finger pointing at him, genuinely curious to know if the prince of ice has a soft spot for gardening after all.
"No, of course not. Servants do." Jaehyun explains nonchalantly and, after looking back at the path, gestures for you to follow, since both your parents have already moved way ahead.
The hint of enthusiasm in your chest is quickly crashed by his answer and once again it feels so unbearably cold to be around him, an imaginary yet sturdy wall built between you two. He continues walking, completely ignoring the uneasiness being alone with him causes you.
You wish to rush to your father's side, hide under his wing and plea to stop the marriage, but your pride and unbending sense of responsibility leaves you simply scurrying to catch up.
You don't trade any other words as he continues pretending oblivion to your existence and you begin hating even the slightest idea of him, burning with desire for all of this mess to end.
A torturous amount of time later, your heels are digging into the expensive burgundy carpet decorating a high staircase leading up to what the king said to be your royal chambers. You can't wait to go up these steps and sink in the peace and quiet of a well-made bed. Privacy and some time alone is all you need to put the tornado of incomprehensible thoughts racking your mind in order.
And while you're daydreaming about soft pillows and the chilling touch of cotton sheets, Jaehyun's father keeps on with his relentless ramble regarding the wedding, which, from what you understood, will be held under the next full moon, in about a month from now.
It then dawns on you how, truly, you have only 25 days before you allow that awful prince to slide a band of polished platinum on your ring finger and tie your lives together in eternity. Then, as the unwritten laws of the ancient proclaimed, you'd be inseparable.
Fuck all of this.
Screaming and shouting until the moon itself tears in half seems like a tempting option to let out the despair now nibbling at every inch of you skin. Hatred and so much fury boils in your bloodstream, especially after your gaze lands on your betrothed, who was eyeing you back, possibly with raw dislike.
You realize now that, really, you despise him.
He's standing just a step below, too close for your lungs to breathe freely but close enough for your nails to claw at his eyes and-
"...and the ceremony will take place at the palace, before the grand feast..." The hoarsennes of the king's voice scratches your ears almost cruelly.
You can't stand hearing whatever shit is coming out his mouth, already way past your breaking point. You can't take it anymore, you can't wait for him to finish that annoying monologue.
Your fingers start to tremble ever so slightly, golden rings clashing inaudibly against each other.
You don't want to hear anything else about that damned wedding, the upcoming end of life as you know it, and right now all you can think about is how to reach your room as soon as possible.
Then, a god-sent idea flashes before your conscious, dramatic yet somehow good, the distress in your eyes replaced by glimmering relief.
If this works, you'll be in the security of a spacious room within seconds, away from the overwhelming royals and their annoying chit-chat.
A soft gasp falls from your parted lips and a hand shot up to your forehead, knees bending slightly.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Your dad's concern coated tone sends traces of guilt to crawl under your skin.
"Yes, I'm just feeling a little dizzy, father." You whine, sounding pathetic nonetheless, leaning towards his embrace for support.
"Do you need me to call the maids?"
Your inevitably gaze shoots to Jaehyun's father eyeing you, awaiting your answer.
"No, no, it's alright. I'd prefer to retreat from your company, though." You mentally cringe at the immerse politeness you're forced show when in reality all you long to say is a simple fuck off, all of you.
So your plan might be...really pitiful at its execution after all. You aren't sure if anyone will believe your pretentious groan of pain and the helpless tone, but even so, who can refuse a princess a such simple request?
"The sun. Its probably the heat that's caused this, my Lady." The unbothered king points out, without a single drop of regret in his voice for having you wander around the entire garden under the searing licks of sunshine.
And then, fingertips scorch a tight grasp around your wrist making you flinch, eyes darting daggers at Jaehyun who is taking a step forward to tower over you, blaze adorning his gaze.
"Are you sure you're alright, princess?" His other hand snakes its way around your waist so smoothly, fingers squeezing waves of newfound heat against your side.
You can burst any moment now and slap that pretty face of his that's now only a breath away as he pulls you ever so slightly towards his chest.
If you had a fake headache before, it's a certain fact that a real one is starting to pulse inside your head at right now.
"Guards!" The king loudly calls for the two men in light armor standing on either side of the base of the stairs and they hurry away from their positions to approach you. "Take her highness to her royal chambers immediately."
You'd be glad to be escorted by them, followed by the soft clatter of iron as you head for the comfort of your apartments, away from that stupid prince.
But apparently Jaehyun isn't about to allow that luxury, when he throws a sharp nod to stop them dead on their tracks.
"I got her."
No, no, no, no. Damnit, no.
You can barely contain your body's reaction to violently wiggle out of his grip and pick up your skirts to bolt away, not giving a shit about manners at this point. Being almost pressed flush with his body strangely drains you of energy and clouds your mind with a heavy daze, sensing his every warm inhale brush against your neck.
"Father, please continue without us."
You don't make it to hear what the others mumble -probably their farewells- as he spins you around, palm moving lower on the small of your back to support it, although it's really not necessary. If it weren't for his tight hold though, you would've fallen flat on your face after tripping on the first step, the clumsiness striking you yet again.
"Do you need me to carry you?" He leans to whisper in your ear, freezing you in place at the proximity and his spine-chilling touch.
You are somewhat disgusted. His concern is probably nothing more than sugar-coated pretence.
"No, I'm okay. I can do this alone." That's all you manage to blurt out, insides lit on ruby fire as you try to move away hopelessly.
Even so, his bony fingers don't loosen up. "There's only a few steps left."
His voice rings faintly, because everything around you except him seems to disintegrate into a blur and you melt painfully slow into his unwanted embrace. The erratic heartbeat thumping on your temples is louder than gunshots at this point, making you wonder if he can hear it so clearly too.
Jaehyun's scent of sandalwood and rosemary has a shaky breath hitch at your throat so painfully, overpowering all your senses in a feverish way.
You curse at your impatience, regretting not waiting for the king to end the annoying palace tour and bidding all three men goodbye to find your room all alone. Yes, that would've been perfect compared to the current situation.
Your whole body is tense, every muscle buzzing with electricity as you keep going up the staircase in the heated hands of your betrothed.
The devil holds you tight only to burn you tighter.
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hello! back again to ask about Marina Tsvetaeva. I haven't read any of her work, and was wondering whether you still think starting with her letters would be best? (again, haven't read anything of hers)! If so, what letters would you specifically suggest to start with? otherwise, if u think beginning with some of her other work would be better - pls tell me what! thank you so much. Always in awe of your blog. many blessings x
[ it is going to be a lengthy post ]
Letters. Still – letters. Reading them, you will be able to see and feel her astounding, absolutely unique, “undressed” and tormented Soul and with that, to truly understand and feel through, – her prose and poetry … In her case, it is important.Everything about Tsvetaeva, you must feel and hear. Never “read” or, God forbid, -  ”understand”.   Here is the reference to the book of her letters on Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/283216.The_Letters_of_Marina_Tsvetaeva?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=fvbRr8HRYi&rank=2It contains 800 letters. I never read that translation and I pray to God, - it is good. You don’t have to read all of them, I will give you the list of the correspondents with the commentaries below, so you knew who those people were. Also, you can read the letters and other works, like poetry, at the same time. Why not ?But….  the letters – first 😊 The spelling of the names may slightly vary in that book. Note that all those letters she wrote while being married.  1. To Nikolay Gronsky (1909-1934). A must read. They met in Spring of 1928, in Paris. Gronsky was 18 and Tsvetaeva –  36. A young talented poet, he was later tragically killed in a metro accident: hit by a subway car in the Paris metro, he was just 25. A suspiciously strange accident, indeed ….  Yet, Tsvetaeva always believed it was, in fact – “an accident”. After he died, at the time, when their communications were already over, Tsvetaeva dedicated him a cycle of poems “Gravestone”:“Where did you go ? … Your soul —where did it go ? … Your face — where did it go ? Your face, your warmth,your shoulder — where did it go ?”
They took long walks and exchanged letters, which indicate that Tsvetaeva had a deeper attachment than that of a poetic master to a pupil, but by the late Autumn, their communication faded away … From her letter to him:“… a thirst for THAT OTHER self —not of the world of ideas,but of the chaos of hands and lips.
A thirst for the secret self.
The last self.
The imaginary self …”You can also read her letters to Pasternak, but I deeply dislike him as a person … for what he did to Tsvetaeva and what he did not do for her daughter and her son, because he was simply a disgusting coward. I do believe that Pasternak hugely contributed to what happened to her whole family, its tragedy and her suicide. By the way, the rope Tsvetaeva hanged herself on, was accidentally, given by Pasternak, when she needed to wrap her suitcase when evacuating. It is painful to read her Love letters to him, knowing all that and more. She was trustful and naïve. Not because she was a fool, but because she so strongly and stubbornly wanted to believe in the goodness of the humanity when there was and is – none.
2. To Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)Her letters to Rilke are all over the Internet I gave you the link to their correspondence in my previous reply to you. They never met, but wrote to each other intensely from May 1926 until Rilke’s abrupt death in December of leukemia. During that correspondence, Tsvetaeva fell in Love with him. She was 34 and he was 51.
Quotes from her letters to him:“For my soul is well-bred.” “Rainer, dusk is falling, I love you.”“Beloved, come to me often in my dreams. No, not that. Live in my dreams. Now you have a right to wish and to fulfill your wishes”3. To Alexander Bakhrah (1902-1977)He was 20, she was 31. At that time, he was just a young critiс  Tsvetaeva had never met. She lived in Chekhia (Czechoslovakia) and he – in Berlin. She responded to his critical article on her poem and the epistolary affair had started. He published all her Love letters to him only in 1960 … “modestly” cut 1/3 out of them… 19 letters (1923), one (1924) and one (1928), when Love was already gone. Later those letters were re-published in full. No letters from him were saved.He caught her interest … and just like with Vishnyak and Pasternak before, and with Rilke, Shteiger, – later, she poured out at him all her immensity … And just like with everyone listed above, he simply couldn’t handle it.Then she met and fell in Love with someone else, in the real life: with Konstantin Rodzevich and this correspondence, as well as her Love to Bakhrah, – ended. Quotes from the letters to Bakhrah:“You have not understood my letter. You didn’t read it carefully. You didn’t take in my tenderness, nor my care, nor my human pain for you. You didn’t even understand me in myself: “and does it really matter - who is hurt ?!  - to experience someone’s pain as your own – all of it you didn’t get .”“I cannot love myself, because I love; and don’t want to, because I love him.”4. To Konstantin Rodzevich (1895-1988)She was 28 and he was 31. They met in 1923 in Prague.Years later, Tsvetaeva confessed that Konstantin Rodzevich was her only true Love in life: the man who cared less about her poetry and till the very old age never understood what she Loved him for. He believed that she created a person he was not and fell in Love with that imaginary hero. Many thought and still do that the son she gave a birth to in 1925 was from him. The quote from her letter to him:“I’ve loved everything, I knew how to love everything except the other, the other who was alive. The other has always bothered me; it was a wall against which I broke, I didn’t know how to live with the living. Hence my feeling that I was not a woman but a Soul.You simply have loved me … I told you: there is a Soul. You said: there is a Life.”5. To Abram (Abraham) Vishnyak (1893-1944)I told you about him and Tsvetaeva in my previous reply. She published her letters to him and one of his in “Florentine nights. Nine Letters with a Tenth Kept Back and an Eleventh Received”.Quotes from her letters to him:“What is it to forget a human being ? - It is to forget what one suffered through him …”“Such things do not hurt me any longer, you accustomed me to them, you and everyone else …”“My total forgetfulness and my absolute failure to recognize you today are but your absolute presence and my total absorption of yesterday. As much as you were — as much you are no longer. The absolute presence in reverse. Such a presence cannot but become such an absence. Everything yesterday, nothing today.”“You make me soft (humanize, feminize, animalize) like fur.”“All these last years, my life has been so different, so hard, so icy that now I can only raise my shoulders and my eyebrows: is this me ?You soften me (make me more human, more woman, more animal) as fur does.”5. To Anatoly Shteiger (1907-1944). An absolutely must read. She was 44 and he was 29. There are 30 letters of hers saved to him from 1936 and only one to her, plus some excerpts she saved in her notes and as references to them in her letters to him. He was a young Russian emigrant-poet who lived in Switzerland, I posted a couple of quotes from his poems here. When they started an extensive correspondence, Tsvetaeva lived in Paris. A personal meeting between them took place only briefly before the correspondence had started, then he wrote her a deeply-confessional 16-pages letter to which she responded and this is how it started. She fell in Love with him. In the last, the only saved letter, he reminded her that in that first long confessional letter he tried very hard to explain to her that he was homosexual. She did not understand, didn’t catch it or, rather, what I think and believe, – she did not want to understand or catch. What she saw was only this: a young, broken-hearted man from a previous relationship, who is very ill with a tuberculosis, about to have a lung surgery and who came to her for a help. So she ran to help him, fell in Love, because she felt being needed. This what Tsvetaeva was about … As I say and write about myself: “I am there where I am needed. Make me believe I am needed … and my Soul will be yours … ”. She was the same.  Quotes from her letters to him:
“I am longing for you. Never — without you. As — to be longing for a bread — means to be taken by thoughts about it. To be longing without a bread — means to be swallowed by it. Never in my life I’ve been longing – without a person. One thing — an overflow, another — emptiness. I will never be empty — by you. — I hope. (I think, I have never been empty even for a second).”
“And whether you like it or not, I already took you within, where I take everything cherished, without even contemplation, seeing it already within. You are my capture and catch, like today’s remnant of a Roman viaduct, with the dawn that breaks through and plunges in more faithfully and more eternally than the river Loing, into which it forever gazes at itself.”“But you, at certain moments, are I — to the point of strangeness”“Now I am thinking about you: thinking — you”“Your letter has gored my icy scurf, it opened up my own vibrant abyss – where you immediately and fully have engulfed yourself.”“I tell you in advance – whatever you will be, when you enter through my door, – I will be loving you anyway, because I love you already, because – the miracle has happened – and this is only about the degree of pain – the better you will be – the worse it will be – to me.”When she, finally understood the reason, why he couldn’t return her Love …. she wrote him a bitter and hurtful letter to which he responded:“Yes, you can be colder than a star if you want. I was always afraid of it.”In that last, the only saved letter, the young Shteiger with a wisdom of an old man, pointed out, in a form of a light and polite accusation, as a plain sad fact, at one of the very important characteristics of Tsvetaeva, that accompanied all to one of her relationships: all men that she ever Loved – she simply created in her exceptional unique imagination. She had to … to bring them closer to the level of the richness, vastness and the immensity of her Soul. But there were consequences: soon or later, that “image” fell off … So, Shteiger wrote to her: “You are so “powerful” and “rich”, you recreate the  people you meet in your own way, but when their real, authentic image comes out, after all, – you get astonished of the vanity of those on who that “gleam” of yours is no longer applied by you…But what does the Person might feel when that created “image” of yours is no longer applied on him by you ? After you created it, enjoyed it and then – stop seeing it in him ?” . It is so very true. I do the same … From her last letters to him:“… I loved you as who I am, which is difficult to explain … ““That was a blow to my chest (in which you resided) and, if I did not fall down — then only because no human force can knock me flat any more, because I no longer permit this to humans, because I will die — standing up”“How many times ? Don’t I know that everything ends; don’t I believe that this (what is in me for you) will end one day, will ease me that I will think out of you: will become again an empty – bleak – and roomy house: domaine ?”She dedicated a cycle of poems to him “Poems To Orphans”, the 4 epigraph lines, only he could understand: “Baby walked along the road Shivering and turning blue An old woman walked that road She took pity on the orphan”  Anatoly Shteiger will die of tuberculosis, in 1944 at the age of 37. So, what do you think ? Worth reading her letters first ? ***************************Now, prose and poetry.I can only recommend from what has been translated. If you spoke Russian, my recommendations would have been different. For example, I would have strongly suggested you to read her “Collated notes” and “Diary prose” she kept most of her life, but neither one of them has been translated. Some bits and pieces in various books, strangely translated as her “diaries” (!?!). Poetry.The problem with her poetry is the translation. She created words, which are untranslatable, therefore, in translation, you only get the meaning of what she wrote and in many cases, it is badly mistranslated, misinterpreted. Another thing, that she had an absolute pitch and considered the music her first language. You need to listen to her poetry in Russian to understand what she was saying in a poem … it is absolutely untranslatable.  Don’t read anything translated by Elaine Feinstein. There is a special place in Hell for translators like her. She will go straight there, already reserved. Here is my short review of just 3 lines of Tsvetaeva, someone quoted, you will get an idea how bad her translations are: https://finita--la--commedia.tumblr.com/post/187285356964/your-name-is-a-kiss-of-snow-a-gulp-of-icy-springThe best translations, of her poetry, by my opinion, surprisingly, available free, on the Internet, by Ilya Shabat, a huge collection:http://lib.ru/POEZIQ/CWETAEWA/sbornik_engl.txtJust pick, randomly – any. Here is the pdf book with some of her poems I would also recommend:http://www.sumizdat.org/To_you_in_10_decades.pdfProse. 
Unfortunately, I could only find one work translated into English, it is worth reading:“The Letter to Amazon” – 13 pages. You can download pdf file here, the button in the right corner, on top:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319316122_LETTER_TO_AN_AMAZON_BY_MARINA_TSVETAEVAQuotes:“Listen to me, you do not have to respond to me, you have to just listen. This is a wound that I inflict right at your heart, at the heart of your cause, of your belief, of your body, of your heart.”“Weeping willow ! Inconsolable willow ! Willow – the body and soul of women ! Inconsolable neck of willow.”“In my youth I was quick to say to myself: I always fear letting go of the wave rising from me and carrying me to another. I always fear that I will not love anymore, that I will not learn anything anymore. But I am no longer young and I have learned to let go of almost everything – irretrievably”There is a semi-autobiographical story I would also recommend you to read, I think there is a translation: “The Tale of Sonechka”Quote:“– Marina, do you think God will forgive me for having been kissed so much ? – Do you think God counted ? – I didn’t count either.”  Well … uhhhh ….  let me know if you have more questions about her works, life, a family or about the correspondents I have listed above for each has a personal story. 
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure Hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart @xxqueenwxtchxx
Chapter 3
The mechanical hum of the plane you were in resonated throughout the cabin as you looked out the window, admiring the beautiful Indian sky, which had shifted into a pale blue ever since you and the rest of the team had taken off. Wisps of cloud fluttered by your window like tufts of cotton. As you glanced to the earth below, you noticed the forested terrain had turned more rugged and hilly, and small villages dotted the land here and there.
You and the team had been traveling for nearly two weeks at this point. Apparently while you had been unconscious, Namjoon and Jin had taken the time to study your tapestry, and they determined that the next step in the plan was to make their way toward the mountain ranges in the Bengal and Assam regions. Ever the one to be prepared, Jin had previously purchased an airliner with a capacity of anywhere from nine to seventeen passengers and a needed crew of three. Once you all had your supplies packed, you were off.
The plan was to land in Darjeeling and then take a vehicle up through the mountains. You were hoping that the time it would take to get there would fly by -- both figuratively and literally -- but with having to stop every five hundred kilometers or so for fuel, it grew more and more wearisome.
Most days you spent reading up on the history surrounding the tapestry, although you also attempted to make light conversation with the others every once in a while. It wasn’t that you disliked the boys, but rather you just couldn’t find anything to talk about other than the expedition. You formed all sorts of conversation starters in your mind, but when they would begin talking to you, your mind would go completely blank.
Your daydreaming is interrupted when you see Yoongi wandering toward you from the cockpit, fiddling with something in his hands. He stopped in front of you and, without a word, handed you what you realized to be a camera. You turned it over in your hands before raising your eyebrow in an unspoken question.
“Jin wanted me to give you this after I was done tinkering with it,” he explained as you inspected its leathery and sleek appearance. He folded his arms. “Don’t break it. I already have enough stuff to fix as it is.”
You smiled, remembering when Namjoon accidentally broke one of the armrests, causing Yoongi to go off on a rant about how if he had known Namjoon was such a hazard, he would never have taken this job.
“Thank you. I’ll try not to be as clumsy as the others,” you replied, carefully placing the camera to the side. Your mind was at a blank again. Shit, what should you say? Should you ask about the maintenance of the plane? Should you ask something more personal? “Um, so, what’s your favorite food?” You mentally cringed at your words. Why the hell did you ask that?
Yoongi quirked an eyebrow. “I guess anything with meat in it. Can’t resist a good steak.” He then grinned. “What, are you planning on cooking our next meal?”
You took a moment to ponder that. “There’s only so much rations I can take. Maybe I will cook. I’ve been craving bangers and mash,” you suggested. “Or perhaps bubble ‘n squeak?”
Yoongi’s face wrinkled in slight disgust. “I forget you British people have no sense of taste,” he remarked, leaning against one of the seats with his arms still crossed.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. “My American colleagues would agree with you, but I can assure you that my shepherd’s pie is anything but disgusting,” you mentioned.
“Pie? Who’s making pie?” Taehyung suddenly butted in, tampering with some mechanism in one hand. You and Yoongi noticed a stick of dynamite sticking out of the contraption and flew from your spots to the farthest corner from where Taehyung stood.
“What the hell?!” Yoongi shouted angrily, pressing you close to the wall and holding an arm out in front of you for protection. “Are you trying to kill us all?!”
Taehyung stared at you both in bewilderment for a few seconds before glancing down at the mechanism in his hand. Realization dawned upon him as his mouth formed around a silent “oh.” “Geez, calm down, you two. It’s defective. I wouldn’t just walk around with an explosive in hand in a flying plane,” he laughed, removing the stick and twirling it between his fingers.
Yoongi relaxed a bit and shook his head in disbelief, finally moving away from the wall. The smell of oil and metal left with him. “Y’know, these days, I'm not so sure,” he sighed, jabbing a finger at him.
“What’s going on in here?” Jin asked as he walked in. His eyes, too, landed upon Taehyung and the stick of dynamite. You could practically see the gears turning in his head. When the dots finally connected after a few seconds of stunned silence, his eyebrows shot up as he flung himself back and screamed at the top of his lungs, fear etched into every part of his face.
You had never seen a man so scared in your entire life.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Jin! It’s defective!”
He seemed to calm down a bit at those words, but fear and paranoia remained imprinted in his features. His eyes were glued to the explosive. “Well, get rid of it then!” he snapped, recomposing himself from such an embarrassing ordeal.
“Can everyone please stop yelling?” Jimin shouted from his seat in the cockpit. “It’s a little hard to concentrate with all that commotion back there!”
Jungkook poked his head out from the cockpit, slight concern growing on his face. “What’s wrong-”
“Before you start screaming,” Taehyung interrupted, jabbing the dynamite at a now surprised Jungkook, “it’s defective.” He then brushed past everyone and unceremoniously tossed the stick into a cardboard box labeled in black marker ‘defective’. You all flinched when it landed in the box but relaxed after a few seconds of anxious silence.
Jin sighed, his broad shoulders sagging. “Tae, what have we said about messing with the explosives?” he asked, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
“Don’t touch them unless absolutely necessary. But you know who made that rule?” Taehyung pointed at himself. “Me. I’m the expert here, and I say it’s absolutely necessary to check every once in a while to separate the defects from the working explosives.”
“Just do it away from us so we don’t go into cardiac arrest,” you said, crossing your arms.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders before leaving the group, probably to go check on the supplies once more. Jin collapsed in a nearby chair, his hand resting on his chest. Yoongi shuffled away, mumbling something about fixing whatever recent thing Namjoon had broken. This left you alone with the millionaire and the muscle.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck before turning to Jin. “Hyung, would you like a drink?” he suggested, knowing fully well the guy needed it.
Jin nodded, “Get me a soju.”
Jungkook went over to one of the nearby boxes and pulled out a green bottle. Looking up to you, he asked “Would you like anything, too, y/n?”
You considered the offer for a few moments, wondering if now was a good time to be drinking. However, after that scare with the dynamite, a drink sounded amazing. “Sure, I guess I’ll also have a soju.” You then smirked. “As long as it isn’t drugged.”
The bodyguard chuckled at your comment as he took the green bottle and three shot glasses. He popped off the cap using one of the nearby armrests and poured the clear liquid into the shot glasses. “Have you ever had soju?” he questioned as he handed you your drink.
You shook your head. “No, but I can’t think of a better time to rectify that.”
“It tastes like watered down vodka, in case you’re wondering,” Jin described to you as he received his glass from the younger man.
You held the glass out and observed it for a few seconds, taking a moment to watch the liquid swirl around. “Vodka, huh? I expected you to be more of a wine guy,” you commented, bringing your drink back down.
“I am,” Jin replied, looking out the window at the cloudy, blue sky for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to you, “but this situation calls for something a little stronger.” He then lifted his glass up in the air for a toast. “Geon bae.”
You also lifted up your glass. “Geon bae,” you cheered, causing Jungkook to chuckle at your attempt to replicate Jin’s pronunciation. You all threw the shot back, and you felt the liquid burn in your throat as you swallowed it down. Ah, you could feel its warmth pooling in your stomach, and you released a sigh you felt had been trapped in your chest for a long time. “It does taste like watered down vodka.”
“This is from Jimin’s stash,” Jungkook confessed. He lifted a finger to his lips and smirked at you, narrowing his eyes in a conspiratory manner. “Let’s keep this a secret between us.” You weren’t sure if your cheeks were heating up because of the look in his eyes or because of the alcohol.
You grinned back at him, trying to ignore your flustered state. “Just as long as you don’t tell him I took some of his rations,” you bargained, surprised at your own banter. It had to be the alcohol, right?
His smirk was replaced with a mirthful smile as he laughed at your comment. “It’s a deal then,” he concluded, still laughing to himself.
“Then I guess I might as well admit that I used some of Jimin’s cologne when he wasn’t looking?” Jin added, clinking his fingers against his glass sheepishly.
“Everyone probably uses Jimin’s stuff when he isn’t looking,” you noted casually, remembering the time when Jimin was looking for his comb when Taehyung had secretly swiped it.
“Gentlemen and... gentlewoman... we are now arriving at our destination. Please buckle yourselves as we descend into Darjeeling. Thank you for flying Jimin Airlines!” The pilot in question announced over the overhead speakers.
Jungkook chuckled to himself as he took yours and Jin’s glasses and placed them back in the crate he pulled them from. “What a dork...” He seated himself in the chair next to Jin, and buckled himself in with a resounding ‘click’.
Namjoon soon entered the cabin, nose deep in his book which, from the looks of it, was written in Bengali. He gave you a polite greeting before he took a seat in front of Jin. You decided to sit next to him, since you haven’t had the chance to talk to the archeologist yet. As you buckled yourself in, you peeked at Namjoon’s book again. You admired the beautiful artwork that adorned one of the pages he was currently reading.
“How’s the book?” you asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Namjoon turned his gaze to you, unsure if you were talking to him at first. “Oh, um, it’s good,” he answered, setting the book in his lap. “It’s all about the history of the Bengali and Assam regions. I thought I’d refresh my memory, since our expedition is taking us here.”
You nodded in understanding, finding his research to be both fascinating and impressive. “So, what’s this about then?” you inquired, pointing at a page.
Namjoon glanced down at where you pointed, his dark eyes wandering over the page. “It’s just talking about how the Pala Empire formed under Gopala I,” he explained. “Both regions were a part of the empire until the Hindu Sena dynasty dethroned the Pala Empire in the 12th century.”
You were impressed that Namjoon didn’t simply read the page verbatim, instead summarizing based on his own memory and understanding. You knew he was incredibly intelligent the moment he dated your tapestry, but he continued to impress you. Before this had all began, when you were still arranging a meeting with him about your tapestry, you had done some research of your own on the man, which had led to an impressive list of books all written by the historian. Of course, you hadn't done enough research to find out he wasn’t actually an active professor like he had led you to believe.
“Y/n!” you heard your name being called in a cheerful tone. Hoseok bounded into your view and sat down in the flight seat in front of you, smiling brightly at you. “You almost forgot your camera in the back seats.” He held out the leather encased camera, and you mentally chastised yourself as you took it out of his hands. “You’re lucky it was me who found it and not Yoongi.”
You imagined the scowl and rant you would have received from the mechanic and were extremely thankful to the doctor. “Yeah, thanks for saving my neck, Hoseok,” you chuckled, tightening your grip on the case.
He laughed. “Well, I am the doctor. It’s what I do,” he smiled his infectious smile. “Oh, and please, call me Hobi. The others already call me that anyway. You might as well too at this point.”
“Dr. Hobi,” you tested the name on your tongue. “Sounds like a character from the cartoons in the papers.”
“Oooh! I like the sound of that! Dr. Hobi to the rescue!”
Just as planned, you landed in Darjeeling and were currently helping the other boys bring the supplies to the motel rooms Jin had booked for the night. You placed all of the crates you could manage onto your flat and started pushing it past the other boys. Big mistake on your part. Why? Because it was currently thirty degree celsius and very humid, and the boys were doing manual work, which meant, yes, they were indeed sweating.
Most of them had their sleeves rolled up and their shirts unbuttoned as sweat rolled down their faces. You could see Jungkook’s muscles flex as he carried heavy equipment to his flat and Namjoon’s sculpted calves clench as he lifted his share of the crates. You felt the blood rush to your already warm cheeks, and you willed yourself not to look at them.
Get a grip, woman, you scolded yourself internally.
You had to remind yourself that they were your teammates, not men you could fantasize about. This was all strictly professional, and you intended to keep it that way.
“Need a hand, boys?” you asked, wiping the sweat from your brow as you tried your very best not to notice the way Jimin’s shirt was currently very see through.
Taehyung grinned at you mirthfully and sauntered over. Dear Lord, he was wearing a tank top. “Could I add something to your flat?” he asked hopefully.
You nodded. “Yep! Just put it right here!” You pointed at an open area.
“Thanks, y/n.” He then stretched himself out on the flat and wrapped his arms behind his head. His eyes fluttered shut as he continued to grin cheekily. “Alright, darling, take us over.”
You gaped at him. “You cheeky monkey!” you scolded, smacking him on the shoulder, rousing a chorus of laughter from him and the rest of the team. “Get up!”
Yoongi looked wistfully at Taehyung. “Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” he wondered out loud to himself.
You shook the flat hoping it would cause the demolition expert to flop off, but he stubbornly stuck to his spot. Exasperation flood over your being as you threw your head back. Wasn’t this man supposed to be an adult? Then why was he acting like a child? “Taehyung, get off!” you chided, giving the flat another good shake. However, your efforts bore no fruit.
Taehyung pouted slightly. “Why? I get a nice view of you from down here,” he bluntly remarked, his pout forming into a bold grin.
You sputtered for a few seconds, your mind at a complete loss for words. Did he just…? No, that can’t be right. You must’ve heard wrong. Maybe he was talking about the nice view of the sky? Yes, that had to be it.
Jimin giggled at your bothered state, crouching down slightly so his arms rested on his thighs. “Aw, look how flustered you made her, Tae~” he cooed, tilting his head amusedly. “Looks like someone isn’t used to getting complimented.”
Your cheeks were inflamed at this point, and you were fairly sure everyone could see how embarrassed you were. It wasn’t that you weren’t used to being complimented, but rather the boys were taking it a step further than complimenting. It was on the border of flirting. “Of course I’m used to being complimented!” you refuted, trying to recompose yourself. “It’s just that-! I-!”
“Liar!” Hoseok interjected, wrapping an arm around Yoongi’s shoulders. “You’re sooo not used to getting complimented.I think we should fix that, don’t you agree?” He looked at Yoongi for answer.
The mechanic shrugged his shoulders. “If we fix it, then we won’t get to see her all embarrassed again,” he mentioned, looking at the other’s for their opinion.
Hoseok let out a noise of agreement before adding, “You’re right! She looks so cute when she’s shy!”
You panicked once more. Cute? You can’t remember the last time someone called you cute. All your friends squealed about how cute your cat was, but never had anyone recently called you cute. You placed a hand on your cheek to feel if it was indeed inflamed, and you were fairly certain your cheeks were never this hot before. “Okay, okay!” you cried out, throwing your hand at your side. “You can stop with the bloody teasing!”
“We’re not teasing,” Jungkook rebutted, leaning against his flat with an amused twinkle in his eye. “If we were teasing, we’d talk about how you look like a deer caught in headlights.”
“Or a schoolgirl when a boy flirts with her,” Jimin added, running his fingers through his raven hair. Damn, he shouldn’t be doing that when you’re already so flustered.
“I wish I could use your camera and take a picture of you right now,” Jin teased playfully, gesturing to the camera that hung from your neck. “The pictures would be hilarious!”
“If you do,” Namjoon butted in, a coltish grin spreading from ear to ear, “give me a few. I’d like to have something to look back on and laugh.” He then snickered seeing the gaped look you were giving him. When did these boys get so cheeky with you?
“Alright! That’s it! Enough of that!” The boys laughed wildly at your now provoked expression, knowing fully well that they managed to get under your skin. You just had enough of their silly teasing! Anymore and you would’ve imploded.
“Huh, she gets angry when we either compliment her or when we tease her,” Yoongi remarked, folding his arms as a disappointed look crept onto his features. “You’re a mean girl, y/n.” The way he said ‘mean girl’ made your body feel things you know fully well you shouldn’t be feeling.
“Hmmm, I do seem to recall that you like to tease us a lot, too, y/n,” Namjoon referred to, rousing up remarks of agreement from the other boys. “That’s a bit unfair.”
“Ooooh~ does that mean we get to tease her more then?” Jimin inquired, a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Hoseok lit up at Jimin’s suggestion, his eyes flickering with a spark of excitement. You could practically see the many plans of future teasing running through his thoughts. “I like that idea! Perhaps we could tease her about how she talks in her sleep? I mean, last night she was mumbling about wanting to interview a farmer in charge of an ostrich farm so badly!” The other boys squealed in laughter, imaging you eagerly wanting to meet the ostrich farmer in your dreams. Some of them were laughing so hard they used the crates as support.
You couldn’t believe where this was going. “No! No! Don’t team up against me!” you protested, jabbing a finger at all of them. “All I want is get him off!” You gestured dramatically at the man who was still lying on your flat.
Taehyung stopped laughing and pouted once more, his behavior resembling one of a child who was told no. Lord help you with these boys. “But I’m so tired!” he whined, clinging to the flat.
After a few seconds of chastising Taehyung to no avail, you managed to convince Jungkook to carry the demolition expert off so you could continue on with your job of moving crates and avoiding the sight of sweaty, attractive men who wanted nothing more than to embarrass you.
You pushed your flat onward, glancing at the slip of paper given to you by Jin that had the directions to the motel written in rather professional looking handwriting. The town you and the boys had landed in was rather run down looking. You saw a few kids playing in the streets and could hear loud, cheery voices coming from the pubs, but other than that the town looked dead. You assumed that it was because of how late it had gotten.
You admired how the sky had turned into a beautiful mix of red, orange, and pink as the sun had begun to set, and if it hadn’t been so bloody hot, you might have decided to go for a walk after you had dropped off the supplies at the motel room. The temptation to just go off on your own little brief adventure was very strong indeed, but, again, the humid weather manage to convince you otherwise.
You managed to find the motel after a few minutes of pushing and shoving, and the sweat that clung stickily to your body and clothes made you desperate for a cold shower. Perhaps instead of that walk you were contemplating, you would take a shower.
You found the room no problem, and, after a few minutes of moving the crates, you had successfully stored the supplies in your room. Luckily, you convinced Jin to book you a room all by yourself, not wanting to have to change or shower knowing the boys were right there. Your room wasn’t amazing, but it was certainly better than other motel rooms you’ve stayed at. You didn’t spot any cockroaches right away thankfully. The only thing that probably revealed its mediocrity was the discolored ceiling and walls. Other than that, it seemed to be in rather good condition.
When you realized just how sweaty you were, the bathroom began to call to you with the promise of a heavenly cold shower, but you knew that you had to, unfortunately, take the flat back to the airport. Ugh, you really didn’t want to have to deal with the boys possibly teasing you once more, but you knew that you didn’t have much of a choice… again. Sighing to yourself, you trudged back to the hallway outside the motel room.
When you opened the door, the first thing you noticed was the strong stench of alcohol that filled the air, accompanied by the sight of a pair of shoes and pants that didn’t belong to any of your teammates. Fear slowly washed over you as your fight or flight instincts screamed at you to get away as soon as possible. Your eyes slowly dragged themselves up, hoping that your instincts were wrong, only to find yourself face to face with a man you didn’t know.
A man who was holding a knife directed threateningly at you.
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spectrehqs · 5 years
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congratulations ! welcome to spectrehqs ashcroft university. under the cut is a list of acceptances for all skeletons. thank you so much for applying & i’m so excited to start writing with you. please take a look at our checklist and send your account within the next twenty-four hours.
ANTONY: liam d’antona written by jason. 
in a sea of applications, there’s something special about one that really sucks you in the way yours did, i really got whisked away. starting with the end and beginning a mystery that would have me hooked for the entirety of your app. lush with detail, i would sometimes forget about the sheer mystery of liam’s acceptance at ashcroft until you drew me back to it. in the midst of laying the seeds of his secret, you painted a picture of a character colorful, interesting and romantic, rife with nods to classic literature and film. even the side characters of the story, his grandparents and father, felt real and alive. i literally wrote myself this note halfway through – “i’m completely on the edge of my seat about why he doesn’t want to get in? it’s killing me.” and then by the end, “I’M SCREAMING.” a natural progression, of course. i loved the juxtaposition of both sides of the page in his letters – his drunk letter vs. his sober letter, and his voice was so endearing and real that by the end of your application, i felt like i knew liam but i also knew TOO much because it was so vulnerable. this application was like diving into a great book and i can’t wait to read more of your writing. 
BRUTUS: christopher ‘kit’ stanley written by hayley. 
i was immediately struck by the juxtaposition you presented – the romanticism of kit’s name, home, and family, contrasted with their line of work and attitude. honestly, your sentence structure in that first paragraph really hit me hard and it set a great precedent for the rest of kit’s story. my jaw literally dropped when i read PENSHURST PLACE but i’m so glad you really went there with this character, going all the way to the top with the opulence and hitting home when it comes to what both ashcroft and the imperium society is all about. if you were worried about writing a controversial character, then stop, because kit exemplifies that in a way that is both relatable and painful. the way you wrote his introduction to lysander PAINED me because when i reached that point in the story, it was so satisfying to see such a lonely boy find such a heartwarming friendship, and it quickly becomes obvious how loyal lysander is to kit, how much he cares for him. the cherry on top is kit’s resentment toward octavia and how his relationship splintered with lysander as a result – leading to our ultimate climax. then when you casually dropped that big fucking secret in so casually at the end...the comment i wrote for myself? “GASP.” because damn, what else can i say? you’re on fire. i can’t wait to see how that unfolds. it’s a bad time to make enemies.
CLEOPATRA: iskra gill written by lara. 
this was not the cleopatra i expected at all – in a good way. iskra would like to be unexpected anyway, i think, she’s that kind of girl. her relationship with her family intrigues me most because it is not one of loyalty, and the way she watches her brother crash and burn ( no pun intended ) after being overlooked for her whole life is a moment that i found myself cheering for as the reader ? iskra is a character that worked herself up from the top to the bottom and then back up to the top again, and has lived several lifetimes for someone so young. her secret at first did not strike me as unique – several apps across the board expressed a secret, harbored love for the elusive octavia, but yours was the one i chose because of that realness, that raw understanding that comes with an unrequited love, and how that transitioned into her affair with titus. i also adored your ‘list’ of secrets, which really served to humanize her in so many ways, and the bachelor in paradise detail ? i was laughing through tears. her last fucking text, and all of the final text messages you wrote. words cannot express. if i wasn’t sold already, your fucking LETTER DRAFTS, all of them, heartbreaking and lovely, i felt like i gained a real and full understanding for iskra’s relationship with octavia and how utterly isolated she must feel now. i can’t wait to see every single one of these elements in play on the dash !
CORDELIA: norah bardot written by nica. 
interestingly enough, norah is a character that not only exemplifies the skeleton, but also shakespeare’s interpretation of cordelia: this soft innocence, good-hearted nature that comes with cordelia, but also a realness. compared to every other character, norah is different because her story is not rife with hatred, anger, or the tragedy of a broken home. norah’s is full of love and compassion – and all the ways that isn’t enough. the tiny details, like the soup kitchen and the way you described her mother’s comments, really made me feel the difference in relationship cordelia has with each parent. this line really sticks with me – “you wouldn’t know rebellion, you couldn’t afford to. naive innocence brushed across your forehead, branding you different.” i can’t think of better words and i won’t try. i am scared to accept a character like norah, of course, her gentle kindness and trusting nature are things that are about to get her eaten alive, but isn’t that the fun of it? you also captured her sheer genius as well, which the juxtaposition of that genius and also that naivety is *chefs kiss* – you get her and your interpretation was so well articulated. i am so fucking excited to write with you and read more of what you come up with.  
HAMLET: thalia lukas written by brooke. 
i can feel thalia’s rage and perhaps that runs in the family; rage for her father for how he treated them; rage for her mother for how she left; rage for society for what they did to her brother. thalia doesn’t come across any of her good qualities on her own, they come from lysander, which i found interesting, and i loved how you characterized her as this hopelessly ambitious person to the point of greed and dishonesty. i think you’ve created this sort of desperation in her that’s as strong and dangerous as any sort of violence and that’s what intrigued me at the start: where is this going? what disaster is thalia going to incur next? i also am so deeply drawn to and excited by thalia’s DISLIKE of octavia because ‘if octavia was a beautiful, blossomed rose, thalia was a thorny shrub.’ – all of her actions leading up to the disaster seem to justify all of thalia’s reactions afterward as well, and what we’re left with is a strong, passionate, disorderly mess that so exemplifies thalia, and every way you describe seems to just scream the outsider-ness that i was looking for and i love that she just doesn’t give a FUCK about octavia’s piece of mind – she’s looking for her own. i literally can’t wait to watch her clash with the rest of the muses we have on board here.
LADY MACBETH: valentine vega written by kiwi. 
i won’t get into how hard of a decision this was, you already know. what i will get into is how hard it was to read this application, it was dark and gritty and just the right amount of unsettling. and upsetting. certain aspects of it were so hard to read that i did have to take a break ( i think you can guess exactly where ), but when it comes down to it, valentine fits into this plot seamlessly, and while you can’t blame her for her past, you can blame her for the present; and it really made me think about the fact that her crime was not just what she did to octavia, but what she did to lysander ( which is actually worse than what she did to octavia in val’s story, in my opinion. ) i love an app that can give me a new perspective on my own fucking plot. i remember getting to the second half of your application and a LIGHTBULB dawning over my head when i realized the connection between the first half of her story and the second half, and i would have to agree with you that octavia certainly did not know the entirety of the situation at hand. but using one murder to cover up another...the skeletons are stacking up, and i love how you took the initiative to explain the blackmail in a way that also involves val – it’s nearly impossible not to sympathize with her when you look at it solely from her side. i love how perfectly composed she seems now and the juxtaposition between both contrasting letters you wrote, the one that seems proper and poised and the other that seems completely unhinged, which i sense is the direction you’re going. i am excited to watch such a poised character fall from grace, but i will feel for her at the same time – which is precisely why this works. 
MACBETH: dante campana written by pepper. 
i was hooked from this line: at first, he did. your characterization for macbeth was just so unexpected because to begin with, dante is such a bright person with such a big heart! he is the warm one in a family of cold hearts! i wrote this comment halfway through reading, at the part where he unintentionally starts a nonprofit: “i'm halfway through wondering how tf dante killed anybody? doesn’t make sense.” and yet, you made it make sense. through his relationship with his sister – and the jaw-dropping, horrific event that culminated in her loss, we learn so much about dante and see a changed person. i’ve been thinking a lot about the line where he learns from his family, “if you wanted love, you had to earn it,” and i think that already sets up a lot for his motivations later in his life story, when he commits such an atrocious act. and i think that’s the pull of dante; he doesn’t seem like a killer. not to me, not to anyone. all the police would have to do is GOOGLE him in order to write him off as being completely incapable. he’s a hero, and yet...the progression into villain is tragic, shocking, and morally ambiguous, just the way we like it. there are so many things about him that make him ‘good,’ but yet can we really call him that? i don’t think so, no, and i love this play on the grey areas, and the ways we don’t see the killer under our own noses because of the way they are perceived. thank you so much for crafting such an intriguing, interesting backstory, and i can’t wait to see how dante reacts under all of this new pressure. i trust you will write it beautifully.
OPHELIA: theresa rigby written by nora. 
my first comment: “u knew exactly what you were doing with this beautifully crafted symbolism, huh?” BUT I LOVED IT, the water baby symbolism was just the homage to ophelia i didn’t know i needed. i got strong sharp objects vibes throughout your application, and it’s hard not to associate theresa with death, but she owns it so completely and i can’t stop thinking about the image of her scribbling frantically in the pages of a diary. there’s something slightly unhinged about everything she does, but it’s hard to blame her – you can see every reason behind her actions in the layers of her upbringing. not to mention that you have such a gift for writing metaphors and comparisons that really bring the concepts you have in mind to life ! the cheesegrater one literally made me gasp, i could relate so deeply, and your entire app is filled with small nuggets of purely good writing just like that. such a treat to read. i also had to laugh at lady macbeth being her favorite shakespeare heroine, the way that’s what resonates with theresa and why, and the way that theresa lives her life is so HUMAN to me, and she completely endeared herself when she clumsily tried to quote Ginsberg bidding her friends goodbye. she’s ethereal, dreamlike, but theresa is also real, and that’s what i loved about your application so much. i was so excited by this application and i am even more excited to see more of theresa, because i know she’ll make me laugh, cry, and everything in between. 
OTHELLO: christian bösch written by em. 
it was the long haul to get an application for this skeleton but so, so worth it. i’m obsessed with your take, from how his history with his sister seamlessly transitions into his relationship with lady macbeth, how you’ve entwined christian so deeply in the octavia/lysander drama on his own, adding layers to his motivation for caving to lady macbeth’s whims. christian himself has many layers, and i wrote on your app, “i have no decision to make here. why do i keep reading this app again and again?” because it was just so fucking good, one of those things you read where you forget about everything else cause you’re lost in it for a moment. also, insanely impressed at the ways you dove into connection ideas with every skeleton, drawing similarities and differences between them and it meant a lot to me how much you clearly went through all the details. also, i loved the little bits of dialogue sprinkled throughout the background, i felt like i got a great sense of christian’s voice long before i reached the letter, and by the end you really empathize with his struggle. you can understand WHY it was so easy for lady macbeth to manipulate him in so many ways, and i didn’t even start talking about max ––– there’s just so much good shit to unpack here, i love it, and i can’t wait to continue peeling back the layers. as you can expect, christian will be faced with some major choices soon. only development will see where that takes him. i’m excited.
ROMEO: william “wolfie” preston written by samantha. 
oh, wowie wow. a very hard choice, but you hit it so far out of the park it’s in another galaxy. reading wolfie’s story was like reading a beautiful tragedy, starting with his parents first words when he was born and on to every expectation they placed on him afterward. i feel like romeo was one of those skeletons that had the most laid out for it due to octavia, but you took every little detail, embellished, AND ran with it, which i loved. my favorite part of your app was actually where you wrote about wolfie seeing octavia’s ghost and the first things he said to her – you described their relationship already, but that dialogue back and forth really hit home for me and made me completely understand the weight of their relationship. and why wolfie is just so devastated by what happened that it’s completely changed him as a person. loss can really do that to you, huh? i also really appreciated the way you also incorporated oberon into the story, something i didn’t really see! the way he craves validation from the head of school/the society the same way he craves it from his parents was really hard-hitting and i loved being able to get some insight into that dynamic as well. your app was infused with so many little details and i felt like you also really brought octavia to life, with her names for statues and all. i also died a little at the scene you described at his football game, my heart SUNK for wolfie, because it’s hard to watch him try so hard again. and again. and again. the letter itself was beautiful as well and i appreciated your scene setting, which not only put his words into perspective, but did more to make wolfie seem more real. sure, he’s a golden boy, but he’s also a person, and i’m excited to watch how the events of this plot show all the cracks in his foundation. he’s changed and he’s changing and i’m excited for more.
TITUS: august reyn written by moosh. 
i could not accept a titus that didn’t break my heart. and august broke my heart more times than i can count now, pretty much with every single fucking bullet point. i love the little contradictions; how he hates rich kids but he is one, doesn’t yell during fights but does during debates...i think the thing about august is he is cocky, charming, and at times aggressive, but he also has this sort of interesting moral code that motivates how he treats people and acts on the field; how he SCREAMS at the ref but is patient with his teammates? iconic. i feel like i got more upset over his grandmother’s passing than i did about octavia’s, which says a lot, but don’t think it passed me by how the two people who have really cared for august are no longer around. the moment in his life where he really fights back at his bully and learns the power of WEALTH was so impactful to me, and i think it characterizes many of his actions, prior and post. also the batman comparison was on point, of course. the way his relationship with his dad develops is heartbreaking, but even more heartbreaking is the fact that he loses a support system when things are at their worst. essentially, my heart snaps for august again and again, and reading about his development post-death was raw and hard, like i was reading something i shouldn’t be. i just want august to get a fucking win but i already know i’m going to put him through the ringer, sos sorry in advance. also huge props for roping him into the scandal surrounding octavia’s death in that way, i can’t wait to incorporate that into the plot overall. 
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crossbowking · 6 years
The Road Ahead : Chapter 9
Chapter Index HERE
Summary : (Set in the beginning of season 1) Anna Brooks lost everything after the world ended — the last remaining part of herself being her older brother, who she lost contact with after communications dropped. While en route towards Atlanta to find him, Anna’s truck breaks down, leaving her at the mercy of the cruel new world. Now, Anna must face her fears head on as she struggles to deal with devastating loss, constant danger, and finding her way in a land that now belongs to the dead. But sometimes, a glimmer of hope can be found disguised as a short-tempered, hard-headed redneck who may just save her life in more ways than one.
Pairings : Daryl x Original Female Character
Warnings : Slow-Burn, Language/Violence/typical Walking Dead themes
Author’s Note : As usual, thanks for all the love! Hope you guys are enjoying this story!
Happy reading!!!
xx crossbowking
Then the gunfire ceased, the campsite eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from soft cries of grieving survivors who’d lost loved ones.
Anna tore her gaze away from Daryl’s, cradling the hand she’d cut open against her chest as she collapsed backward, laying flat against the soil. She exhaled a shaky breath, heart hammering against her chest, eyes wandering the glistening night sky.
And she wondered silently to herself…just what in the hell had she gotten herself into.
No one slept that night.
The survivors worked from dusk until dawn, sifting through the decimated camp, dividing the dead walkers from their dead friends and placing them into separate growing piles. They worked in silence, the grief settling over the camp nearly tangible.
Anna stuck around to help clean up the aftermath — she’d felt like it would’ve been disrespectful not to. She had no ties to these people, dead or alive, but just because the human race was destroyed, that didn’t mean humanity had to fade along with it. No one questioned her presence either — she received some curious looks, but she just kept her head ducked down and focused on whatever task she was dealing with.
Her heart felt heavy, the gruesome images from the attack seared into her brain. She’d seen so much death and destruction since the world ended, it was all starting to blend into one, long, never-ending nightmare.
The morning became just as grim — it’d been brought to light that one of the survivors, Jim, had been bit while helping take down the herd the night before. His fever was already starting to take over, hallucinations bending the cusp of reality, and Anna knew it wouldn’t be long until he turned — she’d seen it happen before. There was no coming back from a bite.
Anna took a break from dragging yet another biter to the growing fire, the group having decided to burn the dead and bury their own. Stretching out her sore muscles, she arched her back, relishing in the brief moment of relief it brought. She tightened the cloth wrapped around her torn palm — she’d ripped off a strip of her flannel, using it as a makeshift bandage around the hand she’d cut open tackling that final walker.
She peeked under the cloth, inspecting the angry red slash mark, picking at the dried blood caked around the wound. Gritting her teeth together, Anna pushed away any discomfort and reached down to grab the ankles of the walker below her, continuing her trek to the fire.
“Need a hand?” came a soft voice from behind.
Anna craned her neck, spotting the mother of the boy she’d saved standing in her path. “Uh…yeah, sure,” Anna nodded, voice rasping from being unused.
The woman quietly walked over to stand opposite of Anna, bending down to hoist the biter up from its armpits. They made it to the fire much faster working together, each slightly out of breath as they tossed the body into the flames with a huff. Anna paused, wiping the sweat that formed on her brow with the back of her hand. She felt eyes on her and glanced over at the woman who was watching her, an odd expression on her face. “Want me to check that out?” she suddenly asked, pointing towards Anna’s makeshift bandage.
“Oh, no. It’s okay. Thank you though,” Anna waved off immediately.
The woman sighed, taking a step closer. “You saved my sons life,” she stressed, tears suddenly swarming her vision. “Least I can do is wrap your hand properly,” she finished, a steely determination settling over her face.
Feeling a bit cornered, Anna relented, nodding her head in acceptance. The woman shot her a tight smile, motioning for her to follow. “I’m Lori, by the way,” the woman introduced as Anna fell in step beside her.
“Anna,” she retorted, reaching out to shake the woman’s outstretched hand.
“I’m gonna grab the first aid kit — you just go on an’ make yourself comfortable by the fire pit, alright?” Lori urged, her expression taut despite the kindness in her eyes.
Anna nodded, parting ways with the woman and heading towards one of the lawn chairs set up near the fire pit. She winced as she lowered her body onto the chair, not realizing until that moment how sore her entire body was. She hadn’t slept in over twenty-four hours, barely ate or drank anything, and was finally feeling the aftermath of her scuffle with the walker that almost ended her life.
That should’ve ended my life, a quiet thought suddenly snuck up.
Anna sighed, surveying the campsite. Glenn and T-Dog were working together to carry more bodies to the fire. An older woman, with buzzed gray hair and a faraway look in her eyes, held a young blonde girl to her chest, absently running a hand through the girls short hair. The other police officer in the group who’d already introduced himself to Anna — Shane — was hunched over a map, speaking in hushed tones with an older man wearing a khaki fisherman’s hat.
And then her eyes landed on Daryl, who was wielding a pickaxe and making sure the dead stayed dead. She watched as he swung the pickaxe into the temple of the dead, grunting as he yanked the blade out. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the crook of his arm, resting the weapon against his shoulder as he turned.
His eyes suddenly flashed towards Anna, narrowing when he realized she’d been watching him. But Anna didn’t back down, holding his gaze steadily until he clenched his jaw and stalked back into the forest.
Daryl had saved her life — again. For someone who seemed to truly dislike her, he sure was making it a habit of keeping her alive. Twice now he had interfered, putting a stop to whatever had been putting her life at risk. Which led her to believe that maybe underneath all of the archer’s stoniness, he had a heart. She had seen it before — that day she first met him on the road, she saw it. He could’ve left her to fend for herself against Merle, he could’ve left her stranded, he could’ve walked away. But he didn’t.
She sighed once more — there was no use in trying to unravel the enigma that was Daryl. She wouldn’t be sticking around long enough to figure him out. As soon as the bodies were cleared and buried, she was leaving for Fort Benning like she should have from the get-go.
Anna saw Lori striding her way, first aid kit in hand. She silently sat on a chair opposite of Anna, balancing the kit on her knee as she rifled through the supplies, pulling out antiseptic and a bandage. “Alright, lemme see,” Lori murmured, setting the kit by her feet as she held out her hand. Anna untied the knotted flannel strip, hissing as some skin was pulled along with it, the blood having dried against the cloth. She held out her exposed palm to Lori, who held it gently, examining it close to her face. “Not too bad. We’ll have you fixed up in no time,” she assessed, a soft smile tracing her pretty features.
“Thank you,” Anna replied quietly, allowing Lori to begin cleaning the cut, wincing as she dabbed antiseptic along the wound. “How’s your son doing?” she asked, trying to distract herself from the sting.
“He’s okay…” Lori hesitated, looking up at Anna. “Carl’s strong. He’s a real strong boy. He gets it from his father,” she emphasized, her eyes softening as she glanced over to where her son sat beside the older woman and her daughter. “So, have you been on your own long?”
Anna paused, gnawing on her bottom lip for a moment. “Uh, kinda. A couple weeks, I think.”
“An’ before that?” Lori questioned, unraveling the bandage, satisfied that the wound was cleaned thoroughly.
Anna reached subconsciously for her necklace, squeezing the rings in her hand. “I was with my parents,” she murmured simply, not needing to go into detail.
Lori looked up at her, expression somber. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry.”
Anna shook her head quickly, letting the rings fall back against her chest. “It’s okay. It’s just how things are these days, right? I mean, look around,” she scoffed humorlessly, motioning towards the growing pile of bodies near the RV. Lori followed her stare, nodding sadly as she began wrapping Anna’s hand.
“It never gets easier,” Lori exhaled. “Loss, I mean,” she clarified, sniffling softly.
Anna hummed in agreement, her gaze landing on a blonde woman sitting by the RV — she hadn’t moved from that spot all night, still holding hands with one of the survivors who hadn’t made it.
Lori followed Anna’s eye line over to the pair of women. “Amy was such a sweet girl,” she murmured, voice thick with emotion.
“Who’s the other woman?” Anna asked quietly.
“Andrea. Her sister,” Lori explained as she finished tying the bandage around Anna’s wrist. “Amy came back. Andrea put her down. But she still won’t let us take her — even pulled her gun on my husband when he tried to talk to her,” she griped, clearly not happy with Andrea’s threat.
“I’m sure she’ll come around once she’s ready,” Anna sighed sympathetically as she examined Lori’s handiwork. “Thank you for this,” she spoke, holding up her bandaged hand, quickly changing the subject.
Lori waved her gratitude away. “Like I said — least I could do.”
Anna forced a smile before pushing up from her chair and heading back to work, needing to distract herself from her haunting thoughts. All she could think about was Ben and if she and her brother had been in the position Andrea and Amy had been in…would she have been able to pull the trigger?
She hoped she’d never have to find out.
The rest of the morning remained uneventful. The group had decided to put together some semblance of a funeral, wanting to bury their own and pay their respects. And once again, Anna found herself sticking around. She could never seem to find the right time to make her leave, something always drawing her back in.
By early afternoon, the entire group was standing on top of the quarry’s peak, the Atlanta skyline in the distance, watching the bodies of their loved ones being rolled into shallow graves. Anna stood off to the side, hands clasped tightly in front of her, watching body after body disappear beneath the Earth. But it wasn’t until Andrea stepped forward that it became too much for Anna to bear.
Watching the woman’s quiet desperation as she gently maneuvered her sister into her grave broke Anna’s heart. She recognized the defeat and utter sorrow crumpling the woman’s features, so similar to her own. Anna wiped at a stray tear that snaked down her cheek before she turned on her heel and made her leave, hurrying back down the hill and to the campsite, unable to watch any longer.
The campsite was quiet with the others still up the hill and for the first time, Anna felt like she could finally take a breath — she found peace in the silence. She wandered past the RV and came to a stop beside the quarry’s cliffside, overlooking a breathtaking body of water below.
Fort Benning. She needed to start making her trek to Fort Benning — she had to know whether or not her brother had made it there. That was the point of everything she had done up until now and she wasn’t going to stop until she found the answers she was looking for.
The quiet didn’t last long, a truck’s rumble sounding through the air, followed by a crowd of shuffling footsteps. Anna peeked over her shoulder, watching Daryl park his pickup near the RV, sparing her a quick glance before he stormed off to his tent. She watched as the group dispersed, some joining together by the fire pit, others heading towards their respective tents.
Her eyes then landed on the sheriff bringing up the rear of the group, hand in hand with Lori, their son running ahead to catch up to the little blonde girl. Rick caught Anna’s gaze and leaned in to kiss Lori’s cheek, before parting ways with her and making his way towards the cliffside where she stood.
“Afternoon, officer,” Anna greeted with a small salute. He scoffed lightly, some of the tension in his face fading despite the fact that he looked as though he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“How you holdin’ up, Brooks?” he inquired, nodding towards her injured hand as he came to a stop in front of her.
“Could be worse,” Anna shrugged. “Hey, I’m sorry about your people,” she murmured, kicking at the dirt with the toe of her boot.
Rick nodded quietly, eyes far away before coming back to settle on her. “Could’a lost a lot more if you hadn’t shown up.”
Anna shook her head, brushing him off. “Oh, I really didn’t — ”
“You did,” he urged, his expression worn but gaze fierce. “You didn’t have to give us a ride, but you did. You didn’t have to help us with that herd, but you did. I haven’t had the chance to properly thank you for last night. My son is alive an’ that’s because of you.”
Anna didn’t know what to say, watching as Rick’s eyes flooded with emotion, his gaze swiveling towards Carl, giggling alongside Lori near the fire pit.
He cleared his throat, turning his attention back to Anna. “Now, I know you said before that you’ve got a brother out there somewhere. An’ you said you were thinkin’ of tryin’ for Fort Benning, is that right?”
Anna simply nodded, still taken aback at the sheriff’s words.
“I met a man a couple days ago. He told me there were rumors about the CDC an’ how it might still be up an’ runnin’. Now, Fort Benning is a hundred miles in the opposite direction. I think we should try for the CDC — maybe they’re workin’ on a cure, maybe there’re other survivors,” Rick paused, quieting his voice as he took a step closer to Anna. “Jim’s gettin’ worse an’ we can’t stay here — all those gunshots last night…we might as well have rung the dinner bell. Those walkers from the city could be headin’ up this way as we speak. I think this may be our best shot,” he implored, seeming sure about this new course of action.
Anna’s brows knitted, confusion spreading over her features. He was speaking as if she was involved in this decision — ‘our best shot’. “If you think the CDC is the best move, I would trust your gut,” Anna finally responded. “But my brother left me a note in Atlanta. He said he was heading for the army base. So that’s where I need to go.”
Rick exhaled, looking torn for a moment. “I get it, Anna, I do. Family’s everythin’. But this world jus’ isn’t what it used to be,” he pressed, holding out a hand warily. “Now, riskin’ it on your own…the chances of you gettin’ there may be slim. But in a group, you may jus’ have a better shot. You got people watchin’ your back, you got supplies…an’ if the CDC’s a dead end, we can turn back an’ try for Fort Benning.”
Anna crossed her arms over her chest, still unsure why she was being included amongst this group of strangers. “Why does it matter what I do? You’ve got your own people to worry about, don’t you?”
Rick cocked his head to the side as if she was missing the point. “You’ve more than earned your place in this group, Anna,” he expressed sincerely. “It’s your decision, of course, but I think it’d be good for us all to stick together — an’ I’ve seen you take on those geeks. I know you can handle your own out there. We need more people like that in this group if we stand any chance of survival.”
Anna exhaled heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose as she mulled over his words. “Yeah, no pressure,” she scoffed sarcastically. The corner of Rick’s mouth quirked up as he waited for her answer. “Look, you guys seem like good people — otherwise, I would’ve been long gone by now,” she began. “But my brother…he’s all I’ve got left, you know? I mean, what if the situation was reversed? What if it was your family out there?”
An odd expression flashed across his face as he paused. “I’d do anythin’ to find them,” he admitted truthfully, a weightiness to his words but Anna didn’t press the matter.
“So would I,” Anna shrugged meekly, watching as Rick’s expression deflated, although he seemed to understand where she was coming from.
But as a heavy silence hung in the air, she wasn’t sure as to why she was suddenly so torn about her decision — finding Ben meant everything to her. It’d been something she’d been so dead set on. It’d been what kept her alive this long. But now, after finding this group, after hearing Rick’s words…that certainty wavered.
“Jus’ think about it, alright?” Rick finally relented, placing a hand on his hip as he scanned the camp. “We’re leavin’ first thing in the mornin’. Stay the night an’ see how you feel tomorrow, okay?” he offered.
Anna found herself nodding in agreement before she realized what she was doing, the sheriff possessing a compelling nature in the art of persuasion. Rick shot her a tight smile, reaching forward and squeezing her shoulder gently.
But as he walked away, heading towards his family and the group of survivors Anna felt so drawn to, she came up with one, single, frustrating conclusion — she was more conflicted now than ever before.
A/N : I hope this chapter wasn’t too boring! I know it’s not as action-packed or angsty as others, but all good things take time! (I miss season 1 Rick, btw. *sad sigh*) Thanks for all the love and support!
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Your home has been overrun. You have to evacuate immediately. You can only take three items with you and the rest you’ll never see again - what do you take? Something personal? Something resourceful? Which three items do you pick?
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