theloulouge · 1 year
Reminder Reflections 20
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
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niddoofficial · 7 years
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Via @peac_hy ❤️L O V E • Y O U R S E L F • F I R S T❤️❣️.. If a man DOES NOT call you it's because he DOESN'T WANT to call you. If he doesn't invite you to go out it's because he DOESN'T WANT to see YOU. If he treats you like RUBBISH it's because he doesn't think you are WORTHY of his RESPECT and he DOESN'T CARE! If he let's you go, it's because he DOESN'T WANT to be with you. When a man says "I'm not READY, but you are the love of my life or all I want but NOW is not the RIGHT TIME". It's simply because he DOESN'T WANT YOU! DO NOT keep playing his confusing games. Don't JUSTIFY HIM! Don't keep making EXCUSES for his lack of respect! When a man TRULY loves a woman, he stays with her WITHOUT LIES, EXCUSES, COMPLICATIONS or INFLICTING PAIN! STOP being genuine and naive and put YOURSELF FIRST! You DO NOT need someone the doesn't know what they want, you DO NOT need someone that doesn't SEE YOUR WORTH! You DESERVE a man that VALUES YOU and work hard for YOUR HAPPINESS and LOVE EVERYDAY! STOP breaking your OWN HEART for someone who doesn't RESPECT or CARE about YOU! Choose YOU FIRST and give yourself the opportunity to BE HAPPY!.. #SayNoToDomesticViolence #DomesticViolence #UseYourVoice #ChooseYouFIRST #YouAreAQueen #WalkAway #SpeakUp #EmpowerYourselves #YouAreAnointed #YourAreGodsChild #SmileAndRemember #IfItsNotTheBestIDontWantIt #NeverSettle #YouAreBlessedAndHighlyFavoured Hair: @cococraft_ng Dress: @tubo__ Make Up: @jembieshop #NiddoOfficialExclusives
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agentmintea · 7 years
tagged by @gryffindorkx who is amazing and has such a nice and pretty blog omg and also wow this has been in my drafts for months??? i am a terrible person??????
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi:
coke but tbh neither... 
2. disney or dreamworks:
ahhhh idk?????? dreamworks has the more original stories, and better franchises, but i guess imma hafta go with disney bc they’ve got all the classics and i’m also a sucker for the songs
3. coffee or tea:
ughhhh both?!?!?! tea because it’s more versatile and i’m always down for tea. but i do love a good cup of coffee
4. books or movies:
books. but i also love movies
5. windows or mac:
windows and i will fight you on this jk i won’t. i understand why some ppl prefer mac but for me/for what i use/for what i want, windows for sure
6. dc or marvel:
marvel bc peggy carter is the love of my life
7. x-box or playstation:
I have not used either for any extended period of time but I'm saying xbox for the times I've used Kinect
8. dragon age or mass effect:
so I looked these up and they’re video games which is not my thing but imma agree with @gryffindorkx on this one and say dragon age just bc dragons
9. night owl or early riser:
night owl all the way
10. cards or chess:
cards bc lots of variety? but i’m also horrendous at both rip
11. chocolate or vanilla:
chocolate usually, vanilla sometimes
12. vans or converse:
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar:
lmao so apparently these are dragon age characters and when you put this into google lots of the first results are fanfic?????? lmao?????????
14. fluff or angst:
hmmmm it really depends... either as long as it’s well written tbh... but also fluff.
15. beach or forest:
16. dogs or cats:
17. clear skies or rain:
clear skies yikes (though I love snow)
18. cooking or eating out:
lol I suck at cooking so eating out??? but I love home cooked food and I do not have $$$... basically I just need to learn to cook is what we’re learning, kids
19. spicy food or mild food:
mild bc I don’t understand the concept of covering up the taste of the food with the spice???? like if a thing is meant to be spicy then ok but I do not understand ppl adding spice to their food......
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas:
Christmas bc I like exchanging gifts and the whole family spirit thing... although we don’t really do that much to celebrate it
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot:
if I can change the temperature by changing my clothing, then cold (like if I just have to wear extra layers all the time) but if it’s like a never-changing thing then hot???
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be:
rationally, teleportation ... but just for curiosity, speaking to animals
23. animation or live action:
both!! (on average probably animation though)
24. paragon or renegade:
lmao what is with all these video game questions
25. baths or showers:
26. team cap or team ironman:
why can’t everyone just get along :(((((( 
27. fantasy or sci-fi:
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”   ― J.K. Rowling
“Nobody is wired wrong, because there’s no wrong and right in the way we are.” ― Hannah Hart
"All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
29. youtube or netflix:
youtube bc it’s free also youtubers are my life
30. harry potter or percy jackson:
31. when you feel accomplished:
is this asking for a moment I've felt accomplished?? or?? i love the feeling when i know a gift i’ve picked out for someone is Just Right, or when i feel like i’ve been helpful
32. star wars or star trek:
star wars but only bc ive never seen star trek (sorry!!)
33. paperback books or hardback books:
hardback assuming this is about owning books
34. horror or rom-com:
rom-com bc I can’t do horror but also I'm not really a rom-com person
35. tv shows or movies:
hmmm depends?? 2 years ago I would have said movies but idk now
36. favorite animal:
ugh all of them please idk ducklings are my Thing but maybe otters or owls or bumblebees or fruit bats i love them all
37. If you had the chance, which character would you bring back to life in your favorite book/movie/series? One character only
ahhh my knee jerk response was peggy carter but she lived a full life so I’ll pick Lupin??? oh no argh idk this is so hard WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS
38. patterns or solids:
i added did just to express my love for patterns hehehe
i’m tagging some new and old mutuals (you’re all great, come talk to me!) (but don’t feel obliged to do this if you don’t want to):  @darlinglena​ @superbigirl​ @sabriboni​ @kryptoehoe​ @geekynerddemon​ @beingmadattheworld​ @bubbleschas​ @the-power-of-reckless-optimism​ @officialcookiebusiness​ @smileandremember​ @negomybauman​ @stevesam​ @kmalakhn​ @catnobody​@squintsandsuits​ @m-ackie​ @commanderbroodygay​ @partyhelbig​ @diz3ster​
(exactly half of 38 bc who cares about rules amirite)
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periphrasis · 9 years
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy. Then send this to the first 10 people in your activity ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1) My friends! Regardless of being an introvert, my friends are the most important people in my life and I love each and every one of them. This also applies to family.
2) Food is > life.
3) Thank you Spotify for existing because I don’t have to pay for 20183571-25-10284 albums to suffice for my rapidly changing music taste! (Music makes me happy)
4) I really like being given gifts? This might sound greedy but the fact that someone cares about me enough to get me something that they could have given themselves is really nice to think about. I love to give gifts as well.
5) Reading, writing, or world-building/fictional worlds in general.
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