magianagos-blog · 6 years
"oh...ok" the tall four armed invisible man looked around "wow, ahahha where am I" stands there looking around looking for something familiar "Wowie i'm certainly lost"
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"You're nearly at the edge of the border."
A figure leaned against the wall of a building tells the invisible man. He seemed to be the only person out in the street at this hour.
He didn't look too friendly, fluffy-looking as he was.
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((Tix can and will eat that cinder block!!!!! ....... or, she will probably at least try..........))
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asktickarus-blog · 6 years
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((A possible redesign option for Tick. Feedback appreciated if anyone would like to send it))
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
A certain blue monster snuck into the store and walked up behind Belle and snickered softly as he taps her on the shoulder "Excuse me miss. I bought a book on how to make myself shorter and I'd like to make a complaint. It didn't work." Gall says with a childish snicker before waiting for her to turn around before giving her a large grin "Surprise shorty!" -cursedmouthgall
Belle turned and chuckled,”Somebody hit his growth spurt! What the hell?! How’d you get tall, Bro?!”
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cursedmouthgall · 6 years
A late bloomer...
Like everyone morning Gall woke up with the sun shining on his eye as he yawns softly and slowly sits up, but today felt different for some reason. The pull out sofa he slept on, creaked loudly under him when it normally only did that when Garry moved on it. “Old thing must be getting rusty.” Gall thinks as he slowly stands up only for his horns to brush against the ceiling causing him to blink in confusion. “Wha-?” He mutters before looking down at himself to see a much large frame as he rushes into the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror before gasping loudly in amazement...
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“OH...MY...GOD...I’M FINALLY NOT SHORT ANYMORE!” He yells loudly causing his roommate back in the living room to groan softly as he sat up in bed, his fur sticking out at odd angles as he yawns softly “What are ya yelling about Gally?” He asks as he gets up and trudges into the bathroom only to bump into his large blue friend as he rushes out of the bathroom “LOOK GARRY I’M FINALLY TALL!” The 6ft 6in monster said to his 7ft tall friend who stared at him mouth agape as he tries to process this. “H-How...w-why-?” “I don’t know and I don’t care I’m finally tall now!” He cheers before racing to get dressed and rush downstairs and out the store “Watch the store I’ll be back, I gotta show off to my friends!” He shouts after him as Garry just nods and stares at him in confusion “U-Uhh ok see ya later...”
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Just a casual picture! There are lots of cool spots for monsters to hang out, meet up, that sort of thing.
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alabastercharlatan · 6 years
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"I’m a school nurse, not an epidemic, CDC sonofabitch super doctor. I don’t get paid enough for this horse shit.”
Miss Macey, unloading dozens of tranquilizer darts into students so she can properly quarantine the ones with the zombie virus and get them treated, and then sent home. It’s not as serious as you think, but it is as tedious as you think. Who even brought a sick kid to school in the first place?
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magianagos-blog · 6 years
Kurbi usually watches old cartoons on channel fourteen with her little sister. Today however, she stumbles across 4th is new channel! "Hey, Theo. Betcha five bucks this a Spanish soap opera." She snickered
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"A gruesome topic, I know... But bear with me."
"No disturbing imagery shall follow this time, I'd like to keep my viewers, not repel them."
"We will discuss the psychological effects of such an experiment first, but we must learn the actual name of the scientist beforehand."
The TV let's out a burst of static and a MRI image of a human brain is displayed.
"Are you ready?... Let's begin..."
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magianagos-blog · 6 years
There's that old wives tale about how children and dogs can see through people and perceive them as they really are. And this particular orange dragon child has been staring at Ignacio for... wait, how long as she been watching him???
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“Especially if it is at someone who can easily snack on you, pequeña.”
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((tix reads))
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
(Sleep deprivation starter :3c) “You look absolutely terrible...”, Steve winced as he approached Belle. "You feeling okay?"
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” She said, waving off his concern.
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April 4th, the Day
Daisä waited patiently while the music started up. Her claws were itching and she’d taken so many anti-nausea and anxiety medications to keep herself calm that her stomach was swimming. 
Theo was toddling before her down the long walk way, covered in flower arches. Her mother Adelaide, and Dahl’s mother Jane were on either side of her to watch her carefully, since she was carrying the box of rings tightly in all four of her wee hands. 
Kurbi was prancing around before them, excitedly hurling flower petals and golden glitter. A few of her handfuls accidentally beaned a few guests in the face but they did their best to laugh it off while trying to claw the flowers and sparkles out of their eyes. 
And Daisä, all adorned in white silk and golden beads, with her suurkedi-themed tiara, felt her heart skip a beat when the Bridal March began to play. That was everyone’s cue to begin.
Closed rp with @jewels-and-medicine )
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magianagos-blog · 6 years
Theo loved looking at the giant angry slug; she didn't quite know what he said sometimes, but she liked the colors! She had learned how to gnaw on the antenna in her room to make the TV switch over. Ah, she loved the big angry slug man.
When she finds his channel...
"You actually summoned me! Well aren't you just the sweetest thing! It's not time for the show yet though."
The large figure behind the screen winks before he squeezes out through it until some of his torso was out physically.
"Tell you what... Let's play a little game! If you can find me again three times, I'll give you a present. Alright?"
He slips back inside and covers his eyes, as if about to do a "peek-a-boo" but instead, the TV turns off and on again, on another channel, the man had disappeared.
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
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Amira Belle as Lapis Lazuli just seemed to be the best fit.
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
Never more
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The black bike screamed down the streets as the rider looked around at the buildings.
Her long black hair flying in the wind as she screeched in front of Belle’s store.
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“Page of Sacntuary? Yeah, this is definitely Belle’s store. She loves those sentimental sounding names.” She walked into the store and saw a purple monster sitting at the checkout desk.
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Belle sat there writing furiously,”Always and forever.....the red remains....how to stop it.....”
“Hey you, I’m looking for my dorky cousin. I think she might be your boss? Her name’s Amira Belle. If you could bring her out here, tell her her favorite cousin is here to see her.”
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Belle looked up and smiled,”You haven’t changed at all, have you You conceited bitch?”
The woman took off her helmet and looked at the monster,”How dare y-, wait, Belle? Is that you? What the hell?!”
“Good to see you too, Skank.” Belle grinned.
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“Belle...when did this happen? When did you turn into.....Wait, what are you, exactly?” She asked.
“I got stuck with this little thing about last year. I only get to be human when no one is looking.” Belle said, showing the locket attached to her neck.
“How do Aunt Nikki and Uncle Jay feel about it?” Arcadia asked.
Belle was quiet for a long moment,”... They don’t know..... They’ve both been dead for three years....Maude too.”
Arcadia looked at her,”What?”
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“How could they be dead? Maude’s supposed to be graduating this year...Uncle Jay and Aunt Nikki are the best, everyone loved them....”
Belle nodded,”I know....I still see them...”
“Let me see what happened,” She reached her hand out to Belle’s head, the shorter cousin grabbed her wrist.
“No. I don’t want you to see....I want you to only see them as they were. Alive and happy and good....Not the bloody mess I had to endure.” Belle said seriously before explaining the story.
After the story, Arcadia looked at her cousin,”I’m so sorry.....I never thought Dad would’ve gone that far and....try to take Eddie away....”
“I wish you were there....I really needed someone on my side....It’s like everyone abandoned me when I needed them....I really needed you, Cadia....Where have you been?”
Arcadia was quiet for a long time,”I would’ve come if I knew....I wasn’t even in the country three years ago. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.... but I’m here now....”
The cousins were quiet.
Belle turned and hugged her,”Sorry for the awkward position, I don’t hug people who are taller than me that much. Also, I don’t wanna stab you with my horn.” She chuckled awkwardly.
“You’re nothing but awkward, you nerd.”
They laughed and patted each other’s backs.
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