#san monstroso
san-monstroso-blog · 6 years
July 21st is National Junk Food Day!
So ya’ll already know what’s going on! Draw your characters enjoying their FAVORITE foods!
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Don’t be shy! No food is a bad food!
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years
I guess Tick sorta got redesigned again. And some rough sketches for a song I wanna draw them to from Portal 2.
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“Oh how we laughed and laughed...”
“Except, I wasn’t laughing.”
“Under the circumstances, I’ve Been Shockingly Nice.”
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sugarthefairyfox · 6 years
Glitter yes or no
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bacon4art · 6 years
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Hi! I’m trying to come back from this or should I say sorry for going ghost. I really wanna come back and do great. A lot of things has happened, things I won’t say because it involves people in my life. I don’t wanna cause problems for them. While life was kicking my butt, I decided I wasn’t in the right mind or mood.
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Which was a lie to myself and cause me to ignore my responsibility to bring you some decent art and lore. Most importantly, being part of a great group of @san-monstroso. I’m still scared to talk to them because I feel like they’ll be upset or disappointed at me. I would like to apologize for not bring you anything and please forgive me.
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I wanna come back and start drawing my baby, Chris. I still wanna thank the people who help me create him, from naming ( @bauscheussetime) and giving me a hand (literally, @monsterpadge). I wanna give thanks to @cryer-labush and @drawotion for drawing him, when I didn’t think anyone would. Also @asknlarchivist and everyone who asked about him.
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This does sound like I’m leaving, but I’m not going to. I started this to get back to draw and improve on it. In order to do that, I must ask y’all to not do any fanart of him. Seeing people do it, does bring me joy, but there’s always a bit of jealousy and sadness. I think to myself of why can’t I draw like that? Why am I sooo bad? So, I need to change that thought process and work on it and ask to hold off on any fanart. You people are beautiful and kind.
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Without further ado, I will post more drawing, lore, answers, and participate with the group. I have a need and passion to draw this boy more. HE’S MY BABY AND NEEDS ME!!!
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asktickarus-blog · 6 years
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Toby had been running for a fair bit. It had seemed like such a good idea too, lovely crisp day, not too cold, and it really wasn’t anymore than his usual runs honestly. 
and yet he was exhausted. he had to stop. so he stood there, catching his breath looking for a place to rest his feet. yet lo and behold ever bench seemed to taken, no real surprise on a lovely day like this he guessed.
yet there. over yonder, there was a seat [he kicked himself mentally for his over dramatic ways even in his head] it was occupied but only by one feline monster?
but he must have seat! [he kicked himself mentally again] as he walked on over
“hi, hello” he raised a hand to the monster tilting a bit as was his habit, being so tall and all. “would you mind if sit here. i just, really need to rest my feet, and everywhere else seems to be taken” he asked them politely.
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Tick was taking their first day off in months & decided to spend it with their dog, taking him to the park & getting him a new toy (which he seemed to currently think was for cuddles & not chewing)
Tick’s focus on the dog was broken however when another’s hand caught their vision.
“Oh no, I don’t mind.” they said trying to look friendly. This particular park was usually pretty packed so if they took a break to sit it usually always meant a new acquaintance would appear a minute or less later.
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jewels-and-medicine · 6 years
if dahl didn't fully hulk out back during the flight, what does he look like SUPER dragon formed??
“Don’t know what you’re talking about to be frank. Fiaclans only have two forms, domestic and original…”
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alabastercharlatan · 6 years
T-Minus 15, Meltdown
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“An awful day to try trick or treating- what the hell were you boys thinking???” Miss Macey yelled over the sound of mutant screeches and bricks and glass hitting the street. 
“We were thinking we wanted free candy, and you wouldn’t get us any!” Victor snarled. Thank god he was dressed as Freddie Mercury, running was easy. Jaquin in his Freddy Kreuger get up wasn’t having as much luck, but they were still keeping up. 
“Get to the cemetary, boys, you can jump that brick fence!” Miss Macey panted. She only looked back once to check on where the mutant was and nearly pissed herself when she saw it gaining on them.
“What the hell...”
The creature was absolutely massive, as massive as it could be. Miss Macey couldn’t stare for long. She wasn’t scared of it catching her, no, but she had to get her brothers to safety, and stopping to use magic might cost her her life, and theirs. She saw the three boys leap over the brick gate and start sprinting across the road to where the tombstones and swathes of willow and sycamore trees were. She hurtled herself across the gate as fast as she could, and not a moment too soon. 
The mutant let out a groan as it hauled itself over the wall, but the many bones and ribs and bits of debris sticking out of it caught on the brick work. It halted, as if confused why it wasn’t moving. Miss Macey was enough distance away to turn around and watch, and she nearly threw up on the ground right then. 
It was decaying. But, quickly as if suddenly someone had pressed fast forward on it’s natural processes. Bits of flesh and guts were falling away and the blood coming out of it was black and thick like syrup. It screeched at Miss Macey as it began to rip itself in half on the wall, but after a moment more of struggling it simply began to melt. The bones were all that stayed solid, but if it wasn’t a calcium structure, it puddled into a smelly mess on the ground, until nothing remained but a warped, fucked up skeleton.
Miss Macey stared at it in shock for a second, shocked to her core. What..... had just happened? She had never seen a mutant do that before! 
“Boys.... Boys?” she called out, turning around to find her brothers. They were fine, huddled behind a grave stone, but another mutant was stumbling up to them. Victor was watching it warily in case it struck but it too seemed to be... fallinng apart, melting with each step it took. After just a few more fumbling steps it collapsed too, flesh and guts melting away from the deformed skeleton.
What was happening?
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magianagos-blog · 6 years
Kurbi usually watches old cartoons on channel fourteen with her little sister. Today however, she stumbles across 4th is new channel! "Hey, Theo. Betcha five bucks this a Spanish soap opera." She snickered
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"A gruesome topic, I know... But bear with me."
"No disturbing imagery shall follow this time, I'd like to keep my viewers, not repel them."
"We will discuss the psychological effects of such an experiment first, but we must learn the actual name of the scientist beforehand."
The TV let's out a burst of static and a MRI image of a human brain is displayed.
"Are you ready?... Let's begin..."
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((Tix can and will eat that cinder block!!!!! ....... or, she will probably at least try..........))
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katiemglossy · 6 years
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Since I’m posting things today, why not post an image of Aines cabin? I did this a while back but wasn’t sure if I should post it....For whatever reason. But here it is!
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san-monstroso-blog · 6 years
First Day of Fall Icon Ideas
Send your fellow members icons to give them drawing or writing ideas! Feel free to add your own descriptions when you do, or specify which idea you want to see written/drawn
🍁 : Falling Leaves! Leaf piles, leaf colors, harvest leaf wreathes!
🐻 : Hibernation! Sleepy? Sleepy time. Seasonal drowsiness! NAPS.
🎃 : Unseasonably early halloween candies and decorations. Pumpkin farms, pick your own pumpkin, pumpkin spice everything. 
🌽 : Corn maze. Children of the corn. Corn on the cob. Popcorn. Buttered corn bread. Maize.
🍏 : Apple bobbing, apple pies, apple tarts, baking apple goodies with the family, caramel apples. Visiting local apple orchards. Buying fake apples to decorate the table with.
🐎 : Wagon rides! Halloween Horses, hay rides, helping out on the family farm
🌲 : Go hiking. Get home before dark. Enjoy the forest. Visit an abandoned cabin. Do not hike alone.
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monsterpadge · 6 years
some cute lil San Monstroso folks
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Gall belongs to @cursedmouthgall
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Tickarus belongs to @asktickarus
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Dumplin/Dinomom belongs to @dumplingaisimmer
More to come!
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sugarthefairyfox · 6 years
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a late entree to the sandwich day
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
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Belle, Eddie, and Arcadia (now fully turned) all head to the San Monstroso beach. Eddie immediately runs out and goes to find a spot. “Belle, I can’t believe you got a swim dress.” Arcadia sighed. “You know I sunburn easy. Besides....I don’t exactly have a bikini body like you.” “Oh please, Bikini bodies are just bodies in bikinis. Just because I have the ideal, doesn’t mean you couldn’t rock one too.” She says, snapping on the eyepatch over her left eye. “Says the girl with a flat stomach....” Belle mutters, putting on an eyepatch over her own bad eye. “Oh hush.” Arcadia said before grabbing her phone out of the car.
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asktickarus-blog · 6 years
Are you decorating for Halloween?
((I’m super sorry I had all month to answer but yes the restaurant was decorated like the ZPD))
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they gave out doughnuts
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