The Darkness Reaches
Closed starter with @a-page-of-sanctuary
Continuation of this rp
"Oh my God, oh my God I'm gonna die!" Lavron said in a panic as he barricaded him self in his room by holding a mattress against the door. The mutants got in his house and they were ramming his bedroom door. "What am I gonna do!? I can't just leave with that bug one out there and no ones coming to help. Fuck! Please hold, please hold" he said as the mutants continued to ram the door one after another. He could hear the wood cracking with each hit.
The mutants seemed to be giving up Lavron had a bit of hope that was quickly snuffed out when he heard the window behind him shattering. Before he could even turn around a big hand grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ceiling and down to the floor making an audible crack as his femur and ribs snapped from the impact and the tight grip of the mutant now dragging him outside through the broken window. Lavron was in a daze as he mutant dragging him across his floor to the window cutting him as he was dragged across broken glass and through the broken window. The mutant held Lavron upside down looking him over before dropping him to the ground and pinning him to the ground with one of its arms as the smaller mutants ran out of Lavrons house and circled around him as He screamed out in pain. The big mutant knows as Scorpion kicked one of the mutant away and the rest backed off. It opened up its rib cage and picked Lavron back up and slowly started to lift Lavron up into it. Just as it was about to close its ribcage around Lavron he came to his senses and turned to smoke to escape his certain death. He flew down the street before turning back suddenly and tumbling down on the lawn of a neighbor.
"Fuck.... I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die" he looked back behind him and saw the smaller mutants charging at him and Scorpion hitting them out of the way to get to him first. "I'm gonna die..." he said before trying to turn to smoke to fly away again. He turned to smoke as Scorpion got closer and tried to grab him with it's tail just barely missing him and only passing through the smoke. Lavron managed to get clear of the neighborhood falling into the street near a shopping district. Scorpion growled as his meal got away and scooped up another smaller mutant and ate them and continued on down the neighborhood looking for more prey to lure out.
Lavron tried to stand to get a look around but immediately fell back down gasping with pain from his broken leg "ugh my leg... this isnt good. I'm a sitting duck like this." He started to cough and saw blood in his hands. "Oh god..." Lavron heard footsteps fast approaching, he managed to turn to smoke to get further away landing on the roof of a cafe.
With hardly any strength left and no where to go and no way to call for help Lavron sat on the roof leaning against the sign as he bled looking up and the night sky as his breathing got shuddered "please God.... I don't wanna die here. Please..." as he lay there he heard a screaming child and frantic barking and the sounds of the mutant hounds. He leaned past the edge of the sign and saw the child and his large dog being circled by the mutant hounds. Without a second thought he used what strength he had left to surround the child and his dog with a weak cloud of smoke and slowly lift them onto the roof next to him. "Hey kid, you ok?" He wheezed. He got a better look at the child he saved "Eddie? Is that you?" he coughed up more blood and fell back against the sign wheezing and holding his broken leg and chest.
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Dinomom 2k18- tumblr is coming for her flesh tones but I’ll keep posting as long as I can!
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
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san-monstroso-blog · 6 years
Group Applications - Opening Soon
If you know someone who has been itching to get into a roleplaying-art community, or just be a part of a fun and friendly group where original stories and characters thrive, then spread the joyous news!
Applications for the San Monstroso monster group will be opening November 1st!
If you have any questions please refer to our FAQ here
If you still have questions or just need some clarification on our application process, don’t be shy and feel free to send in an ask or talk to a moderator in private!
You can find the Mods of the group here
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years
I guess Tick sorta got redesigned again. And some rough sketches for a song I wanna draw them to from Portal 2.
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“Oh how we laughed and laughed...”
“Except, I wasn’t laughing.”
“Under the circumstances, I’ve Been Shockingly Nice.”
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jewels-and-medicine · 6 years
Lullaby for Royalty
                                         “O’ child have you heard?                         Of the Weeping King and his Pristine Queen                                     His body dark and grim of black                               His eyes, stars, the glimmering beams...                                    Her body pale of honey and milk                                             So simple of design                                               She was benign                         And her love touched the heart of her King...”
The sea monster droned, his massive head barely floating above the water. Thin waves churned slowly where his scales touched the ocean, and his expression was one of a solemn state. His great jaws barely moved, yet he sang something of beauty and grace, hypnotic and serene.
                                        “O’ child have you heard?                           Of the Weeping King and his Pristine Queen                                    As he ate of her honey and milk                                 With horror and a golden sheen...”
Equinox began to move through the water, he was close enough to the shore that he was able to stand on his front legs. With a sneer and a hiss, he dragged his way through the thick sand.
                                           “Their Starving Prince                     Meek and mild, his solace lost to the fate of birds                         Lost to the world in his hurt and his anguish                                Frightened of his Father’s words”
The gigantic Fiaclan toppled over onto the shore, his claws gripping the ground as he slithered his body over the beach. People gaped and stared up at him, entranced by his songs, horrified by his presence. How easy it would be for him to lean down and eat them...
                                          “O’ child have you heard?                                      You are mine, and we are alone                                    Come to me and take this throne                                                       However...”
The moon and stars bounced their light from his soaked scales, enamoring him in a state of terrible beauty. The Fiaclan kept his head high, seeming to be looking in one direction.
                                 “Starving Prince, Devourer of Game                                      You lack the breath of the river                                        Your wings are thick as sails                                                     However...”
He flexed his claws, admiring the webbing between them. His tail thrashed around, and he gawked at the beauty of his fins, the smoothness of his flippers. Large wing-like flippers caught the air like parachutes, and even they resembled stained glass.
                                       “O’ child have you heard?                            Of the Weeping King and his buried queen                                 Of your fate within the water’s gleam                                                Starving Prince...”
The crowd watched him as he sang his song, and their eyes drifted to catch where he was looking. They would look to the great hills and peaks on the other side of the city. They’d see beautiful plains and meadows of flowers, and a single road leading up to a grand castle.
The Gaisimmer castle.
                                                “Come back to me                                                I’ll make you change.                                                  My Starving Prince                                                  Of flighting game.”
“Ow-” Jamison hissed, his hand flying over and smacking against his neck. 
“Are you alright? Pulled something?” Dahl asked him, glancing up from the bed he lay upon. He was curled around their egg, and Dasiä slept soundly against his chest. 
His husband was sitting up now, smiling down at the doctor and their wife. “I don’t know, probably just my nerves again. It’s fine now!” Jamison shrugged and sighed, nestling back down with his family.
“Mmm...” Candypants snoozed.
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asktickarus-blog · 6 years
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Toby had been running for a fair bit. It had seemed like such a good idea too, lovely crisp day, not too cold, and it really wasn’t anymore than his usual runs honestly. 
and yet he was exhausted. he had to stop. so he stood there, catching his breath looking for a place to rest his feet. yet lo and behold ever bench seemed to taken, no real surprise on a lovely day like this he guessed.
yet there. over yonder, there was a seat [he kicked himself mentally for his over dramatic ways even in his head] it was occupied but only by one feline monster?
but he must have seat! [he kicked himself mentally again] as he walked on over
“hi, hello” he raised a hand to the monster tilting a bit as was his habit, being so tall and all. “would you mind if sit here. i just, really need to rest my feet, and everywhere else seems to be taken” he asked them politely.
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Tick was taking their first day off in months & decided to spend it with their dog, taking him to the park & getting him a new toy (which he seemed to currently think was for cuddles & not chewing)
Tick’s focus on the dog was broken however when another’s hand caught their vision.
“Oh no, I don’t mind.” they said trying to look friendly. This particular park was usually pretty packed so if they took a break to sit it usually always meant a new acquaintance would appear a minute or less later.
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bacon4art · 6 years
Who wants the biggest warmest hug?!
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alabastercharlatan · 6 years
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Sketching is hard, but running from mutants the size of buildings is even harder...
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Ask A Bird!
I think thats what thats supposed to say...not sure , Ive seen a few others do this and I gotta atleast attempt to get this blog off the ground , so COME ASK ME QUESTIONS!
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It was late at night and Lavron was driving down a long empty road to rarely used safe house owned by the Roses. He wasn't sleeping again he looked tired, his hair was a mess and loosely tied back and he had dark circles under his his tired half open eyes. He turned the radio up to try and keep himself awake as he shook his head. "Come on stay awake, stay awake" He wasn't doing good with Belle in a coma, Eddie pretty much completely shut down, worrying about Gall's health because hes not sleeping either, the Knowone showing up, his job and the people hes hurt because of it and the possibility Belle might not make it and he'll be alone again. It was all to much for him to bare, he didn't want his friends to worry, he didn't want them to know how bad he was doing. 'That would be selfish to make this about me' he thought, so he left to be alone for a while. He needed something he couldn't get back in the city, something he thought he'd never need again.
he starred nodding off and drifting into the oncoming lane and off the side of the road. The rough ground snapping him back as he quickly swerved back into the road and into the correct lane. "Jesus Christ." He rubbed his eyes. "If I died while Belle was in a coma shed revive me just to kill me again he said with a sad chuckle. "What am I gonna do if I lose you..."
Lavron got to the house and parked in the garage he walked inside and made a cup of coffee. He sat down in a chair and leaned back putting his hand over his eyes. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling with a tired blank expression. "Don't fall asleep.... don't fall asleep. I can't take anymore of those damn nightmares..." dreams of him losing Belle haunted him each night, each night the same scene. Him standing at her grave and the graves of his family completely alone surrounded by darkness. All his friends had left him, he was alone the only person he loved and who loved him was gone, just like before just like his family.
Lavron sat down in a chair and opened a floorboard at his feet, he pulled out a pill bottle and set in the counter next to his coffee cup. He leaned forward and stared at the bottle for what seemed like hours. It had been only 6 months since he gave them up, the pills that he desperately started taking to block his dreams and kept him awake so he wouldn't suffer through any nightmares. Despite the negative side effects he still took them but with everything thats happened the nightmares came back with and were worse than ever. He kept staring at the bottle tapping his foot. Gall, Belle, Kat and Vance helped him kick this habit, they all worked so hard, what would they think of him of he started again. He kept staring at the pill bottle with his tired eyes, soon he would pass out from pure exhaustion, and despite the side effects that nearly killed him he just didn't care anymore and couldn't take another nightmare. He took off his mask and dropped it in the chair next to him and took two pills with the coffee he made "I'll be fine... I'll be fine..." he breathed out and closes his eyes for a second.
He stood up and shook his head and started walking around the house already feeling his heart rate rise. "I'm gonna be fine, things are gonna be ok, Belles gonna pull through, Eddie is gonna be ok, Gall will be ok, I will be ok, everything will work out.... it has to. Fate or God or who ever is running things owes us this, we've a been through so much we deserve something good for once!"
Lavron walked back to the living room and sat back down on the couch and rubbed his eyes. "I'm so tired of everything... I need a fucking hug" he looked around the dimly lit room before staring at the ceiling. "Please just let things be ok... I just want this one good thing, please..." Lavron got up and wandered around the house aimlessly for hours dead tired but unable to sleep.
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Rudolph’s much more popular cousin, Hollie Jollie!
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((Tix can and will eat that cinder block!!!!! ....... or, she will probably at least try..........))
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a-page-of-sanctuary · 6 years
Belle sits on the floor, scouring whatever books she could find that could give her some kind of answer. She’s still not sleeping very much and she just looks awful.
“Hells Bells? What’re you doing?” Eddie asked.
“Looking for any kind of information on the Knowone...I need to know what I am. What I can do. That sort of thing.” She mumbles,”I tried asking Hecate if I’d find anything more but she only sent me a short vision.”
“What was it?”
“I heard a scream, I heard three heart beats, I heard a voice I didn’t know saying something in a language I don’t speak but I recognize and I saw nothing but whiteness.”
Eddie shifted uncomfortably,”Are you ok?” He sat down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder.
She turned and wrapped her arms around him in a gentle hug, resting her muzzle on top of his head.
She sighed a tired sigh,”I don’t know......But don’t worry yourself, ok? I’m not going anywhere.
I promise.”
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It had to be done once (or twice, who else would still Toby’s glasses)
and @dumplingaisimmer.tumblr.com  Mrs Daisa needed to Borrow some glasses. though i’d question if they’d actually work, super special glasses
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jewels-and-medicine · 6 years
"Everyone load up in the car, the appointment is in 30 minutes!" Dumplin' roared down the hall. The gentle sound of thunder outside made her yawn and squint. "I am not flying in this weather, either, so rain shoes too!"
“Shoes? We can’t wear shoes! Just these odd slip up socks with holes in them… They do no justice!” Jamison barked back, sighing from in the kitchen. He’d been prepping a plenty of small snacks for his wife, his husband criticizing him for giving in to her cravings. But did Jamie care? Nah.
“What’s a little rain going to do?” Dahl called out, slipping on a rain coat. The article of clothing at that size could have easily been used as a child’s blanket. “Ah well, never mind. Lightning. I’ll drive because Jamison is afraid of driving.”
His husband scoffed and prepped Skallen up for the weather, trying to worm her into her jacket. She had asked to visit the next appointment, and this was it. “It is NOT my fault that I find them claustrophobic!”
The next few minutes went by quickly, the Fiaclans bringing along with them their daughter and ziploc bags of fatty snacks for Dasiä, much to Dahl’s dismay. 
They loaded up into the behemoth that was their vehicle. The family had quite a number of cars and trucks, most belonging to the castle staff. One of course as Dasiä’s own car, another being Jamison’s SUV type vehicle (but due to fear of driving, it was collecting dust). And finally there was Dahl’s- leviathan. It was like a truck but also the size of a tank. At least the streets were wide…
Once strapped in, Jamison held tightly onto the door frame, knuckles bone white in his grip. “Oh this will be exciting! I always love being able to see and hear the baby’s heartbeat…”
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