#smithy gang ocs
weaponsfactory · 2 months
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After several years, I finally updated my ref of Petunia! made her look a bit more like Smithy using his 3d model as a reference! Very proud of how she came out and Wulfric is coming next!
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missd476 · 7 months
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I'm not dead! I swear!
Where the Axems in the Weapons World AU?
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roll-for-dexterity · 3 months
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I've always liked thinking about how Yaridovich juggles their job and other life events all while having a teeny baby- and now one answer is here. XD
The idea of Speardovich having family outside of his kids always felt like potential for drama various relationship dynamics, or even just the domestic tooth rotting adorableness I tend to shove many characters into. As for how to explain how a bot like him can have any kin, let alone the worlds best big brother- well, I'd rather save that for a ranty lore dump, or a similar occasion. ^^ But on that note, I'd say Magari makes for a wonderful uncle, don't you? I really wanna thank @roposhipin for letting me draw their precious spear boy, Magari! I've been thinking so much on Magari interacting with his dearest niece and nephews, but I knew I just HAD to draw him with baby Halbert!! -^^-
As for why this unfortunately took so long- work had drained me of both my energy, and serotonin all the more with recent pains i had to see my doctor about. But I'm ok now- and have started the drafts for a good few new drawings to come later! ^^ But I will say I have been considering writing out a proper fic/story line to go in depth of different drawings, and tell the deeper stories of my MANY OC's for SMRPG, and my own headcanons. I just hope your all ok with the D&D world building involved in something like that... ^^'
Magari is the OC of @roposhipin
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wooahiexist · 6 months
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Imagine Underverse but with Chess’s Mario oc’s /canon mario characters
Plus the amount of Shy Guy’s only supports this idea guys
Sure sounds cool
Yes I just did this as an excuse to draw bros characters I just love them 🫶🌝
Characters belong to the-toybox-general
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silverstudios · 9 months
Mario rpg ocs
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As promised, here's the ocs born form my mario rpg brainrot. Schester, A scythe Smithy, and Tanker/Gramps, A well, tank smithy. Schester is a very young smithy, basically a bab, but is highly powerful due to the way his creation ended up. And as such, to make sure this powerful child does not rend reaility apart quite yet, Tanker is basically shoved into his face and gets told "This is your beloved grandfather, do what he tells you to do." I feel like this would happen after the main game (Which is haven't finished yet, no spoilers) as a kinda dlc/extra story.
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murdercide626 · 2 years
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So in this old post I mused on an idea for a crossover between Kingdom Hearts and Super Mario RPG, in which Smithy would cross paths with Sora and co., then become obsessed with having a keyblade of his own.
Knowing Smithy, rather than forging a simple keyblade, he’d make it a living warrior itself.
When conceptualizing this character, I thought it’d be funny and interesting if he was a bizarre mirror of Sora, in a similar way Wario is to Mario.
(As a side note, I imagine his “hair” to be like jagged metal shavings. lol)
I also decided to name this character Soren, because it sounds similar to Sora, but it means “stern”, “strict”, and “severe”, in direct contrast to Sora’s name meaning, “sky”, which can evoke concepts like freedom and optimism. Though this name’s meaning doesn’t reflect Soren’s personality, rather it reflects Smithy’s own outlook and values which he wishes to impose on both his subjects and the worlds he conquers.
In an attempt to replicate Sora’s power to the most optimal effect, Smithy would imbue Soren with a facsimile of Sora’s personality. What allows Soren to mimic Sora’s abilities, and even harness the power of light and the heart, is his deep belief that he is the hero and that what he’s doing is helping people.
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To further replicate these conditions, Soren is paired up with Cloaker (who parallels Goofy) and Domino (who parallels Donald). Cloaker and Domino both perpetuate the facade that Soren is a hero and pretend to be his friends.
Since he is a keyblade himself, Soren typically channels his power to manifest a keyblade made of pure light energy. Though he can also transform himself into a more traditional keyblade form in order to use his most powerful abilities.
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Smithy has been sending Soren, Cloaker, and Domino to various worlds to harvest hearts from the Heartless. Is Smithy trying to access Kingdom Hearts, or could he possibly have something more sinister in mind?
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speardovich · 2 months
i hate the smrpg remake because like. Ok
when i was either. 12 or 13 i had an au. and it was that the main members of the smithy gang (yarid, bow, mack, axems) actually had family and parents outside of the gang. like the ones you fight (not the machine mades dur) weren't made by smithy they were just recruited on. and like i named these family members and they were established ocs and everything. i think how it went was that smithy ended up stealing them from their families and then taking them away Idk it was angsty whatever anyways. when i was 14, i scrapped all the ideas because they were so cringey and grrr i hated them so much. And oh my goodness bro it wasn't canon at all ooobviously they were all made by smithy and have no lives before that what was i on lol?
And then i pretty much forgot about it
So imagine my surprise when the smrpg remake comes out with this
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genopaint · 2 years
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Finished a commission for @ jaymoody779 on twitter of their Smithy Gang OC based on a morning star / mace / Flail / whatever named 'Flaily' and their minions named 'Ratatap'
Always great when I get to help make Mario OCs!
+ a machine made variant!
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filopay · 11 months
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Thirty | he/him | 182 cm | Human | Nord
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken Remember the pact of our youth Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you — Gang of Youths
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Prompt from:@oc-tober2023 [ I am not following the same order ]
~ Found Family
Chirp, chirp.
Ralof was awake even before the birds had sung their first tune. The floorboards creaked as he quickly reached the end of his small room, throwing a simple shirt and trousers on. The bed groaned as he sat back down to squeeze his feet into his way too small shoes. It was a simple life, but he did not mind, because looking up, hanging on the loose nail opposite of him, was his leather armour.
Reaching for it, he drew a tentative hand over the fabric, it too wasn't much, worn and a little too small for his broad frame, but it was his and he is going to wear it with pride.
Running down the stairs, he was now fully dressed, passing by the kitchen, he already saw his father prepare some breakfast.
"Morning, dad. You're early." He noticed, as he pressed himself next to his father to steal a stale slice of bread, biting into it.
"You won't leave the house without a proper breakfast." His father chastises, making Ralof halt in his quick escape, "And you need to take something with you for lunch."
He held out a small package, the breakfast he had been preparing all wrapped up in a clean cotton cloth.
"You got up this early to make me these?" Ralof was touched, usually his dad was more than grumpy about his sleep.
"I was awake anyway. Couldn't sleep. So I made use of my time." He deflects and it draws a smile on Ralofs lips.
"I couldn't sleep either, so I thought I will get there early." He gently takes the package from his fathers outstretched hand.
"Thank you." He leans forward to give his father a kiss on the cheek. "I'll tell you everything tonight."
"May Fate favour you today."
Ralof was out of the door with a light skip to his step. The air was stuffy and it had recently rained, making the path muddy and dirty but he did not mind. It was his home and he liked it here very much.
"Good morning, Ralof." He looked up, seeing his elderly neighbour throw the night pot out the window, "You're early today."
"It's the first day at my new job!" He shouted back so she would hear him.
"A new job? I thought you would take over your father's smithy. How strange."
"As of today, I am a recruit guarding the outer Walls, so if you have any concerns regarding your safety, I can be of help." He pushes his chest forward, presenting his new leather armour.
"Oh, my door has been giving me troubles lately. I fear it will fall off its hinges soon. You father had crafted them for me when he was learning under your grandfather. If you could take a look before it falls open? I am afraid of having to life without a door in these dark times."
He could surely spare the time.
"I can take a look, no problem."
She smiles brightly. "You are a darling. Thank you, Ralof."
It turned out, the hinges were just slightly loose and he walked back home to get the right tool to fix it. Then she invited him for a small cup of tea, when she took out the baked loaves, he declined and instead took them with him as she insisted on repaying him.
Now, no longer as early as he was, he resumed his walk towards the outer walls of the fortress, his little lunch package, a little fuller.
His path had him walk straight through the daily market. He liked the market very much, so many different foods and items to look at and people that came from all around Aestricca just to sell their things here. The stories he had heard them tell, always captivated him, but at the end of the day, he was still glad to be where he was.
"Ooh, look at you all dressed up." He stopped at the sound of the familiar voice. Turning around he saw a young woman with a headband wrapped around her head, standing behind a small stall selling vegetables. She was the daughter of one of the farmers living outside the walls.
He instantly stood a little taller, showing off his new armour. "I am on my way to my very first day."
"Never thought you would be the one joining the other side. Be careful not to forget us little folk here when it gets to your head." She quips, pushing her chin out.
"It's only a trial today, but I'm sure I will be taken in as a recruit. I do it because I want to help us here afterall. If there are any concerns for your safety, you can let me know. It's my job now."
She chuckles. "Careful not to say that too loud while wearing that armour. Someme might take it you feel the fortress is not a safe place to be."
He frowns. "But thats why we have the guards, to make it safe."
"All I'm saying is, that this armour gives you authority. All kinds of people will turn to you just because of ehat you wear. Use that power wisely. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can get you easily killed and not all take kindly to the guards."
Ralof was quiet for a moment, stunned she would think so. He had never been very good at reading situations, at least that's what he'd been told. His father always said, he better stay away from jobs that require smarts. Politics make too much troubles, and do something with his hands. He was no longer a blacksmith apprentice but is being a guard so different?
"I didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to give you a proper warning, in case no one did. I'm sure you do fine though, you've always been enganging with the community anyway, if anyone, you will give the position a better name. You're one of the good ones, Ralof."
"I dont think there are bad guards." He shakes his head, "They follow a code, you know. I had to learn it too, the preservation of the community comes first. We need to act for the greater good. That's what I intend to do. Help people."
She gave him a weak smile. "Sure you will do great."
He nods, no doubt he will, he wasnt sure why she was so worried. Why everyone seems to want to warn him. First his dad, now her too. Then he gets it. They were afraid he'd be too busy for them. "I will still be able to help you out with setting up the stall. Don't fret, I might be more busy than usual, but I will be here if you have to carry a prized pumpkin again."
She laughs at that, "You almost dropped it last year insisting on carrying it all on your own. I'm not sure I will entrust my prized pumpkin to you again." She winks at him.
"But I will be training harder than ever now. So give me the biggest pumpkin you have and you'll see I will carry it for you with ease." He grins and she matches it easily.
"I will hold you up to that. Now I think you should be on your way. The sun is already rising above the walls." She points into the distance, where the high stone walls of the fortress loom over them all. "Dont think you want to be late to your first day."
"By the gods! I forgot the time. Let me know about the pumpkin!" He shouted the last words, already jogging down the street, dodging shoppers and merchants alike as he easily navigates through the masses of people.
A few more greet him, call him by name, but he excused himself, not having the time to stop and chat this time. He liked this city. Many speak bad about the lower district of Skaeld but he wouldn't be anywhere else. It's where he grew up, it's where everyone knew him, everyone was family to him, if blood or not. Here he would always stay and being a guard won't change that.
He had found his home, his family and choose to keep and support it as one should.
[ ~ 1.387 words ]
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joysona · 2 years
Open invitation to infodump abt your personal killjoy lore on this post !! Wether it be abt ur oc(s), the fab 4 or other canon characters, zones lore, whatever thoughts u have to scream into the void that u don’t wanna put into its own individual post feel free to leave it here!! I’ll start, oc lore below the cut :>
My oc is named sun spot! Theyre the babysitter and a fairy godmother for a gang called the cosmic crew out in zone 3. Other members of their gang include: Daisy Chain, Ballroom Blitz, and Jenny Jazz.
Sun spot has 2 sisters, both lost somewhere else in the zones. Their oldest sister, Milky Way, is a motorbaby tumbleweed that usually hangs out in the outer zones, and their other sister, Kosmic Khaos, is a crash queen and paper boy based in zone 2. Both are squeaky and lay low in thei eyes of BL/ind for the most part.
They’ve kinda been on a side quest to find their sisters for years. The three split up shortly after their parents died, having grown up in the zones. Their parents were ghosted in a firefight so bad it wiped out the gang they called home and everyone just scattered. Sun spot wound up in zone 2 several days later and was taken in by the cosmic crew in its early days, formerly run by a joy named Bottle Rocket. Other former members include Zombie Eyes and Space Age.
The primary function of the Cosmic Crew is to be a safe haven for joys on the run. Their city raids aren’t so focused on taking down BL/ind itself, but rather on dumpster diving, hijacking supply trucks, and scavenging food, clothes, and other necessities to sell for cheap in zone 3. They aim to take care of their own more than anything else.
The cosmic crew is based in zone 3 in an abandoned warehouse next to an old gas station and a single still-functioning streetlight. Inside, there are shopper stalls to buy food, jackets, etc, a huge section of hammocks and grungy old mattresses for joys to sleep on, a medic tent, and a couple workshops for the gangs resident smithy and gearhead to work out of. Walk in and find a tall ‘joy wearing pink bellbottoms and she’ll direct you to a fairy godmother if you need someone to patch up a jacket. The cosmic camp is open to squatters who need a place to crash as long as they dont bring trouble with them, first meal there is always free!
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missd476 · 8 months
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You thought I was done? You wish.
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weaponsfactory · 2 years
if you reblog this, feel free to put in the tags what you voted and why! :D
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roll-for-dexterity · 12 days
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A couple doodles my fiance prompted me to draw while watching @missd476 's art stream.
I finally have properly drawn his Koopa-sona, Riven. What might happen if Smithy ever met my Shroob-sona; and the derpiest scorpion in the world.
I'd say it's been a great Monday evening. :D
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poly-eli · 7 months
Welcome back, this time I bring important information that you should know before following me.This blog will be to publish my art and thoughts.
♕ Fandoms ♕
•Super Mario (but I give more attention to The Smithy Gang)
•The Legend Of Zelda
• Pokemon
•Grand Theft Auto
•Steven Universe
• Undertale (I have no interaction with this one)
♕About Art♕
•Oc x Canon
• Original Characters
• I don't draw/like +18 art
♕About me♕
•18 years old
•She/Her, cis female, straight
• I support the LGBT+ community
•My hobby is playing video games
•I am from Argentina, English is not my main language, siéntete cómodo de hablarme en español si gustas, voy a entender a la perfección :)
That would be all, feel free to talk to me 🐌, have a good day
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evajellion · 10 months
how do you think a hypothetical smrpg sequel would go down obviously i'd reinstate some [if not all] of the dropped concepts from the original game for the sequel events
Tbh, my friend thought that due to his dialogue, Culex would make for an amazing returning big bad in a sequel- maybe he kidnaps Mario and so it's up to everyone else to save him. Would be a nice change of pace.
Or introduce a new character… I have an OC sitting around based on a dream ;)
I'm working on postgame redesigns for the Smithy Gang, so you might see a potential sequel idea from me.
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thefloofyfurret · 5 years
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Something for @yari-is-god
Hope you like it
Here's Whiplash & Jerbowhips, Mystrix, & Kama katte
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