#smol starter
snowyhybridboi · 10 months
Angels were real. They had to be right? How else would anyone be safe in the world... Charlie bit on his tongue, his eyes staring at the angel statue outside the building. One of many he liked to visit and talk to. He didn't really have many friends. Who wanted to befriend a hybrid? An abandoned one at that. "If t-they aren't real then why do we have your statues? How do we even know what you look like to make t-them?" Someone had to have seen an angel at some point to create these statues. Unless God was the one to have created them too. That would make the most sense. "T-that explains their perfection.." The smaller murmured, his hand gently patting the cold stone arm of the angel that was slowly starting to be covered in moss in some areas. It added to the beauty in his opinion. Perhaps he thought so because he was a fan of nature itself. "I wonder what you're doing.. what you t-think of all of us down here. We probably look very silly don't we? Very strange even.." @elysiumxii
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lvminosityy · 1 year
seungho watches xin skate from one side to the other. she made it look so effortless and despite the many times she’d told him it was easy he just wasn’t fully convinced. looked like an accident waiting to happen. “i dunno...it doesn’t look safe.” he was clumsy enough while walking on his own two feet. there was no need to test his balance while on a skateboard. besides, the last time he tried getting on one he fell and he was sure this time would be no different. the floor was solid rock and cement. there was no knowing the damage it could do if he fell and hurt his pretty face on the pavement. “you sure it wont work if i try it out on grass first?” @theultimatexin​ 
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kit-just-kit · 2 years
( @richardxoliverxmayhew )
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“Are you ready for this? Any minute now, my name’s going to be called and then, we go into that little room, I lay down and get hooked up......then you’ll hear the heartbeat and see our baby. Are you as excited as I am?”.
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were-jer · 1 year
@evolvingheartisms //Stiles
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"Are you really gonna eat the last oreo?"
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hybrid-royalty · 7 days
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"If I must tell you a third time to hold still, I'm going to come over there and tie you down." Perhaps not the threat he hoped it was, but the hybrid was beginning to get irritated standing behind his cavass.
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bunkeki · 4 months
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He found his glasses
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softdrabbles · 2 months
open to: nb / f 30+ (see tags)
muse: charlotte spencer, forty two, she / her, sports broadcaster
plot: charlotte is leading the country's national broadcast team covering the olympic games while your muse is competing and favourite for a medal, they've been secretly dating on and off against the coach's wishes, seeing charlotte as too much of a distraction
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"i can't believe you snuck out of the village to see me," charlotte beamed as she snuggled back into them, "or you're just looking to escape those sexless, cardboard beds, regardless, i'm glad you're here, to see you."
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deletreatualma · 23 days
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Draco sighed, "how did you manage to forget a second suit?"
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onemostindominable · 2 months
Pap the ♥ for some flavor of a random Rolan starter!
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grimowled · 2 months
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grcveyacd · 6 months
open — anyone! muse — samuel grey, 24, college student / soccer captain. okay to assume any sort of connection.
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“ i’m not the person you want. i know you think i am , but it won’t take you long to realize that this is a mistake. “ 
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snowyhybridboi · 10 months
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"Of course I know angels exist, sister. You and the other have told me about t-them all my life and the book speaks of t-them too." Charlie answered, walking down a lengthy corridor with one of the many nuns he had grown up with. He enjoyed visiting whenever he could. It wasn't safe for a hybrid to be wandering the streets alone.
"So then you must be aware that even though you are no longer under our care, you are still looked over and protected."
Was the response he received. The smaller nodded, a pout on his face. Why didn't he feel safe then? "Are t-they always watching?" He asked quietly, joining her outside in the courtyard to stand before one of the many angel statues scattered on the grounds. "Always, my child. Speak to them, they can hear you too. Now, I must check on the others but you come find me if you need anything."
The nun would bless him before giving him a soft smile and quietly walking back inside, leaving him alone with his thoughts. With a soft sigh, Charlie stared at the statue and looked up towards the cloudy sky. "So you see everything? And.. you hear everything too? I wonder if it gets tiring after a while. Or is it overwhelming? Do angels get headaches too?"
[Starter for @seoulxsinners]
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lvminosityy · 1 year
"i dont like the way he’s looking at me.” seungho purses his lips, looking out through the glass at the shark swimming by. he’d invited seonhwa out on a little aquarium date for today. he’s a big fan of marine animals even if he doesn’t dare go too far out into the ocean. that was their home and his was on land and thats how he liked it. but every now and again he liked feeling immersed in the deep blue sea. while mesmerizing, it was still a little scary walking through the clear underwater tunnel. “he’s probably thinking i’d make a lovely afternoon snack.” he jokes. @offleurs​ 
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outguilt · 10 months
tiny starter call ! capping at 8 for now. multis pls specify
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nighthire-a · 9 months
who wants a smol starter ? multis pls specify
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dasniichts · 9 days
I lost the other one so anyways if we got no thing like for a tiny thing :V
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