la-vie-en-lys · 2 years
wait wait wait, I haven't been on the internet much in the last few months, you moved to Sweden??? that's awesome, congrats!!! how do you like it so far?
I haven't moved permanently (yet). What happened was that a friend sent me a link to a post on Facebook where someone was looking for people to work at a hotel (or hostel or whatever this place is, lol) in Sweden. The thing was, it was in a tiny, middle-of-nowhere town (and when I say tiny I mean it, we're talking 142 inhabitants xD) in Lapland, 200 km past the polar circle. And I'm a city animal who has lived in London and never felt it was too big for me. So I hesitated a bit at first, but then I thought, yolo, it's not like I have any other plans, and I was sick of staying in Poland and putting up with all the bullshit, and needed to go somewhere else and do sth different. And like, I'd been learning Swedish, so travelling to Sweden seemed like a good idea. So here I am. :D I'm here for 3 months only, though - no way I'll be moving to Abisko for an extended period of time, lol. It's a lovely place, because it's surrounded by nature reserves and national parks, there are lots of mountain trails, and it's apparently *the* no.1 place in the world to watch the northern lights. So it's great -- for a holiday. So yeah, I treat this as sort of a retreat, so I can try to figure out what to do next with my life. :)
(I hope you're doing good in Belgium, too! :))
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janiedean · 6 months
@smolbeerke replied to your post “god hello some news ig?”:
omg hi!!! I was actually thinking about you recently! I also haven't been on tumblr for some time and when I came back you weren't there and it made me feel kinda sad. so I guess what I'm saying is that I'm happy to hear from you :) sending you much love and positive vibes, take care of yourself! ♥
​AAAH THANK YOU you're too kind T____T and this was such a sweet message I'm T___T WELCOME BACK TO YOU TOO!!
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szyszkasosnowa · 3 years
for the meme: yellow, coral and scarlet :)
Thank you!!! <3
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
Hmmm, Johnny Hollow and Rasputina come to my mind as two very interesting bands, that aren’t very well known. Check them if you like dark cabaret/gothic/alternative stuff.
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct
All which went extinct between the end of the Ice Age and present😔
scarlet: favorite holiday
Tłusty Czwartek - because of pączki <3; Christmas - it’s not even 1% of fun it was when I was a kid, but it still has some charm to it... and stops people from going completely mad & depressed from the darkness; Zaduszki - I like going to the cementeries and thinking about death and gloom...
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haiironoaki · 6 years
smolbeerke replied to your post: Message a person and have a real conversation with...
me, thinking to myself while i like your post: or like their posts. good friend! good friend. not failing as a person at all!
@smolbeerke very very good friend :) i’m relieved to know it’s more common occurence
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Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
Aah thank you! !
1. i’m rather a calm person, which is very helpful in many situations, especially at work. yeah sure, i can freak out inside, but i don’t show it easily.2. i’m comfortable with myself, with spending time alone, doing some stuff alone like going for a walk, to a concert or to a museum. it is so natural for me that it surprises me sometimes that many people don’t do it. 3. i like my sense of humour.4. and my music taste.5. i recently got quite a big lizard tattooed on my arm (without any special reason), which is so beautiful and i love it, but i also love the fact that i can make such irrational, spontaneous decisions from time to time, even though that generally i’m a huge overthinker.
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the-names-salomea · 5 years
smolbeerke skomentował(a) Twój post “Campaign against the fascism in your country ->...”
I got this one too but just rolled my eyes and deleted the message without reading. miss me with that.
Y’know, I should have done it too, but then my inner teacher got active a few days before the end of school year and just had to lecture. :p
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kaezbrekker · 6 years
for the meme: 33, 66 and 99!
33. Each Time You Fall In Love by Cigarettes After Sex
66. Salvation by Editors
99. In Between by Sage
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wasteland-frenzy · 3 years
@woodswit tagged me to share my lockscreen, the last song i listened to, and the last pic saved to my camera roll. ayyy ty💕❤💖
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@what-grace-has-forgiveness @pastelxreams @liwyathans @dawllick @smolbeerke @self-esteem-tower-of-terror if any of you feel like it! if anyone else wants to do this go ahead and feel free to tag me
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la-vie-en-lys · 4 years
for the meme: bookish
Bookish: What is your reading goal for this year? 
Not applicable, I’m afraid. I’ve never set a reading goal for a year in my life (because I would inevitably fail at reaching it :D)
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janiedean · 4 years
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smolbeerke ha risposto al tuo post “I bet my girlfriend and my friend with benefits don't exist or have...”
babies have no concept of object permanence :)
... that’s true 
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szyszkasosnowa · 4 years
for the meme: carnelian, sangria & claret. go!
carnelian: at what point did your life change without you realising?
Bro you have to start with the heaviest artillery? Eh, I don’t know, maybe during the university: suddenly I’m writing my Master’s thesis and have a job and pay taxes and generally am an Adult adult, but I swear I just passed my matura :(
sangria: to what extent do you enjoy sour candy?
Sour candy is top tier (anyone remembers gum Szok? Buying it in primary school shop was the most thrilling moment of the day)
claret: talk about a memorable experience on public transport.
One time I was sitting behind a girl who studied, Idk, either medicine or nursing and she was talking on the phone about the time she witnessed a childbirth. I learned that during the Caesarean they “pull the whole uterus out and look at it to check if it’s healthy”. Disgusting but informative!
Thank you so much for questions!
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the-names-salomea · 3 years
smolbeerke said: masakra, współczuję ci bardzo :(
Dzięki bardzo :*
redhatmeg said: Jak ja to znam z poprzedniej pracy. Gościu miał kasę na swoje debilne inwestycje (jak “konkurencyjny” serwis), ale nie na wypłaty, za którymi trzeba było chodzić.
O, to to to! Czasami naprawdę się zastanawiam się, czy tacy ludzie poważnie myślą, że takie przedsięwzięcia dobrze wpłyną na firmę, czy po prostu lubią bawić się w pudrowanie czyraka i mieć nadzieje, że nie urośnie.
Ale też nie jestem “szefową i silną kobietą biznesu” [cyt. z jej kubka] i się nie znam, więc impreza z okazji pasowania przedszkolaków w 4-gwiazdkowym hotelu lub bal na zakończenie szkoły dla ósmoklasistów w najdroższej restauracji w mieście na pewno mają jakieś benefity dla nasz wszystkich. :)
(A, i jej obchodzenie się z finansami, to nie jedyny jej problem.)
la-vie-en-lys said: Czy skargi w PIP nie można złożyć anonimowo?
Teoretycznie nie, musisz podać swoje dane, kiedy składasz skargę, ale możesz zastrzec, by inspektor dokonujący kontroli nie podawał pracodawcy, kto złożył skargę.
I nawet o tym myślałam, zaraz jak dałam posta, tylko JUŻ było parę skarg o opóźnieniach - ostatnia była w lipcu! Sęk w tym, że oprócz kary pieniężnej, nie ma innej kary za opóźnienia, nawet nagminne.
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wasteland-frenzy · 5 years
Put your whole song library on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs, then tag 10 blogs
tagged by @smolbeerke 💕 thank
(1) daisy - brand new
(2) expo '86 - death cab for cutie
(3) it's safe to say you dig the backseat - dance gavin dance
(4) rushing - moby
(5) dolce droga - ludovico einaudi
(6) sinister kid - the black keys
(7) what the water gave me - florence + the machine
(8) please please please let me get what i want - the smiths
(9) the hill - markéta irglová
(10) isjaki - sigur rós
i'll tag uhhhhhh @corkadorkey @pastelxreams @thatssoplizzy @cookiemama @hiinoarashii if you guys feel like it
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la-vie-en-lys · 5 years
I know you said no passive aggresive, but maybe a door hanger that says "don't disturb" might do the work? Or actually start the topic in more calm way?
...That’s probably a good idea, but I’ve been putting up with that behaviour for a while and at this point I’m not sure if I could have it in myself to remain calm while broaching this subject with her xD (And, what do you even say without sounding antisocial? Or without making the person paranoid when they actually have some urgent business to talk to me about?)
even the people i lived with at uni knew that if you want something you either wait until you meet the person in the kitchen or you KNOCK and wait until they let you inside their room... and i lived with a bunch of caveborn dudebros -_-
It’s not like she just walks in without knocking (she wouldn’t be living in this flat if that was the case); she does knock on the door and waits until I say “come in”, but my problem is the frequency xD (Like, it’s weird, b/c she also lived in a dorm when she was at uni, so it’s weird that in those five years she hasn’t learnt to respect people’s space) 
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janiedean · 4 years
smolbeerke ha risposto al tuo post “you don’t realize you’re getting older until the achievement of your...”
i've almost bought a super expensive circular fan (costs like 300 euro) just for the aesthetics... but then settled on one that in belgium costs 150 euro, but only 100 in the netherlands... and guess what? i totally ordered it from the netherlands to save 50 euro after considering a 300 euro fan xD FANS ARE IMPORTANT. FANS MATTER.
I ABSOLUTELY STAN YOU AND YOUR NEED FOR 300 EURO AESTHETIC FAN UU and I stan saving 50 euro u_u we’re millennials we need to save X°D but I mean look at how pretty mine is T_T
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szyszkasosnowa · 4 years
smolbeerke skomentował(a) Twój post: for the meme: carnelian, sangria & claret. go!
OH GOD this only made me not want to ever be pregnant everrrrrrr OH GOD GROSS!!!
same :(
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